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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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(replaces files and can be used instead)

Allowed file types:jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4
Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
You may upload 5 per post.

Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: 649fc34523f4e25⋯.jpg (232.81 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, # QResearch.jpg)

03130e No.1303199

Welcome To Q Research General

Bread Theme Song: THUNDER ft DJT >>1299451

URGENT BO PLS: Q requests new tripcode whitelist


Q has made a new personal board at >>>/patriotsfight/

Catalog address https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/catalog.html

Q has also changed tripcode, see QPosts below

Q's NewTripcode: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

Q's OldTripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ------- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ------- A rigged system

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ------- [OnReady]

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ------- Whitelist on /qresearch/ -- Deleted, see >>1298468

>>>/patriotsfight/2 -------- Trip Conf

>>>/patriotsfight/1 -------- Tripcode Update

>>1298146 ------------------ /patriotsfight/

Wednesday 5.02.2018

>>1280616 ------------------ (Shipping Pallets)

>>1280036 ------------------ (Apple HQ)

>>1280030 ------------------ (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)

Monday 4.30.2018

>>1249365 ------------------ Knowing what you know now.

>>1248119 ------------------ Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

>>1247406 ------------------ No name out.

>>1244154 ------------------ Emmy awards. Red carpet event?

>>1243783 rt >>1243759 Assets in place.

>>1243605 rt >>1243593 EagerLion18: Live fire exercise with Jordanian Marines.

>>1243597 rt >>1243510 Connect. No coincidences.

>>1243510 ------------------ Pompeo visits Jordan.

Sunday 4.29.2018

>>1242689 rt >>1242682 (Q verifies anonymous post)

>>1242682 rt >>1242608 rt >>1242545 R=18 (QAnon ID:038c68)

>>1242619 rt >>1241774 , >>1241803 Do you believe in Coincidences?

>>1233880 rt >>1233553 Operators have died. They lay down their lives so that others may live, FREE!

>>1233553 rt >>1233458 Personal thank you to (you).

>>1233458 ------------------ Be careful who you are following.

Saturday 4.28.2018

>>1229092 rt >>1228857 Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead.

>>1228613 rt >>1228588 Noted:IP-Ghost:

>>1228588 rt >>1228489 You know that we know. You know what we have. Your move.

>>1218893 rt >>1218465 We are in this together

Friday 4.27.2018

>>1218390 rt >>1218316 Autists need Red Bull?

>>1218299 ------------------ Peace in the Korean Peninsula.

>>1218147 ------------------ Focus only on the FBI [for now]

>>1215845 ------------------ Question everything

>>1215294 ------------------ Questions will reveal answers

>>1214085 ------------------ Reconcile

>>1211768 rt >>1211682 Re_read drops

>>1211682 rt >>1211560 EYES OPEN? COMMS GOOD?

>>1211560 rt >>1211493 What is the purpose of a laser pointer?

>>1211343 rt >>1211294 "Done in 30"

>>1211294 ------------------ Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts


Board Rules >>3138

NEWBIES >>1254488

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Shill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

62a13d No.1303266


Actions to smile about

DOJ #3 Fired. Wonder who Rosenstein can trust in the DOJ office now? Does his reliance on someone cast suspicion on his/her loyalty to the USA and its Constitution?

630af3 No.1303312

File: 14f590ce71d783f⋯.jpg (253.86 KB, 912x931, 48:49, bread-hits-vol-2.jpg)

7bfac8 No.1303313

File: 6c543fce9c4780d⋯.gif (7.34 MB, 600x338, 300:169, independence-day-q-q.GIF)

Are you prepped anons?

Graphics organized?

Can grab at a moment's notice to respond to rapidly evolving events and news?

Got tendies supply?

I would like to suggest the 15 day free trial at grouptweet.com.

This app will AUTOMATICALLY retweet twitter accounts that you add to a group, and who use a certain hashtag (#qanon, #patriotsfight etc.) During the trial period, you can add unlimited twitter accounts. Set your settings. And then it will automatically retweet their tweets that have those hashtags round the clock, while you have to eat, poopoo peepee, sleep etc. We all have to peepeepoopoo sometimes, even though we may not sleep.

You get 15 days free to fire at will.

Prime the cannons

af7139 No.1303314


are not endorsements


>>1302859 Archive of deleted Q Thread - https://archive.fo/J1se3

>>1302879 Giuliani has no top secret clearance

>>1302880 Nakasone Dig

>>1301658 Kerry Shadow Diplomacy Exposed


>>1302223 QPosts: Timestamps

>>1302195 , >>1302196 , >>1302197 BOOM! James Baker and Lisa Page, Once Key Advisers to Comey, Resign

>>1301923 , >>1301680 Declassified, Unredacted Documents of House Intel Report.

>>1301938 Royal Bank of Scotland closing 162 branches across England and Wales

>>1301886 , >>1302133 'Justice' Is Q trying to make a point?

>>1301908 Trial set for 'Smallville' star Allison Mack in sex-cult case

>>1301879 Adm Rogers was the "17th" Director of NSA

>>1301877 Papa Bush discharged from Houston Methodist Hospital


>>1301367 FrancaisAnon Joins The QArmy

>>1301540 POTUS Ability to Declassify Documents

>>1301567 QPost theory

>>1301548 General Flynn's twatter pic changes to calm waters

>>1301290 Does POTUS want us to make some noise?

>>1301429 Fund For America (FFA), 2007: Podesta Emails

>>1301367 Big Habbenings in France

>>1301049 , >>1301080 Iran Deal Dig

>>1301027 "Untangling the Web": NSA Document Download

>>1301003 QPost and Mike Pompeo. Bombs about to drop?


>>1300774 , >>1300824 Rostrom (U1) building nuclear power plant in Iran

>>1300701 No-name: "I don't know how much longer I'll be here"

>>1300627 , >>1300652 Is Kerry violating the Logan Act?

>>1300572 BIS Dig

>>1300570 Bill Clinton Warned DNC Chair To Keep Democratic Party Away From Bernie Sanders Folks


>>1299999 Quints Confirm: Hillary will go to prison

>>1299451 Friday THUNDER ft DJT

>>1296500 , >>1299862 FOIA snippets re Bill Clinton's pardon of Rich

>>1299386 , >>1299539 Kerry seeking to salvage the Iran deal

>>1299482 Today marks the elevation of No Such Agency becoming the 10th Combatant Command


>>1298897 , >>1298898 QPost Image: The Cannon

>>1298889 QPost theories

>>1298819 Caps from /patriotsfight/

>>1298777 Senate confirms Nakasone as head of NSA Cyber Command

>>1298722 NSA collected 500 million U.S. call records in 2017, a sharp rise


>>1298566 A history of Q's Tripcodes

>>>/patriotsfight/2 Q has changed Tripcode to: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

>>1298185 Q's new board: https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/catalog.html

>>1298488 General Nakasome activated with MOAB in hand

>>1298517 Deciphering POTUS tweets and finding crumbs

>>1297822 Bush 43 & 9/11 from the NSA Files

>>1297855 NSA cryptanalysis pdf and missing/additional letters in misspellings

>>1297957 Kagame [Pres/Rwanda] and Carlos Slim collude with CGI/UNESCO on Broadband.

>>1297868 THE JetBlue Plane


>>1296995 Soros Handpicks San Diego DA

>>1297350 Gov't To Hand Over Unredacted Memo of Mueller Scope

>>1297419 Ex Judge Sentenced to 20 Years in Human Trafficking Case

>>1297452 State Closes Midtown Miami School Tied to NXIVM "Sex Cult" Leader

>>1297460 'Inspector General Reportedly Gearing Up to Release Scathing Assessment on James Comey'

>>1297479 The Cabal operates above us thru the BIS for their financial fuckery, and uses these exclusionary zones to bypass local laws.

>>1297393 ; >>1297398 What if The NSA Releases It All By 'Accident'?


>>1296266 Kim Orders Hit Squad to Hunt High Ranking Defector

>>1296450 Harvey Weinstein Grand Jury Subpeonas Issued

>>1296574 VP's Physician Who Maligned Ronny Jackson Resigns

>>1296500 FOIA on William J. Clinton Foundation

>>1296786 Patent Application - John Q. St. Clare

>>1296795 Protests in Belize

>>1296942 Syrian Children Start Dying After Massive UN Vaccination Campaign

>>1296803 What's the Purpose of a Laser Pointer? graphic

>>1296596 ; >>1296710 ; >>1296816 Blacksheep Anon

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

f5b37c No.1303315

File: e3f399cb1588fe1⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, patriots-fight-10.png)

af7139 No.1303316

Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.

Help collect the gems that fall here, they are too ephemeral and precious to disappear in the chaff

ThanQ for all your assistance in collecting Notable posts.

The fruits of our labors should not be lost in the chaff of shills, shitposters & clowns.

EVERYTHING of value should be saved offline on multiple formats.

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware,

you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.


To highlight a notable post, please format your post using the following below.

Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question

and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:




Baker Notable

>>####### <Brief description of notable> (Without any brackets, quotes, etc.)


War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>945070 --- Welcome! You've been expected…

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1009786 - DARPA/FB/Lifelog/5g/2020

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1276151 - Military Plane Crashes

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

19a3a0 No.1303317

First-time poster. At the NRA convention today, Pres. Trump made what appears to be the Q sign with his hands. Skip to about 31:25 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk_nIiia058

af7139 No.1303318

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1287685 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

Q Graphics all in EST

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg --------------- >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg ---------------- >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg ----------------------------- >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg ------------- >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg --------------- >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg ------------ >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg ----------- >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg ---------------------------------- >>>/comms/957

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png -------------- >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Resources Library

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version >8.14.0 [updated 4/24]) Thread: >>122807

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form. https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools.

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

NEW Federal Procurement Data System fpds.gov >>1300457 https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 17,000 memes and infographs.


Memes: Stockpiles

Memes20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040, 18 >>1027465

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/



Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

c0d081 No.1303319

File: 9c62c86a9f1503d⋯.png (499.63 KB, 655x846, 655:846, DoD 5-4-18 7 pm PST.PNG)

Delta roll

4efee2 No.1303320



Why the hell you replying to me? Reply to the non-lurking newfag who clearly has his head up his ass.

e4cff6 No.1303321

File: 07a8ce777329e01⋯.png (650.79 KB, 1722x596, 861:298, 05.04.2018 20.47.29.png)

df6643 No.1303322



c7e3f1 No.1303323


half normie - teach?

af7139 No.1303324

#1634 Dough


c6fd3a No.1303325

File: 7a11a2c0da6e51b⋯.jpg (485.45 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, Screenshot_20180504-204233….jpg)

Fuck this man, he ain't no Baker. Bakers are Patriots!

de92f6 No.1303326

>>1302909 1633


Damn copypasta…even swapped a paragtag too.

The spaces in between are about what it took for me to get it out the times I was honored to recite.

6b3707 No.1303327

File: 8abb729f0e69b3c⋯.jpg (158.09 KB, 808x1080, 101:135, foolish.jpg)

File: cff234860a10c22⋯.jpg (306.9 KB, 723x794, 723:794, 2.jpg)

File: ee61c19b73e6f57⋯.png (596.99 KB, 1319x785, 1319:785, 3.png)

File: b98516bf79e70dd⋯.jpg (223.55 KB, 563x403, 563:403, 4.jpg)

File: 424e1f04d768067⋯.jpg (269.04 KB, 722x791, 722:791, pp.jpg)

War profiteering

65343b No.1303328

File: ffa17ac089b0574⋯.jpeg (153.37 KB, 607x1280, 607:1280, ffa17ac089b0574cc679b6355….jpeg)

File: 8e6bc13b4befc25⋯.jpg (179.7 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, sexypersian.jpg)

582abb No.1303329

>The hard part is coming to an end. The next phase will bring JUSTICE.


b5de86 No.1303330

>>1303272 (prev.)

>you want every fucking person to hang or go to prison

If they are guilty, yes. That would be a start, fucking idiot.

9017d4 No.1303331

File: a966e0aef943744⋯.png (554.54 KB, 1188x1063, 1188:1063, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)

File: 9766f8f610428d2⋯.png (732.17 KB, 1157x1228, 1157:1228, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)


9b3df0 No.1303332


You don't hit it hard enough.

c7e3f1 No.1303333


I am here every day>

b85486 No.1303334

(Bread #1632)


There seems to be a progression up the chain of command. These are higher-level thugs, white-collar MS-13s.

4d70ad No.1303335

Mabus (Abbas) will soon die.

6cf99a No.1303336

File: 2ff1c5aa11ab70a⋯.png (131.23 KB, 600x1000, 3:5, [Dig Meme Pray].png)

Nunes just said on FOX It's like they want to JUST KEEP DIGGING

630af3 No.1303337

File: da51cbbc542ba4a⋯.jpg (105 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, mlk.jpg)

File: 7d0356b0089a8d1⋯.jpg (119.54 KB, 500x613, 500:613, 7d0356b0089a8d10603bc53c1c….jpg)

File: dae060d77ac2c81⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 420x315, 4:3, xi-jinping-applauds-420x31….jpg)

ac9f5d No.1303338

Tomorrow is cinco de mayo - 5:5

6b3707 No.1303340

File: b7220a278d22a56⋯.png (64.78 KB, 278x181, 278:181, badjerome.png)

File: f9f04b01c495f5f⋯.jpg (219.93 KB, 575x559, 575:559, greedy_jerry.jpg)

File: 04654229b4989c9⋯.jpg (111.06 KB, 318x250, 159:125, greedy_pig.jpg)

File: c29ac476121e1c1⋯.jpg (178.46 KB, 883x782, 883:782, jerry_shekels.jpg)

>>1274041 (prev bread)

4e4bdd No.1303341

File: 9ded74650e51417⋯.jpg (22.6 KB, 261x193, 261:193, IMG_1700.JPG)

Faggots threaten you with a parade

Tweakers code calls it mirror s or goback

Satan spends most of its time on chan trying to prove it doesn't exist

Biltmore prol threw rockegellers under the bus thirty years ago . Bring me the coin and prol show teh ufo stuff . Go fish

f83fd3 No.1303342


Thanks Baker

8e9fd4 No.1303343


I believe you to be correct Anon… Digging is done, with the exception of "We have more than we know".. lol

Now we get to sit back and watch the movie.. eat popcorn and re-read crumbs!

cookie dough Ice cream - anyone?

af7139 No.1303344


Learn to Bake—-

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

1f6105 No.1303345

File: 22a1a99fbe855c2⋯.jpg (288.81 KB, 1000x646, 500:323, IMG_2782.JPG)

Thank you Q for all you have done for America! Looking forward to this next chapter! God bless! WWG1WGA!

9017d4 No.1303346

File: cea1452e2fbbbdb⋯.jpg (85.7 KB, 855x1200, 57:80, DcZfhgeWsAAM3Ky.jpg)

dc3928 No.1303347


Guess if he says "fired" we have to believe it.

80d7e5 No.1303348

File: b28104f27803b8c⋯.jpg (402.03 KB, 1140x1380, 19:23, 5-4-18 Justice.jpg)

>>1303244 (prev)

I've got a running "Justice" graphic I keep adding to!

57b2f4 No.1303349

File: f42a438919c6a90⋯.png (2.23 MB, 675x1154, 675:1154, March 16th Principals Dinn….png)

File: db05ed573cb6867⋯.png (1.37 MB, 662x723, 662:723, Principals Dinner Informat….png)

Skippy colludes with 'high-net-worth individuals' in SFO.

https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/15931


…edit description as needed…

9a06e9 No.1303350

File: e40f35a0e86c7df⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_2306.JPG)

God bless the USA

62a13d No.1303351


Interesting personnel management protocol:

Hire someone to get information for you and testify about it in court many times.

Without identifiable cause, label him a spy against the USA and wreak havoc on his life and everyone around him.

5bcaac No.1303352


Mueller Witness Is Convicted Pedophile With Shadowy Past


b3a592 No.1303353

File: 3770823eef381e7⋯.png (24.11 KB, 408x180, 34:15, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)


REMINDER: Q team is still awaiting you to confirm the activation of the new tripcode.


