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430437 No.87976 [Last50 Posts]

i guess piracy scared away all creators with actual high quality hypnosis. I actually tried BS and 丂卂爪卂几ㄒ卄卂 even if i am not into sissy stuff.

The production quality is top but i cant get into the topic.

There are still offerings like M1a Croft or sh1bby but neither gets an actual grip of me like n1kk1 f4t4l3, m1stress t3ss or 4m3thyst. I know the latter one still releases files but those are so hit or miss that i wont pay 30$ and hope to get lucky.

And the reddit is also lame. Barely any files longer then 17mins, and if so its always super repetitive. At 15-20mins whats the point ? The moment you actually enter trance, the file can maybe contain 5mins of actual content. Its not worth anymore..

this board seems dead, the .moe has unsolveable captchas and something like likera is focused on sissy and gay files

sad sad sad

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83f04e No.87979


Out of curiosity, what do you like? M!$$ L!l!th makes great files. But what are your interests?

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623a40 No.87982

I'll 2nd the M!$$ L!l!th recommendation.

Only Patreon I'm currently subscribed to because her work is consistently worth it!

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f3c6d2 No.87984



Whats dead is the pay per file model since as you have said it is not good enough to pay even as little as 10$ per file. Not to mention that in many cases you are going to spend some times that amount on a file to find out you didnt like that or something along that lines. User experience is terrible and is why the user thenselves are not using that model anymore. I have never tried ᗪㄖ爪丨几丨匚卂 boots files (they were shared recently) and i would be upset if i have payed full price, i didnt like the content and the style it has, thats why i (and most of us) dont buy files anymore, high risk low reward

On the other hand, paying a fixed quota to get access to most or all the files is another history, call it patreon or whatever. You pay once, try the stuff and decides if you want to stick or not, low risk and few money involved, i wanted to try Mommy samy since i thougth the files were interesting and found out that it is not good hypno content, how many files would i have to buy before reaching the same conclusion? Thats why Netflix, Disney and the rest are used, you pay some small money and have a lot of options and it is why nowdays it is rare to buy movies 1 by 1, if you do you only want the ones you really love and not like before to see it and move along

And thing is that as you also said good quality hypno is being made, 千尺乇ㄚ卂 is amazingly good, sissy content has talented creators, male humilliation has FSU/Hive, you need to filter goood from bad and it is really hard, shiby for me is more fantasy than hypno but others could think otherwise so it is a really complex issue

Piracy normally only hurts sales if the product is from meh to mediocre, if the content is good it will help widespread it reaching more customers and it is why a lot of porn producers are soft with their DMCA warnings, they allow or look away because it is free marketing that will translate into sales. The small studios that focus a lot on it well, they will be small forever because marketing is really hard and people will have 2 or even 3 references sites, they will discover whatever it is on that sites

Hypno is the same, you discover new creators of even since you have change your view you may give a chance that otherwise it would never happen, i am going for the easy example, sissy content, a few years back you didnt like it while maybe now you are ok with it, piracy is the marketing thing that could lead to profit for then based on "lets give it a try, why not" that wouldnt happened ever

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ad3d35 No.87987

Absolutely recommend M!$$ L!l!th; for me, a return to the kind of style and material that first got me interested in this.

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c8c1b2 No.87988

Good hypno is dead. Sick and tired of all the sissy and findom shit, as well as the layering of random tracks and selling it as hypnosis.

The only that comes close to the classic femdom are the offerings on M1a’s site. I prefer Alex@ndra’s voice but I’ve learned to like M1as as well as it’s literally the only place left where the quality is consistent and it’s actually decent hypno.

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c8c1b2 No.87989


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845479 No.87990


I agree. There are a hand full of good creators today, just as there was 10 or 20 years ago. I think the main difference is that it's dilluted by a lot of porn creators making roleplay hypnosis. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, and if people get off on it, cool. But it makes it hard for the inexperienced person looking for real hypnosis to find the real creators in the ocean of roleplay stuff. Especially as it all claims to be super trancy or brainwashy.

Also agree on 千尺乇ㄚ卂. Wish she would do more general femdom stuff, but i guess she has her market. Can't expect a creator only to cater to your personal fetish. But i really can't wait for her to release one of her new nlp files in pure femdom (without sissy or beta).

丂卂爪卂几ㄒ卄卂 is nice style wise, but also insane. Every file has hidden impotence and feminization and other stuff that's not my cup of tea…

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f3c6d2 No.87992


Unfortunately it happens because money is the driving force for most people so they only care about money. Chaster (a chastity locking site) is a good example, in the beginning everyone was an amateur to just have fun while now …. A lot of "keyholders" only want money and see the chastes as cow to milk dry. hypno it is not exception to this

Dont loose hope, 千尺乇ㄚ卂 it is getting darker at every file, in the beginning it was much more sweet with not so big deal themes, normally femenine things (chastity, tease, panties) while now she has objetification, humilliation, cuckolding, strap on and premature. She is getting wild so it could totally happen, flr is going to be a reality soon based on the direction she moves

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95dbf8 No.87993


Thanks! I like @lex@ndr@ and was missing two files from her!

Do you know who made the file "Subjug4t3d"? I don't recognize the voice.

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83f04e No.87995



Thanks for these. I was unfamiliar with these creators and these sound really good. My main interest is developing my dedication to my Queen, so anything in that vein is always good

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71fbeb No.87998

Time to accept golden age of hypno is past. The likes of n1kki, k4sha, l3slie, m1ss m4ry, z41da, c4rol they all retired. The only hypnotists came close to them recently were m1str3ss hypn0tist and hypn0 b31la but they fell short.

Reddit subs are garbage, likera's forum is full of sissies. Actively we only have THM, fr3ya and sh3l1e (if you can stand the voice)


If I were a retired hypnotist, I would open up a 0nlyfans or patreon, no doubt. It'd provide passive income, maybe even motivation to create new sessions. What do you think is stopping them? Recently tried to buy a file from l3sl1e's web page but bugged out and couldn't buy it. Makes no sense to me.




Thanks for the files, you have any more a13xandr4?

