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000000 No.87467 [Open thread]

Are there any muslim porn sites anyone knows of

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91d0c8 No.87468


Sharia is against porn so most muslins are not going to engage into creating any

And in the places where it is made like Dubai with the bimbo girls are not muslin focused because they dont watch as much as white people

I guess you will have to see the hair of the female, ironic that you want to see the intimate parts but not the hair

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c8c8ea No.84964 [Open thread]

Does anyone have any German L4dy Hypn0tic4? HypnotiK44 in particular. Much appreciated!

Hat jemand ein deutsches L4dy Hypn0tic4? Insbesondere HypnotiK44. Sehr geschätzt!

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5f282e No.86228


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869830 No.86492


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eeb309 No.86870


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494794 No.87022


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5538c5 No.87463


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48298a No.87462 [Open thread]

Anyone have her newest patreon stuff saved?

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2662d3 No.82909 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Old thread is dead. Anyone got her s1$$y ensl@v3ment file?

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6ca694 No.86717

hoya, anyone here who could perhaps share footsexual and impotent?

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f99f68 No.86721

Any absolute legends got the A1ways A G00d G1rl and A1ways A G00d G1rl loop

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965c2f No.86731

Anyone got Foot Worship Instruction

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2ba210 No.87415

Anyone here who is also listening regularly to her recent sessions? I would like to compare notes ahah

I know she's somewhat devious and not really a "gentle" dom, but I can't stop coming back and listening for more humiliation/forced bi. I find myself masturbating to cocks more & more even though I'm not even attracted to men, that's kinda strange.

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86ba35 No.87423

File: 37e3d860720afaa⋯.jpeg (99.08 KB,1889x973,1889:973,IMG_0423.jpeg)


Get help

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File: 36649c8d496ecbc⋯.png (15.08 KB,486x194,243:97,the_bottom_screenshot.png)

b6ba1a No.87395 [Open thread]

Found this site where you can upload your shits anonymously and get the link: http://theslackone.h4ck.me:5000

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8e8ea2 No.87386 [Open thread]

Does anyone have his files? I'm interested in anything on masculinity and self improvement.

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dc1c84 No.85625 [Open thread]

New theme based upload for panties aficionados. You probably already have a few of these so pick carefully to avoid dupes. If you have decent panties files you'd like to contribute to this community collection, feel free to add them to this post. If you post them to gofile, I'll assume you'd be OK with me adding your files to this m3ga collection after they get deleted from gofile, unless you specify for me not to.

Decode 3x


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b7f0ff No.85960


Here are some which are not in your collection yet:


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ac87ad No.85962


forgive the ignorance, but which site is this a link for

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dc1c84 No.85965


Thank you mate, that's some hot lingerie!


Google 64decode or use this site: https://www.base64decode.org/

To all, I had to delete all of the M1@Cr0ft files from all these collections, such as this one. She has been aggressively shitting on many of my m3gas and getting my accounts DCMAd.

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c43b16 No.86010

thanks for the files mates.

my m1@ requested uploads got deleted also that greedy bitch.

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0ca023 No.87332

any chance on a reupload? no longer available;(

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33fd86 No.87311 [Open thread]

Hello I am looking for these files: R3turn 0f th3 pr1c3ss (part 1)

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e3c6d4 No.80327 [Open thread]

Any feet focused files?

Bonus points for beta or censoring hypnos but as long as feet are the core component I don't mind

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4165ac No.83981


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db4a3b No.83989



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4750ad No.85742


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a07948 No.86862


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d7ef34 No.87309

Check out my very first ever file, "Premature for Feet".


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File: f8a455345e6690b⋯.jpg (699.17 KB,2870x2226,205:159,Untitled.jpg)

da36ba No.86118 [Open thread]



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da36ba No.86557



Keep an eye on this thread, I'll reupload today/tomorrow

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da36ba No.86568


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d519da No.86570

Nice! Thanks for the upload.

