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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: f399ac48494c1cf⋯.jpg (485.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bread avatar.jpg)

9ba467 No.1202765

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


This is not about religions or party affiliation.

EVIL is everywhere.

There are no drawn lines.

No boundaries.

Good vs Evil.




This is about taking back our FREEDOM and saving our children/people from the EVIL that has plagued our country/world for so long.


Vincit Omnia Veritas

Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Clownshill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill


1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. Watch, archive, report.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING''' link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 For Instagram mirroring (We need better tools)

>>1127332 For website mirroring

Board Rules


Q's Tripcode: Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Qs Latest Posts

Thursday 4.26.2018

>>1198932 rt >>1198778 — Important note [texts only].

>>1197788 rt >>1197573 — How many pics can you find of JL & HRC?

>>1197560 ———————- Sessions playing 4D chess

Wednesday 4.25.2018

>>1189217 rt >>1189008 — Antifa ARE Nazis

>>1187806 rt >>1187631 — Welcome to the WH.

>>1187631 ———————- What happens to...

>>1187021 rt >>1187000 — Note 187.

>>1187000 rt >>1186910 — Non-public release of Strzock texts

>>1184271 ———————- Are you awake?

>>1183319 ———————- Did you know?

>>1181425 rt >>1181379 — WW = worldwide. Try harder.

>>1181379 rt >>1181185 — They tried to delete the proof.

>>1181185 rt >>1180770 — We knew this day would come.

>>1180770 rt >>1180605 — The world is Connected. All or nothing.

>>1180770 rt >>1180604 — The world is Connected. All or nothing.

>>1180605 rt >>1180433 — Think logically…Power shift. Rise of the people.

>>1180433 rt >>1180390 — "Politics." Same for Merkel. Think movie.

>>1180364 ———————- They Feel Threatened By Us

Tuesday 4.24.2018

>>1173273 rt >>1173221 — Red carpet event tonight?

>>1169419 rt >>1169348 — This is about taking back our FREEDOM

>>1169345 rt >>1169290 — Red carpet rollout?

>>1169294 rt >>1169241 — Hostage no more.

>>1169241 rt >>1169138 — What's at risk?

>>1169138 rt >>1169112 — You Decide.

>>1169101 ———————- Iran is next. [Marker].

Monday 4.23.18

>>1164847 ———————- Coming soon.

>>1162020 ———————- It’s time to learn the TRUTH.

>>1160582 ———————- Listen carefully.

>>1159716 rt >>1159482 — When was UBL killed in Pakistan?

>>1159482 rt >>1159198 — Red Cross

>>1159198 rt >>1159032 — Wake up!

>>1159032 rt >>1158853 — Happy hunting!

>>1158853 rt >>1158720 — Happening now.

>>1158695 rt >>1158519 — Order is important.

>>1158519 rt >>1158228 — Like NK, they have been freed.

>>1158067 rt >>1158014 — Why was Armenia mentioned recently?

>>1158014 ———————- The world is awakening.

>>1157518 ———————- Reminder. Iran is Next. Marker.

Sunday 4.22.18

>>1152145 ———————- https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDVT-8tUfiE

>>1147720 ———————- Today is Earth Day.

>>1145824 ———————- Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?

>>1140227 ———————- MB Connections

>>1140780 rt >>1140510 — Salon article Michelle Bachmann witch hunt

>>1141069 ———————- Civilization Jihadist

Saturday 04.21.18

>>1133942 rt >>1133925 — AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18.

>>1133862 rt >>1133796 — They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed

>>1133464 rt >>1133332 — Fire up the memes!

>>1133332 ———————- What will next week hold?

>>1133238 rt >>1133204 — We came here for a reason

>>1133189 rt >>1133099 — Expand Further. Blackwater USA. Plausible Deniablity.

>>1132004 rt >>1131959 — Look at those palm trees!

>>1131877 rt >>1131741 — As the World Turns.

>>1131963 rt >>1131935 — Anons honored by your presence

>>1131741 ———————- Yesterday.

>>1131328 rt >>1131287 — Coincidence?

>>1131266 rt >>1131254 — Think private email addresses

>>1131254 rt >>1131247 — Think public & private Twitter accounts

>>1131191 ———————- Right on Q

>>1130667 ———————- Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.

>>1130369 rt >>1130171 — Think Sessions

>>1130171 rt >>1130125 — Maggie Haberman on HRC team

>>1130089 ———————- Wikileaks Podesta emails

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts


9ba467 No.1202792



>>1202744 House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi publicly defended House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer

>>1202634 Hawon Jung tweets about "the era of peace"!

>>1202589 After Comey firing, Strzock texts that it's time to open criminal case "we've been waiting on"

>>1202309 Judicial Watch found new Clinton emails

>>1202128 The implants are the main reason for psychological mechanisms of denial and projection


>>1202051 South Korean president: 'I believe (((Trump))) did a lot' to bring North and South Korea together

>>1201644 , >>1201683 CIinton Cronie: Saudi Arabia - Google Alphabet - ARAMCO

>>1201630 , >>1201869 Kim Jong-un prepares to walk into history

>>1201482 McAfee: Cyber attacks on a global scale have become routine now

>>1201366 Carter Page: "I Told Government That Hillary Hired Steele DURING The Election"

>>1201343 Congress: Release the Texts! No redactions. graphic


>>1200823 , >>1200885 Genetically modified soldiers in Syria? ARCHIVE IMMEDIATELY!!!

>>1200598 Reminder: John Legend's daughter born 9 months after Spirit Cooking dinner mentioned in the Podesta emails (7/9/15)

>>1200560 Nazi tactics!

>>1200540 , >>1200562 Anonymous DNA tests are being harvested!


>>1200262 , >>1200268 Strzock is not actually FBI?

>>1200075 Cholera outbreak kills 40 Congolese refugees in Uganda - Red Cross, again!

>>1200014 Paedo-fornia! >>1200144 Further insights from daughter... I could hurl!

>>1199990 Mattis welcomes Lieberman to the Pentagon

>>1199949 Paedo: Patrick J. Conroy

>>1199792 17 Celebs who have adopted children

>>1199767 Temper, temper Cosby!

>>1199722 Why Investigations of “Intelligence Failures” Go Nowhere: Watchdogs Push Back Against Executive Agency Stonewalling


>>1199594 Ryan forces House Chaplain out

>>1199505 Why we demand #NoRedactions

>>1199388 Research Shows Google's Search Manipulations Tried To Rig Election For Hillary

>>1199166 Luna Simone Stephens >>1199861 Full Moon

>>1199140 John Legend - Haiti - More spiderwebs

>>1199133 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) connection to John Legend - BIG NAMES!

>>1199124 GS Files: African Catholic Cardinal Peter Turkson in the running as the next Pope

>>1199093 Iran Arrests Members of London-Backed Spying Cell

>>1198984 MbS: MB is an incubator of terrorism


>>1198809 President Bill Clinton Honored by Star-Studded Crowd at the Happy Hearts Fund Gala

>>1198723 KANSAS & Kim Jong Un photoshoot! N.B. Peaceful, not water.

>>1198619 The sodomised!

>>1198597 John Legend, Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking Event 1/6/2018

>>1198483 Alfie Evans: hospital has a history of organ harvesting

>>1198437 Another Tesla Exec. Bites The Dust


>>1198407 , >>1198021 , >>1197990 MOONCHILD: Aleister Crowley

>>1198382 #ReleaseTheTexts doing excellent so far. MOAR

>>1198342 Sara Carter: "texts today, fingers crossed"

>>1198327 Copy all new memes into MEMES 19

>>1198304 More photos of JL and HRC

>>1198299 , >>1198310 Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief

>>1198276 A glimpse of the cabal: A historical book selection

>>1198254 , >>1198513 Secretary Hillary Clinton Los Angeles event with... John Legend

>>1198244 JL sung at HRC's Haiti 'benefit'. A few participants >>1198299


>>1197998 Chelsea & JL

>>1197992 Direct video link to Mack recruitment video

>>1197940 , >>1197884 , >>1197868 , >>1197976 , >>1197967 Photos of John Legend and HRC together

>>1197872 Original image of the national front/ antifa doctored flag in this article

>>1197837 Marching Into The Darkness - Lyrics

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

9ba467 No.1202795


Just Released: 281 pages of new Clinton emails >>1182652 LET'S DIG!

MEME FOR DEAR LIFE >>1133464, >>1134569

Al Gore #WheresAlGore >>1147720

Huma+??(how many siblings does huma have?) >>1140227

Map Huma's Family: Parents & Siblings >>1142939 Huma's Sister, Heba, attempted to undermine RIGHTFUL outcome of Presidential Election

>>1143533 Follow the Money. Check out Dearborn, MI also

HUMA?? >>1143022, >>1143031

MB >>1143739 MB & OBAMA

Hussein >>1101878, >>1101894 Private Investigation Into Obama By Dr. Taitz

Obama Timeline >>1066725 POTUS Schedule vs Obama 'vacation' >>1200729

CLAS Sec 11A P2.2

>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce

>>1170802 Uranium One Link

>>1176566 Possible meaning "CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2" refers to "HDCP 2.2 11A" Eavesdrop on any data


>>1113402 D/L Video, Data Mine & Build Profile (Eyes Only)

>>1184421 Dig so far. Let's archive it anons, as Q said it's for use later

>>1164303 Nancy Pelosi's Twatter Archive

>>1118046 NP 1997 NK Talk www.c-span.org/video/?91427-1/north-korea-hunger-problem

>>1114611 32 Page PDF on NP: Needs DIGGING

>>1114530 Intelligence Committee Senate Report on NP's NK visit

>>1114037 NK selling arms to Iran: CIA Reading Room sauce

>>1113439 Alexandra

>>1113436 Christine

>>1113406 , >>1113553 , >>1113534 Paul

>>1113414 Offspring: Profiles

>>1107156 Dig On Feinstein's Husband

>>1112484 Complete archive for the @TeamPelosi twatter, including images

>>1111792 NP's financial disclosures

>>1107270 NP's net worth

>>1108812 NP Family: A Who's Who

>>1109003 NP Family: An overview

>>1113725 , >>1114100 Pelosi in NK

>>1113283 , >>1113404 Did Pelosi giggle when asked a Q about NK's recent ICBM?

>>1115633 NP violated NPT and 1994 Agreed Framework

>>1183297 NP Video Links and Resources

JFK Files Released

>>1202345 Howard Hunt was a deep state m**ng operative

>>1201030 James Earl Ray fingerprints didn't match

>>1200616 , >>1200691 Watergate in 1975 but in the body they're asking FBI-C_A for Howard Hunt's vacation & leave records during JFK's assassination period

>>1200531 , >>1200535 FBI intentionally ordered to avoid a DA's input on MLK's assassination

>>1199843 BINGO MLK SHOOTER Eric Starvo Galt >>1199893 James Earl Ray >>1199903

>>1197861 So the FBI plotted against MLK jr???

>>1197394 Hunt and Sturgis

>>1196996 Names under investigation for conspiracy to kidnap and murder one female General M. Magnifico

>>1196852 Oswald knows the handsigns, etc.


>>1196491 C_A ADMITS TEPEDINO WAS AN ASSET and then some...

>>1196214 , >>1196281 C_A Cryptonyms


>>1195956 Remember the "Tramps" from the Kennedy Assassination?

>>1195717 , >>1195707 Was Lee Harvey Oswald a secret unit called "Coffee Mill"?

>>1195180 , >>1195220 (((They))) killed MLK - what about JFK? DIG FOR HARD EVIDENCE, ANONS!

>>1194818 , >>1194863 , >>1194840 , >>1194686 , >>1194930 , >>1194929 JFK Documents release and finds

>>1194744 Expect fireworks! JFK files

War Room Incoming

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

ONE Hashtag: #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post

Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #MOABs, #FakeNews, #InternetBillOfRights, #MAGA, WHATEVER YOU WANT!

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Keep the info graphs, you'll find many useful hints within them.


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Fox News Live Stream http://usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

9ba467 No.1202805

Quick Access Tools

Q Graphics all in GMT

>>1185216 Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

>>1185220 Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

>>1185224 Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

>>1185089 Q Graphics all in GMT #16 >>>/comms/951

>>1185101 Q Graphics all in GMT #17 >>>/comms/952

>>1185120 Q Graphics all in GMT #18 >>>/comms/953

>>1199112 Q Graphics all in GMT #19

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg >>>/comms/966

>>1147103 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-07_2018-04-09_Read carefully).jpg >>>/comms/965

>>1147098 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-03_2018-04-07_Open the door.jpg >>>/comms/964

>>1147092 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-10_2018-04-03_Safe.jpg >>>/comms/963

>>1147087 Qmap_graphic_2018-03-06_2018-03-10_More coming.jpg >>>/comms/962

>>1147080 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-23_2018-03-06_Eyes in the SKY.jpg >>>/comms/961

>>1147072 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-15_2018-02-22_DISTRACTION.jpg >>>/comms/960

>>1147063 Qmap_graphic_2018-02-07_2018-02-14_PAY THE PRICE.jpg >>>/comms/959

>>1147057 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-31_2018-02-07_Think intel.jpg

>>1147051 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-26_2018-01-31_FREEDOM DAY_.jpg >>>/comms/958

>>1147032 Qmap_graphic_2018-01-13_2018-02-05]].jpg

>>1147024 Qmap_graphic_2017-11-20_2017-12-07]].jpg >>>/comms/957

>>1147018 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-28_2017-11-20]].jpg

>>1147010 Qmap_graphic_2017-10-29_2017-11-09]](lastconfirmed).png >>>/comms/956

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Research Section

* All My Tweets: Archive any Twatter account in text form. Great for scanning keywords. Requires Twatter login https://www.allmytweets.net/

* QMap PDF (Version >8.14.0 [updated 4/24])

>>1176816 http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Updated Q archives: qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

* Qcode guide to abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS-tweet archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* Spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Linode server Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link >>851957

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ Site is an aggregation of multiple twitter feeds, Qanon.pub feed, links to meme making, archiving and research tools.

* archive.is / https://web.archive.org

* LEGAL NEWS: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert app can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub (vetted by >>968129 )

Resources Library

>>4352 A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 Tools and Information

>>4852 Free Research Resources

>>4362 Planefag Tools

>>4369 Research Threads

>>16785 Prayer

>>257792 Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 Notable Resignations Thread 2/2

>>93735 Side-by-Side Graphics

>>410413 Q Communications re:deltas

>>1065418 Germanarchiveanon

>>1138899 HowTo DL from insta/YT in linux

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 15,000 memes and infographs.


Memes : Stockpiles

Memes19 >>1144040

Memes18 >>1027465

Memes17 >>877198

Memes15 >>596831

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

Learn to Bake! For God & Country!

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Bakers Manual also available at >>1010064

or read: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

876419 No.1202808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'''I always feel like, somebody's watching me…

And I have no privacy."

((Who's playin' trix on me))

→ Music has messages.

bd7cf1 No.1202810

how about those TEXTs please thaaaaaaaaanks in advance

77fa31 No.1202814

praise to the non shill baker

9ba467 No.1202826

#1505 DOUGH

9ba467 No.1202830

#1505 DOUGH


59d1e1 No.1202836


especially how said music is composed.

50f545 No.1202878

File: aac8723da6d09cb⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 599x599, 1:1, IMG_2641.JPG)

File: b34b0db29832253⋯.jpg (84.94 KB, 675x679, 675:679, IMG_2345.JPG)

File: 4ec773aad958e24⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 504x479, 504:479, IMG_2625.JPG)

File: b4910ced9b2cc3e⋯.png (4.75 KB, 220x220, 1:1, EAC6112C-0960-4EC5-9CCC-F3….png)

The ones trashing the "New Age" are the same who are embracing the old.

Carbon is the "building block of life"

6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons

Science will prove religion.

God is light.

We are light.

Made in his image.

Flesh matrix


Blue zones (vegetarian) have the world highest living populations and lowest disease rates.

And no that doesn't include soy.

Thousands of nut and legume proteins that are x10 better than any meat you will ever get

Part of the narritve is to keep us eating animal adrenochrome, human cells and GmOs instead of growing our own and raising our own happy animals peacefully.

They use pollution and packaging, chemicals and destruction to give us more negative karma on the cycle to keep us here.

Despite free energy being everywhere, myco and compostable plastics have been a thing, hydro powered engines are a thing.

144k starseeds to lead the building of the kingdom.





Job 38:31:

"Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion's belt?











4/18/18 = green light



Periodic information leaks.



64a443 No.1202881


Q also demands arrests for some worst for others.

extremely hard to do while the deep state has its tentacles in every country in the world. Q must liberate all and help to free each nation threw the alliance and softly hand them the power back without getting us blowed up in the process.

