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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bake.jpg)

88cb05 No.1192717

Are you awake?

Good vs Evil.


Redpill for normies >>1087693 Proof POTUS was behind Q even before he appeared on the chans.

>>1071025 How to Quickly Spot a Clownshill

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

READ: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. Watch, archive, report.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE posting link to 8ch.

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 For Instagram mirroring (We need better tools)

>>1127332 For website mirroring

Board Rules


Q's Latest Posts

Q's TripcodeQ !xowAT4Z3VQ

Wednesday 4.25.2018

>>1189217 rt >>1189008 — Ready for tomorrow?

>>1187806 rt >>1187631 — Keep Faith

>>1187631 ———————- Be Here Now

>>1187021 rt >>1187000 — Note 187

>>1187000 rt >>1186910 — Any second now.

>>1184271 ———————- Are you awake?

>>1183319 ———————- Did you know?

>>1181425 rt >>1181379 — WW = worldwide. Try harder.

>>1181379 rt >>1181185 — They tried to delete the proof.

>>1181185 rt >>1180770 — We knew this day would come.

>>1180770 rt >>1180605 — The world is Connected. All or nothing.

>>1180770 rt >>1180604 — The world is Connected. All or nothing.

>>1180605 rt >>1180433 — Think logically…Power shift. Rise of the people.

>>1180433 rt >>1180390 — "Politics." Same for Merkel. Think movie.

>>1180364 ———————- They Feel Threatened By Us

Tuesday 4.24.2018

>>1173273 rt >>1173221 — Red carpet event tonight?

>>1169419 rt >>1169348 — This is about taking back our FREEDOM

>>1169345 rt >>1169290 — Red carpet rollout?

>>1169294 rt >>1169241 — Hostage no more.

>>1169241 rt >>1169138 — What's at risk?

>>1169138 rt >>1169112 — You Decide.

>>1169101 ———————- Iran is next. [Marker].

Monday 4.23.18

>>1164847 ———————- Coming soon.

>>1162020 ———————- It’s time to learn the TRUTH.

>>1160582 ———————- Listen carefully.

>>1159716 rt >>1159482 — When was UBL killed in Pakistan?

>>1159482 rt >>1159198 — Red Cross

>>1159198 rt >>1159032 — Wake up!

>>1159032 rt >>1158853 — Happy hunting!

>>1158853 rt >>1158720 — Happening now.

>>1158695 rt >>1158519 — Order is important.

>>1158519 rt >>1158228 — Like NK, they have been freed.

>>1158067 rt >>1158014 — Why was Armenia mentioned recently?

>>1158014 ———————- The world is awakening.

>>1157518 ———————- Reminder. Iran is Next. Marker.

Sunday 4.22.18

>>1152145 ———————- https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=JDVT-8tUfiE

>>1147720 ———————- Today is Earth Day.

>>1145824 ———————- Do you understand the gravity of what’s unfolding?

>>1140227 ———————- MB Connections

>>1140780 rt >>1140510 — Salon article Michelle Bachmann witch hunt

>>1141069 ———————- Civilization Jihadist

Saturday 04.21.18

>>1133942 rt >>1133925 — AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN! 11.11.18.

>>1133862 rt >>1133796 — They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed

>>1133464 rt >>1133332 — Fire up the memes!

>>1133332 ———————- What will next week hold?

>>1133238 rt >>1133204 — We came here for a reason

>>1133189 rt >>1133099 — Expand Further. Blackwater USA. Plausible Deniablity.

>>1132004 rt >>1131959 — Look at those palm trees!

>>1131877 rt >>1131741 — As the World Turns.

>>1131963 rt >>1131935 — Anons honored by your presence

>>1131741 ———————- Yesterday.

>>1131328 rt >>1131287 — Coincidence?

>>1131266 rt >>1131254 — Think private email addresses

>>1131254 rt >>1131247 — Think public & private Twitter accounts

>>1131191 ———————- Right on Q

>>1130667 ———————- Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest.

>>1130369 rt >>1130171 — Think Sessions

>>1130171 rt >>1130125 — Maggie Haberman on HRC team

>>1130089 ———————- Wikileaks Podesta emails

Find Previous Q Posts at: qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If it ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Backup Q Posts


88cb05 No.1192718


>>1192320 Heres the present, JFK files; Daddy Bush, don't leave

>>1191999 , >>1192006 Kanye, The Life of Paul

>>1192136 Careful, don't meme your own humiliation snowflake

>>1192169 Piestap flipped

>>1192256 EPA, Scott Pruitt testifies tomorrow 4/26

>>1192061 , >>1192231 Greg Craig, Paul Manafort, Mueller; the collusion

>>1191956 , >>1192044 Iran deal and more; great analysis

>>1192348 Kim, prepping us for the truth

>>1191975 Q hinting at false flag?

>>1192489 , >>1192607 SCOTT FUCKING BENNETT!!! <3<3<3

>>1192515 New Killary emails!

>>1192544 -PROGRAMMING ALERT- Trump on Fox & Friends at 8amEST


>>1191341 Avicii info

>>1191557 Happy Birthday FLOTUS

>>1191566 Kim Jong Un will walk across border for summit with Moon

>>1191405 Three things will not remain hidden for long. The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth.

>>1191675 4-6% Lost forever

>>1191762 PW Needs elbow room.

>>1191788 , >>1191837 Anons locked out of twitter


>>1190427 Anon gets Men In Blacked

>>1190465 , >>1190666 , >>1190696 How does one play the game?

>>1190375 “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

>>1190687 As the world turns...

>>1190737 SC Prepared to uphold Travel Ban

>>1190835 We won weeks ago.


>>1189604 Iran off the table

>>1189589 WW

>>1189666 Oct 28 + 180 Days = Apr 26

>>1189818 , >>1189825 This Day in History

>>1189983 Avicii Rumor


>>1189083 Welcome to the WH

>>1189148 Sapphire Balls

>>1189155 Who are the nazi's again?

>>1189024 Watch the alligator spin

>>1189375 Ready for tomorrow? interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M.


>>1188193 Dead Cat's Bounce

>>1188299 , >>1188635 A wild R Appears

>>1188240 Dangerous times. This is not over


>>1187260 1984 and Minority Report have a baby

>>1187305 48 Page report Wrecking Robert Mueller

>>1187530 FAKE NEWS at it again

>>1187672 Why we need 40/60


>>1186254 Chevron Evacuates Venezuelan Executives As Two Workers Face Treason Charges

>>1185747 , >>1185916, >>1185953 Whoa. HERE WE GO!

>>1185715 Kanye trending #1 Worldwide


>>1185115 Huma was involved in sending 40mm to a group in Pakistan

>>1185061 Did Hussein set up the perfect bureaucratic conditions for human trafficking?

>>1185051 Connections between NXIVM and organized crime


>>1184605 , >>1184618 Trump Jr & Eric Trump join the tweetstorm

>>1184566 POTUS retweets Kanye: 33 minute marker

>>1184440 MELTDOWN: President Trump And Kanye West Send Twitter Into A Frenzy

>>1184126 Apple CEO Tim Cook gets private meeting with Trump


>>1183948 How Rothschilds made America their private tax fraud backyard

>>1184349 Will the real Golden State Killer please stand up?

>>1183866 8Chan calls out WP on twatter

>>1183840 Illegal internet cyber attacks service: Suspect arrested

>>1183695 Trump tweets Kanye

>>1183251 , >>1183238 Mysterious drop

>>1183401 , >>1183503 , >>1183849 , >>1183869 , >>1184306 Connections between the Bronfmans, Redshields & NXIVM

>>1183505 US Army Cyber Command

>>1182739 Study the EO's. Follow the pen

>>1183463 111 Day Proof?

>>1183388 Trump taps Army cyber chief as next NSA head

>>1183420 , >>1183390 , >>1183358 , >>1183407 Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone


>>1182987 , >>1183682 , >>1183805 Kanye Doubles Down On Trump Solidarity

>>1182652 New Clinton emails released co-mingling State Dept & CF business, some classified

>>1182832 Powerpoint found with strategies for getting around US lobbying laws


>>1182314 NYSE suspends trading due to glitch

>>1182162 The Dark Side Of The Environmental Movement

>>1181914 , >>1181941 Why did Q team choose 8chan for Q comms?

>>1182004 Consumer confidence at 18 year high

>>1181987 President Trump's economy is soaring: Another win


>>1181334 Flynn JR recent “did not lie to VP.”

>>1181380 Westresser Taken Down

>>1181186 Revolution and Worse to Come


>>1180448 Google Search Manipulation Can Swing Nearly 80% of Undecided Voters

>>1180674 Thousands Protest in Armenia as Political Talks Called Off


>>1179647 Iran Says It Won't Accept A New Deal

>>1179623 rt >>1179589 7th Floor of FBI HQ has flipped

>>1179666 Russian Scientist Who Invented Novichok Is Run Down

>>1179683 What's Becoming Clear...Excellent Summary by an Anon

>>1179837 The Real Story Behind the Michael Cohen Investigation

>>1179878 California Defeats Monsanto in Court to List Glyphosate as Carcinogen

>>1179744 Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go?

>>1180028 Godfather III Dig

>>1180057 DCNF Files Lawsuit To Disclose Comey & Obama Meetings


>>1180099 >>1180182 NXIVM Connections to Mexico, Vicente Fox's Daughter

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Post last edited at

88cb05 No.1192719

War Room Incoming

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

ONE Hashtag: #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post


==>Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending, MOABs, #FakeNews, #InternetBillOfRights, #MAGA WHATEVER YOU WANT!

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Keep the info graphs, you'll find many useful hints within them.


Best Times to TWEET


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST ? use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC.

Fox News Live Stream http:// usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Quick Access Tools

ALL GMT SET (updated 4.25.18)


QMaps all in EST


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side by Sides, Good Memes

Resources Library

>>4352 —— A running compilation of Q-maps, graphics, research, and other tools and information

>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>3152 —— Redpill Scripts

>>16785 —– Prayer

>>257792 —- Letters of Gratitude

>>169315 —- Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 — Notable Resignations Thread 2/2

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>410413 —- Q Communications re:deltas

>>1065418 — Germanarchiveanon

>>1138899 — HowTo DL from insta/YT in linux

Q Drop Databases


Q Research Graphics Library

https:// mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ

Nearly 15,000 memes and infographs.

Memes : Stockpiles

Memes19 >>1144040 (Apr 22-)

Memes18 >>1027465 (Apr 14-)

Memes17 >>877198 (Apr 4-14)

Memes15 >>596831 (Mar 8-18)

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/

90ad6e No.1192720


Lilith: Lilith, the name given to a hypothetical second moon of Earth by astrologer Dr. Walter Gorn Old in 1918. Gorn Old allegedly took the name Lilith from a medieval Jewish legend where she is described as the first wife of Adam. The term “Adam” (D+M) equates to “Dome”, an apparent reference to Greenland, the dome of the Earth

f6bc14 No.1192721

File: 846e9fb6a5eb514⋯.jpeg (83.48 KB, 960x741, 320:247, 3500ABD1-9988-4346-BD58-5….jpeg)

File: 8eba80d329e6d94⋯.png (9.35 KB, 303x166, 303:166, E315ACA3-42CA-440E-978A-3F….png)

File: e685c33c9e8b7ba⋯.png (8.21 KB, 303x166, 303:166, BBDDE61C-E8C5-495F-A34C-B9….png)

File: 4ec773aad958e24⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 504x479, 504:479, IMG_2625.JPG)

File: f3c1d4a9eb00426⋯.png (750.28 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2644.PNG)



f6bc14 No.1192722

This world you seem to live in is not home to you. And somewhere in your mind you know that this is true. A memory of home keeps haunting you, as if there were a place that called you to return, although you do not recognize the voice, nor what it is the voice reminds you of. Yet still you feel an alien here, from somewhere all unknown. Nothing so definite that you could say with certainty you are an exile here. Just a persistent feeling, sometimes not more than a tiny throb, at other times hardly remembered, actively dismissed, but surely to return to mind again.

The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what He creates must be eternal as Himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever. Some things will last in time a little while longer than others. But the time will come when all things visible will have an end.

—This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way:

Nothing real can be threatened.

Nothing unreal exists.

Herein lies the peace of God.

If this were the real world, God would be cruel. For no Father could subject His children to this as the price of salvation and be loving.

The world as you perceive it cannot have been created by the Father, for the world is not as you see it. God created only the eternal, and everything you see is perishable. Therefore, there must be another world that you do not see. The Bible speaks of a new Heaven and a new earth, yet this cannot be literally true, for the eternal are not re-created. To perceive anew is merely to perceive again, implying that before, or in the interval between, you were not perceiving at all. What, then, is the world that awaits your perception when you see it?

Every loving thought that the Son of God ever had is eternal. The loving thoughts his mind perceives in this world are the world's only reality. They are still perceptions, because he still believes that he is separate. Yet they are eternal because they are loving. And being loving they are like the Father, and therefore cannot die. The real world can actually be perceived. All that is necessary is a willingness to perceive nothing else. For if you perceive both good and evil, you are accepting both the false and the true and making no distinction between them.

“Only the eternal can be loved, for love does not die. What is of God is His forever, and you are of God. Would He allow Himself to suffer? And would He offer His Son anything that is not acceptable to Him? If you will accept yourself as God created you, you will be incapable of suffering. Yet to do this you must acknowledge Him as your Creator. This is not because you will be punished otherwise. It is merely because your acknowledgement of your Father is the acknowledgement of yourself as you are. Your Father created you wholly without sin, wholly without pain and wholly without suffering of any kind. If you deny Him you bring sin, pain and suffering into your own mind because of the power He gave it. Your mind is capable of creating worlds, but it can also deny what it creates because it is free.”

You do not realize how much you have denied yourself, and how much God, in His Love, would not have it so. Yet He would not interfere with you, because He would not know His Son if he were not free. To interfere with you would be to attack Himself, and God is not insane.

Either God or the ego is insane. If you will examine the evidence on both sides fairly, you will realize this must be true

The ego has a strange notion of time, and it is with this notion that your questioning might well begin. The ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful. Remember that its emphasis on guilt enables it to ensure its continuity by making the future like the past, and thus avoiding the present.

88cb05 No.1192723

Where the hell are the bakers? I should not be baking.

Would be appreciated if someone could help me update the notables.

17e3c8 No.1192724


Agreed. Love can be experienced. Text of dubious origin should always be questioned not worshiped.

871aea No.1192725

lots of normies watch Joe Rogan. Pat Miletich drops some big pills on this show. Includes no name, weapons deals, Clinton, ISIS, Podesta's.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i9CLccQl8Y

e04d6c No.1192726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you, BO.

3490dd No.1192727

File: 7d825bc57735c89⋯.jpg (99.65 KB, 2400x1200, 2:1, QAnon WRWY.jpg)

TY Baker!

f6bc14 No.1192728

“Now” has no meaning to the ego. The present merely reminds it of past hurts, and it reacts to the present as if it were the past. The ego cannot tolerate release from the past, and although the past is over, the ego tries to preserve its image by responding as if it were present. It dictates your reactions to those you meet in the present from a past reference point, obscuring their present reality. In effect, if you follow the ego’s dictates you will react to your brother as though he were someone else, and this will surely prevent you from recognizing him as he is.

High pitched ringing?

Seeing 222, 555, 777????

Weird "dreams"???

Miss people who aren't "here"????


e04d6c No.1192730


I'll learn how to bake…tomorrow…if I have to…I guess.

3490dd No.1192731



oh wait

154497 No.1192732

Sometimes a chess match is over and the losing team keeps playing hoping their opponent blunders.

That's where we are right now. Fortunately the people who are most likely to blunder are the insane cabalists.

3490dd No.1192733

File: c112991605c087b⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 3049x3049, 1:1, Putin Pidgeon game.jpg)

b65bfc No.1192734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's the video at bottom of the page that's important..

From last bread

610179 No.1192735

File: 7fbb1d991dd62cf⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 467x395, 467:395, 1524616164772.jpg)

Don'be Stupid Wikileaks.. Catalonia is a big lie….

They want to divide us!!!!!



2446f5 No.1192736

I hope today is a big day. I hope this hype is going to pay off. I really hope something so massive is dropped that all the normies that I have prepared with information finally get something that is unspinnable. Something that hits them across the face. Tired of getting excited for something and it turns our to be minor. I hyped up the tarmac video to my friends because I was sure that is what Q wanted. Then the fuckers just stopped talking about it. My normies threw that in my face last week. Where is the video?

How do I know? Q does shit on his own time and nothing I can do can make them show me what they promised.

It is time to drop trou…..show me what you got.

3490dd No.1192738

File: de6cc816aa769d5⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 2400x3000, 4:5, Trump Baltic Guests say Ax….jpg)

6c30c4 No.1192739

>>1192662 (previous bread)

I can tell you how the experience of being born again of God's Spirit affected me but I can't say it is the same for everyone. It's a personal experience.

For me it was as though I had been viewing the world in black and white and suddenly saw it in full colour. I was transfused with a love that was so all encompassing that it flowed into me and out to other people. I couldn't get enough of reading the Bible - it completely changed from dead, dry words on dusty pages to a living and active word that was so applicable to life and everything. I couldn't stop praying and praising God and telling everyone I met what had happened. And that's just a tenth of it… irl calls. Must go. God bless all anons as they seek THE TRUTH. Hint: truth is a person not a thing.

3490dd No.1192741

File: 89904098b90248d⋯.jpg (588.03 KB, 6000x3600, 5:3, HillarySorosSadist2.jpg)

ea02c2 No.1192742


You are a guest at the party anon…

Enjoy the show or throw your own,

But don't be rude to the host!

Have you no manners sir?

610179 No.1192743

In Syria Already there movement in the south of Damascus. Pray.

783131 No.1192745

File: f5efbdf773597ee⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, assassination plot.png)



Assassination attempt on POTUS was thwarted in Florida.

Because they knew the plot beforehand. Who, where and when.



71e94c No.1192746

File: 10eb9760e5eac42⋯.jpeg (99.45 KB, 800x597, 800:597, 813A3EFF-67A3-48A3-A7F1-7….jpeg)

ea02c2 No.1192748


Great graphic anon!

871aea No.1192749


well done anon! Thank you and thank you, baker

11cb1a No.1192751

Going to slide for a second. Going through Mystery Babylon by William Cooper and it has me floored, the more you learn the more you realize just how much you don't know. Anyways, he keeps mentioning his source as the library, but the primary sources within the library are never mentioned. It's amazing he researched all that without the internet. Has he ever published the reference materials behind that series or has anyone else done so? I love the mystery and thrill of the search and will try to verify some of the items that I need to have source material for, but there are so many facts over the many hours that I want to verify and I don't want to duplicate work that has already been done. I would rather spend time expanding on that knowledge reading further into the source material rather than trying to figure out where he got it from.

I'm assuming the answer is no since I can't find any footnotes or index documenting it, but figure I'd give it a try.

Interesting hearing the back and forth in the last bread on if/why Christians are hated vs what William Cooper's theory was.

470375 No.1192752


Yeah, the globalists want us divided into nations! We need to move beyond nations and unite together under some from of global organization. It's the only way to defeat the globalists!

e3ba67 No.1192753

File: 20b570fd0872dfe⋯.png (457.09 KB, 869x697, 869:697, ClipboardImage.png)

871aea No.1192754


he has a 40 or 50 min bibliograpy on youtube in his Babylon series

1a5799 No.1192755


I think this covers the notables:

>>1191956 >>1192044 1/20 reference (Obama prisoner swap)

>>1191975 Q hinting at false flag?

>>1192071 well played

>>1192100 Gingrich, Albright, & the Hands

>>1192215 4/25 is Flotus' bday

>>1192231 Mueller Uncovered Manafort & Gates?

>>1192367 Why elites hate Christianity

>>1192607 >>1192639 ShellGame

Maybe >>1192367 shouldn't make the cut (Why elites hate Christianity). It's a good topic, got lots of replies, but it was philosophical. Also, I didn't examine posts closely enough to see if something good went under the radar. Hopefully someone else will point it out if something good was missed.

871aea No.1192756


hour 18 to be exact

3490dd No.1192757


Keith Raniere Arrested

Allison Mack arrested

Rudy Giulani Joins POTUS

FRANCE Joins POTUS in Syria

KANYE highlights Candace Owens

Comey and McCabe FIRED / facing charges

Obama busted giving aid to Terrorists*

Take your pick/make your own list

*https:// www.washingtontimes.com/…/7/inside-the-ring-obama-era-cash-traced-to-iran-…

Feb 7, 2018 - The U.S. government has traced some of the $1.7 billion released to Iran by the Obama administration to Iranian-backed terrorists in the two years since the cash was transferred. According to knowledgeable sources, Iran has used the funds to pay its main proxy, the Lebanon-based terrorist group …

6d4416 No.1192758


The previous administration packed DC with deeply compromised, traitorous extreme liberals. Arrogant ignorance knows no limits. They never thought she would lose, and even when she did, they continued on with plan B, which was to remove Trump.

1a5799 No.1192759


Oh, >>1192071 was a joke, so maybe that one should be taken out as well. It got me, though.

0b3f00 No.1192760


Notables should only include concrete items like articles, documents and posts. Not random slide topics, like religion, and shit.

ae7d39 No.1192761

File: 19da65e7914416f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1167x1019, 1167:1019, ClipboardImage.png)

5c06d2 No.1192762

Sending out big prayers for POTUS today. The whole god dam world is against us . I feel like 1 MAGA goldfish in a pond of communist bass

11cb1a No.1192763


Doubt they are hoping for a blunder at this point. I think they are trying to smash the chess board or knock the table over and deal with the chaos of that vs playing the current game down to checkmate.

Remember Trump is old (but in good health). They could get lucky and he chokes on a chicken bone or a fluke Chinese satellite crashes into AF1 or some other unfortunate event happens and then what does the plan look like with Pence in charge?

Ironic that the Luciferians are looking for a hail mary to win.

1a5799 No.1192764


Feel free to dig up the notables whenever you wish. Nothing is stopping you.

470375 No.1192765


Bill Cooper was a well known fraud. His "sources" were other conspiracy researchers like Michael Collins Piper, whose work he ripped off without citing it. Then he added a bunch of bullshit to it and cut out any non-kosher bits.

0b3f00 No.1192766


Q was talking to K. K was here, and he got the message.

5ebe7a No.1192767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have been involved in this fight for 20++ years. We are winning. The KW shite today is prepping the black community for future BOOMS. (We Have To Bring Them To Heel. Super predators. Haiti. . Keep them starved, Keep them blind, Keep them stupid.. ) My gut is if there is a Killary video it will be of her exposing the D's of being the real racists… Crap no one is talking about allison mack and children.. Hello! The masses are not ready. We are ready but they are not… The People here who have been woke for years need to understand that we are still the small %. Right now we are still tin foil hat fools.. That will change and people will be consulting you. Spread the word and talk to people out side of the interwebs…

With that said and if you get my dyslexic ADD rant and IF YOU are a new to this awaking may I suggest you start with the basics. Read this! https:// chisineu.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/saul-alinsky-rules-for-radicals-1989.pdf Read the regressive playbook and do something. Become a teacher, , counter their actions. Infiltrate the system!!!!!

96bea6 No.1192768


The best part would be not having any hope of representation with whomever or whatever becomes Supreme Dipshit of the World. Surely nothing bad could come of that.

613f02 No.1192769


im on the notables hold on

6826f2 No.1192770

File: eb0f82907a31816⋯.png (167.89 KB, 676x523, 676:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Great red pill material on child trafficking arrests. I really wish that people would shed the paradigm of bullshit political parties and stop attacking liberals, as if Paul Ryan, John McCain, Jeff Flake and other piece of shit Republicans are not equally as evil.


