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File: 4c1ca7d52d84c34⋯.jpg (28.02 KB,1000x563,1000:563,511755452_poster.jpg)

82f069 No.88424

it looks like the bitch is back.

sorry i couldnt find the old thread because of the retarded leet speech.

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35b3d5 No.88427

>it looks like the bitch is back.

Based on what?

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55eb81 No.88431

Could someone let us now what Aoki is? Asking for a noob

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35b3d5 No.88432

File: 4b6a03bcc03fe14⋯.png (278.82 KB,400x400,1:1,4bsGbxqM_400x400.png)


Princess Miki, one of the GOATs of femdom POV clips

She vanished off the face of the internet a couple of years ago

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79a627 No.88436

Are you guys sure that's new?

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f02ac3 No.88448

Is this in any way hypno, or just good JOI-s?

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35b3d5 No.88451


Definitely the latter. See https://8kun.top/hypno/res/78323.html

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87685e No.88465


>See https://8kun.top/hypno/res/78323.html

She had some 'okay' hypnosis on it's own merit. it helped it was done by a beautiful woman.

but for my experience her hypnosis is WAY WAY better than clariecetheenchantress so many people here enjoy. her stuff just never did anything for me. so repetitive

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4db2e2 No.88487


Never seen her doing actual hypnosis. I'm curious. Link? Or at least some file names?

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3f9cea No.88494

sometimes i listen to good hypno audio while watching videos of her with the volume off.

i dont think shes back that site in the picture is down.

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232bbf No.88495

never thought of her as a hypnotist. She's a cute girl that says some of the same things that a hypnodomme suggests, but she doesn't actually hypnotize you.

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87685e No.88498


It's been a long while for me. I just looked through to see which ones ring a bell, and none of them really did. I've watched so much porn, from all the "princess'es" I get them mixed up.

I do know she did a few audios, and a few files that seemed to work well enough for me. but their was also a lot of "brainwashing/goon" crap.

Compared to others, I thought she was a little better hypnotist than Vikki. Worse than the only real hypno video I saw from her friend eva. she's better than lyne.

not sure how to compare with a few others. I have tried to stop watching since meeting my gf. so it's been a while.

I'm sorry for the non-answer answer. I just remember I thought she was alright at it.

which is better and less disappointing than some "real" hypnotists.

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