I am sure this is difficult as some countries are not 100% convinced ourguy is not the head of the swamp.

something Putin said long ago, "We don't know how a Trump presidency will be. maybe the same maybe better maybe worst."

lets face it anon our hands are pretty dirty.and its our guys job to ensure the world that those days are gone. people dont just forget.

cadfab No.1202882

File: c134ced15deb51f⋯.png (25.02 KB, 512x512, 1:1, actualresearch.png)

200196 No.1202883

File: 1016e990248205a⋯.jpg (78.23 KB, 576x324, 16:9, small.jpg)

This is on purpose… Who is that with the red tie?

45936e No.1202884

File: 6b263bcb8430e59⋯.jpg (354.1 KB, 1500x1030, 150:103, moldy-bread-feature.jpg)

Moldy Old Bread

e717e1 No.1202885

Denis Rodman played Basketball.

Pompeo played basketball.

The unity of basketball will save the world from WWIII.

9390a4 No.1202886

3, 2,1…..here comes Q to do damage control

189752 No.1202887

File: 668385e7bbb0f68⋯.jpg (102.33 KB, 750x705, 50:47, badactors.jpg)

Assassination movie on Days of Our Lives Set

Really bad actors

bd7cf1 No.1202888


Bill Clinton sitting courtside at NBA playoffs awesome job Q


27259d No.1202889

File: bfc41a90b828a65⋯.png (112.34 KB, 450x540, 5:6, pepedong.png)



c77ecb No.1202890

Well, Q will be here soon obfuscating and gaslighting so as to keep the whole thing going. This is getting embarrasing.

"Ready for tomorrow?" FARK me…

b9460c No.1202891

File: eba6f24f8f7fffd⋯.png (489.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Smart vs. Stupid (Version ….png)


No. That's a myth. It's still unsecure because of the packets passung between the terminal.laptop.cellphone of the person who is logging in, and the e-mail server where they are "only logging in to look at the e-mail" -- and all the packets are watched. Q: "We have it all" Q: "these people are stupid"

5bc0e8 No.1202892

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


I've watched my share of wrestling, it's all idle bluffing for the weak minded.

e61d28 No.1202893

File: 8c8b1ed73512b34⋯.png (531 KB, 521x523, 521:523, dank-you-baker.png)

ty baker

29e8bc No.1202894




71da51 No.1202895



b9460c No.1202896

File: 70f33269095b59f⋯.png (118.61 KB, 584x1204, 146:301, 'Achtung Minen!' for autod….png)

b9460c No.1202897

File: 0603614db80316a⋯.png (43.86 KB, 451x665, 451:665, 'Always Leave This Field B….png)

6744cb No.1202898

File: c016c93762aed89⋯.png (735.01 KB, 1381x777, 1381:777, IMG_4065.PNG)

Praise to the Patriot Baker. Thanks Baker, an impressive stream of notables you've got there.

c7974b No.1202900

>>1202829 (Last bread)

>This is winning?

I'm not feeling victorious right now.

But I bet Rod Rosencunt and his Jugears crew are.

Fucking crooks keep winning.

189752 No.1202901

File: e798ca2da844bb9⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 940x705, 4:3, nobodynoticesagun.jpg)

They used Days of Our Lives Set in Hollywood to fake this assassination.



b9460c No.1202902

File: 1822b96b688ca18⋯.png (33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, How to filter (Mark II ser….png)

e61d28 No.1202903

File: 78d84ae5cb50afb⋯.png (803.01 KB, 635x600, 127:120, release-text-72.png)

4fc099 No.1202904


yeah, this bread is bad…

c77ecb No.1202905


Are you a Korean, or an American? WHERE IS THE MOAB???

50f545 No.1202906

File: 158a5b7e882f690⋯.png (245.81 KB, 1223x1308, 1223:1308, IMG_2613.PNG)

File: 95996d69cb1b3ca⋯.png (182.68 KB, 1218x906, 203:151, IMG_2614.PNG)

File: 31fee333124e99c⋯.png (57.79 KB, 1241x446, 1241:446, IMG_2615.PNG)

File: 194614a77767c0e⋯.png (2.2 KB, 220x147, 220:147, A135D725-8FB3-47E9-8705-F7….png)

File: 59e1846e8100913⋯.jpeg (60.26 KB, 640x959, 640:959, 060E93EB-653A-412A-B573-D….jpeg)





The more minds that clear doubt the higher the collective conscious goes. Let's all EVOLVE together.

Kanye: Life Of Pablo = Life of Paul

Paul=Paul The Apostle.

All songs and lyrics talk about what's going on right now.


Kendrick is poetically exposing a Clinton backed NWO and how they systematically abuse the black population to feed off their children financially and physically. These sick people all own children's charities which they use to collect $ and traffic humans globally. "Meal ticket". We are disconnected from the source "god" (father) and if love doesn't win our children will be the real victims. Philly is the first "capital" of the USA. We are never going back to Babylon. Now back to your scheduled programming.

Next: How they use ignorance, women and sex as a control form to keep rich black men from their spirtual selves. "nam myoho renge kyo" - was to activate promise of universal enlightenment;

"No More Parties In LA" refers to the "parties" these elite have where women and children are passed around as sex objects and humans are eaten. Don't believe me look up "the cannibal club los angles (real business)". (Eyes Wide Shut)


Go watch the speech he made at his show:


Pablo tour canceled.

After he got out of the psych ward he meets Donald Trump and vanishes from the spotlight until recently.

I ask you, how many "coincidences" before it becomes mathematically impossible for you?

"Avici" by definition is the lowest circle of Buddhist hell defined as a cube.

The DJ Avicii (who took name from this) died on one of the biggest satanic holidays in Oman=omen right after putting 2 videos out on human trafficking.

His tattoos themself show the purpose.

Purpose isn't always defined by what we consciously know. Sometimes we do things we can't explain. We all feel compelled to follow certain paths. Know what is in front of your face and all that is hidden will be revealed.

So anyone here from a faraway place- take the time to learn the messages. It's encoded into all your favorite things.

Start with Q-Tip ;)







"The Morphic field is like the Internet of all knowledge, and our minds are like devices that can plug into this field and extract energy and information.

Any energy and information we have inside us also filters into this field, and that’s how we create the world around us through our energy – it just flows into the morphic field."

5) "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."

(8) Jesus said, “A wise fisherman cast his net into the sea. When he drew it up it was full of little fish. Among them he discovered a large, fine fish. He threw all the little fish back into the sea, and he chose the large fish. Anyone here with two good ears should listen.”

(17) Jesus said, “I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, and what has not arisen in the human heart.”

(18) The followers said to Jesus, “Tell us how our end will be.” He said, “Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is, the end will be. Fortunate is the one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death.”









Why are BLOODLINES so important ?

What do they teach 33rd degree masons??

High level scientologists ?

Same thing.

>Fellow incarnated extraterrestrials

The Great Awakening.


ef5b2b No.1202907

File: bb93e125aaa98a9⋯.png (22.66 KB, 616x196, 22:7, ClipboardImage.png)


please review

3a38a3 No.1202908

File: 6ab756f28a3d252⋯.jpg (6.13 KB, 264x191, 264:191, monty1.jpg)

b9460c No.1202909

File: a5adccefac7f148⋯.png (397.85 KB, 1024x511, 1024:511, 6a (final).png)

e717e1 No.1202910

Rodman, the bridge who stopped WWIII.

f9f4f1 No.1202911

I'll say this again anons.

There is a reason all of these text messages haven't been released. They're being used in an active criminal investigation and will be used as evidence. The missing texts will reveal the assassination attempts on POTUS 45 & Family and will ultimately conclude in them being convicted of:

Seditious Conspiracy


Especially under Military Tribunal - That is death.

65d843 No.1202912


Back in the day, that song didn't seem at all significant but looking at it through today's events, it sure has a helluva lot of meaning!

bd7cf1 No.1202913

the worst part about this is that people will actually credit this to Q if and when the texts come out

b83cf9 No.1202914


Stop making excuses. It's supposed to have been planned for 3 yrs already. By hiding the truth about all of it, you guarantee history will be repeated.

cf3e1a No.1202915


Somebody better

ed3c2f No.1202916

Don't worry anons, Adam Schiff will be on CNN any minute leaking what is in the texts.

a6e500 No.1202917

Anyone else notice the red carpet at the meeting at the DNZ?


b9460c No.1202918

File: a82c49a9fd9b01c⋯.png (140.95 KB, 793x660, 793:660, Edited Kek #005.png)

bd7cf1 No.1202919

6feb11 No.1202920

Does anyone think POTUS and Q-team are slow walking the release of info b/c they are monitoring/recording bad actors' online chatter to further build criminal cases?

89b29a No.1202922

Clean Gmail…

They were using DROPBOXES.

As were the AWANS, as was the congressional co-conspirators, as was Stephen Paddock, ect. THIS is how they communicated when shit was "sensitive". They were STUPID.

No Such Agency has it ALL.

3a38a3 No.1202923

File: 0d3eab3649c944f⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 264x191, 264:191, monty3.jpg)

e5c967 No.1202924

If they know clean gmail was used, they were either told or gained access to the account (most likely through a seized device).

Otherwise how would they know about the account?

So they must have ALL of the information, correct?

31d961 No.1202925


I too have been saying this

31e9ea No.1202926

File: d011f19e7a50fb1⋯.png (215.1 KB, 1162x538, 581:269, datamapseal.PNG)

crumb from this link.

What a shitshow it is tonight.

From this link (I broke it manually this time)

https://pub lic.tableau.com/profile/nerothehero#!/

a62b75 No.1202927


How people can think that this was not a good

enough MOAB is beyond me.




125544 No.1202928

I think many of us just have some battle fatigue…ive only been doing this since jan, while so many others since the beginning and many more even longer….so while I am fatigued and I crave results (arrests, exposure), I need to trust the battle plan my general has forged..God Bless America….FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT…Plus, WE DO HAVE SO MANY WINS ALREADY…just because MSM doesn't show it, doesn't mean it isn't happening

de59e7 No.1202929

No Such Agency accidentally releases info just like someone "accidentally" set off the emergency alert system to the people of Hawaii.

Sounds good to me!

Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec 119877


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


9c0019 No.1202930

File: 11ed8853bb50680⋯.png (26.43 KB, 1078x90, 539:45, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

Something is up with qanonposts.com

131847 No.1202931





13ed41 No.1202932


Is 49 pages seriously all they have? Where are they? We know to look for [R]enegade, they don't.

b83cf9 No.1202933


BS. If that was true, Q would not have brought it up.

b9460c No.1202934

File: 1822b96b688ca18⋯.png (33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, How to filter (Mark II ser….png)


Filter whoever you want – it's your decision.

3d8758 No.1202935


65 year war finally over. Big accomplishment.

BUT we wanted domestic MOAB.

9390a4 No.1202936

While other countries are having revolutions by the people, Q tells us to just sit back….

b9460c No.1202937

File: a82c49a9fd9b01c⋯.png (140.95 KB, 793x660, 793:660, Edited Kek #005.png)

edda20 No.1202938

File: e5bb8e73fd213c6⋯.png (105.17 KB, 442x465, 442:465, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

Updated in case this is helpful to anyone.

e7e12a No.1202939


I sometimes wonder if he really died

shot in the abdomen, one bullet

ruby "dies" before his re-trial, 3 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer

sounds fake and gay

31d961 No.1202940


GW proved right again

ca18de No.1202941


Where would the NSA release it?

976798 No.1202942


Ditto...Done, there are have been too many tomorrows and next weeks and.....nothing. Just talk...no action, no arrests, no nothing. Years old articles about corruption with no action. Ironically, the only one getting into trouble is the Pres.

27259d No.1202943

File: 1b01e2fbd7483fe⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 700x546, 50:39, 1b01e2fbd7483fe2167a417ed6….jpg)


bd7cf1 No.1202944


Occam's Razor………Q is just waiting then reacting to shit we already collectively know

complete bullshit. put up evidence if you have it

3a38a3 No.1202945


because its not a bomb

its just good news

131847 No.1202946


been comped forever


d1a291 No.1202947

File: 4f24c1d948d023d⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 533x505, 533:505, theslide.jpg)

Your probably the same person who liters, and pisses all over the seat in the church bathroom.

It's fine. Just know, you are not welcome.

And we put up with you because it's the American thing to do. Not because we have to.

If it were up to me, they'd escort your ass into GITMO for Treason/Attempted Sabotage.. fucking disgrace.

e61d28 No.1202948

File: ad71de52cc2643d⋯.png (555.99 KB, 404x635, 404:635, release-text-73.png)

125544 No.1202949


good news, thanks for the reminder Anon….also a reminder to RE READ THE CRUMBS

b9460c No.1202950

File: d855ddd93932d64⋯.png (108.46 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 'Are _you_ ignoring the sh….png)

File: 0ae843f7286b23c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2683x1560, 2683:1560, fishing #003d.png)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)

50f545 No.1202951

File: 8c9e88f50c46d8c⋯.jpeg (136.95 KB, 1200x626, 600:313, E5573BA8-CC63-4344-9B25-D….jpeg)

File: 9816b9de4de5220⋯.png (307.15 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2150.PNG)

File: 6217e4a5b4a6edf⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2151.PNG)

File: e03ea1ce570aab8⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2152.PNG)




9ba467 No.1202952


Put all the info into a post and it goes in the current JFK mission.


That was gone last loaf!

0560ec No.1202953

It doesn't matter if the Gmail account was logged into by a group only drafting messages and deleting. Google had every draft, every login, every login location, and probably the complete location of each. If they had their camera on, they have a pic if they set up the email account to force it. That makes Goog complicit

b83cf9 No.1202954

755056 No.1202956


Have it yes released it all no …either to dangerous or twist in the plan …but just my two cents

ed3c2f No.1202957


Q just told us how to read the R in them.

Why would he tell us that if we are not going to see them soon?

e717e1 No.1202958


Well. I'll tell you Matt's special button didn't install itself…

e61d28 No.1202959

File: 5a8e8aa9ce65d4b⋯.png (493.17 KB, 700x402, 350:201, release-text-71.png)

89b29a No.1202960


For sure

a4a176 No.1202961

File: 27f16cf462d6d2c⋯.jpg (924.33 KB, 1603x799, 1603:799, BornAgain.jpg)

5bc0e8 No.1202962

File: e986038b4fb1114⋯.jpg (7.02 KB, 275x183, 275:183, kanye.jpg)


Maybe this is why Kanye suddenly appeared on the scene.

Get people talking about Bush.

b9460c No.1202963

File: 0ae843f7286b23c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 2683x1560, 2683:1560, fishing #003d.png)

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

fdc84d No.1202964


A big thank you to all the patriots recognizing, and pointing out fake news. Bakers need all the backup they can get.

73c8b6 No.1202965

>>1202807 (prev bread)

Saw it live in action today. Sara Carter broke that the texts were coming today, I was watching her retwats and comments go up like a slot machine and then they froze at a certain point. Like dead stop.

82814a No.1202966

>>1202655 (prev)

>So much going on right now, could be any one.

You got that straight. The relatives were super excited about the texts today, but I know how this works by now lol. Things are never as they seem until they smack you in the face.

Interesting you bring up Assange...what better way to get dicey info out there implicating other countries' governments we're supposedly allied with than by an independent source. Kek!

Side note: don't forget the POTUS rally on Saturday night.

3e9b88 No.1202967


Jenna Jameson tweeted "who is Q" today…

She's a follower here.

This timeline is WILD!

If Lavar Ball tweets about Q next I will shit my pants. If he calls him Q/Trump a BIG BALLER, I will just lose it in tears.

fbe4c4 No.1202968


Are you thinking Nellie Ohr antics here?

You may be on to something.

ca18de No.1202969


50f545 No.1202970






e5c0b2 No.1202971

Disappointed no doubt, but we can't stop now. So close to realizing why we're all here, the Great Awakening. Q has given us a front row seat to history. Patience.

de59e7 No.1202972


If only I knew anon…

Unless Q's post about this was a threat at the original time written to these rogue operators.

fc1c45 No.1202973


Kek. Trust the chan. Our success rate is fucking horrid now. Thanks Cue!



Kek, so much for that space project huh?

131847 No.1202974


so you took it off after anons asking for it, but not because anons asked?

you're an odd baker

b9460c No.1202975

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

61ab32 No.1202976

honestly, even _if_ the texts are out, if they aren't linked HERE i really don't care.. this bakery ROCKS and WE THE PEOPLE have ourselves to thank.. WE ARE THE NEWS, WE HAVE THE SAUCE and if WE don't then.. we don't

f9f4f1 No.1202978


We know [R] means Renegade (Obama) - The investigation won't though. They won't make any sense to anybody other than us anons.

13ed41 No.1202979



fc1c45 No.1202980


Did someone bring her up to speed at least?!

