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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 65d62ff6f6d3cfd⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

881533 No.1223874


Not easy for anyone.

We are in this together.

Much appreciation.

It’s what you don’t know and can’t see (ongoing) that will validate your efforts.

Trust the plan.


Board Rules


Q's Tripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 4.28.2018

>>1218893 rt >>1218465 — We are in this together

Friday 4.27.2018

>>1218390 rt >>1218316 — Autists need Red Bull?

>>1218299 ———————- Peace in the Korean Peninsula.

>>1218147 ———————- Focus only on the FBI [for now]

>>1215845 ———————- Question everything

>>1215294 ———————- Questions will reveal answers

>>1214085 ———————- Reconcile

>>1211768 rt >>1211682 — Re_read drops

>>1211682 rt >>1211560 — EYES OPEN? COMMS GOOD?

>>1211560 rt >>1211493 — What is the purpose of a laser pointer?

>>1211343 rt >>1211294 — "Done in 30"

>>1211294 ———————- Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Thursday 4.26.2018

>>1203338 rt >>1203096 — GOOD people are acting on the information.

>>1203057 ———————- Patience isn't always easy

>>1198932 rt >>1198778 — Important note [texts only].

>>1197788 rt >>1197573 — How many pics can you find of JL & HRC?

>>1197560 ———————- Sessions playing 4D chess

Wednesday 4.25.2018

>>1189217 rt >>1189008 — Antifa ARE Nazis

>>1187806 rt >>1187631 — Welcome to the WH.

>>1187631 ———————- What happens to...

>>1187021 rt >>1187000 — Note 187.

>>1187000 rt >>1186910 — Non-public release of Strzock texts

>>1184271 ———————- Are you awake?

>>1183319 ———————- Did you know?

>>1181425 rt >>1181379 — WW = worldwide. Try harder.

>>1181379 rt >>1181185 — They tried to delete the proof.

>>1181185 rt >>1180770 — We knew this day would come.

>>1180770 rt >>1180605 — The world is Connected. All or nothing.

>>1180770 rt >>1180604 — The world is Connected. All or nothing.

>>1180605 rt >>1180433 — Think logically…Power shift. Rise of the people.

>>1180433 rt >>1180390 — "Politics." Same for Merkel. Think movie.

>>1180364 ———————- They Feel Threatened By Us

Tuesday 4.24.2018

>>1173273 rt >>1173221 — Red carpet event tonight?

>>1169419 rt >>1169348 — This is about taking back our FREEDOM

>>1169345 rt >>1169290 — Red carpet rollout?

>>1169294 rt >>1169241 — Hostage no more.

>>1169241 rt >>1169138 — What's at risk?

>>1169138 rt >>1169112 — You Decide.

>>1169101 ———————- Iran is next. [Marker].

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts


* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Shill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>Twitter Mirroring Tool Anyone?

>Linked In Harvesting Tool Anyone?

881533 No.1223882

You have a voice.

Be heard.

Patience isn’t always easy.

But vital to get right.



are not endorsements


>>1223724 Deepstate Network Map

>>1223649 Pompeo in SA

>>1223297 6mo. Q Anniversary Vid

>>1223241 Possible side crumbs


>>1222879 Expand your thinking

>>1222795 JFK file dig

>>1222568 Why we do this

>>1222551 2nd Broward Deputy(?)

>>1222473 End of All Hostilities in Korea

>>1222358 Cohen dig


>>1221866 honoring anon passing

>>1222229 , >>1222236 new info on Syria Strike

>>1222158 Tech that can Down Aircraft

>>1222149 , >>1222159 Redbull Team/Trump Fire MegaAutism

>>1221965 Something cooking in Hells Kitchen?

>>1221902 Pompeo meets with Binnney (CNN)

>>1221638 , >>1221865 , >>1222003 POTUS Clapper/NK/Tester Tweets

>>1221594 Paul Wellstone 7/10


>>1220793 Q's Tripcode & Google Books, >>1220805

>>1220860 Madison Avenue Implings Glorifying Their Masters

>>1220875 Trump Tower, Azerbaijan, On Fire, >>1221179

>>1220877 Soros Spawn Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

>>1220891 "7 to 10 Cabalists on the wall, 7 to 10 Cabalists.." 7-10 Wealthy Donors Financed Trump-Russia Investigation.

>>1220937 Dossier Leaked Outside U.S., >>1220945, >>1220946 sauce

>>1221000 What Does Flynn Know?

>>1221014 Understanding The Battle, >>1221032

>>1221038 Tool: White House Visitor List

>>1221040 We See You, Liddle Billyboy, >>1221055

>>1221041 If You Have An Hour: Gen Mike Flynn. Quints Confirm, >>1221111

>>1221152 Archive #1511 - #1528

>>1221230 Fentanyl Kingpins

>>1221295 Meeting Mister Mattis

>>1221381 Re: Military Aircraft Crashing In US

>>1221447 POTUS Tweets: Allegations made by Senator Jon Tester against Admiral/Doctor Ron Jackson are proving false..,

>>1221482 Flynn > Scalia


>>1220042 Discrepancy found in the Page-Strzok texts

>>1220044 Plan the work, then work the plan, that is EXACTLY what is happening.

>>1220073 A look into Wray's history

>>1220067 Connections to dig on a Brand New Russia-Bashing 'Think' Tank

>>1220198 Autonomous Autism

>>1220361 Another Distraction?

>>1220461 Red Bull & Autism Game Plan

>>1220489 More Iron Eagles: Obama & Romney

>>1220515 Do you want to #releasethetexts ?

>>1220558 The Loudest Voices..


>>1219593 Congressman Louie Gohmert Wrecks Robert Mueller With Epic 48-Page Investigative Blowout

>>1219764 Iron Eagle.Org Dig

>>1219540 , >>1219739 Straight talking on patience

>>1219630 A's to the Q's?

>>1219263 Some straight talking regarding arrests

>>1219542 Stormy Daniels case against Trump's lawyer (Cohen), put on hold

>>1219530 Understanding Rod Rosenstein


>>1218470 MAKE THE CLOCK

>>1218491 Russia Attacking US Forces With Electronic Weapons in Syria Daily

>>1218461 Hybrid warfare in Syria

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

881533 No.1223884

This is about taking back our FREEDOM and saving our children/people from the EVIL that has plagued our country/world for so long.



1. Focus on the FBI,.. for now:


Just Released: Strzok/Page texts http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/27/read-the-strozk-page-texts-in-full/

Just Released: 281 pages of new Clinton emails >>1182652

JFK Files Released www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release

>>1203013 Globalization & Covert Politics

>>1202345 Howard Hunt was a deep state m**ng operative

>>1201030 James Earl Ray fingerprints didn't match

>>1200616 , >>1200691 Watergate in 1975 but in the body they're asking FBI-C_A for Howard Hunt's vacation & leave records during JFK's assassination period

>>1200531 , >>1200535 FBI intentionally ordered to avoid a DA's input on MLK's assassination

>>1199843 BINGO MLK SHOOTER Eric Starvo Galt >>1199893 James Earl Ray >>1199903

>>1197861 So the FBI plotted against MLK jr???

>>1197394 Hunt and Sturgis

>>1196996 , >>1199497 Names under investigation for conspiracy to kidnap and murder one female General M. Magnifico

>>1196852 Oswald knows the handsigns, etc.


>>1196491 C_A ADMITS TEPEDINO WAS AN ASSET and then some...

>>1196214 , >>1196281 C_A Cryptonyms

>>1196178 C_A HIT TEAM TOOK JFK OUT! >>1203028

>>1195956 Remember the "Tramps" from the Kennedy Assassination?

>>1195180 , >>1195220 (((They))) killed MLK - what about JFK? DIG FOR HARD EVIDENCE, ANONS!

>>1194818 , >>1194863 , >>1194840 , >>1194686 , >>1194930 , >>1194929 JFK Documents release and finds


>>1203028 30-35 C_A assets in Dallas

MEME FOR DEAR LIFE >>1133464, >>1134569

Al Gore #WheresAlGore >>1147720

Huma+??(how many siblings does huma have?) >>1140227

Map Huma's Family: Parents & Siblings >>1142939, >>1143533 Follow the Money. Check out Dearborn, MI also

HUMA?? >>1143022, >>1143031

MB >>1143739 MB & OBAMA

Hussein >>1101878, >>1101894 Private Investigation Into Obama By Dr. Taitz

Obama Timeline >>1066725 POTUS Schedule vs Obama 'vacation' >>1200729

CLAS Sec 11A P2.2

>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce

>>1170802 Uranium One Link

>>1176566 Possible meaning "CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2" refers to "HDCP 2.2 11A" Eavesdrop on any data



>>1108812 NP Family: A Who's Who

>>1109003 NP Family: An overview

>>1113439 Alexandra

>>1113436 Christine

>>1113406 , >>1113553 , >>1113534 Paul

>>1113414 Offspring: Profiles


>>1111792 NP's financial disclosures

>>1107270 NP's net worth

>>1183297 NP Video Links and Resources

>>1113402 D/L Video,

>>1184421 Dig

>>1112484 @TeamPelosi Twatter

>>1164303 NP Twatter

>>1118046 NP 1997 NK Talk www.c-span.org/video/?91427-1/north-korea-hunger-problem

>>1114611 32 Page PDF on NP: Needs DIGGING

>>1114530 Intelligence Committee Senate Report on NP's NK visit

>>1114037 NK selling arms to Iran: CIA Reading Room sauce

>>1115633 NP violated NPT and 1994 Agreed Framework

>>1113725 , >>1114100 Pelosi in NK

We might have uncovered the "THINK MIRROR, LEFT IS RIGHT, RIGHT IS LEFT" mystery!!

Check it out and conclude for yourselves:

#1512: >>1206758, >>1206950, >>1206971, >>1206862, >>1207115

#1513: >>1207897, >>1207903

#1519: >>1213396, >>1214038, >>1215404

Extra Key?

>>1221339, >>1221398

War Room Incoming

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! MAXIMUM PRESSURE CAMPAIGN!

ONE Hashtag: #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post

Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #MOABs, #FakeNews, #InternetBillOfRights, #MAGA, WHATEVER YOU WANT!

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Keep the info graphs, you'll find many useful hints within them.


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Fox News Live Stream http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

881533 No.1223890

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1213833 Q Graphics all in GMT #19

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147024 Qmap_graphic_2017-11-20_2017-12-07]].jpg >>>/comms/957

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Research Section

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* QMap PDF (Version >8.14.0 [updated 4/24]) http:// irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive any Twatter account in text form. Great for scanning keywords. Requires Twatter login https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Linode server Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge >>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ Site is an aggregation of multiple twitter feeds, Qanon.pub feed, links to meme making, archiving and research tools.

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>16785 Prayer

>>1215912 Letters of Gratitude II

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 Notable Resignations Thread 2/2

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas

>>1065418 Germanarchiveanon

>>1138899 HowTo DL from insta/YT in linux

>>1223087 Red Pill How TOs

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 15,000 memes and infographs.


Memes : Stockpiles

Memes19 >>1144040

Memes18 >>1027465

Memes17 >>877198

Memes15 >>596831

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Bakers Manual also available at >>1010064

or read: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

.. and Remember.. >>1209258

(You) Are Here Forever!

881533 No.1223896

File: 3946981e07271fd⋯.png (470.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, qresearch.png)



a39ec7 No.1223912

File: 665e5a21dfbafe6⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2258x948, 1129:474, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at ….png)

File: 000101d577f5940⋯.png (25.21 KB, 1752x130, 876:65, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at ….png)

Thursday March 16 Klayman cold calls Congress.

Sunday March 19 Stroczk texts page Re(a)d Bull in email from Jim about Klayman / Montgomery, or he might have Re(a)d Bull in the March 19 Newsmax article Klayman wrote and isn't going to "say anything" about a negative article about the FBI.

Strozk Re(a)d (this) Bull ?

https ://www.newsmax.com/larryklayman/chariman-nunes-fbi-james-comey-montgomery-whitsleblower/2017/03/19/id/779551/

https ://www.freedomwatchusa.org/pdf/170321-Final%20Whistleblower%20Letter.pdf

ca0e07 No.1223913

>>1218465 (prev board)

if you lost a job over this, the problem is an internal problem.

I you cannot see things are being done, the problem is internal.

If you want this over in a few months, you are not in touch with reality.

If you think wars are ended in a few months,

wrong again.

If you are here to receive accolades, you haven't got a clue as to why people are here.

881533 No.1223914

File: 306b24b6e25a149⋯.jpg (337.75 KB, 2048x1535, 2048:1535, Db44s-3V4AA9b-K.jpg)

Baker Worn, Needs to Land

Who will step up and Bake????

0706f2 No.1223915


TY Baker nice work!

390558 No.1223917

File: b976b8fa385ed55⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 453x340, 453:340, 29a2oq.jpg)

72dfe0 No.1223918

File: 5a74239b85be7e2⋯.gif (6.98 MB, 360x378, 20:21, donald-trump-be-like-23656….gif)


aeda4b No.1223919

File: b7c9e023eb15158⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 450x600, 3:4, TXQA8wu_d.jpg)

ThanQ baker!

bfc0ba No.1223920


Bless you baker. Prayers for you

87788b No.1223922

File: 9e083b839d214a6⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1231, 1080:1231, Baker_png.png)

3d526d No.1223923



d07e27 No.1223924

File: 8515eda2131d0b1⋯.png (490.73 KB, 592x433, 592:433, WWG1WGAd.png)

a22c8a No.1223925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


kids need to hear this woke brother

e892ed No.1223926

File: c51006899621f82⋯.jpg (125.69 KB, 537x540, 179:180, spicoli-dude.jpg)

72dfe0 No.1223927

File: c9cbb0c9c448a7f⋯.png (389.48 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)


YOU are in Gods loving light now.

fef69e No.1223928

File: 5e7190aa813dac0⋯.jpeg (135.83 KB, 1315x500, 263:100, image.jpeg)

30bc98 No.1223929


God bless you anon.

I'd have missed it!

aeda4b No.1223931


I remember Hop

Inspirational no doubt

He still making music or nah?

16d371 No.1223932


If CIA was controlling Kim … then CIA was controlling what was happening to Otto. This being the case, Otto was a threat to the CIA.

Make's you wonder what he really knew about what was going on behind the scenes. A poster in his luggage seems a rather minor offense in a country where they were starving enough to eat their own children.

a22c8a No.1223933



pizza dude

e6def1 No.1223934

File: 206924fb6eb0e92⋯.jpeg (47.16 KB, 650x433, 650:433, 06E95DDC-C1EA-4E00-889B-0….jpeg)

File: 62a610f9bf56a42⋯.jpeg (835.23 KB, 2179x1518, 2179:1518, F577A46A-80C8-49CC-BBE1-8….jpeg)

=Dietrich Mateschitz=

10 yrs undergrad at Vienna university for a marketing degree?

Unilever? Largest consumer goods company in the world?

Do Autists need a redbull?

Should we be looking into Taurine?

What about Piyavate hospital?

Organ Trade?


e892ed No.1223935


hello Mr. Hand

3d526d No.1223936

File: 41495a516ee8ec9⋯.png (126.07 KB, 229x377, 229:377, ClipboardImage.png)


oops delayed…

1263f0 No.1223938

File: e2820cd9f8cca71⋯.jpg (298.01 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, e2820cd9f8cca71b33f0b9f36f….jpg)

File: f8694d39af9fd32⋯.jpeg (74.65 KB, 1024x698, 512:349, Db4UZpdWkAEBoYC.jpeg)

File: 5474717725d2673⋯.jpeg (102.67 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Db4UZpVW0AAhSJh.jpeg)

File: 5d0b5e20347c4b2⋯.jpeg (110.51 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, Db4UZpVXkAAPMF5.jpeg)

Thanks baker. Here's some of my best Pompeos.

797eed No.1223940

File: 9c52e1a5cfd4083⋯.png (39.88 KB, 517x496, 517:496, cubeaxis1.png)

File: 3745dc493f22b2b⋯.png (159.67 KB, 945x496, 945:496, cubefrac.png)

If we can program a computer to perceive 6 (or more) realities at once (3D gaming)- our brain can do it TOO!!

The closest timeline will be at 90 angles.

Perceive them on the face of a cube with tech or internally. Internally then you have moved to the next octave of reality.

(2nd pic is what is inside the cube supporting the face 3D dimensions.)

0e3d39 No.1223941

File: cac97085b679cd5⋯.jpg (243.04 KB, 1200x1164, 100:97, Mood.jpg)


Muh justice

309733 No.1223943

File: 11e31d4d8cfa27e⋯.jpg (118.67 KB, 550x423, 550:423, wegotitsobadhuh.jpg)

a41b2c No.1223944

>>1223422 (previous bread)

Just here to say ignore the hater, better known as the first anon to reply, other than that, you're being positive, which I feel we need more of…I say, good for you anon. Wish you were my neighbor instead of the pos who has been mowing his yard all morning! Peace.

291de1 No.1223945

File: c5d3d3607eb6d17⋯.jpg (171.78 KB, 1070x858, 535:429, doctoredimages.jpg)



Wanted poster on "Ray"

Both images to the right are the same image.

The one on the far right was doctored / altered to look older?

More on the pseudonyms - From a long-time MLK researcher:

"Eric Galt’s a name of a real guy they copped in Montreal for Ray to use after he escaped Missouri State prison."

8e256f No.1223946


Beautiful !!!! KEK

320c5d No.1223947

File: ae30ed751139e99⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 218x324, 109:162, comfy.jpg)


thanks for adding my map Baker!


8e256f No.1223949



1c6457 No.1223950

File: 54d79112c9687ed⋯.gif (532.74 KB, 200x112, 25:14, BOOM.gif)

dfe4ca No.1223951


I'd say Red Bull = Chinese Economy

it's the way Q thinks.


becd9b No.1223953


Tokyo Rose was a name given by Allied troops in the South Pacific during World War II to all female English-speaking radio broadcasters of Japanese propaganda. The programs were broadcast in the South Pacific and North America to demoralize Allied troops abroad and their families at home by emphasizing troops' wartime difficulties and military losses. Several female broadcasters operated under different aliases and in different cities throughout the Empire, including Tokyo, Manila, and Shanghai.

So basically WW2 the American troops in Japan heard broadcasts in english about how the Americans were losing the war, America was being occupied by Japan, how it was useless to fight and resist, and kept up the broadcasts despite the fact they were losing and even while Japan was surrendering.

The shills won't quit spreading doubt, concern, division, hate, etc until all knows they are defeated. It's easier for our troops who are doing the leg work and the operations and arrests that know the facts. If we didn't have Q pointing out the signs of these victories in the quiet war going on what would they be fighting for? A population of sleeping sheep

b4d942 No.1223954


Mine is counting down from 45 minutes. Is it starting in 45?

96d7bc No.1223955

File: 7d0ce57f72b97ba⋯.png (1.23 MB, 828x743, 828:743, m_BAD DAY FOR MLOCH.PNG)

20de33 No.1223956

File: 0aaad8901805c8d⋯.jpg (96.71 KB, 992x636, 248:159, 2012 election 1.JPG)

File: 2eaea1d00939817⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 932x420, 233:105, 2012 election 2.JPG)

Day after 2012 Election

From Philippe Reines/Sr. Advisor to HRC at the State Dept.

Mocking Hussein/the Nesbitts family/VJ/and HRC "this time she's really inevitable" in 2016

"Wash, Rinse, Repeat"


df19df No.1223957

Some anon said suicide is illegal. Thats puzzling. Assisted siucide is mostly illegal. However, good luck to punish a person who commited suicide. Sorry, couldnt keep my mouth shut

30bc98 No.1223958


Hmmm kinda like the Celtic Tiger economy. I like that idea!

bfc0ba No.1223959


True day Anon.

316bd8 No.1223961

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


LIVE - President Donald Trump Holds Rally in Washington, MI 4/28/18

296de1 No.1223962

File: 4f5e30c0ead74e7⋯.png (86.22 KB, 1091x410, 1091:410, compare 1.PNG)

Nothing we don't know.


upper part mesh a little, HRC & foreign aid

e892ed No.1223963

“If I’m here, and you’re here, doesn’t that make it our time? Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with a little feast on our time!” – Jeff Spicoli

ad1060 No.1223965

File: 56458da23faa783⋯.jpg (209.48 KB, 884x1476, 221:369, Alfie-reason4death.jpg)

Not sure if this has been posted but this upsets me no end.


