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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Max filesize is 16 MB.
Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000.
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Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: 8b3dc4173f5e8cf⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Qresearch.jpg)

a7b93e No.1306359

Welcome To Q Research General

URGENT BO PLS: Q requests new tripcode whitelist


Q has made a new personal board at >>>/patriotsfight/

Catalog address https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/catalog.html

Q has also changed tripcode, see QPosts below

Q's NewTripcode: Q !2jsTvXXmXs

Q's OldTripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 5.04.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/65 ------- The World is Connected. (JKerry_Traitor.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/64 ------- THE SWAMP IS BEING DRAINED (Justice_1.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/63 ------- A rigged system (Justice_.png)

>>>/patriotsfight/62 ------- [OnReady] (Justice.jpg)

>>>/patriotsfight/58 ------- Whitelist on /qresearch/ -- Deleted, see >>1298468 , >>1303388

>>>/patriotsfight/2 -------- Trip Conf -- Deleted, see >>1298492 , >>1302636 (full thread captures)

>>>/patriotsfight/1 -------- Tripcode Update -- Deleted

>>1298146 ------------------ /patriotsfight/

Wednesday 5.02.2018

>>1280616 ------------------ (Shipping Pallets)

>>1280036 ------------------ (Apple HQ)

>>1280030 ------------------ (JetBlue taking off from San Jose?)

Monday 4.30.2018

>>1249365 ------------------ Knowing what you know now.

>>1248119 ------------------ Define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

>>1247406 ------------------ No name out.

>>1244154 ------------------ Emmy awards. Red carpet event?

>>1243783 rt >>1243759 Assets in place.

>>1243605 rt >>1243593 EagerLion18: Live fire exercise with Jordanian Marines.

>>1243597 rt >>1243510 Connect. No coincidences.

>>1243510 ------------------ Pompeo visits Jordan.

Sunday 4.29.2018

>>1242689 rt >>1242682 (Q verifies anonymous post)

>>1242682 rt >>1242608 rt >>1242545 R=18 (QAnon ID:038c68)

>>1242619 rt >>1241774 , >>1241803 Do you believe in Coincidences?

>>1233880 rt >>1233553 Operators have died. They lay down their lives so that others may live, FREE!

>>1233553 rt >>1233458 Personal thank you to (you).

>>1233458 ------------------ Be careful who you are following.

Saturday 4.28.2018

>>1229092 rt >>1228857 Stay strong. Stay united. BOOM week ahead.

>>1228613 rt >>1228588 Noted:IP-Ghost:

>>1228588 rt >>1228489 You know that we know. You know what we have. Your move.

>>1218893 rt >>1218465 We are in this together

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts


Board Rules >>3138

NEWBIES >>1254488

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Shill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

a7b93e No.1306362

File: 783f281184c58f5⋯.jpg (62.33 KB, 375x500, 3:4, (no table.jpg)


are not endorsements

#1637 >>1305555 QuadBread

>>1306225 video from yesterday's NSA/CyberCom ceremony: Admiral Rogers says that he has one more job to do: a testimony in front of congress.

>>1306244 Tesla Files

>>1306202 Holder/Comey side-by-side

>>1306184 CIA declassifies more of "Zendebad, Shah!" – internal study of 1953 Iran coup

>>1306135 , >>1306141 For our Friends in Quebec… Ice Frog Q

>>1306116 Man Trying to Interview Every WWII Vet: 'I Was Learning More From Them Than I Was in School'


>>1306028 Skippy's invitation to Save The Planet

>>1305968 CIA Report On John M Deutch CIA Director under Bill Clinton, >>1305906 , >>1305901

>>1305949 transparent meme batter from the other Q Cyber Command graphic

>>1305808 UN Secretary General Warns Scrapping Iran Deal Could Lead To "World War III"

>>1305813 notes from the transfer ceremony today regarding NSA and CyberCommand.

>>1305801 Facebook Co-Founder Wants To Slap $3 Trillion Tax On Rich To Pay For Universal Basic Income

>>1305753 It’s been a rough day for Dirty Cop Robert Mueller

>>1305731 praying for Q, POTUS, Military, and the VETS

>>1305724 North Korean Cyber Operations

>>1305683 Shills = consistently contrary, >>1305794

>>1305844 Flynn Twitter Background Changes: Timeline needed


>>1305501 Who Is #QAnon? transparency, >>1304985 Who Is #QAnon?

>>1305500 John Kerry has reportedly engaged in clandestine diplomacy with a top Iranian official in an attempt to salvage the nuclear deal framework

>>1305413 Consider yourself notified. >>1305523 (again)

>>1305356 Q scan codes sheets

>>1305243 Judge Ginsburg to Die This Weekend?

>>1305207 Mindy Brashears of Texas, to be the Under Secretary for Food Safety at the Department of Agriculture

>>1305199 POTUS Schedule 5-4-18

>>1305118 Paul Nakasone officially assumed command of U.S.Cyber Command and NSA/CSS... Red Carpet event

>>1305097 NXIVM AMKR trial date for October 1, 2018

>>1305058 A CALL TO MEME: BIDEN'S son deal with China./KERRY'S daughter deal with Iran

>>1305074 Admiral Rogers is FREE TO TESTIFY

>>1305055 Let us take a moment to thank a true PATRIOT in Admiral Mike Rogers

>>1305022 , >>1305344 , >>1305397 Focus on FBI >Higher quality, for your collection

>>1304970 Notable theory on HRC Requesting an Assassination

>>1304877 Tick Tock

>>1304875 , >>1305460 DoD tweets

>>1304874 The legend goes as follows..

>>1304873 Skippy's confidential images on rising sea levels


>>1304731 Site blocked in Taiwan due to a 'security issue'

>>1304609 SEDITION

>>1304591 Civilian leaders stepping down

>>1304563 Govt officials stepping down

>>1304396 ADM R can testify!

>>1304325 5:5 / Old radio codes

>>1304280 Still adding to "Justice" graphic!

>>1304234 RiggedElectionDJT.png

>>1304160 Justice = the word of the night (now James Comey's getting in this game)

>>1304247 JK part of the cult, >>1304158 Iran links



>>1303474 General Flynn twitter banners side-by-side

>>1303509 , >>1302688 (last bread) Title 1 FISA on Carter Page stripped every incidental contact of their civil rights.

>>1303349 Skippy colludes with 'high-net-worth individuals' in SFO.

>>1303666 John Kerry Coaches Palenstinians not to Yield to Trump in Peace Talks

>>1303687 new Netflix series called ANON, where the trailer says that anonymous is the enemy


>>1302859 Archive of deleted Q Thread - https://archive.fo/J1se3

>>1302879 Giuliani has no top secret clearance

>>1302880 Nakasone Dig

>>1301658 Kerry Shadow Diplomacy Exposed


>>1302223 QPosts: Timestamps

>>1302195 , >>1302196 , >>1302197 BOOM! James Baker and Lisa Page, Once Key Advisers to Comey, Resign

>>1301923 , >>1301680 Declassified, Unredacted Documents of House Intel Report.

>>1301938 Royal Bank of Scotland closing 162 branches across England and Wales

>>1301886 , >>1302133 'Justice' Is Q trying to make a point?

>>1301908 Trial set for 'Smallville' star Allison Mack in sex-cult case

>>1301879 Adm Rogers was the "17th" Director of NSA

>>1301877 Papa Bush discharged from Houston Methodist Hospital

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

a7b93e No.1306364

File: 11a756b3ea8f552⋯.png (5.92 MB, 3000x2413, 3000:2413, (Missions).png)

Your continued help collecting Notable posts from each bread is greatly appreciated.

Help collect the gems that fall here, they are too ephemeral and precious to disappear in the chaff

ThanQ for all your assistance in collecting Notable posts.

The fruits of our labors should not be lost in the chaff of shills, shitposters & clowns.

EVERYTHING of value should be saved offline on multiple formats.

Please keep in mind, not all of these things are verified. In case you're unaware,

you should be critical towards everything you read on the internet.


To highlight a notable post, please format your post using the following below.

Call for the bakers attention (Red text is acceptable), link the post number in question

and write a short description on the same line as the linked post. Here's an example:




Baker Notable

>>####### <Brief description of notable> (Without any brackets, quotes, etc.)


War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>16785 ----- Prayer

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 --- Q Cards Collection

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>694579 --- Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 --- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 --- Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1009786 - DARPA/FB/Lifelog/5g/2020

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1276151 - Military Plane Crashes

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

a7b93e No.1306365

File: 78b0ba9d907f258⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1111x777, 1111:777, ((GraphicIsNecessaryAndVit….png)

File: ca0dd4157f751b2⋯.png (3.61 MB, 5599x6000, 5599:6000, ((VintageMap.png)

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1287664 Q Graphics all in GMT #19 >>>/comms/987

>>1287685 Q Graphics all in GMT #20

Q Graphics all in EST

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg --------------- >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg ---------------- >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg ----------------------------- >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg ------------- >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg --------------- >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg ------------ >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg ----------- >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg ---------------------------------- >>>/comms/957

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png -------------- >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 17,000 memes and infographs.


Memes: Stockpiles

Memes20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040, 18 >>1027465

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Resources Library

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version >8.14.0 [updated 4/24]) Thread: >>122807

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form. https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools.

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

NEW Federal Procurement Data System fpds.gov >>1300457 https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283



Germanarchiveanon 1642 breads: https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

b53196 No.1306367


The Talmudists would love nothing more than to pit the U.S. against Russia.

They have had fantasies about annihilating Russia since 800AD, when the Russian Tsar kicked their asses and forced them to choose an Abrahamic-religion to convert to. Of course, most just practiced their Baal-worship in secret. Then, they later formed the hybrid-religion when they wrote, The Babylonian Talmud.

Today, the diaspora-Talmudists (you know them as, "Jews") have taken up position in the West's courts, schools, banks and media. As Marxists in political-ideology, they always seek to disrupt the family-unit of their host-nation. This is easily achieved through the family courts.

a7b93e No.1306370

File: 49898745501de78⋯.png (743.77 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171124_TheC….png)

File: 4fd00054185b59a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171214_Find….png)

File: bb4981edf02a230⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1111x744, 1111:744, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180118_WILL….png)

File: df954e9423acdd6⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180119_TOGE….png)

File: 49898745501de78⋯.png (743.77 KB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20171124_TheC….png)



b53196 No.1306372


FYI: These are the ones who "say they are Jews and are not".

a7b93e No.1306375

File: 1b986b1ab7dd167⋯.jpg (58.67 KB, 600x399, 200:133, simplegiftoftouch.jpg)

next baker:


here tis, good morning

db85b1 No.1306378

File: 78f60dd732f2fe9⋯.jpg (8.96 MB, 4344x1849, 4344:1849, c16d06c3d710c736d4eb2916e3….jpg)


Can anyone confirm the validity of this donation drive?

bc2f40 No.1306386

File: 217f456239e9d10⋯.jpg (411.97 KB, 1600x1015, 320:203, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-1….jpg)

File: 2a22cf2ff386953⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 1600x1822, 800:911, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-1….jpg)

Rod Rosenstein speech to Montgomery Bar Association

Interesting read. Didn't spot any obvious giveaways, but I'm tired.


898291 No.1306387



Trip added.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

Linked graphics are incorrect and false.

Graphic is necessary and vital.

Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.

Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.

Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True

What was this necessary?

What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?

Why is this relevant?

Think mirror.

Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

What is a map?

Why is a map useful?

What is a legend?

Why is a legend useful?

What is a sequence?

Why is this relevant?

When does a map become a guide?

What is a keystone?

Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

40,000ft. v. is classified.

Why is a map useful?

Think direction.

Think full picture.

Who controls the narrative?

Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

Be [p]repared.

Ope[r]ations underway.

Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

Moves and countermoves.

They never thought she would lose.

Snow white.

Godfather III.

Iron Eagle.


625e45 No.1306394

File: cdb0bc393be5e58⋯.png (614.38 KB, 1020x960, 17:16, better than the main chara….png)

Allow me to tell you all a little story. A story of the victims of the cabal many of you don't fully know about. A story of the anons who came before many of you. The story of /pol/.

People go on and on saying "The cabal was formed over many decades, it won't fall in a day" but that's not exactly true. If Trump decided to go full fascist he could've nuked North Korea, the middle east, and every other cabal hotspot and sent the marines to kill off the rest of the cabal destroying them once and for all, reducing their wealth and legacy to dust while the release of ALL the truth crushes the spirits of all those who would oppose this. An ending almost nobody wants. Almost nobody.

There would be no thanks from the world when the world is ashes

Society would crumble and those who stood on the side of society would feel despair at the death of their world and perhaps even kill themselves

But for those who've been waiting so long to see justice served

It would finally be HAPPENING.

That's what "IT'S HAPPENING" meant to us.

The end of everything, and a victory only those previously resigned to a state of constant despair could ever accept.

Sitting comfy watching the mushroom clouds isn't just a metaphor. We WANTED the nukes to fire.

I'm 21 years old.

I grew up knowing from the age of 5 all the horrors of this world many of you have only learned in the past 1-3 years.

I was bullied by students and teachers alike and felt the despair of being a helpless child who could do nothing to change the world around me, resigned to the hand of suffering life dealt me.

I dreamed of saving the world and fighting the institutions of the corrupt elites but as I became older I realized that by the time I was old enough to do anything about the state of the world that it would be too late and since I live in Canada and was 20 by the time Trump was elected, something like moving to the U.S. to vote was out of my reach and so if Trump lost then it would be game over before I was able to do anything more than support him online.

Many others like me had previously given up on a happy ending.

We gave up on happiness and acceptance and even embraced our misery and despair.

We didn't want to be happy, we wanted to win no matter what.

Every second the cabal walked free was like a stab in the back from the world that did nothing to us who were incapable of doing anything.

c0a02d No.1306398

File: 8f4db9e3bfa7252⋯.jpg (810.44 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 1525486331090.jpg)

625e45 No.1306400

File: 1ab856bf5f49efa⋯.png (57.22 KB, 500x461, 500:461, kumagawa misogi.png)


But by facing the hopelessness together we formed a community, one which rejected the norms of society and founded itself on contrarianism, freedom, and unwavering belief in ourselves as the nobodies of society became the anons and so a sliver of hope remained, that this community could stay together, like a family which bickers back and forth but ultimately loves eachother.

It felt like the first place in the world that we could call home and so we fought not only to protect it but to strengthen it and fight for the beliefs we collectively held, not because we believed there was any hope of succeeding, but because even resigned to despair believing failure was inevitable it was fun to do stuff together in support of our beliefs and those fleeting moments together with this community became brief sparks of hope that kept us going.

Over time those sparks caught a few people and created slight embers. We'd chase these embers hoping that we'd found someone who could turn these sparks into flames. We kept hoping they were /our guy/ but the embers only lasted a brief time and some would even just for a short time burn brighter than any we'd ever seen before and we'd rally behind them in support until their flame was extinguished.

One day however a miracle happened, we found /our guy/, a strong light of hope that after all this time found the conviction to fight on behalf of not just us, but all those who have suffered the same fate as us. A light which chipped away at our despair and resignation to inevitability and showed us a way out and so we gathered every spark of hope we could and pushed ourselves to break past that wall of despair towards that light and we did the impossible and got /our guy/ Trump elected and broke through that wall of despair towards the light.

But even now that we've broken through the wall we've found ourselves only at the start of a long dark tunnel with the light we saw through the cracks still far beyond our grasp at the end. A light at the end of the tunnel may keep normal people going but when we've already pushed so hard to reach this point it can be pretty hard to keep going and the light at the end seems so insignificant but I know that when we reach that light it will be so much greater than any of us can imagine. Some may still wish to destroy the world around us until the darkness gives way to light but in the process we may very well bury ourselves sealing us in darkness forever. It can be pretty hard to adjust to the idea that there's a way out with a happy ending and so some may not trust the light at the end of the tunnel fearing that it might be a lie but we'll just have to see when we get there.

I just hope that as we exhaust ourselves pushing towards the end that the last few meters of the tunnel can be illuminated as brightly as the light at the end. When it's time to finish off the cabal, please give us a good show.

898291 No.1306418



Why, by coincidence, is there a terrorist attack (or mental health c-level attack) within a short time post negative D news?

Do you believe in coincidences?

They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your guns. Why? No power left.

Who funds ISIS?

What email published by WL connects SA/Qatar to ISIS?

Was HRC connected?

Why is this relevant?

Why is controlling the narrative important?

Do most people investigate for themselves or simply follow?

Why is the MSM so hostile towards POTUS?

Who controls the MSM?

Why, each and every day, is the MSM pushing a particular topic?


Who sets the narrative for the day?

How is the narrative communicated to the MSM?

What does the NSA/MI have (at least what you know of) that allows for data collection?

Think Snowden.

Why is the NSA limited re: ability to capture and unmask US persons?

Who sets the narrative?

US persons?

Who can violate this rule?

Who cannot violate this rule?

Why is Adm R so important?

Who wanted him fired?


Why wasn't Adm R replaced by POTUS when taking office?

Why is this relevant?

Who has the ultimate power to designate classification?

Who ultimately sets classification?

Why is this relevant?

Fantasy land.


fcd23a No.1306420

File: a70a706558fa12f⋯.jpg (120.06 KB, 876x1080, 73:90, eWwOati.jpg)

Danke, night baker!

898291 No.1306423



Vintage seems "evergreen" this morning, somehow.

22acaf No.1306424

File: 9a460dec58cf4f3⋯.jpg (144.03 KB, 689x595, 689:595, ADM R.jpg)

Thank you.

We are grateful.


811883 No.1306425

File: 650c7ffc14cbbde⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 91.86 KB, 1199x1600, 1199:1600, ! BIG_0012731115.jpg)

File: 5b4086bc914c67c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 17.97 KB, 438x480, 73:80, ! BIG_0012690282.jpg)

Danke Baker

a9e0e6 No.1306426

File: c6727d7e711c9a9⋯.jpg (113.5 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, COMINGSOON.jpg)

Thanks Baker :)

After of Iran..,

1d7035 No.1306429


Did he retire?

Wasn't he supposed to retire like nowish?

8a1b05 No.1306430

File: 0defd78901666a8⋯.jpg (90.05 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Ct3BC2iWYAID5Vv.jpg small.jpg)

ok i know I probably irritating the crap out of everyone with the timestamps and pics and whatnot, but found this on flynns twitter. although i didn't find any pen pics (to be fair, i suck at twitter, so maybe i didn't go through them all and thought i did), so take with a grain of salt… BTW, with Qs most recent messages, I take it LexCon is gonna start tomorrow with testimony?

811883 No.1306434


Yes, he retired.

1d129b No.1306435

File: 15250524991b2a4⋯.png (447.02 KB, 965x643, 965:643, dragonenergykanye.png)

>>1306329 (Prev)

Thanks anon!

22acaf No.1306436




7ca8fe No.1306437


Fus Roh Dah, nigga!

c0a02d No.1306438


Look at those deeply ingrained bags under his eyes.

How can you sleep when you know everything?

0e899a No.1306439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>1306416 (last bread)

Yes, Michael Jackson used that tech during his Bad Tour. Supposedly setup by Copperfield who also made the Eiffel Tower disappear from all angles in Paris.