It spans all of them!

https:// artsciblog.org/2018/04/07/trump-haters-mock-the-rescue-of-child-trafficking-victims-because-its-trump/

5c06d2 No.1192771


president Trump acts like he is in his 30's. He has the power of the Lord inside his heart that defys time and space. Powered by the eternal flame that man is . We are so lucky I tell myself everyday . Thank GOD we have President Trump. Now I just have to convince my entire family almost that the TV news lies. I went down to the gas station this morning and they were playing CNN on the gas pumps !!! Can you believe this shit ?!

0b3f00 No.1192772


I die daily to do so. I'm just making the statement as a rule of thumb. I don't think ever single bread needs to include every single thing that happened in the last. Seems like that's why they're called, "Notables". For like, when you should remember it because it's "Notable".

Just my two cents.

f44b9a No.1192773


Can anyone confirm Allison Mack is NOT

indicted on CHILD sex trafficking but only sex trafficking BY FRAUD?

because it seems to be the same paragraphs (1591 / 1594) in the law book. maybe we jumped to conclusions here.

0c7824 No.1192774

File: 39342a4f0e17037⋯.png (72.66 KB, 632x559, 632:559, ClipboardImage.png)

Good morning, Anons. Did anyone catch THIS?!!



I haven't dug but my understanding was Sessions went through and appointed a whole bunch of US Attorneys in January because none had been appointed. I thought POTUS then had until May some time that he HAD to appoint US Attorneys that would be confirmed by Congress otherwise a FEDERAL US JUDGE WOULD APPOINT.


https:// www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/statement-us-attorney-geoffrey-s-berman-appointment-chief-judge

2446f5 No.1192776


He wont say a word…it will be some shit about friendship with France and blah blah blah. But nothing about trying to kill him or his family.

Your going to be disappointed.

Remember all the hype in January? About the stuff Q was going to drop any second. The video they were hyping? They got us all fired up….warning us to grab it fast because the inner net was going to go down. Something about 60 Terrabytes of information.

Then nothing….they dont even mention it anymore.

Fuck that shit….give us the sauce and let the damn frogs of war loose!

6826f2 No.1192777

File: ba37e24b1c5b747⋯.png (183.78 KB, 750x491, 750:491, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this fake???

8d31d3 No.1192778



bill cooper was a fraud, limited hangout, and petty/vindictive bastard.

he used the same techniques as pentacostal preachers and applied them to conspiracy stuff.

obviously, much of his material was legit. the problem with a huckster like cooper consists in sifting shit from shinola.

0c7824 No.1192779


One more noteable please


>>1192774 JUDGE appoints Berman as US ATTORNEY SDNY

5c06d2 No.1192780


What an evil woman. now she knows what is like to be one of those helpless children in chains. FUCK her she deserves it if its true.

f6bc14 No.1192781

File: b4910ced9b2cc3e⋯.png (4.75 KB, 220x220, 1:1, EAC6112C-0960-4EC5-9CCC-F3….png)

High pitched ringing in your ears?

Seeing 222, 555, 777????

Weird "dreams"???

Troubled life?

Miss people who aren't "here"????


A memory of home keeps haunting you, as if there were a place that called you to return, although you do not recognize the voice, nor what it is the voice reminds you of.

871aea No.1192782


http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5649485/Nxivm-founder-Keith-Raniere-accused-sleeping-girls-15-12-Allison-Mack-wants-plea-deal.html

96bea6 No.1192783


Don't think so. Link was provided in another image.

610179 No.1192784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you want a RFID Chip?

0c7824 No.1192785


Here are the 17 US Attorneys appointed by Sessions in January

https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-sessions-appoints-17-current-and-former-federal-prosecutors-interim-united

0b3f00 No.1192786

f44b9a No.1192787


No, its real.

THe problem is the Paragraph lists 4 different (!) options to sue for 1591.

Either sex trafficking

a) of children

b) by force

c) by fraud

d) by coercion

so being struck with 1591 doesnt necessarily mean you are a child trafficker. could mean you trafficked sex slaves (adult) by fraud by telling them its a model job for example.

The law is easily misunderstood there. the word "OR" is the important word.

that is for 1591.

not sure if this fits to 1594 too.

we need a law person to confirm.

469d24 No.1192789


he predicted 9/11

they killed him

6826f2 No.1192792

File: 10ebf9a2afd5c1e⋯.jpg (88.46 KB, 909x581, 909:581, parkland.jpg)

Parkland witness. Multiple shooters, drill with blanks?

http:// www.topbuzz.com/article/i6526181287399522826?user_id=6506232175401156618&language=en&region=us&app_id=1184&impr_id=6548649759496751370&gid=6526181295549055241&c=tw

97ff36 No.1192793


we dont need chips, our bodies already emit unique frequencies

6826f2 No.1192794


The document SPECIFICALLY states child trafficking. Attorneys do not put unneeded information into court documents. It is heavily frowned upon, as you probably know

88cb05 No.1192795


Thank you anon, much appreciated.

Post last edited at

5c06d2 No.1192796

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

For ole Quey Boy !!

7d5397 No.1192797


I have never seen that flag before.

And.. if you would apply the same standard to pepe-culture, the kekistani-flag is also part of this charade?


464420 No.1192798


How do i search 8ch.net/qresearch

search functionality where

2a3697 No.1192799

Im finally starting to see how the plan will play out and what our role will be.

Once things start dropping, we will be expected to flood the internet with data that will offer credibility to whats happening.

For instance…when Soros is arrested, we shpuld be prepared to dump all the info we've collected on his activitites and connections. When the MSM starts screaming conspiracy, we have a counter argument on hand and ready to go.

When Podesta is arrested, we will have all of our circumstantial evidence ready to drop on the normies to counter the MSM.

That will be our role. Q has tested this several times and we have done well.

Twitter, reddit, the chans, BB, Huffpo, facebook (unfortunately) etc. will be our outlets. We will take the news to the people and drown the voices of the MSM.

We need to start organizing our data into packages of information that can be dropped on a moments notice.

Start new threads with compilations of research done on individuals that can be easily picked up and distributed. Right now it would take weeks to gather everything on john podesta because its scattered everywhere.

This is what weve been working for.

470375 No.1192800


He beat his wife and when the police came to his house he shot at them. He was a tard.

And he didn't predict shit.

6826f2 No.1192801

File: 699fc9d65d13414⋯.jpg (110.3 KB, 704x798, 352:399, user manual copy copy.jpg)

6ab4ab No.1192802


Thank you randomly as well BO!


469d24 No.1192803

File: 55c0e821850abe5⋯.png (203.73 KB, 450x642, 75:107, ClipboardImage.png)



90a7e3 No.1192804


Not you again. Every fucking bread with this?

GTFO Clare.

990547 No.1192805

File: e4e94ee2b7c7b4a⋯.png (4.73 KB, 465x118, 465:118, Hillary no deal.png)

File: eebf3c4696e3e83⋯.jpg (116.53 KB, 500x613, 500:613, 294bd1.jpg)

File: c80f991a6ae4a9b⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 500x613, 500:613, 294bjr.jpg)

Iwas getting some pictures, doing a little digging, when i came across a picture of Valerie Jarrett and Trumps former Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell.

So i put togther this graphic.

If you remember Q had said on Dec 6th no deal for HRC, then on 7th, deal that was presented was declined.

Then the next day, the 8th, the Huma/Jarrett connected lady, left the WH.

We she there for purpose of negoitating deal? or a part of it.

We know by her friends she keeps, she is corrupted, and a part of them.

I figured she left, because no deals could be made.( besides her being a foreign traitor,kek)

She was DEEPSTATE, Here is a article on her deep state ties.

http:// www.wbdaily.com/big-government/trumps-deputy-national-security-advisor-and-valerie-jarrett-are-close-friends/

783131 No.1192806

File: 6540e01c4069cc7⋯.png (609.63 KB, 874x1240, 437:620, Nakasone Cyber Com apr25-f….png)





63 days before yesterday April 25th, Q told about new US Cyber Command director on February 21st.

6826f2 No.1192807


Totally agree with the data packages, too.

I think that memes should be sorted and dropped into appropriate threads, so they are easy to find.

We could also start directing normies directly to the meme threads to grab their own gold. Nothing like free labor!!!!

Especially, when the cause is so just!!!!!!!!!

71e94c No.1192808


Can I get that as a downloadable mp3 in Charton Heston’s voice?

e04d6c No.1192809

If anons feel like trolling:

bullionstacker.com is a good target

It's a Gold/Silver trading site that's most likely a honeypot or clown money laundering site.

Admin (MaxGravy) is a vegan California hippy who likes to pretend he's a Texan. Resident mockingbird JCZ relentlessly posts liberal propaganda.

It takes some patience to get in since membership is mod approved.

This anon got banned in 24 hours for posting Q stuff (which is weird for a forum opposed to the Fed.)

For added keks, ask about the secret back room (forum talk). That's guaranteed to send the mods into a tizzy.

7085f3 No.1192810


Look, some of us are well aware of what we are. What are you suggesting we should do?

992e24 No.1192811

File: 165f5658047492c⋯.jpg (262.18 KB, 670x837, 670:837, 1_3.jpg)


Thanks for baking for us BO. Been a strange evening. Last bread was riddled with bs. Seems like the shills went to bed, now it's just a few of us here.

6826f2 No.1192812



I considered Morgan Freeman, but he was probably too busy raping kids

6ab4ab No.1192813



What's your budget?

e7f326 No.1192814

Good morning. It's 4am. Are the talking points uploaded to the teleprompters yet?

5c06d2 No.1192815


He's Wrong ,you know

ed301a No.1192816

http:// www.wacotrib.com/news/ap_nation/headlines/european-space-agency-satellite-rides-to-orbit-from-russia/article_60660d38-de78-5ecd-9980-0af2bbbccfa7.html

http:// www.wacotrib.com/news/business/spacex-gains-official-approval-to-launch-high-speed-satellite-internet/article_a61649ee-0d23-52c2-b1fe-7105a9cca949.html

OK, yesterday Russia sends a satellite into orbit. On March 31, US gov gave Elon Musk permission to launch 31 small satellites into orbit to help with internet access.

Taking the black hats out of space spying on us?

I thought EM was clown, but Trump must've ok'd him to launch the satellites. He was dead broke recently. Something doesn't make sense to me

2979f0 No.1192817

File: 6c4a5e70685e8b9⋯.png (622.13 KB, 800x597, 800:597, hesrightyouknow.png)

469d24 No.1192818

File: f94d74e473a0d3e⋯.png (10.81 KB, 393x384, 131:128, ClipboardImage.png)

e54879 No.1192819

Are the remaining 300 JFK files that are due for evaluation today the precursor to the MOAB, Q?

ed301a No.1192821


I haven't seen anything yet. I couldn't sleep so I just checked.

4bcc6e No.1192822

Q posted… note 187

Post # 187 below…

Nov 21 2017 22:23:41 (EST) Anonymous ID: 3AGLrGdq 150414073


My actual conclusion is probably what's delayed me the most as it's been mind blowing understanding our country now…. I totally get it..

Current conclusions?

so Titanic -> Rothchild screws America by making our money worthless -> crash of 29 -> Tons new government which doesn't fix the problem Rothchild created (but a war helps) -> cia -> everyone blackmailed with sex tapes -> media consumed cia -> Country forced hard left -> population to puppets -> Causes uprising by certain Patriots like Kennedy/Reagan/Trump and while they managed to kill Kennedy and outlast Reagan enough lessons were learned that we are now finally ready to clean house and become America again?

First time in about a hundred years…. wow…

71e94c No.1192823


Unless you know someone who talks to ghosts, we’ll have to break into CERN…

6826f2 No.1192824

2a3697 No.1192825


Ive been working on organizing data. Trying to gather everything I can on MCabe since it looks like he will go down first. Its a daunting task to get everything together. Hopefully other anons will pick someone and start compiling. Ill make a thread for mccabe when im done but at this pace, it could be a while.

613f02 No.1192826



Notables #1492

1191999, 1192006: Kanye, The Life of Paul

1192033, 1192215: Happy Birthday Lady Trump

1192320: Heres the present, JFK files; Daddy Bush, don't leave

1191956, 1192044: Iran deal and more; great analysis

1192136: Careful, don't meme your own humiliation snowflake

1192169: Piestap flipped

1192256: EPA, Scott Pruitt testifies tomorrow 4/26

1192061, 1192231: Greg Craig, Paul Manafort, Mueller; the collusion

1192348: Kim, prepping us for the truth

1192489, 1192607: SCOTT FUCKING BENNETT!!! <3<3<3

1192515: 1192515: New Killary emails!

1192544: -PROGRAMMING ALERT- Trump on Fox & Friends at 8amEST

bbe712 No.1192827

613f02 No.1192828


whoops hold on

4e4fb3 No.1192829


Cheers BO

6826f2 No.1192830


I started trying to sort through q posts and arrange them according to their mention of a specific topic, but they overlapped so much and I got pretty busy with life. Such a huge tasks

613f02 No.1192832



Notables #1492

>>1191999, >>1192006: Kanye, The Life of Paul

>>1192033, >>1192215: Happy Birthday Lady Trump

>>1192320: Heres the present, JFK files; Daddy Bush, don't leave

>>1191956, >>1192044: Iran deal and more; great analysis

>>1192136: Careful, don't meme your own humiliation snowflake

>>1192169: Piestap flipped

>>1192256: EPA, Scott Pruitt testifies tomorrow 4/26

>>1192061, >>1192231: Greg Craig, Paul Manafort, Mueller; the collusion

>>1192348: Kim, prepping us for the truth

>>1192489, >>1192607: SCOTT FUCKING BENNETT!!! <3<3<3

>>1192515: >>1192515: New Killary emails!

>>1192544: -PROGRAMMING ALERT- Trump on Fox & Friends at 8amEST

96bea6 No.1192833


Sophia was a lovely lady. Kind of looks like FLOTUS there.

0c7824 No.1192834

File: d3373903b9b7998⋯.png (235.07 KB, 1189x564, 1189:564, ClipboardImage.png)


Berman appears to be the only one that is skipping SENATE CONFIRMATION



Berman, who was neither nominated by President Trump nor confirmed by the U.S. Senate, was set to see his term as an appointee end next week.

Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ pick to be the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, will remain in his position when his term as an appointee ends next week, court officials in the Southern District said Wednesday.

https:// www.law.com/newyorklawjournal/2018/04/25/manhattan-u-s-attorney-berman-will-remain-sdny-court-says/?slreturn=20180326040427

992e24 No.1192835

File: 6ee21b8c27404ba⋯.jpg (194.76 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 28.jpg)

I was thinking about how the plan takes some time to play out. If people had been arrested up front, they would have the right to remain silent. By allowing them the appearance of freedom, they are chatting up a storm. I can only imagine them meeting all their contacts and giving away all the goods, while our white hats see and hear everything. I trust the plan.

6ab4ab No.1192836

File: da855af351ab626⋯.png (267.64 KB, 620x349, 620:349, Q.png)


>we’ll have to break into CERN…

I like your style anon.

5c06d2 No.1192838


Trumps giant aquarium. They have no where to run and hes looking in every side big giant eye ha ha !

ed301a No.1192839


I was wrong, their talking points so far are going to target him for black support.

Say he'll support anyone , put them im front of the camera if it will boost his ratings.

Yahoo has a video about POTUS and black people. Haven't watched but headline was negative

228a99 No.1192840

Thanks for the bread BO

I'm compiling notables on this bread, looks like anons are already tasked on the last bread. I'd prefer not to bake, its almost bed time here, but I will if nobody steps up.

0b3f00 No.1192841



You think Potus spoke with Tim Cook today to get help compiling? Like, maybe he'll build us a megacomputer for sorting this shit all out! MAGA MACHINE!

613f02 No.1192842



Notables #1492

>>1191999, >>1192006 Kanye, The Life of Paul

>>1192033, >>1192215 Happy Birthday Lady Trump

>>1192320 Heres the present, JFK files; Daddy Bush, don't leave

>>1191956, >>1192044 Iran deal and more; great analysis

>>1192136 Careful, don't meme your own humiliation snowflake

>>1192169 Piestap flipped

>>1192256 EPA, Scott Pruitt testifies tomorrow 4/26

>>1192061, >>1192231 Greg Craig, Paul Manafort, Mueller; the collusion

>>1192348 Kim, prepping us for the truth

>>1192489, >>1192607 SCOTT FUCKING BENNETT!!! <3<3<3

>>1192515 >>1192515 New Killary emails!

>>1192544 -PROGRAMMING ALERT- Trump on Fox & Friends at 8amEST

0b3f00 No.1192843


Beautiful, anon

6826f2 No.1192844


wow! I hope so.

almost NOTABLE

d92343 No.1192845

File: 2727fbd62f85cd3⋯.png (353.58 KB, 479x639, 479:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8463d1352cb7d0d⋯.png (341.64 KB, 479x639, 479:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 344690d46022a5b⋯.png (232.69 KB, 427x639, 427:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a413c798dbbfee⋯.png (321.98 KB, 479x639, 479:639, ClipboardImage.png)

469d24 No.1192847


thank you for sharing this great insight

gives me a little more boost in my faith

88cb05 No.1192848

Notables I've collected from this thread.

>>1192745 Fission Mailed. President safe.

>>1192774 Judge appoints Berman as US attorney SDNY

>>1192799 Proposed gameplan

2a3697 No.1192849


I would bet everything I own that white and black hats are compiling what weve dug up.

f7a8b7 No.1192850



This is devolution of conglomerate power and more direct governance for the people.

71e94c No.1192851

Any one else wanna bet that while Trump is on Fox & Friends in 4 hours he says, “My Fellow Americans, The Storm Is Upon Us”

4a3c84 No.1192852

File: b2063db9da0ef7a⋯.jpg (151.87 KB, 1200x1155, 80:77, MattPollard.jpg)

Somebody please, please tell me this man died of natural causes. Trying to be objective until we get more information.

https:// threadreaderapp.com/thread/989400572469002241.html?refreshed=yes

88cb05 No.1192853


Thank you very much! I will take the ones I don't have.

085a1b No.1192854

full scale military exercise-Dark Sky

Sky Event?

http:// www.investmentwatchblog.com/local-communities-to-train-for-mass-power-outage-scenario/

0c7824 No.1192855




>>1192774 Berman SDNY US ATTORNEY only US Attorney to SKIP SENATE CONFIRMATION confirmed by COURT

b76eff No.1192856

>>1190293 (past loaf)

Anti School (aka Isaac Green) is good for younger generation (or any age). Seething Frog is good for historical and a larger overview perspective. Just Informed Talk, Deception Bytes, Warrior of God and Praying Medic do detailed daily run downs on Q Posts.

Lisa Mei Crowley on Twitter has a good running analysis of Q.

ea02c2 No.1192857


Fantastic connection autist anon!

7adc3f No.1192858

File: 205ff70c22258e8⋯.jpg (919.8 KB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ.jpg)

File: 68fccce3a6a6bd1⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ Alpha.png)

As Requested.

ThanQ .jpg &Alpha .png Files

613f02 No.1192859


missed a comma

Notables #1492

>>1191999, >>1192006 Kanye, The Life of Paul

>>1192033, >>1192215 Happy Birthday Lady Trump

>>1192320 Heres the present, JFK files; Daddy Bush, don't leave

>>1191956, >>1192044 Iran deal and more; great analysis

>>1192136 Careful, don't meme your own humiliation snowflake

>>1192169 Piestap flipped

>>1192256 EPA, Scott Pruitt testifies tomorrow 4/26

>>1192061, >>1192231 Greg Craig, Paul Manafort, Mueller; the collusion

>>1192348 Kim, prepping us for the truth

>>1192489, >>1192607 SCOTT FUCKING BENNETT!!! <3<3<3

>>1192515, >>1192515 New Killary emails!

>>1192544 -PROGRAMMING ALERT- Trump on Fox & Friends at 8amEST

5c06d2 No.1192860

Awesome work Meme Anon Thank Q !

274030 No.1192861

File: f6d85818e437ebc⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 640x440, 16:11, 170120-ivanka-trump-2202p_….jpg)

Psyops as it turns out has been a part of our lives for much longer than we think.

When money, power and politics combine there is always danger.

During the time of Jesus it was no different.

An interesting story that is not commonly known involves Mother Mary and the great switcharoo

It was apparent early on that Jesus was really special, I mean REALLY special.

There was no Secret Service to protect him or his family. And what do the cabal do when you cross them, the same thing the cabal do now, they KILL you and your family if they can.

With this in mind there was hatched up a little plan to protect Mother Mary.

Both Jesus and Mary were very common names during bible days.

There was a rather ordinary looking woman named Mary who had a very special son named Jesus.

There was another very beautiful elegant woman named Mary who also had a son named Jesus.

When they came to get Jesus for his crucifixion the soldiers asked the disciples “Which one of you is Jesus?” There were no selfies, internet, tv. The majority of people did not even know what Jesus looked like exactly. Even though he was very handsome, a jewish man with a beard, long hair, all wear the same clothes, pretty easy to get mixed up with a lot of other jewish men.

The beautiful elegant Mary was equally gracious and agreeable.

The ordinary looking Mary, ah, not so much.

Jesus was recognized early on as being very important. His mother, especially a disagreeable one would be in real danger.

Lets see, a really great man I bet he has a beautiful agreeable mother, only such an elegant woman would birth such a handsome and magnificent son. Why not take advantage of this, let’s let the world believe the beautiful elegant Mary is Jesus mother, that satisfies everybody, it is what is expected and this Mary does not ruffle anybodies feathers. And the world bought it.

In the meantime Jesus travels around with the ordinary looking Mary (his real mother) and she is able to learn from him as he does his teachings. Mary is very excited about her studies and asks many questions. She seems to have a knack for what Jesus is saying and is a really good student. Many people, especially men get very annoyed with her. They just soon she go away, or at least shut up. They needed a way to discredit her. Ok what is the worst thing we can call her. I know let’s just say she is a WHORE. Let’s just say that over and over and over. That ought to work. Sound framilliar?

Fast forward to Jesus crucifixion. Jesus dies on the cross, or does he?

Kind of an odd story, he dies then is resurrected.

He is dead for a short time, but gets revived, we can buy that.

But dead in a tomb wrapped up for 3 Days then just gets up and walks out? That’s really pushing it.

What if the anunnaki were aware of Jesus, what if they were hoping he was the ONE to raise the consciousness of our grain of sand on the beach of the ALL

Pretty hard to miss him since they had been following his soul for THOUSANDS of years.

And what happens to Mary after the crucifixion, the real mother of Jesus?

The story is she ends up in a cave in France for 30 years.

Really, that’s what happens to her.

She just hang out in a cave for THIRTY years by herself. That makes a lot of sense.

Or was Jesus continuing to teach her and train her mind for what would hopefully lie ahead…

The Great Awakening

613f02 No.1192863


ur killin me


BO i'll keep a running tab of notables for this thread

6ae4cd No.1192864


Anons, check out tonight's episode of Conan…. (Wednesday)

No coincidences

What are they really saying?

71e94c No.1192865


Who’s staffer was he?

990547 No.1192866

File: bff89e3f1404fdb⋯.jpg (618.64 KB, 763x870, 763:870, a3926d2f7de4e14002af3def98….jpg)

File: 51f0de896f8dc21⋯.png (322.31 KB, 757x720, 757:720, alphabet-2072343_960_720.png)

File: 04ca39df8836662⋯.png (619.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Capital-Letter-Q-Yellow-Pi….png)

File: a8e147b30f7196a⋯.png (665.63 KB, 570x855, 2:3, Cards Q.png)


NICE, Here's a few more Q's for your collection

228a99 No.1192867

0c7824 No.1192868



Why do anons keep ignoring this



SDNY is THE MOST powerful District in the US. WHY JUDGE CONFIRMATION?!!!