69dd44 No.1223966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

im watching FoxNews and a Rosland Gold commerical comes on and what do you know! Its a freight shipping yard with stacks of containers that say "EVERGREEN"

b631e4 No.1223967

File: 4fdf6659a215aa8⋯.jpg (64.94 KB, 501x500, 501:500, 299247.jpg)

Hogg wants your guns.

8e8b63 No.1223968


>Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss - ```C```ooperating witness [power removed].


>Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - ```c```ooperating witness [power removed].


>Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - ```c```ooperating witness [power removed].

Is this significant?

a41b2c No.1223969


I love the smell of a strong meme in the morning!

9224e1 No.1223970

File: 68190cfca624972⋯.png (85.61 KB, 258x195, 86:65, ClipboardImage.png)

e169f5 No.1223972

File: 67d361f6e6a83a4⋯.jpg (60.56 KB, 595x335, 119:67, 20110611_obp001.jpg)

87788b No.1223973


I like the cut of your jib, Anon. Your post intrigues me, can I subscribe to your newsletter?

246f4f No.1223974

File: b62be51a5f2e130⋯.mp4 (7.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Sessions-Graham-GITMO.mp4)



used clipconverter.cc VERY USEFUL TOOL btw

309733 No.1223975

File: 24d8b30de674a9a⋯.jpg (134.38 KB, 690x388, 345:194, wegotitsohardhuh.jpg)

d07e27 No.1223976


If a person buys a life insurance policy then kills themself and it is proven that it was suicide (illegal), then their estate cannot reap the benefits of the life insurance policy.

God says choose life.

bfc0ba No.1223977

File: dc3a5a091648073⋯.jpeg (107.48 KB, 852x1185, 284:395, 1524881049.jpeg)

I have a confession

1e41be No.1223978


My fellow Americans,…

6d9a8b No.1223980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OTTO WARMBIER information complied

Warmbier Family Files Federal Lawsuit Against North Korea


The lawsuit is similar in many respects to high-profile litigation against Iran and Saudi Arabia that have recently been given the green light by federal judges


The legal filing states that North Korean officials forced Warmbier to make a false statement in which he confessed to invented accusations that he was operating as a spy connected to the CIA. He was released 17 1/2 months later in a deep coma, blind, deaf, with a wound on his foot and damage to his teeth, the lawsuit states.


When his parents met him at the Cincinnati airport, Warmbier "had a shaved head, a feeding tube coming out of his nose, was jerking violently and howling, and was completely unresponsive to any of their efforts to comfort him." North Korean officials disavowed responsibility, asserting that Warmbier had contracted botulism.

NOTE: Botulism would have had the opposite effect with muscle weakness and respiratory failure.

His parents said HE WAS HOWLING LIKE A DOG and unresponsive to any stimulus.

The medical examiner who looked at Warmbier's body felt obligated to make a public statement, a very unusual occurrence to clear up some confusion started by the parents. They claimed "that their son had showed signs of torture, including teeth that appeared to have been “rearranged” and hands and feet that were disfigured."

They also stated “Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea” and that "his son’s mouth “looked like someone had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged his bottom teeth”.

The medical examiner said there was no evidence of physical torture and that there were no broken bones or damaged teeth.


Arrest: No words were spoken. Two guards just came over and simply tapped Otto on the shoulder and led him away. I just said kind of quite nervously, 'Well, that's the last we'll see of you.' There's a great irony in those words. That was it. That was the last physical time I saw Otto, ever. Otto didn't resist. He didn't look scared. He sort of half-smiled.

NOTE: WHO WAS OTTO (CIA University of Virginia recruit)?

Detained January 2, 2016 - OBAMA

Released June 12, 2017 - TRUMP

On June 12, 2017, Rex Tillerson, the United States Secretary of State, announced that North Korea had released Warmbier.


df19df No.1223981


Not true, half of insurance policies will pay even after suicide but after 3 years or so

402e9f No.1223982

File: e1fb88b7f39dc0a⋯.jpeg (2.63 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 79400A7A-A244-4777-B44C-1….jpeg)


MAGA rally is packed!

87788b No.1223983


It may be illegal, but nobody has been prosecuted successfully for it so far.

d9e665 No.1223984

File: 62232dd43b1da27⋯.png (10.03 MB, 3600x2700, 4:3, MAGA Timeline_v2.0.png)


Well said! Since this is similar to what I wished to convey in my post at the end of the last bread, hope y'all don't mind my re-posting it again.





These excellent posts by autistic anons in conjunction with Dana Perino pointing out on FOX last night that POTUS has made good on 70% of his campaign promises illuminates just how far we’ve come in this amazing adventure Q has led us on. Yet here we are still having to put up with inane comments from watermelon headed concernfags & divisionfags.

If you won’t dig, meme or pray, then lurk moar cuz pissing & moaning about your feelz ain’t helping & we’ve still got a ways to go in this endeavor…and the ride will not be without it’s twists, turns & bumps.

Pic related. (Updated from original posted in >>1178795 )

800c3f No.1223985

File: dc0864689797576⋯.gif (33.61 KB, 500x200, 5:2, heartbrand-ice-cream-brand….gif)


>Unilever? Largest consumer goods company in the world?

Check out Unilever's ice cream logos.

Now check out page two of this:


e892ed No.1223986


Dr. Death’s Suicide Van

e892ed No.1223988

File: 6e7f6c1482b6f53⋯.jpg (86.18 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, Kevorkian-Van.jpg)

0e3d39 No.1223989

File: 1eaa31e6fc8e054⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 600x450, 4:3, C GITMO OBAMAS LEGACY (13).jpg)



246f4f No.1223990


sauce: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss67GU_Lkx8

96d7bc No.1223991

>>1223923 sweet, thought it was later tonight

>>1223936 >>1223954 pretty sure delay is normal, live events are often called at a certain hour + begin 30/45 mins later, minimum

44f6ed No.1223992

File: 3495d09e4dd9a08⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 810x539, 810:539, AAws7D1.jpg)

Another trump tower on firehttp://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/national/trump-tower-on-fire-in-azerbaijans-capital-baku-weeks-after-prominent-art-dealer-died-in-new-york-apartment-blaze/ar-AAwsflO?li=BBoPWjQ&ocid=iehp

60633a No.1223993


Taxpayers? Slush funds? Soros? Antifa?

"Feel sick yet?"

OBAMACARE to pay for Antifa?

a69706 No.1223994


that is what I call true art

e60b35 No.1223995

File: 483f7b6953ddb59⋯.jpg (40.55 KB, 379x426, 379:426, Cosby.JPG)

354d0d No.1223996

File: 8d0b4c1f0d8b4fb⋯.jpg (150.22 KB, 900x575, 36:23, hrf.jpg)


d954bf No.1223997


Ba muh MOAB

df19df No.1223998

e169f5 No.1223999


Insurance claim and benefit payout has nothing to do with legality. It's a business decision on the part of the insurer. And it makes sense… why pay out a claim when someone buys a policy and then kills themselves?

b631e4 No.1224000

File: 86405b9a3c4ecce⋯.jpg (70.32 KB, 752x540, 188:135, x6ivd4kwehu01.jpg)

Obongo who?

a22c8a No.1224002


lmao, thats just wrong

but me likes it

6b70e8 No.1224004

>>1223879 last

People that say I dont want the govt to have a say about what's inside a woman's body apparently are unaware of the fact that so-called Medical Doctors are pushing govt-funded abortions on the populations all day every day. They get govt money for it. So, the govt funds the killing of Americans while allowing millions of non-Americans to come in. See how that works?

That's "Demoncrat."

a41b2c No.1224005


Cheers anon. Stellar-wind standing by.

ba76e7 No.1224006


Hold up a Q sign!!!

dfe4ca No.1224007


> can I subscribe to your newsletter?

Most kind anon, but no, since it doesn't exist.

e169f5 No.1224008


I like the curtains.

4a1ae9 No.1224009

File: ef80350f106531d⋯.png (5.13 KB, 150x173, 150:173, redbullinfantry.png)

>Red Bull

The 34th Infantry Division is an infantry division of the United States Army, part of the National Guard, that participated in World War I, World War II and multiple current conflicts. It was the first American division deployed to Europe in World War II

http:// www.minnesotanationalguard.org/units/unit_template.php?unit=YUHAA

(Ignore if posted prior.)

045c9d No.1224011



This is true, however they get a little wierd if you ask about killing yourself when discussing life insurance policy. You can't decide to kill yourself, buy the policy, wait the period and then off yourself. you have to decide to do it after buying the policy, otherwise it is fraud.

6b70e8 No.1224012


He only watches that and the Gorilla Channel all day long. He likes it when the autists or gorillas fight.

6d9a8b No.1224013


Could you add this? Even thought it is being ignored, it seems important to the story line


df19df No.1224014


Cheers anon! What an experience

30bc98 No.1224015



It's tip top Tommy.. Just not sure about the colour.

8143df No.1224017

Awesome, anon!

Thought it was coming on tonight?


09af91 No.1224018

let's lobby for throwing their bodies in the desert and let the buzzards feed off them ….that will teach them not to break the law … by killing themselves

6b70e8 No.1224019


Ive used this board as a kind of replacement for social media, not as a replacement for life or work. We are not employees of DOJ or NSA here.

991317 No.1224020

File: 55ff48a5155dd5f⋯.png (276.59 KB, 853x472, 853:472, 55ff48a5155dd5f2e752f8b26c….png)

Comey in pedo secret society? Protecting them ?

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

AS 187 by WHO?

AS in a secret society? Judges and WHO?

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BplUD6kQYuU

3afd6e No.1224021

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1223338 -last-

<full house + 9 confirms, kek.

Braveheart: Freedom Speech

Published by FoxHomeEntertainment UK

And I see, a whole army of my countrymen here in the defiance of Tyranny.

You come to fight as free men.

And Free Men You Are.

What will you do without FREEDOM?

Will You Fight?

0706f2 No.1224023


7pm Eastern according to FOX, not sure what anon is smoking

d07e27 No.1224024

File: 3b6106b3b75375a⋯.png (871.13 KB, 838x961, 838:961, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't believe he arrives there in MI until circa 5:30 PM EDT. See POTUS_SCHEDULE

This video stream is early, early coverage of crowds?

e6def1 No.1224025

File: 5f181439399c1a0⋯.jpeg (109.03 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, B4496911-1902-4348-9827-8….jpeg)

File: 873d1a238f6d1eb⋯.jpeg (133.75 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, B073CE46-5417-48BA-890E-1….jpeg)

File: a2cba9a58f2ae6f⋯.jpeg (156.44 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 60C7EF7F-06DF-4BC1-90F8-1….jpeg)



8143df No.1224026



771e73 No.1224028




fa2214 No.1224029


this guy right here is mentally ill. Always has been.

df19df No.1224030


Just for the sake of argument, anon. Every person once in a while has thoughts about suicide. Using your argument, everyone commits a fraud while buying insurance, since thoughts exist. I wouldnt recommend to discuss it with an insurance agent either.

96d7bc No.1224031


nothing at all for sauce, but can't shake the feeling that Warmbier was a good actor, caught by the clowns deep in their base… could be trickery, but damn, the amount of torture… phew

102593 No.1224032


Unilever is a Dutch company. The Dutch prime minister worked for Unilever before he started his political career. Last week there were trouble because prime minister Rutte and his cabinet gave Unilever, Shell oil and some other company a 1.4 billion euro tax break, which was kept secret.>>1223934

881533 No.1224033


No New Baker Confirmed

Seriously baker has to leave

Pastebin good: pastebin.com/edit/WzbXpFy4

a69706 No.1224034


Are You Safe?

797eed No.1224035

File: 31533202160d03d⋯.png (613.81 KB, 1280x841, 1280:841, vvll.png)

it is amusing to me when clowns try and use me (and my stuff) to derail the board.

vvll812 is movin.

20de33 No.1224036

File: ad82a64eab0a862⋯.jpg (50.27 KB, 924x502, 462:251, hrcrothsch2.JPG)

File: 5bdba503d724e6f⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 954x832, 477:416, hrcrothsch.JPG)

Note that the From: "aclb" is Tony Blair.

His email moniker shows up a lot in the emails from the link below.

It appears he was working behind the scenes for HRC's DoS for quite some time.

In this exchange, Tony was asked by HRC to skip his trip to Aspen to meet w/ Lynn and go to Israel to "keep up the full court press".


e169f5 No.1224037

File: 6ae5a35d1a1693f⋯.jpg (54.09 KB, 425x382, 425:382, 92cb2f90db56461e3bf885133a….jpg)

09af91 No.1224038


Watch our all day live stream coverage beginning at 2:30 PM Eastern time.

6b70e8 No.1224039


If I'M here and YOU'RE here, doesnt that make it OUR time?

d954bf No.1224040

File: 3a4dc120daf717a⋯.jpg (137.92 KB, 590x421, 590:421, 29a3m8.jpg)

991317 No.1224041


FBI head consultant for Jerry Brown ?

1:16 HEAD of FBI LA consultant for MOONBEAM

Comey consultant for HRC?

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BplUD6kQYuU

d1b164 No.1224042

File: c5466ae50ce612a⋯.jpg (60.96 KB, 468x675, 52:75, article-0-0A2C86C9000005DC….jpg)

Say Kip, you ever look into anything like time travel?

1263f0 No.1224043

Go ahead baker. I can take over for a bit.


a22c8a No.1224045


was a great show and ol girl was hot af

dbc5fa No.1224046


then leave. this is not a chat board, it's a Q research board. millions of those. when you say irrelevant things here everybody filers or ignores… except clowns and shill and retards. or some to try and give you a heads up. have fun!

6b70e8 No.1224048


You're SO tired of idiots who cant spell making memes?

a41b2c No.1224049

File: c3a81f676960a45⋯.jpeg (138.24 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, image.jpeg)

File: 369c2134d0ae9d5⋯.jpeg (130.98 KB, 960x960, 1:1, image.jpeg)

File: 07c7076cd8513d3⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB, 239x255, 239:255, image.jpeg)

File: 40ed5c0d71de70b⋯.png (2.18 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, image.png)

File: fe2f7a0285a2b88⋯.jpeg (154.81 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, image.jpeg)


But, but, but that's racist. Don't know which hurts more - the pain from my ulcer or the pain in my heart knowing what he did to this country (and the world). Figure-head for an evil despicable lot, headed by Brennan and whomever handles Val-Jar.

a824da No.1224050


>Piyavate hospital

Bumungrad or nah?

>Taurine (/ˈtɔːriːn/), or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is an organic compound that is widely distributed in animal tissues.


> It is a major constituent of bile and can be found in the large intestine, and accounts for up to 0.1% of total human body weight. Taurine is named after the Latin taurus (a cognate of the Greek ταῦρος) which means bull or ox, as it was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin.


also our sun is in Taurus

d9e665 No.1224051


Agreed. Didn't really expect this would stop the hardcore shills…but it may deter some of the less committed or newfags who happen along.

881533 No.1224052


Confirmed New Baker

Thank you!!

e6def1 No.1224053

File: ac12ff308b1a0dd⋯.jpeg (23.39 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 0BDE323C-2A06-4FC3-9BB4-F….jpeg)

File: cd2f7b55245ef2a⋯.jpeg (170.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 3DF82D7D-1ABE-44C1-A176-1….jpeg)

File: 53ba80c0643c3ec⋯.jpeg (89.71 KB, 940x612, 235:153, E74A44A3-011A-4F5C-9120-2….jpeg)

797eed No.1224054




everyone's time is personal - you move at a different time than me and I you. Relativity.

No one shares time just experience.

1c6457 No.1224055


thanQ new Baker

6ba715 No.1224056

Would misdirection work twice.

Anons were expecting MOAB.

NK SK was known.

MP in Saudi.

Reports of air attacks on Yemen.

Yemen already done?

What is really happening?


April Showers.


Happening now?

e2d699 No.1224058


Could have been a reference to moloch. And the cabal. Symbolism of red and the bull. Autists need?

In response to a complaint about a lack of pats on the back/head for figuring things out or having waves of arrests to prove we were right.

If Trump were to arrest the cabal, would it prove that we were right about the cabal?

We don't need red bull. We don't need validation from a person or chair lower than the highest power that can exist… And it can be argued whether or not we have glimpsed such a power directly - and everything, therefor, represents a chair or authority which can deviate from the divine.

3afd6e No.1224059


could you please share a link anon.? sworn off GOOGtube.

3d526d No.1224060


Dutchanon only the best….

RSBN said live in five then delayed.

Sorry for the hype anons.


7f4365 No.1224061


"Hang 'em High" is very good, anon.

9e3280 No.1224062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Anons, hope you all are having a great weekend!

Just saw this video and I am overcome with emotions…we've accomplished SOOOO MUCH I hope we can enjoy new things to come!

Would be so interesting to meet new "Friendlies" and learn new cultures.

Makes sense why certain themes and things come up again in tv shows, movies, and Video Games.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Farscape, Stargate, Etc.

Could we as a world be like what NK was for us, from them stand point of being heavily brainwashed, held back in various ways. etc. etc.

So F*^king Amazing….I want to learn more!!!!

52e690 No.1224063


What's your thoughts on the percentage of bad actors that have been indentified.

What will the penalty be for them? I can't imagine you can just let these people walk away.

Is Iran/Syria just a stop over before moving to Europe or is that region then moving on?

ba76e7 No.1224064


Good ones!

Can anyone meme Obongo in top part of an hourglass fading into nothingness below.

"like sands through an hourglass, these are the days of our lives" #Qanon

991317 No.1224065



Does that concearn anyone that the head of the FBI is a consultant for Jerry Brown ?

Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BplUD6kQYuU


cff771 No.1224066


I haven't seen this posted here so forgive me if it has, but it is highly NOTABLE!


b631e4 No.1224068

File: 8c7332d2dd3fa00⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 220x293, 220:293, 296cuz.jpg)

Fuck off

872afb No.1224069


RSBN shilling for views again.

a22c8a No.1224070


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRVOOwFNp5U

712e9c No.1224071

>>1223601 1532

Forgot about

Strzok Hodgman

The one promoted to director SEC Enforcement two weeks before Comey announcement of finding more Hillary emails.

6d9a8b No.1224072

The fact that LAWSUITS are now BEING ALLOWED against Saudi Arabia, Iran and North Korea is a huge change. Will these lawsuits eventually end up being AGAINST THE CIA?

5d4d27 No.1224073

File: 8d6ef9663789f4c⋯.jpg (793.84 KB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 4chan piss dossier origin.jpg)




halfchan origin of the pee pee dossier, pic related

5b7741 No.1224074


Mine said 2 years before you can kys.

402e9f No.1224075


Starts at 7 eastern

6b70e8 No.1224076


I think people get prosecuted if they attempt suicide and the state gets involved. The state causes at least 75% of all legal problems. The state needs to be reduced to almost nothing for liberty. We dont need it.

1c6457 No.1224077



cff771 No.1224078


What are the Red Cross smuggling?

I thought organs, but …

797eed No.1224079


We each zip in and out of others timelines from seconds to eons. Until you can perceive all time you cannot share that dimension it varies too much.

05ad19 No.1224080

Apologies if already posted.

Libtards doubling down.


1263f0 No.1224081

File: d7ab5c10192fa54⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180428-134539.png)

Good news for Armenia!!!

c82ca4 No.1224082


/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\


eb1bdc No.1224083


they spellled soros wrong

d1b164 No.1224084

2 years ago. What are the odds? Horns? Biblefags?


a22c8a No.1224085


nice ww baby

f0ec18 No.1224086

Anons, we may have missed a helper in the last bread…

Check out e2b859 posts




The link to Matlock files may have something of interest. I haven’t been digging on that subject, so I’m not sure what to look for, but there’s a lot of information there.

d1b164 No.1224087

>>12240422 years ago.


b631e4 No.1224088

File: 738c7f9e5e5cd4b⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 409x540, 409:540, 295blq~2.jpg)


Good idea for a meme.

6b70e8 No.1224089


Can't take memefags who don't know any grammar or spelling?

402e9f No.1224090


I legit seen some chick with a big Q ballon, but she was to far to get a good pic

045c9d No.1224091

anons, you can revisit roe vs wade all you want, however as we learned in the past, it isn't going to be so easy. You can outlaw abortions, but you can't outlaw coat hangers.

