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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: 864d3bec0b01f0c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QR1649.png)

215069 No.1315257

Welcome To Q Research General

Q's New Tripcode Now Whitelisted by BO

See >>1306834

Q has made a new personal board at >>>/patriotsfight/

Catalog address https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/catalog.html

Q has also changed tripcode, see QPosts below

Q's NewTripcode: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

Q's OldTripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ------- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ------- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ------- A rigged system (Justice_.png)

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ------- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ------- Whitelist on /qresearch/ -- Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388

>>>/patriotsfight/2 -------- Trip Conf -- Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)

>>>/patriotsfight/1 -------- Tripcode Update -- Deleted

>>1298146 ------------------ /patriotsfight/

Wednesday 5.02.2018

>>1280616 ------------------ (Shipping Pallets)

>>1280036 ------------------ (Apple HQ)

>>1280030 ------------------ (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)

Monday 4.30.2018

>>1249365 ------------------ Knowing what you know now.

>>1248119 ------------------ Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

>>1247406 ------------------ No name out.

>>1244154 ------------------ Emmy awards. Red carpet event?

>>1243783 rt >>1243759 Assets in place.

>>1243605 rt >>1243593 EagerLion18: Live fire exercise with Jordanian Marines.

>>1243597 rt >>1243510 Connect. No coincidences.

>>1243510 ------------------ Pompeo visits Jordan.

Sunday 4.29.2018

>>1242689 rt >>1242682 (Q verifies anonymous post)

>>1242682 rt >>1242608 rt >>1242545 R=18 (QAnon ID:038c68)

>>1242619 rt >>1241774 , >>1241803 Do you believe in Coincidences?

>>1233880 rt >>1233553 Operators have died. They lay down their lives so that others may live, FREE!

>>1233553 rt >>1233458 Personal thank you to (you).

>>1233458 ------------------ Be careful who you are following.

Saturday 4.28.2018

>>1229092 rt >>1228857 Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead.

>>1228613 rt >>1228588 Noted:IP-Ghost:

>>1228588 rt >>1228489 You know that we know. You know what we have. Your move.

>>1218893 rt >>1218465 We are in this together

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

Backup Q Posts


Board Rules >>3138

NEWBIES >>1254488

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Shill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

215069 No.1315259


are not endorsements


>>1314587 China Trip/Pritzker Dinner (Podesta e-mails)

>>1314682 Anon identifies the blue pallet company...

>>1314761 "The United States Should Seize on Iran's Currency Crisis"

>>1315082 #Kilauea erupting (twatter video)

>>1315111 Operation Smile & Swift Trucking & YMCA

>>1315133 DAM RIGHT KANYE WEST!!! (youtube)

>>1315177 What to do with monuments with satanic symbology?, >>1315238 Divine in origin?


>>1314121 Children in Jordan denied equal rights

>>1314139 Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

>>1313988 The Iran deal is dead – Iran killed it

>>1313816 , >>1313840 Bio Hazardous symbol on the pallets?

>>1313796 Do the pallets contain adrenochrome?

>>1313791 More on no-name's funeral arrangements

>>1313772 Sudan situation: Dig

>>1313349 Is there a laser war happening off the coast of Djibouti?


1313529 MXIVM: It's truly HABBEDING

>>1313527 Trudeau's Islamification continues unabated

>>1312992 Party Naked by Ryan McGinness (and VJ?)

>>1313373 Saudi Arabia and the 5 Trump Towers apartments

>>1312971 Sales of Celgene’s marquee cancer drug surge as Trump's price-crackdown looms

>>1312949 USS Harry Truman Begins Operations Against ISIS

>>1313036 Alison Mack wears goat head earings

>>1313134 Does Jennifer Pena (Pence's doctor), have ties to NXIVM?

>>1313131 MILITARY PARADE - 11:11

>>Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

>>1312902 More on NXIVM's Dr. Mengele


>>1312553 U2/Bono & fallen angels. Message sent. Did you catch it?

>>1312531 NXIVM: Dr. Brandon Porter charged for illegally conducting human experiments

>>1312494 , >>1312519 Obama & Bush to give eulogies at no-name's eventual funeral

>>1312178 US and South Korea to detail plans for nuclear-free North by 2020

>>1312147 Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti getting paid by Perkins Coie

>>1312044 'Welcome to Camp America, Inside Guantanamo Bay'

>>1312043 Fake news is technically illegal

>>1312036 Scientific study: Meditation & Prayer works

>>1312696 Notable Old People Deaths Update


>>1311591 Reminder on Threads & Research Section

>>1311783 Mueller and Kerry as classmates

>>1311723 Zip file with all QPosts

>>1311702 Getting Started with Planefagging

>>1311700 , >>1311709 Office of Foreign Missions & 5 apartments in Trump Towers

>>1311693 Heather O'Rourke: Voat Deep Investigation Thread

>>1311638 Virgin Unite Cocktail Party, Branson invite to John Podesta

>>1310355 , >>1311551 European Institute Invitation for John Podesta

>>1311452 The Catholic Church profited from the sale of white babies

>>1311382 John Kerry's family history

>>1311318 , >>1311419 Mueller's Russian Troll Farm Indictment Could Face An 'Embarrassing Dismissal'

>>1311270 Alwaleed = SNOW WHITE / SA / DOPEY!

>>1311189 Pence's doctor resigns

>>1311082 BIS Dig Updated

>>1311075 Platte River Networks Dig (HRC server maintainers)

>>1311193 New FOIA Documents Reveal FBI LOST Chain of Custody of Hillary’s Server for Five Weeks

>>1311191 Raid at Minnieland Academy after teacher arrested for sex abuse allegations

>>1311188 No-name apparently doesn't want POTUS at his funeral


>>1311047 , >>1311094 Thank you Cleveland, Ohio! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/992880573025865729

>>1310847 POTUS Call with Prime Minister Theresa May

>>1310828 Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.

>>1310797 Re >Albany doctor allegedly ran sick human experiments for Nxivm

>>1310774 Gibraltar Tax, smuggling and banking haven, >>1310619

>>1310725 Paul Manafort Transcript continued… Sauce

>>1310642 Memefags are loved... Memeing isn’t always easy. But vital to get right.

>>1310604 Arab coalition forming ?

>>1310594 , >>1310728 are we keeping a list of notable old people deaths/“deaths”?

>>1310557 Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway reports its first net loss since 2009

>>1310545 Collection of recent graphics

>>1310521 , >>1310530 Manafort case transcript


>>1310483 , >>1310613 filter results on qanon.pub as of today 5/5

>>1310457 Cabal fighting back / Projection

>>1310398 Special Forces Creed, >>1310485 ANONS CREED

>>1310501 I serve quietly, not seeking recognition or accolades

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

215069 No.1315265

Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.

Help collect the gems that fall here, they are too ephemeral and precious to disappear in the chaff

ThanQ for all your assistance in collecting Notable posts.

The fruits of our labors should not be lost in the chaff of shills, shitposters & clowns.

EVERYTHING of value should be saved offline on multiple formats.

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware,

you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.


To highlight a notable post, please format your post using the following below.

Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question

and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:




Baker Notable

>>####### <Brief description of notable> (Without any brackets, quotes, etc.)


War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1009786 - DARPA/FB/Lifelog/5g/2020

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1276151 - Military Plane Crashes

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1309459 - all things CORSI and BEANZ discussion

>>1310117 - for anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

215069 No.1315268

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1287685 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg ————— >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg —————- >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg —————————– >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg —————— >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg ————- >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg ————— >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg ———— >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg ———– >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg ———————————- >>>/comms/957

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png ————– >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 17,000 memes and infographs.


Memes: Stockpiles

Memes20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040, 18 >>1027465

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Resources Library

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.0.0 [updated 5/5]) >>1314112

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools.

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form. https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

NEW Federal Procurement Data System fpds.gov >>1300457 https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

215069 No.1315270



215069 No.1315285

going with the minimalist theme here. kek

274905 No.1315314

File: 2ca14541f6ebd5c⋯.jpg (25.64 KB, 472x285, 472:285, Hawking inb4 failure chuck….jpg)

42bde5 No.1315318

File: 6dbfa9ddbaf0cfd⋯.jpg (103.32 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 29qcf4.jpg)

deda3b No.1315319

0bd459 No.1315329


BiBi will be in Russia?


7a8829 No.1315332

File: 4f472442bdb34a0⋯.jpg (339.63 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, Katherine-Timpf-Thanks-U-B….jpg)

e20307 No.1315333


>When i use to haul bananas there was one load from central america we heard of made it to Birmingham Alabama and was supposed to have explosives in it. Never was revealed to the news, happened 10+ years ago.

Hmmm, maybe that's it truckeranon. Explosives! Like you said, the gov would keep it quiet.

515152 No.1315337

File: 324192f5575cedd⋯.png (269.14 KB, 610x853, 610:853, ClipboardImage.png)


This is totally a symbolic gesture in the inauguration speech isn't it

Tell DJT we are having a Can't-Stump-The-Trump weekend and working on our businesses and watching Trump videos

> 45 seconds

45th president

> Maggu Habbermu hating on it

Peace Through Strength

> At one minute and 16 seconds into the speech

“Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another—but we are transferring power from Washington, DC, and giving it back to you, the American People.”

3fc4ea No.1315338

File: 228efcac7b61043⋯.png (1.19 MB, 818x756, 409:378, ClipboardImage.png)

TY Baker

665945 No.1315339

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ea73d8 No.1315340



274905 No.1315343

File: eeff14413654a74⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 640x625, 128:125, eeff14413654a7472c9c517fba….jpg)

0bd459 No.1315344

File: bb424f7456d9d24⋯.png (1.44 MB, 821x1075, 821:1075, SOONVZLA.png)


Thanks Baker.


42bde5 No.1315346

File: 9a67294ea2aa268⋯.jpeg (378.62 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, 9a67294ea2aa268fa6ddb2f9f….jpeg)

deda3b No.1315348

File: 9f4bb39780e35ef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 84.45 KB, 934x1400, 467:700, 8 (2).jpg)

Danke Baker

e014df No.1315350

File: 4ab84ee275fb472⋯.jpg (62 KB, 810x533, 810:533, Ashley-Biden-photos.jpg)

Came across Ashley Biden Krein – daughter of Joe Biden – works for a Delaware child welfare Agency

Did you know Biden had another daughter that passed away at age 1? Naomi

• According to a Tulane University classmate’s blog, Ashley “was very attractive” and “a hot freshman that every guy wanted to be with.”

• In 2010 Ashley started dating Howard Krein, a philanthropist physician who is double board certified in otolaryngology and plastic surgery from Pennsylvania.

• Ashley’s fashion project, Livelihood was focused on the ethical side of things.

• Livelihood consisted of a range of organic cotton hoodies. The sales from the debut collection would entirely be channeled to programs that work to alleviate poverty through education, training, and job placement.

• Biden’s goal is to dress the nation, benefiting low-income areas, the first of which are in Wilmington, Delaware, and Anacostia, Washington, D.C., which are her adoptive home cities.

• Ashley is also a social worker at a Delaware child welfare agency The Center for Justice. This nonprofit serves children and adults impacted by the criminal justice system. This has served as big influence for her to launch her projects and ideas focused on good causes.



ea73d8 No.1315351


I run sound for the man who operates that ministry at the church where it's currently located. Been with them for 11 years

98ba54 No.1315352

File: f0d5fd2c9c49410⋯.png (125.16 KB, 1223x908, 1223:908, 44965anon.png)

last post


Seriously think I might be on to something here…

c88317 No.1315353

thanks baker!

534144 No.1315354

File: af0e5288a97883f⋯.jpg (223.46 KB, 1260x1479, 420:493, frazetta.jpg)

Thanks, Baker

1339dd No.1315355

File: b395c85f443a61f⋯.png (416.67 KB, 3260x1068, 815:267, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


Q has told us 40 times

"these people are stupid"

960eca No.1315356

File: 1efa3dee5a98991⋯.png (976.3 KB, 992x539, 992:539, ClipboardImage.png)

Puigdemont to Be Once Again Nominated as Candidate for Catalan Presidency

MADRID (Sputnik) - The Catalan pro-independence Together for Catalonia (JxCat) political party on Saturday proposed to once again nominate former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont as a candidate to head the regional government.

The news came from JxCat spokesman Eduard Pujol following a meeting of the party's members in Berlin. The candidacy is expected to be officially announced before May 14.

On Friday, Catalan lawmakers voted in favor of an amendment that would allow the regional president to be elected without his or her presence in the parliament, in a move that could return Puigdemont, who currently is in self-imposed exile, to power.

Portrait of former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont attached to the fence of the prison (Justizvollzugsanstalt, JVA) of Neumuenster, northern Germany, where Puigdemont ,former Catalan regional president, is detained


German Court Releases Ex-Catalan Leader Puigdemont on Bail

In January, a Spanish court ruled that Puigdemont, who fled to Belgium in October to avoid sedition charges after last year's independence referendum, could only become the regional leader if he was physically present in the parliament and had a judge’s permission to attend the swearing-in session.

However, in late February, Catalan pro-independence parties announced their plans to establish a parallel government in Brussels that would be headed by Puigdemont, the idea Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy described as "crazy."


98ba54 No.1315357



0ba6a7 No.1315358


Kind of young..

86b465 No.1315359


Not if that is a refrigerated truck. Wood molds in refrigerated trucks.

1b9eba No.1315360

File: d8f53748c6059b2⋯.png (267.67 KB, 525x511, 75:73, pizza.png)

File: c4b60ee51215e75⋯.png (348.31 KB, 662x501, 662:501, lasers.png)

pizza and lasers

e93a36 No.1315361

File: 6d32dede36e62d2⋯.jpg (91.95 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 10649812_10152394698888348….jpg)

File: 3ea78508c54a04c⋯.png (133.92 KB, 1322x155, 1322:155, Capture.PNG)

File: a7878d39a20fa82⋯.png (472.3 KB, 1332x813, 444:271, isa.PNG)

What is that?

1339dd No.1315362

File: 949c0e81dda7a68⋯.png (437.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, God_will_judge_our_enemies….png)

328737 No.1315363


Fruit flies as bioweapons?

Way sick…

cb3c21 No.1315365

>>1315341 previous

Exactly! If anons were meant to disseminate those pics, Q would have said something.

However, I understand we are bored and need something to argue about, lol.

274905 No.1315366

File: e7fb55a05eb805e⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 720x723, 240:241, DcfFsJ9V0AE-D0L.jpg)

00a01f No.1315367


Ignore and filter the haters and dividers. Don't answer them…many are bots.

You're good. Many hate Christians as well because evil ones are associated as Christians.

0bd459 No.1315368


Seriously, Who support to Puig-demont?

bde2c9 No.1315369

File: d75febf70ddbaee⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_2029.JPG)

Just in case , one makes homotus egregore go away, in case you don't have laser Pointer

Also great grandma kill box used a large refrigerator box to keep spurious homotus occupied

665945 No.1315370


cool… don't doxx urself anon

ff32d9 No.1315371


Bananas and ceramic tile are two cargo's that set off "interstate" radiation detectors.

May have been that happened.

42bde5 No.1315372


anon if u are out in public and you see anyone wearing glasses and a ballcap i suggest you start running

802e4f No.1315373


Every frickn time!

bde2c9 No.1315374

File: efcbff0494a7980⋯.png (444.73 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2102.PNG)

c88317 No.1315376


what do you use to hop IPs?

215069 No.1315377





e014df No.1315378


pizza down there?

Wonder where "there" is.

d2324a No.1315380


Prolly hidemyass.com

ea73d8 No.1315381



20035a No.1315382

>>1315277 (prev bread)

Since I was responding to the anon that SPECIFICALLY mentioned Moses & the jews & wars & GOD, that must have meant it happened in the "holy land", you know, THE MIDEAST. Ya think???? Either read the bible, do some research or get some reading comprehension going for ya. By trying to be a smartass you ended up looking like a dumbass.You sound stupid.

e73cf6 No.1315383

File: 7fa53b4856d8ed6⋯.png (768.37 KB, 651x711, 217:237, Gutfeld re Kat.PNG)


No. She's really not.

Almost 30 I believe

70a5a6 No.1315384


My gosh! Ifwhat I am postulating in my own thinking, then damn…We let stupid people get away with treason under our watch as citizens of our wonderful country for years.

ff32d9 No.1315385


Then they must be 40x more stupid than anons would have ordinarily suspected!


2f2bc7 No.1315386

File: c04ec2b27b274a1⋯.png (319.03 KB, 733x677, 733:677, KazZeus.png)

Trust KanZues


0fed6e No.1315387


No pedo stuff

960eca No.1315388

File: e22216b93531c9d⋯.png (876 KB, 1004x541, 1004:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2208c78f7c9c17b⋯.png (17.13 KB, 502x262, 251:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28feda02d669e6b⋯.png (15.75 KB, 519x255, 173:85, ClipboardImage.png)


A large group of motorcyclists is said to be headed toward the US capitol of Washington DC with the intention of confronting US Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Monday.

A group calling themselves the Deplorable Bikers — begun as an anti-Obama group just before the former US President's second term and transformed into a pro-Trump cabal during the latter's 2016 election campaign — tweeted that many of its adherents are headed to Washington DC to confront Mueller regarding his federally-mandated investigation into alleged collusion between the Kremlin and Trump's campaign.

Reports claim that thousands of pro-Trump motorcycle riders have joined the mob, demanding that Congress defund what they refer to as the Mueller ‘witch hunt,' according to statements by spokespersons claiming to represent the group.

Responding to accusations of collusion, Moscow has repeatedly denied interfering, calling the claims "absurd." As for the US president, he has denied colluding with the Kremlin, and has repeatedly called the federal justice department investigation a "witch hunt."

An absence of collusion was established by a Republican-led House Intelligence Committee "Report on Russian Active Measure" report released last week.

The committee did allege, however, that Moscow attempted to sow division in the US by carrying out cyberattacks and seeking to influence social media users.


e36346 No.1315389

File: 41029853892d16b⋯.jpeg (12.23 KB, 450x450, 1:1, pogo stick.jpeg)


Plug this into your USB port.