3a38a3 No.1202981

congress is stalling

they dont want us to know

pretty simple

Q said that but still led us to believe MOAB was coming

so should still be coming

b9460c No.1202982

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)

5bc0e8 No.1202983




3e9b88 No.1202984


Shes "aware" (no misc)

49eb80 No.1202985

File: df01e0992ab4f72⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 275x183, 275:183, DUD.jpg)

It's official. Once again Q's MOAB is a total DUD. MOTHER OF ALL DUDS [MOAD]. I love and respect Q. But it's clear that he is a career government official. The first principle of private business is to under promise and over deliver. Q repeatedly over promises and under delivers. Does anyone on this board remember what all of his BOOMs with their attendant exclamation points referred to? Exactly!

Q, please provide the crumbs and just the crumbs. You don't do hyperbole well. It just doesn't suit you.

db7947 No.1202986


Pax Trump.

189752 No.1202987

File: 0e837b4c99ae509⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 620x465, 4:3, andACTION!.jpg)

They FAKED Lee Harvey Oswald's death


Look at the camera angles


Just so happen to have the perfect angle

The perfect timing

The perfect down stage

And look at their faces.

Look how long they have till he pulls the cap gun!!!!

This was shitty acting on top of that!

WHY WERE THE CAMERAS OF JFK assassination all blurry?

Yet this camera was perfect?

ed3c2f No.1202988

North Korea is neutralized.

What else do you whiney babies want for now?>>1202900

3e29cf No.1202990

Candace is a hottie too

c61db2 No.1202991


great job, so many moves being made.

so much happening at once

look left, makes moves on the right

look right, makes moves on the left

while the truth is being sprinkled everywhere

1da262 No.1202992

This is what Q said about incoming MOAB:

Apr 21 2018 14:10:43 (EST) Q ID: b7a0ab 1133332

What will next week hold?



c20f5e No.1202993


Debate how to handle.

Buying time.




all bullshit

b9460c No.1202994

File: ad0d68604ea4101⋯.png (89.2 KB, 592x517, 592:517, Mockingbird Shit (final).png)

ef5b2b No.1202995



Mission based on this post:

>>1196178 (old bread)

https:// www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/docid-32262490.pdf

5bc0e8 No.1202996




9390a4 No.1202997


Yep, and that's exactly why all of them are getting arrested,…… Or…..

a3d720 No.1202998

Twatter lagging something fierce

No redactions going strong…

bd7cf1 No.1202999


fucking bullshit

remember all the kids supposed to be getting hurt? well I guess text messages are more important

b83cf9 No.1203000


It was a moab during the Olympics. Not now. Great news, yes. But it has been expected.

e30f5c No.1203001

File: 1d5f9705071d52b⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 1578x480, 263:80, and yet.jpg)

d70715 No.1203002


Why are you here?

5a8b1c No.1203003

File: 1d7c27a28d9c2cd⋯.png (5.94 MB, 1111x5281, 1111:5281, NK_.png)

i think i'm missing at least one good recent pic standing on flowers, but how's this?

b9460c No.1203004

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)

File: 80cc9681c50e1b0⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 900x707, 900:707, hanging-clown-shill.jpg)

de0d5b No.1203005

File: 284e612e238b0a3⋯.jpg (220.82 KB, 500x544, 125:136, IMG_1186.JPG)

50f545 No.1203006

File: aac8723da6d09cb⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 599x599, 1:1, IMG_2641.JPG)



"This may be another hint about what his album title, "The Life Of Pablo", may mean, as "Pablo" means Paul in Spanish.

The release of the album has been plagued by misfortune. On Friday, he held a "listening party" for his long-awaited seventh album during the launch of his new Yeezy clothing line in a fashion show at New York's Madison Square Garden."


Born in the year 5 A.D. in the ancient Turkish city of Tarsus, Saul (as he was then known) grew up in a family of Hebrew nationalists who tried hard to keep their children from the “contaminating” influence of anything non-Jewish. At 13 years of age, Saul was sent to Palestine to study religion under a rabbi before eventually becoming a Jewish lawyer. A religious extremist by this point in time, Saul made it his purpose in life to see to the eradication of Christianity from the face of the earth. Acts 8:3 goes so far as to state, “Saul was ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison.”

The turning point in Saul’s story came when, on his way from Jerusalem to Damascus to deliver a message to the synagogues to round up and imprison Christians, Saul was struck down by a blinding light from the heavens. The voice of Jesus then talked to him, questioning why Saul was so bent on persecuting his followers. Blind for the rest of the journey, a deeply affected Saul finally arrived in Damascus where he regained his sight and was baptized, from then on taking on the Christian name of Paul.









072505 No.1203007



(((anons))) asked for it.

Pretty sure at this point baker understands who is vpn hopping and generating 'consensus' in order to shit up these breads and bitch/moan pilpul until (((they))) get their way.

Baker, please advise. Give these (((fuckers))) no inch. They are already back to bitching at you for being independent.


f39ce3 No.1203008


It's take your kid to work day, looks like a gecko kid thing

45936e No.1203009

R is for Renigg

We re-Nigged on logic in 2012. Was that election Rigged or Nigged?

755056 No.1203010


moab OR precursor ….

89b29a No.1203011

FFS this is like Syria strike night all over again.

64a443 No.1203012


believe me friend, I have been singing the same song as you are right now. Some days its hard to keep faith, we have been lied to so many times by so many people. why should we trust anyone?

I will tell you why "What have you got to lose."

we were gearing up for a revolution one way or the other. at least this way there is a possibility justice will prevail and no innocent blood needs to drop.

a532ee No.1203013

File: ddaacad5b048fca⋯.png (825.47 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot (65).png)


>>1202143 >>1202150 >>1202155 >>1202248 >>1202410 >>1202771 >>1202844


There is lots of info out there that do not care if people involved are dead or alive

403bbd No.1203014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c20f5e No.1203015


I was here falling for the larp, like the rest of us

ed3c2f No.1203016


They will spin R as someone other than Hussein.

And I bet Ryan wants to make sure it is not him.

Will they try to pin it as Rosenstein?

Is that what Q was saying?

5a8b1c No.1203017


woops RBG isn't in nk either

54f68a No.1203018


Nope. I think they are dealing with a serious threat. It's why the JFK files were not fully released. It's why the texts aren't being released. I'm open to being convinced otherwise, but it's the simplest explanation for what we have seen vs. what the buildup was.

cf3e1a No.1203019


Fuck off cucklord. You damn well know Q was hinting hard at something unrelated and bigger

ef5b2b No.1203020


14 posts already?

fag not here to work

filter this fucker

448d09 No.1203021


what we want it the war in our country to be over. Sick of losing the culture war.

f1af07 No.1203022


Feels bad that Q had to explain [R] … this OG Autist will try to be here more. If only the hours spent here helped pay the bills…


189752 No.1203024

File: e798ca2da844bb9⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 940x705, 4:3, nobodynoticesagun.jpg)

File: 9defe572cc4c3bc⋯.jpg (136.83 KB, 634x745, 634:745, reallybadactors.jpg)

File: 668385e7bbb0f68⋯.jpg (102.33 KB, 750x705, 50:47, badactors.jpg)

Look at their faces

Do these guys look like they just saw a guy get shot?

Why has nobody spotted this till now?

What else?

Tonight Q you have floored me

This has topped the blood drinking pedovore night for me. JFK staged, yeah sure hell we all knew that, but the Oswald kill? Dang. I mean dang.

73c8b6 No.1203025


Yes. This happens all of the time. Whether or not it’s always intentional is hard to tell, but they definitely ring a bell and look at the crowd to see who hears it. Or watch who someone like JL calls when he gets attacked by us for being a pedo.

There are so many people dreading the day that Q mentions them.

3a38a3 No.1203026



>This is what Q said about incoming MOAB:

>Apr 21 2018 14:10:43 (EST) Q ID: b7a0ab 1133332

>What will next week hold?


Debate how to handle.

Buying time.




so far that is exactly what has occurred

i want more asap but Q and potus are not dictators and have a big swamp to work with

congress stalling but they cant do so for too long

b9460c No.1203027

File: 560e8de18491e01⋯.png (408.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Smart vs. Stupid (Version ….png)

131847 No.1203028

File: 6f38ef53436767d⋯.png (337.63 KB, 946x717, 946:717, ClipboardImage.png)




5bc0e8 No.1203029


You are correct.

a3d720 No.1203030

File: 9a41852422d8a44⋯.jpg (72.1 KB, 623x706, 623:706, IMG_2241.JPG)

Maintain, Patriots, we are stronger than (((them))).

ef5b2b No.1203031


filter this fucker

been in every bread since this a-noon

9390a4 No.1203032


What an excellent, rational rebuttal, congratulations. You're gonna be in the 11:11 parade.

8144a1 No.1203033

File: 26e36d5899848c4⋯.jpg (98.91 KB, 582x488, 291:244, 296joe.jpg)

ae91a1 No.1203034


This means that Kek is Lucifer.

Pepe is equivalent to Pope.

Kek is Satan himself and he has COMPED the warroom on this board.

Not to mention the community itself.

Time to purge this abomination

072505 No.1203035

File: f514c88917b9ead⋯.jpg (29.17 KB, 300x300, 1:1, dancingkikes.jpg)


(((they))) are out in force trying to subvert and pressure anons. This is fucking retarded.


Pic fucking related.

d70715 No.1203036




131847 No.1203038





for the baker and the anon asking (repost for you)


9da61f No.1203039

File: 680eece3b19f860⋯.jpg (365.88 KB, 946x1024, 473:512, HillaryAt8chBoard2.jpg)

f9f4f1 No.1203040


No, I think he is telling us some of the texts will contain [R]. We will know how to diseminate them and realise what they mean.

b9460c No.1203041

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

File: 8d72724d13c6759⋯.png (65.4 KB, 575x575, 1:1, fishing #001e Clown.png)

File: 1822b96b688ca18⋯.png (33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, How to filter (Mark II ser….png)

27259d No.1203042

File: 08d6464fc96c920⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 601x601, 1:1, 1510280606276.jpg)


I'm comfy AF

niggers are working OT for shekels tho

13623a No.1203043

File: 412183a048e475d⋯.png (431.79 KB, 759x500, 759:500, ClipboardImage.png)


This wonderful, beautiful and smart woman needs her own show! NOW!

3a38a3 No.1203044

File: 6ab756f28a3d252⋯.jpg (6.13 KB, 264x191, 264:191, monty1.jpg)


>Pic fucking related.

c61db2 No.1203045


with every "plan" there is a timeline to follow

89b29a No.1203046


Lisa Page and Priestap have turned. They're spilling it ALL.

fdc84d No.1203047

Filter yourself into a safespace.

3d8758 No.1203048


Well, tomorrow globalist Merkel here so narrative shift again.

ae822d No.1203049

File: 646322cbe468761⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1270x780, 127:78, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

Painting in the background. sun coming up behind the mountains. Significant Times!

c4d30c No.1203050



8 Chan/This Board has become the largest and one of the more reliable news sites on the web or any platform.

Haven't you seen how the more mainstream medias follow what we do here and the stories they mine from our research?

82814a No.1203051

File: 990bd5e3859ae84⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1414x736, 707:368, NK6.png)


Sweet…there was this one too.

e30f5c No.1203052


don't forget the Whisper chat app they were using (they thought it was actually "secure" LOL)

3e29cf No.1203053


There's about a dozen switch hitting on different devices & whatnot. Comfy that they are still shilling this hard; on target confirmation, fuck they're stupid.

2e689e No.1203054

File: a23e0555b59536b⋯.jpeg (48.5 KB, 703x427, 703:427, Lee and Harvey.jpeg)

File: c854617459095bd⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 473x314, 473:314, twooswalds.jpg)


I'm glad someone else can see that. Finally. whew. That was a wait.

The fat-ass car pulling in and "honk honk" as a signal is the absolute giveaway.

Also shooter blocks vision of shot so, again, it's suggested not depicted.

Not sure how they got the print still shot version. "Oswald" does some powerful grimacing however - he's not your run of the mill crisis actor.

Yet again,though, no blood.


It's not a big portion of unreleased JFK documents. Finish studying the event and going through what was released today, then bitch if you still care to. The Bushes already destroyed the most important documents? Are you kidding? No, it's very likely. But don't be a pessimist, it's not a cold case. It's a very hot case and we've got'em cold. But no one [hardly] knows that yet.

The folks involved with this too,as helpers and adjuncts, thought they'd never get caught. I wonder why? Is the criminal conspiracy that big and that powerful?

e61d28 No.1203055

File: 8dedbc98cc458fc⋯.png (958.8 KB, 767x568, 767:568, release-text-28.png)

29e8bc No.1203056

File: 6884512494a8b0c⋯.jpg (33.48 KB, 600x599, 600:599, iu.jpg)

3c7fe2 No.1203057



They are buying time.

National crisis.

Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.


Still have access.


Kept at top.


NAT SEC issue.


Reveal gmail draft comms.

Who had access?

Legal case(s) building.

You have a voice.

Be heard.

Patience isn’t always easy.

But vital to get right.


131847 No.1203058




the baker took out the muh jew bullshit

kys too

5f3555 No.1203059


She is amazing

31d961 No.1203060


Following up with this point is the all important issue of LEVERAGE. Q is not just communicating with us, but also making a point to scare the shit out of Cabal people. Release of these serve effectively as threats.

36370b No.1203061


I believe so too. In any battle are moves and countermoves. Since we are not in the loop, we get conclusions based on Q drops. My question, if Q is for real why does he/she/them continue overhiping?

ddb964 No.1203062



136d5b No.1203063

File: 9b151e908ca49ff⋯.jpeg (233.24 KB, 1536x1223, 1536:1223, 7D80254D-D30A-4CC1-A9CE-3….jpeg)


b9460c No.1203064

File: 1822b96b688ca18⋯.png (33 KB, 512x512, 1:1, How to filter (Mark II ser….png)


Maybe this is legit research, maybe it isn't – you decide, and filter accordingly. Q: for anon posting: what happened to Ruby, then?

a3d720 No.1203065



They couldn't release due to treasonous comms by Hussein

fc1c45 No.1203066


You're a faggot, anon. We knew for weeks NK was taken care of. KYS. Lurk more and shut the fuck up. We're focused on the MOAB and your mom.

35d21b No.1203067

File: bf5cd031d019525⋯.gif (630.52 KB, 319x179, 319:179, tumblr_inline_oswonhxTSp1r….gif)

6899f2 No.1203068


So where did Oswald go after they faked the shooting ?? Witness Protection ??

c61db2 No.1203069


[R] pertains to the name of a song.

38ce01 No.1203070

File: 61521dce5d21603⋯.png (119.25 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, IMG_1455.PNG)

Duh Fuck is this shit?


5c8eb1 No.1203071

are you fucking kidding me this is in notables?

>>1202128 The implants are the main reason for psychological mechanisms of denial and projection

clearly this board is worthless at this time.

577968 No.1203072


Then why are you here? L O L

Pitiful. The first stage is denial. All your idols are scumbags. You've been indoctrinated most of your life.

It's been going on for too long, too much has come true. Anons forget the POTUS brought a bunch of motherfuckers here with a retweet.

I'm with the restless anons though. I not only want to know it all. Fuck this keeping secrets shit.

I want heads to roll.

I want revenge.

I demand satisfaction.

5bc0e8 No.1203073

File: 1f820b94ba09fa8⋯.png (138.9 KB, 272x363, 272:363, quirky.PNG)

89b29a No.1203074


That was known as well. Ruby AKA "Rubenstein" was part of the gang.

5a8b1c No.1203075





131847 No.1203076

File: beabd0a6b4eaabd⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 720x380, 36:19, USofQ.jpg)


loud and clear Q



403bbd No.1203077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3d8758 No.1203078



3a38a3 No.1203079

what normal anons do not realize is that when Q says these people are sick it means a lot of things we are not

for example - anons would not lie and cheat and try to hide facts just to stall in the vain hope that no one will notice or find out

but that is what they do every time

9b9b72 No.1203080

ef5b2b No.1203081




Thanks anon. At least a few of us are working.

bea9f9 No.1203082

File: 28cc46d0d993fe2⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 232x360, 29:45, SUN TZU-RLL2.jpg)


a780cf No.1203083


The entire second paragraph is a boom.

73c8b6 No.1203084


It’s looking like NK could be a big story that develops quickly.

Another anon mentioned that they wanted to kill Melania, if that’s true you would think someone is getting slapped around today by a Marine in her honor.

Couldn’t answer today what he got her for her birthday.

9ba467 No.1203085



I made room for more info in bread. Wasn't essential info anyway. Not giving into anyone. PATRIOTS research :)



Like so:

>>1196178 C_A HIT TEAM TOOK JFK OUT! >>1203028


b9460c No.1203086

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

File: 666ceefc4f29567⋯.png (19.81 KB, 300x300, 1:1, fishing #002b.png)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)

310071 No.1203087


They never learn.

