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File: a59f3819024e881⋯.jpg (147.77 KB,1080x1264,135:158,download.jpg)

 No.415463 [Open thread]

first 1

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 No.308848 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Cali Cuties Come together <3

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Love the nose.

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Posting again


Email: heroicaviator@gmail.com

Discord: caza#4382

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951. Looking for a femboy to rim and fuck.

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170? yeesh fatty.

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File: 7dc5b6cda6b6535⋯.jpg (40.25 KB,350x547,350:547,IMG_0002.JPG)

 No.384376 [Open thread]

I feel like there are way too many people here looking for "cute twinks" and "traps".

Complaining about never being able to find anyone,All while glossing over the average guys who have nice asses and penises. Even though in reality an average guy with a nice butt or dick is way better and enjoyable for long term relationships.

They can even be cuter than some mental nutcase full of hormones because their whole personality isn't based around being cute and gay.

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Weak bait leaf. Better luck next time.

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>the people I talk to online are eons different than the ones irl. the internet has grandly changed the way we interact and communicate, and when/how our honesty takes shape. Anonymity is a strange tool.

You know there was such thing as pen pals and anonymous letters back in the "good ol' days."

If the Internet was to go back to paper and pen, we'd still have the deception.

Also, not everything on the Internet os a lie. Some of the stuff is just anons venting their deepest feels. The ones irl are using a socially-acceptable face.

Its like Oscar Wilde said " Give a man a mask, he'll tell you the truth."

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Coping or not. he's not wrong. He's telling the truth. I'm sorry if you're not mature enough to handle that.

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man, no sabes nada de la vida


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Friendship > love

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File: da278369093fc50⋯.png (14.7 KB,474x266,237:133,bttm.png)

 No.415439 [Open thread]

6 old 30-40year olds, 2 dick picks, 7-8 good looking people but just want to pump and dump me, and 2 people who just wanted to talk

i just want a relationship t. bottom

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File: c5c0bc4678fe0e0⋯.jpg (8.98 KB,255x253,255:253,1621473756537.jpg)

 No.415157 [Open thread]

My (21M) boyfriend (22M) who I've been with for six years has been turning increasingly straight because of his guilt for being gay, and the other day basically admitted without flat-out saying it he doesn't love me anymore but still wants me as a roommate, and that he wants to date a chick at work who he *thinks* has a crush on him.

We live together and have for years. I moved away from my whole family to be with him, and I know nobody else in this entire half of the country save for his mother and one friend who moved away a month ago. Bf and I share a bed and I still cuddle him but he barely reacts and only really uses me as a back-scratcher. All my stuff is over here and it'd be extremely annoying (and expensive, not to mention embarrassing) to pack all of it up, separate our bank accounts and bills and shit and leave. He likes having me as a roommate but I don't see a point being here if he won't still love me like I do him. I almost want to just start looking for someone else already, hopefully one who would remain the same person that I met and fell in love with. I haven't changed or even aged a day since he and I met, but his appearance (obsessively working out, never growing his hair past a soldier's length) and personality (we've always been redpilled of course but it's consumed him) have all changed severely.

I know it wasn't me and he said so himself, but he's gone off the deep end on gay guilt. I'm still very cute and I look and act the same and as lovey as I did when we met, albeit with slightly shorter hair.

He said the only guy he's attracted to is me but he's more attracted to women. I'm fully gay and he's bi, increasingly straight leaning.

Wat do? Should I just start looking for a new bf on /cuteboys/ or something?

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I believe romance and companionship between boys is best experienced in our youth, and, personally, I don't blame him for wanting to start a family.

That being said… you are still quite young, if you feel you aren't ready, or won't be ever ready, to transition to family life, then by all means seek a new boyfriend.

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The cuteboys irc server is full of loving and sweet boys. I invite you!


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I'm sorry about that anon. I can't imagine how much of a connection you have with this guy if the relationship has lasted for this long. It would be an impossible task to break off from him without feeling hurt, but if this is who he is you should start the process of splitting up.

How'd you guys meet initially? Also what's the root cause of why your boyfriend is having gay guilt?

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It's rough fren. If you need someone to talk to we're here.

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>He said the only guy he's attracted to is me but he's more attracted to women. I'm fully gay and he's bi, increasingly straight leaning.

I think that he was emotionally attached/attracted to you(and still is), and confused it with sexual attraction.

>Wat do? Should I just start looking for a new bf on /cuteboys/ or something?

don't rush into it anon, take time to assess the situation and process your emotions.

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 No.415202 [Open thread]

Hey all, I'm new here and decided to introduce myself. I'm a bit on the thick side if thats ok.

