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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bake.jpg)

93162f No.1015738




Gratitude for all Patriots giving their all to The Mission: Q, The Team, GEOTUS, MI, Army; Anons, Diggers, Memers, Autists, Lurkers, Red-Pillers, Shitposters..& Bakerbabes! Our Collective Consciousness is Moving Mountains!!

War Room Update

Latest Tag #LetsSueFacebook


>>880021 How to Quickly Spot a Clownschill

Board Rules


Q's Tripcode

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.12.18

>>1015665 ---------------------- Twitter down. Injection good.

>>1015438 rt >>1015398 --- Intel drops a delicate job.

>>1015262 ---------------------- RR Problems

>>1015015 rt >>1015000 --- Misspellings matter.

>>1015000 ---------------------- Trumps MEMEmbers of Congress

>>1009048 rt >>1008970 --- We certainly have it all!

>>1008955 ---------------------- HONEYPOTS. archive.fo/uqayV

>>1008693 rt >>1008670 --- Alan (Derschowitz ed.). Welcome Aboard. Plane. 17.

>>1008560 rt >>1008534 --- Syria.

>>1008491 rt >>1008463 --- Facebook. Building 8. China.

>>1008463 ---------------------- Night [5]. archive.fo/5FfTx

Wednesday 04.11.18

>>1005902 ---------------------- #17

>>1004880 ---------------------- Freedom!

>>1004087 ---------------------- Learn Our Comms

>>1003596 rt >>1003248 --- @Snowden FB info drop

>>1003054 ---------------------- "There will be consequences."

>>1002918 rt >>1002786 --- House of Reps

>>1002729 rt >>1002693 --- Truth is like a Maypole

>>1002693 rt >>1002643 --- [H] in the Killbox

>>1002643 ---------------------- IT'S HAPPENING

Tuesday 04.10.18

>>985368 ----------------------- Fireworks.

>>982457 ----------------------- Bolton cleaning house!

>>979213 rt >>979093 ------ TRUST

>>979093 ----------------------- FBI burning midnight oil

>>978771 ----------------------- Tuesday (China). Cars

>>978383 rt >>978366 ------ Fake

>>978104 rt >>978080 ------ Chongqing

>>978017 rt >>977691 ------ China’s Embrace of Foreign Cars | https:// archive.is/IGTnw

Monday 04.09.18

>>977691 ----------------------- China/CQ cancel

>>974802 ----------------------- Read carefully. (Cohen) archive.fo/NfBjK

>>974537 rt >>974444 ------ The connection is simply chlorine

>>973651 rt >>973608 ------ Learn our comms

>>973468 rt >>973390 ------ They broke in during the fire

>>973341 rt >>973097 ------ Reason we are here MORE

>>972392 ----------------------- RR problems

>>969959 ----------------------- CA Targeted

>>968804 ----------------------- Like Clockwork (note the filename)

>>967875 rt >>967809 ------ SAT imagery + EITS are not definitive

>>967752 ----------------------- SYRIA. Hold until CONF

>>967390 ----------------------- CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS

>>967331 rt >>967224 ------ Think ‘Bridge’. GOOG. FB. TWITTER

>>967161 rt >>967123 ------ YOU are being TRACKED

>>967105 rt >>966637 ------ PEOPLE have POWER

>>966859 rt >>966637 ------ Follow the family (MZ)

>>966637 ----------------------- XMAS IN DC

Sunday 04.08.18

>>958988 rt >>958888 ------ No more ! Q

>>958888 rt >>958655 ------ Why did HUSSEIN PROTECT ISIS?

>>958655 rt >>958580 ------ Dig Social media contacts?

>>958554 rt >>958537

>>958466 rt >>958218 ------ Twitter.com/SoccerMouaz

>>958033 ----------------------- Flag SEC detail background

>>957870 ----------------------- Knowing what you know now

>>955952 rt >>955898 ------ We love phones!

>>955902 rt >>955760 ------ Think Double | archive.fo/HJF9d

>>955760 rt >>955656 ------ Pictures leaked for this very moment

>>955656 rt >>955641 ------ Location, Exact Location

>>955601 rt >>955555 ------ Connected

>>954903 rt >>954819 ------ Spider Web

>>954819 rt >>954786 ------ No name in Syria archive.fo/lq2Bt

>>954786 ----------------------- Coincidence?

>>953077 rt >>953050 ------ Situation Room

>>953009 rt >>952914 ------ SIG INTERCEPT

>>952914 ----------------------- POTUS & JFK JR

>>951358 rt >>950959 ------ Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria?

>>947065 ----------------------- They are trying to start a war. Public interest shift

>>946691 rt >>946546 ------ Tracking good. Fly High

>>946546 rt >>946456 ------ Authorize 1st Strike. Contact window ok

>>946456 ----------------------- Increase in chatter. Castle_online

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts >>>/comms/226

93162f No.1015740


OBAMA TIMELINE >>949587, >>926762, >>949333, >>949547,

Recent Posts Of Interest

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware, you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.


To submit a post as a notable for the bakers dough, please format your post using the following below. Also, please include sauce with your notable. No sauce, no notable. Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:



>>####### <Brief description of notable>


This will accelerate the process of including the notable in the next batch. Thanks for your consideration.


>>1014949 POTUS Tweets

>>1015013 Watch the water.


>>1014579 Schumer visits the White House

>>1014557 Alan #17 on RED_RED_FREEDOM list

>>1014512 Lyin' Comey website by Ronna McDaniel

>>1014916 Epstein Island Tunnels

>>1014307 The NSA, the Internet, and You

>>1014383 LyinComey.com Brought to you by the RNC

>>1014422 POTUS Needs Meme Cover!

>>1014390 TIME Article - Donald Trump Relied on Michael Cohen to Weather the Storm

>>1014402 How many WW3 crises does Trump need to avert before you admit it was due to design rather than luck?

>>1014525 More Pedos Are Caught

>>1014527 POTUS Tweet - We Hear Your Voice and Have Your Back

>>1014536 SAUCE!! Get Your Sauce Here!

>>1014579 Schumer's White House Visit - Anon's Take on It.

>>1014521 Joy Behar's Contract Will Not Be Renewed Say LittleBirdie Anon

>>1014733 ARG


>>1013433 TIME cover with Q crumbs

>>1013417 POTUS says Hi!

>>1013463 A morale boost from POTUS to anons

>>1013543 Reason vs. Logic

>>1013622 Hillary's lawyers turn over documents

>>1013607 KABOOOOM!!

>>1013695 In summation, it's all good.

>>1013683 Earthquake on Pedo Island?

>>1013769 Pompeo: I've cooperated with Mueller on MULTIPLE investigations.

>>1014013 A Little Dirt on Cory Booker


>>1013089 FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!


>>1012538 Original Times Magazine Cover including some potential Q connections

>>1011870 "Fuckery" is almost being too kind in Ms. Regina's case.

>>1011893 Dark Ops Dugan.

>>1011910 Nice find, anon. Care for a Tango?

>>1011906 Yeah, They love Kickstarter. Free ideas they can pilfer w/o leaving Their couch.

>>1011928 "witches'" maybe more than metaphor in this case.

>>1011954 Indeed, then again so was Hitchcock.

>>1012023 FaceBook Building 8. Hardware

>>1010323 Building 8 is currently hiring in Shanghai (Bread #1259)

>>1010346 Building 8 new article.


>>1011245 FB Weaponization of commercial propaganda against users.

>>1011369 Russia's involvement and the Bilateral Agreement

>>1011451 GEOTUS Restoring Constitutional Republic

>>1011336 Palantir connected to PayPal, and Facebook investor Peter Thiel

>>1011626 Alan freed-to-sing from client-attorney privilege by 4d chess and the cabal setting the precedent


>>949587 HRC freedomoutpost article

>>1010426 Building 8 Digs

>>1010259 The shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids

>>1010434 Think of the Space-X for Cyber Intelligence

>>1010359 library n Dersh0witz

>>1010496 Adrean Mucinder

>>1010423 Rothschilds & Dossier

>>1010583 "Stop infantilizing Mark Zuckerberg! Also, here’s his booster seat."

>>1010733 GEOTUS and the "TIDE" in prayer

>>1010902 & >>1010885 "dental emergency before nuclear test


>>1009485 Digging on Howard Schrobe, MIT/AI Division (1hr), >>1009612 Short Outtake (4min)

>>1009486 Germanarchives: Threads #1238 --> #1256

>>1009495 Story Of A Former Sex Slave In Modern America.. MUST READ

>>1009510 Breaking Epstein.

>>1009552 Regina Dugan, Dark Priestess of Facebook (BUILDING 8)

>>1009622 CPS: The Works Of Satan

>>1009728 , >>1009755 Marne L. Levine & The Facebook Connection

>>1009769 Brennan & GCHQ eavesdropping on Trump

>>1009787 The New Front


>>1009833 Did MZ Play This Card?

>>1009926 Facebook Was In Talks With Hospitals For Patient Data

>>1009939 DARPA/IARPA must be The BRIDGE 5

>>1009975 , >>1009982 Silicon Valley demographics. Lots of Asians. Triads?

>>1010000 We'd be wise to listen when repeating integers present themselves

>>1010045 Regina Dugan

>>1010116 Mockingbird Media Memes

>>1010153 If you are new here


>>1008735 , >>1008759 Lifelog, Building 8

>>1008798 , >>1008922 Dershowitz on April 17 Lolita Express. Welcome aboard?

>>1008864 Anon tries to decipher recent Q drop

>>1008891 , >>1008919 Is Bldg 8 reference to Brain-computer interface research?

>>1008915 Is Gas (pipeline) Killing Animal the meaning?

>>1008914 , >>1008923 More Lolita Express

>>1008968 Hussein in China while AD was with Epstein

>>1009010 Sauce on POTUS website sex trafficking law

>>1009014 Seals broken?

>>1009131 Gawker talking about Lolita Express

>>1009169 Honeypots, in computer terminology

>>1009235 More on Bldg 8

Notable Posts Discussion: >>311157

43e5f3 No.1015741


Lynn de Rothschild hasn't twatted since February. Just sayin'. Something went down.

31fbf1 No.1015742


93162f No.1015743

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got!

Hashtag: #Qanon on every twat/reply/quote

Throw in ANY extra hashtags you want!

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Keep the info graphs, you'll find many useful hints within them.



Best Times to TWEET:




Fox News Live Stream http:// usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

Research Section

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Quick Access Tools

QMaps all in GMT

>>1013726 Q Map Graphics in GMT (1 to 13 of 16)

>>939602 Q Map Graphic in GMT (14 of 16)

>>1013770 Q Map Graphic in GMT (15 of 16)

>>1013790 Q Map Graphic in GMT (16 of 16)

Recent map updates (mixed timezones)

>>900678 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20

>>900690 Qmap_graphic_2017-11-20_2017-12-07

>>900704 Qmap_graphic_2017-12-07_2018-01-13

>>900710 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05

QMaps in EST

>>978241 Qmap_graphic_previous_versions

>>933234 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door >>>/comms/579

>>940848 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07)_Patriots stand together >>>/comms/581


* QMap PDF (Version 8.8.0 [updated 4/11]) >>1007764

^--> http:// irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.9.0.pdf

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https:// factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https:// anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Linode server Q Database: https:// www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge

* Full JSON Q archive: anonfile.com/y528Y7d1b7/JSONArchive.zip ~79MB (~400MB unzipped) [updated 3.31.18]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http:// qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )


Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>3152 Redpill Scripts

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas

>>859686 Germanarchiveanon

>>934409 www.federalregister.gov/executive-orders/ Nice lookup for all EOs

Q Research Graphics Library

https:// mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

Nearly 13,000 memes and infographs.

Recent Threads

Memes17 >>877198 (Apr 4-)

Memes16 >>739858 (Mar 20-Apr 4)

Memes15 >>596831 (Mar 8-18)

Memes13 >>366408 (Feb 13-24)

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Bakers Manual also available at >>1010064

or read


Post last edited at

474f50 No.1015744

Thanks for the quick rise breadmaker!

014958 No.1015745


Bailing out in droves.

739bca No.1015746

whew! thank you Baker

fdec34 No.1015747

Blessing Baker.

Injection good.

I_G *

520ffc No.1015748


Twitter Censorship Algorithm is down yes?

31fbf1 No.1015749


She's under arrest, just couldn't make her arrest public so that the rest of them don't panic and squirm.

e7ef97 No.1015750

File: 67b68c2d453d385⋯.jpg (44.42 KB, 1082x329, 1082:329, TWIT_DOWN.JPG)



3eaff5 No.1015751

Thanks baker, got scared there for a second

93162f No.1015752

New Pastebin: https:// pastebin.com/D1Y7PmCZ

465a17 No.1015753

Now we find out of POTUS follower count was being suppressed…

96938d No.1015754

File: 0d705226aa22d90⋯.png (43.87 KB, 517x337, 517:337, ClipboardImage.png)

From last bread….



What is ASF?

173b1f No.1015755

Ecclesiastes 1:18 - For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

8697d4 No.1015756

twitter down.. meaning algorithm down? meaning maybe we wont get banned for conservative views… or spreading memes now?

33686f No.1015757


Twatter looks fine to me

43e5f3 No.1015758


>She's under arrest

Looks like it. Something prevented her from playing with her twat.

5028f7 No.1015759


So. FB/Twatter, etc. Are the parts of the BRIDGE, but not the HQ of All.

The Algorithm must be in DARPA/IARPA or C_A.

02f124 No.1015760

twatter is not down

its stock is tho

93162f No.1015761


I am way too busy with everything else around the board. I'd appreciate the help.

b63b46 No.1015762

Q Podesta's arrest was supposed to be made public on 4/11 what happened?

e7ef97 No.1015763


It is back up now, injection good.

60c7b8 No.1015764

File: 4fb30a1c953b872⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 474x355, 474:355, smart.jpg)

File: 39258973cb49d64⋯.jpg (31.91 KB, 474x592, 237:296, quincy.jpg)


One crossover episode I would have loved to see.

"The coronor's office told me you're holding my shoe phone as evidence."

e25e6e No.1015765

SQL Injection?

Did "E" just reverse a censorship algo?

https:// gbhackers.com/latest-google-sql-dorks/

cd0e75 No.1015766

File: ace73a2def2b00c⋯.png (721.72 KB, 990x632, 495:316, comey-meme-batter.png)

meme batter

af2d23 No.1015767

File: 31d5bfd9c27b755⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 656x583, 656:583, Capture.JPG)

ecf36e No.1015768



Maybe Twitter stocks are down.

a0bbd4 No.1015769


She could hear us breathing

82a7b2 No.1015770

File: 2288dc9f33a5c06⋯.png (374.59 KB, 480x614, 240:307, jp.png)

File: 1e64c55f4299a8b⋯.png (440.41 KB, 480x640, 3:4, boot.png)

c304b3 No.1015771


Wait until the whole Obongo/Lynchcankles/OhLordyComey thing gets out. Obongo's deals and orders will be wound back (think mirror) and the manure will meet the ventilation for them big time. Invalid president = invalid deals.

1dc491 No.1015772

File: e6409b0683b3203⋯.png (121.66 KB, 500x603, 500:603, salt-and-pepe-rare-2199733….png)

>>1015464 (Last Bread.)

43e5f3 No.1015773


twitter is still accessible for me.

8c9950 No.1015774

TimeZoneBaker online. Need relief still, Baker?

Is the dough up to date and (mostly) correct? I just now signed on.

649211 No.1015775

File: 774e33816d0d423⋯.png (299.1 KB, 1311x682, 1311:682, twit_inject2.png)


>>1015665 (Q last bread)

well, pic related. Slowly it goes down?!

173b1f No.1015776

Ecclesiastes 4:3 - Yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.

3a2fa1 No.1015777

File: fe6dec2cde60196⋯.png (1021.19 KB, 777x1040, 777:1040, TTP.png)


e20207 No.1015778


Apache Software Foundation

70ecaf No.1015779


he means twatter censorship is down.

we're free to PLAY

b63b46 No.1015780


Yep fine for me too

0c2a1c No.1015781

Funny how the CNN/Rosenstein article says "the plan" but won't say "Q" or "Q conspiracy". They don't want to draw attention to Q

8c9950 No.1015782



Baker, this is TimeZoneBaker. You need relief?

845335 No.1015783


I found a link about JE island, Alan, WJC, flight logs. going to check for any extra info

http:// www. centerforrights.com/courtofhumanrights/19%20ECHR%20Volume%2016%20Exhibit%20100-103.pdf

5bc582 No.1015784

File: 69f1ed05a070f40⋯.jpg (119.5 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_9192.jpg)

68f872 No.1015785


refers to trumps tweet about a certain event where the official story has many inconsistencies


at this point at least

can't not be openly questioned

b61dc4 No.1015786

>>1015601 (previous bread)


Its good but spelling matters.

c23cbf No.1015787

File: 203f217cf082725⋯.jpg (151.74 KB, 772x500, 193:125, taxcuts.jpg)


How's this?

86b2a8 No.1015789

File: 126f431befc0ab3⋯.jpg (334.93 KB, 800x600, 4:3, taxcuts.jpg)

43e5f3 No.1015790


Speaking of which….did he not just cross 50M followers? Well now there are 50.5M followers. That's 500K in the last week or so?? That's PHENOMENAL!

b63b46 No.1015791



2e0c59 No.1015792


It was down

31fbf1 No.1015793

Can Q hack a etherum address and get the money out of it?

There are lots of wallets that have hundreds of millions of dollars that aren't being used. hmm

68f872 No.1015794


*can't be openly questioned

217e10 No.1015795

File: 8732b5d32e637ef⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 665x340, 133:68, Mattis.JPG)

Secretary Mattis: U.S. Government Not Sure Who Carried Out Chemical Attack in Syria

Posted: Apr 11, 2018 8:00 PM

'''On Wednesday, Defense Secretary James Mattis confirmed to reporters that the United States and its allies are “still assessing the intelligence” about the alleged chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians this weekend.

