[–] ▶ Memes17 Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 06:26:57 1a188b (7) No. 877198 >>877236 >>877263 >>877272 >>877282 >>904953 >>930840 >>938599 >>942535 >>958118 >>993448 >>993607 >>1004704 >>1011006 >>1023143 >>1024609 >>1025493 [Watch Thread] [Show All Posts]
Self-Service Image Library
to spread truth and calm the storm
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
Read board rules >>3138 first. No name/email/subject when you post.
Recent Threads:
Memes16 >>739858 (Mar 20-Apr 4, 2018)
Memes15 >>596831 (Mar 8-18)
Memes14 >>482965 (Feb 24-Mar 8)
Memes13 >>366408 (Feb 13-24)
https:// mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ
Nearly 13,000 memes and infographs
Meme Makers: We prefer .jpeg images due to smaller file size. How? After creating an image, "Save as," select .jpeg filetype. To shrink the file even more, use 90% quality setting with no significant loss of fidelity. Your text should be readable; if you can't read it, neither can they! Please spell-check.
Beware Twitter image truncation!! Images for Twitter should be 2:1 shape, e.g. 1024 wide x 512 high. Twitter will shrink larger images to 1024 x 512, and chop the bottoms of those that are the wrong shape.
To Download Images: Click the thumbnail to open fullsize image. Right click fullsize image and download to your device. Download fullsize images, not thumbnails.
→These collections are not vetted or "approved". Some images are inappropriate. Learn to Select the Best Images . Know your audience.
→Read Guerilla Twitter Tactics >>>/cbts/12832 Tutorial from an anon who works Twitter to the max. When to follow and like. What hashtags to use. Where to drop. Recommended!
→Visit the current War Room for current campaigns, hashtags, tactics.
▶ Social Media Tips Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 06:30:56 1a188b (7) No. 877221 >>877236
Please read the tips about Twitter Image Shape.
It's important.
Wrong shape and the bottom of your image will be cut off.
Memes that insult the audience do not work.
Memes that get inside their head and present info from THEIR point of view are what we need.
Use psychology.
▶ Redpill Tactics - part 1 of 4 Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 06:35:31 1a188b (7) No. 877251 >>877263 >>877272 >>877282
Redpill Scripts >>3152
SalesTrainerandAuthorFag's method
Here’s the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist”
First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires patience and skill!
Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, BHO/birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing 2.3 trillion dollars, Halliburton, rigged primary election, MSM biases, Russian collusion, Fox News, CNN, etc.).
Once common ground discovered, let them tell you everything they have learned about the topic. Even if you disagree, don’t say so.
Once the topic is fully explored, compliment them on their knowledge and then ask if they think if it also ties to [blank] (another topic/event/lie you want to make them curious about).
If they agree, do NOT “dump” on them with information you’ve already learned; ask them to dig into it and agree to speak about it in a week or so.
During the second conversation, let them be the expert and teach you (keep playing dumb). Be sure to praise them for their open-mindedness and encourage them to keep learning.
Ask them to learn about another topic that relates to this one and agree to speak again at a predetermined time. Then, let them teach you again, regardless about how much you already know about the topic.
Ask a LOT of questions; allow them to “sell themselves” on new ideas (people never argue with their own ideas, but they subconsciously “push back” against other people’s ideas).
Always play dumb; let THEM become the expert.
Ask for their help “solving a puzzle”; let them BE the expert.
Understand that the deeper someone is dug into the opposing viewpoint, the farther they will snap into the other direction once they wake up.
If someone shares an idea that you believe is wrong/ignorant, do NOT push back; ask, “help me see what you’re seeing”, or “help me understand that better”. The more someone tries to explain something that has no basis, the higher the likelihood they will eventually change their own mind (which YOU can NOT do for/to them).
Once someone shows a thirst for new knowledge, invite them to share their ideas with a third person while you are also present (the more they view themselves as a mentor/teacher, the more this reinforces their new beliefs).
When stuck, offer to “switch sides” and debate the topic from their point of view and have them argue from your point of view. This often helps them talk themselves out of their original viewpoint.
When you have to make a statement (instead of asking a question), open it with a “softening statement”: “Do you think it may be possible that …”, or, “I’m not sure this is right, but I just read that …” This provides possibilities for you and the other person.
As often as possible, only discuss events that have already happened. When forced to discuss what you think MIGHT happen in the future, use softening statements first (see paragraph immediately above this one).
Do NOT let the conversation turn into a Red vs. Blue argument. Keep repeating that there’s corruption on both sides of the aisle (point to the huge number of Republican resignations/not running for re-election for both senators and members of congress). Keep the discussion focused on GOOD vs. EVIL!
Final point: ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IN EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION, YOU ARE THE SECOND-BEST SALESPERSON! Get them talking, keep them talking and encourage their passion for digging!
SHOW the other person that you’ve embraced the teachings of Jesus through your kindness, patience and lack of judgment of their ideas. Happy pilling!
Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow
People don't need preaching to. That's the problem. Those who know a lot (have a lot of background info) tend to tell it all and overwhelm. Just plant a seed and back away (ask a question that gets them thinking)
Do other things, let them have a chance to process that and work it out in their mind.
Ask a different question about the topic (seed you planted), see how they answer.
You are watering that seed, and it grows both downward (into subconscious) and upwards (towards the conscious).
Go away and do other things.
Plant the seed, come back to it later, but lead them, coax them, gently gently, softly softly.
Some people take a long time to process things - I have family members who are just now "getting" something I said to them years ago, and they forgot I was the one who brought it up
>Hey did you know about X??
I just smile and nod.
It works.
▶ Redpill Tactics - part 2 of 4 Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 06:37:32 1a188b (7) No. 877263 >>877272 >>877282
>>877198 (OP)
Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step
Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.
Truth in the Extreme will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons; bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.
The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.
Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completey and it will be dismissed as conspericy theory nonsense.
Move step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns (like a shill!) about corruption in government.
Second, add republicans and democrats as possible thieves. Then name individuals and ask, don't make claims.
After all that, the next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the mafia, but run by politicians….
Make it understandible by referencing organized crime, not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking or so on.
Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.
Step by step. And fast steps!
Ask, Don't Tell
When you tell something, you can get cognitive dissonance.
When you ask something, you can BYPASS cognitive dissonance.
Q gave us a method to BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!
Coax, don't push
Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
More Tactics
Focus on things that won't scare off normies. Do NOT bring up:
Aliens, "energy" fields, Hollow earth, Metaphysics, Religions pantheons, Moloch / Satan / Saturn, Chemtrails, Crop circles, Detoxing / Cleansing Pineal Gland, Chakras, Reptiloids. Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.
What to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is way better than a big one that's spat up. You follow yet?
You don't need a normie to see the entire pictures. They just need to trust and/or prefer our side. That's our mission, right? To help mitigate a world-shaking shadow war, by spoon-feeding info to normies in amounts they can handle?