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b76028 No.87294

Please, reupload

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3f9cba No.87307

bump. please upload again

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000000 No.87297 [Open thread]

This nigga said he wants files

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File: b47c386bb134075⋯.jpeg (177.28 KB,1242x1234,621:617,8BDECC51_6824_4209_B7F1_F….jpeg)

File: 9407efd98202de6⋯.jpg (324.93 KB,1080x2240,27:56,Maria_Arreghini_3.jpg)

File: 06a4565816fa2f0⋯.jpg (248.48 KB,1024x1536,2:3,dcp2003.jpg)

File: 1fb7dc9d758a786⋯.png (3.06 MB,1780x1970,178:197,e5814e1d18192300ff8765edc1….png)

74dcb7 No.86611 [Open thread]

Audios preferred, looking for files that'd take the ability to think away when confronted with a pair of breasts…

Already tried C@r0l's trained to arouse and F10na's topical file on and off for a couple weeks and am pretty happy with the results.

Looking for other similarly themed recordings that'd make me thoroughly accept becoming automatically struck dumb by and obedient to women's funbags! Anything involving breasts is welcome.

Will share what I have if asked.

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4a8849 No.87221


I was unable to open this archive. My software says the archive is damaged.

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9cf653 No.87232


Is fine

Re download just in case you just corrupted on downloading

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4a8849 No.87236


I did. I had to roll back the unarchiving software to make it work. Old mac, doesn't like new software

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a4630f No.87264


“Bounce your brain away.” Breasts are so beautiful. The way they look, the way they feel; it’s all so enchanting. It’s hard to keep your mind from slipping when you’re staring at them, isn’t it? Let’s make that little problem of yours worse. This file will: - make you surrender to breasts, - make you crave and worship tits, - turn tits into a dumbification/trance/obedience trigger, - encourage you to edge to tits, - make you repeat it. A general theme of “giving pleasure gives you pleasure” is present throughout.

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a4630f No.87266

File: bb504a160d669b7⋯.jpeg (40.85 KB,843x889,843:889,F_IS6y1asAA6As8.jpeg)

Thak you for sharing. Is there a list of its content? Please share your collection. Files of similar theme with ass are also welcome.

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2c32dc No.86845 [Open thread]

have not found anything not free D:


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a04087 No.86859

The various keep2share blogs have some, which Google can find

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f98b73 No.86890


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58e721 No.87020


Thanks friend, a lot of good stuff in there.

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5d7d78 No.87246

I am looking d@rk fr3y@ audios. Looked everywhere but can't find any files.few files found femdom-pov. Please anyone have her files share?

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adb987 No.85627 [Open thread]

One of the finest producers of content for audiences who love silk, satin, woman's clothing, and sissies. Studi0 J3zeb31 (Shelly) produced beautiful content that doesn't insult but elevates listeners to enjoy their fetishes and themselves as they are. I'm not TF but I sure as fuck do love the feeling of a fine woman brushing her satin/lace/metallic feeling clothing against my face as she rides me into bliss (nothing like being under a hair tent and getting fucked by a satin nightie wearing beauty who knows how to please). So enjoy this collection as we carry on the tradition of sharing good stuff with one another, as this Studi0 J3zeb31 collection was once shared on this board a long time ago. If you have J3zeb31 files you'd like to contribute to this community collection, feel free to add them to this post. Peace brothers, sisters, and sissies.

Decode 3x


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37aba4 No.85826


Well then how would anyone contact you to add files to your M#3g@ if we all to remain anons?

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adb987 No.85828


Just create a mega and upload there. It's probably better to just keep both collections separate, in case one is ever taken down by a newb re-posting a link in the clear.

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adb987 No.87024


Hey, u ever get around to uploading your stuff? I got DCMA'd from M1@ which took out my entire M3ga account.

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a021d3 No.87237

to all the good folks here - i missed this thread and would be super happy to see the collection reposted. thank you <3

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fbccf9 No.87240


you gotta put it on gofile mate its anonamis.

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File: ed5b64eaaa8cfdd⋯.jpg (33.74 KB,400x300,4:3,5519117150_738c91ba03_w.jpg)

1e5845 No.86903 [Open thread]

Does anyone have any old Princess Nicole / Sexyhypnogirl audios?

I'm looking for Venus is Rising, but I will take anything you have. Please?

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c1ba7c No.86904


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671cbd No.86906


You absolute god. Thank you!!!

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8f83b0 No.87019


Thank you for the share bro. Never heard of her before. Nice bonus too, her voice reminds me a lot of Sh3lle Riv3rs voice.

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2b1d9f No.87222

I guess files.fm doesn't save them because they gone now less than a month later. That sucks. How about a re-up on a better longer lasting hosting page like UF1LE.io???

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b62d31 No.87238

pls reup mates this looks interesting.

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