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cecce8 No.88350

I stumbled upon this on r/ghostpenis on reddit. Similarly to rubber hand illusion experiment, the brain interpets the motion and attaches a feeling to it, and people cum buckets without touching. I wonder if any tist played around already with this idea? A simple trainer would be good.

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706d50 No.88351


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cecce8 No.88352

I think its fucking cool

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dc16c3 No.88354


try it out and let us know.

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f3c234 No.88356


>troons out

>cages cock so you can pretend to have a vagina

>masterbates with a fake dildo.

Why are you faggots like this?

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6316f1 No.88363


its fun faggot, you gotta try it you silly faggot.

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497845 No.88457

Link to vid ?

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16fd55 No.88468

shes pretty, anyone got more ninawhiteboi?

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04ed2a No.88471


reddit com/r/ghostpenis/comments/17mtnl6/finally_tracked_down_the_gif_that_started_my/

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ae710c No.88480


you cant see it without reddit app. i aint putting that on my pc i hate that faggit site.

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fcb52b No.88547


replace the www in the adress bar with old and it will remove the app requirement

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bd1522 No.88561


i owe you a pint mate!

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