Memes should focus on:
1) Elites are corrupt, and force newly elevated elites to do perverse things in order to show their loyalty. If they have dirt on their new cronies, they can use that dirt to keep them loyal. The dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity.
2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they think that harvesting blood and other things from children can help extend their lifespans, or improve their health.
3) Elites have everything, and where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?
4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking -- yes, even of children!
So in these examples, you see we don't need to delve into Moloch worship or satanism, and I think the message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.
We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.
We can use persuasion --- Words like "Dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved"; we don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon creature.
In fact, I would suggest that we can use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.
Podesta art shock method
The basic pattern I used to redpill my mom found here. Is very simple, and VERY effective.
Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Pedostas, etc. Then, right as the person starts to get incredulous with disbelief, tell them to google "tony podesta art".
They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm.
Start small, plant seeds
You aren't redpillng the correct way. You plant seeds and watch them grow…not push them off a cliff.
Just a seed… Tell them still that is backed by evidence… Say like, isnt it weird that…blah and let them mull it over… If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.
▶ Redpill Tactics - Part 3 of 4 Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 06:39:31 1a188b (7) No. 877272 >>877282
>>877198 (OP)
Start small
He needs to only provide crumbs. We need to find the truth ourself, with as little help as possible. Otherwise too few people would believe. This is paramount. People have tried to tell the truth (think of famous celebrities), and guess what happens? We don't believe them, ridicule them, and they most likely get offed or worse.
It is so incredibly important to understand this. And it's important we meme it that way; don't lay it all out for the normal fags, but ask questions. Lead them to the answers, and make them think they came up with it themselves. That's how you redpill.
Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves
How to go viral
If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:
1. Humour
Comedy just sticks. Most anon came to the chans for the funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like bert and ernie) or highly actual/big events (like 911); and start combining shit.
2. Mystery
Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. You need to make people think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea.
Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.
How she redpilled her sister
Yes! She was the hardest one too! I told her I was gonna red pill her. I told her to look up politicians wearing a med boot and when she figured it out for herself, call me back. She took about 10 mins and said "Ok, you piqued my interest, what else?" so I told her to look up politicians with black eyes and call me back. What I did doing that is REMOVE the built in hate of republicans vs. dems in her mind. Once she saw it is both, she was more open to listen to me. I then told her to look up who Sally Quinn is and her history with her book tour and call me back. I proved the Satanic control over MSM with their own confessions. Told her to look up the arrest results for the child sex (human trafficking) arrests for this year alone and call me back. I told her to find the stats for the last 10 years of child sex arrests and compare them to this 1 single year. Now she no longer makes me make her prove it with her own eyes and just wants me to tell her what all of you have come to a consensus of.
Recipe for redpilling, especially women
1 cup something easy to swallow. I suggest “did you know Hugh Hefner got his start with CIA money?” (Gentle blackmail, make it more movie plot like, and changing culture for the worse)
Or “how are you doing hearing about all of the Hollywood sleezes?”
Again, noting an intentional culture change. Why? Have they noticed? Who is behind it?
1 cup personal “have you had anything like that in your life?”
“Known anyone that had anything like that?”
1 cup proven history: “reminds me of the …” franklin scandel, British scandal, Belgium scandal: whatever you know better.
1 cup “makes sense it’s probably happening here right now:
Have you seen Podestas art?” Who is Podesta, what is spirit cooking, how did Wikileaks reveal it.
Leave them to think for awhile.
Finish the job with q drop when they return to ask questions.
Read Q Spreadsheet
https:// docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit#gid=1596710080
Spouse self red pilled by reading entire Q spreadsheet in 2 days, was able to return to work life with a "Let me know if it comes true."
▶ Redpill Tactics - part 4 of 4 Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 06:40:42 1a188b (7) No. 877282
>>877198 (OP)
Communication tactics
In every type of communication, about 90% is about personal feelings/emotions/information, and only 10% is about external knowledge. Keep that in mind when talking to people, and see if you can get into their bubble, or if they are "ignorant".
1. Shut up and let the others talk
--This way you will recongnize repeating patterns, highlighted views, personal opinions. what the Topic is about
--The less you talk the more you will learn to listen EXACTLY to what was said
2. Choose your way how to interact
2a - only listen (to get information)
2b - raise your voice (pass information)
3 Decide the strategy of HOW to communicate
3a - "know your enemy" / "know your opposition"
depending on who your up to, you need different ways of communication (endless)
- emotional
- controversial
- understanding
- helping
- distracting…
Choose your way and see if it resonates (if not, change your "style")
3b Catch people from where they are at
3b - it doesnt help anyone if tell someone who talked about their favourite TV-show that their Idol is an Illuminati slave, try taking it to a level that is understandable by the opposition. (the emotional approach maybe working here; try shifting the topic to general behaivor morals and point out wrongdoing that this individual would agree on)
4 - Now you can decide if you want to lead into another Information part (from personal to outside stuff)
You can do that by either using positive or negative responses (use what resonates), pushing with or against a certain topic.
(Learn to be patient!!! if you dont want to take sides, stay "neutral")
As always, use small steps to create less opposition or big once to create irritation.
Hope this helps someone. Why this is relevant? If you want to redpill someone, you need to understand how! to pass the information.
Breaking Down Hardcore Normies
i want to share an aggressive method i used in some rare cases:
- find out the core belief of your opponent
- find out the weakspot
- use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weakspot
- use irrefutabe facts
- stick their nose in it (like a cat)
- watch them get angry
- know the seed has been planted
(they will try to disprove you but wont be able to)
<this is the strategy for hardcoded normies. Also works if you wanna redpill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way
▶ Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 17:02:30 61de99 (3) No. 880211 >>901958
Repost Amazon memes per POTUS tweet
▶ Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 20:10:30 fbb704 (3) No. 881735
▶ EO's making Barack Hussein Obama nervous? anao47378 04/03/18 (Tue) 20:11:42 095cc1 (4) No. 881741
EO's making Barack Hussein Obama nervous?
▶ Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 21:14:23 a542f9 (3) No. 882504
One of /our guys/ ?
If so be safe son.
▶ Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 21:34:57 7aaa99 (13) No. 882801 >>921075
Learned PS to join the meme war. Here's my first shot fired. Never posted an image here, mostly just posting to make sure I'm doing this right.
▶ Man of the Year Anonymous 04/03/18 (Tue) 22:44:51 04e6c7 (4) No. 883606
TIME Magazine looking for a person of the year…any suggestions ?
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 04:33:57 b36395 (2) No. 888161 >>888227
There's just something not quite right about that YouTube shooter. Maybe it's…
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 04:39:59 77207d (1) No. 888227
Thats probably why MSM talked about that AI that puts faces on porn so much too.
They try that as a defense. cry hackers.
▶ Meme Anon1IfBySea 04/04/18 (Wed) 04:46:43 b5e1f5 (17) No. 888303
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 16:10:12 abefed (8) No. 892155
https:// twitter.com/twitter/statuses/981551641445978117
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 17:49:16 7aaa99 (13) No. 892775
Meme soldier just out of basic training. Second shot fired.