42bde5 No.1315390


you would be fucking stupid too if you partied for 400 years on the backs of the working class that and all the inbreeding they massively underestimated the public and the military their arrogance will be their downfall

ff32d9 No.1315391


Jabooty (I did not spell that right)…

pizza in "jabuti"…

d58c9e No.1315392


Yep. You’re gut is spot on. They do a close up on Hussein during that. Watch the MSM broadcast and it will speak to you.

c88317 No.1315394


lol well played anon

e014df No.1315395



yep and married to a philanthropist plastic surgeon.

f1b4c1 No.1315396

File: 4cf8011c2935c75⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 240x253, 240:253, 6936b598aee377da7a730251a1….jpg)

b5e1e1 No.1315397

File: 79866c2238953e8⋯.png (853.7 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, IMG_7739.PNG)

Here's to (you)


98ba54 No.1315398


sigh, why do they have to always look the same

85dad0 No.1315399

File: 0f0bb32821ec966⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1220x3713, 1220:3713, hawking.png)

a45a4c No.1315400


I can believe the American people fell for it. CIA Manchurian candidate

3297d3 No.1315401


>these are not rational people like you and I

Ok, then we can just say that they are sick fucks that get off on kllling kids and drinking their blood. Stop! No need to speculate beyond this without hard evidence.

There is no need to get subjectively reductionistic and declare it’s all because of one highly unstable chemical with scant evidence of any worthy pharmacological effects. Adrenochrome is retarded!

0fed6e No.1315402


Which one?

811a19 No.1315403



7a8829 No.1315404

File: 8d112f94a5e088d⋯.jpg (207.24 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, WhoIsQanon15.jpg)

File: c16df8171144330⋯.jpg (76.66 KB, 529x529, 1:1, WhoIsQanon14.jpg)

File: d8430f8010159ec⋯.jpg (199.64 KB, 750x500, 3:2, WhoIsQanon13.jpg)


She is a very fine young lady anon and a great patriot. Super funny and cute into the bargain :)

2ce892 No.1315405

Q give us our daily bread please. Thank you.

9f6aae No.1315406


Thomas Paine


11h11 hours ago


BREAKING: John McCain’s Deathbed Demand – President Trump NOT Invited to My Funeral

hahaha, don't worry mcnoname he ain't goin'

f1b4c1 No.1315407



81b6e1 No.1315408


I stopped by and listen to his schpeel a week ago, and no shit he actually thinks that he is carrying on a conversation with Q! It was either April 30 or May 1st SCHPEEL ON HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL when he was saying something about how Q was mad at him or some shit. He considers himself the grandfather of the Q movement WHAAAAT!! FUKIN NEWB!! Someone wants to stuff his dick in the ear of history. LMAO!!

9a62b5 No.1315409


Only the fucking jews call it the holy land. What makes it holy objectively besides their sick stories of murder and rape, fuckbrain?

9f6aae No.1315410

I hope she's prosecuted:

Thomas Paine


2h2 hours ago


BUSTED: Rosie O’Donnell’s campaign donations to MANY Dems went over legal limit

515152 No.1315411



This one too.

CIA on Jan 21

First day

Future proves past…


3ba3e4 No.1315412


That's the same account that posted the fake antifa flags. It's a money grabber.

215069 No.1315413

File: 64882f959313e51⋯.png (126.55 KB, 387x427, 387:427, ClipboardImage.png)


Dinner at a Vietnamese hotel?

42bde5 No.1315414


idk i had one legit following me the other day at lunch at my workplace dude legit followed me for a solid 2 min after staring at my ass obviously for 20 min while i ate a burger

a45a4c No.1315415


Jailfag you crack me up.

Obama's portrait got the same treatment

ea73d8 No.1315416


No famefag, just always happy to see our stuff get posted, nice to see it make the rounds. Carry on anons, dig moar!

c39332 No.1315417


Kat if you see this, I love you!

f3e76f No.1315418


Interesting, explosives packed with fruit and gassed to get past explosive detection. but who flies pallets of fruit.

Possible that someone from apple on plane, targeted. Another foiled deep state FF.

Or this could all read.

Abramavich approved ny pizza flown cross country to apple. Pallets of apples is saying, how do you like them apples.

a1561c No.1315420


Then why, when I spoke to Stan 2 weeks ago, did he say he hadn't heard of Q?

802e4f No.1315421

File: d3538c0883f8892⋯.png (806.07 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-4….png)

File: 8a5b4fc7b8b40b5⋯.png (235.27 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-4….png)

File: 4304bc6735f4191⋯.png (292.76 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-4….png)

File: 58ab3394e556137⋯.png (277.27 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-4….png)

File: 2d8567026200bc5⋯.png (326.96 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

https:// www.nation.co.ke/oped/opinion/Kenya-diplomacy-should-strategise-to-court-Obama/440808-4547336-l9ro91z/index.html

215069 No.1315422

20035a No.1315423

File: 2997c6f4795afc4⋯.jpg (105.15 KB, 960x897, 320:299, PEDOCURE.jpg)

d378ce No.1315424


That chick needs to eat more food.

9f6aae No.1315425

I hope this is televised. LOL (doubtful)

We Support 45 & The Wall!


May 4



An angry mob is reportedly headed to Washington D.C. to confront Robert Mueller on Monday to demand his Witch Hunt be shut down. Reports say over 15,000 Bikers are involved!


Donate to support this action @ http://Support45.com so we can post bail if need be

0ba6a7 No.1315426


Doesn't look like the girl with the cat to me

7a8829 No.1315427


Nah she looks perfect anon.

f1b4c1 No.1315428


I got a protein shake for her

dd2c90 No.1315429

File: 4b194c62478f67d⋯.png (1003.57 KB, 1030x560, 103:56, YouSeeThisBitch.png)

98ba54 No.1315430


He was checking out dem bunz

3d253b No.1315431

File: a3fc70c36a7ec9b⋯.png (83.8 KB, 621x586, 621:586, Screenshot 2018-05-05 at 1….png)


I think the old bastard has been hittin the bottle

bbe456 No.1315432

File: f2ad6322138476d⋯.jpg (125.27 KB, 909x580, 909:580, DcdNZYtW4AELw85.jpg)

7a8829 No.1315433


It's her anon. She's /ourgal/ Katherine Timpf.

dd6bcd No.1315434

File: 09c32261445b46a⋯.jpeg (148.03 KB, 750x947, 750:947, 6b7039f24a60d1715fc43b963….jpeg)

Hey all, thought this may be of interest. Q, is someone waging war against us via common LED screens found in our smartphones, laptops and computer screens? How do I bold specific sections of text?

There is already plenty of scientific evidence that LED light has real physiological effect on people. Apparently LED screens can affect us far more than i originally suspected. Especially those who are on the autism spectrum, ie 99% of anons on the chans.

This 2011 (unpeer-reviewed?) article, Exploring flicker in Solid‐State Lighting: What you might find, and how to deal with it discusses it further, showing the different sorts of flickering that occurs from different types of light sources, plus a brief summary (with references) of some of the health effects flickering can cause, including this excerpted list:

- Headaches and eyestrain

- Neurological problems including photosensitive epilepsy

- Reductions in visual performance

- Distraction

- Disruptive behaviors in individuals with autism

>- Disruptive behaviors in individuals with autism

>- Disruptive behaviors in individuals with autism

This paper introduces power electronic designers for LED lighting to health concerns relating to flicker, demonstrates that existing technologies in LED lighting sometimes provide flicker at frequencies that may induce biological human response, and discusses a few methods to consider when trying to mitigate unintentional biological effects of LED lighting.

The physiological pathway is that all humans are sensitive to flickering light - the range of sensitivity in both frequency and intensity varies by individual. At normal mains frequencies (50 or 60Hz) the vast majority of the population is insensitive but some people are.


A huge mega thread regarding this topic


215069 No.1315435


i don't give a shit about famefagging…just lookin' out…dox and all that

2c2922 No.1315436


If you are looking for something for yourself, CyberGhost is having a flash sale today: $33 for one year. That's pretty inexpensive compared to a lot of other plans out there.

3ba3e4 No.1315437


I'll bite her cat.


beb14b No.1315438

File: 9dd2e0563a69c48⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1638x1002, 273:167, CLOWNS NOT NEWS.png)

CLOWN News Network host porn whore's "attorney" 59 times in less than two months!

0ba6a7 No.1315439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ff32d9 No.1315440

File: 5cd598272126a47⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 840x545, 168:109, Machine gun PedoKiller.jpg)


And I know someone who can administer the shots…

(pic related)

bde2c9 No.1315441


Prol got the merkel from the dragon My best guess

3841e3 No.1315442

File: e7c0ab418fd377e⋯.png (962.65 KB, 960x735, 64:49, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Baker.

0fed6e No.1315443


If he is referring to food, it looks like seaweed salad.


7a8829 No.1315444


A little restraint anon kek. Anyway I have first dibs.

215069 No.1315445


/ourgrills/ >>> /(((theirgrills)))/

3ba3e4 No.1315446


Fake and gay. They want ur sheckles.

e014df No.1315447





Djibouti, officially the Republic of Djibouti, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea in the north, Ethiopia in the west and south, and Somalia in the southeast. The remainder of the border is formed by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden at the east. Djibouti occupies a total area of just 23,200 km².

3ebcd1 No.1315448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CaliforniAnons, have you heard of this man?

Patrick Little, attempting to register to run as a republican for Diane Feinstein's CA Senate seat, was removed from the GOP meeting while kicking and dragging an Israeli flag, claiming he was escorted out because he won't serve Israel, only Americans.

Jewgle searching leads to MSM branding him a Neo-Nazi. Could he be /ourguy/?

Vid related is what he posted after being kicked out. Worth a watch.

2a0730 No.1315449



1313529 MXIVM: It's truly HABBEDING

should be:


>>1313529 NXIVM: It's truly HABBEDING

bde2c9 No.1315450

File: 4f51a3c2c3ebfa3⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 254x175, 254:175, IMG_1616.JPG)

And the loser bots just kept piling on

470b3e No.1315451

File: 2b185563335191b⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1859x643, 1859:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad513f67c3e82f8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1063x794, 1063:794, ClipboardImage.png)


Its not in there that long.

Regardless, THOSE ARE CHEP WOOD Pallets.

Wood is used over plastic because boxes do not slide on wood, plastic they slide all over the place.

Than add in those are Apples, in that pictures, even if its berries also gassed.

They're both dry loads, not shipped ice packed like brocolli.

THAT is a 102" Wide regular SEMI Trailer, its actually a Produce trailer, notice the chute at the top?

Thats to duct the air to the back to maintain equalized temp so don't freeze produce at the front.

promise you from what we can see and observe, DO NOT READ anything extra into it.

Its a 102" Reefer Produce Trailer.

Its Produce that is gassed to preserve freshness, ala Apples, or Berries,

Its on Chep Blue Wood Pallets.

Wrapped, taped, at bottom, and typically Apples are wrapped in nylon reenforced tape like the pictures,

Strwberries or rasberrys have interlocking boxes in Flats to can't fall over easily.

Lastly Q did post it with the Apple office.

Now there is NOTHING you can prove from the picture beyond that.

Most apples come from Washington, but I've hauled some from Upper Michigan too.

Reefer containers, do not have a chutes, they have stainless steel walls, and typically are 96" wide.

4d261d No.1315452


Lol no cares potus is saving the country. n its probly a cover up for what's really going on with no name mcbitch.

811a19 No.1315453

Good night Q and watchers.

You are good Patriots.

beb14b No.1315454

File: 0a2d7ff269423d7⋯.jpg (621.36 KB, 1638x1002, 273:167, CLOWNS NOT NEWS.jpg)

CLOWN News Network host porn whore's "attorney" 59 times in less than two months!

Mark Dice


3ba3e4 No.1315455


Trips confirm. After u lad.

802e4f No.1315456

File: 9d0084908a95dee⋯.png (645.93 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: 20173defb647737⋯.png (359.69 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: 6a108dafb911b3c⋯.png (357.76 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: dd7191b47511109⋯.png (374.01 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

https:// www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/kenya-press-freedom-decline-by-nanjala-nyabola-2018-05

ea73d8 No.1315457


I'll ask him about it, and God protect anons from all doxx in Jesus; name, amen

20035a No.1315458


You can be sure that he is losing followers. Ha, this is going to backfire BIGLY in his ugly, lying face.It's giving me a wonderful feeling just thinking about it.

70a5a6 No.1315459


There are patents out there showing how information can be transmitted via the refresh rate of the monitors while the viewer is unaware.

7a8829 No.1315460

File: 71c341c6c3fe71e⋯.jpg (226 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, WhoIsQanon16.jpg)

20ef75 No.1315461


Sorry anon, Robert Mueller wants me to investigate for Russian collusion. I am going to have to spend some time with her and the cat.

6750cb No.1315462

File: 55e9bc7bf3083df⋯.jpg (757.42 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Silver Frog American Flag ….jpg)

File: 9d9285957c19873⋯.jpg (720.12 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Silver Frog American Flag ….jpg)

File: cfde917993f2bcb⋯.png (1.96 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Silver Frog American Flag ….png)

I hope I got it everything you requested

Silver Frog American Flag Q - 2 .jpg & 1 Alpha .png Files

3841e3 No.1315464


Snoopp Idiot calling Kanye allwhite as an insult ….

"These people are really stupid."

4932bd No.1315465

File: c588515a72bfd1c⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 640x621, 640:621, 6bf[1].jpg)

b337ab No.1315466


Why because she looks like real woman and not some fluoridated cow being bred for feeding?

f41edd No.1315467

MR. DOWNING: So our position is that to the

extent that Mr. Rosenstein exceeded his authority to

appoint a special counsel, the special counsel does not

have the authority of a U.S. Attorney.

THE COURT: Thank you.

MR. DOWNING: Thank you.

THE COURT: All right. I'll take the matter

under advisement.

Did you wish to respond to this last point?

MR. DREEBEN: No thank you, Your Honor,

unless you have any questions.

THE COURT: Good choice on your part.

I must tell you that I'm exercising

uncharacteristic restraint on my part not to require

you to tell me about those things, but I think I have

an adequate record now. You're going to let me know in

two weeks the rest of this letter.

I'm going to be interested if CIPA really is

invoked. That creates a whole new regime for the

treatment of discovery and so forth, as you all well


Thank you for your arguments. They were

entertaining. I think I found the right adjective.

Thank you.

ff32d9 No.1315468


Been Djrinking a little whisky tonight!

Probably will never spell that damn place correctly even sober!


802e4f No.1315470

File: 34d5cd81209e029⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: d6f44d1866d0805⋯.png (278.1 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: 1aa60c1576e4e2e⋯.png (311.9 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

https:// www.nation.co.ke/business/Kenya-joins-China-led-infrastructure-bank/996-4544440-hjh964z/index.html

215069 No.1315471


got it…thx anon

0bd459 No.1315472


China winning more influence..

ea73d8 No.1315473


I haven't been bringing him up to speed very well since early November, I guess I dropped that ball. I'll try to tell him more of what's up

0fed6e No.1315474

Did Q mentioned any BOOM for this coming week?

70a5a6 No.1315475


Not that is in anyones line of sight, but stormy is the rank 1 adult film actress on pornhub from what I saw today.

f41edd No.1315476

Full downloadable transcript from hearing yesterday:


fc8d4b No.1315477

File: 0af2d7fbcd789cd⋯.png (346.92 KB, 768x768, 1:1, fast and furious.png)

File: 79b222c68431e3c⋯.jpg (242.55 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, fast and furious2.jpg)

File: 6bc8f3876f41686⋯.jpg (450.99 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, fast and furious3.jpg)

File: 10bf9a4e3dc4ef0⋯.jpg (305.32 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, fast and furious4.jpg)

File: 01519c138728e9f⋯.jpg (300.76 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, fast and furious5.jpg)



Hussein and Hillary facilitated a genocide with Operation Fast and Furious by running illegal weapons to Mexico for the Cartels to use against the Population. The very same guns they tried to righteously ban in the USA.

Democrats did their best to hide the truth about Fast and Furious, with A.G. Holder, the only Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress, arguably lying to Congress about his knowledge and involvement and repeatedly saying he "didn't get the memo." American citizens and Mexican nationals to this day are in jeopardy from criminals using weapons the Obama administration funneled to them.

Read more: https:// www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/04/eric_holder_fro_prison_not_president.html#ixzz5DGswbIAi

El Chapo’s Capture Puts ‘Operation Fast and Furious’ Back in the Headlines

Obama-administration scandals never resolve. They just vanish — usually, under a new scandal.

So it was with one of this president’s earliest embarrassments, “Operation Fast and Furious,” designed to help the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) dismantle drug cartels operating inside the United States and disrupt drug-trafficking routes. Instead, it put into the hands of criminals south of the border some 2,000 weapons, which have been used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and at least one American, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

Now, Fast and Furious is back in the news. Earlier this month, a raid on the hidey-hole of drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman recovered not only the notorious drug lord, but a (“massive”) .50-caliber rifle, capable of stopping a car or shooting down a helicopter, that originated with the ATF program. Rest easy, though: Only 34 such rifles were sold through the program.

Read More: https:// www.nationalreview.com/2016/01/fast-furious-obama-first-scandal/




200,000+ deaths and many other horrors


Make no mistake, the Clintons have profited handsomely both with import of coke up into the USA and running of guns down the border into MX


Let's get this maize popping!


Think AWAN's LATAM COKE - Hezbollah connection (the gun in paris' attack was Fast and Furious)

Tip: I have talked with Mexican soldiers many times, and they confirmed to me a known rumor in investigative journalism in the region: Praying Mats (Islamic) have been found in Zetas training ranches in the Mexican border.

They raid these places and the criminals run or are no longer there, these are occupied ranches (by force), the mats are unmistakably arab and placed in the right direction in a clean special room apart from the stashes or dinner rooms.

This would mean you are no longer dealing with School Of The Americas trained Latin American Guerrillas but actual Al Qaeda CIA Sponsored Islamic Terrorist training Cartels.

