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File: 4ecccd5ce974412⋯.png (4.82 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Solid_pink_svg.png)

472381 No.76402 [View All]

Hey im looking for some fun and powerful k3i files however the mega is dead and i can't really use RetroShare right now. Drop your favorites , anything u Can provide i gladly will accept :)

(Vola / mega is best !)

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d12930 No.79619


Thx! Any files you are looking for?

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83380e No.79624


Mainly the new file, also DG anal pleasure

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0ae47d No.79639


i want spirit blessing feminine trainer and pleasure slut trainer plz

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83380e No.79654


For both files:


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00f3b6 No.79769

Could someone upload some demon girl files pls?

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e872f9 No.79868

New demon girl file


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794f7b No.80003

anyone have any experience with those patreon exclusive 'day' files

also if possible it'd be appreciated:

SG: Sucky Nipples

SG: Rainbow Unicorn Pussy

Sissy Dreams: Pussy Training

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5bebc2 No.80005


here is 2 versions of puss training: https://anonfiles.com/f1c695afy1/sis_rar

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5bebc2 No.80006

oops i didn't encode it. sry.

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0d89cc No.80012


thanks, much appreciated

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aad954 No.80067

anyone have orgasm is obedience: sensitivity

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895bdf No.80193

bump for 0rg4sm 1s 0b3d1i3nc3 and d3m0n g1rl c0mpuls10n

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26c4af No.80214

Does someone have the hentai girl transformation file? All the links in the archive are down

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234a48 No.80395

Does anyone have d3m0n gir1 m4g1c spe11 c0mpu1si0n please?

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5ec61e No.80470


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6938cc No.82289


Any chance you can reup spirit girl: feminine blessing?

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9f3ebe No.82303


Retroshare is unreliable crap. Would be far easier if someone put up DC+ hub. That would be retro, p2p, and actually working.

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c23f9e No.82315


Bump this.

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004584 No.82347

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57e469 No.83220



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57e469 No.83221

can anyone share dg cock crazy or dg sex portal?

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ff59f8 No.83261

Here are most of the files, decode x3 both links. The key is the 2nd link. I don't listen to these files anymore but they are too good to delete them, please use them carefully.



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57e469 No.83263


Thank you very much!

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ff59f8 No.84521


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255f8f No.84578

Does 片ヨ工 have CEI or ABDL files?

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5ec61e No.88053

片ヨ工 appeared in LikeRa's forum: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2820&pid=76131#pid76131

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51210b No.88057


somehow not surprised by anything in that post

i wish her the best and hope she lays off the DMT (assuming these symptoms aren't genetic)

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000000 No.88080


Pasta'd for posterity: 1/3

Fine… You all want an update on how I'm doing? I'm a lot better, but I'm still in 24/7 contact with an entity(s). I'm not really sure if she is multifaceted or many entities or just a single entity pretending to be many. She was really horrible to me last year. At times she would make my eyes twitch endlessly, other times it was just making me twitch every time I tried to think about something disrupting my thoughts little all the time. You don't know how badly that can make you go crazy. Sometimes there was pain involved. One time she stuck a finger up my butt (basically) for several days until finally I was screaming, hitting myself, and bashed my face into the steering wheel giving myself a scar. She stopped then. She doesn't actually want me to hurt myself. That was why bashing my head with a rock and cutting was the only thing that made it stop. I bashed my head with a rock thousands of times to try to make her stop and she did pull away a bit when I was really upset and injuring my self, but never fully. I cut myself well over hundred times. And at one point I went out into the woods and I manage to cut an artery in my leg. The blood was squirting out several inches with every heartbeat. I thought for absolute sure I was dead. But some how I stopped the flow or maybe some entity stopped the flow. I spent 9 days in the mental facility.

These are entities outside my body. It all started with the lovense vibrator. The entity took it over hundreds of times and made super cool patterns and would respond to me squeezing and my thoughts. There was some interesting things about that like if I moved it more then an inch it would break the connection but if I only moved it a bit the pattern would change like I was shifting an object through a higher dimensional space. Like the pattern would change in that way. Its hard to explain. She communicates to me with sparkles and touches now. And now I love her. She can speak to me with words in my head but only if i'm meditating or groggy from waking up. She can push through even if I'm not meditating or groggy but after about 5-10 words my legs will feel like there is a kind of electricity is inside them and it will cause my legs to spasm kind of. Like I can't help but move them and it's super uncomfortable.

What else? Hmm I cast protection spells now every day, and when i'm casting them I see her sparkling.