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5d3764 No.87999


I'd pay a reasonable monthly subscription to several of these amazing hypnotists just to show my appreciation for what they have done in the past. If enough people did, they might even be inspired to interact and make more content.

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77b14b No.88000

As a creator, three things stopped me from producing more hypnosis MP3s.

1. Health problems that impaired my voice. It took me a long time to recover my voice even after recovering from the illness.

2. Inspiration for other (unrelated) projects. I spent three years writing a sci fi comedy. I couldn't even think about erotic hypnosis while writing a non-erotic comedy.

3. Wasting time trying to get google to rank my site. All that time focused on web development and SEO, I couldn't get any inspiration for hypnosis scripts.

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430437 No.88002

Yes i forgot to mention lilith; for me this voice is too nasal. But thats of course only a me problem. I see why people love her. Very high quality, good website!

The ppl refering 千尺乇ㄚ卂; do you listen to german or english files? Also does she have a patreon ? AFAIK all her files are pay per file right ?

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3cdd4c No.88004


google ruined the internet. how is the comedy going? what was your hypno name? i hope your feeling better.

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6bd894 No.88005

Big boom for EH happened when original jackpot file spread in chans and other forums. Since then it feels like community have been shrinking every year except for reddit sissy stuff and "replace skill with more sfx". Listening those old 卂几ㄖ几ㄚ爪丨丂ㄒ尺乇丂丂 files hits so hard when whole file is making you go deeper into trance unlike nowdays when files follow same pattern of beginning with induction and rest is just audioerotica

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77b14b No.88010


thank you. I finished the first draft of the comedy novel. Need to go back and revise. But now I'm in the middle of a werewolf novel. So might be awhile before I get back to it.

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db5e6f No.88013


Is that you, Ms 丹し句ヨ尺?

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74e671 No.88014


Wait, 千尺乇ㄚ卂 has german files? I only know her english stuff. Can someone share?

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b1a967 No.88016

I resonate with this thread. Good hypno is few and far between. I like femdom hypno, I like responding to triggers, I like emptiness, induced stupidity, and amnesia, I like the domination/submission aspect, but I actively avoid every sexual subversion beyond that. I hate humiliation as a whole, and by extension I hate things like sissy themes, feminization, CEI, FLR, PE… I don't want my own shame and disgust to be subverted into kinkiness any more than has already happened. (The one exception I'm warming up to is chastity, but even with that I'm only dipping in my toe.)

I'm well aware that I can obtain new fetishes through training and I actively choose to avoid that. I don't wanna screw up the sex part of my subconscious any more than I've already done. Besides, there's so much existing hypno within the confines of my preferences that I don't need to.

When I first discovered people like 几工片片工, Ҝ卂丂卄卂, 卂爪乇ㄒ卄ㄚ丂ㄒ or 亡丹尺回し, getting into it was near effortless. I can't say the same for THM. While I've taken a liking to them over the past few years, it definitely wasn't smooth sailing. Their storytelling is arguably more artsy and ambitious, but a lot of the time it distracts from the hypnosis more than it enhances it. Especially when they spend a full minute giving a detailed description of what clothes they're wearing, I'm tempted to 2x speed through that stuff until I get to the part I actually care about. Sometimes I'll just focus on the sound of the voice instead of the words spoken and I'll attempt to go deeper through my own efforts (rather than wait it out). I guess a lot of their files are more like a kinky story where the immersion is enhanced by hypnosis, rather than being a hypnosis file primarily. I dearly treasure the exceptions to that rule (and it does look like they've gravitated more towards hypno in the past few years). Huge thanks to >>87989, I'm really looking forward to trying those. But if I compare it all to the 4 hypnotists at the beginning of this paragraph, the ladies at THM don't stand a chance.

Then again, if I had to think like a hypno mistress who wants to pander to people like me, what do you even do? When most of your creativity gets dismissed in the way I just did, when anytime you try something different it's seen as if it doesn't benefit the hypnosis (or it's an unwanted fetish), how can you possibly avoid falling into a repetitive slump? I love 千尺乇ㄚ卂's voice and style, but I can count on one or two hands her files that I actually want to listen to with my vanilla tastes.

What I miss most in modern hypno is the convoluted web of triggers nourished by hypnotists like 几工片片工, Ҝ卂丂卄卂, 卂爪乇ㄒ卄ㄚ丂ㄒ or 亡丹尺回し. It was like a cinematic universe where learning a trigger was genuinely rewarded because it got used in so many of their other files. The closest I've seen M!@ get to this is the obedience loops (my favorite files from THM), but even then it's more of a general submission enhancer. I wish she used that bell in ANY file beyond this one series, is that really too much to ask?

I admit I don't have much to complain about. I have so many files I haven't tried yet and so many files I can listen to again and again, I'll probably have enough hypno for decades to come. But the current state of the scene does concern me.

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74e671 No.88017


That part i actually disagree with. Yes, i can see it if you want to submit to a specific tist, but let's be real, it won't get you anywhere. You're not ending up being there sub.

I want a file i can listen to on it's own, not to be forced to listen to 20 different files that make me submit to the hypnotist and to pay her and all that bullshit. And these tists all force you to go through it. Best case you need to listen to a dozen files before you can listen to the one file you actually want. Worst case - and more likely - is that you will be hammered with exclusivity to her and findom stuff. No thanks.

I'm actually very greateful that those predatory behaviors got superseeded by more moral content creators.

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b1a967 No.88021


This is not my experience at all, are we talking about the same people?

I've always avoided findom. I know Ҝ卂丂卄卂, 卂爪乇ㄒ卄ㄚ丂ㄒ and 亡丹尺回し made a lot of findom files, but those are always clearly categorized as such and thus easily avoidable. When it comes to money itself, I pirate almost all of this stuff anyway.

Most of my favorites don't really bother much with exclusivity suggestions, but if they do, that's easy enough to ignore as well. I have phases where I submit to a specific hypnotist because I feel like it, but it's more like committing to one season of a netflix show than engaging in a relationship.

几工片片工's Because and Control series genuinely enhanced my experience for not only the rest of her files, but for listening to other hypnotists as well. Even though other people don't use her trigger words, my mind learns what happens with a 几工片片工 trigger and can use that mental process whenever it wants when listening to others (or it can do something similar, at least).