631b2d No.1203088


God Bless, Q!

e90eaa No.1203089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

While we are all distracted by all the Q post, shit is happening in Syria and in Ukraine.

The Russian are fortifying theirs position with more and more Anti-air defence system even linking them with the Syrian military.

http:// defence-blog.com/army/russia-deploys-advanced-short-range-air-defence-missile-systems-syria.html

In Ukraine shit is really heating up in donbas.

https:// twitter.com/Eire_QC/status/989532866047561728

It's hard for us the little people to figure out all those "palace" intrigue. But we can believe what we see and what actual action are going on. All the rest can be dis-info or just fiction.

It's not looking good. Time is ticking. Fallout is a video game not something I would like to see IRL.

c7974b No.1203090


>we were gearing up for a revolution

I'm sad to say that the longer that these known crooks remain free, the revolution becomes more inevitable.

The DOJ ignores Congressional requests for unredacted information critical to an ongoing investigation?

And the assholes responsible just giggle and go to three-martini lunches?

We voted for this shit to end.

The people of this great country are fucking pissed!

50f545 No.1203091



>filter me

>dropping shit outside the accepted narritve

>I been here since a noon because I'm fighting this war on humanities mind


Know what this board is for.


27259d No.1203092

File: a8e37c030c94c29⋯.png (39.49 KB, 520x392, 65:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd79b89d9117f59⋯.png (91.3 KB, 1294x324, 647:162, ClipboardImage.png)



e5c0b2 No.1203093

3e29cf No.1203094

fc1c45 No.1203095


>Dark Web

Ooooh noooo. The dark web again. Looks like they'll be setting their own stage to say the texts are fakes from the dark web. Fuuuck

1a6ee7 No.1203096


Q -

Thank you for arriving. Frustration is very high.

Can Marshalls physically remove texts, tapes, etc.???

d70715 No.1203098




fdc84d No.1203099


This is not about retribution but salvation.

9da61f No.1203100


We are armed and ready Sir!

God bless.

9d85d4 No.1203101


Hey boss. Takes a while to grok.

Gmail draft comms … sounds interesting.

Getting it right is more important than getting it soon.

cadfab No.1203102


Thanks Q. It's so easy for us to lose context.

46822d No.1203103


Some don't get it yet, we are the new 4am talking points, kicking ass and winning bigly!

a3d720 No.1203104



We will keep up the attack.


89b29a No.1203105



125544 No.1203106


b9460c No.1203107

File: 80cc9681c50e1b0⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 900x707, 900:707, hanging-clown-shill.jpg)


I guess I'm ovef the target, then, clown shill. :^)

1e3f9f No.1203108


Well stop with the hype if you can not actually produce the rewards. It is exhausting and draining of your front line crews.

5bc0e8 No.1203109


>b-b-but it was endorsed by Snowden!

de0d5b No.1203110

File: 98d979c48bab4bb⋯.jpg (46.07 KB, 491x290, 491:290, IMG_1412.JPG)

d06301 No.1203111


Q, we know you are asking us to tweet storm. You are asking for more patience. We've waited so long.

We need you to recognize us. We haven't been recognized, and it's frustrating.

310071 No.1203112


"Bigger than we can imagine."

1a6ee7 No.1203113




9eb074 No.1203114


Cabal_RFYL_chatter [max outgoing]

Shills trying to defuse MOAB [max incoming]

13ed41 No.1203115


We don't even know if what they have doesnt already say that. It could be they're in there but as anon said above, only we will know what to look for.

27259d No.1203116

File: e18845edc20a7fb⋯.png (593.24 KB, 533x557, 533:557, 1511004546913.png)


You have our power

db7947 No.1203117






….and Korea is magical.

2f7668 No.1203118


Filter Accordingly… Exactly. 56 posts last bread and 18 already in this one with Zero useful content

fc1c45 No.1203119

afd121 No.1203120


Patience is definitely a virtue.


a3d720 No.1203121

You know what to do, Anons, my brothers, my fellow Patriots!


60b1cb No.1203122


I have faith! Keep up the good work our precious Q team!

403bbd No.1203123


>Reveal gmail draft comms.

>Who had access?

one gmail account, multiple users, left messages in draft folder

f9f4f1 No.1203124


Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests. - Capitol Hill.

They were cleaning their gmails which means Google has the originals.

We need to push this. Google has the power to Releasethetexts.

e09afb No.1203125


This is truly amazing

Hannity is ON FIRE tonight

a62b75 No.1203126

File: 0dd55e4bb0c8350⋯.png (44.21 KB, 743x516, 743:516, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

"Wheres our MOAB?!" ← DoubtFAGS.

This is YUGE. The strings were cut, the hostages

freed, the red carpet was out, history made,

the cabal is out.

65d843 No.1203127


Tried to comment on some of Sara's twat posts & bastards kept telling me the posts had been deleted & I couldn't respond. Total BS

b83cf9 No.1203128


During our first meme push for #releasethememo, it became extremely apparent. We created numerous twitter accounts so we could continue the push. But they have all been blocked or banned by now. We are totally ineffective on social media. Q/team have the "algorithm" to stop the banning, yet we voices are still being silenced. We have been effectively neutralized. Enjoy the show….

dbc285 No.1203129


Nope, can't see the connection.....

bea9f9 No.1203130



Premature matriculation…

bf43c6 No.1203131


>They used Days of Our Lives Set in Hollywood to fake this assassination.

No they didn't, they just had a nine foot tall cameraman silly.

bddef3 No.1203132


Come on Q

We need some hard evidence to drop

e7e12a No.1203133


Oswald dies from one bullet to the abdomen, pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital.

Ruby dies three weeks after being diagnosed with cancer, before they can schedule his retrial, pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital.

Starting to doubt either one actually died.

Parkland was complicit in the assassination.

e3e48f No.1203134

Does Oswald have a black eye?


a7a9e4 No.1203135


Memes away!!! We Will Be Heard!!

b134da No.1203136


>Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.

Just do it!


5bc0e8 No.1203138


>monitoring/recording bad actors' online chatter

That a cornerstone of investigations. You learn so much more watching reactions than snooping into what's already there.

bd7cf1 No.1203139


seriously not funny anymore. been here from the beginning.

d06301 No.1203140


They use "Gmail drafts" to send messages to each other, do you all understand?

They all share a single gmail account, because they know sending emails are monitored. So they write "Drafts", then the next person logs in and reads what's in the Drafts.

Do you get it? They use drafts to prevent sending messages to each other.

Q. This is really simple stuff - most of woke ones already know this stuff. We need to go way way faster. The hardcore researchers are bored.

64a443 No.1203141


would smash that. just sayen..

a6cd6f No.1203142


watch the WATER

50f545 No.1203143

File: aac8723da6d09cb⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 599x599, 1:1, IMG_2641.JPG)



(Go back to last q posts and see when he enters the convo.)

Last post referenced full disclosure.

6744cb No.1203144


Patience we have. As long as it takes. God bless.

bea9f9 No.1203145


Try harder.

<eat shit, shill

c2fa4e No.1203146

(Bread #1505)


>Nobody even fucking notices the gun


Yes, it's staged. Waiting to frame the shot of the "shot." You see the sheriff move back. Oswald is wearing a dark sweater, so you can't see any blood. Did he even die?


>JFK stuff is hiding international

>1 day of digging shows me we can piece together the clown hit team

Yes. I haven't seen one particular little country as being involved. Did I miss that? I read they paid for and brought in three French sharpshooters, who were ranged around Dealey Plaza.

45936e No.1203147


>Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.

ThankQ that means soo much to me(us?)

79df5d No.1203148

8144a1 No.1203149


So they are planning the Mother Of All False Flags to really shift the narrative back into their control. Q and team be safe, WE will be HEARD.

068172 No.1203150


Sick of the build up and the let downs….feeling gaslighted now

b9460c No.1203151

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)


Woo Shill. It ain't Research into Q's crumbs. GTFO.

131847 No.1203152


No, that's already in the JFK section


>>1203028 Title: HUNT THE 35 HITMEN

doing this for the anon who proposed it because its a good idea

we want a mission section to hunt down the 35 hitmen in dallas during the assassination

bd7cf1 No.1203153


You said you have everything? why do we even care if they buy time


dbdb9e No.1203154


See….everyone getting all mad

01026f No.1203155


> [top eyes on 1st]


65d843 No.1203156


Yes, allegedly sustained during a scuffle during his arrest

77ab09 No.1203157


What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas a few days longer…

4f8d93 No.1203158

File: ec93e8e3d5068b2⋯.png (454.57 KB, 505x335, 101:67, spiritcooking.png)


After reading wikileaks Spirit cooking

c20f5e No.1203159


The day ended, and nothing. Your words here don't match the evidence. The texts were a bust.

13ed41 No.1203160


WHEN Q?! We know you're here to prevent riots. but this is getting out of hand! Leak to WikiLeaks please!

8df0a5 No.1203161

File: ff52a6a6f16aaa0⋯.jpg (871.77 KB, 1916x2608, 479:652, Renegade.jpg)


Well, There's a simple way to solve a problem.. meme a solution.

189752 No.1203162

File: 1a20499f2492684⋯.jpg (42 KB, 620x465, 4:3, OHHHHmuhgunshot.jpg)


Did anyone read Q's drop?


It was filled on set of As The World Turns

Just like Q said.

So Q all along has been threatening CIA/George Bush all along!!!

Remember where did Q drop a MOAB?

He dropped it on Poppie Bush's heroine facility

George Bush has been running that operation in Afghanistan since CIA days

Trump dropped a MOAB on that mother fucker!

Now…he just LET US KNOW THAT JFK Assassination was all George Bush's baby

That the CIA covered up with Oswald Show

Filmed on site at As The World Turns



This alone blows the fuck out of the CIA and BUSH







f39ce3 No.1203163


Screw Fox, she needs to run for Congress.

6feb11 No.1203164

File: 838d1891853b108⋯.png (868.36 KB, 1147x920, 1147:920, Kanye Kim.png)

edc129 No.1203165

File: e9c8cf3645028a6⋯.jpeg (61.7 KB, 607x400, 607:400, jfkq.jpeg)

631b2d No.1203166


simple, but thanks for clarifying.

b08214 No.1203167

File: 2bbaafd15077598⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1145x678, 1145:678, qdawgs.png)

29895e No.1203169


Sounds brilliant to me.

3d8758 No.1203170

National Crisis?

9390a4 No.1203171

Your government is no longer in control, you know what to do.

e5c0b2 No.1203172


Understood! They are done and going through death throes now. We are close! Fight! We will start seeing justice finally. Remember it's darkest right before the Don!

b9460c No.1203173

File: 560e8de18491e01⋯.png (408.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Smart vs. Stupid (Version ….png)

310071 No.1203174

Do none of you understand what is going to happen when this all comes out? Does National Security not mean anything to you?

5bc0e8 No.1203175


>National crisis.

>Legal case(s) building.

>Patience isn’t always easy.

>But vital to get right.

Oh, I know. I've been trying to help calm people down.

e7b78c No.1203176

Everytime you're accountable for something, you change the subject. Where's the photo of BO shooting the American flag? Why do you always have an out for actually delivering anything tangible?

5818c7 No.1203177

File: e0c76232a79f7db⋯.png (283.3 KB, 382x466, 191:233, kldgjbkfdjlgjdfkjgkfdjlgjj….png)

File: d2aab5249f5ebf6⋯.png (968.68 KB, 1009x676, 1009:676, 4534534RFDGFDGDFG777.png)

File: 2e872d2dd17dcd2⋯.png (786.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 34534534547777744.png)

3d1eb0 No.1203178

File: 6766babf8468ff1⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1086x1108, 543:554, 555439769107933anvas.png)

de59e7 No.1203179


Google included in on this anons if text were going to a draft box of gmail.

Buying time b/c they still have access to all of this and are still in positions of power.

Sick…sick…sick world we live in.

131847 No.1203180


taking it to mean the first high ranking officals to see it wanted immediate arrests

eb54c4 No.1203181


Trusting the Plan and the many minds behind it. A precarious choice to be made.

fd0db0 No.1203182


Thank you

d804a8 No.1203183


NOBODY is above the law.

These people need to be treated just like anyone else or we don't have a country of laws.

310071 No.1203184



It's not a joke.

64a443 No.1203185


Amen to that sir!

did you notice jack keeps screwing with out hashtags? if you push one I will push with you. same goes for potus.

a6cd6f No.1203186


this is why hrc had a PRIVATE SERVER and not GOOGLEMAIL

577968 No.1203187



My town is entirely in crisis planned by Soros puppets. Every facet of my life is effected by the current state of politics.

I need arrets and proofs.

I need satisfaction.

f79a90 No.1203188


Q I setup www.qtroops.com to help with Red Pilling. Let me know what you think. The plan is to donate majority of profits to Children's charities. This is not a money making scheme for me!!

2bac06 No.1203189





a9a506 No.1203190

There's no way all the BHO lovers will ever believe [R] = BHO unless the proof is absolutely conclusive and obvious.

We might know it, but they will never believe that.

BHO is their messiah.

9b328e No.1203191

Please arrest them!!

13623a No.1203192


nnnohmmm my gnodddd… she is Wifey material %100000

bea9f9 No.1203193


072505 No.1203194

File: 8beaf1747602f50⋯.png (122.95 KB, 300x483, 100:161, liesofkikes.png)


>They are buying time.

Congress is? Those fuckers are still scared of (((black hats))) aren't they?

>Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.

Oh now this is some good shit.


[POPE] is going to have a BAD MAY. ((roths)) will be under spotlight? Public?

>Legal case(s) building.

>You have a voice.

>Be heard.

>Patience isn’t always easy.

>But vital to get right.

We are always here, sir.

(((shilling))) is on COMPLETE OVERDRIVE. BLACK HATS AND (((THEM))) ARE OUT IN FULL FORCE trying to take over breads, squealing 'muh joo shill' to inexperienced or fatigued bakers and BO/BV in order to subvert this board and try to make it so there will be no repercussions to (((israel))) in the coming days when it all comes out. (((they))) want to turn this board into neocohen/(((shill))) board. Already efforts to censor and distract are underway.


Pic related, original poster. Thank you for your hints, Q team.

NO ONE playing the game gets away. NO one aggressing against us gets away. PERIOD.

f9f4f1 No.1203195


They'll have the Gmail account.

9da61f No.1203196

File: 7edbb6e2650f0ab⋯.jpg (190.75 KB, 1278x462, 213:77, CNNairport3.jpg)

File: 26801e5b394e754⋯.jpg (141.98 KB, 1242x390, 207:65, CNNairport4.jpg)

a4a176 No.1203197

File: 58cea64cb9ebb58⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, CreepyFeeling.jpg)


You said no coincidences. This week an article surfaced again hinting that Bill Clinton suggested to Trump that he should run for President back in 2015.

The perfect red pill for whites? Roseanne Barr.

The perfect red pill for blacks? Kanye West.

The perfect red pill for I'm With Her? Bill Clinton?

The perfect red pill for Never Trumpers? Bob Mueller?

The perfect red pill for gays?

The perfect red pill for MSM?

The perfect red pill for Hollywood?

44ebe2 No.1203198

We have patience Q. We have no choice. It's not as if we can go arrest these bastards. Thanks for the heads up on NK by the way. It makes it easier to convince skeptics about you. The video, Flynn, and arrests would have helped, but soon I'm guessing.

c4d30c No.1203199


It is much harder to get those emails if they have stored them on a server out of the USA

fc1c45 No.1203200


Please Q, drop the hammer. We need this to happen. We've been called crazy long enough. Vindicate our patriotism, I'm begging you.


Trips confirm. We are seriously being laughed at every time we connect dots on Twitter or to people in person. They don't give a damn about anything we say, no matter what angles we try to inject the red pill. People are going to midnight showings of the Avengers, binge watching tv, having a blue pilled life and we're here with crumbs and painted as antisocial morons. This is absolutely rough, Q.

cc492f No.1203201


Patriots, POTUS is putting the power back into your hands. Cease the opportunity. Light up the phone lines to your Representatives and demand the release of everything and immediate arrests. Make your voices heard! God speed Patriots!

bddef3 No.1203202


Not a shill fuckstick

I just want ACTION

a780cf No.1203203


Constitutional crisis soon?

310071 No.1203204


Warm up.

2e689e No.1203205

File: 0810c3700f1a061⋯.jpg (72.52 KB, 583x399, 583:399, jack-ruby-shooting-lee-har….jpg)


Yes, there's a better photo of him with the classic black-eye club shiner on the left eye!

ed3c2f No.1203206


that is what Petreus and gal did

45936e No.1203207

File: ee5d285737e64c6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1594x952, 797:476, cannibals.PNG)

File: 50998b5e3344744⋯.png (1.07 MB, 941x623, 941:623, korea.PNG)

File: 30694728cd7d96d⋯.png (768.96 KB, 670x446, 335:223, nodeals.PNG)

File: f6280a47719a9de⋯.png (438.1 KB, 688x446, 344:223, mccabe.PNG)

File: c3f9937bfc9cf31⋯.png (448.29 KB, 447x448, 447:448, sleep.PNG)


>You have a voice.

