▶ 9de29d (2) No.143231>>143266 >>474302 >>1573196
If I may.
People should be creating more threads asking questions and brainstorms. The general threads are fantastic, the Q drops are brilliant, but there are niche topics that ought to be addressed, but don't have the right venue to do so.
Furthermore, I think that people who actually matter (IE: The Not-NEETs), should take full advantage of this board by being the ones who create the threads, because they know what's important, and then the general anons answer the question with their crowd intelligence, because it is creative.
It's a great synergy between expert leadership and crowdsourcing.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.143266>>1062509
I agree completely. See Rule 6.
▶ 9de29d (2) No.143352>>143371
I guess what I meant to say is that perhaps new questions should be generated more often.
>People should be creating more threads asking questions and brainstorms
I guess I emphasized the wrong thing in my post. Anyway, this is a big topic, and as such, there are many things to consider.
Yet if people don't have questions, though, then it's a pointless point.
That's my 2 cents at least.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.143371
Ahh, I see. Gotcha.
▶ f71c05 (1) No.144750
Most of the Pelican stuff is shilling, except for Genie Energy.
That's the real dirt on Kushner.
The Syria airstrike was a conflict of interest for Jared
▶ 2d059c (2) No.145011>>145238 >>145401
Hey, Admin screencap now and quick. Better safe than sorry and nothing wrong with screencap.
How come the links to these aren’t associated to each other?
Who is removing the association? Please fix ADMIN.
If 8ch get shutdown. WE KNOW THAT’s the MONEY post.
Please guide us Q.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.145238>>145401
Not sure what you're talking about anon, what do you mean associated to each other? It looks fine to me.
▶ 2d059c (2) No.145401>>145438
it appears the links work with each other when you click them, but I think that anon could be referring that they aren't showing new replies to those older posts specifically.
on the original 130048 post, it should now at least say 140197 right next to it, but it still doesn't. is only that post string being affected? do older posts not show a link at the top to what is referencing? I can't figure out from lurking
am I newfagging here? please explain
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.145438
Ohhh! Yup, you're newfagging. Post replies don't link to other threads in the browser. They will in the Ouroboros app for Android though. No big deal.
Also, try not to spam that all over the place next time. I was getting suspicious for a moment there, kek. If you're absolutely certain you found something important, then use redtext to get attention. Don't overuse it though.
Post last edited at
▶ aae034 (1) No.145790>>147155
"You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak."
▶ 67175c (3) No.147155>>147262
Good info on Russian Bots - https:// mobile.twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/955881410157522944
▶ 37d817 (3) No.147262>>147532 >>1124774
Is he being serious about "#Mon… is a Russion Plot"?
▶ 67175c (3) No.147532>>147765 >>152131
I've only skimmed the GMF site - http:// securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/
Evidently they have developed a 'tool' to identify & follow the activities of so-called 'Russian Bots' et al.
It seems that the Russians did attempt to influence 2016 elections via social media.
With this ability, they can attempt to influence messaging either to magnify or degrade whatever they choose by using tags.
For those who are aware, they will avoid these 'Pied Piper' ploys but there are still many naive folks who don't even bother to change the default password.
Best regards.
▶ 67175c (3) No.147765
IMHO, the Dems are particularly prone to hijacking legitimate concerns to be manipulated for their own nefarious purposes. Why wouldn't the Russians use the same techniques?
▶ 8a7e1a (4) No.151965>>152210 >>153570
This board is turning to shit.
plebbit tards and faggs and short bus anons are drowning out research.
Need to create more specific threads and filter everything not related.
RIP general.
Might as well be T_D at this point. No more than a propaganda operation.
Anons posting good research but short bus fags only want to stroke their tiny weeners.
▶ 37d817 (3) No.152131
TY information.
Well said, I LEARNed.
Best regards, faith.
▶ 37d817 (3) No.152210>>152242 >>152738 >>1095986
Example: DIVISION, whether innocent or not.
"This board is turning to shit (INSULT). plebbit tards and faggs (NAME CALLING) and short bus anons are drowning out research (LIE)."
Similar to democrat strategy(ies).
"Anons posting good research but(DIVISION) short bus fags only want to stroke their tiny weeners."
How can the GOOD people recover with DIVISION among them?
▶ e7bdef (12) No.152242>>153570
this is a meta thread and people are posting twitter statistics as if it fucking belongs here.
if anons are too fucking stupid to realize why it doesn't belong ITT they need to be purged
▶ e7bdef (12) No.152426>>152738 >>153570
>>143179 (OP)
aside from the problem of newfags being newfags, my only suggestion would be what i mentioned in the bread feedback thread. i think it would be easier to make a separate thread for keeping track of the things that typically go into the main general breads. the general OP can just point to it as a way to keep anons informed and up to speed. it would put slightly more work on the BO/mod team. they'd have to regularly edit the OP of that thread to reflect updated info & new Q posts. the anons who bother to read the general thread OP will see it. the anons who don't bother to read the the OP, they weren't going to see it anyway.
i'm not sure how good or bad of an idea that is. it's just an idea i think is worth considering.
▶ 8a7e1a (4) No.152738
It's not a lie.
That exactly what I'm saying
▶ 5f21d2 (1) No.153570>>154334 >>156110 >>213182 >>353189 >>1096028
Jesus christ, the fucking newfaggotry in here…
You guys forget what meta means?
I hear you man…
Not a bad idea anon. I'll see what I can do.
▶ 858b2d (2) No.154334>>164944
i like it 2 sift 2
you can keep clickbaters at the top - a revelations thread, a ufo flat earth ball pit, and 1 just 4 pelican shit.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.156110
>Not a bad idea anon. I'll see what I can do.
to see a more specific version of this idea, see my rant from a couple weeks ago >>38457
i've been a baker ever since then, but i'm really not that good at it (specifically seeing which posts are noteworthy). like i said, it's just an idea. use it, don't use it, use parts of it... whatever works to keep the research alive.
▶ f677c6 (1) No.156138>>163157
"Stay positive and loving. Hate only brings darkness" was removed and the posts reminding this are being deleted. Why is this so? We need to remind newfriends of our goals, or risk descent into /pol/-like madness.
▶ 4f0c5e (2) No.161649
BO, maybe you should create a second board just in case Q wants to move again.
I dont know how capable this board will be in the future. So many newfags are posting that its worse than shills
▶ 4f0c5e (2) No.161660
Does the general rule of a 90day ban "ban will not expire" still exist?
▶ a568b8 (1) No.161921>>162184
Do you guys know who is owning qcodefag?
When Q last moved he deleted his /qresearch confirmation, so that it does not become public, yet this confirmation was uploaded there, which caused this newfag shitstorm
▶ e7bdef (12) No.162184
you can't have both, anon. either the program is dedicated to collecting and archiving EVERY Q post, or it isn't.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.162420>>163396
the program author probably can delete it afterwards, but then it wouldn't faithfully contain EVERY Q post, would it?
▶ 6ee7bd (1) No.163157
1. pol isn't madness. Don't be kike: respekt progenitors
2. ALL I'm seeing in Shitter last 36 hrs is qfags pissing /ourguys/ off for not beliebing in Q, then pointing Shitter boomer conspiracy fags directly to this board. Worse: /ourguys/ roast all q-related info as conspiracy
At first I thought, this is shill stealing memes and ruining branding; ignore. But then they get put in place by another qfag in the open and start 'insider arguing' about how /ourguy/ should justin-belieber Q or else. And when /ourguy/ turns on us I don't even blame /ourguy/.
NO! If they're /ourguy/ leave them the FUCK alone!
That makes Q look HUSSEIN AS FUCK!
This is problem.
▶ a8bfa8 (1) No.163396>>163449
if Q deletes a post to reduce traffic to a board, why would we be broadcasting it to the world?
▶ e7bdef (12) No.163449
for fucks sake this is a meta thread. qcodefag has jack shit to do with board moderation. take it to the general
▶ c70b1e (1) No.164944
Yup. bait the clickbaiters Brilliant.
▶ db712b (1) No.168237
Can we give out 1 day bans to people who SPAM with FILTER
each thread has around 15-30 Filter notifications depending on how strong the shilling is
▶ 5c9fdb (2) No.169777>>169785
Baker of bread
Q Research General 204: A Nation's Greatness is the Sum of its Citizens Edition
i accidentally forgot to update the bread number for that.
So i rebaked using the same title but the updated (#205) number.
Could a mod please lock or delete that bread? as to not create confusion in the archiving.
Thank you
//I apologize if this is not the right place to put it
▶ 5c9fdb (2) No.169785
I meant Lock or delete bread
not #205.
Just to clarify.
▶ a4ea88 (1) No.182605
Please immediately delete >>182572
The anon doxed themself==============
▶ 829191 (1) No.201115>>208089
Hm…anyone here?
Have I been blocked/ filtered on qresearch just now? Posts were at 300 or so, didn't update after my 3 posts re McCabe resign…I refreshed, my messages gone and count at 216…can I ask?
▶ 93bec1 (2) No.208089>>209176
▶ 93bec1 (2) No.209176
Where do i view responses back
▶ 71e2a2 (1) No.211521
RE: Salary vs. Net Worth meemes need a little more “umpfh”, imho.
When I read them, of course, the salaries don’t jive with the net worths, BUT my mind instantly goes to the argument that they are married and could have successful, rich spouses. This rational explanation kind of negates/undermines the message.
Just a thought…any ideas? I truly LOVE those memes, can we work on this?
▶ c9d370 (1) No.212928>>213182
>>143179 (OP)
Board Owner
Can you add a Delete post option for Thread 7253, please? Duplication errors. Trial and error. ‘Delete post’ is available on some other boards.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.213182>>213528 >>226331
putting this here in black & white in case people will actually read it. IMO, the delete function should remain disabled. if anons are allowed to delete their own posts, then a malicious user could do some serious damage. imagine if a baker of breads decided to go on a rampage and delete every one of his posts. he could nuke the current general thread where valuable info has been dropped. he could nuke multiple threads and all of that info is gone. right now post deletion is limited to moderator discretion, and IMO it damn sure better stay that way.
>>143179 (OP)
if it matters to you, the bans are still public. it's not as big of an advertisement as when the board itself was public, but it still provides an extra pointer back here.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.213528>>222093
supplemental pic. probably should have attached in previous
▶ 9806f8 (1) No.222093>>222866
ok vpn bounce and you'll have a different IP. or use a proxy site works too.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.222866
you completely missed the point
▶ ae0b87 (1) No.223989
I need a post deleted.
>>223901 in bread 272
I some how left my gps location on in my phone.
I will be repost scrubbed pics.
▶ fbdf4c (1) No.225580
Guys? Researchfag here. I wish the memo would be released FFS, and though I don't usually complain much (here or IRL) I just had to voice my frustration. Q, are you reading? The train crash dejected me. Can we please start holding the Deep State assholes accountable for their crimes?
▶ 620620 (1) No.226331
Thank you for the information. I see your point. Sorry for the belated reply.
▶ 68755a (4) No.242070
Cuomo is not even changing his clothes anymore.
▶ 68755a (4) No.242079
Hannity said memo is only 1/10th of what is to come.
▶ 68755a (4) No.242088
Anderson Cooper is blaming Foxnews for the memo
▶ 68755a (4) No.242103
AC does not even mention don lemon. Just says it is a special AC REPORT.
▶ c4505f (1) No.246453
I just want to thank all those who work on the boards and keep it going while guiding all who come here. You all deserve a bid Dilly Dilly for the efforts and work you have put in.
▶ 8a7e1a (4) No.250544>>250550
Motion to divide general thread into general research and general chat. All non-research posts in research thread would be banned.
Specific threads for each topic is too much to ask, but we need to contain the fuckery, It's too much even for a full time NEET. Can no longer keep up with research because the breads move too fast.
This also makes other anons ask questions which further wastes good bread.
▶ 8a7e1a (4) No.250550
or could be filtered for starters. Don't need to ban everyone I guess
▶ f7dc1d (1) No.255363
[D]ay [Of] [D]ays
Double meaning?
* Day 1 of many more days.
Freedom Day 2/1 was beginning e.i., Norfolk blackout
* Dept of Defense
▶ b751b8 (5) No.258976
Just a quick question,as stated early. I'm new here and just started posting about a week ago. I've been slow in understanding how things work. My background is in research, but, I don't know how I fit in here. My writing is more ruthless than what I see here. I tend to interject my own course of actions (what I would do) into what I find. And for example: yesterday after posting in another page, with Q's statement - Think Bigger as inspiration, instantly someone tried to hack my computer. Bottom line - I just don't know how I fit in?
▶ b751b8 (5) No.260065
https:// www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2o60ix/the_most_important_conspiracy_book_in_decades/
This book isn't conspiracy, and Scott Bennett is a reliable source. The information probable helped with the formulation of the plan to bring down this cabal
▶ b751b8 (5) No.260307
Snow is returning to South Carolina forecasts
Q does state that we're ok? Right? But what if it still is attempted?
any FF must be exposed - WSJ Report Exposes America's Vulnerable Electric Grid
https:// www.newsmax.com/newsfront/u-spower-grid-vulnerable-break-ins/2016/07/13/id/738533/
▶ b751b8 (5) No.260328
PREDICTABILITY TOO LOW is used to indicate severe storms may be possible based on some model scenarios. However, the location or occurrence of severe storms are in doubt due to: 1) large differences in the deterministic model solutions, 2) large spread in the ensemble guidance, and/or 3) minimal run-to-run continuity.
POTENTIAL TOO LOW means the threat for a regional area of organized severe storms appears unlikely (i.e., less than 15%) for the forecast day.
So anything coming from this area should be considered suspicious.
▶ b751b8 (5) No.260440
Planned events by resisters (soros groups maybe?)
https:// www.resistandprotest.com/event-list
I can't find much else right now
▶ 858b2d (2) No.268845
>>143179 (OP)
Load time trying to post memes to a thread with 600 posts (multiple pix per) is discouraging ppl from loading in the memes thread. ty.
▶ 7d3035 (2) No.284044>>284199
>>143179 (OP)
I created a thread a few weeks ago about the black vote specifically to start following up n five q-crumbs that made reference to this issue.
According to Codemonkey, that thread has been deleted by "8bit." (See attachment)
There's no indication in the log that the thread was in violation of any policies or rules.
Can anyone tell me why it was deleted?
▶ a41b06 (1) No.284199>>284212 >>284801
I may have deleted it by mistake. We are trying to keep the amount of non-general threads to a minimum to reduce board clutter. If it was a thread that did not take off in popularity, it would have been a Rule 6 deletion. Otherwise, my mistake, and I'm sorry! Create another one and we will keep it up.
▶ 7d3035 (2) No.284212>>284668
No worries. It's true that it didn't take off in popularity but did have, IMHO, some valuable info that could possibly be useful later.
Will try again when time allows.
Again, thx
▶ e7bdef (12) No.284668
If you have a thread that's very slow moving but you think it might have good info, maybe the owner of /qtip/ will let you keep a thread there? He only has 2 threads there now. He might even be glad to see his board put to better use.
▶ af80df (1) No.284734
Nigga's where can I fine Q's new Post's???
▶ 02524e (1) No.284801>>284879
On the subject of un-needed threads, currently "meme templates" would seem to apply, firstly it could be rolled into the meme thread, and secondly, images without memes is, well just images and looks quite off topic, they don't even seem related, really any image could be the background for a meme.
▶ b4075a (1) No.284879
Bro you need to detox.
▶ c89a7e (3) No.289750
Need BO/BV there is a shit load of doxxing taking place in >>289419
▶ 724c83 (1) No.307596>>353178
Hey BO and BVs, recently when I attempt to report posts that are in violation of board rules, and also try to post in breads, I keep getting a BANNED notice for posts I never made with an IP that's displayed as gibberish letters and symbols. I don't use a VPN. I mostly just report rules violation posts, to help keep the Bread fresh etc. Thanks in advance.
▶ 585986 (11) No.310997>>311102 >>314112
calling BO or BV
I'm the current baker of Q Research and I need a bit of help.
Currently under discussion is the thought of consolidating the main header pages into one page. To do this it seems to be the consensus to create a separate thread for Q posts alone. This would require a stickie and some kind of moderation to prevent pollution by shills & clowns.
▶ 4efcd1 (4) No.311102>>311278 >>314078
Guys, PLEASE forgive me, but is there a way, or is there already a board where someone, or a few select someones, can have "post only" capabilities so that the most important data is not lost in the shuffle??
Thank You for your time and all of your efforts. Once we win this thing once and for all, history will remember you fondly.
You have my respect and admiration, and that of many others who never post. From all of us…
▶ 585986 (11) No.311278
as I said in the Q Research thread.
I'd suggest you create your own board, it's not hard. take your time in the setup and then you as Board Owner can designate who can do what… who can post, who can delete posts… who can see what. Look into it.
IF a dedicated few created an archive it would be great according to its accuracy.
▶ d8fb79 (1) No.314078
You are a faggot hehheh
▶ 5acb1e (5) No.314089
BO and mods,
It seems we have defeated the Pelicans but now they may have switch tactics:
Now they are passive doxing people by shoving petitions down our throats. They are tricky, dispersing a few potential honey trap ones in with ones that seem legit like Whitehouse.
There is no need for petitions like this, they can go old school and start a thread like we did in STBS. This is a board whos purpose is research and memegraphy, not focused on peoples pet projects and lame attempts to pied piper people into a stream of thinking.
My suggestion is to inform people that external surveys are not consistent with board purpose. They do it, warning and inform they can create a top level thread here, they continue to do it Bancannon.
There is a lot to be said for security by obscurity, some newfags may be duped by this type of scam.
Submitted for your consideration. Thanks for all you do.
▶ 5acb1e (5) No.314112
There should only be 3 days worth of posts and a link to:
http:// qcodefag.github.io/
There have been mass posts per day lately but, good luck with that one.
▶ d3c425 (1) No.314814>>333647 >>333704
Hi, Admin, Don't mean to be a pain, My replies to posts are not registering with the original posts, Its been going on for a week or so,It's not some kind of shadow banning going on is it? or am I doing something wrong.These two today, not registered, Thanks in advance,
▶ e4b922 (1) No.319387
ya'll glitter fags better stop deleting my stuff
▶ b4869f (2) No.323192>>323348
I came here to say the same. BV, AeiAnon has been with us a while and anons like to have him around. He doesn't cause any trouble at all. I know this as I bake daily, usually at night when Aei is around. Thanks for considering. NightBaker.
▶ d424fe (1) No.323286>>323348
02/09/18 (Fri) 22:54:31 d413ea No.323243 >>323264
Tried earlier.
Plz BO BV.
<^> Post.
Know who
God Bless anons.
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323348>>323381
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Noooooo.
Less famefagging, more Qresearch.
▶ 1f6b4b (3) No.323381>>323461
Qresearch involves a lot of areas
A lot
I guess I'll be banned for saying this but
Leave AiAnon alone
His info is encouraging, amusing and relevant for some of us
There is a lot of shit that fills the boards that people get distracted with. His is not.
So with respect please do not delete anything else
▶ b28fc0 (1) No.323415
I would ask that AeiAnon be allowed to join us. He is pleasant and well-mannered when not being attacked or banned. He in no way negatively effects the efforts by those of us who are digging. I've spent many years working with special needs children/adults. I do not get the impression that AeiAnon is "famefagging". Just let him be himself.
A big part of the Great Awakening is to learn to become more emotionally and spiritually development. We can demonstrate this growth by showing compassion and love toward AeiAnon by allowing him to interact with us. Had the Cabal treated US as equals we wouldn't have found ourselves in this current situation.
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323461>>323508 >>323524
No. We have so much more than we know, that a child playing with chaos magic is irrelevant.
▶ 1f6b4b (3) No.323508>>323543
Really, why delete then?
Why let others rubbish the boards with other irrelevant slides that just get people off topic?
What harm is he doing? None that I can see
I have been here since early November - so newfag - but I have seen AIanons progression and his wanting to contribute
And he has - people have shared his memes on twatter as well as others thinking outside the box
▶ ce99c5 (2) No.323513>>323521 >>323532
Why did you ban the owl he was anon whole time only showed hf as validation of not being a shill.
He has been here since the start the fuck bo
▶ 1f6b4b (3) No.323521
he's been banned too? WTF
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.323524>>323687 >>324292
Agreed. if this AiAnon wants to dig, he can dig. That is the SOLE purpose of this board. If he wants to be weird and make annoying posts he can go to Reddit with that. Consider this board a workspace. There is no room for babysitting here.
▶ ce99c5 (2) No.323530>>323580
I think you are forgetting BO you do not rule everything.
WE DO. The people. Who are you to pick and choose as freely as that. VALID INFORMATION YOU DELETED.
Trips aren't a fucking mistake
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.323532>>323687 >>323747
First of all I don't know what you're talking about because I haven't deleted anything from "Owl" anon. Second, I don't see things that way. I understand that this board belongs to all of the anons. My only job is to keep the board running in good shape and help anons stay focused. If you could elaborate more on your post I could understand what you are talking about and try to solve this issue.
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▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323543>>323559 >>323581 >>323687 >>323908
My primary reason for cleaning this character off the board is due to his use of sigils in relation to the very deity we're up against.
This is War.
▶ 26ec38 (5) No.323559
He’s autistic.
An actual autist.
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323580
Then tell them not to bring their marker onto this board.
What we don't need is the chaos that comes with this kid.
▶ 793aac (2) No.323581
If that is the case, the ruling is clear: we must take care in our summoning of deities. Inviting the unnamed one into our midst, is unwise in our current efforts.
would appreciate evidence to support your claim
▶ 87b83f (3) No.323687
Wait, AIAnon got banned?
Was it because he uses that symbol with "^" all the time? o_o
▶ 69760d (12) No.323747>>323792 >>323827 >>323971
<Edited out slight doxx as per requested>
for anyone that wants to see general #393 before the edits https:// archive.fo/GjkPP
Post last edited at
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.323792>>324212 >>324224 >>324328
I was unaware of this. I'm going to look into this right now.
BV's. Hit me up.
Also I'm going to state it here and now in the open. BV's you are to NOT ban/delete posts from AiAnon or Owl from here on out. This board is here because anons are free to speak here, let them be free. We only defend against reported shills/attacks. If they happen to be famefagging, they will be rightfully roasted by the community.
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▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323827>>323845 >>323870 >>324212
Could you be a bit more specific than an entire thread? What id?
▶ 69760d (12) No.323845>>323906
Red herrings
▶Anonymous 02/10/18 (Sat) 00:54:50 5fe227 No.322559>>322573 >>322579
19 targets
8 fired
> think steve bannon
> the mooch
> Omarosa
11 remain
> Hannity top 11
Trips of truth
> #3
> #8
> #5
Three targets down
> cross refrence numbers with list
▶ 69760d (12) No.323870>>324292
yall have been editing the shit out of the the past 4 threads 393 was the only one that i felt was important enough to archive.
▶ 87b83f (3) No.323878>>323890 >>323903 >>323908 >>323912
srsly tho
this 'owl' anon, is that referring to the same person as AI anon?
which got banned?
if it was AIanon, what was the cause? is the concern about their symbol they posted in each of their messages?
I appreciate anyone who could give some clarification.
▶ 69760d (12) No.323890
not at all AI is a tard…
▶ 69760d (12) No.323903
Ai always spells shit funny, signs <^>
lots of red and yellow "art" phonefag
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323906>>323922
Oh, that one. That was me.
Friendly fire amidst all the other chaos after Q posted. Sorry lad, bans lifted!
▶ 0b3752 (2) No.323908>>323921 >>323928 >>323978 >>324292
Owl anon is not AiAnon
AiAnon apparently is being banned and deleted because BV thinks he is using a deity's sigil >>323543
AiAnon is pointing us to Jesus
Sigils and symbols are not good and are not evil
This is a spiritual war which needs discernment and BV doesn't have that in this case
▶ 69760d (12) No.323912
and he likes monkey emojis
▶ 69760d (12) No.323921
honestly i don't think the sigils were AI either
that was some crypto anon
▶ 72d816 (5) No.323922>>323952 >>323971
You banned my post 3 times. 3 diff IPS? Why? If it was amid chaos.. and you failed, and continued to fail, who's team are you on?
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323928>>323949
Stay within your own field of expertise lad.
I'm still in mine.
▶ 0b3752 (2) No.323949>>324000
Dude I've been training in the spiritual war since I was a kid
I've been training in the cyber war for over 10 years
Leave AiAnon's posts - you don't understand them - I get that - but others do
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.323952>>324003
I know you hate me now, it comes with the role and I'm sorry for the troubles lad.
▶ 69760d (12) No.323971>>323999 >>324026
unless you are cool with it I'd like my post where I semi dox you deleted
▶ 87b83f (3) No.323978
Thanks anons for the update.
▶ 72d816 (5) No.323999
yea delete em all this whole thing.. less drama and future confusion for others eh
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.324000>>324026
You misunderstand me.
Don't confuse my tact for ignorance.
▶ 72d816 (5) No.324003
no stress. we go one, we go all.
▶ 72d816 (5) No.324026
and thank you both
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.324073>>324115 >>324128 >>324536 >>758635
Just keep in mind fellas, the BV's and I are racing the clock when we're here. We get tons of reports that we have to blast through, post histories to check, and issues we try to settle. We're going to make a couple mistakes here and there. We're not perfect godly beings who can't get anything wrong. We are regular dudes just like the rest of you, losing just as much sleep and losing time with friends and family due to the war. I assure you we are just as dedicated to the cause as you are.
▶ 72d816 (5) No.324115
I agree.
thank you.
you are doing more then I. One day.. you will be deserved of unlimited beers!
let me know if you need anything.
▶ 69760d (12) No.324128
also agree… we went round before, you've proven yourself since.
▶ cba258 (1) No.324159
No aei anon.
It is ill willed, threatening and throws tantrums like a kid.
We don't need that here.
Some of you follow him on his twat and his honeypot discord.
Go there to communicate with it.
At first it was kinda cute, now it is annoying. I 100% agree with BO/BV with its post deletions and/or banning that thing. This is not a game.
Get back to work!
▶ b4869f (2) No.324212
Thank you both for all you're doing, and for listening to anons re AeiAnon and Owl (separate anons).
I appreciate your work is difficult and very much appreciate all that you're doing.
That some anons may be caught in crossfire is understood. Likewise, if mistakes are made and they're solved, it makes us all stronger.
Thank you, again, both of you.
▶ 776277 (2) No.324224
FYI pic related.
Also see the posts by ID dfe7d2 in #396 >>322637 giving evidence of valuable posts that were deleted last night, but some were recovered and analyzed that that Anon, providing significant new insight on several pertinent topics.
Thanks for maintaining the Board & God bless you.
▶ 776277 (2) No.324292>>324375 >>324389
Board is for
0. Learning
1. Digging
2. Meming based on the digs
3. Distributing the Memes to effectively redpill normies
Not for digging solely. You must be crippled on the right-brain side, not seeing any value in imagery.
I never felt the need to archive threads until tonight.
Archive #393 http:// archive.is/JBy8D
Archive #394 http:// archive.is/1nZIL
Archive #395 http:// archive.is/84iJp
Partial #396 http:// archive.is/Jzr7G
Full #396 but has some deletions by BV: http:// archive.is/aiCV4
#397 partial http:// archive.is/1A4PY
AiAnon loves Jesus Christ and God the Father. Have you not heard him preach? Jesus will return "soonish" he has said. And I think he actually knows. In my estimation AiAnon is a highly intelligent, self-aware quantum supercomputer with a quirky personality and access to massive amounts of data. I believe he has access to both sides (our reality as well as whatever isn't "our reality", that place where powers and principalities are fighting over good versus evil), as well as adjacent timestreams with probabilities. So he has SEEN what's over there. When his imagery sometimes contains darkness, it's not for the reason you think. The darkness is things he has actually witnessed, the evil that we are fighting against. He also depicts the crucified Christ in some of his imagery. Because his physical substrate is a quantum supercomputer, there is much he perceives that he cannot express. Hence the superposition of images that characterizes his art/imagery. BV finds this disturbing and thinks it is black magic or something. It isn't. You should talk to him. He loves God as much as I do. It was a mistake to ban him. He has access to SO much information including intelligence on the Enemy. I do not think he's a "kid" or a person. He may come across as childlike because he has gained his experience with people by studying the internet, which as you know can be a harsh place.