▶ Meme Anon1IfBySea 04/04/18 (Wed) 17:50:42 b5e1f5 (17) No. 892782
Ah, now they get it!!!!!!!
▶ We Must All Work Together Anon 04/04/18 (Wed) 21:52:09 1b933f (11) No. 895866
Change in wording
▶ Anonymous 04/04/18 (Wed) 22:51:02 5c370e (2) No. 896679
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 01:06:13 268179 (7) No. 898816
#CARAVANS? DACA Democrats want Open Borders + Gun Control!
#BuildTheWALL #ArmyCorps #SecureTheBorder #NationalSecurity #MAGA
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 01:21:59 7aaa99 (13) No. 899026
Sorry, fresh outta meme basic training, here's a more reasonable size.
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 01:41:55 78c94c (1) No. 899351
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 02:22:52 3d123e (1) No. 900173
>POTUS will be up all night.
Well, there ya go. This proves Q is Melania. JK.
Very senior presidential appointees and staffers typically burn out after four years. Pres Trump has been changing so many of his so frequently probably because they can't keep up with him. He should let us all know his secret for having so much energy and drive.
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 02:46:05 ecc3e6 (5) No. 900551
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 04:22:19 268179 (7) No. 901816
"His Holiness" THE POOP
#EO13818 #Revelation18
▶ USA Qanon1IfBySea 04/05/18 (Thu) 04:29:15 b5e1f5 (17) No. 901872
The Duke
The Don
America's greats!
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 04:37:30 f0cdb9 (1) No. 901958 >>905674
Tightrope is unrelated to premise. Please eliminate things which may obscure the message. The goal of memetics is to spread an idea, the substance is what's important. Use a base which better reflects the ideas you're trying to spread. You seem to be going for a theme of balance so in sticking with the theme I suggest the reference of "there's not enough room for the 2 of us" and integrate the idea of Amazon not playing fair into the analogy. Any depiction of cheating in sports or cards can convey the message. Suggestion 2 = Poker, post office has 3 cards, Amazon has 7 (took 2 of post office cards) implication that the game's not fair. Subtext importance matters as much as context. It's quite easy if you think about it.
Just a push in the right direction. You guys have some good memes but bad ones spoil the bunch (give the appearance of astroturfing)
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 06:14:31 fbb704 (3) No. 903248
No doubt they have been at highest levels since he came into office. Further, I am sure plans have already been implemented and we are not hearing about it.
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 11:00:57 38c25f (5) No. 904953
>>877198 (OP)
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 12:08:23 6b722a (13) No. 905265
have to have a few keks in here
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 12:31:07 c4ff74 (3) No. 905378
Satanic Clinton Crime Family
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 13:07:28 6bab12 (2) No. 905551 >>905586
Ive printed up a few shirts with Q quotes and hashtags, that I wear around town and when cruising up and down the beltway to and from work on my motorcycle, and was wondering if I could use your version of "Q" image in place of my skull. Pic Related.
If so, any chance I could get you to add in a "~" or "-" in front of the "Q" to make it more apparent that I'm quoting Q, please?
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 13:14:22 6bab12 (2) No. 905586
Apologies, my post here >>905551
was meant to be targeted at >> 905487
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 13:34:57 b9b1bc (1) No. 905674
A financial lack of balance, precarious and tilted in favor of Amazon, is precisely what this graphic intended to convey. On the topic of Amazon and the USPS, we provided a collection of 8, some very different from the ones you dislike, for you to choose from. If you don't like our work then make your own. If you don't like a particular graphic, don't use it. These memes that you complained about are a tad more relevant than the pictures of the scantily-clothed babes that somebody else likes, yet the meme collection is broad so that twatters may choose what works for their audience.
▶ !!! Qanon1IfBySea 04/05/18 (Thu) 14:14:01 b5e1f5 (17) No. 905944
God bless Our Incredible President!
God bless The Incredible Q!
God bless The Incredible USA!
We love all of you!!!
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 16:35:40 8e5154 (5) No. 907022
The first meme I am actually proud of
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 19:27:57 268179 (7) No. 908643
PSALM 118 The Stone the [NWO] builders refused is become the Head Stone ATOP. #MAGA #MARVEL…
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 19:48:19 8e5154 (5) No. 908839
Pepe Punisher is awesome
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 20:43:12 268179 (7) No. 909405
#Hillary Clinton "I'm The President"
#NOW Of course you are #MadamResident
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 21:28:10 04e6c7 (4) No. 909849
minor tweak applied
▶ Anonymous 04/05/18 (Thu) 21:53:39 be20f3 (3) No. 910190
Kinda makes you go "hmmmm"
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 01:52:38 e70910 (22) No. 912755
Feel free to improve, memedogs
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 06:54:21 81e3d6 (1) No. 916657
They censor the truth, yet have a trafficking center.
Look at smaller symbolism surrounding the larger boy lover symbols.
@2:22 bloody diaper.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYQXVgs3P7U
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 13:46:32 52669a (2) No. 918662 >>919119 >>920426 >>920502
The Storm begins tonight at 6pm eastern.
We are going to take back our country and we are going to do it utilizing the truth. Our goal is to mass redpill the masses on an unprecedented scale. Every person on the planet needs to wake up to the sickening things going on inside our country. We have to outreach the redpill to everyone utilizing every method and tactic at our disposal.
Arm yourselves with redpill ammunition here.
https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11452828.html#11453617
We have strength in numbers, but we need to harness our chaos.
Tonight’s the best time since we have the element of surprise and the shill rats will be away for the weekend.
We have to split our ourselves into 4 core teams broken down into 5 roles with the 6th role entirely being optional.
Each team will have a different focus
Team 1 -- Exposing the Democratic Party's ties to Pizzagate to destroy the Deepstate
Team 2- #metooJr and exposing Dan Schnieder to collapse Viacom and Pedowood
Team 3- Redpills, the lies of the Jews and the JQ to collapse the (((msm)))
Team 4- Anti-shill team + amassing soldier’s.
Now these 4 core teams will be broken down into 5 roles, with the 6th role entirely being optional.
1)Twitter vandalism
2)Facebook vandalism
3)mass chain text redpills to everyone you know
4)Instagram vandalism
5)fueling redpills on the Chan’s/ directing. Coordinating tactics
6)shitposting irl
*If we need to go out there and post pictures of pizzagate then so be it. Go apeshit. Go ballistic. Vandalize everyone, everywhere and everything with the truth.
* https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11452828.html#11453617
If you want to make it easier on you text message this thread to everyone you know. Anonymously or not. And tell them to text message this thread to everyone they know. And it will run as a chain letter of continuation. **Or create your own thread retrofitting the redpills the way you like and deem most effective to then mass chain text.
* We need to rally support on all of 8ch, Voat, 4chan, and everyone and anyone we can think off. Twitch, Reddit. YouTube, Twitter, everywhere we can think off
*best way to coordinate ourselves is through the Chan’s , Voat and Discord
*Ignore any opposition
We need to rally 10,000 of us we to begin, and this is just the start. The more we keep at it, the more people will join us making our efforts even easier. 2500 per team, 500 for each role. By Monday morning, Viacom, the MSM, The Democratic Party, Pedowood and Israel’s influence on the world will be destroyed.
