▶ 4db7ec (6) No.366438
part 1 of 3
→Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow >>32713
People don't need preaching to. That's the problem. Those who know a lot (have a lot of background info) tend to tell it all and overwhelm. Just plant a seed and back away (ask a question that gets them thinking)
Do other things, let them have a chance to process that and work it out in their mind.
Ask a different question about the topic (seed you planted), see how they answer.
You are watering that seed, and it grows both downward (into subconscious) and upwards (towards the conscious).
Go away and do other things.
Plant the seed, come back to it later, but lead them, coax them, gently gently, softly softly.
Some people take a long time to process things - I have family members who are just now "getting" something I said to them years ago, and they forgot I was the one who brought it up
>Hey did you know about X??
I just smile and nod.
It works.
→Sequence: Normal, Thoughtful, Non-Offensive, Step-by-Step
Normies will be turned off by certain words and photos. Like "Zionism". Children being hurt. Funny scenes or fun being made of the images.
Truth in the Extreme will be rejected. Even with all the evidence over years about the Clintons; bad behavior, half the electorate was willing to make HER president. Incredible, but true.
The public can accept the possibility of monetary corruption, but not treason, much less child trafficking and murder.
Adrenochrome? You will lose the audience completey and it will be dismissed as conspericy theory nonsense.
Move step by step. First, introduce questions or concerns (like a shill!) about corruption in government.
Second, add republicans and democrats as possible thieves. Then name individuals and ask, don't make claims.
After all that, the next stage is introducing the idea of an interconnected web of corruption that became an international crime syndicate like the mafia, but run by politicians….
Make it understandible by referencing organized crime, not vampire elites bloodlines, aliens, fractional reserve banking or so on.
Keep it normal. Thoughtful. Non-offensive.
Step by step. And fast steps!
→Ask, Don't Tell
When you tell something, you can get cognitive dissonance.
When you ask something, you can BYPASS cognitive dissonance.
Q gave us a method to BYPASS COGNITIVE DISSONANCE!!!
→Coax them in the right direction. Open minds gradually without bludgeoning or traumatizing. Tactics differ depending on what they already know, and their openness to unsettling new info. Aim for slight to moderate cognitive dissonance. Remember that too much too fast can turn normies away. Hammer on current news topics.
▶ 4db7ec (6) No.366448
part 2 of 3
→More Tactics
focus on things that won't scare off normies. IMHO, here is a list of things to NOT bring up:
1) Aliens
2) "energy" fields
3) Hollow earth
4) Metaphysics
5) Religions pantheons
6) Moloch / Satan / Saturn (I will explain this in a minute)
7) Chemtrails
8) Crop circles
9) Detoxing / Cleansing Pineal Gland
10) Chakras
11) Reptiloids
Normies will take one look at any of those and dismiss you as a nutcase.
What to focus on? What is easy to swallow? You have to oil up that red pill! A small red pill that's actually swallowed is way better than a big one that's spat up. You follow yet?
You don't need a normie to see the entire pictures. They just need to trust and/or prefer our side. That's our mission, right? To help mitigate a world-shaking shadow war, by spoon-feeding info to normies in amounts they can handle?
So here's what I think we should focus memes on:
1) Elites are corrupt, and force newly elevated elites to do perverse things in order to show their loyalty. If they have dirt on their new cronies, they can use that dirt to keep them loyal. The dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, or any kind of perversion or depravity.
2) Powerful elites have access to the best medical technology, and they think that harvesting blood and other things from children can help extend their lifespans, or improve their health.
3) Elites have everything, and where do people who have everything get their thrills? Some of them delve into taboo and perverse activity. What do they do when they know they have huge power and influence, and think nobody can stop them?
4) The CIA is corrupt and has seriously overstepped its power. The CIA funds itself using criminal activity, such as the drug trade, and sex trafficking -- yes, even of children!
So in these examples, you see we don't need to delve into Moloch worship or satanism, and I think the message has a higher chance of reaching more people without being dismissed outright.
We basically need sugar-coated pink pills suitable for mass production and distribution.
We can use persuasion --- Words like "Dark", "perverse", "sick", "depraved"; we don't have to say that Hillary eats children and worships a bull-shaped demon creature.
In fact, I would suggest that we can use confirmation bias combined with vague phrasing to good effect.
▶ 4db7ec (6) No.366457
Redpill Tactics
part 3 of 4
→Podesta art shock method
The basic pattern I used to redpill my mom found here. Is very simple, and VERY effective.
Essentially, explain the basic Q shit and the existence of a child-sacrifice/abuse/trafficking network, HRC, Pedostas, etc. Then, right as the person starts to get incredulous with disbelief, tell them to google "tony podesta art".
They will literally be left with their jaw on the floor, sick to their stomach, and will believe EVERY WORD YOU TELL THEM from then on about The Storm.
→Start small, plant seeds
You aren't redpillng the correct way. You plant seeds and watch them grow…not push them off a cliff.