It was already highly irregular for POTUS to interview BERMAN before he was appointed and now THIS!

I don't think any other US ATTORNEY in the history of our nation has SKIPPED SENATE CONFIRMATION!!!

http:// time.com/4991267/donald-trump-us-attorneys-interviews/

90a7e3 No.1192869

File: ae6016d49ac7c84⋯.png (677.78 KB, 824x840, 103:105, wherekimmoonmeet.png)

File: 1ce27ea2db74c4a⋯.png (659.16 KB, 813x890, 813:890, whatwillhappen.png)



Kim Jong Un to cross line at DMZ: Here's what will happen

Kim will walk across the painted Military Demarcation Line (MDL) and into the southern half of the DMZ at about 9.30 a.m. local time Friday morning (8.30 p.m. ET Thursday) – a moment that's expected to be beamed live to millions worldwide.

There, he will be met by President Moon and together they will make the short walk to the Peace House, a conference center in Panmunjon or Truce Village, which straddles the DMZ.

There's speculation that Kim will be accompanied by his wife Ri Sol Ju, who traveled with Kim to Beijing last month on his first trip abroad since taking power in 2011.

South Korea has spared no effort in its preparations for the highly choreographed summit, giving the room where they'll meet a complete makeover, with *symbolic design features*.

After a break for lunch, Kim and Moon will plant a pine tree using soil from Mount Halla in South Korea and Mount Baekdu in the North. The day will be capped by a multi-course banquet featuring a menu with specialties from North and South.

https:// www.cnn.com/2018/04/26/asia/korea-summit-what-to-know-intl/index.html

2979f0 No.1192870

File: 31df4bc19ea4651⋯.jpg (99.41 KB, 949x689, 73:53, clintonchina.jpg)

FLOTUS selected the same fine china that Hillary stole out of the WH for use during the Macron visit State Dinner. Kek!

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/04/25/epic-first-lady-melania-trump-selected-clinton-china-service-previously-stolen-by-bill-and-hillary-for-first-state-dinner/

ed301a No.1192871

POTUS schedule tomorrow 10:30 AM Remarks East Room on Wounded Warriors

Here's their talking points today, all about black people and Trump

0c7824 No.1192873



7c7328 No.1192874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not sure if posted yet…

16c298 No.1192875

File: 0778f63f2251072⋯.jpg (9.44 KB, 275x183, 275:183, pump.jpg)

Economic Warfare?

Anyone else notice sharp rise in price of Gas since Tillerson was fired?

8c1bfb No.1192876


No the document lists the title if 1591 and 1594 which include tje words "child sex trafficking". Its like a oaragraph listing different tyoes of drugsyou can smuggle. Doesnt mean you smuggled all types.

The count 1 and 2 do not include the word child. Could mean there will be a deperate count for that.

And no. I have not mentioned this in another bread. But i think the anon stepping on the break here is right.

21e105 No.1192877


Our Empress is a troll as well, fucken love it!!

ed301a No.1192878


Talking points today are targeting Trump and black community, surprise I know

Trump public schedule besides FOX is 10:30 AM East Room remarks on Wounded Warriers.

15f48a No.1192879

File: bad2cdf5f0f3a25⋯.png (6.39 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, bad2cdf5f0f3a25c71e3ac45fa….png)


That's what happens when autism drops off. The (((shills))) sap away the actual energy, fools morons and confused anons with fake posts, and destablize a platform with poisoned well tactics.

Like it or not, Trump was not elected and Q team was not elected to lead a form of 'civic nationalism' type of message. The alternative is not easy to follow, but this kind of dissipation of energy was to be expected.

Key is to not comp the Q project/this presidency because (((certain actors))) want to subvert the whole thing and replace Patriots with (((shills))) with precisely this type of tactic.

No matter how hard it may be, the 'deplorables' have to keep in control of their passions and produce results. But the visceral passion that started the MAGA agenda must not be hindered by (((subversive))) elements.

Reality demands force.

b76eff No.1192880


The indictment lists sex trafficking of children - by fraud, force or coercion. It is clearly sex trafficking of children.

It also lists conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of children. In other words, planning to commit sex trafficking of children - again by fraud, force or coercion.

990547 No.1192881

File: d4a001e858f5cc8⋯.jpg (195.44 KB, 791x499, 791:499, 26j803.jpg)

File: 226b1dd807101db⋯.jpg (128.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 26azgf.jpg)

File: 77b26aed69e5b50⋯.jpg (146.49 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 77b26aed69e5b50eb21f75504f….jpg)


God Bless our wounded Warriors.

992e24 No.1192882

File: 7f885dbcebc5b88⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 600x244, 150:61, are-you-awake-5ae18d.jpg)

b76eff No.1192883


It's the real deal.

783131 No.1192884

File: e06723c33e2df95⋯.png (434.74 KB, 874x1182, 437:591, Proof secure apr25-feb21.png)



Another 63 day timeline in comms?

"Nothing is ever deleted. We have it all."

See graph.

90a7e3 No.1192885


this is a 20-minute video. What time stamp are you referring to?

5c06d2 No.1192886


I never sleep , always awake. brutal shit man . Cannot wait till the kids are ALL safe .

88cb05 No.1192887


Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. You're taking a lot of weight off my back.


Very true. However it caught me off guard when I realized the last baker just passed out all of a sudden.

990547 No.1192888


That woman is Allison Mack, Q said she is talking about everyone, big names in hollywood.

Thats why her court case was given time( she is working out a plea deal) SHE'S LETTING THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG.

So she deserves praise for being brave, and turning on them.

And yes that is real

6c30c4 No.1192889

>>1192870This has got to be deserving of a meme…

bd55cc No.1192890


That's what the D's get for slow-walking POTUS's shit.

This has been mentioned by both POTUS and Q now.

If these attorneys are being confirmed by judges instead of by Congress, in a Constitutionally sound way, It can only mean one thing:

Q is right; These people are as dumb as rocks. They got their slow walk, and now POTUS starts getting his confirmation.

Prosecutor attorneys are the business end of the method of putting tratiors in jail.

And let's not forget that POTUS has completed more in a year than most presidents do by the end of their 4th.

And the deck has been stacked against him the entire time. Imagine what would be accomplished if this President was allowed to run on all cylinders?

6826f2 No.1192891


YES. Attorneys choose their words VERY carefully. If this were not trafficking of children, it would not be mentioned. Besides, the courts have far too much to hide to draw such attention to this case. The judge, himself, may even be involved in this shit. Priests of the temple of Baal, you know.

6c30c4 No.1192892

590bb2 No.1192895


It sure looks like they're setting up a FF against a jounalist to attack POTUS. Sick bastards will serve up one of their own.

You ready for that?

d4bddd No.1192896


Could it be Armenian retaliation for overthrowing their clown Prime Minister?

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minasyan

According to the MSM there is no evidence that he's even linked to Armenia.

"Those first baseless, Islamophobic assumptions melted away quickly enough — only to be replaced with new social media notions, none evidently tethered to fact. Everything from Armenian nationalism (the attack came on the eve of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day) to autism…"

https:// www.thestar.com/news/gta/2018/04/24/who-is-alek-minassian-the-man-accused-in-the-van-rampage.html

0c7824 No.1192897


I just found this article that says, "Under federal law, he will now serve until the Senate confirms a nominee by President Trump, whose administration has been slow to fill many posts in the executive and judicial branches."

So no term limit on him even until he is properly confirmed by Senate?


They are maintaining the APPEARANCE OF IMPARTIALITY as well FOR A REASON! I can't wait to see what that reason is!

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/25/nyregion/geoffrey-berman-us-attorney-manhattan.html

2d5f0b No.1192898

File: f78e6ccee5cdefa⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1377x697, 81:41, tmp_22849-Capture _2018-04….png)

Rob Dyke red pilling youtube normies on why crooked Hillary lost. He's also been addressing general liberal dementia

I have been watching him for his solid research on pedos/crimes/serial killings/disappearances. Wonder if he lurks here..

https:// m.youtube.com/watch?v=92Iac7rIJS0

ed301a No.1192899


USE #kanyeQwest today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From one of Q helpers

and #qanon, that one is easier to type anyways

f54ef8 No.1192900


real maybe… but she is not so innocent in this…. She is a piece of shit! NO DEALS!!!!

She has no choice.. Dirt bags always turn on each other when the chips are down, trying to save their own skin…

Now she goes down in a blaze of glory…

"If I go down I will take + ++ +++ with me"… (that sort of mentality)

b76eff No.1192901



The prostitution of children is prohibited by 18 U.S.C. § 1591. This statute makes it a federal offense to knowingly recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, or maintain a minor (defined as someone under 18 years of age) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the victim is a minor and would be caused to engage in a commercial sex act. “Commercial sex act” is defined very broadly to include “any sex act, on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person.” In other words, it is illegal both to offer and to obtain a child, and cause that child to engage in any kind of sexual activity in exchange for anything of value, whether it be money, goods, personal benefit, in-kind favors, or some other kind of benefit. Section 1591 also makes it a crime for individuals to participate in a business venture that obtains minors and causes them to engage in commercial sex acts.

Section 1591 is called “Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion.” Most people think of “trafficking” as involving movement across state or international borders. However, Section 1591 does not require proof that either the defendant or victim crossed state or international lines.

When the victim is a minor, Section 1591 does not require proof that the defendant used force, threats of force, fraud, or coercion, or any combination of those means, to cause the minor to engage in a commercial sex act.


https:// www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-prostitution-children

7adc3f No.1192902

File: 39f8ef1e6280ebe⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ With Pepe.jpg)

File: 2a4b04fbb97f6d7⋯.png (570.88 KB, 1944x1780, 486:445, ThanQ With Pepe Alpha.png)

ThanQ with Pepe .jpg &Alpha .png Files

8c1bfb No.1192903


Again. Thats not the indictment but a mere quote of the LAW that was broken.

The count is further below and more specific.

Think of it like a case of smuggling.

The law says Smuggling of Cocaine, Heroine or LSD. And it will be lusted even if you only smuggle LSD.

Dont get me wrong. I think they are guilty of child sex trafficking too. Maybe eben murder. The problem is I dont see her indicted for that. Only vount is for Sex trafficking by fraud and conspiracy for sex trafficking by force or so.

5c06d2 No.1192904


I will take your word on it. I know first hand the terror of being a child trapped in a room with a giant angry man. I hope she dumps on them all. Depending on the severity of her crimes is how I will look on her after that . To me she represents the sickness. We will see what she does from here to atone.

bd55cc No.1192906


>whose administration has been slow to fill many posts in the executive and judicial branches.

I love how the times spun this. Not that Congress has been dragging their feet on purpose, or anything [wink wink, nudge nudge].

If I was in New York I wouldn't get a NY Times paper to let my dog take a shit on, nevermind actually read. Fuckers

990547 No.1192907



I will add it to the Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side by Sides, Good Memes


I'm collecting up a few other hraphics and proofs. I prefer graphics get posted in there 4 at a time, and trying to keep it organized.

It is really organized the first 260 plus posts,kek

I'm trying to post similar groupings together, ( to make it easy for anons to scroll and find what they need.

b76eff No.1192908



Section 1591 applies equally to American children (U.S. citizens or residents) who are prostituted within the United States, as well as foreign nationals (persons not a U.S. citizen or resident) who are brought into the United States and are then caused to engage in prostitution. The law also criminalizes any person who conspires or attempts to commit this crime.

If the victim was under the age of 14 or if force, fraud, or coercion were used, the penalty is not less than 15 years in prison up to life. If the victim was aged 14-17, the penalty shall not be less than 10 years in prison up to life. Anyone who obstructs or attempts to obstruct the enforcement of this statute faces as many as 20 years imprisonment. Defendants who are convicted under this statute are also required to pay restitution to their victims for any losses they caused.

In addition, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2421 – 2423 criminalize a variety of activities pertaining to the prostitution of children. For example, Section 2421 and 2423(a) make it a crime to transport an individual or a minor across state lines for the purpose of prostitution or any other illegal sexual activity. Unlike 18 U.S.C. § 1591, both of those statutes do require proof that the victim crossed a state line. If a minor is transported across state lines in violation of Section 2423(a), the penalty is not less than 10 years in prison, up to life.

4a3c84 No.1192909


He was Sen. Roy Blunt's appointee (Missouri)

Blunt's statement: https:// www.blunt.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/news?ID=53E8C2F8-7210-486C-BE5D-F5EAD56B8C8E

Been digging for 10 minutes, and turning up nothing as far as obituary. Agree with @AlmostJingo that this is not necessarily foul play, could be natural death. 52 is pretty young, but sadly heart attacks and strokes can hit hard, and early.

d92343 No.1192910

File: 812bb3af7db0030⋯.png (304.94 KB, 463x531, 463:531, ClipboardImage.png)







I think the MOAB could be that both the JFK files and the cell text messages have similarities:

>What if the texts suggest foreign allies?


>[C]lowns [I]n [A]merica


>They tried to delete the proof

>Side by Side Proofs

464420 No.1192911


992e24 No.1192912

File: 3501a620931bb2d⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 800x527, 800:527, 1_19.jpg)

This could literally be the calm before the storm. Weird vibe tonight. Don't think it was the shills. Actually had me a little concerned about e-attacks. But this seems more of a natural weirdness.

6826f2 No.1192913


Do you not see that specific laws, pertaining to child trafficking, are cited?

085a1b No.1192914

Sky event?

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-25/comcast-launches-bidding-war-against-fox-rival-ps22bn-takeover-bid-sky

bd55cc No.1192915


Once Poppy dies we can know he killed JFK.

That cia nigger should enjoy hell. Maybe his head will get cut off over and over, for eternity, just like he threatened to have done to POTUS.

0c7824 No.1192916

File: cf677b390250578⋯.png (74.72 KB, 617x589, 617:589, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons, who are arguing over HUMAN TRAFFICKING mention in the Allison Mack indictment.


The cabal has misled the public and this BULLETIN is meant to set the public STRAIGHT.

"Because trafficking need not involve any smuggling or movement, it can target anyone, including

undocumented migrants, guest workers entering on valid visas, lawful permanent residents, and

United States citizens. Traffickers target vulnerable individuals, manipulating and intimidating them into

compliance. While precarious immigration status is a vulnerability that traffickers often seek to exploit,

many prove equally adept at identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities of U.S.-born victims, including

homelessness, addiction, cognitive disabilities, child custody struggles, or psychological trauma resulting

from prior abuse."

https:// www.justice.gov/usao/page/file/1008856/download

5c06d2 No.1192917


That is badass.


Feel better now?


I been awake all night thinking about these text messages . Bad guys, string em all up if its true !!

464420 No.1192918

File: e3dbcfd74317eb7⋯.png (728.01 KB, 1158x648, 193:108, fdsfff$4345.PNG)

990547 No.1192919

File: 916c3e0c1f723da⋯.jpg (126.63 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Tide Pods Digest 1.jpg)

File: 80ea6644518aa1a⋯.jpg (112.4 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Tide pods digest 2.jpg)

I made these yesterday,

5c06d2 No.1192920


Can't wait till that evil fuck dies. I will celebrate all day !

8c1bfb No.1192921


If you show me a seperate law that is used for sex trafficking of adults I stand corrected.

1a5799 No.1192922


I prefer to see hard evidence myself. My posts largely provide hard evidence. And I can't stand it when I see, for instance, some Pindar b.s. up there, or the embarrassing flat earth nonsense. But Q has mentioned God extensively, and his willingness to bring faith into the equation is what brought myself and many others here. I don't see a problem with occasionally noting a post that draws the most attention in the thread.

Many are tired of seeing God shut out of the equation, and tired of seeing it put on the same shelf as "religion." Which Wiccan nation is a superpower? Any Scientologist nations brokering world peace between two warring states?

We're tired of having it equated to nonsense, when so many facts have simply been omitted for the sake of putting it down and associating it with stupidity and unquestioning complicity. While it is true that most Americans are familiar with the stereotype of the "close-minded Christian," the fact is that those people would be close-minded regardless of whether or not they were Christian. It's easy enough to prove–do you know any Liberals that refuse to change? It's a human archetype, not a product of faith.

Few people realize that Isaac Newton produced twice as much work on Christianity as he did math or physics. Fewer still realize that most of the greatest mathematicians were Christian; Euler and Gauss, for example. There is this constant revisionist history at work where obvious displays of faith is called into question by "experts," and people who are busy too to look into it themselves just accept it. But a huge part of destroying our country comes from eroding our morality–see Q's post on Civilization Jihad a few days ago, and ask yourself how it works.

The fact of the matter is that if we have no morality, no President will help. Look at many of the African countries–corruption everywhere, no sense of tomorrow, no sense that someone is always watching, no accountability except to family and associates. But it is the faith that we do what we do because it serves something greater than we can understand that allows us to achieve things that are greater than we ever thought possible. And yes, that wonderful faith is based on that which is inescapably human: self-interest. Why trade 70 good years on this crap planet for infinity beyond? In order to get what we want, we have to demonstrate faith.

Almost nobody understands the level of faith it takes to allow other people, whom you may fundamentally disagree with, the same freedoms you would want yourself–but that is the courage that gave us the freedoms we are fighting for right now…and it is because of those great acts of faith that we have become the greatest country in the world.

I am not saying that I am perfect. I'm almost positive that I have committed more sins than most on this board (except the clowns), and not just because I'm older. But I am saying this: if we are so enamored with facts, then we should be enamored with getting them right…and we should understand that Christian faith and reason are not mutually exclusive traits. Let us return to giving Christianity its due credit in laying the foundation for this great nation; it made America great, and it will make it great again.

6826f2 No.1192924


It is the lack of mention of adults in the citation, which is the smoking gun.

90a7e3 No.1192925


she deserves nothing less than a cold hard jail cell for the rest of her life.

4fc0e1 No.1192926


The Act of 1871


this Constitution for the United States of America



for/OF …all caps…CORP.




>History books


824150 No.1192927


Exactly, she would of never turned herself in, its only now that she got caught thats shes trying to do anything for an easy way out

0c7824 No.1192928


"While this conduct is often referred to colloquially as

“trafficking,” it does not constitute a federal human trafficking crime unless it involves the use of force,

fraud, coercion, or the commercial sexual exploitation of a minor. "

That is why the Allison Mack indictment uses the language that it does.

https:// www.justice.gov/usao/page/file/1008856/download

b76eff No.1192929


You are misreading the indictment, it states "sex trafficking of children" in two different counts for Allison Mack.

Check out the Citizen's Guide to US Federal Law on the Trafficking of Children

https:// www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-prostitution-children

6c30c4 No.1192930


I agree 100%

5c06d2 No.1192931


Jordan maxwell does some really good videos on youtube about International Maritime admiralty law . I woud check them out for sure for new people interested in the ALL CAPS and high water marks etc. Interesting the law of the sea and the law of the land. All goes back to Pope Bonifice .

4a3c84 No.1192932

File: df99a1883ef24f9⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Binney.jpg)


"Nothing is ever deleted. We have it all."

That big data farm in Utah. With that much storage, there's room for anything and everything.

0c7824 No.1192933


"While this conduct is often referred to colloquially as “trafficking,” it does not constitute a federal human trafficking crime unless it involves the use of force, fraud, coercion, or the commercial sexual exploitation of a minor. "

That is why the Allison Mack indictment uses the language that it does.

https:// www.justice.gov/usao/page/file/1008856/download

783131 No.1192934

File: db8097f28810fff⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1240x1735, 248:347, Antifa new flag stupid.png)


These people are really stupid!

d4bddd No.1192935


I think MOAB will be Page/Strzok texts discussing assassination of Trump family member, in collaboration with foreign power.

Mueller will flip and continue as special council investigating Dems links to Russia. Dirty dossier, spying on Trump Tower, even U1.

Mueller has first hand involvement with U1 but has conflict of interest waiver.

https:// www.redstate.com/streiff/2017/12/12/mystery-robert-muellers-secret-conflict-interest/

69b05d No.1192936

just joined, how long left until MOAB?

5c06d2 No.1192937


BOOM shaka laka ! i hope so I can't wait to see the commies burn !

992e24 No.1192938

File: ebc51a4f979e118⋯.jpg (138.63 KB, 650x867, 650:867, 18_1.jpg)


Evil fuck for sure. JFK, probably. But I've also wondered who was his boss. Is his boss still around?

90a7e3 No.1192939


Well, POTUS is on Fox this morning at 8ET.

We might find out then

5c06d2 No.1192940


The Superior General the Black Pope or the Arch Bishop of New York .

908dff No.1192941


>Snowden says Chelsea Manning is currently serving 35 years in jail

>Manning was pardoned by Obama a few years ago


15f48a No.1192942


Been noticing that a lot in the late night bakes lately in the last two-three weeks.

In complete seriousness, I wish Q team and POTUS start kill teams to start hunting down these (((shills))) and sayanim types, simply to make an example…as mentioned by an anon before, the best days of the autism was back before mid-dec when BO/BV et al were firing away and (((shills))) were getting BTFO left and right, and couldn't get a foothold. Think of this entire cyber environment as a warzone, an area of operations. With everyone pretty much going full on /pol/ on any bitch ass kike on the board as well as weaklings, it was VERY difficult to subvert this place. The combined energy also produced results, which buttressed the whole thing - aggressive pushback + results to build on = sky high morale.

Of course we know average autist /pol/ anon attention span rivals that of an amoeba, and (((enemy))) had been subverting half chan since 2015 actively. It's full on JIDF propaganda/useful idiotfest in there now.

We know we are up against state/supra-national enemy orgs and don't blame you or BVs or CM at all. This is simply a reportage of the situation, and combined with need for exposure to general public (normies and cucks swarming in) this is inevitable.

We need to find a way to fire away, and fast. Force and finess….without rendering this place ineffective due to 'infighting' etc.

Dedicated anti-(((shill))) team that can go after these traitors and hostile foreign elements from poisoning this board a la NSA section would be a GREAT start…

I've said my piece. Also, fuck the kikes and muds. World is unfortunately not run by US constitution or mentality of those who revere the American mentality.

Asiatic mentality is the enemy, and it cares nothing for posterity.

b76eff No.1192943


Jordan Maxwell is not a lawyer and does not know what he is talking about. One of his former colleagues calls him a fraud.

0c7824 No.1192944


I'm hopeful but I doubt POTUS will say anything based on Q…

October 28, 2017

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.

5c06d2 No.1192945


Clown Team Beta using VPN's out of Armenia and Iran. Thats clown central now. Trumps on it. The VPN clowns will be exposed . Hear that clowns ? SHOON !!

4fc0e1 No.1192946


this is the date "our country" became "THE CORPORATION"

bd55cc No.1192947


Welcome to the knowledge that you've been sold into bondage at birth.

This is why the Civil War crippled this country. We never actually recovered from it.

This is why the globablists still own our asses. The US got into crippling debt and the globalss dangled that "pallet of cash", in so many words.

We've been in bondage ever since. The IRS/FED acts of 1913 were merely the other arm of the Act of 1871.

WAKE UP anons! This shit can be REPEALED. We need to SPEAK LOUDLY, with ONE VOICE.

4bcc6e No.1192948


He's right you know…

1997d5 No.1192949


What diversion will occur when MOAB is dropped?

Anothsr school.shooting? Somewhere with lots of people? Airplane.crash?