In response to a question about whether U.S. military forces are “ready right now to conduct a retaliatory strike if ordered,” Mattis added: "We stand ready to provide military options if they are appropriate as the President determines.”'''

https:// townhall.com/tipsheet/chrisreeves/2018/04/11/secretary-mattis-us-government-not-sure-who-carried-out-syria-chemical-attack-n2470044

There's a Good Chance We're Being Lied to About the Chemical Attack in Syria


https:// steemit.com/conspiracy/@antimedia/there-s-a-good-chance-we-re-being-lied-to-about-the-chemical-attack-in-syria

5028f7 No.1015796


The BRIDGE of the Algorithm is APACHE?

9f2e21 No.1015797




(You) 04/12/18 (Thu) 15:29:38 41087b No.1014949>>1015035 >>1015077

File (hide): 21fc59b9d37cd72⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 299x168, 299:168, trumpthumbsup.jpg) (h) (u)


Apr 12 2018 15:35:10 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f 1015000



Has the error been corrected?

Why not?


a1b714 No.1015798


We’ve never definitively figured out what ASF is. But the Apache Software Foundation is the best guess we’ve come up with so far

fbc715 No.1015799


Meme "injection" is a GO

43e5f3 No.1015800


>She could hear us breathing

not if it were up to me.

4502c2 No.1015801

Just, perhaps a dumb question.

What, specifically, does POTUS want us to meme about??

I have plenty of memetic arrows.

I just need help identifying a target here.

8cee04 No.1015802


not down here

aa9d18 No.1015803


camBRIDGE analytica

02f124 No.1015804

File: 54b92d0bded328b⋯.jpg (121.5 KB, 551x736, 551:736, timecover.jpg)

some anons don't use twitter



013511 No.1015805

So Snowden did tamper with Twitter algorithm? Or yet to come?

c1b31e No.1015806

Yo nogs

@JayhawkJack and others are unlocked. followers and followed gone, but tweets open wide

d45ebd No.1015807

http:// www.financialexpress.com/industry/technology/facebook-may-open-office-in-shanghai-to-make-hardware/844935/

https:// www.facebook.jobs/virtual-usa/office-manager-oculus/F03AAE7E7CF14DADA036185271842085/job/

In 2018, Oculus will open a brand new office in Shanghai, China. A number of business and technology employees from various teams will be headquartered out of that office as they work in and around Shanghai with our Chinese partners. We anticipate ample growth over the next few years

http:// www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2016-04/09/content_24394645.htm

Oculus VR LLC, a virtual-reality company backed by Facebook Inc, is preparing to enter the Chinese mainland market, an achievement its parent company could not realize.Less than a month after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg visited Beijing to attend a high-profile business forum hosted by the government, a local newspaper reported on Friday that Oculus will kick off a VR online store as soon as this year.

e25e6e No.1015808


Maybe Twitter's servers didn't go down, but if Q is referencing a SQL injection, it most likely wouldn't have to go down to change an algorithm.

Q might be saying that twitter is 'undressed' when said 'down'.

01f419 No.1015809

File: 2dad75a40a44e8f⋯.png (493.31 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

6d0a0f No.1015810

File: da17ca13e1c3b5b⋯.jpg (158.35 KB, 1183x795, 1183:795, LifeLog2.jpg)

edf323 No.1015811

File: 0259c455fe9075e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 720x1224, 10:17, CBTS_EOTS.png)

File: fa86a276d54ec26⋯.png (527.9 KB, 1140x1447, 1140:1447, Storm_Warning.png)

cd0e75 No.1015812

File: f0c87a08ae831cc⋯.png (566.27 KB, 667x545, 667:545, chuck-5.png)

27c470 No.1015813



TWTR = -1..33% on the day Market currently closed.

35ac4c No.1015814


Did RizviT sold off shares?

fdec34 No.1015815


Just in time.

Time for REAL NEWS to invade the Blue Birdie.

Thanks Eddie.

Meme Ready.

Lock and Loaded.


Spread like WildFire.

70a47d No.1015817

File: ca4bf9fec11f5aa⋯.jpeg (69.16 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, NN-LdR.jpeg)

173b1f No.1015818

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

43e5f3 No.1015819


I checked seconds after Q's post appeared. It was up. Maybe it was down for seconds, but not for a very long time.

58288c No.1015820


I don't think there is any doubt about that and that the area around that "temple" is special in some manner.

It should be noted that the Phoenix has historical connection to Horus as well so given that the temple has two large statues of Phoenix and the writing has some connection to ancient Egyptian reference to Horus I concluded that it has some relation to the Old Kingdom. I could find nothing else so just focused on something else.

Also Podesta has in the past referenced 14 pieces which, again, reference to Egyptian mythos. I think the rituals have a very strong focus on the ancient rituals of the Egyptians which is interesting considering some believe they had connection with ancient aliens.

bedaba No.1015821


She has an alternative account. Just like crooked and @Jack.

@Jayhawkjack might be @Jack

Others not yet found.

6ac429 No.1015822

Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, and Gregg Jarrett have learned how to play the game. Attack the people that we actually trust. This will make the opposition support our allies. It's brilliant. The opposition is now supporting Sessions, Mueller, and Rosenstein. They are so investing in defending the Special Counsel and DOJ that now, whatever evidence of Obama's treason is revealed, they will have to believe and accept it.

534053 No.1015823

Twitter down

Injection good.

time to meme, light up twatter!

01f419 No.1015824

File: 759b0e28afd98bd⋯.png (74.54 KB, 311x162, 311:162, ClipboardImage.png)

93162f No.1015825

Updated pastebin one more time: https:// pastebin.com/PH45c63G

Deprecated links removed.

3166cc No.1015826

MSM is intentionally giving fantasy hope of impeachment as emotional manipulation. They know they will fail but what they want is their sheep to believe the fantasy only to have it snatched away causing them to take to the streets and riot. MSM and Hollywood in general are creating a boiling point. TV shows like Designated Survivor are pushing impeachment while giving a ridiculously low bar for mental health reasons. They are inciting riots by building up false hope

5f96f5 No.1015827

File: 169659d37076005⋯.png (5.57 KB, 339x163, 339:163, Screenshot-2018-4-12 Q(1).png)


I believe post #141 should be referenced (now) as well as >>1015717

Good day Q!


70ecaf No.1015828



isn't it obvious?

interpreting Q. it's right there:

>Twitter down.

>Injection good.


Learn the comms

6af0f7 No.1015829


Since tax day is next week, memes thanking POTUS for tax breaks relevant.

2a30c7 No.1015830

I've been on shadow ban for a day or so. Checked about 30 minutes ago. Q drops and now my ban is gone coincidence?

68f872 No.1015831

File: 96e617f2c13ca74⋯.png (68.45 KB, 717x525, 239:175, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

6d0a0f No.1015832

File: bee83146ca74d01⋯.jpg (179.71 KB, 1275x793, 1275:793, LifeLog1.jpg)

1cadbb No.1015833



4b2772 No.1015834

Told to meme and told twitter is down. Sounds to me like memes will not get filtered, so bomb away?

bc4d2b No.1015835



cb6c97 No.1015836

File: ea54c73f8a991fe⋯.png (150 KB, 1412x787, 1412:787, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

Check this out Anon's. Interset is a user behavior analytics company that In-Q-Tel invested in June of 2016. According to their website: "Interset provides highly intelligent, accurate insider and targeted outsider threat detection. Our solution unlocks the power of user behavioral analytics, machine learning, and big data to provide the fastest, most flexible, and efficient way for IT teams to operationalize a data-protection program. Utilizing agentless data collectors, lightweight endpoint sensors, advanced behavioral analytics, and an intuitive user interface, Interset provides unparalleled visibility to high risk events." Check out the part regarding agentless data collectors AKA artificial intelligence. However, the headline is what struck me: "In-Q-Tel Invests in User Behavior Analytics Leader Interset To Stay Ahead of Cyber Attacks on Sensitive Data". To stay ahead of cyber attacks on sensitive data, huh? What kind of sensitive data has been referenced here? Very interesting….

31fbf1 No.1015837

Q " We value the idea of open source"

Q's team "Let's go track bitcoin users"

034909 No.1015839


Well, POTUS did type TAX CUTS in all caps

And he is talking about US agriculture.

And the two themes have their own paragraphs.

Meme everything in that tweet. Everything.

edf323 No.1015841

File: c113d462efcd3ed⋯.png (609.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, LDR_We_Dont_Say_His_Name_D….png)

8c9950 No.1015842



Confirm hand-off if you're still there.


68f872 No.1015843


meme how much more you got back on tax return this year… start a trend

217e10 No.1015844

Not my meme, but I can fix…

Nice Catch

8e9155 No.1015845

File: 4491398cdeaa88b⋯.png (10.61 KB, 411x116, 411:116, ClipboardImage.png)


Lets not forget that any post from Q ending with his "Q" signature implies a future event about to drop. Twitter may not have gone "Down" yet in the way Q is stating.

93162f No.1015846


Absolutely. You tagging in? Latest dough here:


2831b1 No.1015847

File: b3ae3dac49fcadc⋯.jpg (243.75 KB, 1080x878, 540:439, Screenshot_20180412-161812….jpg)



ea683d No.1015848


Always chasing the golden calf shekel hunters are.

534053 No.1015849



I tried POTUS. His Twitter would not load for several attempts

a3e2d3 No.1015850

File: e25f5370f522d62⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Tax Cuts GIF-downsized_lar….gif)

2e0c59 No.1015851


Dumb fuck…the website was down for about 5minutes

70ecaf No.1015852



also this:


Don't forget how to PLAY.


FB violation of YOUR PRIVACY.


FB reading your PRIVATE messages.

FB CENSORING (anti conservative).

More will drop.

We have it ALL.




You're next.

What is Jack's SECRET T-handle?

'Dummy' accounts to talk.

What you SEE is LIMITED.

Think emails (LL, HRC, HUSSEIN, etc).


cd0e75 No.1015853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ride the memes - Ride now

02f124 No.1015854

File: 3172f9757c99dbc⋯.jpg (85.09 KB, 728x607, 728:607, hrc3.jpg)

File: 8b81c6ee3267bd8⋯.jpg (48.71 KB, 432x496, 27:31, hrcvideo2.jpg)

File: 72c2b13413cc180⋯.jpeg (56.67 KB, 400x353, 400:353, hrcvideo4.jpeg)

File: 5cf8ddc3c417194⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1500x1141, 1500:1141, hrcvideo4.png)

File: a95169f175c00cf⋯.jpg (99.82 KB, 720x542, 360:271, moab.jpg)


0c2a1c No.1015855

File: f731bd7a4548d3c⋯.png (548.56 KB, 737x615, 737:615, u1.png)

60c7b8 No.1015856


The baker that sold me a pie today was friendly and made me feel happy.

5028f7 No.1015857


Resigned the CEO yesterday :)

ecf36e No.1015858












The key word is PERMANENT'' since we already got the tax cuts.

68f872 No.1015859


extra me

makes it meme

TAX CUTS in all caps

meme tax cuts

or how much more you got back this year in taxes compared to last year

meme it

make it a trend

43e5f3 No.1015860


Intresting. Ok.

9cd8d9 No.1015861

File: 94f3bab6ce3050f⋯.png (104.04 KB, 1604x834, 802:417, twitterdown.PNG)


Twitter seems to be back up 15 minutes in.

Ok anons, try again. What do we inject?

Bigger dose of that then…

7d3cdc No.1015862

File: de6a60c45a66810⋯.jpg (98.47 KB, 665x500, 133:100, Zuckerborg.jpg)

e9b915 No.1015863


Q, I understand that some world leaders may have to skate, but how do we keep Evil from regenerating to the monster it became?

a0bbd4 No.1015864




e19de0 No.1015865

File: 96d540fb84a92ec⋯.jpeg (83.73 KB, 450x651, 150:217, 84C08138-8B12-4177-83A2-5….jpeg)

Could Q’s “Magical” BOOM possibly be a reference or request to conjure some MEME Magic for POTUS?

4fa4a6 No.1015866

File: 4e9f642f53bf40c⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1200x1208, 150:151, Tax-cuts-3.png)

File: 36d4622b9044fc7⋯.png (2.47 MB, 1200x1208, 150:151, Tax-cuts-2.png)

File: a9e47f4f9b116ec⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1200x1208, 150:151, Tax-cuts-1.png)

70a47d No.1015867

End the Fed – ultimate tax cut

6b38c0 No.1015869

==purple tie==>>1015795

534053 No.1015870


The leaks are real. The news is fake.

e20207 No.1015871


I think its a bit more complicated to that… Bridge refers to public key infrastructure being compromised with key sharing agreements and certificate forging allowing access to all traffic encrypted or not in real time. Its the only way they could be decrypting the data they collect as quickly as they do, PKI has to have been compromised from it's very inception.

bedaba No.1015872


This Ryan guy has a lot of shady shit in his district, I kinda remember anons going after a shady dentist during the pizzagate days.

01f419 No.1015873


Nice family friendly memes

0c2a1c No.1015874

File: 2afcb09a2433011⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 685x385, 137:77, 289t95.jpg)

e84c80 No.1015875

File: 9a2004aae7fd9bc⋯.png (96.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 45.png)

Fellow Patriot Anons:

I want to make you aware of a project we (Three Guys) are releasing soon (2 weeks) on Steam.

http: //store.steampowered.com/app/769980/Lock_Her_Up_The_Trump_Supremacy/

It's our contribution to the meme war, to Q, to President Trump, and to our Nation. Q is a heavily featured character in this game, along with AJ, Rand, and others.

There are real red pills in the game, including the more 'satanish' emails from Wikileaks.

We intentionally put Presidents Trump & Putin together to give libs something to rave about, while positively showing the US and Russia working together to end globalism, which is something we all hope is happening & will happen.

This is the closest they will ever get to proving Russia collusion!

Who are we? Literally just three normal American guys with a talent stack that adds up to making a sorta decent video game.

Some of you will undoubtedly remember this post from before the election:

https: //www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5aqvr4/this_is_the_secret_of_the_fbi_tweets_this_is_what/

That was me. Why tell you this? We're the same as you, and we've been working the same as you trying to expose this insanity for a long time.

God bless and good hunting Patriots!

8c9950 No.1015876


Confirm Hand-off. I have the fixed dough already.

013511 No.1015877

File: 85cd6f977304607⋯.png (325.76 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180412-162800.png)

c304b3 No.1015878

File: a8b644b80270608⋯.png (407.59 KB, 620x465, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Subtle be damned…

5506e2 No.1015879


>Twitter down

Operation Reacharound (https:// archive.is/9ooZ7) was launched nearly 2 years ago. Since then we've continued to grind Shitter down. Now it's time to finish the job.


63eeb7 No.1015880

17 — Chlorine is the 17th element on the periodic table. Trigger for latest Syria nonsense.

9f2e21 No.1015881






Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world.

Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering.

We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.


8697d4 No.1015882

could someone please repost MZ/Darpa meme again? lost where I saved it to (lifelog/fb)

b63b46 No.1015883


Not proof, I was on Twitter for the last 2 hours never went down for me nor has anything changed.

Don't see how this proves algo change.

31fbf1 No.1015884

Looks like @Jack tapped out

Good cuz he should be man handled for the pussy he is

96938d No.1015885

File: ffdf729ab854a57⋯.png (1.11 MB, 637x647, 637:647, Csdfsdfsdfsdfdsfsdfffaptur….PNG)

27c470 No.1015886


Why am I a dumb fuck?

I was just pointing out the fucking stock percentage.

Did you even bother to glance at my rt's?

FUCK (You)!!!

93162f No.1015887


Handoff confirmed

Thank you anon.

4b3181 No.1015888

File: e769b5c859bd544⋯.jpeg (24.03 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 499BA626-1A6E-4D08-91FA-B….jpeg)

File: 105665251c966b9⋯.jpeg (630.5 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, F4A99356-3B96-4F88-B0FA-A….jpeg)

Saw this in the previous thread. Has Q ever said “X marks the spot”?

Would there be any other cases of an X marking the spot, anons?

70a47d No.1015889

File: b8c429896c762a6⋯.png (1014.54 KB, 1022x668, 511:334, Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at ….png)

014958 No.1015891

87210e No.1015892


That is fabulous.

43e5f3 No.1015893


not small.

70ecaf No.1015894


try it.

o ye faithless

462d82 No.1015895

…and type a damn message!

Keybiard keeps disappearing as I type when Q is here. He has some serious security on and I am also getting readings that as soon as he posts heavy Clown measures hit this board trying to track him.



48d855 No.1015897

File: 49ecca4641ac466⋯.jpg (66.25 KB, 700x393, 700:393, Trump taxj.jpg)

7ddedf No.1015898

File: eaea6eb03be3c4b⋯.png (8.09 MB, 2576x1932, 4:3, DSCN0504j.png)

aa9d18 No.1015899

File: 5e552e0f5c4cd74⋯.jpg (103.79 KB, 750x500, 3:2, songbird.jpg)

5028f7 No.1015900


<Its the only way they could be decrypting the data they collect as quickly as they do,

The Algorithm use filtrers. that's sure.

e25e6e No.1015901

File: 924b80168528f2f⋯.png (212.94 KB, 574x715, 574:715, jay.png)

wtf is this? 16 THOUSAND tweets and 10 likes?

User since 2008…

very very strange

462d82 No.1015902

File: 2b5988a844652ca⋯.jpeg (109.76 KB, 750x859, 750:859, DainIK7UMAEObFq.jpeg)

Any truth?