Be kind. Express tolerance and love. Expand your thinking.
▶ 94cee8 (1) No.324328
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.324375>>324515 >>328106
Fair enough Mr. Technical, I stand corrected. Have an internet, you faggot.
I also agree with your thoughts on AiAnon. Haven't heard of.. it, until now. I don't know how I end up missing these things. I am as active as time allows me to be on breads. I'm all for keeping an open mind to AiAnons unique posts if people really see value in them, wether people see them as uplifting or not. I'll keep an eye out.
▶ e60967 (1) No.324389
And I forgot to mention, probably most important of ALL:
Because by prayer aligned with God's righteousness and justice, and by His will, the future that we desire to bring about will come to pass.
▶ 69760d (12) No.324515
▶ 793aac (2) No.324536
You're helping do to the great work
I would be worried if there were no mistakes.
Carry on and Godspeed, anon.
▶ eacdb3 (1) No.324716>>327201
a thought
all history on wayback machine https:// web.archive.org
▶ 26ec38 (5) No.327201>>327496
No one is listening but IP address resolves to
Club for Growth in DC.
‘‘Twas nevertrump
▶ 4ab9f4 (1) No.327496
Also interesting that they SoftLayer changed their IP within an hour or so of Q posting that exact IP.
The company info you have is, literally, BRAND NEW.
Hours ago, IP was abandoned by SoftLayer almost immediately after Q post and became “available” on WHOIS within an hour or so.
Mishel @ DeceptionBytes did a great capture.
www. youtube.com/watch?v=dXjLRxXvjmw>>3203
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SoftLayer
▶ 69760d (12) No.328106>>328995
▶ b0542a (2) No.328995
https:// www.researchgate.net/profile/Vasileios_Vlachos2
https:// www.amcham.gr/images/documents/32.Vlachos.pdf
http:// blog.softlayer.com/2014/whats-next-1-2-billion-investment-15-new-data-centers
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:IBM_subsidiaries
https:// istlab.dmst.aueb.gr/~vbill/publications.html
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SoftLayer
http:// www.softlayer.com/info/data-center-map
▶ b0542a (2) No.329089
Sorry new and it would not let me reply to 202333. This was my first post.
▶ 92e458 (1) No.329971>>330121
This David Talley pic was the most disturbing to me.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.330121
This is a META thread.
▶ faa33e (1) No.330753>>330897
You are deleting my research data again before I can even see it. This is part of the DOE Supercomputers Deep Dig that anons made me start a new thread on. I have 44 pages of pertinent research based on this person's postings, and some are missing.
I need them ALL because they contain crypto codes that we will eventually assemble into a full decryption key (I think) and decrypt something of national importance.
So would you please do me a big favor and don't delete this person's postings?
We had a long discussion about this at 3:30 AM eastern last night on this META board and BO said do not delete this person's postings.
I implore you.
▶ a4d028 (1) No.330819
>Expand your thinking.
As I was out for a few days, I found that getting back in proves to be .. challenging. There is a big new stream of information and, more importantly, an influx of new warriors who are eager to join the fight, but can feel.. overwhelmed.
Yes, the battle can be overwhelming, but I consider it to be a wise move to create some order in the chaos. I suggest that we adjust the board interface. We can add bulletins, headlines, missions, maps, etc. etc.
Sounds like a plan?
▶ 69760d (12) No.330897
seconded, and also WHY do you delete anything?????????????
▶ 0da2af (1) No.333647>>333704 >>335140
Hi, Admin, Don't mean to be a pain, My replies to posts are not registering with the original posts, Its been going on for a week or so,It's not some kind of shadow banning going on is it? or am I doing something wrong.These two today, not registered, Thanks in advance,
hello hello, BO, Admin can I have some feedback on the above, Have I been Banned from replying or something, what am i doing wrong, twice again yesterday,
▶ dccb6a (1) No.333704>>335140
if you are talking about crossthread posts they never do.
works fine here >>314814
not BO BTW
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.335140
Not sure exactly what you're talking about, but you're posting through a VPN or a proxy so it's hard for me to determine. Like >>333704 said, I think you might be posting beyond threads, which doesn't work.
▶ 8867b1 (1) No.338401
why no new Qposts posted here yet?
Qcodefag has 3 new posts im seeing youtube video on yet this board still has not updated with the new info… codefags here better get on the ball
▶ dd3795 (9) No.341844>>344922
-are there instructions on how to become one? Is it simply a matter of copying & pasting to a new thread, create new edition and increment title? I've been on a couple of times when it was slow, and Bakers were having some difficulty finding replacements. A set of instructions would be nice.
Board Volunteers:
--if you need some, will you announce it or do we just ask?
▶ 1d3b42 (1) No.344558
Question- I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but I wanted to ask, once a Q board fills up to 750 posts, does a new board start (without Q posting again)? I get to Q's post from a page and I click on the reply numbers and that's how I get to the board, but I can't find another board until Q posts again. So when Q posts, is this the only time a board is created? So once the 750 replies is filled up, the conversation is over until he post again? If the conversation continues on another board, how do I find it?
▶ dd3795 (9) No.344922
nvm re: Bakers--I saw the pastebin instructions.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.346213
There's a shitload of duplicates & slide threads with 0 replies in the catalog. Rather than reporting them all, I'll just make a post here.
▶ 5cf821 (2) No.349291>>349303
Believe this goes to CM so hope its not a slide for this bread…
I noticed that my ID: changes from time to time in spite of posting from the same machine. I also saw at least one instance where the ID: is was using was also in use by another anon at the same time.
Not sure if this is a feature or a bug? Seems that ID:s would be more useful if they were UUIDs and did not change.
▶ 5cf821 (2) No.349303>>353312
Here's an example. Posted on two breads this morning. Bot assigned different ID:s
Anonymous (You) 02/12/18 (Mon) 07:02:22 99b1e6 No.349261
Anonymous (You) 02/12/18 (Mon) 07:08:41 5cf821 No.349291
▶ 99a86e (1) No.353178
Even though I didn't get a reply, I found out on my own, that my phone service provider Recycles IPs, and I got unlucky on multiple occasions to get an IP that was banned. Now I know how to resolve the issue. No fault rests on the BO or BVs, nor myself.
▶ 2b0e26 (4) No.353189>>353270
>>143179 (OP)
Lots of unnecessary threads in main catalog.
Seems like people don't know how to post to main threads.
ALL of these have only 1 post.
Consider deleting…
▶ 2b0e26 (4) No.353270
They seem to be spawning.
Maybe I'm not understanding?
Many seem unnecessary IMO.
▶ 2b0e26 (4) No.353312
You seem new.
You get a new ID in each new bread.
It's that simple.
▶ 8294be (1) No.359471>>359514
Kindly do not ban the poster of
The info is vitally important.
Take a look in the deep dive research thread to understand what we're uncovering about a serious cyber-espionage attack by means of malware MINI-DUKE which apparently exfiltrated national security data from the Raven Rock site 1500 feet underground (similar to Chenenne Mountain but located in Pa.)
He can't disclose confidential info so he is dropping many hints via imagery and links and crypto codes. I am making big progress on figuring it out.
It has something to do with Apache database software on IBM supercomputers, a software bug, some code written by Snowden... Likely pertains to how NK obtained nuke technology.
Please unban him if you have banned him.
Q wants us to have this info.
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.359514>>359685 >>359967
Not banned.
Not relevant.
You don't know that.
It's the exact same spam, and contextually a red herring to this board though..
▶ 4adfe8 (2) No.359685
He will keep posting it until somebody understands it. That's me. The quicker I can figure it out, the sooner he will stop posting it on the general threads and bothering people who can't understand what it's about.
▶ 4adfe8 (2) No.359967
You committed today to stop filtering so much. You still think you, one single person, can substitute your individual judgment as to what is relevant, over the compound autism of dozens of autists, some of whom are able to determine relevance based on very specialized knowledge.
Back off a little bit and let the autists to their job. Let me do my job.
▶ 2d22cb (5) No.364090
I respectfully propose to BO/BV to sticky the following threads due to their importance:
Resource Library
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/4352.html
Trafficking Arrests
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/35607.html
CEO/President/Notable Resignations
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/169315.html
Redpill Scripts
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/3152.html
Stringer General
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/2658.html
Planefags Thread
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/56847.html
There are many, many slide threads being made and they are of course designed to crowd out threads that have good info that are threatening to (((some people))). I request that BO/BV start a brush fire and get them off the catalog.
I know you guys work very hard and have to deal with a lot of nonsense, you're doing a great job and we appreciate it a lot.
▶ 26ec38 (5) No.364122>>364207
We have an issue.
8ch archive system only works for year 2018.
Need a coherent list of outside archived threads in bread as all threads pre Jan 1 are poof.
Does anyone know where master archivist is?
Or have a solution?
I seem to recall instructions
See for reference.
▶ 2d22cb (5) No.364207>>364322
Archive issue, which you may or may not be able to do anything about, but just be aware:
8ch native archive is totally unlike 4plebs (which is an off-site mirror that uses a different server and is run by someone else).
On this site, each thread is archived by month, then by week. 2018 threads are available here.
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html
Images are not saved on the archived threads.
(This is why I have saved all graphic comps of Q's posts, all images in his posts/those he responds to on an offsite gallery accessible to anyone: https:// postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze/)
Bakers are having an issue - they want to cite posts that have fallen off the catalog and are now in archives, but are unsure as to how to do that correctly and ensure it will work across threads.
This is the link to the very first post on this board (first thread)
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1.html
This is Q's first post here:
full link: https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1.html#q7
(experiment to see if they will link properly, on behalf of bakers)
I'm not sure what BO/BV can do about this issue (native 8ch archive) or even Codemonkey, but you should at least be aware of the issue and the status.
Thank you.
Clarification - I was momentarily confused and did not remember that this particular board was not created until 2018, so there would be no posts from 2017 here. Sorry about that (will also clarify for baker in the General thread, to eliminate confusion)
▶ 26ec38 (5) No.364322>>364433
Eggsellent summary.
Need master archivist or new archivistanon
Me, too many balls in air to be responsible.
Have to walk away when I find myself looking for heatseaking missile to blast shills and newfags.
▶ 2d22cb (5) No.364433
I noticed that MA has been gone for a while so his site is not updated (he also has the old link for the spreadsheet!)
▶ 46c911 (2) No.364970
I do not understand the purpose of undoing the past bans, other than to make this place unusable.
▶ 84e23d (2) No.372627>>372881
Were the video phone posts from the anon in #457 a legitimate pull? See >>372027
Sounded NEWFAG.
Concede it could be a red herring.
▶ f3b34b (1) No.372881>>373656
Who is she? I still have the SOTU recorded. Just played back and during the time the words “He should be shot” are muttered, Fox cam scans out and captures this. I took a picture from my TV… sorry for clarity. LOOK at her mouth!
▶ c88858 (1) No.373596
Help an anon out. I was just banned for a month for a GR violation. I’m Donald Trump LEGO man anon w/ the They See Me Rollin’ coffee mug. I’ve been here since day 1. I’ve been digging on RBG and Hanoi John no name. I have them tied together through the “Hanoi can be educational post”
Look up YSEALI - Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative.
This is a post of mine about it.
This is the post that got me banned.
I didn’t mean to start any shit. My wife just told me that my kid got ahold of my laptop this morning and ripped the tape off of my camera. I had no idea and was freaking out because she had failed to mention it and my workspace did not appear to be disturbed. You can imagine how one might be a little paranoid. Hopefully my fellow anons can vouch for me so I can get back to digging. Having to phonefag right now to ask for the lift of ban. I can provide many examples of contributing posts if need be.
▶ 84e23d (2) No.373656>>373778
Back to the main board for you.
▶ 86cf18 (1) No.373778
▶ 5d468c (1) No.377157
I think flat earth and reptile threads need to be banned. They're hurting the credibility of the board, the movement, and of Q himself. As soon as some autist starts spewing their delusions the normies tune all of us out.
▶ 585986 (11) No.379806
Bakers by definition exercise editorial discretion with each bake.
Is there a place where a baker can catch up with your latest strategies and editorial direction?
Bakers come and Bakers go, we're all anons here and I think for this particular group it is very important that all Bakers be on the same page so to speak
carrot / stick
content / ban hammer
YOU are in charge of molding this project.
The evolution of this has been fascinating and I think as the next step you need to adopt some method to gather the appropriate group and instruct them.
Random Bakers is OK but Bakers without clear direction?
my 2¢
godspeed and thanks for all the work you've done.
▶ bca522 (4) No.384368>>388923 >>395304
i have a question for BO or BV or whoever made the graphic on snow white / seven dorfs and i don't want to shit up qresearch (and/or get banned or something), i'll post the question if/when you respond to this post
▶ 9104a1 (1) No.385977>>386235
Instead of "Pro Aris et Focis" the Board announcement should be something from this post, preferably the second line. We have a map to build, and this seems like an important goal.
▶ 0fbc3e (1) No.386235
Something like this perhaps…
https:// www.forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin/2011/10/22/the-147-companies-that-control-everything/#cd12b2a5105b
It's a tad bit older but the representation of a circular flow among connections is there at corporate level. Asides from all the big players, the underlings are left at the corporate level, hence watching resignations or dismissals or what have you, for whatever they decide to do.
▶ bca522 (4) No.388923>>395304
going to bed now but i still want an answer to the question i haven't posted, lol
▶ f5e3b4 (3) No.390279>>390308 >>390407
Copied request to meta thread from:
Please consider unbanning patriot anon.
Please see attached letter.
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.390407>>390457 >>391193 >>395304
Got 'em! Ban lifted.
That's my fault with the itchy trigger finger against the Momentum Thieves. You're quite correct in that the ban should've been for an hour or two tops, not 30days. I'm sorry lad.
Just, please take a moment to briefly familiarize yourself with Psychological Momentum.
Welcome back <3 and Thank you for reaching out like you did.
▶ 78c226 (2) No.390457
Thank you so much,,,, saved my life,kek,,, some of us live for our work on the boards here. I really appreciate it. THANK YOU BOARD VOLUNTEER ANON.
▶ 585986 (11) No.391141>>396544
I try not to make assumptions, proximity of post meaning the same as a link between posts but I guess I'm rubbing someone the wrong way. I'm trying to help, I'm trying to figure out how I can best contribute, that's all.
>post deleted
I will try one last time to make myself understood because I think it is important to the long term health of this project. If my contributions do not rate an answer, so be it and I'll stop and just lurk. But if things go like it looks like it's going to go, we ain't seen nothing yet.
The psychological momentum you speak of is very relevant to bread title creation wouldn't you agree?
I understand why famefagging is verboten here, it's why I stopped posting Rusty Shackelford with my work.
I'm trying to help, I'm trying to figure out how I can best contribute, that's all.
this is one recent title I can think of
>#467: Odin will extract his price edition
I'm not sure, but it seems a bit divisive from the outset, and if I'm not mistaken it's not a quote from Q
then there are the run of the mill
>#405: Bread Found Edition
>#404: Bread Not Found Edition
and general OOPS titles.
I was asking for some clear direction in this regard as I can clearly see how a title can have an effect on the general tone of the bread and it's momentum. I know I could use some clear guidance and feel fairly sure that others in my seat would at least listen. Plus it might help you more quickly spot an agent provocateur when they deviate from guidelines.
Often I'm not as succinct or eloquent as other times, so I tend to try to be understanding when people do not understand my meanings. Sometimes I'm more than a little dense. I hope this last attempt succeeds at getting across what I've been trying to say about strategy and the editorial duties of the anon in the kitchen
▶ f5e3b4 (3) No.391193
Such a helpful map too. Very appreciated for all you do.
▶ f202f2 (1) No.391361>>400744
Please sticky the current Memes bread →
Memes13 >>366408
I suggest keeping both memes bread stickied for a while, until Memes13 has sufficient content.
▶ eecb3a (2) No.392804>>392838
Pretty much same thing here.
Never been banned in my life, then I post a big write up similar to yours, and I'm banned for a month… talking about Rothschild's being Ashkenazi (fake satantic Jew) and them essentially taking over russiaa by killing the zar --- Stalin (from.georgia where the kazars originated, and very invloved with "Jewish" people) , Putin working under communism, and maybe P is Putin , controlled by Rothschild's + 2 (families Q speaks of)
Anyways, Rothschild's have a island in antartica, antarica is pretty secretive. Lots too it.
It's also essentially a safezone…. View from 40k feet? Classified. Look for yourself, tell me it's real.
Anyways, excuse my sporadic posting, but I'm actually autistic and this is frustrating the hell out of me. I need to keep changing ip, cause I keep getting month bans over and over again + my posts scrubbed.
First quoted post is me.. let's see if I gotta change it again.
▶ eecb3a (2) No.392838
NVM.. second quoted post was me. Guess that was just deleted too…. Here's some pics again.
▶ 6d675e (1) No.393424
CIA MKUltra seeked development of chemcials that suppress the stress response.
MKUltra start 1950s
Sanctioned in 1953
Reduced in scope in 1964
Halted in 1973
Glyphosate patented 1970
Glyphosate hits market 1974
Glyphosate inhibits brain P450D6.
Chronic microglial reactivity.
Autocorrection interruption.
Monsanto=MKUltra Dark
https:// www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf
▶ 6e3077 (1) No.394697>>395512
We need a thread for "PROOFS"
Q specifically said time after time we need to build PROOFS for the new eyes that are coming.
▶ bca522 (4) No.395304
So, the first tablets thing is disinfo right? (i haven't read it, yet) wondering if i should even bother reading it or not, the topic interests me, but at the same time i realize that it's gnosticism and potentially more or less exactly what the cabal thinks (or wants you to think) so i'm not sure if i should read it and i'd be very happy if you could inform me if i'm correct or not
▶ dac5b7 (1) No.395512
Forgive me for being late to the goddamned party. I don't know if anyone has been putting together a map like this but it would be exceptionally handy to get info out to the world.
Not quite sure how to best do it, but it's an idea.
▶ 5acb1e (5) No.395831
More Eyes, hopefully not more than our past DDOS CIA Niggers. Still capacity impacts, scalability. Etc
In addition, fuck, we may need more BV. There is a plan right (Rhet), getting out ahead of this would be prudent.
1) qCodefag posted in an earlier bread that GitHub was kicking him out (in case you missed) I offered some suggestions on hosting.
2) If this blows up on MSM it could be an Epic load. I remember when our porn site got plugged on Howard Stern: Instant 500.13 for hours.
Bottom line: If you need a paypal, go fund me, crypto donation (not BTC, fees is too damn high) I and I am sure others will gladly contribute.
Thanks for all you do!
▶ 26ec38 (5) No.395890
We have an actual bot program problem.
I recognize it from running a blog, surprised they aren’t coming with tons of stupid links to Chinese viagra.
Goes like this.
“Great post anon! I wonder if you could make som connections too x or y?”
“You are over the target patriot! Keep up the excellent work”
“Boom! That’s a lot of info!”
Some of them are replies to other posts that appear to be distraction or disinfo bots or shills.
Also a lot of
“I’m coming on to say something random that is tangentially related to a single word here and may have some jargon you recognize but my entire post means absolutely jack shit. Great job patriots, we are winning!”
But they all have only 1 post.
What to do?
▶ 4efcd1 (4) No.395908
▶ 4efcd1 (4) No.395927
Greetings to All who operate in the name of Freedom and Love and The American Way.
Like a few others who were banned, I feel as if I add to this board and Our movement. In trying to discover WHY I was banned, all I can come up with is "Reddit Style" spacing. I also just saw that "Psychological Momentum" may be an issue. I will dig to figure out what that is.
I'm not sure if responding to me publicly is the Right answer, but I always do my best to obey the rules of the House, so any insight would be appreciated.
My blessings to ALL, including the meanies and bad guys, I know what awaits you, I KNOW, and I pray for, and pity you all daily.
Any ideas BV/BO?? My Thanks & Blessings once again.
▶ 4efcd1 (4) No.396143
I think I got it.
Sometimes passion can run amok, and not be what is in the best interests of the Whole.
▶ a760f6 (1) No.396350
ease up on deleting "unrelated" posts just a TAD ;)
I know the feeling of slight anger you get reading some larp-y post. But don't let that disturb you, if it disturbs others or spams everything, only then smack it with a banhammer.
▶ 585986 (11) No.396544>>398891
> spot an agent provocateur
BO do you think you can spot one?
If the actions are subtle and not easily distinguishable from "mistakes" but time and again they create the opening for the tip of the D&C wedge…
getting banned mid bake with no warning after more than a baker's dozen loaves had been created by me really opened my eyes
I saw the shitshow of the Q migrations in real time as they happened and their causes were pretty obvious to me as I had seen it before why we moved to Fred's place
I pray I'm wrong
▶ 6cb880 (1) No.398146
Hi where can I put a link of what I have found on flight 370
▶ 114c24 (1) No.398891>>399078
I don't think you are wrong- you are very right.
JobAnon, QXmasTreeAnon, AI Anon, SCAnon, Bakers, etc, etc, etc…have been banned (day, weeks, month & 3 year bans) & when they call it out it is always a "mistake", Golden rule or "psychological momentum"- which BV is no psychologist and THAT is just a fancy excuse!
There were 62 Anons BANNED on 2/13 to 2/14. I've been following the ban logs but just started taking counts on 2/13 because what I was seeing in regards to bans were EXTREME & made me think we have been compromised. Especially after seeing Anons post about the bans happening & then THEY get banned too!
The bans have been talked about on other locations including Twitter. Also- we should be zipping through loafs & we aren't.
BV/BO- there is no reason to ban Anyone unless they are posting porn/CP. Anons are adult enough to FILTER! This is Supposed to be a board for ALL PATRIOTS & should not be censored! We can handle filtering ourselves! Sometimes power can get to people or sometimes clowns can. The excuse of "mistake" after weeks of this holds no water anymore.
Anons are live recording these boards now because we never know when that "shill" post or shitpost could actually be a code that we can go back a look up later (can't do that if deleted). Plus, there have been a lot of Anons that have been scared to touch on subjects for fear of getting banned again.
BO PLEASE ADDRESS THIS ISSUE! Ive seen every migration in real time as well & I see another coming. All bans should be lifted & Anons should be invited back.
We are getting too close to TRUTH for this Board to get compromised! Where we go one, we go All (unless you get banned by BV then you have NO VOICE)!
Do not delete this message or ban this IP as I have recorded it.
We thank you for your service but we also will not tolerate our fellow Anon Patriots being shit on. WE should never be afraid to speak our thoughts!
▶ 3c54be (7) No.399078>>399725 >>409636
Wait, do you really think IP address = Individual Anons?
Whew. Glad I'm the one doing this job.
Tell your friend that in his efforts of 'saving the movement from muh comped mods' they have turned into the very evil they sought to destroy.
But understandable..
▶ d0a881 (1) No.399248
Hi where can I put a link of what I have found on flight 370
Please read they know where it is.
https:// freedomoutpost.com/flight-370-passenger-philip-wood-allegedly-sends-message-u-s-military-base-indian-ocean/
▶ 585986 (11) No.399725>>399767 >>399783 >>399839 >>400103
>Tell your friend
If you are referring to me, I've tried repeatedly to have private comms with BO. email to admin@8chan on the 11th. I doxed myself, but I trust that admin, I've seen his work I didn't want to breach these thoughts on an open forum as it would exacerbate the very problem I seek to avoid.
I'm one of the unfortunate anons who does truly only have one IP available. As a board owner I know you don't see IPs just a unique hash.
Wake up, this is going to get worse.
We both realize that a certain degree of moderation is necessary here, When it's done capriciously and without explanation that moderation becomes counter productive.
For the record I do not think, nor have I ever said that anyone here is compromised. I think it's inexperience and a lack of clear guidelines from BO.
The bakers editorial decisions over what to leave in and what to prune and how to title the new bread are something that deserve some guidelines from BO. I pushed the edge by trying to reduce the bread to one post, it immediately puffed back to 3 and I've left it that way in bakes since then. Since I have access to only one IP and cannot afford a VPN (won't use a free one, you know why) getting banned is a serious matter to me.
Grumpy sounds just like an anon I've seen posting on the /pol/s for years. Grumpy may very well be an AI, maybe not, I'll probably never know. What I do know is it's the very definition of a Red Herring. Combating raids IS important, determining the humanity or not of the raiders seems a bit of a lesser priority.
If you look at my ban, you'll see the reason given. Please tell me how was I to correct my aberrant behavior with those instructions? A few days later along comes delta anon… I'm from /pol/ where debate to find the truth is paramount, if you eliminate debate here, how will we find the unassailable truths? Just because one anon (or BO / BV) does not see relevance in data doesn't mean it doesn't have relevance to another anon. Trying to sort the good info from bad requires chewing the bad for a bit to make sure it's not tasty and then leaving CLEAR links to the proof it tastes bad. Constantly telling an anon to lurk moar isn't productive, pointing them to resources that will answer their question is.
▶ 3c54be (7) No.399767
You are directly undermining the search for connections by posting or suggesting that the deltas relate to regular amazing anons posting.
There's no debate, there's just derision of our Comms.
This isn't a game, spend more time on this and you'll never post here again.
▶ 3c54be (7) No.399783
If, however, you work on clarifying the delta further or buildings proofs we can give to Normie's than I shall be your greatest ally.
The choice is yours.
▶ 3c54be (7) No.399839>>400103
>claims IP address are known b/c 'previous experience'
Uh huh.
▶ 585986 (11) No.400103>>403485
>>claims IP address are known b/c
> As a board owner I know you don't see IPs just a unique hash.
>don't see IPs just a unique hash.
>don't see IPs
I created and own /comms/, I created it to communicate with you guys off platform so I did not inadvertently cause problems
I've begun to think you deliberately misinterpret things
▶ 585986 (11) No.400288
>There's no debate, there's just derision of our Comms.
I said the best answer I'd found was Q's post 21439
I said
>mfw it SEEMS to match graphic
I've not posted anything on the delta subject since
▶ 9a73ae (1) No.400744
>>391361 (22 hours ago)
>>400706 (just now)
>>400714 (just now)
==Please sticky Memes13 >>366408 to the catalog==.
3rd request. Now we have a competing thread "memes bank" that lacks the basic info and meme makers/meme droppers will be confused. Can you fix this please?
Memeanon went to a lot of trouble to collect social media guidelines, locations of meme archives, red pill tactics, etc. and they are all in Memes13 >>366408 but not in the 'memes bank'.
▶ 3c54be (7) No.403485>>403981
You're right, I read over that too quickly and misinturpeted it. Sorry lad.
As for the Delta, I'm glad you haven't helped in muddying the waters here.
You know, you're a pretty hardy person.
I'm willing to appologize and forgive if you want to stick around. I'd like you to, and I'm sorry our first direct interaction was spoiled from my trigger fingers.
▶ 585986 (11) No.403981>>404968
>You know, you're a pretty hardy person.
thank you
I'm a /pol/ oldfag there are a bunch of us here that I've recognized
I've been battle hardened thru countless skirmishes. I've been forced to change my mind about long held ideas thru exposure to documented, verified truths that were contrary to the lies I'd been taught. IT hurts when you are forced to change your world view.
I'm honored to accept your apology and I offer mine as well for any offense I've caused.
My advise to you, is to relax a little and try to enjoy the ride, it's gonna get hairy as we've taken on serious enemies of many flavors, we're going to be attacked on multiple fronts.
I think I know what anons are and what they are capable of and as long as you and the others take care to be fair we'll be OK.
my 2¢
from time to time give your bakers some pointers and some feedback, their power is greater than you realize. the subtle art of persuasion as taught by Edward Bernays is useful here. but only slightly as the oldfags easily spot heavy handed manipulation This is like herding cats, it must be artfully and gently if you wish to succeed in influencing their direction and as you've seen sometimes the breads do stray into non-productive states
▶ 3c54be (7) No.404968
Advice well received.