Just a seed… Tell them still that is backed by evidence… Say like, isnt it weird that…blah and let them mull it over… If you lose influence over someone, you lose credibility.
→Start small
You really don't understand it, do you? He needs to only provide crumbs. We need to find the truth ourself, with as little help as possible. Otherwise too few people would believe. This is paramount. People have tried to tell the truth (think of famous celebrities), and guess what happens? We don't believe them, ridicule them, and they most likely get offed or worse.
It is so incredibly important to understand this. And it's important we meme it that way; don't lay it all out for the normal fags, but ask questions. Lead them to the answers, and make them think they came up with it themselves. That's how you redpill.
→Ask questions; lead them to discover answers themselves
→How to go viral
If you want to meme/redpill successfully there are are a few ways you can go:
1. Humour
Comedy just sticks. Most anon came to the chans for the funny memes. They work best when you hijack something universally known (like bert and ernie) or highly actual/big events (like 911); and start combining shit.
2. Mystery
Question the viewer, sometimes literally, but visually is best. You need to make people think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet. It's the best way to plant an idea.
Obviously there are a lot more ways, but it basically comes to this. Subtlety is key. And when one combines all of the above in the correct way, it might go viral.
→ How she redpilled her sister
Yes! She was the hardest one too! I told her I was gonna red pill her. I told her to look up politicians wearing a med boot and when she figured it out for herself, call me back. She took about 10 mins and said "Ok, you piqued my interest, what else?" so I told her to look up politicians with black eyes and call me back. What I did doing that is REMOVE the built in hate of republicans vs. dems in her mind. Once she saw it is both, she was more open to listen to me. I then told her to look up who Sally Quinn is and her history with her book tour and call me back. I proved the Satanic control over MSM with their own confessions. Told her to look up the arrest results for the child sex (human trafficking) arrests for this year alone and call me back. I told her to find the stats for the last 10 years of child sex arrests and compare them to this 1 single year. Now she no longer makes me make her prove it with her own eyes and just wants me to tell her what all of you have come to a consensus of.
→Recipe for redpilling, especially women
1 cup something easy to swallow. I suggest “did you know Hugh Hefner got his start with CIA money?” (Gentle blackmail, make it more movie plot like, and changing culture for the worse)
Or “how are you doing hearing about all of the Hollywood sleezes?”
Again, noting an intentional culture change. Why? Have they noticed? Who is behind it?
1 cup personal “have you had anything like that in your life?”
“Known anyone that had anything like that?”
1 cup proven history: “reminds me of the …” franklin scandel, British scandal, Belgium scandal: whatever you know better.
1 cup “makes sense it’s probably happening here right now:
Have you seen Podestas art?” Who is Podesta, what is spirit cooking, how did Wikileaks reveal it.
Leave them to think for awhile.
Finish the job with q drop when they return to ask questions.
→Read Q Spreadsheet
Spouse self red pilled by reading entire Q spreadsheet in 2 days, was able to return to work life with a "Let me know if it comes true."
▶ 4db7ec (6) No.366476
Redpill tactics
part 4 of 4
→Communication tactics
I thought i would give some insight in what I learned (without outside knowledge/books/teachers) about communication.
From my perspective there is about 90% communication about personal feelings/emotions/information and about 10% of outsideself/knowledge/general Information happening in every type of communication one can engage in. Keep that in mind when talking to people, and see if you can get into their bubble, or if they are "ignorant".
Rules to get to know the fine dealings of Communication:
1. Shut up and let the others talk
--This way you will recongnize repeating patterns, highlighted views, personal opinions. what the Topic is about
--The less you talk the more you will learn to listen EXACTLY to what was said
2. Choose your way how to interact
2a - only listen (to get information)
2b - raise your voice (pass information)
3 Decide the strategy of HOW to communicate
3a - "know your enemy" / "know your opposition"
depending on who your up to, you need different ways of communication (endless)
- emotional
- controversial
- understanding
- helping
- distracting…
Choose your way and see if it resonates (if not, change your "style")
3b Catch people from where they are at
3b - it doesnt help anyone if tell someone who talked about their favourite TV-show that their Idol is an Illuminati slave, try taking it to a level that is understandable by the opposition. (the emotional approach maybe working here; try shifting the topic to general behaivor morals and point out wrongdoing that this individual would agree on)
4 steer the conversation
4 - Now you can decide if you want to lead into another Information part (from personal to outside stuff)
You can do that by either using positive or negative responses (use what resonates), pushing with or against a certain topic.
(Learn to be patient!!! if you dont want to take sides, stay "neutral")
As always, use small steps to create less opposition or big once to create irritation.
Hope this helps someone. Why this is relevant? If you want to redpill someone, you need to understand how! to pass the information.