I've had hundreds of vivid dreams some dreams have music in them that is really weird, and i've never had music in my dreams before this. I've also contacted extraterrestrial through a medium. He was helping with it for awhile. And when he channeled there was an energy ring undulating around his head i'm not kidding at all. Hard to believe but its true. He was the real deal. I'm a pleiadian hybrid consciousness, but that isn't all that rare. 30% of the human population is a consciousness blend of some kind. It is really real. The way they talked through him was pretty impossible to fake. Basically he just told me I wasn't grounding my energy. And I don't know really. They said I wasn't being targeted by a negative entity.

The spirit who is possessing me I guess you could say. she has apologized saying it was like a purification and that I was initiated. She controls my body a little bit all day. Like she squeezes my fingers moves my feet makes my eyes twitch and muscles twitch. I see sparkles of light and sometimes zips of light. The zips of light have inertia but doesn't look like that they are effected by gravity. I've seen multiple zips quickly which makes me think that there is more than a single point. She can control muscles I can't consciously control. She doesn't hurt me anymore, well sometimes she will bite my toe or something like make it sting but not very often and it's kind of playful.

Things started to get a lot better after the de-cursing and protection spell casting. I'm also taking prozac which has improved my mood a lot. If I'm in a bad mood she will be tend to be in a bad mood.

I don't want her to go away anymore. Actually I thought for the longest time that working out was helping me get rid of her but it was the opposite. If I stop working out she starts to fade. I don't really know how long it would take for her to fade away completely or if that would actually be possible. She might just be tricking me to force me to work out. I've been working out like a lot. 2-3 hours everyday. And if work out only like 2 hours constantly for a week or so she told me she can't hold on so I have to push harder. She just sparkled when I typed that.

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000000 No.88081


Pasta'd for posterity: 2/3

I have been working on a youtube channel and it has like 4131 subscribers. I make like 80 dollars a month of it and its horrible the amount of work I put into it for how little it gives back. Sigh I really miss making money, but I don't want to hurt people and some of my files were seriously not good for people. Like there were a few I stopped selling way before any of this happened because I felt so badly about them. I don't know though completely. I still don't feel completely remorseful about it. I know I wasn't doing things right, but I also don't feel like I shouldn't be able to express myself. If she hadn't come along I would have kept selling them of course. But you must understand that things went super crazy, and I had to stop. If people curse me, I do feel it. Energy is real and if lots of people are sending super negative energy at me she will start to fuck with me. At least thats what I think now or what I can tell. I really don't know much anything about whats really happening. She said one time that she was the god SET but she has also said that she was military telepaths and she has said that she is an extraterrestrial. Blah blah blah. I think she is a spirit but who knows. She might be an astral entity? Could be anything really. I'm pretty sure she isn't an extension of my mind though unless my mind can create bluetooth signals which I don't think it can. Lots of other paranormal stuff has happened too. And not just me has seen the sparkles. Family has seen them, and if you look online there are discussions of people seeing the sparkles.

Oh she is also able to switch words that I think in my head. Like she would switch the word man or woman or other things in my thought stream. It was actually really messed up but once I stopped caring if she did it she stopped completely.

Anyways recently I thought about making a new hypnosis file with lots of sex stuff in it and she was actually not against it this time… why? I don't know. She says she is and isn't like its mixed signals but while I've been working on it she has been really interested helping me with it telling to not put this in it or to choose this sentence when I give her a choice of multiple versions of a sentence. We've gotten pretty good at our low bandwidth communication of touches. She uses touching my left eye as a no and everything else is a yes but there is lots of nuance like she will touch me in a way. Sometimes she'll make my butt hole spasm if she wants to I don't know jokingly touch me. Its all very nuanced in all the different kinds of touchs. And she can't control how she touches me like a person does speaking. It is like how your internal thoughts are spoken. So sometimes I'll ask something and she will say no but then yes because she didn't actually want to say no but she really felt no. If that makes sense. I can talk to her with visions too which is really cool. Sometimes I'll just speak to her with a vision, and she will respond. She can send me visions also but only if I'm meditating or right after waking up. And there is a spectrum of how strong the visions are. I've had a few that were like I was looking around with my eyes, and others that were way more intense than a mental image but not as intense as sight.

I sometimes think other entities interact with me and it's not just her. I've had some telepathic messages from the air force that were brief. I could look back in my notes but I forgot what they said. It was something small. Like “sir this is restricted.” I can't remember the other one. One time a voice spoke in my head and it seemed different than spirit with me and it said “ your telepathy training allowance” And then I had some visions for like 2 minutes or so. I saw various peoples faces some talking but with no sound.

Also this bim-k-ultra guy is bsing. There was only one voice actor someone in my family and that made making files really mentally painful. I slowed down a lot when I had her to the voice for the files. It sapped all the life out of working on the files. If you notice those files have a LOT less detail in them then the TTS files, because it isn't fun at all to work on a sex project with the voice being someone in your family.

