▶ 12f032 (91) No.32253
▶ 12f032 (91) No.32285
absolute next level trolling
3D chess on steroids
add in Slovenia where Melania came from
▶ 0cadc0 (1) No.33876>>33944 >>774521
ummmm…… twitter . com/JulianAssange/status/952036089015033856
▶ 12f032 (91) No.33961>>34026 >>34053 >>34507
Assange put that so it looks like we are in trouble
which we are NOT
review these pics.
i emailed wikileaks after i figured it ALL out.. well except for the stringers.. which others can work on.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34026
the file name on his chessboard is a message. read one on the right
he confirmed i was correct
the word MESSAGE used 26 times
END appears in conbination 56 times
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34053>>34133 >>34146
said only once "scary"
▶ 57ba6d (1) No.34133
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34145>>34362 >>34877
>>32223 (OP)
ty for the game Q.
i didnt solve many stringers..
just enough to establish it was correct
i tried to establish who you wanted to be
Bobby Fischer of course
than i saw the URL ---—--404
then i went looking for significant dates
nothing significant that i saw really
then i went looking for details of the tourney
it was in Slovenia!
i had my game
so i threw together the stringers
a few at least.. people can finish the rest
▶ 2a5d7d (4) No.34146>>34153 >>39093
I don't remember this, what the fuck is this? SOurce it now faggot
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34153>>34163
▶ 2a5d7d (4) No.34163>>34204
Apparently it is real. What is this crap?! He has directly contradicted himself.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34185>>34613
there is my side project if people want to dig
on real
▶ d226ff (3) No.34200
how… the message hasn't happened yet
▶ d226ff (3) No.34204>>34226
How? The message hasn't happened yet.
▶ 2a5d7d (4) No.34214>>34244
>No private comms w/ anyone.
>You will get a private message on multiple platforms
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34226
▶ d226ff (3) No.34244>>34426
So far no PRIVATE comms with anyone (BOs Mods ETC)
In the future (months from december) we will have a multiple platform message.
They don't contradict so go fuck a catcus on meth
▶ 12f032 (91) No.34245
▶ f1dfb5 (1) No.34247>>34315
FOX THREE is the Fox Las Vegas channel. Laura Loomis notes Craig Fiegener, investigating shooting and finding truth. Obama/Iran? SA? Military meaning?
▶ ee52f6 (1) No.34315
funny because I noticed vegas trending a lil today on twits
▶ fee8af (1) No.34362
▶ 8c4145 (1) No.34392>>39284
▶ 2a5d7d (4) No.34426
It's only slightly contradictory, I suppose. Nevertheless, it didn't stop these people from thinking they are a special snowflake for modding a board.
▶ d0ba4a (1) No.34507
pic 1 (troll world) way too small - can't read
▶ e3a1a3 (1) No.34613
Missing: Nancy Pelosi and John McCain, that someone decoded those same stringers earlier to say that they're among 21 defendants. (maybe at Guantanamo).
Has anyone seen Pelosi lately? Doesn't she have to be around to run the Dem side in the House?
▶ 6aec54 (4) No.34770
The Birth of a Deadly Marshall Attack: Capablanca vs Marshall 1918
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaUHECHqcWs
▶ 6aec54 (4) No.34777
Shit. Meant to post these two pics
▶ 6aec54 (4) No.34787
https:// www.photo-mark.com/funhouse/chess/
▶ 6aec54 (4) No.34800
Capablanca vs Marshall 1918
Capa = Cap (hat)
Blanca = White
▶ ecfb45 (1) No.34877
agreed, absolutely brilliant!
▶ 5cf97e (1) No.35033
But we don't live in the age of Capablanca vs Marshall 1918.
We live in the age of AlphaZero vs StockFish 2017…
https:// www.chess.com/news/view/google-s-alphazero-destroys-stockfish-in-100-game-match
▶ e3319f (1) No.36876>>38492
>http:// www.chessgames. com/perl/chessgame?gid=1095025
Dream's of My Father
"His other successes at this time, which included 1st at Schevenigen 1905, 3rd at Barmen 1905 (1/2-point behind Janowski and Maroczy), and first at Nuremberg 1906 helped him find backing for the Lasker - Marshall World Championship Match (1907). However, he lost this match heavily by a score of +0 -8 =7."
pic VERY relevant
>http:// www.obamasrealfather. com/frank-marshall-davis/
"Frank Marshall Davis (1905-1987) was a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) propagandist in Chicago and Hawaii, as well as a writer and poet. The FBI had Davis under investigation or surveillance for 19 years, compiling a 600-page FBI file. He was on the FBI's 'Security Index A', meaning he would be arrested in the event of national emergency.
In 1930's Chicago, CPUSA recruited journalists to help spread Soviet influence in American public opinion. Frank Marshall Davis was one of them. A graduate of Kansas State Journalism School, Frank Marshall Davis joined the Communist Party and began writing for The Chicago Star. He was a colleague of journalist Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett. Davis also taught at Chicago's Abraham Lincoln School, a Communist run training school run by CPUSA. Davis authored three major volumes of poetry, and later an autobiographical sex novel under a pseudonym."
And holy fuck. Valerie Jarrett.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.38492>>107316
shakespeare was a master creator
plays within a play.
once i figured out the game,
i noticed its insignificance,
and 43+4 kept coming back to me
1918 + 43 = 1961 people
47 moves in a highly significant game
where Americans WIN bigly
i will tell the full story some day when the time
is right.
▶ 0d3e39 (1) No.39093
I was online for that and watched it append to the thread. I will tell my grandkids about it one day.
▶ a52f6d (1) No.39284
The hour glass on his actual twitter doesn't show empty…
▶ dfece0 (1) No.42550>>62383 >>2880049
There is a reason that Julian chose to use a 100 year old chess match. The 1918 match between Marshall and Capablanca is considered to be one of the greatest defensive games of all time. After deflating Marshall's (black) opening attack, Capablanca (white) patiently advanced an isolated pawn to the far end of the board. Pawn is promoted to queen and checkmate occurs in 5 moves.
Moral of the story: A pawn who has escaped the confines of his opponent is one of the most dangerous threats to the endgame. JA has escaped the confines of his opponents!
▶ b7399a (1) No.43998>>61656
The very next move in this game is Queen to f3
QF3 = Q Fox Three! Meaning Fox Three Defcon1 event in Hawaii! Same day!
▶ 2a5768 (2) No.61707>>61837 >>71145
I don't get why people are saying this is "brilliant". I say the Emperor has no clothes on.
One random underscore means the white Queen?
"e"'s were randomly pulled, Why didn't you pull the "A"s I see 4 of them?
And the 2 and 4 those weren't even on the page.
I would love to believe that Julian Assange was playing chess with Q but I ain't seen it here.
I would love to be wrong, can someone explain.
I was going to put this on my facebook page, but found I couldn't because I couldn't justify it.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.61837>>81266 >>858496
you don't get it.
the game that Assange posted is one of two
Chess Matches in the stringers.