One thing are drug distributors, another thing are TERRORISTS, Mexico is under TERRORIST control, and it is bad for business, it has nothing to do with the interest of Drug Merchants, but with the interest of CIA Dis-stabilization in LATAM

LOVE YOU ANON! no homo


Post Script: Lets delve into White Water operation, it might yield more links

c45188 No.1315478


The only way that adrenochrome plays into this is that some of them noticed an extra kick when they tortured their victims before slashing them and drinking their blood.

This doesn't change much. They are still vampires who drink young blood. They still sacrifice their victims for religious reasons whether they torture them or not. I agree that the adrenochrome is a red herring. After all, if the cult spends so much effort in the heroin and cocaine business, they are clearly not fixated on any one drug.

20ef75 No.1315479


He is a moody sensitive one.

Every time I see his face I think of "Bah Humbug"

e8f1f9 No.1315480


Ok. What's some good "patriotsfight" music I *NEED* to be listening to right now?

ff32d9 No.1315481


Snoop is always been an arrogant asswipe in my opinion… I hope he gets really vocal about it, because we know what happens to those who do that….

f1b4c1 No.1315482


He was a fake ass nigger.

0e84c6 No.1315483

File: b4aad5e74469465⋯.png (378.06 KB, 396x325, 396:325, Preliminary outreach list.png)

File: 57fb7648439a183⋯.png (1.95 MB, 756x900, 21:25, Podesta Outreach List_page….png)

File: 2a6cc624f739dd5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 751x690, 751:690, Podesta Outreach List_page….png)

"Attached is our suggested list for initial outreach–mostly

labor presidents, allied groups, and HRC "friends and family".

https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/57958

3297d3 No.1315484

File: 4803aa53de496e6⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 3961E897-A069-46D1-A2DF-4….jpeg)


>these are not rational people like you and I

Someone should do a Mark Dice like video where an actor pretends to be a crack dealer who tries to sale addicts vials of adrenochrome. It would be funny as shit!!! They would be like “Get the fuck out of my face with that nonsense.”

802e4f No.1315485

File: 7777e49a72d5495⋯.png (686.64 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: 5ae4fe78a06455e⋯.png (324.58 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: a4273d15a758963⋯.png (315.93 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: f6ea097095f5d05⋯.png (355.11 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

File: 0f3f75647b6cfbf⋯.png (300.06 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-05-23-5….png)

https:// www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2018/05/02/604425181/kenyan-clinic-rejects-trump-abortion-policy-loses-2-million-in-u-s-aid

1d792e No.1315486

Any time I see the word "sustainability " my Spidey Senses tingle…


e8f1f9 No.1315487


This is hilarious. Any Jones affiliates need to burn in hell. Except PJW, he's fucking awesome and I think he's just riding Jones coattails.

f1b4c1 No.1315489



a6b6dc No.1315490


Great idea, anon…who is Q baker babes.

3841e3 No.1315491


I've always thought that it will take some edge-of-revolt event to get real action in DC.

Nobody in that fucking city is listening to America right now. We are PISSED.

This may be the start of it.

9483ca No.1315492


Trump Curse, hahaha

20035a No.1315493


Oh hell yeah!!

e8f1f9 No.1315494


18yrs or > or GTFO

b5e1e1 No.1315496

File: c02dfbbe6cf81c9⋯.png (2.14 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, IMG_8219.PNG)


New one, I've been dropping them tonight. You

know I love'm. Gotta throw out the heels to ya,


c45188 No.1315497



9a62b5 No.1315498


I agree. It can't just be about the chemical, but the chemical combined with other factors. We still haven't deciphered the 23andMe/Rh- factor in all of this, nor why many of us have the feeling that everything is malfunctioning all the way to the top.

f1b4c1 No.1315499


25 Highland nigger

e014df No.1315500


Just watched his last song performance with Catholic school girl dancers. Older girls left and he was on stage shirtless with a young girl

It was perverted.

For his musical performance, Childish Gambino performed a soulful song and decided to go shirtless for his second performance, where he was introduced by Get Out star Daniel Kaluuya, he debuted his new song, “This is America.”


0fed6e No.1315501


That is not her.

a45a4c No.1315502



Trump told them how it's going too be.

We're watching a Movie.

f1b4c1 No.1315503



25 highland nigger

e36346 No.1315504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

86b465 No.1315505


Did you know some of the most well to do communities are in Wilmington. Did you know that there are plenty of Church organizations and service's already establish in Wilmington that have already be doing this and a person need only avail themselves of their services to receive these benefits by showing up on their doorsteps.

I guess what I'm getting at here is what is your point. If she's a good person great. If she's masquerading as a good person…not so great. She certainly isn't her exhibitionist father I'll grant you that. Or maybe I won't, because I don't know as much about her as I do know about her father.

Point is…you don't either. You see a nice article written about this person and think thats all there is. Well you can fall on that sword, but I seriously doubt you'd bet your life on it or someone you loved life's on it before you could find out everything you possibly could about her first. And this one article isn't enough

f41edd No.1315506


Publicly available

1339dd No.1315507

File: f9506c9c8782a20⋯.png (416.46 KB, 1182x1518, 197:253, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 456a025f9102676⋯.png (452.19 KB, 1160x1412, 290:353, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


yes, they are sick fucks that get off on killing kids and drinking blood - that is a true statement

there are many survivors on Twatter that write about their experiences.

no, it's not rational - it's about power and control - and I don't know how much harder evidence that you need.

28b0d7 No.1315508


Sure looks like /ourguy/. Need to watch him anons.

A republican running for CA Senator Feinstein's seat. Not owned by Israel.


edd316 No.1315509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(Bread #1648)


And Ralph Nader is Lebanese. There are Arabs all over the place that Hollywood's (((founders))) have been rebranding as the new nigger.

a1561c No.1315510


Yes, please do. He has asked me to keep him updated on anything that might flesh out his teachings. I don't know anything really ABOUT his teachings. I don't listen to them. We have association in another context. I would appreciate it if you could talk to him about it, instead of me. My time is pretty full, and having to listen to those teachings is more than I want to commit to. For more than one reason. Jesus protect us all, indeed.

94ecb9 No.1315511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Johnny Cash sings The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

beb14b No.1315512


that porn slut has had almost 24/7 "coverage" from the NWO propaganda media for 4 months! it damn sure ain't cuz she's clean!

2a0730 No.1315513


You can't be this stupid. Do you really want to live in a country that holds secret military tribunals and hands out death sentences in secrecy? And support the leader who's behind it?

61030f No.1315514

File: a62205196eeb1b4⋯.jpeg (62.98 KB, 255x226, 255:226, box.jpeg)


Freezer truck. Horrible but…

9a62b5 No.1315515


Delaware is a huge DuPont stronghold.

3841e3 No.1315516

File: 3d3e9be5381357b⋯.jpg (6.1 KB, 229x220, 229:220, scotch.jpg)

0bd459 No.1315517


How much for the Dossier?

ff32d9 No.1315518


Damn my wife was right about him being a literal remote controlled puppet spokesman for a rothschild fake science agenda…

She is not supposed to be right more often than me- damn the smart little Asian bitch!

f1b4c1 No.1315519


The truck shit is over man.

6ac74e No.1315520

File: 981200619536eb9⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, terrorist-organization-isr….jpg)

File: 1ee5737c90d469d⋯.png (809.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1429726552.png)

81b6e1 No.1315521


Part of me wants to feel sorry for him, but ya know what?!! Get a fuckin job like the rest of us. The truth/freedom movement inst for fattening your wallet and getting your mug on tv, so you can hang with celebs. ITS FOR TRUTH AND FREEDOM!! Besides half the shit he says is based on a simple google searches. His fans must not be able to use a fukin search engine or something. I dunno.

f41edd No.1315522

Read through this transcript anons….some really interesting shit. You get the sense that there is a lot of fuckery going on.

Also, the fucking pos prosecutor had the balls to basically tell the judge that what they are doing (special counsel) is not "judicially reviewable"…..are you fucking getting me. He basically told the judge Mueller answers to no one.


7a8829 No.1315523


It is anon. Please stop wasting bread arguing about it.

d82b9e No.1315524

File: 625d202652ec315⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 255x255, 1:1, eww.jpg)


I can't even…

So weird, it's almost art.

ffd025 No.1315525

JewishAnons, what do you think regards Q's aim for taking down the R'childs, the creators of Israel? The Rothschilds are Zionists, and I know a lot of JewishAnons are too. Do you agree that the R'Childs are evil cabal? How do you reconcile this? Interested in your perspective. Thanks.

e8f1f9 No.1315526


I was expecting something more like Sabaton, but this is fucking cool too. Thanks!!!

42bde5 No.1315527


life of pablo everything by tupac lauyrn hill

6750cb No.1315528


I need to do some other colored heels. After the one I'm working on maybe…any preference?

70a5a6 No.1315529


Could the deepstate be using her as a sort of close to last resort for money? Given that her attorney is being paid by the same law firm that worked for clinton?

38cb8a No.1315530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I just looked at my site stats after posting this video last week which is linked to it somehow and low and behold the US governemtn is taking an interest! I wonder why!!!

Hey, ASSHATS, fuck you!!

0bd459 No.1315531

USA after of the Purge needs to win world influence again..

61030f No.1315532


for you

a6b6dc No.1315533

File: 4ebf304bdc32380⋯.jpg (273.89 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, FlgZWiB1.jpg)

38cb8a No.1315534

File: d72baf773d5d8f9⋯.jpg (156.29 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, gubmnt.jpg)

d82b9e No.1315535


You mean, Bill Hicks?

f1b4c1 No.1315536

File: 7be431621821505⋯.jpg (10.19 KB, 180x279, 20:31, Attempted_restoration_of_E….jpg)

665945 No.1315537

signing out anons






4d261d No.1315538


Thank you I was looking for that!

4550bb No.1315539

File: 443bbf666ed6042⋯.jpg (463.44 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, IMG_20180505_232048.jpg)

Was the pic servers that are going to asia?

Controlling all information from overseas is a surefire way to circumvent US laws and give the enemy much gov't information.

Scary! Unbelievable criminality! I wouldn't put it past them at Apple.

Control is Everything to them and Deep State.

1339dd No.1315540

File: 16f59ceb2e95ec8⋯.png (105.19 KB, 1188x360, 33:10, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 8c7a0183a56fb03⋯.png (107.44 KB, 1178x408, 589:204, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: c7ed29f57abb441⋯.png (173.46 KB, 1174x584, 587:292, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 3e482aad2aad62d⋯.png (106.71 KB, 1180x352, 295:88, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: a1c20930569ada3⋯.png (109.32 KB, 1180x370, 118:37, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


I believe her

ff32d9 No.1315541


Sipping the cannuk's crown tonight…

e73cf6 No.1315542


No one that matters cares

No one

c88317 No.1315543



then when they get out there and the left says its racist we can laugh our fucking asses off

e8f1f9 No.1315544


Nice Double Dubs.

Btw. It's fucking SICK that anyone would justify SLAVERY in the name of God.

c6302e No.1315545

File: ed7386cfb951f41⋯.png (366.53 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 6FAD82DA-E667-4EC0-871F-F3….png)

Thanks baker!

b5e1e1 No.1315546



Kat Tempf, Greg Gutfeld show. No cats

e014df No.1315547


Tue 06 Mar 2018 11:11:45 3c553f No.567578


Keep digging Anon.

They all have foundations & institutes for a reason.



f1b4c1 No.1315548

b8adc5 No.1315549


Real question…..

Was Jesus the last pharaoh? Do i understand that right?

956237 No.1315550


One MOAB …

2a0730 No.1315551


With AJ now fully exposed, how many more levels of shilling are there?

fed0b1 No.1315552


These are really good!

ea73d8 No.1315553


but…didn't they ban blackface?

f1b4c1 No.1315554


All you ladies that are hopeful, I bet that dude sucks dick.

9c0021 No.1315555


Snoop invested in Reddit. He's deep in this shit.

e93a36 No.1315556


The plate of something.

afc24b No.1315557


Whiteface is the new blackface.

6e26c7 No.1315558


I listened to a recording supposedly of an agent responsible for keeping stephen drugged. Apologies cannot re find sauce

0fed6e No.1315559


OK. I contributed a lot here, but i am not the one posting pedo pic. If you could provide me with the link of proof.

1d0761 No.1315560


I love POTUS - It's all about the rule of law with him!

Everybody is so impatient and want to see arrests. But POTUS knows that if things are not done legally, it can all unravel.

Stable Genius!!!

ffb3e3 No.1315561


good lawdy who is that?

8e906c No.1315562

>Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

Planning for the "post coup". Confirmation the plan is to take out Trump.

0023a7 No.1315563

Who keeps necroing old threads?

e8f1f9 No.1315564



3ba3e4 No.1315565


Go home Gutfeld.

215069 No.1315566

File: 6289eb27634785c⋯.png (299.14 KB, 599x451, 599:451, SHWHITE.png)

97db26 No.1315567


Is he a democrat running as a Republican to beat her?

c88317 No.1315569


fuck them

not sure how they did that, but I'm going to try



b0d59b No.1315570

File: 17282e341874738⋯.png (185.72 KB, 995x1159, 995:1159, Capture.PNG)



956237 No.1315571


I'm over here in the weeds.

2f2bc7 No.1315572




This guy is fucking awesome!

f1b4c1 No.1315573


They think a coup already happened and are trying to convince everyone Trump is the false prez.

ffd025 No.1315574

e36346 No.1315576

File: 8eba1211cd2f5d3⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 211x239, 211:239, concernfag.jpg)



f41edd No.1315577

0d923a No.1315578


isnt this the pot calling the kettle black?

redfoot checking in, will be on for an hour or so.

515152 No.1315579

File: acf151f480d6e89⋯.png (376.95 KB, 911x471, 911:471, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c285b180bfbc10e⋯.png (368.5 KB, 907x468, 907:468, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a338104537abfdf⋯.png (368.05 KB, 911x466, 911:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58b33663d8616dd⋯.png (364.42 KB, 905x465, 181:93, ClipboardImage.png)





Check this out anons

> CIA Speech

> Jan 21

> 1st day of work

> 53m2s

> Inter-related

> Q-hand-symbol

> Also we won't have colums


c88317 No.1315580

File: 063f6cccc0996f0⋯.png (389.47 KB, 453x617, 453:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9259ea744f4c645⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

didn't do this but long the lines



beb14b No.1315581


I just love this kid!

I have to ck every post she 'ewww's at!

b5e1e1 No.1315582

File: c24cea6c7995387⋯.png (2.03 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, IMG_8215.PNG)

File: b18b4dc57d8429f⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1280x1920, 2:3, IMG_8322.PNG)

Anyone say Mayflowers

956237 No.1315583


Cuban, definitely Cuban

1b9eba No.1315584

File: c0da2674450b489⋯.png (210.43 KB, 581x439, 581:439, p Little.png)


>P Liddy!!

f1b4c1 No.1315585

File: 15d0bee053170cd⋯.jpg (29.6 KB, 620x461, 620:461, Gx5UV9A.jpg)

802e4f No.1315586

File: af85725e7ddbe36⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-00-0….png)

File: cd66d5324990549⋯.png (646.11 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-00-0….png)

File: 4257e9907f1b966⋯.png (219.99 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-00-0….png)

File: 5c0b1d0ede52b04⋯.png (273.98 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-06-00-0….png)

https:// reliefweb.int/report/kenya/nasas-imerg-shows-devastating-rainfall-over-east-africa



f60f64 No.1315587


just wow, nasty

i cannot believe how evil people are

3841e3 No.1315588


>I believe her

So do I.

6ac74e No.1315589

File: c9eb778979f591d⋯.png (226.7 KB, 531x688, 531:688, 12343509679.png)

File: ed829b5e7779a1a⋯.jpg (72.14 KB, 511x600, 511:600, Motorcycle-clubs...hebrew-….jpg)

File: fcdaa0977a18c32⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 320x318, 160:159, SDBlogo-773665.jpg)

537586 No.1315590

956237 No.1315591


Yeah needs some BBQ

0bd459 No.1315592

File: c772ffb265b8054⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 590x550, 59:55, 7119cf873d1fb413097567082d….jpg)



Well, Someone doesn't the cats

215069 No.1315593

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, ca4a2fb999fc980692ef067637….gif)

f41edd No.1315594


I really thought this exchange at the end of the transcript was very interesting.

0fed6e No.1315595


Yep. Not impressed.

42bde5 No.1315596


her posts make alot of sense much much more sense than muh aliens

c45188 No.1315597


>Ok, then we can just say that they are sick fucks that get off on kllling kids and drinking their blood. Stop! No need to speculate beyond this without hard evidence.

>There is no need to get subjectively reductionistic and declare it’s all because of one highly unstable chemical with scant evidence of any worthy pharmacological effects. Adrenochrome is retarded!

You are actually all agreeing if you accept SRA's factual accounts.

The vampires kill because they want to. They drink blood because they want to. The adrenachrome is a side effect of the torture that they practice because they want to. The vampires do not want the adrenachrome.

They want to torture, to rape, to kill and to drink blood. That is what vampires do. Adrenachrome is a little bonus that they get. For them there is no point in bottling and selling adrenachrome.

3d253b No.1315598


Is Corsi still calling us all shills?

f1b4c1 No.1315599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3841e3 No.1315601




Digitz confirm … Snoop is fucked after all is said and done.

a6b6dc No.1315602

File: 3ed306fb76d4c80⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 900x506, 450:253, stormyq.jpg)

7a8829 No.1315603

File: 13b9995d2f5e74a⋯.jpg (127.89 KB, 1280x719, 1280:719, WhoIsQanon20.jpg)

File: 219cd245af9989e⋯.jpg (243.86 KB, 1200x520, 30:13, WhoIsQanon19.jpg)

File: 1aa0e8d8706b5b6⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, WhoIsQanon18.jpg)

File: f4891d4286646fa⋯.jpg (163.74 KB, 1024x537, 1024:537, WhoIsQanon17.jpg)


Noice anon.

c88317 No.1315604


ff32d9 No.1315605


I prefer Jack & maker's mark, but didn't go into the bunker for a new bottle, finishing off the open bottle of crown first.