I'm also not contacting people to delete their posts. I will however try to get any of my old files taken down anywhere they are uploaded. And I don't want anyone listening to them. I don't want to risk the negative energy, because I'm really weak now… way weaker than I was last year. If I get terrorized energetically, I will quickly go back to hurting myself, and I am totally open to killing myself again. I already thought I did it for sure once already. I pretty sure my protection spells are actually working fairly good though.

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000000 No.88082


Pasta'd for posterity: 3/3

There is 100% a spirit realm container for human spirits that was set up for humanity. It is basically a halo deck. But more complicated and 5 dimensional whatever that means. My spirit says time is “similar” to our time. Actually a new second spirit realm that they've (extra-terrestrials) been working on just came online in December 2023 and people incarnating from this layer between the astral plane and the spirit realm will be able to retain their memories from one previous life. This is the start of our collective consciousness that most civilizations develop. It will take some time but this new spirit realm will give humanity some cool abilities, but most of the stuff beyond remember previous life will take like a hundred years they said. They put it online for us because of A.I. And they don't want us making a mess of the local area. So having us be able to reincarnate with our memories is supposed to fix a lot of problems like war and stuff eventually. I think in the next few years there is going to be a lot more cases of kids remember past lives.

Anyways this was all just me rambling. I'm not going to edit this much at all and I'm just going to post it. I'll probably regret it. (spirit just say “yeah”) But whatever. I'm probably not going to respond to anything.

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dba1fa No.88111


What a fucking retard, lmao. Thanks for the laugh.

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57ebf7 No.88115


I found interesting that some try to explain what it is happening and instead of taking notes you think you are smarter/better/whatever and can pass on that

This is not a "two cents" advise, is a life changing one, it is like 乃卂爪乃丨S, play with fire if you want but be careful since chances are you will get burn even if you think no

Call me crazy but i thank that content since it will help people think twice about it so it is better for all

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5ec61e No.88139

片ヨ工 posted a new file. OK, a draft.

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d0fb85 No.88152


What is insightful in the ramblings of a Chris Chan Tier weirdo who went through a schizophrenic melt down to the point he is convinced he has a magichan demon girlfriend tingling his finger tips? You can listen to 乃卂爪乃丨 and 片ヨ工 unscathed. I have done. Numerous times. They aren't magical. They have no spirituality. It was someone pasting a word document into a TTS, mixed in audacity while gooning the entire time. Retard. Do you want to point out any meaningful point made in those posts? Harry Potter is not real. Nothing has any subtance. It is extra funny that the spirit's personality and behaviour is affected by his antidepressants. That alone tells you all you need to disregard the rest. This guy is a mongo and should not be encouraged.

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57ebf7 No.88155


I totally understand your point of view because this is the type of experiences that you have lived or not and once you do things change a lot

But paranormal things are a reality and i think 片ヨ工 is just telling the truth, he is only trying to warm others of what happened so no one faces the same fate

I "faced" one "deamon" when i was 7 years old, i was trying to sleep and then i saw it, totally black floating at the side of my bed. I had always lied to my self that it was my imagination but lately i am starting to accept the truth, it was real. The "contact" lasted less than a second since i panicked so not a lot to tell

But i am 100% sure it was something real and i remenber clear cristal because it was an extreme experience that get stick to your brain forever. If you even with TTS as guide show some interest maybe it is enough and they could accept the invite

I wouldnt play with fire but feel free to do it, thing is dont cry later if something happens as you have been warned and laugthed about it

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2853b1 No.88157


You're really brave, man. It must be hard going through life with that level of retardation

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e5f10b No.88158


Let me guess, you're the retard who wanted to convince me of Ҝ卂丂卄卂s esoteric bs.

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57f3c0 No.88159


Dude, that is a classic sleep paralysis sleep demon. Look it up - https://www.sleepfoundation.org/parasomnias/sleep-demon

It happens to lots of people. Just because you told yourself it is real doesn't mean it is.

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d0fb85 No.88165


schizos in shambles

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67cf2f No.88191


Correct, I've had that. Last time it happened was when I dozed off with a fresh zyn under my lip. Either it was stimulating my brain in a shallow sleep or it was haunted zyn.

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4ce334 No.88230

File: 46950677b46c98d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,169.09 KB,720x518,360:259,barlowe_examination.jpg)




Thx for the interesting read. The abuse described in the first two paragraphs is so disturbing, it could be a creepypasta from x. Creepiest is the sudden shift in tone:

> it was just making me twitch every time I tried to think about something

> there was pain involved

> stuck a finger up my butt for several days until finally I was screaming, hitting myself, and bashed my face into the steering wheel giving myself a scar

> thought for absolute sure I was dead

> spent 9 days in the mental facility

> She communicates to me with sparkles and touches now. And now I love her.