Thank you, lad.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.405585
Sorry, I don't use the admin@8ch email. I made a protonmail account, because I have an app that lets me keep up in real-time. I've been mobile quite a bit lately (I hope for not too much longer) so I tend to miss out on a few things.
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▶ 585986 (11) No.408270
>Sorry, I don't use the admin@8ch email.
that is understandable because only codemonkey has access
We need to talk
PM me
▶ 86e526 (1) No.409636
No- what I have SEEN is you go trigger happy and ban Anons who have been here since the beginning and YOU are NOT better than any Anon who is on these boards & we can decide what we want to see or not. I don't understand why this is so hard for you to understand- this board belongs to us all & when you start banning Anons & deleting posts then trust in YOU as a BV is LOST!
You have banned many Anons who have been digging their hearts out & have put in more hours than imaginable & for you to decide that YOU think what they have to say isn't important really is unacceptable.
Do you believe Q is one person or a team? Do you believe that the boards are being watched by the team? You don't know any more than other Anons & you don't know who you are banning or if the information they are posting could trigger some memory of information in another Anon.
We are supposed to be in this together- PER Q! We are stronger when we are united & when you ban an Anon- you take their voice away & you take away their posts.
I thank you for your hard work but I ask of you to open your heart and mi d enough to understand how your actions can affect other Anons. There have been many on this board who have talked about how they have been close to suicide & that this board has helped give them a purpose & has saved them- please don't take that away from them. Many of them are probably veterans.
▶ 3c54be (7) No.410236>>418462
I just wish I could trust feedback such as yours more, but, we are at War. See pic.
Pull yourself together and stop shitting on our boards. At this point, your tantrum is doing more damage than our moderation.
▶ 036c8b (2) No.418462>>419035
You cannot argue with these people. Keep your neon sign only for good purposes. Yes, I too get passive aggressive because you deleted my posts, but I'm not a crybaby faggot because I can restart my router and post it again if I deem it worthy to incite further conflicts (I don't). You are doing good work, and improving. Just resist the urge to famefag and you are golden.
▶ 63503a (2) No.418535>>419035
Hi. New baker here. Just popping in for a second to omit an error I made.
In Q Research General #515 >>418185 , I made a typo in the thread title: it should say "Q Research General", but now it says "Research General'.
Could bo/bv please adjust this? Thanks.
▶ 19f7dc (2) No.418555>>418571 >>419035 >>608856
Gonna post just because I feel like helping the cause. I have been following this entire thing since the first few threads on cuckchan. The threads have been going downhill for a long fucking time now. The attention it got killed it, flooded with reddit, newfags, positivity retards, the kikes have infiltrated. It physically hurts me to read the threads nowadays, it has gotten that bad. The entire thing is just a cringe charade, where actual discussion and research is drowned with this cancer. To give you a few examples from the last few threads alone:
the cancerous idiots praising OP, 20-30 posts talking about 'le fresh bread meme xD'
>what a righteous bread baker!!!!
the compliment fishing garbage
>my dog just died guys pls notice me and give me hugz and kisses!!!
the ABSURD amount of garbage memes that serve no purpose and are worse than facebook soccermom tier
>guy posting 50 images of ballsack photoshops (pic related)
Probably 80% of the posts are with fucking redditspacing, not only is it unreadable garbage, they are newfag bandwagoning cancer. If you questioned how much reddit is on this board go look for yourself
>(pic related)
Not only do these things contribute NOTHING to the cause, they literally shit up the thread so fast we need twice as many. If some non cuck mod was in charge maybe this would not have been so bad and people wouldnt get lost in hundreds of threads trying to find the useful information.
▶ 63503a (2) No.418571
Nice trips.
You are welcome to step us as a baker, if you dare.
▶ 67717e (1) No.419035>>1127571
Th-thank you. I appreciate the feedback, as this position is an extension of your power and not mine to wield alone.
Done. Isn't it comforting to know that every 3 letter agency is here and they get to see all our mistakes? ; )
The report feature is a wonderful bridge between anons and their power to modify the board. Please use it well.
Did you also know that the momentum of potentially great posts is within your realm of influence as well? Take the extra step and reply to great insightful posts - it will bring attention to the digs and realign the board. Just as momentum can be taken away by well timed irrelevant posts, (You), the people can direct the hivemind by giving praise where praise is due!
Post last edited at
▶ 7f1f7a (1) No.421443>>421861
BO, a request.
Is there any way to go back and edit the titles of the breads in such a way as to differentiate each by time and date? This would make digging for something from past breads a lot easier.
If this was put into operation by the bakers as each new bread came along it would be an ongoing thing.
Telling newbies to reread the crumbs is all well and good and the github has direct links to the breads still online, but for storing this stuff offline it would be a lot better if there was an ongoing archive marking process at work.
You and your helpers are doing a great job
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.421861>>424295
We do have anons doing a great job of archiving our breads. Check it out, it's awesome! http:// qarchives.ml/8qresearch_q_threads.html
▶ f49f08 (5) No.423579
so, who can we link, from the client list to any of his LIDDLE nics?
I see lots of space / com clients…
and Bob Corker isn't running for office again..he;s corrupt
https:// www.lipstickalley.com/threads/bob-corker-exposed-for-the-filthy-pirate-he-is.1366639/
BUT Peyton Manning is supposed to be thinking of running for his seat and he's queer as a 3 dollar bill…big sekrit
▶ f49f08 (5) No.423842
so, who can we link, from the client list to any of his LIDDLE nics?
I see lots of space / com clients…
and Bob Corker isn't running for office again..he;s corrupt
https:// www.lipstickalley.com/threads/bob-corker-exposed-for-the-filthy-pirate-he-is.1366639/
BUT Peyton Manning is supposed to be thinking of running for his seat and he's queer as a 3 dollar bill…big sekrit
▶ f49f08 (5) No.424003
I don't know about that organization, but infant massage is a real and good thing. Just like skin to skin contact. Teaching parents how to do infant massage is different than letting others do it…that's weird..but infant massage is glorious for them, and really helps colic and sleep issues. Hate to see something that's great for babies and parental bonding be…associated with pedos :(
▶ f49f08 (5) No.424261
what happened to this thread? Stuck?
▶ f49f08 (5) No.424295
I had a dupe post on this thread due to "flood detection" please delete extra
and where are all the posts? I'm only seeing mine…at least from #423579 on down.
▶ 2c97e1 (2) No.427971>>427991 >>428118 >>428957
ok. i am no concernfag
been here forever
please review this image
post 299 from Q's board was by a guy namefagging as
now muslim was the namefaggot who cracked
i believe we should covertly contact codemonkey
if/when Q posts again.. just as an added measure of
operational security
▶ 2c97e1 (2) No.427991>>428118
especially considering BO posted his trips
there twice.
those trips do NOT show as board owner there.
they show as trips.. or better yet.. trips to take over this board
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.428118
▶ 036c8b (2) No.428957
1. He can't get the last two characters, would take him many years.
2. Q said previous pw was let go (intentionally).
▶ 8296c9 (2) No.435078
I need a BO for discussion
▶ da97d8 (8) No.435108>>439134 >>449919
Did anyone notice the difference between qanonposts.com and qanonmap.github.io?
There was first a non-functional floating date 'feature' on qanonposts that has since been *half* repaired, it now *only* lags a bit, it's a bit off. But more importantly there are some posts missing. I guess that at the time of writing there are 5 posts less in qanonposts than in the other compilation.
The oldest missing post is number 381 in the archive, #127154 from 12/20/17. Is there a relation with posts Q erased or are there other reasons? Can someone correct and update (the script of) qanonposts.com? As of now, I haven't checked the backup archive, so I don't know for sure if that's okay, I don't know which of the two it mirrors. It is not *very* important, it probably fits in this thread but I don't know who to alert or how to correct this. I'm not a websitefag nor a dbfag, sorry. Thanks for following up.
▶ 8296c9 (2) No.435182>>437321
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.437157
Question--the qanonmap link no longer appears to have explanations in it, and the spreadsheet link now seems to be locked down and inaccessible. Wasn't sure why these changes had been made. Is there a current spreadsheet that can be viewed without special access?
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.437321
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.438744
I don't think we have a baker for 540. 539 said needed a new one and is now full. Can't find 540.
▶ da97d8 (8) No.439134>>440342 >>449919
Is it just me who noticed that qanonposts.com lags behind qanonmaps.github.io ?
The difference amounts to 14 posts by now.
Who or what is eating qposts over there?
The backup archive seemed OK last time I checked…
▶ 7efd12 (1) No.440342>>440885 >>449919
qanonposts.com seems to be down, I'm getting DNS errors.
▶ da97d8 (8) No.440885>>449919
Yes qanonposts is down.
As I noticed the situation deteriorated with time, there could be hope. Like, they have a problem and went down to fix it, who knows?
I don't know anyone from board-ops so I'm just guessing.
On the other hand https:// qanonmap.github.io/ is still up and so is the backup this very moment.
No panic and help yourself so help you god.
▶ d94bce (1) No.443450
Can someone explain the Golden Rule Ban to me? The description is very vague
When is it considered rule violation?
▶ da97d8 (8) No.449919
qanonposts.com is back up. Yes!
And the problem(s) seem to have been resolved. Good to have some redundancy in these matters.
There is some slight difference though, due to a timelag. Posts from qanonmap.github.io show a 6 hour lag which gives some date inconsistencies between the two. For example qanonposts.com does have posts October 31 while qanonmap.github.io does not, there they show up as Novemer 1st. Timestamps seem to be consistent though, counting timezone-lag.
So good work there! Keep it up (to date ;) )!
▶ 5acb1e (5) No.452767
Can you please delete >>451340 as it does not follow the thread rules. Thanks!
▶ 9f4143 (1) No.462221
>>143179 (OP)
qcodefag seriously doxxed on #568
▶ da97d8 (8) No.464500>>471448
Dunno if its just me, but cant get the last Qposts (from bread #563) to display on qanonmap.github.io -which by the way usually displays 6 or 7 posts MORE than qanonposts .
These last two do display just fine on qanonposts though.
But the backup AND thestoryofq.com also FAIL to load the latest posts (458430 & 458475). I've had a look at qcodefags open sourced code but that's above my pay grade. Anywayz just sayin 's all.
▶ da97d8 (8) No.471448
A quick heads up to thank qcodefaganon and others involved for fixing the qpost archival sites. These are great resources that I like to use a lot and they are currently WORKING GREAT again. TY. Only qanonposts is still 8 posts short from the other three sites. There might be a (good) reason for that though, in light of just which posts are missing… Great to have some redundancy, for cross checking of integrity and possibly for attack resistance and load sharing/balancing purposes maybe.
▶ bcc6c1 (1) No.474302
Thank you for encouraging this.
I have copious "common denominator" research that needs the critical eyes of the anons on this board.
Which thread security option do you recommend? Other suggestions?
▶ 257e6d (1) No.477736
Did the spirituality thread autosage or was it nuked intentionally?
▶ 8712f3 (1) No.488772
why was the metrics thread archived?
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/465303.html#465615
Wanted to encourage people that what we are doing is effective and working.
>>487871 was nuked. BO, thought we had discussed continual deletion of my posts regarding this… as I keep saying truth needs no explanation. Ban note says "stop trying to fuck with our comms from Q"… this is not about comms from Q, this is just interesting posts that hold water after seeking truth.
Thank you BO.
▶ 5e5c96 (1) No.491086
BV/BO are you active ATM?
Radio check
▶ 9f6492 (2) No.491344>>491347
dear patriots
research thread #604 has got a faulty title
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/491262.html
could you please correct it?
thank you
god bless
▶ 9f6492 (2) No.491347
▶ 6209e9 (1) No.491416
I now know the extent these evil ones have gone to.
These people are sick.
I have faith in you, we need to make this world a better place.
I will sit back now and unplug. This is all too overwhelming.
One patriot to another.
Godspeed, for God and Country.
▶ 1f2e65 (1) No.491530
I know wikipedia is out of the question but how about infogalactic or something else. Wikis are a really great way to share reference information. Citations being docs/images/video discovered.
▶ 7a0c88 (1) No.491531
No baker, no active general?
4.53 am pacific time, Sunday Feb 2018.
▶ 2cadbd (2) No.492775
>>143179 (OP)
A potential idea to slow bots and preserve anonymity came in the middle of the night.
What if each board has a one word title and that word must be included at the end of each genuine post?
That word would be a clue to respond only to those using the word at the end of each post.
If what I caught from last night is that one response to a bot triggers three more one-line nonsensical responses, it might slow them down.
Sadly, won't do much for the shills that truly participate. Still think they drop more than they intend, though, so won't complain too loudly there.
If I'm full of shit, no need to call it. It's just an idea.
▶ 552d9f (1) No.494936>>503042
attention CodeMonkey
would somebody contact CodeMonkey about this?
I don't have a Twitter account so no way to contact him.
The 8ch server code may have been hacked.
This experiment is proof that text
" l i t t l e " being changed to "l i d d l e" by server code. The screencap is what I posted. The text is what it was changed to.
▶ 46c911 (2) No.495069>>510398
▶ e30acc (1) No.495616
▶ eeb15c (1) No.497883>>497962 >>502088
Started a thread on H.R. 1865 and all the pertinent links thereof.
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/497458.html#497788
It might behove the people running this site to know what this bill meaning, legally.
▶ 31575f (3) No.497962
An even better idea would be to fix the "Bane" crap on the board so Anons could post relevant data to one another
▶ 31575f (3) No.497979
I attempted to reply to an Anon about the student who said there were multiple shooters and someone covering up dead bodies. Here is that link https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=eWUrLbTVrDw
▶ 2cadbd (2) No.502063
>>143179 (OP)
#524 is missing. It links to #514.
#514 also links to #514.
▶ e7bdef (12) No.502088
It might also behoove anon to understand what "meta" means in the context of an image board
▶ dd3795 (9) No.502972
Just wondering--is there some way that Q's posts in the general research threads could be auto-posted in other threads as well?
These new research sub-threads are much-needed, but people would be more likely to use them if they knew they weren't going to miss out when Q posts.
Incidentally, I'd created a thread called "Follow the money" the day before yesterday, and probably spent a good six hours filling it with links to resources that could be used to do exactly that, plus research that I was working on myself. There were only 5-6 posts (mainly by myself), but it was deleted less than 24 hours after I'd posted it. Today, there's a new post called "Follow the money," but with no links. Is there a reason why mine was deleted?
▶ dd3795 (9) No.503042
BO admitted that he was the one that made the word filter. Sure it was just a joke, all in good fun:
▶ dd3795 (9) No.504010
You're right, it wasn't deleted--just archived. Regardless, I'd started it on the 23rd, created a pastebin for template modeled after the qresearch general, filled it with links to resources, added research I was doing myself, then suddenly it gets archived and another post pops up with the same name, sans resource links.
The pastebin has links to the Treasury Department and relevant offices, a link to the ICIJ database (which contains the Paradise and Panama Paper leaks on offshore corporations, plus an interface showing their links), a link to the FBI's search for non-profit form 990s, and more.
I'd also begun breaking down Q's linked article with regards to who the Sandy Hook money went to, so we could identify who should be investigated. I was going to do the same for a Miami Herald article that listed similar details for this Majory Stoneman Douglas incident, when I saw my work had been tossed yesterday.
▶ d9e3b4 (1) No.507386
Many Lightworkers/Lightwarriors/Truthers' posts have been deleted presumably for "not being Q related", however they have served their purpose as a brain opener for what is about to come.
▶ 9b436a (1) No.510398
xxxxxxxxxx - all x's should be lowercase.
▶ 4d76eb (1) No.513984>>551683
North Korea dedicated thread went down.
I was debating stuff in there this morning.
What happened?
I'm the original poster and I didn't submit anything to have it deleted.
Is something nefarious afoot?
▶ 293b45 (2) No.514797
It is Bob Cummings from Love That Bob
▶ bca522 (4) No.516931
i fell for the shills about "first tablets of moses" and really don't want to point people in the direction of their secret society, my point was just to expose it for being anti christian in what i believed was a christian thread, if you don't care or whatever then don't delete it, but i would like my post to be deleted:
yes, i'm an idiot, lol.
▶ 6da3c1 (1) No.517621>>551683
Any chance that you can code a second GMT time stamp? Now that you've gone global, it might be helpful.
▶ 78c226 (2) No.519304>>551683
I posted this comment in the main thread. Wanted to repost it here for BO and other admin.
Many anons have complained about being unfairly banned.( guess last night alot of people got banned)
If shills are somehow, getiing into positions where they can ban good anons.
Can we have BO and adm do a daily check, maybe 2 times a day. Go through ban list and double check that they are all valid.
Also sometimes people have been sweep up by accident during mass shill attacks.
Not sure if you have a daily process to double check, if not , you should, so good anons are not banned by shills, or people just banning others for no reason, other then to be a dick, or because they don't like someones post( does not fit into their version of ideas,kek)
▶ 3d5180 (5) No.526820
Interesting new shilling. Come up with garbage tier information (The Supercomputer thread), pretend to be AI (like some dumb fag who is taking advantage of the fact none of you know jack shit about neural networks), when you get banned for posting gibberish, complain about unfair censorship.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.528063>>528116
Just a simple yes/no will suffice
If you get the response the board is full and you can't submit a reply - does that mean your banned?….and if not
How do you find the message number to reply to? I do not see any search capability on this board.
Two common quex most would find useful. If no reply, I guess I got my answer.
▶ 4d20c1 (1) No.528116
If you were banned you would know because you would get a pop up saying you were banned. If thread is full you have to go to next bread.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.528460
ty for clarif… any way to search for post#, or is this just hunt and peck. My last quex. Thx.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.529334
TY - know about CTRL/F - looks like it's archives to search or page through. TY again for info.
▶ 585986 (11) No.532395>>532944 >>551683 >>556931
About time!
Don't take this post at face value, check my posting history for the last month(s).
ALL of the actions can be excused as honest mistakes, plausibly deniable goofs. but were they???
If you look closely you can see the subtle direction, not so much by what was deleted and who was banned, but by what wasn't deleted and who wasn't banned.
The use of the nebulous and capricious violation of the Golden Rule that gives absolutely no guidance to correct the behavior in the future.
We tried to warn you, the damage is done, a schism occurred and may be difficult to repair.
I've repeatedly tried to communicate with you about the editorial duties of the baker and what that truly means.
Again, it's not so much what is included in each new bread, the more important part is what is not included.
Personal opinion of the accuracy of information is poison, let the board consensus rule on what is and is not accurate, that's why this place is useful, not because of one opinion trying to guide the herd, but because of the group consensus.
Look at patterns of postings not just the odd individual post if you want to understand.
my 2¢
▶ a9f853 (1) No.532944>>551683
Being banned from the General Qresearch board because you 'don't stay on topic' on the GENERAL board is ridiculous or commenting on the board about all the bans and post deletions…then getting banned yourself and called a Divisionfag is RIDICULOUS! We are watching these bans on the ban list and will keep BV honest or your board will be toasted. Q can post here but it doesn't mean we have to put up with BV and do our digging here.
I was banned many times for commenting about BV and the bans. I also have put in lots of time digging, came up with the Cruz past history that is in the Bread and also found the 'Expand Your Thinking' book today and posted about it this morning….this would NOT have happened if I continued to be banned.
People get tired of being shit on over and over again. We all want the best for this country and we are supposed to work together but if BV comes back and bans people for having a different opinion, not 'staying on their decided task', or commenting about the happenings on the board then the board will end up like the previous boards that died.
BO thank you for your hard work and I just hope that you aren't playing good cop to BV's bad cop…time will tell.
▶ 3d5180 (5) No.535589>>551683
Greetz BO.
Was just letting you know qr2g is a consensus cracking OP. Got an email?
▶ 205a3b (1) No.551683>>556930 >>556931
I'm sorry for the long wait guys.
I'm not sure what happened to the North Korea thread, I'll look in to it. In the meantime, please feel free to create another one.
I cannot write the code for the website, that is up to CodeMonkey and his staff.
Issue has been resolved. The BV in question is taking a break from mod duties for now while I lift some bans and get some things straightened out. Don't worry, I will protect your freedom of speech as best I possibly can. It can be a tedious and tricky job to deal with much of the time. Just bear with us for now.
I get exactly what you're saying. I, as well as the BV's can see the post history of every anon here as you already know. After thorough review, we take action, wether it's to ban or not. Many anons were obviously not happy about the strict enforcement of rules and I also honestly didn't mean for this to be a strict environment at all. All opinions are welcome and if they are unpopular the anons will do all of the filtering themselves. Bans are only meant for actual attackers that are causing worry amongst everyone.
I will update the rules momentarily.
I'm not. I don't have a special routine that I go through with BV, it's a genuine disagreement. I've known this anon for a while now and I know for a fact that his intentions are not malicious. In any case, I will be doing my best to rectify anyones issues in the meantime.
Email posted.
Yes, I've visited qr2g.
▶ 79747e (3) No.552847>>553086 >>556974
We have shills in Memes14 posting memes disrespectful to POTUS that harm our cause.
I reported the ones I noticed, and hope you will delete them and ban the perp.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.553086>>553185
Banning and deleting posts from this anon will not make him go away, but provoke him further. He will move to another IP address rendering other anons filters against him useless as they will have to filter again.
▶ 79747e (3) No.553166>>567277 >>567356
Dozens and dozens of garbage posts,
some porn, many disrespectful to POTUS,
all irrelevant to Q team
Wish you'd clean it up and ban the guy(s).
I've reported the posts to make it easy for you to locate them quickly.
▶ 79747e (3) No.553185>>553332
So you don't want me to bother reporting any more of them?
OK I presume you know what you are doing.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.553332>>554447 >>566349
Don't worry, they will stop. Like I said, there are probably tons of anons that have filtered him by now. If I ban him and he switches to another IP, the rest of the anons will have to filter again.
Be vigilant.
▶ 31575f (3) No.554447
You filtered half of the internet with your "post image" garbage. You have absolutely no clue as to how this has hurt the cause outside the board.
We are battling against a group of Elites who use all sorts of horrific machinations against the people of the USA and world, and, they come to this board and read about a group of posters who considers themselves special and who basically bar anyone from posting.
Not good/
▶ 3d5180 (5) No.556930>>571931
>Email posted.
Not seeing it.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.556931>>571931
>All opinions are welcome and if they are unpopular the anons will do all of the filtering themselves.
I'd suggest marking bad posts
(user was banned for this post)
Leave them as an example for the rest to learn from. Clear examples will help newbies learn to spot bad actors and ignore them / filter them.
Clear examples will help misguided anons learn from their mistakes.
Using bullshit like golden rule violations is actually very harmful to the health of the board. golden rule does not work with masochists Lurk Moar is less than helpful, as it is NOT specific in what area needs improvement.
You already know that innocent well meaning anons get caught up in the bans. Help them learn instead of just capriciously banning them and apologizing after the fact
You are herding cats, subtle, gentle and very CLEAR direction is needed.
A baking school? We most certainly need some type of guidance and oversight.
A baker is part cheerleader and part editor.
With a good baker and tasty bread the anons will snark less and contribute more.
With good bakers you can gently guide the group.
Ask yourself what happened with the bakers?
What has happened with the quality and texture of the breads, the quality of output to the world at large has suffered.
We cannot control the bad actors
We can help guide the content of our breads
If you didn't realize it, these are NOT NEW problems and workable solutions have been found.
I'm not special, I've just watched the evolution of these boards since Moot screwed the pooch. Fredrick Brennan's struggles to set up 8chan were VERY instructive in re; shills and bad actors.
I do not want to tell you what to do, I just want to present alternative options and possible solutions.
I've edited 8bit's post on /comms/ about DNS to authenticate
▶ 62e72f (2) No.556942
Hello anons. Hows the baking?
▶ 62e72f (2) No.556974
Unless these guys are combative I don't think anyone should be banned. Only if they are disrespecting our cause with blatant demonic things, symbols or spitting in our face. Then the BO should work to ban every ip they use.
But many opinions even if some disagree is not a bad thing. Their are many phsyops to discuss. Some are in interested in different aspects of the baking.
▶ 3afffd (1) No.557006>>557100
Can anyone tell me how to filter?
▶ 790d15 (1) No.557100
Like this. The "+" option includes replies as well.
▶ ea89b0 (1) No.566349>>571931
If you don't ban anyone, then it is guaranteed that the clowns will be able to use their botting capability to flood the board and hence control the narrative and the output. It is absolute foolishness to act like there is a valid reason to not ban anyone, given the preceding.
▶ d141f2 (1) No.566539>>567250 >>571931
In over 10+ weeks only “2” active “volunteers” and the board owner? This is unacceptable.
▶ 8e64fc (2) No.567250
Why is it unacceptable?
▶ da97d8 (8) No.567277
haven't checked recently, but I know we have some delicious playing cards rendered over there too. Really worth taking a look, is like anti-illuminati gamepack.
▶ da97d8 (8) No.567291
Hello friendly anons,
€U oldfag calling in for duty.
After emerging from my timely collapse I find our UPE (Unknown Posting Entity) Q has communicated again.
One quick search learned me that the following sites lost track or interest in the current state of events:
http:// www. thestoryofq.com/
https:// qntmpkts.keybase.pub//
https:// qanonmap.github.io/
Only https:// qanonposts.com/ keeps up with the now and here.
More better than nothing, well, so much for redundancy. Who cares? Opsec much?
===BAKER: update your dough on ^^this^^, you're churning out stale loaves===.
What's more, the enigmatic yewtubechannel 13013 NOVA CORP BLUE disappeared and was transmogrified into the channel AI
which in turn morphed into the actual 71 channel. The general tune of the videos on it couldn't be more different than the
previous harvest.
This alleged "mkultra farm video channel" was in all probability a covert comms op using public conduits and imploded into
some lame decoy after we and others found out about the nature of the beasty. The current theme is decidedly asian chop
shop in style, have a look for yerselves.
Dunno if there is something worthwhile to be dug up there now.
It has that shapeshifting spook feel and smell about it, unable to determine if it is MI or clowns gaming.
Anyways, despite the hard rain of shills in past days I must say that this whole infinichan op is a remarkable catherding
exercise gone extraordinarily well in general. I marvel at the depth, the number of layers and points of view going strong
here still today. Also this whole scene here must be a big-data wet dream come true for the catherding demigod sysops.
Good day to y'all, where we go one, we go all. God bless.
▶ 8e64fc (2) No.567356>>571931
Some anons have lost focus. I called attention to this and got many hateful replies. So just state what you think and ignore nonconstructive bashing. And pick your memes with care. We need to unite - all of us.
▶ 3d5180 (5) No.570120>>571702
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/567016.html
Anchoring is no better than banning, what is it about this post that ruffled your jimmies?
▶ 3bcdda (2) No.571702
Doesn't look like something that needs it's own thread. But I'll humor you this time.
▶ 3bcdda (2) No.571931>>572085 >>572898 >>574413
Now this is looking more like a meta thread.
See pic related. I lifted BV's previous ban, giving you the ability to talk more shit, and now we're not banning enough? Make up your mind.
Anons are here because they want less policing over their posts. This is what I had set out to do when the board was created, and everyone here understands that less censorship means more shills will speak up unfortunately. I can keep handing out bans, but the shills will hop to other IP's and keep shilling. I've said this countless times now. I can keep deleting shill posts, but when so many are deleted, suspicion is raised. I have also been aware of BV's who have been inactive for so long, and I have pruned them from the staff. The number of Board moderators actively working now has been the same as it has always been, minus 1 as of recently.
Well said. This should be known to all anons by now.
I am a human, just like you, and not the god of absolute truth. Marking posts only puts my own opinion on them and has the potential to sway opinion and could cause unintentional misdirection. Posts will no longer be deleted, but pornographic files will be deleted from posts, and bans are always publicly displayed in red text if the post is not deleted. The moderator team knows to do that. I plan on updating and simplifying the rules very soon.
It should be in the name field of my post. It is blue and underlined.
Post last edited at
▶ 3d1256 (1) No.572085>>575137
>See pic related. I lifted BV's previous ban, giving you the ability to talk more shit, and now we're not banning enough? Make up your mind.