Breaking Down Hardcore Normies
i want to share an aggressive method i used in some rare cases:
- find out the core belief of your opponent
- find out the weakspot
- use your higher knowledge/wisdom to compromise the weakspot
- use irrefutabe facts
- stick their nose in it (like a cat)
- watch them get angry
- know the seed has been planted
(they will try to disprove you but wont be able to)
<this is the strategy for hardcoded normies. Also works if you wanna redpill fast and are willing to take casualties along the way
A whole thread -- worth a look! >>3152
▶ 4db7ec (6) No.366539>>508405
Through tempest, storm,
And darkest night,
Anons don't rest
'Til things are right.
By and large the attached social media guidelines are really helpful. I know of a few things that are not quite right: we don't recommend Yandex to get a temporary email address because MSM has associated that with Russia (go figure!)
Most of our meme dropping is on Twitter. The twitter shape guidelines are really important. If your graphic has the wrong shape, Twitter is likely to display only the top portion….cutting off any words on the bottom! The solution is to make twitter graphics this shape:
Twice as wide as high
I make most of mine 1024 x 512 .
When creating new memes, it is suggested to save them in JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) format using a quality option of 90% to 93%. The file size will be significantly smaller than an uncompressed .PNG.
Why does a smaller file matter? It will take up less storage on your device and the recipient's device. It will transmit more quickly over the network.
→ All other things being equal, it is MORE LIKELY TO BE FORWARDED.
// This is @War@. Anons will be conducting
// a series of organized Twitter campaigns.
// We will greatly multiply our effectiveness
// by acting in a coordinated manner --
// coordinated hashtags, attack times, strategies.
// Memes are ammo. Twitter campaigns are battles.
// Follow the Commander in Chief and his chain of command.
// When directions are given for a raid, please learn
// how you fit in. This is @War@.
Current trending hashtags are listed in the first few posts of each General thread. Using the same hashtags together (concentrated fire!) works better than everybody doing their own thing.
The War Room anons often lead our twitter campaigns. Visit the current War Room (search Catalog) or watch for their announcements on the current General thread.
God bless, Patriots.
▶ cfb1e9 (11) No.373845
Can we get that with just the rope and no text?
▶ 2b4620 (3) No.374282
Need to hijack #Valentinesday #HappyValentinesday…. Memefags give me ammo plz
▶ 2b4620 (3) No.374390>>379231
Blank. The MSM has completely ignored this guy and we need to push him. They make NK dictators look good but ignore this heroic guy. MEMEFAGS GOGO!!!
▶ 4af313 (1) No.375572
If you are reading this Q, I would love an update whats happening in Britain with regards to swamp draining from one English Patriot ready to serve however you need me.
▶ 2685ec (2) No.379231
I believe I read the other day that he was pssed at rocketmans sister being at games. lives in SK and works at helping others that escape.
that brings a thought, I wonder if kims sister is at the games sitting with pence as a messeage from blackhats after 45 honoured nk defector as hero to signal the vp is with them? what did I see in the feed about satanists the other day… they can't do anything without first announcing their intentions
▶ deeb4a (1) No.380522>>412483 >>412566
"This Breaking News Update Sponsored by Eli Lilly"
"This Breaking News Update Sponsored by Bayer"
"This Breaking News Update Sponsored by Paxil"
i don't know how to make a meme.
▶ 2685ec (2) No.381012>>449814
a bird sings when it is happy &/or safe. an accepted deal, being safely situated, out of tomcats reach? A bird also sings when 'Mating' but somehow that doesn't seem to fit the theme
omgosh…. Songbird 'no say name here' sang when giving secrets to the enemy
▶ cfb1e9 (11) No.386482
He can send state emails on personal email addresses and not be hung for treason? Since when?
▶ cfb1e9 (11) No.386585
Worth a gander. I may be rewalkking old ground
▶ cfb1e9 (11) No.386673
Shitty editing but that’s the jist.
▶ 795b7a (2) No.394443
Fake shooter MAGA hat
Spread it wide.
▶ 14b131 (1) No.394747
Wiz&Warlocks, ADM's & GEN's
▶ a3a572 (1) No.400668
Another School Shooting Tragedy from a kid taking anti-depressants SSRI's. 17 dead.
Every single day 3000 newborns in the US are murdered by mothers who wont take self responsibility
and choose abortion. http:// lovewillendabortion.com/how-many-daily-abortions-in-the-u-s/
Why is the first story everywhere in the news and the other story completely ignored?
▶ d81d59 (7) No.401480
>>366408 (OP)
Sorry, I made other meme board when I saw 12 was full and could not find this one. Is there a way you could migrate memes from there to here without doing one at a time?
Badge Anon put his cache over there.
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/397794.html
▶ e8cd40 (5) No.402697
▶ 55c053 (3) No.402926>>403041
MAIN IMAGE LIBRARY Over 11,800 images from Memes#1 thru Memes #10
There you can preview images, download single images, entire categories, or all.
The same images, transformed in shape for optimal display on Twitter:
If you're going to drop on Twitter, this format will be more effective.