(select is good, but never tried xr)

4932bd No.1315606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Human Torus Connectivity

9e6679 No.1315607

File: f42e1eb7d81f8c5⋯.png (25.4 KB, 606x485, 606:485, gross.png)

956237 No.1315608



470b3e No.1315609

File: 58a84e21f120e79⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1754x891, 1754:891, ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Adams of Naturalnews.com has been assembling the Obama facts of Military tech transfers to Iran, Uranium one was to send OUR U to Iran after Russia refined it to weapons grade. and then the Obama Iranian pay off was to fund the iranian Nuclear program.

I absolutely do not want US involved in Israel/Saudi war with Iran.

But how do we get out of this trap Obama laid?

632530 No.1315610

Any arrests yet?

2c2922 No.1315611


Kek. Thank you, I think?

7a8829 No.1315612

File: b66187487d59d77⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ShillTards.jpg)


KeK!! Show me proof of a pedo pic dimwit!

42bde5 No.1315613


nuke iran problem solved

d82b9e No.1315614


Sorry, no. (((They))) realized their own coup blew up in their faces, and are trying to figure out what to do next, to save their skins. Remember, they're just stupid.

b337ab No.1315615


Bye bye Iran

edd316 No.1315616


To bold, put three single quote marks on either side of the desired text.

f1b4c1 No.1315617


Odd to see a picture of her without a dick in her mouth

70a5a6 No.1315618


It looks like preemtive stikes against jerks whom push this in the first place.

8bf9b2 No.1315619

File: cb85b375c60084c⋯.png (247.43 KB, 2344x1186, 1172:593, Evidence.png)

Evidence - how do you introduce it legally?

What evidence? Can't be NSA collections

So POTUS hires a team to collect it, store it with his lawyer. Then manufactures/manipulates a scenario where he BAITS Mueller into introducing the evidence into the legal system.

I love it!

c0e119 No.1315620

https:// youtu.be/Y0uDpAKdpKA?t=11s

a6b6dc No.1315621


No idea. Random hottie from the screensaver I put on the living room TV to annoy the wife.

c61e88 No.1315622

You are indeed


3841e3 No.1315623


>but i am not the one posting pedo pic.

Nobody has posted pedo pics here, fucktard.

Why are you trying to smear this board with that false accusation?

7a8829 No.1315624

File: 308181c3d127388⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, WhoIsQanon12.jpg)

File: a2ecb9ffadc07bc⋯.jpg (131.19 KB, 1004x836, 251:209, WhoIsQanon11.jpg)

3ba3e4 No.1315625


Kek! Sounds like Kurt jonesing for some squid.

be9dc5 No.1315626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Calm before the storm. You'll see.

e0bca2 No.1315627

File: b95ae20cd256316⋯.png (201.91 KB, 1080x1175, 216:235, Screenshot_20180506-104450….png)


215069 No.1315628

File: 18124995024e5a3⋯.png (176.86 KB, 579x385, 579:385, NASIMYOU.PNG)

956237 No.1315629

File: 09c32261445b46a⋯.jpeg (148.03 KB, 750x947, 750:947, tritpepe.jpeg)


Somewhat less rare now. {{couln't resist}}

c88317 No.1315630



36fe59 No.1315631


Fact. That's one reason these guys have that energy about them, they're not just rapping about being big time criminals. Their importance to destroying our youth and debasing our culture, not to mention in some cases, providing real street power to certain people (Cough!! Politicians) so they can intimidate and harm opponents of their schemes.

It's unreal. History is going to look back and go "WTF??" That said, I can rap about 20 old Snoop Songs from heart. This Anon got sucked up into that shit too.

0fed6e No.1315632


Reading comprehension failed dumb ass. I said give me the proof it is this >>1315404

beb14b No.1315633


Sounds like this dude will be Arkancided before long… sad!

c45188 No.1315634


Is there something wrong?

This board is for doing research into the WAR against the clans of psychotic cannibal vampires who currently rule the USA and most of the Western World. They may hav lost the Presidency and a few other important posts but those psychos will never give up until they are stopped and their power base is removed entirely.

Wait until you start reading stories about bodies discovered with wooden stakes through the heart, or shot with silver bullets. There are people who are now having custom engraved silver bullets made for them in case the shit really hits the fan and the fan and the militias have to step up.

215069 No.1315635


I recognize the blonde, but who's the guy on the left?

21c53e No.1315636


And a few days before the Q posts, Hong Kong customs seized 1.7kg cocaine inside a metal container.

97db26 No.1315637


Says Q is a socialist. Says Q just going to leave and not come back. etc.

1339dd No.1315638

File: fa86a276d54ec26⋯.png (527.9 KB, 1140x1447, 1140:1447, Storm_Warning.png)

b5e1e1 No.1315639

File: e008165695a0bd6⋯.jpg (24.82 KB, 300x450, 2:3, IMG_1080.JPG)

0bd459 No.1315640

Why BiBi will be in Russia?

20035a No.1315641


It's over for most of us. That photoshop pic is the most rediculous thing I've ever seen. Fuck off.

16bfa4 No.1315642

File: 24d0d88da3727c3⋯.png (21.99 KB, 1143x296, 1143:296, 34vt2134v.PNG)

Anyone else having a problem loading bread 1648? Going in to it it only says theres 432 replies. Wont load the rest of the bread for me at least.

322374 No.1315643


Mr. Davis, laying down some truth! Good for him.

a6b6dc No.1315644

File: 7a4b230d24ae409⋯.jpg (17.53 KB, 248x189, 248:189, 7a4b230d24ae4092d9e74d3b90….jpg)

3ba3e4 No.1315645


Isn't it a great timeline?

20ef75 No.1315646


I thought the ladies wanted soyboys? MSM lied? Guess I am going to have to get off my everything soy diet.

8bf9b2 No.1315647


What do you think anons? Baker?

c45188 No.1315648


Now that is clearly a pedo pic.

Why are we allowing this on the board.

Everyone knows children are to be kept veiled from head to foot at all times, locked in the home.

deefd7 No.1315649

File: 707d3f1a1c6a8e8⋯.jpeg (42.84 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 462EAFCA-8F1E-47B1-947C-7….jpeg)

e0bca2 No.1315650



Q quoted that! Remember antifa banner looking like fa banner?

d82b9e No.1315651


Right up there with the shatty prison toilet bowl meme. So, you decide if that's a compliment.

7a8829 No.1315652


Do it yourself Sherlock the pedohunter. Drop the image into https://tineye.com/

It's a reverse search engine all you pedohunters use daily. It'll give you every available place on the net where the image is held. That should sort out your liddle problem.

852cf7 No.1315653


>I don't know how much harder evidence that you need.

We both agree there is evidence that sick fucks kill kids and drink their blood, but YOU provided zero evidence it had anything to do with adrenochrone. In fact, there is a higher probability that you injected yourself with adrenochrome tonight and your poor thinking is due to its associated neurotoxicity than the elites extracting and purifying it from dead kids got themselves. Of all the tons of narcotic seized every year by DEA and not one report of finding adrenochrome in a drug sting op. Think about that tomorrow once the adrenochrome wares off. LOL

70a5a6 No.1315654


Potus didnt play ball with bibi as much as bibi wanted. So, bibi has to do what he has to do in order to capitulate to whatever powers control isreal.

c88317 No.1315655

File: 524f8acbaab0a37⋯.png (2.74 MB, 2809x1440, 2809:1440, FLAGsidebyside.png)


saying it needed to try harder


0fed6e No.1315656


If she is under 18, it is the pedo stuff sicko. Is your life that fucked up that you get turned on by looking at girls or a young woman looking like a teen online. Fuck you pedo wannabe.

7a6337 No.1315657


Yes it seems to be missing posts like this one: 1315291 which is referenced above.

20ef75 No.1315658


That guy is Q. Bet you never would have guessed that one :-)

0bd459 No.1315659

File: 89427e67da17ec3⋯.png (487.36 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, counter_terrorist_nepgear_….png)



ea73d8 No.1315660


Someone doesn't know the chans are where the lolcats were born

ff32d9 No.1315661

File: aa1cd5193e2dc97⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 311x162, 311:162, whitesperm.jpg)


For Kek!

0e84c6 No.1315662

File: 64a1f1ec4937e69⋯.png (2.76 MB, 687x1402, 687:1402, Draft Trade TPs_page_0001.png)

File: a52b4638630d3d8⋯.png (2.79 MB, 694x1402, 347:701, Draft Trade TPs_page_0002.png)

File: 8e7cc23fb380830⋯.png (2.72 MB, 680x1396, 170:349, Draft Trade TPs_page_0003.png)

File: 34faf9a95ee9648⋯.png (2.77 MB, 687x1404, 229:468, Draft Trade TPs_page_0004.png)

A fascinating peek at globies hammering out HRC's trade TP's.

Senate, House, Fed folks are named as they meander through

the Evil that Roth wrought…you'll see the birth of the TPP…

https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/50361

3ebcd1 No.1315663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Fuck yes, Anon.

If any of you Anons and/or newfags haven't heard of them, this is the quintessential battle song of saving the west.

beb14b No.1315664


>I thought the ladies wanted soyboys? MSM lied?

'They' lied to you!!!!

Get OFF the soy asap!

ᘳ ° °ᘰ

960eca No.1315665


based on what?

956237 No.1315666


I got canned from a job for storming into Personnel, showing them proof (Harvard Study) of the blue led light issue. Didn't get canned over night but was a target of their desire from that point.

215069 No.1315667



Make a post about the goofiest motherfucker you can find, get your faggot buddies to agree that it should be "Notable" and try to integrate it into the discussion so that the whole board looks like a bunch of whackos. (actually that's not really a new tactic, but whatev).

I heard the same thing on the radio today on NPR. Some "alt-right" type talking about "loving violence" or some shit. Sounded like a fucking retard.

You (((shill))) bitches are losing bigly and we are all laughing at your stupid asses.

Fuck you. KEK!

7a8829 No.1315668

File: 308ee7f23fbbefb⋯.jpg (209.2 KB, 1024x463, 1024:463, marines1.jpg)

File: 806daf5be521aaf⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1041x883, 1041:883, marines2.png)

File: 058c7af09585604⋯.jpg (163.78 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, marines3.jpg)

File: 22da3ccd9072d8b⋯.jpg (191.38 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, marines4.jpg)

e0bca2 No.1315669



Thank you and for clarifying.

0e84c6 No.1315670

File: 91e4db89923f39a⋯.png (2.73 MB, 683x1394, 683:1394, Draft Trade TPs_page_0005.png)

File: 2e991ac38ef3e12⋯.png (2.75 MB, 685x1399, 685:1399, Draft Trade TPs_page_0006.png)

File: 80de9c584eed038⋯.png (2.71 MB, 681x1390, 681:1390, Draft Trade TPs_page_0007.png)

File: 176a33c768340b6⋯.png (2.73 MB, 687x1385, 687:1385, Draft Trade TPs_page_0008.png)

File: b83d8e0ca9de2a1⋯.png (2.47 MB, 683x1259, 683:1259, Draft Trade TPs_page_0009.png)



b5e1e1 No.1315671

File: 135e02d245f5e40⋯.jpg (84.45 KB, 960x868, 240:217, IMG_5241.JPG)

d82b9e No.1315672

File: 268ba0d7e957766⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 357x299, 357:299, picardpoint.jpg)

b337ab No.1315673


This is gay….

c6302e No.1315674



You want a real man when you don't fall for the liberal propaganda.

0bd459 No.1315675


That smells a big deal..

Lebanon is in Elections this sunday..

328737 No.1315676



Yeah buddy…!

And some awesome YT memes for it too.

9483ca No.1315677


Do you need a bra yet?get off that shit!

3841e3 No.1315678


No more ( you )s for the false accusation shill.

Fuck off back to sucking lil Davey's dick.

1339dd No.1315679

File: 79c0c49ab421a0b⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1024x971, 1024:971, Wizard_Br_owls_widows_peak….png)

File: 5547e7cb93084a0⋯.png (820.72 KB, 1024x1500, 256:375, Symbolism_Owls_MM_V_W_hear….png)

c45188 No.1315680

File: a13b07664b038e3⋯.png (419.31 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is a pedo pic

Please report this to the appropriate authorities.

I believe that the man in the photo is not her father

215069 No.1315681


Trips confirm HR targets people that "storm into personnel".

956237 No.1315682


Ever heard of CoIntelPro?

36fe59 No.1315683

File: 7fb807c134905b2⋯.jpg (104.8 KB, 1114x978, 557:489, 7fb807c134905b217b804c8d65….jpg)


I'm plastering this all over. NXIVM is such a powerful case. I mean, look at this shit. And the thing is, just like Mack, the doctor will SING for a better sentence. Just wait until we get a little ways further with ALL these cases and the confessions become pubic….

"Today a doctor who was a high up in the Nexium sex-cult child trafficking and rape scandal, that is now connected to dozens of high ranking officials and Hollywood and music elite, admitted in court today that he raped and tortured young women, along with torturous sessions involving making women watch videos of humans being dismembered and even having to eat their own brains while still awake."

Sheeeet….The big cats aren't even falling yet. And the thing is, very few of these people have heart or a good, they ALL flip and rat. Glorious. KEK!!

0bd459 No.1315684


I'm in the chans months ago.., I need experience.

956237 No.1315685


It's not new but it does have a new face and direction.

7a8829 No.1315686

File: f106c494aa502d4⋯.jpg (622.77 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, CH3.jpg)

File: 82f28afcdf5b928⋯.jpg (218.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CH2.jpg)

File: b61369cda914d83⋯.jpg (95.65 KB, 1024x338, 512:169, CH1.jpg)

c88317 No.1315687

File: 97a0e3d1af1c9d1⋯.png (155.33 KB, 344x441, 344:441, ClipboardImage.png)

215069 No.1315688


Is that some sort of cryptocurrency bullshit? o_O


20035a No.1315689


Why not just put a pic of snoop as he really is then put HIS dumbass lightened photoshopped pic next to it. Show his fk'ing racism. If a white man did that, he'd be deemed the devil incarnate. Use them against themselves. Then our hands are lily white of any "racism" accusations. Just a thought.

dd6bcd No.1315690


kek, thanks bro

Back to the overall topic, this is why we should bring back as much manufacturing back to USA from China as possible. Chinese quality control is laughable, I don't even know if the wooden cooking utensils that I bought from Walmart have special Chinese toxic chemical mixed in with wood. Who is going to check? The Chinese FDA?! Hahaha, yea right.

Same goes for all technology that we use on a daily basis. Why the hell are we trusting the health of our eyes and our bodies to Chinese manufacturing standards and quality control procedures? Bring back to USA all technology that one way or another has direct effect on human health.

Everything, even cooking utensils and mouse pads.

70a5a6 No.1315691


It is.

ea73d8 No.1315692

File: 00de967e46f0058⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 600x391, 600:391, Sperm people.jpg)

322374 No.1315693


>>>1315508 >>1315567 >>1315572 >>1315584 >>1315593 >>1315633 >>1315667 >>1315673



This guy's been shilled on 4chan for 48 hours now. Came out of nowhere. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION FOLKS, MOVE ALONG.

2c2922 No.1315694


I suppose if it elicited that strong of a reaction, then meme-has-effect.

0fed6e No.1315695


Nasimfag, Nasim was a tranny = faggot. Nasimfag sucks.

36fe59 No.1315696


I Too have 432.

537586 No.1315697



Shit like this is why Q needs Corsi.

960eca No.1315698

956237 No.1315699


Perfect example of CoIntelPro

cdd2a9 No.1315700

File: f5f05df7d6293c2⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 762x179, 762:179, Screenshot_20180506-012150.jpg)

File: f17baeb1b83f369⋯.png (406.58 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20180506-011801.png)

Why are over 300 replies missing

from last thread?


c6302e No.1315701


Yeah I'm getting that for a lot of the links to the old bread.

d34cc6 No.1315702

File: d2c767caf04bcd9⋯.jpeg (256.67 KB, 1242x725, 1242:725, F4EF5703-4AAF-4AFE-A44D-4….jpeg)



322374 No.1315703






>>1315448 is ==NOT NOTABLE==


This guy's been shilled on 4chan for 48 hours now. Came out of nowhere. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION FOLKS, MOVE ALONG.

3841e3 No.1315704


>storming into Personnel

Possibly the stupidest move you an ever make at any job anywhere.

BTW, avoid HR even if you aren't "storming" in.

HR exists to protect the company and its management from employees that can hurt them …. lawsuits, complaints, EEOC shit.

Pro tip: Just stay the fuck out of HR unless they call you in.

960eca No.1315705


This is why we have to archive offline!

81b6e1 No.1315706


Holy fuking shit! Some of this shit is just unfathomable. Im staying with crashed airplane research. I honestly have a lot of trouble with some of this shit. Just fuking disturbing beyond comprehension.

dd6bcd No.1315707


>I got canned from a job for storming into Personnel, showing them proof (Harvard Study) of the blue led light issue. Didn't get canned over night but was a target of their desire from that point.

Sorry to hear that. Where I'm at, all high op personnel have access to Dell Ultrasharps. Ultrasharps screens in general kick ass and are really easy on the eyes. Dell U2415 is fantastic for its price point and capabilities.

215069 No.1315708


and becoming more pronounced here, I've noticed…esp. with that no-Israel faggot from CA.

b5e1e1 No.1315709

File: e03b8f160cfaafd⋯.png (101.84 KB, 1310x756, 655:378, IMG_1268.PNG)

File: bea02608b64f5d4⋯.png (118.11 KB, 1371x873, 457:291, IMG_1270.PNG)

File: 9f6fa2241e9c70f⋯.png (140.53 KB, 933x1004, 933:1004, IMG_1271.PNG)

File: 9d2b26cadd31a1e⋯.png (130.26 KB, 1392x976, 87:61, IMG_1274.PNG)

File: 94f3654e068368f⋯.png (176.05 KB, 1644x958, 822:479, IMG_1275.PNG)

Mr Walt Disney

97db26 No.1315710

File: 9ca242f30dddd3d⋯.jpeg (283.13 KB, 1079x1084, 1079:1084, DceYLzFU8AANQNm-1.jpg-lar….jpeg)


I'm not sure where this is, but the lettering on buildings,

looks like Korean. Not a word from MSM!!!