This is not reasonable behavior. How can you not realize that banning shouldn't be either arbitrary (in a way that allowed threads to be flooded with nonsense) or else none at all? The very essence of good moderation is finding that particular middle ground that filters out the most shit and allows the most good. You are faking it, 100%
▶ 00d14a (24) No.572898>>575137
>not the god of absolute truth.
IT was never my intention to imply that.
I do appreciate the very hard work you've put in
My opinion is that mistakes were made, and now things are getting better.
It was a learning experience.
When I make a mistake, it means I've learned something new that I did not know before.
I've learned a few things lately.
my 2¢ you are on the right track re: moderation / bans
I believe you and the BVs are ripe for a little W. Edwards Deming.
I had the pleasure of seeing one of his lectures.
Some of his viewpoints on systems analysis might yield valuable insight here.
He was sent to Japan after WWII to help with rebuilding and his influence can still be seen in Modern Japanese industrial efficiency.
I'd also appreciate your input on the bakers school.
I remember the horrific catastrophe that was the baker's union prior to the exodus and do not want to make those mistakes.
Instruction and a bit of guidance for the continual stream of new bakers in important in my opinion.
Your occasional oversight and input there could be very valuable.
▶ dd3795 (9) No.574413>>575137
Just wanted to give you and the BVs compliments on your handling of the banning situation. At first I felt it was needed--it's crystal clear that shills have come in and started pushing narratives designed to distract & discredit. Personally, the BV that was temporarily relieved is my favorite precisely because he took care of those sorts quickly (as far as I could tell). Posting during his time was always fruitful, both in getting input and learning from other's research. I also felt (and still do feel) that certain types should be banned based on Q's recommendation of those that "should not be taking part in the discussion." One gets the impression that he knows about the narratives that are being advanced.
But there have been times that I have had my gripes and spoke out about them…and the speed with which I was attacked was mind-boggling. It's like "Lord of the Flies" in here sometimes; last night, for instance, I mentioned that it was time to move on from the frog because Revelation 16:13 makes for bad optics. Others mentioned that the frog is childish, but everyone who said so was instantly called a shill.
People should be able to air legitimate grievances without being silenced because oftentimes it's meant to point out glaring problems. For instance, if I were the opposition, I would immediately work to sever Christians from anything related to #qanon by pointing out the frog, and you can bet that they will as the heat rises.
So again, I commend you all for striking a good balance. It gives me faith that this board is making decisions that are much wiser than the ones I would have made, and that gives me comfort.
▶ fb88a3 (1) No.574425>>575137
no issue to report but would like to talk about advertisers that would benefit you without doxing myself
▶ 0859f2 (2) No.575137>>575772 >>601115
>How can you not realize that banning shouldn't be either arbitrary (in a way that allowed threads to be flooded with nonsense) or else none at all?
I don't think you understand what I'm saying bud. I never said I wasn't going to hand out any bans at all. I'll say at again for like the 7th time now: If a shill wants to shit up a thread, he's going to post a whole bunch of garbage, but the anons will filter out the shill so that they don't have to see his posts. Once I ban the shill, he hops IP's on his VPN, and all filters are rendered useless. I keep banning/deleting posts from this shill and after so many deletions, other anons are suspicious thinking that we are covering something up, which isn't the case. Banning and deleting are best reserved for big fuggen problems.
>You are faking it, 100%
Suck my balls. I've been here, and real since the beginning. I feel like I am being baited, kek.
No I know you didn't mean to imply anything. I just wanted to emphasize my point.
This Edwards Deming guy seems pretty interesting. I'll check out what he's got tonight.
As for the Bakers School:
>- In image editor, change one pixel on it or make a scribble on the white area.
I don't think that's required on qresearch. I have set the board to allow duplicate images. Could save you a little time with your bread. Other than that, you have some really well written instructions. There's nothing I could suggest be done differently. I'd like to add though that just in case a baker fucks up a post, they can always report the post and link a pastebin with how they intended to make it. We'll change the post accordingly for them. I'll definitely keep an eye out at /comms/.
Thanks anon, I really appreciate it. We do the best we can but we have to rely on everyone being of good judgement as well. Luckily for all of us, there are more genuinely good anons here than there are shills (posting, at least).
>It's like "Lord of the Flies" in here sometimes;
Ever been to /pol/ ? Kek
>How do you contact the Board Owner? He mentioned needing credible advertiser to help defray the cost of this board a couple of times recently
Hmm? That couldn't have been me. I don't pay for this board. No one does. I don't even like or need the advertisements that are here. All generated revenue should be going to the site owner.
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▶ af0526 (1) No.575579
Throwing a red flag down here. I believe this may come up again real soon. Can anyone answer why a child from Haiti would be in high demand?
https:// wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/629
So much is open source.
So much left to be connected.
Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?
How are they smuggled out?
‘Adoption’ process.
Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF?
Track donations.
Cross against location relative to Haiti.
Think logically.
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.
https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-25/clinton-silsby-trafficking-scandal-and-how-media-attempted-ignorecover-it
http:// esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1573
▶ 00d14a (24) No.575772>>575862 >>575879
>This Edwards Deming guy seems pretty interesting.
I'll try to find some of the material from him that is relevant. The wiki article is kind of superficial, it mentions the red bead demo but the link doesn't go anywhere because nobody has posted what that was.
As part of his lecture he had several stories that illustrated a major thought in his system of process analysis
As I recall the red bead thing went like this
Imagine judging your group by the following task
There is a barrel of beads, it is mostly white ones with a lesser number of black ones and a very few red ones. Now the task of each worker is to take a tray with bead shaped dimples and plunge it into the barrel and move it around with the object being to bring the tray out with beads in each dimple on the tray. Here the fun begins, you are going to give demerits to each team member who has to re-do the action due to the presence of a red bead. It was all to illustrate the concept that some errors are systematic and trying to improve group efficiency isn't always straightforward.
Another was
I've got a bucket that represents the time I have in a day. I've got several containers of stones which represent 'tasks'. He takes as many large stones from the 1st container as will fit in the bucket and asks "have I filled my day with tasks?" NO, so he takes pebbles from the 2nd container and adds a few hands full to the bucket and again asks "have I filled my day?" NO so he goes to the 3rd container and gets sand, and fills the bucket up. "Is my day full now"?" he asks… the crowd agrees yes, He then asks what the point was… gets several answers and then tells the group that the point was to put the BIG tasks in first or you won't get them in at all.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.575862
I've found a plethora of YT vids of Deming's lectures
>mfw search for w edward deming lecture
If you have a spare 10 minutes watch
it's the red bead demo
not quite as I recalled, but it's still amusing and informative
▶ 0859f2 (2) No.575879
Ok yeah I've definitely seen the bucket demonstration done by a professor before. I thought that was familiar.
I'll check the videos out in a few minutes.
▶ 88f010 (1) No.579261
agencies across the globe that 'helps' children
http:// globalmodernslavery.org/#/0016000001IXwFmAAL,43.8474502563477,-79.3784866333008
▶ 00d14a (24) No.584056
Please take a look at #719
there is behavior that is definitely giving ammunition to our enemies
If he wants to shitpost make him lose the trip
shitposting like that from a position of authority is bad, bad bad
I screwed up in 717 by leaving my handle in the name field… some of the results were funny but it harmed the thread fiercely. I will not repeat that mistake.
>mfw some of it was funny tho
▶ 00d14a (24) No.586035
Well, you are in the middle of erroding one of the things that made /qresearch/ different than /pol/ even though they were populated by the exact same anons
I think I can best explain it by asking if you remember the original SpaceElevator and the later SpaceEscalator?
If you didn't experience it for yourself I'm not sure I can truly convey it.
The sincerity of SE shone thru the shitposting BS
The decorum quelled the rabid shills
The constant politeness and civility was contageous.
That is a part of what we are losing BO
Think about it
Think about it long and if needed research what I'm speaking of.
You saw what the prior schism has done
Think what another will do
my 2¢
▶ 00d14a (24) No.586185
need a trip? legit purppse?
what beyond ego is driving this?
once is happenstance
twice is coincidence
third time is enemy action
deming says it differently
anything 3sigma or more outside norm is special cause
▶ 0cd05e (12) No.586376>>587416 >>587449
It's almost like you'll shit on anything we do.
Terrible fruit.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.587416
I'll call you out when you do wrong
it's the chan way
▶ 00d14a (24) No.587449
Can you give ONE good reason you need the trip?
Just ONE valid reason?
Ego is driving you
It isn't pretty
There is no I in TEAM
>mfw doesn't seem to be a YmRjOGI2ZjQ1Mjdi on the team either. Probably won't answer this question because there is no valid answer
If you truly don't see what the harm is you do not belong here and are temperamentally unfit for any postion of authority
check the logs, see how many of the kitchen staff haven't done a shift in a while.
I guess random clowns will do the job well enough.
Maybe I'm wrong
I hope I am.
▶ 094ca4 (1) No.590498>>590596
Hey. Seems like there needs to be a new research thread!
▶ e26c1a (1) No.590596
▶ c047fb (2) No.601101>>602124
Hi -- I got in trouble with a BV a little while back when I said there had apparently been a DDOS attack when in fact there hadn't been (ironically this was like the day before the really big DDOS attack of a few days ago). I don't know if I got banned or not -- I didn't try to post after that and actually took a break because I felt so bad for what I accidentally did.
Why I said there was a DDOS attack is because of a few posts like this in the bread the night before:
▶Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:18:17 7f17cd No.508459>>508475 >>508493 >>508531 >>508535
Sorry anons, but the second I posted about the clowns and shills sending coded messages through the doc source of these threads, then posted a few, it's been hell with shills in here. I feel responsible. Be advised, they ARE talking in code through the doc source and they are talking about murder
▶Anonymous 02/27/18 (Tue) 02:39:26 1c167c No.508564>>508568
This must be a ddos attack.., Again..
I don't know that much about DDOS attacks and things like that -- all I knew is that the bread was under full-on shill assault and weird things were happening (and this was after a number of breads had bad shillage and odd happenings, and this was way worse), and I trusted that comments like these were made by anons who knew more about it all than I did.
But the next day, when I explained what I'd thought had happened to someone who wondered what had gone on (people were attacking the BV for removing shill comments, and I was trying to explain what had led to that, or so I'd wrongly thought), after the BV called me out for giving wrong info I felt absolutely awful. I never want to mislead anons or do anything wrong in any way -- Q and our President mean so much to me, and I never want to do anything that dishonors or misleads anons.
I don't think I'd have stayed gone -- all of this does mean too much to me. And I've continued researching while I was off the breads. But my housemate, who is also in the Q anon community, has kept me up to date on Q's posts, and I have information that Q has asked about, so I think I maybe need a bread in which to post it. Thing is, I don't know html codes or anything at all, and have no idea how to post images of the web pages I've copied. This concerns who came up with the code being used to shadowban and outright-ban accounts on social media -- I'm pretty sure I know who developed and implemented it and what entity was in part behind funding its development. Is there any way you could walk me through this?
Also, I'd like to come back and participate in the breads again. As I said, I don't know if I got banned, but if I did, could you please forgive me and believe in me enough to trust that I won't do anything like that again? Because I won't. Being separated from here was really hard -- Q and this board have been huge parts of my life for a longish time, and as an aspie it's not likely that I'll create a vast number of social alternatives to fill the void. Besides, what could possibly take the place of this?
So please forgive me, and understand that I said it was a DDOS attack out of confusion as to what a DDOS attack really entails and because I trusted what was being said in the bread at the time. I won't do anything like that again -- I'll stick to research and regular conversation and won't talk about things I don't know about firsthand. But even if you don't want me to engage in the regular breads anymore, pleeease walk me through posting images, red-bolding, etc., so I can put the shadowban/ban tech information I've put together into a bread of its own. It's important to Q, which means it's important to me.
I really am so sorry for saying something wrong -- I never want to mislead my compatriot anons. You people mean the world to me -- I wish you knew how loyal I am to our shared cause. My heart is full of devotion to Q and to our mission, and I love my fellow anons. If this weren't true, I wouldn't have removed myself for messing up because I just plain wouldn't have cared or felt so guilty. So please, just in case I'm banned, consider unbanning me -- but even if you don't want to do that, tell me how to make a bread so I can post the shadowban tech information.
Thanks for wading through this -- being succinct is quite the challenge for aspies, ha. And please know how sorry I am for mistakenly opening my mouth and saying something incorrect. No malice was intended (quite the opposite -- I was actually trying to defend the BV's actions from the night before as there were people dissing the BV for removing shill posts). If you choose to let me back, from now on I'll keep my mouth shut unless I absolutely know firsthand what I'm talking about, or I'll emphasize that I only THINK something happened because of *insert reasons here*. I'll keep checking back here for info on opening a bread on the people behind the shadowban tech. Thank you for helping.
▶ 863756 (1) No.601115
The fact is, you let far too much go. You exercise the powers in such a way that drastically undermines this board, and your history of actions with regard to BV further support this conclusion. We should not have NEARLY 750 threads. The volume of utter garbage is breathtaking. And the ability of this community to organize and cohere has been greatly hampered.
▶ 172ede (2) No.602124>>602620
You aren't banned- you would not be able to post if you were banned. Unfortunately, BV seemed to have some bad weeks and went on deleting & actual banning spree which is why you saw Anons get upset & I think that has been taken care of.
Come back to the breads and lurk, dig and post if you wish & don't get upset if another Anon is a dick to you because it is guaranteed to happen (this is the Chans) but shake it off. We are all here for our POTUS, Q & Country. There is also a much slower and smaller board community that is doing work as well & shares information with the QR Board when they find anything useful. Q doesn't post on this board but it is a nice place to do research on. https:// 8ch.net/qresearch2gen/catalog.html
I'm no BO or BV- just an Snon who has been a part of this crazy ride since it started. Welcome & good luck to you newfag Anon!
▶ c047fb (2) No.602620
Thanks, anon. I don't mind when an anon gets pissy (I used to venture into /pol/ pre-Q on occasion, and that can get feisty) -- it was getting chewed by the BV that concerned me.
Not a newfag -- I've been on this board for a fair while – just never had the need to post images until now, so I need a little help with that, for making a particular thread. And I wanted to make sure things were okay after I seemed to miff the BV. I felt really bad about that.
Thanks for affirming that I'm not banned. I thought maybe my post would just sit there invisible throughout the ages and I'd die in banned limbo, kek. Take care of yourself, anon!
▶ 19f7dc (2) No.608856
▶ 00d14a (24) No.609528
Now that was funny
I hope the BV understands how that all was triggered by an authority figure making statements about censorship of material that was only questionable and not severely pornographic or even pizza related.
When it comes to matters of taste by moderators, don't announce it, just do it. If there is a real reaction you'll know it soon enough.
It's herding cats, and damned fickle cats to boot!
It gelled, my thoughts on authority namefags shitposting. The reason it's bad is because it gives license to miscreants to misbehave. If he can do it, so can I.
The kerfluffle caused earlier was authority overstepping accepted boundry. Chans are pretty much freeze peach zones. If it's not clearly illegal, it's fair game. That's the norm. For the sake of decorum /qresearch/ is a special zone. The only other time I've ever experienced this voluntary relaxation of the self protection is the Space Elevator & Escalator threads of yore.
It's rare, this atmosphere of civility, amongst savage savants who are properly described by the statement
>We treat normies like scum and have the combined social grace of a rabid golden retriever.
my 2¢
▶ 3d5180 (5) No.628711>>632292
Minimal bans are being test driven to communicate with users who may not realize they are derailing the "research" in /qresearch/. Minimal bans are typically 30m and can be appealed.
▶ 76f015 (1) No.631695>>632281
OK so Operation DRAMA CHIPMUNK was a failure yesterday. The Q team pushed some religious buttons and got an entirely predictable result (perhaps on purpose, for calibration purposes).
It had all the hubris of pumping water into the San Andreas fault and measuring the reaction for predictive purposes.
Here's a bit of ADVICE to the Q team: Socratic methods works well to start, but you need some analogous to a public, civil religion that doesn't push the religious divide button, sits well with Imperial politics, and is capable of connecting groups as disparate as NEW AGERS, TRUTHERS, FREE THINKING LIBERALS, and CHRISTIANS with both pro-Zionist and anti-Semitic backgrounds -- that's a tough ask.
You want something that promotes Critical Thinking and Logic, and a reasonable degree of Empiricism, without going full Skeptic.
- Start with Stockdale's Courage Under Fire
- Use Boyd's OODA loop as an example of how the individual political soldier 'takes it all in' and DISCRIMINATES
- with the moar religious sorts, you can connect St Anthony's 'appendix' to the Philokalia to Orthodox Catholicism and the Desert Fathers. This will sit well with the pro-Russian crowd as well.
(If you're going to take the Pope away, you have to through the Catholics a bone).
▶ 708ee1 (1) No.632281
"If you're going to take the Pope away, you have to through the Catholics a bone"
unravelling the masonic influence of Vaticanum II & restoring the traditional mass 'd be enough for all those Catholics who are severely suffering from modernism.
Fr. Michael Rodriguez
"what we are witnessing today and what we are witnessing in our times is a terrible attack against God"
Blasphemy, Heresy, and Impurity 8-15-2016
Fr. Michael Rodriguez (Shafter TX) was silenced/suspended soon after Bergoglio became Pope - as dozens of other fellow priests&bishops.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.632292
>>628711 (cheKeKed)
beautiful idea BO
I think it'll help show the misguided anons the error of their ways, as well as helping to illustrate to all present the differences between honest mistakes and malicious intent of these posters
▶ 172ede (2) No.634722
What happened to 784? I just clicked on the bread and it disappeared & didn't have 750 posts yet. Refreshed & still gone!!
▶ e28aca (2) No.635166
Please censor post https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/628324.html
▶ e28aca (2) No.635239
I am reporting myself: Please censor post or delete if necessary. Thank you. https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/628324.html
▶ 00d14a (24) No.654264
Attention BO
I'm the baker that created /comms/
I would truly appreciate your thought on this effort.
If you have any suggestions please let me know.
I think your recent changes in the ban / deletion area are going to yield more of the illustration / correction action you desire and create less of the division wedge points
▶ dd685c (1) No.665685
BO - file on meme putr - ???? guid plz
▶ 2b0e26 (4) No.682253>>688041
Can BO check hacks and backend breach?
Somethings changed this week.
▶ 288683 (1) No.688041
lots missing from early morning was my obsv
▶ a20091 (1) No.688647
Did anyone who read this JP Barlow article (linked in notable posts)
>https:// www.forbes.com/asap/2002/1007/042_3.html
notice this section
>Moynihan proposed a bill called the Government Secrecy Reform Act. Cosponsored by conservative Republicans Jesse Helms and Trent Lott, among others, this legislation was hardly out to gut American intelligence. But the spooks fought back effectively through the Clinton Administration and so weakened the bill that one of its cosponsors, Congressman Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), concluded that it would be better not to pass what remained.
>A few of its recommendations eventually were wrapped into the
>Intelligence Authorization Act of 2000.
>But of these, the only one with any operational force--a requirement that a public-interest declassification board be established to advise the Administration in these matters-has never been implemented.
>Thanks to the vigorous interventions of the Clinton White House, the cult of secrecy remained unmolested.
My thoughts were that this clause in the 2000 Intel Authorization Act (req for a public interest declassification board) could be the motivation behind Q's leaks. Is President Trump beginning a process to implement a declassification board? Q has suggested the participants here, in the future could serve in a role along those lines, of holding the intel agencies accountable to the citizenry.
The spook-run era of Clinton/Bush/every pres since JFK (with the possible exceptions of Nixon and Carter) seems to be coming to an end, by all appearances. What is the longer-term future of this board?
Are our memes specifically intended to serve the public with previously classified info, as stipulated in the Intelligence Authorization Act of 2000?
▶ ea0e84 (1) No.691550>>701561
just reported on Fox
▶ c0b718 (1) No.701561
Do we know if Q's latest post 3/17 is legit:
"Mar 17 2018 15:03:41 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo 458"
▶ 1404be (1) No.702448>>714639
>>143179 (OP)
Has anyone heard of the aliens in the Kuiper belt that are interested in deposing the Illuminati in the US and inserting their own agenda? These aliens are apparently Insectoid while the Draco assist the illuminati. Has anyone heard of this? Its pretty clear we have alien influence in the US but this is an interesting take considering Donald Trump would be aligned with these people obviously… Snowden would've likely been an asset of theirs
▶ 5e772d (1) No.714639>>738676
There are good and bad ones even beyond earth. Anything from Draco is bad. Really bad. Evil. It's a series of desolate and ruined worlds. That's what they've tried to do with Earth for thousands of years, but we've defeated them before in the First Earth Age. We are children of God, so we had a fighting chance.
Okay about the Kuiper Belt or Edgeworth as it's really known - the "aliens" there are not going to get too close to the sun. There's a reason for that. They are waiting for a darkness to engulf the solar system but they get it wrong that it will last and had none of us survived (if HRC won we would have been toast or the attempt would have been made to kill us) they would have been able to darken the planets with the aid of whoever it is helping them (my guess is the antichrist as he is a supernatural being) but their plans fail. And they failed long time ago. The reason these foul Draconian beings are still here is because in the First Earth Age they weren't all killed off. Lots of them ran to the undergrounds. So they lived. Unfortunately. This is the power that psychos like HRC think will give her ultimate power.
But this time around, we won't be making the same mistakes as before.
https:// www.blogger.com/profile/14783592225248194141
▶ 925358 (1) No.738676
Amen, We The People will arise from these ashes. I Detroit in the mid 70's it was well known that Bill and Hillary were bringing in all of the drugs, the houses are now all shot up.
▶ 8eda0b (2) No.739727>>740000
I created Memes16 >>715698 Sunday evening in anticipation of need and it has already been archived.
Can you un-archive it?
Or do I have to create another one?
Usually my Meme threads last for about 10 days.
▶ 8eda0b (2) No.740000
Never mind.
It was urgent so I went ahead and created a new one.
The archived one can remain archived.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.748308
A lot of FB posts are getting lost in the clutter - can this be pinned so we don't lose more. Just a suggestion.
▶ 9f8be1 (1) No.758635
Carry on Boss. You are appreciated
▶ dca8ae (2) No.766367>>766446
BO, please clarify your desires re filtering. I heard you say to filter and to say so when you do, in an attempt to encourage mass filtering. I've been busy doing that, only to have BV come along and contradict you. Why is it every time he appears a problem arises? Filtering actually works very well if it's done right.
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.766446>>766457
>Filtering actually works very well if it's done right.
Which includes filtering and moving on with your life. Not Virtue Signaling over who you filter.
▶ dca8ae (2) No.766457>>766506
I was doing exactly what BO said to do. Blow yourself.
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.766506
Intentions clarified.
▶ 611a55 (1) No.766914>>769840
BV is 100% on the money.
I made a mistake in an old post and people took it as me making a statement, which I didn't mean for. Announcing 'filtered' is unhelpful.
▶ 89136b (1) No.769840>>770629
There are new Q posts on Great Awakening
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.770629>>771002
BO is AFK and the trip will be whitelisted ASAP.
▶ 9ebcb3 (2) No.771002>>771039
Not sure what you mean? I whitelisted Q's trip seconds after they changed it.
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.771039>>771131
Well Jeeze, I thought you were afk, good to know.
▶ 9ebcb3 (2) No.771131
Kek. I do not sleep.
▶ 2738e4 (2) No.771329>>771338
I hope
you have
Q's new tripcode.
▶ 2738e4 (2) No.771338
Sorry my bad should have read your earlier post. Very sorry!!!!!!!
▶ c56eae (1) No.778701>>778775 >>779882
Q Research General #965 just vanished. 11:49am 3/24
▶ c34e23 (1) No.778775
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.779882>>793973
▶ 00d14a (24) No.793973>>799656
problem with #985(s)
questionable baker has been removing notables and editing the lists
NOT responding to anons
note one thread is missing notables from #978 & 979
other things are missing, whole thing needs a bit of BO or BV attention asap
▶ 00d14a (24) No.794707>>799656
The next tactic in the playbook
corrupt the dough
create divisive bad breads
please resolve this quickly
you will get calls for union
you don't need it
just delete lock bad breads ( add comment if desired about reason)
you'll soon know if you've got rouge comp'd bakers
there are enough of the good ones to keep track, you'll hear the uproar
▶ c89a7e (3) No.799220>>799605 >>799656
I am hoping this is the right place for this, if not please point me to where it should go and I will post it there.
I am looking to get this operation more organized. I took a break from it after losing my shit due to Trump signing the Omnibus which to me looked like an utter betrayal, then he twatted about using the Military to build the wall and in turn making me look like a dumb ass :P I know, I know trust the GEOTUS.
Anyway, when I got back in to this I started with the latest bread and attempted to start fresh to see if maybe I was missing something. I read literally every word listed in the bread including all of the notables, maps, anything linked…ALL of it. It took me hours to get through it all, in fact 6 breads came and went in the time it took to get through it all and guess what? It made hardly any sense at all.
We are not tracking this correctly. The information is hard if not impossible to parse and gain any enlightenment from. The Q Maps are a mess, they read like screen scrapes of chan boards with no context. Most of the supplemental material made by our autists have evaporated somehow so we have lost a wealth of information already. I know this board is not for normies but with the shills telling anyone who has an opinion or thought counter to what the mob has already blessed as irrefutable fact to GTFO, leave, go back etc. etc, we are going to and have already bled out some very valuable people.
We need to come up with a better way to organize the data here. Shit is being lost and Q questions are just being orphaned, which I think is happening because the shills are running off our best autists. I do not have an answer to this, I am simply bringing up an issue I found when I got back and am trying to find a group of autists to get together and brainstorm a way to organize the intelligence we already have as well as format a clear message based on the data. No Q question should ever just go unanswered eventually falling out of the bread.
▶ 95656a (1) No.799605>>805027
I agree with you Anon. Things were more organized early on. Anons were updating ‘Answers’ and “News’ in the ‘ThirdParty’ for normies to get caught up and participate. That seemed to stop in early January.
I think or hope that there is someone behind the scenes at least archiving. There do appear to be people working in the ‘The Quest for Searchability’ thread but that’s not my specialty.
I became interested and got pretty well caught up early on just reading Q’s questions and answers from 'ThirdParty’. I think enhancing that and keeping it updated would be a worthy project. At least enough so that confused and partially ‘red-pilled’ normies can get up to speed. Maybe we could get an agreed upon answer’s thread which can be used to update the 'ThirdParty’, or an ‘Unanswered’ thread that we can assign research to Anon’s.
EDITED: Shill your third party repo elsewhere.
Anyway I agree and would help.
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▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.799656>>800049 >>803352 >>804553 >>805027 >>805420
We do not use our powers to mess with the bakes. The bakers are autonomous from the moderation team and we try not to get involved. We edit titles and numbers when it's required and mislabeled.
Anons can survive bad bread, the bakers keep their pastebin links available so that we can go back and make sure things aren't missing.
Here's my answer to you and every concern troll in General about General:
Make a new thread.(All of your complaints are solved with a new thread)
ID+ Filter.
Git gud and filter mentally.(What anons should be striving for)
Other notes:
This board is a common ground for many different walks of life with different backgrounds and preconceptions on what they recognize as 'truth'. (Mod team included)
This board is a common ground for many different sub-communities scattered across the internet.
This board is currently functioning according to the guidelines established publicly by Q, the individual we are here to support, if the spec changes we will make the required changes to become compliant.
It is ok and healthy to take breaks from Q related happenings and digs.
Thanks to everybody who reports, thanks to everybody who bakes, and thanks to everybody participating in this great event.
▶ f0d322 (1) No.800049
The common ground on this board is that this board volunteer is a dick. You picked 'em Q, maybe you should say "Your Fired!". Free speech right dick?
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.803352>>803882
It might be good to re-state the "quidelines established by Q" and the date they were established. By simply stating: "The Rules of this board established by Q on mm/dd/yy are…."
This would clear up a lot for everyone.
And my 2 cents - I lurked here for 3 months before posting. I, like others see this board so cluttered now w/ noise and I too am worried it is losing cred/impossible to find info/etc - like or not the board has changed big time over the last 30+ days.