5c06d2 No.1192950

>1192945 Me

Im just guessing not sure . Just a feeling from the Q drops . Def not in the know . I see the clown attacks at certain times and when certain posts are made they increse. They have no where to hide in my opinion .

228a99 No.1192951


>>1192745 >>1192753 >>1192806 Timeline shift to 63 days graphics

>>1192774 Berman appointed SDNY USATTY

>>1192777 Mack charge docket

>>1192782 Mack wants plea deal/Raniere underage girls

>>1192785 Sessions appoints 17 USATTYs

>>1192799 Fire up the Meme Cannons!

>>1192805 Dina Powell, Trump Deputy NatSec Advisor was comped

>>1192878 POTUS schedule and MSM talking points

992e24 No.1192952

File: fe34f931a47f7ee⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 660x476, 165:119, lica-fih.jpg)


Any sauce? What is the connection?

8d31d3 No.1192953

File: 5f148aaab42d902⋯.jpg (11.28 KB, 181x279, 181:279, download.jpg)


the cabal is coming down.

Trump has been preparing for this for over 40 years.

he's learned all their tricks. he has his own networks, his own security, his own intel, his own fortune. Trump is literally the only man alive who could pull this stage of the process off. no one else would'a survived this long…no one…DJT has balls, gents…your President has cahones (finally), you should be proud.

Trump is a man of destiny. I've known if for many years…i honestly didn't know the specifics of what that destiny would entail back in the day, thought his role would be fulfilled in some other capacity…thought he was only mentioning being president back in the day as a publicity stunt…boy was anon wrong. nevertheless, i've always seen the 'halo' heavy over DJT.

what a time to be alive! especially for those of us who view the present tense in its relationship to the grand sweep of history. sadly, any observation about current events not predicated with "drumph is a madan! he must be stopped! muh russia!" is immediately treated as hate speech. seriously, if you don't express a palpable hatred for POTUS you're instantly marginalized and branded a pariah.

blowback is going to be a bitch, SJWs. Trump is getting ready to thrash your icons – they are going to jail. this Gitmo stuff is real.

unfortunately, so many do-gooders across the land were convinced that it was their prerogative to persecute anyone who even whiffed of MAGA. unfortunately for some of the the more visible and vocal do-gooders, the tides are about to turn massively. you will soon be the persecuted pariahs. and you expect us to show you mercy?


some of the biggest changes in human history are about to start unfolding. they won't be completed under Trump, but Trump has the honor of having initiated them.

he's understood /our/ power from the beginning – don't see him ever taking it for granted, and he respects the fact that we're not stupid (though he does expect trust from us; at the same time, there are issues he wants us to object with him about…the trick for anons comes in divining bait & bants from the policies he truly intends to pursue – this is all what Q was referring to the other day with "learn our comms".

look at what his trusted proxies are saying. that is the best way to ascertain POTUS's real bias.

>anon is doing his best to decode the cipher, sir. i know you know anon loves his puzzles. it's been fun.

lads, you are all part of one of the recent age's political marvels. history will study these pages. Q is like Roosevelt's fire side chats as bants…it's that effective and groudbreaking. The mastery of social media revealed in the person of Trump is truly revolutionary. People mock POTUS' tweets; but in pinging between twitter and the chans, POTUS/Q are bypassing the gatekeepers entirely. Trump is forcing them out of the way. All the can do is sit back and cry about it.

Anyone underestimating Trump at this point is an imbecile.

and for you commies that don't understand him, you never will until you first respect him. Trump is brilliant in his own way. It's a peculiar kind of genius, though. It could be said that the man has a genius for courage. He truly just believes in himself, trusts his judgment and acts accordingly. He has good sense, he knows it and he takes full advantage of it. Plus he's basically a moral man – in my opinion (considering what he has access to at that level, Trump has shown enormous restraint…this coming from a man who, like Trump, has a weakness for the charms of beautiful women – it must be fought, but the power they have is real to us).




Pray for Q.

Pray for Trump.

prepare for news of an assassination plot as MOAB on your President and/or his family.

Trump represents their greatest nightmare. it must be made clear that any attack on him will be by the masses taken very personally. this is not JFK's america. people don't trust their government as they once did. and i don't think the people will settle for a lone wolf this time.


990547 No.1192954

File: 275e07fe985b4fc⋯.jpg (111.36 KB, 714x450, 119:75, 28uznf.jpg)

File: c0fb5aee99bc086⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Clinton Obama soros marina….jpg)

File: 327e47fc9d6028c⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Hillary Hell 4.jpg)

File: 6feaec4ff34bd9c⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 714x450, 119:75, 294e0t.jpg)


Here you go,, i upgraded one of my hell memes and added poppy, kek

5c06d2 No.1192955


Where the fuck is Hillary and Obama at would be my question then. I would have teams of surveliance on them 24 7.

4fc0e1 No.1192956


note 187 1

5c06d2 No.1192958


Fakin awesome. The clowns really ruin this board sometimes. Head clown is asleep he fell out early so we have normal flow with BO. Bo is a good guy .

abe6e6 No.1192959

File: 39399ed026af580⋯.png (994.89 KB, 800x906, 400:453, 8404424989a4e4a656da0b43ab….png)


MFW When our board is the most upto date newspiece there is

bd55cc No.1192960


Noice, noice!

d92343 No.1192961

5c06d2 No.1192962


Fukin Gravy bro KEK MAX !!

ea02c2 No.1192963


Now ur just freaking me out…

Amazing work anon!!!

990547 No.1192964

File: 17560fe3a2e9fb6⋯.jpg (92.1 KB, 714x450, 119:75, Hillary hell 5.jpg)

File: 4754f33d4df5876⋯.jpg (70.76 KB, 500x505, 100:101, Hillary and Scott demons.jpg)

File: 275f1626e21de08⋯.jpg (104.15 KB, 624x500, 156:125, 28x0r5.jpg)

File: eacdb2bca9857d5⋯.jpg (110.31 KB, 624x500, 156:125, 28x1j4.jpg)

69b05d No.1192965


was thinking he may hint but not fully drop.. what time is it in the US now?

dcb88d No.1192966

Shill baker put gay and lame

"Kanye: life of paul" copy pasta

Into the bread.

Fucking gay as shit this isnt a fucking notable its a fucking


85da28 No.1192967


Definite confirmation for this post anon.

Prayers engaged

84aae3 No.1192969

85da28 No.1192970


4:55 A


4a3c84 No.1192971

File: 235d9ea8e91ba45⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 354x473, 354:473, Doggo.jpg)

Anons, my little terrier got bitten by a copperhead out in the yard last night. Gave her a benadryl (can't afford 24 hr emergency vet) and some leftover prednisone and doxycycline to help her settle down. Headed to our regular vet when they open at 8 EDT. Sitting up all night, just watching her. Couldn't sleep if I tried.

Spare a good thought for scruffy pipsqueak doggo if you could :(

She's sleeping comfy atm. Just finished reading this, think he's on the money.

https:// bigleaguepolitics.com/heres-jeff-sessions-might-playing-4-d-chess/

de2ea9 No.1192973




Thanks Ed!

4fc0e1 No.1192974


been deep into this shit since the 80's and "history books" (b4 the interwebs)

fuckin' JOY to see this habbening!!!

909f00 No.1192975

File: b9f48928dbd5208⋯.png (134.2 KB, 731x439, 731:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f229d25077a6428⋯.png (421.05 KB, 1221x2247, 407:749, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like amazon is getting kids ready to be spied on, wonder what they'll do with all that data collection.

5c06d2 No.1192976


President Trump is a Godsend and a very stable genius . I trust the plan 1000000 percent. I think the whole world will sigh a little bit of relief when hillary is behind a padded cell door with no window . She deserves nothing less and much much more. I keep thinking about the tape Q said we control. Insane to think of how evil things could really be . She is a psychopath killer. Women can be the most evil creatures ,we know so little now. I want Obama to burn as well. I fucking hate that creature.

96b82f No.1192977


I tried to point out yesterday that the actual wording of the statute contains two very important letters.

§ 1591 - Sex trafficking of children or by force, fraud, or coercion

Note that it says OR by force, fraud or coercion. The statute deals with either/or cases. I believe Jane Does 1 and 2 are the women reported on last fall that initiated the investigation resulting in this current indictment.

Here's is the link to the Justice Dept. statement on the indictment.

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/founder-nxivm-purported-self-help-organization-and-actor-indicted-sex-trafficking-and

613f02 No.1192978

>>1192774, >>1192785, >>1192897 Federal judge appointment(s), Sessions submarining

>>1192745 -Qgraph- 45 FL assassination plot

>>1192753 -Qgraph- Stage set, mic on, Q POTUS

>>1192761 -Qgraph- Do you think for yourself? Another hint

>>1192806 -Qgraph- Paul Nakasone (future proves past)

>>1192770 Good blog article, child trafficking. We're breaking through!

>>1192777 Allison Mack charges [i don't know what to do with this one. did prosecutors bring charges or attorney naming charges on her?]

>>1192869 Kim to cross the DMZ, ceremony!

>>1192902 -meme- ThanQ, you cheeky cunt

also sticky in bread: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

honorable mention:

>>1192799 Proposed gameplan

>>1192861 I recognize your effort anon, im failing to see a message! D:

85da28 No.1192979


I AM So right with you and wonder-pup my friend!

990547 No.1192980

File: db438a68a0a5647⋯.png (214.69 KB, 570x620, 57:62, Beavis and butthead reachi….png)




bd55cc No.1192982


"MK them early. MK them often"

992e24 No.1192983

File: 01837db9f00be89⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MOAB.jpg)


Funny how a lot of things I've researched and thought about brought me to this point to with you anons. I was wrong about Trump before election night. But when he won, I started looking back at things he had said. He literally won me over by telling the truth.

909f00 No.1192984



Cognitive programming, best used from the beginning. All i can think of in cases of this shit is Pavlov on steroids.

829928 No.1192985

File: 0e87ca652a183af⋯.jpg (83.84 KB, 500x624, 125:156, me in Q MEME ha.jpg)

613f02 No.1192986


these are notables for this bread (#1493) so far…

e68f91 No.1192987

it's plausable that when KW had his "melt down" he was already aware of the plan. Trump met with him the next day to reign him back in.

228a99 No.1192988


Here's what I nabbed so far anon, pretty close to yours. You want to take the bake?

>>1192745 >>1192753 >>1192806 >>1192884 Timeline shift to 63 days/MOAB/POTUS SAFE graphics

>>1192774 Berman appointed SDNY USATTY

>>1192777 Mack charge docket

>>1192782 Mack wants plea deal/Raniere underage girls

>>1192785 Sessions appoints 17 USATTYs

>>1192799 Fire up the Meme Cannons!

>>1192805 Dina Powell, Trump Deputy NatSec Advisor was comped

>>1192878 POTUS schedule and MSM talking points

>>1192953 41020 is (((their))) greatest nightmare. PRAY for POTUS and Q, Patriots

992e24 No.1192990


FLOTUS has guts to stand among "them," knowing what we know. Very strong woman for our stable genius.

8d31d3 No.1192991


he's been /our/guy before that was even a thing.

he had the nerve to tell the truth about the birth certificate. that, in itself, said he was outside their wicked loop.

3b9b5b No.1192992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q from 1-22-18, future fuckin proves past.

c396d9 No.1192993


You should've seen the reaction when I posred on a British website that they needed to prepare for a terrorist attack. Didn't do a whole lot for my credibility, but things are changing and gaps are being filled.

613f02 No.1192995


do you want to sleep :P

990547 No.1192996


I was just thinking of something.

They changed their flag, yet still hhad to have it resemble a nazi flag?

Stupid and also, is this another meaning of their need symbolism( which will be their downfall)

They just had to make a nazi type flag for this movement, they needed the same/similar symbols.

On the 2nd one, would that be the black cross?

Just wondering if its connected,

A mix of stupid, and they must have their symbols.

4fc0e1 No.1192997


>We endure


992e24 No.1192998


kek kek kek

5d97eb No.1192999



b76eff No.1193000


After reviewing the citizen's guide to US federal law on the prostitution of children, under section 1591 if the accused causes a child to engage in a commercial sex act, it is considered child trafficking. So the crime of trafficking exists even if there is no force, fraud or coercion when a minor child is involved.

But the crime could also involve the use of force, fraud or coercion in the trafficking of the child.

85da28 No.1193001

Tech-tarded anon here…

Q post 1272 from 4-25 lists

AS ( the world turns)



All softly underlined



For the incoming MOAB?

5c06d2 No.1193002

File: 571a735745fb481⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 357x340, 21:20, 82faa25088.jpg)


Prayers for your little buddy. he looks like a nice little boy .



pic related:

I love the look on 45's face . Every time I see this photo I kek a little ! Kick her ass Biggy T !

829928 No.1193003

File: a5ca4a8ae41a7f6⋯.jpg (10.11 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images-4.jpg)

Checking in for all you fuckers.

d92343 No.1193004


This is very bad symbolically for SK, allowing him to cross over before a treaty is signed.

228a99 No.1193005


SOON. 1am here. Work tomorrow.

4a3c84 No.1193006

File: 6d80663941591e5⋯.jpg (49.42 KB, 608x864, 19:27, ConfederateAncestor.jpg)


Amen to the Civil War crippling this country. Late grandfather told me stories he heard from my 2x grandfather, who remembered having so little food here in the south that they were reduced to boiling the dirt from the floor of their smokehouse for soup. Southerners who had learned how to survive using food methods from the Cherokees had a better chance. They knew what native plants would provide enough nutrients to live on, and had an amazing knowledge of medicinal plants.

Botanical anons will like this (have met this guy, just awesome) https:// mycherokeegarden.com/

But I digress. Time to dropkick the Fed. This BS has to stop forever, NOW.

Pic related is one of my Confederate veteran grandfathers.

909f00 No.1193007

File: 1b724069653dcbd⋯.png (310.38 KB, 490x517, 490:517, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c83679d555ff67c⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1221x4058, 1221:4058, ClipboardImage.png)

5c06d2 No.1193008

Nice the board is clown free. You need a baker BO? I think I can handle it with the traffic flow without panicking and dropping my meme bombs. Let me know Im here to help . Thats why I come here.

613f02 No.1193009


ill take over

>>1192799 Fire up the Meme Cannons!

>>1192805 Dina Powell, Trump Deputy NatSec Advisor was comped

gets added

ill look at the others too

good eye

0c7824 No.1193010


Here is a link to the actual indictment. I see no mention of the words child, children

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/press-release/file/1055196/download

909f00 No.1193012


forgot the link


69b05d No.1193013


some anons were tracking HRC plane earlier today

228a99 No.1193014


Thanks anon. Maybe BO is updating the batter with last bread's notables? I didn't see a pastebin.

613f02 No.1193015

5c06d2 No.1193016


We crush all those under the roller of MAGA ! Go President

Trump !!!


Gotta love our planefags. Can we strap hillary to the next NASA rocket pls ??! Begging to see that live streamed .

613f02 No.1193017


its my assumption.

tandem team here lol.

we all operate autonomously; we do our best i guess

6c30c4 No.1193018


So the law doesn't allow bars to throw out sexual perverts or jihadists but it does allow bars to throw out Trump supporters. The law has become an ass.

6ae4cd No.1193019



I hope I read this in a museum one day. I can tell my grandkids I was "there"

b76eff No.1193020


I should have stated the indictment lists sex trafficking of children, including by fraud, force or coercion.

Mack was being charged for CHILD TRAFFICKING - which does not require force, fraud or coercion to be established - but it could involve force, fraud or coercion (as most such crimes do).


4b24f9 No.1193022


The TREASON PAPERS…..he didn't have the internet resources on the scale we have today. Cooper was hitting the peak of his radio show from around 95 tIL his last show in Nov. 2001.

He sold a packet of documented proof of the treason being carried out.

0c7824 No.1193023




This is the indictment and there is NO MENTION OF CHILD OR CHILDREN

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/press-release/file/1055196/download

138bcf No.1193024

>>1192953 Concur. Today will go down in history, not as a day of victory, but as a day the spell was broken. The web of illusion surrounding the hypnotized masses of humanity will be shredded. The clouds of confusion will part and the rays of truth will blaze out, illuminating a landscape of abject horror. It will not be possible to avoid comprehending what is revealed except by retreat into insanity. Many will prefer this to the knowledge of the most vile depravity in the halls of power and wealth. The deceptions unmasked, the icons shattered, the horrors revealed by this shattering revelation. Yes, and you and I have suspected for many many years. Many have known in full and proclaimed to any who could hear for decades, only to be marginalized, mocked, shunned. As autistes, are we not accustomed to this world of pain? A world where sincerity and truth-telling and honest engagement is trampled by the boot of normalcy which conceals degeneracy? Has this world of our own sufferings not steeled us for the acid rains of truth about to dissolve the temples of those who worship the ancient enemy through unspeakable horrors? We will see mercy for those deceived, and we will see justice for those who refuse it. May God protect and bless all who seek that which we call, without irony, Truth, Justice, and the American Way, Godspeed President Trump. Godspeed Q Team. Godspeed Anons of good faith and noble intent.

abe6e6 No.1193025

File: e1e0f5d88a3f9ed⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 6d9ec64a677811e3875412b948….jpg)




5c06d2 No.1193027


So she handed off the crying alone children to some sick man and walked away smiling with the cash and went out partying is what it sounds like her daily routine was. No thought at all about what the child would endure or the damage done if the child survives. So evil. Depths of hell level evil .

bd2b71 No.1193028

File: 057299a26bacfb4⋯.png (50.28 KB, 200x257, 200:257, ClipboardImage.png)

the triple crown, gold and silver key, so this is who [P] answers to and also the [key].

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_See

d92343 No.1193029


$5 million seems steep for pimping out adult cult followers

990547 No.1193031



You mentioned that the timeline shifted from 111, to 89, to 63.

This is 5 D chess. Would there not be mulitple timelines/ mirror back.?

Because they are not going to skip, from 111 down to 63, and not have any links to the days they skipped( 50 plus days in between)

So therefore, some timelines have been moved, others have not.

There are multiple makers( 0,1,5,10,15) and multiple mirror map timelines, 110, 111, 89, 63, and probably several others.

Intricate layers/levels to the greatest chess game in history.

6c30c4 No.1193032


Yes - the Papacy.

5c06d2 No.1193033


Godfather 3

White pope black pope grey pope. My guess . The key is for sure rome. They have all the treasure and land . They own it all because the pope said so a long time ago. We all live under contract law because the pope "Says So".

992e24 No.1193034

File: d4d895e1f079941⋯.jpg (45.84 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 441.jpg)


Mittens and I had been to that bar. We had to leave early. It was full of faggots.

ed301a No.1193035


Sky event maybe what I posted earlier. Russia sent satellite yesterday & US gov gave SpaceX permission to launch 31 satellites for internet on March 31

If only there was a way to get paid for research! LOL These past few months have been a trip

abe6e6 No.1193036


63 is the mirror day. theres more drops eitherside of the mirror.

bd55cc No.1193037



>didn't have the internet resources on the scale we have today

I think it's fucking glorious that the thing the globalists came up with, with visions of 1984 dancing in their heads (ie- the internet)…

Is the exact thing that is facilitating their take-down.

Hoisted on their own petard indeed.

909f00 No.1193038

File: 02841e80f49db02⋯.png (723.11 KB, 960x788, 240:197, ClipboardImage.png)

For the memes, scraped off them interwebs

15f48a No.1193039



Just one last thing: Do see this particular post, and the post IDs of the responding (((shills))) that manufacture consensus in a very textbook manner:


The story about this is actually less than 48 hours old. An anon put out two part analysis in regards to current situation in



"We need to bring the quality of this board up to speed"

and other two posts by other anons were pointing specifically to (((israel and jews))). They were sourced, and were duly noted and placed in the notables. Specifically the two above analysis by anon were added above the notables of breads as good read.

Now 'Nord baker' was on board in those breads baking, and practically 1/3 of the bread was than basically filled with (((kike shills))) fucking going full pulpil kiking out and bitching and moaning at the baker trying to build up voltage to take em down a la (((msm))) style. Useful idiots joined in couple of times too fucking normies.

(((they))) failed. Of course, there was a lull for a few hours, and when day time came, in bread #1485, new baker (who was likely a (((shill baker))) judging by how badly he fucked up notables as you also noticed in later breads + other Patriots) promptly took 'consensus' and removed those 'anti-semitic' notables from the picture. The notables for the first two are still in the dough, but the last two are no where to be found. They were censored and memory holed.

They need to be brought back, obviously.

THIS is PERFECT example of how (((shills))) operate.

We are at WAR, this board is (((their))) target.

The first two posts of analysis does a good job of explaining how this is conducted.

These (((shills))) are, from the looks of things from us anons who have been following them, the SAME SES/FE/Qislarp/AIM (((shill team))) that have been trying to poison this board and Q project since the beginning. Every textbook tactics are deployed, responses analyzed, and they follow anons responses with pulpil style demoralization and derailing tactics. Q specifically called them out.

We are at WAR. They don't give a fuck about anything but winning.

Neither should we.

I hope this message reaches Q team and /ourguys/. These fuckers are playing for keeps on a off the board.

YES, this is a RACIAL conflict. YES, our enemies are aiming for us on racial, cultural, religious etc level, even if (((they))) are just pawns to the real masters.

Without superior determination and 'overwhelming "violence" (read:ability to suppress, destroy, coerce, and force)' on our part to preserve what is OURS in that respect, we have no chance of winning.

This message isn't just for BO or BV, it's also for Q team, once again. POTUS didn't win because people thought him a 'civic nationalist', as young ones put it. They might be mostly idiots and devolved individuals, but the visceral motivation is true and on target, no matter how 'juvenile' it may sound.

A simple reportage of the situation at hand, good sirs.

829928 No.1193040



bd212b No.1193041

File: b4d1c302fd8bb3e⋯.jpeg (34.98 KB, 750x445, 150:89, image.jpeg)


I'm sorry anon, please clarify. When you say:

"…what 'weave' dug up" only one thought comes to mind (pic related). Could use a little sleep on this end.

138bcf No.1193042

>>1193007 when they close the bridges and tunnels and they have the island to themselves

829928 No.1193043


The Vatican Vaults.

783131 No.1193044

File: c84e2344c3513c4⋯.png (593.53 KB, 1488x934, 744:467, Q feb22 all posts.png)



If yesterday, April 25th, was the 63 timeline mirror day of February 21st, then we should look at Q posts of February 22nd to see what might happen today...

My best guess is that the public will be provided with information about the correlation between the JFK assassination and the assassination attempt on POTUS Trump last week.

Q's latest post last night said:

"Ready for tomorrow?"



992e24 No.1193045

File: 02c6b4d42127e3d⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 800x552, 100:69, 1_20.jpg)


< add to notables

909f00 No.1193046

File: 1208192e2ae4401⋯.png (234.98 KB, 578x349, 578:349, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// twitter.com/FoxNews/status/989423150206279680

5c06d2 No.1193047


They have it all and own us because in 1302 The Unam Sanctum . Pope declared himself owner of the World. We still live under this . Because HE DECIDED HE OWNS US. Unreal .

11cb1a No.1193048


. . . and you can't throw out Obama supporters out of a bakery, in fact you have to bake them whatever they ask for.

829928 No.1193049



SPACE X is a COVER for the Alliance Space Work because NASA IS COMPT.

829928 No.1193051




Power, is a terrible thing.

It is really what is behind all this evil.

b49b3c No.1193052


>Q is like Roosevelt's fire side chats as bants

I respectfully request to amend this term, for the history books, as

>Q/Trump's chan-side bants

138bcf No.1193053

>>1193038 it is a devolution. it was part of their plan. disarm the common man and woman of their protective higher cognitive functions. create a malleable population of drones.