The one everyone has been deciphering….
has no flavor. this isn't a story
there are no significant dates
Trump has been quietly on the attack since announcing his run for president
The first game is just a plan for the takedown sequence
The second game is the one i have posted
Shakespeare was the greatest storyteller
in the Renaissance. It was a time after the dark ages when culture in Europe flourished
He was famous for a "play within a play"
43 and +4 recur often in the stringers
1918+43 = 1961
43+3 means a 47 move game
"I didnt have to do this. I had a great life"Trump
Trump is king, and the king of American chess is Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer played Mikhail Tal in Slovenia in
1961. This is a game with flavor. It tells a story.
Bobby Fischer sacrifices his Queen (think how hard this has been on Melania and the family)
the link on the url is 404.. how many times to we see Atlanta (area code 404) and 404 itself in the stringers?
This is a love story inside of a suspense, inside of a mystery. A Great Movie.
In the end Fischer wins with 3 pawns, 2 rooks (rogers and assange) remaining.
Black concedes on move 47 with only the king(roth leader) and Queen remaining. weakened, irrelevant, and powerless before the might of Fischer.
▶ d888ce (1) No.62383
Best theory I've read to date.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.68180
and we have a trilateral commission douchebag
who wrote a book…
dipshit Mika's daddy
▶ 12f032 (91) No.68630>>87093 >>196923
this is getting super weird
42°49'41.75"N 3° 2'29.13"E
▶ 258d3c (3) No.71145>>81266
agreed. this is bullshit unless OP can explain the methodology. seeing is believing and i don't see it.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.81266
the game Julian put up is his game
always on the defense, but always having an eye on the prize
"We open governments"
what greater prize
than the prize of all prizes
americans darkest, dirtiest secrets
along with the elites.
My game is the game within a play
Shakespeare did game within a game
Would not surprise me in the least,
if there was an imbedded Rogers story as well
its at least 4D chess.. 3D would be just 1 game
▶ 2a5768 (2) No.81862>>81946
This is not what I have a problem with. It's the chess moves that you are alleging to find. I'm just not seeing them. Don't get me wrong, I really want to see them.
Explain the rational for the numbers/letters picked for the first move of the game.
It's only 2 letters and 2 numbers that can't be too much to ask.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.81946>>81954 >>82360
The Castle Runs Red yes
who is the king of the castle?
the king
king is on Red
White always starts first
We are playing White
first move is pawn E2 to E4
e_ e_
e2 e4
A to H are X axis on a chessboard
1 to 8 are the Y axis
E1 is king
E2 is pawn in front
E4 is where it is after first move
Q started the game with them…
do you not get it?
▶ 12f032 (91) No.81954>>82272
i practically have the whole puzzle put together
missing a bunch of middle and minor parts
but i think i have the storyline
▶ 12f032 (91) No.82272
digging info on tonight's wikileaks request
▶ 258d3c (3) No.82360>>82376
Where are you deriving the 2 and the 4 from though?
Why not e2 to e3? Why 4.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.82376
play either chess game out
first move is E2 to E4
the 1918 game from Assange
and the 1961 Fischer game i found embedded
▶ 48aaab (6) No.87093>>99617 >>100387 >>148208
>>32223 (OP)
The search for Isidore Partouche caught my eye, so I'll post a few of the more interesting findings on him later.
While I haven't found a direct connection between him & the Rothschilds, their paths certainly have to have crossed many times...though I have struggled to find a direct connection.
In my search of possible tie-ins based on chess, ran across a few things y'all may find of interest.
First off -- chess plays an extremely important a role the game has played in the Rothschilds history...so the chessfags might want to chase this angle down.
More importantly - does anyone else think the logo for the upcoming world chess championship looks familiar?
www. breakingnews.ie/discover/the-world-chess-championship-logo-is-hilariously-nsfw-and-its-proving-controversial-819576.html
▶ 12f032 (91) No.99617>>99825 >>100895
im the chessfag that broke the board
assange posted his chessboard within minutes of me posting it
i am very interested in this piece here
but… still not getting your point
care to elaborate?
i see a pic of what looks like two dykes scissoring.. and a search without a credible source..aka THEIR news
▶ 258d3c (3) No.99825>>100348 >>100387 >>100895
hi chessfag, im not that fag, but what stood out to me, was the pawn on the chess board in black looks like a keyhole.
that's the only relevant aspect i can see and it's a stretch. cheers.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.100348
it does
will stew this over
▶ 12f032 (91) No.100387
first off, a white pawn is raised
second. the black pawn is on a back row
which only happens when pushing a pawn in
to get queened
so either its some kind of trolling in the pic..
or they are playing opposite sides
or some non chessfag made this pic
▶ 48aaab (6) No.100895>>100973
I thought your play the other night was brilliant, so didn't mean to infer otherwise.
Main reason for bringing this up is that chess is BIG deal in Rothschilds family history, but didn't dig into details due to incoming Qdrops. However, it appeared as though several matches were rather "historic" and there are at least 2 pages worth of references on the duckduckgo search results.
May not be anything there, but someone of your experience may see something a jake-leg player like me would miss. Besides...it may come in handy down the road.
As for the figure, I thought it bore a striking similarity to the graphic at the top of the paper AC was perusing in Q-drop 344 -345 back on 12/13/17.
Given the shill attack we suffered as a result of all the anons digging into that, I was just trying to be circumspect to see if someone else might agree. Might be a nothing burger, but there are no coincidences either...so just throwing it out there just in case.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.100973>>101015
these people are evil and connected to Roths and Soros. they are what led me to the chessboard and to figure out moves to see how we were progressing
▶ 48aaab (6) No.101015>>101132 >>101144
Agreed. So do you think they're connected to this then?
▶ 12f032 (91) No.101132>>101144 >>101173
um well 2 Reynolds worked in WH under BC
Elizabeth Bagley address is 29 and Q Wash. DC
she is the bishop.
there was a sign post before
undecided if legit Q post
but.. it was her street
read that thread. it is short.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.101144
ARCA is their "foundation"
2 guys there are Soros connected directly
Nancy Reynolds
she works for IMCEC
just check my thread there. it is quite the read and super dig if u wanted
▶ 48aaab (6) No.101173>>101271
I have & will dig deeper into ARCA as well. Perhaps there's a tie-in (sponsorship, etc) to the chess world that will help us get a bit closer to the b*stards.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.101271>>101348 >>101367
as far as (((roths))) go. i got this
roths and chess is widely known
how bout Phillipe connection
and a new addition.a mr. Partouche
who owns casinos and this funky area
that has a human sized chessboard
and a fucking Y shaped, Baphomet style building
i need to dig this
▶ 48aaab (6) No.101348
You might check this out then…
Like someone said, Isidore Partouche is an on-line phantom…but there may be an in somewhere else as the family is quite big & spread out.