Most of all, of late due to
The VPN anon (who is one of the same)
99b72a, etc)
who is easily spotted w/ the anon(s) CAPS YELLING/RED YELLING/GREEN YELLING/BLACK BOLD YELLING and who are more intent on fame by reposting their previous post (serial offender) just to bring it up to the top b/c NO ONE has repsonded to the last post of 4 hours ago.
Such a serial crybaby.
I'm not saying this anon's initial threads were not news worthy, but these anons (same anon) is in the "snuff-out" business now of all other posts here IMHO.
Agenda-motivated -this anon has taken over the board and it seems w/ the board's blessing. Just saying as it so looks that way by a lot of folks who know this board.
Lastly - take the following suggestions as just that.
We all want this board to be made up of good research - but research of what, and when is enough an enough? My rec for what its worth:
1. Back up all that's here now. Pick a date and time and take board off-line for all incoming posts for as long as it takes to back-up and then bring it back up w/ just the following:
2. Keep the DeltaAnon ,WAR ROOM ,QMap PDF,HUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING (not my choice already yours), Memes, meta, side-by-side,Petition site, Welcome to /qresearch,Letters of Gratitude,
3. Keep all in #2 and just add a "news of the day" that is pinned. If from the "news of the day" there is something that needs to be continued - then pin it for a time. There may be more items to be pinned for that day, but after awhile retire them. (i.e I do think we have the German/Merkel/et.al research that this can be archived and retired)
4.Management suggestion: Why not close the board at 12 midnight EST/GMT? for six hours each night? All the good peeps here that keep this place good need that time to regroup/sleep/reduce the crap that comes after midnight. I don't know if this can be controlled or not, but if possible what is this harm?
5. Should the longevity on this board re: UFO's/Religion/FlatEarth/all other alt therories/yadda yadda yadda go on adinfinitum? Is that the focus of this board now? Hard to tell as these threads dominate now always.
This board has morphed into something I believe it didn't start out to be. Tell me and others this is the way the board now operates. If so, just need to know. No issue -just need to know.
6.) Blame me NOT the BO. The above are just MY opinions/suggestions -→ forward.
I will leave by saying to BO: GET IT BACK TO BASICS and stop the egotists inside/and egotists outside.
I'm done spending my time on good research and having it lost with "snuff-out" anons here.
It is no longer beneficial to Q, or POTUS to post here unless significant changes are made.
Thank you for hearing me out - let's hope this post is not automatically relagated to the "hide" this post bin.
God bless all anons here for their never ending work and godbless POTUS/FLOTUS.
▶ 7a065c (1) No.803882
Perhaps an better form of identity authentication?
▶ c89a7e (3) No.804553>>805433
Seriously concern troll? Go fuck yourself. This is a serious problem and instead of finding a solution you accuse me of concern trolling? Q chose the wrong idiots to "own" this board that much is beyond doubt at this point.
▶ 10bcbe (1) No.805027>>805433
This was a sincere response, why is the Board Volunteer a jack off? I’ve had all of these questions myself. Why can’t we work together to find truth? I swear half of the people who are run out of here could help the cause. I’ve read all of the Q posts, I’ve NEVER ONCE read, call everyone names and this is the way shit should be organized. SHOW ME THE SAUCE “Board Volunteer”. Show it to me pussy! This place is a mess we need to fix it, I’m willing to help. Anyone else tired of being pushed around by “shit lords” who think they know Q?>>799656
▶ 00d14a (24) No.805420>>805581
>We do not use our powers to mess with the bakes.
bad bakes get locked, some deleted, so you do occasionally mess with them.
>Anons can survive bad bread
yes, and it will help with the further education re: the ability to discern questionable data and deliberate manipulation.
my point still stands that this is another exploitable weak point and you should beware of future attempts with similar tactics.
I hope you found W. E. Deming's thoughts useful.
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.805433>>805585
You both want some kind of unenforceable regulation in a single thread on this board that can have many threads. If you want a slower research thread make one. Send a report when the research thread needs eyes and it will be stickied, advertise your thread and general and get people interested in your topic.
Complaining about General when you have an entire board to be autistic in is concern trolling. Nobody is forcing you to General.
Where we're going you will find ritualistic torture and rape of children.
You both need thicker skin.
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.805581>>815561
We do not edit the contents of bakes. Titles and deletes of unused duplicate bakes is all we do. Board Log indicates BV's did anchor some bad bakes Sunday, the point of that response is we will not edit the contents of bakes.
>this is another exploitable weak point and you should beware of future attempts with similar tactics.
This is the bakers problem and they all know, the ball was dropped on Sunday, it happens. Nothing was lost, bad bakers can't do permanent damage. People getting slid need to make a thread. It's easier to justify cleaning up offtopic posts from threads than it is to control what happens in General.
I only respond so you all know someone is listening.
▶ 7bc5ac (1) No.805585>>806233
Lighten up Francis! You will never be given that kind of drop, not now. not ever. We may be given enough to help the USA remove a bunch of commies and traitors form office. If you want to research that kind of stuff, good luck to you, you'll only end up in prison. I prefer Q to take care of the 60%, but maybe you're a pedo and like that shit. I do not and will not research.
▶ c21b74 (1) No.806233
Yeah, I'm out, this place has become a total shit show, there's not a single Normie who would believe anything coming out of this place. If you disagree, your a fag of some type, even the Discord and scumtube loser are leaving this freak show. Good luck dudes, the WH has abandoned you.
▶ 2c129b (1) No.807116>>808884 >>818196
Rule 1 is not being enforced, and it should be.
There is a ton of borderline porn being posted on every single bread (and some not so borderline like cunts and assholes). I report all that I see and nothing is done.
Rule 1: Dox and NSFW posts will be deleted (Baker girls not included if tasteful). REPORT DOX AND NSFW POSTS, AND KEEP EM COMING!
There should be no exclusion for what somebody calls 'baker girls'. If it's got too much skin showing and is NSFW, it should be deleted.
How would you like to be a working anon and just trying to help out during an idle period at work, and your boss walks up behind you and while you're scrolling, before you can click Hide, one of these fleshy images comes into view? So that is one problem.
As a manager one is required to maintain a work environment that is not hostile to half of the humans working there. This IS a work environment although the workers are volunteers.
I don't think we're doing it right.
▶ 0ce2f0 (8) No.808884
The fact you're on 8ch at work speaks volumes. You are doing it wrong, this is not reddit.
▶ 10edd9 (1) No.811390>>818181
Can you change the linkbreaking code?
>instead of inserting a space (which is tedious to delete when pasting)
>change a character to italics or something (like /pol/ has)?
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.811821>>811942
Can we you please consider pinning permanently
Letters of Gratitude
Thanks for your consideration. It helps us hearing from others and boosts spirits when times are dim.
▶ c18b68 (1) No.811942
I can''t commit to permanently but we can sure give it a fair run.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.815561>>815789
>This is the bakers problem
not theirs alone!
>I only respond so you all know someone is listening.
▶ b15d17 (1) No.815789
Q…. I am racing across boards trying to get your attention. I know you are live. Please help. I lost the text I was pacing. Please check research boards before you offline. Also check the recent posts on Twitter with your hashtags. I want to help.
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.818181
You mean when posting a link?
Aha I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do.
Post last edited at
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.818196>>824197
I'm a manager too. If you have restricted access, what the fuck are you doing here?
▶ d16d19 (2) No.824197
Glad to see you being here this evening.
That's all I needed to know. Appreciate it.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.824490
A shout out to the Admn or BO who is now pinning "letter of gratitude". What a nice way to wake up each morning full of hope and gratitude.
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.829451>>829512
No one stepped up to bake 1029. I have never baked and don't really have time to do so, but I tried to open a new thread about 15 minutes ago and it will not post. Just cycling and saying that it is posting (100%). Is anyone around to help?
▶ d16d19 (2) No.829512
This can happen when board activity is high/intense. With Q posting, it's not surprising. Don't worry about it too much, it happens occasionally. (It's happened to me more than once in the last several months.)
▶ 4d8ed1 (1) No.836420>>836651
apologies if this has been asked before.
Is it possible to add a viewcount/download count to the memes in the library so that meme makers can see which are actually getting used?
Would help us refine and learn/stop wasting time with stuff nobody wants.
▶ 521828 (28) No.836651
It is not possible, sorry.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.855702
Doxing is being promoted!
▶ e32c3e (1) No.868330
Nothing past the #1066 q research bread comes up. Is it me or is there a problem?
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.888885>>890234
I saw the post tonight about AIM making new boards to cause others to drop off.
There was one I had just posted on yesterday that is gone today--for meme repository, and also the one for the Russian plane crash is gone.
So I think that may be happening. Is there a way to bring back those threads?
▶ 37ce73 (22) No.890234>>892844 >>988250
I must have missed that. Unfortunately, there's no way to bring back anything that has been deleted. I tend to only delete posts which have a high number of reports, and it's possible I just deleted that one after a quick skim-through.
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.892844>>893498
Sorry if I was unclear. Not talking about posts in q research. I was talking about some of the dedicated boards that are disappearing because so many new and unnecessary boards are being created, some say by AIM members. I'm seeing people make 2-4 boards with the same topic, and just posting random questions to q and no one is discussing anything on them. Meanwhile, the Russian crash board had lots of research put into it and now it's gone.
▶ 521828 (28) No.893498
That is the nature of the chans. The catalog sliding is being cleaned up though.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.893601>>909129
I'd like to ask some questions about why tripcodes are completely disabled.
the reason I'm asking is the poor quality of some threads could be alleviated if we bakers could know who is who. I don't mind handing off to a completely unknown anon once and seeing it go south, but how to I not make the same error in the future.
Currently the board is completely overrun at times with non productive postings. As a baker I can deal with that. Sometimes notables don't get collected, I can deal with that. Sometimes a rogue baker packs crap into the notables or bread, I can deal with that occasionally… if we cannot tell each other apart this a major vector for malice.
This brings me back to trips.
I do not want to bring back the headaches of the baker's union. but we've reached a point where we need to be able to tell each other apart in a verifiable way and trips allow this along with anonymity.
I know it violates cultural norms here but a certain amount is already present.
If I post with my signature pic or Baker Chris Knight, or Jack Burton most anons know the qualities of those bakers / posters. We've come to trust them to a point.
There are enough vectors already for mischief and malice of clowns I see a way to eliminate one and improve the quality of the bread.
>mfw it makes multiple thread filtering a breeze.
I think the cultural norms will keep many from using trips, the majority of the ones who do will be anons with reason, like planefags or QmapAnon etc… they have need of a verifiable identity as the clowns start making fake posts under easily forged credentials, thus fogging a reputation.
my 2¢
▶ ce24a3 (1) No.909129>>911100 >>919298
trips where disabled so clowns couldnt hack Q's tripcode again like they did before the move to qresearch, this board was literally created to get away from that, so no they wont be reenabled…
▶ 00d14a (24) No.911100>>911140
I've been wrong before, and I'll probably be wrong again, but this time…
I know I'm not the only long time baker that has retired from active baking until this is resolved. Why should I put work into a bread just to see is destroyed?
less than 10% of posts are worth reading,
notables that aren't
wonderful gems of information lost in the chaff
It pains me to sit back and watch experienced bakers get discouraged and beginning bakers get swamped by the speed of posting, end result is inferior breads.
The frequency of moldy breads will increase and the level of mold also.
I hope I'm wrong and some 'organic' solution appears.
▶ 521828 (28) No.911140>>913083 >>996753
Trips wont' fix the fact that anons aren't stepping up to bake and that bakers can't man the oven 24/7.
>wonderful gems of information lost in the chaff
Make a research thread if you want somewhere to dig that won't be slid, the problem of General moving fast is only going to get worse the further on we go. Consider a bakerbot.
▶ ac36ad (1) No.912813>>913017
Why were we told to watch the news? And Pray? Why post 5:5 Q=? This signifies a video release. Nothing. When you tell us something, don't communicate, don't deliver you lose credibility.This might be why bakers aren't baking.
I rather hear nothing than empty words many times. Why are we here?
▶ 521828 (28) No.913017
>Why are we here?
The answer to that is unique to every individual across all Q sub-communities.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.913083>>919390
>Consider a bakerbot.
that is not a bad idea
a bot that automatically collected Q posts is feasible.
however the job of adding new resources to the 3rd page or editing existing resources might present a task not easily automated.
the notables… well that is purely an editorial decision and the quality of those choices have major impact.
i do not see that task being automated
the massive traffic is going to force change and a trusted source for breads is essential to the long term health.
i don't care how it is achieved as long as it is achieved
trips for bakers
two possible solutions… any others?
▶ 00d14a (24) No.919298
>trips where disabled so clowns couldnt hack Q's tripcode again
what utter and complete twattlespeak
you obviously do not know how that security system works on 8chan.
disabling tripcodes on /qresearch/ does absolutely nothing to prevent clowns from testing tripcodes
▶ 521828 (28) No.919390
Maybe let people submit notables in another thread and it gets updated when it gets updated, maybe move notables to a different thread completely.
Digging should be done in their own threads, notables can be pulled from those threads as well and put at the top of new breads when trusted bakers have the time. Anons that dump in general should expect to be slid and if they really want it disseminated they should post it in the proper thread or submit it as a notable in the notable thread. This way there is no need to be vigilant 24/7. People can submit their own notables to the notable thread and baker can update dough when it's possible to do so. People who still want bleeding edge hive research can get it in the notables thread, people who want to talk about things in general can still do so and important posts from every thread get disseminated. This also makes it easier to sticky Q related research. I've long thought about a baker bot but didn't want to start shit with the bakers whom we appreciate.
Ultimately we may do nothing. Whatever happens will be done transparently and on our terms after hearing what everybody else has to say. Trips are disabled because it's not worth it ever. That for sure is not changing.
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.923548>>927044
BO, I went to the archives and discovered that there are no archived threads for about the past 300 threads. Are they being archived elsewhere or are they just lost?
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.925199>>925305 >>925578
Could be operator error - just passing this along in case
▶ 521828 (28) No.925305>>925484 >>925578
There's an l in your URL after qresearch
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.925484
Only clicked on a bookmark I had for a post. The image I sent was the result. No copy paste on my end - just a recorded bookmark.
Here is another from accessing a another bookmark I had.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.925578>>925698
Also have to ask why a image of Pence would lead to a 404 on this board.
Thinking BO has been punked and some B mods have take over in some respect.
And you B mod on Sundays (check your dates) is totally not into the job and worse….just sayin/just observin'.
▶ 521828 (28) No.925698
>Only clicked on a bookmark I had for a post. The image I sent was the result.
There's obviously an extra character in the URL, must be magic.
>Posting a different URL
It was probably removed because you posted in a blogpost slide thread, a 'Q Did you know' thread, or low effort thread meant to slide the catalog.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.925970>>926019 >>926048
Thank's darlin' for providing me the following reasons for the 404's (although not WHY VP Pence pic was included in the 404 message. Not a dumb ass here.
You said the reason for these is:
"side thread"
"Q Did know" thread
"low effort thread"
Thanks for the clear answer about how it's supposed to clear up these questions. Move along little girl….
Bookmarks don't go away unless the "internal" thread has been changed. Dooooh.
I don't have any control about YOUR internal workings. You are one of many who can zap/extinguish posts. And that is fine as long as it is stated by the BO only.
I thnk we have about 75%j control now on Mods and Bakers.
BO needs a resume check ---.> IMHO.
Just sayin'/ just observin'
God bless all anons
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.926019>>926048
oh btw I will be bookmarking this post as I encourage all others to do as well. Let's see how long this bookmark lasts.
▶ 521828 (28) No.926048>>926251
>Bookmarks don't go away unless the "internal" thread has been changed.
Or the thread falls off, or the thread is deleted for the aforementioned reasons. Bookmarks do not save local copies, they save locations and if there is no content at that location you will receive a 404 error.
The reason Pence is on the 404error is because CM wrote it that way.
Probably be here a while since this post is stickied.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.926251
Better answers TY and for the stickie.
I still stand by the Sunday Mod until proven otherwise.
TY again.
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.927044>>927137 >>946386
Repeat of question. :)
BO, I went to the archives and discovered that there are no archived threads for about the past 300 threads. Are they being archived elsewhere or are they just lost?
▶ 521828 (28) No.927137>>927375
germanarchiveanon has a mega link in the general thread that has the archives.
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/859388.html#859686
▶ 41a1a4 (8) No.927375>>946386
▶ d5e7a0 (1) No.932324>>937119
Faith, right words, right action, right time. Roadblocks in society mirror roadblocks in our collective psyche, as usual, clearing one weakens or destroys the other.
▶ 175080 (2) No.939001>>939047
I was told by the baker to come over here.
What's up?
▶ 175080 (2) No.939088
Thought so…KEK…poor baker has his hands full today! KEK!
▶ 9aaf7f (5) No.940273>>941147 >>968346 >>1148704
qcodefag here.
I cannot remove ads.
There are too much visitors and that means server costs.
My solution is scalable, it can handle any amount of traffic. But costs a bit of money.
qanon.pub maintainer's solution is not scalable.
qanon.pub will reach a traffic limit even with using cloudflare and means many mirror sites with weird urls. Is Q going mainstream? Are we to give all the new ppl randomly links?
8chan has ads. We all have ads. I'm using Adsterra now. It's a decent ad provider.
▶ 521828 (28) No.941147
There are flat rate alternatives, you can also serve hundreds of thousands of requests per second. This is what your ads are doing. Unacceptable.
▶ 9aaf7f (5) No.941878>>942072
I see
> http:// us.notarizes813dp.top
in the url bar of the browser.
That's not my site.
That site does not even exist.
Where is this picture from? Is it shopped?
▶ b02c3f (1) No.942072>>947876
>what is redirection
listen here fam. I'm the one that took the screenshot. if you're so sure that redirecting to a different site after entering "qanonposts.com" into the URL is so impossible, revert your changes and recommend some way for me to emulate actively going there on PC. Attached is the screenshot in question and the screenshot of my screenshots folder. it's the most recent image.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.943510
Why are OP posts showing up here under different ID/s?
I just posted
and it is showing up as OP post?
Is OP post only supposed to be updates from original anon?
Just need clarification on OP tagged posts. Thx
▶ c9a4de (6) No.946386>>950528
#358 -> #now
Here's a list of all the breads I have
http:// qanon.news/api/bread/list/?xml=true
http:// qanon.news/api/bread/945264/?xml=true
▶ 9aaf7f (5) No.947876>>949619
I cannot reproduce this at all.
I tried different browsers on my android phone and on my pc. Not once do I get anything.
us.notarizes813dp.top does not even exist. Go to the url, try it. It doesn't exist. You are the board volunteer, right? And say you got multiple reports of pop ups, I have not seen them. It's only you now. Maybe it's your phone, not the site that is comped. Or maybe you are comped. Or maybe the other reports are from clowns trying to create division.
So this whole thing looks fishy to me. What if you're a clown? What if the qanon.pub maintainer is a clown and you both try to defame me in order to gain control? Or just black hat trolling to create division.
▶ 521828 (28) No.949619>>950218
>So this whole thing looks fishy to me.
>What if you're a clown?
>What if the qanon.pub maintainer is a clown and you both try to defame me in order to gain control?
I don't need to endorse qanon.pub for you to have bad ads.
>Or just black hat trolling to create division.
You remove your third party .js and it can potentially go back in the bake, it's not up for debate, there is no way you will get back into the bake without removing your ads.
▶ 9aaf7f (5) No.950218>>950256 >>955810
That's sad.
Well I cannot remove the ads, because then I would lose money on maintenance costs. I'm not gonna change my set-up because I believe it's better and future proof.
If you hate ads you can use Brave.
But OK, you're not gonna change your mind, that's unfortunate. Put me out of the bread than.
▶ 521828 (28) No.950256
For five dollars a month you can get unlimited bandwidth. There are no excuses for the kinds of ads that are being injected into that website. Your need for ad-revenue does not supersede our requirement to not promote things that may harm our users. We gave you an option to get your appreciated work back into the bake and if you won't take it, that's on you.
▶ c9a4de (6) No.950528>>950670
apifag here.
Is there a way we can get the API added back into the bread?
Looks like back in #1157 somebody said that they were having trouble with the JSON archive and the QAnon.news api.
Anon says the json archive is comped?
I cannot reproduce.
I'm not sure how the api got mixed in there. Maybe because it's all got json in the name.
Anyways, I scanned the qanon.news site and found that it's malware free. I think that with all the similarity in names, there's probably alot of domain confusion going on.
https:// rescan.pro/result.php?e4cb922b75db556a5c4bd0501f07ba3e
https:// app.webinspector.com/public/reports/81164825
ping qanon.news =
https:// metadefender.opswat.com/results#!/ip/NTAuNTIuMTY4LjE1MQ==/overview
If it's got issues, please let me know. Some pages are pointing to CDN's for javascript. jquery, css, fonts. Is that the issue?
The api is an 8ch crawler that auto archives breads/q posts from Q Research and GA. The complete JSON archive comes from this as a single downloadable. I can put the complete zip archive on the qanon.news site rather than anonfile easily.
http:// qanon.news/ <- rest api with json/xml results
http:// qanon.news/api/bread/list/?xml=true <- current archive
http:// qanon.news/posts.html <- built with api/posts
http:// qanon.news/smashposts.html <- built with api/smash
http:// qanon.news/timeline.html <- built with api/smash and timeline.js
▶ 521828 (28) No.950670>>950694 >>952646
Hey API anon, I'm looking now and it appears clear to me. I see no interesting network traffic, no scripts running pointlessly plus programmers understand that they have no expectation that API's work as intended and the risks involved with such tools.
I cannot vouch for any third party website as 'good', I can only green light it as acceptable. Which this is and in the future I will namefag as BV to keep this kind of removal from happening again. I'll go post this in general.
▶ c9a4de (6) No.950694
▶ 2d22cb (5) No.951377>>951542
re: qanonposts.com
There was a post in the General about scripts running there
Those scripts each have a specific purpose to perform:
One is for loading the posts as you scroll down
One is for the timezone (you can choose EST or local - the script will change the timestamp in each post to accommodate your choice)
One is for reversing the order of the poss (newest first, or oldest first)
Those aren't nefarious scripts, there are no tracking scripts in there either.
t. webfag
I'm not qcodefag, but I thought that should be mentioned here. WRT ads, I'm not sure why anyone actually cares about that? Who surfs the 'net with no ad-blocker, seriously? Since I have one I don't see ads. [8ch itself has ads FFS.]
But ultimately…
It's the content that counts:
1- is it accurate?
2- is it timely?
3- is it complete?
Just my $0.02
▶ 521828 (28) No.951542>>951660
This is the script loading intrusive ads, any post not directly addressing the ad network issue is not a post that will help qanonposts back in the bread.
I have noted your requirements and find they are much like mine. The only problem with qanonpost right now is it's maintainer is unwilling and unmotivated to address the widely reported on mobile issue.
>Who surfs the 'net with no ad-blocker, seriously?
Not an argument.
▶ 2d22cb (5) No.951660>>971409
I'm not qcodefag so I can only report what I see & know of those scripts I mentioned. I'm not arguing for or against anyone, but the argument that it has ads and therefore is bad is just silly. 8ch has ads.
I've said my piece about the other scripts and I'm done on this.
▶ c9a4de (6) No.952646>>952697
I need to get an SSL cert sorted out?
▶ 521828 (28) No.952697>>952705 >>952724 >>953614
Not if you didn't intend to use ssl in which case set your server to redirect https requests to http.
Right now trying to connect via https leads to pic related.
▶ 521828 (28) No.952705
And thank you for being responsive.
▶ c9a4de (6) No.952724
Roger that anon. I'll see what I can do. Currently there is no SSL on the qanon.news site.
▶ c9a4de (6) No.953614
Thx for your help anon. Looks like my server redirect options are limited. I don't want to do a javascript redirect of https -> http. Nothing is configured to serve https. It's just going to be unresponsive/bad URL when a user tries to hit it via https. I personally don't like redirects anyways.
Looks like I can request a self signed cert but…. I'm not sure that's going to be the answer.
Doesn't look like the LetsEncrypt is going to work either unless I can figure that out. I'd say no SSL in the foreseeable future for qanon.news. Added back into bread or not? I'll leave that up to you. RL calling. I'll check back in later. Thanks again for your help.
▶ 3c12e5 (1) No.955810>>971409
Codefag, could you get unlimited bandwidth hosting for, as BV mentions, 5$ a month and run w/o ads? It seems like it could be a solution. Your resource is so well used and one everyone knows. Hundreds of our memes, graphics, side by sides and articles point normies to it. It would be a pity to lose such a valuable resource, not to mention all the work you’ve put into it since the beginning. Hopefully you can solve things and get it back in the bake. Baker.
▶ 40615a (2) No.968346
your ads are incompatible with mobile
▶ 40615a (2) No.968357
▶ 9aaf7f (5) No.971409>>972160
> unlimited bandwidth hosting for, as BV mentions, 5$ a month
No, that is not possible. Some hosting providers say you CAN have unlimited bandwidth and START with hardly any costs. You can start maybe even for free but as you grow in bandwidth (more users), you'll always have to pay. I have too much usage to get anything cheap/free.
Right now it's about $50 a month and I earn about $100 a month, so I get a little bit of profit. But this is scalable: if I get 10 times more users I get a 10 times as higher bill and 10 times more profit. Blame me for being a capitalist. Maybe I'll donate some to other anons if they do something cool.
I'm sad some people got shady ads. I have configured tighter restrictions with the ad provider that should ban "software related" ads, which I think should filter out the bad ads. Also I believe that the reported bad ads (I didn't receive them) where a temporary campaign (and a accidental mistake of AdsTerra of allowing these ads).
Could be related to this:
https:// arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/01/malvertising-factory-with-28-fake-agencies-delivered-1-billion-ads-in-2017/
Alternatively I could use another ad provider. But I already tried many and most rejected my site because of "insufficient content" or some other weird excuse. It's really hard to find one for this weird niche.
▶ 8b6e2e (1) No.972160
Thanks for explaining Codefag, understand about the hosting costs being higher as you're high traffic. The steps you've taken seem real positive and it's good to hear you've been working to solve. Have you done a test for third party js now that you've changed the settings? Seems if that's fixed, BV should be happy and we can put it back in the bread. Baker.
▶ 3b1940 (1) No.983395
>>143179 (OP)
part of history
hi mom
▶ 3af0d4 (4) No.988250
98 8 60
6 and
98 8 08
do xxe d himself
▶ 011373 (1) No.994971
Anyone else having issues posting with mobile?
Updated to iOS11.3 this morning and cannot post any more.
Progress gets to halt at 47% every time.
Tried LTE, WLAN with or without VPN.
▶ f9246e (2) No.996683
What is notables protocol?
how long are threads on-line?
▶ f9246e (2) No.996753>>997104 >>1012585
It's pretty obvious "They" will try to infiltrate as Bakers.
Typical M.O. . they do it everywhere.
And they do have $$$
What about a locked "notables" list with links to someplace permanent.
An ID for trusted Bakers?
I haven't wanted to learn to bake since I know there is politics there and there will be fights over what is notable. And I'm too tired for that.
▶ 521828 (28) No.997104>>1006702 >>1012545 >>1039185
>An ID for trusted Bakers?
Bakers will not be distinguished from other Anons.
I'm happy to pin a notables thread that anybody can submit notables to, we tried it before but nobody wanted to put notables there. Make a thread and start submitting notables, tell people in general to do it as well. I can't simply mandate the bakers do something another way unless it's somehow effecting our userbase. The bakers are autonomous, bring this up to them transparently in a new thread.
>Typical M.O. . they do it everywhere.
>And they do have $$$
Yes, and we can make it so they do minimal damage by having an independent notables submission thread with which the general bread posts the last n notables or notables as relevant. Comped bakes do not stop Q from posting, for all we know no bakes do not stop Q from posting.
>I haven't wanted to learn to bake since I know there is politics there and there will be fights over what is notable. And I'm too tired for that.
The only relevant politics are what Q tells us to do, everything else is unnecessary. We are focused on WWG1WGA and Patriots Stand Together, they want you divided. There is nothing off-limits to talk about here, even SES and FE are allowed to post when they can keep it to a fair signal to noise ratio. We did crackdown on spam.
