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File: 4ecccd5ce974412⋯.png (4.82 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Solid_pink_svg.png)

472381 No.76402 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hey im looking for some fun and powerful k3i files however the mega is dead and i can't really use RetroShare right now. Drop your favorites , anything u Can provide i gladly will accept :)

(Vola / mega is best !)

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c26dc1 No.88278


you just gotta be silly wit it y'know?

why take things so seriously?

so much, fear, so little, truth.

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d8e539 No.88281


> Well, this anon thinks that all that just about sums up the typical interaction with, you know, demons.

Probably. The more scary thing is that we do not know. Could be the ethereal equivalent of what crawls at places where you never vacuum. If you spend enough time Down There something is gonna latch onto you.


> you just gotta be silly wit it y'know?

To what End?

> why take things so seriously?

Because the resulting pain seriously hurts. And because Forever is a very long time.

> so much, fear, so little, truth.

How old are you? Have you done this for maybe a decade or two? Long enough to get a visceral sense of where this will take you? And have you still said Yes to it? Or are you just directionless, avoiding pain, seeking pleasure? Do you still see Hope?

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5ec61e No.88512

K3i posted new file!!! https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/Thread-片ヨ工-s-MindWarp?pid=76586#pid76586

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5ec61e No.88513


Arrghhh …


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97260c No.88519


what is this, the faggat is making mixes of the original kai files and asking for money? wtf is kai light?

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File: 22fdc47caa2862e⋯.jpg (21.31 KB,474x379,474:379,3b0c557f96eaf98fa83f9f64ad….jpg)

c474d8 No.88470 [Open thread]

I am a 4chan anon

what is this

I got here after searching 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚsays torrent. anyone got 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚdex all content for free?

>inb4 it's just $5 per month

shut up

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a430f9 No.88497


incel nonsense.

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f22c53 No.88499


丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ is fine. I think the highest hatred against any random content producer comes from incels types. Personally, 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ's voice is nowhere near my favorite but I like her content and very high production values. So that said and while I am here, I'd like to add a bump to my prior request for these two 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ files,

Office Free Use Fucktoy

Fucked by Tentacles

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29593f No.88509


Support her by buying her files, she's an important part of the community. Don't be an entitled incel and expect them for free.

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781557 No.88517


Many years ago, when she was relatively new, there was a screenshot going around of 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ blatantly samefagging on /hypno/. I wish I saved it.

She's very prolific creating mediocre files and became quite popular doing so, which resulted in many discussions here with her plebbitor goon squad (who have a tendency to shill relentlessly, probably because 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ's arrogance wiped off on them).

Despite her being a cunt, I'd still listen to her hypno if I liked it enough. I do not. I haven't tried it in years, but from what I remember, it was jerking material that didn't really take me deep. Felt more like phone sex with a hypno theme than skilled hypnosis. I also found her awkward accent (that tries to be kinda british but doesn't quite succeed) to be very distracting.

Since redditors struggle with critical thinking, they are never in-depth with their praises. Apparently her "production values" stand out above others as if that's even remotely special or unique. All the haters must be incels! The transparent shallowness of the arguments of her shills is actually pretty congruent with her hypno.

I recommend you look elsewhere. There's great discussion in this thread >>87976 on classic hypnotists to try. 几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇 is the best place to start. An easier place to start is this guy on archive.org that preserves some retired hypnotists (of these, I recommend Ҝ卂丂卄卂 丂卄卂Ҝㄒ丨 and miss mary):



I looked on femdomcult for you, they're not there. You might have some luck on kemono.party.

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e04bd3 No.88518



you mates got it right. what does samefagging mean?

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6a8a12 No.80942 [Open thread]

got super hooked to her files but i didn't download them :( i feel like im missing a huge part of life. does anyone have another mega link? lmaoo im spiraling over here

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e907f4 No.85472


Don't have any of those.


Have Siren 1 & 2. Siren 2 is much LOUDER! Threw in all loops I have. Decode 3x & look for the Joanne folder


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fa5145 No.86293


Link down?

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e907f4 No.86299


Siren is now here, https://gofile.io/d/sFaDEe

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823882 No.86720


this is down Anonymous


loops are missing from this, reupload?