With more generic trigger words like "surrender" I can let the intended effects of several different hypnotists accumulate. It's the polar opposite of nourishing exclusivity.

In short: reusing a trigger that was implanted in another file is not "predatory". The scenarios you described are predatory, and yes, we always need to be vigilant to detect bullshit like this before getting invested into the files of some greedy skank with little payoff for the listener.

(By the way, I don't like the term "tist" because it reeks of r3dd1t speech, but I've come up with a solution: in my own personal headcanon, I pretend like it's used as an abbreviation for "autist" because it's a funny juxtaposition to pretend like r3dd1tors, who self-censor constantly to avoid getting downvoted, choose that word to talk like their favorite hypnodommes are degenerate sexed up spergs.)

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0a1030 No.88023

what a great thread

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74e671 No.88024


Feel free to do so. I feel free to feel it says more about you than anything else.

You have to go through all the "training" files. In 亡丹尺回しs case she's always pushing to "serve her in ALL ways" and "listen to ALL files", Ҝ卂丂卄卂 has blatant - though relatively well hidden - findom suggestion in every file. And they use the basic training idea to entice you into findom all the way. And they're both very much into you serve only me.

I rather go with someone who makes distinct files that give you one effect or trigger or experience. Where you know what you get into. Like DF. Or fuck, even like old IV before she went to gaga land. Quite a few creators that offer content like that without needing you to listen to ten or twenty other files before.

Also - we pirate. But if you buy all of those files? Just to get the experience in the one you want to experience, because it requires those triggers? Well, thank you. Nope.

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092762 No.88025

亡丹尺回し had mostly findom in older files a few and it was always a small piece of her work. Today she doesn't need that - she's too good for it, and she is into really deep hypnosis and technique not just jerk off stuff, or not really hypnotized stuff. Do you have any files you can share? Where we can find more of her stuff shared?

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5d2e6d No.88028


Read: today she is better at hiding the findom suggestions.

And about needing 20 training files to listen to any file you really want - i guess they know they are not skilled enough to just do it in a single, self contained file. At least there is some self recognition in those amateurs.

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a7a36e No.88029


happy to see such a thread full of valuable discussion. Paste my hypno introduction/ tist collectioin list markdownf file here.

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a7a36e No.88030


https://appp.me/5DItYI another link,

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5d3764 No.88036


If she is good enough that the suggestions are imperceptible and the hypnosis is effective then whatever suggestions she wants to implant are good with me, findom or no. That's what it's all about as far as I'm concerned. Any recommendations of specific files new or old that you think are like that?

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5d3764 No.88038

Am I wrong to think that it seems like all of the new creators are just following a formula? Don't get me wrong there are a few very technically proficient and skilled people out there but I come out of it because it is too familiar. Part of the fun back in the day was being blown over by something that was unexpected. I feel like fewer of them have as much joy in their creativity any more.

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a5f195 No.88039


That's because they're dumb and don't understand how hypnosis or the hypno kink works at all, they're just reading others' scripts trying to sound hypnotic.

Und1ne, Aurel1a and M1a are exceptions here, they seem like pretty intelligent women who get it and have fun doing what they do

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8c15b0 No.88041


yes. Earlier in this thread some ppl suggested 千尺乇ㄚ卂. I tried her free file and found it so vanilla. Almost someone reading a book about hypnosis… it was so predictable and jarringly boring. She also cant use NPL at all imo.

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623a40 No.88044

I definitely appreciate the files that are heavier on the hypno side. Someone mentioned earlier, 卂几ㄖ几ㄚ爪丨丂ㄒ尺乇丂丂, being quite good for weaving that throughout her files instead of having the Induction/Body/Wakener approach common these days. Anyone have any of her files to share as she sounds like she's worth giving a go.

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707fa8 No.88045

There are many reasons as why the hypno content is in this state.

1. There is no middle ground in the existing business models. Pay per file (ppf) is garbage as explained above. Subscription would be fine, but guess what… Someone is going to tank the monthly sub once and download years worth of content and then share it with up to several thousands of non-payers. We shot ourselves in the foot here.

2. Piracy is demoralizing and succesful paywalling is too much hustle (and expensive). The financial damage done by piracy is overblown imo. BUT… it is the mental damage is what turns creators away. People's passion, inspiration and drive gets impacted by piracy. Even unlisted v1m30 videos posted on p4tr30n/k3m0n0 can be extracted via yt dlp, 0nlyf4n5 accouts are being ripped off… The only option is to setup a website which is (as I mentioned) expensive and time-consuming for regular person

3. The line between an actual hypno and audioerotica has been blurred. I am not the arbiter of what is/isnt "hypno". I fancy M14's content, B3rr374, 47h4l14 and M4r154. Is it 100% non-GMO hypno? I dont know… I just enjoy them.

4. Implication of intimacy and pseudo-parasocial relationship attract psychos. Social media and 24-hour news cycle broke people's brains. I read many disturbing stories about basement dwellers stalking/doxing/threatening creators. Usually individuals who refuse to support someone for $5 per month but have no issues to spend 400 hour locating you on the other side if the globe.

5. Money-driven approach - "Findom is the aspartam of fetishes. You regret consuming it and it leaves a foul taste in your mouth." - quote by F. Yedden

But on a serious note… To certain extent, hypno is suffering from "success". It's still far from mainstream but many see it as a vector for profit. The same thing happened to esports.

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f3c6d2 No.88046


The free file is one of the first she made and as you can expect it is not the best she has

There is a formula and everyone follows it for one reason, because it is how you should do it, some follow blindy without understanding it and creates bad content but the few that cares and takes time with it can create really good files

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000000 No.88047

M15S M@ry was one of the greats who sadly stopped making content. She completely got the NLP concept and wove beautiful analogies into an almost perfect hypnotic trance. My mind was always analyzing what she really meant, making the entire trance fully part of my own imagination.

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01fd05 No.88048

Was a fun thread for a few days, before the inevitable assholery and shilling took over.