8e9155 No.1015903

File: f3f7ce30048ee25⋯.png (259.38 KB, 584x383, 584:383, ClipboardImage.png)


Now I really hope @JayHawkJack is @Jack's alt account.

641c86 No.1015904

File: aff351cf28a5b22⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 245x256, 245:256, soundsaboutright.gif)

9cd8d9 No.1015905



Was probably just a hiccup.

I reached POTUS account in no time.

845335 No.1015906



https:// federicovitaleblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/clinton-sex-scandal_-massive-download-by-anonymous-_-the-millennium-report.pdf

217e10 No.1015908



462d82 No.1015909

58288c No.1015910


Well.. there was that one time that Indy was in a library in Venice and..

c304b3 No.1015911

File: 0640cd31756bdb5⋯.png (532.93 KB, 568x462, 284:231, ClipboardImage.png)

60b29b No.1015912

File: 96965feeadcef09⋯.jpeg (87.53 KB, 992x558, 16:9, MAGA_donald_trump_lil_joh….jpeg)




60c7b8 No.1015913


I don't join any club that makes you take a secrecy oath and fosters organized crime.

Or fucks children and expects "brothers and sisters" to cover it up.

9f2e21 No.1015914





RR problems.

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/04/12/politics/rod-rosenstein-white-house-effort/index.html


8c9950 No.1015915


Got it, BO.

New Baker Checking in

I was catching up on the dough. Any notables or Q posts so far this bread?

3166cc No.1015916

>>1015875 best of luck with your work! Can it be pre-ordered?

01f419 No.1015917

File: 846ba648d2ea97b⋯.png (72.79 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

7d4722 No.1015918

File: 0042fcd11960e68⋯.png (841.78 KB, 832x456, 104:57, TaxCuts.png)

File: 3690916a72dcfdc⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1102x585, 1102:585, TaxCuts1.png)

File: 9b601dbc438ffe9⋯.png (817.95 KB, 782x429, 782:429, TaxCuts2.png)

File: e7518c9d9475107⋯.png (1.14 MB, 942x515, 942:515, TaxCuts3.png)

Meme batter?

2ea93b No.1015919

someone missed the call, as I considered what "plane." meant…. I realized exactly whom I needed to rely on… and someone doesn't realize they missed the call. I told them someone kept calling… but, sales calls they think… and in case I'm probably mistaken on this and many other things and so I don't want to say anything else, and so I tried calling the number again but well… it implied everything was fine so I'm sure it is…. I'm really terrible at speaking in a Qish way, well I tried

217e10 No.1015920

File: 54e88d4ba67aa4b⋯.jpg (119.34 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, YoureWelcome.jpg)

2d2754 No.1015921


17 =>MH17 ?

Downed Dutch plane in Ukraine?

combine with NoName pix in Ukraine???

cd0e75 No.1015922

0f3cb9 No.1015923

Phonefagging, not sure if this was addressed yet but just ran across this:

>"I think Rod Rosenstein is recused," he told Sean Hannity. "I don't think he can serve on an investigation in which he will end up being the key witness."

>"If I were a lawyer for Donald Trump, and I am not, I am just saying what I would say about anybody, I would be making a motion in front of a judge," he explained. "First I'd make it in the Justice Department, to recuse Rosenstein. Then I'd make it in front of a judge. You cannot be a prosecutor and you cannot be a witness in the same case."

dailycaller com/2018/04/11/dershowitz-rosenstein-recuse/

This was last night on Hannity, Dershowitz DEFINITELY NOT GIVING LEGAL ADVICE TO ANYONE, confirming what we were told to consider here, on April 4:


>Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

>Flynn is safe.

>Define 'witness'.

>Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

>Russia Russia Russia?

>Real or fake?

It may be time to stop taking the term "plant" as necessarily having a positive or negative connotation. Case-by-case, it could mean good guy/bad guy or something in between. My head just exploded wide open when I read this Dershowitz quote. Q_conf would be awesome.

Q confirmed real, yet again, for all you newfaggots and redditfugees.

487cd3 No.1015924

Was 1984 written by George Orwell?

Those who control the past, control the future - Orson Welles

Or was it now? or then?

ecf36e No.1015925



For Congress to vote for PERMANENT tax cuts.

642113 No.1015926

TWIT isn't being throttled anymore. Censorship algorithm has been modified/removed. It's time for a MEME storm on EVERYTHING.

8c9950 No.1015927


It looks to me like "#TaxCuts" is being requested specifically.

a3250b No.1015928

File: 006eef20cb3e95b⋯.jpg (68.21 KB, 538x441, 538:441, Apu_Trump_Walls_Taxes_2.jpg)


487cd3 No.1015929

File: 319bb5819a7b059⋯.png (297.46 KB, 1318x916, 659:458, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

5028f7 No.1015930


SAD :(

e84c80 No.1015932


Pre-order not possible…honestly not sure how I'd set that up on Steam honestly. Maybe a perk for the big guys or something.

0b9c2a No.1015933

File: aa8f52c78fe7aa9⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 643x403, 643:403, taxcuts3.jpg)

c304b3 No.1015934

File: 3689de289420b05⋯.png (546.81 KB, 751x500, 751:500, ClipboardImage.png)

68f872 No.1015935

File: 8b92b9540f62f05⋯.png (61.48 KB, 480x476, 120:119, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 4b2d22f18c591a8⋯.png (34.13 KB, 494x223, 494:223, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)


111 days ago trump signed the tax bill

now he's talking about taxes again


two q posts from december 22 which was 111 days ago

f0f488 No.1015936

File: e88bdda6c9fab0a⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Custom Image 1204201815590….jpg)


If true, thanks Q & Snowden!

96938d No.1015937


1 following, but you click and it shows a ton

462d82 No.1015938

File: ed69db70bc55c21⋯.jpg (177.79 KB, 1500x1005, 100:67, 10712719_350919_3fb450c5d9….jpg)

8c9950 No.1015939


Thanks, SBB. Have you seen any notables or Q posts so far this bread? I am checking.

70ecaf No.1015940

File: 8a0be1a8afda8a1⋯.png (869.1 KB, 1111x1469, 1111:1469, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180121_DoYo….png)

File: 70030cd7346b0ce⋯.jpg (243.9 KB, 1140x700, 57:35, warriors-come-out-and-play.jpg)




time to playyyyyyyyyyyyy

465a17 No.1015941


Who is talking with hand up across the table from POTUS?

ecf36e No.1015943

>>1015866 Memes/Permanent Tax Cuts


b63b46 No.1015944


Proof and faith are 2 different things.I trust the plan but do not accept blindly things that are not supported by evidence.

My faith is in GOD not Q.

Psalm 118:8, KJV It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

ea683d No.1015945

File: f867bfc64181e2a⋯.jpg (456.76 KB, 1201x979, 1201:979, McCainDeripaska.jpg)

cd0e75 No.1015946

File: 52dfc4f40d7625a⋯.png (877.01 KB, 624x633, 208:211, chuck-clown-puppet.png)

31fbf1 No.1015947

File: 2dba9e9212d077b⋯.jpg (148.49 KB, 634x861, 634:861, article-0-1876335600000578….jpg)

Lynn De Rothchild is such a Hawt MILF

I'd Give this bitch a conjugal visit.

79ce8a No.1015948


It's about life brother,

Don't get me wrong I want justice also but Snowflakes are stupid.

They were brainwashed and it's not there fault the devil tricked them.

Innocent people including children regardless of their political affiliation would die if that video was released.

That Food for an example….people think that food walks right into a grocery store, and sits upon the shelf.

Mass rioting would lead to the workers that make that food, package the food, deliver it, etc…etc.

It's about the preservation of life, nobody is born dumb and the devil is the master of trickery and deceit.

46c542 No.1015949


When redpilling this often comes up. And always say the same thing. This is has to come into the public domain slowly or it will be anarchy. Living in a left state it is easy to see as there is a slow shift based on the slow drip. Although the FB dead cat bounce was thrown in my face by a family member. And threw it right back. About to make a bet on 30 day stock price.

Did not even catch incarnate?? Strange……

0c2a1c No.1015950

File: 18df5099b10556c⋯.jpg (78.76 KB, 642x500, 321:250, 289tmh.jpg)

c56153 No.1015951

>>1015888 ←–Possible Notable. Worth depositing in the Epstein Island thread as well.

31cd5f No.1015952

Q, Was Richard Marchinko a patriot, or poser?

Enjoyed his books as a kid, and he has strong opinions, however, he complained fervently of No Such Agency.

60c7b8 No.1015953



Cameras and metadata make all that bullshit about getting you drunk on Captain Morgan and drowning you in the bottom of a lake mote, er, I mean moot.


3b6b7e No.1015954


what's the big deal…it's a helicopter. the guy in the background is talking about alex jones..lolz

ecf36e No.1015955


Are these twitter size?

a0bbd4 No.1015956

Rebel scum


Feb 7

More Rebel scum Retweeted John R Parkinson

Wow. I don’t care what people say, Pelosi is amazing.

01f419 No.1015957

File: a70af6d175d8013⋯.png (173.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

43e5f3 No.1015958


Nothing about the Vatican accounts?

2a4e9f No.1015959

File: 12f5d10fd2f4530⋯.png (456.62 KB, 651x696, 217:232, POTUS 4-12-18 12 03 pm PST.PNG)


#TaxCuts is what POTUS used

9c4691 No.1015960


Japanese Marines doing ops?

ea683d No.1015961


Trust your heart.

70ecaf No.1015962


and what does your gut' say?

do you trust God talks to you there?

c304b3 No.1015964

File: 8176dff3bfd2d6a⋯.png (117.74 KB, 520x416, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

462d82 No.1015965


Shields down at the Twatter Death Star! Guess who brought them down?


dd8794 No.1015966


I asked this ? from last bread. I've hoped she had been wrapped up, witch is out of this world crazy. I'd still like to hear a response as to how confident they are that we were talking to drunk Lynn that night. I mght hv to wait for the teams books to come out.

43e5f3 No.1015967



219a27 No.1015968

File: 6197c2ca711c005⋯.jpg (360.52 KB, 1331x886, 1331:886, TaxCuts.jpg)

Thank you baker

af2d23 No.1015969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bernie Sanders: "We should make the tax breaks for the middle class PERMANENT".

df43f3 No.1015970




2a30c7 No.1015971

Injection = censorship on Twitter is no more.

All shadow ban and banned accounts freed.

51ddb5 No.1015972

Syria is not a pawn.

stop arming nazis in Ukraine slaughtering Christians

b63b46 No.1015973


Thank you brother! Or sister!

87210e No.1015974

Memeanon back on duty after taking care of IRL stuff.

I see we are to MEME something.

Have anons decided what it is that Q wants memed?

Is it that the Dems don't want tax cuts?

Is it about Rosenstein needing to be fired?

Is it whatever the hell we have been pushing for 6 months b/c Twat censorship is no longer?

Help me contribute by 'splaining what needs done.

Thank you.

2a8099 No.1015975

File: e6185f7f5c91cbb⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1650x1275, 22:17, image.jpeg)

abfde8 No.1015976

Is this for real? Why does Trump even consider rejoining this fucking TPP? What the fuck is going on recently?

http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/12/trump-directs-top-economic-advisers-to-negotiate-rejoining-trans-pacific-partnership.html

0b9c2a No.1015977

File: f978d6a242b9fbf⋯.jpg (149.13 KB, 643x808, 643:808, taxcuts4.jpg)

ecf36e No.1015978


I am corrupt…..

But they are ready to riot

if I get fired.

c61a58 No.1015979

File: ac0a2762afeb275⋯.png (9.73 KB, 320x296, 40:37, 20180412_120625.png)

Wachoo meen willis…

Wtf did æı miß ņow¿



43e5f3 No.1015980



Good God I hope this is true.

4b3181 No.1015981


Duly noted, will do. Thanks anon.

072676 No.1015982

Not sure if Twitter was done but go look at downdector’s twitter. It shows a giant spike 4 minutes before last Q post

70ecaf No.1015983

>>1015961 hehe, nice synch >>1015962

cd0e75 No.1015984

File: 9eca51e1dcb0ca4⋯.png (855.63 KB, 636x634, 318:317, sewer-drain-all.png)

a0bbd4 No.1015985

Rebel scum


Jan 11


President: says blatantly racist thing

Normal people: “That’s racist af”

Racists: “Whuuut? He didn’t specifically say that he was being racist, so it isn’t racism. You cry racism just because you don’t like what he said”

60c7b8 No.1015986

File: 50ba1a7644fe70c⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 474x474, 1:1, woof.jpg)

0c2a1c No.1015987


Even better, hold on a sec

e7ef97 No.1015988

Did Q team inject something in Twitter to be able to post the HRC video without it being censored?

Think outside the box.

Timing of release.

Post Facebook NEWS.

Facebook WW.




a248cd No.1015989


Don;t trust it!!!

Aliens don;t exist.

Earth is flat!

8c9950 No.1015990


I did Memes in notables before and got reamed. Sorry. Digs or new ideas in notables. Memes have their own thread. Hope you understand.


e20207 No.1015991


Wish I could see the look on the Twitter Admin's face when/if they realize what just happened…

c304b3 No.1015992

File: 38a66e491261853⋯.png (102.19 KB, 520x416, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

cf8d04 No.1015993

File: 73d8ead36c0fbaa⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 235x214, 235:214, 1Hilldawg_download.jpg)

File: 89290e9f4dafc9e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, breaking-news.png)

File: 0d2f9c49892e524⋯.jpg (67.44 KB, 991x609, 991:609, Car_Is_James.jpg)

File: 7b0f76b317b5865⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 255x195, 17:13, releastethevideo.jpg)


f38f46 No.1015995

Since it appears we are taking a turn out of low altitude and approaching +60k territory. I will throw this out there. MEMembers = Middle Earth Members of Congress.

70ecaf No.1015997


>Is it whatever the hell we have been pushing for 6 months b/c Twat censorship is no longer?

>Help me contribute by 'splaining what needs done.

you got it

c56153 No.1015998

File: d62b6a26911c71a⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 650x520, 5:4, RidersOnTheStormREEEE.jpg)


Dear God this is a moment….KEK!!!!

1cadbb No.1015999

File: 7e36906085b06d5⋯.jpg (20.92 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 289tov.jpg)

124111 No.1016001

File: b9c860ee0212cd2⋯.png (227.49 KB, 300x300, 1:1, trustsessions.png)

43e5f3 No.1016002


Connecting the food supply to the tax cuts is probably good idea - may be why Trump put both topics in the same twat?

afe331 No.1016003


Is the faked gas attack FF going to be the Conspiracy Theory that finally gives us credence to peal away theory from fact?

649211 No.1016004


Jap Twitter is always red 24/7

a0bbd4 No.1016005

Rebel scum


Jan 4


Republicans should not be trusted with Democracy. There is no office, big or small they won’t steal.

a0f457 No.1016006

File: 13f05a50925ef34⋯.png (565.7 KB, 664x558, 332:279, zuckyzuck.png)

Watch the water, Zuck

ecaaeb No.1016007


(you) have a point

883dc7 No.1016008

Does anyone know what LDR'r new twitter handle is?

02f124 No.1016009

File: a7fcc080a2697de⋯.png (23.28 KB, 599x317, 599:317, ClipboardImage.png)

5028f7 No.1016010


The plane crash in Colombia was in 2016..


Maybe that hasn't relationship, but who knows.

Red October?

845335 No.1016011

File: 0cae4bd62cb15b6⋯.jpg (112.03 KB, 1858x985, 1858:985, je is.jpg)

5506e2 No.1016012

File: 92fbaccde64dac0⋯.jpg (213.95 KB, 433x957, 433:957, 558ad96456b7da5552036b33f3….jpg)



641c86 No.1016013


You're technically at -60k feet.

c304b3 No.1016014

File: f506edc44daa7cc⋯.png (77.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

edf323 No.1016015

File: 50d121f9ee05e62⋯.png (275.11 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Get_Smart_Quincy_Crossover….png)

b63b46 No.1016016


Interesting idea anon would be good if this is to be done to all platforms while using Zuck making an ass of himself as cover!

d60faf No.1016017

Aliens is going to dominate - unless Q clears up.

00704f No.1016018

can someone check if private Twitter accounts are now open? I searched pizza and found some weird shit with coded conversations. This is just one - check his commentors/retweets

https:// twitter.com/jollyrobber

a3250b No.1016019



cb6c97 No.1016020

File: 1287867ce82c8ae⋯.jpeg (50.65 KB, 696x511, 696:511, iu-8.jpeg)

PAY ATTENTION! Here's the real Facebook connection.

Facebook was given funding of upwards to 12.7 million US dollars from Accel Partners. The managing partner of ACCEL is a man named James W Breyer.

James Breyer was on the Board of the National Ventures Capital Association. A washington thinktank agency. He served personally with a man named Gilman Louie.

Gilman Louie is the founder and CEO of In-Q-TEL

In-Q-TEL is a non-profit venture capital firm, a firm run by the Central Intelligence Agency to: “invest in high-tech companies for the sole purpose of keeping the Central Intelligence Agency equipped with the latest in information technology in support of United States intelligence capability. “

In-Q-TEL's primarily invests in new Data Mining Technologies.

What does that mean? essentially, In-Q-TEL ciphers the internet in search for "systems" which can help the CIA data mine with ease. Something like myspace, and facebook, essentially gives the CIA access to trends in various demographics aswell as they're thought patterns and behaviors.

Back to James Breyer. He also was on the Board of Directors of Bolt, Beranak and Newman Technologies. BBN is a defense contractor, dealing primarily with High-technology development. BBN Technologies was the creator of ARPANET, the first operational packet switching network, essentially the first internet system, run by DARPA.