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71f185 No.88516

Can somebody please upload her textiles? E.g. spellbound

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40e163 No.85435 [Open thread]

She seems to active again, but will only give you access to her files if you send her a mail and an amazon gift card. I'm wondering if anyone had the chance to access/test her file, I wish she'd at least post a thumbnail list of her new material (if there's any)

The mail is mentioned there (decode twice)


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ddf576 No.87878

https://x.com/Mommys_cult she's posting again on her twitter ! !

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bf8388 No.87980


And also on her new Patreon page!

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ddf576 No.88265

https://www.patreon.com/limpgirlmommy there's a new post on her main account! she released a new asmr file

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ddf576 No.88322

can someone leak the new asmr thing?

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ddf576 No.88515


she's released another asmr file! Her and th previous file also have very short, allowed previews

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File: d9ab37a77691014⋯.png (53.01 KB,800x800,1:1,d9ab37a77691014e1a55bb48ec….png)

1468e3 No.84449 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Old thread reached it's limit. >>81039

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186cd3 No.88462

Anyone got the new findom file or a kemono update?

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5740ca No.88503

Please someone have last video file share, I like findom but I can't spend $40 for month for that file…

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609681 No.88507

me too im a findom addict but 40 is way too much

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9a9c8a No.88511


the irony

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bde8b7 No.88514


Not him but there's a difference between paying an actual woman vs paying some beta neckbeard who makes videos

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File: 096f81dab2bdf05⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,400x400,1:1,Bl-O76Fe_400x400 - Copy.jpg)

68dbd4 No.63652 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

really liked some of her files. there's a torrent floating around with some but there aren't ever any seeds.

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5abf24 No.88466


You are the best. Many thanks

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c7d746 No.88476

Bump - - great to see some different files from the usual that are available. Any other newer files available to share?

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a15c06 No.88484

File: 07e9afa5e50ea7d⋯.jpg (244.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,448885207_990304929266908_….jpg)


Rewards for Your Submission fractionation trance JOI WITH BINAURALS

Into My Grip

Edging on My Command

Edging on My Command - Follow-up Hypnotic JOI Trainer

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5abf24 No.88502


Thank you. It is great to see more activity here, and her files are awesome

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5abf24 No.88510


Much appreciated and many thanks for the recent posts.

Still looking for:

Dimensions of Bliss

Dimensions of Submission

Deep Surrender

Sleight of Mind

High Heel Worship

Secret Universe Mind Enslavement

Shadows And Light

Tightly Wrapped In My Red Ropes

Waking On The Edge

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bc0fd9 No.88291 [Open thread]

Anybody have $1$$Y CUR$3 – 1rr3v3rs|B13 1M90T3NCE and $1$$18R3@K3R – H@NDS FR33 $QU1RT $1@V3 ?

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4ff983 No.88298


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bc0fd9 No.88301


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bc0fd9 No.88397

Need these

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bc0fd9 No.88508


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File: 27faccd3fde4afe⋯.webp (8.67 KB,500x500,1:1,bu67u67u.webp)

e1c1a7 No.87973 [Open thread]

yall know about her? any body got any files to share?

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e1c1a7 No.88031

can i use the yt dlp interface version? will that work? ErrorFlynn version of it?

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3e2bf0 No.88061

get unauthorized via that method or no access to post if using patreon link

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0583a1 No.88075


Me too lmk if you found a solution Im also looking how to fix

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36c578 No.88095

if that method doesn't work, then i'm not sure how else you can view them

if someone has a different way to view/download vimeo videos like that, hopefully they'll share

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36c578 No.88506

k3m0n0 importer isn't working

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460776 No.87661 [Open thread]

Up and coming hypnodomme. I'm a HUGE fan, she has a lot of potential I think. So I'm going to post her content here: if you want to support a new and talented domme, you are more than welcome. She only has released two files, both of them are free. Here is the last one:


Aaand of you want to chat with her and be part of her community, join us here:


You are welcome bros.