30bc98 No.1224092

File: f48193f928b9021⋯.jpg (221.47 KB, 1024x920, 128:115, Doyaliketexts.jpg)

a22c8a No.1224093


everything going on in the world today is biblical anon

a41b2c No.1224094


No offense meant, really, but if you use this board as a replacement for social media it means you have no life. It's a deep concept, give it time. Trust me, you'll get there.

797eed No.1224095

opps :) a bit beyond the audience.

87788b No.1224096


Is that you, Eyes? This is Red Arrow, over.

5fb5d2 No.1224097


could be, anon.

been thinking about the recent disabling of US planes that has been in the news.

Is this getting the public ready for some 911 truth perhaps?

Introducing the thought that a plane could be disabled and/or controlled by someone other than the pilot/co-pilot?

just a thought.

797eed No.1224098


Probably not since I don't get either reference.

550ec9 No.1224099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Event Trailer 432Hz

6b70e8 No.1224100


I do not believe in allowing symbols to be hijacked for evil. It's a fundamental fallacy to say a neutral or positive image is "evil." People do evil, not symbols.

d1b164 No.1224101


fair point anon.

df19df No.1224102


Or trips to any country that provides them routinely

991317 No.1224103


Gunderson Protecting CA Gov Gerry Brown ?

Against stu web ? Gunderson saying don't believe stu web…

This info makes me think need to investigate the Gov of CA is he part of the PEDO

this also would show FBI protecting the PEDO!

Are others preotecting HRC PEdo ?

Was Gunderson protecting Brown Pedo?

This raises questions of Comey and these people. ARE they protecting PEDO ?

Their secret societies ? Why ?

d07e27 No.1224104

File: 0e71c660cb278eb⋯.jpg (90.96 KB, 522x604, 261:302, Eyes.jpg)


Here I am, Red.

What's up?

1263f0 No.1224105


What isnt the Red Cross smuggling is a better question.

a22c8a No.1224106


i read and write fluent typo but yes i agree

although most people cant spell anymore

memes should reflect correct spelling

my exes daughter once said she had to

get a toe truck, lol

8aad9e No.1224107

File: 7dd275ce13cf122⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1267x648, 1267:648, 2018-04-28_13-05-59 copy.png)

6b70e8 No.1224108


True, but he's missing some YUGE promises still. Build the Wall. Lock her up.

96d7bc No.1224109

>>1224066 >>1224077

help out bakers by having minimal info about what the notable is about…

you can also

-embed the video (see Show post options & limits, copypaste to Embed)

-at least copypasta the name of video so anons (not just bakers) have a clue what your link is about without having to go see)

Best is you post the link/post number of the one you want notabled, and add the text to it, and then baker can copypaste as is and/or adjust as needed

05ad19 No.1224110


This board is the only social media, that matters.

Have a "shill" free weekend anons, as if………

87788b No.1224111


Sorry Anon, we use call signs to communicate between planefags.

52f668 No.1224112

File: eed198c1755bffe⋯.png (1.15 MB, 618x900, 103:150, 75111357478.png)

230b5c No.1224113

6b70e8 No.1224114


Pretty feeble attacks really.

212819 No.1224115


Are we having a MOAB today .

I keep red pilling people , but tell them that ,there's going to be a MOAB tomorrow.

Then tomorrow comes and it ain't there , which can be frustrating.

I know it takes time and patience but there losing interest rapidly.

Send us a BOOM Q

1263f0 No.1224116



402e9f No.1224117


If anyone shows up much later than now they probably aren’t getting in. Line is huge already.

509fa4 No.1224118

File: 04d9c4587530d5e⋯.png (582.18 KB, 682x420, 341:210, ClipboardImage.png)

797eed No.1224119


Then I would be



87788b No.1224120


Hi, did you catch any of the spoopiness going on Europe today? I can repost screens if needed. There were loads of 2-planes up and about.

e169f5 No.1224121



1263f0 No.1224122

File: 5e151789b76d610⋯.jpg (19.1 KB, 285x291, 95:97, Custom Image 2804201811123….jpg)

dbc5fa No.1224123


whats sad is half the killery voters wouldn't care if they believed it true. shown it true. saw it happen. they'd fucking join in.

d1b164 No.1224124

I know this is going to sound crazy, but has anyone looked into time travel? What if Q is from the future? What if WE have to make the discoveries ourselves for the sake of the timeline?

John Trump, Tesla, the wall, 12/21/18

16d371 No.1224125


The UK lost it's soul with Alfie's death. Every citizen will pay with the threat and real possibility their child is next.

6b70e8 No.1224126


You know what makes it even worse? Cosby was a rich, powerful guy who could have had pretty much any woman he wanted. But this.

cff771 No.1224127



a22c8a No.1224128


if i was you anon, id never put a date on anything.

then when nothing happens, well u know

wolf and crying and all

e8e4a1 No.1224129

"deepstate network map" notable - anyone even able to open that shit?

8fb9dd No.1224130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

have qu seen the light?

30bc98 No.1224131


Oh yeah North/South Korea unifying and denuking was a nothing burger.

a41b2c No.1224132


Pardon my ignorance. But I've never known how to interpret a reply such as this one, which isn't visibly marked with a numerical marker from another. Was it a reply to the one which immediately preceded it or is in a private thread I'm not privy to? Thanks in advance.

d07e27 No.1224133


I've not been on adsb at all today.

Pass your traffic.


ba76e7 No.1224134


Disclosure is our friend

8eb7cf No.1224135



Did drop not say next week ?? Do y’all read and reread drops or just come in crying ?

16d371 No.1224136


Yes…only thing that can travel through time is information.

1c6457 No.1224137


Roger that.

(Video was Red Cross boxes on money)

a30df7 No.1224138


Amazing you dont find the end to a 70 year war were millions have suffered is a MOAB of blessings. UngratefulFag needs to learn to spot progress.

e6def1 No.1224139

File: a2cba9a58f2ae6f⋯.jpeg (156.44 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, C7913192-04B3-4DD7-8F93-1….jpeg)


Am phonefaging Mateschitz is the richest man in austria and the worlds 49th richest billionaire.

He partnered with the grandfather of that kid who drove his lambo into a policeman.

That grandfather (rferenced in anons origional post) is also the founder of Piyavate hospital.

Also, Mateschitz funds spinal cord research through “wings of life” with another Austrian, “Heinz Kinigadner” who i can find no info on about who his family parents are.

Mateschitz parents were primary school teachers…. right, and he made all that monies by himself.

8fb9dd No.1224140

File: 400524484550d6b⋯.jpg (7.03 KB, 304x166, 152:83, blues5.jpg)

we're on a mission from Q

87788b No.1224141


The reality is that Alfie would have died and had his organs harvested by Alder Hey without his parent's knowledge if there hadn't been an outcry.

Alder Hey has done with with babies in the past.

cff771 No.1224142


How many more fucking booms do you need?

Methinks you be thirsting to string 'em up

514f05 No.1224143

File: 1b013681300168f⋯.png (33.43 KB, 805x440, 161:88, Screenshot-2018-4-28 Criti….png)

fuck … found In Wilcocks latest article … buckle up boys.

dbc5fa No.1224144


well hello 5 months or so ago! ffs.lurk newfag.

df19df No.1224145


We learned it hard way with the sum of all fears abd 4th quarter

d1b164 No.1224146


Can you elaborate for me? I've been digging for hours on this stuff.

dc3fac No.1224147

File: 6209e2c9511a308⋯.png (770.8 KB, 600x833, 600:833, ClipboardImage.png)


more autism

less moloch

1c6457 No.1224148

d420fd No.1224149

File: 8a9ef3df0256edd⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_2695.PNG)

File: db86c4f0d7eabda⋯.jpg (98.42 KB, 900x675, 4:3, IMG_2698.JPG)

File: 041a6c3931f40fb⋯.jpg (138.93 KB, 844x862, 422:431, IMG_2704.JPG)


Just cuz they're not reporting them doesn't mean there haven't been any BOOMS…

Look harder anon!

87788b No.1224150

File: b4f2930e124ed15⋯.jpg (358.74 KB, 1663x767, 1663:767, 2BLUE_4.jpg)

File: 67b2122b68a8fee⋯.jpg (487.59 KB, 1821x737, 1821:737, 2POSH_4.jpg)

File: 9420bc032e356e1⋯.jpg (351.45 KB, 1819x687, 1819:687, 2Planes 28 Apr.jpg)

File: 95d63aac073bb4a⋯.jpg (310.01 KB, 1219x959, 1219:959, 2AVCO_9.jpg)

File: 663a2dd9e0f2cc7⋯.jpg (285.04 KB, 1231x961, 1231:961, 2FPLF_4.jpg)


Part 1

cff771 No.1224151


My bad. Apologies

ba76e7 No.1224152


Evidence of Red Cross smuggling will red pill MILLIONS of normies who donate money and blood to them after every disaster.

3afd6e No.1224153

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1223950 ← love this BOOM.

<<< Back @ ya. @2:38



no doubt, anon. just told partner something similar a few days back. we should feel blessed & thankful of those who perished to bring us to this place.

America, America, God shed His Grace on me.

America, America, keep the children FREE.

Break down! Drop the bomb, GO…

a22c8a No.1224154

d07e27 No.1224155

File: a1b63a01a493e28⋯.jpg (271.68 KB, 1712x842, 856:421, 2018-04-28@10:39:53.jpg)


Correction. Yes I was, once.

Spotted Belgian AF incoming NA over NB/ME. Hours ago.

79f775 No.1224157

Here's the thing, Q. It's not a fair exchange of ideas on the web like it should be. It's a lot of attention whoring, and it's a lot of sycophantic narcissism. That's why you're here and not on Facebook, you see? The shills and the bots and the rest of it, they don't even know what they serve. The evil is like to put a ball gag in everyone's mouth, then proceed to rape everyone's eyes and ears, and for all of us to go through that experience on a regular basis, and be told it's our freedom of speech… So, no, you're not going to dangle all this in front of us, tells us to simply trust the plan, string us along with false hope for ever. Q, you've got [redacted number] of hours left, use them wisely, drop some MOAB, make some real booms, and if Swamp isn't drained and the Wall isn't built by that end, it's your arse.

797eed No.1224158


I was geometry/dimension fagging no one got it.


I do it occasionally - it is a passion.

I understand most don't get it

d1b164 No.1224159


Been here since Oct. Never saw it mentioned. Pardon me for missing one notable out of thousands…stop thinking youre better than noobies, you wont awaken anyone being an asshole.

fa2214 No.1224160


I still think it's too early for the meme on the left.

2df740 No.1224161

File: 58c3fe62aa685af⋯.jpeg (298.18 KB, 1024x1455, 1024:1455, satanic bull.jpeg)

b82903 No.1224162


Republican primaries begin in a few weeks. It would be a fuck up if nothing happens by then because good GOP candidates are less likely to win if Trump has not created positive momentum. Right now virtually the only people recognizing Trump's accomplishments are on this board.

a41b2c No.1224163


The Moody Blues have a related song (too lazy to find a link on U-Toobe):

'Thinking is the Best Way to Travel'

"And you can fly,

High as a kite if you want to

Faster than Light,

If you want to…"

ba76e7 No.1224164

87788b No.1224165

File: b47fa2a9e3e394a⋯.jpg (229.83 KB, 1237x959, 1237:959, 2OWLC.jpg)

File: 829272fce35724c⋯.jpg (314.8 KB, 1693x663, 1693:663, 2OWLC_2.jpg)

File: e48dbc43fdcf833⋯.jpg (181.35 KB, 1401x575, 1401:575, 2OWLC_log.jpg)

File: 8ca182a952c40e4⋯.jpg (248.64 KB, 1225x943, 1225:943, 2OWLC_3.jpg)


Note the 2-OWLC plane - that one tried to evade being seen by flying low over the sea.

5ea803 No.1224166


The story about him going to a forbidden floor of hotel and stealing a flag was a LIE. He was forced to comp to that but it wasn't true. The video shown was not Otto.

9224e1 No.1224167

This is a very interesting thread on the Clinton Cabal/Foundation. It touches on a lot of areas. It would make a great red-pill resource

Buster Hyde USMC/Ret

"The Clinton Cabal aka: The Clinton Foundation An Incestuous Club


cff771 No.1224168


Meme the fucking shit out of it

316bd8 No.1224169

File: 2da1e6f70324e48⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 640x640, 1:1, badDay.jpg)

File: bef34eb3a383837⋯.png (425.93 KB, 500x614, 250:307, badDay.png)


there are bad days and there are bad days

96d7bc No.1224170

>>1224137 >>1224151

no hard feelings/harm done, just saying for other notables/anons in the future…

when breads go fast (which is often), it helps a lot not just to point at the notable but show why/what it is, runs smoothly

6b70e8 No.1224171


I already have an MA, a Doctorate, and a long career in research. What the autists do is not heavy reseach or writing, it's just internet-based, it's not scholarship. I was doing heavy research and writing back when Trump was still fighting to build Trump Tower. Shut up and you might learn something. This board is nothing but information dissemination. People who think it's more than that probably done have much of a life or life experience. People who think that this stuff is heavy research should go read a book.

e169f5 No.1224172


Everyone is blaming "the state". The real issue is the parents wouldn't fucking let him go. His parents are the fucking demons in this case. The poor kid could not live without life support. He had no life or existence beyond machines. At which point, the parents needed to let him pass. Instead, they could not make that decision as his parents and force the Hospital to act.

a69706 No.1224173

http:// www.scmp.com/magazines/style/news-trends/article/2139038/12-billionaires-behind-red-bull-split-us617-million

c73292 No.1224174

File: 4ccffb9ee81db29⋯.png (24.83 KB, 444x198, 74:33, ClipboardImage.png)


Notable and archived offline

dbc5fa No.1224175


don't believe you. your new. or a once a monther. shit gets posts 50 times a day. and find an asshole from daddy to uncle to yell yer feels too. kys.

87788b No.1224176

File: 2f9a8947063ab74⋯.jpg (326.05 KB, 1225x959, 175:137, 2TBMI.jpg)

File: 3b8525cc161cd0a⋯.jpg (310.72 KB, 1221x943, 1221:943, 2BLUE_9.jpg)

File: 05cfcb61709d6a0⋯.jpg (405.13 KB, 1223x953, 1223:953, T785_23.jpg)

File: d527d182282d319⋯.jpg (308.13 KB, 1229x961, 1229:961, NAF11_12.jpg)

File: 5df12a37c066a23⋯.jpg (264.41 KB, 1217x971, 1217:971, CTM2020.jpg)

Part 3

7840b2 No.1224177


Sadly true, anon. Maybe even more than half. I don't think anyone properly understands the complete depravity and lack of any moral center in society. Q says 4 to 6%. I don't know where they get that number but, looking around, I see probabably 25 to 30% that will never be pilled. The programming is too deep and their hearts are totally given over to evil.

543ce7 No.1224178


Looks too good to be true. But i'll file that one away just in case. "Plan B" was "bimbo eruption."

They remind me of that dumb cowboy that called Butch and Sundance idiots.

df19df No.1224179


I believe so too. He was def somehow connected to cia, and was on a mission

d1b164 No.1224180


Clown. Filtered.

6b70e8 No.1224181


Fraud would be buying the policy while intending to commit suicide to get it paid.

b82903 No.1224182


Predictions would probably be a LOT more accurate if he was from the future.

d318e0 No.1224183


Doesn't seem legit to me

8fb9dd No.1224184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the penguin

d07e27 No.1224185


Def spoopy.


cff771 No.1224186


Bless you, good sir

41ec49 No.1224187

File: 2a171c058725002⋯.gif (47.54 KB, 281x300, 281:300, aaalefantisgoatfetish.gif)

This Parkinson's having whore needs to go down with JA.

16a199 No.1224188


Just posted the one on twitter "without Trump."

e8e4a1 No.1224189


>N/SK unify denuke nothingburger

That's how MSM's portrayed it. They report as either:


>"Here's why it will fail"

>"This is all the result of Obama's policies and Trump is stealing credit."

…despite SK FM saying it's directly due to Trump.

Talking to random libs they roll their eyes, "so what."

Kanye's right - you get the stink eye just for mentioning something positive about Trump.

d1b164 No.1224190


Thought of this. But everything posted to us has a detail of timing to it. Everything. Q's first post is as if came from the future.

d318e0 No.1224191


wow don't be so rude

1c6457 No.1224192

File: 5f99d385778aa5c⋯.jpeg (21.39 KB, 474x355, 474:355, smart.jpeg)


you're awesome anon

9d0bce No.1224193


He's not too popular around here, but part of The Great Awakening in later stages, perhaps.

87788b No.1224194

There was a 'Central Bankers Meeting' in Sofia prior to the ECOFIN meeting in Sofia yesterday. I have a feeling that all of the 2-plane activity might be as a result of that meeting. All of the 2-planes are linked to big money in one way or another.

550ec9 No.1224195


>but tell them that ,there's going to be a MOAB tomorrow.

Well stop doing that you dumb jackass.

That's on you not Q.

Choose your worse wisely and remove ego.

Everything is exactly as it should be.

6b70e8 No.1224196


I can involuntarily shit out better research that you will ever hope to do. You think not, ask me your "tough" question.

1b6553 No.1224197

File: ff4ed77572fe79a⋯.png (119.26 KB, 1006x580, 503:290, Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at ….png)

Not cool.

d1b164 No.1224198


Thought of this. But everything posted to us has a detail of timing to it. Everything. Q's first post is as if came from the future.

1263f0 No.1224199


Grumpy shills are our newest edition. Theyvdobt like all the winning!

05a72e No.1224200

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.

Psalm 106:

A Confession of Israel’s Sins

106 Praise the Lord!

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

for his steadfast love endures for ever!

2 Who can utter the mighty doings of the Lord,

or show forth all his praise?

3 Blessed are they who observe justice,

who do righteousness at all times!

4 Remember me, O Lord, when thou showest favor to thy people;

help me when thou deliverest them;

5 that I may see the prosperity of thy chosen ones,

that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation,

that I may glory with thy heritage.

6 Both we and our fathers have sinned;

we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.

7 Our fathers, when they were in Egypt,

did not consider thy wonderful works;

they did not remember the abundance of thy steadfast love,

but rebelled against the Most High at the Red Sea.

8 Yet he saved them for his name’s sake,

that he might make known his mighty power.

9 He rebuked the Red Sea, and it became dry;

and he led them through the deep as through a desert.

10 So he saved them from the hand of the foe,

and delivered them from the power of the enemy.

11 And the waters covered their adversaries;

not one of them was left.

12 Then they believed his words;

they sang his praise.

13 But they soon forgot his works;

they did not wait for his counsel.

14 But they had a wanton craving in the wilderness,

and put God to the test in the desert;

15 he gave them what they asked,

but sent a wasting disease among them.

16 When men in the camp were jealous of Moses

and Aaron, the holy one of the Lord,

17 the earth opened and swallowed up Dathan,

and covered the company of Abi′ram.

18 Fire also broke out in their company;

the flame burned up the wicked.

19 They made a calf in Horeb

and worshiped a molten image.

20 They exchanged the glory of God

for the image of an ox that eats grass.

21 They forgot God, their Savior,

who had done great things in Egypt,

22 wondrous works in the land of Ham,

and terrible things by the Red Sea.

23 Therefore he said he would destroy them—

had not Moses, his chosen one,

stood in the breach before him,

to turn away his wrath from destroying them.

24 Then they despised the pleasant land,

having no faith in his promise.

25 They murmured in their tents,

and did not obey the voice of the Lord.

26 Therefore he raised his hand and swore to them

that he would make them fall in the wilderness,

27 and would disperse their descendants among the nations,

scattering them over the lands.

28 Then they attached themselves to the Ba′al of Pe′or,

and ate sacrifices offered to the dead;

29 they provoked the Lord to anger with their doings,

and a plague broke out among them.

30 Then Phin′ehas stood up and interposed,

and the plague was stayed.

31 And that has been reckoned to him as righteousness

from generation to generation for ever.

(to be cont.)