In 2004 (the same year Facebook was created) Gilman Louie, the CEO of In-Q-TEL, jumped onboard with BBN Technologies with a one Doctor Anita Jones.

Dr Anita Jones was a former Board of Directors of In-Q-TEL, and was the former director of Defense Research and Engineering with United States Department of Defense. Her position placed her as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense, aswell as an overseer to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA.

As an overseer of DARPA, she was involved with DARPA's venture in information gathering when DARPA formed the Information Awareness Office in January of 2002.

THe IAO, with its rather Omnious logo pictured above, was a combination of various DARPA research programs, all based around information gathering, were all combined together. IAO's mission swas to "imagine, develop, apply, integrate, demonstrate and transition information technologies, components and prototype, closed-loop, information systems that will counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness" one of IAO's many projects was something called the Scalable Social Network Analysis project: “Scalable Social Network Analysis: A project involving the development of techniques based on Social Network Analysis for "the key characteristics of terrorist groups and discriminating these groups from other types of societal groups. “

Essentially, it was to find a method to analyse social networks and find "characteristics" of terrorist groups.

IAO's goal was to gather information all into one centralized spot, to essentially make a snapshot of society on a whole, to game "Informational" awareness. They're goals of ciphing information include, but are not limited to: Credit Card History, Airline Purchases, Internet Activity, Car Rentals, Educational transcripts, Tax Returns, Medical Records, Utility bills, and "any other available data."

The IAO was shrunken down in size and moved about, convienantly around the time of 2004, when Dr. Anita Jones and Gilman louie jumped aboard BBN. The new IAO project is under codename Topsail, now under the overseeing of both DARPA, the DOD, and also the NSA.

All of this went down shortly before Facebook emerged, a site that shares strikingly many similarities with a data mining operation. It takes personal information, it exploits said information to gather more detailed information, and compiles it into bite sized chunks.

8e0b45 No.1016021



Sirius starsystem is close.

Q confirmed with implication.

Galactic Federation of Light working with Q. Q+

AA Michael.

St. Germain.


Look Up.

Way Up.

We are with you.

ecf36e No.1016022


Thank you for your post,

it was related perfectly.

Double meanings.

cd0e75 No.1016023


Right. Chaos is our best strength.

ea683d No.1016024

File: 0f119aa7eef28f1⋯.jpg (162.98 KB, 974x640, 487:320, Hope.jpg)

01f419 No.1016025

File: b738ffd60d16681⋯.png (407.54 KB, 772x500, 193:125, ClipboardImage.png)

a248cd No.1016026


Pope is the bes bedo that I intend 2 not meet!

207ac2 No.1016027


How about no more taxes?


It is unconstitutional.

All the money goes off shore and services never ending debt.

I personally am tired of being a debt slave.

Birth Certificates just like stock certificates are issued for a reason.

abfde8 No.1016028


Um… Twitter is back up again. What was that? That weren't even more than 20 minutes. I don't really get it. Injection of what?

4fa4a6 No.1016029


No, but I'm on it.

60c7b8 No.1016031


Cream of Sum Yung Gai

1ed51a No.1016032



487cd3 No.1016033


What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


d45ebd No.1016034

Could potus legally replace Rosenstien with Dershowitz ?

9cd8d9 No.1016035

April 12

Let's look back at the April 02 posts:

April [A].

IG report.

Sessions public attack.

RR problems.

Seals broken.


Why was Huber made public?

Why now?

Everything has meaning.









Election Integrity.

Immigration Bill.



Military start.

BIG month.







BIG problems.


I might have missed a topic or two, anons will point it out no doubt.

There is still some work to be done for sure, but it's still only the twelfth of this month.

Sooo, seems we're pretty much on target me thinks.

Have anons noticed that Q didn't mention Syria in this already busy schedule?

Hint hint, wink wink?

8e0b45 No.1016036



Incarnated Extraterrestrial.

Find, info out there.

dd8794 No.1016037


My guess too. Similar to when it went down to hide tracking potus in Nov.. Same thing had to happen.

8203c8 No.1016038

File: 1de983b780d0a22⋯.jpg (120.06 KB, 800x450, 16:9, gkgyr3obaqf.jpg)


Heh, just mæi reading, who noes


a0bbd4 No.1016040

d64120 No.1016041


> Injection of what?

My tongue into your mother.

9ac612 No.1016042


This is my thought too…..we're free to meme away and not get shadow banned.

27c470 No.1016043


https:// twitter.com/LdeRothschild

c75ae9 No.1016044

File: 009a40be96c728a⋯.png (13.38 KB, 542x150, 271:75, ClipboardImage.png)

I called it in bread #1262!

fbbcfc No.1016045


Actually, everytime heavy police or national guard force is present, the nutbag rioters back down. The problem is that, unless it's a conservative acting nuts, the commienuts get treated like snowflakes, which just exacerbates problems.

910da0 No.1016046



very small

c304b3 No.1016047

File: 7f41e0c218b9e2b⋯.png (329.22 KB, 568x335, 568:335, ClipboardImage.png)

2d2754 No.1016048


muh. you believe MSM??



8c9950 No.1016049



MemeAnon: Potus capitalized TAX CUTS in hit MEMEber tweet, then used #TaxCuts in a later tweet.

It looks like direct instructions to me.

e9b915 No.1016050


I think we were supposed to be researching the fake name e-mails of Obama, Rice, lynch, etc.

68f872 No.1016051

File: 25b892f9aaca728⋯.png (180.15 KB, 1275x394, 1275:394, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 40252ca43eb2e31⋯.png (34.18 KB, 489x245, 489:245, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 2274d294ff08aa3⋯.png (60.4 KB, 473x469, 473:469, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)




111 days ago trump signed tax bill (december 22)

today he is talking about taxes

824a6f No.1016052


clearly not.

some anons have been saying algorithms have been altered and that we should engage in the first volley of memes.

01f419 No.1016053

>>1016035 – Q/POTUS's To Do List


a12751 No.1016054


How thoughtful to withhold truth for their concern of those living in ignorance. Allowing deception. Overseeing the pacification of the masses. They should go away. They are really not needed. We pursue full revealed truth no matter the cost.

43e5f3 No.1016055


Q was indicating that the outage happened prior to his/her/its post.

2a4e9f No.1016056

File: b9498c5f494758a⋯.png (460.81 KB, 654x777, 218:259, WH 4-12-18 1 21 pm PST.PNG)

File: abb7251cd6582ae⋯.png (69.59 KB, 497x905, 497:905, WH 1 re Tax Cuts.PNG)

File: 867a6317eb40577⋯.png (384.88 KB, 511x914, 511:914, WH 2 re Tax Cuts.PNG)

File: 0df78ec077bc99d⋯.png (28.74 KB, 502x338, 251:169, WH 3 re Tax Cuts.PNG)




[repost from last bread]

On Tax Cuts, Jobs, and Optimism, Look at What’s Happening in America’s Heartland


014958 No.1016057


This is also patially why we can't have nice things.

>omg look at this LARP, he's now expanding his popularity by including all conspiracies under the sun!

afe331 No.1016058

File: af507402a2c7d9a⋯.png (165.11 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, F6A0A371-8483-456B-A193-E9….png)

This board makes me put a password in now!?

My password is now a cuss word…

58288c No.1016059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thing is these people will believe her which…

..actually makes it better for when she goes down so we can watch this shit again.

c75ae9 No.1016060

Q, please take these sick bastards out!

https:// 8ch.net/jefferyepsteinpedoisland/res/1.html#1

883dc7 No.1016061


She hasn't used that one since February. She has a new one.

8e0b45 No.1016062

Syria >> Sirius.

Syrian >>Sirian

219a27 No.1016063

Corrected Algorythm injected?

showing people…

5028f7 No.1016064


You're Sick!!

1f230a No.1016065

File: b2bdf406b7a990f⋯.png (689.56 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, McCAIN30.png)

cd0e75 No.1016067

File: be13eee2b271a05⋯.png (597.01 KB, 752x421, 752:421, rr-firing-riots.png)

8e0b45 No.1016068


Learn our Comms.

Global Comms.

ecf36e No.1016069



I will use right away.

0c2a1c No.1016070

File: d9747cc84eb0251⋯.jpg (56.87 KB, 685x385, 137:77, 289u49.jpg)

c0a54f No.1016071

Brother Anons,

I've given a great deal of thought to our friend(s) Q and why they are truly here. I wish to share these thoughts with you.

I came to the "chans" only after Q started appearing on my searching RADAR. I have been keen to see both Q's posts and the analysis of this team of ours.

Q has emphasised "open source" and has been careful to not disclose NATSEC. Q has re-posted this imperative in the latest drop.

So, WHY Q? Here are my thoughts:

1. The public has long been asleep. Being a boomer and a historyfag, I've read the old books and I've been "woke" since the 1980s. It was so very hard to get the information out and the "conspiracy theorist" was used against me. There are many others in the Truth movement. Bill Cooper, Eustace Mullens and the untold thousands of others who were forced into silence. Q has guided us towards the Truth - regardless of how ugly it is. WE, working together, are raising public awareness.

I've put in both this forum and on Twatter, November 8, 1923. What happened? Why is it relevant?

The Beer Hall Putch took place then. Hitler and the NSDAP attempted to seize power in Munich. They failed. Why? Because they lacked the popular support of the people. It was an information war and the communists were way ahead of them.

2. Even if Q is Military Intel, one wonders if they truly have "everything." Anons have brought forward an immense body of work that rivals anything I've seen in the CIA vault in terms of scope and analysis. The reason for having lots of autists is to have people who look at the world differently - to see what is in the "negative space."

I called BULLSHIT on 9/11 the moment the buildings started to collapse. Newton's 3rd law. I also have flight training. It was a massive psyop, but people have hated me for saying it.

I believe that the infographs that Anons have made will be tremendously useful when the time comes.

3. We keep digging into subjects the sheeple would rather forget. They want to go back to sleep only to die in their slumber. We are not letting this happen. We CANNOT let this happen or we will die.

4. Parallel Construction. This point has been missed by ever commentator that I've listened to on this topic.

Q is MI and has access to NATSEC. Q cannot simply TELL us things that are classified. Nobody wishes to spend 25 years to life in a Kansas vacation.

By dropping crumbs and having us dig, the cases are being made without divulging information from classified systems. This keeps us on the right side of the law and of history.

Parallel construction will enable prosecutors to use the info that Anons have developed from the open sources to punish the evildoers. This will take away a perp's ability to shield otherwise classified information from the court.

This is why we dig!


God Bless you all and our Republic

fbbcfc No.1016072


She a dehwahcut wittle fwower.

217e10 No.1016073

File: 490695382c38c45⋯.jpg (139.02 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PermanentTaxCuts.jpg)

723494 No.1016074

File: 3d9210354fd7026⋯.png (13.95 KB, 341x586, 341:586, bd05ee86efa9925b63233a1d98….png)


Read the crumb… the keystone is what holds it all together.


Wealth buys power.. power buys more wealth/control

Take out the wealth and you can't buy the power/control you need.

Specifically the keystone is the US Dollar.

US dominates all others… US has the most influence over all others.

Take out the US Dollar and you collapse the whole NWO paradigm.

467a1c No.1016075

Workfag asking,

How did Q's drop with 'Alan' get tied to Dershowitz? I know his name is in the flight log, but what other evidence. I'm confused as Dershowitz has been one of the very few prominent lawyers defending the President very publicly. He was one of perhaps three to go on record saying the raid on Cohen's office is a travesty.

What proof did I miss? Thanks.

60b0b5 No.1016076

Anyone else seeing this catfight on The Five? That was surreal.

46c542 No.1016077

Things moving fast so don't know if anybody threw this out there. But might injection be something that blocks algorithm? Maybe someone can use a burner and see if they geet shadow banned for a anti Jack tweet or something that has caused banning before.

5028f7 No.1016078


Confirmation for the Twitter Storm?

f0f488 No.1016079


To help clean the [H]ouse.

31fbf1 No.1016080


behold the power of the NSA


how come (((they))) able to compromise everything but the NSA?

What makes the NSA so special that they are one of the very few uncompromised agencies?

Will NSA agents just not accept bribes or is there a bigger picture?

1f67f3 No.1016081

File: 81fab2cd433d6f3⋯.jpg (117.48 KB, 1200x790, 120:79, dole.jpg)

Dole is death warmed over. I've never seen someone that looked like they just jumped out of a casket. Meme fodder?

Testified at KANSAS' confirmation hearing.

f71c65 No.1016082


That is the same markings on Obama's ring.

014958 No.1016083



Anyways, still got memes and truthseeking to do. Don't look at 40k too much, you'll trip and fall.

646772 No.1016084


We need to meme traffic to this site ahead of comey's book. A lot of work went into making it. I think this is our call to meme.


0c2a1c No.1016085

File: 1ad777e742e4df4⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 685x385, 137:77, Rosenstein.jpg)

Here's the blank picture, for Anons to meme it

d0cc9d No.1016086

File: 26da5c31b937ca0⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 289u0h.jpg)

9ac612 No.1016087



08b757 No.1016088


sing it anon!

a4b178 No.1016089

File: 6683544000b842d⋯.png (101.43 KB, 212x545, 212:545, RSqq8mP5TlX08AR52tBYF1Qecz….png)

ecf36e No.1016090


Although, I think the point is to encourage

Congress to vote to make them permanent.

27c470 No.1016091


Hmm, sorry, IDK then, anon. :(

e449eb No.1016092

A battle between good and evil WW

WW good fighting back….also

207ac2 No.1016093


I'm thinking they took the algorithm out of Twitter and opened up. No more shadow banning etc…

8cee04 No.1016095

Twitter algorithm is down lets do it booooooys

641c86 No.1016096


Not a terribly important figure. However, the look on that woman's face makes for easy memes.

33ed81 No.1016097

File: 7ae8c0243a7db6c⋯.png (381.12 KB, 681x389, 681:389, 20180412_163931.png)

87dd82 No.1016098


I think he meant one of the coded tag lines above his "Q" when a future op is being referenced.

dd8794 No.1016099


Scary but personal msg? We can dream. Lol

a248cd No.1016100


Can you please tell my family that I'm not so good?

46c542 No.1016101


Was one of Epstein's attorneys and has been on the plane. Virginia Roberts implicated him back when pedo island trial happened originally.

c56153 No.1016102

File: f5ce3e2d18dfec4⋯.png (93.85 KB, 448x258, 224:129, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

Not sure if shared yet. It looks like that video stirred some things up. The noose tightens. KEK!!

fce331 No.1016103


The left pretty much act like the Borg from Star Trek, hive mind and at war with anyone who hasn't been assimilated into conforming.

60b0b5 No.1016104



He's going to be in a competing Comey special on Sunday on Fox, maybe he'll clarify them.

43e5f3 No.1016105


reload the page. I've been getting this intermittently all day.

8c9950 No.1016106


Looks good. Add any sauce (such as where you found the In-Q-TEL mission statement, and I'll link the two in the notables.

Make sure you put "Baker Notable" somewhere in your post, and I'll find it (link to your original, linked above, too).

2a30c7 No.1016107

Twitter injection!

No more censorship.

Stage Set.


Lets rumble!

60b29b No.1016109

File: a5e107dc982c861⋯.png (7.08 KB, 782x126, 391:63, 8f27d1bf896755e61b4e059e48….png)

>To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb.

What the hell is this bullshit?

Did Q just hint at a mega ETcrumb, something something about some of us not entirely being from Earth or something?

cd0e75 No.1016110

File: 29667bc9f5b57a7⋯.png (966.63 KB, 618x614, 309:307, fed-end-future.png)

fbbcfc No.1016111


With You!

462d82 No.1016112

c304b3 No.1016113

File: 7f76742e6282d3b⋯.png (602.76 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

5028f7 No.1016114



0eb100 No.1016115

File: 67f6a4cba4aad1f⋯.png (192.45 KB, 929x533, 929:533, ClipboardImage.png)

70a47d No.1016116

File: 1b72c07c339ccfe⋯.png (429.59 KB, 832x1038, 416:519, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 9c63690f755dbf9⋯.png (64.77 KB, 1440x260, 72:13, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

9b045c No.1016117

File: 9c0537b484be0b0⋯.jpg (118.68 KB, 500x671, 500:671, 289tjj-1.jpg)

cbfecf No.1016118


>How did Q's drop with 'Alan' get tied to Dershowitz?

had dinner with POTUS recently, appeared on Hannity broadcast and blasted the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

speculation is that Dershie "flipped" and is on board (likely due to his association with Epstein and being confronted with that)

anons can correct if this is wrong

8e0b45 No.1016119



Info out there.

Incarnated Extraterrestrial.

Violet Flame.

More than you know.

fd2de9 No.1016120


Apache Software Foundation

OMGOSH…this might be big Anons

Looks like a HUGE database

http ://apache.org/index.html#projects-list

a248cd No.1016121


e449eb No.1016122


Band of Anons Unite

good vs evil

meme meme meme meme

Their shield are down !!!!

9f2e21 No.1016123


no this smells wrong

these Q posts are nonsense

242463 No.1016125

File: edb26f459df7936⋯.png (412.26 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-12-17-3….png)

Why does the ip address trace back to Amazon?

0bbf97 No.1016126

>>1016107. What? Really?

fdec34 No.1016127


Go away Comey.

207ac2 No.1016128









5f96f5 No.1016129


Agreed with money being the root of all "evil", but I really think the U.S.A. is the keystone in this context. But… that's just my thoughts on it.

60c7b8 No.1016130



Если все станет плохо, Джек Райан взломает горячую линию.

edbc7d No.1016131


Was doing that to me and another anon this morning. We refreshed and it worked. Not sure what’s up

c56153 No.1016132

File: c1e84302b6dac12⋯.png (132.55 KB, 450x374, 225:187, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

Sounds like a GREAT way to spread disease. All while acting like it's "for the good of the environment."