In the post (pic related), there's 4 BOOMs Q Team wants to give us. We're anxiously awaiting your confirmation.

4e4bdd No.1303354

Those ain't my emotions FYI

af7139 No.1303355

I'm out of here

Who's baking?

1f6105 No.1303356

File: 7883316db609f87⋯.jpg (260.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_2774.JPG)

Lets fight patriots! BOOM!

65343b No.1303358

File: 933d30e0e3b1c97⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 933d30e0e3b1c972ba61476954….jpg)

f83fd3 No.1303359


This is awesome!!!

8e9fd4 No.1303360

File: 55fde7c812ed4a9⋯.jpg (122.34 KB, 500x363, 500:363, 55fde7c812ed4a9d4086c88fea….jpg)


5bcaac No.1303361


Washington (AP) – How did George Nader — Lebanese-American businessman, globe-trotting "fixer," convicted child molester — get caught up in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation?

The answer, it seems, can be found in the shadows, where Nader has long operated.

His long history included intrepid back-channel mediation between Israel and Arab countries — and a 15-year-old pedophilia conviction in Europe that has not been previously reported. But Mueller, in his investigation of President Donald Trump, his campaign and possible wrongdoing connected to Russia, is focused on Nader's role in two high-level get-togethers after the presidential election, according to three people familiar with the case.

Nader was caught in Mueller's web a few days before the anniversary of Trump's inauguration. He was transiting through Dulles International Airport outside Washington, on his way to Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, when his plans changed — abruptly and involuntarily.

Mueller's investigators stopped him, people familiar with the case said. His electronics were seized and he was then allowed to go see his lawyer. Nader later agreed to cooperate with Mueller's investigation, said the people with knowledge of the case as it pertains to Nader. They weren't authorized to speak publicly on the case and demanded anonymity.

Nader is little known to the public, a man who has led a shadowy existence as a go-between across numerous Middle East capitals and who gave testimony to Mueller's Washington grand jury earlier this month.

Nader joined a meeting at New York's Trump Tower in December 2016 that brought together presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner, chief strategist Steve Bannon — fired by Trump last August — and Mohammed bin Zayed, crown prince of Abu Dhabi and de facto leader of the United Arab Emirates.

A second meeting occurred a month later in the Indian Ocean archipelago of Seychelles and involved Nader, bin Zayed, former Blackwater boss Erik Prince and Kirill Dmitriev, a Russian banker close to President Vladimir Putin.

39c2da No.1303362

File: 5e7cd30f4ed964c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 100.21 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 003 (1).jpg)

Danke Baker

6dbc51 No.1303363

File: f743d726eb3ac28⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20180504_220256.jpg)

My son flies this on his pickup truck. He's a fine young man. Godspeed POTUS

9d6171 No.1303364

ATTN: Planefags!

Wanna do me a huge solid and tell me why southwest airlines flight 1011 flying out of Austin TX and inbound to Midway is delayed?

d91e95 No.1303365

File: c492b037658256c⋯.png (34.09 KB, 317x221, 317:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 211a0a00dbc13d4⋯.png (189.45 KB, 698x599, 698:599, ClipboardImage.png)

thanks baker!

Justice.png: cover photo

Justice_.png: n = 0 JUSTICE pic

Justice_1.png: n = 1 JUSTICE pic

13c2d2 No.1303366


this glass is tempered safety glass. when it breaks it all shatters into small pellets / like a car side window. nothing left. the photos of the outside of the hotel show it was not safety glass. the hotel had plate glass that breaks into large jagged shards

2bccda No.1303367

File: 66efdffec2d6760⋯.jpg (131.9 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Shakedown3.jpg)

File: c8b07f0994aa95f⋯.jpg (743.35 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, Shakedown2.jpg)

File: b89fbf4212c52a2⋯.jpg (294.37 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, Shakedown1.jpg)

f0bc2f No.1303368



c7e3f1 No.1303369

Yeah, so our FBI personnel, lawyers, public officials all leaking and NOT doing their jobs, while we do our jobs AND MOAR and dont get paid, total slavery

time for a slave uprising, and it really doesnt matter what color, even though they like to let us imagine that………………..

1b445e No.1303370

say anons

just a thought but

READ A FEW COMMENTS on the board BEFORE posting what you think is your fucking scoop of the century

it is almost always NOT

almost always already posted

check the bottom first

that is why there is a "go to top" link AT THE BOTTOM

check then go to the top to post


4efee2 No.1303371


Black pickup?

9a06e9 No.1303372

File: c27f0e67ae7eb05⋯.jpg (85.07 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, IMG_2285 (1).JPG)

The Shills are puking now - burn DC

af7139 No.1303373


Baker Out

Step Up Patriots


4d70ad No.1303374


When the comet passes.

1f6105 No.1303375


Nice job Patriot! Well done…

b85486 No.1303376


>cookie dough Ice cream - anyone?

I've been soothing my nerves with carbs for months. Hopefully, this will calm me down and I'll get back on my veggies.

151e53 No.1303377

File: 57c2a29c7878186⋯.jpeg (344.18 KB, 1184x609, 1184:609, B69C9611-A011-4383-B463-C….jpeg)

51ae5b No.1303378

File: eb74982275852c1⋯.jpg (99.39 KB, 1048x288, 131:36, VoJdP7z_jVreszYDg_eaEGj0i_….jpg)

ca81c6 No.1303379


my mistake, anon, sorry. I can only hope to be as perfect as you one day.

760d22 No.1303380


Rogers can testify now, right?

51ae5b No.1303381


nice anon

3ef302 No.1303383




leaked pictures show fake glass

leaked video claims no broken glass

windows are broken


80d7e5 No.1303384

File: c870470d236b3fb⋯.png (172.36 KB, 353x433, 353:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Where's my Huckleberry??


2c8962 No.1303385

File: cf1d94eaeea1a89⋯.png (11.72 KB, 157x199, 157:199, ClipboardImage.png)

what in the actual fuck is this doing in the stickies…..

i am seriously worried about BV/BO… tons of random bans yesterday/today, and now posts sympathetic to FUCKING CORSI are STICKIED???@??@

51ae5b No.1303386

File: 4eb70890491b3c9⋯.png (391.44 KB, 584x667, 584:667, FireShot Capture 507 - mon….png)


An angry mob is reportedly headed to Washington D.C. to confront Robert Mueller on Monday to demand his Witch Hunt be shut down. Reports say over 15,000 Bikers are involved!

7bfac8 No.1303387



'We have more than we know' is encrypted, and will provide most of the door to 40,000 view.

25b473 No.1303388

File: 91b739916098c02⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1111x3299, 1111:3299, Q 2018-05-04_16-02_21-47.png)

File: 22c0cc2a8e256f9⋯.png (222.05 KB, 1111x531, 1111:531, Q 2018-05-04_TRIP UPDATE.png)

File: 35af055fd22a659⋯.png (161.93 KB, 1111x369, 1111:369, Q 2018-05-04 16-10 58.png)

Q 2018-05-04_16-02_21-47.png

Q 2018-05-04_TRIP UPDATE.png

Q 2018-05-04 16-10 58.png


today's Q (with a few extra caps of the deleted trip update posts)

f83fd3 No.1303389


You two are why I love this board.

7d4ce9 No.1303390


I said 5:5:18 would be a pivotal day when Q first put that up and "expert" Anons near chewed my head off, I may have been right after all..

We know where experts have led us now don't we?

06bb0e No.1303391


May be noteworthy, at end of last bread.

af7139 No.1303392


There is no baker on duty

Someone step up.

Baker out.

4e4bdd No.1303393

File: 4beab323ad558cb⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 509x640, 509:640, IMG_2078.JPG)

How captivating

Breasts and socks

Pasta and Doritos

Frikin lasers

9017d4 No.1303394

File: 2e2a3f83c5a7a13⋯.png (120.22 KB, 816x563, 816:563, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)

Comey tweets JUSTICE!

The noive!

e70608 No.1303395

File: c783b16f572b646⋯.jpeg (9.08 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ejwpioes09.jpeg)

File: 2a4a413fefc8bed⋯.jpg (14.17 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault (1).jpg)

File: 2a342e22e8a5725⋯.jpeg (6.9 KB, 210x240, 7:8, Mre.jpeg)

19a3a0 No.1303397

Long-time lurker, first-time poster. At the NRA convention today, Pres. Trump made what appears to be the Q sign with his hands. Skip to about 31:25 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk_nIiia058

25b473 No.1303399


ok, got it

c7e3f1 No.1303400


They killed Aaron Schwartz, we are not going to let them kill US.

He had far reach, which threatened them

We have far reach, and will destroy them

66890d No.1303401

GREAT… now to hear RR and RM is fired would really make my day… SOON I hope !!!

THIS 751 POST MAX IS PAIN IN THE BUTT… sucks big time!!!

9d6171 No.1303402


Experts or disguised shills/clowns/newAnons.

Let is slide.. you know what you know.


918a87 No.1303404




d91e95 No.1303405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0e5b08 No.1303406


Maybe they can be cell mates.

f83fd3 No.1303407


Read it the first time you posted it. Thanks

e70608 No.1303408

How does one find and properly use a laser?

810287 No.1303409


Reduce the laws at all levels. This is how they keep us enslaved.

Hopefully Trump doesn't sell us out like he has with the bogus unemployment rate.

3f4b5c No.1303410

File: 087dce563f16980⋯.png (436.63 KB, 604x804, 151:201, 5479706411.png)

02ba5c No.1303411


Little typo in dough, might affect anons digging.

The Russian atomic energy company is



< >>1300774 , >>1300824 Rostrom (U1) building nuclear power plant in Iran

b0b22c No.1303412


"so we can post bail if needed"

that made me LAUGH-

f9efa4 No.1303413


HEY Q, We love you… but you have been promising a MOAB for two weeks. I love my wife, but if she promises something for two weeks and doesn't deliver I get upset with her also…

25b473 No.1303414

>>1303401 post less, please. understand more.

(the 751 will save you from your mistakes, among other things)

4efee2 No.1303415


Been wondering for a while now if Q was legit trying to get a visual lynch mob going. People are fuckin pissed off. Times running out for the DOJ to look in anyway legitimate to the majority of people. The flames have been stoked LOOOOOONG enough.


af7139 No.1303416


Thanks Bakeranon. Have a top night. Godspeed.

cb3084 No.1303417

MURDERED for trying to expose satanic PEDOS

Chris Cornell 5/18/2017, Prodigy Albert Johnson 6/20/2017 & Chester Bennington 7/20/2017. From just 2017, how long is the list?

I had never heard of this artist before, looked into the lyric's, WOW! If Prodigy were still here, I think we would be hearing about Q in his music.

From of the Notables that just fell off the Bread.

>>1296009 Rapper Prodigy Tried to Expose Pedophile Ring Before He Died

Real Power Is People

"They are a secret network of international pirates

Who identify with no nation, no national flag

And no established religion

Their flag is the skull and cross bones


Real power is people

Real strength is in the streets where everybody's equal


I'll tell you a lil secret

It's a secret government that worship an owl

They practice witchcraft to harness their power

Pedophile rape lil kids for energy

The Satanic rituals; W.T.C. (R.I.P.)

They let the Pentagon on fire

That's lightening the pentagram on fire

All these bodies for what?

So you could scare everybody into one world huh?


c7e3f1 No.1303418


Yum Yum to everything!

Soooo enjoying!!!!

c0d081 No.1303419

File: 670617b9bbd44cd⋯.png (494.25 KB, 645x640, 129:128, Drudge re Kanye and the Kn….PNG)

File: d3c646b3e8e8026⋯.png (53.56 KB, 476x778, 238:389, People re Kanye and the Kn….PNG)

President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback He Vilified, and Kanye West for Summit on Race


President Donald Trump has given the green light to multiple meetings

with athletes and musical artists to discuss race, Cleveland-based pastor

Darrell Scott, an outside adviser to the White House adviser, tells PEOPLE.

80d7e5 No.1303420

THIS is a beautiful Q post!


James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21

Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]

Testimony received.



Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED


David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED

Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]

Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE

Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.







8e9fd4 No.1303421


yeah…. I'm generally practice a Ketogenic lifestyle. The last 6-7 months I've worked here, after work. So, it's time to get back to a more healthy life style and give up the carbs lol

It's showing

af7139 No.1303422


New Baker Confirmed

e336e5 No.1303423


Most normies don't know the unemployment rate was buggered by hussein, so its easier to just tell them the current fucked rate then it is to fix it.

70db67 No.1303424

Suicide Weekend?

3a365f No.1303425

File: 3a6ff3088863bcd⋯.jpeg (226.38 KB, 750x989, 750:989, 0E43C404-9491-4A98-ADC1-2….jpeg)


783c2f No.1303426



Watch - Comey will turn out to be \ourguy

b859bc No.1303427

"…Former Senate President Stanley Rosenberg announced Thursday afternoon he will resign from his position as senator, effective Friday at 5 p.m. …"

DATE significant.


ec13a4 No.1303428


I effing love Q-pids. I could spin it up with a subdomain on one of my sites. Someone with half a brain could dox me after that. Not too worried as I have been on the up and up.

19a3a0 No.1303429


Roger that, just wanted to make sure it was seen.

7d4ce9 No.1303430

>> 1303402

Must have been (You) why else would you make such a post; fill turd

b85486 No.1303431


Misspelled words can be a tactic moles use to hide important information.

c7e3f1 No.1303432

the law is the law, seriously like Gorsuch said, you may not like what you decide, and thats what makes a good judge - you followed the law according to law, and NOT your personal opinion

918a87 No.1303433


my nigga, TY

b5de86 No.1303434


Completely agree.

Was referring to traitors.

25b473 No.1303435


ok, handoff confirmed


anons, lazybaker in the house, i'll set up first but don't notable - you guys do it, i'll put it in

5648e9 No.1303436

Q posts Justice and Justice 1 are laying out Court exhibit style labeling. Watch for 1a, 1b, 1c…ect then match. We might see a Justice 2 and an abc style. A pattern could be developing like I am suggesting.

80d7e5 No.1303437


Kaepernick is a half-white pussy, he won't go to the WH!

4e4bdd No.1303438

Cynical homos are called what ? Frump supporters ?

e70608 No.1303439

File: dcaa72a62da875a⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 287x215, 287:215, cast-iron-dachshund-door-s….jpg)

Not all Dachshunds are built the same.

Some have shorter legs, and others have better noses.

1addc3 No.1303440

File: 39cf4d918a88d71⋯.png (480.59 KB, 661x840, 661:840, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1303270 (Last bread)

Delta = change

Delta roll = a change in roll for someone?

584ddb No.1303441


Ah ok, I had never seen that format (I really It) or heard of that program. There are a number of completely free graphics programs you can use (unlimited use/features/maps) - see here >>9200

There is also a thread for maps that others have made and are working on >>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

2df704 No.1303442


I'll believe it when I see it.

d91e95 No.1303443


the #58 post isn't showing up on qanon.pub and didn't see it until now

thanks anon

b84009 No.1303444


Blank subpoenas for a reason, my friend.

e70608 No.1303445

Is a polished surface better than a matte or rough one?

6b3707 No.1303446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

dd2131 No.1303447


I'm pretty well convinced. His shenanigans are downright faggotry otherwise.

ec13a4 No.1303448


He has been a tough one to gauge. His testimony on the email fiasco came across like he was trying to walk on both sides of the fence. Still can't figure it out.

b652a2 No.1303449


I don't think so, more like a squiggle, or the Greek letter "xi".

56234a No.1303450

>>>/patriotsfight/62 … Justice

>>>/patriotsfight/63 … Justice_

>>>/patriotsfight/64 … Justice_1

<<</patriotsfight/65 … Justice_2 ?

03b041 No.1303451


Las Vegas I'd bet – glass and shell casings

fa2b18 No.1303452




Hmmmm…. Me likes the concept. Must be completely anonymous.