▶ 48aaab (6) No.101367
▶ 12f032 (91) No.102131>>102177 >>107062
care to play a game?
the last two moves in the game are
>>101975 (You)
and this one right after it
we have until State_of_the_Union
until he gets them.
watch the game at
▶ 12f032 (91) No.102177
38 at State_of_the_union
5 black pieces and the king remain
43 are rounded up
▶ 12f032 (91) No.103231
this is our next move
my date prediction is speculative based on prior events
▶ 12f032 (91) No.106035
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/32223.html
read from bottom up
▶ 12f032 (91) No.106069
and taunting to boot in this match
trolling them
fucking KEK
▶ 12f032 (91) No.106142
is me. so is the vast majority of this thread
to the other chessfag..
there can be multiple chessfags
▶ bf36ce (8) No.106557>>106644
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I find it interesting that the chess game with the Marshall Attack (know as the American Beauty) was played the same year the Titanic sank..
Queen to G3 Checkmate
▶ 12f032 (91) No.106644
3rd game embedded in the code?
thing is
We have always been on the offensive
and we have Q posts to show us the way
This other game is black winning.. which we all know is not a reality
▶ 12f032 (91) No.106877>>107037
if you are overlooking.
give me the strength to get through to these people
research board crowded with people.. not united
>these people are stupid
▶ bf36ce (8) No.107037>>107084
Gotcha bookmarked. Gonna work on this.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.107062>>107078 >>107084
here are the three remaining moves
23rd - bye bye clinton foundation
30th - state of the union to troll them
then checkmate
▶ bf36ce (8) No.107078>>107107
One question. The chess game Julian Assange posted matches neither Marshall game. How did you get the Marshall game from the Julian post?
▶ 12f032 (91) No.107084
ive had this put together for a long time
i just wanted to wait until closer to D-Day
we have 3 days to get people ready for clintons
then a week to get people ready for
problem is, the research board is infested
and no oldfags are around
▶ 12f032 (91) No.107107
advance it to move 24 black to see where he published his MAP
then you can see the finish
Schumer yesterday was
left image
and pawn push forward is either a false flag
or its their feeble shutdown
its a meaningless move for black (right image)
▶ bf36ce (8) No.107146>>107183
OK, got it. Thank you.
Old Chessfag. Haven't played in a while, just played a few games on computer.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.107183>>107208
im gonna try and get some sleep
once you know the chessboard.. you can name the players
and there is at least one other chess match involved in this
but we are playing Assange's board for our government
i believe we are playing Trump's board.. one i posted originally.. for Roths
Another couple Anons hinted at at least one other
and i would suspect that it is a possibility given the time to prepare for this and the people involved
True fucking genius
▶ bf36ce (8) No.107208>>107284
OK, so pawn forward next move, the black rook.
I'm with ya.
Sleep well.
▶ bf36ce (8) No.107284
White pawn, next move, black rook (castle) responds.
White being us black rook (Rothschilds?)
▶ dccdea (2) No.107316>>107350 >>107570
>and 43+4 kept coming back to me
'47 has meaning for me too, BD. It's going to take me a while to wade through this but I promise I will. Thinking outside the box indeed. I do have a query for you that may be related.
I assume you, like me, have been here for some time back on /pol/. I have watched the evolution of this (Q's?) discourse with fascination.
/pol/ went thru an organizational period with increasingly formidable abilities. The first real traction (that bit us on the ass) was PP/Gate. We regrouped and licked our wounds with HWNDU/OWS and smaller campaigns.
Seth Rich was, I believe, when the chan's reached really significant potential. It did not go un-noticed. Instead of the liberal shitposters shilling up the threads, we attracted an organized foe. CTR/Shareblue/Clowns etc. It was obvious so many of the participants in PP/Gate were still engaged, and they were connecting the dots. Look at how many names come up in all of the campaigns.
(This is the reason for my lists of "The Usual Suspects". I hope to soon have lists from all of our campaigns.)
Back on topic, the anti Antifa campaign really alarmed our foes, as did our response to the LV shootings. The offense was getting more sophisticated just as we did. Some of us were regularly posting the cointelpro, and the DNC playbook which helped, but with unlimited resources, they just came at us harder.
/cbts/ was the straw that broke the camels back. (((They))) couldn't allow us to go on with business as usual as we really had the bit in our teeth. I think when they unleashed Snow White on the night of the bans they shot their wad.
When we ex-filtrated to 8ch we were initially hampered by name/fame/trip fags shitting things up a bit, but I think there was a sly strategy involved. This is the heart of my query.
When we landed on 8ch cbts we were "given" our own board which soon fragmented into splinter groups like this one which had the salutary effect of diluting opposition efforts. They had to monitor/disrupt those threads within a thread for dangerous content to deflect, but they couldn't be everywhere all the time.
It was at this point that I started commenting that "we were being played". I meant this as a double entendre, we were being used to further the Q's agenda, but we were also pieces in a game. I believe that the Q''s are conversant if not good at chess (I'm not) and saw another "move".
This move was both allegorical and physical. When the BO's shitted up cbts, Q sponsored (I won't say "lead" because you can't lead autistic cats) the last "migration" to qresearch and greatawakening. This consolidated his grip on the board(s) and the proliferation of splinter threads seems to have fatally defused offensive capabilities in anything but a concentrated brigade, which we now is a bellwether of when we're over the target.
Ok, the chess. Are there comparable strategies in chess to what we've seen in these campaigns, macro and micro? The migrations, changing tactics, splintering and diffusion? If so, can you predict what are potentially some of the next moves on either side? On our side, we are the players and are being played, on their side they are facing a host of adversaries with disparate goals. Any moves?
▶ dccdea (2) No.107350
> now is a bellwether
Sorry, "now know"
▶ bf36ce (8) No.107529>>107563
What I'm seeing is we are late in the game. The White side (us) has the black side (them) on defense. It's 3 moves checkmate, which takes us to the SOTU.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.107570
autists would crumb bottom to top :)
▶ 12f032 (91) No.114771
if you look at it logically as a chess player
what you have is them using a major piece
to attack /our/ Queen
and it is a completely empty threat
because any good chess player playing black
at this point would see the writing is on the wall
this is full out last minute desperation
aka. major FF
▶ 93af9b (1) No.114895>>114973
Jakob must be having weird sleeping postions to lay his head on that rock.
>getting tired
>in the middle of nowhere
>find a nice and comfortable place
>find out that your head is in the wrong angle
>look for something to elevate your head, so thats on shoulder level
>find a rock that weights many hundreds of kilos
>the rock is square and half a meter high
>laying my head on this rock will be a lot more awkward than putting my head on the floor.
Whoever found that rock must be beyond reason. This is in no reasonable way a rock size suitable for a headrest
▶ 22076e (2) No.114973
Apparently, the Queen thinks it's important…
▶ c606c7 (3) No.148208>>148226 >>148443
>www. breakingnews.ie/discover/the-world-chess-championship-logo-is-hilariously-nsfw-and-its-proving-controversial-819576.html
Two men scissoring with animals on their laps, symbolizing sex perversion/bestiality. One man fking a rabbi, the other fking the Cheshire cat (Sex Kitten?). Black pawn (Satan) is on white square end of board, increasing his power, ascending the throne of Heaven via the white arm. White pawn (God) descends to hell on the black arm after being conquered by Satan.
