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File: 12abf4f686b1e2a⋯.png (122.92 KB,600x580,30:29,bum.png)

 No.415877 [Open thread]


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File: 6470ff47af6dfa6⋯.png (828.11 KB,946x1015,946:1015,1623110263417.png)

File: 4689c905ced102d⋯.png (239.79 KB,679x993,679:993,1644947024138.png)

 No.415871 [Open thread]

post bunny ear boys plsssss

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File: 8b3815e2512d3c0⋯.jpg (249.36 KB,1080x1713,360:571,Screenshot_20221015_232700….jpg)

 No.415868 [Open thread]

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File: 9f65ee63a95312c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,413.46 KB,1080x2376,5:11,Screenshot_20221008_021919.jpg)

 No.415867 [Open thread]


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File: e138ec30caf604d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.93 KB,494x658,247:329,2.JPG)

 No.415863 [Open thread]


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File: 46e5b72690a1823⋯.jpg (61.05 KB,962x932,481:466,IMG_20220922_WA0009.jpg)

 No.415850 [Open thread]

its hot

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File: f791c88a59b92c4⋯.png (5.13 MB,2094x2205,698:735,25__01__01.png)

 No.383337 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Guys, let's be real. How many of you here actually see yourselves being with a guy for the rest of your lives, knowing that the young cute boy you fell in love with in college, convention or workplace mainly due to his feminine aspects or overall cute appearance, will slowly degrade overtime and will inevitably transform onto a rugged burly bloke in the next 10 years or so. This question is especially aimed towards exclusive tops, prison gays and chasers in general.


trannies do not apply

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Yes. Having a really cute boyfriend is one thing, but I wouldn't marry a boy because he is cute, but because I like his personality.

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And another

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Hey. Personally, I cannot answer this question unambiguously. But my peers all as one say that they are open to new acquaintances and marriage. If you have the same opinion, then I recommend the site https://www.steamysnaps.com/. This is one of the best and most reliable sites. I wish everyone good luck, great acquaintances and a good mood!

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>will slowly degrade overtime and will inevitably transform onto a rugged burly bloke

kill yourself nigger

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yeah fuck that i went on hrt. and prevented getting breasts

don't care if u guys think i'm tranny. my husband doesn't mind and is glad that i'm taking measures to age well for him

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File: 20ef2f5c48bac43⋯.jpg (471.55 KB,1080x2287,1080:2287,Screenshot_20220714_234159….jpg)

 No.415729 [Open thread]

Can you please identify who he is?

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i want to join to share pics and to view pics, how do i join?

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File: bc1e54edf6a1c84⋯.png (1.2 MB,1150x629,1150:629,b21.png)

 No.412613 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

anyone else get fondled as a kid/teen and have it affect how you are?

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Female youth is a goddess complex. Society uses younger women as the default portrait of womanhood.

Older women are seen as paradoxes.

This is the fault of male hebephilia.

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No? I'm not gay

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>But yes, it is all caused by the same problems as the others: when those manchildren were young, their retarded parents denied them the very basic acts that we are all pushed to do by our basic instincts.

When that happens, we either turn into petulant manchildren (the majority) or frustrated but indifferent people (the minority), such as myself. We see the world for what it is, and we refuse to be a part of any of it.

That explains why Millennails are becoming even grouchier ta boomers. They exaggerate any slight flaw of the newer generations while going full ludicrous speed on kiddie entertainment and whine about being horny and lonely, obsessing over underage girls at the age of thirty.

And when you call them out on this, they say "It's not my fault, it's the dawn boomers!" all the while doing boomer things.

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File: 7283baaaeca508f⋯.jpg (80.2 KB,640x1136,40:71,07_06_415.jpg)

 No.415834 [Open thread]

GIRLS C.P F.u*c*<k โปเดก , 兒童色情

lilu forumps com


lilu forumps com


lilu forumps com


lilu forumps com

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File: a60c855a6bfd540⋯.jpg (36.89 KB,450x450,1:1,1657563053078.jpg)

 No.415712 [Open thread]


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how do i join?

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File: 952884e732892f0⋯.jpg (221.01 KB,1080x1071,120:119,Screenshot_20210802_114704….jpg)

 No.415800 [Open thread]

Favorite pooping position for boys? I'm trying to teach my younger brother

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File: c8533b608761079⋯.jpg (85.73 KB,542x905,542:905,2004632918.jpg)

 No.415782 [Open thread]

I can't find the archived original thread on this site since it's messed up now. Here a nice Image fap with most the images still on there.


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File: ae50bf9875cd92c⋯.png (65.33 KB,254x428,127:214,XY_Psychic.png)

 No.390372 [Open thread]

Can I have some help finding the right haircut for me? Truthfully, I'm hopeless in the great race to be a cuteboy. I'm 24. 6 foot. Not a curvy skeleton like most of you, but I've really been watching my figure and am now comfortable wearing form-fitting clothing which is incredibly slimming. As I probably should have most of my life. Never grew out of mom dressing me, I guess. I feel better about my appearance and want to at least keep a hint of boyishness to my style.

In light of these advances, there's another I need to make. I've never really styled my hair in my life. Just allowed it to grow naturally. There's a lot of it now having not cut it in the past two years, but I'll be on vacation to very hot regions of the world so I can't allow it to reach my nipples any longer. Doesn't help that it's naturally jet black. I'm clueless as to what to do though. I want to feel cute. Also to hide some scarring on my forehead, I'd really like something with bangs…I can't believe I've been just showing off my insecurities all this time by putting my hair up into a bun.

Thank you for any advice you may have.

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am i really allowed to have such haircuts at the age of 25 though?

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File: 5a86635a4679fbd⋯.jpg (16.98 KB,324x243,4:3,1496618969560.jpg)


hair cut is almost entirely based on the shape of your head and what sort of hair you've got - circular (flat, silky) or triangular (curly, coarse)

i pull mine back into a ponytail now but I let the sides come down, and keep my bangs short. I'm attempting to steal Links hair from Breath of the Wild and cross It with Len Kagamines hair ^^;

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File: 9894f7971583319⋯.png (310.22 KB,480x800,3:5,received_623232374773053.png)

File: a24831b16a7ab7d⋯.png (298.15 KB,480x800,3:5,received_606133596488071.png)

I'd usually cut it myself with blades or go to a salon to get it layered. Kind of a pageboy + pixie cut, more or less choppy. (Me on the right of course).

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File: defd7de9bf030e3⋯.jpg (53.6 KB,1080x1536,45:64,image_2019-03-24_14-40-edi….jpg)

this is relevant to my interests. is the thinness of ones bangs a result of the cut and style, or the hair? the camera lighting filter here isnt helping but heres what ive got atm.


find something you can transition to a more mature look with if you can, you dont wanna look like youre trying to be 16 at 25 but you also dont wanna look older than you actually are. im on a quest for that sort of cut myself.

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It is often a problem to find a good stylist or hairdresser because it is very difficult to explain to people exactly what you need and how you want to achieve a good appearance. After all, I managed to find a great guy who can do undercut long hair https://menshaircuts.com/undercut-long-hair-men/ The guys who work there are real professionals and I really like everything they do. These are really very responsible and smart people who know how to make everything look beautiful. This is more than suitable for me.

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File: 0f1389bcba72155⋯.png (1.56 MB,2325x1748,2325:1748,58284e5cd0a4d1ef90e3cdd4b9….png)

 No.415747 [Open thread]


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