▶ 76a7dc (1) No.403041
Past Meme Threads that are not in mega.nz image libraries:
Memes 10 >>56833
Memes 11 >>116348
Memes 12 >>247769
Some of the War Room and Fake News breads also contain memes.
▶ 207713 (1) No.404107
Teams with Suspect MONTAGRAPH. Both have massive sock puppet armies.
He's advertising here?
Seven Dwarfs [servers] connection to "MONTAGRAPH" ?
Stay away, friends.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpDLKVxovjs
▶ 940bbe (1) No.406673
By Dr. Robert Finkelstein
President, Robotic Technology Inc.
▶ 13322c (5) No.408252
#NoCollusion. Clowns' Southern Sleeper Activated.
▶ a69ca9 (1) No.408508
These are great, anon
Saved all
Here is one related
▶ 13322c (5) No.410063
#BuildTheWall or #BuildABiggerWall?
Walker Texas Ranger wants it TEXAS SIZE!!
▶ 13322c (5) No.410075
Waker Texas Ranger knows a thing or two about illegal immigration and border security.
▶ 13322c (5) No.410159
>>400565 PMA Friendly Reminder
"Just say NO! unless the Doctor says SO!"
And "WE CARE$ 4U!" ;)
#BigPharma #MindControl #MKULTRA #ORION
▶ d81d59 (7) No.410740
These were made by the most awesome Badge Anon. (not me)
I made another meme board and apparently it is not the correct format etc. whatevA.
Badger posted there because of me, so I am moving them here where they belong.
▶ d81d59 (7) No.410764
…These were made by the most awesome Badge Anon. (not me)
I made another meme board and apparently it is not the correct format etc. whatevA.
Badger posted there because of me, so I am moving them here where they belong.
▶ d81d59 (7) No.410774
….hese were made by the most awesome Badge Anon. (not me)
I made another meme board and apparently it is not the correct format etc. whatevA.
Badger posted there because of me, so I am moving them here where they belong.
▶ d81d59 (7) No.410852
Drugs are dangerous because by taking them you make yourself a possible target for CIA fuckhead asshole faggots that practice mind control through spiritual rape.
▶ 09e6e0 (1) No.411164
I happened across these terrifying pics and immediately thought they could be put to good use here, especially if we ever get those long awaited drops. https:// twitter.com/diverse_art/status/963447108815777792
▶ 58a057 (1) No.411661
tried more friendly memes, for unity about getting the actual Truth
▶ a0d3fd (1) No.412483
Those are great ideas!! Thank you Anon
▶ 5d0fc4 (87) No.412566
Great ideas, it's easier than you think just go here >>> imgflip.com/memegenerator
▶ b4b03c (2) No.413186
the tale of two buckets https:// youtu.be/ZPO6dOPxmr8
▶ c6e844 (5) No.413520
Pochantos is a damn thief
▶ 26bea3 (2) No.415750
Sorry if to random just dropping off a few more.
▶ 18f2c5 (3) No.418678>>429662
I don't know how to use reddit, but I'm trying to share this, don't know how to make sure it gets posted.
I think Behold A Pale Horse is the key to the QAnon map, It tell's you who "Godfather" is, defines sheep, the secret societies…
Here is the info I shared with Lisa Mei Crowley and Jerome Corsie, but wanted to make sure you all had it:
This is an abridged version of Behold a Pale Horse that I think Q wanted us to find. Just started through it, comparing it to book, and it appears the audio is important because the book will be too much for people to accept (UFOs).
Unfortunately, the abridged version (so far) edits out the names of the current people still involved. Maybe this is to come in the next round of info. https:// ia802304.us.archive.org/23/items/WilliamCooper-beholdAPaleHorse/WilliamCooper_beholdAPaleHorse.ogg …
As I said, just started comparing (add in the Q map), and already finding answers. For example "Godfather" is defined as "politicians." This coming out now could give POTUS justification for arresting "politicians." -- pp 59-60. Remember, I believe Q implies we need to have more knowledge before POTUS can go big with arrests.
The book is available in many formats online, but the safest source is http:// archive.org . Already, formats available have been reduced significantly since last night. I've been using Archive for many years, so I know how to access the older .pdf format that is no longer listed in the options. https:// archive.org/details/WilliamCooperBeholdAPaleHorse1991 …
There is also a text form of the book available. It will make it easier for you and the ANONS (please share all) to search specific words within the book: https:// archive.org/stream/BeholdAPaleHorse_267/BillCooper-BeholdAPaleHorse.txt
FYI: "The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public. Our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge." http:// archive.org
▶ a08943 (2) No.419050
▶ f0eef4 (3) No.419096
Question for the #Resistance
ref: Bill Cooper's radio shows on JFK Jr.'s death
▶ e4d7af (1) No.419503
Milton Cooper MKultraManchurianKanidate@MoviesVfor…I dont get it either..but they supposed to work with symbols UnderOur noses..maybe its just coincidence…not finacial advice
▶ 2cf3a1 (3) No.419800
Well, that didn't upload very well.