94e422 No.1193054

File: 66c3fe3abfba44f⋯.jpg (125.79 KB, 505x964, 505:964, image.jpg)

5c06d2 No.1193055


I cant wait till the day Trump kicks in the Vatican vault doors walks inside turns on the lights and and cracks his knuckles!!

f54ef8 No.1193056


Every country / sorporation is signed into the USSEC… The USSEC is signed into the Vatican…..

We are all owned by the Vatican…. If you use a passport / drivers license / library card / social security… etc etc

909f00 No.1193057


indeed, although hilariously everytime i see meme like that i always read it in molyneux's voice smh. All i hear is 'that's not argument' hahaha

88cb05 No.1193058




Sorry about that. Thread is moving slow so I stepped out to eat.

Handoff confirmed to 613f02


https:// pastebin.com/D0ivR0Yr

909f00 No.1193059

File: 76edc965ff0a285⋯.png (12 KB, 579x74, 579:74, ClipboardImage.png)

829928 No.1193060


I have never seen him look more mad at another person than in this photo.

783131 No.1193061


>This is 5 D chess. Would there not be mulitple timelines/ mirror back.?

I'm sure that might be the case. Intertwined timelines are very possible.

Also I thought of a Time Spiral in which the timeline to present day becomes shorter by the time.

Is a timespiral in line with the Golden Ratio? Also a possibility.

507ec0 No.1193062



829928 No.1193063

File: 972b07e829d7ba3⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 320x272, 20:17, 972b07e829d7ba3e9e068cf2ce….jpg)

8fdab5 No.1193064

File: fa3af1bf2c6f639⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1063x1734, 1063:1734, Capture _2018-04-26-05-04-….png)

File: 45e865329622220⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1372x1693, 1372:1693, Capture _2018-04-26-05-04-….png)

File: 10f963d75d54ca3⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1436x2112, 359:528, Capture _2018-04-26-05-04-….png)

File: 87a4bd692986f7d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1408x1652, 352:413, Capture _2018-04-26-05-03-….png)

File: 3483556d53fd76e⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1440x2392, 180:299, Capture _2018-04-26-05-04-….png)

A NYC bar (the Happiest Hour) harasses a guy and kicks him out for being a Trump Supporter and wearing his MAGA Hat! Which was approved of by the owner Jon Neidich (who previously worked at The Standard Hotel in NY) The Neidichs' are a Repulsive Pizzagate Satanic Anti-American family much like the Clinton's who they are close with and enjoy spending personal quality time together and funding her campaign.

613f02 No.1193065


begrudgingly confirm

fe3b17 No.1193066

Strzok is FBI- his texts are due for public release shortly

Q said- What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

I think the Strzok emails will expose discussion of killing POTUS-precursor

What files are about to be released? JFK–MOAB?

5c06d2 No.1193067


Because the Pope decided so. Unreal man . Its insane and has to be crushed . The vatican has to be destroyed to the ground. The absolute seat of Satan . The jesuits and all of it dissolved from the Earth or it will rise again. Look at the year the jesuits were suppressed 1773, the illuminati forms just a few years later?? EVIL !!!!!! Get them all Q you have my one little vote of full permission.

783131 No.1193068



I theorized months ago here that the Q team/POTUS/MI are using strategic Quantum Computers to do this. That would explain how they can see 3 months into the future.

bd212b No.1193069


Been there, done that. After today, comes tomorrow. As The World Turns.

94e422 No.1193070

File: 75e946d931f25bc⋯.jpg (282.84 KB, 800x677, 800:677, i4sueni.jpg)

File: 2a8d85a8ecd4f26⋯.jpg (123.91 KB, 796x801, 796:801, image.jpg)


Have a rare and a bonus.

992e24 No.1193071

File: d495a5ee624df33⋯.jpg (118.99 KB, 650x487, 650:487, 8.jpg)


>We are at WAR, this board is (((their))) target.

Q said, learn to play the game.

I take that as knowing that we have an opponent and play to win. Considering the stakes, this is not a game.

829928 No.1193072





This is certain.

d86314 No.1193073


here's a KEK to you anon

f54ef8 No.1193074


All goes back to Emperor Justinian 360AD..

Look up the Justinian Deception

5c06d2 No.1193075


Licking my chops !!!!!!!!!!!! Release the MOAB !!!!!!!!!

15f48a No.1193076



Thank you, anon. Possible notable?

11cb1a No.1193077


Yes, but all the knowledge, books, artifacts, etc need to be liberated first. That is my biggest concern with the vatican. If they see that checkmate is inevitable, they threaten to burn it all down. They hold so much leverage with what they have amassed over the years. I'm not sure if no deals applies to them, unfortunately.

ed301a No.1193078

Feb 21 2018 01:57:06 (EST) Anonymous ID: 90f1a7 448451


:Protect 6/14-46 from #788


Look at the post in the graphic, protect DJT from post #788, 788 is Trump saying Crooked should be in jail. Clinton tried to have him killed!

992e24 No.1193079

File: b28cfa96cd7e804⋯.jpg (72.67 KB, 564x687, 188:229, podborkx.jpg)


When someone does not know who they are or what they believe, they open themselves up to anything.

5c06d2 No.1193080


Made a note to do that thank Q . Boniface the VIII was the one who decided the Global Trust estate was all his. The Roman Pontifex in 1455 ,The Aeterni Regis in 1481 and The convocation in 1537 is Air land sea jusrisdiction over us "Monsters "

e1dcf3 No.1193082

>>1193068 No….they are releasing the info at times of their choosing….controlling the flow of info

7adc3f No.1193083

File: 322474d78554c5d⋯.jpg (575.16 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, New York Q.jpg)

I remember when NY was amazing. We need that NY back. This represents NY's 'Flag' more than anything to me.

Let's take it back Anons

New York Q .jpg Only File

15f48a No.1193084


Constantine is the starting point in regards to the current christian bible.

Apparently in regards to OT, it goes back further.

bd212b No.1193085


Learn to sound educated, for as you stated, people are watching this board. Please define (((their)))…who exactly are we talking about? This is not a game.

613f02 No.1193086

File: b9d85082e42dc36⋯.png (251.09 KB, 507x649, 507:649, 8.png)

File: 6a4aef0c9b0fcf1⋯.png (362.02 KB, 703x637, 703:637, 9.png)

they are creating cover of why Kims mountain really blew up. (but we know better)

http:// archive.is/dkEnt

And Kim is to cross the DMZ! 1st time in 70 years for N. Korea!

http:// archive.is/XXGOk

e1dcf3 No.1193087

wow will be at work will be lurking..(cant post from my android for some reason)

829928 No.1193088



I think Kanye today was a test…

To see how many people we can get talking.

Probably reached 100s of millions in the past few days…

If we continue with our support we have.

There will be questioning of the MEMEWARs validity….

They will shutdown Twitter, and if they do this. It will prove to all the masses the MEMEs were the reason why, and they must be true.

And they will dig themselves

The Art of War.

909f00 No.1193089

File: ad38909e6543d4f⋯.png (298.84 KB, 583x430, 583:430, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4240783af984636⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1221x2620, 1221:2620, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// www.rt.com/news/425129-new-zealand-prostitutes-jobs-immigrants/

b49b3c No.1193090

File: b5055c6a608b881⋯.png (40.73 KB, 994x176, 497:88, [5by5].png)


I've been considering whether 5:5 may be a mirror day as well.. Guess we'll find out soon enough..

989ecc No.1193092

NK and Cuba Symmetry?

Was Cuba supposed to be the original NK? The blackmail to keep agreements between transatlantic elites?

Did JFK ruin those plans with the Cuban Missle Crisis Standoff?

Did JFK pay the price for this?

Is this what the JFK files will reveal along with who was behind it?

Pray for our POTUS. For his and his families protection.

85da28 No.1193093

Somehow this MOAB/ Precursor will tie into pope having a bad May….

507ec0 No.1193094



829928 No.1193096




APPLE, is not.

c396d9 No.1193097

File: 7d67608d862bf29⋯.jpg (1006.56 KB, 1600x2363, 1600:2363, Screenshot_2018-04-26-02-1….jpg)

File: 0e774ed723a4f17⋯.jpg (765.58 KB, 1053x2560, 1053:2560, Screenshot_2018-04-26-02-1….jpg)

Anons, wanted to share something I'd noticed earlier when researching. I remebered back when the January shutdown was looming, and Q spoke of Schumer visiting the Whitehouse. This was notable for two reasons: for one, immediately after that day Schumer completely changed–the best example would be when he left Pelosi to her filibuster and decided to stop opposing the stopgap spending bill. Plus, has anyone heard a peep from him, as compared to before January 19th?

The second thing was the statement "Thank you for visiting the WH." That's what I was looking for, due to its similarity to recent posts.

Q has been telling us to go back to threads related by common themes, such as the President's pen. This is very much in keeping with the mind-mapping we did with "Expand Your Thinking." Could this reference mean we should look back to past posts to see what's going to occur today? There are several interesting parallels between the posts on that day and yesterday's.

An alternate idea is the time-shift thing. January 19th was 90 days from April 25th…but I haven't seen any set of numbers that reasonably equate to that. However, if the 90 day thing is right, then the day after tomorrow will be absolutely huge: the shot heard around the world.

Guess we'll see soon enough.

829928 No.1193098

b76eff No.1193099


I am not sliding. The Indictment used in the Docket Court states clearly "trafficking of children" in two separate counts. Section 1591 is designed to prohibit the sex trafficking of children.

Take it up with the Eastern District of New York District Court if you don't like it or don't believe Mack is charged with CHILD TRAFFICKING.

8d31d3 No.1193100


i feel a strong sense of philos for you, my brother.

beautifully stated.

anon has been piecing things together from a very young age. something was wrong with the world – profoundly so – and at first you only sense it, as if through a glass darkly.

coming to terms with and confronting it (especially years ago, in a world without the internet) was very much like that metaphor of feeling an elephant in the dark and trying to explain it.

the thing of it is, if they are in any way interested in you, your relationship to 'it' cannot be in any way ambivalent. you really must pick a side viz 'it' if ever you are made aware of 'it'; similar in all ways to the Gospel of Christ – once confronted with it, you cannot be ambivilant, you will fall to one side or the other of it.

it in some way helps to know we were persecuted for the sake of good…but, then again, anon brought a good share of his suffering on himself. i was in no way a saint in my campaign against evil.

this is a phase all hard core autists seem to be presently transiting – almost as if we are simultaneously licking our wounds, contemplating what's come before, where we're at now and what's to come in the future.

we really will participate in sculpting the future. it's an awesome responsibility. seems as if autists are, in this oddly unified way, approaching that prospect with due gravity and humility, and in the spirit of reflection.

we now set in motion the wheels of justice and the dismantling of their paradigm.

>the future belongs to us.

let us all remember to – as much as it is possible – keep our hearts inclined to God in Heaven, pleading for his guidance, insight and sanction in all we endeavor.

this is the greatest transfer of concentrated secular power in human history.

these times are truly without precedent.

909f00 No.1193101

File: c44d5290f54edfb⋯.png (19.6 KB, 577x75, 577:75, ClipboardImage.png)

bae37d No.1193102

File: 0b0bf43511e6885⋯.jpg (98.48 KB, 700x800, 7:8, Thank Q .jpg)

Thank Q


15f48a No.1193103


jews, or at least black hat actors of semitic origin. Could also apply to black hat actors from ((cabal)) or other such useful pawns, but it mainly applies to semites and those of middle eastern/near asiatic descent.

You've not been on the chans for long no?

The civilizational/racial factor in this conflict cannot be ignored by anyone.

f54ef8 No.1193104


I am impressed anon!

Human = Monster (in Blacks Law Dictionary - the law of the corporation / sea).

69b05d No.1193105

Will President Obama’s successor have the prerogative to scrap the agreement?

The next president will have the legal right under both domestic and international law to scrap the JCPOA and reimpose U.S. nuclear sanctions on Iran. Such an action would be inconsistent with political commitments made by the Obama administration, but it would not constitute a violation of international law, because the JCPOA is not legally binding. Nor would it constitute a violation of the new UNSCR.

https:// www.cfr.org/interview/how-binding-iran-deal

829928 No.1193106



I think the files will reveal alot regarding who was behind the Assassination.

And it may also, contain the Cabal/ILLUMINATI/NWO terms, and maybe even the Vatican.

909f00 No.1193107

File: 91c62535cbcd223⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1200x820, 60:41, ClipboardImage.png)

85da28 No.1193108


5 =‘s CHANGE

Also the HEIROPHANT ( sp?) in Tarot …. picture includes gold and silver keys crossed

c14ccf No.1193109

File: e23d7d97f89561f⋯.jpg (152.29 KB, 715x650, 11:10, Meeks Schultz Awan.jpg)

twt this010

7adc3f No.1193110


I remember going to the original Yankee Stadium when I was little.

bd212b No.1193111



Between the two of you we brought up to the 16th century. The lessons learned, and which to apply 500 years later, are what exactly?

8d31d3 No.1193112

File: 9b18e08b6675ef4⋯.jpg (75.03 KB, 722x490, 361:245, 1524532630440.jpg)


(You) can have my kek too, m8.

>chan-side bants

has a nice ring to it.

will be using the term.

have a rare pepe on me.

989ecc No.1193113


"This was notable for two reasons: for one, immediately after that day Schumer completely changed–the best example would be when he left Pelosi to her filibuster and decided to stop opposing the stopgap spending bill. Plus, has anyone heard a peep from him, as compared to before January 19th?"

Haven't heard a peep from lots of cabal like Flake lately.

Around the filibuster, flake, schiff, and Schumer kept showing up in articles by MSM in MSM tweets.

Now silence.


0c7824 No.1193114

File: be04e9294e38138⋯.png (167.44 KB, 770x596, 385:298, ClipboardImage.png)


sauce? otherwise GTFO

here is the sauce for the indictment with NO CHILD OR CHILDREN MENTIONED

https:// pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/allison-mack-indictment__0-wm.pdf

5c06d2 No.1193115


TY Anon very imrressed with your knowledge as well only few know this shit. For me it bagan 30 seconds after the WTC was vulcanized into a pyroplastic flow. I said BULLSHIT !! I was engaged to find out who runs the show. After all these years of study it all comes down to the supreme baddies the Vatican and their military branch JESUITS.They HATE us and run all our schools. Insane. Praying Trump takes down the IHS caball and arrests or kicks all jesuits out of the USA forever. They are so sneaky and vile.

2f7ac1 No.1193116


>I prefer to see hard evidence myself.

… Blah, blah, blah invisible sky man

138bcf No.1193117

>>1193113 the saw the info. they took the deal. they get to reconstitute the leadership of the New Democrats after the rubble stops glowing. as long as they sit down and shut up while the mess is dealt with IMHO

829928 No.1193118

File: 91f750a758ba44e⋯.jpg (389.04 KB, 1200x910, 120:91, 1200px-Yankee_Stadium_aeri….jpg)

File: 02bee5c635fd11d⋯.jpg (3.56 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, IMG_3600-copy.jpg)



It was so much better than the Mall of a Stadium they now play in…

SUSHI, HARD ROCK CAFE, It's like going to a resort, not a ball game.

909f00 No.1193119

File: 3b8ab3f77a99fac⋯.png (316.79 KB, 511x507, 511:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d6730c2c5a993f⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1221x8551, 1221:8551, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/kim-jong-un-wants-you-to-know-that-hes-a-totally-reasonable-global-leader/2018/04/26/f115f334-4925-11e8-ad53-d5751c8f243f_story.html

6826f2 No.1193120


So many things to correct.

How many great mathematicians were Muslim?

Wicca is suppressed and persecuted in the way that Christians claim to be. There can be no Wiccan nation.

The accomplishments of a Nation do not make it's chief superstition superior.

How many Hindu and Muslim nations have achieved great things?

What do government achievements of sick pedophile fucks have to do with Christiantity?

This nation was founded by Freemasons. Have you looked into their belief system?

Are you insinuating that one must be a Christian, to have good morals? Can I not be a moral heathen?

Do I have to be a Christian to believe that there is some spiritual element to everything?

Is that exclusive to Christianity?

So, only Christians have the faith to allow others the freedoms they would like for themselves?

Christian faith and reason are mutually exclusive….by definition. That is why it takes faith to be a Christian!

After all, that is the point your book drives into your head. Questioning the faith is forbidden by the people, who take your money and boss you around.

Again…This country was not founded upon Christian foundations. In fact, our Constitution was nothing more than a Common Law Express Trust. The purpose was to provide for the posterity of the elite of the time. The ancestors of the same assholes who are stealing our children off the streets and raping them.

The people in the Vatican have all the info you can imagine. They have volumes of writings that will likely never see the light of day. This is why they rape children. They know there are no consequences from this God they have been selling you.

35cf2f No.1193121

507ec0 No.1193122



829928 No.1193123

File: 972b07e829d7ba3⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 320x272, 20:17, 972b07e829d7ba3e9e068cf2ce….jpg)





Schumer did shit his pants in that meeting….

678e90 No.1193124

File: 782eeba5bea4841⋯.png (54.13 KB, 360x276, 30:23, British_National_Front_log….png)


look familiar. Antifa cant even create an original logo

992e24 No.1193125


I was responding to:


"They" are shills. Did you read?

PS, I'm not educated, but I do have an opinion and respect yours also. <3 - no homo

85da28 No.1193126


POTUS is a leverage-master.

No Deals

990547 No.1193127




Bottom up to the top.

Many of them are not turning( they are getting louder, more nasty)

Some of these people were childhood victims of them, and forced into roles, they had no choice.

She is talking, spilling the beans on everyone. Not many of them out there are doing that so far( that we know of)

so they should be encouraged to come forward,,

instead of people screaming oh, she should be locked up, etc.

Other lower cabal members might be scared, and want to come forward.

We should encourage these people to do so, and some of them will get deals, less jail time( depending on what info/proof they hold, what their individual part was, was she being blackmailed, threatened, forced,( not to mention mk brainwashing)

Right now,, anyone turning on the bad guys, and helping to provide evidence and proof against these evil people,, should be commended for being brave( we know how sick and evil they are, how they 187 people all the time)

And people you turn, they probably do worse to them, torture, then kill.

So ( given the power they had all over the world, how deep and sick their corruption is)

She is Brave.

She was not just caught, it was part of the storm, starting at the bottom.

MORE OF THEM NEED TO COME FORWARD, Seek protection from the DOJ ( Q did say for another anon to contact the FBI, regarding that instagram page) So they should be encouraged too go to FBI and TALK, RAT THEM ALL OUT.

We want lots more ratting on Deniro,Marina, Franco,Gaga, and all the other sickos

5c06d2 No.1193128

Vatican, Westminster, Washington DC, and the UN . That is the circle of the tyrants. All roads lead to rome. Pope says he is God until God comes back, he owns us and everything you have because he says so . We all are forced to obey . Insanity to the MAXX!

4b24f9 No.1193129

File: 2f41701877c4f6e⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 276x183, 92:61, images-3.jpg)

File: 2185cfecb75acdc⋯.jpg (13.06 KB, 234x216, 13:12, images-2.jpg)

File: 39190ccde5cc799⋯.jpg (15.83 KB, 270x186, 45:31, images-1.jpg)

Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

JFK was sacrificed on "bloody elm"……same wounds as Hiram…..3 blows, one to the back, one to the throat, and one to the head.

Notice the truncated pyramid that Dealey Plaza represents, with the reflecting pool, reflecting the light of her master, the OBELISK with the FLAME at the top…..these evil people placed their ownership of THE ACT on JFK grave.

829928 No.1193130

File: 1543624b163adce⋯.jpg (238.06 KB, 1157x1600, 1157:1600, 171016003.jpg)



The very BEST in the world….

b76eff No.1193131


Plus I have prosecuted criminals in criminal court, and I am sure you have not.

7adc3f No.1193132

File: 322474d78554c5d⋯.jpg (575.16 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, New York Q.jpg)


Exactly Anon! It's why I was compelled to make this the NY Flag. It fits better. The Old NY.

May it live again

85da28 No.1193133



829928 No.1193134





528340 No.1193135

File: f5d38e102ed3cdd⋯.jpeg (87.69 KB, 651x461, 651:461, 311435EA-4AFB-464D-9660-6….jpeg)

Good morning gloryfags

Tomorrow is here and I’m ready

783131 No.1193136


The chip is your cell/smartphone.

829928 No.1193137



It will never be the same…

It's so outrageously expensive now.

The Bronx have ever been gentrified.

Queens is the only area in the city that even feels like old NYC anymore.

e0b5c6 No.1193138

File: 17492067a7b4599⋯.jpg (366.31 KB, 1200x783, 400:261, 4_24_18.jpg)

File: cb729a33f909613⋯.jpg (285.48 KB, 1200x817, 1200:817, 4_25_18.jpg)

In case anyone cares-

Been watching Jeff Bozo plane. Appears he was on vacation in Norway (twatter & news). Spotted his plane on the 24th leaving Rome Italy, flying to Berlin Germany landing at Schonefeld Airport. Bozo collected a prize for innovation among a swarm of protesters. Next day flew to London Luton Airport which is crazy close to Aylesbury (think Roths). I just don't like the feel of it. Trump is distracted with Macaroni- and i'm thinking to myself Rome Vatican, Germany, Roths'. Just throwing it out there.

270cc5 No.1193139


4.xx in my hood

85da28 No.1193140


I’m thinking free beer now

f54ef8 No.1193141


That we are still enslaved by the same spells from such a long time ago…

0c7824 No.1193142


Good for you. I'm just asking for sauce otherwise you ruin the credibility of this board.

I've provided sauce here and there is NO MENTION OF CHILD OR CHILDREN

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/founder-nxivm-purported-self-help-organization-and-actor-indicted-sex-trafficking-and

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/press-release/file/1055196/download

94e422 No.1193143

5c06d2 No.1193144


BERRY Stable Genius we have Praise the lord !!

829928 No.1193145

File: c4d105d72b44951⋯.jpg (880.11 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, toyota-prius-blacked-out-1.jpg)




And this is why I bought this bad boy.

As soyfaggy as it may seem.

c518a0 No.1193146


>Christian faith and reason are mutually exclusive

Wrong. You have faith in your own thoughts and memories. You have faith that the moon exists during the daytime. Atheistfags think they have a patent on reason? gtfo

992e24 No.1193147



OK, who's JJA?

507ec0 No.1193148

>>1192922. Yes! Well stated, Anon

990547 No.1193149




Hence, the cause of their downfall, kek

0c7824 No.1193150



>The indictment lists sex trafficking of children - by fraud, force or coercion. It is clearly sex trafficking of children.

You also say ^^^THIS which is a flat out lie.

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/press-release/file/1055196/download

ed301a No.1193151

File: deb9cffb6099729⋯.jpg (57.9 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, cia plane.jpg)

File: 4afbe1ecd293db9⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 601x189, 601:189, #788.jpg)

Did you guys see this? I think it may mean HRC, with Clowns and lesbian Merkel tried to 187 POTUS

8d31d3 No.1193152


neutering schumer was a tactical move. if i'm reading his strategy correctly (and this is what any competent general would do), he's been all the while eliminating threats on his flanks and saving the direct threats for last. the shcumer take down was a signal to anon that all (((republican))) questions had been answered and agreements reached.

oh how i would've loved to've been in the OO that day. POTUS surely made a show of it. schumer is senior senator from his own state…POTUS knows this slime-ball through and through…anyway, there is no doubt POTUS let schumer make a few veiled threats, then lowered his voice, made a few very direct statements and then showed chuckie a few things that shook him to his foundations. where does chuckie rank in terms of priorities? mid-upper is my guess.

we have everything, lads…everything means EVERYTHING.

did you know that if, say, you happened to know the day something or the other happened, a query can be placed in an NSA database and EVERTHING you did and said that day can be indexed and viewed/listened to.

spoopy indeed.

the workers of iniquity never thought their little toys would be used against them.