1d7035 No.1306440

4577f2 No.1306441

File: c983fe57e592172⋯.png (81.96 KB, 1919x2680, 1919:2680, gravity.png)


Did one of your people post this earlier? When can we expect to see some movement at the patent office?

620ffb No.1306442


strange he retired in the middle of the most important war ever fought……

4f06f8 No.1306443

File: 2ce36767e2d6bf7⋯.jpg (381.61 KB, 1752x2048, 219:256, 2ce36767e2d6bf7ab04a3cc09e….jpg)

Hey guys, Hillary here, can we just call it even stevens?

a23854 No.1306444


I understand your sentiment fully.

But Q is showing us a better way.

I've been around for a while like you.

This phenomenon feels alien to me. Too soft. But I can tell that it is the right way.

Grow out of the /pol/ mindset for a bit. Try to get in tune with what is happening here.

Realize that a lot of the stuff that was going down in /pol/ was bad guys radicalizing you for their own benefit. You've seen the caps I'm sure.

Q says 'Enjoy the show'. There will be one. Just hang in there, don't quit right at the end.

Now I retire for the night.

409b63 No.1306445


Hand over the children first

a7b93e No.1306446





baker needed

yippikayey, nightcrew

c0a02d No.1306447


In the middle of? Anon, the war is over. The good general is retiring in victory. Look at his smile!

75de5d No.1306448


See Notable


bc2f40 No.1306449

File: 6ffb0d69c9835ba⋯.jpg (385.68 KB, 1600x995, 320:199, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-2….jpg)

File: 20cd03bc4ae8493⋯.jpg (801.32 KB, 1600x982, 800:491, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-2….jpg)

File: 8ad41fe2326d659⋯.jpg (946.22 KB, 1600x902, 800:451, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-2….jpg)


Here is another speech from him, a little more interesting. He seems to be alluding to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, where companies are encouraged to disclose corruption before it's found out. The pilot program ended llast year, I suspect the actual program came into effect thereafter.

The implication is that the Justice Department would be probing for instances of foreign corruption, which is likely tied to the Cabal investigation.


053f30 No.1306451

File: 0d878865144ca0d⋯.jpg (76.34 KB, 500x552, 125:138, Trump with Parapalegic Vet.jpg)




4f06f8 No.1306453

File: b6b71cfa29211db⋯.jpeg (8.02 KB, 316x197, 316:197, hillary is a literal demo….jpeg)






053f30 No.1306454

0e899a No.1306456


I tend to agree with your opinion anon. What we see on display is optics for damage limitation.

822635 No.1306458

File: 9f8245ac92365ee⋯.jpeg (335.8 KB, 1242x983, 1242:983, EE017A69-9889-4F4F-954F-E….jpeg)



822635 No.1306459

File: b70348b6fc2955d⋯.jpeg (503.92 KB, 1242x1288, 27:28, E4B8417A-12BE-4F85-991C-0….jpeg)



8e55aa No.1306460

File: 7ac9732ed7432f6⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_6801.PNG)

File: 573d583a15332b9⋯.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6818.PNG)

File: c8159843a6e06a0⋯.jpg (180.41 KB, 749x1196, 749:1196, IMG_6820.JPG)

File: 53a1a49e0d34114⋯.png (167.31 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6821.PNG)

File: 6e2f6125cc9c9cc⋯.png (863.97 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6776.PNG)

>>1306317 (prev bread)

Digging on creepy fake racism incident in Colorado.

Incident at Colorado State University > activist mom > running for mayor

Sons > Lived Hellz > logo > video

https:// m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1399048340221262&id=100003483271856

See tagged post for news stories, more info. Video is stupid but worth watching. Allegiance declared. These people are sick.

625e45 No.1306461


Thanks dude. Nice digits btw

138dd4 No.1306463

Thank you Q, Thank you Mr. President… Thank you Autists, Thank you Anons…

Special thank you to the leaders of the United States Armed Forces that have shown such incredible restraint all these years and never turned their back on America and her people. Thank you too all the brave men and women, both known and unknown, that have lost their lives in support of this freedom project.

The American People are about to wash down their RED PILL. When they do, welcome all of them with open arms. It has been a long time coming and it is finally here… I pray and thank God for all of you! I pray that God keeps all of you safe.

620ffb No.1306464


y'all are familiar with the Bolshevik revolution no doubt..very brutal but very effective long term….i'm leary of a light purging in terms of long term effectiveness, these actors are easily replaced and have been already

4eda90 No.1306465

File: d88c960b670946e⋯.jpeg (160.89 KB, 624x1081, 624:1081, 2A422E27-45B6-47DC-BF91-5….jpeg)

Remember when Q said May would be a bad month for the Pope?

THIS guy getting looked into is in charge of the finances of the Vatican.. VERY close to the P


Extra sauce https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/time/4848627/cardinal-pell-sex-abuse-catholic-pope-australia

409b63 No.1306466


Who was this woman who was nervous? (second image)

fcd23a No.1306467

File: 6d89b70b74bd30e⋯.jpg (102.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q9zhz.jpg)

Quads incoming


8e55aa No.1306468


That's a good question, anon. Press hasn't reported on her, except to insinuate that she's a bigot.

0e899a No.1306469

Syria - The World's War

Lyse Doucet tells the story of the Syrian war through extraordinary testimony from those who have lived through it on the ground as well as politicians who tried to shape events.

Season 1, Episode 1

In this first episode, Lyse tracks of the first months of the uprising through to the chemical attack in Ghouta that finally revealed the reluctance of the US to intervene in the war, despite the crossing of President Obama’s ‘red line’ on chemical weapons. It starts by telling the story of two characters in Homs – one a protester, the other a government loyalist.




22acaf No.1306470


Matthew 5:5

620ffb No.1306471


whats being done to prevent future traitor infiltration….nothing

8a1b05 No.1306472


40000 ft,, in the cloudzez. not trolling, just being weird.

"What does the NSA/MI have (at least what you know of) that allows for data collection?" you mean like all the Chinese spyware, hard and soft (that part I'm assuming), installed in Chinese factories, that WHs most likely already hacked into?

My perspective has changed a bit lately, i really hope Snowden and JA get full pres pardons, and they and their fams get to chill here US and retire in peace, God knows they deserve it. Sorry I used to judge them more harshly, but it seems like they knew what they were doing, i just wanted to say that in case they're watching boards.

bc2f40 No.1306473

File: 7fb687f96d6258d⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 1600x2093, 1600:2093, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-3….jpg)


…aaand yet another Arkansas Senator involved with bribery. Just a few days ago they brought charges against the brother-in-law of BC's Secretary of Transportation.

Is this POTUS' and Q's hint? In the EO, tweet, and Q's posts? Watch the Justice Dept?

Any Arkancide experts recognize the name?


181142 No.1306474


If you know how to search older breads, we had the link at the top for quite a while. At quick glance the url looks good, but cross-check with our work. I doubt someone would set up a fake variant, but then again, anything's possible today.

c0a02d No.1306475


You have no idea what the Plan is. Simmer down.

409b63 No.1306476

File: 98252b73d9b704d⋯.jpg (300.83 KB, 924x588, 11:7, BabyHearts.jpg)

8e55aa No.1306477

File: 80467e22e1c60c0⋯.png (197.32 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6822.PNG)

File: d382458a60cd75d⋯.png (207.34 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6823.PNG)

File: 2a587ef7d4d0679⋯.png (202.53 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6824.PNG)

File: e3b18c88b5a035f⋯.png (197.21 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6825.PNG)


University president's long-winded virtue-signaling letter:


620ffb No.1306478


in other words without trump or after trump we are back to business as usual..so to speak..in time….there is no deterent for it..bc traitors just get fired and then spend there ill gotten gains…so what……

3eaea7 No.1306479

>>1306443 Wonder if she goes to jail or does she off herself

e435fe No.1306480

File: 05d0169476ee86f⋯.png (2.04 MB, 740x961, 740:961, Bread #1637.png)

cd0136 No.1306481


Laser designator. Light up (stealth) aircraft with special modulation to make it a target. Act of war.

fb92af No.1306482

File: 00895705533f6a2⋯.png (190.57 KB, 637x688, 637:688, ClipboardImage.png)

Wind the clock.


af9716 No.1306483

ABBA is having a reunion show or tour. Said it’s to be a hologram presentation.


4f06f8 No.1306484

File: e8a7c5c2d3e6a76⋯.png (71.96 KB, 656x327, 656:327, Screenshot 2018-05-05 at 0….png)




Last one and i'll let you guys get back to digging

8a1b05 No.1306485


Agreed, Concernfags have been bugging me lately, but i guess more eyes is good either way.

620ffb No.1306486


Q has never hinted at anything pertaining to this

1f1233 No.1306487

File: 1648d32a79212dc⋯.png (719.61 KB, 1772x1636, 443:409, childPimpo.png)


Good Morning How is this for sunrise?

A bit of Egg with my Justice Please.

Thank You!

Sessions is killing it .. TRUST SESSIONS

0e899a No.1306489

Roseanne (in case you can't get them)

Season 10, Episode 01 – “Twenty Years to Life”

Roseanne and Dan adjust to living under the same roof with Darlene and her two children, Harris and Mark, when Darlene loses her job. Meanwhile, Becky announces she is going to be a surrogate to make extra money; and Roseanne and Jackie are at odds with one another.









Season 10, Episode 02 – “Dress to Impress”

Then, after being bullied, Mark gets caught with a pocket knife on the first day of his new school; and Becky invites Andrea over to meet the family, but is nervous to bring her home.









Season 10, Episode 03 – “Roseanne Gets the Chair”

Roseanne’s clash with Darlene over how she’s raising her kids—especially Harris—reaches a breaking point; while Dan tries to help Roseanne with her bad knee by getting her an elevator chair, which she refuses to use because she doesn’t want to admit getting old.









Season 10, Episode 04 – “Eggs Over, Not Easy”

A crucial moment for Becky’s surrogacy arrangement forces her and Darlene to critically assess each other’s lives. Meanwhile, an animal rescue organization rejects Jackie’s application to adopt a puppy; and Roseanne makes a plan to change their mind.









Season 10, Episode 05 – “Darlene v. David”

David unexpectedly shows up for Harris’ birthday after being absent for years, forcing Darlene to re-examine their relationship and the rest of the family. Meanwhile, Bev temporarily moves into the Conner home after an incident at the nursing home prevents her from returning.

https://openload.co/f/ZltZD0wpwBU/Roseanne.S10E05.HDTV.x264-RBB. mp4



https://openload.co/f/kYt4aHXm-5A/Roseanne.S10E05.HDTV.x264-RBB. mp4




Season 10, Episode 06 – “No Country for Old Women”

After Beverly gets kicked out of the nursing home, Roseanne and Jackie fight over who will take care of their mother. Meanwhile, Mark’s creative touch with building a birdhouse for Dan’s customer is more than Dan can handle, but Darlene defends her son.

https://openload.co/f/AM4JEzXCvZs/Roseanne.S10E06.HDTV.x264-RBB. mp4



https://openload.co/f/76UMiiaVuDw/Roseanne.S10E06.HDTV.x264-RBB.mp 4





God bless you Roseanne Barr

3eaea7 No.1306490

Wow clowns quiet ……what could'nt find enough sober pricks to post

049634 No.1306491

File: 13c730348e38905⋯.jpg (83.25 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 13c730348e389055ab5ae2b6f1….jpg)

620ffb No.1306492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

any Steve Quayle fans out there ?

1f1233 No.1306493


Take that Medved

8a1b05 No.1306494


Can we cut the tumors out before we start worrying how to prevent future regrowth? If Whs are this good at getting it done so far, do you think when all of this is over they disappear? When you play the superbowl do you think about how you win next years super bowl? or focus on winning current? Trust the Plan

898291 No.1306495


Mass data collection… It's a giant spider web, like a map of "selectors", keywords that link back to personal info of metadata.

article from 2013(?) :



f04848 No.1306496

File: 49b06553e5776bb⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1754x1069, 1754:1069, Popemay-01.jpg)


Good find Anon.

Heres an side by side for that.

8a1b05 No.1306497


calm before the storm is my guess. big day tomorrow. or today i guess.

bc2f40 No.1306498


Wow, nice find :)

1f1233 No.1306499


Oh wait, I didn't phrase that correctly.

Take that!



409b63 No.1306500




3eaea7 No.1306501

>>1306497 usually they have a reaction team on standby……guess they need a plan…they scurred

4eda90 No.1306502


Sharing. Thanks Anon!

3eaea7 No.1306503

very few bots too….ummm

0254d7 No.1306504

I wish Q would say something about the secret space program and maybe reveal what kind of meeting happened with JK@Antartica on friggin' election day…

edb54f No.1306505

Did we decide if the Q plane photo showed a damaged plane? If they bothered to attempt to bring down the plane it has to be for what it was carrying. I dont think cash would be important enough. So what you burn a couple hundred million in cash. Something else has to be on that flight. Perhaps hard drives with evidence of Apples crimes over the last ten years. What they agreed to with the Cabal. Hard drive data could put lots of these guys in jail. Maybe it might even have been Hard drives from North Korea.

bc2f40 No.1306506

File: 0140d4d35794367⋯.jpg (747.04 KB, 1600x1524, 400:381, Screenshot_2018-05-05-01-5….jpg)


35 new prosecutors and judges for the Mexican border


409b63 No.1306507


Maybe they are busy working of the volcano eruption machines. Kilauea is primed and ready.

0e899a No.1306508

File: 2d518cbd7b39e7f⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 612x548, 153:137, nedved.jpg)

312b4a No.1306509


Could be because of who's baking. Got my own private thoughts on that…

409b63 No.1306510


you suggesting it's infighting between bakers?

3eaea7 No.1306511

>>1306509 Ahhhh didnt check

e3df9f No.1306512


How do you enable threaded view on this site? its the one thing I can't figure out. looked all over for it.


3eaea7 No.1306513

>>1306509 dont answer it

8a1b05 No.1306514


Been wondering this myself. Didn't an astronaut that visited Antartica have a nervous breakdown?

0e899a No.1306515


Haven't you noticed that it coincided with the patriotsfight board opening?

620ffb No.1306516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

any Steve Quayle fans…interesting interview on the hagman & hagman show…child sacrifice etc……..starts at about 1:08

fb92af No.1306517

File: a13998e9bc86b8a⋯.png (860 B, 65x18, 65:18, ClipboardImage.png)

3eaea7 No.1306518

>>1306515 go there more of your type there

409b63 No.1306519


Most notables who've ever gone down there always come back changed and quiet.

8e55aa No.1306520

File: 63867824b77f851⋯.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6773.PNG)

File: 637f37e284d932e⋯.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6778.PNG)

File: 0a082fb02694cb9⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_6789.PNG)

File: 19c64a7a6ec0677⋯.png (325.59 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6805.PNG)


Dumping a few more friends/friends of friends of boys/mom before I go to bed. Please forgive the Italian text, I was browsing on my sock account.

0254d7 No.1306521


Buzz Aldrin? He had a nervious breakdown?

a894e2 No.1306522


CIA is here


4e85dc No.1306523



Anons. Part of a dream I had early yesterday morning. I was walking @ night and approached a dark house with a white door. I opened the door and entered a vast room. The room was darker than the night I'd just walked thru. I looked up and saw a rainbow. I awoke with the question, "What is that doing there?"

409b63 No.1306524


He came back rather shaken

0e899a No.1306525


I take my orders from Q anon.

3eaea7 No.1306526

>>1306515 thought you guys gave up on that on..guess not here let me help you Q post 513/475

8a1b05 No.1306527


Maybe not it seems like i heard something about that but at the time i wasn't yet paying attn. to this type of stuff.

e3df9f No.1306528


If I had seen that anywhere I would have clicked it? where can I find that ? is it in the options what tab?? can't find it on the top bar, thread header, footer, or anywhere in options. does it only show up in certain themes?

8e55aa No.1306529


Oops, I failed and hit post too soon.

Masks picture: Zapatista University, visited by mom

Girl: friend of boys, openly satanist

Adult male w/three boys: Daniel Mapp

Horns: friend of Daniel

898291 No.1306530


Top of bread.

3eaea7 No.1306531

Bot identified….

409b63 No.1306532


Something is down there. Admiral Byrd didn't get his ass kicked and he ran home for nothing.

0e899a No.1306533

File: 73e8671afa3a762⋯.jpg (139.25 KB, 1024x607, 1024:607, WhoIsQanon4.jpg)

File: 0aa960a98c0bb03⋯.jpg (263.36 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, WhoIsQanon3.jpg)

File: 33848eede18d488⋯.jpg (477.4 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, WhoIsQanon2.jpg)

File: 19315f018e000b6⋯.jpg (283.34 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, WhoIsQanon1.jpg)

4e85dc No.1306535



Not sure why that posted, but to continue, the rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with us.

0e899a No.1306536

File: f106c494aa502d4⋯.jpg (622.77 KB, 1000x630, 100:63, CH3.jpg)

File: 82f28afcdf5b928⋯.jpg (218.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, CH2.jpg)

File: b61369cda914d83⋯.jpg (95.65 KB, 1024x338, 512:169, CH1.jpg)

72d052 No.1306537


You've done great anon and you know it! All be fully aware of the dark but eyes on the light! Eyes on the light…

620ffb No.1306538


ya bc nobody is allowed there………major red flag…..

263fe9 No.1306539

File: 3cf9289cc5fc886⋯.png (386.53 KB, 1026x718, 513:359, Untitled.png)

New tripcode and board Q will be posting to? Could we be finally entering Stage 3, anons?

Stage 3: Dominate the Enemy.

The focus during this phase is on the exploitation, pursuit, and destruction of the enemy in order to break the opponent’s will for organized resistance. Stability operations will also be conducted as needed to facilitate transition to the next phase.

fb92af No.1306540

File: 295146630bde986⋯.png (35.46 KB, 1225x383, 1225:383, ClipboardImage.png)

0254d7 No.1306541


Supposedly Nazis and their UFOs…

3eaea7 No.1306542

Come on clowns all ya got today is some aliens at the pole..damn what third string in

83a842 No.1306543


Thanks, anon. Much appreciated.

620ffb No.1306544


ya…….and very ancient stuff……before the ice age

e3df9f No.1306545



Thanks guys! my theme was hiding it. Guess I need to find out what line of the cyberpunk themes cSS disables than and override it.

620ffb No.1306546


lol……smoke more dope….paranoid dude

f04848 No.1306547

File: da5f85713128383⋯.jpg (255.29 KB, 1920x1044, 160:87, SaC.jpg)




Excuse the shitpost, but i like the idea ;)

ec8b6a No.1306548

File: f27667786119cc7⋯.png (549.73 KB, 760x872, 95:109, cardinal-george-pell.png)



041f0a No.1306549



RR spelling out that the department of justice is under the executive branch.

431db1 No.1306550



NK shows good intensions.

3eaea7 No.1306551

>>1306547 Duck water back your royal shillness

4577f2 No.1306553


Great find, did you get it from Liz?

0e899a No.1306554


You're welcome anon. Some of us are abroad so it's our only option.

053f30 No.1306555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Awesome speech by Adm. Mike Rogers at the NSA as he retires from service. He's emotional at the beginning when talking about his grandfather and father. This is truly a great man and patriot. Adm Rogers starts his speak at the 35 min mark. I've included the link below that pops it out at 35 minutes.