30bc98 No.1224201

File: 7b52f7f9662d07d⋯.jpg (496.84 KB, 2011x2011, 1:1, QCrumb.jpg)

a41b2c No.1224202


Thanks. Even the reply/answer is over my head, but going to study up now. The high-brow stuff is most appreciated (even if nobody catches it). First, we don't look like total morons with that scattered in and we learn via our subconscious too, and by definition, it involves a lot we don't know. Cheers anon.

b82903 No.1224203

File: e3eb8bdf78189f1⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 960x539, 960:539, seemnice.jpg)

6bc0a1 No.1224204


Baker, are these notable?

Two items from Last Bread (#1532), for your consideration:

>>1223717 OPEN SOURCE Data News from RED BULL co-founder (addendum.org - Main site in German)

>>1223731 "Legacy" connection between Trump tweet and termination of Antitrust Judgments

Thank you, Baker.

797eed No.1224205

File: 3745dc493f22b2b⋯.png (159.67 KB, 945x496, 945:496, cubefrac.png)

File: 31533202160d03d⋯.png (613.81 KB, 1280x841, 1280:841, vvll.png)

Do we always want to be limited in our thought?

Is Politics real?

No not a clown.

Yes I have higher ambitions.

4ebf3f No.1224206


Anon, this is glorious.

What are you using to make this? Is there a link to the live version?

Everyone should download this for safe keeping.

6b70e8 No.1224207

File: 2dcb81f7686de16⋯.png (415.33 KB, 600x427, 600:427, clint barry.png)

fa2214 No.1224208

We seem to have a circle jerk going on.

9fed27 No.1224209


For everyone new these kinds of requests get ignored. all of Q's recent posts carry a similar message. Lurk moar.

Six months ago you weren't here but if you had been the mood was a little different, we were all doing the same thing you guys are, waiting for proof. Then we got more than we needed, learned comms, decided on roles for ourselves and moved the fuck along.

if you don't have enough proof then its because you haven't gone through earlier material. You read a synopsis and some fun facts and then demanded someone call down an act of war to appease your lack of ambition.

You asshats are the same asshats who got us relegated back to 20/80 because you couldn't handle yourselves (or maybe you dont even have that long under your belt). Anyway, I digress, the point is you should lurk moar and I think q agrees, but what the fuck do i know?

a22c8a No.1224210


oh shit!!!!!!!





7840b2 No.1224211



If you showed 25 to 30% of Killary voters absolute, undeniable proof that she tortures, kills and eats babies, they'd reply with, "Well Trump said, 'Grab um by the pussy.'" They would make that a moral equivalence.

291de1 No.1224212

File: e5a1546cd2258c9⋯.png (493.86 KB, 1070x858, 535:429, evidencemlkshooter2.png)


The original, so you can clearly they were lying and trying to tell you the photos were taken in different years


Why do such stupid lies?

I wonder if you tried to count them up over 50 years, how many would there be?


e8e4a1 No.1224213


doesn't open for me, in browser or w/ foxit reader. says it's corrupt/invalid.

05a72e No.1224214

Psalm 106 (cont.)

32 They angered him at the waters of Mer′ibah,

and it went ill with Moses on their account;

33 for they made his spirit bitter,

and he spoke words that were rash.

34 They did not destroy the peoples,

as the Lord commanded them,

35 but they mingled with the nations

and learned to do as they did.

36 They served their idols,

which became a snare to them.

37 They sacrificed their sons

and their daughters to the demons;

38 they poured out innocent blood,

the blood of their sons and daughters,

whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan;

and the land was polluted with blood.

39 Thus they became unclean by their acts,

and played the harlot in their doings.

40 Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against his people,

and he abhorred his heritage;

41 he gave them into the hand of the nations,

so that those who hated them ruled over them.

42 Their enemies oppressed them,

and they were brought into subjection under their power.

43 Many times he delivered them,

but they were rebellious in their purposes,

and were brought low through their iniquity.

44 Nevertheless he regarded their distress,

when he heard their cry.

45 He remembered for their sake his covenant,

and relented according to the abundance of his steadfast love.

46 He caused them to be pitied

by all those who held them captive.

47 Save us, O Lord our God,

and gather us from among the nations,

that we may give thanks to thy holy name

and glory in thy praise.

48 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,

from everlasting to everlasting!

And let all the people say, “Amen!”

Praise the Lord!

e1da32 No.1224215

File: 3d8f1564652e706⋯.png (597.23 KB, 1194x653, 1194:653, Screenshot.png)


unilever has lots of pedo and occult symbolism

dbc5fa No.1224216


yeah. it's muh buttfucking with a wedding ring. to feel included and normal.

muh weed. muh killa baby cause i can't keep the legs closed.

muh slut.

muh cuck.

it's a sad state and only one way to fix it. austarlia lockdown the new rehab center.

87788b No.1224217


2-OWLC - Owl see - 'Their need for symbolism will be their downfall'. That has to be a major player.

That plane landed in Guernsey.

a69706 No.1224218

File: 71cc884a35809ed⋯.jpg (219.81 KB, 400x462, 200:231, glowpear.jpg)

Poor ABBA reuniting on the day Korea ends the war. Nobody even cares.

And that Anons is why we can't get a MOAB as long as there is big stuff happening in the news.

fa2214 No.1224219


Kek. Tammy Bruce's comback for rude progressives.

4ebf3f No.1224220


Opened fine for me in Acrobat. It may be too big for your reader.

8eb7cf No.1224221


Anon if you’ve been here since nov then you should be aware that a asshole anon isn’t a patriot anon so when attacked ignore and move on cause it’s not your fellow anon it’s just a asshole ! ;)

1263f0 No.1224222

File: a9d58629301d6a6⋯.png (823.21 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180428-140125.png)

This seems interesting but I don't understand the full meaning of it. I'm sure another Anon may know.


d980fb No.1224223


I always wondered if he had a severe encephalopathy from thiamine deficiency.

96d7bc No.1224224

File: c91d95b2f96dfbf⋯.png (967 KB, 822x543, 274:181, RedCross_Dracula.PNG)

File: f6f5c6e3708ac05⋯.png (1.24 MB, 818x624, 409:312, RedCross_Draculaa.PNG)

>>1224105 What isnt the Red Cross smuggling is a better question.

>>1224152 Evidence of Red Cross smuggling will red pill MILLIONS of normies who donate money and blood to them after every disaster.

>>1224168 Meme the fucking shit out of it

what would be good 'smuggling' themes/sources?

had tried some weak vampire memes, but not seeing where to turn for smuggling…

movie Taken?

or thinking something HanSolo, king of the smugglers… REDCROSS: hold my beer

a7873b No.1224225

Mass child sacrifice - 1450 in Peru.

https:// news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/04/mass-child-human-animal-sacrifice-peru-chimu-science/

d318e0 No.1224226


wait what does this mean? I just got a Q too? Well i get them a lot now

1b6553 No.1224227

File: 1fffe68f935954f⋯.jpg (145.43 KB, 366x480, 61:80, doughnut.jpg)

a22c8a No.1224228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


6b70e8 No.1224229


Esp. when they try mock and misspell/misuse. Who's dumb now? lol

87788b No.1224230

File: e80ea06f8624770⋯.jpg (96.96 KB, 551x550, 551:550, Red Arrow.jpg)


This is what we do in KAF Recon 1. Glad to be of service.

8e67bb No.1224231


StandyBaker here, too

5ea803 No.1224232


Idk why he was detained. Or why Clowns who run NK would imprison him if he himself was an asset. They obviously believed he had some kind of information and tortured him to death. It will be nice to get to the bottom of that.

4ded5a No.1224233


Both sides have time machines. That's why some things don't happen when they should.

d1b164 No.1224234


True. Just don't get his crankiness. Most are on here demanding Q do this and that or doubting. I'm digging. And he rips me, wtf. Why's he even here?

a22c8a No.1224235


ME Reads and writes fluent typo

dbc5fa No.1224236


agreed. gonna take some decades to wake. others never.

54d65b No.1224237

File: fa9910e5b6c5d6c⋯.jpg (12.08 KB, 255x144, 85:48, RosemaryKateMiddleton-459.….jpg)

(Bread #1532)


Although I'm not enthused about the search, in the name of opportune moment to post information, I chased more details related to this pic. The baby has been named after his great-great pedo uncle, if I got the greats sorted out, Louis (name changed from German to) Mountbatten, who was very involved in the life of the baby's grandfather as a child, Prince Charles, that same Charles who was close buddies with Jimmy Saville. Although one can speculate on intra-family abuse, there's copious data showing that the "elite" crew like to prey on lower socioeconomic children, for example see related link:

Lord Mountbatten linked to Kincora child abuse ring


d318e0 No.1224238



6b70e8 No.1224239


We can def disallow govt funding of all non-medically necessary abortions. We can also deport all illegals to make more room for AMERICANS.

05ad19 No.1224240



Not in any way too soon.

797eed No.1224241

how is 3D game theory programmed?

How do they place the reality of the game in you as you move?

Think geometry.

How do you figure what God did to create our assistance - think geometry.


338738 No.1224242



P = Philip ???

P=C The "Chair" of Estate? "Windsor" Chair?

Philip - sick family background, connections to Nazis (Mountbatten family ties), Trafficking (Canadian Native boarding schools), Pedos (Mountbatten, Jimmy So-vile, Epstein), Vatican, Roth's, Branson, etc, etc. Loads more to dig.

http:// www.hangthebankers.com/prince-philip-is-this-the-sickest-man-in-the-uk/

St. James Palace = Castle_Red?

Red brick, Henry VIII, Bloody Mary's heart and bowels? These people ARE sick. Ritual site? Little St.James/Andrew connection?

PD+DF = the Couple in Gold? "Innocent Victims" statue photos?

Who has the info? MF must have lots of info - connections to royals, govt, finance, business, and entertainment.

Recent news that Chuckie is preparing to take over, and now the soon to be Queen Mother sides with POTUS? Have they been cornered? Is this the MOAB? The sickest, most colonizing, evil empire in modern history about to be removed from power? That would be immensely freeing to a large percentage of the world.


Our Father who art in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name

Thy Kingdom come

Thy Will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day

Our daily Bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those who trespass against us

And Lead us, not into temptation, but Deliver us from evil

For Thine is the Kingdom,

The Power,

and the Glory,

Forever and Ever


Thank you God, Thank you, Jesus, Thank you Heavenly Host, Thank you POTUS, Thank you Q team, Thank you Patriots! May you all be Blessed for your Good works!

Let Freedom Ring!!!

9e3280 No.1224243


Patriots don't ask for BOOMS.

We make BOOMS …keep digging and shake the pillars of heaven!!!

4ded5a No.1224246



a824da No.1224247


>wings of life

guess that's why redbull gives you wings

Location: Multiple locations

Date: Early May

Founded: July 6, 2004

Headquarters: Salzburg, Austria

Established: 2014

Founders: Heinz Kinigadner, Dietrich Mateschitz

Nominations: Shorty Social Good Award for Best in Live Events



6b70e8 No.1224248


Ive been on since 4chan. This actually is a chat board, perhaps which is why people are constantly chatting about how this is not a chat board.

fa2214 No.1224249


That;s a good question. Maybe he will enlighten us.

dfe4ca No.1224251

File: 3a56ef2c23d7125⋯.webm (4.48 MB, 176x320, 11:20, Money Money Money Black M….webm)



Yes that was covered a few months ago. Cash for the Iran deal, or some other deal. The Red Cross has certain immunities from prosecution, so is an obvious avenue for illicit smuggling of cash, drugs, people, organs….

BAKER NOTABLE (this post)

Video of cash in Red cross boxes (think Iran deal & similar)

BAKER NOTABLE (this post)

1f1418 No.1224252

File: 1c10d5698ee362c⋯.png (107.1 KB, 1098x452, 549:226, ClipboardImage.png)

Pompeo cleaning house at the State Department! That is why they were delaying his appointment! But they knew they could only delay so long until it became a national security issue. I wasn't paying attention to the hearings with Pompeo. Who was the holdup or who was the one that finally turned the vote? What happened there I don't know - there's been so much going on lately it's hard to keep up.

But the important thing now is that the "stage setting" continues at the State Department as well. Next week ( or next few weeks, actually this whole year has been) is going to be glorious!

We are going to see some CIA agents currenlty UNDER COVER at the State Dept. getting CANNED!!!

797eed No.1224253

If we are able to program a full reality


We are ready to move to the next one!!!!!!!!!!!

2340e8 No.1224254



I just posted some more graphics in the Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side by Sides, Good Memes thread.


Also if you post in that thread, please post a couple of pictures at a time.

Some people have been posting one regular/low level meme at a time( those belong in the normal meme threads, unless it's really funny, and you post a couple of memes, KEK)

If your only posting one low level meme in that ADVANCED thread, you are basically shitting up that bread with crap.KEK

I did throw a couple in here and there, that proably qualify for that label myself,kek.

I want people to be able to go there, to get the really good graphics, and proofs they need. It's why i tried to post things in like groups.

I collected more graphics past couple of days, and then when i did posting today, i put them in similar groupings as much as possible, so it is organized.

I know i sound like i'm probably bitching a little, kek, but it drives my inner weaponized autist nuts, when anons post only one ( not so good meme, in that thread)


d1b164 No.1224255


Not sure if you're trolling me lol.

I know this is a wild idea. BUT a year ago had you told me I'd believe half of Hollywood eats kids, I'd of laughed at you. So it would be ignorant of me to dismiss anything at this point.

cff771 No.1224256


How about a patient with a drip running to some evil fuck's back pocket?

30bc98 No.1224257


>Patriots don't ask for BOOMS.

>We make BOOMS

I'm meming the fuck outta this!!!

6b70e8 No.1224258


I think the early GITMO plane faggotry was about building materials and personnel. Prisoners yet to arrive.

e8e4a1 No.1224259


Even Q signals that liberal muh equality bullshit. Also trying to equate commie antifa with Nazi/fascists, using some flag nobody in AF actually flies - might as well use the kekistani flag, same fucking design. Hard to give a fuck when the people who supposedly "have it all" still want to bring jewtopian white genocide.

d318e0 No.1224260


it's actually an image board but we do chat kek

0adce3 No.1224261

Can't believe that Q gave a (You) to a whiner.

It was effective, but what a shame to give credit to whining

7f4365 No.1224262


I guess they want more images, instead of text.

09af91 No.1224263


beats an AOL chat room ….hands down…..

e1da32 No.1224265


>They obviously believed he had some kind of information and tortured him to death

no, not obviously. he could have been an mkultra programmed to kill himself if something went wrong

nk would not torture him almost to death and then spend a year trying to keep a him alive.

6bc6f1 No.1224266


Taking a glance at it right now since I'm currently working but looks like it might be worth the read, the .pdf file that is. Also as for the secret society bit, I remember that popping up in January. When I have more free time I will look more into this but that is a few hours from now.


a41b2c No.1224267


Touché anon. Touché.

3afd6e No.1224268

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Good lookin out. hadn't heard him before. THIS cat blows m-n-m'sie away.

this video's classic:

- ILL Mind of Hopsin 8


biting da hand dat feeding you

dat don't make any sense

nigga, WTF?


6b70e8 No.1224269

File: f3c7d91f9c5f1da⋯.jpg (34.97 KB, 276x365, 276:365, free beer q.jpg)

87788b No.1224270


Yeah, infrastructure. It wasn't until a bit later that the Marines and Military Police were deployed there.

1f7f62 No.1224271


Never trust a Tammy.

3d526d No.1224272


help those who need it , love all

52f668 No.1224273

File: 42f0fba3c7638d3⋯.png (1021.56 KB, 826x873, 826:873, 683851204867.png)

1bf883 No.1224274

File: 0b970730f5a8764⋯.jpg (36.23 KB, 300x420, 5:7, 20wwbi.jpg)

1263f0 No.1224275


Maybe we should shame Q for responding to concernfag. Lol.

1e1f1a No.1224277


you shouldnt go "redpilling" ppl

if you have to rely on Q and his MOABS…

lurk moar. Practice patience and silence.

Seriously, Im not being a dick, but It sounds like

you are becoming a bit ANNOYING about Q…

please, don't make us look bad.

Your community needs us.

d0d075 No.1224278


What about Prince Charles? future king and head of the commonwealth. Coronation Chair.

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronation_Chair

e1da32 No.1224279


or the cabal had the cia torture him so it would look like nk did it and like nk was a big scary threat

96fedc No.1224280


Kick some commie ass for us Q.

FBI was completely comp'd. A LOT of progress has been made. DOJ has also been improved. Bad actors remaining are Mueller and possibly RR, but they are at least controlled if not turned into white hats.

The takedown will be choreographed for Nov, 2018. It is building. And don't forget about NK or the rogue sub. Do we think those are now minor events now? DeepState testing nukes in NK?

Think about the impact when NK reunites with SK on the 2018 elections. (Q, I imagine the biggest challenge here will be the Chicoms).

S/P texts are coming out. Next will be IG report. After that Huber indictments. Then Pedogate (already started with Nexium). Probably Sept/Oct we'll get the Weiner Insurance videos.

Nov. 2018 is the prize. Timing is everything.

I have the same thirst for Justice. I want to see public hangings for sedition and treason. It's a tough one. The prize is 2018 elections, keep that in mind. That has to be ours or our country turns into a Third World fever swamp – forever.

I think we'll get a good helping of Justice, but it is all about timing.

12f1ea No.1224281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5ea803 No.1224282


Very important piece of the puzzle.

fa2214 No.1224283


She's not quite woke, but still has interesting thoughts regarding the thought police, etc.

6b70e8 No.1224284


Killary probably got only 30 million votes tbh, so we can deal with 15 million, only 5% of the population. Trump likely beat her 2-1.

Until we purge the voting rolls and monitor the votes, we have a problem and it's not just Houston.

dbc5fa No.1224285


ok. puppy, raindrop, and butterfly. feel better? still say the fag needs to lurk.

212819 No.1224286

Sorry ANONS , I'll carry on digging ,

Just thought he said a MOAB today ,

Ive been digging for months and had a few (yous) and notables .

Respect anons.

87788b No.1224287

File: 70dcccf64dd1579⋯.jpg (219 KB, 1393x669, 1393:669, 2FPLF_log.jpg)

File: 33f5133d9ba00a4⋯.jpg (355.54 KB, 1373x969, 1373:969, 2AVCO_log.jpg)

File: e48dbc43fdcf833⋯.jpg (181.35 KB, 1401x575, 1401:575, 2OWLC_log.jpg)

A couple of interesting flight histories to go through. They indicate spoopiness.

a22c8a No.1224288



been researching shit for years without Q

12f1ea No.1224289



There's a big diffence in "POTUS LIVE IN FIVE" and "POTUS live AT five"!!!!!!!!!

5ea803 No.1224290


More likely

fa2214 No.1224291


I don't think he will ever be king. Just an opinion.

6b70e8 No.1224292


Youre right, but theyre also weak sheep and will follow along the crowd, so better. I mean these people think Beyonce and JayZ are talented! Fuck!

ca0e07 No.1224293

d07e27 No.1224294


So do I need to lock on and watch Europe?

(I'm not a regular planefag and it's not part of my routine; I gladly back up other planefags and perform modest assignments of limited duration).

bfc0ba No.1224295

File: 41c682508021f78⋯.jpg (36.09 KB, 450x335, 90:67, 41c682508021f78dec2fe942df….jpg)

c73292 No.1224296

File: 84f976c373e3884⋯.png (7.92 KB, 191x109, 191:109, ClipboardImage.png)

WE are making a difference.

Careful to not doxx myself.

4ded5a No.1224297


Not trolling. serious.

87788b No.1224298


Seconded. The death of Diana won't go away and the public haven't really accepted Camilla.

8fb9dd No.1224299


what does that tell you anon?

6bc0a1 No.1224300


>My fellow Americans,…

You shouldn't tease like that…

ba76e7 No.1224301


YUGE numbers of State employees will sing like canary palms.

529f3c No.1224303

7c3d31 No.1224304


Again sorry to hype , i jumped the gun..

Anyone eta on POTUS actual?

c3aada No.1224305

File: 94aa15bb80fdc5d⋯.jpg (73.58 KB, 640x468, 160:117, top kek.jpg)

63d5e7 No.1224306

File: 642667e7fb22cb3⋯.jpg (70.13 KB, 548x436, 137:109, goat hill pizza3.jpg)

27d4d6 No.1224307


The dress thing is creepy AF

8d98b6 No.1224308

File: 0dabeedf45f00d1⋯.png (14.63 KB, 590x283, 590:283, Capturedh.PNG)

>>1223838 (last)

Daniel Hernandez a.k.a. "6ix9ine" …seems to be loosely affiliated with the Bloods.