Q is right

>these people are stupid

>these people are EVIL!


the world is turning, lads. brace for the effects of massive "G" Force.


829928 No.1193153


Had to say his GOODBYES to his master the Pope, and the ROTHS!

613f02 No.1193154



so whats the flipping deal with this chick?

is she getting charged or not; whats up???

783131 No.1193155

File: 6b5cff9b9cf185e⋯.png (295.81 KB, 1147x360, 1147:360, IDM Iran war.png)

File: b48956c97c91290⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1216x843, 1216:843, JPAC2018.png)

File: 89345647651eb02⋯.png (256.88 KB, 1139x355, 1139:355, Lieberman war Iran 2.png)


Not surprising.

And which will be blamed on Iran, of course…

Coincidentally a zionist conference will happen on Sunday April 29th in NYC, where Avigdor Liberman will speak about the NEW WAR with Iran.

507ec0 No.1193156



ed301a No.1193157


the source of the pic is @usaf monitor.

69b05d No.1193158


how do i see this?

829928 No.1193159

File: b722d448eee368c⋯.jpg (151.82 KB, 682x767, 682:767, XQblUQbrwqMR5PUJis5PisDgPa….jpg)

File: 1d4037869ea3c61⋯.jpg (119.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 67181855.jpg)

613f02 No.1193160

>>1192745 , >>1192753 , >>1192806 , >>1192884 Timeline shift to 63 days/MOAB/POTUS SAFE graphics

>>1192774 Berman appointed SDNY USATTY

>>1192777 Mack charge docket

>>1192782 Mack wants plea deal/Raniere underage girls

>>1192785 Sessions appoints 17 USATTYs

>>1192799 Fire up the Meme Cannons!

>>1192805 Dina Powell, Trump Deputy NatSec Advisor was comped

>>1192878 POTUS schedule and MSM talking points

>>1192953 41020 is (((their))) greatest nightmare. PRAY for POTUS and Q, Patriots

613f02 No.1193161


not all notables, chill

989ecc No.1193162


>Are you insinuating that one must be a Christian, to have good morals? Can I not be a moral heathen?

How do you logically arrive at what is good and evil without a Rule giver?

Are you just borrowing what is defined as good and evil from the Bible and stating that as your own?

bd212b No.1193163


Actually, been here quite a while. Feeling a bit cynical, the more so with all the posts expecting a massive reveal later today. Too many vague generalities and boogie-men. Appreciate your answer, but not encouraged by it. It still seems we are blaming a large group of unidentified (((persons))) and (((groups))) for vague broad problems. Have read same for over six months, and on a side-note disagree with it, but that's beside the point. Trying to separate true progress from empty cheerleading. I see both but only one feels productive at this point. Sorry.

990547 No.1193164

File: 60c1d73904f59bf⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 500x631, 500:631, 2679b3.jpg)

File: c7c674fb284fba1⋯.jpg (106.95 KB, 500x631, 500:631, c7c674fb284fba1658b0e2c71e….jpg)

File: 643d1dabc5a94bd⋯.png (877.28 KB, 938x683, 938:683, Chuck Todd Sleepy sob.png)


Had to pull out the sleepy son of a bitch chuck todd, kek

f54ef8 No.1193165


We are $1.73 per litre in oz

so around $6.92 per gallon in au terms

d2c328 No.1193166


This was over a two day period, I was watching in real time.

96b82f No.1193167


Anon, I tried pointing out the same thing. I'm not sure why others are so adamant in insisting this is about children. Other than the fact that everyone is so anxious to see the animals go down. And I'm sure we will see that happen eventually.

My aim was to try to keep information coming from this group credible. We need to stay diligent in reporting on actual facts.

0c7824 No.1193169


Yes she is being charged but not anything to do with CHILD OR CHILDREN as alleged by another anon here. no sauce on CHILD OR CHILDREN.

Here is the indictment and press release from Eastern District of NY.

Press Release:

https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/founder-nxivm-purported-self-help-organization-and-actor-indicted-sex-trafficking-and


https:// www.justice.gov/usao-edny/press-release/file/1055196/download

ad61cd No.1193170


It was pretty evident to me that Schumer clammed up after the WH visit. But Adam Schiff was more combative; hard to find an exact point. I don't think it was the liddlekidz drop; maybe around the time of the helicopter crash with the former manager of the Standard Hotel? I don't think he even quieted down after Q revealed they'd traced his phone call yo Valerie Jarret, through 12 nodes (I think). If we can track that moment, it would be telling.

To me, the Schumer one is proof-worthy. One caveat, though; polls showed that people were blaming the shutdown on the dems, so that could be used to explain things away.

270cc5 No.1193171

File: 75aaaf01bd0f8e1⋯.jpg (363.63 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, P90208287_highRes_bmw-330e….jpg)


i'l one up u Prius_Fag

why we coped one these

in before Telsa_Anon ups all us

829928 No.1193172

File: d97dbbb722781c4⋯.jpg (118.45 KB, 500x744, 125:186, download-26.jpg)

Man. No sleep for me tonight.

Just rested for like 3-4 hours.

On a Harry Potter Binge

Started with

The Half Blood Prince

Now onto

Deathly Hallows Pt. 1




ed301a No.1193173

File: 9c4306d32db7480⋯.png (705.15 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e387d4b95ac1627⋯.png (340.66 KB, 588x608, 147:152, cia plane 2.png)

4b24f9 No.1193174


So many people are defiant they will not be implanted with the chip……for years it was looking and so many people were in defiance of being subjected to control by a chip, then the almighty, addictive smartphone arrived…..yes you are exactly right….look at the irony of how all those same people who defied being implanted with a chip, are the same people who can't seem to be away from their phone for 2 minutes…….you stated a very good observation Anon!

829928 No.1193176

File: bb6d184f7c7f190⋯.png (480.39 KB, 1230x792, 205:132, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)



Next I'm getting a

613f02 No.1193177


6amEST baker update

make some coffee and don't forget POTUS on FOX & Friends at 8am

>>1192799 -Gameplan!- Fire up the Meme Cannons!

>>1192774, >>1192785, >>1192897 Federal judge appointment(s), Sessions submarining

>>1192745 -Qgraph- 45 FL assassination plot, >>1193078

>>1192753 -Qgraph- Stage set, mic on, Q POTUS

>>1192761 -Qgraph- Do you think for yourself? Another hint

>>1192806 -Qgraph- Paul Nakasone (future proves past)

>>1192770 Good blog article, child trafficking. We're breaking through!

>>1192777, >>1193010 Allison Mack charges

>>1192869 Kim to cross the DMZ, ceremony!

>>1192902 -meme- ThanQ, you cheeky cunt

>>1192805 -analysis- Dina Powell, Trump Deputy NatSec Advisor was comped

>>1192805 -analysis- Schumer; Eyes & Ears, "Expand your thinking" >>1193113

>>1193138 -planefag- ~6amEST update; Bezos EU movement

>>1192953 41020 is ((their)) greatest nightmare. PRAY for POTUS and Q, Patriots

0c7824 No.1193178


Carry on, Patriot. That is my aim as well.

>Keep information coming from this group credible.

c108f9 No.1193179



c14ccf No.1193180

File: 25958a2e7c465c0⋯.jpg (306.39 KB, 1156x759, 1156:759, Al Green 2.jpg)

twt this 020

6826f2 No.1193181


You clearly did not read my post. Athiest? Where did you get such a silly idea?

I know that there is something. I just know that any MAN, who tells me that he knows what it is or what it wants me to do is lying to me.

Your examples are ridiculous, by the way.

For the record, I have little faith in my thoughts and memories. I am a man and am flawed. I am also pretty sure (without actually knowing) that this is a simulation, anyway. So, my thoughts and memories are almost certainly not real.

I do not have faith that the moon exists during the day. I fucking see it right next to the sun on a VERY regular basis.

Please wake up!

829928 No.1193182

File: d068228db80af46⋯.jpg (56.69 KB, 504x479, 504:479, 4ec773aad958e240b64283315e….jpg)

Anyone else pulling an all nighter tonight because of all of the winning>

270cc5 No.1193183

File: cdacc7881c79d14⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 736x659, 736:659, 4ec59a42bf3ac6138bf49c1ce0….jpg)


will sleep after POTUS appearance

8d31d3 No.1193184


adam schiff is a principal target.

schumer is a slime-ball and depraved.

schiff is wicked to the core…a whole nother level of evil.

the reason Trump is skewing to the God stuff is not for political gain…if you'll notice, he almost never mentions God on twitter (his public face) but he's always referencing God on the chans (his personal/private face). lads, he's seen how unconscionably evil these people are. iit's depravity that is truly hard to believe. Trump has been shaken. he's had his suspicions of what they were up to, now he knows the scope of it.

the revelation of these things will turn many in this nation to God. this stuff is horrifying.

this is indeed the end of whatever was left of America's innocence..

>cue don henly song

992e24 No.1193185

File: b5bc8e8f92f6cc3⋯.jpg (64.46 KB, 700x475, 28:19, podborkt.jpg)


< no style

6826f2 No.1193187


It is innate. If you rely on a source outside yourself to guide your morals, you are truly in need of your religion and I encourage you to stay right where you are, brother. Praise the lord!

5c06d2 No.1193188


I slept about 3 hrs woke at 2 am and got online here. Thank God, The evil mega clown fell asleep about 130 . Its been perfect all night .

8d31d3 No.1193189


yeah, anon is about to brew a pot.

shit's bout to get gud.

i just know those bastards will announce ghwb's death at the precise moment MOAB drops.

613f02 No.1193190

6826f2 No.1193191



I read the indictment. No mention of Children

9aef61 No.1193192


>>1192730 , >>1192755 , >>1192769 >>1192811 , >>1192826 , >>1192832 >>1192842 , >>1192879

That's all great but who is baking?

I can bake one BO

623757 No.1193193


Thank you, very helpful :)

69b05d No.1193194


can you give me the link?

6826f2 No.1193195



Provided this link is legit:

www. justice.gov/usao-edny/press-release/file/1055196/download

990547 No.1193196


you will notice, how the bad guys act like the CABAL, especially the ministry of magic, when they take over the school.

I was going to make some harry potter red pill memes.

And also thought of doing ones from Hunger games( showing thats how the NWO, and those people are like( the rich who live in the high tech cities, and all the workers live out in primitive shit towns, kek)

As a way to get normies to understand( use their culture, and reflect back onto the people who are being evil in real life)

88cb05 No.1193198

File: 05c0de86e673955⋯.jpg (218.57 KB, 1665x1022, 1665:1022, threads.jpg)

Garbage threads removed.

Duplicates, a self-doxx, and a botched reply.

Please use the TTDDTOT Thread.


21e105 No.1193199

File: 9b934faac47f64f⋯.jpg (342.22 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Brad.jpg)

File: 7c56c439ccf076c⋯.jpg (546.21 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Corey.jpg)

File: f7a6c19e821cff2⋯.jpg (207.72 KB, 862x862, 1:1, Jonny.jpg)

File: b69d098d4fe8caf⋯.jpg (204.84 KB, 835x900, 167:180, River.jpg)

Brad Renfro, Corey Haim, Jonathan Brandis and River Phoenix.

Just four of Hollywood's victims.

According to 'An Open Secret' 80% of all sexual abuse in Hollywood is committed against boys. This is a redpill even the awoken find hard to swallow, but it is TRUTH.

Use these to target today's abusers. Singer. DiCaprio, Hawk. Sir Ian. Spielberg (but he actually likes girls), I could go on forever.

But please for the love of Kek, leave your favorite star form that show you watched as a kid any you haven't heard of since, out of it. They are dealing with their own shit right now. It's the loud mouths we should be concerned with.

PS Feldman, and Culkin are our friends.

(also posted to Me,es 19 >>1193186

990547 No.1193200


Don't forget the poltergiest girl Heather O'rourke

623757 No.1193201


if this isn't proof enough, people are blind and stupid. These are great.

c0d5a4 No.1193202

File: b05e9143914464e⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 1372x929, 1372:929, 35f5.jpg)

File: 9ad5a51cb0b95aa⋯.jpg (78.58 KB, 1518x749, 1518:749, 35f6.jpg)

File: b51cc535903bd72⋯.jpg (224.27 KB, 1885x517, 1885:517, 35f7.jpg)


Here's the images that's based on (I think). They come by way of

https:// voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2513593

Not claiming they're valid; that's just what I saw. As far as the reasoning for the child rape stuff, a lot of it has to do with pizzagate. Do a search on "NSA tweet pizzagate" and you'll see something that could very well be Q's first post.

9aef61 No.1193203

File: ee5d285737e64c6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1594x952, 797:476, cannibals.PNG)

Had this great idea, got me out of bed…

990547 No.1193204

File: 1b74e322a75ad63⋯.jpeg (114.31 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, d05078a013858b321ce5d4dfc….jpeg)

e9e34d No.1193205

File: 388894f9c1c8b5a⋯.png (64.93 KB, 1283x309, 1283:309, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)


suddenly 8ch media blocked

well, personal hotspot it is, then

b76eff No.1193206


The Docket Court document says otherwise. It has been posted above. The indictment you are referring to does not name the victims or disclose their ages.

6826f2 No.1193207

File: 3ba8f0b860ad4e5⋯.jpg (470.3 KB, 1000x761, 1000:761, bobbittstoo.jpg)

File: dd4b18bd69d77b9⋯.jpg (100.53 KB, 391x400, 391:400, orah pimp.jpg)

2446f5 No.1193208


Jokes on you. You thought the Afgans were horrible kid rapist….and your own fucking country is the king of child trafficking. Jokes was on all of us.

We really need to kill them all.

829928 No.1193209

File: d97dbbb722781c4⋯.jpg (118.45 KB, 500x744, 125:186, download-26.jpg)

623757 No.1193210

Anyone think that if another FF were to take place it will be in California or Texas? Just curious if anyone is up on event possibilities. I tell everyone if you in a public place to keep your eyes open.

829928 No.1193211

File: 14d0ca86cdffea8⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault-26.jpg)

829928 No.1193212



I'd say in the Orange County area of CALIFORNIA.

6826f2 No.1193213


No kids, man. No kids.

Read the damn document!

613f02 No.1193214



already on duty

but you get next bake :DDDD

bd212b No.1193215


I know you probably don't mean to sound like a raving lunatic, but as to the last item on your list…I just asked the same question so please address my post here:


I realize this bafoonery has been in-vogue for some time, but help clean up our arguments and outwardly appearance.

b76eff No.1193216


PACER is a reliable source. More reliable than most news rags.

9aef61 No.1193217


All you Baker

Glad you are here. I need to get ready for work and do work things.

829928 No.1193218




It's a very good way to express this.

Almost everyone (well everyone under 28 or so) knows the Harry Potter Story WELL, and they trust it.

And yes, it plays on many good vs evil archetypes.

The Cabal are the EVIL.

90728f No.1193219

71000 watching fox on YT

613f02 No.1193220


hey BO, so does referencing ones own post from one thread in a different thread considered self doxxing?

is it bad form?

829928 No.1193221


Isn't DJT not on until 8AM EST?

90728f No.1193222

File: 5d3da4f92fb107a⋯.png (278.64 KB, 585x424, 585:424, ClipboardImage.png)

Forcing CNN to cover!!

829928 No.1193223



I think it reveals who you are from other threads….

leads to ANONs being able to figure you out.

1fcc0e No.1193224




Those ass hole are not afraid of collateral damage, Crashing the world economy doesn't scare them either. At this point the white can deal with extreme prejudice the one behind the scene who are not known to the general population.

Nobody will known if a DUMB is being destroyed ;) who will care if a few unknown Trillionair as an accident or sudden death.

Anyways I'm sure they know this.

8d31d3 No.1193225

that was weird

>glitch in infinity chan

f54ef8 No.1193226


Link prs?

4a3c84 No.1193227

File: ed80137232cf369⋯.jpg (177.29 KB, 900x900, 1:1, FuryPepe.jpg)


"the truth would put 90% in the hospital"

Just like the vets who NEED mental healthcare after personally WITNESSING that evil filth first hand! Why the hell does anyone think PTSD is so widespread?? World needs to open its eyes and look that evil in the face.

Hang 'em high. Every last one of 'em. It ain't like they can be rehabilitated from that Satanic perversion.


4331fc No.1193228

Potus will not throw Kim Jong Un under a bus after having freed him and NK.

The UN however will probably want to skin him for crimes against humanity as a scapegoat for the Cabal’s atrocities. Some truth about who was really running NK might need to be made public or am I missing something? Trusting the Plan though!

9451e9 No.1193229


I hope the guys who made the plot have been arrested.

90728f No.1193230


613f02 No.1193231


[i think they were trying to tell me something]

yea; i mean like through individual identifiers and composure, not through like ip tracing or things of that sort

90728f No.1193232


Maybe a lesson needs to be taught so the world sees what happens when you fuck with patriots?

WW Patriots

88cb05 No.1193233

3:20PST 8ch is down. Can't post site-wide.

Checked multiple devices.

3:30PST We're back up.

That was a long 10 mins.

57529f No.1193234

File: 08ac1eaa8e0efe7⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Pepe Le France Deux.jpg)

File: dd0c50ccdc7b510⋯.png (52.76 KB, 998x746, 499:373, NYT.png)

File: b4caf5306993380⋯.png (480.83 KB, 647x893, 647:893, CNFR.png)

File: fae874c542d18f8⋯.png (521.32 KB, 711x759, 237:253, SPTNK.png)

France anons.

Any of you watching this? Know more about this "No Money For Terror" conference? Not sure if relevant. Could be something. Could be nothing.

Sauce: https:// www.nytimes.com/aponline/2018/04/25/world/europe/ap-eu-france-terror-financing.html

http:// www.cnews.fr/videos/monde/2018-04-26/no-money-terror-une-conference-paris-contre-le-financement-du-terrorisme

https:// sputniknews.com/news/201804251063893507-daesh-finances-terrorism-conference/

90728f No.1193235


My bad

fucked it up

was a recording

de8682 No.1193236

We're actually going to have to create some respectful memes about Kim Jong Whatsisname, arent we. Maybe playing up how the North Korean people have withstood years of exploitation by America's deep state traitors.

"American Patriots, black and white, stand with the people of North Korea."

613f02 No.1193237

90728f No.1193238


same here


f54ef8 No.1193239



im eagerly waitingbefore I go to bed tonight.

c7b287 No.1193240

Morning anons…

Sure someone has dropped this already…but worth a read…Gohmerts "book" on Mueller fuckery…it is a GREAT read..just sayin'

Should be a big day today!

https:// truepundit.com/congressman-louie-gohmert-just-absolutely-wrecked-robert-mueller-with-epic-48-page-investigative-blowout-we-have-it-here/

613f02 No.1193241



hey BO, so does referencing ones own post from one thread in a different thread considered self doxxing?

is it bad form?

21e105 No.1193242



focusing on the boys first. Everyone knows about the girls, but in Hellywood. they don't really matter much. Boys are the currency.

db10b4 No.1193243


7:00 am here in the central time zone, that is what I understand.

7f7ea2 No.1193244


(Site has been giving me problems)

4331fc No.1193245

File: 9163f6799d0b6e0⋯.jpeg (854.38 KB, 1242x1601, 1242:1601, D5122C7D-80C4-45D3-95AB-B….jpeg)

Keeping the poster’s name Anon

33e20d No.1193246

Remember when Trump had this big trip he was going to take to Israel? I remember thinking that if he took that trip he would be assassinated. The trip was unexpectantly cancelled. That's why I think the foreign entity involved in the text could be Israel.

90728f No.1193247


dont worry

the world will know tomorrow

sleep well

popcorn tomorrow

db10b4 No.1193248


Finally able to post after about 10 minutes or more…

88cb05 No.1193249

File: 6d2682298af0250⋯.jpeg (4.12 KB, 520x69, 520:69, ok.jpeg)


Filling in email field is considered selfdoxxing. 8ch is not a place where you want to publicly display your email address.

Pic related was from the blackout. Kek'd.

8d31d3 No.1193250


i noticed that too anon.

it was very odd…to say the least.

half chan was down for a while yesterday.

something BIG is on the way.

the white hats may have a plan to release something simultaneously with MOAB. kind of how a bomber will detonate another blast in the path of traumatized witnesses. info bombs may be dropped with this thinking in mind. that is to say, MOAB may be the primer for a massive secondary explosion.

they cannot shut us down without beating themselves.

>best timeline ever.

7f7ea2 No.1193251


Yeah same

And I was on another thread too

989ecc No.1193252


Kanye making a Haiti reference?

8e59e9 No.1193253


Saw that thanks BO!!!!!

4331fc No.1193254

File: d79a38518df9277⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x1823, 1242:1823, 72F52E7D-F88A-4DA4-843A-7….jpeg)


4a3c84 No.1193255

File: 640cf673849f25f⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Patriots.jpg)


At this point, no one should give a damn about the "human rights" of pedophiles, Satanists, and traitors.

The law is very clear on the sentencing.

Time to make examples out of them. They made choices, and choices have consequences.

Got to leave a message for history with this.


The Democratic party is poison, and should be removed from U.S. politics. Liquidate whatever paltry assets it has remaining, and turn out the lights on our way out the door for the last time.

990547 No.1193256

File: c9e97a222c064ad⋯.jpg (125.83 KB, 559x500, 559:500, 269b58.jpg)

File: fc6421381ca159e⋯.jpg (143.42 KB, 690x389, 690:389, 28wyib.jpg)

File: 5002bdca0ab9565⋯.jpg (140.4 KB, 690x389, 690:389, 28wysg.jpg)

File: 469dd8fd97caa78⋯.jpg (140.9 KB, 690x389, 690:389, 28wyv5.jpg)

Codemonkey told me( which i'm sure many of you had guessed) That we have been getting sustained attacks the past few days/week.

DDOS bots,etc

And He said,

We are a small team and doing our best.

Reddit/twitter/facebook/etc have thousands on staff.

We are less than 10

We need to show more love and appreciation for the people keeping 8chan up and running.


Hopefully Q team will help protect this site more, and make their job easier( get all the clowns out of the wires,kek)


f54ef8 No.1193257


Agreed… But this is not only USA problem..

This is WW problem! Everyone is signed into these spells..

About time to break these spells me thinks

613f02 No.1193258


i got that too

8d31d3 No.1193259


are you 'certain' of that anon?

let me know.

i could use the sleep if there's no sense in waiting.

took the afternoon off yesterday to witness MOAB's detonation.

i don't think it's a good idea to wait till tomorrow. do it in stages. leak some big morsels in anticipation of the full release…an appetizer, so to speak.

>anon is HUNGRY!

989ecc No.1193260


Because if Kanye is making a subtle Haiti reference then I think Trump had him briefed in mid Nov 2016 - to be part of The Plan, to be a healer of division.

Being briefed on that shit could have caused his breakdown at the time.

33e20d No.1193261


https:// www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2015/12/10/politics/donald-trump-postpones-israel-trip/index.html

db10b4 No.1193262


Hey BO, thanks for baking for us o7

4331fc No.1193263

File: 1d812714db2b0e3⋯.jpeg (864.67 KB, 1242x1138, 621:569, 0CE8389E-9B0B-4E6A-B2EC-F….jpeg)

On Twat

90728f No.1193264

File: 54a6b51cddf2f11⋯.png (653.66 KB, 711x408, 237:136, ClipboardImage.png)

Scottish Anons asking


please hurry up and drop the effin texts?