▶ 3b7e8e (4) No.420833>>421183 >>421337
Anons, remember one can post up to 5 images at a time.
▶ 2adc83 (1) No.420926
Seems to me we need to fight identity politics with identity politics. Is this too much?
▶ 4ce79a (1) No.421337>>421947
Wish I could use these for Instagram but they’re a tad bit too wide and it won’t allow the full graphic.
▶ ef3e1d (4) No.422572
An Act of Congress takes precedent over Congressional Bills
▶ a9bef1 (1) No.426490
We love you President Trump and Patriots! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for fighting this fight for the meek of this world! God bless you each and every one!
▶ 4b694f (16) No.429250
I was asked for badges in PNG format with transparent backgrounds. Happy to oblige my fellow Anons.
Part 1
▶ 18f2c5 (3) No.429662
▶ bf0160 (1) No.430335
This is only like my 10th meme I have attempted to make. Forgive me.
▶ 18f2c5 (3) No.432374
Parkland School shooting
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
William Cooper
Beyond A Pale Horse
▶ d789b2 (1) No.433285
You guys seriously don’t need like 59 subtle variations of the same freakin’ meme. Pick a dang font color and just post one. Sheesh.
▶ d3c367 (5) No.434233
Fuck Soros. Reaper man is ready for him.
▶ c6a918 (12) No.434720
Missed one variation
▶ 373361 (1) No.436640
It even works perfectly to the "Mickey Mouse Club" theme song.
▶ f2eb8f (5) No.437102>>438775
newsweek anon's memes as per request
▶ c6a918 (12) No.437596
▶ e19718 (2) No.437732
The Deep State 'Keystone'
▶ f2eb8f (5) No.438806
this is all of them i have. sorry for the delay. interwebs shoad on me.
▶ 00b182 (1) No.439215
▶ 9d0436 (2) No.440766
Fulfilling request
▶ 2e0061 (2) No.441617
Wray a new #FIBDirectorComedy? (Joke's on Who?)
Time for a new guy at the FBI?
@TGowdySC just "retiring" from Politics? Shifting Gears into a non-political job like Special Counsel investigating #DeepState #GovernmentCorruption (#UraniumOne?) #TREASON or the new clean #FBIDirectorGowdy? Dir. Wray the old guard damage control tarbaby placeholder until the proper time to step UP… ?
#PlausibleDeniability? Time to clean house of All holdovers and De-politicize to restore some #PlausibleCredibility!
It's All about to get interesting…
▶ c8b6ea (1) No.441912>>455185
Jews always win the Oscars.
▶ 188486 (1) No.442390>>442891 >>442897 >>442915
Watching the scripted narrative of these kids is sickening.
Slugworth memes may be a good way to expose this. The evil one whispering in their ear what to do. Non-memer here.
▶ 2e0061 (2) No.442441
#DACAdemocrats - what doo…DOG ON! will u stand with me?
MS-13 wants #GunControl!
▶ e8cd40 (5) No.442891
slugworth needs an fbi badge
▶ 5d0fc4 (87) No.442897>>442915
You got it in you more than you know! The very 1st sentence you posted would work,
>Watching the scripted narrative of these kids is sickening
I use this site, easy to use,
▶ 5d0fc4 (87) No.442915
Oops, forgot to add, you can add, #TheGreatAwakening hastag, or just add the name of the school shooting, or anything you think applies.
▶ ae5731 (2) No.443210
Started these hastags today
#GunFreeZone = #MassMurderZone
▶ ae5731 (2) No.443378
several years back there was a guy in the news, his court room hearing video --- some faces are hard to forget -- the very first time is saw the suspected shooters face I KNEW THE FACE
Its been quite a few years 90's or 80's if someone could do facial recognition scans in news archives i think you will find that arraignment video seems like early 90's not sure long time past…seems around the time to 2 boys killed their parents just cant remember when…..
▶ 937ade (1) No.443426
Meme Makers and spreaders. You are He-Men, You Have The Power. Just some random stuff for inspiration
"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." -JFK
Protect Potus
Potus recent tax and economy tweet response memes
"I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared." -Thomas Jefferson
Uncle Sam in hard hat
We Want You to Rebuild USA
Empire State Building
top: 1930: On March 17 construction begins
1931: On May 1 officially opens
Built in a year, lets rebuild our country
Double Rainbow with Trump in the middle with arms spread with love emanating from hands (We are taking rainbows back)
SOTU pics and quotes counteracting racist, sexist… We need more counteracting of this smearing. Protect Potus.
For God and Country. We need to awaken Patriotism
Multiple Flags pic Which one is yours? Would you fight for it?
Is your Country worth fighting for?
Pics of Patriots of Past.
Patriot Presidents and their quotes.
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
(For the mindless who won't listen to reason) “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
(For those who link MSM) "They follow the Hitler line - no matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth.”
