I think I found the guy through a similarly worded post:
Kind of a lolcow, but not very notable. He's an occultfag who goes by Elementriloquist. His youtube channel description includes "the thing is, I kinda hate reading 😅", thus confirming my susouthern beanmanion of him being a lazy faggot. Two years ago, he made himself an AI voice generated audiobook to drag himself through the occult teachings he wants so desperately to know, then opened a Patreon expecting people to pay him monthly for something that takes an afternoon (i.e. convert a pdf to plain text, delete what shouldn't be there, and push a button). This attitude of "there are always gonna be some retards, better exploit them!" is prevalent in occultists and also aligns with his behavior on /hypno/ earlier, you'd just think he'd have the social awareness to hide it better. Instead he treats other people like one of his spells, where you must state your will explicitly, saying things like "give me what I want or don't respond at all".
He seems to fit into the category of occultists that are antisocial and autistic, yet still want control of the world around them, when they themselves are too lost in pseudo-intellectual solipsism to be of help to anyone. This is the type of people Manly P. Hall talked about when he discussed those unworthy of the craft. I do believe some occultism works, Christ acknowledged the existence of magic and demons. He condemned magic, and I believe the reason is that it's exploitative, it enhances self-obsession while inhibiting humility, and it's just gay and embarrassing in general.
I hope his chaotic mind finds Jesus someday, but for now, I'll remember him as the entitled occultist, who wore the mask of the scary intellectual while really being a young boy who HFO'd and was too embarrassed to admit it to anyone but the gooners he so looked down upon.