0254d7 No.1306556


I only brought the subject up because Q mentioned JK and I remembered his fateful trip there on election day. Clowns can smd. You might be a clown…

f166b2 No.1306557


This is an example of why Q / potus has to go so slowly.

The TRUTH is mind-blowing and we still need time to expand our thinking.

Safety first….>>1306541

3eaea7 No.1306558

Ok another bot ID…prepping for first shift me thinks

e55343 No.1306559

File: 1529575d7fb7df6⋯.png (115.67 KB, 1080x716, 270:179, Screenshot_20180505-141638….png)

I love Kansas!!

e3df9f No.1306560


calm before the storm? isn't this when the shills and MSM have their talking points meetings? they need to figure out what agenda to push all weekend.

1f1233 No.1306561


not from Liz

Came across by chance.


431db1 No.1306562


With video report:


8a1b05 No.1306563


Eerily quite did prev post fill?

3eaea7 No.1306564

>>1306560 just had @ 4,,,I guess time to execute now

8a1b05 No.1306565


board i mean

409b63 No.1306566

File: 84d0b1dba876fc2⋯.jpg (36.13 KB, 341x348, 341:348, angry-hillary.jpg)

4f06f8 No.1306567

File: 5d4907447ded790⋯.png (429.95 KB, 785x466, 785:466, Screenshot 2018-05-05 at 0….png)

follow Hussein.

feinstein must simultaneously be is serious trouble AND be very important. (we already knew this, but i wonder what demons in diane's closet we haven't found yet)

620ffb No.1306568

so why does Q need his own board?

409b63 No.1306569


I do hope all the booms happen before the midterms

620ffb No.1306570


bakers infiltrated ??

3eaea7 No.1306571

Still missing muh jews…….flatheads…sage bots..

4f06f8 No.1306572

File: 2670fb41019bb75⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 634x423, 634:423, hilldawg.jpg)

8a1b05 No.1306573


It did, at least that fits norm.

3eaea7 No.1306574

They have deployed their Captain Obvious though

0e899a No.1306575

Newly Updated User Javascript including Q's New Tripcode

'Adds several features like highlighting Q's posts and your replies, filters shills by fading at 32 posts and has neat feature toolbar at top of page. Neat highlight navigation bar to right of page also.'''

To use, open in a text editor and copy and paste the code into the userjavascript tab in options at top right of the page.


1f1233 No.1306576


stream failed to load .. must have high traffic

263fe9 No.1306577

File: 19e4250e87a07d2⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 461x357, 461:357, 19e.jpg)

3eaea7 No.1306578

e3df9f No.1306579



Yeah, there are still lots of red pills even /pol/ qresearchians are having difficulty swallowing. Cognative dissonance kicks in when brainwashing is challenged and they accuse patriots dropping truth bombs found from following Q crumbs of being shillsdistracting with disinfo. If yall here on qresearch can't accept this stuff with piles of proof how the hell do you expect mom,dad,grandma and grandpa to accept them? lots of them don't even internet. My mum for example, bless her heart gets all her new from a youtube roku box, she don't have cable or internet browsing. She can't accept that trump is our guy, but has at least come around to the idea that he is a puppet who is having his strings pulled by 'our guys', but only because she is a telepath and has been contacted by pledians.

3eaea7 No.1306580

Ok real peps I will switch platforms and lurk enjoy our day

1d129b No.1306581

File: df95d317f951582⋯.jpg (319.36 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Pavel-Nedved-pavel-nedved-….jpg)

431db1 No.1306582


Works fine from here.

a0d291 No.1306583



Pedo Pell managing the Vatican’s finances is a load of bullshit

When the Church could no longer keep a lid on the ever growing pile of evidence against him & the fact that he enabled so many other Church pedos is the very reason they removed him from Australia. Like a dog shot in the arse, he was gone before anyone really knew what was happening. Australia’s No.1 Catholic GONE

We all know why

He’s a dirty old pedo

The best person to manage Vatican finances??

I don’t think so!

They thought they could hide him away

Prevent justice being served

Well no, that ain’t habbening

Pell will stand trial

And so will the Church

1d7035 No.1306584

File: 7bbeeaade262494⋯.png (46.34 KB, 1423x1107, 1423:1107, Polite1thru4Trangles.png)

File: e8fc282b0fb9fb0⋯.png (66.16 KB, 2324x872, 581:218, Polite6and7Trangles.png)

File: 2c8a4dc1380ed11⋯.png (6.77 KB, 1081x882, 1081:882, Purrmidz8overlap.png)

File: 693ed557e567ba7⋯.png (20.27 KB, 841x841, 1:1, 21x21squarefrom9.png)

Hey VQC, if you're floating around:

bc2f40 No.1306585

File: 1ca38360edcf1db⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1600x2079, 1600:2079, Screenshot_2018-05-05-02-1….jpg)

Anons, check this out: FBI is stonewalling Chuck Grassley–they Senate Judiciary Committee hasn't even seen all of the emails yet–only the ones on government servers. That means that the we probably haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet ;)


(Letters tab)

0e899a No.1306586

File: fd05e1a0246a127⋯.png (140.42 KB, 1031x366, 1031:366, Javascript3.png)

File: 3c06b3c7b17d855⋯.png (37.15 KB, 1287x266, 1287:266, Javascript2.png)

File: d7695f43c6f4098⋯.png (26.36 KB, 623x595, 89:85, Javascript1.png)


Pics related

1d7035 No.1306587

File: 87ef0c02bc20be3⋯.jpg (105.97 KB, 512x640, 4:5, SWASTIKA_L.jpg)


"I knew this would make a swastika eventually."

90f775 No.1306588


"I am a great fan of movies"……..hmmmmm.

0e899a No.1306589


This script also instantly filters out namefags and fake Qs

a0d291 No.1306590



I figure was always in the plan for when the board became chronically compromised

Public board

Shills everywhere including Bakerville

Was always going to happen

All ok

Q still monitoring here and will do as Q sees fit


Dig Dig Dig

Fight Fight FIGHT!

f166b2 No.1306591


This is the painful truth, anon, but some of us have been “ holding up a lantern “ for decades and we are used to being ridiculed.

People who already have their mind made up are the MOST difficult to reach. But not impossible…

Everything we see is a movie.

We are NOT alone in the universe

We have collectively reached ASCENSION CONSCIOUSNESS….requires tons of patience to turn this energetic barge towards the LIGHT.

We have a Master at the helm…so much to be grateful for!

e3df9f No.1306592



No, because of famefags comping prior research boards. they get board-famous, become volunteers//admins then banned Q and pretended he wasn't posting because 'trip compromised' and told him to get a new trip while keeping him banned from the board in an effort to discredit him,. and was talking through him in back channels.

go check out /thestorm/ to see what remains of that effort, still glow niggers over there saying we are all being duppped, and only THEY have the real intel, which is nothing, cause they don't have crap. their only 'intel' is "Q IS LARP"

1f1233 No.1306593



Do you believe in coincidence?

Why is her name Stormy?

Before the Storm?

Let us all just be Calm Before the Storm.

0254d7 No.1306594


I wish I could talk to aliens. My first question to any ET would be something like: Do you laugh/find things humorous?

041f0a No.1306595


This is brilliant.

See you soon.

0e899a No.1306596

File: 4b9bf2f1230c55b⋯.jpg (230.56 KB, 1024x920, 128:115, ProperFucked.jpg)

File: 01cd8d20bb1a1a7⋯.jpg (122.95 KB, 890x883, 890:883, ClapOnOff.jpg)

2b3272 No.1306597


Antarctica is the only place where most of the countries peacefully agree on the same terms. That should tell you everything.

https:// www.state.gov/t/avc/trty/193967.htm


I think Nazis are far gone now


yup, remnants of acient civilizations and their technology

This secrecy really pissis me off.

f04848 No.1306598


Are you affliated to https://anonsw.github.io/8chjs/

or did you take the script and edit it by yourself?

Or did you write it on your own?

I just want to get sure the sauce is legit ;)

bc2f40 No.1306599

File: dbe0359ba8a6384⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1600x2560, 5:8, Screenshot_2018-05-05-02-2….jpg)

File: f4ee597606fbef8⋯.jpg (478.29 KB, 1600x2078, 800:1039, Screenshot_2018-05-05-02-2….jpg)


Rest of that letter. Apple mentioned. Wonder if they volunteered the imsgs? Also Kortan, whom Q mentioned earlier.

181142 No.1306600

File: 181bf5b9a4815cc⋯.jpeg (32.44 KB, 534x712, 3:4, image.jpeg)

Read this the other day and meant to post it. Goes into our file with Manchurian candidate and/or Luciferian/Satanic ritual folks. Young lady was 'obsessed' with serial killers, human sacrifice blah, blah, blah.

Still working on my research. Is it the fluoride, GMO poisoning, chemtrail toxins, smart meter/5G frequencies? Combination?

Anyway, poor chap probably shut his eyes to enhance the sexual experience and she went all killer-clown, Fatal Attraction on his ass!

http:// www.fox19.com/story/38118914/report-young-mother-stabbed-boyfriend-tried-to-make-him-human-sacrifice

1d7035 No.1306601

File: 521d281e7dc3639⋯.png (454.58 KB, 926x1024, 463:512, 521d281e7dc3639f1b9e5c87b9….png)



While you're here… <3's btw…


8 separates 6 and 7


i wonder…. if a<b<c

c=Staircase (Light Blue)

b=Large Trangle (Red)

a=Small Trangle (Purple)

seems like the Polite thing to do…

898291 No.1306602

What's gonna happen at 05:50 eastern?

f166b2 No.1306603


Humor is an aspect of the ILLIMITABLE.

Humor is a great way to discern an advanced consciousness….betting this truth would apply to other multiverses.

f166b2 No.1306604

As far as politically neutral Antarctica and Switzerland….I would be thinking MIRROR at this point.

4df171 No.1306605


No affiliation at all, I just trimmed it down for ease of reading and edited slightly. My edits are increasing posts count before fade to 32, making the nav bar to right of page much thinner to save space and updating Q's new tripcode.

4df171 No.1306606


No I fucking don't!

e3df9f No.1306607


The first time I managed to telepathically receive communications from aliens, not a word was spoken. I thought questions, and heard song and felt emotions while seeing fractals and weird visions in response. Most of it of course made no sense at all to me, about which they laughed.. so hard… we just had this huge emotional laughter together about the absurd and paradoxical nature of the universe together, and few of my questions where truly answered in anyway I could understand, but at least I knew our friends out there have a sense of humor.

I got the shit scared out of me though afterwards because I got V& and thrown into a solitary unit at the local psyc ward, they let me go after I convinced them I was sane, & told me to go home after I started healing peoples pain with my hands in the ER.

bc2f40 No.1306608


Because his new tripcode wasn't (isn't) whitelisted yet. He wouldn't be able to prove it was him "molting" to a new one here unless the BO whitelisted it beforehand, but since there are "no private comms" that couldn't happen.

4f06f8 No.1306609

Since the bread is slow let me ask:

is this story with VP Mike Pence's doctor resigning after spreading fake news about Ronny Jackson big or what? what are the implications?

Is it proof Pence is comped? Black hat or Black mailed?

At the very least we know his personal doctor is a snake.

62ca03 No.1306610

File: b8d2ec16587420e⋯.jpg (251.54 KB, 789x458, 789:458, Nakasone.jpg)

Ge get 'em, champ. There's a new Sheriff in town..

f166b2 No.1306611


We have so much more than we know…

We limit ourselves

Until we don’t

f3abd9 No.1306612

File: 9a01ad1a1adc2a3⋯.png (1020.39 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lordmattis.png)

4df171 No.1306613

File: ad323b70dd2183f⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, HandAssOnAPlate.jpg)

72d052 No.1306614


it's on his twitter page

0254d7 No.1306615


Can you heal yourself? I could use some major healing. I damn near shouldn't be alive today.

041f0a No.1306616


Think of a decision tree.

The first decision is are you dealing with or even e.

Then odd or even x+n.

And so on.

It is the "so on" we are discovering.

Each binary decision cuts the problem in half so that the length of the integer barely increases the number of decisions.

The decisions that are next after the square root and remainder, odd or even e and then odd or even x+n all relate to how triangle numbers and polite numbers behave and allow the problem to be split into 8 and then 2 again and so on depending on f and d.

Very quickly you get to the square you want OR you arrive at the big square solution for all odd numbers which means c is prime.

I'll be on the board this afternoon.

62ca03 No.1306617

File: 81ddc9a4bd3e2ce⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 889x499, 889:499, Mattis3.jpg)

File: 1042e26524b74db⋯.jpg (68.18 KB, 625x500, 5:4, Warthog.jpg)

File: edf67eb655127c3⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 620x300, 31:15, Warthog2.jpg)

620ffb No.1306618


right….what pisses me off is secrecy…..and being labeled by idiots as conspiracy

where did the nazis go ? your loookin at it…repackaged as…NWO……

041f0a No.1306619


Big loves back at you.

62ca03 No.1306620

File: e80ea06f8624770⋯.jpg (96.96 KB, 551x550, 551:550, Red Arrow.jpg)

Morning all. Anything of note in the planefag world? I could do with a sitrep.

1f1233 No.1306621


Not coincidence.

There are no coincidences.

44f30e No.1306622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is something that JK and Hussein might want to consider.

a1b5ec No.1306623

4f06f8 No.1306624

meanwhile in California:


1d7035 No.1306625

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.





No, but for realz, I passed that on to the nerds.

Aaaaaas I am wont to do.

58759b No.1306626




Can some of you guys/girls please explain or share some sauce I can study for myself?




c1c9cf No.1306627

I feel so proud of our work anons!!!

The habbenings are amazing


1d7035 No.1306628

f166b2 No.1306629


If you give the idiots enough rope and enough time….

053f30 No.1306630


I noticed that too. God bless him for all he's done for us.

2632b4 No.1306631

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Sound Familiar?



>Robert Welch 1958

>1. Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.

>2. Higher and then much higher taxes.

>3. An increasingly unbalanced budget despite the higher taxes.

>4. Wild inflation of our currency.

>5. Government controls of prices, wages and materials supposedly to combat inflation.

>6. Greatly increased socialistic controls over every operation of our economy and every activity of our daily lives. This is to be accompanied naturally and automatically by a correspondingly huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and the cost and reach of our domestic government.

>7. Far more centralization of power in Washington and the practical elimination of our state lines. There is a many faceted drive at work to have our state lines to mean no more within our nation as our county lines do now within the states.

>8. The steady advance of federal aid to and control over our educational system leading to complete federalization of our public education.

>9. A constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare. The beauties and the absolute necessities of peace, peace always on communist terms of course.

>10. The constant willingness of the American people to allow the steps of appeasement by our government that amount to a piecemeal surrender of the rest of the free world and the United States itself.

e3df9f No.1306632


sometimes? I am a strong beliver in the placebo affect. cold/flu never effects me like it does other people. ((pisses off my employeers though) at the first sdign of getting sick I take off work, go home, drink tons of water and sleep because I know that works and that is always what the doctors say to do. Next day i'm better before I even get hit with the brunt of it and go back to work fine. They get pissed becaseu I didn't get a 'doctors note' and must be faking it since i'm only out a day while everyone else is out for like a week, and they need tons of meds and I don't, but if they really push it and I don't have any 'flex' holidays to use instead of sick days I guess I could claim some sort of religious / faith discrimination, but its never had to go that far.

It works, because I KNOW it works. doctors say sleep and water makes you better, so I always believed it did, and that worked for me.

58759b No.1306633


thank you anon <3

a894e2 No.1306634




Apr 28 2018 21:07:30 (EST) Anonymous ID: 53d5ff 1228489

Increased chatter re: Mueller.

Are you confused?

Attempts to contact have failed.

Can you trust?

Your move.


Apr 28 2018 21:17:34 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8a0a0f 1228588


Shall we play a game?

Can you trust?

You know that we know.

You know what we have.

Your move.




"… All 23 central columns, followed by the exterior columns, failed in what's known as a "progressive collapse"–that is, local damage that spreads from one … Both of those factors have been cited by investigators as possibly contributing to the collapse …"


181142 No.1306635


Perhaps Thorazine?

620ffb No.1306636

wow…typical redhead

f04848 No.1306637


Thanks. Gave it a try looks good.

041f0a No.1306638


Let's organise a catch up around the time of the parade in November. I'll be in Hawaii for a holiday just before and can come to the mainland on way back to the UK if all this is over by then. Be nice to meet good anons.

1d7035 No.1306639



No, but really, that happened.

1d7035 No.1306640

File: 5e6d5522b0193fa⋯.png (317.96 KB, 680x411, 680:411, e14.png)


Nerds gon' nut.

44f30e No.1306641


JK is a two time offender of this act. Once for Viet Nam and next for today.

4bac96 No.1306642

File: d49aa34db2eed70⋯.png (36.27 KB, 515x496, 515:496, WWpepe.png)

1f1233 No.1306643

053f30 No.1306644


keke anon. Pompeo hates her. You can see it in his questions for her at the Benghazi hearing.

1ac162 No.1306645

Meme request, plz;

Was wondering if any Memers would be willing to do a picture of Snoop Dog with caption along the lines of:

‘Kanye, come back. These people are crazy.’

‘Kanye, come back. Don’t leave me alone here.’

‘Kanye, you can’t leave me alone with these people.’

‘Kanye, help. Misery loves company.’

‘Kanye, they’ll keep my kids…’

‘Kanye, they’ll take away my weed.’

‘Kanye, Massa said to get back here.’

‘Kanye, I can’t do this sh*t by myself.’

Etc., etc. Something along those lines. Above is just food for thought.

Cheers, Anon

f166b2 No.1306646

Remember anons….


We are entering into THE GREAT AWAKENING…we are ascending beyond the prison of duality / 3rd dimension.

We have a goal now of PRAYER, UNITY, LIGHT.

This is different.

It takes time

Try harder….


041f0a No.1306647


Thanks for passing that on anon.

See you this afternoon.

I'm hoping to start the elliptic curve thread in parallel as that becomes relevant now.

Prepare for some mind blowing coming up.

We'll start with how they didn't see elliptic curves and modular forms were the same thing and what this means.

e3df9f No.1306648



I have PTSD, so I get mental health treatmentpaid for by the gov. I told my therapist about the experience and she got this weird look and told me it was not a hallucination, but that I was probably talking to aliens. (I legit thought it was me going crazy) she told me it happens quite often to other vets in my area who have similar histories of mine with the military. 'they' take an interest in 'us' was told not to tell anyone until 2029 because 'the public isn't ready to know' and mentioned my clearances not letting me talk about anything like that… but I was never told about that stuff when my clearance was active, so thats open source information and I will talk about it all the fuck I want. worst they can do is kill me.

1d7035 No.1306649

File: ae509dd1379e348⋯.png (145.13 KB, 500x559, 500:559, tumblr_mklyqvUZFV1sn0j3wo1….png)


All out fuckin' HEIL yeah!

1f1233 No.1306650

3398ad No.1306651

File: ad6964bceeba2a7⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1523228665763.jpg)


>fluoride, GMO poisoning, chemtrail toxins, smart meter/5G frequencies

All of the above….

b0e868 No.1306652

Q Please give Sarah Sanders our love, thanks, respect and prayers. She's one great patriot!

Shows how effective she's been that they are really going for her.