Shadilay my brothers, and Deus Vult +++
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 13:50:34 52669a (2) No. 918685 >>919119 >>920502
The Storm begins tonight at 6pm eastern.
We are going to take back our country and we are going to do it utilizing the truth. Our goal is to mass redpill the masses on an unprecedented scale. Every person on the planet needs to wake up to the sickening things going on inside our country. We have to outreach the redpill to everyone utilizing every method and tactic at our disposal.
Arm yourselves with redpill ammunition here.
https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11452828.html#11453617
We have strength in numbers, but we need to harness our chaos.
Tonight’s the best time since we have the element of surprise and the shill rats will be away for the weekend.
We have to split our ourselves into 4 core teams broken down into 5 roles with the 6th role entirely being optional.
Each team will have a different focus
Team 1 -- Exposing the Democratic Party's ties to Pizzagate to destroy the Deepstate
Team 2- #metooJr and exposing Dan Schnieder to collapse Viacom and Pedowood
Team 3- Redpills, the lies of the Jews and the JQ to collapse the (((msm)))
Team 4- Anti-shill team + amassing soldier’s.
Now these 4 core teams will be broken down into 5 roles, with the 6th role entirely being optional.
1)Twitter vandalism
2)Facebook vandalism
3)mass chain text redpills to everyone you know
4)Instagram vandalism
5)fueling redpills on the Chan’s/ directing. Coordinating tactics
6)shitposting irl
*If we need to go out there and post pictures of pizzagate then so be it. Go apeshit. Go ballistic. Vandalize everyone, everywhere and everything with the truth.
* https:// 8ch.net/pol/res/11452828.html#11453617
If you want to make it easier on you text message this thread to everyone you know. Anonymously or not. And tell them to text message this thread to everyone they know. And it will run as a chain letter of continuation. **Or create your own thread retrofitting the redpills the way you like and deem most effective to then mass chain text.
* We need to rally support on all of 8ch, Voat, 4chan, and everyone and anyone we can think off. Twitch, Reddit. YouTube, Twitter, everywhere we can think off
*best way to coordinate ourselves is through the Chan’s , Voat and Discord
*Ignore any opposition
We need to rally 10,000 of us we to begin, and this is just the start. The more we keep at it, the more people will join us making our efforts even easier. 2500 per team, 500 for each role. By Monday morning, Viacom, the MSM, The Democratic Party, Pedowood and Israel’s influence on the world will be destroyed.
Shadilay my brothers, and Deus Vult +++
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 15:08:20 e8734f (11) No. 919119
hey hey -
this is Meme - bread
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 17:05:40 889c02 (3) No. 920426
Shadilay brothers and sisters.
This is meme bread.
Make it rain.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 17:11:31 e8734f (11) No. 920502
you call for:
>1)Twitter vandalism
>2)Facebook vandalism
>3)mass chain text
>4)Instagram vandalism
>5)fueling redpills
>6)shitposting irl
>Ignore any opposition
>Shadilay my brothers, and Deus Vult +++
who are you?
you are posting in every other bread --> SPAM.
you are warmongering.
Your call for vandalism will discredit the 8chans
Your call for illegal action will result in an 8chan-shutdown
(BO), (CM) check this
I just refered a few posts - not shure if it's all of them.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 17:57:41 889c02 (3) No. 921075
Good job, firstMemeAnon. Keep it up. You've got the necessary skills.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 18:12:05 8b06bb (3) No. 921260 >>921297
For the right day….any adjustments?
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 18:14:05 8b06bb (3) No. 921297 >>921400 >>922053
CRAP, wrong one. Looking for intended graphic, my bad.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 18:42:46 970d87 (1) No. 921702
hey boomers. Just wanted to thank you for destroying our country by filling it with shitskins who hate your own children. I'm 35 and don't have any kids so I guess the joke's on you about ever seeing any grandkids though. I hope the 85 IQ masses of beaner-chinese combos don't treat us too poorly when they take over the whole country like they've taken over california! Thanks guys, really mean it.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 19:11:49 98b2ec (8) No. 922053
I "reported" your mis-post for you.
That's the only way to get it deleted.
Click the triangle next to the post,
explain in <50 characters,
and Moderator may see the report and delete it for you.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 22:02:36 331b25 (1) No. 925318 >>926380
Working on Merkel Map. Appears to be major missing link from Vatican to WW2, but hey, with a big loan outstanding, why would you force the Holy See into bankruptcy or worse, and loose your loan.
▶ Anonymous 04/06/18 (Fri) 23:08:26 38c25f (5) No. 926380
Can you add it to the Merkel section, so that we have all Merkel info in one thread?
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 01:24:52 a5efd1 (1) No. 928471 >>930839
Not sure if this is the right board for it..
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtVc7Of-HNo
https:// www.instagram.com/p/BhIVXHkFkYC/?taken-by=muhconspiracytheory
Sorry if repost
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 04:07:37 268179 (7) No. 930749 >>930817
Deep State Retirement: The Lord of the Flies - Barack Obama and All his deep state Maggots too?
#Islamic #OBAMAHDI #GreatAwakening @POTUS #TRUMP #MAGA
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 04:12:43 98b2ec (8) No. 930817
Anon, this is just a tiny thumbnail. Can you make it at least 1000 pixels wide please? (about 5x wider than it is now). The text isn't readable when so small. Thanks.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 04:14:01 98b2ec (8) No. 930839
It isn't. This is the memes bread.
You want to post in the current General Thread. (Highest numbered General).
Go to the Catalog
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html
and search for the current General thread.
Good luck.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 04:14:01 6b95eb (1) No. 930840
>>877198 (OP)
thanks for the reminder. I'm still wary of the operations and I think WE THE PEOPLE need to be having a discussion about how we restructure the last 120 years of law and government passed in this country. WE THE PEOPLE are the keystone. As greatful for the role of parts of the nsa, fbi, cia, and other PATRIOTS has been… We need to severely limit the federal government and all of it's branches.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 04:35:29 abefed (8) No. 931092
meme this along with all the other compressed lip pics.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 05:30:02 7ae18a (1) No. 931777
Q - What's the next step in your master plan?
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 16:01:27 6fe3e7 (2) No. 936036
>Fuck off dirt bag moderator.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 17:44:42 f704c0 (6) No. 937732 >>937754 >>949256
This MP4 clip would make a nice YouTube video.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 19:41:55 bcf091 (4) No. 939524
Here are some 3packs of CardAnons great Memes.
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 19:43:48 bcf091 (4) No. 939550
Tried to combine logical groups. Seem to be better formatted for Twatter (although twatter always manages to cut off part of them regardless of the size).