613f02 No.1193265


baker here


eeb9b2 No.1193266


Isn't SDNY where Michael Cohen's trial is being heard

bd212b No.1193267


Strong post anon. I would even vote it in as a notable, for this reason. It is a specific point/argument, you provided a basis of support, you did not demonize an entire group of nameless people, but rather offered specific names of people you believe are directly connected to the issue. Should be used as a template for other similar posts. Well done, and very powerful and effective, because of it.

059bdd No.1193268


>Q: We are being set up and targeted (+DDoS).

c0d5a4 No.1193269

File: 02f3af63c94250b⋯.jpg (576.42 KB, 1600x1224, 200:153, Screenshot_2018-04-26-03-1….jpg)

The fact that Wicca is "oppressed" is evidence of its inferiority. And the fact that it is even allowed in the US is evidence of Christian tolerance. Go have your little moon dance in Tehran , then come back and tell us about it. Protip: you won't.

Your argument about Muslim mathematicians: are you saying they exist, or they do not? If you say that they exist, then that reaffirms the coexistence of faith and reason (which was part of my argument). If you say that they do not, then you've probably never gotten past al jabr.

4331fc No.1193270

File: 901f5a05b004f87⋯.jpeg (737.67 KB, 1242x1312, 621:656, 782CECCD-F639-4C08-95FC-1….jpeg)

You live and learn as they say…. ;)

d86314 No.1193271





8d31d3 No.1193272


yeah, let's get behind Kanye.

Trump has obviously brought him in on the plan and has his sanction; that's good enough for anon…may even give his music a close listen.

Rosie is POTUS certified too.

autists are now officially:

>pro Rosie

>pro Kanye

bd212b No.1193273


Heavy turbulence on my end, but my posts are making it through…with some effort.

900b0c No.1193274


I don't believe this at all. Sauce?

90728f No.1193275

wonder why?

A slew of celebrities have unfollowed and spoken out against Kanye West following his bizarre Twitter tirade praising Donald Trump.

Kanye West says he loves Trump, praises his 'dragon energy'

West published dozens of tweets on Thursday morning (NZ time) on a number of varied topics, including his love of Trump.

"You don't have to agree with Trump, but the mob can't make me not love him," said West.

"We are both dragon energy. He is my brother."

A myriad of celebrities, including former friends of the 'Gold Digger' rapper have unfollowed him on Twitter, including Harry Styles, Kendrick Lamar, Rihanna, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

Perhaps most shockingly, members of West's wife Kim Kardashian's family unfollowed him on Twitter, including Kylie Jenner and Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian.

The rapper reportedly lost 9 million followers in 10 minutes.

Stephen Colbert addressed the series of tweets in a new clip for The Late Late Show.

After quoting West's tweet where he said "we have the right to independent thought", Colbert quipped: "I independently think that Kanye has lost his mind."

"Brother to brother, I just want to say - put the phone down," the comedian pleaded.

Actor and rapper Ice T wrote a succinct summary of his feelings, saying he was "done" with the rapper.

Close friend John Legend wrote a series of tweets which did not directly mention West, but appear to be calling him out.

Legend concluded with: "The defining trait of Trump's campaign and political profile was his embrace of white supremacy.

"He made it clear every time he spoke. Some serious cognitive dissonance to ignore that for the others you might find appealing."

Fellow musician Chance the Rapper however, tweeted his support of West.

4a3c84 No.1193276

File: 822ce8e7c67bd14⋯.jpg (304.75 KB, 775x1024, 775:1024, BenFranklin.jpg)



Many and most gracious thanks to the valiant and overworked administrative team here.

Somewhat related note on a patriot: The Library of Congress has digitized and uploaded their collection of Benjamin Franklin's personal papers.

http:// www.thedp.com/article/2018/04/benjamin-franklin-papers-online-anniversary-death-upenn-penn-philadelphia

35cf2f No.1193277


He knows that POTUS has seven ways from Sunday.

7f7ea2 No.1193278


Don't forget about James Woods

059bdd No.1193279


I like it, just means the storm is near

21e105 No.1193280


please not…

>Injection Good

So Say We All.

f54ef8 No.1193281


hahaha HRC would have reemed the shit out of him for that one KEK

782b81 No.1193282

File: c43d9d80cb6b0e0⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 284.09 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 04549BD5-CBB8-4463-9B79-E….jpeg)


get my dark twisted fantasy and listen straight through

best hip hop album ever

ed64e4 No.1193283

Who are we TAUGHT to trust = Teachers

The left/satanists have been making sure they have control of education for decades. They have been trying to create a Hitler youth, a youth that will happily kill anyone including family that does not share their ideology. David Hogg's FCUK fest interview about his parents wasn't an accident. They are trying to make it cool to hate and ignore parents. David Hogg is the second attempt at trying to create a fascist youth leader to galvanise the ANTIFA crowd and create more. The first I believe was CICADA 3301>the missing supposed genius teen>Bruno Borges. That fell apart very early.

Cicada, Tengri, AIM & Defango are among many Mossad operations

c0d5a4 No.1193284


Looking forward to it, brother anon ;)

613f02 No.1193285


is Colbert a kept man? He is highly intelligent, and very sharp; has a Harvard education.

It seems that he should have the awareness to see whats going on unless he himself is part of it, or he had to bend the knee

d4c32f No.1193286

The coincidences are too prevalent to be merely chance.

8d31d3 No.1193288



Woods has had big brass balls from the beginning.

there are WAY more redpilled celebrities than you can imagine.

expect them to start 'coming out' soon. they will at first be given cover…but to the wise among them that have the courage to speak now, the benefits will be enormous.

several names you would recognize are lurking as we type…cheering for us.

059bdd No.1193289


Set up. Roil the Republican field, allow cankles to cost to victory.

Backfire kek

223d74 No.1193290


They drop when they drop. Morning.

fb187e No.1193291

Note for the Noobs

> Reminder for Anons

POTUS needs our help.

Came to chn for diggers and memers.



Many times we have read (((We have it all. These people are stupid.)))

But, having it all doesn’t mean full disclosure.

Evidence obtained without a warrant is discarded.

Evidence obtained without probable cause is discarded.

This violates Constitutional protections against ILLEGAL search and seizure.

No Such Agency

(((We can guide but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.)))

TRUTH uncovered about Ray Chandler.

Probable cause.

Call was made to FBI.

That, my fellow ANONS, is how we help POTUS!



4331fc No.1193292

File: ba4c93b6d52e452⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x1475, 1242:1475, CD67667B-66AA-4A95-876C-8….jpeg)



c7b287 No.1193293


Our celeb list is pretty lame..just sayin'..but I consider that a GOOD thing..

Table for eight?

54c3bd No.1193294


I wonder if USA Media is subject to something similar.

http:/ /www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-43899489

A Turkish court has sentenced 13 journalists to prison on terrorism charges, in a case that has sparked global outrage over press freedom.

The journalists were employees of the opposition Cumhuriyet newspaper, which had taken a strong line against the Turkish government.

Three of the journalists on trial were acquitted. Those convicted remain free while an appeal is pending.

They were arrested during a crackdown after a failed coup in July 2016.

Turkish authorities have accused Cumhuriyet's staff of supporting groups it has labelled terror organisations, including the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), ultra-left Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front, and the cleric Fetullah Gulen, who Ankara accuses of masterminding the failed coup.

Mr Gulen is living in self-imposed exile in the US, where authorities have refused to extradite him to Turkey.

More than 50,000 people were arrested and 150,000 sacked or suspended from their jobs in the aftermath of the attempted coup, including journalists, police, military personnel, teachers and public servants.

7504d3 No.1193295

File: dd7384e701f8b85⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1306x1125, 1306:1125, Keep America.png)

MOAB - already dropped.

Seen scatterings to suggest,

Taking the analysis next step,

Forgive me, Q, if I overstep.

Let's review the timeline:

Kanye inspired by Trump pre-election,

Talks talk of #Kanye2020 presumably vs HRC;

Trump wins;

Kanye goes public with #MAGA support,

And tries to execute a mass red-pilling,

Kanye gets his platform shut down,

Kanye gets locked up and drugged,

Media/sheeple forget Kanye ever said anything;

Kanye gets out, meets with Trump;

Kanye comes out of the meeting looking "calm",

Kanye then tweets out #Kanye2024,

Implying he will not run against Trump in 2020,

Implying that his support of Trump is complete.

Kanye then goes on to delete Trump-related posts,

Media spins it as Kanye backpeddaling his Trump support;

Kanye then goes into sleeper mode, deleting Twitter.

Q comes out and starts talking "Trust the Plan",

Key to that plan is waking up the Black population;

Anons ignore this mostly and focus on the trends,

Q repeatedly stress to need to go silent post news,

That maximizing psychological impact is highest priority;

Q also suggest non-Mil/Govn't assets also part of "The Plan";

We get Roseanne expressing Q support,

Then getting deplatformed,

Only to run silent for a bit then come out BIG for #MAGA;

Trump Tweets support for #Roseanne confirming appreciation,

Anons mostly missing, however, her being part of "The Plan",

Most assuming she was just lurking the chans on her own.

Kanye now recently re-opens Twitter,

Kanye drops some random inanities,

But is mostly just idling, almost waiting for something,

Q comes out talking about MOAB about to hit;

Monkey-trained Anons assume its the normal fare,

Hungry Anons hoping its HRC snuff or 187 talk,

All ignore drops on breaking media control and Blacks.

Kanye's Twitter activity picks up,

Context mirrors Qanon crumps on mind control,

Once interest picks up, Kanye then drops a Bomb:

With 7 well-crafted, well-timed words,

Kanye fucks up the Twitterverse,

Scott Adams is talking about reality being broken,

"Door of all Doors" open, as Q described early on;

Kanye posts #Kanye2024 "Keep America Great" pics,

But quickly takes it down as if instructed too on timing;

Kanye just stands and takes the initials counterattacks,

Kanye puts himself out there, "to take slings and arrows",

Allowing the #UglyLeft to show their true attitudes,

Other BigBlacks feel compelled to step-up and speak-out;

DemocRATS freaking-out, start talking reparations etc,

MSM spinning out of control, "Ye just Crazy" now powerless;

THEN Kanye comes back with over Trump support,

Trump then directly responds and endorses Kanye;

#Kanye2024 is now once again back in the spotlight.


Kanye has been party to the plan from the beginning,

Q's timeline incorporates actions from other pre-placed assets,

Anons REALLY need to expand your fucking thinking;

Trump is not here to entertain and coddle you,

Trump is here to fuck shit up,

And the result is NOT going to be what anyone expects.

So as Q suggests,

Just relax and focus on putting the map together,

To figure out what news fulfills necessary requirements,

For subsequent/interlinked events to take place;

Now that anti-establishments Blacks are out of the Sunken Place,

Q can begin to drop the REALLY nasty dirt on the Dems,

As the Blacks will now take it for God's truth and amplify;

No Black leader will dare defend against "Weird Satanic Shit" now.

April fuckin Showers.

Praise kek.

2446f5 No.1193296


Colbert is bloodline Jew….he famously took a challenge and had his Dna tested…he promised to reveal the results on air….but he discovered way more Jew in his Dna and he refused to reveal as he had pledged. Colbert is a clown….literally a damn clown of the CIA.

ce6218 No.1193297

File: 12b8091d2471883⋯.png (18.38 KB, 206x102, 103:51, lurk moar.PNG)


Lurk more and look closer.

Title 18, U.S. Code, Subsection 1591.

https:// www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1591

acf131 No.1193298



Does anyone have a link to watch/listen to POTUS on FOX on an andriod?

Have to leave early for work today.

900b0c No.1193299

Mueller, Comey & Fitzgerald, the band’s back together again:

….. The details of the cases against Blago and Tony are not important to recount here. What is important is that F.B.I. agents—Robert Mueller III who was then the Director—working out of Fitzgerald’s office, placed three wired moles in-and-around Rezko’s real estate office.

All three moles were tasked to record conversations involving Rezko.


…… So, there were three F.B.I. moles in Tony Rezko’s office wearing wires, recording conversations with, or concerning, Gov. Rod Blagojevich and/or Illinois State Senator Barack H. Obama.


https:// canadafreepress.com/article/mueller-comey-amp-fitzgerald-the-bands-back-together-again

bd212b No.1193300


Snoop, my dog, who you trying to fool with dat bullshit? We all know, if you weren't a snitch (oops, I mean intelligence asset), you would slow-jamming out of Leavenworth. I lost count. How many felonies have you skated on? Recall the good old days when you went crying for protection from pa-pa. I forgot, was it Suge? Someone wanted to blast a cap in that ass, and you went undercover and out of sight for some time.

"You used to be my homie, used to be my ace. Now I got to smack that bitch outcha mouth."

f54ef8 No.1193301

File: bde3275ab15a375⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1452x968, 3:2, PodestaHeSaid.png)


Can't be real……. Is it…?

059bdd No.1193302


Planned for 3-5 years

Kanye a designated hitter to redpill black pop.

c7b287 No.1193303


I seriously doubt Kayne is the MOAB..

More likely it has to be with Mueller and Trump getting cleared. The Gohmert letter is POWERFUL and lines out a ton of fuckery by Mueller…would guess that is the first part of the MOAB..

We have texts from FBI agents coming, anyone dug thru the latest judicial watch clinton email dump??

Pruitt is testifying today…

While Kayne is somewhat interesting..lets fry our BIG fish first…

b436f5 No.1193304



4331fc No.1193305


http:// www


2446f5 No.1193306


If this is Qś idea of a MOAB then i might as well just go back to normie life. I want something more than a well meaning rapper tweeting shit to the black community.

It is all well and good. But that aint the Mother of all bombs.

d4c32f No.1193307


Could really use more info on this

dfc122 No.1193308


Can we talk more about Leo Wanta?

f54ef8 No.1193309


MOAB is a fuel air bomb…

First is the fuel to air mixture (precursor) = the rest of the FBI text messages (as they spell out the length of the treason)…

The then main explosion = the evidence ontop of the text messages…

Then the video (RAW HRC)… blah blah blah all the way to GITMO

dd9b11 No.1193310

off topic ..but whatever happened to Judge Napalitano ?? for about year now he seems like he is playing for the other side, not like I expect much from any MSM but he was like 1 sorta truth guy …..

54c3bd No.1193311


As expected per prior Q posts. But always good to document it.

f54ef8 No.1193312


What did Leo wanta do? (or does that only sound funny in an ozzie accent?) KEK

678e90 No.1193313

File: de612f447fee684⋯.jpg (82.01 KB, 500x316, 125:79, juneflagnf.jpg)

File: 42923671cf3f35c⋯.png (107.82 KB, 500x443, 500:443, does-the-new-antifa-flag-r….png)


Hate is hate whichever side it comes from.

MAGA is love.

Thank you Bakers for all your hard work.

History is written by the victors

4a3c84 No.1193314

File: c8316bd8be0c060⋯.png (291.46 KB, 654x498, 109:83, PepeBraveheart.png)

Hold on one cotton picking minute

Just checked out a new Charles Ortel vidya

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ5Q2oD_dZA

And there hiding in the comments was this nugget:

"I just can't stop thinking about how Lisa Page went and acquired a ham radio licence the day after she was fired.. it's very well known that the ham radio has been a go-to tool for evading detection, and subverting surveillance when communicating with nefarious actors (It's actually part of counterintelligence training for almost all major Intel agencies)..and now she's living with the guy who held "those meetings" in his office (Andy's office)? There's gotta be a way to find out what channel she is using to communicate, and therefore who she's communicating with.."

I don't remember seeing anywhere here that that skank Lisa Page had gotten a HAM radio license right after she was fire! WTF! That was how Bruce & Nellie Ohr were working, remember??

Wanna know an interesting rumor Ortel had heard, and mentioned in one of his Crowdsource podcasts? That Lisa Page had moved out of her hubby's house and (you cannot make this shit up) moved in with Andy McCabe and his wife!

90728f No.1193315

File: d27331cb339244d⋯.png (327.22 KB, 488x295, 488:295, ClipboardImage.png)

who dat?

21e105 No.1193316

File: da7eb87bb24c9c7⋯.png (472.59 KB, 696x696, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


I really hope you have some idea of the irony of that image in reply to that post….

ce77fa No.1193317



why (((THEY))) cannot stop prayer, ban the Word or cause one who is born of the Spirit to renounce his faith.

old man dead - new man lives.

praying MANY come to the TRUTH when this evil is laid bare and exposed - good vs evil - will be obvious to see.

Truth is a Person and His name is Jesus Christ.

c7b287 No.1193318

File: 0b3dc643ff931c6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1300x868, 325:217, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

You folks in Caly know you can stop this? Where are the protests? YOU have the ability to write your own story, but not if you give control to someone else…rise up!

8d31d3 No.1193320


he said we'll get about 40%.

i believe autists will get access to about 80-90%.

some of this stuff is just unhygenic for the mind…some of it is truly not worth knowing.

90728f No.1193321

File: 52957d2500d9a72⋯.png (252.33 KB, 381x327, 127:109, ClipboardImage.png)



11cb1a No.1193322


Trump cleared is my reading of the crumbs as well. I think it is also followed up by grand jury for at least McCabe and Comey. Iran and Merkel is the desert going into the weekend.

Could also be a JFK and FBI text double feature as well, but I don't think they set the stage for that yet. There are still some props and backdrops that need to be built and painted first for that show.

c0d5a4 No.1193323


Agreed, they're doing a fantastic job, considering the challenge. Looking at Alexa [which I'm sure is waaay lowballing the stats) 8ch.net has jumped about 1000 places in the rankings; the increased traffic alone must be a chore to deal with.

4331fc No.1193324

File: 7701292c7b0cd82⋯.jpeg (606.82 KB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, 95E5F1DA-D1E7-40B9-ADB8-7….jpeg)

4ed80b No.1193325


^^^^^ not a lawfag

4331fc No.1193326

File: 6cb57263659987e⋯.jpeg (681.31 KB, 1242x1809, 46:67, 4D25C410-56AD-4805-BC4C-0….jpeg)

900b0c No.1193327


Link is mucked up. Nothing on Fox News current site.

>http:// www



9d4208 No.1193328


https:// lexingtonlibertarian.wordpress.com/2017/12/16/the-prosecutors-need-to-be-investigated/

https:// theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/01/08/doj-small-group-official-bruce-ohr-demoted-again-removed-from-organized-crime-drug-enforcement-task-force/

e7c381 No.1193329

613f02 No.1193330

BAKER HERE and its 7amEST!

1 hour till POTUS is live!


i have an idea…

Pick something, like some event or concept, from the Q timeline and set it to music.

i.e. Hillary → Jailhouse Rock, Elvis

900b0c No.1193331

Dr. Robert Epstein: ‘No Paper Trail’ for Google Search Manipulation

http:// www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/04/25/dr-robert-epstein-no-paper-trail-for-google-search-manipulation/

54c3bd No.1193332


Problem though. Ham radio needs a decent antenna for range. Also it's not encrypted. Anyone with a ham scanning the bands can pick up a convo. You can use morse code but ham is essentially a "hoot n hollar" or broadcast media. You have to CQ CQ, either that LP has a set freq she uses. Otherwise how to communicate?

990547 No.1193333

File: c7fe21915b83f37⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 632x500, 158:125, 28v0q2.jpg)

File: ba6db5469f882c7⋯.jpg (132 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 28v0vu.jpg)

File: 3d1aba4e8b5ddc5⋯.jpg (117.46 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 28v17a.jpg)

7504d3 No.1193334

File: ff7d8c3956259ba⋯.jpg (207.19 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Dbpw2J4UwAA9vzT.jpg)


This Anon gets it.

>>1193303 >>1193306 >>1193309

These are Shills,

Or just liabilities to the cause;

Trump is NOT fucking around,

And doing things only to maximum effect.

Waking up Blacks isn't only about support,

It's about erasing media power to Lampshade;

Blacks vindicated in DECADES of assertions,

That the government was trying to fuck them;

Q/POTUS has now re-awoken that fire,

And refocused it, laser-like, on the true enemy.

No matter what MSM does now,

Blacks are ONLY going to believe the worst;

The more Libs try to mollify,

The more outraged Blacks are going to get:

"Why just now, what the fuck?"

"Promises never fucking kept, never."

"And this Q-shit here proves you played us"

2018 is going to be glorious, indeed.

Praise Kek.

81b7ee No.1193335


Haven't tried on Android but should work.

http:// usnewslive.tv/foxnewslive/

ce6218 No.1193336


Point. Might be children, might not.

b07b61 No.1193337


thanks for the clarity

c7b287 No.1193338


Something like this did indeed happen and I recall it…might not have been this specific though…

900b0c No.1193339



Amy Chozick, a New York Times reporter, released her new book “Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling” on Tuesday.

4331fc No.1193340


Try this sauce then



0be39d No.1193341

For anon who rely on web access to Fox news, this link works.

http:// 123livenews.com/fox-news-live-stream-24-7-123livenews-com/

900b0c No.1193342



Amy Chozick, a New York Times reporter, released her new book “Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling” on Tuesday.

9d4208 No.1193343


My son's Boy Scout Troop had a Amateur Radio group come and teach them. You don't need that big of a radio antenna to go short distances. Put it on side of house and you can reach 20 miles or more.

990547 No.1193344

File: 12a12d4588ca028⋯.jpg (134.38 KB, 999x500, 999:500, Kanye covfefe Trump.jpg)

File: f9be2f44c1e8702⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 768x422, 384:211, 293nvy.jpg)



Covfefe means love( double meanings)

I made these for Kanye


ce6218 No.1193345


Wrong. You need code to implant the suggestions. You need coders to write the code. You need someone to direct the code to be written.

There's your trail.

6e6feb No.1193346


>snoop “fake bitch” dogg


1d6f4e No.1193348

File: fbb5c39c5d1ff1b⋯.jpg (115.97 KB, 624x466, 312:233, 3d40ce11c0b3a486c72e74dd67….jpg)


Catalonia is proof for the world multiculturalism doesnt work.

900b0c No.1193349

The Humanitarian Hoax of the Federal Reserve System

https:// canadafreepress.com/article/the-humanitarian-hoax-of-the-federal-reserve-system

c7b287 No.1193350


+1 on your thinking anon..stage not set yet for JFK total reveal..we need secret service fuckery exposed first…many acts to this play..money strings cut first..which has happened, now the rats looking for ways off the ship…summer should be event filled…

What are your thoughts on when secret grand juries exposed? Mid summer? A few acts to see before that I know..

90728f No.1193351

File: a582518d3eca5a4⋯.png (465.69 KB, 682x397, 682:397, ClipboardImage.png)

db10b4 No.1193352


WOOT, WOOT - I would mix a drink but that would fuck up my whole day :)

I could burn one, but that would just make me hungry…

Fuck, coffee it is…

b07b61 No.1193353

Celebs Attack Kanye West over Pro-Trump Tweets: 'Complete Freaking Lunatic'

http:// www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2018/04/26/celebs-attack-kanye-west-pro-trump-tweets-complete-freaking-lunatic/

782b81 No.1193354

File: 3e4037f44b9dc25⋯.jpeg (566.6 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 037E9EE7-3286-4E40-8BD5-5….jpeg)


confirmed, fuck snoop

4331fc No.1193355

File: 13a2aff7fdf21da⋯.jpeg (852.24 KB, 1242x1895, 1242:1895, E468DEC2-BAAD-471B-95C8-5….jpeg)

Investigators looking into police officers' roles in the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal have identified 'potential misconduct', according to the police watchdog.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct's (IOPC) inquiry into South Yorkshire Police's response to child sexual exploitation (CSE) over more than a decade in Rotherham 'has grown significantly during the last year', it has said.

