The Deep State and the State of Israel are increasingly getting desperate by the minute and the longer we take, the more at risk we put ourselves over their growing desperation.
A few months ago (((they))) were colluding with the royal house of Saudi Arabia to false flag a war with Lebanon to cause the collapse of the petrodollar and the US economy, all to bolster up the petroyaun on contingency to circumvent the Goyim from learning the truth.
Fortunately for us, the Trump administration have carefully laid down the pieces of the chess board to guarantee our success, but the longer we wait to act, that buffer can dissipate.
I accepted my role as the general of this proxy war, and if you listen to me, we will have destroyed the deep state and the State of Israel within a week.
My plan that I have in mind is the easiest and most effective strategy without risking any bullets or bearing any casualties.
We need to lead a massive counter psy op to destroy the protective barrier the Deep State and the State of Israel have over the US populace so Trump's administration can sweep the house from the inside without any retalliation from our opposition.
The protective barrier of the deepstate and the State of Israel is the MSM and once we destroy the MSM we will have unveiled the entire veil.
And the way we destroy the MSM is going to be quite simple. An they sowed their doom throughout these last few months.
All the news about pizzagate being fake news is still fresh in the populaces mind. The MSM unknowingly planted a seed that’s been slowly growing in the back of the populaces subconscious these last few months. Especially with campaigns like Weinstein Gate and #Metoo.
The populace is already exposed to the fuckery of the MSM, while having the seed that pizzagate is fake news sitting not to far off.
What we need to do is bridge the gap between the neurons associated with #metoo and Weinstein Gate to the seed that pizzagate is fake news. And because of such, any information pertaining to pizzagate will actually be considered with validity and truth, rather then condemnation.
All because the MSM planted the seeds of their desperation in the minds of the American populace.
All we have to do is shitpost away
All at once, mercilessly the same way the Deep State and the Elders of Zion have been been merciless to you.
Dan Schnieder, the Talmud, Pizzagate,
We need to vandalize the entire internet with the entire truth.
A one man army is difficult. But if we unite together, 5000 of us dedicating to the cause our success will be solidified in stone.
And through overexposure, and the sheer strength of our numbers, thr entire populace will be moved by our efforts, which will bridge the gap between #metoo and pizzagate to the redpill to the Deep State leading all the way to the state of Israel.
This is the meme war to end all meme wars. The meme war to END ALL WARS.
And through our efforts, coinciding with NK joining NATO this summer, we will have secured global peace while restabilizing the world for generations to come.
Are you ready to join Gods army?