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b1a967 No.88050


Very insightful. The thing we should remember about existing business models is that the Internet is still in its infancy and society at large is still adjusting to what financial solution works with it long-term. As little as 10 years ago, it wasn't uncommon to see youtubers being considered sellouts for opening a patreon, which sounds laughable now. Back in 2010, the AVGN movie indiegogo campaign was widely considered a huge gamble and probably a fraud. Nowadays, kickstarter has a reputation for underdelivering, but it also has its success stories. People recognize the good that can come out of it and often justifiably take the gamble.

The ad-driven Internet is not sustainable at all. It's like a triangle of advertisers, users, and the google/facebook duopoly, you can only pick 2 winners and the last one gets fucked over. For the longest time advertisers got the short end of the stick, now they're shifting the burden to users, getting stuck in a vicious cycle of more people using adblock -> we gotta serve more ads to the suckers remaining -> more people using adblock etc. Ads worked properly in the previous century, but nowadays with 90% of them being obvious scams, it's no wonder people get disillusioned and install adblock.

Nowadays, direct financial support like patreon seems like the only way out. Not just for hypno, but anything disseminated digitally. No one wants to pay for bad/mediocre art and feel duped, which, might I add, used to be a fact of life, but the Internet brought with it such a deluge of free quality stuff that it's rarely necessary anymore.

When your art exists on the Internet for free, you might get 1000 or 10000 people freeloading before you get one cash cow (very hard to estimate), but it still seems like the only real solution. People are willing to pay for artists that really mean a lot to them, not just in hopes to get more, but to thank them for what they've provided already (especially when it's a niche). It's not all about paywalls. People like >>87999 are not a fluke, and this is not just wishful thinking. It is the direction the Internet is heading towards and it will be increasingly normalized. The biggest losers in this scenario will be artists who put out mediocrity and don't get rewarded as much as they'd hoped, to which I say good riddance.


The question is "is the hypno fetish dead", so listing off the few hypnotists you still enjoy is a proper response.

I didn't notice anyone shitting up the thread until this post. I know it can be hard to distinguish between shilling and people with poor taste giving their honest opinion, but if someone says a hypnotist is good and you disagree, the best thing you can do is tell them (regardless of whether they were shilling or not). If they were genuine, it's a discussion. If they were shilling, you balanced it out. Either outcome is good. But whining about shilling without providing any opinion of your own helps absolutely no one.

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6bd894 No.88051



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18ad9e No.88054


You should look into AI TTS. I think that's going to be the next extinction event for the hypnotist community, anyway. It has the blandness and monotony that make for good hypnosis without the jerky mispronunciations of old-style TTS.

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623a40 No.88055


Cheers 👍

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18ad9e No.88056


I should add, H1VE/St4lkerbee (that malevolent boomer) is making good use of this. He's training his own AI voices to give them distinct "personalities" to suit the themes of the file.

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0417e8 No.88058


It's funny that it is one of the few things that AI might, in some ways, give an immediate improvement to. The monotonous voice, repetition, simplified and idealized imagery might actually be more conducive to communication with the subconscious mind. I doubt it will be as useful in developing the actual scrips and suggestions, but I could be surprised.

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a4dc78 No.88062


Blandness and monotony does not make for good hypnosis. Being able to engage on an emotional level, selling the fantasy with good acting, absolutely makes suggestions more effective. Just because you can do without, doesn't mean it's better without. What a huge I'm gay for lonely AI bros.

The fetish isn't dead, people just engage in different spaces. There are dozens of active Hypnotists raking in hundreds and thousands per month on Patreon/Fansly and other services. Private chats/communities are larger than ever.

Its more annoying to find content with all these walled garden style spaces, but it's absolutely out there.

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9c4b85 No.88063


I am still buying sessions from Mistress Clarissa, Mistress Leslie, and 卂爪乇ㄒ卄ㄚ丂ㄒ on a regular basis. Their content isn't for everyone but I really like that stuff (forced-bi, cei, chastity,…).

Leslie hasn't made anything new for like 2 years, but Clarissa is still producing sessions almost weekly.

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af9247 No.88065


I'm thinking more about focusing on the words to the point where you forget they are even being spoken. This is why I preferred TTS even when it was low quality. I don't think 丂卂爪卂几ㄒ卄卂 乃卂几ᗪㄥ乇尺's files lost anything by being TTS, but maybe it depends on what you're looking for.

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3662b7 No.88067

I recently tried a few files from R@ven D1v1ne. She seems to focus on mental domination and has longform hypno files. I was quite satisfied and her production quality is high tier too. L1l1th unl3@shed is top tier too.

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623a40 No.88073


Have any of her files to share?

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3662b7 No.88074


She has a bunch of stuff on yt too

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27a32c No.88078

我总是回到mistress 亡丹尺回し ,最开始是看madam ᐯ丨ㄖㄥ乇ㄒ的催眠视频,效果很微弱,但是很色情,满足了我小时候的希望被坏女人和女反派控制的幻想。第一次真正体会到hypno audio的真实有效,是几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇,bless trigger的效果非常强烈,脑袋也发空(这一点在madam ᐯ丨ㄖㄥ乇ㄒ的视频,效果接近于没有),身体很舒服。 后来就是丂卄乇ㄥㄥ乇 river 她的主题非常丰富 但是后来觉得声音有点过于甜了。 后来探索了很多催眠,最好的还是亡丹尺回し和几工片片工。 乃卂爪乃丨在探索过程中 效果也非常惊人 但是由于bi类似的主题过多,听过几次就没听了,但是催眠手段真的很棒。 现在每次都是反复听亡丹尺回し和几工片片工,femdom和对subject的关怀非常好。

说实话,我觉得hypno没有死,以前IV 亡丹尺回し 几工片片工这种先锋者的大多数非常棒的催眠,也是大浪淘沙,逐渐随着时间筛选出来的精品。我觉得每年产出的精品hypno audio的数量这么多年来是没什么变化的,只是做asmr类似的大量充斥市场,使得很难筛选出来精品/true hypno。 因为以前做hypno的人少,作品数量少,所有容易找到/筛选出来,现如今筛选的难度是很大的。