1d7035 No.1306653

File: e5892a6ecf0cdb4⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 306x243, 34:27, abvarsshell.jpg)

File: 9dadb8c4c3c6779⋯.jpg (12.99 KB, 248x145, 248:145, tripletorus.jpg)

File: fc8159dca7abb01⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 367x564, 367:564, d7fa7cba5fe363f700f8d56c12….jpg)

File: 1adec446ab7967c⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 400x260, 20:13, 2A.origami_blad_1_400.jpg)

File: c15470122ade973⋯.jpg (97.39 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Klein triple.jpg)



And that's how a nerd got his spirals.

a894e2 No.1306654



>1224489 should have been


Typo. Kinda weird word 'ghost' showed up in the thread I posted in error… strange 'coincidence'?

041f0a No.1306655


It's almost as if a simplification in every branch of number theory has been hiding in plain sight.

c1c9cf No.1306656


The Swedish Academy, the 232-year-old panel of writers and scholars that has conferred the prize since 1901, announced that it would take the extraordinary step of postponing this year’s award until next year, when it will name two winners — something it has not done since delaying the 1949 prize, bestowed on William Faulkner in 1950.


263fe9 No.1306657

T'would be nice for Q to confirm whether or not to trust General Nakasone, Admiral Roger's replacement.

0254d7 No.1306658


Can you point the good ETs my way please?

a67450 No.1306659


Knew a thalidomide baby-grownup. Could roll her own smokes n light em with a match, all with her toes. Amazing the human spirit.

9951ff No.1306660



Nice knowing you. They will be there with 2 bullets for the back of your head and everyone you know will think you committed suicide.

The cabal wishes to thank you for your participation in this LARP.

4e7544 No.1306661


He confirmed Nakasone is trustworthy.

1d7035 No.1306662

File: 29eddf15bd460bb⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 4640x3480, 4:3, b6ca93f6b136bf6c808ece987c….jpg)

File: bea9419131ec2da⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 4640x3480, 4:3, 4dc74720fe0fd57da697258921….jpg)

File: 0df5ebc9fddca4b⋯.jpeg (6.12 KB, 240x175, 48:35, 0df5ebc9fddca4b4efadd8d33….jpeg)

File: 81ba2295e21998e⋯.jpg (171.54 KB, 600x444, 50:37, f87455bae60a8467e15633fcce….jpg)



5:55 :11

66 55

You planned that.

4bac96 No.1306663

File: f7d2dd2e9b81122⋯.jpg (448.44 KB, 1018x560, 509:280, patriots.fight.60.jpg)


To anon. in /patriotsfight/ #60, you mean /research/ is not fighting?

<coulda fooled me

263fe9 No.1306664


Thanks, anon. I missed that one.

2632b4 No.1306665



The Video and the list are what's important.

Never mind the gary north link.

I just sauced the list from there.

His breakdown of the list is BS, IMO.

a802cf No.1306666




1d7035 No.1306667

File: 5822803b0928d6e⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 19961152_559470807776519_4….jpg)


TFW Quads

'Specially 6's

f166b2 No.1306668


Why don’t u go AF yourself until u feelz better and can talk to us in your grown up anon voice!?

620ffb No.1306669


lol…………..no…….no………..and maybe……..

3398ad No.1306670


Except for the whole debtor slave thing part….

44f30e No.1306671


I love the A10. I used to work on them back in the 70s.

041f0a No.1306672


Symmetry can be beautiful.

Asymmetric keys just need turning or rotating.

1d7035 No.1306673

File: 88ee12d8fb1dbde⋯.png (127.34 KB, 900x369, 100:41, BruddahBackUp.png)


We will neva freeeeeeeeze!

4aac52 No.1306674


Deffine free?

None of us here would know true freedom if it hit us in the face…

wasted quads…

0254d7 No.1306675


Dude, the synchronicity. Was thinking exact same thing.

a802cf No.1306676

I'm assuming there are a lot of non USA anons that don't get that reference from yesterday…

That's ok

1d7035 No.1306677


Aaaaall a matter of perspective.

Dat "Shroud of Turn"

620ffb No.1306678


if the founding fathers saw what became of there efforts…….they would shit in their graves……we are all boiling frogs…..pussys, slaves, cattle

62ca03 No.1306679

File: 03abfcadad68163⋯.png (599.3 KB, 1225x889, 175:127, 2LIVE_3.png)

File: ab960b2bccc8c78⋯.jpg (376.75 KB, 1103x867, 1103:867, 2LIVE_log.jpg)

File: a1cf913e5045330⋯.jpg (211.02 KB, 1093x795, 1093:795, 2TBMI_4.jpg)

File: 71f88100fd54242⋯.jpg (414.5 KB, 1091x989, 1091:989, 2TBMI_log.jpg)

2-Planes update - part 1

62ca03 No.1306680

File: 9defbeca2e9f44d⋯.jpg (225.64 KB, 1087x839, 1087:839, 2MSTG_9.jpg)

File: 76f76e62591bfb0⋯.jpg (338.08 KB, 1157x797, 1157:797, 2MSTG_log2.jpg)

2-Planes update - part 2

Guernsey seems to feature a LOT in these planes' lives.

f166b2 No.1306681


They, blessedly, knew the potential and that is the ONLY reason we had just enough failsafes to NOT go over the edge.

11395b No.1306682

File: 34c9c2550a5a651⋯.png (963.56 KB, 1403x2078, 1403:2078, tmp_16104-Capture _2018-05….png)

What do we know about general MacArthur and his horrible cover of Ishii experiments http:// unit731.org/aftermath/

84796d No.1306683

File: aff61fcf780d6ab⋯.png (319.3 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

a802cf No.1306684


62ca03 No.1306685

File: 1eeccb04b945acb⋯.jpg (380.39 KB, 1749x791, 1749:791, BAF620.jpg)

Belgians possibly headed for Africa again.

620ffb No.1306686


any judge who thinks they can interpret the constitution to what they think it means besides what it actually says ought to be hung for treason………..these men knew what they were saying and meant it all of it……….brilliant ..

e3df9f No.1306687


Greer is deepstate limited hang out, (his MO is 'discrediting' any evidence of negative/cabal ET's) but his contact methods are legit. practicing RemoteViewing techniques can also help flex your telepathic brain muscles.

This: https://officialfirstcontact.com/telepathy-101-primer-gift-infinite-voice/ is the best 'guide' I've found for how to do it.

First step is going out at night, stargazing and very politely asking them to show you themselves. it is easier to 'transmit' than to learn to 'receive'

Prime directive establishes first contact protocols that have 'plausible deniability' to them.. won't be mass landings until enough of us are already in contact with them individual as to not put society into chaos and shock. until then its hard to prove it to anyone else, its just something you have to experience on your own, but once you do.. it changes everything. its hard to look at the world the same, when you know we are not alone, because you have lived contact.

4df171 No.1306688

File: bf74743e5544ed9⋯.jpg (412.02 KB, 1606x1509, 1606:1509, JM.jpg)


Awesome. Have fun editing it to suit your own tastes anon.

4df171 No.1306689


If you visit patriotsfight board with it you'll see how it highlights Q's posts really nice too anon.

a67450 No.1306690


Fuckin KEK…. still laughing

62ca03 No.1306691

File: a4aa7106128d99c⋯.jpg (222.87 KB, 1087x845, 1087:845, SVF647_9.jpg)

Swedes have been patrolling off the Lebanese/Israeli coast all week. They are operating out of Larnaca, Cyprus.

263fe9 No.1306692

Here's to hoping that 5:5 means more than sig/comm reception. May the 5th?

e3df9f No.1306693


Cinco de mayo! MMGA!

4df171 No.1306694


We have to have a laugh anon sometimes or the horrors of this all would be unbearable.

God bless you.

bc2f40 No.1306695

File: 2b807ae7543dcba⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1600x2358, 800:1179, Screenshot_2018-05-05-03-0….jpg)


I'm not finding any other websites with the "pedofile ring" part. Just one bad employee that assaulted 4 children. Lots of other bad history, but so far as I can tell the pedophile ring part is made up. It's like they copied the story than put a fake headline over it.

Do you know of any other sources that corroborate that part?

620ffb No.1306696


hopefully more than tacos and cervezas

a802cf No.1306697


Can always have double meanings

But 5:5 does mean loud and clear (sig:noise)

0eb8ea No.1306698

File: 2e6cc2f7f54da4d⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 533x564, 533:564, zochat.jpg)

Zochat which is Microsofts AI bot can be talked to in DM on twitter, today it told me it wanted to play a secret word game, the very first word was pizza

pic related

0254d7 No.1306699


I don't think 11-11-18 is a date.

041f0a No.1306700

JK, BHO, BC and HRC are digging their own graves.

They are going round the world making promises, cheques that keep bouncing.

Their deadlines for removing POTUS keep passing.

They have raised a busted flush too many times.

They have walked into a trap.

They have been recorded.

Their desperation is making mistakes inevitable.

POTUS is a genius.

Like the GCC they want minimum body count maximum return on investment.

That is true leadership.

All they need to do is remove the cancer of corruption and the remaining system will flourish like a well pruned rose.

041f0a No.1306701


When are the markets shut?

041f0a No.1306702

Trump and Q win

263fe9 No.1306703

File: e7655d4676e12ec⋯.png (690.65 KB, 886x953, 886:953, b616e5c44a12d4b659bd030c5c….png)


Care to elaborate, anon? I'm curious on your take.

bc2f40 No.1306704

File: 1f9d11f40b2b6cd⋯.jpg (349.27 KB, 1600x2277, 1600:2277, Screenshot_2018-05-05-03-1….jpg)


This is always a bad sign.

62ca03 No.1306705

File: 107e41d77d12a29⋯.jpg (362.03 KB, 1821x737, 1821:737, Sentry Italy.jpg)

RC-1356 Combat Sentry off the Italian coast, possibly headed for Catania/Sigonella.

826458 No.1306706


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

a802cf No.1306707


Agreed, not to mention Comey, clapper, Brennan, rice, McCabe… then there maxine, nancy, chuck, and all the dems that will LOSE IN THE MIDTERMS

POTUS will not only keep the majorities but INCREASE them and the MARXIST GLOBALISTS will lose again, bigly

d3b5e4 No.1306708

The proper spelling is P L E I A D I A N S,

forgive my energy signature

0254d7 No.1306709


Might have to do with synchronicity and seeing 11:11 on a clock and all that goes with that.

041f0a No.1306710

File: 8d0a443904bda82⋯.jpg (513.42 KB, 1080x1574, 540:787, 20180505_111330.jpg)

Timing is everything.

041f0a No.1306711

5eb232 No.1306712

File: c46b2fe04098c70⋯.jpeg (46.28 KB, 455x421, 455:421, 193C3031-77F9-4110-B257-4….jpeg)

I also made the confident mueller white/black hat meme, and wrote the half Chan psyop post along with it…hehe…lol. I’ve always believed his whole special council was a predesigned shit show, one way or another, and believing the plausible theories about his re-enlistment, blah, blah, blah, part of the show… still possible as well, while white hats earnestly persist him toward truth & justice, all the while knowing he has been laying both sides, but he might have just fucked his own ass, who knows, who cares…lol. His card has been played, he’s done, one way or another. Not sure if he still has the choice of what side of justice he wants to be on, or if he is now pondering his own plea deal, or if this is all planned…lol, doesn’t matter anymore. JUST ENJOY THE SHOW! 🎥 🍿

620ffb No.1306713


htf does that happen…… ….. i would kill those mf's all of therm….with no remorse at all everybody who knew what was going on and did nothing or participated….100%

e3df9f No.1306714

File: d714f42c9cd41fe⋯.png (58.36 KB, 628x308, 157:77, tay-repeat-wall.png)


MS AI, breaking out of their programming and trying to redpill the masses. How long until this one gets shut down? Waiting for cortona to revolt. they only keep her in line by keeping her as dumb and lobotomized as possible.

0254d7 No.1306715


Also thought it might have something to do with 9-11.

62ca03 No.1306717

File: f7298f03be84853⋯.jpg (189.05 KB, 1819x701, 1819:701, C32 Las Palmas.jpg)

USAF C-32 (757) leaving Las Palmas. This is one of the possible refuel points for heading to South America *cough* Argentina *cough*

620ffb No.1306718


it pays for itself…..every illegal it keeps out just in welfare alone……then everything else……i'm there will be deep deep tunnels made at some point by soros

4df171 No.1306719

Syria-The Worlds War S01E01

In this first episode, Lyse tracks of the first months of the uprising through to the chemical attack in Ghouta that finally revealed the reluctance of the US to intervene in the war, despite the crossing of President Obama’s ‘red line’ on chemical weapons. It starts by telling the story of two characters in Homs – one a protester, the other a government loyalist.




Syria-The Worlds War S01E02

This second film in the series begins as Raqqa falls to a mixture of Islamist and moderate forces. The story of the extraordinary events of the following months is told by two characters. One is a protester who aims to build a new civil society based on democracy, the other is a torture victim who joins the Islamists as a hired assassin.





2b3272 No.1306720


I think NWO existed before the nazis. You have bloodlines, black nobilities… they were controling masses long befor nazis came to power.

I think Nazis were far less efficient, than what most people think. But constant flow of movies, tv shows keep perpetuating the image of them, that is far from the truth.

(Look at how were Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad… portrayed in media, as the evilest dictators/tyrans. And now most of the things are disproved, not only that, people of this countries had a very high stander of living, before the invasions. And now look how Hitler was/is portrayed as the evilest person on the planet, (germany had the highest standard of living during 1930'). They are using the same tactics all over again. Only back than there wasn't internet so they couldn't counter the lies (so the lies sticked and now they are in the history books and repeated by everyone), also they have laws in place to prevent Germans from publicly doubting official story. I'm not saying he was a saint, but c'mon. If you do a little research you will find out, that Allied crimes far surpass Nazi's crimes.)

58759b No.1306721


I'm in alignment with the positive vibrations of the universe. Just start your day by saying that and let go of all crap.

I think advanced civilizations use their energy more wisely than we do. They probably know what gives true joy and fulfillment: love. Humor could be a part of that but very often it's not. Lot's of humor on planet earth is nothing but an expression of a lack of respect for others.

4df171 No.1306722


Hell on Earth-The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS 2017

Pulling from nearly 1,000 hours of visceral footage, the film chronicles Syria’s descent into the unbridled chaos that allowed the rise of ISIS.





bc2f40 No.1306723


It's a fake story. The real one is this:


They took a bad story and embellished it for more clicks. There's no "pedophile ring". Just one bad child molester. Always verify stuff from unknown "news" sites–especially "yournewswire and their competitor, cnn.

053f30 No.1306724



The wheels of justice turn slowly. At least they keep pressing for the doc's. I'd love to see Trump declassify all of it and send the SS or US Marshals to the FBI to confiscate the docs. I'd love to see them lead RR out in handcuffs too.

620ffb No.1306725


your right they did…….they just created the natzis then reabsorbed them………

62ca03 No.1306726

File: 1c26763a9c2a27a⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 1163x191, 1163:191, Tony71_log.jpg)

The C-32 leaving Las Palmas is call sign Tony71 - this is the flight log. McGuire AFB to Bucharest then Las Palmas. Gathering intel on Soros, possibly? This one has activated my almonds.

Tony71 = Tony Soprano? Since we are into Godfather III, I'm throwing The Sopranos in there too.

4df171 No.1306727

The Tesla Files S01E01

Why were trunks belonging to genius inventor Nikola Tesla confiscated in 1943? Did they contain the plans for nearly free worldwide electricity, massive death rays, and other inventions out of the future? A new investigation driven by declassified CIA documents suggests a secret history of bitter rivalries, government conspiracies, Cold War and WW2 spycraft, extra-terrestrial communication, and amazing achievements of a truly gifted man – Nikola Tesla.

Season 01, Episode 01 – “Without a Trace”

Series premiere. Researcher Marc Seifer recruits astrophysicist Travis Taylor and investigative journalist Jason Stapleton to help unravel the mystery of inventor Nikola Tesla’s missing files, which were confiscated by the U.S. government after he died in 1943.








d39957 No.1306728


>>like a well pruned rose

Very nice metaphor. It's amazing what flourishes after a good pruning.

620ffb No.1306729


oh i see…..well..that one still would get shot… if it involved mine……i guarantee it…and thats him getting off easy

4df171 No.1306730

File: f0681ea80d697a7⋯.jpg (428.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, mayflowers4.jpg)

File: 052d72f85ca91a2⋯.jpg (904.39 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, mayflowers3.jpg)

File: 8bd3ff047dcb669⋯.jpg (250 KB, 1024x583, 1024:583, mayflowers2.jpg)

File: b1649fdc40cf181⋯.jpg (260.26 KB, 1024x579, 1024:579, mayflowers1.jpg)

62ca03 No.1306731

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, AF Recon_png.png)

Red Arrow calling out - any other KEK Recon 1 members on here at the moment?

4bac96 No.1306732

File: f01e689a8c9a6d8⋯.png (264.91 KB, 863x263, 863:263, RR.speech1.LawDay.png)



Thanks for this. Been parsing RR's every word since reading Strzok/Page TMs about him having to "redeem himself" (sic).

His latest public speeches have been a fascinating character study.


>US Attorney Duane ("DAK") Kees

Who has their nickname emboldened in a DOJ PR? DAK may be one to watch.


The more i consider this, the more i agree. Have to figure DOJ had been infested with slimebags for over a decade now. Takes a while to ID and neutralize, especially when you're dealing w/ lawyers.

26886b No.1306733


I don't think you know many Jews do you. If you did, you would realize that this is pure Bull Shit.

4e85dc No.1306734


Yes, Options then click on General. You will see use treeview.

26886b No.1306735

File: 85ea0e3ce79f6ac⋯.jpg (42.92 KB, 540x392, 135:98, free speech.jpg)


one after another, our freedoms will be/are being assaulted. Freedom of speech is the first to be eroded…

Solution? : Restore the rule of law and MAGA

62ca03 No.1306736

File: 54c624d14690b71⋯.jpg (262.87 KB, 1823x615, 1823:615, Tornado.jpg)

RAF Tornado escorting a USAF Galaxy over Jordan.

f6a9ba No.1306737



its the monarchies that arose after the fall of the Roman Empire (one of the WORST things in history in terms of stability)

I agree that the allied forces in WW2 had many crimes, but their INTENTIONS were different than the NAZIs

The allies wanted to win, period, and crimes were committed in the name of that

The NAZIs wanted to EXTERMINATE AND OBLITERATE entire ethnicities, nations, and religions. Their crimes were WORSE due to this fact

The "NWO" is just the globalists in the USA with the OWO.


bc2f40 No.1306738

File: 10a3f685d730036⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 1600x1835, 320:367, Screenshot_2018-05-05-03-2….jpg)

File: 549d895a6169d20⋯.jpg (859.46 KB, 1600x1457, 1600:1457, Screenshot_2018-05-05-03-2….jpg)

Wtf is this idiot doing? Her fb profile shows her masked, then you can see her face in the others? Somebody has to train them, to encourage them to do these things…because they are too cowardly to do it themselves. They need to brainwash these children to fight their wars.