The IOPC said its Operation Linden had grown to 98 investigations by the beginning of April 2018, compared with 62 at the same point in 2017.

A spokesman said 45 investigation reports have been completed and 33 current and former police officers remain under notice that they are being investigated.

https:// www


5c06d2 No.1193356

File: ec68573abd86cf4⋯.jpg (16.07 KB, 494x358, 247:179, 2304795-good_good_let_the_….jpg)

87fe6e No.1193357


Dig Din Ding!

Perfectly put, Anon

83c313 No.1193358


Failed coup, seemed more like Erdogan foils, erdogan coup plot. He most likely staged it, to get rid of opposition.

613f02 No.1193359


liek it!

8d31d3 No.1193360


he said we'll get about 40%.

i believe autists will get access to about 80-90%.

some of this stuff is just unhygenic for the mind…some of it is truly not worth knowing. >>1193291

131e2d No.1193361


The great news about what you posted is that we have hit all if this research in trips around tge spiral already. As events unfold, we did more and fine tune the research.

Example: events led us to dig dig dig on Nexium nack on 3.27 so anyone looking for more can go to ge archive as well.

fe3b17 No.1193362


least he aint a house nigga poop

c7b287 No.1193363


I love it when newbies call me a shill…bahahaha..




Kayne important bro…just not the MOAB…

eeb9b2 No.1193364


Kanye looks fat with manboobs.

10e79a No.1193365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here we go anons.

acf131 No.1193366


ty. I'll try it.

ed64e4 No.1193368


There's a simple answer to reparations. They have to pay whites first and we'll give them some change back.

Look at history >The Moors

They invaded first >700 hundred years

Slaved whites first killed them all, castrated the males. They enslaved more whites than the Establishment enslaved Africans. Africans and Arabs still slave openly today around 50 million human beings. Americans more than paid in blood of sons and daughters to end slavery. Meme it.

c7b287 No.1193369

Has anyone dug thru the new Clinton email drops or are we just stroking Kayne this am?

613f02 No.1193370





7504d3 No.1193371

File: f81ec1f64c2c89c⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1250x921, 1250:921, MOAB.png)


Next step for Blacks,

Is reevaluation of the Jacob/Esau story,

To understand "Blessing being stolen" means.

Why Holohaux?

What did the Holohaux accomplish?



Around the time Holocaux talk started,

We are talking 1910s or so,

What was the big trend in America?

In that first era of "Social Justice",

Were reparations ever proposed,

Was creating a homeland for Blacks proposed?

Moving on…

Statements ever made by Jews,

About stealing or blocking futures?

Any information exists,

Suggesting that current "Jews" are imposters;



90728f No.1193372

fox live talking about getting the black vote back

do they have a strategy…

warm up time

21e105 No.1193373

File: 9968f942b1ed396⋯.png (117.57 KB, 437x377, 437:377, ClipboardImage.png)


for some reason I just had to Kek at this. Figures.

900b0c No.1193375


New research shows that opinions can also be shifted by manipulating search suggestions (“autocomplete”), and multiple concerns have been raised in recent months about how social media might have shifted large blocks of votes in the 2016 US presidential election by filtering news feeds, personalizing content, spreading fake news stories and other means.

Source of article:

http:// aibrt.org/downloads/PROSPECTUS-The_Sunlight_Society-March_2017-EMBARGOED_until_March_14_2017.pdf

f54ef8 No.1193376


Sure do pal…

(((they))) are willing to sell out a "friend" if it takes the heat off them…

Look at Alison Mack / Al Waleed Bin Tilal blah blah

c14ccf No.1193377

File: 2c282bb59ef49de⋯.jpg (491.15 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, TruePunditNews04026018.jpg)

twt this 040

83c313 No.1193378


Screenshots of news articles like this on, that are very quickly buried by MSM (under all the so called celebrity bullshite), might be the most effectiv at red pilling people.

10e79a No.1193379


Didn't think that would do that to be honest.

782b81 No.1193380


baker notable

Kanye timeline

looking forward to the next yeezy drop

d91a31 No.1193381

just read first 27 pages of Louis Gohmert's Mueller write-up at TruePundit.

Mueller has flipped is not going to cut it. Mueller is the epitome of thug and terrorist. Mueller must hang.

1d6f4e No.1193382

File: e3432229f78e9df⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, pepep98640972922746108427c….jpg)


I guarantee Dr Dre molested all the people he signed including Snoop. Eminem, 50 all of them.

d72f8a No.1193383


Fucking Mack got out on Bail. But I'm sure eyes are on her all the time.

b07b61 No.1193384

The plan is working.

Before Q, I only knew Kanye's name in passing. Knew nothing about the man and cared even less. Had nothing against him, just had no interest. Dont wanna dox myself but I am on the opposite end of the spectrum from Kanye. Gladly gave him a follow yesterday….based on our common love for our country and goal of eradicating the evil that besieges our country. He is my fellow countryman and I appreciate his courage.

Let's build the wall on the border, anons, and continue to tear down the walls between us.

c7b287 No.1193385


Every "race" has their oppression…the Natives probably have the biggest US bitch…

THEY want us divided..how do they divide?

Biggest is GENDER

Next is RACE


Live it..live it here..preach it..find ways to love over hate…bring people together rather than divide..

940ee7 No.1193386

File: 120fdaa2e393dcb⋯.png (1.97 MB, 940x1009, 940:1009, qpe8888.png)

Thank you, Q team

90728f No.1193387

File: 89ca64668475ae4⋯.png (438.69 KB, 1061x791, 1061:791, ClipboardImage.png)

21e105 No.1193388


not your fault. Fuckery habbening!

>They are Scared

c7b287 No.1193389


Beginning of the end for Goog..

Can we call FB dead yet?

7504d3 No.1193391

File: fbff151b3b8ffb9⋯.jpg (54.29 KB, 472x1024, 59:128, DbpyV11VwAAcCzs.jpg)

"Liability to the cause",

Included as an alternative yo.

No reason to downplay Kanye;

Only reason would be subversive.

Most Anons not yet woke,

To the reality of a multidimensional world,

As to why 5D, 8D chess is necessary.

Truth is:

We have people,

Who are friends now,

But only up to a certain point,

Where they are then positioned to cut you down.

Alex Jones is a prime example of this.

Reflect on that,

Then reevaluate what's going on in the chans;

Some support #MAGA up to a point,

But will then fight to kill Trump from getting to 100.

THIS is what will make the military necessary,

Once the final sleeper snakes are revealed,

Who turn the majority of Trump fans against,

Then the military will be made necessary.

And having rabid Black support,

Is great insurance policy for Trump.

21e105 No.1193392

File: a90e9f9c94da7d4⋯.png (214.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This ones for Ryan…

4331fc No.1193393

File: a18c33fe77fc8cb⋯.jpeg (957.34 KB, 1242x2000, 621:1000, 4F968CB7-B907-4BCB-B8BA-B….jpeg)



c7b287 No.1193394


+1 read it this am myself…beginning of the end for Mueller and NO WAY he retains his credibility with that out there…

Mueller will resign and clear Trump and decalre 2016 election valid..this allow Sessions back in the game..new SC coming and the "secret" grad juries findings made public…seems like as good a path as any…

800c18 No.1193395

OMG! Please tell me this isn't Q!!!

"Bill Clinton 'encouraged' Trump to run for president before 2016 race: book"


c7b287 No.1193397





Gohmert report that is posted on true pundit should be in NOTABLES…it should be every anons pre-read today!!!!

f3b5f1 No.1193398


The Supreme Dipshit has a much harder time running things if there are strong sovereign nations.

613f02 No.1193399




8f3c12 No.1193400


It's actually rather funny, knowing what we know now. They never thought she would lose!

990547 No.1193401

File: 03ded08903a2ac2⋯.png (809.86 KB, 845x859, 845:859, Kanye with MAGA hat.png)

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5658359/Kanye-West-leaves-studio-wearing-MAGA-hat-traded-adoring-tweets-President-Trump.html

21e105 No.1193402

File: b18b5465f329b64⋯.png (842.82 KB, 720x842, 360:421, ClipboardImage.png)

From Twatter….

I'm still not sure about recent events, but this is funny as shit.

f54ef8 No.1193403


kek mee too..

Agree with you!

c7b287 No.1193404


Someone pledged $500k to get her out…wonder who? Probably nothing but a thread worth pulling..

800c18 No.1193405


True, but Bill, of all people!

8c1bfb No.1193406


Again. You mustake the broken LAW cited in the introduction with the actual COUNT listed below.

Yes. The law does say CHILD. No. That does not mean the count is on CHILD trafficking. Could be also sex trafficking by fraud.

Punishment is equal. Thats why its listed under 8ne Number.

d91a31 No.1193407


I have no stomach to read the rest…the same tactics used by a judge to steal my business, burn down my house. I still live in fear for my life. These people are mafia thugs and crooks. All must hang, letting them walk away is not fair, not justice.

770597 No.1193408


Recall that the cabal embraced the strategy of pushing Trump onto the Republicans because they thought it would be the best way to ensure Hillary's victory.

ed64e4 No.1193409

File: b1d4e97f28bf6dd⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 468x350, 234:175, fhhgjhklj.jpg)


I have a way to uncover imposter Jews.

They obey "Reliance of the traveler revised edition" p.846 and p.23, ((it abrogates Christians and Jews to infidel status (legal kills)) like the Muslims, they cannot discuss,consider or they are apostasized. I've tested this theory and it's never failed, not a single Jew or Muslim has discussed this with me in 6 yrs of trying, no matter the approach, whether challenging or polite. Even those Jews on twitter who pretend to fight Islam.

2f6926 No.1193410

File: c688163c02bda21⋯.jpg (805.79 KB, 2400x1800, 4:3, jRIAA1w.jpg)

some thing is missing over these trams

1370b3 No.1193411


Just finished reading it. Fucking brutal! I hope Mueller hasn't been turned as anons believe because this fucker deserves to die!

43a625 No.1193412

Good morning anons, God bless everyone of yez and keep you and yours from harm and give you a shiney new Trump "Strike-eagle" gold piece.


4331fc No.1193413

File: b698f3d0cb57b8f⋯.jpeg (733.47 KB, 1242x1862, 621:931, 9FA64BD7-9190-450C-9F4A-2….jpeg)

Other religions to be allowed to worship in SA soon?



eeb9b2 No.1193414


Her parents

800c18 No.1193415


OK…getting back to reality now…Kek!

ef2549 No.1193416

File: 91745f98ae856a9⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 603x407, 603:407, imwithstupid.jpg)

c7b287 No.1193417


dd9b11 No.1193418


The first time it happened to me is when I knew I truly made it .."kys shill," the white flag of newfag

bd212b No.1193419


Yeah, most of the medicines he's most likely on have weight-gain, water retention, as a side-effect. He's still spitting bullets of wisdom, what's your fucking point? Were you looking to marry him?

10e79a No.1193420


Judge granting bail specifically stated no money from NVIXM will be used to grant bail. So it will be interesting to see where the $5m came from.

4331fc No.1193421

File: 9497c35cc49a16d⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1818, 69:101, CFD6F660-5B90-4976-B6FD-9….jpeg)



990547 No.1193423

File: 5d2adddb04cf326⋯.jpg (67.63 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 294l0e.jpg)

becf5f No.1193424

File: a53a0ee912a401f⋯.jpg (111.87 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, melania.jpg)

Let's wish our beautiful FLOTUS a happy birthday!

d91a31 No.1193425



Mueller expose of thuggish tactics by Louis Gohmert.

https:// truepundit.com/congressman-louie-gohmert-just-absolutely-wrecked-robert-mueller-with-epic-48-page-investigative-blowout-we-have-it-here/

9aef61 No.1193426

File: 0e1bc5bc4ab6122⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1106x1196, 553:598, hrc_end.PNG)

7504d3 No.1193427

File: 0cb494fe7b0293b⋯.jpg (121.91 KB, 901x1200, 901:1200, DbpshRZUQAA5cXe.jpg)


Post below was meant for you, Brah.


"Loyal beyond reason",

Is what blacks have proven themselves to be;

Will make for excellent allies,

Once the real party begins.

c7b287 No.1193428


BAKER..link to True Pundit story here…

Credit this anon >>1193397


678e90 No.1193429


thanks anon missed that, have to catch up on the last few bakes, been night here in bongland

8f3c12 No.1193430


If you think Mueller will willingly resign, you missed his persona from Gohmert. He's an arrogant SOB that will never apologize. Let's hope Rudy is successful at getting him to back off Potus and end the investigation.

I've been saying for months Mueller is black hat. But, but…Once a Marine, blah, blah, blah.

Thanks you Mr. Gohmert for the expose.

bd212b No.1193431


Learn to do some basic research. How fucking lazy have you become? Her parents basically put their home and retirement accounts up as collateral. Do better next time, or as they say, lurk moar.

c7b287 No.1193432


Sorry..do not credit me..credit >>1193381

270cc5 No.1193434

File: 068edae1587ba44⋯.jpg (109.97 KB, 1757x813, 1757:813, toosoon.JPG)

526eb9 No.1193435

File: 2daf4d7820cd0bb⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6460855087b6ded5de3d754d77….jpg)

Happy Birthday.


cd9c38 No.1193436


"Ironic that the Luciferians are looking for a hail mary to win." Like this

e4ee1c No.1193437


Already in notables #1486

dd9b11 No.1193438


Yeah I started picking up on this last night a little too , talking about the "lefts violence.." ect..building to something…Also something to look out for ..New Left strategy is prob act they are adopting this "Kayne," type attitude like its ok to "like," the pres. but not like his politics .Trying to spin the obvious turn. We know how the left LOVES to SEEM intelligent and in the front ..all LIES THEY HATE OUR GUTTS AND ALWAYS WILL

de8682 No.1193439



8f3c12 No.1193440


IKR??? That's why I laugh. Oh, the arrogance of those people.

270cc5 No.1193441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Just found this LMAOOOOO

d91a31 No.1193443


don't credit me, I found it on an earlier bread. Just spread it. Credit goes to Gohmert for speaking the truth.

613f02 No.1193444

do you think Fox news is watching this thread, like the broadcast staff?

you know how before they go on commercial break they play a song…

what if…….

what if we all pick a song, get a consensus on it and see if they play it!

whaddya say?

0c7824 No.1193445


>Isn't SDNY where Michael Cohen's trial is being heard

Not sure since Berman recused

https:// www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/04/10/top-ny-prosecutor-geoffrey-berman-trump-appointee-recused-michael-cohen-inquiry/502367002/

908dff No.1193446

File: 54c3085bc9dfad9⋯.png (841.87 KB, 1854x1026, 103:57, Mueller_911_involvement.png)

Important Reminder for today


e0b572 No.1193447


I'm hearing that the texts have been handed over but they are so explosive they are trying to figure out how to publicly release.

4331fc No.1193448

File: ee5cb9982807c28⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x2142, 69:119, 580AD833-770D-4B6B-8D9C-D….jpeg)



bd212b No.1193449


Guessing they took artistic liberty and cleaned up the images. Unless of course, there's some Tesla-like power source you're alluding to.

8f3c12 No.1193450


Remember the now infamous clip of the panel on CNN asking who they thought was going to win the nomination? Ann Coulter said Trump and everyone else fell out of the chair laughing so hard? They never thought he would get much further than the first debate.

727e4d No.1193451

Lmao watching Leakin Comey try to pull a Hillary and feign innocence about classified docs. This is all an act and he's doing a terrible job at it.

c7b287 No.1193452


kek..ty baker..could be THE notable of the day ;-)

cb5464 No.1193453


At this point anything short of full disclosure will be a cover up

ce6218 No.1193454


Wow. We needed researchers to tell us that sharing and discussion information can influence beliefs.

The distinction, I think, is whether ordinary users are sharing a story and promoting a topic or a (sponsored?) algorithm is manipulating what stories users see. The first is benign; the second is evil.

8f3c12 No.1193455


Also remember the same time period Q ask who had gotten rid of their USSS protection? I believe it was Jr that an attempt was going to be made on.

f9190f No.1193456


Yeah. Silly but funny… Not sure if it deserves a Kek but I did lol.

ef2549 No.1193457


You dump that shit on the internet and let nature run it's course

8f3c12 No.1193458


110% agreed anon. Trying not to be a concernfag, but knowing how they operate, I am worried We The People won't see it all.

908dff No.1193459

File: 59a2778496fe6da⋯.jpg (303.49 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, ebolaCDCDirectorwhycontain….jpg)



Why contain it?

5c06d2 No.1193460


CNN wont cover it , liberals dont care they hate everything trump, you could have hillary cutting somebodys head off cnn would say shes right you know.

990547 No.1193462

File: b8c30a7b1d89db9⋯.jpg (76.37 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 26xpdi.jpg)

File: e3cde3ab3b70abc⋯.jpg (87.69 KB, 761x500, 761:500, 26xp05.jpg)

File: 6ae9db8db38482b⋯.jpg (54.61 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 26xr2f.jpg)

File: b98241dfd85918a⋯.jpg (132.86 KB, 500x750, 2:3, Happy Birthday Melania.jpg)

bd212b No.1193464


Remember it well anon. She was on Bill blow-job Maher's show and the studio audience broke into laughter at her response. Look who's laughing now!

4331fc No.1193465

File: 7a583234026ebeb⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1756, 621:878, 78D05806-FF8D-4AA5-9CF3-C….jpeg)

Michael Cohen: Trump's lawyer to plead Fifth Amendment in Daniels case



c7b287 No.1193466

File: 84e3ead1628f226⋯.png (831.45 KB, 2154x1058, 1077:529, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at ….png)

https:// www.yahoo.com/news/irans-khamenei-urges-muslim-nations-unite-against-u-082350769.html

235a1b No.1193467


I've been telling everyone irl…the "insurance policy" was really a hit job that they couldn't just publicly discuss. Now fast forward to this stuff. Makes sense to me.

4e3d39 No.1193468


Parents placed family home in Los Alamitos CA up as collateral

990547 No.1193470

File: b4c25a5bd2e2f46⋯.jpg (133.36 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 294lwb.jpg)

4331fc No.1193471

File: 5e8fd120440ec06⋯.jpeg (920.23 KB, 1242x1604, 621:802, 4D9A3EA7-A581-407C-99DA-5….jpeg)

Some of the babies and children had been sexually abused, Agboola Dabiri added.

It is not uncommon for Nigerian authorities to raid "baby factories".

In some cases, unmarried pregnant women are promised healthcare, only for their children to be taken away. In others, women are raped and made pregnant.

The babies can be sold for adoption, used for child labour, trafficked to Europe for prostitution or killed for ritual purposes.

Nigeria 'baby factory' raided in Lagos http:// www


f9c936 No.1193472

We are supposed to be free, everything needs to be released. If people riot shot them.

Satanic crap needs to be brought to light.

Unles the leaders involved are tried and HUNG this is bs.

b4416b No.1193473

Good afternoon fellow anons, from Bonnie Scotland. Not long till POTUS on Fox. I assume this is the right channel:

http:// streamfare.com/foxnews.html

e9df27 No.1193474


Go for it. I nominate Elvis Costello, Pump It Up. He's an ass, but his music is golden.

c7b287 No.1193475

bd212b No.1193476


Mr. Khameni? Care to send me any of that wonderful Afghan/Persian opium you're smoking? I beg of you good sir. If for no other reason I think I threw my back out, but truth be told, my mind needs it more.

800c18 No.1193477



4331fc No.1193478

File: 565b78f1d1dddba⋯.jpeg (989.19 KB, 1242x1668, 207:278, 2E1CACF6-ED12-4866-911A-E….jpeg)

QBA: Mexico rapper 'dissolved film students' bodies in acid' http:/


727e4d No.1193479


This won't last long clowns…

727e4d No.1193481


Reminds me of the mark Kilroy case.

319823 No.1193482


^ ^ ^ ^ This! ^ ^ ^ ^

1a863f No.1193483


Good Sum up

good job

5c06d2 No.1193484


Iran has got to protect those VPN records at all costs !!

727e4d No.1193487


Yikes. Fuckin subhumans.

1a863f No.1193488


all that for $160 a week.

the desperation

613f02 No.1193489

1494 in the oven

e4ee1c No.1193490


not baker…agree

274030 No.1193491

File: b683b8cf8e77974⋯.jpg (4.64 KB, 276x183, 92:61, panic.jpg)




43a625 No.1193493

Will pray for doggo, anon.


83c313 No.1193494

File: 02a8e63a85d6295⋯.png (428.64 KB, 599x793, 599:793, Screenshot 2018-04-26 13.4….png)

Ukraine cabal proxy country firing at Donetsk (after referendum now part of Russia)

ca29c8 No.1193495


No shit anon hahaha



274030 No.1193496




8e59e9 No.1193498


Thanks Baker!

274030 No.1193499






783131 No.1193500

File: 4ca9ba2d22c063a⋯.png (549.31 KB, 783x1052, 783:1052, Melania birthday.png)

Hope you have a nice day, FLOTUS Melania. Enjoy.

Take a breath, close your eyes and make a wish!

800c18 No.1193501

A good place to watch the president this morning.


140084 No.1193502

File: 9d3b1accda6239c⋯.jpg (486.43 KB, 1073x1012, 1073:1012, Screenshot_20180426-064456….jpg)

The wave.


83c313 No.1193503


Explanation how Hamas get's millions (probably billions) for Palestine not being recognized as a country. (it's a 5 min video, worth your time) https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkGTNM-2FTE

613f02 No.1193504

1494 triggers at 7:55

5c06d2 No.1193506


Trying to raise that beast from hell before the tape drops ….

2da044 No.1193507


condensed the dough a lot, too.

could be good intentions, could be fuckery.

i'm mostly sad about the graphics maps being thrown out of the way for no apparent reason (links to links instead of direct)

here is the dough just before:

https:// pastebin.com/e64iy59y

7a8c79 No.1193508


Thanks, that is just what I came here to get.

1370b3 No.1193509


Sounds like the Mans Prayer from Red Green. "I'm a man, but I can change, if I really have to, I guess.

e3c396 No.1193510


1c90ef No.1193511


Try harder.

800c18 No.1193512

4e3d39 No.1193514

2da044 No.1193515


no, POTUS said that.

>>1189217 <Q

>Ready for tomorrow?


<https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/989318406204809216

<Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

<I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. Enjoy!

<6:41 PM - 25 Apr 2018

f9190f No.1193516


Drop the cap lock.

5c06d2 No.1193517

Biggy T on in 5 min !!

e3c396 No.1193519




4e4fb3 No.1193520


any live link pls? ty

800c18 No.1193521

We have a baker?

5c06d2 No.1193523


usnewslive.tv brother Anon

bd212b No.1193524

File: c236811ac0713dd⋯.jpeg (73.99 KB, 589x441, 589:441, image.jpeg)


You are fake

And you are gay (pic related)

Sauce would be nice, but you don't have it when you're being Fake & Gay.

274030 No.1193526



e3c396 No.1193528

File: aa30fea95911db8⋯.jpg (9.87 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 1718f817f4cd6edd65cc5e955b….jpg)



3373bb No.1193529


Very deserved thank you - the last couple of days has been nail biting times for lurker anons - can't imagine how tough it must have been for your small team. Respect.

4e3d39 No.1193530


Bake complete migrate

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