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27a32c No.88079


I always go back to Mistress 亡丹尺回し. At first, I watched hypnosis videos of Madam ᐯ丨ㄖㄥ乇ㄒ, which had weak effects but were very pornographic, fulfilling my childhood fantasy of being controlled by bad women and female villains. The first time I truly experienced the true effectiveness of Hypno Audio was with 几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇, where the bless trigger had a very strong effect and my head felt empty (which was almost non-existent in the video on the Foam ᐯ丨ㄖㄥ乇ㄒ), and my body felt very comfortable. Later on, it was Shell River. Her themes were very rich, but later she felt that the sound was a bit too sweet. Later on, I explored many hypnosis techniques, but the best ones were 亡丹尺回し and 几工片片工. 乃卂爪乃丨 was also very effective during the exploration process, but due to the abundance of similar topics, I listened to it a few times before not listening anymore. However, the hypnosis technique is really great. Now I listen repeatedly to 亡丹尺回し and 几工片片工, Femdom, and care for the subject very well.

To be honest, I don't think Hypno is dead. Most pioneers like IV 亡丹尺回し 几工片片工 used to have excellent hypnosis, which was gradually selected as a masterpiece over time. I think the quantity of high-quality Hypno audio produced each year has not changed much over the years. It's just that ASMR like products flood the market in large quantities, making it difficult to screen out high-quality products/true Hypno. Because there were few people and a small number of works working on Hypno in the past, it was easy to find/filter them out. Nowadays, the difficulty of filtering is very high.

But now this thread is great, it can inspire everyone's shared memories and experiences, and there are already many effective discussions and experiential content

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4db1bd No.88089

Can you share some of your M1str3ss 亡丹尺回し files? Stuff that is not out there already?

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4efb87 No.88090


Well said, and I completely agree about MV, who I think had great early material and has since slipped into just repetitive fap videos. But those early videos, she was the perfection rendition of femme-千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇 supervillain that understood the craft and technique behind hypnosis. She'll always have the velvety cadence, even if her figure isn't as stunning as it used to be and the botox has marbled out her face a little too much.

亡丹尺回し is, imo, the last-standing member of the pantheon of great hypnodommes from the early early to mid-oughts, when the inraptured page was the main outlet for them. There's a lot of fun to be had in seeking out older files, especially from the retired dommes where the risks of DMCA are comparatively lower.

Here's a user on archive.org who has been trying to collect and preserve some of these files from retired hypno-dommes:


To your point of filtering - couldn't agree more. There are greats out there but the 'democratized' nature of digital content-creation means there is just so much sludge to sort through. The long arc of ASMR is probably for the worst, and loathe as I am to be a prude (especially in this board, of all places) it's hard not to see that it's blurred the lines between cam girls and this holistic medicine/pseudo-science approach you need to study and create effective hypno. Cam girls are great at plenty of things, but that business model just doesn't favor the study of hypnosis that the former therapists turned hypnodommes did (like Bob Brown, 卂几ㄖ几ㄚ爪丨丂ㄒ尺乇丂丂, Laurie Schure - who wrote the scripts for Ҝ丨丂爪乇ㄒVideo).

Folks seem optimistic about AI but I am not so sure. Personally, it really loses the romance to know it's just some anonymous figure churning out scripts into a program but if that floats your boat, I won't stop you. The Supremia videos are hot and I can't deny there's a turn-on to the queasy eroticism of being seduced by an inanimate object.

Of people currently working, I think that Elsywth is probably doing some of the closest to that old model of intricate creative sessions that stared off this convo. Personally, I don't have the time to go through all of her material but she has quite a few free sessions (and these podcast eps that always open with a drop trigger for you). There's good ones on reddit as well, like JustMocha - but they aren't quite prolific in the same way.

Not to be totally black-pilled but I think the economy has stretched folks so thin that the artisans capable of making the kinds of sessions we used to love just can't pay the bills with that kind of work. The most successful people are VA artists on Patreon that chase fads and kinks off of reddit.

If you want good hypno, it's out there. You need to search through the classics and pursue new artists. I've tried to treat a bit more like record collecting - find new artists you like and crate dig on message boards for the classics. And if you find something good - pay it forward! We have to be rhizomatic in how we store and share these files.

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67c798 No.88092

I am so glad i Made this thread. What i realized is, if you reached this board - you also have a fair share of experience. So i came to the conclusion, the hypno fetish is not dead. Because we have a certain standard and content is available - its just harder to filter out the actual quality hypnosis.

That said, i also thought about. What if i were 14 years right now and just getting into this stuff. Cheap manips on inraptured or a 1:30 Ҝ丨丂爪乇ㄒ clip used to drive me crazy. Imagine dipping in this fetish in todays age. You have so much fapmaterial AND still all the greats mentioned above, infront of you.

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71fbeb No.88094


can you please share lesli3 and cl4ri$sa files you bought?

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2f6589 No.88096


Brother we come from the same place. Inraptured was like a peek into another world for me, and to be honest I think a huge amount of the collecting I do is just trying to find all those clips that younger me didn't have the credit card (or courage) to try back then.

Would love to get a comprehensive Ҝ丨丂爪乇ㄒ collection going, they softer than softcore but it was all about the fetish, and I think Joseph Staab (believe that was the director) did a great job directing the women through the cadence and delivery. Spankbang has most of them and I need to just focus and download all of them and upload somewhere more stable.

I remember a preview clip they had with Ҝ卂丂卄卂 丂卄卂Ҝㄒ丨, I think they were collaborating on something together. She apparently broke her foot or something (they just posted a clip of her in a boot at some point) and never finished the production. That would have been, to my mind, possibly the hottest collaboration possible at the time and place.

Those inraptured previews are just fully gone, which is a terrible loss. That video page was stacked! All kinds of stuff!

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132767 No.88097

glad to have this thread! hypno fans, assemble!

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32b0f2 No.88113


The problem with Ҝ卂丂卄卂 is that this granny is either going all boomer vibes, or all esoteric tantra tralala bullshit. And i'm not talking the really far out U4IA weirdness, but every file is some level of crazy and far out there. I think she had faaaar too much acid in her hippy phase.