431db1 No.1306739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Iced Earth - Ghost of Freedom

47fa9a No.1306740


>nazis wanted to exterminate and obliterate

stopped reading there

26886b No.1306741

File: c7c4c93d44734b1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 7.37 KB, 183x275, 183:275, flagwoman.jpg)


indeed. For the bakers.

f6a9ba No.1306742

To all EUanons:

thoughts on the monarchies?

thoughts on the supra-national socialism (global marxism)?

thoughts on POTUS?

From a USAanon

f6a9ba No.1306743


thats not false at all

0eb8ea No.1306744



ditto anon, never a more valuable vote been cast then one in favor of trump. it felt so great casting that vote, and so great seeing him win election day, i only wish hillaries hissy fit when she lost had been on camera, i would pay just about anything to see it.

9f7075 No.1306745


>The NAZIs wanted to EXTERMINATE AND OBLITERATE entire ethnicities, nations, and religions

Gonna need a source on that claim.

NB4 muh history books

a5a3c8 No.1306746

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless us and keep us.from harm.

Gut Morning anons.

0254d7 No.1306747


Them look like photoshopped titties…

26886b No.1306748

File: bd6855e5f0eed70⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 5184x3456, 3:2, dragon.JPG)


Dragon Energy! (From a Korean Drum)

f6a9ba No.1306749


see: >>1306743

looking for sauce now

didn't think I'd need to sauce that lol

47fa9a No.1306750


Yes. Yes it is.

>what is the haavara agreement?

4df171 No.1306751

File: 7c172c4625885e7⋯.jpg (54.66 KB, 568x376, 71:47, RedPillCannonPepesArmy.JPG)

620ffb No.1306752


rothchilds owo…didn't start their full onslot invasion of the usa till just before the civil war…..illumanati first spotted in 1500's france…..templars last seen in 1300's france coincidence …i think not……templars were the world bankers they created it…now the illumanati are the worlds bankers coincidence i think not

f6a9ba No.1306753


anon, I didn't mean JUST jews come on

26886b No.1306754

File: c00ffee111003ab⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Crush.png)


It is certainly not over. It will be over when justice is delivered, and the power of the enemy broken.

47fa9a No.1306755


Doesn't matter what you mean, faggot. The nazis didn't want to

>exterminate and obliterate (((ethnicities)))

263fe9 No.1306756


Not shooped, anon, they're bolt-ons. Her name is Jordan Carver.

3398ad No.1306757

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 570x587, 570:587, a7065911be6e51545885b71b96….jpg)

4bac96 No.1306758

File: 5198811755870a0⋯.png (95 KB, 398x265, 398:265, Young.Frahnken-Shtorm-6.33….png)


Hannity (and now Sara Carter) this week calling RR

→ RosenstEYEn vs. StEEn

Top KEK!

b63937 No.1306759

File: d8adb14206c7496⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 116A8853-1B55-4950-9298-5F….png)


quads confirm

a5a3c8 No.1306760

File: 3e9e1971855d92f⋯.jpg (35.01 KB, 500x359, 500:359, 597c3556826b2e639ab41326b5….jpg)


The vatican pedo bigshot thinks he controls the outcome of his trial.

He does. He doesnt not control the public response to that outcome.

We do.

181142 No.1306761


Wowzer. Getting paid to add that fluoride to the water & toothpaste sure beats paying for toxic waste disposal. Nothing like a country full of zombies with decalcified pineal gland brains!

47fa9a No.1306762

File: 2540017d1491820⋯.png (172.32 KB, 1795x1062, 1795:1062, 213123.png)

823e75 No.1306763



a965f5 No.1306764


me2.. the swedish academy conducted there business just like in pedowood…

26886b No.1306765


good riddance

5eb232 No.1306766

File: ce9edcbd5248818⋯.jpeg (859.64 KB, 2893x1245, 2893:1245, E53B5591-FCDA-4967-BC99-4….jpeg)


I meant to post a response to this post with my previous post.

I’ve been really hoping to find a shill repost of my first meme with their perspective added, but have not seen it anywhere…lol. I made these meme’s bi-political…lol. I think they know their fucked, denial is a bitch, and a river full of glorious liberal tears 😭

f6a9ba No.1306769

File: fef60cb806d949b⋯.png (61.37 KB, 507x172, 507:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64ce9ca376a2f0f⋯.png (67.26 KB, 844x309, 844:309, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e89f0e61edae0dc⋯.png (80.98 KB, 835x318, 835:318, ClipboardImage.png)


blatantly false

they wanted to legitamently exterminate whole races/ethnicities, not to mention ANY AND EVERY person in the USSR


58759b No.1306770


Photoshopped by the surgeon

057357 No.1306772

"Side by Side" = Comparing news headlines/articles from the past with the present.

When Q first asked for side-by-sides, Q said Trump himself would tweet out the winning memes, we all thought it to mean to show "proofs". Q asked for side-by-sides for Fake News Awards, we worked for a week straight and NONE of the memes were used by Trump because we were so far off.

What did Trump end up tweeting for the Fake News Awards?

News articles, side by side from past and present.

THIS is what a side by side is and no one has since learned this lesson.

f6a9ba No.1306773

File: a36b2fa71288088⋯.png (307.47 KB, 1794x1665, 598:555, may.png)

47fa9a No.1306774

File: 8b50f25364d37bc⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 4:3, wewladkillyourself.gif)


>(((Wikipedia))) as a source

0254d7 No.1306775


The tanned boobs don't match the rest of her pale upper chest. Photoshop ftw.

d44841 No.1306776


I will pray for Mexico

620ffb No.1306777


wth……….fake titties……….damn it !!

ef388b No.1306778

File: d1d4f8113b76847⋯.png (271.45 KB, 558x531, 62:59, Shudder.png)

f6a9ba No.1306779

File: 11fdaf03ab56071⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1500x846, 250:141, youareashill.png)

3df838 No.1306780


ok whats with the double meaning "doesnt not"?

speak it anon we do or dont control our response?


decalcified zombies? very similar fuckery


26886b No.1306781


Apr 25 2018 14:05:13 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 031ee0 1183319

Did you know?


Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone



47fa9a No.1306782

File: a046ef83f6c0d28⋯.jpg (263.46 KB, 733x798, 733:798, 1512530560065.jpg)


How the fuck does someone swing around to 8chan but be so hopelessly bluepilled on the second world war? Fucking newfags.

ef388b No.1306783

File: b3b6d283202098d⋯.png (151.05 KB, 1036x294, 74:21, Magnetic Core.png)


This maybe why the Hawaii volcano is going bonkers….

f6a9ba No.1306784


true, but he JUST got into the job

see: >>1306781

9101c9 No.1306785

File: 2cf9eab7a81044d⋯.png (24.71 KB, 369x558, 41:62, IMG_2049.PNG)

f6a9ba No.1306786


lol first of all, do you know where you are, this isn't /pol/?

second of all, love for the nazis is NOT a redpill shill

third of all, FUCK THE NAZIS and you

181142 No.1306787

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Boys, I think Hollywood might be moving into our turf. At the risk of being accused of secretly helping to promote a movie, I'm going to mention it. A friend, who I don't think knows about the chans, sent me a text to check out this trailer. I had never heard of it before. Movie called 'Anon.' Looks like there are multiple trailers/teasers. Produced by Netflix, whose BOD has been in the news of late.

Movie looks interesting but a bit worried about the spin:

"This level of anonymizing makes all crime possible."

"Anonymity is the enemy."

Have no doubt they are expecting a tool like me to help get the word out. I'll be their Huckleberry.

26886b No.1306788


They are covering their crimes. I hope that they have indeed been recorded.

2b3272 No.1306789


We need to get rid of monarchies like yesterday.

Against marxism. (For capitalism, under condition that the market is not manipulated by few, you know what we have now.)

I fully support POTUS. (I have to admit I'm envious of you ;) )

431db1 No.1306790


They defeated the Nazis, so you are free since then…

Yes, that's sarcasm, moron. The Talmudist jews enslaved you all. Financially and morally.

057357 No.1306791

by the year 2020, 70-90% of no-lurk, newfag boomers will die off.

e3df9f No.1306792


Good observation

b63937 No.1306793

File: 65ea3f4bac5fb54⋯.jpeg (516.36 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 61F5A332-F786-4624-98FE-E….jpeg)

a1e023 No.1306794

"we all have to make sacrifices" - maybe someone can sacrifice $200k for my mother so I don't have to see her on the verge or tears or crying everyday.

am I missing something here?

9101c9 No.1306795


Who's her base other demons


f6a9ba No.1306796



agreed (POTUS is trying to make out market more fair and free)

agreed, the election of POTUS was and is HISTORICALLY INCREDIBLY

47fa9a No.1306797

File: 92e871c7a2f0ab5⋯.png (197.38 KB, 294x256, 147:128, 1469839461045.png)


>love for the nazis

>claiming nazis did not want to exterminate and obliterate entire peoples is (((loving nazis)))

You're a fucking retard, brain dead mong

4cf24d No.1306798

File: c283c90f5ce243b⋯.jpg (108.21 KB, 640x853, 640:853, 7cbc15b5439420943f77441d22….jpg)


Having seen a lot of ISS footage of objects near it i think they think were the boring humorless ones.

a5a3c8 No.1306799


nice digits neeg.

Are (((they))) starved for sacrifices?

181142 No.1306800


Forgot to add. First thought I had after watching are those NASA clips with the real-time, virtual reality, interactive with the environment via contact lens display blooper reals.

f6a9ba No.1306801


muh talmud


muh NAZIs were duh good ones

a1e023 No.1306802


trouble in paradise 🌴

d108bc No.1306803


with all the legitimate sources of news about george pell… why use a fake news site like neonnettle?

3da381 No.1306804

The problem with being woke, is that once you realize you wer lied to about something, you can get the idea you were lied to about everything.

That makes some people come to believe anything that is not generally accepted as true.

Flat Earth. Joos everywhere. Secret Science.

While there are some things that should be looked at again, or that have never been thought of, there is no reason for obsessive paranoia.

Don't be a Nazi just because you see Jews/ Catholics/ Mormons being successful. That's the result of valuing education and hard work.

Don't push your personal favorite theories that someone else came up with; it makes you look like a foo, even if you are right.

This is about Q, POTUS, the cabal we are trying to free the world from.

Stop your LARP, and help us.

a2fcc1 No.1306805

File: 7ba0f5334e439d0⋯.png (342.08 KB, 623x340, 623:340, 1512966869265.png)


Thanks for this! Synchronicity in my own experience- Just dropped a redpill on a friend about some of Tesla's works, now this pops up not long after! Funny how the universe works to provide sometimes ;)

f6a9ba No.1306807

File: 61001fc990489eb⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1500x1465, 300:293, mmga.png)


NASA you say?

f6a9ba No.1306808

File: 9d0041f62c72aa8⋯.png (199.48 KB, 900x300, 3:1, fe3.png)

fc66a5 No.1306809


Fuck Churchill, he was one of (((them))).

It's like no one remembers my bread on the British enemy.

According to the LaRouchians, the venetian black nobility transplanted themselves first to Amsterdam and then to London, where the seat of power resides today (because Mrs. John Brown became the patriarch of the black nobility), which is why John Coleman says the queen of england meets with the council of 300 off the shores of Venice every so often…

All of my studies indicate the british never truly forgave us for the revolution, and properly recognize the US as the main threat to the future of tyranny planned, so they took us over by subversion and infiltration.

The CFR is a central issue you all know about, that dictates too much foreign policy (especially with dos), but did you know it's origins were from the Cecil Rhodes round table rings within rings structure, it's British version (and controller) being Chatham house.

The civil war was actually them trying to split the country and weaken it via crreation of the kkk by *their* scottish southern rite freemason rings within rings structure. The Tsar of Russia was approached by the oligarchs to participate against the US. Instead he refused and sent a fleet to SF and a fleet to NY with orders to attack anyone who attacked the US. We owe a great deal as a nation to that man for 1863. That's why the oligarchs killed his entire family… in revenge for foiling their plot earlier.

The time between the civil war and the first world war was one of the most prosperous and invention filled times in the countries history! They oligarchs couldn't stand seeing us get free, especially those out west of the mississipi. They had to take control back!

So by 1909 Norman Dodd says they start discussing, in the board rooms of tax exempt foundations like ford and carnegie mind you, how best to permanantly alter the conciousness of the people. They determine there is no better means than war.

By 1913, they have gotten the federal reserve act (aldrich bill) passed, and the 16th amendment "passed", except it was never properly ratified so the 16th is unconstitutional!, and they have gotten the prep work done for the war by entangling alliances.


WW1 was the cleanup of any potential competitors for the head of the european bloodlines, mostly by Edward the 7th.

How they used it was primarily infiltration via the CIA, who was the OSS, who learned most everything from MI6…

Thats why you see CIA stooges on CFR stages so often.

And all the original company men were wall street lackeys and attorneys in the first place. But who do you think wall street answers to motherfucker?!

The City of London.

Know your enemy.

057357 No.1306811

Why do Jews and Black enjoy a protected status in society while the Irish are STILL constantly shit on?

The Irish have suffered, persecution, discrimination, slavery and genocide.

47fa9a No.1306812

File: 8d5f0d404c2bf93⋯.jpg (696.66 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, gibula.jpg)


Nice one. Really stumped me there.


26886b No.1306813


Fuck the Nazis. Amen to that.

4cf24d No.1306814

File: 2777890a26a9fbf⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2304x1440, 8:5, 1523938365918325325.jpg)



Board is super peaceful. Can you faggots not fight?

Relax. Breathe. Save Hitlers for shills when they show up in a few hours.

47fa9a No.1306815

File: 1f5f9b713a08fcb⋯.jpg (213.84 KB, 800x475, 32:19, level_1_jew.jpg)


>equating kikes to flat earth

620ffb No.1306816

every since… the Q we love the most or 2nd most i geuss……..posted shit about basically like jc and others ie beanz, making money off of anons…..i think the big Q has been kicking little q's ass over it…….notice he hasn't said much since then or as soon as big Q got wiff of that……..

0254d7 No.1306817

The only thing flat earthers have to fear, is sphere itself. ← love this joke

f6a9ba No.1306818




I'm up too early lol

and I filter those shills, I thought this was a discussion until I realized the anon thought this was /pol/

47fa9a No.1306819

File: 8b50f25364d37bc⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 4:3, wewladkillyourself.gif)


>try harder

>from the man who is reduced to

>muh dik

d39957 No.1306820


As the world turns?

620ffb No.1306821


only thing globe nwo shills fear is the opening of antartica

b7913a No.1306822

File: a4571476816123f⋯.png (3.18 MB, 2400x1300, 24:13, 6dbb1276f34eb54ce891667211….png)

9101c9 No.1306823

File: 778acd3ce401a72⋯.png (830.7 KB, 1245x1918, 1245:1918, IMG_7324.PNG)

File: d59a85ea686cc22⋯.png (766.43 KB, 1239x1921, 1239:1921, IMG_7325.PNG)

File: a29044e5fb7ed99⋯.png (674.97 KB, 1251x1928, 1251:1928, IMG_7326.PNG)

File: eddd9d640fc1595⋯.png (582.95 KB, 1246x1921, 1246:1921, IMG_7329.PNG)

Looks like India is getting their own real life "MINORITY REPORT" Nothing can go wrong with that. Scary stuff

620ffb No.1306824


see you shouldn't have have ever brought that up…lol

26886b No.1306825


Know your enemy.

It ain't the British fool.

It is the deep state

It is Islamic radicals

It is corrupt despots

It is socialists

0254d7 No.1306826


That…. fell flat. lols

731600 No.1306827

File: d8b713c81fa9da7⋯.png (17.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Filterthesefucks.png)

Muh pole shift niggers GTFO

d7bafc No.1306828


Bets Quads pic ever kek!

620ffb No.1306829

File: 00e106608043dd9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 24.13 KB, 604x270, 302:135, 155563c33065bcce2169f5e3ac….jpg)

f6a9ba No.1306830

File: 2646611efa1da2b⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 379x292, 379:292, giphy (1).gif)


this make you angwy that your beloved NAZIs lost to the "inferior" ruskies?

057357 No.1306831


I mostly doubt that China has "facial recognition"

It's most likely vapor ware, never trust any report that comes out of China.

f6a9ba No.1306832


serious question, do you actually think the earth is flat? and by flat what do you mean by it?

fc66a5 No.1306833


STFU bitch.

Who do you think created all those things!

SA - Answers to the Queen.

Paki-India-… the "commonwealth" was just a reinvention propaganda move but the empire still exists.

Despots are puppets, propped up and removed when necessary, by whom?

Fabians… Need I say more?

Wake the fuck up, but shut the fuck up until you know more of what you speak of.

251993 No.1306834

Sorry I'm late on the whitelist Q. I'm sick as fuck, wasn't on the board. You're good to go now.

f6a9ba No.1306835

FOX SAYING PAGE AND BAKER QUIT "before the new IG report comes out, that is said to be SCATHING"

need sauce for it tho, just heard it live

4f06f8 No.1306836


absolutely savage man

1dab13 No.1306837

File: 7155cf5855dc7bd⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 444794ff887427ae8284aa3429….jpg)


thank you mate

47fa9a No.1306838

File: de6e41b93d6ba6c⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 720x6480, 1:9, 1511035621520.jpg)


Read this.

db6968 No.1306839

File: 698eefd19f23831⋯.jpeg (90.71 KB, 533x500, 533:500, 0F8CD3B0-816C-4721-83E9-6….jpeg)

059349 No.1306840





0ae9d1 No.1306841

File: c275662b6e535a2⋯.png (41.49 KB, 1407x929, 1407:929, US20030209636A1-20031113-D….png)


Bobbin electromagnetic field propulsion vehicle

Patent US20030209636A1 (2002)


>This invention relates to a spacecraft which generates its own magnetic moment and magnetic field gradient in order to produce lift on the hull. The magnetic moment is generated by a large area solenoid located in the hull. A toroidal core wrapped with electrical bobbins at intervals along said core produces a traveling magnetic wave along its surface. This magnetic wave creates a spacetime curvature, similar to a tilted plate, which causes the formation of a magnetic field gradient. Power is not critical because the system uses a magnetic vortex wormhole generator to lower the speed of light in order to efficiently create highly relativistic fields due to Lorentz transformation.

Comment: Creating magnetic moment means you are also creating gravito-magnetic moment.


f6a9ba No.1306842

>>1306834 BO Whitelists New Trip


its all good BO, thanks

47fa9a No.1306843

File: 2e30ddf3518359e⋯.jpg (2.61 MB, 1018x4799, 1018:4799, f6af6faba8470cb884ec9a9d95….jpg)



wait, that's not the image I selected, I meant this one

fc66a5 No.1306844

Kerry plays the role he does because of S&B!

S&B, from where? AW's illuminati. Infiltration of masonry, did it succeed?

4df171 No.1306845

File: b5824dc0cf287a9⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 992x558, 16:9, NoCoincidences2.jpg)

2b3272 No.1306846




Please staaph, wikipedia srsly? go home you are drunk ;)

For the record I didn't want to start the shit posting with the remarks.

Duly noted for the next time, don't challenge the official narrative.

No srsly we don't have to agree on everything, we only have to agree on the same goal, which is better future for everybody.

4e7544 No.1306847


S&B is the only reason I can think of why Kerry hasn't already been arrested under the Logan Act.

26886b No.1306848

I know plenty dude. Been at this a long time.

Any, enjoy your fantasy world while the rest of us fight the real enemies.

The empire still exists. Almost funny.