Well, Korean-Americans are going to be 100% for Trump in 2020!!

c6302e No.1315711

File: 0d668f03da8f0cb⋯.jpeg (27.48 KB, 400x280, 10:7, B0E213A3-8B9A-482F-AE77-F….jpeg)

956237 No.1315712


No. The CIA would in-bed an asset into a group. Then after he earned much trust would cause chaos internally

d46efb No.1315713


Is this like a biting fly or something?

e47e5e No.1315714


Yes, exactly.

c45188 No.1315715

File: 9faf262e428c4b0⋯.png (1023.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh My God!

I am starting to see a theme here

Another PEDO pic

This young girl sang the anthem

At a Trump rally

Why is this man associated with UNDERAGE girls???

What is wrong with you all?

How can you accept this blatant pedophilia?

215069 No.1315716



no shit :P


your not the boss of me.

0e84c6 No.1315717


Saw that…

17cc84 No.1315718


What happened?

843520 No.1315719


For me it's the child welfare job… it seems many involved put themselves in positions to know of missing, keep up on cases, etc… so unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to include her in the crimes… these family members are all involved in one way or another.

20ef75 No.1315720

File: 741dcb8b363fc3b⋯.jpg (163.81 KB, 700x473, 700:473, 1b8nc8.jpg)


My girlfriend has been lying to me too. Pic related. Working out and typing at the same time right now. 20 minutes off the soy and already feel different.

ff32d9 No.1315723


"there goes another minority… Dammit"

— Dems.

956237 No.1315724


such as start smashing window during a peaceful march … that kind of thing

dd6bcd No.1315725


>Possibly the stupidest move you an ever make at any job anywhere.

>BTW, avoid HR even if you aren't "storming" in.

>HR exists to protect the company and its management from employees that can hurt them …. lawsuits, complaints, EEOC shit.

Also this. HR does stand for Human Relations but their 100% focus is on protecting the company and minimizing all possible personnel cost to the company. So HR is obligated to take the companys side over you because well, that is their job.

HR is not on your side and never will be unless you happen to be really high up in the company and they need to suck your asshole farts.

2fb34e No.1315726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

true story…..open minded allowed…bitchy winy fags stay out……

1b9eba No.1315727

File: bdf6efa46622ad9⋯.png (157.56 KB, 278x296, 139:148, snoop digg.png)

328737 No.1315728


Its a fruit fly. They multiply rapidly in rotting fruit, vegs, garbage. Prolific as fekk. But have extremely short lifespans.

0fed6e No.1315729

File: 45b870ae5d59bf6⋯.png (285.69 KB, 819x851, 819:851, Capture.PNG)


I can't read >>1315697 because I blocked the troll, but I reported this?

20035a No.1315730


Well shit. Wish you hadn't said that…(sighs) :(

1339dd No.1315731


What evidence do you have to counter that what she says is not true.

Having read her entire Twitter feed, she is a very big Q supporter and I find it to be credible, which is more than can say about your insults and blind eye to what is really going on. Listen to some survivors speak instead of your own rhetoric in your head.


7a8829 No.1315732

File: 888c41fb89421d9⋯.jpg (71.97 KB, 800x448, 25:14, matrix4.jpg)

File: 5fa1f2ff217004f⋯.jpg (110.96 KB, 800x459, 800:459, matrix3.jpg)

File: 21de7987913d5c8⋯.jpg (77.22 KB, 800x421, 800:421, matrix2.jpg)

File: 34bd449e23a2bd3⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 800x532, 200:133, matrix1.jpg)

cdd2a9 No.1315733


At least 1 missing post was a reply to me.

I won't stand for truth deforestation!!

c61e88 No.1315734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another good one for Patriots


Welshly Arms

…what we’re doing here ain’t just scary, it’s about to be Legendary!

3841e3 No.1315735


>Shit like this is why Q needs Corsi.

Kek. What pathetic fucking tools you shills are.

beb14b No.1315736

File: acfc679cdb43c87⋯.png (223.63 KB, 605x593, 605:593, ClipboardImage.png)

97db26 No.1315737


What the hell are you talking about?

I just got my Voter Ballot in the mail today,

and he is on it. We need to beat Feinstein,

and I will vote for the highest rating Republican to ensure that!!!

0fed6e No.1315738

File: 35b1caa1c15493c⋯.png (314.54 KB, 599x381, 599:381, bidenesque.png)


Wrong Pic. This

0bd459 No.1315739

File: 8bd9bc017c7447d⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 300x220, 15:11, map-israel-lebanon-gas-dis….jpg)

File: 0c905b32ad31174⋯.jpg (348.03 KB, 1000x2236, 250:559, 303-Israel-CS2-pptx.jpg)


Well. Time of Do Make GIsrael great Again..

Here We go Shills.

3ebcd1 No.1315740




I'm not shilling. I literally JUST found out about this guy.

I honestly don't think he's controlled opposition, more like a Paul Nehlen type.

If he was shilling to make the right look crazy, why would he bring up the USS Liberty or the attempted bombings in Egypt?

9483ca No.1315741


Crazy part is, this shit is real, if we said that was happening out of here they would call it a conspiracy. Wait till this thing really blows up, still an eye opener every day, they are going down sooo hard, sick bastards.It's over!!

afadc1 No.1315742

File: cd129b8cfaa639a⋯.jpg (508.47 KB, 1140x987, 380:329, erictrump55.jpg)

File: c01f5e1fbdd18f2⋯.jpg (248.99 KB, 860x556, 215:139, pompeonkeyes.jpg)

File: 37d7327c00eeb1a⋯.jpg (699.27 KB, 1600x1101, 1600:1101, qcomp32.jpg)

File: 37d7327c00eeb1a⋯.jpg (699.27 KB, 1600x1101, 1600:1101, qcomp32.jpg)

File: 6c125eade0bff76⋯.png (144.66 KB, 1096x1245, 1096:1245, qwindstheclock.png)




97db26 No.1315743

>>1315448 Republican Little Running Against Feinstein.


8bf9b2 No.1315744

File: cb85b375c60084c⋯.png (247.43 KB, 2344x1186, 1172:593, Evidence.png)


Do you think the new leads could be from the attorney's raid?

c6302e No.1315745

File: 37b761471fb991b⋯.png (322.89 KB, 400x504, 50:63, 4E86D090-8DA0-4B93-9A16-26….png)

b8adc5 No.1315746

File: ff10047f5840023⋯.png (883.4 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, AB9DD950-FD6A-4098-B9E5-9B….png)

File: fcb8eec76aadd2a⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5D91F839-723C-4A97-9DBF-DC….png)

File: 34525b7dafde0ea⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D7A5744A-F83A-4F67-9DCD-5E….png)

File: 2c6541bb927a80f⋯.png (921.85 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F63386F5-40AD-4F5D-8214-80….png)

File: 389d65b2614f3e7⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, AD69ADF5-E2BD-4C93-AA88-6A….png)


This bitch has got a lot going on

d46efb No.1315747


Curious to know what they are trying to use it for, a bioweapon?

3503d1 No.1315748

File: 36e4bf4b1e2fd1a⋯.png (241.34 KB, 528x704, 3:4, 98874332211456806684865.png)

c61e88 No.1315749

File: 71c9b0c2c576871⋯.jpeg (24.41 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 395C1B74-3D20-4210-A382-E….jpeg)

0fed6e No.1315750


You're not good at being funny. Give it up, please.

843520 No.1315751


OP needs to do some more research me thinks. Adrenochrome is a huge part of these sick F's rituals.

e36346 No.1315752


They also have attention spans significantly longer that the average American.

0bd459 No.1315753



God Bless Trump and the USA!!!


3ba3e4 No.1315754


Horrryy Fuuckkkkk!

7a8829 No.1315755

File: 4d60cdaba457da1⋯.jpg (692.7 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SarahGum.jpg)


Cry harder shill. You lot really are retards.

17147c No.1315756

File: 750819459471f8a⋯.png (346.32 KB, 780x247, 60:19, ah1.PNG)

File: de651d99c3234eb⋯.png (305.1 KB, 392x385, 56:55, ah.PNG)

…didn't see anything in notables about this.

Leaker In The Interior Department Has Been Found

Department of the Interior deputy press secretary Alex Hinson is identified as the person responsible for the leaks in the media for negative stories about Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Big League Politics has exclusively learned. These leaks include news that Zinke deleted the term “climate change” from the agency’s five-year plan, a Politico hit piece on the cost of Zinke’s office doors, and an email in which his colleague Heather Swift trashed reporters.

> https:// bigleaguepolitics.com/breaking-leaker-interior-department-found/

843520 No.1315757


A good one to follow is Liz… you'll find her on Twitter. Also a survivor with much to share.

6fdfe3 No.1315758



e8f1f9 No.1315759


So I was listening to that bullshit DAMN album just for kicks

but LIFE OF PABLO is like a zillion times better

5703c7 No.1315760


The meat? They eat dogs and cats there…

8f0e84 No.1315761


I'm 30 and 5', certainly no more meat on me than her.

It's not on purpose.

I eat well.


Now I want a bacon cheeseburger DAMMIT. lol

97db26 No.1315762

>>1315448 Republican Little Running Against Feinstein.


Only one person is claiming this is a "psych-op" because this one person doesn't like this candidate.

He has the best bet to beat Feinstein in November and his in on the Primary Ballot.


beb14b No.1315763


>Q needs Corsi.

fuck off

d82b9e No.1315764


I've been reading these boards long enough now to admit I won't be surprised when/if I begin reading of such deaths. Before all this (Trump/Q) began, I would often rail at the sky that we have to do something about all the "parasitic vampire leach liberals" that have infested the world. It appears as though I was spot on.

7a8829 No.1315765

File: 8a1ba3b249ad759⋯.jpg (320 KB, 1024x817, 1024:817, UCOQ1.jpg)

17cc84 No.1315766


Damn, did they sacrifice that baby, Naomi?

Bet you money Biden fucked his daughters that pos.

They're all evil.

b8adc5 No.1315767


Unless she JUST got a Twitter. She only started posting a month and half ago and has a lot of activity going on. So much activity it makes it seem like shes a TWATter pro…something’s weird about this whole fucking thing. Im not sure what, but something in. Maybe just the need to fit in, feel wanted? I don’t know??? But I still think we should dig in on Jafar and see if he left any gold trinkets in the Arabian desert for us.

0fed6e No.1315768


Anybody is better than Feinstein. What's up with getting kicked out of the GOP meeting though. Not a smart move.

97db26 No.1315769

ffb3e3 No.1315770


Post and then screenshot your own trash all you want, no one believes your shit "journalism" anymore. Or have you forgotten to speak with your readers lately?

70a5a6 No.1315771


Potus did not fall for the ff. Bibi has his back against the wall hence his hilarious press conference. He is stalling and more than likely talking with potus and putin already. Whomever has leverage on him, he is employing delay tactics in order to not ignite a war. He nor IDF do not have enough intelligence to know if or how far Iran is with their nukes.

a6b6dc No.1315772

File: 2e7927168003b4e⋯.jpg (70.41 KB, 600x583, 600:583, pantysnifferpepe.jpg)


Redditfag identified.

Anons aren't fat fetishists.

c88317 No.1315773

File: a12bff67bb43a76⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1500x844, 375:211, whiteface1.png)

hahaha I'm tired af but my first try

will keep at it tomorrow

here's Bernard Obama

457a4b No.1315774

File: 7d188fa8c7521b5⋯.png (141.55 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


seriously? fkn Khan?

97db26 No.1315775

>>1315710 Korea LOVES President Trump.


0bd459 No.1315776


Puid-Demont use Ethereum for keep live

86b465 No.1315777


Thousands … where have you been the last 5 months?

20035a No.1315778


You just described exactly what Q was talking about when he said not everyone will choose to know all of it. That's why they can't just "drop" shit like this (& worse, I'm sure) on the general population. It's easy to say oh, we can take it. Quite a different situation when it is staring you in the face. God be with Q & all those that are fighting the powers of darkness & evil to save not just our Country, but mankind.

5703c7 No.1315779

File: 2b11d40818b9f52⋯.jpg (53.64 KB, 604x372, 151:93, Selection_098.jpg)

Watch the water? Is Icke legit or fake and gay? Everything he's said so far has been true.

38cb8a No.1315780

File: 0fe8b1b6d08763a⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 648x624, 27:26, whitebummer.jpg)

c61e88 No.1315781

That guy kinda resembles Billy Jack Watkins II or “Alan” Hope that Patriot is safe.


960eca No.1315782

Pedophile Substitute Teacher in Georgia Charged with 66 Counts of Child Sexual Exploitation

Disturbing news to report coming out of Atlanta, Georgia region where a former substitute teacher has been arrested on a stunning 66 counts of child sexual exploitation against prepubescent minors.

According to the Jackson County Sheriff's Office, they were first tipped off about 65-year-old Ernest Shaw after he gave someone in Nicholson, Georgia a DVD player as a gift.

Once that unidentified person clicked through the multimedia files stored into the DVD player, they would discover perverse images and videos depicting minor children engaged in forced sexual acts with adults.

This led to that individual contacting the Jackson County Sheriff's Office, who later obtained a search warrant for Shaw’s residence at 301 J.S. Williamson Court in Nicholson, Georgia.

Inside the home authorities discovered several other videos and images depicting the forced sexual assault of countless children, at which time he was taken into custody for further interrogation.

Jackson County Sheriff's Deputies would learn during those interrogation sessions that Shaw was not only a pedophile, but was a substitute school teacher in both the Banks and Jackson County School system.

He was then formally charged sigh sixty-six counts of child sexual exploitation.

“We have not determined any local children are involved,” Jackson County sheriff Janis Mangum said.

“Mr. Shaw was immediately removed from our list of approved subs May 1, as soon as we were notified that the sheriff’s office had opened an investigation,” April Howard, Jackson County Superintendent, said on Thursday. “We had not received any complaints about his conduct with our students in the 19 years he worked in our school system.”

Law enforcement remain uncertain as to if Shaw has abused any students during his tenure as a teacher, but there are no formal complaints on record.

Banks County Public Schools said that Shaw has also been on their list of substitute teachers since 2011, and there are again no complains on record in any of their schools against the pedophile teacher.

Jackson County School System Communications Coordinator Karen Bridgeman said that Shaw typically substituted at middle and high schools.

“The 49 days he worked in the 2017-18 school year were at Jackson County and East Jackson comprehensive high schools, and East Jackson Middle School; he also filled in at Maysville Elementary School last fall,” Bridgeman said.

“The safety of our children is our first and most important priority, and we will continue to do everything in our power to protect them,” she said Thursday.

Shaw passed background checks every five years since 1999, and neither district has been given any reason to suspect this type of behavior, according to both school systems.

Jackson County Sheriff's Deputies said that Shaw will remain in detention until trial.


0fed6e No.1315783


Some lucky woman do have high metabolism.

956237 No.1315784


KEK! This is so much better than TV

cdd2a9 No.1315785

Hundreds of posts being deleted from the last thread says a lot about the reach & influence of this board

Who's in panic mode? What topic last bread would have brought the cleaners out so fast?

328737 No.1315786


Well, she's in Australia until the 11th of May on a speaking tour.

And the 12th is when POTUS is supposed to announce something about the Iran nuclear thing.

215069 No.1315787

baker requests notables

97db26 No.1315788


Thank you for posting this Notable post.

44a9ce No.1315789

File: cda1ed86b7dff42⋯.png (157.12 KB, 280x830, 28:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Baker Notable >>1311382

Simple wiki search, Teresa Heinz is still alive.

7a8829 No.1315790

File: 4468013293ced34⋯.jpg (576 KB, 1024x574, 512:287, BeetleLynch.jpg)

0fed6e No.1315791


Terrible. Pedophiles need to be hanged.

b0d59b No.1315792


so if iran nukes israel with a bomb made or russian uranium that they bought from hillary, who gets bombed next?

deda3b No.1315793

File: aa687debac881e8⋯.png (194.53 KB, 540x540, 1:1, Clown1.png)

960eca No.1315794

Russia Tells Us Exactly Who the White Helmets Are (Video)



3503d1 No.1315795

File: c55b374a3b0d184⋯.png (181.67 KB, 928x526, 464:263, 46579476.png)

File: 7f50789fa14c901⋯.png (183.87 KB, 928x526, 464:263, 1343709767845563429769.png)

c48d71 No.1315796



Hey, baker…

There's a typo in the notables, very first one on the list for #1646 is missing the >>

Should be:

>>1313529 NXIVM: It's truly HABBEDING

ta da!

2b8cd4 No.1315797

how come when I link to any notable in last bread it takes me to an unfinished bread that does not advance?

a6b6dc No.1315799


It's not luck, anon. It's not eating poison, and gardening instead of playing FarmVille.

Start taking iodine drops and cut soy oil out of your diet. It makes a world of difference.

e73cf6 No.1315800


I believe those pictures are from last year when POTUS visited Asia.

The South was welcoming POTUS, but protesting the north.

820364 No.1315801


What's significant about this? What even is it? Looks like some stuff about DNA.

1dc426 No.1315802

Definition of pettifogger. 1 : a lawyer whose methods are petty, underhanded, or disreputable : shyster. 2 : one given to quibbling over trifles. —

In other words, fuckery.


c61e88 No.1315803


They’re running scared. I archive and grab screenshots often. Looks like with good reason. Any anon get that thread in time?

cdd2a9 No.1315804

File: 85c817c5a88af15⋯.jpg (155 KB, 519x719, 519:719, Screenshot_20180506-013930.jpg)

File: e9ed06751805cd3⋯.jpg (94.33 KB, 1012x277, 1012:277, Screenshot_20180506-014005.jpg)

The thumbnail for thread 1648 says 751 replies but the reality is only 432 remain

Fishy BO

What Gives

70a5a6 No.1315805


It depends if bibi is successful in delaying long enough.

328737 No.1315806


Wrong tag on me there, anon. I'm not connected to your post.

18e2ed No.1315807

File: e2fba1e4c643bd2⋯.png (77.68 KB, 1818x547, 1818:547, odd.PNG)


They're not deleted though, otherwise we can post until the limit.

They just aren't showing.