- HypnoCON

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bf9bf2 No.87953

Ok the new file is HOT. Love this stuff. She is fucking improving


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ff2685 No.88296

she has a patre0n now

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31f18b No.88297

russian skank

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187190 No.88504


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187190 No.88505

She is getting so good wth

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File: f0157e269b1bb2c⋯.png (321.74 KB,640x360,16:9,ai1.png)

File: 711351d8ab7bcd5⋯.png (170.37 KB,640x360,16:9,vlcsnap_2024_07_31_15h20m4….png)

b35406 No.87847 [Open thread]

Anyone heard of this great stuff looking for more


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76cb07 No.88421


thank you awsome

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eb774b No.88483


Great indeed! Thanks!

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f881b2 No.88491



am i missing something? decryption key doesnt work

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8f46d9 No.88492


it dont work for me either.

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32901c No.88500



it doesn't need one, that is an entire link.

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82f069 No.88424 [Open thread]

it looks like the bitch is back.

sorry i couldnt find the old thread because of the retarded leet speech.

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87685e No.88465


>See https://8kun.top/hypno/res/78323.html

She had some 'okay' hypnosis on it's own merit. it helped it was done by a beautiful woman.

but for my experience her hypnosis is WAY WAY better than clariecetheenchantress so many people here enjoy. her stuff just never did anything for me. so repetitive

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4db2e2 No.88487


Never seen her doing actual hypnosis. I'm curious. Link? Or at least some file names?

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3f9cea No.88494

sometimes i listen to good hypno audio while watching videos of her with the volume off.

i dont think shes back that site in the picture is down.

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232bbf No.88495

never thought of her as a hypnotist. She's a cute girl that says some of the same things that a hypnodomme suggests, but she doesn't actually hypnotize you.

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87685e No.88498


It's been a long while for me. I just looked through to see which ones ring a bell, and none of them really did. I've watched so much porn, from all the "princess'es" I get them mixed up.

I do know she did a few audios, and a few files that seemed to work well enough for me. but their was also a lot of "brainwashing/goon" crap.

Compared to others, I thought she was a little better hypnotist than Vikki. Worse than the only real hypno video I saw from her friend eva. she's better than lyne.

not sure how to compare with a few others. I have tried to stop watching since meeting my gf. so it's been a while.

I'm sorry for the non-answer answer. I just remember I thought she was alright at it.

which is better and less disappointing than some "real" hypnotists.

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File: 4216a47ee400b97⋯.png (Spoiler Image,356.64 KB,669x728,669:728,M_u_g_e_n_presents_Mace_Wi….png)

a8cc95 No.88482 [Open thread]


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File: 87cd38e37d77754⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,480x852,40:71,RDT_20240905_150557.mp4)

cecce8 No.88350 [Open thread]

I stumbled upon this on r/ghostpenis on reddit. Similarly to rubber hand illusion experiment, the brain interpets the motion and attaches a feeling to it, and people cum buckets without touching. I wonder if any tist played around already with this idea? A simple trainer would be good.

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6316f1 No.88363


its fun faggot, you gotta try it you silly faggot.

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497845 No.88457

Link to vid ?

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16fd55 No.88468

shes pretty, anyone got more ninawhiteboi?

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04ed2a No.88471


reddit com/r/ghostpenis/comments/17mtnl6/finally_tracked_down_the_gif_that_started_my/

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ae710c No.88480


you cant see it without reddit app. i aint putting that on my pc i hate that faggit site.

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File: 91c22eecdd20eaf⋯.jpg (29.13 KB,184x182,92:91,screenshot_2024_08_25_jpg.jpg)

2c8bb3 No.88208 [Open thread]

anybody know who they are? any files?

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44a9d4 No.88260


Provide jerk off fodder.

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c07bd4 No.88458


Mostly sissification stuff with a bit of dumbification and some occult themes

They are pretty well done though, at least the "main" files are among the strongest working visual hypno I've watched. They work especially well if you watch each of them a few times before moving to the next one.And interesting thing about them is that they also work "retroactively", i.e. there are some triggers in earlier files that only get properly induced in later ones, so when you return to earlier files afterwards they work stronger then they used to

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073c60 No.88467

how do it work, you listen with headphone and you cum your pant?

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9c7083 No.88472


>using headphones

don't be a pussy, blast that shit out loud as you can

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a75484 No.88479


aint the headphone better for hypno? i listened to number 6 last night and it was wacky but i didnt listen to the other ones before so i missed things i think. gonna dl the series later.

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e37b69 No.88477 [Open thread]

have someone hypnosis in german?

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