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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

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File: 0a6ecf55b05b8b8⋯.png (85.43 KB,1280x896,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.396996 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

The last hit the bump limit. Brazilians, feel free to chat here.

Writing in portuguese is recommended, but english is fine too.

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Ainda bem, o dono é um paneleiro do caralho.

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Se fosse Telegram eu entrava.

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File: f38816995fedb6c⋯.jpg (2.94 KB,122x125,122:125,1613844222095s.jpg)

Onde comprar roupas fofinhas sem ser pelo aliexpress? Quero algo que não demore muito de chegar. Todos os lugares que vejo só tem roupas "meh", nada bonitinho que me faça ficar feliz em usar. =(

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Server Traps / Femboys Brasil continua de pé e aberto! Entre nele procurando "trap brasil" no site disboard.org

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File: bd4868567286fa5⋯.png (283.15 KB,499x513,499:513,9C226739-67DF-4D7A-8932-0A….png)

 No.402687 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

We all subconsciously yearn for our younger smooth boy bodies. We haven’t yet accepted yet that masculinity entails living with bear-like bodies. When we see a smooth male body, our envy manifest itself into attraction and we ended up taking it out in the form of sexual attraction and jerking off to it.

I reached this conclusion after thinking about it for a while. I tried to really pin down why was I attracted to smooth boys. Especially that I never was like this in my early life at all. At first I thought it was just the feminine features of some with plum butts and all, but that doesn’t explain why all men are attracted to that or at least a majority.

It must be something deeper. Something else not as simple as that or we’d be a majority.

I am not sure what makes a smooth guy turn bottom and submissive, but I mostly attribute it to lack of fatherly attention or/and early and first sexual experiences, but I can’t really relate to that since I am not a bottom fag.

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Youth ≠ innocence


>I'm the same age and still haven't had sex but am more attracted to older women more than young "super hot girls" for whatever reason. I guess that's good for me, since most guys seem to prefer women young.

Female youth is overrated. Younger women are shallow, lazy and mean cunts.

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I also really do not like what modern women are turning into. It seems to me that they have become much more aggressive and impudent over the past five years. I prefer chatting with guys. Moreover, it is easy to do it online now - https://www.bromodates.com/gay-chat.html The only inconvenience is that I live in a small town. I have to travel to go on a real date.

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>past five years

If you only noticed female petulance five years ago, you havent paid enough attention.

>modern women

Why do people keep using "modern" incorrectly?

Modern means anything within the past two to five centuries.

What youre looking for is the word "current".

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I think there's something to that anon, yes. I don#t mind the thought of being more masculine but sometimes I wish I had sexually awakened earlier and really enjoyed my young, smooth body while it lasted. I mean, I'm not old yet but my prime twink years are behind me. I have a strong desire to find youthful, pretty boys and dress them up like dolls, maybe live vicariously in that way. Maybe I'll find some boy that wants a man to dress him up, be his muse- that'd be amazing.

I don't think your theory necessarily applies to all cute boy fans, however, and for me I'd be attracted even without those descibed feelings.

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I don't even like those kind of games but Link is definitely a cute boy idol, along with Pit from Kid Icarus and Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Good thing I can play as them all in Smash.

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File: f5af8c51ed54d24⋯.jpg (52.25 KB,696x1000,87:125,2_7.jpg)

 No.415526 [Open thread]


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File: a257316a65f737e⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,75.99 KB,909x961,909:961,aafd552318754b066c866bd06….jpeg)


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 No.415542 [Open thread]

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How do?

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 No.415531 [Open thread]

Anyone want to flirt or exchange nudes?

I love jerking off.

Alain’s slave#3636 add me on discord

Post your pics and discord ID, lets get a thread going.

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File: f1b72a01bae317e⋯.jpg (10.75 KB,320x221,320:221,Pablo.jpg)

 No.370604 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Would you ever let a non-white fuck you?

If so, what do you prefer; black, asian, latino, arab, ect..?

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>why the fuck are you guys so obsessed about race?

Race is real, and race matters. Why are you trying to pretend it doesn't?

>yet you think anyone darker than you is a bloodthirsty rape-ape?

No, but you seem to have problems grasping that they're a hell of a lot more likely to be one.

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>race matters

> you seem to have problems grasping that they're a hell of a lot more likely to be one.

Then explain then why white men do mass shootings. And explain why they rob and rape each other en masse. And why they're distrustful of each other to where they hire shitskin and animals.

And in fact, please explain why white men have morbid fascination for toying with the dark side of human psyche in the name of philosophy.