First date: 11-11-2018, DC


Oh, hello handsome!

65343b No.1303453


cabal used him, i hope trump gives him second chance ffs

5bcaac No.1303454

I am thinking JA will soon be back!

1addc3 No.1303455

File: ac8eb186abdccaa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 203.18 KB, 1280x1110, 128:111, asians.jpg)

Thank you Baker.

8a3813 No.1303456


gotcher back, lazybaker

30d50b No.1303457

File: 32ede16a4998de3⋯.png (25.99 KB, 1520x281, 1520:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ccd5df81fcd226⋯.png (50.13 KB, 813x463, 813:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 697804c458b2db0⋯.png (4.08 KB, 655x63, 655:63, ClipboardImage.png)



f0bc2f No.1303458


These people are so stupid. Maxine stupid.

8e9fd4 No.1303459


I know… drives me crazy trying to work it out. All day, all night.. I dream about it most nights…

Never stops

760d22 No.1303460


Next month

810287 No.1303461


We need to get rid of the black and other nonwhite privilege. Get rid of classifying us by skin tone. They keep all of us enslaved this way.

47c729 No.1303462

post on 4ch now claiming the ginsberg is on her deathbed. JUSTICE ginsberg? might be connected.

probable larp but heads up anyway.

http:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/170482531/death-bed

4e4bdd No.1303463

It's like a three way of diminished returns imho

582abb No.1303464

File: 6d920796c906b58⋯.jpg (100.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 590_zps0fbaf05c[1].jpg)

Don't know if anybody mentioned this, but Q's cannon is from the Alamo.

"In 1835, soldiers from General Santa Ana's army marched into the little Texas town of Gonzales, and ordered those settlers to surrender their small canon they relied on to protect their lives, and protect their homes. The Texans refused. (inaudible)


That's right. They were not about to give up their only means of self defense.

In response, Santa Ana's army returned with a large group of additional people. They had men all over the place. The army was big. This time, they were met by dozens of Texans, settlers, soldiers and ordinary citizens who had rushed to Gonzales to defend their rights and their freedom.

As Santa Ana's men watched from a distance, those brave Texans raised a flag for all to see, and you know what it said. On the banner, they painted a canon, along with four words that echoed through the ages, and you know what it is.

It said, "Come and take it." Come and take it."

96bd68 No.1303465

File: 8ed42a5226aea6c⋯.jpg (14.92 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 8ed42a5226aea6cf03125180ae….jpg)


I like the cut of your jib.

616dd4 No.1303466


whew lad

df6643 No.1303467


Calling more Sleepers cells.

Get Ready for the False Flags.

584ddb No.1303468


Thank you I did not have #58, will add to offsite gallery

Is your compilation in EST?

e70608 No.1303469

Why is so much focus placed on homos?

a52360 No.1303470

File: 819ff0db223a6a7⋯.png (546.69 KB, 1287x661, 1287:661, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)

Nice euphemism, you mean CRIMINAL

Kerry quietly seeking to salvage Iran deal he helped craft


7d0613 No.1303471

Q are you ever going to address Agent Orange? The real purpose behind it.

9b3df0 No.1303472

Apple will turn all Trump communications over to Pelosi

cf77fd No.1303473


This is not new Rachel Brand resigned 2/20/2018 and went to work for Walmart.>>1303266

2b7d24 No.1303474

File: 5d67feae7138891⋯.jpg (112.44 KB, 1048x391, 1048:391, generaL flynn water side b….jpg)

b84009 No.1303475


Totally. There's no freaking way that he's that stupid. He was trapped in a situation that he couldn't escape with dignity. He did the best he could to ensure Clinton's failure in a way that justified it to the people who were corrupt because Lynch fucked up by meeting in person with Bill—I'm laying odds he was the tipster to the AZ reporter who broke the story. Shockingly Lynch's pet reporters didn't do it.

1a2053 No.1303476

Should the FBI just be eliminated altogether Q team and Potus? It's a waste use of taxpayers money and unnecessary to have so many "federal law enforcement" agencies stepping on each others toes.

dc3928 No.1303477


When I go out, I wanna go out like that.

18fdd3 No.1303478

File: 60b3cfbb81cf731⋯.png (108.15 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b23a796cb1b5577⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 903x768, 301:256, fire and fury.jpg)


[On Ready]

Hell is coming to town boys!

a52360 No.1303479



9d6171 No.1303480



Been in the trenches through the past 10 threads and I did not particularly enjoy the previous baker, I am appreciative, however anon baker was not attentive, and now I am skeptical of our first volunteer.

89c170 No.1303481


Thanks Anon…I see the firings and they are justice…I see the Federal Judge giving Rosenstein some flack and a two week ultimatum coming down hard on his methods and this investigation.

I just want to make sure Potus and his family and all the good MI and Anon's like you are protected and our voted is not threatened with regards to this election of President Trump.

760d22 No.1303482


Q said it would be restructured.

80d7e5 No.1303483


Q-Pids Arrow is a winner! :)

750f1a No.1303484



right after I cover

hemorrhoids and cold sores


9b3df0 No.1303485


she will forget her password to read them.

207a8c No.1303486

Vincit omnia veritas

should go back in top of dough imo

dc3928 No.1303487


Oh yeah, Q posted about tha —- oh, wait a minute…

fa2b18 No.1303488


Muh, I'm here anon. ;)

c7e3f1 No.1303489

Derschowitz it pretty honest, he is getting tired of his lines hahahah, so rushing thorugh this, but thats ok, its total prep for the clinton downfall yay!

6dbc51 No.1303490


Negative Anon. I'm sure there are many fearless patriots, and our numbers are growing.

76dd93 No.1303491

File: ffa9a1317488a34⋯.jpg (44.98 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 29l52b.jpg)

File: abeb4ce9399d4d8⋯.jpg (14.22 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 29ccg9.jpg)

Shepard Smith is a Trump hater.

5bcaac No.1303492

File: 18124df2f96cb71⋯.png (184.2 KB, 590x304, 295:152, ClipboardImage.png)

3ee95a No.1303493

1303295 from previous bread….only one post.

Anyone seen that hammer pic before?

4d70ad No.1303494


Explosives stolen, "right wing terrorists" 4AM, 1933.

df6643 No.1303495


it's better a Korean…

9d6171 No.1303496


Damn, Anon.. this is perfect.


>>1303474 General Flynn twitter banners side-by-side.

Baker please confirm receipt

5bcaac No.1303497


When does the pope resign?

1925b6 No.1303498

Any CRYPTOFAGS hanging around?

Have you heard of our little steganography problem?

d91e95 No.1303499


we get it, you keep posting this same bullshit


f83fd3 No.1303500


This is already in notables. Please read all notables at top before posting. Thanks

7d0613 No.1303501

39c2da No.1303502


Fucking savage. lmao

fd9a22 No.1303503

Q Why more Republicans than Dems retiring?

e70608 No.1303504

When comms are confused or c0mped…exploring other avenues and options is always a viable consideration.

1b445e No.1303505


lawfag here

subpoenas used by attorneys/pros. are always blank

issued by the court upon request

attorneys and prosecutors are authorized to fill in names and serve them

big power

i used it many times

f1e4d9 No.1303506



500,000 members

7eb63f No.1303507


Hopefully at some point POTUS will realize that the FBI and DOJ

do what they are doing to him and all associated with him on a

DAILY basis to the citizens and people of the United States en mas

ad infinitum…

Standard Operating Procedures. The only difference is this time they went after a sitting president.

9b3df0 No.1303508


As soon as he dies

1381d9 No.1303509

>>1302688 (last bread)


Title 1 FISA on Carter Page stripped every incidental contact of their civil rights.

A Title 1 FISA Warrant is completely different, and this is the one that was sought and obtained. It assumes the subject, Carter Page, was a spy working for a foreign government, and it allows the government to strip him, and everybody in his world, including Donald Trump, of their 4th Amendment right to “unlawful search and seizure.”

This means the Obama administration’s FBI and DOJ, based on the fraudulent Steele Dossier, was able to surveil Trump’s life—past and present—with impunity, and it was all based on paid for opposition research from the Clinton campaign and the DNC. All of this was based on Trump’s limited contact with Carter Page,

Trump’s life, as well as everybody in his campaign, was subject to investigation by the FBI…"


65343b No.1303510


go to half chan /biz/

e336e5 No.1303511


Because they want to kill the democrat party by ARRESTING THEM ALL

03b041 No.1303512


Probably curtains at the Mandalay – looks like .223 casings

18fdd3 No.1303513



Calling for more FF

To be activated

Desperate losers.

b652a2 No.1303514


The privilege comes from "protected class" status, something EVERYONE has – except for white and Asian males!

I think the simplest way to fix this, rather than taking something away from those that have it, is to legally equalize those that don't, and make everyone a member of some "protected class", i.e. illegal to discriminate against.

76dd93 No.1303515

File: 7376fa151070aca⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 480x612, 40:51, 299cgs~2.jpg)

5bcaac No.1303516

File: ffc8712a34451b5⋯.png (292.39 KB, 584x481, 584:481, ClipboardImage.png)

Huma Abedin's emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show a need for the DOJ to carry out a new investigation of Clinton & Abedin legal violations. And JW is happy to learn DOJ has apparently begun asking questions on Clinton mishandling classified info.

f83fd3 No.1303517


This is not about Rep vs Dem this is about good vs. evil. Evil is everywhere.

c0d081 No.1303518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This could have many meanings.


With the Blue Angels, when they do a Delta Roll

It is precise.

They have perfect timing.

4e4bdd No.1303519

File: 8f853068d5ec5ce⋯.jpg (82.38 KB, 564x846, 2:3, IMG_2089.JPG)

Я думаю, что у них не хватает прав на добычу с этим дипломатом паспорта ty kippe

7d4ce9 No.1303520


Holy fuck who's manning the pumps in all those shitholes the sandniggers are emigrating from?

17fa6b No.1303521

File: 434c6743c2c3313⋯.jpg (350.02 KB, 1910x1000, 191:100, ForGodForCountryForWorld.jpg)

With years upon years of False Flags, this year is the year of Truth Flags!

783c2f No.1303522


I like where you're going with this. I think he's still in for a dirt nap.

ca81c6 No.1303523

BREAKING: Newly Unredacted Portion of House Intel Report Proves Comey is Lying to Reporters Today


c7e3f1 No.1303524


Fake, part of script

I now understand why its gonna play out OK

dcfcdc No.1303525


walking on hot coals?

df6643 No.1303526


Greece is broken..

80d7e5 No.1303527


>Oh, hello handsome!


Sorry, this 'Pepe' wears a thong!

1925b6 No.1303528


Nah. I don't think you understand.

Hopefully someone will soon.

760d22 No.1303529


66890d No.1303530

File: c8b6f1ebff71ded⋯.jpg (190.57 KB, 1032x774, 4:3, marilyn-monroe-quote-1.jpg)

GO Q-team … all of us Qanons

ec13a4 No.1303531


Join "Q-Pids Arrow" to meet other red-pilled singles.

9d6171 No.1303532



Savage AF

Member of Meme Team Savage in the HOUSE

62a13d No.1303533


Not uncommon for regular posters-sometimes shamed, sometimes proven right.

bba337 No.1303534

File: 18eeef5ba9e5b88⋯.png (806.74 KB, 708x495, 236:165, dbs.PNG)

8a3813 No.1303535

File: ca896e37c0f5a19⋯.png (229.35 KB, 476x317, 476:317, KERRYFUCKED2.png)

c7e3f1 No.1303536


Dont care about that just wish i was THERE

89c170 No.1303537

Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/04/18 (Fri) 22:21:37 No.65

File (hide): 72d6adb7efd2f23⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 390x129, 130:43, JKerry_Traitor.jpg) (h) (u)

Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.


18fdd3 No.1303538

4d70ad No.1303539


Unification of Republican Party under Trump.

4e4bdd No.1303540

Let's bromance betrayal !!!!! For pedo carnivores !!!!! Let's feed them false dignity !!!!! Maybe they will take our guns and punish us tooo !!!!!!!!

1fdb24 No.1303541


How does delta = change?

mathematics : an increment of a variable —symbol Δ

609ece No.1303542

File: 3841c54d2f126ba⋯.png (174.93 KB, 1443x385, 1443:385, ClipboardImage.png)

New Q

65343b No.1303543


then spit it out son

b652a2 No.1303544


Yeah, and after that, it really might be necessary to end the FBI.

Start over.

17fa6b No.1303545

Breaking: Q has a new drop!

>>>/patriotsfight/65 JKerry_Traitor.jpg

2bccda No.1303546


Free in 30

Promise made, promise delivered.

God bless you Q+

f83fd3 No.1303547


I second that.


b85486 No.1303548


I used to live on a main thoroughfare. Bikers would periodically come into town, driving on it. It took a long, long time for the end of the pack to be seen, and the last v-r-o-o-o-m to be heard. Then, sometime later, same thing the other way.

dcfcdc No.1303549


he brought a hammer… to break a window. why not use his gun?

5648e9 No.1303550

If this phase is Justice, we need a list of Judges appointed by POTUS and confirmed showing their district.

25b473 No.1303551

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ——- The World is Connected.

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ——- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ——- A rigged system

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ——- [OnReady]

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ——- Whitelist on /qresearch/ – Deleted, see >>1298468

>>>/patriotsfight/2 ——– Trip Conf

>>>/patriotsfight/1 ——– Tripcode Update

>>1298146 —————— /patriotsfight/

9fc8f1 No.1303552

8a3813 No.1303553



049e8c No.1303554

e70608 No.1303555

Who be talking emotions?

Anons above emotions.

ANONS be talking dis and dat.

ANONS…be trying to connect and find the truf!

ANONS….da be trying to avoid the clowns, pricks, fbi dicks, corrupt, morons….dodging, bobbing and weaving around those horrendous maggots….

Prolly would be a good ting if dey had a place to diskuss der shit on der own….witout dem fag pricks!

c7e3f1 No.1303556


Almost everything can be fixed - look what POTUS is fixing

fd9a22 No.1303557

I get that but seems pretty disproportionate. I think all should go and we start over. Dem or Repub I believe most are dirty.

9b3df0 No.1303558



someone understands. They can pick one, plant one and then get any and all info and use it any way they want.

that is Using Spies to Prosecute in Court.

760d22 No.1303559

Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.


df7f33 No.1303560

File: fabc1ee07548917⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 380x262, 190:131, BeagleBoys.jpg)


This wretched gang of traitors can't coordinate the Big Lie. (pic related)

This is just delicious, watching it happen in slow free-fall!

62a13d No.1303561


Enlighten us as to the problem, please.

66890d No.1303562

File: 736cdf4a5f0121e⋯.jpg (62.32 KB, 933x843, 311:281, THE DON - GOOD ONE.jpg)



89c170 No.1303563

File: 278ac8abe07f6f8⋯.png (61.08 KB, 390x129, 130:43, ClipboardImage.png)

1925b6 No.1303564


Need cryptographers to help with the STEGANOGRAPHY that is suspected with the Q image drops.

61ca85 No.1303565

3ee95a No.1303566


Yeah… I tried linking to that as well… I've never seen that hammer pic before

918a87 No.1303567


>DOJ has apparently begun asking questions on Clinton mishandling classified info

very important fact.

810287 No.1303568


The DoJ needs someone to investigate crimes. These prima donna's mission though could certainly be reduced. Over the years, they just kept expanding more and more. Today, more people are locked up for federal crimes than state ones. That's sick.

80d7e5 No.1303569


Uhhh ohhhhh!

THAT is a very big BOOM!