▶ c606c7 (3) No.148226>>148262
Forgot…black arm elbow is on black square. Symbolizes pride of Satan switching thrones with God.
▶ c606c7 (3) No.148262
▶ 12f032 (91) No.148443>>168308
so many elusions to chess
got a few more. will try and link them
▶ a71458 (2) No.164753>>164804
One interesting note is that Pope John Paul II, who replaced the "probably murdered" Pope John Paul, had a game included in the Encyclopedia of Chess Openings around the time of his ascendancy to the head of the Catholic See.
I don't have my collection of those anymore, but - going on nearly 40 year old memories - I believe his game was in the third volume (C). I definitely remember that it was listed under his birth name of Karol Wojtyla.
Maybe his game would be important, so I looked it up. It was a four-knights opening, which is in Vol C, so my guess above was correct.
http:// www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1357020
Just thought I'd throw this out, considering the importance chess is taking in the Q world.
Call me OldChessFag. I decided around the age of 25 to work in real life instead of trying to make a living playing chess. I probably wasn't good enough in chess to be a real contender, but I have beaten senior masters at the game (and once drew an IM). I've done some positional analyzing in chess questions on infinitychan as I've seen them, so if you want to know something about the chess strategy/side of these games, let me know.
If this was a waste of your time, I apologize in advance. I don't know if it applies to anything, but Pope and Chess together seems to be too big to be just a coincidence.
Pope JPII was also the longest-serving Pope of the 20th century. (I'll take "Pope Trivia for 400, Alex.')
▶ a71458 (2) No.164804
One correction to my previous. This was not a four-knight's opening, so it was not in volume C. Oh, well… they say the memory is the second thing to go in life…
I don't remember what the first thing you lose is. (rimshot)
▶ 12f032 (91) No.168308>>168497 >>196923
more chess connections
▶ 20c977 (1) No.168497
also makes me think of the JASON group
▶ 12f032 (91) No.202904>>202920
if you followed along, you would see how incorrect your assumption is
there is no stringer to fill in on your post
there is a stringer for every other move
the bishop move itself is the final move of the game
but it will be after the state of the union
because state_of_the_union
completed e7 ot e6
backwards you get e6 to e7
the second last move
a meaningless threat to the Queen
▶ 12f032 (91) No.202920>>203314
e8 to e3 rather.. braindead this afternoon
▶ 12f032 (91) No.202931
lots of chessboards on the world map
▶ 7cbf2e (1) No.203314
PLANEFAGS Major event in Bay of Guinea, Africa. Many private plane and Spanish Military, I can't screenshot.
▶ cd6411 (1) No.213751>>231257 >>1952293
Does this mean anything to you, it's the latest freedom flag Q posted yesterday, the stars look like characters, color inverted and Grays color map applied. The Knights are 3rd row from the top, ones in center facing each other the ones at each end facing outward, in another map you could see the kings 3rd row from bottom with the ninja looking guys facing each other in front of them. I know how to play chess, but that's about it, lol.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.231257
ya know i stared at that the other night and really
counldnt make heads or tails of it for about 12 mins
and thats way longer than i give most
▶ 12f032 (91) No.231269
Adam Schiff made the move for black
after state of the union
▶ 12f032 (91) No.259385
because chess fags
play the fucking game
5 moves ahead
▶ 12f032 (91) No.338527
still waiting on our move 35
which is clinton foundation boom!
q references next week for black 35.. made
necessary corrections per his posts this week
▶ 12f032 (91) No.461717>>508215
after last night, this is where we stand on the
MAP. yes the chessboard has always been the
▶ 12f032 (91) No.461742
here is our next move to make
with possible hints as to what to look for
ive got a grasp of the MAP, i just don't fully
understand how to look for the markers.
work in progress
▶ 12f032 (91) No.477819
the shooter was a pawn in the game
my best guess is he was the pawn push
move on the right.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.507262
Q said phase[2]
so here are the three phases of a chess game
very applicable and consistent with current ops
▶ ddfebe (2) No.507375>>508215
Very very interesting anon. Well done on making the connections.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.508215
see above link for last connection
we had FOX 3 mean queen to F3 conf b4
do i believe Delta[6] to be the move
triple/quadruple meanings to everything
▶ 550e2d (1) No.544062>>635618
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.
>>32223 (OP)
Found this back on Nov. 21
(0:40) Let's see what it is about this game exactly, that has me titling it Houdini's Pawn Storm.
(0:49) Starts quiet enough. D4, D5…
(0:55) The calm before the storm.
(2:55) Aaand the first move of this game that caught my attention: knight takes knight.
(3:55) But now comes one of the most committal, or --yeah, could probably say it– the most committal move in chess: G5
(4:15) Sooo, black's basically going All-In with a move like G5
(4:32) F5. yeahh, all 8 pawns are rolling.
(4:37) King, F7. Let's just stop for a moment. Ummm, what to say here? This is a don't-try-this-at-home type position. Aahh, a lot of, uh, "principles have been violated here," let's say --16 moves in> 9 pawn advances> aaand you're making a king move.
(5:32) Now, how is it that black can get away with maybe doing something like this?
(5:52) There's a lot of pawns that had to move forward, but where is that key pawn break?
(6:09) Sure, there can be a capture here, but is this really benefiting team white, you know? The knight-- can he not be the one to re-capture and improve and maybe eye out B4? Not a great way to get at the black king. Not a great way to exploit these violations: several pawn moves –9 pawns moves of the first 16 moves– and a king move like this? Let's see how play follows:
(6:40) We now have a completely opened H-file.
(6:46) Serious space disadvantage here for white. Yeah, these pawns are a bit much.
(6:58) Queen to E1. Let's see how white tries to defend.
(7:02) This is one of the last --well, really the only defender– of white's king. So black's trying to eliminate that.
(7:22) We saw the idea now, behind Queen to E1. But this is already gone for team white.
(7:33) Preparing to double-up, triple-up --whatever it takes– this is the in-roads into white's position, the H-file.
(8:20) this is game over for white
(8:28) all pieces are playing for black
(9:19) aaand there's nothing here. there hasn't been anything here for white
(9:40) after D4, pawn takes; enters, the bishop with an E3 move. in the game tho, the move --this is the last move of the game– F5, and it goes no further at this point. white throws in the towel. this is the End of the game. it's already calling for a mate in 8. (a m8 in 8 you say? but i digress..)
(10:25) what more is there?
(10:38) after F5 it's already an off-the-charts calling for mate.
(10:41) interesting game
(11:04) making multiple pawn moves; every pawn is advancing in this one. buut, how can you get away with this? how can you-- what allows stuff like this to happen in the game? welll, the position cannot be cracked open so easily –black can go on castle, black can make Nine pawn advances in this specific case– black has control over the key pawn breaks. and there wasn't a good way for white to put to use that lead and development in this tremendous space advantage. this tremendous pawn storm was really interesting to see just crashing through here on the H-file, broken right down.
(11:52) an aesthetically pleasing game, seeing all those pawns advance so early on.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.635618
saw it
sorta interesting
▶ ddfebe (2) No.658955>>659338 >>659349 >>661079 >>749884
It's the chess game. Missing [e][3]0 (30 minutes between original tweet and fixed tweet). The move after [b]oom[7].