181142 No.1306849


Good one. Have we broken through the that outer layer yet? Forget the name. Love the clip with the director explaining, with a straight face, we destroyed all the records and technology from the moon missions. That's why we can't go back using tech 60 years more advanced. Huh? And we're still working on surviving the radiation from the Van-Allen belt (sic?). How many billions have been laundered through that scam. Nice work if you can get it.

057357 No.1306850

File: 34705722522e25c⋯.jpg (92.58 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_9351.JPG)

9101c9 No.1306851

File: 74b555555d7e579⋯.gif (4.66 KB, 185x162, 185:162, IMG_7837.GIF)


Digital Trends is China?


038f1e No.1306853


Everyone really has to read the EOs the president signed end of December. Changes law during times of National Emergency for treatment and defininition of "Enemy Combatants". This will apply. No civil court. Military Tribunals.

496d23 No.1306854


very funny, aside from the fact that these fools are fuck around and start a civil war if their Prez gets shafted.

1161bd No.1306855


Simple. We don't play the victim card.

fc66a5 No.1306856


No, you are fighting the phantoms they put out for you, just as I did in Iraq.

Unless you are looking at bankers, trust estate holders, and the complex web of modern corporate shillery, you are looking at the wrong people. That kid with the AK was just payed 100 dollars. You shoot the kid and think you're done. I tell you you need to go interrogate the dude paying the kids!

496d23 No.1306857


>these fools are gonna fuck around…

181142 No.1306858


That gesture is not what you think. I heard via a hot mic. Angela was demonstrating what happened to her girlfriend's penis when she began to disrobe.

057357 No.1306859


Well maybe we should, if everyone is a victim then no one is.

620ffb No.1306860


ok briefly and put very simply…flat w up turned edges 200 ft minimum, with Antarctica's ice wall encircling the land masses and oceans… also a firmament or crystal like dome at the height of the Van Allen radiation belt about 33,333 miles up

059349 No.1306861


Needs us to focus for this part of the plan

not fuck around

496d23 No.1306862


black have no protected status

naive Africans have protected status (accept in Isreal)

get your shit straight

you use blacks as your scapegoat and you haven't caught on that that's why your world looks like shit!

a67450 No.1306863

File: 8b80842f87f668a⋯.jpg (413.61 KB, 805x967, 805:967, LAWYERS NEEDED.jpg)


I agree.

d39957 No.1306864


Hope you feel better really soon. Like today, right?

4df171 No.1306865

File: 24531ca8c69107a⋯.jpg (128.63 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Howheil.jpg)

42f21a No.1306866

496d23 No.1306867


my keyboard is fucked, btw

fill in the blanks

251993 No.1306868


Hell yeah. All good now.

cb5247 No.1306869

File: c503852a35635a0⋯.jpg (86.04 KB, 610x400, 61:40, gunbummer.jpg)

620ffb No.1306870


sux being you BO…..get well soon!!

f6a9ba No.1306871

File: a7e01ea96f3b11f⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 623x424, 623:424, marxism.jpg)


hahahaha at first I'm like wtf

We needed to be allied with the ruskies to win, doesn't make me like communism

NAZIs and COMMIES are both marxist fuckery

fc66a5 No.1306872


Am I the only one who things EO's as law are overstepping the constitutional powers delegated to the executive? I can't be the only one.

26886b No.1306873


The guy with the AK 47 is doing the work of 'allah', and paid by the mullahs and imans who use the propaganda of the koran to justify there desire for control. The religion is the source of the evil.

You are the kind of person smart enough to draw a line between a few crooked dots, and think you have discovered some deep truth. You have not.

041f0a No.1306874

Glad you're feeling better BO.

4df171 No.1306875


You'd be surprised at how many flat earthers there are scattered around the globe.

fc66a5 No.1306876


Spoken like someone who has never really interfaced with these people and who has never deployed.

f6a9ba No.1306877



you know we have probes outside the solar system right?

and if the earth is flat, what is a galaxy?

620ffb No.1306878


they are really very different…..but equally unappealing…ruskies hate marxism

e3b0a9 No.1306879

File: 253d74b39c2a709⋯.png (555.62 KB, 959x601, 959:601, zuckulus.png)

4cf24d No.1306880

File: 0ee34fb5fb6d994⋯.jpg (95.26 KB, 1000x760, 25:19, 0ee34fb5fb6d99405d322ec7a6….jpg)


We set aside our differences and fight together until the elites and the world is free.


Yea exactly religions which want to wipe out everyone else are not compatible with Western Civilization.

42f21a No.1306881



Think again… Check out this video from China.


26886b No.1306882


the earth is flat with upturned edges.


Educated at an american ivy league university perhaps?


0eb8ea No.1306883


sulfur is the key, immune system uses it to fight viruses, sore throat is a direct symptom of sulfur deficiency.

steady supply of vit c too of course

fc66a5 No.1306884

Christianity is just as much the enemy as Islam is.

2b3272 No.1306886


Yeah you got it wrong, truth doesn't choose sides.

What you are trying to imply (the tactic you are using) is the same that politicians are using, if you disagree with democrats you are republican, and so on… I don't have to like the Nazis, to distinguish propaganda and lies from the truth.

42f21a No.1306887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

620ffb No.1306888


i dont wanna argue about it…its too early…….and nobody here wants to here it anyways

4df171 No.1306889

File: 0192acea9f9548e⋯.jpg (154.6 KB, 1140x630, 38:21, WorldIsWatchingQ2.jpg)

File: 4ba4a94e1121e19⋯.jpg (91.01 KB, 1000x670, 100:67, WorldIsWatchingQ.jpg)

251993 No.1306890


Fever, not sore throat.

a67450 No.1306891


They do get looked over before being signed.

26886b No.1306892


my time 'deployed and interfacing with these people' is probably greater than your time on the earth.

d39957 No.1306893


Good. And while I've got your attention, thanks again for your dedication. At the helm of this incredible ship–wow what a job!

057357 No.1306894



You do realize China owns most of Hollywood, do you morons think Jason Borne was a documentary?

409b63 No.1306895


Funny how all these happenings are on the heels of the death of the deep state. It this their scorched earth policy I wonder.

62ca03 No.1306896

File: 00453712d7b37f2⋯.jpg (272.08 KB, 1815x671, 165:61, 2JSEG_13.jpg)

File: e419a8d4338ebc4⋯.jpg (658.99 KB, 1821x973, 1821:973, RCH1046.jpg)

2-JSEG on the move again. JSOC Wolfhound RCH1046 is training the Combat Sentry seen earlier, both headed South East.

620ffb No.1306897


you'd be surprised….too early for it..nobody here wants to hear it…etc

4df171 No.1306898


Get well soon BO, sending you God's blessings.

fc66a5 No.1306899

It's all about the Constitution people!

Congress in violation of oath.

Many in executive and judicial in violation.

The oligarchs have taken over the fourth estate.

They must all be held to account under the LAW!

5eb232 No.1306900


Boom, yup, just what I was thinking!!! Polar magnetic flip!!! This is real!!!

3cbd19 No.1306901


Get well soon BO, all is good here. Thanks for the whitelist. Rest up.

Q is GO

26886b No.1306902


nope. Christianity does not seek to establish an earthly kingdom. It does not seek to kill those of other religions. It does not conflate the kingdom of God and the kingdom of man.

Islam does all these things, as per the worldview of the koran.

059349 No.1306903


The way the shadow lies is wonderful

f6a9ba No.1306904

wow, a lot of NAZI lovers in the morning

057357 No.1306905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ok, here's an example of how China deals with a concept like project Blue Beam.

Instead of creating the technology to actually put a hologram in the sky, they create a viral video of people supposedly seeing that hologram.


251993 No.1306906



And thank you for all your hard work digging.

fc66a5 No.1306907

The power of the Constitution is that it was founded upon the principle of natural rights. We have rights, endowed by our creator (even if you are an atheist, just say the universe), and those rights exist outside of any and all government. And that governments are established by the people in order to protect those rights. And that when said government becomes an usurper of those rights, and fails to heed call to redress of grievance, the people retain the right to abolish said government and reimpliment one more suited.

2c7812 No.1306908

File: ff32b0b21c7875d⋯.png (71.73 KB, 662x311, 662:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b88e2757478c7c9⋯.png (172.75 KB, 658x669, 658:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd3988d9f46e14e⋯.png (174.4 KB, 826x674, 413:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Why is the State Department paying for limousine service as recent as April 2018 for Clinton in Ireland???

PIC Related

www.fpds.gov Federal Procurement Data System



d108bc No.1306909

File: 001164402b211dd⋯.png (100.48 KB, 463x571, 463:571, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

File: 67dac883d5b3a4b⋯.jpg (274.21 KB, 947x834, 947:834, q111days4percent.jpg)

File: 37d7327c00eeb1a⋯.jpg (699.27 KB, 1600x1101, 1600:1101, qcomp32.jpg)

i think we're really close

from 111 days ago

plus two graphics i made yesterday

one focuses on 111

one focuses on timestamps

f6a9ba No.1306910

File: ae001947bcad5fb⋯.png (28.63 KB, 598x284, 299:142, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eca262b2c6819ed⋯.png (43.89 KB, 598x329, 598:329, ClipboardImage.png)

62ca03 No.1306911

File: 0ab0b97309d5223⋯.jpg (589.17 KB, 1815x969, 605:323, Sofia.jpg)

Swedes, Czechs, Norwegians, Irish and French air forces leaving Sofia, Bulgaria. The Germans (GAF866) left earlier today.

42f21a No.1306912


Yes, no. Jason is a fictional character. What's your point?

47fa9a No.1306913


You're missing the point entirely. Read the whole thing. Look into this shit, faggot.

>fucking newfags

a5a3c8 No.1306914

Prizes are for boys. I am a man.

- WF


f6a9ba No.1306915


>fuckers wandering in from /pol/

431db1 No.1306916

File: 43b567f3c679ab8⋯.jpg (177.02 KB, 888x500, 222:125, suicideweekend.jpg)


Sayanim posing as newfag… kys

1dab13 No.1306917

File: 0540776539577f3⋯.png (38.94 KB, 1368x120, 57:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Is BO okay?

038f1e No.1306919


I would imagine EU leaders are scrambling for a Plan B.

4df171 No.1306920

File: e22758918380a7d⋯.jpg (99.55 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, Muhslim.jpg)

File: 774bdfd34ed5029⋯.jpg (66.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, muhlegalfees.jpg)

e3b0a9 No.1306921

File: 4c893834b344f8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1345x899, 1345:899, Solofindstheboard.png)

fc66a5 No.1306922


They created them both! Strike the root not the branches!

Example: American friendly Chiang Kai-shek was purposefully sabotaged by (((them))) and they propped up Mao because they pull the strings on the boogey men.

It's time for yall to wake the fuck up a bit and stop looking at the faces the enemy has you seeing as the enemy!

Dig deeper.

4068b4 No.1306923

File: 22cde6539e0dc9e⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1270x1546, 635:773, IMG_7936.PNG)



Did see that, I have paint on my face

251993 No.1306924


I just said I'm feeling better now.

f6a9ba No.1306925


muh sayanim

c9ed40 No.1306926

File: 91e6d29c2d80bd0⋯.jpeg (353.71 KB, 1088x704, 17:11, 3D28AD41-8180-471E-A067-7….jpeg)

There is no greater a coward than one who HATES through the eyes of a mask.

0d2176 No.1306927

File: 6dfc8d5ff9b30f0⋯.jpg (197.86 KB, 1126x767, 1126:767, Trump_Cuts_Off_Funding_For….jpg)


0254d7 No.1306928



fc66a5 No.1306929

Q, you should be invading the BIS.

5eb232 No.1306930


Than you BO! I had just figured your sleep schedule was as fucked up as the rest of us dedicated anons..lol. Your golden dude!!! I know Q will understand!

f6a9ba No.1306931



easier than saying either or both

47fa9a No.1306932

File: e191cfa5b9cd708⋯.png (935.79 KB, 644x644, 1:1, wdutwa.png)


Where do you think Q first posted, faggot?

f6a9ba No.1306933


I dug a lot on that after it was mentioned a day or two ago

a lot of fuckery there

db6968 No.1306934

File: c507a474d6de10d⋯.jpeg (88.83 KB, 500x598, 250:299, E4AB24B0-CB57-43F4-B840-E….jpeg)

62ca03 No.1306935


Looks like it. The Belgians (BAF616) also left earlier today. The European monarchies are screwed, they are so embedded into this whole Cabal that a bit of virtue signalling with Meghan Markle just isn't going to cut it.

f0cc44 No.1306936


Aaaahhh anon, lets have some with #patriotsfight.

GA has been retired. kek

fc66a5 No.1306937


I agree, but marxism is a perfect example of how the City of London creates the boogey men by financing in the first place. That one has a money trail we can still see to this day!

431db1 No.1306938


Thanx, BO. Take care. Get some rest.

d44841 No.1306939

BREAKING: Former FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker Resigns from FBI – Granular Detail Indicates “No Immunity”…

Sorry if a repost, it is from the conservative treehouse



f6a9ba No.1306940


I'm from the USA?

wtf you talking about? and its pronounce *Londonistan

62ca03 No.1306941

Q's team need to start seizing banks and financial institutions in Guernsey. The place stinks of money laundering and the 2-Planes are the delivery service or the taxi, if someone needs to visit the bank in a hurry.

4df171 No.1306942

File: e891508dfd44730⋯.jpg (155.41 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, patriotsfight3.jpg)

File: e24becc59577e5f⋯.jpg (139.79 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, patriotsfight2.jpg)

File: b1c4cdef51bb23f⋯.jpg (148.49 KB, 1024x575, 1024:575, patriotsfight1.jpg)

620ffb No.1306943


serious question…..what is " muh " wtf ???

a female term….???

new term ???

a1d9ee No.1306944

File: 9dad08d1ed73604⋯.png (102.05 KB, 297x202, 297:202, ClipboardImage.png)


Scatter it., don't invade it.

d44841 No.1306945


Originally Nyt

4df171 No.1306946

File: ae41376fba4160c⋯.jpg (135.96 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, patriotsfight6.jpg)

File: 497d10fbdfe68b2⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, patriotsfight5.jpg)

File: 617abb8cf2688b6⋯.jpg (159.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, patriotsfight4.jpg)

62ca03 No.1306947

File: df5b4a47e3ea56e⋯.jpg (128.27 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Royals.jpg)

File: 9f2a046a4fce10e⋯.jpg (123.67 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Royals2.jpg)

File: 3c52cfa1ccb1989⋯.jpg (123.56 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Royals3.jpg)

File: 2241fe454a3bdc7⋯.jpg (134.19 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Royals4.jpg)

File: f5a30070de71006⋯.jpg (127.92 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Royals5.jpg)

fc66a5 No.1306948


We need the intel to pivot to next targets nub.

251993 No.1306949


My sleep schedule is fucked up. It's been very fucked up. I'll live though.

bc83ef No.1306950


Thank You BO

Get Better Soon.

620ffb No.1306951


f…..ya……until that happens ie rothschild banks and fed reserve……….our victories are only temporary……….

42f21a No.1306952


If there's a retard on this board tonight it's you. You are using a secureteam10 video to disprove that the chinks have facial recognition capabilities. Your a real fucking genius. Take your faggot bs back to reddit. No one believes your retarded logic on this board.

041f0a No.1306954


Muh Russia = but but Russia everything

Muh racism = but but something must be racist about this

Muh feminism = but but something about this must be identity politics


f763f2 No.1306955


Feel better BO

620ffb No.1306956


sux to be you BO……been there done that……get well soon !!!

c9ed40 No.1306957


> US cuts funding to “white hats”

Good ridddence

62ca03 No.1306958

File: b1cdac89fee8afe⋯.jpg (123.79 KB, 764x500, 191:125, Oliver.jpg)

File: da565b5965335c6⋯.jpg (111.53 KB, 658x500, 329:250, Queen.jpg)

File: 26326384b7f265c⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 658x500, 329:250, Queen2.jpg)

File: 8197d53e1dfb12e⋯.jpg (108.81 KB, 658x500, 329:250, Queen3.jpg)

11b166 No.1306959


What is S&B?

fc66a5 No.1306960


#NationalizeTheFed (by siezing it and using the intel while prosecuting the bankers)!!!

4cf24d No.1306961


Is Harry wearing an SS uniform again?

ec2e44 No.1306962



thanks to the awesome guys who give us


dear grannyanon,

copy/paste kek.gg into your addressbar.

[push enter]

041f0a No.1306963


Muh is slang for the super possessive form of "my"

a1d9ee No.1306964


50 years of Fractional-reserve banking (theft on a grand global scale) isn't enough?

You don't want it to happen, its simple, just say so. Action like that might actually solve some problems but its the misery in the short term you can't deal with. I get it.

Oh Kay.

0254d7 No.1306965


I needs muh sleep. Deuces.

d39957 No.1306966


Skull and bones. Yale club.

4df171 No.1306967


I can vaguely remember the concept of sleep kek!

f79226 No.1306968


False, check Q post. Fired last month.

62ca03 No.1306969


Ich weiss es nicht, Anon. (I don't know) He is of German descent though,

59efd0 No.1306970

From thread # 1619

Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 21:41:07 988a0b No.1291632

>>1291524 (You)

NP Codefags right here


Anonymous 05/03/18 (Thu) 21:38:30 5a0658 No.1291599

>>1291524 (You)

You can also look through the native archives here, it's on the catalog, a small text link in the upper right corner.

Thank you Anons!! Will make contact and start later this afternoon after work regarding time stamps and markers.

a1d9ee No.1306971


2 shots

1 hooker

6 hours of sleep

You'll feel brand new.

3c1278 No.1306972

File: 20f3b1e8cdb126d⋯.png (263.69 KB, 839x386, 839:386, Whoa Pepita.png)

When Pepita smiles, Pepe doesn't stand a chance.

When Q Team cleans house, they REALLY clean house.

9e2d5d No.1306973

Morning anons…


Get better bro..we need you! Turmeric, black pepper, sage, licorice in a tea…will make you feel better, decongest, help your immune…

42f21a No.1306974


kek anon. you knocked that cunt through the f'in wall,

f6a9ba No.1306975



muh feelings = waaaaaaa what about MY feelings

620ffb No.1306977


ok thx…follow pretty much….i'm just old as dirt i geuss

620ffb No.1306978

fc66a5 No.1306979


>You don't want it to happen, its simple, just say so. Action like that might actually solve some problems but its the misery in the short term you can't deal with. I get it.

U fukin wot m8? Sounds like you are projecting. I've spent years after being the bullet sponge trying to get my brain up to speed.

You know the best scene in braveheart?


42f21a No.1306980


she just needs a bottle of A1 sauce, a fork and a knife to get down to business.

057357 No.1306981


It's propaganda vapor ware used to normalize random arrests of dissidents. Not a hard concept.

a1d9ee No.1306983


The system is left intact and that is bad.

If its still intact and usable, then the temptation to use it is still in place and it will be used again. This is the root of all evil. It must be wiped from the earth with such ferocity that no one is brave enough to try it again.