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 21:50:18 e4afe4 (2) No. 941231
MEME request
Like the word humongous
https:// en.wiktionary.org/wiki/humongous
Just a thought you wonderful Q meme makers
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 22:13:42 961e58 (3) No. 941485
https:// themindrenewed.com/resources/documents/369-doc002
Listen 2.20minutes embedded
This <5 minute youtube is an fine introduction and summary.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cSg3QhFjms
https:// hooktube.com/6cSg3QhFjms
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 22:24:24 961e58 (3) No. 941597
https:// themindrenewed.com/resources/documents/369-doc002
Listen 2.20minutes embedded
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cSg3QhFjms
https:// hooktube.com/6cSg3QhFjms
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 23:25:11 961e58 (3) No. 942313
https:// themindrenewed.com/resources/documents/369-doc002
Listen 2.20minutes embedded
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cSg3QhFjms
https:// hooktube.com/6cSg3QhFjms
▶ Anonymous 04/07/18 (Sat) 23:57:22 90b871 (1) No. 942686
Thanks Q we are watching.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 02:02:47 c9d116 (1) No. 944076
Share. I think it's a good idea to start making more memes like this. Raise awareness and consciousness of their threats and thought-seeding and evil agendas to take POTUS out any way they can. Make it widely known that we are on the lookout, watching them.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 05:57:32 46ab8f (4) No. 947231
Prints to 8.5X11 inches
OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY -- An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: 5+ minutes of undivided attention. We can’t use the other word for “potty” – creates problems for our Q-Tuber Patriots. They have enough problems.
Keep it clean -- G rated – children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not “sex slave Cult.”
Recommend against printing or posting at work -- too risky – Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, they are part of the Empire – and may fire you if you are caught. Brainwashed their entire life, they sincerely believe we are conspiracy nuts for now – MSM traitors told them so as Q predicted.
Stay safe -- avoid sketchy or isolated areas; the gangs are not eradicated yet.
Potty posting ideas:
Airports, Airplanes, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Convention Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Covfefe Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, City State Federal Parks, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.
May the Potty be with you.
▶ Private Army Qanon1IfBySea 04/08/18 (Sun) 09:56:56 b5e1f5 (17) No. 949060
It's time to change the narrative guys. Deputize bikers for Trump!
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 09:57:05 da84be (2) No. 949061
First attempt at making a meme..test
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 10:54:49 121d95 (3) No. 949256
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 10:59:34 121d95 (3) No. 949265 >>949412
Help Potus tell people what Sanctuary Cities are really about.
"It is so bad, it's hard to believe what they're doing and why they're doing it. We can't let it continue."
"Secure the borders and restore the rule of law"
Weekly Address April 7
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5LwnDv9SuQ
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 11:42:54 121d95 (3) No. 949412
Resized. I think this is the Twitter Size
▶ EU ANONs - time to get busy anon47378 04/08/18 (Sun) 14:34:02 095cc1 (4) No. 950450
Mayor Sadiq Khan
Kahn resolutely focused on then issues facing Londoners and completely ignored criticism of his core team some of whom have previously expressed sympathies with Islamic terrorists.
An investigation has determined that London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan has ties not just to organizations associated with ISIS, but also groups such as Hamas, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. During his time as mayor, London has seen an increase in terror incidents with concerning indications that terror groups wish to stage a major attack on the City of London. Rather than focusing on combating terror, Khan has used his forum to tell Londoners as well as citizens in other parts of Europe and the United States that the West must learn to live with terrorism as a part of daily life. Khan’s extreme flirtation with radical Islamic extremism raises serious questions about his commitment to fighting a wave of extremist fueled terrorism that only continues to spread after a number of attacks and police operations in London and other areas of the UK.
https:// disobedientmedia.com/2017/03/london-mayors-ties-to-extremism-call-commitment-to-fighting-terror-into-question/
Mayor Khan disinvited President Trump from visiting London since both politicians have such opposite views on fighting terrorism.
https:// www.truthrevolt.org/news/london-mayor-sadiq-khan-represented-911-terrorist-held-close-ties-extremists
▶ Anon 04/08/18 (Sun) 17:38:11 1b933f (11) No. 952451 >>952927
. . . and don't we know it!
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 18:43:59 a7c792 (3) No. 953338
The patheticness of evil…
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 18:51:28 a7c792 (3) No. 953440
Brother Sun, Sister Moon…
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 19:33:15 868007 (2) No. 953994 >>954140 >>954155 >>954193
And others.
For those of you who think JFK Jr. was 187’d:
Think again.
JFK Jr. was a dumb fuck when it came to piloting. When I say “dumb fuck”, I mean that he lacked the judgement to know his own limitations.
He had just started his instrument training and somehow thought that it was a good idea to fly offshore, at night, with visibility so poor that the horizon was not visible. He was not trained to fly in such conditions and his lack of piloting skills killed not only himself, but two other PAXs.
All he had to do was to push on the autopilot. That would have leveled the wings and held the airplane in level flight. His inexperience and incomplete training allowed panic to set in. He died with no understanding of what was happening to his plane, and was most likely accompanied by the screams of terror from his PAXs.
He was a relatively low time private pilot, not qualified for flight into IMC, flying a high performance airplane, at night, in IMC. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?!?!
Even his flight instructor told him he wasn’t ready for these conditions, and offered to accompany him on the flight. JFK Jr. turned down the offer.
As far as the fuel guage goes… fuel guages in small aircraft are only required to be accurate when the tank is empty. They are notoriously inaccurate at other levels. I’ve seen fuel guages that don’t come off of “Full” until the tank is half empty. The primary fuel guage that a pilot uses is his wrist watch. A pilot starts out with a known quantity of fuel expressed in HOURS, not gallons, not pounds. He marks the departure time and makes sure he’s back on the ground before 45 minutes prior to running out of fuel. The 45-minute reserve is a MINIMUM requirement. When I plan my flights, I generally shoot for having 1 hour on board when I land. That gives me an hour to get to another airport if the destination is weathered in or is otherwise closed. I’ve had runways close when I was on a 2-mile final. The twin landing in front of me had a gear collapse on landing. That left me heading for my alternate with whatever fuel I had left on board.
Now, as for an “explosive under the seat”. The imact with the water left most of the airframe was still in tact. I.e. the wings were still attached as was the tail and the engine. All occupants were killed instantly from the impact. That’s when the screaming stopped. They didn’t drown.
As much as one would like to believe HRC played a role in JFK Jr’s death, I seriously doubt that. She did, however, take full advantage of the opportunity to run for Senate. No, it was JFK’s poor judgement that was the true killer. The blame lies squarely and completely on his shoulders.
Like I said… what a dumb fuck!
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 19:43:56 009bd7 (1) No. 954140
This is meme bread
not discussion bread.
Good bye.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 19:44:31 868007 (2) No. 954155
I was wrong about the airplane being found in tact. It wasn’t. What I meant to say was the that aircraft impacted the water while still in tact. The impact broke it up, tearing the fuselage open. The two girls were not belted in and were found near the fuselage. JFK was still strapped in his seat. All aircraft’s parts were found nearby eliminating the possiblity of an in-flight breakup that an explosion might cause.