94165f No.1224309


lets see. 21 posts by you. not a post worth a plug in the ass. all chatty retard. like i said it just gets you ignored. now you see? ^don't answer.

75d87c No.1224310


1/4 million people now have direct links to this board … is my point.

1b5386 No.1224311


>going to see some CIA agents currenlty UNDER COVER at the State Dept. getting CANNED!!!

how convenient Pompeo was just recenly boss of the circus for a while…

1f1f36 No.1224312

File: 9d69c1fc595a197⋯.png (3.43 KB, 241x209, 241:209, 3d axis.png)

let us take is slow :)

A plane is 2D but we can graph stuff in 3Dd and 4D by splitting the Z axis to 45 degrees (0.5 dimension - fractal). And 4D by moving it from one set of plots (ie cube) to another set in a linear fashion.


274560 No.1224313


it is my opinion that all truth needs to be revealed, not

40%. we need all truth, then we can heal as a world together

and make sure this shite never happens again!

205c46 No.1224314


>Until we purge the voting rolls and monitor the votes, we have a problem and it's not just Houston.

Californianon approves this message

a24283 No.1224315


"Accidentally on purpose"

c3aada No.1224316


Killary may have destroyed Libya and Syria and killed and ate babies and children, but Trump said Rosie is fat!

e10d27 No.1224317


Can I get extra baby foreskin in my thin crust?

55c2b0 No.1224318


research time travel and John Titor. book Baron Trumps marvelous underground adventure.

734b03 No.1224319

Potus twat 'very dishonest and sick'

c3aada No.1224320

efc418 No.1224321

File: 8a655a4f291e802⋯.png (124.57 KB, 355x171, 355:171, The Beginning of Wisdom.PNG)


Patience, Grasshopper.


a24283 No.1224322

File: 643d4aa58af64c0⋯.jpg (157.26 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, barronQ.jpg)


> Baron Trumps marvelous underground adventure

5a88df No.1224323

File: 5dc074a8e89f985⋯.jpg (237.21 KB, 1024x853, 1024:853, Boom1.jpg)

File: 61740231a14321f⋯.jpg (126.93 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Boom2.jpg)

7576e9 No.1224324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

73524c No.1224325


Whilst standing in line at the grocery store yesterday saw one of the gossip mags stating that Camilla is a drunk and the Queen is sick of her. Any truth to that?

a0351a No.1224326

File: 6e5585ebf652de0⋯.jpg (182.45 KB, 838x961, 838:961, 2018-04-28@12:38:58.jpg)


The FAA Notice to Airmen window starts at 5:30 PM EDT. It's safe to assume he will not arrive prior to that.

13ac49 No.1224327


The count down clock on the video says 5 hrs & 45 minutes from now.

63d5e7 No.1224328


Thats the house special!

529f3c No.1224329



1f1f36 No.1224330


he is not Q in the now.

7d5771 No.1224331


Uni-Lever. One Lever to move the world.

00219d No.1224332

File: 1850a72294722c7⋯.png (501.36 KB, 740x494, 370:247, ClipboardImage.png)

Director of Central Intelligence during 2001

My God, theres alot of shitty people to find


7e32cc No.1224333

If past presidents are of the table to keep the integrity of the office… Is the monarchy off the table too? Would love to see the entitled shits get their due.

For fucks sake u can't say anything negative in England without the thought police threatening, take them to Gitmo too

1b5386 No.1224334


event starts at 19/19h30, right?

guessing POTUS around 21h/22h

529f3c No.1224335


Noice anon

7b572e No.1224336


Q purposely includes misleading disinfo in his drops to OUT THE CLOWNS LIKE YOU who do not belong here.

You are not redpilling anybody, just being an asshole trying to prove he is more SPECIAL than others. This board is for AUTISTS not for SPECIAL NEEDS MORONS LIKE YOU.

Go away and stop talking about Q because you are NOT Q and you know nothing about Q. And who the fuck gives a damn about Q anyway?

We are not here on this board to worship Q, we are here to support the President and to help Make America Great Again.

efb9a9 No.1224337


It was the State Department that whacked Kennedy. Averell Harimann. Diem/Kennedy were ending the Vietnam war by late 1963. Diem was in talks with NV, and Kennedy was talking about troop reductions. Threat to Clown heroin trade. Diem gets whacked, then Kennedy. Then we ramp up the Vietnam war. Johnson was a tool. Paid off with Brown&Root contracts. Johnson admits we whacked Diem.

https: //youtu.be/OqyklafeXpY

36a119 No.1224338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE - President Donald Trump Holds Rally in Washington, MI 4/28/18

55c2b0 No.1224339


We are all one

a0ceb7 No.1224340

found more on Evergreen double meaning it may be nothing but there is a connection between Evergreen the IPOA and Blackwater. My eyes are bothering me today or I would look more into it and it may have already been addressed I just thought there was more to it and since it had to do with flight I thought maybe trafficking. I wish I could help find more but i believe my eyes are done for today. Sure wish they would release the cures, been watching Q and trying to red pill as many as I can. I hope I didn't mess up a link my eyes are not having a good day.

Below is what I found.

Evergreen was part of the US Civil Reserve Air Fleet and the International Peace Operations Association. It was known to do work for the United States federal government, including fire suppression for the U.S. Forest Service, troop transportation in the Gulf War of 1991, as well as helicopter transportation for oil rig firefighters at the end of hostilities. The company provided aviation services for the Central Intelligence Agency as well, including transporting the Shah of Iran from Panama to the United States in 1980.[4]

Connected to https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/International_Peace_Operations_Association

Disaster Capitalism

On January 18, 2010, six days after the earthquake in Haiti, independent journalist Jeremy Scahill wrote:

The Orwellian-named mercenary trade group, the International Peace Operations Association, didn’t waste much time in offering the “services” of its member companies to swoop down on Haiti for some old fashioned humanitarian assistance disaster profiteering. Within hours of the massive earthquake in Haiti, the IPOA created a special web page for prospective clients, saying: “In the wake of the tragic events in Haiti, a number of IPOA’s member companies are available and prepared to provide a wide variety of critical relief services to the earthquake’s victims.”[2]



Brooks, who insists that his goal is “to help end wars,” brims with excitement about the private sector’s potential to save lives in conflict zones around the world. But the conduct in the Iraq War of companies like Blackwater, an IPOA founding member accused of multiple indiscriminant shootings in Iraq, has proven to be a distraction, as have accusations against other companies (not all of them IPOA members) of human trafficking, overbilling, corruption, and shoddy work. Though at times Brooks can make hired guns sound like U.N. peacekeepers, few people doubt his good intentions. “


Evergreen foreclosure

The foreclosure is the latest in a string of hard times for the McMinnville-based Evergreen operation. Founded by the late Delford Smith, the nonprofit museum was the public face of Smith's for-profit aviation company, Evergreen International Aviation. That company provided aviation services to the U.S. government, among other clients.

In 2013, the Oregon Department of Justice began investigating whether funds were improperly mixed between the nonprofit and for-profit operations.

The investigation was rendered moot by the collapse of Evergreen International. But state Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum still asked the Internal Revenue Service in 2014 to examine whether the museum and waterpark were entitled to their tax exemptions.


4a3b60 No.1224341

Russian officials brought fifteen people to The Hague from the city of Douma, Syria, said to have been present during the alleged April 7 chemical attack – including 11-year-old Hassan Diab, who was seen in a widely-distributed video taken by the controversian NGO organization known as the “White Helmets,” who filmed themselves giving Diab “emergency treatment” after the alleged incident.

“We were at the basement and we heard people shouting that we needed to go to a hospital. We went through a tunnel. At the hospital they started pouring cold water on me,” said Diab, who was featured in the video which Russia’s ambassador to the Netherlands says was staged.

https:// www.prisonplanet.com/no-attacks-no-victims-syria-chemical-attack-video-participants-speak-at-opcw-briefing.html

ac692f No.1224342


Thank you.

May God Bless you abundantly!

c3aada No.1224343


Agree completely.

7c3d31 No.1224344

File: 3993dd9db4f2a83⋯.png (24.6 KB, 575x152, 575:152, ClipboardImage.png)

5a88df No.1224345


Just thought anons words were worth it ;)

1f1f36 No.1224346

Remember all axis can be spun to make them a point and if you follow that trajectory it is negated mathematically.

8e9e94 No.1224347


Our sun is in Taurus.

Moloch is fake news.

5c91ba No.1224348

File: 8c0c6e033797780⋯.png (130.41 KB, 1414x536, 707:268, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c5385d7cbe8e19⋯.png (117.76 KB, 1136x594, 568:297, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07033f86399e7ac⋯.png (20.97 KB, 489x237, 163:79, ClipboardImage.png)



Past bread… >>1221550

Can we notable this? All these concernfags are getting irritating whining about muh MOAB



e7c83f No.1224349


There has to be dirt on Tester. POTUS is directly calling on him to resign and it's not just bc he made stuff up about Dr. Ronny.

92c903 No.1224350


> Predictions would probably be a LOT more accurate if he was from the future.

Think "Blink" (DW). It has to happen in the order it happens, and Q already knows the order it happens. Stable time loop.

3458a4 No.1224351


OK, I highly suggest that you watch and research the following.

Business Aviation Services, Guernsey (https://www.basg.gg/)

2-Reg plane registry, Guernsey (https://www.2-reg.com/legislation/register/)

Follow any 2-reg plane as once you've been through those links, you'll have an understanding as to why.

2-AUER has suspected links to George Soros.

The Gernan Airforce jets 14+01 through to 14+04 and Swiss Air Force jets T-784 and T-785 should be tracked, expecially T-785 as anything that plane does is not normal, it's known for being spoopy.

French Air Farce CTM flights are also worth watching ,especially when they head outside Europe.

Netherlands Air Force VNAF11 (V-11) is just as spoopy as T-785. Worth tracking.

Feel free to ask if you need anything else.

529f3c No.1224352


Seems very NOTABLE to this newbie

73524c No.1224353


Johnson was an evil motherfucker and did so much to harm this country. The VN war, the "Great Society".

1f1f36 No.1224354


Not there yet :)

it takes baby steps at times.

d564ed No.1224355


It has to be real. 1) Rule 9 is if Trump dropped from the race in RNC rules. 2) Protonmail is formatted like that 3) test.com exists to create any type of test you want.

efb9a9 No.1224356


Korea Unification

Clapper and Tapper

S/P text release (still have important redactions)

eae0ae No.1224357

File: 869da4f7e4d3aaa⋯.jpeg (158.58 KB, 1132x662, 566:331, 27F8EE2B-74E3-445B-BFF2-9….jpeg)

36a119 No.1224358



Baker Notabe

3bae9c No.1224359


read and understand the crumbs. Q already said that since NK and SK did their big meeting he didn't want to drop a MOAB on that BIG news so it will be next week.

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].


7576e9 No.1224360


a few (you) and notables…?


This is probably a really pretty soccer mom.

mental health af. all the other moms think shes nuts… why? because she says some guy on 8ch is giving her insider information to the WH.

look mama. relax. Don't beat them to sleep…


If you end up getting annoying, its backpeddling the entire movement..

a0351a No.1224361

1f1f36 No.1224362

Autists are the true ones that will see in more dimensions than 4.

e10d27 No.1224363

File: 3b68c84f2cd1b55⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 350x368, 175:184, toiletkid.jpg)

7c3d31 No.1224364

File: eadadbbe6de4446⋯.png (210.95 KB, 585x530, 117:106, ClipboardImage.png)


481098 No.1224365


So how does the time machine work? Does it allow you to relive the past and make other choices?

205c46 No.1224366


POTUS is shining the laser pointer LIGHT at Senator Jon Tester anons!

Let's help him!!!

06085f No.1224367


The pdf seems to be just an inventory, but there are links to some digital records.

e3fd0a No.1224368

File: ad2bdc67dbc76a2⋯.jpg (298.69 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, Pompeo-Kim -Hussein PEACE.jpg)


Just updated this one, to keep with the original theme of the painting that had been shooped over ;)

1b5386 No.1224369


>Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

>Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

>Timetables shift.

>[Next Week].


also, remember: every time we sperg and come at the thought of the MOAB finally hitting FantasyLand, the cabal have another panic attack as well.

Tiring the beast a little more each time, like you tire a big fish/whale in the sea before wasting your chance by reeling it in too soon.

816667 No.1224370

Twatterfags, FYI, the #GreatAwakening hashtag will get you shadow-banned today.

Check yourselves: nicebrains.com/twitter-shadowban-checker/

3a4bb8 No.1224371

File: 2f9442de3d4e686⋯.jpeg (11.33 KB, 255x141, 85:47, 0aa09806715b7b48022acf35f….jpeg)

File: 0169c60e30c3c11⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 485x354, 485:354, relentlesslyattack.jpg)

From quite a few breads back




Thing about "Alex Jones?" - He claimed those who understood the plane simulation issue would make the movement look insane. He never said it was wrong or argued on the points. It's was always just "bad for the movement" and then "those people are insane" and he directed vicious hatred.

( As though "protecting the movement" - which he went ahead and destroyed, in any case.)

That's exactly what he did: Made it look insane.


Do you think CNN would be pulling this assault on POTUS right now, and for years on end, if the public had found out they Propagandized on 9/11 with CGI planes?

It's the best evidence. They needed to suppress the best evidence and promote the worst ["bld. 7"]?

Anyone can prove to themselves by looking at the vids frame by frame [I heard autists are very good at this - seeing frame rate even when a film clip is not slowed down?] The image disappears in the Tower without crashing or breaking apart. That's against the known habits of Nature, i.e. "Newton's Laws"

Now back to the FBI

1b5386 No.1224372


Bravo, very nice

6d870c No.1224373


Holy hell so this MBS?

26ff2f No.1224374

Apr 27 2018 23:33:12 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 2c6bab 1218893


Who makes arrests?


Can you make arrests w/ a crooked FBI sr team?

See prev post re: FBI.

Not easy for anyone.


Why not fire the crooked ones? POTUS has the authority to do that. You don't need to arrest someone to make them go away.

814fa7 No.1224375

File: 6d3c18679e2ea41⋯.jpeg (80.29 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, 1524942398.jpeg)

36a119 No.1224376

File: d705a1640aa6e45⋯.jpg (164.22 KB, 750x1047, 250:349, Keep Those Memes Coming.jpg)


Jon Tester meme's

efb9a9 No.1224377


MOAB delayed. [R] did not appear in S/P texts. Their's been a timetable shift. Trust the Plan.

c83a2a No.1224378




"A key witness in the Madeleine McCann case claimed yesterday that Portuguese police failed to take his evidence seriously. Retired businessman Martin Smith, 64, provided details for an e-fit of the prime suspect after spotting the mystery man carrying a child at 10pm close to where the three-year-old vanished more than six years ago. (…)

Mr Smith, a former Unilever executive, made a statement along with his wife Mary, daughter Aoife and son Peter soon after Madeleine vanished on May 3, 2007. He helped compile e-fits a year later – but the images were not released at the time and were only made public for the first time earlier this week. Speaking from his home in Drogheda, Co Louth, Mr Smith said that the Portuguese police did not seem to think his sighting was significant.

He added: “It looked as if they put 90% credence on the Jane Tanner sighting, maybe that wrong-footed them and they didn’t take our sighting as seriously. I was surprised it took six years to rule out the other sighting.”

He said he has met with Scotland Yard detectives twice over the past 18 months to help them with the new probe. He added: “We‘d all love to see the police get to the bottom of what happened.”

“We think about Madeleine a lot and we would love to see a conclusion to this case. Mr Smith was with his wife, daughter, son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren on the night that the three year old vanished. The family described the man they saw as white, with short brown hair and of average build and height, aged between 20 and 40."


“It’s about sustainable sourcing,” says Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, the company behind over 400 consumer product brands such as Ben & Jerry’s, Lipton and Dove. “Increasingly consumers want to know where and how our products are made.”

Unilever is contributing $5m while the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, part of the Clinton Foundation, is putting in the other $5m. Clinton Giustra and Acumen, a nonprofit that makes loans or equity investments in social entrepreneurships, will identify or create businesses that will get funding."


55c2b0 No.1224379

John Tester backing HRC

https:// gop.com/jon-tester-s-condescending-clinton/

3458a4 No.1224380

File: 84db7f412eb0fbe⋯.jpg (314.55 KB, 1217x965, 1217:965, CTM1042_3.jpg)

French Air Farce CTM102 headed home from Niger.

481098 No.1224381


Unless he's squeaky clean in every way Tester just ended his career. POTUS and the Q Team see all and hear all.

bdfad7 No.1224382

File: f975279897eb9ad⋯.jpg (244.48 KB, 720x824, 90:103, 20180428_152100.jpg)

c3aada No.1224383


QAnonfag is constantly replying to his own posts, plus Q is a namefag and always referring to secret squirrel info. Q is a fucking gayass glowfaggot.

1c954a No.1224384


Certainly a reason for using the word “sick” same as q does …it don’t just mean they’re assholes…

5c91ba No.1224385



Excellent point anon. POTUS is marching us hard so we're battle hardened.

efb9a9 No.1224386


Which crooked ones? If you haven't already noticed, they aren't there anymore.

36a119 No.1224387

File: 2b5bdf64051fd81⋯.png (80.31 KB, 459x423, 51:47, Senator Jon Tester.png)

1f1f36 No.1224388

File: dd7491abd12c2f4⋯.png (631.94 KB, 1280x838, 640:419, Untitled.pngupdate.png)

as you can see I am not caught up in local politics.

1c954a No.1224389


Then why r u here

c3aada No.1224390


Only muh tv redpills. Ask Roseanne or the Kardashian nigger.

0430de No.1224391


Good job. Keep the memes flowing like the best of wines.

7d1150 No.1224392


Not a newfag , got mixed up ! shit happens .

Bust my balls then we can move on .

27d4d6 No.1224393


I have no idea.

6b0c03 No.1224394

File: 485448d9b388630⋯.png (369.73 KB, 855x431, 855:431, Qquestion.png)




63d5e7 No.1224395

File: 81c36532d982ac6⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 600x486, 100:81, fake n gay.jpg)


In case those filthy glowing shills come around, sprinkle a little bit of this on em

2a0cab No.1224396


Would like to hear what an arm chair Dr.fag might think about the symptoms the parents said he was exhibiting. Hard to do I know. That's why I said arm chair.

a0351a No.1224397

File: 22f273c9192231d⋯.png (535.77 KB, 701x699, 701:699, Cadet.png)


A bit of on-the-job training for me.

They said I am not a planefag cadet anymore but I sure feel like one.


36a119 No.1224398

File: aac059cac5dc52a⋯.png (354.03 KB, 1554x833, 222:119, Jon Tester Douche Canoe.png)


Senator Jon Tester

3458a4 No.1224399


Poseidons have a base in Jacksonville. That one is headed home.

0b61ce No.1224400

File: 415cd0224f9ecaf⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1478x1839, 1478:1839, obama crowley.png)

File: c056dc930120cd8⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1478x1839, 1478:1839, hillary crowley.png)

File: 92844e2e0855585⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1478x1839, 1478:1839, soros crowley.png)

205c46 No.1224401


In June 2016, Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) Said Clinton Was The "Most Qualified" Candidate And That He "Look[ed] Forward To Working With Her To Create Jobs, Strengthen The Middle Class, Keep Our Country Safe." "Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for president, Montana Sen. Jon Tester said Friday, announcing his endorsement of the former secretary of state. 'Hillary is the most qualified person on the ballot to unite our nation at a time when dangerous rhetoric threatens to divide us,' Tester said in a statement. 'I look forward to working with her to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, keep our country safe, and invest in education and infrastructure so we can move our nation forward.'" (Nolan D. Mccaskill, "Sen. Tester Throws Support Behind Clinton," Politico , 6/17/16)

f368f3 No.1224402


What website is that?

27d4d6 No.1224403


What happens after arrests?

Trials, courts, Judges.

94165f No.1224404


well i don't see what your talking about. the flags exist and are similar. the rest just seems smoke and mirrors. if we don't know who's good. neither do they. 99% of the bad guys don't even know if POTUS is not on their side. think. the top 1% would never tell if he was. people might switch up. and THEY don't know who's good or bad… like us. it's a game. but not a game. pisses me off to no end just like them. but i trust the plan.

