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File: b945765791e89de⋯.jpg (578.22 KB,1062x1500,177:250,b945765791e89de76764cb23fd….jpg)

 No.384767 [Open thread]

>getting offers for sex

>to scared to take them


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where are you from

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heaven as far as you're concerned *vrazicak*

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Well,drop the contact then

we'll work something out

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File: ab9f1f992d2b760⋯.gif (5.19 MB,600x325,24:13,1_iuZM0areEQHIfRNTSKowzg.gif)

Been three years since i posted this and now i got a sugar daddy who dresses me up in female clothes and sells me out to other men

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File: 39331062113e126⋯.jpg (31.12 KB,500x489,500:489,haru.jpg)

 No.394469 [Open thread]

I thought I'd share some positive news with anyone else out there struggling with adapting to a healthy lifestyle or coping with things like depression and self-hatred.

As a bi guy who's gone through a lot of shit in my life, I was spiraling into some pretty bad cycles of self-destruction. Up until recently I was overeating, drowning in misery, and struggling with various addictions that were fucking up my brain.

In my heart I wanna be cute, happy, sexy, smart, and fun to be around, but in my heart I was getting farther and farther away from this person, and sacrificing my best self for the shitbag who I saw each day when I looked in the mirror.

It's taken a lot for me to start turning my life around, but this weekend, something in me just suddenly shifted, and for the first time in a long time, I've started striving to be happy and healthy again.

So far I've been sticking to a bunch of changes which are going to help me become the person I want to be again:

- Very healthy vegetarian diet, no fast food, junk food, sugar, or overeating (the last is the hardest but it only takes about three days for your cravings to start going away)

- Walking about 5 miles every day (I'm not near any gyms but this is a good way to get fresh air and burn calories each day)

- Quit smoking and limiting alcohol intake (I drink about 1-2x per month with the goal of curbing that to even more limited social occasions, rather than drinking just to fill the boredom)

- Ditched medications for natural alternatives (this one is a trial, but I was taking meds that were making me drowsy and causing weight gain – ironically as a way to curb depression)

- Not running away from my sexuality (posting in places like /cuteboys/ and generally opening up to my love of guys instead of repressing the urges completely)

I'm not here to preach or offer life advice – I probably would have laughed at myself in spite if I saw this post from a couple years ago. None of these changes are going to transform me overnight, but I Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I'm still in the self-destruct phase. I have been for 20 years. I wish someone had the answer. I wish I had the answer. I miss being slim athletic and flexible. Now that I am a fatty, I can't do anything, including breathing. At 5'8" my doc said I should be 145lbs. I was 135lbs when I was 20 and athletic. At 150lbs, I looked like a lumberjack. Yep, beard and all. Still had a nice taught flat belly. I would like to drop 70lbs and get back to the lumberjack look. I'm worried I will look disfigured if I have all the loose skin around my midsection like I have seen others have.

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its genuinely nice to see stuff like this. keep it up and youll be there before you know it.

i gained a shitton of weight over a few years and stopped looking after myself by forcing myself to do shit that made me unhappy because i thought the end goal would make me happy. im only just getting around to reversing that now but its amazing the progress you can make with determination on your side, and the longer it goes the more youll see the results the stronger your conviction will become.

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Bump it up to jogging or running and get some decent running shoes (a must!). Try to run 30 minutes a day minimum, it'll get easier quite fast. A light MP3 player is fun too, like a Sansa Clip +

bump up your protein intake because running

- Ditched medications

Don't take SSRIs or any of that garbage unless you're legit suicidal.

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Bro your body will adapt, stop making excuses it won't be that bad. Work out!

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I'm really happy for you! It's so strange but something similar happened to me a few months ago. I've been really depressed for years but about 4 years ago I just started being more appreciative about my life.

Fast forward to last May and I was getting high like I usually do and then I felt this loving, light like energy fill up my heart. I'm still not sure what happened to me but I feel super happy now, full of life and I've been working hard to bring back the sexyness lol

Thanks for sharing your story!!