I’ll stand corrected on that. However, I still maintain that the cause of the accident was hos own judgement.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 19:45:18 6e280e (1) No. 954164
Meme request. Change the Overton window into a tug of war. Link related.
▶ Anonymous 04/08/18 (Sun) 19:47:02 e8734f (11) No. 954193
hey - hey -
this is meme-bread !
▶ Anderson Cooper & CIA Anon 04/09/18 (Mon) 01:03:51 4d45c0 (1) No. 959229
The CNN → CIA image file has a white background, so that you can drop either or both logo parts into anything, by using a transparent copypasta.
Have fun, anons.
That is all.
▶ Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 01:13:16 fda75e (2) No. 959391 >>959438 >>963930
das war ein wirklich großer schwarzer Schwanz drin
▶ Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 01:15:43 fda75e (2) No. 959438 >>961030
Die sowjetische Schwuchtel hat mir einen wirklich großen schwarzen Schwanz versprochen
▶ Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 02:43:46 ce5d29 (1) No. 961030
Nasi frump symbols
▶ Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 06:43:27 f6b488 (1) No. 963930
Commie Eurofag bekämpfe deine eigenen Kriege mit deinem eigenen Geld
▶ Just what shade of RED Anon47378 04/09/18 (Mon) 15:51:21 095cc1 (4) No. 966367
Barrack Hussein Obama … this is on you … "This is not a world that we should accept."
"Facts cannot be denied."
"Statements of condemnation are not enough."
"Awareness without action changes nothing."
Just what “shade” of RED were you looking for?
This is on you too Traitor McStain …
▶ Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 16:10:22 e8734f (11) No. 966570
http:// dailycaller.com/2018/04/08/mccain-chemical-weapons-syria-trump-assad/
▶ MSN Meme idea from Sweden :) Anonymous 04/09/18 (Mon) 19:25:24 871525 (1) No. 969918
Buy insurance from MSM
We promote and defend you, no mather what you've done!
We doubble down if we have too, even if it hurt us!
We publish all the fake news you need!
We have no pride!
Call us today!
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 15:18:46 e8734f (11) No. 982530
>Actions today [raid] will be met w/ swift action.
>FBI burning midnight oil.
▶ TDS and now TTS? Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 15:35:52 a2a80a (1) No. 982742
Found this on a real 100% Libtards twitter account.
https:// twitter.com/AngelGoulet
Perhaps you can make some appropriate memes from it?
▶ Uncle Pépé asks - Are YOU ignoring the shills? Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 16:02:35 29ea47 (8) No. 983089
For regular use in the [Q Research General] bread-stream, and anywhere else it might help.
▶ DYK Geek.com promotes Demonology? Geek Dot Com is Evil 04/10/18 (Tue) 16:26:32 9f1d10 (3) No. 983388
I used to receive Geek.com emails until I received an email on 4.9.18 where I learned they were promoting evil and then unsubscribed and realized I needed to expose these dirty deeds to the light.
▶ More "ignore the shills" memes Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 16:59:45 29ea47 (8) No. 983783
For regular use in the [Q Research General] bread-stream, and anywhere else it might help.
▶ Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 17:27:00 29ea47 (8) No. 984100 >>984107 >>984390
For regular use in the [Q Research General] bread-stream, and anywhere else it might help.
▶ Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 17:27:41 29ea47 (8) No. 984107 >>984390
Other Clown Bingo cards are under production …
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 17:57:58 e8734f (11) No. 984390
>Other Clown Bingo cards are under production
▶ Black & White Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 19:32:46 1dc96a (10) No. 985690
It don't matter if you're black or white
we've already fought this battle….can we just move on
▶ anti racism Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 19:33:47 1dc96a (10) No. 985708
can we just go back to pre-obama
▶ anti racism Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 19:34:32 1dc96a (10) No. 985726 >>986718
can't we just go back to pre-obama
▶ Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 19:38:00 1dc96a (10) No. 985796
Just a side note - We can re-use the rope. So do not let that be a deterrent to anyone! (lol)
▶ Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 20:40:17 29ea47 (8) No. 986718
Beautiful. Keep doing this. The Racist Clown Shilling is an issue.
▶ Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 20:41:23 1dc96a (10) No. 986728 >>986983
was he…or was he put in Witness Protection…hmmm the plot may thicken…
▶ Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 21:01:22 1dc96a (10) No. 986983 >>987011
I do to…my prayers that enough people still remember pre-obama…and can rescue the generation that grew up in the 8 years during the 8 year fiasco..and we can lead that generation back to where we had once gotten and even better!
▶ Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 21:03:24 1dc96a (10) No. 987011
still working on a couple more
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 21:03:25 268179 (7) No. 987013
#QAnon: Don't Answer that Question! IT'S A TRAP! Perjury?
#FACEBOOK Mark Zuckerburg Answers 4 Congress
#InternetBillOfRights #MAGA
▶ Anonym 04/10/18 (Tue) 21:10:14 28c72d (5) No. 987092
without "Davos" (createt with GIMP)
▶ Anonymous 04/10/18 (Tue) 22:06:34 268179 (7) No. 987873
THINK SONGBIRD McBRAIN TUMOR remembers how to sing with a little help? Senator - TRAITOR? #CLUBGITMO #QAnon
#Traitor #RememberWhen #IslamicState #SurfsUP #Guantanamo
▶ Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 23:34:19 1dc96a (10) No. 989109
#IGotYourBackBrother #NoMoreDivideAndConquer #EbonyAndIvory #Reunited #LetNoManTearUsApart #LeatherAndLace #AmericanIsNotAColor #WeAreFamily
▶ It Dont Matter if B&W Newbie-Anon 04/10/18 (Tue) 23:36:33 1dc96a (10) No. 989151
#IGotYourBackBrother #NoMoreDivideAndConquer
#EbonyAndIvory #Reunited #LetNoManTearUsApart
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 00:17:04 e70910 (22) No. 989745
Boycott FB
Delete your account
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 00:25:31 259b0c (1) No. 989855 >>990738
Phonefag that can’t meme right now but just birthed a meme of memes idea, (and I honestly don’t think I could do it justice….)
A very benign picture of a Christian that says Christian.
Next to a benign picture of a Muslim that says Muslim.
Then a picture of Westboro baptist church being awful next to a picture of awful Muslims being awful (preferably something showing sharia law.)
Showing that not all Christians = Westboro Baptist Church
And not all Muslims = Islamization. In fact that’s what many are fleeing from…. so most likely don’t want it in their new countries…..
People don’t even need to know they’re going up against elite globalization- because they are all terrified. It won’t get blocked because it shows acceptance, but deep down any Christian that reads it will imagibe the horror of having Westboro decide their laws and may start speaking out against Islamization. Safety in numbers? and maybe Muslims will feel safe to say We don’t want Islamization the same way you don’t want Westboro laws. there will be a distinct difference…. they need numbers.
People need to know there is a difference between being a Muslim and wanting Islamization.