1f1f36 No.1224405


No it shifts you from one timeline to another to be the being you are in that timeline.

Then "if you can remember" you can make changes.


ed3e21 No.1224406

File: bd88b53b1aa5ccc⋯.png (73.21 KB, 642x397, 642:397, Apr28_01E.png)



6d870c No.1224407

Can we all stop and recognize Kanye just posted a video of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia MBS.

Newfags, MBS is significant in case you only jumped in this recently.

7576e9 No.1224408


confirm what? your copypasta skill?

anons did this yesterday.

2d1c72 No.1224410


I don't have the sauce however I remember this man from before he was elected. move on.org had a drive to raise money for him, people from anywhere could donate money for his campaign. Now he's been in there for a decade and it's time for him to spend more time with his family

822dac No.1224411


He's paid to be here, that's why.

5db04b No.1224413


yes but be careful

it expands when you touch it

8a3c4e No.1224414


>>1223912 Re(a)d Bull

3458a4 No.1224415


Also watch out for USAF Magma flights. (JSOC). They are always interesting and can hint at what is to come. They are the on-the-ground planners and intel gatherers.

da4abf No.1224416


Remember this post anon:

Queen and Monarchs on the run.


They are on the list.

e10d27 No.1224417


MBS ready to drop his sick demo. Kanye gonna produce.

c3aada No.1224418


I dont see your tough question that I can answer in under a minute though. You keep trying for that GED, you'll get it.

205c46 No.1224419


He has friends in high places.

Perhaps a signal to the Cabal to back off?

b6b70f No.1224420


July 10, 2017

e7c83f No.1224421



c83a2a No.1224422

File: 64dd51dbbcadf0f⋯.jpeg (599.41 KB, 750x901, 750:901, CFA3633B-ED5F-491B-820C-5….jpeg)


‘I saw his briefing book and all sorts of facts about Louth were included. He told us about his natural parents, his roots and his childhood - his father William Blythe’s father was McBride and his mother was a Cassidy with links in Fermanagh.’ Ireland and the Peace Process are of great interest to President Clinton, according to Mr. O’Dowd.

‘For 228 years it has been the policy of the US government not to interfere in the politics of Ireland, but Bill Clinton took a huge personal risk in becoming involved. ‘The granting of a US visa to Gerry Adams in February 1994 was the turning point. Clinton took a risk and ended the international shutting out of the IRA making the cease fire easier.’

Mr. O’Dowd said that the fact that Dundalk is a border town and had been directly enhanced by the Peace Process both economically and politically, as well as having a large square in the centre of town, swung the visit for Louth to them. ‘The President draws energy from crowds and loves to meet people - he was amazed by the reception in Dundalk,’ said Niall O’Dowd.

‘There is no doubt that he is coming back here. I can see him playing the role of an international statesman. ‘Fundraising has already began for a Clinton Peace Centre at a location along the border.’


Now looking further into this "Clinton Peace Centre", it opened in 2002:

"Mr Clinton opened the centre in Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh on the site of the 1987 Remembrance Sunday bombing. The IRA killed 11 people and injured 63 more gathered beside the town's cenotaph for that year's service. A 12th victim, Ronnie Hill, died in December 2000 after spending 13 years in a coma.

The Clinton Centre has been named in tribute to the ex-president's efforts for international peace and in recognition of his special role in helping the divided Northern Ireland community towards the Good Friday Agreement. He was to be joined by First Minister Mr David Trimble and Deputy First Minister Mr Mark Durkan. However, Mr Trimble has travelled to London to meet British prime minister Mr Tony Blair over the ongoing sectarian clashes in Belfast.

Mr Clinton last visited Enniskillen in May last year, when he met families bereaved in the bombing and unveiled an inscription on a memorial window of the Peace Centre, which is dedicated to the victims of the blast.

As Mr Clinton arrived at the building, police forcibly removed one of those injured in the bombing from the entrance to the centre and frogmarched him across the road. Mr Jim Dixon was protesting that victims of the bombing had no role in the establishment of the centre. "Victims have had no input, but they are using the victims to get money for it," he claimed."


c3aada No.1224423

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

d40d08 No.1224424

File: da8b31826ac0626⋯.jpeg (219.88 KB, 529x1168, 529:1168, B94AE5DB-60FF-4E02-9606-D….jpeg)

Thought worth sharing again

ac1aa0 No.1224425


POTUS can easily fire jobs that are presidential appointments. He cannot easily fire rank and file members of the government. Not directly at least.

1f1f36 No.1224426

36a119 No.1224427

File: cc11d16bfcec80c⋯.png (494.35 KB, 982x802, 491:401, Douche Canoe Tester.png)


Sen. Jon Tester, a Democratic holdout, endorses Hillary Clinton


d011d0 No.1224428

File: 69cc395fd580cfa⋯.jpg (740.75 KB, 1600x1028, 400:257, IT'S OK.jpg)

Q -

We are free at last to think for ourselves. Thanks!

e10d27 No.1224429

File: 61676a399bd2f4a⋯.png (81.58 KB, 224x191, 224:191, 11155-box-s.png)


So that is how they do it!!!

a24283 No.1224430


>Kanye just posted a video of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia MBS.

Reinforcing themes. DJT is a master at branding.

27d4d6 No.1224431


I don't agree. But I don't have a time machine so I wouldn't know. Neither do you.

cd9065 No.1224432

I'm scared as fk if @POTUS is going to visit England.

6d870c No.1224433


Are you sure?

c3aada No.1224434


Push him out. Enough is enough.

1f1f36 No.1224435


Do you remember what you where before you where born?

d74247 No.1224436

File: 2c9c8fee96b88a2⋯.jpg (629.72 KB, 978x711, 326:237, Kanye_N_Kaitlin.jpg)

ccc61e No.1224437

File: aa3911979215c3d⋯.jpg (137.98 KB, 712x400, 89:50, redpill.jpg)

b42b12 No.1224438

File: 6c78534e871e952⋯.png (30.43 KB, 1019x423, 1019:423, ClipboardImage.png)

General Flynn, DIA, Military Intelligence

Was just doing some digging on General Flynn and found this article. Excuse my ignorance Anons, I'm new to our last eight years political scene. I got so disgusted with hussein that I couldn't engage anymore. So excuse this post if it's already been shared and noted.

This article is talking about Flynn's time at the Pentegon as the DIA head. He apparantly wanted to update the department while eliminating some of it's operations but got push back from the old gaurd at the DIA. Wow!!!! So they did NOT want a strengthened MI unit. More of hussein's undermining of our great country. What a TRAITOR!!! (Yes, I refuse to capitalize his name, he is not worthy to be even recognized as a human being in my book).

Now just what, in it's entirety, does that term old gaurd mean and the fact that it was used in this LA Times article was tickling to my senses!

Can someone please ARCHIVE this for me? I will save it as well, but I'm not too good at this! :{

http:// www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-flynn-dia-20140430-story.html

So I copy/pasta it for you here:

Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn abruptly announced his retirement Wednesday as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, after what current and former officials said were clashes with his boss and other opponents inside the Pentagon spy service.

Flynn's deputy, David R. Shedd, is also retiring, according to a statement from the agency.

The agency collects and analyzes foreign intelligence to support the U.S. military. The better known CIA is a civilian agency that reports to the president.

Flynn, who took over the agency in July 2012, clashed repeatedly with his superior, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for intelligence, Michael Vickers, a senior Defense official said.

"He was trying to take DIA in a direction the rest of the department didn't want to go," the official said.

A former agency official and Flynn supporter said Flynn was undermined by an "old guard" at the agency who resisted changes he wanted to make. He sought to cut what he viewed as outdated intelligence programs in favor of allocating resources to newer threats, including cyber.

"Gen. Flynn wanted to take advantage of the budget pressures and the demand for a more adaptive agency to bring change and find efficiencies," the former official said. "DIA is a bloated bureaucracy with overstaffed analytical elements still focusing on requirements that have been overtaken by applications in technology."

[Updated, 4:11 p.m. PDT April 30: Asked to respond, DIA said in a statement:

"During their tenure, LTG Flynn and Mr. Shedd led an agency transformation that has brought much needed integration to the agency's intelligence operations, efficiency to business processes and has shaped and developed the workforce – applying lessons learned during more than a decade of war.

"That transformation has enabled the agency to nimbly respond to recent crises without having to create special task forces or move people."]

No immediate successor was announced. One potential candidate mentioned in the Pentagon is Lt. Gen. Mary A. Legere, the Army's deputy chief of staff for intelligence.

Flynn served as a top intelligence advisor to Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2010, he wrote a scathing report titled "Fixing Intel" arguing that military intelligence was largely irrelevant to the counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan.


Twitter: @kendilanianLAT

c3aada No.1224439


Add FDR.

e10d27 No.1224440


According to CDAN, wouldnt be his first cock to suck.

822dac No.1224441


Meeting with Merkel yesterday, US bases in Germany… hmm…

73524c No.1224442


Stewie does. Kek!

1f1f36 No.1224443

I should get off my rant to universe pill I guess.

ea16de No.1224444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I think Webb has found the thing, the sum of all fears… the answer.. This video and the three following ties it in.

Simply put, clintons+ Cabal+ awans+ bad actors + big companies are doing pay for play in regards to a Nuclear Iranian Sub/Carrier program

He has documentation of alot of it, heck Iran has come out and said it at the UN

THIS is what the $250 billion payments are about, the missing blackberrys…. all of it.

I know some of you blow off Webb. the next 4 vids are a MOAB





8e75ca No.1224445

File: f4bf6ace5c99a61⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 640x491, 640:491, diarrheabear.jpg)

d40d08 No.1224446

File: 4c5a3faf610ebb8⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A0CD30F6-9C94-407F-B118-2D….png)

File: e271e220dea8850⋯.jpeg (102.58 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 0164A39B-1223-4327-BC7C-3….jpeg)

File: 32e73a94863ca68⋯.jpeg (104.82 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 6909E94B-9D7E-4E0F-BDC2-5….jpeg)

File: 85ba8fffe872f7f⋯.jpeg (109.46 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 86BE52A7-97D3-42B6-BA90-C….jpeg)

POTUS, this is unacceptable

5db04b No.1224447


double kek


dad was a urologist

told that joke about saving the foreskins for a wallet

so when you rubbed the wallet it turned into a suitcase…

sorry my bad joke…

274560 No.1224448

File: c8bacfc7e30dc26⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 245x150, 49:30, Gcch4cr.gif)


>big bada boom

73524c No.1224449

cb0c41 No.1224450

File: 5e818328cce1ed7⋯.jpg (311.24 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, glow_hazard.jpg)

File: cf79047d410200e⋯.jpg (7.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, no_thanks_fag.jpg)

27d4d6 No.1224451


I didn't but I've heard that some people can when they are very young.

1ccc1f No.1224452


What's not love? No big, they went from England's rose to a man in drag. Who are we to judge…………

Who am I trying to kid? Dear G-d, what a nightmare that Camilla is.

c3aada No.1224453


AJ is an infotainment show with an extra level of truthiness, man, that's all. Shroyer is funny too.

It's good for a laugh imo.

63d5e7 No.1224454


Can confirm, they are absolute shit.

36a119 No.1224456

File: c27bd8dd7a86d01⋯.png (898.12 KB, 963x899, 963:899, ClipboardImage481.png)


Tester helped make Congress mess

Wow, U.S. Sen. Jon Tester’s ads tell us he’s “out of fingers” counting the ways he’s just like Donald Trump. Truth is, he wishes Montanans would run out of fingers when remembering the times he bowed to Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Shumer, and left Montana stained with his collusion.


e7c83f No.1224457

File: 14cb19865903265⋯.gif (712.34 KB, 320x289, 320:289, PefR.gif)



You are officially shamed Q! Don't respond to shills or concerfag!

84ebd8 No.1224458


And yet many seem to ignore it….

8e75ca No.1224459

File: 82cc83333c1a1bd⋯.jpg (19.19 KB, 474x296, 237:148, blunthomo.jpg)

9fdc7e No.1224460

>>1223387 (Couple of breads ago)

How many times has he done that and not been caught?

You wouldn't start smuggling after more ICE agents were brought in and the boarder is being fixed.

Looks like someone got too comfy + their position (being a cop)

8fee6d No.1224461


I want people burned at the stake for 9/11.

d40d08 No.1224462

File: 1be41028433d79a⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, FF1601CC-0FFA-4D80-A8AF-40….png)

Airplane fags? This make sense?

cd9065 No.1224463


Only seeing this, makes me puke.

c3aada No.1224464


The SES needs to go. At SOTU, Trump asked for a new law or repeal to allow that.

1f1f36 No.1224465


If you travel to a new timeline you are put into the you there if there is one if the resonance is close. If not you will be a no one - will people even acknowledge you - if so then you have free reign, if not you are a ghost.

e7c83f No.1224466

File: 210d9ec5b5aa615⋯.jpg (67.65 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Prince-Mohammed-bin-Salman.jpg)









584ba2 No.1224467

I wonder what medocre MOABS we see next week? I can tell you some thing you woont see next week: Hillary in cuffs. Or any justice what so ever.

57e8ee No.1224468

File: 045c0071a3b84ae⋯.png (256.5 KB, 378x402, 63:67, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at ….png)

Love how the People's Pope always has extra time for Illuminati puppets.

84ebd8 No.1224469


You trust retards like that? Figures, since Q is based upon Wilcock and Fullford predictions. DERP, DERP, DERP.


Precisely. Jeff SESssions. Why does Q not cover the SES gang? Why does he tell you to trust them?


Brennan is the originating source of the pee pee dossie. That is a fact.


It should be clear by now that Ruddy is compromised.

c3aada No.1224470


Some Qtists are apparently quite sensitive about muh Q. Go back to reddit.

205c46 No.1224471


Did he make any trips to Haiti or support children's charities? Does he have a foundation?

cd9065 No.1224472


Wait a minute.


8b6e20 No.1224473

File: 3a644d00997d3ce⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 29a69t~2.jpg)

Obongo is still because Trump won.

c3aada No.1224474


Coz Kanye said its ok for blacks now.

ac692f No.1224475

Behold the power of God in the Psalms!

The future proves the past.


Psalm 107:

Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Many Troubles

107 O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;

for his steadfast love endures for ever!

2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,

whom he has redeemed from trouble

3 and gathered in from the lands,

from the east and from the west,

from the north and from the south.

4 Some wandered in desert wastes,

finding no way to a city to dwell in;

5 hungry and thirsty,

their soul fainted within them.

6 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,

and he delivered them from their distress;

7 he led them by a straight way,

till they reached a city to dwell in.

8 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,

for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

9 For he satisfies him who is thirsty,

and the hungry he fills with good things.

10 Some sat in darkness and in gloom,

prisoners in affliction and in irons,

11 for they had rebelled against the words of God,

and spurned the counsel of the Most High.

12 Their hearts were bowed down with hard labor;

they fell down, with none to help.

13 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,

and he delivered them from their distress;

14 he brought them out of darkness and gloom,

and broke their bonds asunder.

15 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,

for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

16 For he shatters the doors of bronze,

and cuts in two the bars of iron.

17 Some were sick through their sinful ways,

and because of their iniquities suffered affliction;

18 they loathed any kind of food,

and they drew near to the gates of death.

19 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,

and he delivered them from their distress;

20 he sent forth his word, and healed them,

and delivered them from destruction.

21 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,

for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

22 And let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving,

and tell of his deeds in songs of joy!

(to be Cont.)

8fee6d No.1224476



84ebd8 No.1224477


We created the plan to take-down the cabal. You will not find the plan here in an operation Mocking bird. You are being lied to.


Very well stated. Fake Q will soon be fully exposed.


No, you are the true ass-hat and you do not know what you are talking about.


Qak = Q quack.


Nothing but an AI running the chans - Q thing. You still fail to understand.

8e75ca No.1224478

File: c73eb85b9a604ef⋯.jpg (37.88 KB, 785x472, 785:472, 24131192_afcbaf3488_o.jpg)

27d4d6 No.1224479


No one knows for sure. Maybe they've figured out a way to control it. After all, how many years has die glocke been around?

93134c No.1224480


That's unimportant and probably even isn't real, just like flat earth.

t. ETfag

8d98b6 No.1224481

File: f595ca46a6edbc9⋯.png (19.17 KB, 586x258, 293:129, Capturenk.PNG)


>According to CDAN, wouldnt be his first cock to suck.

According to the comments, not the BI… Kanye is an A-lister in his own right.

e10d27 No.1224482

File: b629f5e67c65583⋯.jpg (242 KB, 1399x764, 1399:764, laughing-bonobo-crop.jpg)

cd9065 No.1224483


Pls stop making this claims!!!

e7c83f No.1224484

Google: Jon Tester Scandal

It gives you several articles you can dig about his dirt.

34a873 No.1224485


Kobiashi Maru?

4fe05e No.1224486

File: b9fdca60b70b03e⋯.png (161.96 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, pepe_dancing.png)


thanks anon. there is no live version (opsec).

im using simplemind on ios/osx. i think i can export the source file to different mindmap formats so others can add/create their own version. i'll get an archive together soon.

c3aada No.1224487



d40d08 No.1224488

File: 6914caecc01dcec⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, C8111E8B-2EB2-43CC-BFDF-21….png)

What is our next task, master?!

73524c No.1224489


It's basic Rick & Morty.

205c46 No.1224490


"embryonic stem cell research"….

c3aada No.1224491


[this whole post]

ac692f No.1224492

Psalm 107 (cont.):

23 Some went down to the sea in ships,

doing business on the great waters;

24 they saw the deeds of the Lord,

his wondrous works in the deep.

25 For he commanded, and raised the stormy wind,

which lifted up the waves of the sea.

26 They mounted up to heaven, they went down to the depths;

their courage melted away in their evil plight;

27 they reeled and staggered like drunken men,

and were at their wits’ end.

28 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,

and he delivered them from their distress;

29 he made the storm be still,

and the waves of the sea were hushed.

30 Then they were glad because they had quiet,

and he brought them to their desired haven.

31 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,

for his wonderful works to the sons of men!

32 Let them extol him in the congregation of the people,

and praise him in the assembly of the elders.

33 He turns rivers into a desert,

springs of water into thirsty ground,

34 a fruitful land into a salty waste,

because of the wickedness of its inhabitants.

35 He turns a desert into pools of water,

a parched land into springs of water.

36 And there he lets the hungry dwell,

and they establish a city to live in;

37 they sow fields, and plant vineyards,

and get a fruitful yield.

38 By his blessing they multiply greatly;

and he does not let their cattle decrease.

39 When they are diminished and brought low

through oppression, trouble, and sorrow,

40 he pours contempt upon princes

and makes them wander in trackless wastes;

41 but he raises up the needy out of affliction,

and makes their families like flocks.

42 The upright see it and are glad;

and all wickedness stops its mouth.

43 Whoever is wise, let him give heed to these things;

let men consider the steadfast love of the Lord.

ff6aaf No.1224493

File: 1f91102960464a7⋯.png (19.46 KB, 587x142, 587:142, AQ1.PNG)


Looks like Montana Anons, got some work to do.

08a426 No.1224494

File: 7da9a8233fe41e2⋯.jpeg (110.21 KB, 736x531, 736:531, 15C2463E-6D7A-4838-8272-E….jpeg)


>I'm really sick of autists not getting credit for work we've already done.

Then do something about it. Document the work we’ve done. Make a list of bullet points showing where we’ve had impact red pilling the masses. Each day, make a list of news stories with links that prove things are happening. When you see great work from an anon, send them a “KEK”, a “thank you,” or “great work anon.”

Be the change YOU want to SEE…

Remember, YOU should NOT expect anything new from the Universe until YOU are Grateful for what YOU already HAVE.

57e8ee No.1224495



31376b No.1224496

File: 83f1200f4eba7f9⋯.jpeg (679.33 KB, 1242x1847, 1242:1847, F72C4003-03FA-4132-AB20-E….jpeg)

Pompeo starts ME Tour



a54f36 No.1224497


well if I could meme ….I would be in production

c3aada No.1224498



8b6e20 No.1224499

File: bfab86d363f1d69⋯.jpg (54.8 KB, 458x605, 458:605, 298g46~2.jpg)



>Deep State Genetic Engineering.

