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File: 27faccd3fde4afe⋯.webp (8.67 KB,500x500,1:1,bu67u67u.webp)

e1c1a7 No.87973

yall know about her? any body got any files to share?

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e1c1a7 No.87974

i did find this but its all vimeo files


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d25714 No.87977


Yes this is helpful in relaxing


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36c578 No.88001


there's an easy way to download these videos. google "yt dlp" and use that

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111535 No.88012


The referer code is not working to me

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901b67 No.88022

ye, the yt dlp is capable of downloading it, but it was a pain in the ass last time i did it

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36c578 No.88027

how come? once you set it up it's very easy to use later on.

1. download it from github

2. you download mpeg as well

3. open cmd as admin, and navigate to the folder you have yt-dlp in

4.paste this into cmd:

"yt-dlp.exe https://player.vimeo.com/video/xxxxxxx referer http–s://www.patreon.com" (dont press enter yet)

5. find a video you want to download, and in the vimeo link, you should have a series of numbers in it, copy that, and replace the xxxxx part above with those numbers

6. let it download (it should download the video and then the audio separately) and merge the 2 parts and that's it.

it might seems complicated, but just save the patreon refer line you put in cmd in a notepad file or something, and then you just go to a video you like and you download it

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e1c1a7 No.88031

can i use the yt dlp interface version? will that work? ErrorFlynn version of it?

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3e2bf0 No.88061

get unauthorized via that method or no access to post if using patreon link

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0583a1 No.88075


Me too lmk if you found a solution Im also looking how to fix

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36c578 No.88095

if that method doesn't work, then i'm not sure how else you can view them

if someone has a different way to view/download vimeo videos like that, hopefully they'll share

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36c578 No.88506

k3m0n0 importer isn't working

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c6aab0 No.88550

you cant even view videos from k3m0n0, the link to /1m30 wasnt working

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