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Oh my, nice thicc ass. Would love to have that butt sit on my face. Where from?

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I'd love to breed that booty 😍

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Thanks babe. I'm from texas! You?


Yeah? i bet i would love it even more. :)

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I love 'em thick!!!

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 No.415433 [Open thread]

Been thinking more and more about wanting a boyfriend. Anyone wanna help with that ?

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 No.415426 [Open thread]


Send pics

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File: d9d4f6e2fcb50e2⋯.png (382.67 KB,369x684,41:76,nohomo.png)

 No.385141 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Is anyone else here confused about their sexuality?

I know I am.

I'm a virgin and I've never been in a relationship but I don't know if I like guys or not.

I'm attracted to some of the people here and I've seen guys where I've thought "Hey, they're cute" but I'm also attracted to girls.

I seem to be attracted to more girls than I am guys; am I just confused.

Is it my inexperience in relationships turning into confusion about my own sexuality?

Can anyone here relate?

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This is honestly so familiar it hurts.

All my life I've had a subtle feeling that I had just assumed to be normal curiosity that everyone feels, but over time I became more and more confused at what 'straight' people were talking about. Things like big tits and huge asses in grade school locker room talk, while I preferred more tomboyish or androgynous physiques, and I just decided to never talk about it, ever, to anyone. Especially one of my friends at the time I thought was a bit cute. I just never made eye contact when we went to the local pool. I didn't have a crush on him or anything, but I did find him physically attractive and while he was cute, he was far from a trap or femboy or anything of the sort.

Thing is, at the time, I didn't really even realize what I was doing. I was just subconsciously suppressing every thought along those lines instantly, before I could even acknowledge it in my own thoughts. I'd get this strange fluttering feeling around some cute guy and instantly, before I could actually think "he's cute" I'd break eye contact, look at the floor, and think of something else like some kind of self-hypnotic trigger. I only started really allowing myself to process the feeling after I started going on the internet and was exposed to things that allowed some level of mental gymnastics. 'Traps' were a big start to that, but while everyone else would seem to recoil at the revelation of the dick, or even just the meta knowledge the cutie in question was a dude, I'd linger mentally as I tried to figure out why the knowledge that it was a dude somehow made him less attractive. This went on for years as my mind became more and more adept at mental gymnastics, but the entire time my understanding of what 'straight' people find attractive is, honestly, felt like trying to parse out the motivations of some animal on a nat geo documentary. I knew there was something that I just didn't 'get' and considered the idea of asking that question tantamount to suicide.

Many years later, juPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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That morning, despite being terribly drunk the night before, I felt absolutely no hangover. On the contrary, I felt better than I had ever felt in my life. It was like I had been carrying a heavy weight for so long that I had forgotten I was holding it, and then suddenly dropped it, and felt weightless. The next day, however, I felt worse than I ever have in my life, like a part of myself had been wrapped up so tight all the blood circulation had halted and it had gone totally numb, and then was suddenly set lose again, and the feeling quickly returned, starting with pain. The part of my brain that had been suppressing these thoughts was gone, but instead it was like in its place was a mental shock. I didn't know what to do with the thought. I didn't know how to be bi, or pan, or whatever the fuck I am, I'm still trying to figure that out, but without that mental block in my brain, I started to notice more than the clean-shaven femboys my brain's mental gymnastics could twist into convincing myself was a trap. Just the other day at work, I saw a surfer-dude looking guy with well toned muscles, dirty blond hair, a soul patch, and a dark farmer's tan and found myself checking out his ass through his jeans as he walked past. He wasn't even cute, he was hot. The day prior there was a tall dude, kinda thin but average, in a tank top and sweat pants, and he walked into the store and then popped his hips to rest his hand and look at something in the store, and I found myself enjoying the way his hips swayed and his sweat pants framed his ass. These are all entirely alien thoughts to me, like some foreign entity is drawing my wandering eye to things beyond my control or understanding, and this is the first time I've just rolled with it.

Now, the guilt, shame, and instant subconscious suppression has been replaced with a constant, sickening doubt. It feels much like you describe. What if I'm just a kiss-less virgin whose snapped? What if I'm just a retarded autistic neet and everyone really does have the same kind of thoughts as me but are just more socially adjusted so they can process them? Maybe it's just a kink? But then I close my eyes and I can picture going over to my friend's place for movie night and introducing them to my boyfriend as we Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I feel somewhat similar to this. Thanks for posting

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21 m feeling like a bottom gay boy even if i like girls, i feel like when im verbally forced or convinced to being submissive by an older guy i get aroused about the feeling to surrender myself and let him control me, i like being forced to that on kik and snap sometimes so if you want to chat my kik is dumbslut12

my snap is bout426 but in more active on kik

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I've been attracted to both guys and girls. For me it shifts over time. Sometimes I like girls more sometimes guys. I used to be confused about it but after a while I just said guess I like both and stopped caring. I'm pretty happy now so maybe don't think hard about it.