84ebd8 No.1224500


Yes, and use military arrests to arrest the patriots rather then use them to arrest themselves. This is the danger. Use what we think is to save us to actually initiate the beast system and target patriots.

b422b8 No.1224501


That's what I thought but i think its a bot nonetheless

1c954a No.1224502


Obviously even crack smokers have found their way to qresearch…..unfortunately

36a119 No.1224503


start digging

8e75ca No.1224504


>Kobiashi Maru


d40d08 No.1224505

File: edfeec60987dfe1⋯.png (931.29 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, B670DAAB-C6D4-485E-9B4B-35….png)


Pascale BTFO Habberman

4fe05e No.1224506


i get that error in the Brave browser. but safari will download it fine.

bdf610 No.1224507


Legolas is a cabal puppet too?

27d4d6 No.1224508


kaiser soze

bfeef8 No.1224509

File: ae0ed99482133e9⋯.png (278.75 KB, 701x514, 701:514, hillbag-mccabe-singing.png)

e7c83f No.1224510

The ad then ties Tester to four Democratic figures Republicans frequently use as bogeymen in campaign messaging: Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and former President Obama. It criticizes Tester for voting against a short-term government funding bill last month, saying he joined Warren to shut down the government and sided with Sanders "to put illegal immigrants over sick kids in Montana." Tester has said his vote against the funding bill was not about immigration, but because the bill lacked funding for community health centers in his state.

The ad also criticizes him for siding with Obama at a higher rate than President Trump, saying he voted with Obama 93 percent of the time but – according to tracking data from the website FiveThirtyEight – voted with Trump 37 percent of the time.


94165f No.1224511

i'll never be on the K wagon. a globalist. turncoat and a pawn. he needs red pilling in the least. or working to get close to POTUS. just like Roddman. not within 19 miles of POTUS if i was security. imho of course.

822dac No.1224512

File: d18e7d6f58584a8⋯.png (8.88 KB, 202x249, 202:249, g-men.png)


>secret society

You don't know why they're called G-Men anon?

f27d03 No.1224513

File: cca1474a89df4ed⋯.png (165.35 KB, 2208x678, 368:113, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at ….png)

File: 7cc7db8f0297732⋯.png (63.25 KB, 1776x150, 296:25, Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at ….png)



1f1f36 No.1224514


Jumping is dangerous without a map.

If the resonance is close then you retain the recipients memories and have to retrieve your own and make them supercedant. If you do not connect to you than you become a …. no name as this is conjecture. Will you be perceived by the locals or ignored as too far out of resonance?

02a925 No.1224515

File: ed21e3e88a05d81⋯.png (836.97 KB, 847x822, 847:822, Brigitte says Melania is a….png)

The way they twist these stories, is ridiculous.

I'm sure the Obama's were not allowed to open windows either. DUH

And considering what is going on,our FLOTUS needs alot of extra protection right now.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5668407/Brigitte-Macron-says-Lady-step-foot-outside-hiding-strong-personality.html

84ebd8 No.1224516


Trump is a time traveller hey?


c3aada = CICADA 3301

Well stated.


You are correct. The larp is soon to be fully exposed.


All we have is MS13 arrests, Jeff Sessions going after marijuana and nothing significant. When will you learn the entire thing is a larp and a con?

73524c No.1224517


He said he wouldn't go down alone. Yes?

5db04b No.1224518


gi = govt issue

gmen = govt men

dont over work it anon

1b3b83 No.1224519

File: 3cb2d0f3e63a9d4⋯.jpg (69.98 KB, 891x960, 297:320, FB_IMG_1493315112942.jpg)


the same stories repeat because we follow repeated patterns and keep letting the same kind of people rule over everything. thou the bible I have found translates 1000 different ways. the same stories repeat in cells/atoms/planc and the solar system.

8b6e20 No.1224520

File: 738c7f9e5e5cd4b⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 409x540, 409:540, 295blq~2.jpg)

File: 3a644d00997d3ce⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 29a69t~2.jpg)

Barry, Trump ain't done flushing yet.

ed3e21 No.1224522

File: 83491757c607c87⋯.png (42.47 KB, 642x379, 642:379, Apr28_01F.png)

1c954a No.1224523


Which fits my theory of this was planned to expose tester as a “bad guy” and for Montana to wake up and not vote him in again …even think there might be more to it that part is just getting started

bfeef8 No.1224524

File: 86e6200465862b8⋯.png (644.33 KB, 494x664, 247:332, noname-pigs.png)

1f1f36 No.1224525


nice MEME


57e8ee No.1224526


"Brigitte, you're a pedophile."

End of my meeting with her. I could never put on a brave face for these degenerates.

c3aada No.1224527

File: f0c8a6cd8ec9729⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 715x468, 55:36, mandy meme.jpg)


If you dont take the bait, how do you post a meme that says youre not taking the bait?

eae0ae No.1224528


Was that a giant gold Q ballon about a minute or 2 ago?

1cf565 No.1224529


Probably why we won't hear anything in regards to their(bad actors, big companies, etc…) prosecution until Iran has had it's turn at a purge.

27d4d6 No.1224530


Not so sure it works like the Butterfly effect. No One Knows

a0351a No.1224531

>>1224505 Haggie Dobermann taking on Brad Parscale is like a sleazy hyena taking on a prime lion. Very bad idea, but some have to learn by experience.

d0da4f No.1224532

File: 83e885f81cc2a0c⋯.png (190.68 KB, 402x227, 402:227, ClipboardImage.png)

9e7b37 No.1224533


I know the VA gets a bad rap but I've got to say the VA in Boise, ID exceeded my expectations in every way possible. I'd say they are comparable to the best civilian hospitals I've ever been in. Very clean, very professional staff, extremely caring staff and an overall pleasure to deal with. I was amazed!

8d1c8b No.1224534


Look where Unilever is headquartered: London.

I wonder how many of these products have been corrupted and weaponized by now. We all know what happened to Breyers ice cream. Do Unilever's shampoos make your hair fall out? Do their soaps give you cancer?

02a925 No.1224535

File: 7004fe6059416b4⋯.jpg (59.33 KB, 564x499, 564:499, 29a6xc.jpg)

84ebd8 No.1224536


Yet Jeff SESsions supports and props-up RR. That does not make sense. The SES defending itself. The DOJ will not make arrests with those clowns in charge. And the FBI also the same - covering-up the criminals, blocking requests for the FOIA docs, DOJ blocking requests of Congress. The military can do arrests without the FBI and the DOJ. But will they if all the military generals have been put in place by Obama and are Obama moles? You are being lied to. No arrests can take place under the current circumstances.


The scumbags of the NWO defined.


5b9239 No.1224537

MontanaAnon ON IT!

But….no one around me but the trendy fucks like that bastard Tester.

College city….they even hijacked a march to highlight missing Native women for their feminist bitchfest.

Sadly a lot of the well off libs from CA wandered my way.

ea16de No.1224538


I hope some of you are looking at this, seems like the board is shitposting right past it. I gotta log, happy hunting.

ed3e21 No.1224539

File: ce783851138bcb1⋯.png (42.29 KB, 642x399, 214:133, Apr28_01G.png)

c3aada No.1224540

File: c318426f5ceb8f7⋯.jpg (68.18 KB, 888x499, 888:499, laim this many.jpg)

e3fd0a No.1224541


If you want to dig into timeline viewing/recon, dig into the Philadelphia project and the Montuak project, it's connections to Aleister Crowley, Aquino, and the 'Lost boys of Montuak'

00219d No.1224542

File: e0d4411738106a4⋯.png (934.76 KB, 1044x3908, 261:977, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d257a355eb0e4a⋯.png (72.84 KB, 641x465, 641:465, ClipboardImage.png)


73524c No.1224543

bfeef8 No.1224544

File: 6ae76d9029e3813⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1088x611, 1088:611, mccabe-jill-500k.png)

eae0ae No.1224545

File: a1184d0ebb119c8⋯.jpeg (94.45 KB, 719x545, 719:545, 81E229DC-FD2B-4CDD-998A-5….jpeg)

1c954a No.1224546


Idaho is a very red state …that helps pls keep it that way !

1f1f36 No.1224547



if you want to be you - you have to be the you in that plane - resonance. If you want to be other - you have to make sure resonant with the plane or a ghost.

cb68a4 No.1224548

File: a68d64fb5668824⋯.png (50.36 KB, 661x370, 661:370, POTUS 4-28-18 5 07 am PST.PNG)

File: 11508eb92d08e71⋯.png (48.22 KB, 643x373, 643:373, POTUS 4-28-18 5 15 am PST.PNG)

File: 23c1313e7938dd8⋯.png (47.8 KB, 652x371, 652:371, POTUS 4-28-18 12 11 pm PST.PNG)

a8e191 No.1224549

We were picked by Q for a reason, he often says… probably several reasons. One is certainly a tendancy to be very open minded. I have been following Starfire Tor since before the election. Do i buy into her Core Matrix theories? Not so much. But she is clearly seeing the same things we are. I think this is worth your time. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2075838682443545&id=119992878028145

8ee052 No.1224550



IVE SEEN THIS POST BEFORE, and I was like hey wait..

and then, shortly after, this post came up


Now ive been here a while but fucking fuck i've had this same exact de-ja-vu 5-6 times now with the jib and the bun dude because I always look at the beard and I always think of the "cut your jib"


Are we crossing parallels?

My ears are ringing so often

58e71e No.1224551

File: a61956a6c5de3ac⋯.png (555.74 KB, 451x613, 451:613, ClipboardImage.png)

84ebd8 No.1224552


this was not posted by aim.


LAIM? No such thing.

And aimdid not post this.


Because the feds are not your friend, work for the banking cartel and are there to violate your rights. Actually, you have no rights under the Constitution as the U.S. is in inter-regnum, under martial law and military rule and has been since the Civil War, which never ended. Federal courts all apply admiralty law and have prohibited the constitution, as we saw in the case of the Bundies in Nevada.

55c2b0 No.1224553


claims of what? time travel??

1ccc1f No.1224554


Can't speak to that issue but, with that said, I'm a drunk and sick of Camilla.

02a925 No.1224555

File: cfdd129df278440⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 259dmy.jpg)

File: 9d0d5ad09f3d68a⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 530x298, 265:149, 265ldr.jpg)

c3aada No.1224556



1f1f36 No.1224557


You should be more concerned about the recent

Tesla Experiment

At least they moved it to space :)

822dac No.1224559



This. Korean peace is a very big deal.

2bef93 No.1224560


>Evidence of Red Cross smuggling will red pill MILLIONS of normies who donate money and blood to them after every disaster.

Many people who have volunteered for the Red Cross know that the people running the organization are corrupt and have absolutely no interest in helping people in crisis, but the volunteers stay because they care about people. I would take it further and say the Red Cross has been positioned to abandon and even abuse victims of catastrophic events.

I'm wondering if there's some way to play up that dichotomy in a meme, volunteers asking where are the relief supplies, named upper management that have been called out in investigations living lavishly. There are many instances of tons of donated supplies never distributed and left rotting in parking lots. But those Red Cross boxes, yeah, speaks volumes.

84ebd8 No.1224561


Sessions has confidence in Rosenstein, who signed-off on the FISA abuse memos? Come-on!!


IRAN also has the tech to take-down planes remotely via secret Tesla tech. Shuts-off all electronic circuits. Trump had no business bombing Syria without approval of Congress, of the UN and without proof that Assad was behind any chemical attack. The US bombed the area that was the supposed site of the attacks, attempting to erase the evidence. How convenient! You are being lied to about the attacks!

d1415d No.1224562

File: 3e76aec6aa21da4⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1BFEB975-9F98-42E5-AF1E-2….jpeg)

File: 36128e360ce3475⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5D77603E-1099-428D-8ACF-A….jpeg)

Q ballon in line at Trump rally!

205c46 No.1224563


Looks like a casting clinic. Plaster of paris can get pretty messy. Should have cleaned it up before the next patient.

162dc3 No.1224564


Yes. If an Indian military plane violated airspace heading for Moscow it would almost certainly be making an emergency landing.

Whether it was pre-authorized trip is a good question.

63d5e7 No.1224565

File: 949a792d2808e02⋯.jpg (93.42 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 29a73q.jpg)

File: 82640ff7103595d⋯.jpg (93.58 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 29a72t.jpg)

9e7b37 No.1224566


Pope meeting with Katy Perry? Isn't that the same as Satan meeting with one of his loyal minions?

27d4d6 No.1224567


There could be different types of TT. Natural & Machine. controlled and not controlled

84ebd8 No.1224568



Q is propping-up the fake Jews and Khazarian mafia who run the fake state of Israel. Do not be fooled. There is no plan. We saw this when POTUS bombed Syria with no proof the chemical weapons came from Assad, without the approval of Congress and without the approval of the UN. POTUS must pay now for his stupidity or for being fooled by the Zionists and listening to the Shadow government and the banking cartel who want to attack Syria and other countries to implement a Federal Reserve bank there, all for the profit of the Rothschilds and the Illuminati. Face it, Trump is a banking cartel shill.

b42b12 No.1224569


BO - Notable

Louis Arthur = LUCIFER

Can we get someone to attach to this post a clear explanation as to the above formula. Just for reference/detail sake.

bfeef8 No.1224570

File: 82eaa79f4595d8e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 878x465, 878:465, dstate-prison.png)

4fe05e No.1224571

6585f2 No.1224572


Interesting mention of the ISIS “Beatles”. Any anons dug on them? Don’t remember any sauce. Were they MI6 clowns?

8ee052 No.1224573

File: 8aa3a05a3f91648⋯.jpg (1003.61 KB, 867x6091, 867:6091, trumptesla.jpg)



1ccc1f No.1224575


Silly rabbit, everybody knows Hillary will be cleaning the carpets.

73524c No.1224576


Back off the booze. Life is good without it in mass quantities.

84ebd8 No.1224577



Correct. The Q-larp is quite clear by now.


Someone exposes your fake Q larp and you call it shilling. You are retarded.

55c2b0 No.1224578


yes, naturally occurring portals

63d5e7 No.1224579


Fucking awesome

1b3b83 No.1224580

File: 46c9850f7bec52b⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 326x261, 326:261, Would pepe be french i mea….jpg)


translation: it was nice to meet you and you really are a lovely women but it's too bad your on the opposite side of the game, could get you hurt standing so firmly with your husband. This is how the elites communicate digs at another, in plain sight of the feeders too. fuck macron.

b264c8 No.1224581

jsut got back from fishing for a few hours

suggest every anon take the time to do something relaxing… outside



ready for POTUS' rally

822dac No.1224582

File: 70944e3bf9b0317⋯.jpg (5.28 KB, 225x225, 1:1, q.jpg)


>only thing that can travel through time is information

You can send matter if you have 1.21 gorillion gigawatts, but that's just waste.

1f1f36 No.1224583


And you go back to what I was preaching.

We know this

We programmed it in our games.

We can perceive multiple physical dimensions.

c3aada No.1224584


Can Trump redpill the masons?

8c1598 No.1224585


Prince is "on board."????

b42b12 No.1224586


This also reminds me of the movie the "Omen". very spoopy! Except, instead of being in the UK, it's in the US. Did that also happen already here?

cb9868 No.1224587

File: 474d61e5fb3cb43⋯.jpg (76.34 KB, 750x500, 3:2, trump bat boy.jpg)

File: c55193f2c48e431⋯.jpg (91.16 KB, 881x499, 881:499, trump batboy.jpg)

File: 03c8aabd38b32b3⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, continue eagle.jpg)

cfeb1c No.1224588

Since the FBI doesn't have an organic act, has there ever been a challenge to Agency action on such grounds?

FBI website lists a bunch of shit that implies their authority, but every other agency has an organic act.

84ebd8 No.1224589


Correct, you tell em.


Those statements are false. Nobody elected this fake Q.


Correct, you got it.

00188b No.1224590


OR where we held the seance to talk to them.

c3aada No.1224591

File: 8f4801ed0d2ff3e⋯.jpg (46.21 KB, 626x329, 626:329, laimfaggrammameme.jpg)

274560 No.1224592


i hope atleast the lower lvls

7c3d31 No.1224593


Q en publiQ

94165f No.1224594


larp? ok. you seem to have figured it out. so? i guess we will miss you since you get to move on now. us retards still need time. thanks for the heads up. i'll research that right away.

b264c8 No.1224595


why are you even here?

55c2b0 No.1224596


Yes, 98% of masons are good people. They have been decieved like all of us.

8e75ca No.1224597

File: 377f3d1030d597b⋯.jpg (342.65 KB, 1094x801, 1094:801, whoopthereitis.jpg)


tops or bottoms

0263e6 No.1224598


He runs a farm, illegal workers must be there. That will run him out of office.

c6c16c No.1224599


I would love a meme with Comey on one saying "I have never leaked" side by side with this one ("it Depends"

1c954a No.1224600

I can’t possibly be the only anon that’s wants these ppl dead/hung/guillotined…I don’t want to pay for them in prison or feed them or see them live another day !

1f1f36 No.1224601

File: 9c52e1a5cfd4083⋯.png (39.88 KB, 517x496, 517:496, cubeaxis1.png)

File: 3745dc493f22b2b⋯.png (159.67 KB, 945x496, 945:496, cubefrac.png)


I forgot the graphics.

We can perceive at least 6 realities at once - a cube. Then what creates those is the next question.

e7c83f No.1224602



f5936a No.1224603


Any luck?

Pics plz Anon here a walleye slayer

5b9239 No.1224604


The other day I came across a post I knew I'd read before, but forever ago before I even came to the chans. Looooong time ago, in a dream maybe?

Viewed the first reply….I'll be damned.

Not just you, Anon.

822dac No.1224605

File: eec718d23818b43⋯.jpg (14.93 KB, 350x350, 1:1, tardis.jpg)


The good side has more advanced ones. It's a race.

a0351a No.1224606


MAGMA89 passing Trinidad on NW course.

I had an idea: to open multiple instances of ADSB on different maps I'm tracking. Doh! Would help. They seem to keep it straight in each tab and not scramble data with shared cookies/DOM.

b825da No.1224607

So I've been following Q since the beginning, sitting here, getting lazy and letting my beard grow because I'm afraid to get up and shave it, fearing I might miss a crumb or a clue from Q. Only problem is, my beard has turned all white, making me look much older than I really am. I really haven't considered or cared much about this fact, until today…

Got outta bed and got my coffee, checked for Q updates , then realized I was starving. I haven't gone to a store in forever. Provisions were running low because I was afraid I'd get up and miss a Q post. There was nothing left in the house to eat.

I got a quick shower, checked again for Q posts, then hit the local store. I rushed down the isles quickly, fearing I'd miss a Q post. When satisfied I had everything I needed, I headed to the check out, laid my keys on the register and tossed my items on the conveyor belt.

My cashier was a young, pimply face normie and didn't look old enough to have graduated high school, let alone know anything about Q or the Cabal. He was be moving the customers through quickly enough to impress me tho.

My Total came to $61.25… I only had $20's on me. I handed him 4 20's. He pointed, giggling at the bills. I stared at him, missing the joke… "What's so funny?" I asked… He pointed to my bills and said.. 4 20's… Yeah, I get it, I said.

"Never-mind," He said, then asked if I had anything smaller.

"No, sorry, " I replied…

"Well no problem" he chirped, grinning , "I'll just ring you up for the senior discount then and it will only be $56.40." "WHAT?" Did I hear him correctly??? SENIOR DISCOUNT? WTF? Did he think I was some senile old person on the verge of Altimeters or something?

I stared at him in disbelief.

"Would you like me to get someone to help you out to your car, sir?" My blood began to boil… the nerve and audacity of this young punk! Little did he know I was once in the army and had to cross two live fire zones just to get to the chow hall and I never missed a meal.