Also Re3 looks alot like Rex. Coincidence Rex is out today? Final chess move next anons.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.659338>>857199
ok i said this on main bread already
but here we go again
1. rex tillerson was lost today
2. we are white and he is on our team
3. we are waiting on the final boom for 35 white - B7 to move first
4. the rook move you are displaying is the other team threatening our 'Queen' which in no way is Melania… could be Kelly, could be Assange, could be Mattis… our king is POTUS. Queen.. i am not certain of
▶ 12f032 (91) No.659349
one other thing
Rex is latin for KING
and he was either a pawn or a knight
▶ 31dd3d (1) No.661079
There are no Coincidences and the spelling of CORE was a message. I was clearly expected a Q drop to explain this morning. I think he is going to the inner CORE of his Administration and CLEANING House, which included Rex (who consistently went rogue).
▶ d49af6 (2) No.743362>>743607 >>744711
Queen? How does this factor in chessfags?
▶ a47d54 (1) No.743607
7 caught in the crossfire?
▶ 12f032 (91) No.744711
after final boom (b6-b7)
comes a useless threat to the queen by black
then we go in for the kill.. checkmate
in the 1918 game, mate in 5 was declared
and black resigned
this is the taunt before the victory
they are clinically fucked
▶ 12f032 (91) No.744732
been saying the chess board is our MAP
for months now and maybe some of you might
start understanding.
very frustrating knowing it is 100% the MAP
and dealing with such linear thinkers
▶ 8da74d (1) No.745862
Came here just to say this is good work please keep it up anons.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.746098
i set up a chess board (and spare research threads) a while back.
if any other chess playing anons would like to
visit and assist in deciphering which move is
which and who each piece on the board
represents.. you are welcome to come
▶ 865ec1 (1) No.749884>>749983
It's interesting to see how the chess moves match the actors or the actors match the chess game.
How can that be possibly done?
It's like knowing the future or it's like forcing the circumstances and actors to match the chess moves. How can this be done? Have you anons think about it from that perspective?
▶ d49af6 (2) No.749983>>774521
Abstractly, the easiest actors to figure out would be our pieces which have been sacrificed. Bannon, Flynn, Tillerson etc.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.773994>>793294
for any chessfags other than myself?
if you make it here and have suggestions…
red tag
me over in research
i want to try and complete all the moves in this game
▶ 12f032 (91) No.774521>>774684
http:// www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1095025
>game we are playing right now
is the map that assange posted about 90 mins
after i started this thread
i was fucking around with numerous games for hours and hours
before he posted it
we have a few confirmed moves also
▶ 12f032 (91) No.774684
pretty sure i got this guy right
▶ 584e57 (2) No.792712>>793895
i posted this on the other board, thought i would share here as well. i have not gone through this board yet so if i am repeating, sorry. starting now
i have been working on this for a few hours now and i think i reached my limit of progress for the day so i will share what i got so far. maybe its all bullshit idk
this twitter post got me thinking https: //twitter.com/2runtherace/status/977736223157612544 - fix me where I am wrong. we need to match this up. think mirror. i think the mirroring of the dates and posts idea the one anon had a few weeks back is legit but we just haven't figured it out fully yet
what if we have been looking at this all wrong? or maybe just me lol
what if the map is the chess board. what is a map used for? navigation
think mirror
if we can figure out how to connect like the twitter poster above, correctly anyway, maybe we can predict the next move. q said we have more than we know and i really believe that
March 21 - according to twitter post Trump misspelled tweet is MOVE 34 Black
March 10 - Q said pawn used re cohn, goldman>>617143 MOVE 33?
Feb 23 - other time pawn mentioned with significance was FL shooter>>76196 pawn involved here MOVE 28-30 ??
Feb 14 - Parkland shooting
Feb 10 - then Dopey reference >>325300 King to pawn. Eyes on. this has to be MOVE 31!?
jan 27 - >>71 pawn move
al walled released! MOVE 27 BLACK??
remember this post by julian?https: //twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/952036089015033856?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.chessbase.com%2Fpost%2Fwikileaks-founder-on-capablanca-vs-marshall-1918
^ that is 11:34 PM - 12 Jan 2018 corresponding we are up to move 25 in the game?
Dec 18 2017 23:55:21 >>121519 BISHOP OFF THE TABLE MOVE 17
They Derailed as Punishment for ALT extraction. Wonder which pawn is off the table… Or was it something higher?
Dec 18 2017 23:57:28
BISHOP (cult).
^ i remember the train crash but do we know anything specific?
we need to fill in these blanks
SO three moves remain? if this is correct?
Jan 13 2018 - CHECKMATE! is mentioned by Q jan is fake date and should mirror to a real date soon.
my gut says this all correlates but how?
▶ 294aed (1) No.793294
Once the knight and the bishop are out of their squares … castling …
▶ 462e9b (1) No.793895>>800111
Jan 13, 2018 Q posted Checkmate. Mirrored: 111 days from post is May 5, 2018--Cinco de Mayo.
In 1862, Mexico defeated their French Empire occupiers at the Battle of Puebla, thus preventing France from aiding the Confederacy in the Civil War to abolish slavery in USA.
Revolution 2: Great date to throw off our slave masters! Pitchers of Margaritas ready!
https:// en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Cinco_de_Mayo
▶ 1dcf3a (2) No.799550
reposting from general
fbi vault 6 released stuff on bobby fischer on friday 3/23
here is the link
https:// vault.fbi.gov/robert-james-fischer/Robert%20James%20Fischer%20Part%2001%20of%2001/view
interesting timing
T-2 mentioned as well
▶ 584e57 (2) No.800111>>800597
i dont think it is so cut and dry 111 days. what do you base that off of?
thus preventing France from aiding the Confederacy in the Civil War to abolish slavery in USA. < and that statement tells me you know nothing.
▶ 12f032 (91) No.800597
111 day "mirror" was complete bullshit
even got myself banned for proving what
complete bullshit it was
the ghey as fuck glowfag BV
was pushing it so hard.
and it died a horrible death
because it was bullshit all along
like i said
▶ 463415 (1) No.836482>>837560
▶ 12f032 (91) No.837560
here off and on
gotta flag me down in
▶ 3c38e3 (1) No.853209>>865977 >>865990
Just discovered this thread after a link in the General a few days ago. I'm an excellent chess player (winning record against International + Fide Masters, 0-1 against GMs). I've been following Q since the beginning. I don't know what to make of this though.
Obviously, there's something to chess because Q keeps referring to it, but I just looked through this whole thread and I'm seeing a bunch of stretches.
To be honest, I don't understand stringers at all, but it looks like people are just picking random letters and numbers to match up the game. I see the same thing in the non-stringer moves. On the other hand, some of Q's post scream legit chess moves.
A post referenced David Rothschild, the economist, playing chess. I was under the impression that this David Rothschild was not related to the Rothschild family….that David de Rothschild (who's a different person) is the one related to the banksters.