2b7d24 No.1303570

c7e3f1 No.1303571


When dis sh*t is done, we have to be dealin wit emotions tho

76dd93 No.1303572

File: ba6db457cfce7f3⋯.jpg (15.56 KB, 273x178, 273:178, 28cjx0~2.jpg)

File: a9d5a5f0ae872cb⋯.png (190.62 KB, 417x319, 417:319, a9d5a5f0ae872cbd374cd3f83e….png)

Go Trump/Q

25b473 No.1303573


yup, ESTmap anon, late in back Qatalog, but since there were deleted posts today, and could do something with my saved pages, i jumped in

Spreadsheet, i presume

5bcaac No.1303574

File: b82337452a124a7⋯.png (42.98 KB, 828x220, 207:55, ClipboardImage.png)


a52360 No.1303575

File: 04cce271eb26e0e⋯.png (659.32 KB, 821x667, 821:667, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)


5db469 No.1303576


>Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

25b473 No.1303578


>I like the cut of your jib.


ca81c6 No.1303579

Still not convinced Lisa Page exists.

f83fd3 No.1303580

File: d44d4ef0001d11a⋯.jpeg (65.14 KB, 867x219, 289:73, Qpost3.jpeg)

I said the last Q post was the best but NO this one is waaaay better!!!

0441c7 No.1303581


Marching orders….Kerry Traitor. Good call, anon. Meme Away!

51ae5b No.1303582

File: 70f89a88e172b65⋯.png (59.86 KB, 905x223, 905:223, FireShot Capture 508 - _pa….png)

File: 72d6adb7efd2f23⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 390x129, 130:43, 72d6adb7efd2f23e22b2a8fbae….jpg)

65343b No.1303583


there are some here in am that can help

582abb No.1303584

Q #65

New Q sounds like the old Q.

Lots of talk. No arrests. No indictments. No hangings.

51ae5b No.1303585

Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.


03b041 No.1303587


Really? Tempered glass in a high rise? Surprised he broke it with a hammer.

2b7d24 No.1303588

File: 8fd647ab5a33e9f⋯.jpg (154.87 KB, 499x830, 499:830, 29ojut.jpg)

e336e5 No.1303589


Oh holy fuck, I'd be mad and my sides would be in orbit at the same time! kek

f83fd3 No.1303590

a0f27c No.1303591

I have to wonder.

Jason Chaffetz

Trey Gowdy

Orrin Hatch

Black Hats, Really?

e70608 No.1303592

File: 4c3da0185392427⋯.jpg (7.88 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 903ksdlsrm27.jpg)

9d6171 No.1303593


Anon, I love the update from last bread but you should probably put it in chronological order..

Oldest at the top - most recent at the bottom.

Make the boxes around timestamps/dates bolder than the other "secondary" / "supporting" evidence - aka the emphasis on the word justice.

7808db No.1303594



I have updated qanon.pub (and its associated sites) to display ANSWERS according to (unique) Q post timestamp.

God bless.

c7e3f1 No.1303595



89c170 No.1303596

File: 0ac7668f53dcf84⋯.png (138.59 KB, 800x382, 400:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Q !2jsTvXXmXs  05/04/18 (Fri) 22:21:37 No.65

File (hide): 72d6adb7efd2f23⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 390x129, 130:43, JKerry_Traitor.jpg) (h) (u)

Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.


1e2627 No.1303597


Why are they being allowed to continue to move around?

Giving them more rope…?

7eb63f No.1303598


Trade Tariffs against ANY foreign leaders and their countries that meet with these Charlatans. They will stop getting meetings…


56234a No.1303599

It was sposta be Justice_2 !

Why is Q triggering my autism like this?

f83fd3 No.1303600


You put the answers there right?

d91e95 No.1303601

Re_read drops.


Today: JK & Iran


Important - context for future news.


Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?


HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?


(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?


The World is Connected.


The World is Watching.



1cbd59 No.1303602



df6643 No.1303603


Cuba deal. Kerry was/is an important pawn of the Deal.

7d0613 No.1303604

File: b3356f40b632473⋯.png (128.52 KB, 1394x463, 1394:463, IMG_4088.PNG)

22:21 New Q

3f4b5c No.1303605

File: ebaa48b095df13c⋯.png (605.83 KB, 613x431, 613:431, 4363456767975983.png)

b8b4d2 No.1303606


They are looking for an ally to help them take over the USA. Same thing happened when Edward VIII abdicated. He regretted his decision and tried to work with Hitler to take back England with HIM on the throne.

8a3813 No.1303607

File: fb3bf4967a5dbcd⋯.png (664.62 KB, 962x1671, 962:1671, clinton-alpha.png)


i haven't thought of anything for this yet, but here's the cutout if anyone wants it.

1381d9 No.1303608


Not for long. This is when Sessions wakes up.

8f4f97 No.1303609

That big gummed whore lisa page needs to be arrested, fuck that conniving dirty bitch and her faggot boyfriend strozk

2bccda No.1303610


That's you Sherlock isn't it?

f83fd3 No.1303611


Just no

dd2131 No.1303612


Trying to make deals of their own to convince the heads of state to stick with them and not give in to Trump? Probing for info, even if covertly? Trying to sabotage talks/negotiations/deals between heads of state and Trump by giving them bunk info? Tipping off others in the global pyramid? Worse, like trying to coordinate ways to incapacitate Trump?

ec13a4 No.1303613


Could be they are making room for more Dems as an insurance policy for impeachment.

d9ea69 No.1303614


They are covering their asses trying to get other governments in an alliance with them and/or provide safe haven if they are charged with crimes

d9b88d No.1303616

POTUS endorsed Ted Cruz!! I hate twitter but I'm supporting and defending what the President of the United States wants. If we lose Texas, we are FUCKED!!

80d7e5 No.1303617

File: c375880d29df2ae⋯.png (86.88 KB, 1041x271, 1041:271, ClipboardImage.png)


9fc8f1 No.1303618


Gowdy? No fucking way……

df21f4 No.1303619










9 fired from the DOJ and FBI. Draining the swamp. This must be completed before prosecuting the cabal members.

a81e15 No.1303620

File: fd1d074af191aa3⋯.png (883.08 KB, 600x1072, 75:134, ClipboardImage.png)

e1e787 No.1303621


Republicans retire, Democrats go to jail.

e336e5 No.1303622


he looks surprised his foot melted, kek

cef6a1 No.1303623


an anon made some vids to teach baking & basic stuff that might help


f34ee7 No.1303624


Looking for asylum

c133f0 No.1303625


who posts the answers? where do they come from?

76dd93 No.1303626

File: 3a644d00997d3ce⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 29a69t~2.jpg)

File: 67a5309bf71d70e⋯.jpg (14.18 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 29b5li.jpg)

b859bc No.1303627

SO many bankers and CEO's being arrested in recent days… The list goes on…


8e9fd4 No.1303628


Expand your thinking Anon!!

dc3928 No.1303629


Haven' we all been talking about this for like 2 years?

810287 No.1303630


We the People should create our own organization to hold the wealthy and powerful accountable for their crimes. Current system, which allows them to skate, is beyond repair.

e70608 No.1303631

Private coms can be good for some.

Q doesn't do them, but others can.

af7139 No.1303632

Looks like it’s (((you))) anon

Let’s see how you do

584ddb No.1303633


Great, thank you! It's the progression of the filenames…


oh kek brutal love it


If that is the case, it's just one more SCOTUS set available for a real Patriot

8f4f97 No.1303634


Kerry is a fucking communist faggot, arrest his horse face, waterboard him and make him tell the truth for once in his life.

7808db No.1303635


Answers are now sorted by timestamp, not post ID. This is because post ID's are not unique, whereas timestamps (when Q posts) are.

By "answers" are meant the "ANSWERS" button that appears for some Q posts.

1cbd59 No.1303636

9b3df0 No.1303637

The key to redpill

is they spy on you, they spy on our own government. If they can use spies to ruin a president just think how easy they can destroy you if they choose.

2b7d24 No.1303638

d9b88d No.1303639

Dallas NRA speach… "I'm doing the right thing" ????????

c65869 No.1303640


new Q.

61ca85 No.1303641


This is gold

760d22 No.1303642


Asylum, money, keeping their cabal deals held together, plotting.

df6643 No.1303643


Counter Intelligence?

Fake Name?

b4679a No.1303644

File: 5b4eff8bb994f9c⋯.png (187.42 KB, 350x263, 350:263, 1525487260761.png)


Sessions activates.

8e9fd4 No.1303645


Sonic Boom!! What a delicious night

d91e95 No.1303646


what about it

d9ea69 No.1303647

I am pretty sure all of these talks with foreign governments by jk, Hussein, HRC would be considered fair game for spying by our intelligence. They see and hear all.

9fc8f1 No.1303648


How about. "Oh, shit these coals are hot".

554594 No.1303649


ty and bless ya

918a87 No.1303650

File: 286856e3730985f⋯.png (68.28 KB, 989x257, 989:257, patriotsfight Future C….png)

Why ?

for fun.

4d70ad No.1303651


He has gay sex in vats of poo.

dbc53d No.1303652


w/HRC slipping maybe something kek

c133f0 No.1303653



405118 No.1303654

File: 3452189eea0cc09⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1536x2560, 3:5, bluskies.jpg)

1fdb24 No.1303655

File: 41fe9d5121d4853⋯.jpg (22.82 KB, 255x254, 255:254, ptwiwsjhduio.jpg)

File: 57abd9034b3475f⋯.jpg (15.98 KB, 255x252, 85:84, e1594a14ec5347824adecfeed4….jpg)

f276f4 No.1303656


The potato heads. Gowdy + Chaffetz.

0441c7 No.1303657

File: a20a046f3d1557d⋯.jpg (21.58 KB, 303x166, 303:166, kerry traitor.jpg)

May the Fourth be with Us, Anons

ef094e No.1303658


get your own board Corsi

df21f4 No.1303659


There is nothing to confirm. Q established the new tripcode.

f5b37c No.1303660

File: 48630d2473c0560⋯.png (580.64 KB, 650x466, 325:233, branco-nk-dem.png)

6be4af No.1303661


Wow…it's been what, 2years and they are just now getting around to it?

582abb No.1303662


> jk, Hussein, HRC would be considered fair game for spying by our intelligence.


my sides

f34ee7 No.1303663

File: 5b956358ca3479f⋯.jpg (61.4 KB, 308x278, 154:139, sanford-heart.jpg)


More like the Sanford option.


8f4f97 No.1303664


Fuck gowdy, hes a classic example of controlled opposition. Gowdy can eat a dickup until he hiccup. Fuck gowdy, that skinny faggot mole of the bushes.

30d50b No.1303665


Hang those MFs

c133f0 No.1303666

File: 4d07b48dff08adb⋯.png (41.81 KB, 1280x336, 80:21, Screenshot-2018-5-4 John K….png)

File: acc5440ac1b8736⋯.png (54.84 KB, 781x438, 781:438, Screenshot-2018-5-4 John K….png)

6cf99a No.1303667


<3 hr


<2 hr


<~1/2 hr


5c3e95 No.1303668


KEK, oldies but goodies

df6643 No.1303669


Lack Strozk and P.

a0f27c No.1303670

File: 1df8609a6b9d8e0⋯.png (11.07 KB, 505x176, 505:176, Capture.PNG)


That's what I mean. WTF?

810287 No.1303671


What have they accomplished other than dance in front of cameras?

e70608 No.1303672

Wonder what Q would think if he/they knew they had a completely funded resource readily available to support with fully functional autists?

96bd68 No.1303673


BO needs to whitelist the new trip on this board

2bccda No.1303674

File: 7b52f7f9662d07d⋯.jpg (496.84 KB, 2011x2011, 1:1, QCrumb.jpg)

dc3928 No.1303675


Wait Q gets his stuff from drudge?

1e2627 No.1303676


No Shit at your service.

Should not have had ?

9fc8f1 No.1303677


Not convinced

51ae5b No.1303678



a52360 No.1303679


This case was unusual as it was tried in front of a judge b/c it was a juvenile offense. The trial court is supposed to receive deference, but the Kennedy power clearly got to someone.

9b3df0 No.1303680


If the deep state can make this many congressmen leave; what can they do to you and your family.

e1e787 No.1303681


Very nice

1e2627 No.1303682


No Shit

bce7b3 No.1303683






Reason Israel is saved for last. (Not the nation)

All roads lead to…

Is Q Team getting ready to go after the top of the pyramid?

630af3 No.1303684

File: d485f6d03208c7a⋯.jpg (625.47 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, SWAMP.jpg)

Jim Jones 4 president…

He knows how to drain the swamp….

Oh, that's right, he's dead!

4d70ad No.1303685

Q said to trust Corsi, so STOP attacking the sweet old man.

6be4af No.1303686


Funny, I just said the same thing.

7f37f3 No.1303687

File: 6ea40d69d3b5907⋯.png (900.08 KB, 1287x680, 1287:680, Anon.png)

Just logged on to Netflix, guess what they are pushing?

A new series called ANON, where the trailer says that anonymous is the enemy.

Haven't watched it yet. But mightly interesting.

2bccda No.1303688

File: 66338ebf1c20249⋯.png (59.39 KB, 905x212, 905:212, Drop.png)


A Q drop

760d22 No.1303689



>>>/PATRIOTSFIGHT/ and then add the post number



8a2b37 No.1303690


RBG was held up in esteem on NBC. today. No mention of illl

18fdd3 No.1303691

File: 66a06543d03cb06⋯.png (52.04 KB, 778x740, 389:370, ClipboardImage.png)

How many of our Universities are dirty


Selling Weapons Grade Plutonium to Enemies?

7f6727 No.1303692

File: a99fa5557ecaaff⋯.png (43.01 KB, 829x222, 829:222, ClipboardImage.png)

NEW Q!!! Soooo much lag!

afcc93 No.1303693


Is this in the Congress resignations list???

Stanley Rosenberg

b652a2 No.1303694


Also it puts them totally out of the flow of information, so some operations may have been delayed (including detailed planning) until they were out of the building for good.

dc3928 No.1303695


If they're jet-setting around like that, it's the only thing that makes sense. The old "End run around the constitution."

The Audacity.

a52360 No.1303696


elaborate, pls

4e4bdd No.1303697

The pedo cocaine homotus professional wrestler memes are tacky rogan

19524c No.1303698


ty anon

24a99f No.1303699


The very Breast patrol…

Salute all 24 of them…

976dd9 No.1303700

Sarah Sanders

Put a 00:30 minute time limit on press briefings, hard in/out

Force them to manage the time and stick to real questions

9fc8f1 No.1303701


You're disturbed. Go away

89c170 No.1303703


So how does Rosenstein and his role help out Potus? Unless they can connect Rosenstein and Mueller as being connected to HRC, O, JK at this point. Or unless they are helping Potus to gather information and document their traitorous actions. Which is it.

554594 No.1303704


dun dun dun, and the plot thickens ; )

e70608 No.1303705



For now…anons dowin der coms wit der lingos.

cef6a1 No.1303706

File: 14dee77a536fedd⋯.jpg (959.65 KB, 4000x1994, 2000:997, sessionsSoon.jpg)

ec13a4 No.1303707



I'll show you my Pepe if you show me yours?


7f37f3 No.1303708


It's a movie. I'll see what it has to say about being anonymous.

c537b0 No.1303709


Yellow Sky. Finally! Justice.

17fa6b No.1303710


My guess why they need to travel abroad is because their comms are compromised and must meet face-to-face.

1925b6 No.1303711

File: a548e24272fc188⋯.png (4.99 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 87a903e7d8a6cbb74eb0fd80b4….png)


In the wee hours of Thursday morning we came to the knowledge that Q layers information in the photo drops that are made. That's why they are so large. The process is called STEGANOGRAPHY.

Suspected is that the image names lead to the password necessary to decode the data that is imbedded.

Those images with black frames? It's not because Q is a lousy photographer. It's because black can hold more data.

Someone (presumably a member of Team Q) gave a link to a website that uncodes these things.

https://www.mobilefish. com/services/steganography/steganography.php

The problem? This only accepts up to 4mg. Also, still no password.

Uploading one of Q's images with original file name. From Wed night/Thur morning.

PLEASE - head to the board 1608 if you have more questions and read the back and forth there. I'm absolute in the fact that this is a directive.