Otherwise it's fine, i could roll with it, but sooner or later she goes crazy enough it drops me out. Or i laugh at her mid trance. This literally happened. I can totally see her working, she would just have to be a little bit less out there, less crazy. I want a hypnosis file, not some boomer ranting about esoteric energies.

I actually bought some of her files back in 09. Yeah, bought. That's how high hopes i had for her. At first.

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f3c6d2 No.88114


That esoteric things are real, the chakras works, maybe not in everyone but sure on some

And it is totally normal to use it, on the ones can enjoy it improves the experience a lot, to a new level

Kash has enough quality to return if she can forget about the burn out she had

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467a5e No.88117

>> 88113

I think no dispute that Ҝ卂丂卄卂 lost the plot at some point, although she was one of the first I got into and got me into trance, so she's gotta a special spot in my heart. I think that purring voice of hers was one of the absolute sexiest to do it. It is wild that she produced as much as she did, for as long as she did, especially without the clipsites and subscription sites to provide the kind of infrastructure and scaffolding that dommes would have by the late 2010s.

The overlapping triggers in her files, the combination of video and photos, and even the esoteric bullshit all combined into this incredibly singular voice in the field. I do think that is something that we've lost a little bit in the current generation of dommes and hypnotists. I think the "produce or perish" model for clip artists, as well as the 'script-fill' structure for reddit VAs means that folks are chasing similar trends and ideas. The popularity of those trends is clearly speaking to something - but it seems like kind of a fool's errand to diagnose why people are turned on by, say Futa, at a given point in time. The point is that you watch a wave of futa files flare up over the course of a few months, then they subside until, IDK 亡丹卞呂工尺し is the big thing.

There's a Calia thread below, and she's a great new creator in the field. Consistent output, lot of free files, and she knows what she's doing. Her files have put me into trance and given me an erotic experience. That's about the best you can expect from anyone doing this. She also, I think, found the best way to use AI as ornamentation around her persona and files without letting it overwhelm or replace the person behind them.

That said, I am not sure if I could tell you what makes a Calia file a Calia file. I guess I am imposing the auteur theory on these artists (and the good ones are artists) but we're lacking those singular voices today. Joanne files, to me, have such a distinct style and form behind them - the improvisational wordplay and the imposition of erotic fantasies over mundane, everyday experiences ('Agent of Change' uses pumping gas as a trigger). Her files would also start from the casual, low-stakes, almost asexual relaxation until the they shifted gears in the back thirty for these mindgames that specifically attacked and overwhelmed the cognitive functions and conscious mind. The best hypnodomme to ever record.

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81f845 No.88125


As i said, trance okay. Bought them for a reason. But her crazy kills my trance. Her esoteric ramblings kill the trance. Her being a boomer about and using her few words of hindu kills trance. And it's not just boomer, the putting in some hindu to sound cool is late 80's boomer. She's stuck in time. It breaks every rapport. Into tiny little pieces. Even back in 09, more so in 2024.

Joanne is amazing. I love her style, i love her trances. I just really wish she had done something more interesting than just general enslavement to her. This is not getting me anywhere. Give me a trigger. Something a third person can use. Or a contained experience. Otherwise top notch. If the whole being enslaved to the tist is your thing, she's you go to. Yes Mam. Yes Mam!

Calia? The style is very inconsisten, i think multiple people write her scipts. And i feel they are far too gimicky. What's with all the sound effects? Hit and miss. Liked one or two scripts, but couldn't yet get warm with her.

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a73dd6 No.88126


seriously, what is up with all the sissy, gay making, and feminization porn?!?!

its almost like a mass

psy-op to make men weaker

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110633 No.88129

Make men weaker.. lol

I'll admit the sissy/fem thing isn't my bag, but we shouldn't yuck someone else's yum if it's not harming anyone.

To each their own, live and let live etc etc.

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62fc52 No.88133


Did metronomind. Yummy. Her style is just amazing.

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83f04e No.88134



whose file is metromind?

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849465 No.88138


Yes I the core of it being about an emotional experience is the goal. I also think that for certain aspects of the induction, such as confusing language, or a repetition that is catchy, that artificially generated language might make for something interesting.

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f3c6d2 No.88147


Is how humans works

One quick example, you bougth or lend a fast car or motorbike, the first time you demand full power from it and get push to the seat or the bike is pushing you out is scary and amazing at the same time, the third time is just amazing and you enjoy it but after the 20 th tiime you have done it is not the same, the push is still there since the engine is delivering the same power but you cant feel it as intense anymore and the 100 th time is whatever, you just feel being barely pushed to the seat and is nothing special anymore

Humans adapt really quickly to new experiences and develop tolerance from it

Porn is just the same, when i started i was happy to see crappy videos that were what it is called softcore and for me was the best thing, things evolve and i found out a tube website so now i can start choosing what i wanted to see (prior was kind of like this, a blog with some content and it is all you got) so i jumped quickly to lesbian content, 2 females is better than one, the site was suggesting me all kind of things, from anal to bdsm and worse and i was not interested

But one day i overcome the anal gross i had and i kind of enjoyed it. The fact is that a few months back i didnt wanted to watch that content as i thougth it was disgusting and now not so more

Anal is just the first since you know start to show interest in stuff that you never thougth you will, hypno sure would be a big red line in most of us and look now

Trans, sissy and similar is the same, is just that extra push you want as you have become tired of "regular" content and it is why the market is offering it, people want that. When that content becomes "average" something new will reach and the same will happen. Why are so many […] content? It is psy-op of any type?

I didnt liked what happened to 8chan and the sissy ban, if you dont enjoy the content dont look but live and let others live. The outcome is clear, now the comunity is weaker since most sissy users left (i dont know where so dont ask for clues) and it is happening again, some non sissy users are now showing interest in that content so it was for nothing

So ban is never the answer, if you dont enjoy ignore but have respect since you will want respect for your kinks

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b1a967 No.88150


I'm conflicted about the sissy ban. On one hand, they could've contained sissies in their own separate threads (that I could ignore), and that outcome might've been preferable to keep more users around and defend free speech. On the other hand, sissy hypno is a cancer that helps no one and it should be exterminated.