“Too often we hold fast to the clichés of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
For God and Country -Q
“The Faith of Donald Trump,” a book just out by David Brody and Scott Lamb, is a very interesting read. Enjoy!-DJT tweet
"The federal Constitution [adoption process]…, should everything proceed with harmony and consent according to our actual wishes and expectations…, will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence, as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it."-George Washington
"[Concering] my devotion to the Constitution…, I regard it as the work of the purest patriots and wisest statesman that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant Providence…; it almost appears a divine interposition in our behalf." -Daniel Webster
Is your Freedom worth fighting for?
How much is Liberty Worth to You?
A badass Owl pic (We are taking Owls back)
▶ 3134e6 (3) No.444121>>444141 >>444159
Intervention by medical system to follow Trauma Based mind control 'break', MKULTRA / Monarch programming.
In McLean Disassociation place - TIP - Trauma acronym - previous bread, can't remember.
US Patent for RNM:
U.S Patent Number: 3,951,1.34 for remote sensing and modulation of brain waves, 1976. This was suggested as the relevant NSA patent for their Remote Neural Monitoring by BILL COOPER can sausage easy
harris corp own the patent now, long history of working with Marconi / prev GEC...
spoopy: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l6VPpDublg THIS IS HOW THEY DO IT
MARCONI / 3 SCIENTISTS NOTABLE POSTS - look at tech / projects.
baker / someone - i have no time. we have no dedicated mkultra thread other than shooter. this is not all my work but 4 days of assimilation plus .25% mine. need a respository. please before the waves sink me.
▶ 3134e6 (3) No.444141
THIS IS THE PATENT SORRY NO TIME: U.S Patent Number: 3,951,1.34 for remote sensing and modulation of brain waves, 1976.
▶ e8cd40 (5) No.444149>>445338
Memefags! Antigunners and communists are using #enough for their astroturf …please add to our hashtags and make it apply to Pharma and Corruption and Media Lies etc. Thank you!
▶ 3134e6 (3) No.444159
Search harris site for GEC / Marconi for PR releases going back to at least 1998 for projects between them. The patent was held by a firm before Harris also, after owners. might be in some of these posts:
▶ 137e24 (1) No.444353
add 5 more killers and a quote…
Ian Fleming --- 'Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action'
▶ 15fd21 (1) No.444527
Not that anyone can get the footage or audio of these at the moment…
Hillary Clinton Foundation Haiti
▶ 156981 (9) No.444850>>444867
Enhanced version >>443899
▶ 156981 (9) No.444867>>446905
▶ 0c23db (5) No.445250
Anon it is a longstanding rule, as well as common sense, that we MUST NOT disclose our work site to outsiders. It should not say 8chan. I have to report your post and ask that it be deleted.
▶ 156981 (9) No.445266>>446180
▶ 0c23db (5) No.445275
Correct the spelling of populace (twice).
Populous is the adjective.
Populace is the noun.
▶ 0c23db (5) No.445338>>445348 >>446872
#Enough added to pharma memes
▶ 156981 (9) No.446180
@Snowden #ProjectDEEPDREAM
#Catch22 #SpyVsSpy
▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446443>>446478
Phone browser warning: Set of 10 LARGE images
▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446478>>446519
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▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446519>>446541
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▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446551>>446577
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▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446594>>446605
▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446605>>446621
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▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446621>>446648
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▶ 38eb92 (10) No.446648>>462716
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▶ d6cd44 (4) No.446740
Spread: https:// petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/compel-big-pharma-testify-issue-roughly-90-mass-shooters-are-ssri-medication
▶ e8cd40 (5) No.446872
▶ 156981 (9) No.446905>>447830
▶ c51a9a (2) No.447568
Forgive me if you have think link already.
No he is not a crisis actor…because he cannot act. Someone should have given him lessons.
You Boob has taken it down…it is still here for now.
https:// www.facebook.com/rondwyersettingtherecordstraight/videos/1542817755846233/?hc_ref=ARQu1dxlTkwaiTlbhbUjnkpj-wTV2MpFNIeCel5VCb5frXXj9YcoQkR3SdX9ZJLVAMg
▶ 156981 (9) No.447663
▶ ec0350 (2) No.447745
▶ 156981 (9) No.447830
▶ 9ac185 (6) No.448206
.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump .@Qanon @CNN @MSNBC #MKUltra
#FalseFlag #internetbillofrights #GreatAwakening #NotABot #DrainTheSwamp #SecretSociety #shadowbans #SetTruthFree #LockHerUp #FreedomDay #GITMO #Gbay #ShameOnYou #ObamaGate #Treason #PigFarma #TwitterLockDown #TwitterLockout
Some #Twatter ammo
▶ 156981 (9) No.448396
#Dopey +
▶ 3abc97 (2) No.448857
You better have more than one picture or you look like fools.
▶ 3abc97 (2) No.448895
How big was that closet?