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File: 861c7ac4114c789⋯.png (246.99 KB,709x1323,709:1323,__yagen_toushirou_touken_r….png)

 No.385712 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

It seems like most guys attracted to femboys like them to be short but are any of you attracted to taller femboys? I'm a femboy who is around 5'10" in height. I wish I was 5'7" but eh, you're deal with the cards you're dealt.

So yeah, would any of you guys go for a femboy who was taller?

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I definitely am, but I am 6'7 myself

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Tall girls can look good, so tall femboys can too. Just do your thing my man.

And hope you find a giant

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For me it's more about relative height than anything. If I'm gonna top, the bottom being taller is a bit of a turn-off. Don't know why that is, it just is.

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I really, really like tall girls and femboys. There's something wildly attractive in my partner being the same height as me (6'1) or taller. Don't know why, probably I have a height or mommy fetish, but looking at someone's eyes without having to lower my head feels very nice.

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File: 6dc0d19d7d55443⋯.png (152.3 KB,600x317,600:317,_2.png)

big penis

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File: f8ff3016d320406⋯.jpg (365.9 KB,2048x1786,1024:893,DnKLuyJVsAAcHdI.jpg)

 No.414090 [Open thread]

What does /cuteboys/ think of straight femboys?

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File: e8f76693819a960⋯.png (13.9 KB,100x100,1:1,18i76.png)

I'm heterosexual and want to collar a cuteboy and use him for cuddling and sex. I'd keep his cock locked up and only let him cum on occasion too, so his energy builds. I'd prefer a cuteboy who's also heterosexual.

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im bi and have dated both guys and gorls. Haven't had much luck with girls, even the ones who say they're into femboys.

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I'm exclusive straight. I've always liked the idea of going femboy but never acted upon it, well I'm straight and I always thought "no women is gonna like me if I go that way so…". After this relationship started, some how I let a little bit of my interest in cute stuff out and well she loved it. For some reason one thing let to another, she bought some cute panties, I told how much I loved them and well she said "well, I bought for you so, you better use it!". We now are planning to move together and well she got a lot of plans about clothes I'll wear for her. I've being blessed.

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>I'm heterosexual

uhhh i dont think thats how it works

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Nigga, you gay

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File: 201a73aad7e560e⋯.jpg (112.66 KB,843x831,281:277,FB_IMG_1508888183951.jpg)

File: 985a1b205924795⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,574x536,287:268,ideal male body.jpg)

 No.406899 [Open thread]

Can we please have a cute boy meme thread? I just love these!!

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>You two aren't those "trap" things are you?

I was profoundly disappointed when I came across the doujin those panels come from, only to find that they were not, in fact, those trap things.

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File: ec8eadae375c807⋯.png (207.54 KB,432x450,24:25,YouWillBecomeFemboy.png)

File: eb778f5a69e74c2⋯.png (197.77 KB,403x450,403:450,NotGayOrAnything.png)

File: d21f479a9e8bdcb⋯.jpg (108.8 KB,635x678,635:678,IDontCareIfItsGay.jpg)



anyone else think that the "gay sounds" memes were fucking cringey from the beginning ? all the ppl i know who would post them use them ironically.

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Ah, yes, who can forget those Pepe memesters who hated Milo? Both of them?

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File: 3a0f511a8ee09ae⋯.jpg (730.58 KB,1485x1402,1485:1402,trap ass.jpg)

 No.392519 [Open thread]

Okay guys, so while trying to deal with

>tfw you will never get a twink boy butt-pregnant

I developed a new fantasy and also i think i've found the closest we'll get to combining a person's genes in our lifetime. It's incredibly perverted and involves g*rls

I'll greentext;

>be me, bisexual

>wish guys could get eachother pregnant somehow or have children together

>want a qt twink bf

>heard about genetic microchimerism years ago, get a brilliant idea that it would be possible to mix our genes into a baby as long as a woman is willing to participate

Basically, for brainlets, a girl's past sexual partners can effect the genetics of future babies because the sperm stays inside her and changes new baby's DNA.

Fantasy goes like this;

>get a twink bf

>convince him i want to have children of my own and i have an idea how to have children with him

>find a virgin girl willing to slut it up with two bi (or gay) dudes

She'd have to be a virgin to ensure minimal cuckoldry. Otherwise she might give birth to racial mutt babies.