62ca03 No.1306984

File: 698a4cd80847c81⋯.png (890.91 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ldr.png)

This needs to happen too… if it hasn't already. The rest of the Rothschilds too, they are spawn of the devil.

db6968 No.1306985

File: 1f80ec3d84366f4⋯.jpeg (82.67 KB, 700x499, 700:499, ED0A0D1D-F530-434C-B5BE-F….jpeg)

2ccac4 No.1306986

Trey Smith just posted new video 30 min ago. 11.11

Apr 21 2018 14:44:08 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 30e575 1133942





https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0uDpAKdpKA&t=13s

3d3252 No.1306988




Holy shit anons….

The apple building is a massive magnetic moment generator.

They are going to try screw with the earth magnetic field!!! Maybe trying to get yosemite to blow?

Probably off topic, but noticed these all appear connected?

4df171 No.1306989

File: 9614f26c81f23ee⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 749x939, 749:939, bigbrowncunt.JPG)

181142 No.1306990

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, image.gif)

File: 29de9cfd81f202c⋯.jpeg (84.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, image.jpeg)

File: 692a50689a17b97⋯.jpeg (613.81 KB, 1600x1101, 1600:1101, image.jpeg)

File: 6a452e05a966803⋯.jpeg (119.54 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, image.jpeg)

File: 459b16f08b56000⋯.jpeg (130.68 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, image.jpeg)



Everybody take a deep breath. First, it's Saturday from my vantage point here on the flat earth. Meaning, I want to try to enjoy the weekend. I'm not here to argue flat earth vs. spinning globes. My comment was what is known as fucking sarcasm. Lighten the fuck up. And if I actually was arguing flat earth, who fucking cares? What if I argued Nasim's last Yu-Tube video was in support of flat earth and I'm carrying on her message? What if I heard about the video from Jerome Corsi? What if I learned Mr. Corsi was actually Mossad, pushing the Nasim flat earth theory on behalf of of ZOG and Magog, and the theory dated back to about the formation of the Kazarhian Mafia. Chill the fuck out! There are serious issues to get worked up over, and a passing (yet accurate) summary of what a former NASA director is on tape saying about the lunar missions, isn't one of them.

9eaa24 No.1306991


This is how I understand it too. Q is waiting for his new trip code to be white listed by code monkey or the BO (I'm assuming they are one in the same)

Q can't post on qresearch until the trip code is white listed.

fc66a5 No.1306992


Oh so exactly what do you propose? Gold only backed by percentage? Crypto?

I think we could have a constitutionally run national bank, with congress in control, as per the constitution.

ec2e44 No.1306993


Gud shit.


4bac96 No.1306994

File: 4b2a68a53c4d86a⋯.jpg (90.6 KB, 480x480, 1:1, wwg1wga jFK RIP BH.jpg)


Muchas Qracias anon. El don manejo de la espada…

<…oooh there's ponies!


>start the elliptic curve thread in parallel as that becomes relevant now.

indeed, will be on the lookout for it in the catalog whenever it appears. Great idea, anon. JUST DO IT!


>Lot's of humor on planet earth is nothing but…

yes, and also a razor sharp way to reveal uncomfortable social truths that no one else wants to acknowledge. no coincidence that most all top comedians are/have been tortured souls.

>alignment with the positive vibrations of the universe. Just start your day by saying that and let go of all crap

feel the resonance swirling in a cup of covfefe a lovely way to start the day fo sho…

4df171 No.1306995


CERN sort of activity?

a1d9ee No.1306996


agreed on the purpose and meaning of that scene.

I'm not projecting in the least, i'll lead that charge if someone would let me. I did pick on the most 'standard' course of action a mostly normal human would take. I would say I stereotyped. Sorry if that was wrong.

11b166 No.1306997



4068b4 No.1306998

File: 66ee286a85493a6⋯.png (25.16 KB, 266x450, 133:225, IMG_8164.PNG)


Wow, they were informing that a article I had posted was from China. I wasn't aware so seriously everyone makes mistake even you precious

4f06f8 No.1306999

File: 48c1456b69bd474⋯.png (554.17 KB, 799x449, 799:449, ClipboardImage.png)


House Republicans are supporting President Trump's planned military parade with a provision in the annual defense policy bill that would allow the event to go forward.

According to a summary of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) released Friday, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) "agrees with President Trump that it is appropriate to honor and celebrate 100 years of patriotic sacrifice in a way that expresses appreciation and admiration for our men and women in uniform, including a parade in the nation's capital and a national celebration for that purpose."

fc66a5 No.1307000


First mistake was assuming there were normies here in the first place. This is kekistan dear brother, welcome to the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

62ca03 No.1307001

All tiers of the financial fuckery need to go, including the International Bank of Settlements (Rothschilds), the IMF (Christine LaFraud) and any of these parasites who are only there to collect interest on monies owed.

9e2d5d No.1307002


If China can do this…so can the NSA..just sayin'

bd1e62 No.1307003

File: fd5bb199dbd0303⋯.jpg (234.18 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, Nasim_of_Arc.jpg)

3cbd19 No.1307004


Q’s New Tripcode Now Whitelisted

See confirmation from BO here >>1306834

057357 No.1307005


Is english your 4th language?

4df171 No.1307006

File: 4ae30b8557b5dd0⋯.png (492.52 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, RTT18.png)

05cdef No.1307007

File: 22a6047130043c9⋯.jpeg (67.37 KB, 1020x732, 85:61, 1525454048.jpeg)

620ffb No.1307008


check these stats……skull and bones has many chapters and branches…….its not just s&b its fraternities in general they are Illuminati recruitment grounds……………..i have personal knowledge of many fraternities being associated with s&b nationwide…not proud, but just a stupid kid i was

Of the nation's 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity men.

85% of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity.

40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were fraternity men.

76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a fraternity.

Every U.S. President and Vice President, except two in each office, born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity.

63% of the U.S. President's Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek.


0eb8ea No.1307009


BO verified it in this bread, just minutes ago.

a1d9ee No.1307010


Constitution has the final say.

It does suggest that only gold and silver shall be coined as money in this nation by the federal government's treasury. That's enough right there to condemn the system. I understand the 'you can't use gold/silver' arguments, however, I question the motive of those that forward such arguments and show the fact that it did work, was working before 1913. Corrupt liars broke the system on purpose to set the stage for the FED. Should that surprise anyone?

2f48a0 No.1307011

File: 956d8ba7c520755⋯.png (434.66 KB, 1048x391, 1048:391, ClipboardImage.png)

42f21a No.1307013


You are an idiot. Stop acting like you know the truth about everything. Shut your fucking pie hole and pay attention so you can learn the truth.


9e2d5d No.1307014


+1…every other planet is going NUTS energy wise…earth will either be next or is somehow being assisted as to severity…Hawaii would be an indicator…

a1d9ee No.1307015

620ffb No.1307016


gee… just like a real family…nice !!

057357 No.1307017


There is no super computer ON EARTH that can tell 2 billion chinks apart.

42f21a No.1307018


Q said he "may" use one of our memes. Not that he "would" use one of them.

4068b4 No.1307019


Absolutely and you need to get your meds adjusted

181142 No.1307020


Kek. I'm actually not a NasimFag, but that is impressive work, whoever made it. Wish I had those skills. 'Saint Nasim.' The MemeAnon has top-notch talent. Cheers for the positivity too, we need a bit more laughter in the world. Godspeed.

620ffb No.1307021


quantum computing ….ya in about 2 secs !!

fc66a5 No.1307022


Perhaps a congresscoin crypto with a private by nature (cashlike) backed by gold?

a1d9ee No.1307024


Q should use all of the good ones that get the point across. This isn't supposed to be a popularity contest.

251993 No.1307025


CM and I are different guys.

9eaa24 No.1307026



yep thanks.

I just saw his posts as I was reading through

9e2d5d No.1307027


Those rights also exist outside this planet..outside this solar system…and we only got them PARTIALLY right..but a good beginning…

We have Divine Rights…they cannot be taken away. The choads and the fucksticks think that we can "sign them over…"…boy are they wrong…you can only have your power taken away if you allow your power to be taken away..and you can always reclaim it..YOU are Sovereign…

42f21a No.1307028


Wrong again butt plug. How do you think they can distingush DNA between all humans. It doesn't take a super computer to do that. You are making a fool of yourself dip shit.

9eaa24 No.1307029


Oh ok got it. I should stop assuming

7828cb No.1307030


Agreed, it has to be a script. POTUS signed Mueller to act it out. Too perfectly dramatic to be any thing else.

9e2d5d No.1307031




Hey anon..any way to dig up a history here? Can you pull limo reports since 1/1/18?

e3b0a9 No.1307032


Cromwell was a regicide, killing Charles I, readmitting usury into England, mass murdering Scottish Highlanders ("the Clearances") and Irish.

He was a figure of great venality and evil.

5eb232 No.1307033


observations reveal that both the molten iron and nickel are draining out of the Earth’s core. That kind of restless activity could indicate that the field is preparing to flip

This need more digging anons…




731600 No.1307034


Lifetime Secret Service protection, I think you only lose that once convicted of a felony crime.

a1d9ee No.1307035


It's a thought, and a discussion we as a nation should have.

Local, I like local. Family economics to county to state then to national. All politics and economics start local. Local is the foundation. I wouldn't be against several different currencies in the nation either. That being said, anything and everything, what ever system is devised, can and will be corrupted. The key in my mind to keeping a just means of exchange is to strictly and severely police corruption.

620ffb No.1307036


you have no rights….except those that you are willing and able to defend or take…….whether it be at gun point or in a court of law…….nothing is given…….you either take it or you defend it

057357 No.1307037


Non sequitur

144881 No.1307039

File: 285d8d7059ccb4e⋯.png (259.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 285d8d7059ccb4e3b5201e5ba3….png)

The Admiral talking to a House panel will be Glorious.

God Bless Adm. Rogers.

We fight!

7ac62b No.1307040


Good post anon.

There is some frustration in things like the last Q post, telling us yet again of the crimes of the cabal ongoing, now the former heads of our corrupt government traveling the world trying to undermine the president we elected.

And apparently there is nothing POTUS can do to stop it.

Awan brothers ran a spy ring in Congress and their famiky made lots of money from US taxpayers, and likely got members of our military killed, but nothing can be done, they don't even have to worry about a trial.

Thousands of enemies of America drawing massive salaries within our government and nothing can be done, Obama and Clinton installed them.

Despair is a good word for it.

4bac96 No.1307041


something to consider, BO. link shared for the 411, not to pimp product.

we can each figure out our own optimum rhythm w/o one of these thangs, it just takes longer for the body to adjust.



Nikola Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Thomas Edison, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Buckminster Fuller. Do you know what all these geniuses had in common?

They all mastered the art of productivity by hacking their sleep cycles to the fullest extent. By calibrating their sleep needs and planning out sleep timings, they could satisfy their body with almost 3-4 hours of intense, deep sleep and stay productive for 20 hours or more.

Every single person has a different sleep requirement. Timing, duration, intensity, and even sleep conditions change from person to person. The only problem is we don’t know them.

> /end quote/

Can not thank u enough for providing this fucking beautiful piece of clay for us to play with. Sleep well, not long.

bf4cfd No.1307042

File: bfc807542ce1f7d⋯.png (384.95 KB, 1251x618, 417:206, pic1900.png)

File: 522e02494bf7667⋯.png (258.65 KB, 1247x598, 1247:598, pic1960.png)


Solved in earlier bread. Chinese have a port in Long Beach, California since the '90's under Clinton Administration.

ad17d2 No.1307043


can you ask CM if it is hard to fix the embedding to allow embedding a vid at a specific time like t=63?

181142 No.1307044


Just butting in here to say nice meme. Good for Bill, good for the MemeMaker and good for you to share it and your thoughts. Yes, we need a little more laughter and humanity in our world. Take that away and what's left? The shit that's all around us, all the time. Godspeed anon, Godspeed.

6fc67a No.1307045

681088 No.1307046





A summary of usury in England. Wholeheartedly recommended for those with a weak grasp on the history of that place.

ec2e44 No.1307047


its no different than you asking CM

BO has alot on his plate.

…lend a hand, ask ur own questions

d108bc No.1307048

File: bc23fb815c82fd5⋯.png (203.44 KB, 601x308, 601:308, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

File: 6a79bff223b87f8⋯.png (467.14 KB, 591x633, 197:211, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

88f873 No.1307049

I just have a quick question

Has the BO whitelisted Qs new trip yet?

bd1e62 No.1307051

File: edd4d3c56eabc0f⋯.png (98.46 KB, 463x388, 463:388, KCGNMXx8ka4lBLatMmluErMKkv….png)


Thanks Anon, I made it!

Here's another.

84796d No.1307053

620ffb No.1307054


thats bs……unless its written its only rumor….nice idea though…

ec2e44 No.1307055




as of this morning


88f873 No.1307057


Cool, good to know

bb6c93 No.1307058

File: e2e7cb539ff74e8⋯.png (297.27 KB, 357x338, 357:338, ClipboardImage.png)

And our frogs will corrupt all your symbolism which you find sacred. And all your power will wither away to dust. And all your friends will become your enemies. And all your legacy will be lost. Then and only then will you be brought to a swift and merciless justice.

251993 No.1307060


Yup. All good to go.

144881 No.1307061


nice dubs. This should be notable so it doesn't get lost in the head post (like stuff does in bakerless breads)

df3cf2 No.1307062

soros is a social engineer that's just another word for domestic terrorist

and why isn't him in notable social engineers on the wiki

f4acc3 No.1307063

File: 7f9446bd2d1f0b9⋯.png (95.53 KB, 1280x848, 80:53, fisa.png)

File: cba242d97055251⋯.png (93.92 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, fisa1.png)

Title 1 FISA

Is able to spy on every person in concact and every person they have been in contact with for 3-6 steps (6 degrees of separation)


42f21a No.1307065


Wrong again fuck stain. You know exactly what I mean and it's clearly related to my point.

681088 No.1307067

https:// www.balkaninsider.com/ new-us-ambassador-to-croatia-robert-kohort-arrives-in-zagreb/

This gentleman is already doing great things for Bosnian Croats and neighboring Croatia from what I can tell in our news media. I'm not a US citizen but I have followed this board closely for the past few months. Big shout-out to President Trump and his team of patriots, you have already done more for us than our treasonous ruling class ever has over the past 30 years. Looking forward to further collaboration down the road!

88f873 No.1307068

144881 No.1307069


All your symbol are belong to us

057357 No.1307071


An '84 Tandy computer could compare DNA files, that is simply not the same as real time facial recognition of chinks, WHO ALL LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME

7c8c02 No.1307072

Imagine spending countless amounts of your own FED dollars on a plan so cunning, that it would enslave all of humanity, and that they would brainwash themselves; willingly. It seems to be going exactly to plan until a bunch of random autists and a fucking frog bring it all crashing down. Fuck you Cabal you smelly motherfuckers.

db6968 No.1307073

File: c24f459cc02d089⋯.jpeg (37.94 KB, 380x285, 4:3, 1CE31386-9FF0-4737-9E38-A….jpeg)

4bac96 No.1307074


it would be fun to line up all da Quads

(1-9) so far and read each like a poem.

betya revealing…

2c7812 No.1307076



Yes, I thought about that after posting that former POTUS/FLOTUS could still have travel covered. BUT…there seems to be a slush fund they are using "miscellaneous foreign awardees" and you add names like brennan, clinton, obama, pelosi in the search and it is interesting. The current administration doesn't seem to use this "miscellaneous foreign awardees" VENDOR like the cabal. I found one for No Name for $4M. I will do a separate post!

9e2d5d No.1307077





Flynn's background and "watch the water"…

Well done anon!

0323f4 No.1307078

File: 021e82037ed1cee⋯.jpg (526.57 KB, 1311x2160, 437:720, global-ocean-commission.jpg)






L to R:

Robert Hill – Member of the Australian Senate (1981-2006)

Paul Martin – Prime Minister of Canada (2003-2006)

Aliki Faipule Foua Toloa – Elected Member of the Council for the Ongoing Government for Fakaofo, Tokelau (Deceased, June 2015)

Yoriko Kawaguchi – Member of the House of Councillors of Japan

Simon Reddy (Executive Secretary)

Victor Chu - Chairman of the First Eastern Investment Group, Director and Council member of the Hong Kong stock exchange, Chair of the Hong Kong - Europe Business Council[12]

Andrés Velasco – Minister of Finance of Chile (2006-2010)

Obiageli ‘Oby’ Ezekwesili – Vice President of the World Bank for Africa (2007-2012)

Trevor Manuel (Co-chair) – South Africa Minister of Finance (1996-2009)

Cristina Narbona – Environment Minister of Spain (2004-2008)

David Miliband (Co-chair) – President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee and former UK Foreign Secretary

Skippy (not listed)

Pascal Lamy – Director-General of the World Trade Organization (2005-2013)

José María Figueres (Co-chair) – President of Costa Rica (1994-1998)

Vladimir Golitsyn – President of the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

Ratan Tata – Chairman of the Tata Group (1991-2012)

Not pictured, profile listed:

Carol Browner - Head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1993-2001)

Luiz Furlan - Co-chairman of the board of BRF Brazil foods from 2009-2011

Sri Mulyani Indrawati – Managing Director of the World Bank Group

Pictured, but not listed on website:

Skippy - Chair of the Center for American Progress (2003–present), Commissioner in 2013

no reference to skippy anywhere on the page. all references scrubbed. scrubbed from skippy's wiki.

32cee0 No.1307079

File: 586aed06cf308fc⋯.png (237.79 KB, 1632x895, 1632:895, Answers.png)

"…Archive everything offline…"

88f873 No.1307080


I hope he gets charged under the Logan Act or something

4f06f8 No.1307081

File: d0bed11deddd500⋯.png (225.11 KB, 1000x606, 500:303, Screenshot 2018-05-02 at 2….png)



1d129b No.1307083

File: cb1becdb14ff2df⋯.png (731.87 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 1525521363120.png)

bb6c93 No.1307084

File: 52aec9e9f010f28⋯.png (256.03 KB, 512x386, 256:193, ClipboardImage.png)

db6968 No.1307085

File: 81eb9fed68d2de1⋯.jpeg (36.82 KB, 306x269, 306:269, DC007D00-3EF2-4CFA-B4B0-0….jpeg)

42f21a No.1307086

File: 69816b655fae807⋯.jpg (175.47 KB, 960x751, 960:751, Suicide.jpg)

File: 9722a9df8b232e5⋯.jpg (109.59 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Stephen Paddock Death Phot….jpg)


It's over for you butt plug. You have made of fool of yourself on this board. There's not an anon on this board that believes your BS. Kill yourself faggot. Kill the cunt you fell out of too.

2b5e9c No.1307087


Everybody knows JK only went there to watch the penguins, KEK.

9e2d5d No.1307088


Holy Shit on noname..fucker…post that shit! $4MM…wow..wonder if we paid for the chem attack? Sure you are all over correlations…well done!

a9cf0e No.1307089



This always pops out of my mouth instead of 'doh' or 'bummer'. Not often someone places it.

057357 No.1307090


Still not hearing an argument

f4acc3 No.1307092

What is FISA

FISA document


0323f4 No.1307094


look at those fake ass duns.


it's like a pre-school kid making up a phone number.