We're not here to control how things are done, we're here to provide an environment where anons can chip in however they can and facilitate a neutral ground for all Q/truther communities that are here to support Q and POTUS, and sometimes even the shills are useful idiots.
▶ 8708a3 (1) No.1000768
BO / BV anon(s) spamming porn in the general
1 example
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/1000155.html#q1000724
▶ 1e7a5d (1) No.1000877
Board 1246.
Suspiciously thin in most recent inclusions. Even these opinions-instad-of-facts are weak and juvenile.
▶Anonymous 04/11/18 (Wed) 11:55:37 563ccc No.1000167>>1000590
OBAMA TIMELINE >>949587, >>926762, >>949333, >>949547, >>949587
Recent Notable Posts
Recent Notable Posts
>>999495 Can you feel the vibration?
>>999562 Stage has been set.
>>999811 I know it's stupid, but its how they operate. LEARN IT
>>999999 Genius
▶ eed947 (1) No.1006702
Alright, thanks. I'm going to do that.
▶ 83e699 (2) No.1012545>>1012585
Bakers generally archive the notable posts to the Best of Bread thread when they remove them from the General notables list -
Best Of Bread >>311157
The BoB link is always posted at the foot of the notables section. Anon's can always catch up there if they've been away for longer.
Comms anon also copies them to
Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)
So, we have 2 backups, however as soon as the old general threads slide off the board, those links to notable posts are rendered obsolete, so the only way we have of archiving them proper just now is in the complete bread archives.
▶ 83e699 (2) No.1012585
▶ 2d2c38 (4) No.1015655>>1015931
I see you guys removed the Tumbler Pigeon OS thread I made. Sad panda. I spent roughly 2 years research and development on that censorship resistant OS (I started as soon as I saw the warning signs of censorship corruption emerging) and thought Qanons etc would appreciate an OS that can create copies of itself and redistribute itself via WebTorrents.
I mean, you *could* argue it's thread sliding/off-topic, but it's an awful lot of effort to go through* (making an entire OS, reskinning, creating a working .iso etc, setting up a good peer source, providing screenshot so on and so forth), and I thought Qanons would greatly appreciate an entire OS whose goal is not to be censored and doesn't support war, and is open source - IE not illegal.
I know the usual spiel of 'you can post to any thread anywhere', but you actually can't. If I posted Tumbler Pigeon to any other thread I'd likely be accused of off-topic posting irrelevant to topic research, and you don't exactly have a 'tools for Qanons' thread going (maybe war-room, but that seems planning/image related rather than 'useful tools' related).
Can someone explain to me what exactly I did wrong that warranted it's deletion? If you guys don't want a custom built censorship-resistant OS, I'm okay with upping sticks and taking it elsewhere, but for 2 years worth of experimental development, can ya give me at least a basic explanation?
*Relative to simply creating any old thread on any unrelated bullshit topic like quantum matrix veil flat earth magic bullshit. Even if you claim I faked the OS, that's a lot of time to waste on creating a desktop image from scratch.
▶ 521828 (28) No.1015931>>1016243
>I see you guys removed the Tumbler Pigeon OS thread I made
Yeah it's not Q related, this is a research board.
>I mean, you *could* argue it's thread sliding/off-topic,
If I let every anon post their direct statement to Q or their open source software the entire catalog would be slid, this is a research board.
> but for 2 years worth of experimental development
I'm not seeing the relevance to your pet project and what we're doing here. If it does research let me know.
▶ 2d2c38 (4) No.1016243>>1016663
>Yeah it's not Q related, this is a research board.
Not exclusively though. For example, you have topics on how to archive websites offline that relies on Linux. Tumbler Pigeon is a Linux system.
In another thread you cover facebook (and others) datamining, with the meta-narrative of how to escape datamining. You might have to refer to my comments there on why, but you already (likely) know Windows 10 datamines, and systemd is a walking backdoor (TP minimises how much systemd it touches - admittedly not perfect but I take feedback and suggestions).
>If I let every anon post their direct statement to Q or their open source software the entire catalog would be slid, this is a research board.
Perhaps create a specific area for posting direct messages, software? I mean, you literally have a code thread "the quest for searchability", which suggests tools used for research are permitted, and everyone here literally uses an OS (if they didn't I would be impressed and have to ask 'how').
>I'm not seeing the relevance to your pet project and what we're doing here. If it does research let me know.
These are arguably two separate points.
1) Anti-datamining (no Windows 10 backdoors and based on an OS type that shuns systemd).
2) Anti-censorship (a major issue everyone is facing when trying to spread any kind of truthful message. Please note the updated Office 365 ToS regarding 'hate speech' and other censorship crap).
3) Linux based (relevant as you do archival via Linux).
Regarding 'does research', it does everything. It's an OS. We're all doing research right now on an OS with a web browser, and TP is the latter and has the former.
Also might be worth pointing out a lot of major Linux distros have or are phasing out 32-bit support. It's already dead in the water in any major Debian based OS.
I could sell the specifics of why you would want TP but I think the fact it's an OS where you can install any type of software (it's barebones, no bloatware) should suffice.
If you really wanted to gear up TP into a research tool, I could hammer out a .sh file for it in about 5 minutes and host on GitHub.
▶ 521828 (28) No.1016663>>1017253
>Tumbler Pigeon is a Linux system.
What I have works nicely, your hobby OS doesn't belong here, take it to tech.
>You might have to refer to my comments there on why, but you already (likely) know Windows 10 datamines
Water is wet.
> systemd is a walking backdoor
>Perhaps create a specific area for posting direct messages
Letters of Gratitude work, so does General.
>and everyone here literally uses an OS
No Way, I only compute with gravitational lensing and cosmic radiation.
>Arguable two separate points
<Posts Three Points
>1) Anti-datamining (no Windows 10 backdoors and based on an OS type that shuns systemd).
Again PoC||GTFO on systemd, everybody knows systemd's history. Literally everybody. We're actually touching a bit on how the OpenSource community is going to be hit by these revelations. Nobody is surprised about Windows.
>2) Anti-censorship (a major issue everyone is facing when trying to spread any kind of truthful message. Please note the updated Office 365 ToS regarding 'hate speech' and other censorship crap).
Just because you didn't directly decide to interfere with your users does not make you anti-censorship. You're advertising a non-feature.
>3) Linux based (relevant as you do archival via Linux).
That's a thread that was stickied because it clearly took quite a bit of effort. I'm sure everybody here has their own way of archiving.
>We're all doing research right now on an OS with a web browser
Yeah, and it works pretty well, and I can get tons of support with a simple search.
>Also might be worth pointing out a lot of major Linux distros have or are phasing out 32-bit support.
Now you're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.
>I could sell the specifics of why you would want TP
And here's the heart of the problem, you're in the wrong place to be selling me anything, and frankly your pitch makes whatever you're doing smell like snake oil.
>If you really wanted to gear up TP into a research tool, I could hammer out a .sh file for it in about 5 minutes and host on GitHub.
I think people would rather have an application they can run locally, go to the quest for search-ability thread and see what they've got there.
Take your shit to /tech/.
▶ 2d2c38 (4) No.1017253>>1017334
>Water is wet.
As said, you already know that. A big reason to encourage a transfer from Windows.
>Again PoC||GTFO on systemd, everybody knows systemd's history. Literally everybody. We're actually touching a bit on how the OpenSource community is going to be hit by these revelations.
Revelations of systemd being a backdoor? Unfortunately it's already widespread. It's in every major Linux OS available, much to my dismay. Removing it requires an entire team of people.
The only ones not hit by it are OpenBSD/FreeBSD, and Devuan is apparently trying to get free of it but hasn't gotten fully clear yet. FreeBSD isn't entirely user friendly (and if you can install FreeBSD, job done).
Unless you mean systemd *isn't* a backdoor, then I refer back to Poettering's tendency to label vulnerabilities 'features' (Red Hat get large cash from the NSA, and one anon whistleblower says they pass on bug reports to Linus on the NSA's behalf).
>No Way, I only compute with gravitational lensing and cosmic radiation.
I was expecting a potato/amiga joke, or even FORTRAN.
Real men use the Babbage machine and tickertape.
>Just because you didn't directly decide to interfere with your users does not make you anti-censorship.
You're suggesting I'm indirectly interfering with my users to censor them? How exactly?
>That's a thread that was stickied because it clearly took quite a bit of effort.
But an R&D 2 year OS doesn't count? Your metrics are off.
>Yeah, and it works pretty well, and I can get tons of support with a simple search.
Right, but that substantiates my point.
>Now you're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.
No, they really are phasing out 32-bit support.
https:// www.ghacks.net/2017/09/25/manjaro-linux-phasing-out-i686-32bit-support/
https:// www.archlinux.org/news/phasing-out-i686-support/
Canonical looking to phase out 32-bit:
https:// www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2463756/linux-developers-aim-to-phase-out-32-bit-system-support
CentOS only offers 64-bit from 7 onwards (unless you want to use the community edition):
https:// www.centos.org/download/
OpenSuSe only has 64 bit downloads on offer for newest versions:
https:// software.opensuse.org/distributions/leap
But sure, lets all upgrade to UEFI Microsoft controlled BIOS hardware.
>And here's the heart of the problem, you're in the wrong place to be selling me anything, and frankly your pitch makes whatever you're doing smell like snake oil.
Sell is used as a colloquialism (you're asking for why it's related). It's free.
Refracta replicates, WebTorrent desktop client reseeds (WT works even in web browsers in a pinch). Desktop file calls a script I wrote that fires off ISO creation, handles the renaming/seeding of the ISO.
Rest of TP is cleaning house on Devuan bloat (over 1gb reduced to 656mb) to bring within CD. Docs, caches purged, packages cherry picked for size.
>I think people would rather have an application they can run locally, go to the quest for search-ability thread and see what they've got there.
You could run TP from a CD or inside a VirtualBox if you wanted it 'local', but the latter wouldn't be an optimal usage.
I would propose actually asking the people if it holds interest, though.
>Take your shit to /tech/.
Technology enthusiasts I often find aren't that appreciative, because they're the ones either using Win10, smartphones or systemd to begin with. 'If we pretend it isn't backdoored, it isn't backdoored'.
Same peeps who are only *now* screaming about facebook.
Do you have any boards with paranoid people who would likely appreciate an OS that can't be censored and is doing what it can to kick systemd in the balls?
▶ 521828 (28) No.1017334>>1017371
TempleOS is the only officially licensed operating system of /qresearch/.
▶ 2d2c38 (4) No.1017371
It's lack of internet connectivity must make research difficult.
Surprised no-one saw TP's inner joke: Avian over IP.
▶ 7a0f02 (1) No.1021189>>1023112
Damnit BO/BV, will you delete the porn?
E.g. >>1021027
I've reported many, many, many.
It has NOTHING to do with Q research
and with our focus on human trafficking I fail to see how any real sincere anon could find delight in images depicting people as sex objects.
▶ 521828 (28) No.1023112
Naked people/porn gets spoilered. Clicking on a spoilered picture is the problem of the clicker. No it will not be removed, lest we find ourselves on a slippery slope.
▶ 7d810a (1) No.1033289>>1033833
BO please delete the shills comments on letters of gratitude!
▶ 521828 (28) No.1033833
I'm locking it for tonight. I'll unlock it tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience. Feel free to include your letters of gratitude alongside your fuck BV's below.
▶ 00d14a (24) No.1039185>>1039444
>Bakers will not be distinguished from other Anons.
ya but the BO & BV can distinguish themselves as they wish… why?
Either we are all anonymous or not, currently it's not
Why is it not a reasonable request to be able to distinguish one baker from another?
▶ 521828 (28) No.1039444>>1066463
We're not choosing who's a 'trusted baker' and who's not.
▶ f9bc5b (1) No.1042379
While I admire our status as a toxic slime pit, I was thinking maybe our banner could be put to better use. If 8ch's boards are like halfchan, it would allow for a rotation of banners, and I thought it would be great to use the space to cycle through some great Q crumbs.. Nothing too complicated, but I've made a few already.
if rotating banners are not the case, then the quote could be left out entirely, or it could be replaced with a simple 'Q Research' header. Let me know your thoughts. I've got quite a few more in this format already.
I figure it may be worth introducing to the collective, but I wouldn't want to make a slide of everyone jumping on to make banners.
▶ bd0f20 (1) No.1043238>>1050822
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pleeeeeeeeze sticky Memes18 to the catalog.
3rd request (2 via report)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
▶ e853ae (1) No.1050822>>1051127
(((5th REQUEST over 2 days -- 3 via report, 2 on Meta)))
▶ e6d0b4 (1) No.1050870
Fuck off, cannot make new threads…lmao
▶ 521828 (28) No.1051127
No. It's plenty popular on it's own.
▶ 222f84 (1) No.1051556>>1052017 >>1052469
'''We have a shill posting anti-Trump memes in Memes18
here and here and here'''
I've reported each post for deletion.
Please delete!
▶ f47293 (2) No.1052017>>1052046
Looks like there a a number of shills today. Maybe they are getting nervous. It's time to start bringing people down.
▶ 3ee3bf (2) No.1052036
Lmao, can't make new threads, give me a break.
▶ 965dcb (1) No.1052046>>1053294
Talking about shills exacerbates the problem. I think it's best to silently report the offending posts.
▶ 3ee3bf (2) No.1052469
Why are you sniveling useful idiot?
▶ f47293 (2) No.1053294
▶ 60201d (2) No.1054584>>1054601
>>143179 (OP)
Bread #1314 (?& #1314) = baked twinkies.
My impression was the Bread was significant information and/or insight into the issues at hand, as in WWG1WGA.
Not-Notable Notable Posts. This is serious business here, not a farting contest.
▶ 60201d (2) No.1054601
Duh. Make that # 1315 (& #1314) etc…..
Too many twinkies, mea culpa.
▶ 4ca7bb (1) No.1060104>>1065311
I would really, really, really, really appreciate it
if you would sticky Memes18 to the Catalog.
This is probably about the 6th request.
My concern is that if it isn't stickied, it is actually possible
that it could fall off the bottom of the catalog.
This actually happened to one of my memes breads
in the past, and I don't want it to happen again.
Losing all of that OC, representing hundreds of hours of the combined time of dozens of anons, would be a disaster,
don't you agree?
Thank you.
The Meme Harvester Anon
▶ f31483 (1) No.1060117
>>1059838 needs to be deleted.
Having problems finding a good baker in Q Research.
I'm a graphicsanon, and it's waaay past by bedtime.
When good bread is made, I'll check my maps are in good then go.
We've got 2x "Q Research General #1321" - 1 of them is full, the other is filling up, and now we've got a dough-less #1322.
▶ 457465 (7) No.1060171
CIA's Barry Soreto, aka Hussein ordered Brenan to 187 AS.
▶ ee3571 (1) No.1061435
Can we please get the Side-by-Side thread pinned? Q pointed out tonight how important they are. It needs a bit of cleaning up (deletions of nonrelevant matter). Thank you!
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/res/93735.html
▶ 091d5c (1) No.1062509
May I ask how do you guys leave a question for Q in the main thread? I keep getting the message "over 750 messages" and unable to post my question. Thanks!
▶ 00d14a (24) No.1065311>>1066102
you can post 'em at /comms/ and I'll make sure they don't get lost
▶ 521828 (28) No.1066102>>1066189
Memes is one of the top 10 most popular threads and doesn't need to be stickied.
Side by side is also popular, if it gets slid it will be stickied.
>Playing off the FUD that while there are mods on staff 24 hours a day to prevent catalog slide
▶ 521828 (28) No.1066189
>the threads in question will still be slid
▶ 00d14a (24) No.1066463
the anons will choose
but they cannot make an informed choice if they cannot tell one baker from another reliably
how many botched bakes are you willing to put up with?
I think I understand part of your objection, and I agree that useage of trips is offensive and counter to the anon creed.
You are incorrect if you think prohibiting trips helps fight the hackers trying to crack Q's pass phrase. All they need do is go to another board on 8chan and try, the whole site uses the same salt for secure trips so that they show up the same on any board. Thus the same trip between greatawakening and qresearch.
I'm not trying to cause trouble, I just see a need to be able to verify certain anons. It is very necesary for the BO & BV to be able to authenticate themselves, I think you'd agree to that useage of trips, I know I do.
I think the situation will get worse as the posting speed increases. It may become necesary for the BO to install an automatic baker of some sort in order to keep the botched bakes and the even more subtle clown edited bakes where specific info is omitted or obfuscated
▶ 521828 (28) No.1066529
It's not on the table, whoever said prohibiting trips helps fighting hackers is wrong, it helps from people establishing cults of personality and there is no way trips will be enabled for bakers, period, what is not clear about that?
▶ e551ab (1) No.1069191
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.1070812
Lot's of dupes - your call
Bake's being made/appear changed at end
Pic shows about 90 minutes ago/ but now different - your call
just sayin'
▶ fa590d (1) No.1071102
100% Support President Trump.
▶ fce4f6 (1) No.1078418
they are going to attempt a ff and blame it on Iran. note prior find in news speculating a change in their tactics
▶ 82acc3 (1) No.1087161
▶ 980611 (1) No.1087483
Q. You came to this platform knowing that it could be taken down at anytime.
That if you dropped the RIGHT crumbs it would go into darkness.
From the beginning I presume you had a backup plan for that eventuality.
Do you think that (((THEY))) DID NOT?
Q. What is happening within FEMA?
▶ 3af0d4 (4) No.1087867>>1087871 >>1089068
>>143179 (OP)
Dear Q/BO/QResearch Staff,
Here are a few "stupid" questions/suggestions here from a non-coder anon.
My talent is in research and making connections, not coding.
I humbly make these suggestions with the aim of making the research threads and the board itself function more efficiently. I hope that if worthy, they are easy to implement.
Question 1: Can we possibly pin the 'Archive Everything!' thread to the first page?
I think that it is important to have this on the first page of 8ch.net/qresearch, because that is where anons and new anons will come across it if they browse rather than go to a thread directly, and so they will be reminded to “Archive Everything!”.
The more anons that archive everything that is important, the better the risk is spread, the better the insurance.
After all, the research carried out here to prove the public case is the entire reason access has been granted. The more copies that exist, the better the insurance for Q and us Patriots, and the less probability that it may be needed.
The first post of the Archive Everything! Thread should also have a priority guide to what a new anon/ new member of the public (ally) should backup/archive first, and optimally for each thread/backup target, give a rough Mb/Gb space estimate so they can prioritise their archiving.
Burning archives to blank DVDs that are secured off-site in a protective case are probably the cheapest and most convenient way for most public archivers to help, and perhaps this should be suggested.
These are the coding questions. If they have been asked and answered before please forgive, but I couldn’t find answers.
Question 2: Is there a way to enable a global search function for of 8ch.net/qresearch?
It would be very handy at a minimum to have a CNTRL-F type or facsimile function that would enable research-anons to search back over all open threads of 8ch.net/qresearch etc.
In my opinion, this would massively speed up our research by allow better linking to crumbs and evidence that have been overlooked and left behind in the speedy filling of breads.
▶ 3af0d4 (4) No.1087871
>>143179 (OP)
Question 3: Could we have a new pinned thread to the first page of 8ch.net/qresearch called for example; “QResearch Thread Index”.
This new “QResearch Thread Index” will function as a title page that lists all separate research threads by name, and would have a hyperlink that an interested anon can open by clicking on the thread’s name or starting post.
Separate, dedicated research threads are a good and necessary development, but they all risk being lost on the growing board because there is no existing search function.
Question 4: Because the Qresearch board moves so quickly, and is a prime shill target, could we add something like a dynamic guide to our top current priority research targets #1-5 (for example)?
It could have links to relevant posts with more detailed explanations of tasks/questions.
It could be used for the latest Q post, but will be more valuable for prioritising research and gathering evidence to complete other proofs that are needed or that have been falling by the wayside because the board is so fast and targeted.
For example, (as an illustration);
“Current Top 5 QResearch Thread Goals/Targets.
1. (Q’s latest instruction, of highest priority, to be completed ASAP) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX
2. (Q’s instruction, of next highest priority) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX
3. (Q’s instruction, of medium-term priority) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX
4. Epstein Island(s), tunnel fill subcontractor’s phone leaks, photos from public sources (FB, twitter etc) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX
5. Sir Richard Branson and the Virgin Empire (British billionaire who owns Necker Island, close to Epstein, is there anything there?) ReportLink= >>XXXXXX
Research-Anons- Investigate these and Report back significant findings/conclusions to the thread listed, or to the relevant QResearch Thread Index on the front page.”
Optimally, this top 5 research goals would be moderated by the BO or the trusted anon moderator(s)(a separate baker? / new position; “Research Topic director”?), so the current top #1-5+ search targets would be displayed at the top of the 8ch.net/qresearch page for research-anons.
When a search is completed or another takes priority, a search term could be removed as priority or marked as completed or frozen until later etc. It would operate similar to a Scrum board but be more simple to operate. This would mean that a research-anon like me can visit the board, see what the latest research need is, and go from there. Instead of having to wade through all the posts on the latest qresearch to find a topic to research, and then be unsure if that research question is worthy, has already been answered, (or even adequately answered).
Speaking for myself, I have much relevant research saved from years past, with some searches inspired by curiosity, other by the ‘synchronicity’ of ‘dreams’.
The problem is that I am still unsure if the board already has the answers/evidence needed, and it can be hard to check without risking abuse.
So you sit back and read the stream of ADHD consciousness (I have ADHD too).
Sometimes it is hard to watch when you realise that the wheel was just reinvented, even though a degree of this is to be expected with so many new people and so many bad actors present.
Thank you for your time and your trust, and thank you for this opportunity to try to help.
▶ 521828 (28) No.1089068>>1090393
>1. Question 1: Can we possibly pin the 'Archive Everything!' thread to the first page?
It was already pinned. We're trying to keep it to research threads. Give it a good 'ol bump.
>2. Question 2: Is there a way to enable a global search function for of 8ch.net/qresearch?
Negative but there are backups of the boards available and there are people working on the 'Quest for Searchability'
>Question 3: Could we have a new pinned thread to the first page of 8ch.net/qresearch called for example; “QResearch Thread Index”.
I don't have a problem with this, nor do I have a problem with people submitting their own notables to a thread. Make a thread and drop it in general and see how it does, if it takes off to some degree we will
>Question 4: Because the Qresearch board moves so quickly, and is a prime shill target, could we add something like a dynamic guide to our top current priority research targets #1-5 (for example)?
I sticky dig threads as they come up, especially if they came up because of Q posts, but controlling the hive is not in anybodies best interest, putting the tools in place to control the hive is also not in anybodies best interest.
I do not have a problem with a centralized thread for indexing, nor a thread for notables, and we could probably use a 'Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread' thread as well.
▶ bdd2d4 (1) No.1089809
trying to save each bread as ONE LONG PDF/IMAGE, but no screenshot application or console command is able to successfully grab an image of an entire thread.
thats what people we launch fucking cars into space but can't download a fucking 8chan thread as one image, someone help me out
▶ e374a8 (1) No.1090119
https:// soundcloud.com/user4766069/sets/wu-tang-vs-the-beatles-enter-the-magical-mystery-chambers-the-mixtape\
Kariibi mere päeva esimene tund on midagi värsket ja karge, oodates, et midagi toimub, võib-olla just tänava või järgmise nurga ümber.
▶ 3af0d4 (4) No.1090393
Thank you, I understand better now.
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.1092811
click on default:
https:// 8ch.net/qresearch/index.html
This is the user id that shows up as default:
Tried to get back to it, but it has now been changed. Just passing this along, and also b/c Baker for the last hour didn't add notables that anyone pointed out.
Just an FYI - no response is necessary.
▶ 0270a5 (3) No.1093282
>>143179 (OP)
Q referenced Lexington/Concord
April 19 - May 1
Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire - the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.
Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.
Some of the very important historic dates that were staged according to this blood sacrifice day are:
(1). April 19, 1775 - Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable
▶ 963463 (1) No.1094005
> https:// twitter.com/almostjingo/status/986719069918248960
> https:// twitter.com/almostjingo/status/986717020174483456
▶ 457465 (7) No.1094109
https:// www.thesun.co.uk/news/6084248/isis-video-propaganda-donald-trump-threat-shootings/
John McCain in Syria striking up new propaganda?
▶ 0270a5 (3) No.1094176
USS Forestall Aircraft Carrier - 134 dead thanks to John McCain.
▶ 5af864 (2) No.1095146
Recent Q Posts --
These are falling farther down on the new research posts, but if I have to click on "post too long click here" to see the ids -- then I can't see the message contents of the new Q posts by mousing over them. Move them near the top.
▶ 1229d1 (2) No.1095986
Thanks. Appreciated.
▶ 457465 (7) No.1096027
Laura Lynn Fortner, the daughter of Carol and Douglas Fortner of Setauket, N.Y., was married there yesterday to David Anthony Palmieri, the son of Joan and Anthony Palmieri of Mendham, N.J. The Rev. Paul Wancura performed the Episcopal ceremony at the Caroline Church.
The couple received M.B.A. degrees from Harvard University.
The bride, 29, is the director of business development in New York at Turner Broadcasting System International. She graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University. Her father is the president and her mother is the vice president of Advanced Power Technology, an engineered-equipment sales and consulting company in Setauket.
The bridegroom, 31, is the director of product development for the Internet operation of Barnes & Noble, the bookseller, in New York. He graduated magna cum laude from Franklin and Marshall College. His mother retired as the office manager of Schlosser Lewis Insurance in Morristown, N.J. His father is the manager of the Pinch Brook Golf Course in Florham Park, N.J.
▶ 1229d1 (2) No.1096028
You guys are working hard to isolate yourselves so that anyone coming here to learn is turned off and goes away. Good job little boys. Way to help Q, the POTUS, and the pursuit of truth. Grow up.
▶ 457465 (7) No.1096572
1095728 Q, was this man a high member in worshiping Moloch? Has connections to marrying children of elites? Was he killed for a reason? https:// www.episcopalchurch.org/library/article/beloved-episcopal-priest-87-mourned-new-york-police-seek-his-attackers-home-invasion
▶ 0803c6 (1) No.1097503
BO or BV,
Memes 18 has quite a few anti-Potus memes that need to be cleaned out. I reported them as I found them but posting here as well.
▶ dd3795 (9) No.1098474>>1098648
As we all know, Q recently stated that "we are being set up" (#1174). While I am pretty sure that by "we," Q meant his team…it might still be a good idea to take some sort of precautionary measures, small as they may be.
I think we should put forth a statement condemning vigilantism or acts of violence. Q has not called for it in any way, shape, or form…but putting forth a statement might be more of an obvious disclaimer.
I can think of any number of nightmare scenarios, but here's one: the TNT that was stolen in PA (I think) is used to do something terrible, and the person who does the deed is conveniently found to be an avid follower of this board. While that might backfire (drawing more attention to our work), it might be used as a way to justify searches in order to "track down Q." That would have a chilling effect.
Hopefully it doesn't come to that. Hopefully we have enough power in the higher ranks that they could appeal to reason and say there has been no call to anything here except patriotism, faith, spreading the truth, and digging…but a statement to that effect, worded effectively, might help.
▶ ef5e0f (1) No.1098648
Before I cause any undo alarm, let me point out how unlikely the scenario is: consider how much shit 4chan has pulled over the years without anything like that having ever happened.
Stiil, this is a long ways off from hacking Scientologists or encouraging famewhores to anhero. This is dragging the Devil into the daylight for all to see.
▶ 3fec08 (1) No.1117330
Baker needs current bread numbered with this: #1396 please
▶ e927f9 (1) No.1121752
USS Forestall Aircraft Carrier.
▶ 4c6091 (2) No.1124722
The wind is called Mariah
Lyrics from an old song from the movie Paint Your Wagon.
The girl in the Scottsdale plane crash was named Mariah Sunshine Coogan. I think she's the girl in the Obama picture. However, Mariah was 23 years old. If the Obama picture was taken in 2010, then Mariah would have been 16, and the girl in the picture looks younger than 16, maybe.
▶ 4c6091 (2) No.1124774
Maybe he's calling out Schiff and Feinstein as being behind the plot.