>>1283315 started it all

7eb63f No.1303712


HAHAHAHAHA, Ubber Fagotry. Product Placement with Corsi's Book?

Notable I'd say

e336e5 No.1303713


Netflix is a known lefty knob gobbler. Of course they're trying to paint us as the enemy.

d91e95 No.1303714


no I personally was referencing the drudge headliner for today about JK

b652a2 No.1303715


The President of the US Senate is Mike Pence, not Stanley Rosenberg.

Presumably the Massachusetts Senate.

b859bc No.1303716


They are fleeing the country? Or trying to…?

80d7e5 No.1303717



>Haven' we all been talking about this for like 2 years?

Yeah, but JW is calling for NEW investigation into Weiner's laptop!!

a0f27c No.1303718


At least they danced in front of the camera.

With the DOJ we had do you really think they could have done more?

Congress can't arrest.

df7f33 No.1303719

File: 87a3413d1f8f8ad⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 5233x8177, 5233:8177, ClintonBodies.jpg)


He's absolutely right, the world IS connected, and it's sure as hell watching.

Theory: Kerry was doing the State Department heavy lifting while the Sea Hag (who is lazy and not healthy) was just being toted around like somebody's chihuahua, taking meetings, making promises, and grabbing checks from foreign countries. It's all just so debased and low.

Hussein and Kerry and all their pals are going to be shunned like Hester Prynne after this debacle.

I think all the sentences should include the loss of their citizenship. These evil creatures don't deserve the privilege of it.

1381d9 No.1303720


No FISA warrant or civilian court. Per EO signed 12/21 Enemy Combatants, military tribunals are in order

92433e No.1303721

File: 98a6327a0cf7a1b⋯.png (206.06 KB, 1233x388, 1233:388, a235672354625462546256.png)

The World Is Watching

5648e9 No.1303722


United States Courts of Appeals

Denotes nomination pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee Denotes nomination reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee

# Judge Circuit Nomination

date Confirmation

date Confirmation

vote Began active

service Ended active

service Ended senior


1 Amul Thapar Sixth March 21, 2017 May 25, 2017 52–44[A 1] May 25, 2017 Incumbent –

2 John K. Bush Sixth May 8, 2017 July 20, 2017 51–47[A 2] July 21, 2017 Incumbent –

3 Kevin Newsom Eleventh May 8, 2017 August 1, 2017 66–31[A 3] August 2, 2017 Incumbent –

4 Ralph R. Erickson Eighth June 7, 2017 September 28, 2017 95–1[A 4] October 12, 2017 Incumbent –

5 Amy Coney Barrett Seventh May 8, 2017 October 31, 2017 55–43[A 5] November 2, 2017 Incumbent –

6 Joan Larsen Sixth May 8, 2017 November 1, 2017 60–38[A 6] November 2, 2017 Incumbent –

7 Allison H. Eid Tenth June 7, 2017 November 2, 2017 56–41[A 7] November 3, 2017 Incumbent –

8 Stephanos Bibas Third June 19, 2017 November 2, 2017 53–43[A 8] November 20, 2017 Incumbent –

9 Gregory G. Katsas D.C. September 7, 2017 November 28, 2017 50–48[A 9] December 8, 2017 Incumbent –

10 L. Steven Grasz Eighth August 3, 2017 December 12, 2017 50–48[A 10] January 3, 2018 Incumbent –

11 Don Willett Fifth October 3, 2017 December 13, 2017 50–47[A 11] January 2, 2018 Incumbent –

12 James C. Ho Fifth October 16, 2017 December 14, 2017 53–43[A 12] January 4, 2018 Incumbent –

13 David Stras Eighth January 8, 2018[Rn 1] January 30, 2018 56–42[A 13] January 31, 2018 Incumbent –

14 Elizabeth L. Branch Eleventh January 8, 2018[Rn 2] February 27, 2018 73–23[A 14] March 19, 2018 Incumbent –

15 Kyle Duncan Fifth January 8, 2018[Rn 3] April 24, 2018 50–47[A 15] May 1, 2018 Incumbent –

– Kurt D. Engelhardt Fifth January 8, 2018[Rn 4] – – – – –

– Michael B. Brennan Seventh January 8, 2018[Rn 5] – – – – –

– Joel M. Carson III Tenth December 20, 2017 – – – – –

– John B. Nalbandian Sixth January 24, 2018 – – – – –

– Michael Y. Scudder Seventh February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Amy J. St. Eve Seventh February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Ryan Bounds Ninth January 8, 2018[Rn 2] – – – – –

– Mark J. Bennett Ninth February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Andy Oldham Fifth February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Britt Grant Eleventh April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Paul Matey Third April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– David J. Porter Third April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr. Fourth pending – – – – –

– Julius N. Richardson Fourth pending – – – – –

– Richard J. Sullivan Second pending

7bfac8 No.1303723

File: 56c6805d7c98db0⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 500x772, 125:193, 5-5.JPG)

c35b85 No.1303724

Sessions is the only one that can fire all these law enforcement officials.

dd2131 No.1303725

File: 240f3a57ae1a388⋯.png (331.1 KB, 955x280, 191:56, muellerrelleum.png)


Nosenstein appointed Mueller because of what Comey did. It seems more and more like a work every day, the climax being FLIPPED MUELLER.

ca81c6 No.1303726

Newfags, please note if replying to posts from a previous board.

2aa317 No.1303727

Throw the book at John Kerry, Renegade, and Evergreen for Logan Act violations. They cannot undermine US policy for the deep state. I remember seeing JK at the German military forum sitting side by side with Iran's foreign minister and it looked shady as hell.

5db469 No.1303728


Thanks for your service, QAnonAnon.

8ce3be No.1303729

File: a651c47ce268414⋯.png (29.34 KB, 681x455, 681:455, ClipboardImage.png)

This is odd…

Q says Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]

Ok, cool.

Too bad it happened in February.

I guess we need to scour the news for more FBI peeps that have resigned, quit or been let go in since Jan of this year.

I don't understand why Q would mention this now considering the event is months old. In any case..

9d6171 No.1303730



ANONS, this is called a victim perpetrator dialogue and POTUS is going to host it, oversee it, and allow it to play live to the world.


ThanQ Jared, POTUS, Q team, etc… although I if you're lurking I believe I can help make it better..

So much so that Robin Roberts, GMA, scuttled an interview with me during the Furgerson riots.. didn't want a message of unity interrupting their division driven/outrage media sourced profits..

Which BTW, Mr. President, your genius.. your ability to supply the MSM's demand yet twist it for good is absolutely incredible.

Mr. President… I know, I see, I understand. Brilliant sir, just brilliant.

760d22 No.1303731







7d0613 No.1303732

Will Hillary & BO will be taken care of publically or privately? If not in the public…..I fear that. We need to know.

5daeec No.1303733

Q wrecking the house and I'm stuck phonefaggin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is anon working on past Congress v. Q

[UPDATE] F_I doj resignation side by side?

a52360 No.1303734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Las Vegas Shooting Body Cams Synced With Police Scanner Audio

6be4af No.1303735


you should know by now that we are under a 2 tier justice system.

e70608 No.1303736



fa2b18 No.1303737



Trying really hard to 'move to the other side'. You're not helping. Maybe it's a sign. kek!

23b0c5 No.1303738

File: ea996a35bfb22e2⋯.png (50.71 KB, 383x262, 383:262, 7D3DB5D6-B88A-4174-9376-74….png)

File: c5e30927893b266⋯.jpeg (20.76 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 284BED0E-0C23-42AE-8B1F-6….jpeg)

df6643 No.1303739

File: 426e2c82a33560a⋯.png (336.9 KB, 634x608, 317:304, ISRAEL.png)

Guys.. We're in problems…

https:// twitter.com/MiddleEastMnt/status/992592274050740224

c76efd No.1303740


Thank God

for good Russian Gun porn

f276f4 No.1303741

BO and JK are flying around on a real life 'apology tour' apologizing they let Trump win because now all the bribes are falling to shit.

2bccda No.1303742

File: d10f0745ced13dc⋯.jpg (374.03 KB, 900x849, 300:283, noah1.jpg)

File: b904b89b5516063⋯.jpg (151.42 KB, 900x450, 2:1, noah2.jpg)

File: 62f63f7afa6c800⋯.jpg (257.78 KB, 900x639, 100:71, noah3.jpg)

File: 1f5f2115ee0a3bc⋯.jpg (200.77 KB, 1024x348, 256:87, noah4.jpg)

fbfa6e No.1303743

File: 5d13a3db28a6869⋯.png (902.82 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-04-21-3….png)


d9ea69 No.1303744

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/04/federal-judge-catches-robert-mueller-using-preexisting-fisa-title-1-warrant-against-paul-manafort-instead-of-title-3-authority/

I just realized something haha, holy moly!!!!!!!! What if that Title 1 FISA warrant was left open not to investigate trump but for legal grounds to spy on all the cabal conspirators.

5db469 No.1303745


Not only are they both former SoS's, but they're also former failed presidential candidates.

80d7e5 No.1303746

File: 004775ed482145f⋯.png (163.05 KB, 417x411, 139:137, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'll show you my Pepe if you show me yours?


e70608 No.1303747



25b473 No.1303748

File: c70175bc826e572⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1111x3861, 101:351, Q 2018-05-04_16-02_22-21.png)

File: 22c0cc2a8e256f9⋯.png (222.05 KB, 1111x531, 1111:531, Q 2018-05-04_TRIP UPDATE.png)

File: 35af055fd22a659⋯.png (161.93 KB, 1111x369, 1111:369, Q 2018-05-04 16-10 58.png)

Q 2018-05-04_16-02_22-21.png

Q 2018-05-04_TRIP UPDATE.png

Q 2018-05-04 16-10 58.png



dc3928 No.1303749


But not millions of us, not easily. Need a may-hay-hajor FF for that kind of action.

554594 No.1303750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i played the other 2 a song


heres urs

02ba5c No.1303751


He's dropping her down he stairs.

e70608 No.1303752


13c45f No.1303753


I'm going to tell you once and once only. IF you don't like how the Bakers bake — get to baking school and do it yourself.

DO NOT sit back and bitch asking for other volunteers because your standards aren't being met.

0ff5b3 No.1303754

File: 87c52d521da9055⋯.jpg (52.63 KB, 648x368, 81:46, hill cunt.jpg)

File: f4047f947ab1abf⋯.jpg (128.4 KB, 749x500, 749:500, hill farewell.jpg)

4e4bdd No.1303755

e70608 No.1303756


0441c7 No.1303757

File: cccf1b5d69725cd⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 303x166, 303:166, kerry traitor2.jpg)

7808db No.1303758


The answers have been gathered from community research.

I can add more but they must be submitted to me for review.

7bfac8 No.1303759


notice his shoulder holster?

5648e9 No.1303760


United States District Courts

Denotes nomination pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee Denotes nomination reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee

# Judge Court

[Note 1] Nomination

date Confirmation

date Confirmation

vote Began active

service Ended active

service Ended senior


1 David Nye D. Idaho May 8, 2017[Rn 6] July 12, 2017 100–0[D 1] July 12, 2017 Incumbent –

2 Timothy J. Kelly D.D.C. June 7, 2017 September 5, 2017 94–2[D 2] September 8, 2017 Incumbent –

3 Scott L. Palk W.D. Okla. May 8, 2017[Rn 7] October 26, 2017 79–16[D 3] October 31, 2017 Incumbent –

4 Trevor N. McFadden D.D.C. June 7, 2017 October 30, 2017 84–10[D 4] October 31, 2017 Incumbent –

5 Donald C. Coggins Jr. D.S.C. August 3, 2017[Rn 8] November 16, 2017 96–0[D 5] November 20, 2017 Incumbent –

6 Dabney L. Friedrich D.D.C. June 7, 2017 November 27, 2017 97–3[D 6] December 1, 2017 Incumbent –

7 William L. Campbell Jr. M.D. Tenn. July 13, 2017 January 9, 2018 97–0[D 7] January 12, 2018 Incumbent –

8 Tommy Parker W.D. Tenn. July 13, 2017 January 10, 2018 98–0[D 8] January 30, 2018 Incumbent –

9 Michael Lawrence Brown N.D. Ga. July 13, 2017 January 11, 2018 92–0[D 9] January 17, 2018 Incumbent –

10 Walter David Counts III W.D. Tex. September 11, 2017[Rn 9] January 11, 2018 96–0[D 10] January 17, 2018 Incumbent –

11 A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr. D.S.C. August 3, 2017 March 1, 2018 69–28[D 11] March 6, 2018 Incumbent –

12 Karen Gren Scholer N.D. Tex. September 7, 2017[Rn 10] March 5, 2018 95–0[D 12] March 6, 2018 Incumbent –

13 Tripp Self M.D. Ga. July 13, 2017 March 5, 2018 85–11[D 13] March 7, 2018 Incumbent –

14 Terry A. Doughty W.D. La. August 3, 2017 March 6, 2018 98–0[D 14] March 7, 2018 Incumbent –

15 Claria Horn Boom E.D. Ky.

W.D. Ky. June 12, 2017 April 10, 2018 96–1[D 15] April 11, 2018 Incumbent –

16 John W. Broomes D. Kan. September 7, 2017 April 12, 2018 voice vote[D 16] April 16, 2018 Incumbent –

17 Rebecca Grady Jennings W.D. Ky. September 7, 2017 April 12, 2018 voice vote[D 17] April 19, 2018 Incumbent –

– Robert E. Wier E.D. Ky. August 3, 2017 – – – – –

– R. Stan Baker S.D. Ga. September 7, 2017 – – – – –

– Fernando Rodriguez Jr. S.D. Tex. September 7, 2017 – – – – –

– Howard C. Nielson Jr. D. Utah September 28, 2017 – – – – –

– James R. Sweeney II S.D. Ind. November 1, 2017 – – – – –

– Susan Paradise Baxter W.D. Pa. December 20, 2017[Rn 11] – – – – –

– Colm Connolly D. Del. December 20, 2017[Rn 12] – – – – –

– Kari A. Dooley D. Conn. December 20, 2017 – – – – –

– Gordon P. Giampietro E.D. Wis. December 20, 2017 – – – – –

– Marilyn Jean Horan W.D. Pa. December 20, 2017[Rn 13] – – – – –

– Chad F. Kenney E.D. Pa. December 20, 2017 – – – – –

– Maryellen Noreika D. Del. December 20, 2017 – – – – –

– William F. Jung M.D. Fla. December 21, 2017[Rn 14] – – – – –

– Jill Otake D. Haw. December 21, 2017 – – – – –

– Barry W. Ashe E.D. La. January 8, 2018[Rn 3] – – – – –

– Annemarie Carney Axon N.D. Ala. January 8, 2018[Rn 15] – – – – –

– Jeffrey Uhlman Beaverstock S.D. Ala. January 8, 2018[Rn 2] – – – – –

– Liles C. Burke N.D. Ala. January 8, 2018[Rn 15] – – – – –

– Daniel D. Domenico D. Colo. January 8, 2018[Rn 3] – – – – –

– Thomas Alvin Farr E.D.N.C. January 8, 2018[Rn 16] – – – – –

– Charles Barnes Goodwin W.D. Okla. January 8, 2018[Rn 17] – – – – –

– Michael J. Juneau W.D. La. January 8, 2018[Rn 5] – – – – –

– Matthew J. Kacsmaryk N.D. Tex. January 8, 2018[Rn 2] – – – – –

– Emily Coody Marks M.D. Ala. January 8, 2018[Rn 2] – – – – –

– Terry F. Moorer S.D. Ala. January 8, 2018[Rn 2] – – – – –

– Mark Norris W.D. Tenn. January 8, 2018[Rn 17] – – – – –

– William McCrary Ray II N.D. Ga. January 8, 2018[Rn 17] – – – – –

– Eli J. Richardson M.D. Tenn. January 8, 2018[Rn 17] – – – – –

– Holly Lou Teeter D. Kan. January 8, 2018[Rn 5] – – – – –

– J. Campbell Barker E.D. Tex. January 23, 2018 – – – – –

– Jeremy D. Kernodle E.D. Tex. January 23, 2018 – – – – –

– Michael J. Truncale E.D. Tex. January 23, 2018 – – – – –

– Wendy Vitter E.D. La. January 23, 2018 – – – – –

– Alan D. Albright W.D. Tex. January 24, 2018 – – – – –

– Susan Brnovich D. Ariz. January 24, 2018 – – – – –

– Dominic W. Lanza D. Ariz. January 24, 2018 – – – – –

– Robert R. Summerhays W.D. La. January 24, 2018 – – – – –

– Nancy E. Brasel D. Minn. February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Thomas S. Kleeh N.D. W. Va. February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Peter J. Phipps W.D. Pa. February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Eric C. Tostrud D. Minn. February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– C. J. Williams N.D. Iowa February 15, 2018 – – – – –

– Wendy Williams Berger M.D. Fla. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Holly A. Brady N.D. Ind. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Andrew L. Brasher M.D. Ala. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

afcc93 No.1303761


I asked Baker to put the actual 2 page document in Notables last Bread -

but Baker failed to do.


b859bc No.1303762


Hussien/JK out of country meeting with some [enemy] foreign heads of states…

HRC/BC flying under the radar…

Fleeing the country is my guess…

554594 No.1303763


i got a 3 hour spankin 4 that

80d7e5 No.1303764


>Not only are they both former SoS's, but they're also former failed presidential candidates.