843520 No.1315808

File: dcce201587ca33a⋯.jpg (135.98 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_20180506_014211.jpg)

b337ab No.1315809


There should not be any deleting period, it amazes me that we allow the BO to let this nonsense continue….what is the reason for deletions?

1339dd No.1315810

File: 337b9bd2997afc4⋯.png (86.28 KB, 1190x288, 595:144, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 1359d7b943b792b⋯.png (106.41 KB, 1166x358, 583:179, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)

File: 4a16068f15eee9f⋯.png (103.37 KB, 1150x288, 575:144, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


This is her friend Chris Cronsell

you can learn a lot from them the will chat with you and let you ask questions. I highly suggest if you are interested in this topic to talk to these two who have first and experience with this.

they are not quoting from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - they are telling you about their life.

deda3b No.1315812

File: aece56e847b7ddf⋯.png (247.79 KB, 540x540, 1:1, Clown3.png)


In other words, Mueller is one of these

3ebcd1 No.1315813

File: 59aa9216d7e274c⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 351x321, 117:107, khan.jpg)


Umm… Anon. It's pronounced



Thanks, brother. I usually lurk, I only Post something that I think will either contribute or get a laugh. (see above)

When that one dude came out calling me shill I got a little perturbed. I don't like seeing breads shitted up.

70a5a6 No.1315814


To clarify, hopefully no one.

7a8829 No.1315815

New Updated Qresearch Javascript

Updated with Q's New Tripcode

Highlights Q's posts and your replies.

Filters Namefags and Fake Qs instantly

Filters heavy posters at 32 posts

Navigation bar @ Top and Right Of Page

To use, open in a text editor and copy the code into the options USER/JS menu on the board and save.


3503d1 No.1315816

File: 82f61bc82e5f9d3⋯.png (556.78 KB, 989x816, 989:816, 8654863972674946507.png)

File: 8948c6cb0a77fbd⋯.png (532.99 KB, 739x414, 739:414, 836963978.png)

960eca No.1315817

Brooks on Tax Bill: Seems Like ‘What the Trump People Told Us Would Happen Is Happening’

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that the GOP tax bill is working better than he thought it would and the evidence “seems to be that what the Trump people told us would happen is happening, that companies are reinvesting the money.”

Brooks stated, “I was against the Trump tax cuts. But the early evidence is that they’re working better than I thought. And so, in the first quarter, among S&P companies, capital expenditures are up 39 percent. That’s a seven-year high. That’s far higher than a lot of us thought. Stock buybacks, which is just giving people — to shareholders, that’s only 16 percent. So the evidence from just the first quarter seems to be that what the Trump people told us would happen is happening, that companies are reinvesting the money. … And so, it’s important to oppose what’s opposable and what’s reprehensible and offensive. And we’ve been doing that, as I say, for three years. But it’s also important to see reality. And the more serious opposition will, frankly, be on disastrous policies or not disastrous policies.”


0fed6e No.1315818


It does say that at Wiki. Interesting.

20035a No.1315819


Q CHOSE this board, as he said, for a reason.

Q didn't chose Corsi for ANYTHING.

Q doesn't need Corsi, Corsi needed Q. Corsi f'd up bad, imho. He's already losing followers. Watch this blow up in his face. It already is.

215069 No.1315820


what's that original photo of? he's creepy AF

7a3181 No.1315821

Godfather III

Dec 5 2017 16:21:56 (EST) Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7cfe10 38638 Godfather III Be prepared for what you find. Q

Q brings up a number of the same movies over and over again.

I believe each one of these movies represents a "storyline" in the grand picture of the map to help us better understand the whole picture. Many people have linked this with ideas for The Hunt for Red October and The Sum of All Fears etc.

Through either their narrative structure/storyline/subtext/imagery and/or direct quotes, these films act as keys to identifying and deciphering all of these multiple threads which are running concurrently. Each movie, is an individual war being fought.

So what is Godfather III?

Well I started watching Godfather Part 3 today with this in mind, thinking I would be watching that 3 hour film again (which I probably should do anyway).

However, I didn't even make it past the first minute. Because almost as soon as the film began I heard this quote and instantly understood how it refers to Q.

3rd line of the script, Godfather Part 3. Michael is reading a letter he wrote.

"The only wealth in this world is children. More than all the money and power on Earth. You are my treasure."

This made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

When Q brings up Godfather III, it seems to almost always be in posts associated with ideas/themes/concepts relating to children/sex/occult/pedo/worship etc. The "darker" side of this.

This line from the Godfather film can therefore be interpreted as a synopsis for this storyline that Q is telling us.

Godfather Part III represents the entire children/sex/occult/pedo/worship storyline.

3ad69c No.1315822


Did some digging regarding the Heather O'Rourke investigation and found a restaurant belonging to one of the suspects. The one owned by Arthur Annecharico.

He was one of the executives of Rocky Road. One of the culprits in the fatal rape of Heather O'Rourke. Its time he knows that the people know what he did to her.

7a8829 No.1315823

File: 4b58becee52fd35⋯.jpg (441.14 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, BluePill1.jpg)

956237 No.1315824



ff32d9 No.1315825

File: 5cd598272126a47⋯.jpg (148.53 KB, 840x545, 168:109, Machine gun PedoKiller.jpg)


Or shot..

deda3b No.1315826

File: bae6b655598fbdd⋯.jpg (125.6 KB, 540x540, 1:1, Unknown.jpg)

20035a No.1315827


That should be Q didn't choose Corsi. Whoops.

1339dd No.1315828

File: adbfb8b1fe824e2⋯.png (625.6 KB, 1842x840, 307:140, Screen Shot 2018-05-06 at ….png)


I get it…Kek. here's someone you can follow on Twatter that has your same vocabulary. She's all about ritual abuse

0bd459 No.1315829


Has to be that. BiBi already has Israeli troops in the front of Lebanon.

Lebanon is a Iranian Proxy as it's Syria/IraqYemen

With Hezbollah neutralized. Iran loose power for to counter attack Israel. Turkey is rising in Power

But it needs that The IsraeliDS is take down. Neutralize The Iranian Bases in the Middle east and Iran loose power

1339dd No.1315830


thank you, I will tell her

3503d1 No.1315831

File: 23c5f157093de36⋯.png (259.86 KB, 349x383, 349:383, 345973289076.png)

File: f1b2baa101265d3⋯.jpg (91.08 KB, 580x538, 290:269, liberace-quotes.jpg)

ty baker

7a8829 No.1315832

File: bf74743e5544ed9⋯.jpg (412.02 KB, 1606x1509, 1606:1509, JM.jpg)

0e84c6 No.1315834




328737 No.1315836




They are all out of the country right now, or were as indicated in a recent Q post, and in foreign (some enemy) countries.

But there is little or no news I can find on what they are doing or where they are (except one anon did find HRC).

Isn't that a bit strange that mainstream is not covering these guys WW endeavors?

The silence about this on mainstream is peculiar…

0bd459 No.1315838


Icke sometimes have a good analysis.

cdd2a9 No.1315839


The thread was archived so replies wouldn't work anyway

If you're claiming they are "hidden"…who can hide them…why would they hide them & isn't that tantamount to deleting them if we can't see them ever again?

Are you suggesting they'll reload?

0fed6e No.1315840


Good for you, dear. I try. I don't take iodine drops, but I do replace it with seaweed. I love Tofu though. I grew up with it. Thanks for the advice.

215069 No.1315841


yeah, i know that's the original…I'm asking who that is

c48d71 No.1315842



4550bb No.1315844


Post >>1315539 regarding possible SERVERS transported to Asia

Thank you Baker.

16bfa4 No.1315845

So what is being hidden from the second half of the last bread? It's got to not be showing for a reason

380518 No.1315846


60hz monitor

60/50hz electrical grid heterodyne

440hz music

I wonder if something similar for wavelengths of visible light?

Red xx

Blue xx color additives could be purposefully disharmonic

70a5a6 No.1315847


The pallets of money

852cf7 No.1315848


>The only way that adrenochrome plays into this is that some of them noticed an extra kick when they tortured their victims before slashing them and drinking their blood.

Ok But again, no evidence that it’s adrenochrome. Could be any number of endogenous inebrants. For example, GHB is produced in large amounts at death as well as DMT.

The risk with picking one compound to hinge everything on can result in making the scientific fallacy known as the “tomato effect” There is a famous paper on the subject with numerous examples though I don’t remember the one about the tomato.

I can give you my own example which involves the early use of Lithia mineral water to treat gout. Doctors observed a therapeutic effect and hypothesized that lithium carbonate in the mineral water combined with uric acid crystals in the gout ridden patient forming a salt of lithium urate which could then be excreted. A logical hypothesis based on rational observation and probable chemical mechanism. But then a chemist studied the solubility of lithium urate in solution and in blood and showed that it’s solubility was too poor to viable mechanism of therapeutic action. Because the therapeutic effect was so intertwined with the accepted mechanism of action, when the chemical experiments undermined the hypothesis of action, the entire clinical observation was also discarded as quackery.

In similar fashion, the MSM will run with this stupid adrenochrome theory, then have a rational expert show how ridiculous such a conspiracy theory is and the whole kid trafficking phenomenon will be hailed as debunked just like pizzagate. Don’t give them that pleasure by being a retard.

17147c No.1315849

File: 32ce4fef3243113⋯.png (400.22 KB, 770x452, 385:226, att.PNG)

AT&T says in court papers it plans to ask SCOTUS to reverse 9th Circuit decision restoring FTC authority over broadband providers.

0bd459 No.1315851


who do you think?

71b84d No.1315852

Something amiss with last bread 1648 it finishes at No.1314981

deda3b No.1315853


No idea. That pic has been around for a while though.

c88317 No.1315854

File: 6c0df48c3a29f52⋯.png (423.85 KB, 663x914, 663:914, ClipboardImage.png)



they made kanye look so white

they must've had some good software

4932bd No.1315856

Corsi's pist cause he knows Israel is sunk.

3ba3e4 No.1315857


I bet Zinke is contemplating water boarding that faggot.

cb3c21 No.1315858

File: 7569d1515c43ad2⋯.png (346.48 KB, 1369x743, 1369:743, SICK.png)

380518 No.1315859


some monitors can be bumped up a bit

72 seemed to feel more comfy on a monitor years ago

956237 No.1315861


My reference to CoIntelPro was about the guy in the video. so … that …

20ef75 No.1315862


It's not on their talking points. Wasn't given to them to talk about it. Going to have to look at the news in other countries.

328737 No.1315863


You have me tagged wrong in here, anon.

I was referring to the 'Sabaton' music vid, not with the posts of the psyop shill being here.

Please confirm you receive my message.

Thanks, anon.

215069 No.1315864


thx anyway…AND for the download. kek

1d0761 No.1315865


It doesn't seem to matter what I do. I used to run 4 miles a day, six days a week and nothing.

0fed6e No.1315866


shopped. Good thing is people see right through lies.

2b8cd4 No.1315867


3b99ef No.1315868


Yeah, I don't know how the normies are gonna digest this bc when it was on the local news they didn't say anything in respect to what these people were really doing, as expected from the incestuous MSM.

As far as Albany is concerned, the police just stumbled upon a 'Sex Cunt' connected to an actor.

It's been 100% forgotten. Focus is on more important things like getting a sex & the city star in for Governor so she can implement NY as a sanctuary state & further destroy this beautiful State….

4932bd No.1315869


Cause you touch yourself.

9d95c3 No.1315870

File: 657666f3d518cb5⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1707x437, 1707:437, Hivites.png)


Nasty Hivites

7a8829 No.1315873

File: 7b52f7f9662d07d⋯.jpg (496.84 KB, 2011x2011, 1:1, QCrumb.jpg)

c88317 No.1315874


pretty sure BO/BV deletes posts after it reaches 750

the catalog shows 751 and if you try to post in it, it says you can't because its at 750

probably getting rid of the shill bullshit

956237 No.1315875


Baker Got The Good StuFFSS

380518 No.1315876


anons I think think this anon is trying to be helpful

has posted this clue at least twice already

c45188 No.1315877


Sara Ruth Ashcroft is a made up name. She is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Check the initials.

SRA is the way that Illuminati families raise their young, methodically abusing them, breaking their spirit and incorporating them into the family way of life. Because these families practice incest (marry only 1st or sometimes 2nd cousins) they know that the children have the right genes to dissociate mentally. To understand what this means research Dissociative Identity Disorder (also called multiple personality syndrome). They are conditioning their children to have multiple separate personalities. One will be used for satanic ritual participation. That one will be blocked off from the other personalities by amnesia walls and other defenses. They will use triggers to invoke internal mental journeys that take the person into the room where the satanic persona lies hidden. This is rather more complex than MKUltra which is a shorter simpler version developed by the CIA to make it easier to use non-bloodline people as slaves.

One of the personas that is developed over the lifetime of SRA is the one that carries out the life role which the Grande Dame of the clan (the Matriarch) assigns to the child., The reason that bloodline members tend to be better at various professions than average people is that they are obsessed with the profession. But it is only the one persona that is obsessed. The Grand Dame knows that the soul needs a break from work and so there are other personas that allow for sexual abandon and these are often pedophiles because it suits the family's goals for their own children to be regularly used as sexual objects. Not just sodomy but also vaginal intercourse from age 4, and oral intercourse starting when the child still has strong sucking muscles.

But many people fall out of this conditioning for various reasons and there are groups out there which help the survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse to heal themselves and to find a more normal life.

Some, like Ashcroft, have made it their mission to expose the families. If Hillary had won the election, you would know a lot more about this because the military (both serving and ex-military) was prepared to carry out a bloodbath and slaughter all of these families. Since many of the families hide their children under other surnames (to cover up their incest) and through foster arrangements with trusted slaves, these people are everywhere. They often pretend to be devout Jews or Catholics or Muslims because this gives them cover and leads investigators astray into investigating large numbers of people who have nothing whatsoever to do with the cult.

c88317 No.1315879

File: beabd0a6b4eaabd⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 720x380, 36:19, USofQ.jpg)


until the morning, WWG1WGA




71b84d No.1315880


fuck dude why answrr with dribble? fuck off.. there's posts on the last bread that some of us want to see… if there's a problem that can be fixed it would be appreciated.

c48d71 No.1315881

File: 0a7767a3d218915⋯.jpg (182.71 KB, 1200x858, 200:143, 1475631001229.jpg)


>yes, goyim, it's all those nasty, nasty hivites!

322374 No.1315883

File: ce753aa2f64ba59⋯.png (623.74 KB, 735x632, 735:632, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

The famous comedian routinely transgressed Federal Election Commission laws by exceeding the $2,700 contribution limit

'Nothing nefarious' was done when the donations were made, O'Donnell maintained in response to the findings

The well-known liberal actress said that she made the donations via the online liberal fundraising platform ActBlue in response to Trump adm. policies

Records show that O'Donnell used five different New York addresses to make the donations along with four variations of her name


Um, yeah, several CRIMINAL acts.

eff5ea No.1315885


It's Mac's dad Luther McDonald

4932bd No.1315886

File: 0cc5d8d0b71c3fb⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 725x960, 145:192, 23376469.jpg)


>fuck dude why answrr with dribble? fuck off..

Someone shit in your cheerios? LMFAO.

Stop taking life so seriously, you aren't making it out alive.

7bbc33 No.1315887



70a5a6 No.1315888


I think that Turkey is where very nasty things from Syriah are being moved to. Iran is smart and their forces are being taken down systematically via proxy, naturally they will move their surviving/known assets where they can and will bebombed. The nasty shit is being moved to Turkey. This way if those assets get wrecked in Turkey, Nato has to get involved.

18e2ed No.1315889

File: baff0c5e131063e⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 1877x325, 1877:325, stillthere.jpg)


This is the last post


bb4e8f No.1315890

File: 955ea00ef52189f⋯.jpeg (22.99 KB, 255x191, 255:191, MemewarVetPepe.jpeg)

WTF is wrong with the last bread? the notables from 1648 you have are missing?

c45188 No.1315891


I remember learning about a plan like this a few years ago. There was a group of German Jewish terrorists who had this plan and even sourced a ship full of chemicals in Greece, I believe, but when the state of Israel became a real possibility, they dropped their plan to poison Germany and joined in the terrorist activities in Palestine. They all stayed on in Israel and retired there. The documentary that I saw even interviewed some of them.

b2fac6 No.1315893

last bread NXIVM doctor experiments



think their using this sauce


956237 No.1315894


That is an Air Ride truck. Not a container.

2b8cd4 No.1315895


42bde5 No.1315897


dis info

38cb8a No.1315898

File: de58f68bc352357⋯.png (191.61 KB, 515x426, 515:426, babyhearts.PNG)


These people are SICK. Here is more proof. Piece of pie from an elite party. Baby hearts. Notice the tiny hand?

e8f1f9 No.1315899

thanks to the nigger who told me to check out life of pablo.. fucking righteous album

9483ca No.1315901

File: 000e0cd30c1953b⋯.png (318.17 KB, 729x511, 729:511, 56TP.PNG)

c61e88 No.1315902


Saw that post. Very interesting. That’s a lot of coke! Seems like a connection must be there


64524e No.1315903

Quite probably old news to many, but all the same, 1:19:15 in this video, in the 1992 campaign of Clinton/Gore, the single biggest contributor? The Riyadi family with communist china, others with connections to Communist China organized crime had 'extraordinary access to the white house'


0fed6e No.1315904


Oh no. Poor kid.

9d95c3 No.1315905


Notable AF

7a3181 No.1315906

File: e5fc53b390b91bf⋯.jpg (121.56 KB, 549x768, 183:256, 1.jpg)

7bbc33 No.1315907

File: f48aeceaf6a3c70⋯.jpeg (33.18 KB, 566x567, 566:567, 04A84E60-8CED-4FD1-A98D-F….jpeg)

File: 92d0612a44af595⋯.png (346.27 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D980462A-C60B-49D2-B6B9-52….png)

File: 362aa5ac2f14419⋯.jpeg (7.8 KB, 118x255, 118:255, 7D42720C-6507-4FB6-AB20-0….jpeg)

File: afbc72041588107⋯.jpeg (37.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 518AC2CC-5995-4477-8BB1-6….jpeg)

File: 651928d8094264e⋯.jpeg (143.54 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, F9691333-DB47-4B88-86E6-3….jpeg)

7a8829 No.1315908

File: 14a1df21761e35b⋯.jpg (235.04 KB, 1117x954, 1117:954, WakenmymommyQ6.jpg)

956237 No.1315909



c61e88 No.1315910

Whose ass do I need to whip?


