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2c8bb3 No.88208

anybody know who they are? any files?

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f02515 No.88209

https://hypnotube.com/user/goodpupnumber1-181785/ their account

https://x.com/Sissy_Luna_Rey/status/1816915297833746526 rule 4

https://x.com/Sissy_Luna_Rey/status/1824504260261711918 rule 5

https://x.com/Sissy_Luna_Rey/status/1816529663952646652 'anal only', only stage 2 (out of 3)

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f02515 No.88210

and, that person has more of their content elsewhere in their social media accounts, as well as content from other creators

just find it and post it here.

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2c8bb3 No.88211

heres something else i found or dug up


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f02515 No.88212


oh fucking WHAT I didn't know they were on kemono now lmao

big thx anon

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d73db5 No.88216

what it does?

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a4f5cd No.88255


Does anyone know what these files do?

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44a9d4 No.88260


Provide jerk off fodder.

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c07bd4 No.88458


Mostly sissification stuff with a bit of dumbification and some occult themes

They are pretty well done though, at least the "main" files are among the strongest working visual hypno I've watched. They work especially well if you watch each of them a few times before moving to the next one.And interesting thing about them is that they also work "retroactively", i.e. there are some triggers in earlier files that only get properly induced in later ones, so when you return to earlier files afterwards they work stronger then they used to

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073c60 No.88467

how do it work, you listen with headphone and you cum your pant?

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9c7083 No.88472


>using headphones

don't be a pussy, blast that shit out loud as you can

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a75484 No.88479


aint the headphone better for hypno? i listened to number 6 last night and it was wacky but i didnt listen to the other ones before so i missed things i think. gonna dl the series later.

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