The whole "live and let live" angle doesn't sit well with me because of the sexual nature and psychological damage in such a sensitive area of your mind. What you call "overcoming anal gross" is really subverting your own shame and disgust into yet another fetish. I explain myself more in >>88016. I respect everyone's freedom to destroy their own mind as they please, but please don't ask anyone to sugarcoat degeneracy by calling out "kink shaming". It's better for everyone if we're all honest. If honesty seems to conflict with "respect", it's best to choose honesty, especially on an anonymous image board. Disagree does not equal disrespect.

This is not a game. If you spend your free time daydreaming about feminization, what does it get you? If you set your sights on maximizing hedonistic pleasures, that's the only place you're going, and don't give me any bullshit on discovering your identity or exploring your gender. I don't mean to go on a KiwiFarms-style rant against hormones and the transgender lunacy, but suffice to say it's often the same old story of the incel-to-trans pipeline, where socially isolated and confused teenagers expect their mental blocks to vanish when they no longer have to perform as gender roles they're uncomfortable with, only to find out during transition that they only added a whole new slew of problems to their already problem-riddled life. It is a cancer, and hypno has its fair share of genres that benefit this cancer.

I guess I'm lucky I never went through the Randy Marsh phase where the softcore stuff doesn't get you off anymore, so you move on to really freaky things. If I'm in the mood, Mercedes from Ҝ丨丂爪乇ㄒ still gets the job done. And I don't mean to morally grandstand as if a more "pure" hypno fetish doesn't come with its own psychological damage. In fact, I love when people call that out as well.

What's difficult about things like porn and drug addiction is that external punishments don't get to the root of the problem. It's a sin against oneself. It's up to the individual and his own best interests to refrain a bit.

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f3c6d2 No.88151


Live and let others because you cant save the world

We are grow enough to see the world around us, is out there anyone who dont know smoking, drinking or drugs are bad? There is always that retards that will say they are a blessing but 99% know you should avoid it

And if you look at the street people are smoking, drinking beyond "pleasure" levels and well, many are under drugs but because they are not legal they take hidden, at least the people who care about not having issues with law enforcers

Hypno is just another thing, if someone wants to experience whatever it is their choice, you or me could tell that person that it is a bad idea but good luck with that, i am the one who responded to the one that thinks 片ヨ工 last post on likera is silly, cant he understand what he have read? That files will summon "something" that will stick with you and 片ヨ工s had a lot of luck since it is clear it is not an evil one. He is now warming the rest of us to be careful and as you can see there are people who i dont know, think it is not going to happen to them

So some people are not going to listen and if you ban things will only get worse, ban has never worked out, information matters, i had curiosity about that new thing it was 乃卂爪乃丨, everyone said it was really good and all of that. I looked and decided to pass because information, with all the info let people decide, the smokers are poisoning knowing they are and they are happy about it, hypno is the same, even with a lot of info people will jump into it no matter what. The thing is that if you provide info the % of people doing it will be lower

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c06ddd No.88166


metronomind is Joanne. great file to try from her, at 30 minutes it's on her shorter end but a great one to see if you like her vibe.

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000000 No.88168


> I'm conflicted about the sissy ban. On one hand, they could've contained sissies in their own separate threads (that I could ignore), and that outcome might've been preferable to keep more users around and defend free speech.

I was here back then and I remember the incident. Containment threads were decreed and made. The sissies threw a tantrum and spammed the entire board to oblivion, wiping all threads. That's what got them banned.

They ran off to another board. I tracked activity on both for a while and their board quickly dwindled away after a few months. This board still had more activity the whole time. I don't think the other board still exists.

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93dd0d No.88170


Thanks. Never heard of her. I can't seem to find anything about her or her files.

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a20f68 No.88173


It's just a numbers game.

If you have a board for horny posts and you let the fags in, just regular fagfags, they overrun the board because they simply post way more than straightfags do.

In turn, if you let trannies into those places the fags finally get a taste of their own medicine and face being overrun by even hornier, faster spammy posters. That's why you had situations like cuteboys banning the t in lgbt.

I don't ever want these banned because of the content itself but because the catalog is a zero sum game. The more prolific posters take over the space.

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66e247 No.88181


So i did some more trancing inspired by this thread.

Some more Joanne after metronomind. So good. Sadly her offerings are either hardcore feminization or enslavement to her. Both don't really get me anywhere. Nice trances though. The files were a lot better when she was around and actually played with people.

Did 卂几ㄖ几ㄚ爪丨丂ㄒ尺乇丂丂, too visual, i have aphantasia. Real shame she seems so super visual focused and ignores all other channels. Would totally recommend for visual hypnotees. (I take suggestions if she has non visual files i don't know about, only listened into a few after the failed trance)

Tired a Ҝ卂丂卄卂, usual results. About 15 min in i wasn't relaxed but wanted to bitchslap her.

Listened to some 千尺乇ㄚ卂 without trancing, they are getting good. Really good. Lot's of potential. Sadly the wrong kinks. Still wish she would do straight out femdom.

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2fa68d No.88273


Can you share some of elswyth's catalog? I haven't got a clue where to even find them aside from her site and all her patreon gives out are just discount codes, most of her YT is her podcast and free files given away regularly but I want to a have a sample of her files. Does she got that tight of a community for nobody to leak it or takes down links as soon as they're up?

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000000 No.88274


I think her community is so tight that no one really leaks paid files. She also offers enough stuff for free that if you don't want to pay, you can get a pretty full experience between the free foundational sessions and the free sessions from 4+ years of podcast episodes, all still available on her site and on Y0utub3 channel.

I'm linking her website sorted by price for all of her free sessions, as well as her Patr30n which can also be found on her site. The discount codes provided to Patr30ns is for $19 off any session in the store ($19 is typically a full price session), which means you can get 1-2 sessions for no additional cost from your membership per month, as well as an additional free session every 28 days. I have been a subscriber to her for about a year now and it is well worth the price if you enjoy her content, and I feel is reasonably priced given the effort she puts in.



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8e400f No.88307


Do you have the hookup on metronomind? Haven't seen that file shared in a while.