457a4b No.1315911


I thought he was homeschooled by Melania?

3ba3e4 No.1315913


I got a kid that can go to school with Barron and he'll kick the shit outta anyone who messes with him.

e8f1f9 No.1315914


Who fucking cares? The 51st president of the united states can handle a bit of bullying.

c08770 No.1315915

File: 27e0fd394f4a327⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 1084x607, 1084:607, IMG_2325.JPG)

File: d98e854c05a2826⋯.jpg (224.47 KB, 811x600, 811:600, IMG_2328.JPG)

File: dd5f4666148bf8d⋯.jpg (74.38 KB, 580x408, 145:102, IMG_2346.JPG)

File: 1e9df7b0299add4⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 635x356, 635:356, IMG_2787.JPG)

File: c73a68b67e5a2f2⋯.png (471.23 KB, 564x798, 94:133, IMG_2104.PNG)

956237 No.1315916


Thank you

3841e3 No.1315917


I highly doubt this story.

TP should stop spreading msm bullshit.

d46efb No.1315918


Damn it, that makes my blood boil. Chelsea fucking Clinton had her ass kissed, along with Obama's daughters but poor Barron, fuck.

71b84d No.1315919


So you're ok with replys to notables not being readable. even some of the notables aren't there.

It's not a big deal. But awareness and concern would be appropriate rather than oh yeah posts are always disappearing….

thanks for the pic, i like it.

7bbc33 No.1315920


Sauce ?

0fed6e No.1315922


That's what I thought too

7a8829 No.1315923

File: 31debe3b6ffc76a⋯.jpg (154.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GA23.jpg)

2b8cd4 No.1315924



70a5a6 No.1315925


Well hell mabey it is coke.

86b465 No.1315926


Here's what I don't get. There are plenty of drugs out there, even organic like mushrooms, Ayahuasca, pot, etc. etc. all organic, that will give you a high or rush…as intense as you like.

So I don't think it's about feeling. I think it's about murder and the twisted sense they achieve some type of power. But there is no power in killing something. Just death. You walk away with nothing but loss.

97db26 No.1315927



0486d4 No.1315929


paper on table has room number

42bde5 No.1315931


"THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK" fucking bablyon cult. weed feels focking great and theyre like nah rather enslave the world and murder babies

bb4e8f No.1315932

File: 57abd9034b3475f⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 255x252, 85:84, pepe_wait_what.jpg)




no the notable posts are not there. the kanye video, is gone, the volcano vid link, gone. all gone. it says page 2 not page 1 and 300 posts are missing.

0bd459 No.1315933


Yep. I think that USA also will do another taken down for to help the kurds. USA is shrinking slowly Iran. for the final strike.

The last option is for you know (We need help of the Positive ET's, as in Hawaii, Check DEFCON)

I don't know If Israel joins forces with Syria against Turkey.., but Who knows..

Nato is involved (Germany mainly)

7a8829 No.1315934

File: 927d77c31d32d09⋯.jpg (116.19 KB, 800x843, 800:843, WhoIsQanon10.jpg)

c61e88 No.1315935

What are you trying to show me?


d46efb No.1315936


He does have kickass parents. Melania rocks as a mom.

a45a4c No.1315937

I tried to tell everyone 2 breads ago that Q's new board is gone and got my ass Kicked.

I tried to explain how archives in HTML work and Links.

Got my ass Kickedijjp. I'm this and that..,Shill Bla Bla.u

We are under attack


Choose a link on 8 chan from Q's new board patriotsfight/62 or any

328737 No.1315940


I have no idea, anon.

Folks are just sharing their theories of what the boxes in a recent Q pix may represent.

There are various theories that folks are tossing around.

0fed6e No.1315942


Someone is messing with notables? Not good. Intentional?

956237 No.1315943


cuz hearts have hands. I get it.

9d95c3 No.1315944


It's still there….


71b84d No.1315945

File: 3cb0058b58ab1de⋯.png (30.08 KB, 1329x257, 1329:257, Capture432.PNG)

here's where it finishes for me.

a0b6f1 No.1315946

File: 2caebb69873d07b⋯.jpg (585.39 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-015541….jpg)

File: 6802fed2687343a⋯.jpg (406.26 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-015547….jpg)

Some soros documents. Not sure if anyone saw any of these

a45a4c No.1315947


My phone would Not let me post.


cdd2a9 No.1315948


"Soy Scouts of America" lost by 2 votes

edd316 No.1315949


What holocaust?

2b8cd4 No.1315950


Which one of these is so over target that it had to be removed?

>>1315111 Operation Smile & Swift Trucking & YMCA

>>1315133 DAM RIGHT KANYE WEST!!! (youtube)

>>1315177 What to do with monuments with satanic symbology?, >>1315238 Divine in origin?

9d95c3 No.1315951


Perfect "Soy Scouts of America" I love it!!!

5703c7 No.1315952

File: 63facd978d6dfb2⋯.png (198.06 KB, 850x400, 17:8, ClipboardImage.png)


Walt = crypto? I could have sworn there were relevant quotes from him, but maybe I was thinking of Henry Ford.

7a8829 No.1315953

File: e891508dfd44730⋯.jpg (155.41 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, patriotsfight3.jpg)

File: e24becc59577e5f⋯.jpg (139.79 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, patriotsfight2.jpg)

File: b1c4cdef51bb23f⋯.jpg (148.49 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, patriotsfight1.jpg)

cdd2a9 No.1315954


I like your style anon

bb4e8f No.1315955

File: cdf33f5e4e9505c⋯.png (578.13 KB, 1106x1012, 553:506, pepe.png)


that bread is corrupt #1648… its not right. WHY?!?!?!?

322374 No.1315957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ok, this whole thing is cuckoo bonkers, but it takes a SHARP TURN OFF A CLIFF at 3:36.

There are no words. What kind of f*cked up MKULTRA-type sh$t is this?!?

c002e3 No.1315958


The first two have been done to death on this board, so I'm guessing it's #3.

7a8829 No.1315960

File: ae41376fba4160c⋯.jpg (135.96 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, patriotsfight6.jpg)

File: 497d10fbdfe68b2⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, patriotsfight5.jpg)

File: 617abb8cf2688b6⋯.jpg (159.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, patriotsfight4.jpg)

a0b6f1 No.1315961

File: 9828a32eca1ab2f⋯.jpg (456.37 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-015746….jpg)

File: a03039cd2b0163b⋯.jpg (527.78 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-015832….jpg)

File: 9c126dbe988f4f9⋯.jpg (464.02 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-015906….jpg)

File: 68f976755ab364e⋯.jpg (526.54 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-015959….jpg)


Some more

c61e88 No.1315962


I didn’t post the clue. Another anon did. But I’ve been looking for sauce.

70a5a6 No.1315963


I dont think a final strike will appear as a declarion of war, potus and his allies are removing leverage. That will bring Iran into a real negotiation.

5703c7 No.1315964


The 3 in Japan that they manipulated into their own MUH SIX BAZILLION.

956237 No.1315965


KEK! Makes sense to me. MR

e93a36 No.1315966

File: 6d32dede36e62d2⋯.jpg (91.95 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 10649812_10152394698888348….jpg)


is that the same thing?

df0310 No.1315967



380518 No.1315968

Background Temperature in K


Pythagorean comma

just spit-ballin


>Schiller Institute

<Schiller Institute


86b465 No.1315969


I know that. But Laura here was saying they don't feel anymore, so they do this to feel something. I'm just saying it's a pathetic ignorant and retarded way to go about trying to feel.

b76357 No.1315970

I have no idea why the posts in that thread aren't showing. Could be a site bug. I'll check with CM. I didn't hide or delete anything.

a0b6f1 No.1315971

File: 22bfaaadeb01de5⋯.jpg (273.96 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020144….jpg)

File: 5ebdd0008d2c13b⋯.jpg (496.06 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020200….jpg)

File: 080482ac6b17817⋯.jpg (493.6 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020250….jpg)

File: 810c768adc09df0⋯.jpg (809.27 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020259….jpg)

1dc426 No.1315972


The notables are all there. The posts are all there. The post count is the only fuckery afoot.

C'mon OCD anons, go count them.

0d923a No.1315973

>>1315390 very well said, anon.

>>1315410 rosie eats babies

>>1315433 dubs confirm, but her support of israel is disheartening

>>1315434 also the spiral original smartbulbs - strobe thousands of times per second and can be manipulated to affect us in various ways… also look into the patents of one Hendricus Loos aka "Hulu" - and of course the Szmirnoff patent owned by Psi-Tech

>>1315455 dubs confirm trips

>>1315555 quads confirm

>>1315480 im a huge Animals As Leaders fan myself

>>1315484 i submit many are not people at all

>>1315498 RH- indicates critter hybrid Edomite bloodline

>>1315535 yes, bill hicks.

>>1315558 scopolamine perhaps

>>1315565 (((gutfeld))) an admitted atheist

>>1315589 never see me riding with these asshats

>>1315613 (((mike adams))) we did an unexpected visit to his HQ years back and found it to be a front for some clown shit. I dont trust this fucker far as he can be thrown

>>1315679 i have done way too much research on this sick fuck

>>1315846 its all about 432 which correlates directly to the light spectrum… it was changed by Kepler to 440 for a very specific reason of dissonance… stay away from "528" and those promoting it - (((shills)))

0486d4 No.1315974


JOSEPH ALFORD Joseph Alford 2105 Torrey Pines Way McKinney | TX. | 75070 Joseph_Alford@me.com 954-263-4855

0fed6e No.1315975


I don't know. I usually reference the notables. I hope you guys figure it out soon.

2b8cd4 No.1315976



c61e88 No.1315977


I posted the Operation Smile screencap. Over the target sounds about right. Let me grab it and repost.

c002e3 No.1315978


I don't think that's the same thing. Looks like a typical Vietnamese meal to me.

896b80 No.1315979


Thank you

3fc4ea No.1315980

File: dfb7327eb27b175⋯.png (88.92 KB, 631x722, 631:722, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 926e0d8f7360542⋯.png (23.45 KB, 583x261, 583:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 709704e06a4ed23⋯.png (36.38 KB, 582x347, 582:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5846fee38c6eb2c⋯.png (28.65 KB, 576x301, 576:301, ClipboardImage.png)

Since the left likes to change history, the real political spectrum, neocons, classic liberals and today's liberals

58aa43 No.1315981

File: 2ae80945da4568e⋯.jpg (295.4 KB, 580x546, 290:273, godfather3.jpg)

0fed6e No.1315982

2b8cd4 No.1315983


no they are not an BO just acknowledged.

a45a4c No.1315984


Use your link to get them whether it's a/62 or index.HTML. Now select catalog, which re-freshes the board and Q's board is not there. I've been trying to say this for two hours

There's a war going on

e93a36 No.1315985


thx had me worried

c38721 No.1315986

File: 4e844f6a960d08b⋯.png (957.35 KB, 1094x1298, 547:649, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

One thing that still doesn’t make sense to me. In just one generation you and I would cease to exist. They’ve mapped the genome, they know what genes make people like us fight.

Within just a decade or so designer babies would’ve been easily accessible medicine, you could have a choice of fairly innocuous cosmetic choices of hair, eye and skin color, and a smart and healthy baby. But what they wouldn’t tell you is that while they were editing the code, they’d be removing the patriot spirit, the rebel genes, the disagreeableness within all of us.

A future would’ve existed where people who operate the ratlines not only could hide their genetic fingerprint at the scene of a crime, but thanks to companies like 23andme, they could also plant genetic evidence of political dissidents.

Just within a few decades they would have achieved total control with this power alone…

So why jump the gun? Was it just Hillary’s greed alone?


a0b6f1 No.1315987

File: e02e3e5c5958942⋯.jpg (655.55 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020316….jpg)

File: ba843c296469854⋯.jpg (562.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020323….jpg)

File: c0419f513dc79c8⋯.jpg (681.3 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020334….jpg)

File: bc8aef5fda2240d⋯.jpg (511.77 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-020344….jpg)

4932bd No.1315988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Jews Are Khazars, Anything Else Is Anti Semitic Lies

3ba3e4 No.1315989



bdf68a No.1315990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some of you youngtards do not understand the magatude of whats going on. If this plan works it will be a revolution without a single shot fired. This is HUGE. People see it. There are more woke people then you understand but some still need a nudge. Pizzagate and spiritcooking woke the shite out of mofo's.. Many of these same people have no idea of NXIVM.. NXIVM is going to explode. . This is a big fucking deal… These guys are the middle men and signing.. Do you think it is coincidental that backpages got taken down right before??

- Old school Anonymous muscifag out

2b8cd4 No.1315991

please do anon


3297d3 No.1315992



It’s one person’s word. “She’s a fan of Q” and her twitter feed could be run by Anderson Cooper for all you know.

But even if she is the real deal, there’s still no need to use the word “adrenochrome”. It’s a honey trap set up IMHO.

c61e88 No.1315993

File: 60b2f0596242a44⋯.jpeg (316.31 KB, 1511x891, 1511:891, A3BB9CFA-1274-47CA-824A-1….jpeg)


Here it is again. Guess we will see if it gets deleted again.

0bd459 No.1315994


I'm Sorry. final hit. Iran is so important for Central Asia. US is losing Afghanistan and Pakistan now is a Chinese Proxy.

ISIS is escaping to Central/Southeast of Asia.

It's a bad signal because China also is there in the fight.., (Northwest of China was in Turkestan)

7a8829 No.1315995

File: 403c2f8abe44d6b⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 851x322, 37:14, 6Brazilians.jpg)

c61e88 No.1315996

deda3b No.1315997

File: a08216b573310b1⋯.png (457.74 KB, 580x538, 290:269, Glowarochi.png)

c002e3 No.1315999


Yeah, that's a typical Vietnamese hotel. Ninh Binh is a couple hours south of Hanoi by car or rail. They do eat dog there but not in the hotels.

And while the Vietnamese elite do often go in for black magick rituals, cannibalism is something that hasn't been common there since the Middle Ages. If a secret society were eating human flesh, they wouldn't be doing it out in the open in a hotel like the Vissai.

c24b87 No.1316000


She sounds genuinely insane to me. She claims Tom Hanks raped her.

cdd2a9 No.1316001


Maybe we got hacked BO

>>What an honor


42bde5 No.1316002

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/n3HPe9X1EKw" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

this song is lit

1dc426 No.1316003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


with ((( The Four Horsemen))) ride,

or choose your fate and die!!!

Oh yeah yeah!!!

ecf210 No.1316004

Elected Satan

Kill Satan

Get cube

Keep it simple stupid

9a99b7 No.1316005


still there anon

4932bd No.1316006

David Icke is now officially more credible that Corsi.

b5e1e1 No.1316007


That was real? I saw that last night, knew (((they))) did shit like that. Jezzzzz

0fed6e No.1316008


Q posts are there.


All there.


Your browser setting?

380518 No.1316009

432 replies

no coincidences


5703c7 No.1316011

File: 33bb80adaa1f322⋯.jpg (130.63 KB, 816x404, 204:101, alexu_joneso.jpg)


FaceApp has this technology, it's AI. It's no longer available to the public, but you can bet all your shekels they still have it.


42bde5 No.1316012


im fairly sure david icke is either a victim of ritual abuse. or he is dis info that presents mostly right info but with the added part about reptillians so no1 believes

c575cf No.1316014


What in the fucking FUCK!?? Who are the mentally deranged parents allowing their kids around this bullshit?!

3ba3e4 No.1316015


Precisely what a shill BO would say. Hmmm

Na I'm playing. Thanx for your service anon. o7

2b8cd4 No.1316016


impressive autism

a0b6f1 No.1316017

File: 4b0acfefdc55fa8⋯.jpg (464.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-021542….jpg)

File: 72d10832bcf4a92⋯.jpg (342.74 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180506-021550….jpg)

17147c No.1316018

File: e56915b2d524118⋯.png (177.19 KB, 1235x296, 1235:296, hrc.PNG)

File: 3fa9133f747805d⋯.png (84.82 KB, 777x391, 777:391, hrc1.PNG)

New email from Hillary Clinton ("hdr22@clintonemail.com") released by State Department talking about @WikiLeaks exposing her ordering US diplomats to steal DNA and passwords from UN leadership

Background: https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/28/us-embassy-cables-spying-un

c61e88 No.1316019

Here’s the sauce about China seizing 1.3 kg coke from a shipping container

That’s a lot of coke!!


4932bd No.1316020


Or you just need to expand your thinking.

ecf210 No.1316021

I know round em up and kill em

False pope money conflict

HAD to stretch some conceptual virtues for that one , billed better than it sold 🤔🎻🌹🍝

d3fd66 No.1316022

He’s a POS

Take down if necessary

lost to us

0fed6e No.1316023


Or any recent spyware/adblock software installed? Any new plugins?

0bd459 No.1316024


China also in that.

it reminds me to the interviews of Dr. Andrew. d. Basiago.

c88317 No.1316025

File: af893117cad203a⋯.png (46.87 KB, 1507x793, 1507:793, UQofA.png)

File: beabd0a6b4eaabd⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 720x380, 36:19, USofQ.jpg)


newer flag idea

c61e88 No.1316027



ecf210 No.1316028

File: 6e6107b873e1671⋯.jpg (206.08 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, IMG_1890.JPG)

Any great tits ?

c61e88 No.1316029


Sorry. Anon brain is tired. 1.3 TONS of coke

0bd459 No.1316030


Think in Hyperdimensional beings..

c38721 No.1316031


we respect our flag anon, we do not alter it.

322374 No.1316032


This is one of the craziest, creepiest things I have ever seen.

Serial killer sketcher is Ayesha Ismail-Kanani from Qmunity.


f8f0b3 No.1316034




9d95c3 No.1316035

File: 17c176d0d2795ba⋯.png (230.11 KB, 767x430, 767:430, Soy Scouts.png)

What can we add to the logo to make it more soy'ish?