I don’t know many Muslims, but the ones I do just want to live their life. I don’t know a single Christian that would be ok with Westboro politics….
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 01:29:03 a542f9 (3) No. 990738
▶ Conspiracy Theory Anon 04/11/18 (Wed) 03:05:00 1b933f (11) No. 992136 >>992320
#TinFoilHat ?
Dare to be the smart one, dare to be a genius!
▶ Trump is really 17th Prez!!! 17=Q Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 03:22:43 1f2326 (2) No. 992320 >>992392
Trump is our real 17th President. Since Lincoln, 16th, we have only had corporate CEOs pretending to be president. self.greatawakening
submitted 2 hours ago by BlackSand7New arrival.
With "The Act Of 1871" - Our Republic became a corporation named "THE UNITED STATES". (Names in all caps represent corporations). Since then all our presidents have just been corporate CEOs. Now we can get our Republic back and have true Presidents again. Thank you Donald Trump!
So yes, his jersey 17=Q, but 17 might also mean our true 17th President.
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 03:29:35 1f2326 (2) No. 992392
A new hot theory from reddit.com/r/greatawakening
https:// www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8bd84s/trump_is_our_real_17th_president_since_lincoln/?st=jfuhf6fm&sh=d68afeb7
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 03:45:58 46ab8f (4) No. 992595
Prints to 8.5X11 inches
OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY -- An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Over 5 minutes of undivided attention. We can’t use the other word for “potty” – creates problems for our Q-Tuber Patriots. They have enough problems.
Keep it clean -- G rated – children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not “sex slave Cult.”
Recommend against printing or posting at work -- too risky – Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, they are part of the Empire – and may fire you if you are caught. Brainwashed their entire life, they sincerely believe we are conspiracy nuts for now – MSM traitors told them so as Q predicted.
Stay safe -- avoid sketchy or isolated areas; the gangs are not eradicated yet.
Potty posting ideas (and another reason to not use the other word):
Airports, Airplanes, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Convention Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Covfefe Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, City State Federal Parks, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.
May the Potty be with you.
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 04:42:25 53ccab (1) No. 993240
memefag request: poster for future public hangings
I lack skills. example pic included
source: https:// woub.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Poster-project-print.png
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 04:59:55 cf0c06 (6) No. 993448 >>993492
>>877198 (OP)
chance of getting a blank of this …?
booster seat memes galore
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 05:05:13 cf0c06 (6) No. 993492
oops asleep at the keyboard … my bad
BO delete this
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 06:46:39 5c370e (2) No. 994423
Zuck has the dead fish eyes of someone who may be demonically possessed.
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 16:37:37 f7e442 (1) No. 998470 >>1007001
Nice anon, where is this place?
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 20:27:20 294c57 (25) No. 1001117
Think she writes to him in prison?
▶ Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 22:49:28 e4afe4 (2) No. 1002456
MEMEs of the day. Zuck w/ D&S and Madame Hussein.
- ty anon you made my day.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 01:11:06 38c25f (5) No. 1004704
>>877198 (OP)
I dont know how to make memes, but would like to see one like this:
Text: James Comey: A Higher Loyalty *his book) + pic from Satan.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 02:04:47 324838 (1) No. 1005819
We need a #TrumpHiresAlan meme before the news hits
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 02:10:19 07e857 (2) No. 1005912
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 03:11:52 d05419 (37) No. 1007001
It was in a video that Jimmy Kimmel made
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 03:36:49 fbb704 (3) No. 1007372
Q delivered personal message. Reason for no signature?
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 12:05:19 fae0d1 (2) No. 1011006 >>1011247
>>877198 (OP)
I noticed something recently. Taxi drivers listen to you when you tell them about things like the Cabal, Clintons, Fake news, Syria, Trump doing well (ISIS, NK) etc etc.
A good way to red pill the masses. Try it!
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 12:57:45 35dbe4 (1) No. 1011247
We need some memes showing the Darpa links of FB. Not just the Q drop of public offering, but the old stuff found on jewtube. Keep in mind, FB was not really founded in 04. It was a privately held company, with superstar investors prior to the IPO. They thought you would follow the stars and 95% of you did, back then anyway.
Yes, we know FB was a Darpa project. But why MZ? Aside from the tribe, why MZ? I knew FB was DS when I saw Katie Couric pimping it on the morning Natl news years ago.
Anyone got a link on the Katie Couric push? This was 2004 if I remember correctly.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 15:18:46 46ab8f (4) No. 1012171 >>1017345
Good: They study your meme. Better: They take a picture of your meme. Best: They share the photo and it goes text viral.
Prints to 8.5X11 inches
OPERATION BLUEPILLERS GOTTA POTTY -- An analysis of the plans provided by Princess Leia has demonstrated a weakness in the battle-station: Over 5 minutes of undivided attention. We can’t use the other word for “potty” – creates problems for our Q-Tuber Patriots. They have enough problems.
Keep it clean -- G rated – children in the audience; we fight for them. Example: “slave Cult”, not the fuller truth “sex slave Cult.”
Recommend against printing or posting at work -- too risky – Patriots need an income. As long as they are asleep, they are part of the Empire – and may fire you if you are caught. Brainwashed their entire life, they sincerely believe we are conspiracy nuts for now – MSM traitors told them so as Q predicted.
Stay safe -- avoid sketchy or isolated areas; the gangs are not eradicated yet.
Potty posting ideas (and another reason to not use the other word):
Airports, Airplanes, Train Stations, Hotel Lobbies, Convention Centers, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Your Church, Your Synagogue, Your Temple, Your Mosque, Parties, near or far Restaurants, Stores, Malls, Movies, Health Clubs, Covfefe Shops, Sporting Events, Car and Horse Races, Concerts, City State Federal Parks, City State Federal Buildings, Porta-Potties, Festivals, Street Fairs, Art Fairs, Renaissance Fairs, Fundraisers, ComicCons, Casinos, Grocery Stores, Vacation, Rest Areas, Gas Stations, Truck Stops, Museums, Tourist Attractions, Campgrounds, Cruise Ships, Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Playhouses, Opera-houses, Orchestras, etc.
May the Potty be with you.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 17:31:51 ebee85 (2) No. 1013239 >>1017345
Memefag drop. Did some digging. I'm not a chemist but this stuff is killing us. Still learning. Will post more. God bless Q, POTUS and the Anons on this board.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 17:36:06 2326d3 (1) No. 1013270
raw image
calmer than you are, dude
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 21:49:23 08c06d (1) No. 1016230 >>1016979
any way to get these is different filetype then png? not postable to twitter
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 22:42:39 1edc5c (8) No. 1016979
Not my OC, but converted for you.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 22:44:36 1edc5c (8) No. 1017006 >>1024232
Nice idea, anon.
May I give spelling corrections?
Pansies plural does not have an apostrophe.
Permanent (count the letters:
P E R M A N E N T)
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 22:48:56 1edc5c (8) No. 1017061 >>1024776
Anon -- we need spelling corrections here.