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 No.395037 [Open thread]

So I've been thinking about this for awhile now. As a feminine guy who is totally being true to myself and having had a non-existent love life, I've been thinking about this since last Wedneday. A guy hit me up on POF who said he was interested in meeting me. When I went to his profile, I was confused because his profile, he was listed as searching for a "woman". I'm not sure how he found my profile since I'm listed as "man searching for man" but anyway, I humored him and we talked. He said he's always wanted to experiment with a feminine guy and again, totally surprised because he didn't look like the type who would do that.

Eventually he did come out and say he had a girlfriend and I cut it there. But it did get me thinking. In all my experience, I have never attracted gay guys. Always bisexual guys. Maybe it's my look (pics in post historty) but it's always been that way. Always closeted.

On POF, I noticed I always seem to get guys who list themselves as "searching for woman" when I did a recent search for people who viewed my page. I also noticed on Grindr that I always get hit up by profiles that I never see on my own when I search. I always joke and say "I can never find them but they seem to find me". Always the same story though. "DL", "discreet", or "Not out".

Now see… I've been trying to do things authentic by not going for closeted and especially attached men. But they seem to be the guys most interested in me. This last guy who was totally my type had that baggage but he was being super nice to me. He has a girlfriend but he says he really likes feminine guys. I told him that he should break up with his girlfriend if he wants to start pursuing guys but he said he still liked her (Well shit lol). We stopped texting but it did make me think.

Perhaps this is just the way things are and that maybe I should just give in? I know people say that feminine guys should just change themselves to get more interest but I like myself just the way I am. And well… Here are a subset of guys who actively seek me out and claim to really be into me. I'm starting to think that maybe if I just go with it, I can potentially win one over with my personality. Assuming they're into feminine Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I think why you attract guys is because they are straight mostly but see these trap memes and think that fem guys are truly cock sleeves but they think they have a better personality (and look closer to women) than actual gay guys who sleep around alot. Cis guys want to experiment with other guys but cant bring themselves to doing it with real dudes they need a feminine guy to put a wool over their eyes so they can justify it being a girl. I don't think you'll be the spark to make them gay, I believe most of them are happily married or in relationships and would either never talk about it again or even worse break up their long commited relationships and leave them worse off than when they were just curious. Because they will be not only sexually confused but actually alone.

I actually wanna know more on your thinking about this. Just send an email bro I'm actually very interested about your train of thought

Email: sylvabrownt@aol.com

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Same goes for anyone. If you have an interesting point or anything just shoot me an email I'm genuinely very curious and get too bored to check this post everyday

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Exclusively for everyone, it is more convenient to consider certain moments from the side of external attractiveness in an atmosphere of unprecedented pleasure. I was recently advised an extremely attractive offer on this site https://www.shagaholic.com/ and now I'm just in a lot of thought about the future development of events.

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Married men are the biggest degenerstes. Theyre treated as kings by the sex/romance industry bc marriage/family is prized as the ultimate prize. So married men whom cheat on their spouses with barely-legal/underage girls/boys are seen as "champions taking a break".

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File: b508f2d7eed9c60⋯.jpg (82.53 KB,575x327,575:327,byeall.jpg)

 No.359456 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Anyone else feel like the LGBTQ community is full of shit most of the time? Why can't they be like /cuteboy/ and keep their lives contained instead of flaunting around making us look bad?

And this whole thing about gay marriage. Marriage from what I can tell is horrible. Not to mention obsolete.

As a Bi, I feel pressure to go full gay all the way or you're not one of them. So if I chose a girl, that means I was never Bi at all. I was claiming to be Bi for attention… so they say.

I don't even wanna go into the whole SJW shit.

I need a damn hug.

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Because we're gay

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File: abae85afd8851c1⋯.png (456.22 KB,1200x975,16:13,ClipboardImage.png)

This is so frustrated I just want a cute bf to hug and cuddle and all these fags care about is sex. Fags are so often just as much whores as women these days.

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The uprising of the faggots is coming.

The incels are turning into faggots, just look around.

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You want to know the real reason? Its kind of black mirror-y, or should I say Red Mirror-y…

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but me and my pals have figured out a little cheat code in reality. A life hack as the kids say these days. We've started to…

Eat out of the trough!

You know!

Like Pigs!