>Be heard.

We have orders now fags!

Meme it up!

ed4bdf No.1203208


Go back to your shed, Montagraph.

50f545 No.1203209

File: 4ec773aad958e24⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 504x479, 504:479, IMG_2625.JPG)

File: 0d01fc07719cb85⋯.jpg (104 KB, 1001x701, 1001:701, IMG_2628.JPG)

File: b4910ced9b2cc3e⋯.png (4.75 KB, 220x220, 1:1, EAC6112C-0960-4EC5-9CCC-F3….png)

File: aac8723da6d09cb⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 599x599, 1:1, IMG_2641.JPG)


Yes he says


>incarnated ET




>EO=Extraterrestrial origins

>q clearence

Many more for real Autists

Keep trying shill

f59a8d No.1203210


you *do* realize we don't know every little thing that goes on right?

de0d5b No.1203211

File: 66c7fdc59bb7467⋯.gif (608.42 KB, 150x113, 150:113, stone cold laugh.gif)

ef5b2b No.1203212


I've been saying that all day

if not for these kanyefags someone would listen

cannot believe fast the JFK stuff was abamdoned

6899f2 No.1203213


Google will destroy them. You cant trust them !!

5a8b1c No.1203214

File: db83acfc5901c77⋯.png (7.25 MB, 1111x5933, 1111:5933, NK_.png)

e7e12a No.1203215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5c8eb1 No.1203216


thank you for the reminder.

this whole Q thing was fun but obviously it is meant as a distraction for some of the good people to take their eyes off of doing real research and working towards real change in the world.

b9460c No.1203217

File: 919455c1aae3564⋯.png (150.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 'If Q is a Larp or a Psy-o….png)

File: 9986d584efb9bdd⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 'If Q is a Larp or a Psy-o….png)

3a38a3 No.1203218

File: 6ab756f28a3d252⋯.jpg (6.13 KB, 264x191, 264:191, monty1.jpg)


>Pic related

c7974b No.1203219



>NOBODY is above the law.

>These people need to be treated just like anyone else or we don't have a country of laws.


310071 No.1203220


Correct but we can still get a copy of those messages too.

79df5d No.1203221


Loud and clear

ac987c No.1203222


Isd smash, no rubber

e90eaa No.1203223


They are buying time for what????

Why give it to them???

What will they do with that time?

Maybe plan a few well place assassination?

bf43c6 No.1203224


>Does anyone think POTUS and Q-team are slow walking the release of info b/c they are monitoring/recording bad actors' online chatter to further build criminal cases?

Maybe, maybe not. If the content will throw every federal conviction touched by the FBI into the toilet for the last ??? number of years well then, yeah, they oughta be slow walking it to judge the cumulative impacts.

This. Is. Not. A. Game.

e61d28 No.1203225


The KEK was strong in that song anon, enjoyed it

519a26 No.1203226


Patience has been all we have been.

621296 No.1203227

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wink1.webm)


Maybe the most that will come of this crazy ride is Nasim.

… and anon, maybe that was the whole point after all.

9390a4 No.1203228

Check my ID, and source the top of the bread, and tell me I didn't call damage control incoming

421d09 No.1203229

File: edc28ba3f1e9a95⋯.png (21.69 KB, 89x94, 89:94, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

189752 No.1203230

File: a7e7f4709ba3d9e⋯.jpg (89.9 KB, 620x465, 4:3, badactor1.jpg)

Look at the angle of the movie!

Look at how CLEAR it was

Look at the LIGHTING


fc1c45 No.1203231


Same here, anon. Commiefornia is in bondage and the masses here don't give a damn. They just love their bread and circus entertainment. It's tragic.

3943b4 No.1203232

Q I heard a interesting theory today about the possibility that John John is alive and well

5bc0e8 No.1203233


>We are seriously being laughed at

What, you actually read your mentions from people not following back?!?

26c042 No.1203234


If representitives from my country were involved in the threats I want them strung up by the neck too. Will foreign nationals get punished for their involvement too?

7a90d3 No.1203235


Yeah ok. Just a few more years of investigations, THEN something will happen.

Ready for tomorrow my ass.

c4d30c No.1203236


Korea ends it's own war and the shills want us to start one in the USA?

ef5b2b No.1203237




Thanks anon. Some of us are actually working.

This is idiocy. Q, please tell Kanye to shut the fuck up.

ffbd4e No.1203238


Sara A. Carter was just reporting on these gmails.

d350b8 No.1203239

File: ef0f7892a0248a7⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Nixon.jpg)

Is it 1973 again or did it just never stop with these presidents up until now? God bless America, all of its citizens, and God bless our President.Trump. It's been a long time coming.

Richard Nixon 1973 - "I am not a crook"


7ed973 No.1203240


Some cases can only be 'won' with patience.

Bless you, Q, and your team. I love you.

b83cf9 No.1203241


We don't have a voice on social media Q and you know it. Just ask Diamond and Silk. SO please tell us how we are to be heard? Who do we call to make our voices heard?

bd7cf1 No.1203242


if they are buying time and they expect you to follow, like it seems worked

shouldnt you release and knock their center of balance over??

45936e No.1203243

File: 5d0476d4fa238b1⋯.png (428.54 KB, 769x447, 769:447, hillarystupid.PNG)

File: 480740ff272f322⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1111x734, 1111:734, state.PNG)

File: 513e10b24403fe9⋯.jpg (242.21 KB, 1163x864, 1163:864, podesta.jpg)

File: 067089e0a4353ce⋯.png (705.29 KB, 811x445, 811:445, allied.PNG)

File: 21cb9d38bcceb0a⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1022x681, 1022:681, kennedy.PNG)

3d8758 No.1203244

We tweeted for hours #ReleaseTheTexts

You don't need us to do the right thing. Guilty is guilty

243322 No.1203245


Yes, it is stunning. Folks were melting down not long ago terrified of nuclear war. Today, we get this boom and it just isn't entertaining enough for sunny day patriots and children who have to share their angst rather than just suck it up and go take a nap. Why do they think anyone cares that they are unhappy that they didn't get things on their schedule? Just go away, why don't they? Why waste our time with their pity party? Just leave if you don't think this is worth their time. It would be better for all concerned. This isn't cheap day care.

0eddc9 No.1203246


Prayers for protection and wisdom for all the white hats. It isn’t easy to trust the plan, it takes faith in GOOD. We WILL WIn!

8d24cf No.1203247

File: 9a51c63f706c4c7⋯.jpeg (376.04 KB, 1125x1625, 9:13, 565E35C9-3404-451D-9632-D….jpeg)

File: 11dcae099b1810e⋯.jpeg (896.5 KB, 2126x2657, 2126:2657, 2C30D974-904B-4F66-BD16-D….jpeg)

File: 9892de158b14319⋯.jpeg (599.47 KB, 1773x2217, 591:739, 71594C92-A78B-42C2-8223-3….jpeg)


Congratulations POTUS, Q, and people of North and South Korea. May God be with us. 44 = [R]enegade. Treason, R aware, conspiracy beyond text messages. Gmail, even draft messages. Do you have 44? What about the 187 angle? What are you mulling over? Trust the plan. WWG1WGA. We want 100% of the unredacted texts, emails, pictures, everything. Their day in court awaits. Then on to their father, Lucifer.

072505 No.1203248


Your lying tears are delicious. We know the reality of 'optics' and also when to dial it up. 'deplorable' are not always reliable, but we are with POTUS all the way.

World will NOT go (((Your)) way, judas.

05dfe8 No.1203249

File: 6ae206611960bac⋯.jpg (574.79 KB, 2003x1475, 2003:1475, Screenshot_20180426-205411.jpg)


202bc4 No.1203250


understood Q

patience is difficult.. but this has to be done right.. timing is everything.

7c3f86 No.1203251

Aren't drafts autosaved? Do they autosave every revision of just the most recent?

6feb11 No.1203252


We only get one shot at this!

No deals

We take them all down.

Justice is closing in.

3a38a3 No.1203253

File: 0d3eab3649c944f⋯.jpg (7.19 KB, 264x191, 264:191, monty3.jpg)


>World will NOT go (((Your)) way, judas.

d7d0f9 No.1203254

If anyone will listen, twitt accounts, for now, that start with GBT & AWF are hidden child trafficking and pedophilia. Don't let the science or the links fool you, it's there, search. If it says .gov or .hhs or .state, there's an extra space, different font, etc it's a false front. When you follow these sites, down there many links, you will come across pictures, some with celebrities, some with politicians in situations. Take your daughter to work today # was a big day for pedophiles.

Those asking if Harold Hongju Koh is Hussein or the law professor, click on the email source and you will realize it was false. Why would Koh be signing off on Supreme Court decision before it happened.

According to my notes from a few months back, I theorized clinton was not the only rogue server, I think the other rogue servers were disguised as .state, . gov, dot anything that resembled government email server. When I looked at the source and looked at the key strokes, fonts, spaces, I believe they had an entirely separate server. Just a theory, but those way more intelligent than I should know that.

Don't watch the videos on these sites, save them, this sounds crazy but I believe something happens to your brain.

Wikileaks is your friend. Don't put in search words, dates, it filters too much, just click all and then search that particular drop using current world events as your guide.

If there are odd phrasing and numbers in the body of the email, just start copy and paste in browser until you find something. It may be an innocent looking article, read the article, when words don't make sense and you see numbers, shapes etc out of context start there to copy and link you sometimes end up somewhere else. Look for the app that's a frog, I'm sorry, can't say name, they communicated on there also. Remember if it's all open source, you should be able to find.

Check the links btw all boy scouts and girl scouts and boys & girls clubs - the clubs I have found links to Raniere. Not just US, WW. Especially #lesbian hitler, Germany is a cesspool of sick bastards and witches. Besides Crooked is a known witch. Trump's use of word Witch is not a coincidence, she's a witch. I can't remember now, but one of the GBT sites will ask you about Ivanka, when you search that, the clowns are tracking the families every move and giving a heads up to clowns in other countries so they can take them out - I believe

That's all, if you see this, I'm out for a while again, I can't anymore and can't explain.

Good Luck Anons, Where we go one we go all.

9b328e No.1203255

Text only were sent today, we still need Gmail but someone at top is controlling. Get rid of them!!

7adc3f No.1203256


Fuck this. We keep destroying our reputations over your “tomorrow” and “next week” bullshit. I’m out.

2965c8 No.1203257


The time has come.

The Great Awakening is here.

Let truth be heard and people free themselves from their chains.




ffbd4e No.1203258


I concur. There's nothing we can do other than what we're doing! Egging us on doesn't help!

0560ec No.1203259


JFK also went to Parkland…nexus..

d60404 No.1203260


If those texts are released redacted or not released at all, you're going to have a bit of a problem with "patience". I've completely stopped talking about this because 1. nothing visible has happened and all my promises of "trust the plan" just mean literally nothing well anyone with eyes can see the top crooks McStain, RENEGADE, Hill et al…are tripping about without a care in the world. Renegade is getting his own reality show. SO scared.

The more of us little people getting locked up for a plant, losing everything for stupid shit…equal justice under the law? It's been mere words for a very long time..it's still mere words now.

ed3c2f No.1203261




e30f5c No.1203262


"outside prosecutor" = Giuliani?

ef5b2b No.1203263


Exactly anon.

I saw some reference to Italy in one doc, but that was absolutely it.

The cabal's order is being hidden.

Clowns didnt do this on their own orders.

2146fe No.1203264


Real Q is the best Q

5bc0e8 No.1203265


Yeah, that guy in Utah.

f59a8d No.1203266

From reading this last drop: it's sounding like the congressional baseball shooting might have been orchestrated by this "plan."


NAT SEC issue


>House intel / inv panels targeted

77ab09 No.1203267


Disagree. I made the "tip top" request, and the POTUS response and its context makes it crystal clear that Q is legit.

53b43b No.1203268


I feel for you.

My city is completely corrupt.

I literally have to hide in my house and am not free

My supposed rights are violated daily

The police are completely corrupt.

I had hoped that would change when matters were resolved on the national level.

I guess not.

Corrupt FBI

Corrupt DOJ

Corrupt local and state politicians

c6faee No.1203269



3e29cf No.1203270



I'm comfy re read my posts in bread.

A 6000 yr old death cultis hard to take down, but Korea is solved. Bless you Q & POTUS..

9da61f No.1203271

File: ca460b971ff074e⋯.jpg (444.07 KB, 824x512, 103:64, HotelGITMO.jpg)

91f30a No.1203272


Blah blah blah… Do it Q!

ac987c No.1203273



As the world turns = staged

ef5b2b No.1203274


which drop, anon?

7c3f86 No.1203275


That is frustrating. I'm convinced the GF is about break up with me over this

ffbd4e No.1203276


Yeah, talking about being made a fool of!

551d17 No.1203277

>>1203246 Lord hear our prayers!

5bc0e8 No.1203278


You'll find out.

0af6a9 No.1203279


HA noice ..we are more like 4:30 change of plans!!

7df0df No.1203280

File: 267614a4c80e3ed⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 616x457, 616:457, JFKTrumpSidebySide.JPG)


Thanks for keeping us informed, Q. We know you're doing all you can and it has to be done right. Trying to get memes ready, hoping we'll be able to roll out news to the tune of something like this:

c20f5e No.1203281

Q needs to switch the larp to Flat Earth.

This one is busted

26f594 No.1203282

Comey played dumb in his interview of Fox tonight. Can he really be that incompetent or is he just lying?

35d21b No.1203283

File: 2e872d2dd17dcd2⋯.png (786.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 2e872d2dd17dcd215bfc204817….png)

50f545 No.1203284





31f7c9 No.1203285



With all due respect please understand our frustration. EVEN when the redacted ones are released where do they go firsts? The damn media!! Why not to the people!? I can wait for shit that needs to happen for the release but when they are released give it to THE PEOPLE FIRST NOT THE MSM.

Please and God bless yalls beautiful souls!

5a8b1c No.1203286


>Patience isn’t always easy.

>But vital to get right.

dayum, that's a good one. blessed and humbled to be here, thanks again, Q team and Patriots, all of You

dc6262 No.1203287


Get it right, but often when waiting for the perfect moment, the perfect moment is lost…

c7974b No.1203288


What was Paul Ryan's SS code name, 'Pussy'. 'Cuckboy', 'Useless', 'Douche' ?

Had to be one of those.

e09afb No.1203289

File: db311e17b087be9⋯.png (258.12 KB, 965x529, 965:529, ClipboardImage.png)

7c7d2b No.1203290


IMO, pretty notable for last bread that Kim is in South Korea!! Please add, I don't have the post numbers.

If someone else already said so, excuse me.

310071 No.1203291



Huber from Utah.

9390a4 No.1203292



Our future rests in the hands of memes

e14dab No.1203293


A trick in government circles is to mark everything "draft" or "pre-decisional", because drafts are generally not releasable in a FOIA request; only final, formally signed correspondence is.

013da8 No.1203294


and MJ sang backup. What's that tell you?

ac749c No.1203295



215be4 No.1203296


This one is good too.


44ebe2 No.1203297

I'm guessing there will be more delays Q. Wow, there's a shocker.What the hell do they have on POTUS? And don't worry about people. 90% of them aren't paying attention anyway.

83c045 No.1203298

File: 1dabb308b687beb⋯.png (601.19 KB, 936x546, 12:7, releasethetext -WE THE PEO….PNG)

17fadc No.1203299


PM of Canada Justin Trudeau is a pedophile and connected to pedophile ring. Will he be taken out, will Canada and MMIW be educated in the truth?

6f61a6 No.1203300


not everything….

Dig Palpatine's Revenge TOR Chat Room.

It's where the bad guys made the plan…

These chat sessions are not included in the 'texts' given to Congress.

bd7cf1 No.1203301


OUT. You missed too many deadlines for being "in control"

64a443 No.1203302


piss on the reps they are comped call DOJ and raise hell.

13623a No.1203303


I think the $$ route is better for her. Her influence coulld reach a wider audience with TV.

I haven't read or seen anywhere where she was interested in stepping in the ring.

5bc0e8 No.1203304


Or never commit it to paper at all. Oral culture.

f59a8d No.1203305

File: 4855ebaacc51646⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 250x310, 25:31, concernfag2.jpg)

THEN LEAVE CONCERNFAGS. You're not welcome here anyway!

32f080 No.1203306

"Who knows where the bodies are buried?"

Mass Graves Discovered 24 Years After Rwandan Genocide


d804a8 No.1203307


When this thing blows it's going to be MASSIVE.

ef5b2b No.1203308


Whats the best vid available of Oswald's 'moider'?????