Wanna bet (((they))) already knew what this literal shit does??

b307db No.1016133


Most of us have family/children who are adrift. Are you suggesting that we abandon them? Are you?

a248cd No.1016134


019605 No.1016135

File: d91ba1ae6c87d08⋯.png (46.96 KB, 566x533, 566:533, wtf.png)

c2ebbe No.1016136

>>1015235 (past bread)

I think POTUS needs Syria memes to prevent war.

70ecaf No.1016137


that's never worked before

not going to work now

9f2e21 No.1016138


ask yourself

why did he have to say it so many times?

642876 No.1016139

e20207 No.1016140

File: fcfcf7f908763f5⋯.png (249.1 KB, 582x590, 291:295, permission.png)

POTUS getting permission from Moscow now to bomb evacuated bases? KeK POTUS has Putin eating out of his hand

ecf36e No.1016141




93162f No.1016142


>To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb.

That was an anon who said that. No relation to the Q post, other than that he posted a picture.

d64120 No.1016143


And this has been tested or confirmed how? Trust but verify, don't be a followfag.

8c9950 No.1016145

33686f No.1016146

Twatter got the hot Q injection today.

ea683d No.1016147

8cee04 No.1016148


what could cause WW suffering?

cbfecf No.1016149


>What the hell is this bullshit?

anon who posted it explained, it's just his "thing" he likes to research - Q was calling attention to the repost of his post

>no can't reveal ALL or people WW would suffer

common fucking sense really fam

465a17 No.1016150

641c86 No.1016151


Amazon is pretty much the largest webhosting service on the planet. If you're able to look pic-related up, then you should know this.

c304b3 No.1016152


>Violet Flame.

Potassium? That gives a violet colour in a flame test.

9ac19d No.1016153

Q - When will we learn more about Peter Theil. He was the only supporter of Trump inside of Silicon Valley. He created Palantir, Paypal and POTUS nominated him for President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB). Peter Theil turned it down.

Anons it was previously called IOB. C_A, D_J, F_I. Set up by President Ford after an investigation by Congress into domestic spying.

We know Palantir Gotham is used by FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ as a tracking tool. Is Peter Theil a good actor?

0c2a1c No.1016154


Because Anons cant get their shit together

60b29b No.1016155

File: 840e0d4fea6dfb3⋯.jpeg (254.98 KB, 638x850, 319:425, 312903710a02.jpeg)

File: 0b4411854f7a55e⋯.jpeg (51.94 KB, 500x750, 2:3, cf76a745a093d62bcc4c69d8c….jpeg)


Dude, seriously? I made fun of those weirdo stoner dudes and all the crazy ancient ET stories

Just going to post tits and ass

5028f7 No.1016156


Thank You @ Snowden?

0bbf97 No.1016157

>>1016109. Understood!

014958 No.1016158


Yeah, so make of that what you will.

I stand by my words.

ecf36e No.1016160












The key word is PERMANENT'' since we already got the tax cuts.

e449eb No.1016161

twitter shield are down

shields are down

plow the road!!!

meme mmeme meme meme

Band of Anons

fight fight fight

1f67f3 No.1016162

File: 462d90ba9b74361⋯.jpeg (365.41 KB, 1274x2066, 637:1033, freddy.jpeg)

Anon on downdetector .com . Look at Freddy Faboulous' comment

8697d4 No.1016163

the lifelog/facebook meme… can we get one postable to twitter? way too big, filetype not supported, tried saving multiple ways, not a memefag.. wont go viral if cant be posted

af2d23 No.1016164


Indeed – just ignore everything else that follows that statement kek

0b9c2a No.1016165

File: 193d0eb47e23493⋯.jpg (102.26 KB, 413x499, 413:499, U3PDHrv.jpg)


nice anon, anymore of these?

edf323 No.1016166


the newfag version

because newfags can't re-read all the crumbs

f2a9f9 No.1016167


Q= Question

8e0b45 No.1016168


Simple research.


Read between lines.




9f2e21 No.1016171


does any anon have any evidence that twitter has been effected in any way?

if so tell all of us

if not stop gloating and jumping up and down and find the fuck out

649211 No.1016172


look into a mirror anon

02f124 No.1016173


lol well played anon

a248cd No.1016174

Mil can arrest 4 treason!!!!


5028f7 No.1016175


Guys. also is possible that The Petition White House is already clean. And can be possible to do petitions?, as the IBOR?

5f03c1 No.1016176


That WW meant world war anon.

The UK would be attack and try to use Trident.

0eb100 No.1016177



3eafe6 No.1016178


down in specific locations for a reason?

c75ae9 No.1016179



http:// www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/10/bill-clintons-fbi-head-is/

d3d795 No.1016180

the 3 [A]s are for the Awan "Brothers"

02f124 No.1016181


edf323 No.1016182


which anon

the anon that made the graphic?

or the anon that added the enhancements?

58039e No.1016183

File: be57846c3874f56⋯.jpeg (27.98 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 1a499BA626-1A6E-4D08-91FA….jpeg)


not only X but א

>https:// gnosticteachings.org/courses/ alphabet-of-kabbalah/712-aleph.html

א Aleph is the first letter of the Kabbalistic alphabet, or better said, the Kabbalistic Aleph-bet. Aleph is also the first letter in the Arabic alphabet, but it is pronounced Alif.

With this letter we write many names, such as אלוהים Elohim, which is precisely the Hebrew word for Gods and Goddesses.

217e10 No.1016184

File: 60480315e323cdb⋯.jpg (287.01 KB, 1650x825, 2:1, NowIsTheTime.jpg)

File: f33949567392c0f⋯.jpg (146.13 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NowIsTheTimeT.jpg)


58288c No.1016185


>Violet Flame.

This is some of the most retarded shit I have ever seen:

"Wear the color (violet, amethyst, purple) occasionally.

Obtain amethyst crystals and gemstones as focuses in the home/workplace and as jewelry.

Have flowers with a violet, purple, pink emphasis around you.

When you cannot give mantras aloud (for example, on public transport) visualize the violet flame blazing around you and everyone else.

Play Strauss waltzes from time to time - for example, The Blue Danube. You can even 'waltz' to the music as you give violet flame mantras - it's fun, seriously! The 3/4 time and other qualities of the waltz actually activate and convey the violet flame."

4fa4a6 No.1016186

File: 96439db9193c0ec⋯.png (346.19 KB, 507x384, 169:128, Tax-cuts-twitter-size-1.png)

File: 8186a1f6b5ebb14⋯.png (321.42 KB, 507x384, 169:128, Tax-cuts-twitter-size-2.png)

File: f802bcd4abe6a79⋯.png (305.33 KB, 507x384, 169:128, Tax-cuts-twitter-size-3.png)



Resized for twatter

0b9c2a No.1016187


all of it

7d4722 No.1016188


I think Grassley.

I want to know who has their hand across their face at head of table. Who is that?

60c7b8 No.1016189

File: 4c04966dcb623ef⋯.jpg (152.75 KB, 1600x802, 800:401, 8 dollars.jpg)

5f96f5 No.1016190


If only (you) knew how special your using the word paradigm is to this anon! I believe the hivemind or universal consciousness is working at peek efficiency recently!

7ddedf No.1016191

File: a725012df6b9396⋯.png (5.7 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, GEDC0201f.png)

c56153 No.1016192

>>1016183 ←–Possible Notable Baker.

2a4e9f No.1016193

File: fb6288819b81f34⋯.png (16.65 KB, 512x200, 64:25, POTUS quote.PNG)

Meme ideas

Variation/use of:

#Tax Cuts

1.This is our new American moment

2.There has never been a better time to start [living the American dream]

c248fe No.1016195

File: 9f7414d72711e23⋯.jpg (708.52 KB, 1080x1829, 1080:1829, Screenshot_20180412-164306.jpg)

File: 21b23f9df990801⋯.jpg (815.62 KB, 1080x1776, 45:74, Screenshot_20180412-164328.jpg)

File: 7862484ba773285⋯.jpg (419.51 KB, 1061x1252, 1061:1252, Screenshot_20180412-164340.jpg)

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/three-men-plead-guilty-concealing-sending-funds-anwar-al-awlaki

April showers. Winning!

fd2de9 No.1016196

File: 59b3fcf0b3f5909⋯.png (68.7 KB, 615x848, 615:848, ClipboardImage.png)


User can download tons of stuff from this site and words Mirror ever present…almost like they have mirrored other people's servers and anyone can download from there.

8e0b45 No.1016197


Wrong direction.

Info out there.

Buried (only slightly)

edf323 No.1016198


nice anon

072676 No.1016199


How many patriots have we reached now?

824a6f No.1016200


..THE Question..

a4b178 No.1016201

File: 7189f46acdaab7b⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 350x200, 7:4, 4ac3813f03f44f2754679ac4b4….jpg)

File: 575aa307c7de032⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 680x568, 85:71, 4c32f7c7d0b8307d0c364dd89b….jpg)

File: ecf7be3f8cb3190⋯.jpg (115.79 KB, 680x1127, 680:1127, 5aea78861681fa2c2e69c4cb72….jpg)

File: d575c55c2b2e9fc⋯.jpg (185.05 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ef2054582b75ec10601841af16….jpg)


If you are correct, then memes need to be made from this collection of White Helmet photos

https:// clarityofsignal.com/2017/02/27/massive-white-helmets-photo-cache-proves-hollywood-gave-oscar-to-terrorist-group/

f89445 No.1016202

File: 7465e283b5b74ba⋯.png (59.81 KB, 148x281, 148:281, Screenshot 2018-04-12 at 2….png)

File: 3055051b4f33350⋯.png (1006.73 KB, 1061x693, 1061:693, Screenshot 2018-04-12 at 2….png)

This photo is so funny, guaranteed he MADE the do it! haha

POTUS looks like he's got the tiger by the tail…. (zero stress = playing the game I guess)

91af15 No.1016203

File: e26654e3d10e837⋯.jpg (597.48 KB, 1250x795, 250:159, Criminal_Tax_Cuts.jpg)

5f96f5 No.1016204

014958 No.1016205


WW = Worldwide.

You can't go around telling Pleiadians are real without expecting warhead showers in retaliation. Remember the Matrix crumb - people are slaves, kept in ignorance.

c78fe8 No.1016206


Alan Dershowitz was on Hannity's show, which POTUS tweeted about last night. Q posted the Alan crumb in the same timespan.

27c470 No.1016207


Apache = most pervasive webserver & related software.

We're talkin' BILLIONS of pieces of hardware, I'm sure.

8cee04 No.1016208


yeah ok but what info would cause mass suffering?

and what does UK wanna do? attack us with butter knives?

465a17 No.1016209

93162f No.1016210


Q was replying to:


>Release prior to cover up.

>Public informed and collapse.

>Q there is one thing that concerns me. somewhat related to this, but more related to 60/40. the less the public knows, the more likely they are to falsely assign blame in the future, possibly even generations from now. it's worth keeping in mind.

Post last edited at

81cc37 No.1016211

File: 939d309b804a9c1⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1229x691, 1229:691, 1523559686911.png)

6dc509 No.1016212


It's not just an american thing, it's a mankind thing - the world is full of diggers - patriots united!

4aedbd No.1016213


Twitter did go down for about one minute. Could not load new tweets and bluescreen.

9f2e21 No.1016214

>>1016028 Injection of what?

injection of stupidity on this board


not a shred of evidence that anything is going on with twitter

00704f No.1016215

we need a link to those alternate @jack addresses too.

5028f7 No.1016216






e9b915 No.1016217


Fellow boomer anon. They don't play the video anymore of the plane going into the towers. Is there some metadata that can be gleaned from it? I'm not technically oriented so maybe it's a foolish comment, but it is hard to believe BOTH towers went down in their own footprint.

fa94cf No.1016218

File: e9705081babfc42⋯.jpg (454.38 KB, 1160x650, 116:65, Trump-tax_cuts_perm.jpg)

cd0e75 No.1016219

80d12b No.1016220



8e0b45 No.1016221


Lacking back details.

There are no coincidences.

Are you ready?

Great Awakening.

5028f7 No.1016222




2d2754 No.1016223

anons.. seeing on TWAT that ppl r no longer shadow banned. they notice moar posts???

014958 No.1016224



True Light vs false "light".

"new age" vs actual spirituality and Love.

False/partial disclosure vs actual disclosure.

70ecaf No.1016225

As a backup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ‘true’ as such.

This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (hard to swallow).



Dec 14 2017 21:43:38 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 462c9a 11043832

Shall we play a game?

Find the spider(s) and build the web (the ‘map’).

Remember, they consider you to be the fly (specifically, the ‘feeder’).

Remember, they never thought she was going to lose.

Therefore, they never thought investigations and/or public interest into their criminal acts would be exposed/investigated.

Therefore, they never thought they had anything to fear.

Therefore, they openly showcase their symbolism.

Therefore, they were sloppy.

Hussein’s last speech in Chicago re: ‘scandal free’.

Why did he continually emphasize that phrase?

As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).

As a backup, they install only those on the team.

As a backup, they blackmail those that aren’t.

As a backup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ‘true’ as such.

This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (hard to swallow).

The ‘fix’ has always been in – no matter which party won the election (-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot)).

This was always the promise made to those who played the game (willingly or otherwise) (i.e., they would never lose power).

Power of the (3) letter agencies.

Power over the US Military (WW dominance to push against other nations and install like-kind).

These people are really stupid.

Follow the husbands.

Another Hint:

Ian Cameron

McKinsey & Company

Clowns In America.

Dr. Emmett J. Rice.

Federal Reserve.

Everyone is connected.

How about a nice game of chess?


ea683d No.1016226

File: 57a86b5fa25fe4d⋯.jpg (209.87 KB, 1051x726, 1051:726, ObamaRing.jpg)

Pattern on Obama ring matches temple patterns.

43e5f3 No.1016227


>not a shred of evidence that anything is going on with twitter



f6b5ea No.1016228


Not a dumb question. Some ideas -

No Ands, Ifs Or Buts

We Keep Our Tax Cuts

Congress Is Nuts!

Grabbing Our Tax Cuts

I tried

5f03c1 No.1016229


Where are Roth based?

Who do they answer to?

Who was behind the attempt to stop Trump election and then remove him from Power?


641c86 No.1016231


More like feeding each other no-homo-like.

c248fe No.1016232


Here comes the boom!

8cee04 No.1016233



yes thats why @Snowden dropped the link with the pictures

014958 No.1016234


We'll get to know more as the Cabal loses power.

8e0b45 No.1016235



When has Q replied to anon with loose ends?

Think. If it wasnt relevant it would be left.

5028f7 No.1016236

ecf36e No.1016237


Kek! TY will use right away.

58288c No.1016238


Только если Грушков убедит их ответить

2e0c59 No.1016239


You do realize that the Uk still includes a whole pile of Commonwealth countries and 3 of them have nukes

467a1c No.1016240

File: 45c21575e514f49⋯.jpeg (129.12 KB, 657x879, 219:293, image.jpeg)


Thanks for the answers anons. Epstein stuff is old news but yes, perhaps the Feds grabbed something out of Cohen's office or whatever. Still, he has been one of 45's biggest defenders, so unless he's flipped, not sure why Q would call him out. Thus far he's also on 'public' record denying he engaged in anything illegal on St. Bart's or the Lolita Express. Guess we'll see.

Thought I would post this pic I grabbed from drudge. The main image is one associated with the GA and symbolically seems to be directed here. Was unable to confirm at Time if it's a real cover. Thanks for your answers to my question.

462d82 No.1016241




Right, Q?

c2ebbe No.1016242


I think POTUS wants memes on Syria, and on all issues banned by Twitter, not just tax cuts. But not to point of causing mental breakdowns.

5f0d26 No.1016244


Alexander Soros Foundation?

cd0e75 No.1016245

File: 4ea7d84210372e6⋯.png (310.46 KB, 402x543, 134:181, pelosi-what.png)

8e0b45 No.1016246



9f2e21 No.1016247


this smells like propaganda

someone with an agenda that is not truth

15d815 No.1016248

File: 2a6bfb7d3ece160⋯.jpg (316.16 KB, 657x879, 219:293, stormproof.jpg)

File: 61a1b7f2174651e⋯.jpg (317.24 KB, 657x879, 219:293, force-of-nature.jpg)

File: 9f86da99ac32d11⋯.jpg (315.5 KB, 657x879, 219:293, i-am-the-storm.jpg)

c0a54f No.1016249


I found metadata scrubbed in all media that I've examined.

5f96f5 No.1016250


Please add "for middleclass" or progs will tear it apart. No offense just an ex-prog anon. Leave them nothing to bitch about because they WILL if there's even the tiniest of reasons to.

27c470 No.1016251


Is that recent sauce?

B/c I've known that bit of info for YEARS and YEARS.

I thought it was common knowledge. :/

a248cd No.1016252

You'll do anything 2day???


start w/ svckeberg


487cd3 No.1016253


anyone got grassleys old twitter coded messages

8c9950 No.1016254

Baker 500ish update


>>1015945 NoName and past dealings

>>1016020 In-Q-TEL linked to TraceBook? Sauce required

>>1016035 – Q/POTUS's To Do List

>>1016056 POTUS trusts the heartland (Kansas?)

>>1016195 Three guilty pleas for funding Anwar al Awlaki

All I got, so far.

cc906f No.1016255


Twitter algorithm down? Memes (re: POTUS' tweet spelling mistake) safe to be deployed?