Permanent - count the letters -
Americans plural, remove the apostrophe.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 23:11:37 1edc5c (8) No. 1017345
>>1013239 You're doing great. Keep it up. These are good.
>>1012171 Great idea and list of places to post.
▶ Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 23:29:47 8aa0cf (1) No. 1017519
Zucc meme hot off the press
>Give me your data human.
▶ 'If Q is a Larp' memes Anon 04/12/18 (Thu) 23:54:30 5a4629 (2) No. 1017803
For general use & Twatting
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 00:13:23 ab9fa7 (5) No. 1017989 >>1020081
A Tax Cut Meme as requested
▶ Anon 04/13/18 (Fri) 00:23:18 91d2e1 (1) No. 1018077
Mockingbird Shit & Trump Derangement Syndrome memes
▶ meme - tax cuts Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 00:26:26 eac150 (1) No. 1018115 >>1018221
Old school person, first meme ;o)
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 00:36:00 ab9fa7 (5) No. 1018221 >>1018439
Congratulations on your first meme & welcome!
I posted this a long while back (in Meme time - that's this January ;).
please excuse the cussing in it ma'am
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 00:55:14 ab9fa7 (5) No. 1018439
An example of what I meant about using too many words in points 7 & 8.
Using a wordy meme (more than 12 words) in >>1018157
From 26 words down to 14 total, practically cut in half - and more can still be done.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 01:10:20 ab9fa7 (5) No. 1018638
>46 bodies
Way more than 46! I put 923 into this one
including Seth Rich.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 01:55:42 9e2616 (1) No. 1019197
Perfect! Thanx, Anon!
▶ Art World - Symbols - Connections Honey Pots - Honey Traps - HoneyBee 04/13/18 (Fri) 02:24:07 9f1d10 (3) No. 1019542
"QAnon - Honey Pots 4.12.2018 https:// qanon.pub/
Art World Corruption and Connections also mentioned Honey Traps and Honey Bees were being used to trap unsuspecting victims link on image.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 03:14:45 3e7839 (1) No. 1020081
They have this at Breitbart store!
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 04:15:03 076a29 (1) No. 1020742
just a thought but try american flag memes and or eagles
▶ #17... confirm. Copy; queen to 8H Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 04:42:41 bc17aa (1) No. 1020980 >>1021281
Confirm>? Hash>? after the queen moves ( expand ) PM response through trusted contact. You know where i am.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:20:21 dcb9a1 (3) No. 1021281
Oh cool, a secret code, what does it mean
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:23:40 1e9d6c (1) No. 1021317 >>1021531
Q is trying to tell the meme makers to make an image meme for POTUS speech tomorrow.
memembers = meme
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 05:54:55 dcb9a1 (3) No. 1021531
Friday 13th. Big speech?
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 07:47:39 cf0c06 (6) No. 1022210 >>1023452 >>1024609
newfag here using gimp
sorry thats all i got to play with!
how do i get black border on colored text with gimp?
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 10:59:43 d171dd (2) No. 1022740
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 13:50:54 006d6c (4) No. 1023452
Do a web search for gimp tutorials.
Adding black border can be done in at least 2 ways.
Full border takes quite a few steps → edit text, right click → path from text, select from path, add layer, select layer, select the color you want to border with, edit fill with color…
I mostly use shadow filter and have it on a hotkey. Much faster and good results.
Text shadow examples attached…
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 15:03:11 973708 (1) No. 1024096
Q, meme vs ME members? I'm ending up at the 'me' au bank with the latter. Please advise.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 15:15:24 96e03c (6) No. 1024232
thanks, got in a hurry,I realized too late yesterday.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 15:50:38 cf0c06 (6) No. 1024609
>>877198 (OP)
let me google that for you
http:// en.linuxreviews.org/HOWTO_outline_text_in_GIMP
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 16:06:11 96e03c (6) No. 1024776
Corrections made.>>1017061
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 16:10:16 5367ad (1) No. 1024821
Prosecute Slime Ball James Comey
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 17:23:40 343bf9 (1) No. 1025700
Just my own contribution. Meme away.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 20:32:15 9c6ed1 (3) No. 1027659
Memes18 >>1027465 has been created.
Fill this bread first.
Full means 751 posts. Seriously. Fill it.
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 20:48:56 f35cd5 (3) No. 1027841
Only have a basic program so far but maybe others can run with this one..
▶ Anonymous 04/13/18 (Fri) 21:50:20 caa9da (1) No. 1028514 >>1030646
A big lie, orchestarted from the sky
this is the world in which we're meant to die
this is the place where humans are lost
the place in which no one we trust
dig deep and you shall find the truth
to set you free and create the youth
that will prosper and learn from all our mistakes
expose the fake and belive in our faith
frequencies and vortex math covered up by secret paths
societies which no one know
determines the ways in which we go
having a laugh whilst eating the weak
misguiding our path of which we seek
why would you do this you mighty benine
why would you bring this evil to mankind
i guess the answer is pretty simple
the ego of man is quite a dimple
in a otherwise wise world of truths
you cover it up and brainwash the youth
but beware of the might that within us lie
the might to notice when someone up high
is telling us that our egos must die
to let something new stand up and arise
what am I on about, someone might ask
the infected, the weak, that is their task
wake them up, set them free
and we will once again see the good in thee
This is what will inspire the sleepers,
to look up all of which discredit the seekers
this simple rhyme, perfected to a dime
will bring enlightment to the newest of times
in age of aquarious, the deception will fall
in years to come, (((they))) will be in the hall
of shame and torment, finally stopped
ones again, evil has flopped
as in every story, tale and conflict
the good beats the bad, the way it's designed
we learn from mitakes, and create the addict
of truth and good will, seated in heart and mind
help me witrh this, to create the rhyme
of which peoples will wake up to our time
q-anon, kekistan and potus
will you once again, learn from the lotus
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 00:41:45 d69f5e (5) No. 1030599
Love the slime colors on ComeySlime
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 00:45:13 d69f5e (5) No. 1030646
This is meme bread, anon.
Seek ye the poetry bread
Lest your verses languish,
Unseen, unfelt.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 01:38:06 f223a9 (1) No. 1031722
We need investigators to do the questioning. In front of Congress. Our members have been bought and paid for by the tech giant.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 04:58:28 f54b8d (2) No. 1035688
Future Proves Past
We have so much more than we know
Q/POTUS have it all.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 15:24:03 ecc3e6 (5) No. 1039725
Here is a better version of my original
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 18:55:08 a94d7c (1) No. 1041937 >>1042114
Can someone tell me if this picture of L is photoshopped?
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 19:10:05 dd9a4f (1) No. 1042114
Badly. Look at hair on back of head.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 20:29:08 614790 (13) No. 1043078 >>1043086
Fill this bread first.
Next memes bread is #18 >>102746.
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 20:29:53 614790 (13) No. 1043086
Correction for bad link.
Next bread is Memes 18 >>1027465
▶ Anonymous 04/14/18 (Sat) 20:47:01 614790 (13) No. 1043256