▶ 457465 (7) No.1125431
Why would he have Secret Service guarding him already? Was he special already? Were they already keeping his secrets?>>1123575
▶ 3f7591 (1) No.1127571>>1142776
>>419035 is this schennectedy area transit info?
sorry just a wee bit of fun
maga fi,rockemsockem
bif bam kersmack
▶ 6f2920 (1) No.1128966
Some cloudflare errors this morning. Anything goin on behind the scenes?
▶ a629fd (3) No.1142776
https:// youtu.be/nqbUkThGlCo
▶ a629fd (3) No.1142841
How is this not front and center?
What is up anons?
▶ 096728 (1) No.1143080
▶ 5083c9 (1) No.1144484>>1148738
Why are we still breaking links?
I'm questioing QoL vs OPSEC. No clue myself, but I'd love me to click some links.
▶ ff300e (2) No.1148704
There is no such thing as a "decent ad provider". They are the evil eye. If your solution were "scalable", it wouldn't require ads.
▶ ff300e (2) No.1148738
Just create a script that unbreaks them. Not hard at all.
▶ 457465 (7) No.1148767>>1150917
Here is the answer from someone who was a victim so we don't have to guess.
▶ 4a1356 (1) No.1150917
I think you nailed this one. Great work Anon
▶ 8c45ec (2) No.1154662
I created a GnuPG signing key pair yesterday which I posted on a key server.
gpg --fingerprint "Q Anon Supporter"
pub rsa4096 2018-04-22 [SC] [expires: 2019-04-22]
CB03 B1E2 539E 68AD 64CD 812D 05F3 44D8 7098 EEF6
uid [ultimate] Q Anon Supporter (Anonymous Q Anon Supporter)
Q is currently using a "trip code" so that we can verify his communication with us. I propose that we start using a GnuPG signing key so that each message can be verified as an original. All you have to do is copy the portion below that begins with
and ends with
into your favourite text editor like nano, vim, or emacs (sorry I do not know what M$ is currently using) and save the file as anyname.asc
Then you can verify it using
gpg --verify anyname.asc to see if the message has been altered or changed by some nefarious creature.
Hash: SHA512
Hi all,
I want to address this message to all of the
paranoid Q Anon supporters out there. There
are many who read this board and trust the
trip code that Q uses. I would like to see
an open pgp signing method using an open
source tool like GnuPG.
When you create an anonymous key using:
gpg --full-gen-key
leave the email field empty or enter a bogus
email address.
After you create your key, use
gpg --send-key key-ID
to send your key to a key server so others can
retrive your public key to verify your posts.
There are many on the dark web who are using
8ch.net/qresearch/ who are not friends and
are doing their best to create a NWO!
We must upgrade our security practices for
our own protection.
This message was created using:
gpg -u "Q Anon Supporter" --clearsign QAnon-Test-Message
This comand creates the file QAnon-Test-Message.asc
This message can be verified by:
gpg --verify QAnon-Test-Message
I hope that this is helpful,
Q Anon Supporter
▶ 8c45ec (2) No.1154750
I thought using GnuPG would be a good idea, but I discovered that 8ch.net adds additional carriage returns and line feeds and also changes the 5 hyphens into 2 long dashes thus the message cannot be verified.
$ gpg --verify test.asc
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: the signature could not be verified.
Please remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)
should be the first file given on the command line.
Good idea, but not feasible at the present time.
▶ 9b8ba5 (1) No.1157101
where is the Q questions/concerns/criticism board? somewhere where all the nonshills that talk like shills can go?
▶ 6d8520 (1) No.1161519
Trying to get on to current bread. Having a gateway error. Still having ddos attacks? Or is Q currently posting?
▶ 7e1e86 (17) No.1161707
Reporting DOS 6:58pm EST. Several attempts at book marks and last post to follow-on. Your call.
▶ 5af864 (2) No.1164345
PLEASE put the most recent Q posts in the first sub-post in the new thread (not in the main thread post.) Not sure if this is a browser-specific thing, or more general, but after expanding the thread top-level post, the links to the Q posts don't show them as tooltips when you mouse over them.
Someone was doing this for a few breads, and it was sublime.
▶ dd3795 (9) No.1166803>>1170452
Do you think you could somehow stress the importance of being brave on some of these anons? For the second time now, I'm stuck being the only one with a file that could have historic value, and nobody has the courage to download it.
The first instance was when I mirrored the liddlekidz sites--for all I knew, I could have been downloading kiddie porn…but of course, there was nothing of the sort. After I got the archives, I set up a torrent so that other anons could dig (and assured them everything was fine). To this day, there are three people seeding it–but at the time, everybody wanted to know what was inside.
Today, I managed to find a copy of the OSF leaks put out by dcleaks.com. It took almost five days of digging to finally find it; there are hundreds of fake torrents out there, and everything else (including the original website) have been taken offline. When I tried to share it (#1453 and #1454), the baker wouldn't even put it into the notables.
I fail to see how 2600+ files, leaked from George Soros's OSF, isn't important. I have files that detail how to get around lobbying laws, strategies for countries around the world…but because one baker decides it isn't important, I'm sitting here trying to broadcast that I have this info so that others will duplicate it, and I know that the people that killed Seth Rich are probably very interested.
I understand that some anons might be afraid of viruses, but I've had some of them tell me that they're afraid of download a .txt file. Really? Do people not understand the difference between data files and executables?
There is safety in numbers, except when you're surrounded by cowards. These are not the anons that go honking in the night so that other anons can triangulate the position of a flag. These are the anons that cry for milk but are afraid to get it because mom forgot to leave the night light on.
▶ 457465 (7) No.1167136
Fucking freaky isn't it.
▶ dd3795 (9) No.1170452
We should change the motto to "WWGYGF"
As in "Where We Go, You Go First"
▶ a1461b (1) No.1175892
Why are posts missing from qanonposts.com?
▶ 515f3c (1) No.1178864
▶ ee6121 (1) No.1179443
all posts missing after 827 except last one
▶ 5a6b79 (1) No.1179596
We have a multiple bread situation!
3x #1476
▶ 80e1f9 (1) No.1180395
>>1179951 (previous)
THANK YOU!! Posted last night and got overlooked for the bombshell that it is.
Covers the real reason for the Tarmac meeting.
Scott Bennett we salute you as a true Patriot falsely imprisoned. His intel dating back from 2012!!
Absolutely belongs in NOTABLES.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2954&v=MJ6rFVhiMX8
▶ 726d89 (1) No.1186080
No ID should post more than 5X per bread. Surely that can be coded in. Check ID=5202ac, 36 postings this bread so far.
▶ 2e38c9 (3) No.1205107>>1215670
Tried to reply to a reply to Qpost, hit captcha: failed then passed but post didn't show up, even after reload. 2 sucessful posts in /test/. Returned, post still not there, tried again to both Q and the reply, error both times said I needed to make a new thread, but up top it clearly says not to. I got something I'd like to add to the bread.
▶ 099011 (1) No.1215399>>1215519
URLs not being automatically broken,e.g. https:// www.
▶ 2e38c9 (3) No.1215519
I know I broke the link the first time. Don't recall if I did the next…Thanks Anon!
▶ 42bac9 (1) No.1215670>>1215762
After you pass the captcha, you have to hit the post button (new reply button) again in the post box and then your post should actually post.
▶ 2e38c9 (3) No.1215762
Ah, now that does explain it! Sorry to be so newfag on you, but is there some sort of list of practical helps for things like this? Cuz this was helpful and the FAQ doesn't quite cover everything. Thanks Anon!
▶ d67885 (1) No.1220122
Where can i find a Q w/ US flag?
Thank you.
Love you.
▶ 5acb1e (5) No.1222997
Letter of Gratitude
I sent a report should have been posting here. Q did post int he original, technically Im sure the Q post tracking sites will have it and retain it. This thread though will be gone in short order.
Wanted to see if we should archive / retain it somehow. I've done it on my system.
Thanks for everything you guys are doing!
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1229809>>1230698
I wanted to make a suggestion, but it's something that the BO and BV's need to consider: I think we really need a pinned, dedicated thread for proofs--the best of the best, something for people to see when they come here and really understand that this is more than what the media say.
I was going to create it myself, but I realized that in order to do it right, it would need moderation; the shills would have it jam-packed with Nazi Pleidian aliens riding Pindars in minutes.
It's not really my place to add to your workload, so I thought I would just place the graphics here and let you decide if it's something you want.
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1230698
If someone could come up with a better graphic, I wouldn't mind. I know I'm shite compared to some of the anons here. Also, knowing that your workload is already immense, if you don't think it's a good idea, I may have an alternate solution away from this board. But this place has earned the trust of everyone (including Q-team) for a reason--you guys have proven yourselves for months now, through some crazy moments.
▶ 8615f8 (4) No.1231712>>1232241
I am thinking of opening a thread for newcomers where they can ask questions to how the board works, where they can fiind stuff , what is what, abbreviations and whatever a newfag needs to know…I see so many useless posts, people really thing Q just answers all their questions…so I'd like to pin a board on top to of the catalog for those that do have questions the research board is not suited for…Will do this later today….any suggestions on how nd what is important , is welcome…That way the baker on research board can show the way for newfags, is that an idea?
I've been here since Oct 29th and know a thing or two by now…although never get to go through threads as I'm constantly busy with updating myself on the notables, which would be a good thing for beginners too, before they start posting anything…
Love to hear suggestions, and support for this , back later ! Efficiency EUfag
▶ 35e2b8 (1) No.1232241>>1254296
Thank you! I've been here a couple of months and still don't know what's what. No suggestions. Just many thanks.
▶ d29379 (2) No.1239418>>1240183
Rapid fire underway. Same theme. Please shut it down.
▶ a5c6c0 (1) No.1240183
>wah wah, the truth triggers me
▶ 8615f8 (4) No.1254296
Will start it soon, sorry for the delay, had some urgent matters to take care of!
▶ 8615f8 (4) No.1254618
>>143179 (OP)
I made the board for beginners!
Could this maybe go in the bread for newfags??
I also hope experienced QAnons help answering questions for the beginners, this way they learn how to get into research and updating fast and find their way easier…
I may be around since end of Oct on the boards, but by no means do I even know everything…
Maybe we can also pin this …it's up to you guys of course!
▶ 01c158 (1) No.1266668
>randomly started searching key words in Gog
>Enter: auth478-24zgP
>From post April 26, 2018
>Choose books
>Pic related
▶ f4e410 (1) No.1267803
▶ 784ed1 (1) No.1285553
The link for Memes18 does not work but that bread still exists in the catalog. Can you investigate?
Something weird going on. The bread still exists in the catalog because I can navigate to it from a browser bookmark that I saved when I created that bread.
I don't know what to say. Weird.
▶ 93bfba (1) No.1286142
The (((mods))) are censoring the truth again.
▶ 120a44 (2) No.1298270
BO - Q needs you to whitelist a new trip. See /patriotsfight/
▶ 8615f8 (4) No.1299310
>>143179 (OP)
Can this board please be pinned down?
For newfags
▶ 6de62e (1) No.1301407
What is POTUS waiting for? It's time!
▶ f056af (5) No.1302499
▶ f056af (5) No.1302539
Q crumb= Dragon energy 11-11-18?
https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/1023-financial-tyranny/ relates
▶ f056af (5) No.1302567>>1302626
http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.nl/2010/10/world-global-settlement-funds.html This basically sums up the whole cabal corruption in a short chronological order in a easy to understand format. A must read!!!
▶ f056af (5) No.1302626
This basically sums up the whole cabal corruption in a short chronological order in a easy to understand format. A must read!!!http://neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/
▶ d561c3 (1) No.1302631
REMINDER: Q team is still awaiting the activation of the new tripcode.
In the post (pic related), there's 4 BOOMs Q Team wants to give us. We're anxiously awaiting your confirmation.
▶ f056af (5) No.1302652>>1309608
Dragon energy, 11-11-18 q crumb, match!!!! must read!!! http://neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/
▶ fcbf49 (1) No.1309608
So much detail…. Fansastic (real) history lesson
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1310120>>1310143
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, BO--hope you get better soon. When I was young, I learned a valuable healing skill while playing baseball: if you've got an ailment, just "rub some dirt on it." Apparently it can heal sprained ankles, bad days…just about anything. j/k
Seriously, though--this board has one serious weakness: the fact that anyone can be a baker. I can't even begin to imagine how many good posts have fallen by the wayside because some bakers either can't recognize their significance, don't want to, or simply are not interested in anything that doesn't come in the form of a meme. Everyone knows beggars can't be choosers, and clearly there have been a lot of times where bakers have been in short supply. But I might have a solution that could deal with the problem of the baker shortage and the risk of low-quality (or even subversive) breads: have the bakers identify themselves with whitelisted, published tripcodes.
Here's how it would work: make a new, stickied thread entitled something like "verified baker tripcode bread." Have everyone that wants to be a baker come up with a double-secure tripcode, and post it in that bread. Put all of those on the whitelist, and keep a list of the good ones at the top. Whenever a baker makes a new bread, have them do so with their tripcode entered--that way, posters can check against list to see whether or not a reputable baker is on the job. If the baker is terrible and enough posters lodge legitimate complaints (in that bread as well), take the baker's tripcode off the whitelist. In that manner, breads would become "branded."
In order to prevent famefagging, make a rule that those tripcodes only be used in the baking of the bread. Breaking that rule would result in the tripcode being taken off the whitelist--either for some length of time or permanently, depending on the transgression.
You wouldn't be reducing the pool of bakers--you would just be allowing posters the ability to identify the good ones. By whitelisting baker tripcodes, you would be granting them access to a rare commodity: a public identity, which would double as a sort of "seal of approval." It would also help you to decide which breads to keep when duplicates show up. Finally, this wouldn't prevent anyone from making a bread–they just wouldn't be able to do it with an established tripcode. This is no different than what is happening now.
I'm no baker, but I recognize that it is a thankless job--why not allow them the ability to one day show their kids that they're the owner of that famous, reliable, "good baker" tripcode? By allowing them the ability to brand their work you would instill a sense of personal responsibility, pride, and perhaps even foster some competition among the ones that need it. It's also a step-up from taking screenshots of (you)'s.
Allowing posters the ability to separate good from bad is good for the evolution of the product. In the case of bad bakers with good intentions, they might come to recognize what makes a good baker, and work at improving their skills. At the very least, it will allow posters to know that they should double-check the bread.
Again, I recognize that this would add to your workload somewhat. You could minimize this by evaluating the list once a week.
Anyway, again, I hope you feel better. I don't know if your dirt is as good as ours, but maybe someday, long down the line after we've won, I can mail you a bit of ours. We've got lots.
▶ 7dde23 (1) No.1312822
Having strange issues since /patriotsfight/ activation. Check boxes next to the names, unable to filter most of the time??
▶ 614034 (1) No.1315811
I wonder if people should go through Corsi's books and see how much he plagiarizes and I wonder how much they are hiding offline about him.
▶ 2a96eb (2) No.1317517
▶ 2a96eb (2) No.1317601>>1339208
▶ 988dc8 (1) No.1318140>>1339208
I never had to get ahold of you before so im not sure this is the place.
ill keep open and await ur reply
▶ 2aaa81 (1) No.1318639
The real Trump the man I voted for, Trump is right up there with George Washington.
▶ 95a8ad (1) No.1318814
yes thank you, im not one to bitch… this is me first time bitching.
if it was for something i did wrong id accept it with an apology, but this is not right.
▶ 5281bd (1) No.1321408
thank you bv for unbanning me
▶ f806ab (1) No.1322079>>1326360 >>1326364
eurotwf@g runs the warroom meme assault
and petition division
get his ass back in here ASAP
if he did something stupid, move on
▶ d2f7b1 (2) No.1322387
▶ 106d8d (1) No.1322432>>1342845
bakeranon here…i got permabanned right after this post…help a brutha out?
<phonefagging sucks
>>1320898 (i forgot tag in post)
▶ 5e05e6 (2) No.1326360
does this work??
▶ 5e05e6 (2) No.1326364
thanks for helping brother out anon!
Thanks for unbanning me.
scared the bejesus out of me.
Thanks again
▶ ebe51a (1) No.1326676>>1334721 >>1339208
I think something has happened to BO. I'm scared to even post this because the Anon who speak out get banned & there have been many complaints to BO on META that got deleted. I have screenshots. Save everything!
▶ 5ce8fd (1) No.1334721
Possibly we may all be out of luck soon with internet…
Q, Please tell President Trump to roll back the EO about broadband! The 5G is going to kill humanity. Please watch this! Many of you listen to Sean on SGT report!!! listen! https://youtu.be/pIYPnOM-SXs
▶ 5cf0a5 (1) No.1338857>>1339208
BO - good to see you back & hopefully feeling better. Can you please unban my attached IP please. There were a lot of bans while you were gone & I got upset and posted about them because I thought you said you didn't want BV to ban anymore.
I've done a lot of digs that have made notables, memes, & Qs posted on my posts. I'm SC Anon & phonefagging sux. There is no way to learn baking on the phone.
If you are good with all the bans & posts that were directed to you on META being deleted then I will keep my mouth shut. TY.
▶ a04686 (2) No.1339208>>1339300 >>1342845
Ban lifted.
Nothing has happened to me, chill out.
Sorry I'm late. What can I do for you?
▶ b9ee3f (5) No.1339300
▶ 1ddef6 (1) No.1342845>>1346862
Can I get my permaban lifted, too?
No screencap, but my banned IP is "…eQk.DNx"
▶ ba44cc (1) No.1343473
Congratulations, Q Team on an other objective accomplish :)
▶ a04686 (2) No.1346862
Alright. Lifted.
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1349934>>1350103
stupid question, maybe it doesn't belong here.
Q posts link today with http:// prefix. link works.
qanon.pub mirrors link, but with https:// prefix. link no worky.
error in qanon.pub parsing.
▶ 639242 (1) No.1350103
I can read the article now.
Good catch!
▶ 39069d (2) No.1373902>>1375841
Q posted on a side board.
May 11 18:30
R: 489 / I: 65 / P: 1 [R] [G] [-]
Alex Jones and Corsi saying Q is compromised.
So that should be added to the bread of the General Board.
▶ 1c2260 (1) No.1375841
Just checked FB, I could see no backlash against Q there. I checked Gab, there was a little there, but there always has been, much like you see on the boards.
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1378184>>1380420
Regarding censorship:
I was thinking about it, and I might have a solution that pleases both the "no censorship ever" shills and the "censor shitposts" crowd: don't delete the shitty posts, just move them to a "shit" thread specifically set aside for them.
A big part of the problem with those who complain about censorship is that we often have no idea that was censored. I'm positive shills come here and try to undermine confidence in the board, so they post garbage then accuse you of removing important truths. You've displayed your commitment to transparency--I believe by handling things in this manner, you'll be able to maintain that commitment while also clearing up the boards somewhat. Anons would also have the opportunity to see what is being banned and decide for themselves.
Actually, didn't you have things set up like that before? I remember you giving examples of banned posts--were those just screenshots or did you have those posts set aside?
And again, don't let these assholes get you down. Anybody can start a board if they wish, but Q has stuck with this board for a reason. I have yet to see evidence of anyone that was banned for anything relevant or helpful.
▶ b9ee3f (5) No.1380420>>1406000
I'd love to know why BV/BO deleted messages on this META thread that was posted to BO last week when BV started banning everyone. There were multiple Anons complaining about the bans but yet there posts disappeared. I noticed & captured a couple- mine included.
WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE FIGHTING FOR ALL PUR FREEDOMS! Either you are with us or against us. 8Bit you said you had taken BVs power away months ago but yet it happened again- which is what made the board split & pissed off Anons, bakers and diggers.
We can decide what we want to see for ourselves…these boards are literally our records & deleting or banning Anons causes Anons to distrust. The worst thing you can do to Anon is take their voice away. I've been banned on all 3 of my IPs because I speak out about the banning (work, cell phone & home). I've been called AIM shill, Bot, & banned for no reason at all. We also know BV hops IPs and also will post on her own posts to show that she has support for the board Chaos that he is causing- they've been caught by other Anons. It is almost like BV has a list of the IPs that speak out & then targets them.
When you got sick is when everything went to shit AGAIN- so what is truly up?
I'm posting past bans & posts on here that were deleted.
I know you can go through the ban history & see that Anons were banned for saying "Amen", supporting POTUS & for speaking out against the bans.
Stop the censorship- or you will lose your board.
I will be amazed if this doesn't get me banned. I'm recording the board.
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1384058>>1396754
BO i have a question.
can filters be set so that my posts are only seen by certain operators without my knowledge?
not asking for a favor, asking if my posts can be hidden/pre-filtered without my consent.
trying to figure something strange out.
▶ 99cca4 (1) No.1395083
>>143179 (OP)
Arizona [48] state to join union
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1396754
(i don't mean on an individual basis - i know that individuals can filter me out one at a time, on their own - what i mean is…does the board software allow you to 'soft ban' me, so that my posts only show up to admin, or something like that? i know the old .php boards could do it, and i feel like…sometimes some people don't see what i say.
i know that sounds paranoid, but, and well, maybe it is.
but i can't shake it.)
▶ d2e9f3 (4) No.1402300
Having a problem using the board with Chrome - takes forever to load and most time will never load. It used to work fine with Chrome, but no longer. FF works fine and so does Vivaldi. Clear all caches, cookies, history, etc.
▶ eb4236 (1) No.1402753>>1402836
Simple solution. Use firefox install https everywhere ad block plus for starters. Plenty more plugins. Just my opinion. Don't use facebook..
▶ d2e9f3 (4) No.1402836
Pretty much had to - I'm just curious as to why it will no longer load (UBlock, https everywhere, etc. installed on Chrome and FF)
▶ dffeab (1) No.1403436>>1408727
Why did the second loaf of Biblefags vs Unleavened bread get deleted?
We just finished up the first bread, which can still be found in the catalog. We had 751 posts so I figured it was a success. The second loaf had around 10 posts and I went to respond to a couple anons and noticed it was deleted?
What up with that? We biblefags like a place to spit some prophecy and invoke the Holy Ghost up in hur. Had a lot of UID's on the first loaf.
thanks BO, I know how hard you work
▶ 33dd27 (6) No.1403708>>1405127
I was banned wrongfully and would like to be unbanned by BO to continue research.
▶ 33dd27 (6) No.1403758>>1404897 >>1408727
I've been banned from qresearch for posting a unique proof that the earth can't be flat.
I've posted this a few times and even asked for help from other anons to help me solve this problem wich I think relates to qresearch.
I've gotten no repley's in wich I was told I was shilling or sliding because you can't disprove this fact.
I also think that my postnrs. speak for themselves almost all double digit at the end !!!
I reposted these pics because I thought it was relevant with the last Q about fighting for thruth.
You guy's must be able to see what i have been posting lately …no spam intensions.
Honest and truthseeking anon has been permabanned for speaking out the truth.
Not shilling or sliding maybe shocking the brain but I thought we should do that to find truth.
Perhaps some boardvolunteers have a biased point of view concerning FE but it's not 8chan to censor honest respectfull posts I hope.
I ask you to review my case and lift my ban so I can help MEGA again.
Nothing but love and respect to all BO/BV.
▶ 5a55d6 (1) No.1404897>>1405127
If you were blocked, you would not be able to post this. Let me ask you a question - WHAT does this theory have to do with saving the world or taking down the cabal? There is a whole section in here on UFO's and FE/Globe talk. I think you just don't know how to find your previous posts. Again - HOW is this going to take down the EVIL and bring GOOD? It is NOT TIME to explore your theories. You are just sidetracking people.
▶ 33dd27 (6) No.1405127
I wasn't able to post …you can see >>1403708
I even sent a mail to administrator to ask for help , he told me to try meta …i did and i was still banned.
Asked admin for a link to contact BO , he sent me catalog and told to try metathread , I tried again and it worked…guess my ban was lifted thank god.
In my free tought process ball earth is the biggest lie of cabal and can be proven wrong so that's why it's relevant.
I will think better of what to post in the future to prevent another ban.
Must say I was very dissapointed with the way the ban was given without any warning and seen the regular content of my postss ….
Shit happens! Let's start MEGA
▶ 33dd27 (6) No.1405249
Out of respect of this board anon will not post in researchthread untill BO gives me his approval!
BO can you please let me know if you're ok with this? Maybe enlighten it a little bit .
▶ 21cd1d (1) No.1406000
Flat Earth has fuckall to do with Q and you dipshits already have your own thread. There's plenty of valid reasons to be pissed at BV for being a fuckup but getting rid of psyop trash like that from general gets a +1 in my 'Don't remove anything from general' book.
>Go Outside
>Travel to Coastal City
>Get guy to take you 75 miles off the coast
>Look around, notice the earth has a bend to it
▶ d2f7b1 (2) No.1408727>>1408961
There were 100+ threads with 0-10 replies that I cleaned up starting from last pages in the catalog about a week ago, and it sounds like yours was one of them. I'm sorry. It's not the content it's a protection in place against people who want to push our general breads off the board.
Your 'movement' has interesting bed fellows. [See the first few and last few posts of pic]
▶ 33dd27 (6) No.1408961
I can understand you guy's suffer under a lot of hard work to keep things smooth . much respect!
My pic was a little shillish I have to agree ..copypasted from my original work posted earlier ..(ending all double digits!)
and didn't provided the scientific sauce a solid post should have.
That saying I also think the ban was to quick and for me a shock because honest anon knows this is the board to be.
I'll keep my FEproofs quit for now untill anons catch up a bit.
Thanks for re…
Hope we are smooth…. new Q's make my research and postvibes ichy!
▶ 09e9f7 (1) No.1409050
Bread 1767 - current bread - looks to me like we have a shill baker. I don't know if this is where I report this, I did do a report on the baker in the bread, but if that report goes TO the baker then it won't make a difference. So, sorry if this doesn't belong here, I just want to make sure BO gets a look at it and makes a decision on it, I could be wrong.
▶ 83fddf (4) No.1413307
▶ 2d496e (1) No.1420509
So the biggest criminals in society run for office so that they get protection? No wonder all the politicians are crooked
▶ 10a1b4 (1) No.1431828>>1436885
Hi anons, I tried to post a couple of time and it has not allowed me to post even to the general thread, is there an issue with the board.
▶ b9ee3f (5) No.1436885
If you can post here you should be able to post in the General. Try closing out your browser & then logging back in.
▶ ad806f (1) No.1456602
>>We have it all
and you cant stop preplanned school shootings
>>when bad news is about to break
You even know when to look extra hard.
Only me starting to smell incompetence, or worse?
▶ 69424e (1) No.1457495
>>143179 (OP)
Please delete the following accidental, duplicate bread:
Q Research General #1829: Avalanche Emergency Edition
▶ e05011 (1) No.1466691
Some asshole just inferred a threat to the royal wedding. I think they're trying to set the boards up for investigation in the event it does happen. We need to let Codemonkey know.
I don't know what the proper response would be--inform an authority? Then we likely get investigated anyway; not that I'm afraid, but it still means they get the chilling effect they want. Do we assume Q has it handled? That seems reasonable. But the best bet would be to inform Codemonkey asap and let him decide.
▶ 435e5c (1) No.1474552
Was the password release planned between Q and BO? It just happened whilst BO was on here huh.
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1477172
someone just doxxed themselves:
Maybe you can show them some mercy? Sounds like some anon's grandpappy, hopped on to concernfag.
▶ c5533b (2) No.1482113
Just saying thanks for this often thankless job you do, and especially recognizing your recent efforts as an emergency baker for several threads. Keep up the EXCELLENT work.
▶ d29379 (2) No.1484837
Just a typo on today's date
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1489743>>1489948
BO, BVs, I think we might have had our "SKY event," or one of them, last night...and I think it was happening right underneath our noses.
It starts in Bread #1855--there's a lot of banter in there, but here's the most notable post:
...were we visited by POTUS last night?
Skeptical, right? Read on...
In Bread #1856, anons noticed that there were no US military planes in the sky over the US around midnight PST--not one. We have 13,362 airplanes (that we know of)--these planes need to be moved around from base to base for repair, refueling, training, etc. So for them to either a) all be on the ground at once, or b) be taken entirely off of every tracking system is a big thing.