See, there's this thing called Q-Anon and I'll be the first to let you know, its complete LEGAL fraud! Anyone can join and just commit !!!FELONIES!!! for FREE! I would know,

I committed at least theft over a $1000, and got away scott free, basically right in front of the police! You GOTTA get in the know, if you follow my rabbit hole, you'll find out I'm one of the original users of the tripcode! Not only that, but I'm also in touch with David Goldberg, from PizzaGate! The whole thing is a trough built for us to pig out on! Its filled with over 40 year old white male boomers with way too much money, their daughters are fucking dogs, sons mongrelizing, and they ALL got molested as kids.


Like foster kids floating around in the system, we're robbing them blind! They'll believe anything, as long as you project Straight White Maleness! Best part, due to Trump and Flynn picking it up, they can't prosecute any of us without taking down all the whole operation! Trust me,


have been playtesting this for the past 5 (haha get it? 5 dollar Indian!) years, both online and offline! No one is safe from us, not even Patrick Bateman (More like Plastic Shaman!) It's so easy! Just hop on cock.li, get a profile from this person does not exist, and get scamming kid!

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>tfw i just wanted a qt bf

>tfw i live in a country where being like this means you'll have to be hijacked by the LGBTI cancerous leftist retard bandwagon

I just wanted someone who didn't like this "culture", shit's tiring

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 No.414975 [Open thread]

What are your:




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Incredibly based

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Not 100% sure, anti-materialist, Anti-Natalist. Did align with Strasserism for a while. Probably not one anymore.

Religion: Vajrayana Buddhism

Sexuality: Homoflexible or Bisexual male lean.

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Well for me my politics are conservative, religion is Christian Presbyterian to be specific and sexuality is straight. That being said, are any, of you guys interested in joining my political club which will talk specifically about Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at: benflee222@gmail.com and tell me from what board you came from.

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God why are you such a faggot

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But I'm straight though. But in all realness are you interested in joining.

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 No.406251 [Open thread]

EN: Hey searching for some cuteboys in my area to have sex with or something maybe skype.

DE: Hey suche Leute in meiner Umgebung für Sex, oder anders villeicht Camen.

Contact me under Julia.sovic@gmx.at

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Male, 21, Göttingen germany looking to have some fun with a cutey, my German is not so great, but am learning!

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Du erst :3

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ne lieber nicht >>

will nicht selfdox.

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File: 4aa28d4b9f5119f⋯.jpeg (98.63 KB,736x697,736:697,E8464DAF_DF93_46EA_9D33_2….jpeg)

Hi! Bin mittezwanzigjähriger glattrasierter und basierter Femboy im shortstack-Format aus dem Ruhrgebiet. Schreibt 'ne Mail wenn ihr abhängen oder rummachen wollt.

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Komm mal ventrilo on

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File: caaf28d73b354d8⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,760x1024,95:128,photo_2019-03-24_13-01-31.jpg)

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File: ef65d2f307dd5d6⋯.jpg (102.49 KB,719x1280,719:1280,photo_2019-01-08_12-46-29.jpg)

 No.405042 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

last thread reached limit

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Nigger can you at least sage before you go on your next retardpost spree?

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File: e68fadd2dc9a126⋯.jpg (175.18 KB,1280x1194,640:597,IMG_20200829_072019_060.jpg)

File: 1bd70a3104bd6cc⋯.jpg (149.02 KB,918x1280,459:640,IMG_20200829_072008_829.jpg)

File: e145b11525eb1ee⋯.jpg (119.54 KB,1080x1280,27:32,IMG_20200829_071848_206.jpg)

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File: 3f42a89d35ea20b⋯.jpg (92.65 KB,797x1021,797:1021,IMG_20200829_072138_347.jpg)

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It's been a year and I still wonder what the hell you meant by yikes lmao

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Its been little over 2 years since this pic was taken and "she" is looking like a crossdressing 40 yo. Traps and femboys have such a short lifespan

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You still looking cute like in the pic?

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File: 34e09aee9eef4d3⋯.jpg (10.89 KB,220x224,55:56,tenor.jpg)

 No.412579 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Get in here, hope this boards gains some momentum again.




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bump, we still exist

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File: beca6a66ce7a20c⋯.jpg (361.33 KB,1079x1323,1079:1323,1605826926077.jpg)


send brown ppl to their country to take their jobs and siphon munnies from their economy, then use said munnies to fund whatever country is at war with them

then pee on their blanket

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File: 138ef2bcb30398a⋯.gif (918.12 KB,500x464,125:116,1471814265198.gif)

We still exist and is more active than other.

Also, we're under new management.

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