Also, I saw posts with inaccurate predictions (like Clintons going down + storm starting).
I want to help, but I'm having trouble getting oriented.
What's the point of Q referencing the game?
How do you reconcile Q saying he was altering the time table with the chess game?
The theory is that the Cabal's moves are so predictable that they can pin them to a chess game and that the pieces represent people?
I'm torn. On one hand, I see chess referenced by Q + Assange. On the other hand, I see nothing fruitful coming out of this thread.
I think I have the skills (chess + conspiracy knowledge) to contribute. I just need a little guidance. Someone care to paint the bigger picture as it relates to chess?
▶ 1dcf3a (2) No.857199
▶ a256ef (1) No.858496
well then, a bit of a culture clash
▶ 12f032 (91) No.865977>>865990
left image = confirmed Fox 3 was Queen to F3
center image = queen seek shelter.. so Black Queen to G1
right image = delta 6 confirmed. black bishop to D6
▶ 12f032 (91) No.865990
left image is Cohn who we lost and Q stated pawn
right image is Cruz who they lost or pushed.. not quite sure
▶ 12f032 (91) No.893446
the word rogue
is starting to resemble ROOK to me
▶ 12f032 (91) No.1156335
still waiting on the MOAB
▶ 12f032 (91) No.1192034
for cohen
we lost 3 pawns toward the end
these are the two that are possibilities
i like the one on the right better
we lose cohen
our knight takes out sachs ceo next
▶ 78c6b5 (1) No.1192475>>1192512
Chess, huh? So you think all these people are toys for LARP trolls to play with? Very well, let there be DEATH in abundance until there is sorrow.
▶ 1275ed (1) No.1192512>>1231768
How do you presume to know what anyone else thinks?
▶ 06278e (1) No.1231768
Can not find the right Threat, sorry for posting here:
This "Rofshield, axe me questions" Thread was really stunning to read. I was wondering because he gave so remarkable tips about food. When one poster
confronted him with sacrifice and eat human flesh he only said we are doing it, not them. He sounds so different then what the Cabal we can see is doing.
In my mind always Ashkenazi and Sephardi pops up. The one site, the Satanic, the Khazachean Mafia false Jews, the Globalists, using the
greedy humans to install their satanicglobalcorrupt system. While they are thinking they will win they do not recognize the other site,
the sons of Noah or the Noahids, which are striktly living the 7 laws of Noah.
And they also thinking this 7 laws of Noah belong to all humankind. Dig the Chabad Movement. The Maimonides stated that God commanded Moses
to compel the world to accept these seven commandments. In 1983 Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson urged his followers to actively engage
in activities to inform non-Jews about these seven commandments, which had not been done in previous generations.
The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:
Not to worship idols.
Not to curse God.
To establish courts of justice.
Not to commit murder.
Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.
Not to steal.
Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.
The earliest complete rabbinic version of the seven laws can be found in the Tosefta where they are listed as follows.[15]
Seven commandments were commanded of the sons of Noah:
concerning adjudication (denim)
concerning idolatry (avodah zarah)
concerning blasphemy (qilelat ha-shem)
concerning sexual immorality (gilui arayot)
concerning blood-shed (shefikhut damim)
concerning robbery (ha-gezel)
concerning a limb torn from a living animal (eber min ha-hayy)
Source Wikileaks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Laws_of_Noah
For me, this means that Q (and Team) is fighting on at least two fronts because both sides want to dictate their religious laws to humanity.
Which is against our God given Free Will.
▶ 6066b1 (2) No.1258158
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1350930
and another.. well at least it tells us where we were
on this given date. the actual move itself still eludes me
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1366175>>1366194 >>1366356
this entire time i knew this was the fucking
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1366194>>1366356
nowhere to run really
black can fight it out
but there is no point
black resigned in the 1918 match
black will fight to the death
5 more potential moves
fully calculated by Q team i am sure
▶ f33f06 (2) No.1366356>>1366408
▶ e3aac8 (1) No.1366408>>1366608
The more they play, the more exposure. How much evil does the other side want to expose to the public????
▶ f33f06 (2) No.1366608
All of it, I hope.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1372166>>1373395
castle lock
decoded properly
how the hell did i miss this last night
▶ 316033 (1) No.1373395
In chess the castle is a major piece, now usually called a rook. Each player starts with two rooks, one in each of the corners nearest his own side. Like other pieces, the castle captures by occupying the square on which an enemy piece stands. The castle also participates, along with the king, in a special move called castling.
Castling is a special defensive maneuver. It is the only time in the game when more than one piece may be moved during a turn.
Strategy Note: Castling is a great aid in defensive strategy. It also has a tendency to bring a powerful rook into play when under normal circumstances it might be stuck behind a wall of pawns.
Anastasia’s checkmate
This checkmate is another great example of how the knight can be used in mating schemes. In Anastasia’s mate knight and rook work together to lock an opponent’s King on the h -- file (it works as well on a - file too, in case of a long side castle) and to checkmate thereafter.
▶ a01dce (1) No.1374553
OMG!! AJ Infowars is a nutcase. Listening to him try to discredit this board and Q team. He says we have never seen Q anon and Corsi and he are real. Corsi is speaking of us now and our "army of haters" ! Apparently we are working for the Southern Poverty Council. What a fuck up!
▶ 4f09c9 (2) No.1376326
Patriots.. Real Patriots are EVERYWHERE.
Post last edited at
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1376543
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
explanation of Qs chess
and how it is the map
along with some decoded moves
and forecasts of what is soon to come
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1383963>>1497674 >>2326918
a couple of you noted that the last move in the game
is really only check, not checkmate
and black resigned
while this is true, it is checkmate in 5 or fewer moves.
here are the possible outcomes after check
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1385268
moved here from general
chess meets DARPA
ty to the anon who dug this up
▶ 4f09c9 (2) No.1387201
May 10 2018 22:00:27 (EST)
>> Castle LOCK.
>> Q
What does it mean to lock a castle? Likely to immobilize an opponents rook such that it cannot move without killing its king. You cannot move the castle, hence it is LOCKED.
But enough with the obfuscatory zero-sum gameplay. Lets move with or without the head. This is ad-hoc, after all.
And as for all you people going full retard on AJ and JC. We are in an echo-chamber, where there is no accountability whereby one can judge the trustworthiness of a given statement.
A group of people all masked are easily infiltrated and co-opted. Not to mention the problem with chain of possession. I know we all have ASD tendency, but do NOT allow yourself to shit the bed and go full retard on the precepts of our movement.
We are neither for nor against individuals (with few exceptions) not only because our movement is the inverse of eponymous, but because of our PRINCIPLES. Judge not by the name, but the fruit… Slander is just that; SLANDER.
You guys need to grow up and stop with the slander, and act in coherence.
Post last edited at
▶ 801114 (1) No.1388453
Protip about chess symbolism. Two towers on sides, checkboard on the bottom
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1396663
On Guard
en garde
Guard A
are all terms in chess used when attacking someones queen
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1464756
move 34?
white bishop takes black bishop.
