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File: 22fdc47caa2862e⋯.jpg (21.31 KB,474x379,474:379,3b0c557f96eaf98fa83f9f64ad….jpg)

c474d8 No.88470

I am a 4chan anon

what is this

I got here after searching 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚsays torrent. anyone got 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚdex all content for free?

>inb4 it's just $5 per month

shut up

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364030 No.88473

we don't like 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ here

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3b43c1 No.88474


she annoying as fuck but you can find here: femdomcult.org

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7daa41 No.88478

she is a cash whore fake hypnotist who makes like shes part of the community but she aint and her files are terrible.

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4bad07 No.88490

In what way is she a fake hypnotist as she seems highly regarded on Reddit, not only for the amount of content, but also for production quality and the number of free files offered?

Genuinely curious as to where the hate comes from?

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85761b No.88493


shes a fake person you can just tell. none of her work is original. the reddit community are a bunch of pussys who will praise any hypnotist that responds to them.

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692b5d No.88496

File: da7d39c7340f1a6⋯.jpg (9.09 KB,193x260,193:260,Final_Fantasy_One_commerci….jpg)

File: 1d0ba8dc0e01455⋯.jpg (537.53 KB,1200x1536,25:32,cyberm_2x.jpg)

File: fbc10f35a222d4e⋯.png (133.5 KB,399x564,133:188,Twilight_Velvet_gets_her_t….png)


Categorically incorrect AngryFlower, if you've had your own circulating blood volume in cheap NA Sodapop then you have 1.5 dash something verging into 3 and then rubberbanding from .5 to any amount of duplicates a smarter aggragarian version of you could muster up using genesplicing to molecular duplication.

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a430f9 No.88497


incel nonsense.

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f22c53 No.88499


丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ is fine. I think the highest hatred against any random content producer comes from incels types. Personally, 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ's voice is nowhere near my favorite but I like her content and very high production values. So that said and while I am here, I'd like to add a bump to my prior request for these two 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ files,

Office Free Use Fucktoy

Fucked by Tentacles

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29593f No.88509


Support her by buying her files, she's an important part of the community. Don't be an entitled incel and expect them for free.

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781557 No.88517


Many years ago, when she was relatively new, there was a screenshot going around of 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ blatantly samefagging on /hypno/. I wish I saved it.

She's very prolific creating mediocre files and became quite popular doing so, which resulted in many discussions here with her plebbitor goon squad (who have a tendency to shill relentlessly, probably because 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ's arrogance wiped off on them).

Despite her being a cunt, I'd still listen to her hypno if I liked it enough. I do not. I haven't tried it in years, but from what I remember, it was jerking material that didn't really take me deep. Felt more like phone sex with a hypno theme than skilled hypnosis. I also found her awkward accent (that tries to be kinda british but doesn't quite succeed) to be very distracting.

Since redditors struggle with critical thinking, they are never in-depth with their praises. Apparently her "production values" stand out above others as if that's even remotely special or unique. All the haters must be incels! The transparent shallowness of the arguments of her shills is actually pretty congruent with her hypno.

I recommend you look elsewhere. There's great discussion in this thread >>87976 on classic hypnotists to try. 几工片片工 千卂ㄒ卂ㄥ乇 is the best place to start. An easier place to start is this guy on archive.org that preserves some retired hypnotists (of these, I recommend Ҝ卂丂卄卂 丂卄卂Ҝㄒ丨 and miss mary):



I looked on femdomcult for you, they're not there. You might have some luck on kemono.party.


Kill yourself faggot

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e04bd3 No.88518



you mates got it right. what does samefagging mean?

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781557 No.88520


In this specific case, it looked like this:

>post 1 by 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ

>post 2 by 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ, pretending to be some random poster

>post 3 by 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ agreeing with post 2

You could tell by the ID that all 3 posts were coming from the same IP address.