7a8829 No.1316036


Vertical stripes signify peace on a flag anon ;)

When was the last time the flag had vertical stripes?

42bde5 No.1316037


ill expand my thinking when you show me proof faggot

ecf210 No.1316038

File: 2d2de3a46d11186⋯.jpg (546.79 KB, 1438x1080, 719:540, IMG_1909.JPG)

Damn shills

2b8cd4 No.1316039

File: 7a95825c73576b4⋯.jpg (93.99 KB, 550x693, 50:63, mind motion.jpg)


A famous letter written in 1884 by the great Italian Maestro Giuseppe Verdi to the Italian government is often quoted in support of the 432 Hz movement. In this letter, Verdi expressed his concern for the raising and fluctuations of the pitch (which at that time had not yet been standardized). He asked for and obtained a regulation of the pitch at 432 Hz. His main arguments were to do with the difficulties of Opera singers and the risks that ancient instruments underwent when tuned to a higher pitch than the one they had been built for. Actually, in his letter, Verdi asked the Italian government to conform to the French standard of that time, which was 435 Hz. He then added that if the Italian commission believed that for mathematical reasons the reference pitch should be lowered to 432 Hz, he would absolutely agree with that. It is interesting to notice here that 432 Hz is related to mathematical values. Unfortunately, in Verdi’s letter there is no mention of the reasons why this frequency would be preferred “for mathematical reasons”. It is likely though that 432 would be preferred for ease of calculations of all the other relative frequencies. Another important aspect is that A = 432 Hz can be understood as the upper limit of the tuning based on C = 256 Hz. Now, this might seem a bit confusing, but the 432 Hz issue cannot be really separated from the notion of ‘scientific tuning’ which corresponds to middle C on the piano keyboard (the C note just below the A 432 Hz note) tuned at 256 Hz. We will get to this later.

c575cf No.1316040


It literally makes me fuckin sick. Satan is alive and well.

4932bd No.1316041


https:// ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Law_of_One

c45188 No.1316042

File: a0758af0709a140⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1550x914, 775:457, ClipboardImage.png)


Celebrate life people

It is all we have

17147c No.1316043

File: 553cbd1d19bc5e7⋯.png (205.65 KB, 821x668, 821:668, hrc3.PNG)

File: 653d9b19b5f80da⋯.png (115.83 KB, 782x452, 391:226, hrc4.PNG)

New FOIA docs show that FBI lost chain of custody for five weeks of Hillary Clinton's server. Say they lost the chain entirely and created a new one.

> https:// vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/Hillary%20R.%20Clinton%20Part%2021%20of%2021/view

322374 No.1316044

File: cd425e7ecacc115⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 300x162, 50:27, giphy.gif)

c88317 No.1316045


as do I

anons were saying to find alternatives to the kek nazi flag a few days ago

in deference to the stars and stripes, was thinking of USA themed flags

bdf68a No.1316046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know there are some old school lurkers here that will appropriate this one..

2b8cd4 No.1316047


I saw an article about Fentinol coming in from China, Just a thought.

f8f0b3 No.1316049











c38721 No.1316050


We need to claim the term Q-munity for ourselves

42bde5 No.1316051

File: 0d98d7d39ae7b7b⋯.jpg (49.54 KB, 594x500, 297:250, 29pxxv.jpg)


no fuck you

b76357 No.1316052

Checked with CM. Thread was bugged. Should be fixed now


ee95bf No.1316053


Make the badge into a bikini

7a8829 No.1316054

File: 308181c3d127388⋯.jpg (87.17 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, WhoIsQanon12.jpg)

File: a2ecb9ffadc07bc⋯.jpg (131.19 KB, 1004x836, 251:209, WhoIsQanon11.jpg)

dc25a1 No.1316056

Homotus is a serial killer btw

0bd459 No.1316057


The Soros's ONG are the doors of the purgatory.

3fc4ea No.1316058


Nice work! Most normies won't know the soy reference. Some sort of a side by side that illustrates the point?

498766 No.1316059


I lived and breathed pennywise growing up and its so amazing how much meaning it still has today.

86b465 No.1316060

File: f84ff8fe27f28cf⋯.png (393.92 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


They have already achieved it. They are already creating embryo's with created DNA. They no longer need a person's egg or sperm to create a human.

Cloning horror: Human clone fears as Euro scientists CREATE LIFE from ‘nothing’

SCIENTISTS have created a living embryo in a laboratory without using either egg or sperm in ground-breaking but hugely controversial experiments.


PUBLISHED: 08:58, Thu, May 3, 2018 | UPDATED: 14:57, Thu, May 3, 2018

The experimental research combined two types of stem cells and created a viable embryo – which the team say would provide an unlimited stock for medical research.

The created embryos would also be used for medical treatment testing and help shed light on one of the biggest infertility enigmas - why embryos fail to implant in the womb.

However critics say it is a huge step towards human cloning.

The researchers believe the wonder creation could see mice being cloned in three years time, and humans two decades later.


Lead researcher, Professor Nicholas Rivron of Maastricht University, said the main use for the embryos would be to test drugs and solve the infertility riddle.

He said: “As you know, embryos are very precious, and it is impossible to use to test drugs on them as you don’t have the numbers.

“With blastocysts you can open up the numbers. This will allow screening medicines in the future.

“I do not believe in using blastocysts for human reproduction. This is ethically very questionable, this would be clones of somebody who is already alive. Human cloning is totally forbidden.”


Professor Robin Lovell-Badge of the Francis Crick Institute added while the experiment was a huge breakthrough for modern science, it may come as a relief it cannot be replicated in humans yet.

He said: “It may come as a relief to others that such a method of producing many genetically identical human embryo-like structures that might be capable of implantation is not feasible - even if it would be illegal to implant them into women, as is clearly the situation in the UK.”

Cloning continues to fascinate the science world, particularly after Dolly the Sheep made headlines across the globe in 1996.

The ewe lived for six years after being the first mammal cloned by professors at the University of Edinburgh by Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmut.

The animal died five months before her seventh birthday from a progressive lung disease.

Cloning horror: Human clone fears as Euro scientists CREATE LIFE from ‘nothing’

Cloning horror: Human clone fears as Euro scientists CREATE LIFE from ‘n…


SCIENTISTS have created a living embryo in a laboratory without using either egg or sperm in ground-breaking

322374 No.1316061



70a5a6 No.1316062


If that is what needs to happen then it has to be swift and mini ize collateral damage to bring the iranians to a place where they WILL talk, they need to respect geopolitical powers. As for afganistan, we as well as the people fucked up because the public is uninfored.

c88317 No.1316064


all good now thanks BO

c61e88 No.1316066


Is this a shitzNGigglz pic or something Anon should look into?

1dc426 No.1316067

File: 96b6d10ef705876⋯.png (574.23 KB, 580x538, 290:269, Prostate.png)

9cd941 No.1316070

File: 3ff069979da772c⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 720x1024, 45:64, fe2b4359367538e2d252116031….jpg)

c88317 No.1316071




or the wing as a limp wrist (folded)

0bd459 No.1316073


that is a good reading Anon :)

0fed6e No.1316074

55add8 No.1316075


Cloning creates a vessel for a spirit. An avatar for a potential evil army?

a0b6f1 No.1316076


I have ALOT! About his foundations theres files about different countries but haven't went through that much of them til tonight

328737 No.1316077


Thanks, anon.

Will do just that.

c61e88 No.1316078


Vietnam used to be a huge narcotic supplier according to that All My Children/ As the World Turns pdf.

9cd941 No.1316080

1dc426 No.1316081


Hammer and sickle.

dc25a1 No.1316082

File: 123bfa10057d93d⋯.png (486.03 KB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2101.PNG)

Arguing with an ineligible prez

Like filtering antisemites

Like suing 30k+ pedos

Like laying linoleum

322374 No.1316083



long day

86b465 No.1316084


Easier then possession. No spirit/soul of God to try and keep control over.

0bd459 No.1316085


Gotcha, you could uploads (PDF's) to Mega/Anonfile?

d3fd66 No.1316086

c38721 No.1316088


Co-opting terminology is an effective weapon in the meme war m'dude

4932bd No.1316089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wtf is going on here?

It's related because they talk about Madonna rituals. Spade gets crazy weirded out.

14fae9 No.1316090


pdf? I was gone a day but what have i missed?

sauce please

42bde5 No.1316092

File: e9c87fb1675b23c⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 474x266, 237:133, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

380518 No.1316093



sometimes kek

432 is a crossroads


last bread was "bugged" at 432 replies

c61e88 No.1316094


Kek nicely played

0bd459 No.1316096



For something. Someone said that Vietnam/China is the Afghanistan of Asia.

0fed6e No.1316098


Soap opera title

d34cc6 No.1316099

File: 54b6b830776313d⋯.jpeg (998.43 KB, 1242x921, 414:307, 74206B9C-5E77-4063-B889-0….jpeg)

Rudy Giuliani at the Iran Freedom Convention yesterday ( 05/05/18) in DC 1000 delegates and guests.

d3fd66 No.1316100


that's crazy!

70a5a6 No.1316102


Thats when we stared talking about the pallets.

06cec0 No.1316103

I have been meme mining and just filled the last available slots in meme 20. Does anyone here know how to start a new one?

7a8829 No.1316104

File: 9162637e90b94df⋯.jpg (159.13 KB, 1480x833, 1480:833, WhoIsQanon23.jpg)

File: c14f84fd3fec8bc⋯.jpg (327.32 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, WhoIsQanon22.jpg)

File: e68d2745b3538c9⋯.jpg (90.71 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, WhoIsQanon21.jpg)

d3fd66 No.1316105


kek kek

c575cf No.1316106


There was a crazy ass case in TX of a dude who was trying to pay some crazy ass small towns dudes to kill his wife. They milked a ton of money out of him over a year, delaying the hit. The husband was working for a defense contractor who was doing shit over in Iraq. These guys testified that they received a large amount of cash one time and it had hair and blood on it. They asked wtf that was all about and the husband said they were stashing the money in the body bags of dead soldiers.

Same shit, different decade.

0bd459 No.1316107


transcription of Speech?

09a182 No.1316108

Where does one find supreme court transcripts?

c61e88 No.1316109



Quite the eye opening read

328737 No.1316110


Not sure if it's related, but my comp went weird for a moment. Got a message 'Not connected to internet' yet I was. Checked, and I was still connected. Other sites worked fine. It was weird.

14fae9 No.1316112


thank you

70a5a6 No.1316113


☺ hopefully i dont get in an accident. Love you guys!

2b8cd4 No.1316114

File: 0b5c86ba0a30cb7⋯.jpg (12.51 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 99057579254c54beaf0f55f374….jpg)

e74130 No.1316116


>bugged at 432 replies

Huh.. the rest of the replies that weren't showing before are now showing up.

0fed6e No.1316117


I like

c61e88 No.1316119


But a title that has been mentioned by Q many times….


9962ba No.1316120

File: 24465fe42b23fd8⋯.png (847.58 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2103.PNG)

Derpina had to marry a subway chef for cock and a foil ring to fight for today's faggotry, send love

d0667f No.1316122


They are just being more overt with it, now. The thing about educating very young kids is that you can very easily tell them almost anything, and very few of them will ever return to question that 'fact'. How many people believe that people only use 10% of their brains? That was a wonderful little gem floating around when I was in grade school. The Ascension concept in Star Gate was even built around it. Which - whatever, fiction can justify itself on anything real or imaginary - but by having the emissaries of education from the empire of wonders tell us lies about how the world works, it instills a false sense of knowledge and a disinterest in inquiry/discovery.

896b80 No.1316123


Recognize many that I'd seen previously. One in particular about harmonics. Anon deserves cred.

e73cf6 No.1316124


Copy text

>>Where does one find supreme court


Right click

Search DDG



98e99b No.1316125


I am not going to say this is true or not true. I would like to interject a little open minded medical skepticism for thought.

Fact - Blood is highly nauseating when ingested. Oh, you may be able to "developed a taste" by mind over matter as it flow past your taste buds, But not once it hits the stomach. Ask anyone who has ever had a gastric bleed or taken care of someone with a gastric bleed - what is the first thing they do - nausea followed by vomiting. So do these people take big doses or anti-emetics ( anti nausea medicine) before drinking this blood?

Second - what does the hydrochloric acid in the stomach do to the adrenochrome molecule? Does it break it down, denature it? Any studies?

I am more likely to believe stories of pharmaceutical adrenochrome that is injected into a vein before I would believe someone getting high off of ingested blood, that is if they could keep it down long enough for any to be absorbed.

Again, not saying I believe or don't believe, just a few facts to think about.

0bd459 No.1316126

USA is very alone. damn…

820364 No.1316127


Weird, huh?

Fine, I'll still answer.

The entire world is a mind. Your analysis neglects the vast amount of computation performed by the external world surrounding a person. The computation exists as the regularities of dynamic processes operant between all forms. This process being observed forms the material basis of all thought. The macrocosm is thus recorded by the form as a microcosm.

Every symbol is the derivation of a complex interaction of natural processes authored by God. To neglect symbols in all their forms neglects the entire other half of computation performed outside our own minds.

Everyone reacts to these symbols, even if only subconsciously. Being unaware they are doing so, they cannot make a choice about how they react. Only by BECOMING AWARE the symbols are there, can someone begin to choose a response to them.

THE PROBLEM, is virtually everyone has already formed reflexive responses so deeply ingrained that, even WHEN THEY DO BECOME AWARE, FORMING NEW REACTIONS IS DIFFICULT.

People researching Q should know something as a STARTING POINT. What's the best way to put this?




Do you know why 17 kids were killed at Parkland?




17 kids were murdered just so a message could be sent to someone.

Sword dance?

215069 No.1316128

File: c41fe8327d1cc98⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepe-baking.jpg)

fresh bread

fresh bread

eat shit, (((shills)))




0fed6e No.1316129


I know. I just thought it was interesting that those two are soap opera titles.

328737 No.1316130


No prob. Thanks, anon.

c61e88 No.1316131


Wow. Had not heard that. Same methods different evils.

caff6b No.1316134



Symbolism Will Be their Downfall -Q

This is really relevant. That honestly looks like some kind of HIV transmission/gene alteration through fruit fly. Considering how most of our 'organic' fruit attracts these buggers ( or hatches them? ) I would do more digging for this.

Q told us it'd fucking blow our minds. Honestly, my mind was blown awhile ago but I put it back together.. At this point, I've begun marveling at the ingenuity these fuckers have displayed

c61e88 No.1316135


Sure thing. Enjoy.

9cd941 No.1316136



09a182 No.1316138


Thanks bud

caff6b No.1316140

c61e88 No.1316141


Right? Not a coincidence. It is written much like their scripts are…. likely. Enjoy the Show we’ve been told

0fed6e No.1316143


All My Children, As the World Turns: Actor Larkin Malloy Dies at 62

by Cindy McLennan, September 30, 2016

Actor Larkin Malloy has died at the age of 62. All My Children, As the World Turns: cancelled soap operas.

Actor Larkin Malloy is dead at the age of 62. (Photo courtesy of TheNewYorkActingCoach.com.)

In what has been a sad week for the All My Children (AMC) family, actor Larkin Malloy has died at the age of 62. He played Travis Montgomery on the cancelled ABC soap opera from 1987 to 1998. Former co-star Walt Willey (Jackson Montgomery) posted on Facebook that Malloy died from complications of a heart attack he suffered on Saturday.

AMC creator Agnes Nixon just passed away on Wednesday. She and Malloy were both veterans of As the World Turns, which was cancelled in 2010, after 54 years on CBS. Malloy both acted and served as announcer and acting coach on the daytime drama. He appeared on The Edge of Night, Guiding Light, and Loving. He also directed NBC‘s Another World. All of these cancelled soaps shot in New York.

Willey remembers his on-screen brother.

Here is more on Mr. Malloy, from his professional website, TheNewYorkActingCoach.com

Larkin started working as a professional actor in 1974 on the New York stage where he was a founding member of the off-off-Broadway company ATA. After playing starring roles at the Arena Stage in Washington, the Goodman Theater in Chicago, he did a season of classics at the famed Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. Returning to New York, he played at the Manhattan Theater Club, while his day job was creating the role of Sky Whitney on ABC’s “Edge of Night”, a role that earned him an Emmy nomination as “Outstanding Actor”.

Four years later, as he was asked to join the cast of CBS’s “Guiding Light” to create the role of Kyle Sampson working opposite multi Emmy winning actress Kim Zimmer (playing Sky during the day and Kyle in the evening). Two years later, he came to star opposite Susan Lucci on ABC’s “All My Children” where he played the role for which he is best known, Travis Montgomery.

After a year as Clay on ABC’s “Loving”, he returned to his first love, the stage, working in regional theater across the US, returning to reprise Travis from time to time as well as teaching acting and coaching actors privately. In 2013, he played a leading role in the TV series “Tainted Dreams” and has just finished performing in the soon to be released SAG feature, “Good Bones”

He has appeared on network episodic series and films, narrated “National Geographic” TV, was the announcer at “As the World Turns” and can be seen and heard in many commercial TV and radio spots.

Born Thomas Larkin Malloy on September 24, 1954, Larkin suffered a heart attack on what was his 62nd birthday. He passed away on Thursday, September 29, 2016. May he rest in peace.

We invite you to remember Mr. Malloy and his work, below.

Get our free email alerts on TV shows in this article:


All My Children

Another World

As the World Turns

Guiding Light


The Edge of Night

More about: All My Children, All My Children: canceled or renewed?


328737 No.1316144


I hear ya. Been there…!

Thanks, anon.

0486d4 No.1316145


anyone able to see the room number on that hotel card key?

9cd941 No.1316147

Who are mk'in the elite?

c45188 No.1316150


Vampires have a different biochemistry. Look up porphyria

9d95c3 No.1316153

File: ce69c2fa79d3b65⋯.jpg (35.75 KB, 770x433, 770:433, old.jpg)

File: 0122c772566224b⋯.png (228.08 KB, 768x431, 768:431, Soy Scouts of America.png)



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