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>Then explain then why white men do mass shootings.

Whites comprise a much bigger percentage of the population than other individual racial groups are. Blacks alone commit around half the murders in the U.S. despite being a minority group. They're even more overrepresented when you realize that most of them are young black males in particular. The media also likes to sweep inconvenient stories under the rug, like the Micah Johnson shootings.

>And explain why they rob and rape each other en masse.

This is pure projection. Do you know anything about sub-Saharan Africa?

>And why they're distrustful of each other to where they hire shitskin and animals.

Rich whites tend to be scummy and out of touch with the needs of others, just like other rich people.

>And in fact, please explain why white men have morbid fascination for toying with the dark side of human psyche in the name of philosophy.

What are you even talking about?

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>Then explain then why white men do mass shootings

The number of mass shootings done by white males is not disproportionate to the percent of the population they make up. White males are not at all more likely to do mass shootings. Try looking up a list of mass shootings and see all the non-white shooters, I don't know, I'm not here to waste time talking about this

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Interracial for me isn't really about "muh dik" or superiority. I would probably go with the grossest, shit tier human I can think of; an indian. It's a degradation thing, I know Im superior to this dude yet I'm squatting there sucking his five inch smelly indian dick..

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 No.415455 [Open thread]

Is it a feature? I can not see any 8kun image. It shows empty. Both PC and phone

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i can't either :( all i see is "join ir 404" and idk how to get around that

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same here

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One of 8kun's file servers died months ago, and since there's nobody working on the site since the last exodus a lot of content was lost and even the site itself became unstable as hell.

There are two "cute boys" boards on https://8chan.moe/cb and https://3chan.co/cuteboys/, probably the remaining ones on internet.

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 No.413098 [Open thread]

How many of you are currently on hrt to keep looking young/cute?

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Doesnt hrt cause infertility?

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>been AGP all my life

>28 now and still have a sexual urge for HRT but the rest of me doesn't want to

I hate this kink, I'm still thinking about it even though I want to but don't want to be a girl

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i'm 24yo and still twink af, i probably have the "right" genes kek. i'm not that small but even my feet are abnormally small.

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I think we don't pay much attention to our beauty when we're young. I mean we don't appreciate it and don't think that we should keep it for future. As for me, I take care of myself, my general wellbeing, health, body and skin. I'm trying to eat healthy food, take vitamins from https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/online-pharmacy, do sport. However, I must confess this came only after I noticed that my youth began to fade away a little.

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 No.415506 [Open thread]

Could you guys please upload some hot dick pics to my nextcloud instance? Thank you!

Heres the link:


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 No.415504 [Open thread]

Tim Newton - Univ of Hawaii

Moonlights as gay model for pay behind the scenes


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File: dcc4a3eaa67573d⋯.jpg (44.44 KB,416x480,13:15,Dagi.jpg)

 No.415500 [Open thread]

This thread is dedicated to a friend

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File: ded702bc165569c⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1300x1033,1300:1033,sweet.jpg)

 No.414892 [Open thread]

Find yourself a kind and sweet boyfriend

Install IRC client such as https://hexchat.github.io/ on Windows/Mac/Linux or Revolution IRC on Android.

Server: irc.esper.net

Channel: #cute8oys

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I keep getting an unkown host maybe you misspelled it error?

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*Alternative Ways to Join*

In-browser IRC client (one click and you're in)


/cuteboys/ telegram chat, bridged to the #cute8oys irc channel


Because of the nature of IRC please be patient & hang around! We love making new friends and regularly discuss /cute/, technology, movies, current events, music, and more. We share lewds on occasion.

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We discontinued the telegram bridge.


Figure it out? ;p

IRC is super active. We had a cytube party last night. We watched 80s kids shows and VideoGameDunkey.

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File: 84ecab7aafe3113⋯.png (1007.54 KB,718x957,718:957,E4_mJfMXIAQ6P48.png)

 No.415478 [Open thread]


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File: a138800e05a2a11⋯.jpg (22.6 KB,288x359,288:359,boi.JPG)

 No.415475 [Open thread]

Finally decided fuck it, downloaded grindr and cuddled with a fairly cute chubby boi. AMA.

Also, do I have an std now?

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File: a138800e05a2a11⋯.jpg (22.6 KB,288x359,288:359,boi.JPG)

 No.415474 [Open thread]

Said fuck it, downloaded grindr and cuddled with a fairly cute chubby boi. AMA.

Also, do I have an std now?

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