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781557 No.88523

File: bc2ab6d395969f3⋯.png (152.01 KB,1800x795,120:53,shillby.png)

I found the screencap. Even more pathetic and insufferable than I remembered.

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f22c53 No.88526


Thank you for checking brother, appreciate your helpful post.


As for you, asshole. Two files are not going to break her bank account, asshole. Do something constructive and go back down to your parent's basement into your cage, while the bbc bull cucks you and your sister.

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28192f No.88527


How do you know she was the same person?

(Aside from the way the support text was written )

There is no ID showing in the screenshot

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364030 No.88529


why would the board owner lie

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a092b2 No.88533

lol ive known about samefagging forever just never heard that great term. samefagging is pathetic people do it on twitter also.

shibbie does samefagging for sure. on the other thread there is a bunkr with a lot of her files, here it is sharing is caring.


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781557 No.88538


I remembered from years ago that the samefagging was verified, but I misremembered how. The board owner can see when posts come from the same IP address.

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a45cad No.88546


I was just curious, I didn't claim he lied

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364030 No.88548


i know, i meant we can't see IPs but the board owner can, so we're trusting that he was telling the truth.

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781557 No.88552



I'm trusting the BO as well as my common sense. I mean who the hell talks like that. It reads like satire, I couldn't come up with a better parody if I tried.

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f22c53 No.88562


> sharing is caring

Thank you brother, that's some mighty fine caring!

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e674b7 No.88563



How are you even meant to join femdomcult? Sending to the address on there just results in the email be returned back as undelivered.

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d48e1c No.88564

Curious of the 8 hour sleep track hfo file if anyone is kind enough to share https:// 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚdex.com/file/9a3795b1-60c6-4cf4-85ed-d5275339f9d4

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364030 No.88567


they open for registrations from time to time

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247a84 No.88604

File: 1344547f71b72e9⋯.png (158.64 KB,1280x809,1280:809,1727112206588573.png)

Just want to say hi to my fren! Hi! Im jk. But welcome. I want to warn you, though. Erotic hypnosis is filed with horrible stuff. Like tranyfication, forced homosexuality and male submisivness. This all has the potential to ruin your life. And you wont find any help or advice here because all the coomers here fell for it. They dont care 0 how these files impact them. For them it is just what hypnotist gives them the most pleasure. Its sad but thats how the world works. With all consumerism. So 丂卄丨乃乃ㄚ falls into this. She does invoke some crazy sensations but she is 100% in the feminist and pro gay category. I hate her for that reason. But not as much as i hate the submissive cucks who support her. They give her a reason to be that arogant and confirm her female supremacy bias. There is a free file called Oh Snap! from her that somebody else wrote thats kinda ok, i think. Try that out. But generally stay away from every hypnotist that makes files for transppl, homos and submisdives. Files can change your life for the better. Use it! Or you just gona end up with the same eerii feeling like when you coomed to porn. I wish you the the best! Hope this ep will change the direction you take in this!

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f22c53 No.88607


Go back to your christain-fascist hypocritical gop cult and leave the free thinking world alone, lunatic.

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247a84 No.88608







Wonder if thats her again???

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247a84 No.88609


>leave the free thinking world alone

Says the guy who goes off by being called a slave…

Imagine their is a report on CNN about what you get off to…

You would kill yourself in shame

Pathetic cuck

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f22c53 No.88611


Nah, I'd jerk off and spill my seed on that cnn report.

Now your turn. Imagine there's a CNN report on a hypocritical christain-fascist lunatic who post their superstitions bullshit on a porn sites. You are in luck, there is no need to image that, you fucking hypocrite. Because religious hypocrites like yourself frequenting porn sites is common, just ask the this upstanding christain-fascist hypocrite who got caught. He is one of the many faggot-christain-fascist hypocrites.

https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/19/politics/kfile-mark-robinson-black-nice guy-pro-slavery-porn-forum/index.html

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04371e No.88615

how did this thread get filled with so many faggats?

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