34 black bishops off the board today
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1497466
the left still cannot meme.
▶ 842a69 (1) No.1497674
maybe nothing but 5 months until 11/18/18
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1499792
in the 1918 game, Capablanca (literal meaning is white cloak) declares mate in 5 before
going in for the kill
while it was not checkmate, black resigned
in the first instance of D5,
Q taunts the cabal, basically telling them there is no stopping what is coming
"The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now" D5
D5, the bishop cannot be stopped
there is no defense
there is no way out
D5 = highest avalanche alert.. also.. there is no stopping a D5 avalanche
game Capablanca
▶ 0d7372 (1) No.1499969
I know the chess game has moved WAY past the D5 move, but please let me know if this accurately describes the D5 signature
▶ 397d1d (1) No.1524401
Was sent here from the General. Did a search but didn't find it….
Searched previous breads, but didn't see…sorry if hogging a slice -
I'm sure that the D5 chess analysis has been thorough, but I haven't seen this yet:
An opener of D4, D5 is called a Queen's (HRC) Gambit. ( a gambit is not just a gamble. Strictly speaking, its something done with the aim of gaining an advantage, especially at the outset of a discussion or disagreement. It originally referred to a chess move in which a player deliberately sacrifices a piece for the great good of winning the game.)
Ironically enough, it is also known as the Aleppo (Syria) Gambit.
Syria was going to be the pawn sacrificed to "win" the game.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1544737
got a theory on june 18th
▶ 11c5ea (5) No.1619641>>1620170
….but the chess game is over an Q is still on 1 of 22 missions. None of the pieces represent major players. There are no Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, or Soros' represented.
Q has made enough references that the chess seems important; but it doesn't seem quite as literal as you are making it. I wish I had more energy to figure it out.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1620170>>1878726
it is literal
and it is not over
the bishop has yet to go in for checkmate
i theorized in january that there was possibly a second game being simultaneously played out
could be a possibility
not one thing you said holds any water.
do you know who the rooks are?
how about the black queen?
black king?
at least have a little substance to your stance
make it factual
i am open to criticism.. if it has a little sauce on it
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1631778
couple more moves completed
almost 1/2 way done moves
very tedious
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1646409>>1952446
theory on guard
en garde or garde
is an old polite way of addressing you have just put
the Queen in check
Melania's hospital visit and lengthly absense
have put the media into a frenzy attacking her
sounds like garde to me
▶ 6c70a1 (2) No.1647243>>1647299
>As close to 100% disclosure as possible except for victim names.
>Foreign leaders are not victims.
>Sending people to hospitals is nonsense and a cop-out.
>How many people have come to the boards in search of answers and stayed for more?
>How many have checked themselves into a hospital?
When Q says hospital, I don't think he means that the content is so horrific, that it would cause people to end up in the hospital. I think he means that other countries have red lines and that exposure would
cause ww3. The anons that expect truth to be revealed to the public need to face reality. 60/40. I don't believe 9/11 will be fully exposed, let alone pizzagate.
▶ 6c70a1 (2) No.1647299
How tf did I end up posting on this thread?
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1659153>>1659987
last night's jeopardy
What is Queen.
▶ c3874d (1) No.1659987
all female sounding names, gee wally, what could it be?
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1784721
still awaiting checkmate. its sitting there ready
>confirming i am not fake Q for some stupid cunt in gen
▶ 11c5ea (5) No.1878726>>1878923
I provided facts. You just ignored them. I provided facts straight from Q.
Q has said they're on mission 1 of 22. He has said they're going to reveal 40% and that we know less than 2%. By both of those measures, we have gone less than 5% of the journey. The chess game is clearly more than 5% over. Therefore, either the chess game is not literal or Q is full of shit. I choose to believe Q.
At the very best, we can say this chess game is a proof or a marker. Clearly, it's not the MAP or a guide to the plan. Anyone saying otherwise is the one that needs to provide the sauce.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1878923>>2033789
what you fail to realize is
this chess game is against American targets
as i have stated clearly above, there is a distinct chance
that there are multiple chessboards
who was picked up in Atlanta??
bishop (cult)
now take your half-baked theory and shove it
high and hard
▶ afd720 (1) No.1923714
The true game of chess here:
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1924217
fuck off name fag
you are shitting up the bread
and yeah, i know who you are from pol
you are still a truly low IQ individual
▶ 0b4c74 (1) No.1930993
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.1931270
and another personal fuck you to all those coming
here with their cicada crap
take it and shove it, and a fucking cicada up your ass
then shit it out and repeat
▶ c7f055 (1) No.1951377
Finally, Q is speaking my language. Trump is playing a chess game with this Space Force thing. Watch NASA come under that wing and hopefully go away. NASA is full of Masons - most astronauts. Not saying all Masons are bad, but their roots are. They work to deceive the American people, control entertainment, and even work to hide God. Lots of experience researching this…glad to hear it out. JFK was killed for calling this out, so let me know what you need, Q and 45.
▶ b89b22 (3) No.1952152
Why does the game stop on board34 image?
Afterwards, people are mostly people are talking about the Capablanca vs. Marshall "Novelty gift" game in this thread. Can someone explain why? In the first game, the moves leading up and ending with board34 don't relate to the Capablanca vs. Marshall game? Two different games?
I understand that the Capablanca vs. Marshall game is referenced by Julian Assange in his twitter post. But why post the images from the first game (board34), an incomplete game?
▶ b89b22 (3) No.1952293
It almost looks like a gif if you read it as left to right. A stick figure person squatting? I don't know maybe I'm too high.
▶ b89b22 (3) No.1952446>>2007176
This is most likely the reason why she wore the "I Don't care, do U?" jacket.
I see it as a sign of confidence. "You can't break me," message to the MSM or to the cabal, after she has fully recovered from her kidney surgery.
Just guessing though.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2007176
actually makes a lot of sense
it was a useless attack during the game itself
and since they were picking on her
and she basically told them gfy
▶ 40f69a (1) No.2033502
I'm thinking /u/SerialBrain2 may be on to something here.
▶ 11c5ea (5) No.2033789>>2045371 >>2045550
What theory are you whining about? I mentioned facts. You don't like facts?
Dictionary.com can hep you understand the difference between facts and theories.
Funny how 100% of the serious research Anons don't spend a minute of their time here.
There might be something to the chess. Clearly, you are completely clueless as to what that might be. You are the opposite of an autist. When you've got something real to share, share it.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2045371
where exactly are these facts you mentioned?
and sauced?
simply fuck off and go play in the traffic
we do not need people like you here Barack
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2045550>>2326708
here are your 3 posts on this bread
thanks for your non-contribution
i have debunked you and your stupidity
prove me wrong.
you have yet to come close
whereas i have just exposed you as a fraud.
anonymous doesnt take opinion as FACTS
now fuck off moran
▶ 620762 (1) No.2052820
Shall we play a game?
You have more than you know.
There are hidden Chess pieces.
How to play the game? They pieces unlock the map
Upside down are the opposing pieces.. Black?
▶ df92f6 (1) No.2087255>>2103704
I don't think the Ramos crest was a chess move, but a signal of strategy change.