Ignore the shitposts… we're onto something.

73c8b6 No.1203309


Yep. Knew someone would have been a victim of that. Would have had 1000 comments in an hour if they let it go.

If that algorithm ever goes down they’re fucked.

9da61f No.1203310

File: b3649d29399bb21⋯.jpg (515.01 KB, 1656x480, 69:20, clintonsbscunt.jpg)

131847 No.1203311





>TEXTS ARE THE PRECURSOR (like we thought) TO THE MOAB (not going to speculate right now)

They are buying time.


National crisis.


Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.




Still have access.

>Q HAS EVERYTHING (No Such Agency)



Kept at top.




NAT SEC issue.




Reveal gmail draft comms.


Who had access?

>No Such Agency

Legal case(s) building.


You have a voice.


Be heard.


Patience isn’t always easy.


But vital to get right.



f1af07 No.1203312

George Bush & Thomas Devine related document in the newly released JFK files.

Zapata Oil - S. America → Iran Contra to 9/11

Project WUBRINY/LPDICTUM → Europe post WW2 gold, etc.

https:// www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10310-10271.pdf

64a443 No.1203313

59d6a2 No.1203314

File: 8512fcc6298e4c9⋯.jpg (61.71 KB, 524x594, 262:297, 2b2283c.jpg)

a198d9 No.1203315

Unable to post on iPad since update! Many anons locked out! Help! Also this is why the shills have taken over!

36370b No.1203317


Q is legit but we still do not understand his agenda

89b29a No.1203318


That little midget has been PROFITING off of the Haiti money that never went to Haiti. Also, profiting off of his Africa slush fund. He needs to be exposed, along with his sick wife, and prosecuted.

0af6a9 No.1203319

Q wrote: Still have access ?? is there a chance they wouldn't or what does that mean. Seems simple I guess

3e29cf No.1203320



Anon Knows-NOTABLE


b9afb0 No.1203321

NK: Testing lab for one world govt.

ffbd4e No.1203322


Re-Tell! What happened to MOAB? None of your predictions come true except that you're related to POTUS. Might as well be the maid.

7a90d3 No.1203323


People are impatient because YOU hyped them up.

Fucking ridiculous

310071 No.1203324

>and when all is said and done y'all will alllllll be back on the Q and POTUS train. Bunch a cry babies.

02df96 No.1203325

For real… Communication via Gmail Draft, or Google Docs is very plausible.

But I know Google logs IP Addresses, b/c when you use a new one, it asks you to verify.

I wonder if it also logs MAC addresses too? Otherwise how would it know via mobile network from different exchanges or WIFI where IP changes?

Never had to re-verify smartphone…

9da61f No.1203326

File: d22d538426c1b75⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 950x434, 475:217, RTT1.jpg)

File: 228ab3a84b6b66d⋯.jpg (228.02 KB, 1024x599, 1024:599, RTT2.jpg)

File: b2044ca3d93aa24⋯.jpg (145.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, RTT3.jpg)

File: 1e527c22a284352⋯.jpg (217.77 KB, 1023x640, 1023:640, RTT4.jpg)

File: 4653ad269740061⋯.jpg (158.51 KB, 1021x570, 1021:570, RTT5.jpg)

b86591 No.1203327


Thank you Q TEAM


2bac06 No.1203328

File: 938ed096e69bd77⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1095x710, 219:142, painting.png)


i'm so glad to be watching the first step for peace with North Korea live right now- thank you Q and thank POTUS

loved the peace pigeons on the background with pompeo

trying to find a meaning to this painting with both Kim and Moon

b9460c No.1203329



Further sources of info:

A Cruel And Shocking Act, Philip Shenon – 978-0-8050-9420-4

Legacy of Secrecy, Lamar Waldron – 978-1-58243-535-0

… and especially:

Final disclosure, by David W. Belin, who was a lawyer on the Warren Commission – 0-684-18976-3

28c741 No.1203330

File: c6a4f827c8f1645⋯.jpg (221.57 KB, 1190x973, 170:139, 5ae236bac0e81.jpg)


9eb074 No.1203331


Did Eric Schmidt try to acid wash and bleach bit the gmail server traces for the cabal?

49eb80 No.1203332


Which committee(s) are overseeing this Q? Judiciary? Intel? (Senate? House?)

73c8b6 No.1203333


Nah with all that pessimism. Comments are effective to a degree. Especially memes. Much harder to censor. But our hands are tied.

89b29a No.1203334


Do this again later when bread slows.

5bc0e8 No.1203335


There will probably be no more Canada, actually.

b83cf9 No.1203336


It's true what you say. And we are at on our last hope. The problem I have is the build up to something big and then… nothing. Of it's going to take another 6 months, fine. Say it. Just stop with the high expectations, that's reasonable, right?

9ba467 No.1203337


Got it.

3c7fe2 No.1203338


We have it all.

The right people have the information.

GOOD people are acting on the information.

Think GOOG.

Think ES departure.

Think NK.

Many drafts.

Many shared users [foreign & domestic].

Variable access.


Fake emails.

Game forum comms.

New intel revealed today.

Gmail comms.



Define Evergreen.

When do you call a plumber?

Ongoing investigations require…..

Q [auth478-24zgP]

54f68a No.1203339


No need to start over when Huber is already so far down the road.

577968 No.1203340


I wish I could share more on here without doxxing myself. I live in badly written surreal novel.

I'm on the east coast buts let's just say the rule of law is long gone. We have a tyrant DA and 90% of the political class is badly indoctrinated. Also basically all my friends and family.

Anytime I mention Soros or the rothchilds I get a good talking too.

I spend most of my time trying to redpill people about the pension crisis and even then I get called crazy.

456772 No.1203341

File: 8bf2db0e2b8d092⋯.jpg (263.38 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Geordie-Rose-2013-IC.jpg)



They've lied to you about everything else.

You're going to believe them about God's #2?


e61d28 No.1203342

File: 77f5dce6cfd601b⋯.png (1.24 MB, 923x533, 71:41, today-cabal-evil-2-words.png)

189752 No.1203343

File: a9db9e994f9a64f⋯.jpg (193.3 KB, 750x705, 50:47, whatsmyline.jpg)



Q confirmed it with his INTERESTING THEORY COMMENT COUPLE BREADS as someone posted theory

CIA under GEORGE BUSH killed John F. Kennedy - This assassination was filmed on the set of As The World Turns

Anons - dig

Anons - this is a fucking MOAB if ever there was!

Anons - This is bigger than finding Al Capone's Gold (Sorry Geraldo)


52978d No.1203344


Win NOW or risk losing forever. This is why we have to trust the plan. Methodic. We only get one shot at this.

5c8eb1 No.1203345


The SIMPLEST explanation for what we have seen vs what the buildup was is that Q doesn't know shit.

I want to believe again but for the last week the posts have been off. Is it not possible that this game, like all the others, is rigged?

I think it's gone sour. like I said.. I want to be wrong

50f545 No.1203346

File: f65ffeee7214307⋯.jpg (499.58 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, IMG_1913.JPG)

File: 276706c97c7991d⋯.png (726.16 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_1915.PNG)

File: 0b3edb372a284bf⋯.png (549.31 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_1916.PNG)

File: c2e924864f092be⋯.png (341.32 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_1917.PNG)

Clowns flipped out earlier when this got into notables

ca18de No.1203347

Q can you give us a link to the UNREDACTED TEXT MESSAGES?

Love to read them.

01026f No.1203348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Be careful with her. She had a social media doxxing site called

socialautopsy. Ask yourself why she still her blue check mark.

Another youtuber exposed her several months ago.

d06301 No.1203349


Correct. This is it. They are trying to circumvent FOIA

cc53a4 No.1203350

File: 0f16fcfd9e92632⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 416x460, 104:115, Fake People.mp4)

People are still unaware of the actor based reality being way more involved than MK ultra…

da4777 No.1203351


>Patience isn’t always easy.

>But vital to get right.

A virtue 90% of the numpty wannabes here don't seem to get.

I'm convinced "Anon" is a synonym for impetuous child.

215be4 No.1203352


Q can we get an ETA on a perp walk?

310071 No.1203353


They busted Petreus and his GF when they were doing the whole email draft folder thing.

These people are stupid.

7adc3f No.1203354


I’ve been loyal since the beginning, but you’re making us look like bigger fools than we did before you ever showed up.

a62b75 No.1203355

c4d30c No.1203356


The issue anons have is trust.

Has Congress really given us reason to trust them?

Has the DOJ really given us reason to trust them?

This is where the anger and frustration comes from. Why should we think they will actually follow through when they obstruct justice again and again?

bf43c6 No.1203357


>Some [top eyes on 1st] are calling for immediate arrests.

Well, it's that or lose half your audience. Shit or get off the pot.

9390a4 No.1203358


Considering the inaction, that might intice them. Who are we trusting here?

ffbd4e No.1203359


Do you get enjoy getting us hyped up only to let us down? B/c that's what you're doing. Actions speak louder than words!

8a1e0a No.1203360

File: 0dc96b7853729bb⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 476x356, 119:89, zen frog.jpg)


Gotcha Q. Just waiting for the right time to catch the fly. Trusting the plan.

89b29a No.1203361


Thank GOD. We are all blue balled to hell.

c62166 No.1203362


Nuther dud, right up there with suicide weekend. He didn't say which tomorrow. He might have meant today's tomorrow.

551d17 No.1203363

>>1203057 Why the delay on the full JFK papers? We the people need to see how corrupt they've been now…

9b328e No.1203364


Weird, my gmail stopped working today

1e3f9f No.1203365

There is an endless list of hype from Q. The Tarmac video. The Hilary ordering the plane crash of the 9/11 wife. The Obama shooting at something American.

I thought we were here to get hints and meme about it to prepare the way for the truth to come. But the real stuff never is dropped.

Are we here just to scare the Cabal? Q hints at what they have and they create more panic in the Cabal.

If this is what is going on I can just take a couple months off and wait till the real deal goes down. Because nothing is happening but we go out on a limb with our friends and family. Who sit around throwing the fact that nothing ever publically happens as evidence that this is all meaningless.

Why hype shit and never ever actually show anything?

What do they need us for anyway?

52978d No.1203366

>>1203057 Why did POTUS hold back JFK files?

189752 No.1203367


Ever see 3 presidents arrested in one week?

8d24cf No.1203368

File: 93ed00b39364d69⋯.jpeg (651.33 KB, 2033x1626, 2033:1626, 879B2337-04B0-4CC4-8DCB-2….jpeg)

File: 8b16e8e10512481⋯.jpeg (515.47 KB, 2033x1627, 2033:1627, 813385D9-945D-4058-A8A8-C….jpeg)


Excellent analysis and advice for getting more out of the Wikileaks!

ef5b2b No.1203369


Also, who would shoot at that close a range into the abdomen? With 1 fucking hand?

That was 100% a head shot if you wanted him dead. Would have been easy.

You miss? Go 2 or 3 into the center of mass.

92d955 No.1203370

evergreen is hillary

5bc0e8 No.1203371


>Define Evergreen.

SS codename for HRC

d5406c No.1203373


I can see the waves on the surface of the water. Things are in motion. That is all I need to know.

A tidal wave in deep water is imperceptible. The closer it is to shore the larger it grows.

You fags need to stop lack-of-patience fagging.

c20f5e No.1203374


yeah, yeah. Let's stick to the texts. You know the ones with nothing there.

e27f78 No.1203375

File: 62a286bb659e077⋯.jpg (148.09 KB, 827x1066, 827:1066, TrumpKanye.JPG)

File: 3e17faaa583aab1⋯.jpg (140.65 KB, 710x1064, 355:532, QAPP.JPG)

Is KANYE playing a larger role with Qanon and Trump? Are these events connected?

c61db2 No.1203376

File: 9392418277a2756⋯.jpg (65.03 KB, 765x142, 765:142, Jay-Z&Eminem.jpg)

File: 338dc144656ec11⋯.jpg (917.37 KB, 592x3643, 592:3643, RenegadeLyrics.jpg)



[R] is renegade the song

a755f4 No.1203377



it is what I was pondering..

thank you for putting the track for us to follow Q

my patience is strong.. better to do it right

9c7b79 No.1203378


Patience is much more difficult when you build things up ……..

MOAB or Precursor?

then nothing happens. When I've had enough being led around by my nose, I'll walk.

36370b No.1203379


Q maybe we do not fully understand your comms but we need honest expectations, hyping up doesnt help. Please be more realistic

6feb11 No.1203380


I'm loving it! Settin' dem traps!

0af6a9 No.1203381


Where should we start to dig on JFK files. no need covering whats already been looked over for first pass..good starting point?

9da61f No.1203382


Trusting the plan Q :)

I do love a good game of chess!

God bless.

b9460c No.1203383

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

b9afb0 No.1203384

File: 91fc4970192128f⋯.png (321.06 KB, 500x253, 500:253, ClipboardImage.png)


When do you call a plumber?

31d961 No.1203385


Tool of leverage against Cabal

52978d No.1203386


>When do you call a plumber?

When the shitter is clogged w/ shit.

cc53a4 No.1203387

File: 2ac753f6dccd530⋯.png (127.01 KB, 636x369, 212:123, Trbek.PNG)

07923e No.1203388



>When do you call a plumber?


91ed6c No.1203389


We Have It All?????

37b900 No.1203390


I used to wonder why Hussein was following around Pres Trump like a psycho ex, even creating his own "war room" close to the White House AFTER his final term as President was done.

Now, I know what they fear.

They fear the exposure of the SHELL GAME.

Now it makes sense.


a3d720 No.1203391

ffbd4e No.1203392

Nada Nada Nada Nada Zip Nada Zip Nada Nada Nada Nada

89b29a No.1203393



d7d0f9 No.1203394

Oh I forgot, some of those twitter accounts are selling heroin.

edda20 No.1203395


What an ass kisser. Six months with nothing big to show for it hardly proves lack of patience.

ae822d No.1203396


The moment Kim realizes he's not cool

c7974b No.1203397


>Define Evergreen

Hillary Clinton

>When do you call a plumber?

When you have a leak.

b9460c No.1203398

File: 2d809b65aedaf42⋯.jpg (94.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Current shills on duty - D….jpg)

File: 9986d584efb9bdd⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 'If Q is a Larp or a Psy-o….png)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)

10b11c No.1203399


Q, you need to add a kill list to The Plan. These Deep State people will never be gotten rid of otherwise.

310071 No.1203400


So did mine, actually.

24fead No.1203401


I saw this happen. I was 8 years old.

It really happened quite fast.

The MSM was there. That's how it was broadcast on television.

7faa12 No.1203402

File: 54d6c2d48cf04f6⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, memembers-feeling-froggy.jpg)

d5f671 No.1203403


When the pipes are clogged.

77ab09 No.1203404


>Many shared users [foreign & domestic].

ES (the CIA one)

846076 No.1203405


I got a security warning this morning that someone tried to hack mine

e30f5c No.1203406


Got it, ty


>Your government is no longer in control, you know what to do.

that sounds like a threat, you sure that's the tack you want to take?

202bc4 No.1203407


ahhh… Twitch

d60404 No.1203408


well hang on to that on the OUTCHANCE that this shit is real..gonna need to prove who renegade is…but after a year of nothing burgers I'm NOT holding my breath. Trump withheld part of the JFK documents…WTAF possible reason? To protect someone? I thought it was no deals….rip the damn bandage off. at this point most people are likely to end in the hospital from broken hearts, dashed hopes and ruined reputations, rather than finding Hillary ate a kid. She could have eaten a damn village and nothing will happen to her, McStain and the Kenyan and his tranny wife..biggest frauds perpetrated…and here we sit being blocked, manipulated and silenced. WHOO what happened with twatter? NOTHING…FB? NOTHING…GOOGLE? NOTHING…absofuckinlutely NOTHING.

1da262 No.1203409


Q dogs… Keke anon.

79df5d No.1203410

True. Was locked out of my twatter today. Posting memes all day then shut down. JACKassery


3e29cf No.1203411


ComfY & thanks for solving Korea \\(-_-)//

64a443 No.1203412

Small word of wisdom to all those of you that are struggling.

Why do you think POTUS goes out for a nice game of golf once and a while?

do you think he does not care about the state of our nation?

I go ride my dirt bikes. same shit.

Q chose us for our autism, but some times for clarity and piece of mind, you must get your head straight.

take care of your damned self and TRUST THE FREEKEN PLAN!

50f545 No.1203413

File: aac8723da6d09cb⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 599x599, 1:1, IMG_2641.JPG)


The more minds that clear doubt the higher the collective conscious goes. Let's all EVOLVE together.

Kanye: Life Of Pablo = Life of Paul

Paul=Paul The Apostle.

All songs and lyrics talk about what's going on right now.