▶ db18e5 (3) No.449200
These would be good, but FFS spell it as "news," not "new!" These people are stupid, do we want to look stupid, also?
▶ db18e5 (3) No.449408
I like, especially "EliteBondage." An idea for an alternative version, take out "their dogs" or "their sheep," and add: "THEIR TRILLION DOLLAR ATM. If there's enough room to add, without removing anything, even better!
▶ db18e5 (3) No.449573
Thought I would give you the heads up on the "Science Guy," Bill Nye. "Believe" is misspelled. You have it as "beleive." Don't mean to be a dick, but we want this shit, tight!
▶ 9b66e9 (1) No.449814>>455051
Its been said before but being Rose Kennedy and Q we speak its a pretty good bet and then one must ponder the rest of what Rose said..and when did she say it and with what was she reference, if we may glimpse into thier life at that time…" Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?"
▶ 0fba1a (1) No.450449
3rd pic typo - Roseanne Barr is her name.
▶ a7a5b7 (1) No.450798
▶ f0ed77 (1) No.451439
for Twatter tagging/meme'ing of those MSM entities, journos, pundits, & celebrities that bought into and PARTICIPATED in the indicted Russian Ops.
ie, "Michael Moore is a #RussianTool"
▶ e8cd40 (5) No.452101
Meme request;
side by side of Keebler elf and bad ass yoda
What's it going to be, Jeff? Gatekeeper to the snack factory or Bad ass swamp master? something like that..
▶ 16d48b (2) No.452589
things that make you go hmmmm
▶ 426fc5 (1) No.453113
Hey Anons, can't shop right now, but idea:
>Truth Revolt also singled out CNN. “[The children’s] outrage is more than understandable after witnessing a mass shooting and fearing for their lives, but it’s shameful that CNN, and many other leftist outlets, would exploit them over and over again online and on-air to push the media’s gun control agenda.
Normies are awakening to MSM overuse of school shooting victims
Pic related
Thanks for all you do! 🇺🇸
▶ 72b57c (1) No.453774
David Hogg #CNNFakeNews #FakeNews #Collusion #CrisisActor #Busted #Presstitutes #iQkitty #44GITMO #MAGA
▶ 028073 (3) No.454899
Absolutely genius creativity.
Just brilliant anon.
▶ 028073 (3) No.455051
Very powerful.
24ct gold of a find.
No coincidences.
The connections to Rose Kennedy's quote and Trump/Q's reflections and reverence to JFK is perfectly spot on.
▶ 028073 (3) No.455185
Wait a minute.
▶ e44456 (2) No.459019
This will be a good one for when the charges are released. KEK
▶ e38789 (1) No.462716
▶ 9c1404 (1) No.463403
Idea for a meme campaign since the #FakeNews are at it again with the latest gun grab attempt
▶ 2bb4ba (5) No.463458
The eight 'Rules of Radicals' by Saul Alinsky memes.
Anyone out there think that this stuff isn't happening today in the U.S.? All eight rules are currently in play thanks to the Dems.
▶ d8cf6c (1) No.463464
▶ 2bb4ba (5) No.463468
The eight 'Rules of Radicals' by Saul Alinsky memes.
Anyone out there think that this stuff isn't happening today in the U.S.? All eight rules are currently in play thanks to the Dems.
▶ 2bb4ba (5) No.463476
The eight 'Rules of Radicals' by Saul Alinsky memes.
▶ 2bb4ba (5) No.463482
The eight 'Rules of Radicals' by Saul Alinsky memes.
▶ 8123b7 (1) No.463540
Here are a few with a Mockingbird / hypnosis theme.
▶ c473e2 (3) No.464972
I Found the KEYSTONE. Look at Topographical view of the vatican.
Can you see it?
Paul VI Audience
▶ c473e2 (3) No.465146
infiltration of fallen angles into the vatican
▶ 24e26a (4) No.468829
(not fake and gay)
▶ 4b694f (16) No.471349
George Soros said "Never let a crisis go to waste". We shouldn't either. We maybe need some more edited movie covers like this.
▶ 2a9d77 (3) No.471609>>471635
CNN, #CrisisActor #CrisisActors
▶ 2a9d77 (3) No.471664
Kek, put her ugly mug in 0's portrait unveiling!
▶ 299259 (17) No.472660
▶ 16d48b (2) No.473483
they are going after all of the NRAs sponsors
▶ f9eba2 (1) No.473653
good work anon,did anyone make one with coach? >>473451
▶ da5475 (1) No.473681
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZkDikRLQrw
▶ e42ee2 (1) No.474020
Dank meme idea for the memefags… yahoo sports just put out report FuckBoisInc are ready to release a report on NCAA basketball violations for basketball players. This combined with the fact the FuckBoisInc dropped the proverbial ball on the (((school shooting))) should be low hanging fruit for a sideby side meme with something to effect of ‘which is more important to (You)
▶ 595a14 (2) No.474093
respond to corporate NRA boycotts
▶ a71674 (1) No.474270
"Catch and release MS13 in sanctuary cities. True Patriots must move to safer places."