We are now castling.
Castling is an important strategy
because it serves two purposes:
the king moves to a safer position away from the center of the board, and it moves the rook to a more active position in the center of the board.
Think about it in terms of what was going on that week.
Q extremely close Pics of POTUS.
Q shirts at rallies getting public nods by POTUS and getting dropped by team on the board.
Q & POTUS make top 25 Times most influential on web..
other aritcles pop up in msm of Q shirts at rallies
Public light is putting POTUS in a safer position.
While at the same time moving the work done by anons here and the Qanon massage in general are going into the center of the game.
▶ 7ac7ca (1) No.2103704
Someone say Castle?
You have more than you know
▶ d2c805 (1) No.2111718
It is probably a strategy change. However with Potus going to the UK (owned lock stock and barrel by the Rothschild's) and their previous attempt at assassination is hardly Castling. Of course you could still be correct in the bigger picture>>2087255
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2124094>>2333863 >>2335361 >>2490678
checkmate hits the clock today
▶ ed700a (2) No.2125821>>2129226
Today is the day.
I've prepared for this since 2015.
The ravens will starve.
I will commence the nessecary follow up in three days.
KSA and the UK are about to have a very bad week.
▶ 74fc02 (1) No.2129226>>2129607
Sauce for your comment?
▶ 8ebc8f (1) No.2129607
▶ c1ed44 (2) No.2222070>>2245083
@realDonaldTrump @RealEyeTheSpy @RealAlexJones @Trumplican4ever ⫒⊆⫘⊇⩄⩅⩇⩆⩉⨃⨄⨅⩅⩅⩄⩅⩇⩆⩉⨃⊆⫘⊇⫒⩁⩍⟖⫗⟕⩍⩁⫒⊆⫘⊇⩄⩅⩇⩆⩉⨃⨄⨅⩅⩅⩄⩅⩇⩆⩉⨃⊆⫘⊇⫒⩁⩍⟖⫗⟕⩍⩁⫒⊆⫘⊇⩄⩅⩇⩆⩉⨃⨄⨅⩅⩅⩄⩅⩇⩆⩉⨃⊆⫘⊇⫒⩁⩍⟖⫗⟕⩍
▶ c1ed44 (2) No.2222250>>2245083
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2245083
wtf is this faggotry and how is it chess related?
▶ 3f2ea9 (1) No.2276164>>2279317
In the study of logic, there is a saying "If P then Q".
16 = P (day jfk jr's plane crashed)
17 = Q
18 = R
▶ 1da853 (1) No.2279309
The last move will be C7. That is when the apple drops.
▶ 1edf31 (1) No.2279317
▶ 11c5ea (5) No.2326708>>2490615
Source? Q.
Outright lie? Who do they represent? Show that what I'm saying isn't true.
Proof of this? You can't prove something that doesn't exist, fucktard. Learn logic. Tough talking to someone who doesn't understand logic. I can't prove that the pieces don't represent major players. I'm saying that no proof exists that they do. No one has proved any evidence that they DO represent major players. Prove that Barack Obama didn't secretly blow you a kiss when he woke up this morning. Are you starting to grasp logic and proofs?
The burden of proof is on the person positing a theory. It wasn't up to other people to prove to Einstein that energy didn't equal mass times the speed of light squared. It was up to Einstein to prove that it did. You're posing that Q's chess game is real and meaningful. SO PROVE IT! It would a source of great joy to all Anons. It's not up to me to prove that it doesn't. Do you see how logic works?
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638 📁
Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.
Think logically.
We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].
Those [good] who know cannot sleep.
Those [good] who know cannot find peace.
Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.
Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.
Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.
Who are we taught to trust?
If you are religious, PRAY.
60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.
These people should be hanging.
The burden of proof is on YOU. You're trying to prove the chess game has significance. SO, DO IT!!!
Who do the pieces represent?
Use the information to derive ANYTHING of meaning regarding Q.
The reason this thread is dead is because NO ONE hasn't proven anything of value.
Today's post said D5. I visit the chess thread to see if there's any signs of intelligence or meaning. Nope.
You challenge a real Anon and they don't turn into a whiny little bitch. THEY RESEARCH!
When's the last time you generated a meaningful idea in this thread related to the chess game? Forget about me and focus on Q.
I'm open to the possibility that there's something to Q and chess. I just haven't seen one meaningful piece of information come out of it. Say something meaningful regarding Q and chess.
▶ 11c5ea (5) No.2326918
This was the last intelligent post in this thread…..May 12th….sigh…..
▶ b381ab (1) No.2333863
Could it be 7/12 + 37 days?
AUG 3?
▶ f6f693 (1) No.2335361>>2335823
▶ ed700a (2) No.2335742
07/12 is when Trump met the Queen and issued the ultimatum: Give us Assange or that HK kindergarten thing is about to get real public real fast.
▶ 1baf3c (1) No.2335823
If the read the posts here the would feel at ease as there is no threat here.
Just some kids with "bad-science theories & crazy talk"
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2490615
the burden is to debunk and or offer new evidence
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2524690
October 3, 2015
the first instance i can find of POTUS mentioning chess
and its a doozy
▶ ebe94d (2) No.2538414>>2652100
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2652100
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2829660
another theory is mirroring that on the clock so its
which is 5:5 x 2
▶ ebe94d (2) No.2865209>>2878964
This HAS to play on the chessboard, anons!
▶ 922632 (1) No.2878964
<Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.
<Where once there was [D-1]ARK
<Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT
>S is "Springer," the German word for the English Knight (horse). L is the Laufer (u should have the umlaut, two little dots over it), the German word for the English Bishop.
>Not that it applies, but L and S do relate to chess, just not in English.
>>2878750 , >>2878768 , >>2878872
▶ d85548 (2) No.2880049>>2953734
Marshall resigns when Capablanca's Bishop at D5 moves to F7. The pawn never makes it to the other side. Those five turns never happened, and no pawn was promoted to a Queen during the match.
▶ 1e92e4 (38) No.2953734>>2960726
consider the fact that the bad guys will play it out and not resign.. as they are dead anyways
▶ 71f8f7 (1) No.2953864>>3001581
>>32223 (OP)
FYI, speaking of chess and final phase (paws are being sacrificed / exchanged).
PM of Abhazia has died in a car crash. He was hit by a truck. 10 hours later, another truck hits the president of Moldova, Igor Dodon. He lives but he is at the hospital.
Strange coincidences, I think Q is speaking also about these events happening around the world. Clinton had a lot of money coming from these regions - don't forget they stole 9 billion from the National Bank of Moldova few years ago and no one was arrested yet.
Galuliya was travelling in a delegation returning from Syria. His driver and security guards were not injured.
▶ d85548 (2) No.2960726>>3169894
Well that adds a lot of dimensions to it.
I see what you mean. I suppose I was limiting myself.
Thanks for elaborating.
▶ 52d491 (1) No.3001581
no coincidences
so what will we see in syria now?
▶ 307d0e (1) No.3055822
▶ a0b26e (1) No.3169894
np. this is one hell of a match