Kendrick is poetically exposing a Clinton backed NWO and how they systematically abuse the black population to feed off their children financially and physically. These sick people all own children's charities which they use to collect $ and traffic humans globally. "Meal ticket". We are disconnected from the source "god" (father) and if love doesn't win our children will be the real victims. Philly is the first "capital" of the USA. We are never going back to Babylon. Now back to your scheduled programming.

Next: How they use ignorance, women and sex as a control form to keep rich black men from their spirtual selves. "nam myoho renge kyo" - was to activate promise of universal enlightenment;

"No More Parties In LA" refers to the "parties" these elite have where women and children are passed around as sex objects and humans are eaten. Don't believe me look up "the cannibal club los angles (real business)". (Eyes Wide Shut)


Go watch the speech he made at his show:


Pablo tour canceled.

After he got out of the psych ward he meets Donald Trump and vanishes from the spotlight until recently.

I ask you, how many "coincidences" before it becomes mathematically impossible for you?

"Avici" by definition is the lowest circle of Buddhist hell defined as a cube.

The DJ Avicii (who took name from this) died on one of the biggest satanic holidays in Oman=omen right after putting 2 videos out on human trafficking.

His tattoos themself show the purpose.

Purpose isn't always defined by what we consciously know. Sometimes we do things we can't explain. We all feel compelled to follow certain paths. Know what is in front of your face and all that is hidden will be revealed.

So anyone here from a faraway place- take the time to learn the messages. It's encoded into all your favorite things.

Start with Q-Tip ;)







"The Morphic field is like the Internet of all knowledge, and our minds are like devices that can plug into this field and extract energy and information.

Any energy and information we have inside us also filters into this field, and that’s how we create the world around us through our energy – it just flows into the morphic field."

5) "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."

(8) Jesus said, “A wise fisherman cast his net into the sea. When he drew it up it was full of little fish. Among them he discovered a large, fine fish. He threw all the little fish back into the sea, and he chose the large fish. Anyone here with two good ears should listen.”

(17) Jesus said, “I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, and what has not arisen in the human heart.”

(18) The followers said to Jesus, “Tell us how our end will be.” He said, “Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is, the end will be. Fortunate is the one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death.”









Why are BLOODLINES so important ?

What do they teach 33rd degree masons??

High level scientologists ?

Same thing.

>Fellow incarnated extraterrestrials

The Great Awakening.



26c042 No.1203414


>Q [auth478-24zgP]


6744cb No.1203415


So anons were correct saying comms when no-name was playing poker on his phone at SOTU.

45936e No.1203416


>Q [auth478-24zgP]


27259d No.1203417

File: e4353f65e00fb49⋯.png (28.4 KB, 643x154, 643:154, ClipboardImage.png)



Also, Schmidt setup some kind of Nork Gmail network to hide comms?

8144a1 No.1203418


This Evergreen is wilting fast, and stinks like pee, farts and cabbage

ae91a1 No.1203419


What an idiot you are.

You are not supposed to be blasted out memes using your own accounts. Nobody will see them. You are supposed to be building up a local organization of patriots among your neighbors. Then get those people to send out the memes.

fc1696 No.1203420



52978d No.1203421

File: 2c99da92f72585a⋯.png (28.84 KB, 445x190, 89:38, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)


>Define Evergreen.

6899f2 No.1203422


Evergreen is Hillary

cc53a4 No.1203423

File: 8b3b7a2b0d68d29⋯.png (130.82 KB, 700x379, 700:379, Trebek4.PNG)

7856a5 No.1203424


So Renegade , Hillary ….. Ok Q. Trusting the plan

60b1cb No.1203425


MagikBot to prevent edits-is Q team using this method to preserve original text by the two evil lovers?

215be4 No.1203427


Every night in my dreams.

a8d77b No.1203428


you dig … I knew that 25 years ago.

e7e12a No.1203429


The waiting is the hardest part

Every day you get one more yard

You take it on faith

you take it to the heart

The waiting is the hardest part

-sun tzu

2a3d55 No.1203430


What happened to Flynn "done in 30"


ca18de No.1203431

Q you can just dump the TEXT MESSAGES here:


Tonight would be great!

470524 No.1203432

File: a4035b6e7119c41⋯.png (324 KB, 550x622, 275:311, ClipboardImage.png)

44ebe2 No.1203433

We understand that YOU have it all, but it doesn't seem to make any difference Q. The whole world could know but the damn criminals will e free to roam like the cunts they are.

e61d28 No.1203434


Evergreen is an apple brand, the eatable ones, KEK

d804a8 No.1203435


Controlled demolition makes sense.

072505 No.1203436


>Game forum comms.

If these niggaz were using WOW forums to fucking communicate pizza orders holy shit…

The fucking CP posting retards on the internet are going to be in fear for the rest of their natural lives.

If possible, we would like to confirm something for newfags and anons here:

All these bitches screeching "remove muh joo stufffzzz" etc = SES/FE/Qislarp (((shill team))) origin?

ffbd4e No.1203437


Old news.

824a36 No.1203438


Game forum comms.

This made me kek, and I'm not even sure why.

Two spooks on the warcraft forums talking about world domination.

f70dc7 No.1203439


You call a plumber for a leak ;)

448d09 No.1203440


Q, you're great but you know how frustrating it is for us. Almost everyone I know has no clue about any of this.

Public disclosure when?

b83cf9 No.1203441


If you continue with these big build ups only to be disappointed, Potus will lose in the end. If it wasn't going to happen this week, you should not have said MOAB! Tone down on the hype a little.

4b5d4b No.1203442


i read somewhere they're "updating" it

de0d5b No.1203443


Chair+ could be Nunes - Chair of the House Intel Committee

49eb80 No.1203444


Looks like the texts are using their Secret Service code names/abbreviations. Need the full list.

010b35 No.1203445


but not waiting till 2021!

8144a1 No.1203446

File: 43e733bd90e7709⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 618x500, 309:250, 29679v.jpg)

4de655 No.1203447


You're going to have to give us a bit more than that Q…

5c8eb1 No.1203448

File: b41b75b961c93bc⋯.png (610.77 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, phones in congress.png)

File: eb5e4b50fec6210⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1212x932, 303:233, mccain poker.png)


I figured this was significant.

McCain's poker chat

7320e3 No.1203449


Such impatience will ruin us.

Where we go ONE we go ALL

United WE Stand. Stand united.

310071 No.1203450

Someone help me with EG?

ba7324 No.1203451


Thank you, Q, for doing everything by the book and in due time. Mistakes are for the ill-prepared. I've waited so long to see this unfold – lost friends, loved ones, mentors. Some by their own hands. Some veterans.

Anons will be patient. And respectful.

Godspeed, Q. Bless you and POTUS.

82814a No.1203452

File: be1dd5ab7f64cb2⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1028x675, 1028:675, FLOTUS5.png)


Some wiped out clowns would do the trick kek…



Thanks anon, o7




Hmm…that dude doesn't look Korean, does he?


He's playing at an evil genius lol?

9d85d4 No.1203453

File: d2ece1590fb706b⋯.jpg (431.42 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, TrustThePlanFullControl1.jpg)


>When do you call a plumber?

When there are leaks!

[R] = Renegade = Hussein = BHO

Cogitating on all this.

9c7b79 No.1203454


Evergreen = HRC email name

dbdb9e No.1203455



I trust POTUS 100%

And Nunes and others have been dogged in their efforts.

It will happen

a8e2bf No.1203456


A leak.

cb5583 No.1203457


Gaga for gays, Lehrer for MSM/news, and we already have Mel Gibson for pedowood

14155b No.1203458


Precisely anon. Precursor.

db7947 No.1203459



You stupid young shirts need to research tv cameras from the 60's.

They were huge. Not hand held.

5e85b5 No.1203460

File: 154b324c39178f2⋯.png (961.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Eyes_in_the_SKY.png)



Comment on the SKY?

373026 No.1203461


didnt bin laden play wow and cod or something?

ac749c No.1203462


>When do you call a plumber?

When there's a leak….

5b1938 No.1203463


You know we are here for a reason and will still be here..

You know we will keep supporting you.



Get the job done.

Hard on them.

No deals.

6006f1 No.1203464



didn't sessions just win a landmark supreme court case involving google and overseas servers?

i think that might be important

f9f4f1 No.1203465

File: 85cecbcb7a01d47⋯.png (559.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ObamaRenegade.png)

For immediate release.

448d09 No.1203466


Did Obama direct the Evergreen College protests?

0383d6 No.1203467


if you get shot in the gut, you would put your hands over to stop blood. where is the blood?

877fe9 No.1203468

Guys, when this shit hits it will be breathtaking. We'll probably relish these days before it hit. The world will never look the same. OJ trial X1000 marches on the streets, sadly blood etc.The left will war over this. It will be WILD and unsafe. Please protect us LORD.

c20f5e No.1203469


>When do you call a plumber?

When Q is full of crap. No more new riddles. The game is old.

2383cc No.1203470



10d564 No.1203471


>When do you call a plumber?

a plumber fixes leaks..

The White House Plumbers, sometimes simply called the Plumbers, was a covert White House Special Investigations Unit, established July 24, 1971, during the presidency of Richard Nixon. Its task was to stop the leaking of classified information, such as the Pentagon Papers, to the news media. Its members branched into illegal activities while working for the Committee to Re-elect the President, including the Watergate break-in and the ensuing Watergate scandal.


bf43c6 No.1203472


>We have it all.


>The right people have the information.


>GOOD people are acting on the information.

Well then how about just one fucking arrest???

ac987c No.1203473


Bush is still alive. That is the ONLY reason why he is keeping the daming stuff away for another 4years. He will be dead by then.

What will that do to bush jr and jeb? Are we going to have to wait til they die before we get full disclosure?

89b29a No.1203474


Evergreen genius

ca18de No.1203475


==FREE BEER== tomorrow

e09afb No.1203476


looks like $18,361 to me

d5f671 No.1203477


AYE. graci.

de0d5b No.1203478

Where we go none, we go several

3a38a3 No.1203479

File: 200f527ac8f6d9c⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 287x175, 41:25, petty.jpg)

bbca80 No.1203480

Future Q&A soon?

131847 No.1203481


fcc804 No.1203482


This is totally reasonable. By the book, air-tight and not coming back beats a big sensation and nothing.

215be4 No.1203483


What happened yesterday with the stock exchange and freezing GOOG, AMNZ, ZION?


5a8b1c No.1203484

File: 263813508bfad88⋯.png (124.56 KB, 333x333, 1:1, pepeQ_[auth478-24zgP].png)



189752 No.1203485









OSWALD didn't kill JFK

OSWALD wasn't killed by RUBY



What does that mean?

It means all those actors in that film you see here are IN ON IT (RICO) They are CLOWNS

631b2d No.1203486



can someone clarify?

817304 No.1203487


There will be a lot of cognitive dissonance when people find out the leaders they thought were working for their good were actually traitors to our country. I'm praying we'll be able to help them through this time and that we'll all stand firm as the corruption is purged.


eb54c4 No.1203488


"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when fist we practice to deceive." A gordian knot of duplicity to unravel and document.

Anons are grateful you are working for us all and saving our country.


7eb3ab No.1203489

File: 0d1b3e5d23caeb5⋯.jpg (906.79 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, Every Hue Q.jpg)

Every Hue Q .jpg Only File

1b1ade No.1203490


>When do you call a plumber?

When you have a leak.

>Ongoing investigations require…..

No leaks.

50f545 No.1203492

File: aac8723da6d09cb⋯.jpg (162.4 KB, 599x599, 1:1, IMG_2641.JPG)



824a36 No.1203493


I never heard that, but I just think the idea is funny.

b9460c No.1203494

File: 1fded65c9480ec3⋯.png (19.87 KB, 300x300, 1:1, fishing #002c.png)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)


Division Fag

a46e21 No.1203495

File: eccc25f90885447⋯.jpg (1.48 MB, 1212x2647, 1212:2647, JoseAndresAlefantis.jpg)

File: bf8df3ae9eca4fe⋯.jpg (290.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Itstime.jpg)

File: 4ffa3aac4ae24c5⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 463x463, 1:1, 51IWvJWDdHL._SY463_.jpg)

File: c887652ccbe81a8⋯.jpg (85 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Doctor-Parnassius-2-800x45….jpg)

File: d2d87e718b63279⋯.jpg (75.33 KB, 650x607, 650:607, pizza-circle.jpg)

Godspeed Q

ef5b2b No.1203496


>Reveal gmail draft comms.


This is the same stupid tactic that PATREAUS used

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2012/11/12/heres-the-e-mail-trick-petraeus-and-broadwell-used-to-communicate/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.43c3d1500c16

Fucking serious? They'd do something THAT STUPID??

365d4b No.1203497

File: 6216e7e73e4aa0a⋯.jpg (190.51 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, warrants.jpg)

ddb964 No.1203498


Or unclogs DRAINS

52978d No.1203499


I totally agree. The Left will NEVER violate their own self image / ego. They'd rather stay asleep and start a permanent cold war.

49eb80 No.1203500



9ba467 No.1203501

File: 9f519b18ccf392b⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 4048x4432, 253:277, Q Map Graphic 19.jpg)

Q Graphics all in GMT #19

b1744e No.1203502


>Ongoing investigations require….

No one to compromise the evidence or to discuss specifics publicly.

1a6ee7 No.1203503

Q - Will the most wanted be prevented from

traveling out of the US??

c4d30c No.1203504


lmao and I had to call a plumber

310071 No.1203505


EG would be initials. Evergreen is one word.

7faa12 No.1203506

File: e2f672fb7e11d16⋯.jpg (143.97 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, memembers-at-the-ready.jpg)

9390a4 No.1203507

There you have it folks, Q has it all, you can stop ruining your life digging and start reintroduction into the program for the time being. Sit back, cuz your just watching a movie.

8df0a5 No.1203508

File: f97bc924f51357a⋯.jpg (906.89 KB, 1916x2608, 479:652, Renegade 2.jpg)


>Define [R]

Pic Related.


1e1c78 No.1203509


An anon thought No Name might be communicating over poker chat on phone – looks like anon was right

d06301 No.1203510



Q. auth478-24zgP - this is reference to a proxy server right? An error code (478) relating to a non null USER ID.

24zgP is a user id being passed via proxy.

Am I warm?

64a443 No.1203511



copy that!

wonder if they are the jackasses that were caught using PSN to talk. seems I remember something about SISSI using it when PSN got hacked by who was it again? oh ya! Anonymous… We are legion!

d60404 No.1203512


This is not an unknown system. Betrayus used it with his mistress..one account and password, make a draft store it, the others sign in read and respons via draft…if they used this system KNOWING that it is easily exposed via Betrayus scandal…they're incredibly stupid. "knowing emails are monitored"…fuckitol..they HAD to have known this draft method is not secure, it was all over the fuckin news.

52978d No.1203513


We can't sit back and watch this lawless sh*t go on. Kanye news will not distract us. NK will not distract us. Fake texts will not distract us. We The People Demand Arrests. Thanks Q

730919 No.1203514


evergreen: Agreement between two parties that is automatically renewed (rolled over) after each completion- or maturity period, until canceled by the either party.

a8e2bf No.1203515

File: 54d736a66d80cfd⋯.png (3.01 KB, 190x72, 95:36, ATTNCodeFags.PNG)




CodeFags? Dots seem a bit off.

3d8758 No.1203516



846076 No.1203517


wet work

bbca80 No.1203518

No more international crumbs?

Jacob or Dopey?

ed3c2f No.1203519

Sat 10 Feb 2018 05:13:33 567809 No.325272

JFK Con Room.

https:// www.cia.gov/kids-page/games/break-the-code/code-1.html

Would you believe this site is actually used to comm to rogue operators?





2bac06 No.1203520


it's scary nonetheless!

0560ec No.1203521


>auth 478-24zgP

WL file

b86591 No.1203522


Those blue balls.


d06301 No.1203523



Q. auth478-24zgP - this is reference to a proxy server right? An error code (478) relating to a non null USER ID.

24zgP is a user id being passed via proxy.

Am I warm?

10e7df No.1203524


Plumber cos you need to stop a leak??

45936e No.1203525


horde or alliance?

b1744e No.1203526


>Ongoing investigations require….

No one to compromise the evidence or to discuss specifics publicly.

cc492f No.1203527


What is MMIW anon?

