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File: 83644314ff61669⋯.jpg (8.68 KB,474x474,1:1,th_3621817752.jpg)

 No.416356 [Open thread]


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File: 48f489a17a49b0e⋯.png (24.92 KB,150x150,1:1,404_not_found.png)

 No.416342 [Open thread]


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 No.357217 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

So I have almost 50GB of gay porn ranging from pics and gifs to vids. Including twinks, some hunks as well as tons of yaoi and some Gfur.

I can dump on request but I would really like some feedback :P

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File: dbeaf3f8f1d57b4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.75 KB,575x359,575:359,_m_e_yaaGqaa_mh_SJ9uvAi49y….jpg)


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File: dbeaf3f8f1d57b4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.75 KB,575x359,575:359,_m_e_yaaGqaa_mh_SJ9uvAi49y….jpg)


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File: dbeaf3f8f1d57b4⋯.jpg (97.75 KB,575x359,575:359,_m_e_yaaGqaa_mh_SJ9uvAi49y….jpg)


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File: 7d9fa964de4eaa6⋯.jpg (126.13 KB,575x766,575:766,_m_e_yaaGqaa_mh_k_pSB3JbhN….jpg)

 No.416328 [Open thread]


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File: b88419c7481e3f3⋯.jpg (269.37 KB,900x1200,3:4,1494207056608.jpg)

 No.340201 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

When did you realize that white guys were made for black cocks?

>tfw no black dom to enslave me, put me in chastity and make me worship him

>tfw barely see black guys, let alone meet them


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File: 40b2d4ae0113543⋯.jpg (64.65 KB,720x720,1:1,1583387701514.jpg)


not so bad in my frogland

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Its not fucking fair. I just want a bf to fart nigger cum into my mouth.

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Wait , anon are you an Israeli who likes interracial ?

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No, I'm just posting with a proxy.

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File: 80b22bb586cf3ab⋯.jpeg (516.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,damagenearusb.JPEG)

 No.416287 [Open thread]

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File: d2c23c4ce173788⋯.jpeg (2.24 MB,4032x3024,4:3,A5B9A3F7_258E_44C3_BA3C_2….jpeg)

 No.416275 [Open thread]


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File: 89e9a7d498b9192⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Kitty_Kitty_Dancing_.mp4)

 No.416261 [Open thread]

1/5 Deleted videos from their youtube channel. (this site sucks ass and only lets u post the ones under 17mb)

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The gatorade bottle you see at the end their they shoved up their ass in another video

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File: ae4b94d38cba459⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,400x302,200:151,wyt3.jpg)

 No.416260 [Open thread]

Lets get this board back up and active

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File: 521c89079ef3f44⋯.jpg (2.3 KB,120x119,120:119,jon_pierre_dusseau.jpg)

 No.416235 [Open thread]

Jon P Dusseau - Text me your pics @ 1(419) 283-2879

Or visit me at 195 Preswick St.

Temperance, MI, 48144

Call or Text me 1(419) 283-2879

Looking for some cuteboys every night

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Anyone help with HIV resources

Email me @ jpdusseau@gmail.com

Newly diagnosed and panicking

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File: c2c40d8bdc142e1⋯.jpg (75.33 KB,765x1160,153:232,4c91b14961e249aba8558ee3fb….jpg)

 No.416242 [Open thread]


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File: 8b0fe43b4533b3a⋯.png (515 B,200x200,1:1,1_rectangle.png)

 No.416201 [Open thread]


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File: 8e952eb1d6bb4a1⋯.jpg (192.93 KB,940x932,235:233,StarSessions.jpg)

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File: 521c89079ef3f44⋯.jpg (2.3 KB,120x119,120:119,jon_pierre_dusseau.jpg)

 No.416223 [Open thread]

Jon P Dusseau - Text me your pics

195 Preswick

Temperance, MI, 48144

Call or Text me 1(419) 283-2879

Looking for some cuteboys every night

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File: c9bc8865232834b⋯.jpeg (482.56 KB,828x674,414:337,AFDC5AC6_339A_4CC1_AC53_2….jpeg)

 No.416202 [Open thread]

>tfw no bro to jack each other off and have hot sweaty sex after working out together

Post incest fantasies/stories

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God, if only I had a twin brother to fuck. I'd be going to town on his ass and sucking him off near daily.

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File: 8012ddb6db16c06⋯.png (722.63 KB,632x768,79:96,10.png)

 No.416196 [Open thread]


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