>convince presumably fully gay bf it'd be nice if he helped

>cum inside girl every day for a week to ensure she gets pregnant

>after this, tell bf he needs to cum inside her every day for a few months until she's too pregnant to have sex

>she gives birth to a baby that is about 10% bf's, 40% mine, and 50% hers

>repeat but tell bf he should get her pregnant, he cums inside her every day for a week

>after that point i cum inside her until she's too pregnant to have sex again

>baby is about 35% bf's, 15% mine, and 50% girl's

Stop at 2 kids and cut the woman completely out of the equation.

I had a specific image in mind while imagining this happening;

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although problematic, id still prefer to try to have a child with a cuteboy using conventional methods

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All I know is that I would like to practice getting that ass pregnant in the pic posted.

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I second this notion

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As problematic as it sounds, if the two of you are willing to make a pact the best method I could think of would be here the both of you have children with separate women, if your luck is in one will be a boy and one will be a girl. Then bring them up tentatively, not pushing your intentions too hard while they're young and developing but lay the seeds and hopefully your kids have kids together with DNA all mixed up nicely.

A long term project that requires dedication, luck and craftiness but it's at least viable. You just both have to fuck and maybe marry a girl but if they're cool and you're open about everything it's all good

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File: 45450d37e620c02⋯.jpg (414.54 KB,1200x1600,3:4,EeNHmkOXgAEl_IG.jpg)

>tfw no pregnant bf

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 No.406519 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

What do cuteboys think about chasers? I'm talking lonely chubby faggots who have never touched a woman and now prefer the company of effeminate men, what are your thoughts on this?


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File: c557ade5ac68d43⋯.jpg (27.5 KB,604x604,1:1,1535354487575.jpg)


Extremely trappilled, was like reading a page out of my own life

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Personally if they're super persistent I give in a little.

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File: 7e2cd2464cbee83⋯.jpg (32.58 KB,750x748,375:374,imamomagainstcatboys.jpg)

i don't see anyone saying exactly what i could say on that subject in the thread, maybe just misread it but anyway

i don't care much about actual "chasers", but the reasons for the definition of a "chaser" really often wrap up a sense of "fetishization" and i sincerily don't get it, coming from a "fetishist" comprehension of myself since my childhood i've soon had the feeling that pretty much any sexual attraction shit could be labeled as a "fetish" and that when it's called a "fetish" it's simply often to emphasize that it's not supposed to be "normal" sex. it produces a boundary between normal and abnormal. the more "normal" sexual attraction is never labeled a fetish. i don't think that's a good definition if it's simply a way to call out creepy/invasive behaviour, or just a way of seeing things you don't think is attractive.

to make things clearer i'm a 95% gay guy, i've always been attracted to mild/non-passing crossdressing or effeminate guys and have been called out when i was a teen in my "weird" tendencies inside and outside of my family and have faced public humiliation about it (i like to crossdress a little myself too). i probably have a "fetish" affinity, i don't mind much anymore, but that kind of approach is heavy for me bc it can have a lot to do with (public) shaming. probably quite a personal view on this, but whatever.

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(i think it's particularly obvious when some trans folks seem to consider that any representation of effeminate ppl in hentai/porn is "fetishist" or even transphobic even when it includes absolutely no trans ppl, and sometimes use that term as a commutable word for "transphobic". as if any sissy/crossdressing/whatever stuff was transphobic and everything was about them).

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File: fe06f4def2f35c9⋯.jpeg (86.01 KB,1024x922,512:461,New_York_state_f_4c44e0d3….jpeg)

 No.412842 [Open thread]

Can we finally get an active thread.

Queens twink here.

Just looking for like minded people in the area ,I have Discord and pics just ask

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Feel free to add me, I'm a 6'6 tall Euro trash mix.



add me

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Are you black? Purely out of curiosity. I visited queens last year and like 70% of the people I saw were black

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I am not.Where did you go?Jamaica im assuming.

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Bronx guy here, though I'm out on Long Island pretty frequently as well. Pretty average looking, a little more on the large side. discord is Ten_Cents#2295.