912107 No.1016256


The Pleiades is also known as M45

edf323 No.1016257

File: 343e0ab99534cb5⋯.png (2.25 MB, 2677x1552, 2677:1552, WHO_IS_MOLOCH_2.png)


Maybe he should have sacrificed a chicken in the backyard to moloch

646772 No.1016258


This is an ok outcome. Blow up some bases. No one dies. Go home(or to Iran).

60c7b8 No.1016259

File: 9ae1ac72dc00917⋯.jpg (139.34 KB, 920x471, 920:471, tax cuts.jpg)


Agriculture, huh?

2a48fd No.1016260


i dont think we should dis-respect puin… i think they are working together.

putin was with potus on the asian tour… not saying he was with him on whole tour but they did meet.

c56153 No.1016261


Great Work. Thank You!!

27c470 No.1016262


Drop it like it's HOT, anon!

458b8e No.1016263


Anons, it appears to me that there are real similarities in the process from last year. Last year Trump was advised to fire Comey and he did. Last year Trump was advised to retaliate the Syrian poisoning incident and he did. This year the same thing is happening. He is being advised to retaliate the poising in Syria and he is being advised to fire RR. Yet, this year a LOT MORE is at stake. Will he take the advice this year? My thinking is that he will not. IMO, last year his actions were designed to make them believe that he will with minor damage as a result. Is Trump controlling the narrative?… 100% !!!

63fd4b No.1016264

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


Q is right. You can easily find out there are things flying around which arent man made. Yet people still either dont believe or start making up 'omgpleiadeianangelsinterdimesionalWTFBBQshit'.

e7ef97 No.1016265

File: 6a8198860764f93⋯.jpg (43.16 KB, 592x306, 296:153, TT1.JPG)

File: 4a0356b62809b02⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 585x314, 585:314, TT2.JPG)

All caps:

YOU = Anons

GREAT AMERICAN FLAG = GA = Great Awakening

HEARS YOUR VOICE = we hear you

HAS YOUR BACK = we are fighting for you

AMERICAN SPIRIT = AS = April Showers

f0f488 No.1016266

Q, you should go into Hollywood. This is becoming quite the show. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning!

5028f7 No.1016267



TIM BERNERS-LEE (Biometrical Internet?)


https:// www.w3.org/People/

c0a54f No.1016268


I have no agenda but the Truth.

It is an honest analysis of what I believe the major points of Q are and how we fit in.

b21e8d No.1016269


you are a soul riding a meat skeleton anon

8e0b45 No.1016270

File: bc95cafefafc044⋯.jpg (19.56 KB, 800x804, 200:201, sirius-2-19-2018-Jim-Livin….jpg)

e3c910 No.1016271

File: aadea7ce052603f⋯.jpg (227.01 KB, 600x900, 2:3, BigGunsSocks.jpg)

symolic socks

a4b178 No.1016272


For some reason, that page and pictures aren't getting hardly any traction with anons.

33ed81 No.1016273


Yes, we need to break down the mentals

a248cd No.1016274

You fkin START ALREADY!!!!!!!

43b2ba No.1016275

File: bf898d2dc69df0a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-12-16-4….png)

File: 421574a1b054bfb⋯.png (395.2 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-12-16-4….png)


c75ae9 No.1016276


I wish POTUS would have the Militray bomb the shit out of the Clowns there causing trouble!

6c3624 No.1016277

Dana is screeching today. She seems so afraid of Trump success.

034909 No.1016278

File: 4f722ec6afbd5be⋯.png (989.72 KB, 1102x585, 1102:585, USag.png)

2a48fd No.1016279


are you here

i have been gone, just catching up.

i been seeing the 11:11 for about a year

60b29b No.1016280

File: 1268dd70548ffeb⋯.jpeg (106.77 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 123141rafae.jpeg)





>That was an anon who said that. No relation to the Q post, other than that he posted a picture.

Yes and Q was the first to respond to it w/o comment. I'm sorry but this is too much, starting to enter the "This is bullshit, fuck all this" territory.

What's next. Q is going to tell us that there is some dude here on earth who is going to be like the Christian Neo and help save the world till the next big showdown between the forces of evil and good? Hahaha, totally ready to call bullshit

9f2e21 No.1016281


oh it works just fine after the children calm down

5f03c1 No.1016282

As if by Clinton and Blair magic… new IRA

https:// www.express.co.uk/news/world/945294/ireland-news-uk-terror-ira-irm-irish-republican-movement

68f872 No.1016283

File: 32e9ff98f0ef7c9⋯.png (57.65 KB, 1158x291, 386:97, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 25b892f9aaca728⋯.png (180.15 KB, 1275x394, 1275:394, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 40252ca43eb2e31⋯.png (34.18 KB, 489x245, 489:245, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)

File: 2274d294ff08aa3⋯.png (60.4 KB, 473x469, 473:469, Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at ….png)


cmon the tax cuts were signed 111 days ago

today they are talking about taxes a lot

it is a direct acknowledgement of the 111 theory and Q


a8f15e No.1016284


Remember that CDC guy, Cunningham I think his name was, was found dead in the "water" a stream, creek or river in Atlanta. Since there is no such thing as coincidences and "everything has meaning": He worked on deadly diseases, he went missing under extremely strange circumstances (according to family comments) and was found in the water and "they" message EVERYTHING they do…I'd keep my eye on some sort of outbreak transmitted through water.

Strange thing is read there is a "multi-State E Coli outbreak" of some sort. Only saw the headline amongst other headlines though.

0c2a1c No.1016285

File: 683f1abcaf8c733⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 255x163, 255:163, 289v4y.jpg)

520ffc No.1016286




f90c5f No.1016287

File: 2f58ac52dbba459⋯.png (665.86 KB, 852x488, 213:122, CRUMBSISAY.png)


For Biggy T

3166cc No.1016288

If POTUS sent Pence to S. America in his place this weekend due to Syria, why the comfy trip to NJ golf course?

c304b3 No.1016289

File: 447a4e1b8f5f904⋯.png (330.76 KB, 426x426, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

e449eb No.1016291


shields are down

Shields are down

meme meme meme meme

mad dog says

fight fight fight


a248cd No.1016292


WHO YOU HERE TO PLEASE??????????????

912107 No.1016293


Home Sweet Home

c248fe No.1016294

File: 472ea52f1198261⋯.png (159.69 KB, 500x533, 500:533, at-my-signal-unleash-hell-….png)


Signal clear.

e20207 No.1016295


Maybe a few will miss their "intended" targets and land on some clown outposts…

467a1c No.1016296


Thanks. That makes the most sense then. Curious to see where it all leads. Thanks for the help, I really couldn't make sense of it, but your answer does. Delta/Tweets and Q drops always relate.

8cee04 No.1016297


We already have, his name is Donald J. Trump

7a44e0 No.1016298


Can I make an account without a phone number yet?

4b3181 No.1016299

File: 26808250422e7ff⋯.jpeg (119.52 KB, 856x1024, 107:128, 3D7BF666-853F-4B78-A8C5-6….jpeg)


Aleph on an island called little saint James.

As in, James [Alef]antis?

5028f7 No.1016300




e3c910 No.1016301

File: f25ef8d7bbb8976⋯.jpg (56.96 KB, 500x731, 500:731, longsocks.jpg)

long socks symbolism

cd0e75 No.1016302

File: ac2940a7b12c18c⋯.png (458.12 KB, 847x630, 121:90, deepstate-reset-gkobal.png)

9f2e21 No.1016303


really? i take no blame for it

you can if you want

the reason is Q has given ample reason to ask the question

no reasonable person would not doubt

124111 No.1016304

File: e24a8d0f5b624d0⋯.png (262.06 KB, 438x272, 219:136, Screenshot-2018-3-14 Meme ….png)

02f124 No.1016305

Q, you mostly likely can not talk about Syria because of NAT SEC reasons. But when you can, please let anons know what's going on.

Thanks, anon

c304b3 No.1016306

File: cd308d83871125d⋯.png (397.57 KB, 498x639, 166:213, Bomber_png.png)


Ammo manufacture in progress - could do with more factories..

43e5f3 No.1016307



>WHO YOU HERE TO PLEASE??????????????

…he yelled defiantly at the wall…

99bcae No.1016308


here is an archive to go with

>>1015262 ———————- RR Problems https://archive.fo/QR2tE

60c7b8 No.1016309



I know the feeling.

87dd82 No.1016310


An algorithm could be dynamic - ie self modifiable based on newly detected/injected parameters. So if this were a "trap" to trace the injected censoring parameters, this might be something useful to use against Twitter down the road. Just spitballing here.

c56153 No.1016311


I know. It always stuns me what I've known for years, or even decades, that is just now making the news. It was at the Top of Fuckbook News, which I have to say, I've paid close attention to for years, and all of a sudden, some worthwhile articles are starting to show up.

Hopefully we can get rid of those things. I hate not washing my hands most of the time when I piss in public, but if I have to touch anything or use a dryer, I'm out.

c75ae9 No.1016312


>there are things flying around which arent man made. Yet people still either dont believe

Many don't even believe chem-trails are real much less UFOs!

9f2e21 No.1016313


of course you are

teenagers never get tired of being naughty

2a48fd No.1016314


lol love this pic

912107 No.1016315


Incarnated extra-terrestrials

We are NOT from earth….

e3c910 No.1016316

File: 44563ab7a98e31e⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 576x768, 3:4, backsiderainbow.jpg)

dark side of the rainbow socks symbolism

9cd8d9 No.1016317


Have been hearing of this problem since two or three days now, off and on.

Without doxxing oneself, it might be interesting to know what system you guys are on.

AFAIK it 'targets' Macs. I'm on Bill Gates-of-death's Windoze and haven't seem it appear (yet).

Might also be the opposite side 'injecting' something our way, who knows.

2a4e9f No.1016318

File: e2c325c57721fe6⋯.png (664.47 KB, 663x711, 221:237, Texas NG.PNG)

68f872 No.1016319


MEME how much more you got back in tax cuts this year vs last year

engages people

makes them curious

start a trend

a248cd No.1016320

You have enough to arrest obama, hrc.

just fkin doi it already!!!!!!!

462d82 No.1016321


Correct, but we have heard it so many times. Q, unseal those damn indictments and rock the world.

e7ef97 No.1016322

We didn't here much from Schumer after his visit to the castle. Now RR……

9f2e21 No.1016323


>twitter shield are down

>shields are down



96938d No.1016324



Theory on the central algorithm:

This is what Q is talking about, injection into it.

We know that the clowns control/controlled the algorithm.

Seems to me this is now in /ourguys/ hands, and with the help of @snowden, it was injected with a white hat change.

Leaves the question about how its technically used.

My suspicion is that copies of it are located in each tech company involved. There is no way it can be decentralized so all are using a single version, impossible levels of traffic to manage and the internet would notice.

Each copy of the algorithm is under lock and key in each facility, and must have a controlled mechanism to update it, probably remotely.

We say this after 9/11 when the room was discovered at one of the ISPs which had a giant splitter copying all the traffic into GOV hands.

So a code injection that disables/modifies the algorithm would probably require rolling restarts across the server farms to work with the new codebase, something along those lines.

Anyone seeing changes in interactions with their recent tweets?

Thoughts otherwise?

aa9d18 No.1016325


this is to confuse the Internet Research Agency with the Irish Republic Army

IRA was mentioned several times during MZ testimony

Normies will google IRA and get the terrorist booms and think "oh, okay"

58288c No.1016326


They all have Gowron eyes except not as cool but, seriously, all are so wigged out.

0cb9cf No.1016327


memembers means my members - these congresspeople are with Trump and the Great Awakening!

c57289 No.1016328

File: 474424d55565cba⋯.jpg (414.18 KB, 1838x1182, 919:591, tc.jpg)

0877e1 No.1016329

File: 45ef1582914d8fb⋯.png (4.61 MB, 2011x1337, 2011:1337, German Antartic SSP.png)


C'mon anon, dig moar. Even the allegedly most evil person in the history of the Earth most certainly knew.

edf323 No.1016330

File: 601bf193747197b⋯.jpg (9.14 KB, 205x246, 5:6, Jazz_Music_Intensifies.jpg)


damn anon


bring it on

81cc37 No.1016331



multiple IDs start posting this stuff

each with 10+ posts per bread

obvious coordination

hundreds of pre-existing blogs and forums to talk about this on

Distracts from other topics

462d82 No.1016332


Gregg Abbott is an amazing guy. Doesnt take shit from no one.

5028f7 No.1016333


<If POTUS sent Pence to S. America in his place this weekend due to Syria,

it's for to finisht the problem in Venezuela. Maduro is searched for the Interpol. And SA can't arrive another communism.

e20207 No.1016334


I don't think we should forget that Putin is NOT our friend he is our competitor.. Today we may be working together but once the Cabal is gone its just him, Xi, and POTUS vying for power and we know who's back we have right?

87210e No.1016335

File: 6428dea36da412e⋯.jpg (354.13 KB, 1538x1101, 1538:1101, TaxCuts1.jpg)





Thanks anons! #TaxCuts it is!

Appreciate the ideas & I will use them.

Here's a first (kind of lame) meme.

It usually takes a few tries

c304b3 No.1016336

File: 53d10303e545909⋯.png (426.86 KB, 634x444, 317:222, ClipboardImage.png)

912107 No.1016337



cb6e84 No.1016338

File: 27e0fd394f4a327⋯.jpeg (67.06 KB, 1084x607, 1084:607, 16720A4D-74F9-4D46-9B80-8….jpeg)

File: 12261ca2f0f1a5f⋯.jpeg (132.02 KB, 400x527, 400:527, 48349FE6-47A8-4BFD-B1F9-E….jpeg)

File: 6e67e54ff5d1b58⋯.jpeg (170.18 KB, 620x582, 310:291, 24EC670F-1511-4D4B-BC47-0….jpeg)

File: c918fdba5513854⋯.jpeg (50.34 KB, 516x404, 129:101, C7AFCD49-FE31-45FB-8E2A-9….jpeg)

File: b9f095ea598ee93⋯.png (109.66 KB, 400x186, 200:93, 682C0106-173F-4AD1-9A1A-46….png)


b63b46 No.1016339


Anonymous: "POTUS will not strike Assad assets POTUS will strike bad actors within Syria Hence why UK Is backing away. Israel/UK/France will be forced to accept strikes on their nefarious allies within Syria or Claim chemical attack was not Assads doing."

fa94cf No.1016340

File: b991ed7af4177b7⋯.jpg (347.79 KB, 875x445, 175:89, Trump_They_hit_me_draining….jpg)

e3c910 No.1016341

File: d4d4ec6c5b355b5⋯.jpg (70.82 KB, 750x748, 375:374, water.jpg)

let see if these judas fegels can swim

ecf36e No.1016342


Double meanings.

Besides, if you ask people

the majority believe we are not alone

in this complex universe.

8f7d4a No.1016343


ahh yes I see the symbolism, you forgot the letter "b" which means you should go back to /b/

quit distracting us with nude women and help research

a0bbd4 No.1016344

File: e934644d90a2228⋯.jpg (49.1 KB, 581x499, 581:499, Untitled2.jpg)

f0f488 No.1016345


Remember, Q said net would go down. Maybe it needs to temporarily go down to reset the algorithm.

3eafe6 No.1016346




5028f7 No.1016347


For that A lot of people says that This isn't planet of Origin, The origin of us is in the Stars.

13ef2a No.1016348



Meme the crap out of RR in problems - news.

8c9950 No.1016349

cb6e84 No.1016350

File: 78db3addc25c364⋯.jpeg (77.29 KB, 591x555, 197:185, AF1CC680-CF32-441C-ABE0-E….jpeg)

File: 58b3c3d74714224⋯.png (17.75 KB, 273x362, 273:362, C3A66F41-07EE-45E5-A66B-36….png)

File: 0a750d2f20acd7f⋯.jpeg (53.5 KB, 529x623, 529:623, 97115FB2-B133-4D83-A955-6….jpeg)

File: bb000e0b85dc7b1⋯.jpeg (34.75 KB, 238x255, 14:15, 01241940-633A-43F0-8584-1….jpeg)

File: bf0bda7be0f55d1⋯.jpeg (81.96 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 17EB2B63-A0BE-4048-8936-5….jpeg)

2d2754 No.1016351

File: b51643904d49db5⋯.jpg (165.11 KB, 1242x1796, 621:898, mh 17 bCHERVONYI ZHOVTEN t….jpg)

File: 3a2870be0b277c7⋯.jpg (171.83 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, mh 17 bCHERVONYI ZHOVTEN.jpg)

File: cd437afe3a1dcb0⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 800x531, 800:531, mh 17 dCHERVONYI ZHOVTEN.jpg)

File: 24b0af909e319a2⋯.jpg (150.59 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, mh17a.jpg)

File: e497e6926524f4a⋯.jpg (96.92 KB, 768x512, 3:2, mh17cCHERVONYI ZHOVTEN.jpg)



17??? => MH17 Downed Dutch airplane

came down in village (translated) RED OCTOBER

no name in red october??


a2cd40 No.1016352


Consider that a large percentage of U.S. wealth is confiscated in taxes that are used to fund cabal investments. The U.S. wealth is definitely where the cabal goes to line their pockets.

Space X

Amazon being subsidized by the US Postal Service

Various war products manufactured by the cabal and funded by taxes.

Should make a list someday.

43e5f3 No.1016353


bingo. the triggers are indeed machine code authored by clown software on the switches/routers. to inject new code, NSA would have to restart the switch/router, which would cause a short outage. have a nice day.