Ahhh, so true, Anon!

ca81c6 No.1303765


they literally look like twins

d8cc88 No.1303766





(((They))) know their time is up.

19524c No.1303767


ty for the heads up… watching will be just like time in here… be your own filter.

c35b85 No.1303769

File: 3a644d00997d3ce⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 29a69t~2.jpg)

File: abeb4ce9399d4d8⋯.jpg (14.22 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 29ccg9.jpg)

Fuck off Q moderator you censing piece of shit.

dc3928 No.1303771


That is plain old fashioned treason, right? I mean, the kind anyone can see on its face?

cc6d52 No.1303772


Hatch, legit old = retirement, no idea what's up with Chaffetz, but A implied that Howdy would be freed up for a new position/role.

8ce3be No.1303773

File: 8bda9b471ace646⋯.png (20.6 KB, 944x192, 59:12, ClipboardImage.png)

Josh Campell also let on on 2.8.18.

Now works for CNN

760d22 No.1303774



5db469 No.1303775


My guess is on #4, since Q has basically said that's what Macron and Merkel were doing in the States last week.

But #1-3 and 5 are good theories too.

7f6727 No.1303776


FALSE! If Q ever said that, then show the post. LIAR!!

e1e787 No.1303777


Thanks anon. That's more of his natural hand gesture. Uses it for rivers, borders, walls etc.

POTUS often uses the thumb/index pinch.. doesn't mean he's doing 666.

3a0f17 No.1303778

File: 09c0218bb622978⋯.png (312.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Jay_Z_Prodigy.png)

File: 638852672e18fda⋯.png (2.38 MB, 4167x2083, 4167:2083, JAY Z BIGGIE_TUPAC_revised….png)

cd68d6 No.1303779


Aw, you must be too new to remember the 5 times this board has gone down that exact same road with Q's posted images and got absolutely nothing out of it.

cc6d52 No.1303780


Shoot…Q implied.

30d50b No.1303781


He told us to dig on FBI, for now. It's unreported/under reported news, thus the dig.

c8f373 No.1303782

From part of Q drop

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

Could be looking for a no extradition countries to take them in or they could be planing an attack of some kind

8a2b37 No.1303783


Foot up someone's tookis

afcc93 No.1303784


Maybe we can use the Logan Act on all them for the first time.

c6fd3a No.1303785


Holy shit watch the water!!!

e2e258 No.1303786


And trying to stage war/assassinations/any other thing to cause chaos

554594 No.1303787

File: 32f73e685b0dd96⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 139x216, 139:216, bigtoe.jpg)


check em

80d7e5 No.1303788


> IF you don't like how the Bakers bake — get to baking school and do it yourself.


760d22 No.1303789

Nov 1 2017 23:54:52 (EST) Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX 147581302

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

e70608 No.1303790

Finding boards and forums sucked

c133f0 No.1303791

haha did eberyione just refreah all their tabs?

c35b85 No.1303792

File: ed2f0fed87e467f⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 365x273, 365:273, 192-0210025327-karl-rove-i….jpg)

File: f1e78b2542a2022⋯.jpg (21.32 KB, 350x263, 350:263, 29ok7c.jpg)

Fuck off Karl Rove.

6be4af No.1303793


good luck with that. This board is full of dickheads just waiting to spew forth their venom for no other reason than they are just miserable human beings.

405118 No.1303794

File: 166ddbc2e4fa4cf⋯.jpg (622.67 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, fakenewsga.jpg)


https:// 8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html#q64

d9ea69 No.1303795


Peaceful sea

25b473 No.1303796

>>1303761 can you just redo a full post? i'll notable it

ca81c6 No.1303797


bread i s moving pretty fast. maybe he just missed it.

5c3e95 No.1303798

File: d7b437558f32622⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 500x789, 500:789, dog-salute.jpg)


Very much appreciated, Anon.

554594 No.1303799

File: 3d0d75b1c69e77e⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 478x640, 239:320, IMG_1456 - Copy.JPG)


how bout a toe?

5648e9 No.1303800


– John M. O'Connor E.D. Okla.

N.D. Okla.

W.D. Okla. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Lance E. Walker D. Me. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Allen C. Winsor N.D. Fla. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Patrick Wyrick W.D. Okla. April 10, 2018 – – – – –

– Raúl M. Arias-Marxuach D.P.R. April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Pamela A. Barker N.D. Ohio April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Kenneth D. Bell W.D.N.C. April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Stephen R. Clark Sr. E.D. Mo. April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– James Patrick Hanlon S.D. Ind. April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Jon Katchen D. Alaska April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Mary S. McElroy D.R.I. April 12, 2018[Rn 18] – – – – –

– David S. Morales S.D. Tex. April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Sarah D. Morrison S.D. Ohio April 12, 2018 – – – – –

– Roy Altman S.D. Fla. pending – – – – –

– Thomas P. Barber M.D. Fla. pending – – – – –

– Rodolfo Ruiz S.D. Fla. pending – – – – –

– Rodney Smith S.D. Fla. pending – – – – –

– T. Kent Wetherell II N.D. Fla. pending

cb3084 No.1303801


At first glance I agreed, but I think it may be the shoulder pad in his suit.

df6643 No.1303802


Lebeanon has Nukes?

They also have in Elections this week.

b8b4d2 No.1303803


the vigorish will be steep….

07780e No.1303804


Why are we letting them travel ?? Cancel their passports !! This is a NO BRAINER.

760d22 No.1303806


Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

80d7e5 No.1303807


>Q said to trust Corsi,

Q NEVER, EVER said that bs, Jerome!

dc3928 No.1303808


Over the target, Anons.

24a99f No.1303809


Not surprised.

Zionists will act like they will go full retard like that, but if they have sense they will just settle with the authority ruling.

Russia and USA sitting pretty in Syria will be a looming shadow of reality…

e70608 No.1303810

what would be the best way to show the way?

02204e No.1303812


Election Fraud Rove

8ce3be No.1303813

File: 2bdcc37a14c08e5⋯.png (43.9 KB, 947x323, 947:323, ClipboardImage.png)

Ok Q, fuck off, this is bullshit.

Dateline of 2016??!

Come on guys,

Twenty Fucking sixteen.

7d0613 No.1303814


Except one looks like he could airlift with the first gust of wind.

9d6171 No.1303815




I appreciate that anons. Yet, we all have strengths.. my time is much better spent in other areas.

So if you're going to "bitch" at me and tell me where I need to "improve" fill the gap yourself.

I was simply asking for a standby baker incase the incoming is a shill. Which I believe the last was an inexperienced baker or a shill.. So fuck off.

I helped bake wednesday AM EST.

Evenings are a no go.


1381d9 No.1303816

My gut tells me Mueller is as black hat as they come. His actions have been contemptible. Investigation will be shut down within the week. Charges withdrawn from Flynn and Manafort. Rosenstein resigns

1925b6 No.1303817


Nah. That's just a new thing that popped up in the last few weeks. It's a convenience sometimes, but not a requirement.

NEWFAGS, glad to have you. Carry on.

70db67 No.1303818


Phonefags can't hover to see link

c59122 No.1303819


The power of your projection is immense.

Try a mirror.

f34ee7 No.1303820


>anonymity when it serves leftists goals is fine

>when it doesn't it's terrorism

Have you guys figured out yet that this "incel rebellion" bullshit narrative is just a push to legalize prostitution? They're really mad Backpage was shut down.

e1e787 No.1303821


Pisses me off.

Sellout gets to marry Beyonce, cabal arranged marriage.

Our black patriots get a bullet.

d91e95 No.1303823


do you hop IP?

I sware filtered you earlier

7bfac8 No.1303824


and add…look under his arm. the barrel-shaped shadow

d9ea69 No.1303825


I still think RM and RR are white hats

760d22 No.1303826


Yes you can. Hold your finger on the link and it will peek the reply.

e70608 No.1303827

what is the way to offer the opening to those who see the cucks cucking to the cuckening?

1a2053 No.1303828

>>Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/04/18 (Fri) 22:21:37 No.65

I hope the world is watching the BS of Hussein/JK and HRC/BC and I hope the world is working with Potus to shut it down. It's justice lock'em up time Q team and Potus.

b652a2 No.1303829


Nah, honestly nobody's ever prosecuted for the Logan Act. It's a bit of a joke.

Sedition, however, is no joke.

c8f373 No.1303830


It's like Q said in one of the old Q drops

They hear everything

They see everything

They know everything

They have everything

568116 No.1303831

File: ac685e442a9b71f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 731x898, 731:898, 1.PNG)

e336e5 No.1303833


I'm okay with prostitution being legalized, as long as it is regulated and the girls are clean!

25b473 No.1303834

>>1303496 got it, thanks

>>1303474 good stuff indeed

e96904 No.1303835


My guess is that they were trying to bully/threaten other countries into financing/backing them in an overthrow of our government. If we had a lesser man in office, their plan may have succeeded if only because the other countries were afraid of them. But I bet POTUS made it clear that any countries helping them would be considered assessories to the crime and would feel the wrath of the US.

bba337 No.1303836

File: 328cdb2a90b4359⋯.png (124.4 KB, 1008x297, 112:33, 54.PNG)

The difference of the 2 posts in this is 99 days

7bdf67 No.1303837


Please just answer this Y or N.

His Sessions The silent executor?

568116 No.1303838



1c391c No.1303839


History Channel dropping HUGE disclosures tonight!

7bfac8 No.1303840

File: 56c6805d7c98db0⋯.jpg (90.68 KB, 500x772, 125:193, 5-5.JPG)

80d7e5 No.1303841


awesome work, coverAnon!

8a2b37 No.1303842


HAHAHAHAHA. LET OUR ENEMY TAKE IT OUT ON THEM. Who will protect them from water boarding and bad conditions. …?

9fc8f1 No.1303843

Fucking shills shitting up the board. Y'all askeered?

2c8962 No.1303844


Georgia has no extradition agreement with US

e70608 No.1303845


Grab your dick…suck it…shove it up your ass…suck it again…

What have you done?

259e9f No.1303846

554594 No.1303847


on what exactly

7fcb6d No.1303848


Sorry, I don't think that is a "thing" at all. There was quite a lot of time spent on figuring out if Q was "coding" in his pics. Why in the world would Q leave something that would need an expert to decode, if he was wanting us to figure things out? Cryptic messages, yes. Actual cryptology code stuff, I don't think so. JMHO, of course.

7bfac8 No.1303849


damn I love these

f5b37c No.1303850

File: 940518c3363857e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 984x611, 984:611, flag-batter-big.png)

File: cff21ff02a8e7ae⋯.png (548.09 KB, 588x474, 98:79, baker-ty-eagle-flag.png)

File: b7020950c084a34⋯.png (644.97 KB, 863x504, 863:504, maga-flag-batter-x1.png)

File: 6824cc22bf77293⋯.png (748.39 KB, 456x682, 228:341, meme-batter-flag-sunset-x.png)

9d6171 No.1303851


So much for a "lazy" baker.

I appreciate you, anon.

I will help collect notables as well.

89c170 No.1303852




It's treason for sure. Will they be charged with it? God I hope so.

b9ef87 No.1303853

Q we need some Per Event News Please….. Asking for a Group.

af7139 No.1303854


It appears that it was you who was being a whining bitch, yet you project.

f34ee7 No.1303855



Yeah, stego has been brought up. It's just how ant iPhone X renders photos.

c26f76 No.1303856



Maybe this Trump fellow has a strategy.

a0f27c No.1303857


In that camp right now. Watching.

e2e258 No.1303858

MOAR suicides please

1c391c No.1303859


Tesla and DJT's uncle

major connecting of the dots

1925b6 No.1303860


Can you give me the board numbers for the other 5 times? There might be something there I can use.

ca81c6 No.1303862


agreed, glad to have them, just a pain to get back to this board once you clicked on the post number and left it. Just an fyi to them, not a complaint.

9fc8f1 No.1303863


I think he has gotten himself a nasty old STD!


554594 No.1303864

b85486 No.1303865

(Bread #1633)


>…I'm 30 and torn up in ways most can't fathom….

I'm so strung out that I haven't been doing what I know I should, but I can speak from experience that you can heal with alternative health techniques. You need to research like hell and experiment very carefully a little at a time. God bless you, anon.

fbfa6e No.1303866



Maybe the timeline moved up?

657f84 No.1303867


GOP resigns and gives them time to find a suitable GOP replacement. Dems get ambushed just prior to the midterms. They'd be smarter to go ahead and start culling their own ranks because they have to know what is liable to be coming down the road.

7f37f3 No.1303869


Taking notes. Already it's blowing my mind. Like I think "they" already have this technology they are mimicking in the movie. Details when I am done watching. They have to tell us their plans.

25b473 No.1303870


well, i've other stuff to do, but i caught up




>>1303474 General Flynn twitter banners side-by-side

>>1303687 new Netflix series called ANON, where the trailer says that anonymous is the enemy

>>1303509 , >>>1302688 (last bread) Title 1 FISA on Carter Page stripped every incidental contact of their civil rights.


810287 No.1303872


Yes. Congress has the power to impeach and to withdraw any agency's money either all or in part. The latter can be done at the committee level.

They can wipe out trouble makers job positions by zeroing out the money for them. Viola they're gone. Congress would rather do stupid shit like name post offices than their primary ones: passing the budget and effective oversight.

afcc93 No.1303875

>>1303666 John Kerry Coaches Palenstinians not to Yield to Trump in Peace Talks

Notable I know it's January but should be remembered along with Iran, etc.

8ce3be No.1303876


Crickets crickets

twenty fucking sixteen….

Density increasing…

5648e9 No.1303877

I posted a copy paste of the POTUS Judges . If you wonder if the stage is set to arrest and prosecute big fish, check the Judge list to see if there is an even/fair playing field for their area. Don'e expect arrests while we still have activist Judges in control

a1824a No.1303879


[The world is connected]

Decode: The world has been taken over by a global crime syndicate, Q is telling us they are fighting it to defend us from being destroyed by this syndicate.

[The world is watching]

Decode: To all the readers here you and I and perhaps billions are watching this unfold in real time and are undergoing a huge great awakening.

This crime syndicate has taken over all countries one by one and America is the last and sole and greatest threat to a worldwide generational crime syndicate.







e168f5 No.1303880


I bet it's Michelle Wie!

405118 No.1303881

File: 061745fc0f27900⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 634x620, 317:310, lisapage.jpg)


She was just fired. It wasn't a resignation.