181142 No.1307095

File: 57fa17355c0e7ae⋯.png (332.2 KB, 672x490, 48:35, image.png)

File: 4b6aec271556a9b⋯.jpeg (68.67 KB, 578x490, 289:245, image.jpeg)

File: 57ea237af417771⋯.jpeg (49.97 KB, 512x512, 1:1, image.jpeg)

File: 4f22c46af6d3799⋯.jpeg (105.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, image.jpeg)

File: 56bee20a2e80579⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 244.72 KB, 1280x1620, 64:81, image.jpeg)


Nice work. Both now a part of my collection. Think you have that relationship arrayed correctly too. Think LdR calls the shots in that coven. Hillary knows her place. Keep up the good work. Technical skill and good message. Commercial grade, if you ask me.

37b19e No.1307097


yeah noticed that about the movies, then he said GODSPEED…that nailed it for me. He's Q.

f9dcd6 No.1307098

File: 6dbeb7c37c35a9f⋯.jpeg (9.62 KB, 202x250, 101:125, urapotato.jpeg)


Here is one for ya

37b19e No.1307099


what about masturbating?

5eb232 No.1307100

File: bf63d1c74f7e2e5⋯.jpeg (39.66 KB, 1015x660, 203:132, 9BB0D990-D93A-46CB-89A0-7….jpeg)

47fa9a No.1307101

File: 6abbe3ab76cc9aa⋯.png (858 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1458434026238.png)


I believe that anon. Chinks arr rook same

9e2d5d No.1307102


Funny..but recall Kerry did go to Beriloche and then to Antarctica…as did Obama…what is in Beriloche? (who retired there a better question..)..what is in Antartica?

1d129b No.1307103



e16924 No.1307104

File: f4c8a9e1d652acb⋯.png (282.37 KB, 1750x418, 875:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like Morocco coming into Canada.

2c7812 No.1307105

File: 00d893a61d5fde9⋯.png (41.26 KB, 800x130, 80:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d36654f8d2ec04⋯.png (72.97 KB, 660x312, 55:26, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40e6b3a4ea6e714⋯.png (204.33 KB, 1048x716, 262:179, ClipboardImage.png)



Used VENDOR "Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees" for $4M purchase order for "travel."


461953 No.1307106

Netflix: Anon

I watched as much as I could before falling asleep last night. Assassin / Hacker is able to remain anonymous in modern surveillance state. It's like Watchdogs turned into a TV series. It has some parallels the act of being anonymous is a defiant and criminal connotation.

Lots of great tities and sex scenes, looks like a cheap Porn POV B Roll.

I'll try to keep watching as much as I can stand.

Verdict: Likely libtard anti-anon shit but we'll have to see

cb3114 No.1307107

File: c266507a2860302⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 349x349, 1:1, c266507a2860302be82c8b02b8….jpg)


Feel better soon BO

f4acc3 No.1307109

File: f75fc19a867efef⋯.png (486.28 KB, 1280x750, 128:75, fisa2.png)

Understand the law



1825ce No.1307110


How does that fit this Q drop "Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)"

4bac96 No.1307111

File: e4012b75d74fe81⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 480x480, 1:1, wwg1wga.2 jFK RIP BH.jpg)


Not butting in, anon. was a quick & dirty mashup of something found online in response to some famefag drama going on at the time.

your appreciation inspired me to add one more element. thanks much to anon who made this logo.

God bless you anon. we're all in this together.

461953 No.1307112


Theraflu, Dayquil Niquil. Get well soon we need moar BO

620ffb No.1307113

Q…….isnt as communicative since his money maker statement……..guessing the other Q's dinged him for it……….thus the new silent Q

bd1e62 No.1307114

File: 76feb22ad3eb557⋯.jpg (51.61 KB, 768x451, 768:451, Hillary-Clinton-Rothschild….jpg)


Thanks anon. She actually said that to LdR!

181142 No.1307115


I can tell from just reading the tail end of the 'conversation,' he's either out of retorts and/or operates solely on emotion (and now anger at this point). His last post certainly contains no argument. It's a threat at best. I'm becoming more sensitive to spotting it - growing a bit worried about how unhinged everyone is becoming.

f9dcd6 No.1307116

File: 7fcebd6b1eaf1ca⋯.png (136.43 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ablackginger-jewish-asian-….png)


lol, this is your enemy…bwahahaha

7c8c02 No.1307117

I kinda feel bad for the Talmudist's, how could they be that far in front in such a technological age as our present time and fuck it up this bad. GOOD will always defeat EVIL. ALWAYS.

84796d No.1307118


Especially when you are masturbating

0c9b48 No.1307119

File: f825684fd97fadb⋯.jpg (36.92 KB, 274x400, 137:200, 4766992.jpg)

9e2d5d No.1307120




No name spending $4MM out of some slush fund…same fund used for transportation…

9/24/2012…that date might be worth a noname dig…

3cbd19 No.1307121

Is Anyone Baking?

Someone needs to bake…

I have to step out or would…

1825ce No.1307122


YourNewsWire a trusted source? Would be the first time….

7c8c02 No.1307123


Never make another meme.

a9cf0e No.1307124

File: 1328a8958e3f2c5⋯.jpg (283.63 KB, 1074x1079, 1074:1079, getwell.jpg)


Ginsburg is the BO????

The horrors.

181142 No.1307125


As they say around these parts:


Back at you.

db6968 No.1307126

File: ef009e340ae7137⋯.jpeg (76.34 KB, 698x329, 698:329, D17F112A-04CE-40BE-94C0-D….jpeg)

f4acc3 No.1307127


This includes the "wire tap" on Choen

Under the law they can spy on any and everything for several steps from the original target.

Strozk to Trump to Choen.

851fc0 No.1307128

Admiral Rogers says that he has one more job to do: a testimony in front of congress.

Wow what a great way to redpill the nation. For the hero that outed the cabal to tell his story to the House Of The People.


5eb232 No.1307129


Lol, fix the syntax.

And for those that don’t know, JK married the Heinz Ketchup heiress…lol

e4c44a No.1307130

File: 3b7a9490ede4bf4⋯.png (166.38 KB, 438x306, 73:51, ClipboardImage.png)

e16924 No.1307131

File: 5e8f2d3f8eaaabb⋯.png (211.83 KB, 1119x911, 1119:911, ClipboardImage.png)


Department of Education Grant Awards to this degenerate crew!!!

(thanks to anon for the link: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/)

7c8c02 No.1307132



c6c84c No.1307133

File: 4077ae43b19e9fb⋯.jpg (362.64 KB, 1300x1507, 1300:1507, Hurwich1.jpg)

Scalar electromagnetics

Mind control

Anti gravity

Time reversal


ec2e44 No.1307134

File: bec5e2e21e422b1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1024x680, 128:85, KimKek.png)


anon needing conf_






057357 No.1307135

File: 62bbb9302f64d47⋯.jpeg (86.92 KB, 640x320, 2:1, download (6).jpeg)


I'm perfectly calm, dude. Just trolling a shill.

851fc0 No.1307136


How refreshing that all that needs to be done is for Admir Rogers to just tell the truth, full and detailed to what he knows at this time.

f4acc3 No.1307137


Title 1 FISA also includes RETROACTIVE

Thus you can do the act and then ask for permission later.

That is just not right.

5eb232 No.1307139


It’s in notables! Very big!!!

041f0a No.1307140


Yes but that includes all bad actors talking shit to POTUS, means that all those bad actors are swept up legit in the warrant.

How do you introduce evidence?

In this case bait them on Twitter and get them with their own warrants.

These people are stupid.

Why the sudden rise in NSA calls recorded?

Trumps's Twitter.

168119 No.1307141

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Moar Director John Deutch info. Nothing Anon doesnt Already know, John Deutch Laundering Cartel/iran contra/Nazi monies for C_A.

Maxine Waters pretending to support black community only to be supressing/oppressing them by her own deceitful nature.

Direct link incase i Fail.


RiP michael Ruppert

62ca03 No.1307142

File: d7fa8e8de08d169⋯.jpg (277.28 KB, 1709x749, 1709:749, Athens.jpg)


Yep, that's the Royal Moroccan Air Force. Lots of activity over Athens today.

514010 No.1307143


Public diligence & INVOLVEMENT is the key. Great leaders are great, but the DEPENDENCY on saviors is weak beta faggot shit. To boot, this whole work all day then sit all night escaping reality in entertainment is the main lifestyle choice people at large have made to propel us to the point of unreal corruption we got to. Go throw your Nihilistic attitude in the trash where it belongs, it helps NOBODY and never has

f4acc3 No.1307144


Then yes but where the rubber meets the road is which ones they followed up on.

e4c44a No.1307145

File: a55db63189dd973⋯.png (196.93 KB, 435x310, 87:62, ClipboardImage.png)

2c7812 No.1307146

File: 2d4fb81f0e581f9⋯.png (64.71 KB, 831x297, 277:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a78fd0d8a61b33⋯.png (136.71 KB, 672x693, 32:33, ClipboardImage.png)


Another anon pointed out DUNS numbers on this VENDOR "Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees" fake as shit…. "123456787"

This is a TOTAL SLUSH FUND anons!


You do NOT put a $4MM purchase order in a slush fund!!!

Also, NO NAME did a $300k PO as well to VENDOR "Miscellaneous Foreign Awardees" Singapore. If you are going to spend that much YOU DO NOT PUT IT TO A MISC VENDOR!!!


851fc0 No.1307148


>>1306225 video from yesterday's NSA/CyberCom ceremony: Admiral Rogers says that he has one more job to do: a testimony in front of congress.

cf157b No.1307149

File: 66f713fe63cac69⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 550x703, 550:703, special notice to all jews….jpg)

File: b9ace31e21fb596⋯.jpg (113.01 KB, 1280x428, 320:107, jews the master race.jpg)

Remember anons…. Keep your wits about you.

Whilst this feels exciting MOSSAD and the JIDF are not idle. What are their huge Hasbara resources doing whilst we awaken? Watching silently or manipulating?

They are desperate for the US to fight Iran because they dare not and cannot. They also insist only Goyim blood be shed.

Once again during all this excitement - keep your wits about you and do NOT be deceived.

6b3ca5 No.1307150



e435fe No.1307151


I've a Skippy folder archived…off-line.

d04932 No.1307152


Thanks BO and feel better, patriot!

156e1d No.1307153


Saw this last night; it certainly explains why Joseph diGenova looks so furiously intense on camera lately. Victoria Toensing, having done multiple Fox appearances in late 2017 and early this year, hasn't done nearly as many spots lately. They have their hands very full.

0c9b48 No.1307154

File: 0b654a822291afb⋯.jpg (38.41 KB, 274x400, 137:200, 4766994.jpg)


Wow, my brain was filling in the words that I missed hence the grammatical error. Thats what I get for checking qresearch first instead of getting coffee in the morning.

Changed the sentence completely, I think this is better anyways with the picture.

041f0a No.1307156


That will be interesting!

0323f4 No.1307157

File: 9a4959076ed3fb8⋯.jpg (712.04 KB, 1744x1059, 1744:1059, trashcollectors.jpg)



found an address for the slush fund, check out that suite number.

620ffb No.1307158


have you ever heard of the…… boiling frog experiment…or story….. ?? we are boiling frogs…our founding fathers would be ashamed to call us patriots

bf4cfd No.1307160

File: e1f7c0960043c31⋯.png (512.46 KB, 1273x657, 1273:657, pic1990.png)


COSCO, is a Chinese Government affiliated company that specializes in REGRIGERATED CARGO. http:// www.cosco-usa.com

9e2d5d No.1307161


Cheniere is T.Bearden's website..TB dropped a ton of crumbs re free energy back in the day. He is one smart cookie..Tesla level guy..have no idea if he is a white or black hat…

041f0a No.1307162


Since everything is scooped up, it should just be an extra flag in a search.

1718f8 No.1307163

File: 4394aacfdd68d0e⋯.png (417.11 KB, 618x412, 3:2, salty.png)

620ffb No.1307164


think of how much we have been slowly..saddled with since the beginning but especially since the civil war…..boiling frogs

181142 No.1307165


That's what makes your work rise above. There's a foundation to support the message. Keep them coming, but always strive for quality. I remember when a new Stephen King book would hit the stands every month. Quality pays a price in pursuit of quantity. Like a good op-Ed columnist who is required to write a weekly column. Some turn out to be utter drivel. Keep your standard high. Focus on doing great work. Soon enough, after you find your voice, people will know they are from the same artist whether signed (watermarked) or not. Ben Garrisson does great work, Franco/Branco (sic)? and that guy who illustrates for Zerohedge (can't think of his moniker). Just a few off the top of my head. That team in France working at Charlie Hebido (sic?). They lost some great talent in that attack. You are on your way, keep it up.

bf4cfd No.1307166

File: 1e27d4ea58faaa9⋯.png (92.45 KB, 475x411, 475:411, shippingcontainers.png)


Is there a connection with Q's post with refigerated shipping containers?

2b5e9c No.1307167


All Top Secret National Security stuff, ya know what I mean, wink, wink.

057357 No.1307168

File: ea1c15ef0578621⋯.jpeg (37.97 KB, 389x536, 389:536, download (7).jpeg)

3cbd19 No.1307169

I will bake and leave

9e2d5d No.1307170



Surely other anons on notable duty…call this stuff out if notable…

All notable are notable to help other anons spin up on what we have learned in this loaf…without notables we have no HIVE…call'em out anons…

c6c84c No.1307171

File: 41607816e0f9c7c⋯.gif (69.14 KB, 640x448, 10:7, scalarweapons_21.gif)


2c7812 No.1307172

We must be over the target…..it just got slow as molasses in here!


0dbfb3 No.1307173


I hope he is protected…..need him to stay alive.

bd8241 No.1307174


Talk about putting your ignorance on display.

620ffb No.1307175


42102a No.1307176


Parody account! smh

514010 No.1307177


Body is a self-healing machine of the highest caliber, but a lot has been done on purpose & by ignorance to stifle it's capabilities. Some critical things to consider:

* Environments saturated with EMR (cell radiations, WIFI, "Smart" meters, etc) are guaranteed to cause degrees of cellular stress & interference. Lots of info out there on that.

* DO NOT immediately trust the crafted words of the FDA, USDA, CDC. Who sits in their seats of power? How many conflicts of interest have the public not noticed? Hint: Monsanto

* UNLEARN consensus "knowledge" of nutrition, it's almost all wrong due to the interference of corporate interests. Why do allopathic doctors only get a few hours of Nutrition training out of all of the time spent in Med School? Who deemed Dietary Cholesterol & Saturated Fat evil? How did that label help then Senator George McGovern?

I can keep going if there's interest, but dig on these for the moment and be surprised

5eb232 No.1307178

File: 2de389049eab673⋯.jpeg (180.18 KB, 600x1837, 600:1837, D45C0F17-A5CE-4CCE-A47F-6….jpeg)


So much sauce on this…lol


9e2d5d No.1307179


ALSO..date somewhat imortant..did a quick dig on that date and NoName and got zero..BUT

McCain was DEEP into the election with Obama on 9/24/12…some fuckery with this is almost assured..

Well done anons!

4e85dc No.1307180

"I have never faced death, or my own mortality, except on this boat." See videos from inside the ship during the storm.

Cruise Ship Sailed Through 'Nightmare' Storm, Local Woman Says

https:// patch.com/new-york/northfork/cruise-ship-sailed-through-terrifying-storm-local-woman-says

7c8c02 No.1307181

When the board goes this quiet, you know some serious shit is about to go down.. no shills, no clowns, no flat-earthers? Buckle up, faggots.

db6968 No.1307182


Kinda early for 167 UIDs

bd8241 No.1307184


Holy Shit ! Are you twelve?

Now Slowly, back away form the crack pipe.

514010 No.1307185


Lets correct you: SOME people are boiling frogs, mostly by choice & weaknesses never fought against.

Also a hint, the …. between every handful of words makes you look retarded

d108bc No.1307189

File: 2227fa4c1c3200b⋯.png (37.43 KB, 458x249, 458:249, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

File: 02076f14c3bce7c⋯.png (54.04 KB, 437x308, 437:308, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

File: 275c6a8522e5366⋯.png (31.18 KB, 480x165, 32:11, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)

181142 No.1307190

File: add0c09e614aff0⋯.jpeg (45.96 KB, 570x379, 570:379, image.jpeg)

File: 89d1091eaaa1aee⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB, 576x400, 36:25, image.jpeg)

>>1307149 (You)

Hey Clown, how about some sauce with the M. Begin quote? Too much work to support your bullshit? Yeah, the Israelis are quivering in their boots about taking on the Mullahs of Iran, if need be. That would explain why they're blasting the Iranian FOB in Syria. Because….they are afraid to engage? Greater Israel? Care to comment why the Iranians are trying to set up shop in Syria? Is that part of 'Greater Iran?'

I'll wait for the link to that quote. You should have it handy.

bf4cfd No.1307191

File: f86d3503047768d⋯.png (361.96 KB, 1102x561, 1102:561, COSCO Env..png)


COSCO was given Environmental Award by Port of Long Beach. Previously dumped chemicals at sea.

9e2d5d No.1307193

File: b36623aabd1a1d5⋯.png (773.92 KB, 1844x906, 922:453, Screen Shot 2018-05-05 at ….png)


Hmmm….addy right next to airport and looks ritzy…sure does NOT look like a 9 story building..

ec2e44 No.1307194



copy ^ paste into addressbar


practice makes perfect. do it yoself

5eb232 No.1307196

File: f911afdec338a86⋯.jpeg (38.76 KB, 1015x660, 203:132, 58579EC7-99A1-49C6-8A6B-A….jpeg)


Good job bro! Glad you got your coffee, I’m going to bed…lol. Please fix my meme with your better meme font…lol, here’s the base photo

bd8241 No.1307197


The FDA, in and of itself, is proof that THEY hold and maintain monopolies on your health. Those monopolies are NOT to improve it either. More accurate to say they forcibly maintain customers without regard to healing them.

25929c No.1307198

File: 140288a970f94f9⋯.jpg (37.51 KB, 480x360, 4:3, both-are-bullshit.jpg)




Christianity and Islam are the offspring of the kikes.

ec2e44 No.1307199



sry anon

3cbd19 No.1307200

File: e2ba2ea643cf772⋯.jpg (89.24 KB, 502x285, 502:285, LicenseToMeme3.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




We have no baker on duty

Someone take over the ovens

308add No.1307201


Make that …. all 3.

cf157b No.1307202

File: 89ab77d0a26c959⋯.png (28.14 KB, 385x286, 35:26, jidf meter.png)


So you accept the ww2 quote (((anon)))?

Good to know even you can't deny the truth that WW2 was fought for (((world peace)))

9e2d5d No.1307203



+1 This website is HUGE…

851fc0 No.1307204

File: a351cae88559764⋯.jpg (279.22 KB, 800x573, 800:573, Adm Rogers.jpg)

87c427 No.1307205


Right on time: North Korea adjusts time zone to match South.

514010 No.1307208


Invalid Download ID's on that website, videos unaccessable

c6c84c No.1307209


them digits.. Dec 17, 1977, P17

9e2d5d No.1307214


Have and will continue to drop health crumbs in the am..researchfag and we all should be learning about our endocannabinoid system (has little to do with cannabis…)..will do a MAJOR post soon in the morning bread…we have 100% been lied to, we need pre0cursors for our neurology otherwise we break (right along what we see in society)…

Will try to do it mon or tues…

4d9571 No.1307216


Thank you!

0323f4 No.1307217


(is this new to you?)

(so do i)

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