▶ 360f12 (1) No.475743
The American Bison behind POTUS was an inspiration. The Keksmarine
▶ 2b4620 (3) No.476740
When the madness stops we need a complete list of companies boycotting the NRA in an easy to read Meme. We will distribute and watch them fail miserably.
▶ e490eb (1) No.477709
My take on the Before/After Cultural Marxism meme. Source pics included for other meme magicians.
▶ d08cb7 (1) No.479728
Joe the Handler and MK MIka. Does Mika know what happened to a previous women he handled?
▶ 516e21 (2) No.481881
transparant version big
▶ 5a8a39 (3) No.481936
Please tweet this to @AlecBaldwin
He already blocked me..
▶ 10d185 (1) No.482198
Deep state is about to die.
Learn here what you can do to help speed up their demise:
http:// archive.is/QKmJY
Please share that link everywhere. Thank you.
Help get the general public aware and talking about the Leader Technologies miller act notice, so people start tweeting at Trump to get it aproved so we can see the anti-free speech Silicon Valley tech mafia burn to the ground and kill the deep state faster.
The quick run downs:
http:// archive.is/nZqAd
http:// archive.is/sjRoz
http:// archive.is/H6IRK
▶ b7413e (1) No.482297
>>482198https:// www.linkedin.com/pulse/three-factions-cia-control-world-covert-fvey-alliance-michael-holt
▶ 4b694f (16) No.482868
Update to the Wizards badge.
▶ 18bbd1 (2) No.483053
>>366408 (OP)
Fill Memes13 first.
Memes14 >>482965 is next.
▶ b9cc7e (1) No.483666>>485390
UPDATE: I created a temp Google Voice phone number and use that to unlock my Twitter account. If you are locked out, you can do the same. Will keep twitter account, but always cross-post to GAB.ai … we should all maintain more than one channel for comms.
((Twitter Post Template 1))
KICK-2 // Shift comms … create an account on http:// GAB.ai and build a following there. Shift, move, and communicate. Cross post everything to both.
Find me, and many others already there at http:// gab.ai
((Twitter Post Template 2))
Please join me over at GAB, create an account for yourself and FOLLOW me there, along with all of your favorite tweeters moving over - creating a free speech bunker to fight back against #TwitterBans // #TwitterPurge #FreeSpeech
ANONS: Time to create 2nd comms channel for your Twatters over on GAB. Important to keep your twatter account and KEEP FOLLOWING POTUS ON TWITTER, but for your own mental health start reposting your tweets to GAB and feel the love from other people like you. We've been silenced on twatter, but things are VIBRANT on GAB.ai … follow people on GAB, post about GAB on twatter, WELCOME people to GAB, and keep a backup to you comms channel open and working when we need to KICK-2 next time.
DREAMING: WOULD LOVE POTUS TO START POSTING TO BOTH PLATFORMS - WILL CAUSE EVERYONE w/ INTEREST TO MIGRATE … might, however, break GAB… not sure they are ready for the sudden load.
▶ 33e77b (5) No.483749>>483789
>>366408 (OP)
Which stage of grief is blaming every gun owner EXCEPT the shooter?
▶ ef04e7 (1) No.483959
< Just sharing a meme and some other Q memetic materials.
▶ 33e77b (5) No.484063
>>366408 (OP)
don't you don't you don't you know you're a "Shooting Star"
and all the world will love you, just as long as you are
a "Shooting Star"
▶ 998b07 (1) No.485360
Let's redpill Antifa on the 2nd amendment.
▶ c5b46e (1) No.485390
Thanks for this post! I've been Anon posting to Twitter and have been locked out for a week.
I didn't really consider posting to GAB.ai (@WANAGL). I will now! And I will create a temp Google Voice number to get back on Twitter. Thanks again!
▶ f5269e (3) No.485910>>485918
Tried to hide it but just can't deny it
▶ f5269e (3) No.485918
Missed source
Have Fun
▶ 285967 (6) No.488737
Please post more than one graphic per post…
You are wasting posts by posting only one image each time
< and now I wasted a post on you
▶ 71b92e (2) No.494631
▶ 2ec3d5 (4) No.508405>>508410 >>530280
David Seaman, Anti-school, Cou fe fe with Dave, Net for Truth, are all gone from YouTube.
▶ a30def (2) No.530280>>530284
Honestly, when it comes to a raving dumbass like Semen, nothing of value was lost.
▶ a30def (2) No.530284
And before anyone talks shit to me, remember that Seaman is the one who called Q a LARP and hope porn and all kinds of other garbage.
▶ f4f956 (1) No.655429
Trump mentioned "Space Force" as a new military branch in his speech today.
▶ ccd91a (1) No.694251
I want to start making memes where do I post them?