It was all I could take… I'll show this kid a senior alrighty!!!…. I loaded up both hands with plastic bags until I had both hands full. Let HIM put the cart away! Senior discount indeed! I lifted my chin proudly and started heading for the door, Pretending the strain of the bags cutting into my fingers wasn't evident as my hands grew numb…

"SIR! SIR! YOU FORGOT YOUR CHANGE!" he squeaked gleefully as he pranced after me. "What?" I said, stalling for time to think… "It's okay he squealed, happens all the time," he said as dumped my change into one of the bags that were now cutting deep into the bones of my hand.. "Are you sure you don't need some help, sir?" HELP? Me? NEED HELP with a few bags? "NO! I am fine!" I snapped at the kid, lifting my nose in pride, I stormed towards the automatic doors and exited the store…

Outside on the curb…. I freeze in panic… "Where the hell did I park? I can't remember … Fear gripped my soul tightly as I thought to myself.. "My God, I'm going senile, this can't be happening!" Suddenly, the auto-doors behind me open and out skipped the grinning kid, dangling my keys over his head, like the sibling that was the first to get the prize from the cereal box… "You forgot your keys" he said, almost singing this time… A quick vision of the kid with his apron, tied around his neck, hanging from the sensor above the automatic door, quickly passed through my mind… "C'mon he said, I'll open the door for you, you have your hands full and those bags must be getting heavy, where's your car?" I stuttered… "I… It's…. I mean…" "Oh it's okay, I understand, " he sang cheerfully, as he pressed the alarm button on my keychain…" HONK HONK HONK from somewhere on the North 40 of Isle 5… Absolutely fuming, I stormed to the vehicle.. "WATCH OUT!!!" he screamed as I nearly stepped in front of a passing car… *Screech* the young lady stared at me… I could read her mind…"C'mon old man, get across the street already!"… "UGH! C'mon kid, let's get this over-with," I screamed as I made my way to the truck,

Finally getting to my truck, letting the kid unlock and open the door for me, I felt bad for plotting his demise and decided I'd offer him a tip.. "Hey, thanks I said, let me…" He cuts me off… "It's okay, just glad I could help, besides, all you have is 20's, remember? You told me yourself… I glanced suspiciously at the tire iron laying in the back of the truck and envisioned it embedded in this kids skull… Apparently, I zoned out for too long, as I turned around, he was almost halfway back to the store…

So here I am, catching up on notables and waiting for crumbs.

27d4d6 No.1224608


I was referring to die glocke

a1dae8 No.1224609


Looks like Iran is already happening.

00219d No.1224610

File: f96ddee710d9bd0⋯.png (773.93 KB, 1352x2249, 104:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7cb2d957a10020⋯.png (73.06 KB, 509x405, 509:405, ClipboardImage.png)

Emilys List


36a119 No.1224611

File: c33ecf4933a6240⋯.png (323.03 KB, 722x887, 722:887, Tester.png)

So this faggot Jon Tester thinks the VA is doing pretty darn good, what a fucking douche canoe!!!

Delusional Dem: The VA is Doing a ‘Pretty Darn Good Job’


71874c No.1224612


I agree with your statement. I actually believe we control the other sides machine now. I also think it's more than just a machine (as in computers, etc.). I think there is a very serious human component to it all. Is the person the time machine? Go back to the CIA documents released in the early 2000's. It sure sounded like you could become your own time machine if you wanted to. You could go into the past, or into the future.

Time is constantly changing like the ebbs and flows of a river. Make one change, throw a rock in the river, and the ripples change the direction of the river in a small amount. Throw a boulder in the river, and you divert the river forever. You just need to make sure the river goes in the direction you want it to.

When Q states, "Wind the clock" could it possibly mean that things have changed in this continuum where they need to make an adjustment?

Just theorizing.

84ebd8 No.1224613


Who do you think you are idiot? You don´t run the show either. This is not a place for a cult that does not accept the truth you idiot.


Q is not teaching anything. It is all stupidity and lies. Nothing Q has said has come true.


How can you claim "trust the plan" when you don´t even know what the plan is you idiot?



this was not posted by aim.


Will you really?

cd9065 No.1224614

Pls Q, tell us what country, so we can give an example.

There is a need for an example.

43fe26 No.1224615

File: 9098b02c059475f⋯.png (516.22 KB, 820x630, 82:63, seductress939.png)

File: 457abe36234ea27⋯.png (1.41 MB, 987x657, 329:219, oyveh.png)

File: 2af27d79f030eae⋯.png (764.03 KB, 1125x608, 1125:608, wonderinghamm73.png)

d0da4f No.1224616

File: 19970e08421fef1⋯.png (252.13 KB, 448x305, 448:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c262c5a546e852⋯.jpg (160.59 KB, 989x719, 989:719, QPROOF.jpg)

8b6e20 No.1224617

File: 5df24b4f9faff09⋯.jpg (86.33 KB, 500x546, 250:273, 28ypb1~2.jpg)

Nothing will happen to James Comey.

6d870c No.1224618


Yeah, looks like him with his beard long.

84ebd8 No.1224619


So if Trump never met with Mueller, this is more evidence the claims of Q are fake. Even CICADA 3301, a highly intelligent group of Intel pros, have denounced Q as a pathetic display of ignorance and have said fake Q will be exposed 7 times over and that the solvers of CICADA have the chance to expose this fake Q.

c3aada No.1224620


Um, this is not a Ron Paul Board from 2010. Yu must go back.

ccc61e No.1224621


didn't she put a nun six feet under a few days ago?

b264c8 No.1224622


just caught a few sunnys but was trying for the bass

didn't take any pics though anon sorry

0fdecf No.1224623

File: 1cec907d3c28469⋯.png (127.17 KB, 852x549, 284:183, qanon.pub.search-30-20.39.….png)

>>1195142 #1496

>04/26/18 (Thu) 11:12:25

Just saw this. Thanks for confirming.

>>1211343 rt >>1211294 — Q

>“Done in 30.”


Lots of interesting Q crumbs associated with "30" in last 30 days.

2bef93 No.1224624


I also meant to mention that I do Google image searches all the time and never came across chan memes until today. They had Twitter URLs, they look really powerful, I can see the chans becoming a news outlet, dig, research, meme.

a0351a No.1224625


^^^^^^ Entertaining story

822dac No.1224626

a1dae8 No.1224627


When I posted that it was the 666th post. Maybe a sign Iran is being dealt with.

e10d27 No.1224628

File: b914637e54872f9⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 695x391, 695:391, queen-elizabeth-ii-new-doc….jpg)

8e9e94 No.1224629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


funk volume too

962805 No.1224630

memefags any chance of the most interesting man

along the lines of (if they're that bad, would explain why I don't meme)

"stay woke, my friend"

"he is left and right"

"his business card says, "stay woke"

"be free, my friend. be free"

1f1f36 No.1224631


Ok fine

I would rather move up to the next octave

This 4D is too limiting.

97039a No.1224632


Oh look a shill all in one combo


Muh Rudy is comp'ed

Muh New Age

Muh misdirection.

What's next, muh joos?


84ebd8 No.1224633


Yep, sure does. Evidence that Q is a larp, and fake, fake, fake.


Correct, because it is not accurate. Full of holes and lies.


Correct. Anyone talking like that does not merit even to be heard.


You idiots think you can win by lying and using KEK memes to prop-up lies? GTFO idiot.


You do not support Ron Paul?

71874c No.1224634


Remember, not just Hollywood.

36a119 No.1224635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jon Tester: The VA is Doing a Pretty Darn Good Job

IS HE BLIND!?! No wonder he cock blocked GEOTUS nomination he is doing some shady shit with the VA and he does not want a new sheriff coming into town!!! Especially one that will clean house!!!

1e074b No.1224636


Hope she has someone to watch her kids when they lose their hidden trust funds and she's in GITMO

84ebd8 No.1224637


You retard, you don´t need the FBI to make MILITARY arrests you retard.

Anyone can make arrests and hawl them in to the military tribunals you retard!

b264c8 No.1224638


kys "Q is a larp" shill

got back to reading AIM and worshipping HRC

no one cares what you have to say and discounts it immediately

84ebd8 No.1224639


You usefull idiot! Russia is actually helping to fight ISIS, free innocent Syria while the U.S. Inc., and the banking cabal are illegally bombing Syria with no proof of Assad being behind any chemical attacks you retard!

1b5386 No.1224640


i've always (well not always, but far back) had the unfounded certainty that time travel is possible, but just as a "ghost"

cbd3e6 No.1224641

File: 558002c8b364a71⋯.png (39.63 KB, 730x340, 73:34, CNN-Mueller-stock-portfoli….png)

1f1f36 No.1224642

i will not be limited by 4D or 5D thought.

822dac No.1224643


The problem with organized freemasonry is the secrecy oaths. They don't want normalfags knowing the secrets because muh profane, but this secrecy oath also enables stuff like Pedogate.

It's a geometry club at core.

ec4982 No.1224644


Has anybody looked in the psychotherapy for this poor guy

e3fd0a No.1224645


Not sure if this is a cheeky Elon Musk joke, or if you've got a springboard on where to look, kek.

8ee052 No.1224646


Thanks anon, at-least we know we are in the drift together

a54f36 No.1224647

nice job

84ebd8 No.1224648


None of these SES thugs have had their power removed you retard of fake news!

And your Jeff SESssions has been duly exposed you idiot!

f2d920 No.1224649

PM May just signed her political death warrant.

She refuses to budge on customs union.

She knows what this means.

She wants to be ousted.

Bring May flowers.

a4553c No.1224650

>>1218893 Q !

Not just still very treasonous CIA DOJ & FBI etc but also BATF

ALL 3 non responsive to reported crimes, threat to life, evidence of corruption, prohibited person w/ fire arms & other things connected to domestic terror

Info on evidence, where to find metadata of dirty Director level bastards. Tied to NGO tax exempt anti USA non filed as Foreign Agents criminals, terrorists, treason, corruption also

proof THEY are working w/ G00g, Germany, Israel, UK, France against USA

Report people getting documented death threats, shootings, attempted homicide, & LEO, Judicial - all branches (easy meta even prove State Supreme comped), local/State corruption. EASY evidence, witnesses, metadata, even audio recordings. Tied to corruption, drugs, clowns, pedos also.

FBI freaking hang up on people reporting being shot at. Yet witnesses and audio. Can PROVE LEOS not respond protect citizens as in on it.

Why terrorists, gangs, felons, those on bond, probation, even Fed probation, home detention allowed to have guns, drugs, connected to ghost guns? Those report lives in danger nothing done to protect them. WHY? Patriots being robbed, abused, intimidated, dead, shot at, etc. need help. Why no contact? No help. Been Patriot all life, & on this since Oct. Need help, protection

d0da4f No.1224651

File: a8d09260a765beb⋯.png (245.38 KB, 471x302, 471:302, ClipboardImage.png)

cd9065 No.1224652

File: f1c6d4a2fde0b4a⋯.png (171.78 KB, 567x819, 9:13, FBI.png)


Can you make a meme please?

This photo w/ red;

"This is how TRUTH looks like"

c3aada No.1224653

File: bb4ef1f2ac935d2⋯.jpg (44.79 KB, 640x409, 640:409, pelican 40000.jpg)

205c46 No.1224654


I'm sure "someone" in her circle has already watched her kids, and much more

ce34c0 No.1224655

Ding-ding-ding! This is your…

Daily Reminder NOT TO RESPOND TO SHILLS. They get paid by reply and will post things that make you angry to get said replies, so DON'T DO IT.

84ebd8 No.1224656


Remember having your board taken-down & having to change IP right after we exposed you and Jeff SESssions on the 28th of last month fake Q? IT HAS BEEN ONE MONTH of this non-sense! Time to expose you again & take you down, YOU MOCKING BIRD YOU!!

8e9e94 No.1224657

File: fe4f6a795e52f23⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 212x238, 106:119, im_with_her.jpg)



our shills are so useless and pathetic, but i LOVE them

<3 <3 <3

55c2b0 No.1224658


linear thinking is dangerous my friend.

4c83e9 No.1224659



Best screen cap for the week. It's been interesting.

162dc3 No.1224660


Thanks for the find. Strangely absent is any explanation as to why Nato sub hunting plane would be venturing deep into the Russian mainland. Interesting also since Russia is flaunting recovered missile tech from Syria recently. Some entrepreneurial Indians?

4fe05e No.1224661

File: c4ed749a1f553ac⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 753x381, 251:127, spurdo_aim.jpg)

>>> 84ebd8

the fucking retard is back guys

a4e863 No.1224662

File: ec3da2f7c82d40e⋯.jpeg (684.09 KB, 1242x2139, 18:31, 862EC4FD-4E98-4239-9974-B….jpeg)

File: 1ae2fb4caad4d31⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 587B1D2E-4BB8-4576-9058-8A….png)


Owl C

Owl see

Owlsey? Owlsey Brown?

Dead 2012. Daughter a former Ambassadors wife. Under Obama Administration

Matthew Barzun married to one of the heiresses of the bourbon empire.

She is big into art and gave a heap of dough to this museum in Louisville.

Barzun also worked for ((Gannett))

>found him when we were digging McLean.

6fda0a No.1224663



>/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\



Rule 9


36a119 No.1224664

File: 5f3df430f82d0ab⋯.png (512.96 KB, 676x757, 676:757, dirty tricks.png)

File: cf454e38d01bcd1⋯.png (134.87 KB, 669x488, 669:488, bullying to win.png)


VIDEO: Was Jon Tester Elected Through Dirty Tricks?


84ebd8 No.1224665


Huber is SES you retard! Trump is upset with Jeff SESssions you idiot! Per what even Trump has said, the IG has NO TRUE PROSECUTORIAL POWER dumbo! In fact, his last report was only on McCabe and nothing about the tons of other criminals! Nothing on the crimes of the AWANS, DWS and others! If Mueller were hired by POTUS, why would he be employing illlegal tactics you retard! POTUS is not in a weakeneed position you idiot! YOUare the bad actor idiot!

a24283 No.1224666

File: 92d5cae1cb9a088⋯.jpg (77.06 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 29a7nh.jpg)

4c83e9 No.1224667

File: 46d17d5b96afc44⋯.png (891.05 KB, 1901x946, 1901:946, ClipboardImage.png)

8e75ca No.1224668

File: 71b1cc1afbb0974⋯.jpg (601.5 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, foreal.jpg)



went past level 14

c3aada No.1224669

File: e16c3a15c8eb17c⋯.jpg (69.75 KB, 888x499, 888:499, laimshutdownboard.jpg)

1f1f36 No.1224670


It was too fishy.

i saw the text that said it was "IN" the asteroid belt and they timeshifted on me. I was soo triggered I did the math - 38 times the speed of light.

Next day "into"

I could be wrong.

84ebd8 No.1224671


Why would anyone want the witch hunt to continue you idiot? The Podesta Group closed shop 3 days after George Webb opened his prosecution you idiot! You are blurting-out nothing but gibberish you idiot!

e10d27 No.1224672


Its a Russian built plane. May have been going back for work at the manufacturer?

ce34c0 No.1224673


Spurdo truly is Finland's greatest gift to mankind.

55c2b0 No.1224674

"He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger."


00219d No.1224675


Shit, anon…I bring Q drops with me everywhere I go..

Its called a fucking cellphone

Get up! Get the stink off of you!

Get some fresh fucking air for fucks sake!

The world is BEAUTIFUL

If you don't find a balance youll go fucking crazy

Join the discord server and get alerts to your phone everytime Q posts ya fuckin oldfag

94165f No.1224676


well i lied. i think on a much higher plain. see i actually re-read crumbs. that is the key. truyh is nobody knows who is good or who is bad. who is dead who is not. it's beyond most to figure just that tidbit out. the bad guys are even in the dark. only one thing left. trust the plan you wish to back. good or evil.

1ccc1f No.1224677


Better life through chemistry. Can tell you're not a fan of that philosophy. My theory, as long as you aren't hurting anyone it's all good. Otherwise we become a nanny-state, which is not good. From there people should live according to their religious/moral principles. A side-note. The person I cared most for in this life stayed away from drugs and alcohol to a fanatical degree. This person died far younger than those who cared for him/her felt was even remotely fair, the more so as he/she was among the kindest souls you will ever meet. So even an argument based upon one's health has no meaning to me either. Do no harm, treat others as you wish to be treated…the rest is commentary.

1b3b83 No.1224678

File: c194f5eb9c03528⋯.jpg (96.52 KB, 597x1178, 597:1178, 1513896800663.jpg)



picked this gem up on the last timeline.

ec4982 No.1224679


Ok, Q is from another Dimension.


84ebd8 No.1224680


You idiot! Mueller is a criminal, why would POTUS hire a criminal you retard! Stop the conspiracy theories about Flynn NOW you idiot! Flynn does not need to be falsely charged and have his life ruined along with others, only to be called-up to testify on the bodies you idiot!

Law makers have also become corrupted. Jeff SESssions is SES and is an enemy of the state you idiot! Stop connecting Comey memos to Flynn testimony you retard! How stupid can you be fake Q?

6524d9 No.1224681


Why are you here?

Because it's SO important to discredit a "fake" Q.?

822dac No.1224683



You can use a hammer to build a house, or you can use it to bash someone's skull in (or a square or a gauge or a maul)…

d21d68 No.1224684

Interesting that she is wearing a very similar dress to Catherine and Rosemarys baby and she behaved as the devil incarnate in the film. Cult messaging perhaps

c3aada No.1224685

File: 3ab2ab670352b52⋯.jpg (47.78 KB, 482x328, 241:164, julia pelicn nigger.jpg)

2a0cab No.1224686


Just more people she'll rip off while pocketing the bank in her off shore account. They deserve to lose their money so she can waste it on her daughters next anniversary.

34f4c0 No.1224687


Al-qaeda/france did a deal.

Dammed fuckers.

Destroy the EU.

84ebd8 No.1224688

Q is Paul Nakasone - Zionist - DOD Operation Mockingbrid agent using Israel mil intel to redpill the public into Zionist poison and brain-wash the public into accepting war, accepting the Queen agents of the Khazarian mafia, per this poster here:

Q = DOD plus Israel MIL Intel Paul Nakasone.


7ec93a No.1224689


When this day comes for me (and it won't be long), I hope the tire iron is in the trunk! Kek

84ebd8 No.1224690

Q is a DOD - Zionist - Israel MIL intel disinfo agent.


Qs motives exposed.


c3aada No.1224691

File: 6da4b38f56b2006⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 888x499, 888:499, laimfagkraken.jpg)

f5936a No.1224692

File: 559953770502508⋯.png (1008.49 KB, 1048x869, 1048:869, hrcragingfit.PNG)

4fe05e No.1224693

File: 5f391e576c0b30f⋯.jpg (112.28 KB, 780x1111, 780:1111, spurdo_tranny.jpg)


>Huber is SES you retard! Trump is upset with Jeff SESssions you idiot!


to be this retarded.

43c213 No.1224694

Trump signing an EO on Monday putting K-12 education back to the state and local level


a9d35c No.1224695

All of us on this board are ALREADY part of a new social construct of "intelligence" as an interactive form of self-government for the people that has never before been possible.

And we have already come to revere the new functionality of it.

"Intelligence" is not just stored information, but also how it is mined, processed and manifest.

Here, these four tasks are manned by white hats, anons, social media and alternative news, respectively.

Each of these however, are only present products of timeless archetypes yet to develop into broader, more functional elements of this "collective social intelligence" to come.

But none of this is "new under the sun." This same design of the STORM is found in a composite of archetypes in ancient texts, believed to refer to precisely our time, that also mentions how to substanitally improve the whole operation. It comprises the following five names in order. Observe how each relate to the same operation as the STORM.

Epaphrus means, "One devoted to superimposing times, places or orders." This describes POTUS and all his old-school generals with their utmost experience and knowledge of history. They are able to formulate the best plans for having knowledge of how similar or related plans have faired in the past.

Marcus means, "warlike" in Latin, "hammer" in the Gaelic. A hammer is also widely associated with battle and political change. This compares with the work of the Q team, the NSA, Marines and other white hats more actively involved in the present deep-state struggle.

Aristarchus means, "breakfast of champions." This compares with the bread and info anons have produced on this board. This is the primary source of "meal" people need once the have WOKE. But it is generally filtered through the work of the next two characters.

Demas means "popularity." This "popularity" is ascertained by refinement and exposure of the work in social media (to control the narrative).

Lucas means "bringer of light," and compares with the more esteemed forces of alternative news that "illuminate" the public visibility of what the public is ready for. This archetype also compares with another we all apprise for bringing light (out of chaos), which is the chans unique embodiment of the frog-headed Egyptian god, Kek.

All these names appear in this same order of operation as that of the STORM - and are found in a cryptic appeal for public recognition as collectively authoritative in now-imminent Christian leadership.

Detailed explanation in subsequent posts here: >>989661

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