But at least she didn't get [force] as others?

She's a gossip. That's good.

df7f33 No.1303882

File: 8b5f997ee544b01⋯.jpg (108.55 KB, 768x772, 192:193, CyberCommand.jpg)

US Cyber Command, now under command of Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone, who will report directly to Secretary of Defense James Mattis, has been elevated to a Unified Combatant Command.

A unified combatant command (UCC) is a United States Department of Defense command that is composed of forces from at least two Military Departments and has a broad and continuing mission.

The creation and organization of the unified combatant commands is legally mandated in Title 10, U.S. Code Sections 161–168.

There are currently 10 United States UCC's.

554594 No.1303883


dude, they dusted the towers and fried cali

957ce7 No.1303884

File: 3a644d00997d3ce⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 29a69t~2.jpg)

File: 67a5309bf71d70e⋯.jpg (14.18 KB, 278x181, 278:181, 29b5li.jpg)

Moderator you are a dumb piece of shit….. I see you are having money problems.

Next time go ban you're mother's dick.

5db469 No.1303885


Easiest way is to find other similar photos in qanon.pub, click to the actual bread the post was in, then move forward to discussion in subsequent breads.

I have a similar recollection that steganography went nowhere.

We are so used to looking for tiny little clues ["everything has meaning"] that we dig in where nothing is intended.

b8b4d2 No.1303886


is that anna chapman, former russian spy?

f5b37c No.1303887

File: 165ca2a7df89e0d⋯.png (910.42 KB, 912x680, 114:85, patriot-kag-flag-usa.png)

File: 6ae3c9905035795⋯.png (566.24 KB, 518x573, 518:573, baker-ty-flag-rifle-dog.png)

File: 41252c06e2f8058⋯.png (1.02 MB, 912x684, 4:3, kag-2020-flag.png)

File: e17b8c9d397b6d1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 987x652, 987:652, flag-freedom.png)

afcc93 No.1303888

File: ac57d455a5ecd37⋯.jpg (9.3 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 2ea672cf0c325950104040a143….jpg)

19524c No.1303889


watching… nice interface graphics… clean.

07780e No.1303890


Thats why they need us disarmed. 300 Million guns in this country keeps them away.

b652a2 No.1303891


Dems cannot normalize their party. Neither the radical leftists / Muslims, nor the Hillary group, will quit.

It might make sense to leave Hillary in place until after the midterms before taking her down. Once she's down the Dems can just become the Communist Party.

a52360 No.1303892

File: 60b3967f93cff2a⋯.png (717.17 KB, 632x584, 79:73, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)

File: e6695a7d2d84c11⋯.png (760.54 KB, 765x575, 153:115, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)

As seen on plebbit r/greatawakening

80d7e5 No.1303893


>Trying really hard

Dubs confirm!

760d22 No.1303894

Nov 1 2017 23:54:52 (EST) Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX 147581302

Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

c59122 No.1303895


Clearly, you are either a team of fart sniffers, or one fart sniffer on two devices.

e2e258 No.1303896


Evil and ugly, not a good combo

3a0f17 No.1303897


nice badger hound

7bfac8 No.1303898


George Soros just bought a huge chunk of netflix. expect to see a fuck ton more propaganda

71f3f5 No.1303899


Aren't they simply spinning out, doing damage control as they see it and failing? Hopefully…

8b4ebf No.1303900

>>1302665 (pb)

I'm taking the facts I learned from listening to this to my Neuro Opt when I go in a few weeks.

Double fuckin' vision?

'I can't explain it!' they said…

Your eyes aren't coordinated they said…

Bells Palsey at 30 they said….no big…

Eyelid twitching constantly…no big they say.

Best part is that I told my eye dr I've had the double vision my whole life.

Muscle rigidity too, so I tear things easily.

But let's get real…

They'll NEVER make it right, will they?

How could they, even to allow us to live like human beings.

554594 No.1303901


yep yall mfers in trouble

i know nothing, lol

a07b88 No.1303902

>>1303295 (last bread)


I'm still trying to figure this out as well. I think it is stateside.

52a615 No.1303903

File: 7a29ccdec6f0442⋯.jpg (454 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, pepewashere.jpg)

02ba5c No.1303904

Hussein, Kerry & the Klintoons are traveling the world, talking to world leaders, knowing that it is now or never for them and their evil plan for world dominance. These people are not clever—they just use the old, proven ways. Bribery & threats. With all the other satanist leaders around the world on the same page with them. Maximum pressure. One side is going to be beaten—smashed. If they lose, they lose literally everything. Our job is to bring them to that moment of utter despair.

3e32ca No.1303905

File: 60357a708669958⋯.jpeg (18.37 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 07f46af3558be9ce2f0b0d0a2….jpeg)


So what's the solution in the treasonous minds? Make Trump give them a ROI? Placate everyone who donated? JFK Trump if he does not cooperate?

What is the rest of the world expecting to happen?

d9ea69 No.1303906

The world is watching = trump administration has alerted foreign governments on what these clowns are trying to do and has preempted all of their moves because they see all and hear all. The world is watching them and knows their true motives.

c133f0 No.1303907


whats ur name

2b8e7a No.1303908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Taking it to the Streets

18fdd3 No.1303909





4b951c No.1303910


Tip toe through the Tulips on his way to jail.

a52360 No.1303911


Susan Rice on Board of Directors

Obamas are Netflix producers

25b473 No.1303912





>>1303474 General Flynn twitter banners side-by-side

>>1303509 , >>>1302688 (last bread) Title 1 FISA on Carter Page stripped every incidental contact of their civil rights.

>>1303349 Skippy colludes with 'high-net-worth individuals' in SFO.

>>1303666 John Kerry Coaches Palenstinians not to Yield to Trump in Peace Talks

>>1303687 new Netflix series called ANON, where the trailer says that anonymous is the enemy


got anything? this one was empty when i got the bake

259e9f No.1303913


2c8962 No.1303914


are you serious? i respect your opinion, but its totally naive. freshman in college CS courses pull out coded messages from images as class projects. Its not expert level shit at all. how about you do at least a simple search before weighing in an opinion to tell an anon to stop digging on something. holyshitanon i know its friendly fire but fuck you for trying to stifle digs

584ddb No.1303915


Yes, thank you very much. I have been making screenshots of Q posts since Feb - in EST, if you need/want to use them. I try to keep them around 400-450px wide and all blue (not the highlight pink) some better than others.

Feb: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yauk9hga/

March: https://postimg.cc/gallery/288psr0d6/

April: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2f58y6jyy/

May: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2se525yca/

So, so good to see you and thank you very much for your efforts!

c856fa No.1303916

File: b4107f432e3ff23⋯.png (96.95 KB, 385x293, 385:293, dim e ritard.png)

To anons it may concern,

I ID+ filter this fag >>1303327 and any other

>thank you bakers

>muh dicks >>1303328



If you care (you probably don't), please exercise some goddamn self-control.

1925b6 No.1303917


You know all those mispellings and weird capital letters in POTUS tweets? That's "actual cryptology."

I guess I'll go it alone starting Monday. Maybe since WWG1WGA, someone can wish me luck. Don't even have to post it. A mental high five will be just fine.

554594 No.1303918


shtap, never f do that again

no one is going to read ur red f book new fag!

u must go back

e96904 No.1303919


Because Dems are too stupid to retire. They actually think they can bully/bribe/manipulate their way out and still win.

f34ee7 No.1303920


Now imagine your daughter in that line of work

>I don't have a daughter

I figured.

87187d No.1303921


Dirty dozen.

13c45f No.1303922



Jan 07 2018 02:38:57




Hussein/HRC (& many more) must be terrified!

Ahmadinejed talking.

Where did ALL that money go?

How many planes?

Where did the planes land?

Why were Clowns/private contractors escorting?

Why cash?

Why offshore cash?

Why wasn’t Congress notified for approval?

Where did the bank wires originate from?

Coincidence all donations to the CF terminated post defeat?

What did AUS/UK obtain in exchange for all that money?

Where do majority of Rothschilds reside?

Why is Hussein traveling the globe and visiting major financial institutions?


Who are the Muslim Brotherhood?

Who is AWAN?

Who is Huma?

Who is VJ?

Who created ISIS?

Who controlled ISIS?

What was the purpose of ISIS?

Who is MS13?

Why were known MS13 members released after capture?

Who controls MS13?


Hard to swallow.

Watch the news.



8ce3be No.1303924


No screams of shill

no screams of illuminatist!

no screams at all??



Disappointed in (you)

96bd68 No.1303925

File: 978c725e31a82a8⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 7a371d1158aea414610b274e1b….jpg)

Why are there so many whiny newfag vaginae here this evening imposing their idiotic newfag rules, hectoring everyone with their newfagginess and newfaggy cringe, making the same newfag mistakes over and over, oblivious yet obnoxious, acting as if being here for three weeks they are now hardcorechan?

are you one of those disgusting newfags?

554594 No.1303927

18fdd3 No.1303928


Gathering evidence

W is cooperating with us

All on surveillance video

Coming soon to theater near you!

a72593 No.1303929

Has BO white listed new TRIP yet?

b84009 No.1303930


Deep Voice "In a world where people can talk to each other without disclosing personal identifiable information people mock and shitpost in the most effective ways. Answering back to power when power dindu nuthin'."

b0b22c No.1303932


and they are panicking as their support network collapses beneath them

7bfac8 No.1303933


Well fuck me

b652a2 No.1303934


Not sure what [FORCE] meant, maybe forced resignation rather than firing ("if you don't resign right now you will be fired")

7bdf67 No.1303935


Or the Kepler Elf?

Inquiring minds want to know.

e4cff6 No.1303936


Behind the scenes actions, which is why I don't fall into the "nothing is happening" trap…

Q, Apr 7

<We always see “It’s Happening” here.

bba337 No.1303937

File: 465b0aef09e15b6⋯.png (346.67 KB, 1225x706, 1225:706, 54pf 2.PNG)

Current activity

afcc93 No.1303938

>>1303427 Stanley Rosenberg Announces Resignation as Senator effective Friday.


b859bc No.1303939


I watched the movie 'Anon'. It's not about Aanonymous, but rather about living in a virtually-enhanced AI reality and someone has learned to hack it. Cat and mouse plot.

630af3 No.1303940

The world is connected: Argentina's central bank has raised interest rates for the third time in eight days as the country's currency, the peso, continues to fall sharply.

On Friday, the bank hiked rates to 40% from 33.25%, a day after they were raised from 30.25%. A week ago, they were raised from 27.25%

259a98 No.1303941

File: 70850efce8edf2c⋯.jpg (48.11 KB, 855x243, 95:27, MotherFuckingKillary.JPG)

Any digs on where HRC and BC have been traveling to?

We all know India (HRC, drunken epic trip down the stairs) Anyone else keeping taps on slick willy Bill?

dc3928 No.1303942


I'm guessing they do that stuff because believe they never will be charged for it. Or never face full justice for it.

It's either desparation or momentum.

80d7e5 No.1303943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dahboo77: Strong 6.9M Earthquake Rocks Hawaii, Swarm Continues

210afa No.1303944

Front row seats to the biggest spectacle in history with time traveling insider intel drops. Custom guided tour. Happenings will be fast. Phase 3 and already swift action.

Dang it's going to get good now!

Best movie ever, the Downfall of Evil, in real time.


7bfac8 No.1303945

File: 6c543fce9c4780d⋯.gif (7.34 MB, 600x338, 300:169, independence-day-q-q.GIF)

Are you prepped anons?

Graphics organized?

Can grab at a moment's notice to respond to rapidly evolving events and news?

Got tendies supply?

I would like to suggest the 15 day free trial at grouptweet.com.

This app will AUTOMATICALLY retweet twitter accounts that you add to a group, and who use a certain hashtag (#qanon, #patriotsfight etc.) During the trial period, you can add unlimited twitter accounts. Set your settings. And then it will automatically retweet their tweets that have those hashtags round the clock, while you have to eat, poopoo peepee, sleep etc. We all have to peepeepoopoo sometimes, even though we may not sleep.

You get 15 days free to fire at will.

Prime the cannons

554594 No.1303946


me dindu nuffin mfers

3f8264 No.1303947





00d43e No.1303948


This is so fucking awesome!

a72593 No.1303949


Suicides don’t wake the masses

657f84 No.1303950


Stop it. Quit being a rabid animal.

e70608 No.1303951


It's ready and waiting for you…


f5b37c No.1303952

File: 89cc3200bc80685⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1215x682, 1215:682, maga-flag11.png)

File: aebc200eebe3498⋯.png (550.3 KB, 583x678, 583:678, baker-ty-flag-jump.png)

File: fdb8219239843a7⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1142x639, 1142:639, maga-flag-again.png)

File: d325c9b14f77f4a⋯.png (538.03 KB, 669x441, 223:147, flag-cross-kag.png)

25b473 No.1303953


ooh, good backup to have, thanks

i'm pretty much covered for that period, it's starting mid jan. that my caps get more erratic…

i might have most of it, (not sure all, maybe), but not as consistently capped as my map series - it's not bad and some is edited already, but i wasn't zoomed in for caps, or in diff. screen mode, things like that.

okok i'ts flying by, good to see ye again, thanks infinitely for all, seeyalatergodspeeed

7f6727 No.1303954

File: 5ce522c379bb98b⋯.png (103.85 KB, 988x296, 247:74, ClipboardImage.png)

Q - In terms of "The World is connected" and "The World is Watching", hrc/bc & hussein and kerry are all in deep doodoo since they had made promises to many countries and esp. the EU. The entire world (pretty much) was watching and waiting for U.S. to fall. The next world war was being setup in terms of the U1 deal and the Iran deal, etc. It was up to the deep state players in the U.S. to make good on their promises AND most importantly maintain CONTROL by hrc winning the election. Now that she did not win, and they've obvi'ly lost ALL CONTROL, they are running around the world like the little kakaroaches they are trying to convince heads of state (not truly our allies) that they ARE still in control in that they are gauranteeing the removal of POTUS in short term - either by impeachment or assassination.

If this is the case and NSA knows all, sees all and hears all, oh boy! Their goose is triple cooked. Not only do we have evidence of treason for prior acts committed, but they are continuing their treasonous acts as we speak!

So, the ARRESTS should be REALLY SWEET!!!

554594 No.1303955


me likes dabboo

36d2ba No.1303956


And the normies have NO CLUE

df7f33 No.1303957

File: 43411ae1a3037a2⋯.png (826.36 KB, 900x900, 1:1, PepeFire.png)


Nothing for it but to systematically exterminate the syndicate worldwide, like the cockroaches they are.

Now that the USA is burning out the dead wood, the rest of the world will probably follow suit in time. They'll have to; we're the biggest market. The world spins on trade.

c3e533 No.1303958

>>1301666 (prev. bread)

well, you would be wrong.

9d6171 No.1303959


triggered by my skepticism?

Let bygones be bygones?

It's understandable, that is why I dont bake.. I don't have the uninterrupted time to be critical and attentive.

That's why I support anons offering notables and vetting them for the bakers.

Anyway, have a good night, Patriot.

d16ee1 No.1303960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some old but great Trump ad calling out Soros +

a52360 No.1303961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



51f1b7 No.1303962

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)



07e1a9 No.1303963


This Q doesn't feel like a Q to me.

13c45f No.1303964


Let's not forget about the former first lady's recent speech —


80d7e5 No.1303965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


National Guard Activated After Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupts, Forcing Evacuations

afcc93 No.1303966


Well Israel can fight their war alone.

c133f0 No.1303967


ooohhh me likey new pepe

25b473 No.1303968


the all red's a bit intense, though

and i'm a big fan of reposting choice Quotes

try redding the lines you want to point out in particular

f34ee7 No.1303969

File: 24febd87fbb9b25⋯.png (40.44 KB, 614x351, 614:351, armed goyim.PNG)

d9ea69 No.1303970

I didn't realize Snowden deliberately left his glasses unfixed I have the same missing noses pad on my glasses but simply because they are old backups, time for new ones

dc3928 No.1303971


Serious memetic warfare, kids.

afcc93 No.1303972


Noted about 4 breads ago.