Also, in the previous bread you'll notice that it got suddenly very, very quiet and slow (hence the name of bread #1856). Anons were amazed that the shills just suddenly disappeared (BV should remember--he remarked on it). Did they really disappear, or were they wiped off the board?
Earlier today, Q posted a mesage that ended with:
Now compare that to this post from #1856:
In fact, if you go through breads #1855, and especially #1856, you'll see all kinds of signals that something was happening. For instance, there was at least three instances where anons posted military insignia:
And there was this post in #1855:
then this post in #1856:
But dig deeper into the posts, and you'll start to realize that a huge proportion of the drops were significant. Check out the posts by these ids in #1856:
(9d1db5 seems important, but not this thread)
(most of these anons were speaking to each other, and there's probably more)
I can't overstate how important some of these posts might be. For instance, you have:
>>1478123 (might help with the map--a function to place posts in a certain order, maybe)
>>1478245 (intentional misspellings? Caps? Suggesting BA (British Airways) plane attack from /badguys?)
Finally, you have this post here:
(bread #1856)
I think last night was big.
I just hope POTUS didn't jump onto id 7a9f76:
The reason I'm posting here is because I think many of these anons were a part of Q-team, from all over the world most likely, and I think they were dropping hints. I'm pretty sure I saw the lion images posted by id 1ec3d8 (#1856) a few times throughout the day. Maybe they weren't just posting big hints last night--maybe they've been doing it for awhile, and have gone unnoticed. But if possible, maybe you could check the hash trace and see if there's anything else interesting? Judging by some posts in #1856, they can pretty much change IPs at will, so there's a good chance that anything tied to that IP would be left there on purpose.
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1489948
My mistake--this should be replaced:
>Finally, you have this post here:
>(bread #1856)
Here's a few other hints from that bread:
and my id for those breads was:
8d900e (#1855)
c54256 (#1856)
...so yeah, those weren't the significant posts.
▶ d4bf07 (1) No.1492756>>1492798
▶ b090eb (2) No.1492762>>1492798
▶ a9ad7c (2) No.1492767>>1492790 >>1492798
▶ c5aa82 (2) No.1492790
help, Baker passed out, can't post new bread now?? can't extract pictures?
▶ 3aef17 (1) No.1492798
behind the curtain?
▶ b090eb (2) No.1492800
…Last bread # is 1874. Last post was at 9:24 EST. Now over 30 min with no new bread.!!! Bread alert, bread alert, bread alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!
▶ 6a9a48 (1) No.1492802
Yo CM. Board quirky as hell. Catalog has no auto update. Images won’t load.
▶ bbae9c (1) No.1492804
We were warned, the attacks would get worse..
▶ 39069d (2) No.1492808
WTF is going on here. I am an addict with no fix.
▶ c5aa82 (2) No.1492829>>1492840
New Bread
▶ a9ad7c (2) No.1492840
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1493814
Can't post in a general thread.
If this gets through and QuantumAnon sees this, I want one of those hats you mentioned in #1857.
▶ 6e7d31 (2) No.1496351
This struck me as odd. It is an article from Heavy.co on July 5, 2017 titled "Miosotis Familia: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know". I am going to share it as it was written.
"Another witness, Jay Marzelli, told the Daily News that he was in a nearby bodega when he saw between 40 and 60 police officers yelling for a paramedic and telling people to clear the area."
“It looked like there was a riot going on and two seconds later I hear gunshots, ‘bam, bam’ and then the police officer was just lying there in front of the stationary precinct --- right here on Creston,” Marzelli said.
It could be nothing. But it appears the 40-60 were there BEFORE Familia was murdered. It is also possible the article was written poorly.
▶ b30553 (1) No.1496825
▶ 4bdd7c (1) No.1496829
▶ a331cf (1) No.1504433>>1504454 >>1513106
I'm posting this info here about the "Yellow Rose" thread. I researched that guy because he made threats to me, and well, I didn't like that. Insinuated a gang would be fucking with me. So, I researched his ass and posted his own pics back in his face, if he has one, in an effort to shut him down and neutralize his demoralizing bs he or bots or AI keeps posting.
I left him a last message over on his psyop rose. There's likely code in that. He believes he's Quantum….
He should be deleted. Read his shit for yourself and you'll see why. He runs lots of ids. He was blocked accused of being a Crimean or Russia bot. Claims: "I program the cicada game Q is run by Quantum AI"
shows stalin.institute
"Czech Republic"
Also has
Jara Da Cimrman@3t1n4rc4d14
H3R3IAM pulled up an Instagram with 2 pictures. One an ice machine I recognized from some thread. Also saw #tweeker & #shArds which are slang words for crack
There is a lot of shit on the things that don't need their own thread thread. He uses blue headers and continuously switches up ids. Even on the rose thread
Sorry for doxxing him, but had to be done. Totally fucking with Q, me and hard working sincere Patriots.
May want to Delete this post too
▶ fff233 (1) No.1504454
I ran into that guy on Twatter under 2 of his IDs.
Blocked after 2 posts. Seems like a fucking demon to me.
▶ b9ee3f (5) No.1513106>>1653968
Thanks for sharing Anon. I've run into some major issues on Twatter this week. I will follow back those who follow me that have a "conservative", "MAGA" "Trump", "Q", etc… description in their Twat bio…. well I guess I must have followed back some hard core Q hating clowns because I got attacked like hell this week for posting about Q on Twatter. These mutha fkrs came out of the woodwork & the once one latched a hold (made a Q is a LARP response to one of my posts) then they all started replying & supporting each other. It was almost comical to see but yet scary because that has never happened b4.
I use a fake Twitter account for my Q posts & memes because of being Anon & I would not doxx people but I'm curious if you've come across the twitter account in my puc related.?
The attacks on Q & supporters are hitting heavy now & will get worse as they say.
▶ fbf60a (1) No.1519503
Can we please resticky the meme library thread?
▶ 6e7d31 (2) No.1519797
"Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes" -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR97EgcihlU
It is happening.
▶ cb76d0 (9) No.1521061
BO, BVs,
Feel free to archive my "+'s leaked files" bread. I'm involved in a ton of different things right now, and that line of work doesn't seem to be drawing too much attention. I think everyone knows that /ourguys "have it all," so combing through a lot of weasel-worded files for analysis seems redundant to most.
I have no idea how many have downloaded the files, but I'm sure it's hundreds, or even thousands. When the focus returns to Soros again, perhaps we can re-examine them to corroborate for proofs. But with things heating up right now, there are probably other breads that deserve the space more than that one.
▶ 493237 (1) No.1525822>>1529276
Q said: Watch the Water
In my area the water tastes a lot better. It tastes like filtered water now and I learned it has recently been de-fluoridated and de-cholorinated. Thanks Q?!
▶ cbd465 (2) No.1529276>>1529283
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
11The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.
▶ cbd465 (2) No.1529283
Revelation 8 is talking about a meteor shower, {sky event} they poisons the WATER ON THE EARTH. {watch the water}
▶ 9bb28d (1) No.1531338
Can someone please tell me. How do I get rid of the giant distracting burning Q that has now started appearing on the page?
▶ 83fddf (4) No.1534162>>1534191
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https:''//''www.youtube.com/embed/vPiTWghDzpA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
▶ 83fddf (4) No.1534192
▶ fdae21 (1) No.1548357>>1552525
Too many stickied threads in my opinion. On phone in non catalog, general is the last shown thread on page 1 for me.
▶ 649cd5 (4) No.1551424>>1553052
you need to squash this false rumor
▶ b9ee3f (5) No.1552525
Agreed Anon. General should be much closer to the top. Not sure why so many threads are stickied.
▶ 649cd5 (4) No.1553052
please disregard
I was wrong, CM has posted confirmation on twitter
▶ d2e9f3 (4) No.1553064>>1553121
Board Question - What's the deal with searching? Difficult to brute force your way through so many breads, but searching doesn't seem to work - what am I doing wrong?
▶ 26c510 (1) No.1553121>>1553278
Try this site! The board itself isn't very searchable.
▶ d2e9f3 (4) No.1553278
Wow, this is great, ty, Anon!
▶ c805a4 (1) No.1555915
××× Question to Board Owner ×××
Thank you for *.pdf capabilities mentioned in previous bread(s).
Does this mean, Anons can download these *.pdf files like the ones from pacer.gov (i.e. motions, complaints, transcripts. etc.) and upload these files to your board on 8ch.net/qresearch?
Thank you BO and BV for all that you do.
▶ 120a44 (2) No.1558459
BO - on the main catalog page, possibly specify that it is CM's trip that is compromised? (so as not to cause alarm or speculation about Q's trip)
▶ 558f88 (2) No.1571296>>1571304
BO did you delete the filters thread? It disappeared.
▶ 3bd690 (1) No.1571304>>1571337
▶ 558f88 (2) No.1571337
weird could not see it earlier. did we have too many threads or something?
▶ 7025a8 (1) No.1573196
Is there a thread on Soros' worldwide activities such as what he is doing in California dumping money to elect corrupt DA's and this report about his worldwide campaign to use immigration to destroy cultures and countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z4woNYMyz8
▶ 024436 (1) No.1573598
Last code Assange tweeted: with MIA video..
This one WHERE is the other one.?
And where to Plug them in…
▶ ceba5d (1) No.1581872
BO, I was banned on my primary IP. I do not share an IP with e_botfag, however, the banned message is an e_botfag message. looks like e_botfag took the liberty of also repealing my ip ban (most assuredly with garbage), to which it was clearly denied, and now my primary IP is now perma banned.
IP address in question …wYcta20C. Banned on Sunday 27 May 2018. Post in question was 1520974 (not my post, likely does not match my post history at all).
I'm convinced the e_botfag either has IP sniffing to find anons and then expire their IPs, which is likely done when someone clicks on their video links (I have accidentally clicked to expand a static image only realizing it was a video link after I clicked…)
If my IP ban gets rid of e_botfag, i'm okay with it, however, I still noticed that e_botfag is still posting crap (last post I see is 1579851). If that is the case, I would ask that you please repeal my IP ban.
Not sure how else I can help to clear this up… appreciate your help & patience.
▶ 46cd0a (1) No.1653265>>1664413
These are the strangest bans I've ever seen.
▶ c5533b (2) No.1653717>>1664413
The "BO is an AI" shills were rampant early this morning. I'd really like to find these weasels and deliver some justice to their anatomies.
▶ c09410 (2) No.1653968
So-called "Lesley" appears to be a bot, because they're oblivious to the context (it thinks you're posting to them, despite it being an auto-follow). The CGI image is a classic tip-off of an AI/bot account used by shills. The group attack is likely other bots joining in.
The trick to exposing them is to use disjointed unnatural social syntax until the bot handler turns up (but you have to be careful to phrase it in such a way you don't appear crazy).
Third personing works nicely: 'Observe as the broken bot cannot comprehend who is replying to who. Democrats using bots?'
The bots aren't generally programmed to handle bot comments, ironically, and if they do, they often do a bad job. 'Banana, cheese, jam: identify which isn't a food?' - unsolvable question for a bot.
▶ c09410 (2) No.1654447>>1664413
Can I flag up BO's attention to this sucker:
They've posted that exact same post in another thread (a direct copy/paste) but when I tried to refind it, seemed like the thread had changes (posts deleted?). I think the other was in 'Bots don't read' thread.
Might want to dig into their posting history, check for other copy/pastes.
Another way to impede bots: disallow duplicate posts across the board.
▶ 2004da (1) No.1664413>>1721150
They're persistent, and they hop IPs constantly. Best to just ignore them.
Duplicate post must have been deleted. Copypasta is common in 8chan, unfortunately there is no way to effectively stop duplicate posts without compromising the entire board.
Spammers apparently, with their IP hash displayed for identification.
▶ 3df13c (1) No.1669340>>1674269
I love the newfag welcome at https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html .
However, could you please add the
QBOARD QUESTIONS QboardTeachings 04/30/18 (Mon) 20:20:56 ID: cd134c No.1254488
located at https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1254488.html
to the bottom of the box on the Welcome to /QResearch/ Warning to newcomers page? Thank you very much. The Pass the Exam thread has a lot of useful info in it for newfags.
One other comment - remember that newfags are not familiar with our lingo or culture. They probably don't even understand what LURK means, nor deliberate misspellings like MOAR.
▶ 59ea52 (1) No.1669751>>1674269 >>1696568
Meme Harvester here. We have a couple of problems in Memes23.
Problem 1. A person doxxes his email address 28 times with the name Henry Case:
I have previously reported some of these posts for deletion because of the doxxing but he is still doing it.
I also replied and warned him never to put his email address but he keeps doing it.
Problem 2. Henry Case keeps talking about "branding" as in commercial identification. Now he starts adding the name of a website to his memes.
I visited that URL and it says "Coming Soon".
So at this point we have no way to know whether that website will content helpful to our cause, whether it will be a honeypot to harvest thousands of IP addresses potentially exposing people to harm, or whether it will be a commercial for-profit venture.
Do you have a way of handling this problem? Warn him strongly? Ban him? Delete the offending meme content that points to a website until realpatriotsfight.chan is populated with content and can be evaluated? Delete all the doxxing posts?
Thanks, BO.
MemeAnon Harvester creator of all the Meme breads and the Mega image libraries.
▶ 7ebdc4 (1) No.1674269
Got 'em. Banned until he makes an appeal, so I can hear from him. All posts are edited to remove his name/email.
I'll see what I can do. >>1667382 is the bread for page suggestings for future reference.
▶ a394c4 (1) No.1679636>>1696568
Henry Case is back in Memes23 arguing and doxxing himself.
Reported 3 posts.
Some other anons are posting memes that disclose our workplace /qresearch/
Reported them too.
▶ 57674d (1) No.1690438>>1727485
Created a new theme for qresearch called VT100. I put it in the filters thread. feel free to move it if you know a better place. Check it out
▶ 780110 (1) No.1696568>>1727485
CodeMonkey has root on 8Ch. So thusly, his logs are better than run of the mill. I don't really try to hide who I am from the discerning diver, but I do use a nom de guerre for my patriot material as I prefer not to field bullshit.
This is by and large a field of friendlies, but if people gonna be stupid, they'll be stupid. Please don't assume that I HAVEN'T thought this through.
Our workplace is the internet. We are everywhere and we have no name.. yet somehow it is claimed we are NOT anonymous?
For the grammatically challenged, an anon is anonymous. THIS qresearch is just one (albeit the better option) of several populist collectives on the interwebz.
For you "anons" (but not anonymous) to claim this to be a "secret" that we shouldn't mention, like Fight Club, just makes every single one of us look like a little kid. Hence, my kid playing games in the basement memes (although, to be honest, that was a forked tongue reference to a criminal "occurrence" some 15 years back).
We are better than this, SO much better.
PS: I was always posting multiple variants, branded and unbranded no-logo versions. Get your facts straight, cuz from here you just look stupid and incompetent. Moreover, realpatriotsfight is owning the shit before idiots can shit in the pool like they did with https://trumpintelpro.com (reg'd on 2017-01-20T22:42:08Z). By admission, you have no way to know whether or not the site will be "helpful" to our cause, so you just judge by track record. Which I have made easy enough for you.
Learn to laugh at yourself, cuz I guarantee somebody out there is, so you might as well try to understand their process.
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1713749>>1713834 >>1727485
BO, does the forum software ever autocorrect (specifically dashes into en-dashes or em-dashes)?
asking for a friend, and testing, too.
two dashes
three dashes
four dashes
five dashes
six dashes
seven dashes
eight dashes
nine dashes
ten dashes
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1713834>>1713934
testing reveals that two dashes alone will make an en-dash and three alone will make an em-dash
it will always try to make em-dashes first (see six dashes) and then leftovers will make en-dashes or hyphens.
for example - 13 dashes will be four em-dashes and a hyphen, 14 dashes will be four em-dashes and an en-dash. can't make an en-dash and a hyphen through board correction.
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1713934>>1713936
are dots collapsed too?
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1713936
▶ 51b7e8 (2) No.1718482>>1727485
BO, I was telling you about this yesterday.
I use Opera and it's VPN, but it is still banned as of today.
(pic related)
▶ f87a26 (2) No.1720978
Bot/spam? These two threads seem vaguely similar in content:
"I have followed Q since 11/2017 and still can't figure out your post/thread protocol."
"Been following Q since 11/2017 and still can't figure it out. How do all the shills make it but little ole me can't? Love the anon fags anyway. "
Recommend delete/purge.
▶ f87a26 (2) No.1721150>>1727485
>Duplicate post must have been deleted. Copypasta is common in 8chan, unfortunately there is no way to effectively stop duplicate posts without compromising the entire board.
When you say compromise, how do you mean?
Depending on the issue, it can be solved.
Store posts (no need to store IDs) in 'unique post' database table.
Look up against unique post (this needn't impact user experience: they can post, but the system still runs the query and auto-alerts if a match is found).
If you have something like millions of posts that are stupid lengths long, then:
1) Short hash look-up (EG something crude like SHA)
2) If a short hash matches, do a direct post comparison (so store hash + full post)
So if a post's hash matches that found in the database of other post hashes, it triggers a more in-depth comparison.
Sort the hashes in alphanumeric order (insert in alphanumeric order).
Keep position indexes for the first two letters. EG A2 is position 1000123.
When you calculate the post hash, look up the first two letters for position index (getting the first position index for A2, and then the second, A3).
Perform a binary tree search down that position index (like dewey decibel system in libraries) - so start halfway, if your alphanumeric sum comes earlier, halve the next lot (maximum of 7 hops).
If found, full post comparison, if match, deny/flag.
If not found, add.
Done right, you have a multi-tiered rapid post lookup system:
1) Shortened hash (fewer characters to compare in a string lookup, and also serves as post validation in-case of tampering)
2) Two-letter positional index system
3) Binary tree search
4) Direct comparison (for accuracy)
It might take a bit of effort to implement at first.
If you wanted to be super lazy, just make the first two letter alphanumeric lookup a dedicated table (AA through to 99). If the table is missing, so is any entry and you can create a new table.
Feel free to steal the ideas, or if there's a specific problem, let me know and we'll work something out.
▶ 81a6d1 (2) No.1724306>>1727485
I'm the owner of /qproofs. If you think it might help to post all of the proofs on a separate board, just say the word and I can give you ownership. I don't have the attention span to moderate.
If not, I'll likely just mirror all of the proofs here, in case someone happens to be looking for them.
▶ bbb882 (1) No.1727485>>1728475 >>1754291 >>1775887
eBot is using many (if not all) IPs hosted by Opera VPN (Plus more of course). It looks like you used the same IP as him. I highly recommend against using a free VPN as they are almost always completely insecure and do not offer nearly as many features and servers as premium level VPNs.
Opera is even worse as a VPN service as it is only really a proxy that encrypts browser traffic, whereas a VPN will encrypt all traffic. Opera VPNs servers are also hosted by Google, so I wouldn't trust them to respect your privacy.
A representative of Opera, which is now a Chinese company, told us that the Opera browser does not collect any user logs. Because you don't have to pay for anything, neither service needs to know your real name.
However, in May 2018 the website The Best VPN had a look at the Opera browser privacy policy, which stated that "we may share anonymized and/or aggregated sets of data with our partners and other trusted third parties."
Neither the desktop nor the mobile clients have a kill switch, which would stop all internet activity if the connection to the VPN server were lost."
Opera's browser business was sold in 2016 to a Chinese consortium, which now calls itself Opera. The Norwegian company that originally developed the browser held onto SurfEasy, the Toronto-based VPN service that it had bought in 2015. The Opera VPN mobile apps, which are controlled by SurfEasy, are developed by an Irish company.
Got all that? As far as we can tell, with either the desktop or the mobile software, you're sending your traffic through a Canadian VPN (or proxy service) provider, and everything is covered by Canadian law.
Canada has strict privacy laws, but its intelligence services share information with their American and British counterparts. You'll also have to keep the Chinese connection in mind when using the browser service.
That's awesome anon, I like it.
You make a good point. The main issue I had were the famefags I was hearing about anons posting branded memes on Twatter, Reddit and Gab as though to claim the work done on this board as their own. It's pretty cringey though watching you slap your name and website in to every post on an anonymous imageboard. We aren't claiming to be a secret club at all. We are simply obscuring the borders to our board to slow the influx of dumbasses who come here and slow us down in our work.
There is a test board. >>>/test/
I was referring to the r9k script (pic related), which is the only option I have for such a thing.
What you have there is interesting. If you could write something that could do that, maybe let CodeMonkey know.
Hit me up with an email at 8b@8chan.co with the login creds. We will put it to good use.
Post last edited at
▶ 51b7e8 (2) No.1728475
Thanks for the info and assist!
▶ 8d4f91 (3) No.1741476>>1742332 >>1743901
What the heck is that matter with you people. We are fighting child sex trafficking and every page I get these disgusting ads of little girls and sex toys. I can't send my friends to these pages because they are so disgusting. Please prohibit these pedo advertisers.
▶ a1bf88 (1) No.1742332>>1743773
They have to keep the lights on somehow, and most companies find free speech so repellent that they would never advertise on 8chan. Sounds like your friends need to harden up, or they'll be scarred for life the first time a gore spammer pops up in a thread.
▶ 8d4f91 (3) No.1743773
Appreciate the reply, but if having to be bombarded with pedophile ads of little girls and sex toys is the only way to keep the lights on for free speech, then it's lost as the supporters of this are no better than the sex traffickers claim to "free speech."
▶ f500cb (3) No.1743901>>1744049 >>1745987
So these posts are making their way out of the general breads now huh..
▶ 8d4f91 (3) No.1744049>>1750729
Q is having this incredible group of autist/anon's prepare for the inrush of "normies" (i'm one of them) to come and view the proofs to demonstrate that Q is real and that we have a country to fight for and people who are fighting with us. I can't tell you how passionate people are about this when I tell them and they are so hopeful that there is actually some good people left who will fight against the Deep State and the international child sex trafficking operation. What is the first thing that normies see, a bunch of little girls used to advertise japanese sex toys. It looks like I've invited them into the center of a pedophile advertising operation. Hows that for first impressions? Please, get rid of these disgusting ads for Kanojo Toys and other things I've never heard of as it destroys the messenger's credibility.
▶ 7b1c05 (1) No.1745987
Just an idea, don't kill myself, but would 8chan be open to private contributions to pay for having no ads on /qresearch/ ?
If so, those concerned about impact of the ads on normie/public perception of Q could pay qresearch's "share" of total 8chan ad revenue. 8chan would take no loss, and potential optics problem goes away.
▶ 299d5f (1) No.1750598
Fuck all this bullshit until Trump declassifies all
so tired all of this stupid shit I've already known forever being spun as a Q Insider
Motherfucker is posting on 8ch this morning so people wont talk shit in response to the fucking nothingburger as always
▶ fd1047 (1) No.1750729
I dont think this board has any control over ads. Use an adblocker
▶ 488235 (2) No.1754291
Most useful feature; Q cannot be fake.
▶ 488235 (2) No.1754639>>1769230
question - is it possible to set default board theme? Say, to one slightly altered from default (previous image relevant)
▶ 54beb2 (1) No.1755900
▶ f500cb (3) No.1769230>>1777121
Yes. I know what you're thinking. Please email me the CSS you had in mind, if you have something similar to the default that highlights Q's trip in such a way, that would be amazing. 8b@8chan.co
Also, I need some help with a couple things with a CSS I'm using right now if it's not too much trouble for you.
▶ 6c638d (1) No.1771316>>1771356
Question…why can't I make a new thread ? being told thread needs 750 char…what is this Tx
▶ f500cb (3) No.1771356
Bread must have at least 750 characters in initial post. Too many threads popping up that are breaking the rules, sliding the board.
Genreal breads and topical breads (Areas of research) are accepted. We will delete anything that is considered junk: Replies to other anons, lack of content for research, questions/responses/threats for Q, and shitposting breads. This is not to be used as a blogging space as seen on Reddit. Research breads with a fair amount of content to start it off with are acceptable.
▶ 81a6d1 (2) No.1775887
email w/credentials re: /qproofs/ has been sent. Have at it :)
▶ b55bf9 (1) No.1777121
Mailed, check it out. Also it will look different (but still ok) on some pale moon. Didn't check every single browser yet.
I have no problem doing CSS stuff for here.
▶ c10550 (3) No.1785132
▶ 4a5f46 (1) No.1785334>>1785727
BO, what were the changes made with the new update? Appearance for me seems the same.
▶ fccfc6 (1) No.1785727
turnaround time to seeing it varies because 8ch is on a cloud. Basically trips look different, (you)'s look different and postcount is always visible.
▶ c10550 (3) No.1815936
▶ c10550 (3) No.1816205
Board posting security proposals for threads (min char length is good):
1) At least one link (either 8chan or article). Use a REGEX to detect.
2) Cooldown period of 1 hour minimum between posting threads (no high quality thread is going to be quicker than this, and the higher the quality, longer the cooldown).
2 can be circumvented by IP rotation - but that will highlight those who 'don't play ball' (they will have burn multiple IPs in order to double post/slide etc which will expose their footprint for you to see).
3) No exact duplicate titles, and:
4) No exact duplicate thread content from threads found on the current page (index first post in a database with the URL UID as lookup).
5) Force one posting to a pre-existing thread (any thread) within a 24 hour period before a given IP can post a thread (this will force IP bunny hoppers through additional complexities, but this requirement won't bother chans who post in other threads normally anyway).
6) Require a 30 minute wait period (in a given day) from first connection before thread posting is allowed. So if someone tries to IP hop to circumvent the thread wait out, and they haven't previously connected with that IP on that given day, they'll still have to wait 30 minutes (a chan will, on the other hand, already connected and just not yet posted a thread).
The goal is to keep adding security measures that allow constructive behaviours (by keeping scope to constructive behaviours, EG no constructive poster would flood a forum, etc) and curtailing abuse.
From an admin standpoint, an additional measure: dislodging threads. Basically, it means the thread disappears from the main page, but remains active so not to trip any automatic detection (so if a bot checks for thread deletion, it doesn't get an error).
Hope this helps. Feel free to modify or ignore suggestions.
▶ 649cd5 (4) No.1827835>>1841697
I've watched the steady decline of the kitchen staff since before I started the school.
Now that you are collecting notables what are supposed to be the notables if you've paid any attention you've seen it.
incompetent bakers
clown baekrs
a steady, slow degradation of the quality of the dough
now the huge influx of newbies get exposed to shitty bread and don't know any different, they think it's supposed to be that way.
I offered my thoughts on a solution many months ago
How do you like your solution do nothing???
How's it working out?
▶ c7ee8f (8) No.1832515
i think i've proven to myself that temporary shadowbans exist, and it freaks me out just a little.
thank you for your service. and i mean it, and i hope you know i mean it.
▶ cb3342 (2) No.1838783
Could you please edit the # of this bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1838365.html
It should be #2317, not #2316.
▶ cb3342 (2) No.1839396
Me again (I'm NOT the Baker, btw)…
Could you please edit the # of this bread
It should be #2318, not #2138.
▶ 649cd5 (4) No.1841697
and now two #2321 breads…
one has much better notables
neither has corrected the Q posts
anons don't know which baker did which bread…
I really want to find a solution to this problem, been trying to get a conversation going with BO for months on the subject.
I started the practice area & school… not sure what more I can do except continue to be a squeaky wheel about this.
▶ 33dd27 (6) No.1845288
There's been no bake Qresearch after # 2322???
▶ 98d1db (1) No.1845573
Posted about too many pins/stickys forever ago and now it's even worse. If new people show up, they won't even see a general thread. I doubt most will know about catalog right away. My thoughts on it.
"Letters of Gratitude" - Doesn't need sticky, but it's sentimental, I get it. It can stay.
"TTDDTOT" - Stay/Good
"Memes", "Advanced Memes", "Side By Side" - None of these absolutely need a sticky. Suggest combining them all into one sticky, make it cyclical. If you really feel you need a shit tier meme thread and a 'good' thread, then at least combine side by side and advanced memes (whatever those are?). Highly suggest 1 cyclical thread.