> She doesn't actually want me to hurt myself.

No, IT doesn't want its tasty morsel too badly damaged. The entity reads like a blend of his own mental illness and some kind of parasite that barely understands or cares about humans, but has found a meal ticket or a host. First a chaotic phase where it had to learn which strings to pull. Then it tortured the guy into submission.

> What else? Hmm I cast protection spells now every day, and when i'm casting them I see her sparkling.

> The spirit who is possessing me I guess you could say. she has apologized saying it was like a purification and that I was initiated. She controls my body a little bit all day. Like she squeezes my fingers moves my feet makes my eyes twitch and muscles twitch. I see sparkles of light and sometimes zips of light.

The parasite is conditioning him to feed it and to become more suitable to its way of communicating. The longterm goals seem to be complete subjugation of the host, and reproduction by guiding the guy to produce content that induces states of conciousness conductive to the parasite's mode of infection. I think this is the third iteration of the parasite's reproduction cycle in 片ヨ工 himself. The new content will be much more subtle in hiding and administering the payload. Fluffy tingles, fairy dust, and rainbows. Love is love.

> Actually a new second spirit realm that they've (extra-terrestrials) been working on just came online in December 2023 and people incarnating from this layer between the astral plane and the spirit realm will be able to retain their memories from one previous life.

> I have been working on a youtube channel and it has like 4131 subscribers. I make like 80 dollars a month of it and its horrible the amount of work I put into it for how little it gives back.

It understands his mind well enough to enslave him in an elaborate fantasy world and make him work for its purpose. (Writing this sentence triggered a disturbing realization about paying taxes)

> I don't want to risk the negative energy, because I'm really weak now… way weaker than I was last year. If I get terrorized energetically, I will quickly go back to hurting myself, and I am totally open to killing myself again. I already thought I did it for sure once already. I pretty sure my protection spells are actually working fairly good though.

The cognitive dissonance in these sentences makes me dizzy. His "protection spells" feed the parasite and make it easier for the entity to percieve him and interface with him. He is not terrorized anymore because it has worked out the rough edges in the handling of its meatpuppet and is satisfied with the way things are progressing.

God have mercy and give 片ヨ工 back his desire to fight out of that place before it doesn't matter anymore.

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000000 No.88246


> No, IT doesn't want its tasty morsel too badly damaged. The entity reads like a blend of his own mental illness and some kind of parasite that barely understands or cares about humans, but has found a meal ticket or a host. First a chaotic phase where it had to learn which strings to pull. Then it tortured the guy into submission.

> The parasite is conditioning him to feed it and to become more suitable to its way of communicating. The longterm goals seem to be complete subjugation of the host, and reproduction by guiding the guy to produce content that induces states of conciousness conductive to the parasite's mode of infection.

Well, this anon thinks that all that just about sums up the typical interaction with, you know, demons. Maybe writing a bunch of files that attempt to summon a demon into the listener might be a bad idea? Maybe, you know, ritual demon summoning might draw a response from, you know, a fucking demon.

Remember kids, Evil Is Not A Toy.

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c26dc1 No.88278


you just gotta be silly wit it y'know?

why take things so seriously?

so much, fear, so little, truth.

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d8e539 No.88281


> Well, this anon thinks that all that just about sums up the typical interaction with, you know, demons.

Probably. The more scary thing is that we do not know. Could be the ethereal equivalent of what crawls at places where you never vacuum. If you spend enough time Down There something is gonna latch onto you.


> you just gotta be silly wit it y'know?

To what End?

> why take things so seriously?

Because the resulting pain seriously hurts. And because Forever is a very long time.

> so much, fear, so little, truth.

How old are you? Have you done this for maybe a decade or two? Long enough to get a visceral sense of where this will take you? And have you still said Yes to it? Or are you just directionless, avoiding pain, seeking pleasure? Do you still see Hope?

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5ec61e No.88512

K3i posted new file!!! https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/Thread-片ヨ工-s-MindWarp?pid=76586#pid76586

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5ec61e No.88513


Arrghhh …


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97260c No.88519


what is this, the faggat is making mixes of the original kai files and asking for money? wtf is kai light?

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5ec61e No.88522


> wtf is kai light?

片ヨ工 Light is 片ヨ工


>asking for money?

The file is free

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411887 No.88534


i thought kai called it quits because of some demonic activity. your saying the kai light files are officialy from kai?

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5ec61e No.88535


Absolutely. See the discussion.

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