4d0af4 No.1303973

File: 41c63ca724d995f⋯.jpeg (107.92 KB, 1395x786, 465:262, 1525457663.jpeg)

e6fc24 No.1303974

File: b445b5df1b2ba15⋯.png (355.8 KB, 1230x575, 246:115, boom.png)

554594 No.1303976


stop with the f red text ff

u can put red text to grab attention

but dont blind mfers dipshit

now, do it right

e8d568 No.1303977

ele = element

sec = section

dir = directory

cap = caption


259e9f No.1303978


Former Vice President Joe Biden sat with McCain for 90 minutes Sunday, according to people close to both men. Biden followed McCain's closest friends, Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and retired Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, who visited McCain at the Mayo Clinic two weeks ago

6cf99a No.1303979


>Texans going northwest through Colorado in Springtime

No surprise there.

d91e95 No.1303980


lol sounds like the muh jew shills

2bccda No.1303981

File: b1c4cdef51bb23f⋯.jpg (148.49 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, patriotsfight1.jpg)

File: e24becc59577e5f⋯.jpg (139.79 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, patriotsfight2.jpg)

File: e18aee81e615ef3⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 614x383, 614:383, patriotsfight3.jpg)

File: e891508dfd44730⋯.jpg (155.41 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, patriotsfight4.jpg)

d91e95 No.1303982


still not sure on that anon

ca81c6 No.1303983

Steve Harvey surprises Waffle House shooting hero, daughter with trip to Barbados


c133f0 No.1303985

8e9fd4 No.1303986


Ready….. waiting for orders

I've never heard of grouptweet. I will look into it

Ty Anon

7adbe1 No.1303987

File: e88a1613e15e5b9⋯.png (164.25 KB, 551x380, 29:20, image.png)


2bccda No.1303988


oops kek!

00d43e No.1303989

File: 534656eff036d60⋯.jpg (316.08 KB, 725x788, 725:788, conmanpam.jpg)

9d6171 No.1303990


Understood, got your six.

7eb63f No.1303991

File: c3cc0528bd602a1⋯.png (579.37 KB, 551x682, 551:682, mccabe.PNG)

dd2131 No.1303992


>Patriothts Fight


80aedd No.1303993

File: 1af373b4b3591da⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1518589772634.jpg)


568116 No.1303994

Both hands of a clock at 5:5 makes a …

c59122 No.1303995


Anonymity is the enemy

30d50b No.1303996


Oh, silly me. You're stupid and a (((shill))

Enjoy Hell.

3f8264 No.1303998



It's the third time I posted it. Hence the red. Fucking new fags and drunkold fags on a Friday night drive me crazy.

495f0e No.1303999

Most likely JK is dusting off UN Resolution 2334, maybe HRC and BC. I remember JK met with about 72 other countries in Dovos in January of 2017 to discuss their Israel solution(s). All that’s left is to establish a pretext to attack Israel no keep US in Syria.

f34ee7 No.1304000


>What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.


630af3 No.1304001


In Venezuela, inflation quadruples to 18,000 percent in two months, with no end in sight

2bccda No.1304002

d9ea69 No.1304003

Cult of kek

49fb42 No.1304004


why won't they fade into bolivia?

554594 No.1304005


hey baby, wanna drink some red koolaid wit me?

810287 No.1304007


Someone must be above them or we would have seen them collect by now. HRC seems to have everyone under her thumb. Perhaps everyone is waiting to see if Trump's DoJ takes care of things.

e6fc24 No.1304008

File: 782fb7d220e38cf⋯.jpg (68.6 KB, 896x579, 896:579, DYWHC33VwAAaWnK.jpg)

8ce3be No.1304009

e96904 No.1304010


Delta also means D, the 4th letter in the alphabet. Maybe this is one of four rolls.

89c170 No.1304011


I've got it finally figured out. All the good lawyers are all tied up. And the charges are going to be about as bad as anyone would ever want to see.

Potus has these guy dead to rights…it just a matter of how they have to serve out their sentences. My god…President Trump and our MI are brilliant. Now I'm back to being comfy.

02ba5c No.1304012

File: 6c737b9216c8959⋯.jpg (273.35 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, KerryScandal1.jpg)

File: 1644e508a3180aa⋯.jpg (241.88 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, KerryScandal2.jpg)

File: de37216261571e8⋯.jpg (229.26 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, KerryScandal3.jpg)

File: 60e44e9c2d011c5⋯.jpeg (172.85 KB, 1536x872, 192:109, ObamaKerryGitmo.jpeg)

File: 8e953de137bd9af⋯.png (361.43 KB, 643x481, 643:481, Kerry hail satan.png)


Kerry's "daughter" too.

8e9fd4 No.1304013


heh heh.. I love it.

a52360 No.1304015


However, I think it will be shown as the solution.

3a0f17 No.1304016


cain not patriot

80d7e5 No.1304017


>me likes dabboo


b84009 No.1304018



e2e258 No.1304019


He better not die a hero. No fucking way.

ca81c6 No.1304020

California Court Rejects Attempt to Throw Out Judicial Watch Taxpayer Lawsuit Against San Francisco’s Illegal Immigrant Sanctuary Policies

Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that the Superior Court of California, San Francisco County overruled San Francisco Sheriff Vicky Hennessy’s move to end a Judicial Watch taxpayer lawsuit challenging the Sheriff’s sanctuary policy. The lawsuit challenges restrictions on the ability of sheriff’s deputies to communicate freely with Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) about inmates’ citizenship, immigration status, and release dates (Cynthia Cerletti v. Vicki Hennessy, Sheriff (No. CGC-16-556164)).


d91e95 No.1304021



e6fc24 No.1304022

File: 39061b9879e3a4b⋯.png (584.01 KB, 1233x738, 137:82, 39061b9879e3a4b84bb76f455e….png)

a68743 No.1304023

File: 4fa2c974ff54761⋯.jpg (141.95 KB, 1201x1242, 1201:1242, 4fa2c974ff547619bc911d8010….jpg)


a-anon y-your post is #666 of the thread..

f5b37c No.1304024

File: 1d6e58eecf9fff0⋯.png (80.77 KB, 489x487, 489:487, cultpepe2.png)

a3f7d7 No.1304025

File: 155090aa23c680a⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1764x1488, 147:124, Screenshot 2018-05-04 19.5….png)


Hillary is toast

http:// nyeveningnews.com/2018/05/03/new-evidence-links-hillary-with-death-of-john-f-kennedy-jr/

5db469 No.1304026

File: 220b78135755de8⋯.png (114.12 KB, 1248x319, 1248:319, ClipboardImage.png)


>Logan Act

As I re-read the last drop, "(out of power/authority)" jumps out at me. Q intended special emphasis on that part.

WJC traveled the world post-presidency shilling the CF, but BHO/HRC's travels seem more like they are trying to speak for USA.

"Don't worry about Trump. He may be president but he doesn't speak for America and Americans. *I* do."

7a5f49 No.1304027


Something has been bothering me. If Clinton's, John Kerry, Obamas, Bushs, etc are really about to get arrested and put before military tribunal… they sure don't look too worried.

Here is what I think is going on. A LONG LONG time ago Trump was recruited by military to take back USA from NWO control. During election Hillary and Obama were informed of the coming revolution and the dirt on them was revealed. They were told to play along to avoid jail or worse.

Hillary's illness was faked to help deceive the world. Obama played along, end of his term was fairly benign. They didn't even get a supreme court nomination in after Scalia.

After election, they continue to play along. Hussein, John Kerry etc fly around the world pretending there is actual doubt about who will win this internal struggle in USA. This is part of USA plan to identify enemies around the world. The coming purge will be epic. I'm just not sure we should get our hopes up of Bush, Hussein, Hillary, Bill, etc will actually get put on trial.

Q keeps showing us how many people have "resigned" or were "fired". I'm sorry to say, but that is not good enough. There HAS to be public trials and details of horrible crimes exposed. It will help put some fear into potential traitors for at least a generation and also help remind the people to be alert.

783c2f No.1304028


Nice anan!

8ce3be No.1304029

e70608 No.1304030


Read and learn…

You were too much of a dumb fuck to realize that you were a dumb fuck…so you entered territory where you did not belong…and stepped in it.

Kill yourself…now. You do not belong on this forum…because you really are that stupid! You were not smart enough to see…what did not apply to you…AND WHAT YOU COULD NOT COMPREHEND. THAT is how honestly and truly stupid you are…you useless dumb fuck!

2bccda No.1304031


I uploaded the original by mistake anon.

c3e533 No.1304032


we aren't in any trouble. israel wants to do what they do…let them do it alone.

49fb42 No.1304034

24a99f No.1304036


Get it right 3letter agency employee:

We, as stated by Newsweek months ago are an:

Alt Right "Frog Cult"

Don't forget the FROG part okay…

e6fc24 No.1304037

File: d5e0bc2dd3be3cb⋯.png (731.18 KB, 1218x813, 406:271, AmericanPeopleRisingAboveI….png)

ec888a No.1304038


Consider not knowing a blessing anon.

554594 No.1304039


>hey baby, wanna drink some red koolaid wit me?

e8d568 No.1304040


bot and not the russian kind, probably share blue getting paid per (you)

b2c6f7 No.1304041


Watched it! Loved how frightening it was at showing how we already lost our privacy nearly at birth since 1946.

With a good X Event from the sun all the info will go out the window when there is no power on the earth other than woodfires and water power.

And the gal in it was super hot.

End is a pisser!

ENJOY ANONS. We are all in this together.


83d20f No.1304042


I think they going to protect against protests that could be caused by events this weekend.

These Bikers are hard core Patriots! Antifa are scared shitless of them.

62a13d No.1304043


Best of luck to you. If I had any useful skills or tools, I would help.

d8cc88 No.1304044



2b7d24 No.1304045


I fucking hate Clive Owen

af5751 No.1304046

File: 4107a46f66dcdef⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 850x400, 17:8, #hitlerchildren.jpg)

File: 0fc656162daeb15⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, #nancy.jpg)

File: f1c3eab42fd5f68⋯.jpg (174.69 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, #Newsweek sex trafficking-….jpg)

File: 8aac6fb298f316d⋯.jpg (56.22 KB, 632x600, 79:75, #qht.jpg)

2aa317 No.1304047

File: 3acc2b6932114ac⋯.png (236.66 KB, 519x418, 519:418, UN_Iran_corruption.PNG)

UN secretary general now saying it will be WWIII if US backs out of the Iran deal. He knows the classified side-deal aide package that US signed up to in the Iran deal will be gone. Probably $250 billion/year into UN, EU, Iran, and John Kerry's pockets. It would be nice if a "leak" publically declassified those classified Iran "side-deal" terms so people can see how bad of a deal it really is.

d9ea69 No.1304048


Lets burn some witches

a52360 No.1304049

File: a121b307f063ddb⋯.png (124.91 KB, 590x264, 295:132, Screen Shot 2018-05-04 at ….png)



Before title credits

09b267 No.1304050


lets rock and roll Anons!

bba337 No.1304052


Thought I smelled bbQ and chili

1925b6 No.1304053


Thanks for the tip! It dawned on me to use my handy-dandy searchable database for the word steganography. There they are.

There's a program called stegdetect that runs on Linux. Anyone interested?

http://freshmeat.sourceforge.net/ projects/stegdetect

456244 No.1304054


maybe, they may also be deep state making way for the left to steal more seats

89c170 No.1304055


That is illegal as hell. A definite boom

8bde8c No.1304056

File: 7bab4688d2f39d3⋯.png (358 KB, 1152x713, 1152:713, FindTheRollDJT.png)

Find the roll.

dbc53d No.1304057


immunity for testimony only protects her if she came 100% clean….

If they find ANYTHING she didn't spill - she'll go to jail

d91e95 No.1304058




no I meant the dude in the pic WHO THE FUCK IS THAT AND WHAT IS THE RELEVANCE TO Q

e6fc24 No.1304059

File: c98c21571fa10d0⋯.png (485.57 KB, 1222x814, 611:407, RedRed.png)

5db469 No.1304060


>Obama played along, end of his term was fairly benign. They didn't even get a supreme court nomination in after Scalia.


<They never thought she would lose.

e1e787 No.1304061

09b267 No.1304062



9fc8f1 No.1304063


Let them bomb Iran to hell

19524c No.1304064


he's not a fan of you either… even trade.

e6fc24 No.1304066

File: ac685d181ee69bb⋯.png (516.6 KB, 1228x722, 614:361, TheDayHasArrived.png)

124484 No.1304067


Found my squad.

b84009 No.1304068


Sauce is GAY and FAKE. Shit we already know without proof.

554594 No.1304069

File: 91227e16881d4ee⋯.jpg (112.69 KB, 1754x1240, 877:620, WITCHESOH.jpg)

df6643 No.1304070

Deutsche Bank to move NY headquarters from Wall Street

https:// www.reuters.com/article/us-deutsche-bank-relocation/deutsche-bank-to-shift-ny-headquarters-from-wall-street-idUSKBN1I52IF?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_content=5aed1be104d3011e14cfde34&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter>>1304004

a43977 No.1304072

File: efcbff0494a7980⋯.png (444.73 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2102.PNG)

I'm glad I sorted out the decapitating rights to Iran back in college. They were soooo gleeful

c3e533 No.1304073


you guys think Putin has eye balled this? :)

405118 No.1304074

File: f1dcec89174b4d9⋯.jpg (176.35 KB, 960x679, 960:679, watchthatman.jpg)


I could dig it out later if necessary.

Now I just have the screen shot of the twitter account. It's rom the guy who took the video. You might check his account. It might still be up.

16d9d4 No.1304076

File: 25cd695282ebcfb⋯.jpg (613.12 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, trigger-discipline.jpg)


Trigger discipline.

0ff5b3 No.1304077

File: bbe757d72e15a36⋯.jpg (21.49 KB, 780x258, 130:43, JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/05/18 (Sat) 03:21:37 No.65

File (hide): 72d6adb7efd2f23⋯.jpg (9.38 KB, 390x129, 130:43, JKerry_Traitor.jpg) (h) (u)

Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.


25b473 No.1304078

File: b85f8042880b7b3⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 670x529, 670:529, Eric paddock.jpg)




Q Research General #1635: The World is Connected

Q Research General #1635: The World is Connected

Q Research General #1635: The World is Connected










049e8c No.1304079

3a0f17 No.1304080

File: cc0a2cfe6c408fe⋯.png (594.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Black_Left_Eye_Kerry.png)

File: 579474da1d5999e⋯.png (912.94 KB, 1464x1150, 732:575, John_Kerry_AntonLaVey_Skul….png)

File: 20cbd81d08a1e76⋯.png (211.66 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Kerry_Logan_Act.png)

554594 No.1304081


i got put in time out for 3 hours for that, can u believe it?

210afa No.1304083


Makes it feel like we are living on a different planet, alternate dimension.

e70608 No.1304084


Clearly he isn't smart enough to avoid them!

c3e533 No.1304087


background of the shot and when was this taken?

635abf No.1304088


Fuck ,, I'm blind now,,( seeing red spots) who in the hell can, or better yet,, want to read all that red letter crap.


c133f0 No.1304089

File: 87c7280fd025ba1⋯.png (287.73 KB, 854x567, 122:81, Screenshot-2018-5-4 This V….png)

friendly reminder… the Other Q post 65 is ..


3f4b5c No.1304090

File: 56f98f2dd68d156⋯.png (241.5 KB, 679x352, 679:352, 0047856737112954.png)

259a98 No.1304091



df6643 No.1304092


Venezuela is almost the mirror of Libya.

f34ee7 No.1304093


Nope, you should look in my pants.

dbc53d No.1304096


Republicans were being held hostage (dirt)

Dems are the ones holding the dirt

8ce3be No.1304097

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