5228f5 No.1203528

File: 46d0315e4f1c944⋯.png (1.01 MB, 811x558, 811:558, HappyDigger.PNG)


lol, you have done well fellow digger…

cf3e1a No.1203529



We are supposed to be redpilling normies but we constantly end up looking like lunatics

So glad I have learned to keep my mouth shut

753971 No.1203530


This as been going on since the beginning of time.. ALL will be resolved by 11/11/18 Patients is a Virtue

46822d No.1203531

File: 15e59060734bade⋯.png (384.29 KB, 747x766, 747:766, ingress5.PNG)


gaming site comms?

e61d28 No.1203532

File: aac062a5c515583⋯.png (413.6 KB, 741x480, 247:160, obozo-renegade-code-name.png)

de0d5b No.1203533

Q, is John Legend a homosexual?

bd7cf1 No.1203534

File: db48355362801f5⋯.png (681.43 KB, 888x427, 888:427, dark_30.PNG)


I feel like the chick in Zero Dark 30

we need to write the days on Q's window

f474e7 No.1203535

File: 1bd08bbdbd08994⋯.jpg (750.65 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, critique.jpg)

idk a hollodeck could do that

25312a No.1203536


MEME storm #RelaseTheText? How so we make our voices hear the most Flood Twatter?

aa7e36 No.1203537


This was dropped in last bread and I commented on it….wondering just how the NSA would "accidently" release it….

This is the BIG HMMMMMM

6899f2 No.1203538


They couldn't have a trial. How do you get the Dallas police to go along ??

b83cf9 No.1203539


My neighbor's. You fucking idiot don't know shit about where I live. I DON'T have neighbors. STFU and GTFO

5bc0e8 No.1203540





c7974b No.1203541


It only occurred on the NYSE, where those issues just started trading.

The issue was with the $1000+ stock prices.

Those are the only stocks to trade above $1000.

Trading was halted on the NYSE only, not halted completely.

Trading was unaffected on the NASDAQ.


ef5b2b No.1203542


Holy fuck anons…

The Patreaus thing was known and widespread.

Other Q post.


>Reveal gmail draft comms.


https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2012/11/12/heres-the-e-mail-trick-petraeus-and-broadwell-used-to-communicate/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.43c3d1500c16

d60404 No.1203543




>They couldn't release due to treasonous comms by Hussein

WTAF stop making excuses. Treasonous coms…expose that bastard so people stop worshiping him.

d47138 No.1203544


Evergreen was hillary's code name because she was an enviro-nazi and wanted to kill polluters.

38fb0c No.1203545



I am busy right now. Will be back. Put in "Evergreen" in Clinton emails Wikileaks. Lots of emails come up. DIG!

b9460c No.1203546

File: 560e8de18491e01⋯.png (408.48 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Smart vs. Stupid (Version ….png)


Yes, that's how they caught Petraeus.

And yes, they're that stupid.

89b29a No.1203547


FFS anon are you that thick?! In the fuckin messages they used EG for EVERGREEN.

824a36 No.1203548


Forced Alliance due to IRL friends. I haven't played in yeras though.

45936e No.1203549


Authorization for an Operation Execution

50f545 No.1203550



9eb074 No.1203551


Will we also get the trail of evidence for the Renegade use of the IRS+more for second term grab, Obamacare power, SCOTUS install, etc?

7df0df No.1203552

File: c5e19ddff20a565⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 615x456, 205:152, JFKTrumpEndTheDeepState.JPG)



Better? I like having the reference to JFK's 61 speech in there though. Call it CIA or whatever, they change names like it's nothing.

131847 No.1203553



072505 No.1203554


That might be more relevant currently.

>NAT SEC issue.


>Reveal gmail draft comms.

We are getting crumbs ahead of time of course. No wonder (((msm))) and their handlers lurk here to desperately lap up details and try to plan counters.

This would explain the need for vast disinfo op by white hats on here.

We understand, of course. This is a war zone. Area of operations.

We just need to stay frosty. The street level situation demographically or 'atmosphere' wise is getting worse and worse for patriots every day…though syrian refugees ere stopped, the ones are are already more emboldened and acting out.

Not even mentioning other scum that are already here. Unity by Americans and West/WW against these (((scum))) and their pets = VITAL.

We need hammer, and we need it on this within this year and next.

We will do our jobs. FUCK the (((shills))).

215be4 No.1203555


[EG] = Hillarys Secret Service Name

310071 No.1203556


EG would be initials. Evergreen is one word.

470524 No.1203557

File: dc9e21e25febfbb⋯.png (226.69 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ClipboardImage.png)


he was on the scene, as it were, long before that

he started by producing songs for that evil cabal gangbanging drug pusher, jayz

52978d No.1203558

>>1203057 Reply to me Q

Why did POTUS hold back the JFK files? I think we deserve an answe to this.

125544 No.1203559


a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year.

"evergreens planted to cut off the east wind"

717e64 No.1203560

File: 6fd8d0549959e29⋯.jpg (432.74 KB, 1094x921, 1094:921, 1-Gliph.jpg)




Q - will they release the dark-web, encrypted Gliph conversations that these traitors used, including Clinton's staff? [PIC absolutely related]

189752 No.1203561

File: e798ca2da844bb9⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 940x705, 4:3, nobodynoticesagun.jpg)



Any Fame Fags out there?

Put this out there

You'll get a million hits

Oswald was killed on the set of As The World Turns with a gun from the props department

Oswald wasn't killed on this film.

Make yourselves some quick coin with this one

Someone find the backdrop on an old As The World Turns episode = Your RICH!!!

bd7cf1 No.1203562


his answer will be "wait"

36370b No.1203563


I also went into mute mode, doesnt help my relationships at all. I can live with that but i need to know that i am not kept in the dark and Q is honest with me

a8e2bf No.1203564



[foreign & domestic]

Is 18 characters. Possibly 5x5 bracket puzzle related?

d0737e No.1203565

Q gave 2 links to "bigleaguepolitics.com". At that site, there is also a video that seems to suggest that the Syrian chemical attack was a hoax. Since we responded, it makes me question where/from whom we received the fake "intelligence" that said Assad used chemical weapons on his people this month. It appears he didn't.

I remember Bush giving Obama a list of 7 mid east countries to attack because they were terrorists. Obama followed it and then gave the list to Trump. I remember thinking that I hope our new president knows this list consists of WARS. FOR. PROFIT, not to stop terrorism. Remember, there weren't any terrorists until we started bombing the sh$t out of those countries. Anything that happens over there needs to be first investigated as a hoax or false flag designed to get the U.S. to retaliate.

And the agency and first person that gave us the intel needs to be considered a bad actor until proven otherwise.

c20f5e No.1203566

The larp has sprung a leak.

Where are the texts?

1b1ade No.1203567



Also, to build on my last post.


Renegade (Obama)


Evergreen (Hillary)

Hillary had a leak (SR). Called in a plumber.

We know Obama had a private email account also and communicated with Hillary. Obama lied about not knowing Hillary had a private e-mail server for a reason.

Hillary and co. probably ordered hits from her private email and Obama knows and or was complicit in the activity.

2de996 No.1203568


>Patience isn’t always easy.

But vital to get right.


If u faggots don’t understand shit doesn’t go down on your own time go drink a gallon of bleach and I’ll let u know what happened when I meet u on the other side

6744cb No.1203569


Q, as you obviously knew this was going to happen, what was the reason for hyping us all up for today?

b83cf9 No.1203570

5bc0e8 No.1203571

File: 3c5d69e85621000⋯.jpg (6.93 KB, 225x225, 1:1, vj.jpg)



Now you know why they overreacted to GamerGate!

215be4 No.1203573

9390a4 No.1203574

Why did they choose this board? Starts to become evident

072505 No.1203575


Trips confirm. evergreen = HRC.

c7974b No.1203576


What do you think?

Trust your gaydar.

89b29a No.1203577


They never thought she would LOSE!

7adc3f No.1203578


At this point, I’m convinced you idiots are trying to incite riots with plausible deniability. This is fucking bullshit.

403bbd No.1203579


>Define Evergreen.

HRC SS code

ca18de No.1203580

FBT = Free Beer Tomorrow

1e3f9f No.1203581


Yeah I dont try to spread information anymore. Just waiting. It does no good to tell them to prepare for a tarmac bribe video…when nothing ever comes. Then we get another hype…a Hillary ordering a plane crash or something like it in feb 09. Then nothing.

9eb074 No.1203582


Good crumb connection

f474e7 No.1203583

File: f5e58cb8f952659⋯.jpg (108.87 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, eastwood1.jpg)

blah blah blah muh joos muh shills blah blah blah

6cc05a No.1203584


Evergreen= shipping.? Cf. http://www.evergreen-shipping.us/

9ba467 No.1203585


cc53a4 No.1203586

File: 167da34a596489e⋯.png (58.75 KB, 367x373, 367:373, HRC.PNG)

f39ce3 No.1203587


>Game forum comms.

Just like No Name bastard caught playing poker!

649bc4 No.1203588


Shills are out in force tonight demanding action now. Q, know that the true Patriots are with you and know to trust the plan!

b9460c No.1203589

File: 6f615f10d565c19⋯.png (179.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 'If Q is a Larp or a Psy-o….png)

File: 1fded65c9480ec3⋯.png (19.87 KB, 300x300, 1:1, fishing #002c.png)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)

21d436 No.1203590

Hello Q!

Please give us ANONS your view of what will likely happen BEFORE the Election in November. Anything you can estimate will help our cause to be patient. We have been pulled through the knothole repeatedly for 3 years since POTUS came down the escalator, and our hearts get weak sometimes. LOVE TO Q! LOVE TO POTUS! LOVE TO ALL TRUE QANON PATRIOTS!

Help us to remain strong at all times. But, we nameless Anons feel the strain now more than ever after getting this close!

53b43b No.1203591


It was already trending on Twitter today.

No effect.

178739 No.1203592


9/11 disclosure when?

131847 No.1203593

File: fdd59fe2d42aaca⋯.png (53.25 KB, 594x322, 297:161, ClipboardImage.png)

5bc0e8 No.1203595

File: 673c715441c4ced⋯.jpg (4.93 KB, 300x168, 25:14, doctor.jpg)

f1af07 No.1203596


Got it…will have a bit more then also. I believe I see why the 3 year delay to 2010 also.

c7974b No.1203599


Mine are fucking purple and they're the size of onions right now …

7adc3f No.1203600


My fiancé left me over FUCKING Q.

d5f671 No.1203601


Good shit m8.

01026f No.1203602

189752 No.1203604

File: d5ee2d72202ef2f⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 900x886, 450:443, 1425_3.jpg)


Dear Dung Heap

Congress had confirmed they have the texts

Please proceed to exit.

2965c8 No.1203605

73c8b6 No.1203606

Evergreen pastures? Put you out to pasture?

Evergreen the hitman?

b9460c No.1203607

File: 76c93c805f28c6b⋯.png (35.65 KB, 575x575, 1:1, fishing #001a.png)

File: a80602313b8f183⋯.png (12.12 KB, 237x193, 237:193, FilterIDplus (crop & redac….png)



79df5d No.1203608

e61d28 No.1203609

File: 538343eed7f9e7f⋯.png (552.54 KB, 704x392, 88:49, release-text-75.png)

3a38a3 No.1203610

Still laughing about Macron’s visit and all the kissing, hugging, holding hands and rubbing each others' shoulders. Trump and Macron what a couple of Trolls.

Anyway, some legitimate comments about all the “kissing” as not everyone knew that this is a european custom.

Kissing is deep in our psyche and there is a reason that many are not aware of. The spiritual ethereal beings not in Form “kiss” also.

The Male/Female pairs that “kiss”are called a “Syzygy”. These syzygy pairs are common.

Much rarer are the “Syzygy” that contains three beings. When the original trinity of god the Father “kissed” god the Mother, christ the Son was created. This was important as it joined and consummated the original Trinity Syzygy.

When Jesus kissed Mary he was reenacting the syzygy of the ethereal beings or spirits. This was important as he was setting the stage for the two upper trinities each with a Father, Mother and Son to be joined or consummated to form the two Trinity Syzygies that would be necessary for the Great Awakening. We are fortunate in this has now been completed and the Great Awakening can proceed.

6feb11 No.1203611


US citizenry have become desensitized/nihilistic to corruption in government. The masses need to be horrified to fully awaken.

a7a9e4 No.1203612

File: 3f90676a8938354⋯.jpg (100.43 KB, 794x499, 794:499, 296lrx.jpg)

976798 No.1203613


https:// en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Chicken_Little

010b35 No.1203614

looking forward to the parade



44ebe2 No.1203615




5e85b5 No.1203616

File: 8812b1159fd2b6d⋯.jpg (61.57 KB, 1080x297, 40:11, Screenshot_20180426-211307….jpg)

2842be No.1203617

File: db0fbaba59adc0c⋯.png (586.62 KB, 867x578, 3:2, AlGoreRhythm.png)

c4d30c No.1203618


Plumber needed when the shit backs up and overflows.

7faa12 No.1203619

#ReleaseTheMemo trended for weeks before the memo was released … stop crying, get some sleep, and come back when you are fresh.

5bc0e8 No.1203621


Up late tonight Lynn? How's you wine?

ae91a1 No.1203622


The thing is that this draft email system still requires sending data across the Internet to servers. So it still gets swept up into the NSA monitoring system. The challenge is for /ourguys to match up the IP addresses of devices to the data being written into a draft in order to identify the users. Cracking these systems of secret communication requires some serious skill inside the NSA, writing custom SOLR queries and cross-referencing search results with databases that are not part of XKEYSCORE. You have to keep a 4D model of who, what, where, when in your head at all times. Kudos to those NSA guys for finding all these needles in the haystack.

448d09 No.1203623


When they take to the streets with weapons and an intent to kill, our military will justifiable end them.

bf43c6 No.1203624

File: 95df7355aef8a56⋯.jpg (183.44 KB, 600x509, 600:509, Ed Sullivan's Cameras.jpg)


>You stupid young shirts need to research tv cameras from the 60's.

Thanks for the compliment. My first appearance on network TV was in 1953. My kids are boomers. Please learn to respect you elders because they know so much more than you do. Pic relevant.

ef5b2b No.1203625



f59a8d No.1203626

File: 6a216bc91c4d2cf⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 255x145, 51:29, wellbye.jpg)

03f215 No.1203627


i like to think it will be multiple streams of Truth rushing down the mountanside forming into an unstoppable river of Justice

5a8b1c No.1203629


seconded thousandfold

6cc05a No.1203630

54f68a No.1203631


Timing is everything, but time can run out while you are waiting for the optimal moment. So there's that.

f6ccad No.1203633


Basically says it's a common tactic of terrorists, philanderers, and teenagers.

c31c23 No.1203634


So proud of Q team! This takedown is elegant in design….brilliant in conception. Much love!

d1ff2f No.1203635

>>1203338 Evergreens never die

403bbd No.1203636


Secret Service code name


349467 No.1203637



I am a rapper. I was groomed to be the next "eminem" but i saw the game that was being played and i refused. His best friend and hype man Denaun Porter contacted me and was talking about the grammys. When i said i liked Trump and wanted to change things, he quickly retreated. I will be dropping a

youtube video attacking Hollywood and the Elitism in our country tomorrow. Please can we make this go viral? it will be the nail in the coffin. my IG is 111_4d_111 check it out and please take this seriously. We can create massive change and i am loyal to my president and exposing the truth. Thank you for listening. I will post a link tomorrow night to my freestyle. God speed. WWG1WGA

d5f671 No.1203638

fc1c45 No.1203639


FFS, have you need the replies to the memes we push out social media? NO ONE GIVES A FUCK! Seriously go take a look at all the replies we're getting from normies. No fucks given. MSM is creating hashtags similar to ours so people flock to those so much quick. I used to work in entertainment and their games are overpowering the minds of the sheep.

Do you know what happens at a show when the stage is set and no curtain pull? People get irritated and start to leave. Get it? Got it? Good. Fuckers.

e14dab No.1203640


Standard shooting drill is to first shoot at center of mass, then go for a head shot if the opportunity presents itself. The "Mozambique drill" is two to the chest, one to the head. Center of mass presents an easier target.

f9f4f1 No.1203641


>We have it all.

>The right people have the information.

- Lt. Gen Paul Nakasone

>GOOD people are acting on the information.

- Attorney General Sessions

>Think GOOG.


>Think ES departure.

Comped - Connected to Obama and Hillary. He's Deep State.

>Think NK.

North Korea has been freed.

>Many drafts.


>Many shared users [foreign & domestic].

C_A, D_J, F_I, Five Eyes, EU et al.

>Variable access.

Multiple ways to access - Phones, Laptops, Tablets.


Coded names in order to identify who is talking.

>Fake emails.

Same as above.

>Game forum comms.

Have no idea what this is.

>New intel revealed today.

Revealed by Ron DeSantis

>Gmail comms.

Clean Gmail - Only used Drafts. They thought they could get away. They are stupid.





>Define Evergreen.

Hillary Clinton's SS Codename

>When do you call a plumber?

When you have a leak.

>Ongoing investigations require…..

No leaks or Controlled leaks to steer the narrative away. Kabuki - Art of War Sun Tzu

>Q [auth478-24zgP]

Code of some sort for the future. Hang on to this anons.

36370b No.1203642


Do you understand how many original anons have left?

202bc4 No.1203643


boy do I get that

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