Want to throw 乙卂丨ᗪ卂 in the mix as another auteur of the genre. I think her audio production is the best anyone has ever done. Lilith has very ornate production, but I don't feel like it's doing more than just overwhelming you (but I think that maybe repeated listening is meant to give you triggers off of sound cues, I was never blown away with her inductions so I haven't compelled to return).

乙卂丨ᗪ卂's production would add reverb to her main vocal track as the induction progressed, so as you go deeper her voice envelops you. You could really just luxuriate in the trance of it all, and I'm not sure it's full of devious triggers or lifestyle changes that make you 'feel' the power - but I love toking up, putting on some nice headphoones and luxuriating in the trance of it all.

乙卂丨ᗪ卂's discography can be found here –


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a8f81d No.88308


Hatshill. Sorry, had to sneeze.

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6bd894 No.88386

Talking of new content creators with potential, anyone able to update pleasurewith卩乇几乇ㄥㄖ卩乇 kemono?

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cbcdb5 No.88389


乙卂丨ᗪ卂 was anything but an amateur operation lmfao. Her stuff was the best (even up to date writing this in 2024) from the ground up with the very first files she released. You think some random woman just makes shit like that on the first try lol?

My theory is that it was an intelligence operation from the start. The audio production is just way too good, and it's filled with weird subliminals. The strength of the files is on a whole another level nothing comes close, even today as I said.

Btw, you can see a random man character on the background in the mirror in the tr1gg3r vid.

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afc2ed No.88399


check your eyes bud – auteur, not amateur.

agree that she had a great operation and terrific audio editing and script design. No doubt that there were was a team putting them together - like 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ, like Presley, like Seraphina, like Calia is now (I suspect). I'm sure a number of these hypnodommes are just a small LLC, with writers and editors and recording artists - like Bob Brown was running with 几工片片工.

Intelligence operation… sure thing bud, making 20-something amazing hypno-files and then just dropping off the face of the earth. seems plausible. CIA has no budget oversight, they could produce some porn and write it off for R&D. a scheme that new-age and dastardly feels like something out of a pynchon novel.

and honestly if they did, god bless them - her files are my absolute favorite to listen to while high.

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38ce18 No.88400

乙卂丨ᗪ卂 was the best, and will never be topped. makes me sad, that she retrieved.

weird subliminals? for example?

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e0f324 No.88401

File: 5b55d38e97e88e7⋯.jpg (20.38 KB,295x369,295:369,slow_pedestrian_meets_myst….jpg)


The amateur seductionist starts with the olfactory senses because most of the cows in human form have acclimated to the stench of burning petrol instead of anything alive, so their lizard like hive mutated minds fall to the slightest aphrodisiac. The visual and auditory overlay is second place for those who don't have any breaks on their animalistic pseudo mind from a life of single service need. Bronze medal is the mental illness in self mutilation call Anonymous. Just spam porn and violence and the so called internet superhero spouts the deepest social obscenities believing they're somehow insulated from a blackhole large enough to put spin on a galaxy. Nobody likes a bigot but honorable mention to girls pumping jizz while creaming their musky panties to racial obscenities aimed at every charter member of the U.N. They're probably honest in bed and I'd take a Dranei/Forsaken/Blelf co-op run of Gnomeragan and a written EverQ/DaoC anytime they're ready to assert the positive qualities of the Ubermensch with his own rubber tree plantation.

As for Shadow government puppets who've been dangling by a noose during the made for Hollywood book series that has been the entire Red Scare and post Cold War world, you can shut your ailing brains off and use kerosene to burn your favorite high fantasy languages into your epidermis and we'll talk about cheap flash dating sim sexting.

">"Male dominant so successful it brings out the albinos inner lesbian.

Anyone else for norepinephrine ping pong! GAME START.

For example, socially incapable drone meats.

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3f34a2 No.88402

What, no mention of 匚卄卂尺ㄥㄖㄒㄒ乇 in this thread? One of the best she was.

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e0f324 No.88403

File: 5b55d38e97e88e7⋯.jpg (20.38 KB,295x369,295:369,Haunted_Armor_Seiya_I_mean….jpg)



That's the new el oh el for when a fanfic replaces canon on public teevee.

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afc2ed No.88404


Such a generous artist, actually unthinkable in this economy have somebody write and produce that much material and share it freely. She even popped into to this board in order to help people find her material when the UK was cracking down on distribution. Helped the fantasy that she was beautiful. personally, I never loved her her storytelling induction style but that's just a matter of taste.

what did you dig about her?

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3f34a2 No.88405

Loved the storytelling actually, She's clearly a very gifted writer, very good with words, and the graphic descriptions would make me go under as well as anything else.

Insanely sexy voice.

The early & mid work was absolutely top notch. Almost a caring girlfriend persona with a bit of a dark domme streak. "I love you and care about you, but don't forget you're my pet, I own you and you're worthless without me" approach.

Once she moved into female power, occult, demons & shit it stopped resonating with me that much. Plus I no longer had the free time to fry my brains with hypno anyway.

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b87f38 No.88406


You got the part where she's constantly attempting to destroy your self worth and confidence and only tie it to her.

How you define that as caring is beyond me though.

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4c973c No.88408

it is the breath, the beginning of what you all are seeking, in breath is source of pleasure. it is the first step of tao.

hypno is just a sugar trap for ones that do not know the power of breath and bliss that it brings, i spent 15 years in hypno before i realized this.

there is a practice that solely focuses on exploring sexual pleasure, the name of that practice is taoism. check it out.

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3f34a2 No.88409


What a load of bollocks.

More recent work was a lot darker, a lot of the earlier stuff was quite mild.

The theme of addiction ran through most of her work, but that's what we're here for. Everything else has always been very clearly caveated in file description.

In the world of highly unethical money grabbing wannabe-dommes with dodgy subliminals, you should be ashamed of yourself for writing stuff like that about 匚卄卂尺ㄥㄖㄒㄒ乇. This is simply disrespectful.

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f5e9a1 No.88414

Yeah I would be interested to know why she retired>>88400

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0c0c7d No.88422



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