6b9695 No.1016354

File: 958542ff66e0040⋯.jpg (695.92 KB, 1129x635, 1129:635, FaceBook_founded_2004Feb04….jpg)

02f124 No.1016355


80d12b No.1016356

File: 36bb1df63f9a59a⋯.jpg (253.09 KB, 540x720, 3:4, hellNawz.jpg)

5028f7 No.1016357

e9b915 No.1016358


What about the supposed "closed-circuit" monitoring of the event? How would it be broadcast? What platform could handle that? I remember back in the 60-70's we had subscription TV with a box - before cable. What company would have that capability?

edbc7d No.1016359


Yep. On a MacBook

467a1c No.1016360


Thank you, reading it now. Curious to see where this leads. Thanks again.

27c470 No.1016361


Mirror hour: 11:11am

Seeing this mirror hour is a sign of a restless time with many protests from you regarding anything that is not right in your existence. The best way to change the situation would not be to complain about it but to act constructively.

If you manage to have positive intentions and keep an open mind, you should improve your personal magnetism and fulfill many of your desires.

Meaning of the mirror hour 11:11pm

You should receive a nice surprise on a financial level. This money income will help you to solve a few current or upcoming problems.

You should develop your communication skills because they will be useful for you to meet your goals in every aspect of our life. Mastery over your own speech can prove very effective.

http:// www.the-medium-maria.com/numerology/the-meaning-of-mirror-hours.html

58039e No.1016362

File: 6ecbb073e6ee466⋯.jpg (113.24 KB, 2000x700, 20:7, childinhand.jpg)


consider if you may

b21494 No.1016363



someone who gets it

87210e No.1016364


Insert a space between than and her

or change the wording entirely:

Her millions in net worth is not from her congressional salary

9ac19d No.1016365


We've been placed on this earth for a reason.

462d82 No.1016366

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-12/mueller-plans-proceed-without-interviewing-trump-nbc

Mueller scared?

80d12b No.1016367

File: 5fd7759b83477a6⋯.jpg (27.22 KB, 469x457, 469:457, hellTaw.jpg)

207ac2 No.1016368

File: bf35ecd0563ced0⋯.png (474.68 KB, 927x454, 927:454, 5i's.png)

d924bd No.1016369

File: 1a7e14b804f9a88⋯.jpg (137.49 KB, 960x480, 2:1, hillary russia ukrain.jpg)

File: 52f3e5b8bf23b57⋯.jpg (60.53 KB, 480x768, 5:8, wiki dnc uk corruption.jpg)

""Theresa May""


c304b3 No.1016370

File: d052b578ff477e3⋯.png (423.45 KB, 634x444, 317:222, ClipboardImage.png)

8cee04 No.1016371


the algorithm is the bridge to all the other companys

58288c No.1016372


Longer for me but the majority I have heard bring it up say about a year. But yeah, am here, just taking a break from researching a bit.

17fe4c No.1016373

Candace Owens

‏Verified account @RealCandaceO

Apr 3

Candace Owens Retweeted Jordan Cook


Democrats must be terrified. The Black awakening is happening. We will no longer be your ideological slaves.

We LOVE our president @realDonaldTrump and we LOVE this country.

fa853a No.1016374


How was Nazi controlled Europe liberated?

Paratroopers drop behind enemy lines.

Gather intel.

Organize scattered local resistance.

Prepare for arrival of reinforcements.


Reinforcements land and liberation process begins.

How is an entire planet liberated?

Same idea, 40,000 ft.

Hold the light. Meditate. Maintain situational awareness.

Reinforcements are on the way.

c1054a No.1016375

File: b423184b77f1a73⋯.jpg (15.57 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0c8fa3a811c70123b0d4fa3fd9….jpg)

File: 816fec1bc739ce8⋯.jpeg (178.91 KB, 1235x1137, 1235:1137, 816fec1bc739ce8464c0b1ae9….jpeg)

File: e3aa026b100fe7b⋯.png (998.53 KB, 707x686, 101:98, e3aa026b100fe7b122031ffc65….png)

File: 0034999520e92d5⋯.jpg (95 KB, 640x640, 1:1, e8d00966c461ef0dadb3bd8797….jpg)

meme ammo for the canons,


43e5f3 No.1016376


>You can easily find out there are things flying around which arent man made.

Provide sauce or you're full of shit. There exist anons here who know how to build what you think requires little green men.

f6b5ea No.1016377


TAX CUT memes as POTUS requested

01f419 No.1016378

File: 8ba68903286674f⋯.png (366.23 KB, 685x385, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

df43f3 No.1016379


He wasn't one of Epstein's attorneys. I kept seeing that and took it at face value. Lawfag, here. Was reading the deposition of AD related to his defamation suit against Virginia Roberts. He fought as hard as Trump does, even went after her two attorneys to get them disbarred for lack of due diligence. They eventually settled the case with her lawyers announcing they'd made a mistake and he wasn't in an area where he could have molested Virginia. In reading the deposition and other articles, it was made clear that AD never represented Epstein and that they weren't close. He described their relationship as being more along the lines of academia related/casual. Not sure there were ever even on the plane at the same time. He DID ride in the plane but it looked like most were in the US, just airport skipping.

2e0c59 No.1016380


Absolutely Correct

cd0e75 No.1016381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Battle of Meme's Deep

8c9950 No.1016382

Bread moving very fast… starting early

Baker Warming the Oven

0f9813 No.1016383

File: 0354888a1e73c89⋯.jpg (388.26 KB, 1024x776, 128:97, Aba1.jpg)

2831b1 No.1016384

Follow Bolton


a2cd40 No.1016385


I'm pretty sure I'm still shadowbanned.

8e0b45 No.1016386



We are Galactic stewards of the Land.

We incarnated to help our planet become a star.

Selamat Jalwa

Peace be with you

Thank you for your service.

462d82 No.1016387

Q must be here again. Weird shit types in my email section by itself. Heavy traffic again

3a2fa1 No.1016388

File: d4841d8e0e60e7f⋯.png (1.01 MB, 777x1040, 777:1040, stormy.png)


f0f488 No.1016389

Are you asking us to pressure RR?

17fe4c No.1016391

Ryan Fournier

‏Verified account @RyanAFournier

Apr 10

The FBI was told a 19 year old psychopath was going to murder children at school, they did nothing!

A pornstar says she had an affair with the President, and they raided the President's attorney's office. What's wrong with this picture?

d7ea9f No.1016392

File: 01addf2cb2d6643⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 443x395, 443:395, 1523025791524.jpg)

c304b3 No.1016393

File: 54e74ea2c03da98⋯.png (425.01 KB, 634x444, 317:222, ClipboardImage.png)

5028f7 No.1016394

cb6e84 No.1016395

File: e4e88b414e22959⋯.jpeg (179.02 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, 3BF016CA-51E2-4956-A046-0….jpeg)

File: dd85f8b5ca57979⋯.png (2.24 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C1FDC1AC-C2A6-4A95-89E7-EA….png)

File: 39ddb989e9b9ba9⋯.jpeg (94.76 KB, 600x469, 600:469, 5A35470A-2721-4022-BFAA-D….jpeg)

File: de3616ceb58ffc1⋯.jpeg (122.03 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 1B29A322-4583-4ECA-AFBB-C….jpeg)

File: 542bc17f8260a05⋯.jpeg (3.61 MB, 6000x3000, 2:1, 8A691E9D-ACF1-4A49-85B9-A….jpeg)

96938d No.1016396


I agree. But the idea that it's once central thing is probably impossible.

Its a centralized code base, but it has to be physically distributed across the different companies or facilities.

e3c910 No.1016397

File: b3125f000bcba86⋯.jpg (167.35 KB, 750x745, 150:149, gabbyepstein.jpg)

daddy lost an island

send bitcoins

her ass is mine

side bets

need new island

sock friendly

462d82 No.1016398

Super slow.

Q here

7ddedf No.1016399

File: 68139db92cbccc2⋯.png (7.54 MB, 2260x1725, 452:345, HJUGYGG.png)

31fbf1 No.1016400


Why is it that only he has access to this algorithm?

Why can't any other coder do what he did or undo what he did/?

Why him specifically?

ecf36e No.1016401

7a44e0 No.1016402


You guys should try pushing the 'no way in syria' meme and see if you can get it trending. You've got backup on that one.. no use in pushing random garbage.

13ef2a No.1016403

File: ec9df2fa5700015⋯.jpg (8.06 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ec9df2fa570001515fd19b9404….jpg)

0877e1 No.1016404

File: ca9189c8572fec6⋯.jpg (47.19 KB, 640x484, 160:121, 1514346928724.jpg)

2a48fd No.1016405


hopefully after this evil is gone, we can put things in place

to where everyone just does good and stops the power hunger

bs. just want good for the whole world and works together to achieve that goal!

4fa4a6 No.1016406

File: 6a842c0781d3338⋯.png (237.46 KB, 507x384, 169:128, Tax-cuts-Twatter-bk-commun….png)

7a44e0 No.1016407


no war in syria*

d4f0e7 No.1016408


Anon, the article is linked by Q as evidence that "RR problems" is a valid crumb and clue to what is going on behind the scenes. CNN is part of "these people are stupid." They know that "RR problems" means something, but they don't know what. So they write whatever fake news they can to try to spin a narrative that they hope with help them later. But they don't "have it all" like our friends at the NSA certainly do. We have yet to find out what verb goes between "RR" and "problems".

01f419 No.1016409

File: 846ba648d2ea97b⋯.png (72.79 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

60c7b8 No.1016410

File: a16b68e7435589f⋯.gif (32.46 KB, 570x505, 114:101, yar.gif)

File: 63fb0fbd20b0f25⋯.png (375.12 KB, 720x1021, 720:1021, 20262dff60796a255f9afc0ae7….png)



ea683d No.1016411


Meme is _underlined_


912107 No.1016412


I think we’re doing ok now…

f0f488 No.1016413

Because he wrote it.


cb6e84 No.1016414

File: 366f818c047e3f5⋯.jpeg (47.62 KB, 486x600, 81:100, BCA95E7D-2011-43DF-AC16-A….jpeg)

File: ed335427fd20827⋯.jpeg (109.9 KB, 727x722, 727:722, 3B882107-51FE-45BF-AA74-C….jpeg)

File: 85f0d3b996bd62e⋯.jpeg (38.26 KB, 381x245, 381:245, B0DE1B75-01F0-40E6-A630-3….jpeg)

File: 0a704c1fa246a57⋯.jpeg (155.99 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 926CE09D-94DE-4D56-B0CF-5….jpeg)

edf323 No.1016415

File: c0db5c38400e1a0⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1400x796, 350:199, X_v1.png)

File: b1c58e5d578184a⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1400x1800, 7:9, X.jpg)

9a5ce7 No.1016416


Maybe HE invented it ?

bbbf36 No.1016417

Look what happened today… 150 people arrested for watching children being abused over online video. They paid the abuser to hurt the children in the way they wanted. Sick people…

https:// www.ctvnews.ca/canada/child-sex-abuse-investigation-leads-to-150-arrests-1.3881818

91af15 No.1016418


You woke as fuck! #Respect

014958 No.1016419


Yeah, this can happen and pretty much has happened in the past 3 breads. That's why if you are spiritual, you don't distract from the IMPORTANT "real life" work that occurs here. We anons are not perfect, however. Still, we are all on the same side, and the most important thing right now is to remove the Cabal.

Therefore I call on fellow inclined anons to do this meditation together:

http:// 2012portal.blogspot.com/2018/04/make-this-viral-peace-meditation-2018-4.html

Shouldn't take too much time, and we could use the meme magic.

8697d4 No.1016420


many thanks

8c9950 No.1016421


If Q posts after this, please hit up Baker in next bread. Moving to fast to wait.

462d82 No.1016422



27c470 No.1016423


My OC mind forces me to wash my hands when business is concluded.

But NEVER dry with those things.

In such cases;

"This is why we invented pants."

ea683d No.1016424



912107 No.1016425



58039e No.1016427

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.






or we move on to the Trane?

>https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=tYsRSBf7MN4

>As in, James [Alef]antis?

oy! that's top shelf autism.

462d82 No.1016428

Q is here

43e5f3 No.1016429


you are indeed super slow and you think you're Q. seek help.

33ed81 No.1016430



Shill detected

Check history

8dc953 No.1016431

We are supposed to start slamming twatter with memes now. It's the green light now that twitter algo is down.

2ee6eb No.1016432

File: e8ee7b3d3eadd5a⋯.png (448.09 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, image.png)

There has been a lot of speculation regarding the BOOM's.

So far I have only seen one confirmed by POTUS or Q.

The First one. Unless I missed confirmation for 2 and 3 somewhere.

Are 2 an3 confirmed?

With all HRC video talk and the magical clue I will put this out there as a possibility for BOOM #4.


"…dedicated to photos of @HillaryClinton and the magical connection she has with children."

4613f8 No.1016433

What's the point of all this if no arrests and no new info, all of Q's stuff has been talked about before by other researchers and journalists who are just as ignored as before.

c304b3 No.1016434

File: 873b40a18ac9bd1⋯.png (373.78 KB, 526x440, 263:220, ClipboardImage.png)

99bcae No.1016435


the things that the cnnnn article doesn't mention is where the real meat is.

0b7aa9 No.1016436

File: 79d232f27093722⋯.png (567.19 KB, 1328x754, 664:377, byecunt.PNG)


Best Tweet 2018! Hopefully the last from Her.

31fbf1 No.1016437





Ok but it's just code no? So why can't we just get any other coder to undo his doings?

f0f488 No.1016438

Time to


ea683d No.1016439



43b2ba No.1016440

File: 34d91a65662e260⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-04-12-17-0….png)

My favorite Putin meme

5028f7 No.1016441


But the central BRIGDE must be an Agency. The Company only are Arms (Silicon Valey, MIC). Not cities.

Maybe the C_A or FIVE EYES.

e7ef97 No.1016443


How do you know?

014958 No.1016444


Tag @realDonaldTrump, my shadowban suddenly vanished :)


Socratic method to get the truth in-your-face

after the Cabal comes crashing down

e449eb No.1016445

File: 63f01299e061db5⋯.jpg (89.47 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 3a555db5caa17ab32b32069e15….jpg)


shields are down

Shields are down

Mad dog says meme

01f419 No.1016446


POTUS wants us to MEME the congress members with tax cut memes

462d82 No.1016447


Moron, I said Q here…NEVER SAID ME. "Q IS HERE", as in on the board lurking. How fucking hard is that to comprehend nOOb?

b136e6 No.1016448

Happened to me on my MacBook this morning several times

Tried to answer your post just now on iPhone…..got the "flood detected..post deleted" thing

I haven't updated either


9cd8d9 No.1016449


I like your post > your thinking.

I'd love to buy

>Take out the US Dollar and you collapse the whole NWO paradigm.

But alas it is falling short in sound thinking > wishful thinking.

There are others ready to take that space: Yuan/Renminbi, Bitcoin et al, Ruble > some sort of 'gold-standard' to make us swallow the pill and some flavor of block-chain to pacify the techies and discourage counterfeiting.

Your mileage may vary.

65914e No.1016451


POTUS tweet. Twitter filters down. Meme away!!!

019605 No.1016452

what hashtag

are we using?

63fd4b No.1016453

File: 4c3bce25569703a⋯.jpg (59.6 KB, 423x525, 141:175, ppepepu98fd06gdf0s79g60763….jpg)


It took me a few years of watching skies and side research to figure out chem trails. Info is out there for reasonable people.

I dont think govt should release anything about UFOs. Just a basic 'some things not of this earth' will do for now.

9a5ce7 No.1016454


Well you could twist that into Middle East Syria members…so the deepstate/noname sells them the gas and guns then “they” use them on the Syrian ppl

58039e No.1016455

b2464b No.1016456

Shields are down. Come on JA! Now would be a good time to drop! The whole world is listening!

e9b915 No.1016457


The Elite have been buying up water aquifers around the world. It is believed it will be more valuable than oil. Lynn threatened Dec 7th)we would die of thirst.

f1e493 No.1016458


Prove that there have been no arrests.

c1054a No.1016459

File: 5609c1795dbc768⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 1117x645, 1117:645, 9897.jpg)

File: 792ed38e367e985⋯.png (270.04 KB, 590x396, 295:198, d89e6d03151fe6ca1e82d8cfd0….png)

File: dc9ef8f30fd4f09⋯.jpg (454.94 KB, 1557x984, 519:328, dc9ef8f30fd4f09e4c710d0ac4….jpg)

File: f99bd26a115d6f6⋯.png (457.73 KB, 821x595, 821:595, fa4554143f5adfd6688435b91e….png)

File: fb5b9632358e42b⋯.png (426.22 KB, 544x499, 544:499, fb5b9632358e42bedb19ae8f9a….png)

462d82 No.1016460


Traffic patterns from his security. Also after he posts blackhats hit back trying to track. I wont explain further.

91af15 No.1016462

File: 7e38b4581ff7474⋯.jpg (910.75 KB, 1240x816, 155:102, DoleTaxCut.jpg)

5028f7 No.1016463


In a few Words. Russia win the War for the pipeline.

01f419 No.1016464

AK Representative Donald Young @repdonyoung

AL Representative Robert Aderholt @robert_aderholt

AL Representative Morris Brooks @repmobrooks

AL Representative Bradley Byrne @RepByrne

AL Representative Gary Palmer @USRepGaryPalmer

AL Representative Martha Roby @RepMarthaRoby

AL Representative Michael Rogers @RepMikeRogersAL

AL Representative Terrycina Sewell @RepTerriSewell

AR Representative Eric Crawford @RepRickCrawford

AR Representative J. Hill @RepFrenchHill

AR Representative Bruce Westerman @RepWesterman

AR Representative Stephen Womack @Rep_SteveWomack

AR Representative Tom O'Halleran @repohalleran

AR Representative Andy Biggs @RepAndyBiggsAZ

AS Delegate Aumua Amata



AZ Representative Trent Franks @RepTrentFranks

AZ Representative Ruben Gallego @RepRubenGallego

AZ Representative Paul Gosar @RepGosar

AZ Representative Raúl Grijalva @RepRaulGrijalva

AZ Representative Martha McSally @RepMcSally

AZ Representative David Schweikert @RepDavid

AZ Representative Kyrsten Sinema @RepSinema

CA Representative Peter Aguilar @RepPeteAguilar

CA Representative Karen Bass @RepKarenBass

CA Representative Xavier Becerra @RepBecerra

CA Representative Amerish Bera @RepBera

CA Representative Julia Brownley @JuliaBrownley26

CA Representative Kenneth Calvert @KenCalvert

CA Representative Tony Cárdenas @RepCardenas

CA Representative Judy Chu @RepJudyChu

CA Representative Paul Cook @RepPaulCook

CA Representative Jim Costa @RepJimCosta

edf323 No.1016466

File: 043ae22b28179ce⋯.png (348.16 KB, 2280x1054, 1140:527, Epstien_Dershowitz.png)

80d12b No.1016467


Q is always here.

e20207 No.1016468


The evil is never going to be gone anon, this is why documenting the story of Q is so important… we can never forget how easy it is for evil to slip into every corner of society and we have to be vigilant to prevent it from rising up to this level ever again. I wish we could defeat the Cabal and have an immediately peaceful world but the reality is their defeat will result in a power vacuum that will have to be carefully managed for years to come. It is up to all of us to make sure that happens.

01f419 No.1016469

CA Representative Susan Davis @RepSusanDavis

CA Representative Jeff Denham @RepJeffDenham

CA Representative Mark DeSaulnier @RepDeSaulnier

CA Representative Anna Eshoo @RepAnnaEshoo

CA Representative John Garamendi @RepGaramendi

CA Representative Jared Huffman @RepHuffman

CA Representative Duncan Hunter @Rep_Hunter

CA Representative Darrell Issa @DarrellIssa

CA Representative Stephen Knight @RepSteveKnight

CA Representative Doug LaMalfa @RepLaMalfa

CA Representative Barbara Lee @RepBarbaraLee

CA Representative Ted Lieu @RepTedLieu

CA Representative Zoe Lofgren @RepZoeLofgren

CA Representative Alan Lowenthal @RepLowenthal

CA Representative Doris Matsui @DorisMatsui

CA Representative Kevin McCarthy @GOPLeader

CA Representative Thomas



CA Representative Gerald McNerney @RepMcNerney

CA Representative Grace Napolitano @GraceNapolitano

CA Representative Devin Nunes @DevinNunes

CA Representative Nancy Pelosi @NancyPelosi

CA Representative Scott Peters @RepScottPeters

CA Representative Dana Rohrabacher @DanaRohrabacher

CA Representative Lucille RoybalAllard


CA Representative Edward Royce @RepEdRoyce

CA Representative Raul Ruiz @CongressmanRuiz

CA Representative Linda Sánchez @RepLindaSanchez

CA Representative Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

CA Representative Brad Sherman @BradSherman

CA Representative Karen Speier @RepSpeier

CA Representative Eric Swalwell @RepSwalwell

CA Representative Mark Takano @RepMarkTakano

CA Representative Michael Thompson @RepThompson

CA Representative Norma Torres @NormaJTorres

CA Representative David Valadao @RepDavidValadao

CA Representative Juan Vargas @RepJuanVargas

CA Representative Mimi Walters @RepMimiWalters

CA Representative Maxine Waters @MaxineWaters

CA Representative Rohit Khanna @RepRoKhanna

CA Representative James Panetta @RepJimmyPanetta

CA Representative Salud Carbajal @RepCarbajal

CA Representative Nanette Barragán @RepBarragan

7ee65f No.1016470


Well hello. Come in from working outside and see this. Definitely going to have to stop on this one and ponder if this really means I what I think it does. Q definitely giving himself plausible deniability while explaining why there are still secrets to calm the anons down.

Assuming this must be part of the "The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]" while maintaining "The world cannot swallow the truth."

cb6e84 No.1016471

File: ff735baffffeeef⋯.jpeg (460.24 KB, 1589x1124, 1589:1124, 48898ED4-C76B-47E2-AC88-9….jpeg)

File: c2e1edaa88971ab⋯.png (149.81 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, A332510C-4839-43AE-8074-76….png)

File: dd51087100a5e70⋯.png (181.15 KB, 1195x680, 239:136, 7502DE37-42BB-4786-8853-48….png)

File: 8c771a85a57e7c7⋯.png (639.12 KB, 1285x893, 1285:893, E0C8D4CB-1C89-4816-915B-33….png)

File: 9e2ddeb1ca1fa18⋯.jpeg (551 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, 795FC5FB-3C27-40C4-8D8C-8….jpeg)

1ed51a No.1016473



f0f488 No.1016474


Bc he is the encryption king. Securedrop uses a complicated multiple step encryption system. Maybe he is one of few with the PGP for it.

43e5f3 No.1016475


My GUESS is that they added code to track the origin of new filtrations, which will out the actors causing the filtering.

7ddedf No.1016476


why not?

01f419 No.1016477

CA Representative Jose Correa Facebook: http:// facebook.com/LouCorreaCA/

CO Representative Kenneth Buck @RepKenBuck

CO Representative Mike Coffman @RepMikeCoffman

CO Representative Diana DeGette @RepDianaDeGette

CO Representative Douglas Lamborn @RepDLamborn

CO Representative Edwin Perlmutter @RepPerlmutter

CO Representative Jared Polis @JaredPolis

CO Representative Scott Tipton @RepScottTipton

CT Representative Joseph Courtney @RepJoeCourtney

CT Representative Rosa DeLauro @RosaDeLauro

CT Representative Elizabeth Esty @RepEsty

CT Representative James Himes @JaHimes

CT Representative John Larson @RepJohnLarson

DC Delegate Eleanor Norton @EleanorNorton

DE Representative Lisa Rochester @RepBRochester

FL Representative Gus Bilirakis @RepGusBillrakis

FL Representative Vernon Buchanan @VernBuchanan

FL Representative Kathy Castor @USRepKCastor

FL Representative Carlos Curbelo @RepCurbelo

FL Representative Ron DeSantis @RepDeSantis

FL Representative Theodore Deutch @RepTedDeutch

FL Representative Mario Diaz-Balart @MarioDB

FL Representative Lois Frankel @RepLoisFrankel

FL Representative Gwendolyn



FL Representative Alcee Hastings @RepHastingsFL

FL Representative William Posey @CongBillPosey

FL Representative Thomas Rooney @TomRooney

FL Representative Ileana RosLehtinen


FL Representative Dennis Ross @RepDennisRoss

FL Representative Debbie Wasserman



FL Representative Daniel Webster @RepWebster

FL Representative Frederica Wilson @RepWilson

FL Representative Ted Yoho @RepTedYoho

FL Representative Matthew Gaetz @Rep_Matt_Gaetz

FL Representative Valdez Demings @RepValDemings

FL Representative Charlie Crist @RepCharlieCrist

FL Representative Brian Mast @RepBrianMast

FL Representative L. Rooney @RepRooney

FL Representative Neal Dunn @drnealdunnfl2

FL Representative John Rutherford @JRutherfordFL

FL Representative Alfred Lawson @RepAlLawsonJr

FL Representative Stephanie Murphy @RepStephMurphy

cd0e75 No.1016478

File: 23e4ff2704db166⋯.png (1.01 MB, 837x623, 837:623, memes-needed.png)

2e87ff No.1016479


not tweaker morror bs

9f2e21 No.1016480

only 7 outage reports on downdetector after Q post

all other down reports were before the Q post

01f419 No.1016481

FL Representative Darren Soto @USRepSoto

GA Representative Richard Allen @RepRickAllen

GA Representative Sanford Bishop @SanfordBishop

GA Representative Earl Carter @Rep_BuddyCarter

GA Representative Doug Collins @RepDougCollins

GA Representative John Graves @RepTomGraves

GA Representative Jody Hice @CongressmanHice

GA Representative Henry Johnson @RepHankJohnson

GA Representative John Lewis @RepJohnLewis

GA Representative Barry Loudermilk @RepLoudermilk

GA Representative Thomas Price @RepTomPrice

GA Representative David Scott @RepDavidScott

GA Representative James Scott @AustinScottGA08

GA Representative W. Woodall @RepRobWoodall

GA Representative Drew Ferguson @RepDrewFerguson

HI Representative Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiPress

HI Representative Colleen Hanabusa @rephanabusa

IA Representative Rodney Blum @RepRodBlum

IA Representative Steven King @SteveKingIA

IA Representative David Loebsack @DaveLoebsack

IA Representative David Young @RepDavidYoung

ID Representative Raúl Labrador @Raul_Labrador

ID Representative Michael Simpson @CongMikeSimpson

IL Representative Mike Bost @CongressmanBost

IL Representative Cheri Bustos @RepCheri

IL Representative Danny Davis @RepDannyDavis

IL Representative Rodney Davis @RodneyDavis

IL Representative G. Foster @RepBillFoster

IL Representative Luis Gutierrez @RepGutierrez

IL Representative Randall Hultgren @RepHultgren

IL Representative Robin Kelly @RepRobinKelly

IL Representative Adam Kinzinger @RebKinzinger

IL Representative Darin LaHood @RepLaHood

IL Representative Daniel Lipinski @RepLipinski

IL Representative Michael Quigley @RepMikeQuigley

IL Representative Peter Roskam @PeterRoskam

IL Representative Bobby Rush @RepBobbyRush

IL Representative Janice Schakowsky @JanSchakowsky

IL Representative John Shimkus @RepShimkus

IL Representative Bradley Schneider @repschneider

IL Representative S. Krishnamoorthi @congressmanraja

IN Representative Susan Brooks @SusanWBrooks

IN Representative Larry Bucshon @RepLarryBucshon

IN Representative André Carson @RepAndreCarson

014958 No.1016482


Assange file? Maybe.


We got our 40k for now, so let's be thankful.

01f419 No.1016484

IN Representative Allen Messer @RepLukeMesser

IN Representative Theodore Rokita @TodRokita

IN Representative Peter Visclosky @RepVisclosky

IN Representative Jacqueline



IN Representative James Banks @RepJimBanks

IN Representative Joseph



KS Representative Lynn Jenkins @RepLynnJenkins

KS Representative Michael Pompeo @RepMikePompeo

KS Representative Kevin Yoder @RepKevinYoder

KS Representative Roger Marshall @RogerMarshallMD

KY Representative Garland Barr @RepAndyBarr

KY Representative Steven Guthrie @RepGuthrie

KY Representative Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie

KY Representative Harold Rogers @RepHalRogers

KY Representative John Yarmuth @RepJohYarmuth

KY Representative James Comer Facebook: http:// facebook.com/congressmancomer

LA Representative Ralph Abraham @CongressmanRalphAbraham

LA Representative Garret Graves @RepGarretGraves

LA Representative Cedric Richmond @RepRichmond

LA Representative Stephen Scalise @SteveScalise

LA Representative Clay Higgins @CaptClayHiggins

LA Representative Mike Johnson Facebook: http:// facebook.com/repmikejohnson

MA Representative Michael Capuano @MikeCapuano

MA Representative Katherine Clark @RepKClark

MA Representative William Keating @USRepKeating

MA Representative Joseph Kennedy @RepJoeKennedy

MA Representative Stephen Lynch @RepStephLynch

MA Representative James McGovern @RepMcGovern

MA Representative Seth Moulton @TeamMoulton

MA Representative Richard Neal @RepRichardNeal

MA Representative Nicola Tsongas @nikiinthehouse

MD Representative Elijah Cummings @RepCummings

MD Representative John Delaney @RepJohnDelaney

MD Representative Andrew Harris @RepAndyHarrisMD

MD Representative Steny Hoyer @WhipHoyer

MD Representative Charles



MD Representative John Sarbanes @RepSarbanes

MD Representative Christopher Van



MD Representative Anthony Brown @AnthonyBrownMD4

MD Representative Jamin Raskin @repraskin

ME Representative Chellie Pingree @chelliepingree

2e0c59 No.1016485


Fuck off kike

The only cocksuckers that want the pipeline is Israel and the EU

034909 No.1016486

File: cb2d77894d8f564⋯.png (404.93 KB, 500x731, 500:731, USag2.png)

f90c5f No.1016487


[Johhny Wetstart]

912107 No.1016488


It’s not really music for the masses ( ET / UFO ) but for them that have ears….

124111 No.1016489


and being a good coder … he installed the backdoor.

87210e No.1016490

File: e36093b93fb4f6a⋯.jpg (423.04 KB, 1536x1061, 1536:1061, TaxCuts2.jpg)

27c470 No.1016491

File: b6d0aef7850d7d9⋯.png (919.34 KB, 1024x754, 512:377, look.png)

58288c No.1016492


Candace is sharp. If memory serves she works with or is friends with exposethebad which helps a ton I'm sure with info.

b35818 No.1016493


Q better straighten this up then or he/she/they will lose the majority of the Bible-believing anons and public. I read Q's drop as a endorsement of "we-are-ET" bullshit. If that's the direction Q is going to go, I am getting off the bandwagon.

96938d No.1016494

One way to know if there is a change is to stop using @potus in tweets

The other is if you start seeing engagement on the left on your tweets. Don't you feel like you are completely corralled? Nobody leftist engages.

9f2e21 No.1016495


only 7 outage reports on downdetector after Q post

all other down reports were before the Q post

2a4e9f No.1016497


Twitter was down for me [would not refresh]

It was not down for that long

462d82 No.1016498


Sure, in one sense. Monitored. But there are times when he creates a secure tunnel and blackhats respond in kind.

6c3624 No.1016499

Anons should meme to the top trending topics.

219a27 No.1016500


change of browser fixed my problem

safri is no good on 8chan since last update

5028f7 No.1016501


that was magicall :)

240bb6 No.1016503

Is RR a virus? I mean really, doesn't he he recognize what a loser he is? He needs to slither away; or get washed away with some chlorine.

b21494 No.1016504


>>>being this mad

He was referencing the image of the poster.

dba0bd No.1016505


Look at timeline of this weird ass twatter acct: twitter.com/ASFsecurity

or their homepage


ASF sure gets involved everywhere in some weird security roles. Tw: talk about "hospital dangers" but it's about patients getting violent. Also shit about "Parkland massacre." And YT shooter being "workplace violence" (and for as few tweets as they have, they couldn't delete that shit and correct it?)

Ffuuu look at their shilly-ass (low-count) followed accts, and followers. Spooks.

a2cd40 No.1016506


I shall try that. I do tag @POTUS.

462d82 No.1016507


Plural not possessive.

9833b0 No.1016508


>Meme batter?

Need names (titles?) of people around the table to make meme's pertinent/clever. I'm not a DC anon, no clue who they are.

b136e6 No.1016509


what browser you using?

6de1c2 No.1016510

File: 2d117a7c62d8588⋯.jpg (186.9 KB, 570x393, 190:131, IMG_2390.JPG)

The Red October as a metaphor for

Social Media.

8c9950 No.1016513

462d82 No.1016515


Atheist shill, stfu!

c2ebbe No.1016517


I am not a shill, you probably are. Q cannot just come out and say meme about Syria.

ea683d No.1016518

File: d6a093910a092af⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 672x446, 336:223, BOOMpunch.JPG)


2a4e9f No.1016519


I think we should meme to #TaxCuts as well to see the difference in how long it takes to trend

f88d18 No.1016520

File: 9524b9e981f49a9⋯.jpg (185.55 KB, 879x439, 879:439, q2.jpg)


Everything has meaning.

5a8aba No.1016521

File: e80bed314c0bad2⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 500x303, 500:303, MorpheusPLAN.jpg)

60c7b8 No.1016522

File: 9c806960c58939d⋯.jpg (11.74 KB, 220x293, 220:293, 220px-Martin_Niemöller_(19….jpg)


Some of us have superpowers, which, even if we are ethical and good about it, may cause us to be attacked.

Some of us found out by accident. Others knew and exploited it for evil ends.

3eafe6 No.1016523


POTUS said it has to be "TAX CUTS" so people understand

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYW-gC3LHZk

f4c964 No.1016525


Checked and confirmed.

When all this shit comes out (IG report, for instance), lots of people will be shocked and upset. They will need our understanding and patience.

cf9e2b No.1016527



462d82 No.1016528

File: 2b5988a844652ca⋯.jpeg (109.76 KB, 750x859, 750:859, DainIK7UMAEObFq.jpeg)

014958 No.1016529


> If that's the direction Q is going to go, I am getting off the bandwagon.

Sealed Indictments would like to have a word with you anon.

They are indictments no matter if they are made by incarnated extraterrestrials or incarnated earthlings.

f1e493 No.1016530

POTUS & Putin are not enemies. Yet, they may not necessarily be friends either. It's not necessary to be friends when working with someone toward a common goal Focus on assimilates over differences which can wait until the common goal is achieved. The entire world is being taught a lesson in professionalism.

845335 No.1016531

Has any Anons found this one yet?

Cuckoo sandbox Vault 7

https:// wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_14587086.html

d7ea9f No.1016532

File: f2364091a1e0a14⋯.jpg (41.52 KB, 533x549, 533:549, 1522788551554.jpg)

70ecaf No.1016533

>>1016374 aaand another lovely (1) post wonder

>How was Nazi controlled Europe liberated?

>Paratroopers drop behind enemy lines.

>Gather intel.

>Organize scattered local resistance.

>Prepare for arrival of reinforcements.


>Reinforcements land and liberation process begins.

>How is an entire planet liberated?

>Same idea, 40,000 ft.

>Hold the light. Meditate. Maintain situational awareness.

>Reinforcements are on the way.


>>1016374 How is an entire planet liberated?

462d82 No.1016535

IG, when Q

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