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Dom, 18 here out of bayside. My discord is Slicking#3564

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File: eda680dd04d4283⋯.jpg (80.09 KB,507x676,3:4,image-17-1.jpg)

 No.391135 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Why is it so difficult to find a qt3.14 to go shooting with? So many I run into on tinder or around town are always gross bears or have terrible meme game. Why am I cursed to such a fate anons?

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File: 53477fbb21d5026⋯.jpg (103.12 KB,952x592,119:74,sheogorath_.JPG)

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File: 5e97a9a187f333e⋯.gif (271.31 KB,480x270,16:9,plez.gif)




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Would definitely go to the range with you, and then take you home for some genuine cuddling.

I r8 10/10 would def smash and wife

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File: 86ef5c9826a03a1⋯.jpg (201.97 KB,645x973,645:973,ss_2018_10_17_at_08_31_46_.jpg)

File: 6e8c8b0d979de1f⋯.jpg (198.17 KB,647x975,647:975,ss_2018_12_12_at_03_15_06_.jpg)



I was just referring to pic related.

Also fyi I'm GatsAndBuns on social media, I hope nobody minds me promoting myself like that.

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File: c9d6183f04defb1⋯.jpg (243.66 KB,922x924,461:462,ss_2020_10_18_at_08_26_33_.jpg)

File: 54456f00c99ca4d⋯.jpg (245.62 KB,924x921,308:307,ss_2020_10_21_at_12_02_28_.jpg)

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File: 0108721e4465aee⋯.jpg (172.34 KB,691x923,691:923,ss_2020_10_05_at_12_06_55_.jpg)


Here's a few more recent ones just for the hell of it <3

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File: ea3f19914681c7a⋯.jpg (4.24 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180714_192308.jpg)

 No.388433 [Open thread]

Any adventurous cuteboys looking to check out abandoned places?

Looking for a partner, or maybe some new locations?

Post here!

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I know it's been a while so it's a shot in the dark but I've been eyeing that place for a while so it'd be cool to go with someone who knows the place

If your offer still stands my email is hhhh.owo@gmail.com

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I'm pretty not as scared, would you or your boyfriend mind sharing a few Dutch locations for me to visit?

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this sounds like the best way to get tricked into getting raped and murdered in an old abandoned house in the suburbs of some shitty dilapidated city like detroit or chicago

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File: 876b729732f4cc9⋯.jpg (4.96 MB,4288x3216,4:3,DSCF6051.JPG)


frenchfag here. anyone now places around north-west paris outskirts ? that's where im located now (for just a year normally) and id like to know about 95 a bit better, i like the place it reminds me of my childhood a bit :^)

i used to penetrate in empty places with my bros way way before it became trendy, just out of boredom, around my birthplace. now meeting someone in that context (trully anyone) could be fun actually. any place around paris is fine. i doubt i'll get responses but in any case u can dm me on discord : yaykitties#1059

im friendly, i can bring some beers and biscuits

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File: b9ee84b545e7dc7⋯.jpg (31.21 KB,680x680,1:1,ergeqrhhtr.jpg)

 No.366635 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Post any and all questions here that don't deserve their own thread

Anyways, to start-

>Be prisonfag

>Get out of prison a few weeks ago

>Figure it will be very hard finding a job due to my criminal record, and horrible employment history

>The first place I try hires me

>I am now a pizza delivery guy

>>They make employees wear hats when inside the store, for sanitary purposes

>Give me a shitty hat with the logo on it, but I'm told I can wear my own

>Considering getting pic related hat, to try and counter the hardened criminal, mass-murderer vibe I'm probably giving off

I don't know. Would this hat make me seem autistic or something? /cb/ has good taste, so I trust your judgment here.

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How can I get a cute femboy/trap body? Is it possible for the 'average' guy with an 'average' body to do this?

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I don't think it's necessarily possible for a normal guy, and even then aging takes its toll. Personally, I just plan on going the muscle twink route. That seems more tenable in the long run.

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File: 4c089c6f86c78e5⋯.gif (2 MB,156x164,39:41,1493765127591.gif)


Are there Chinese/Russians infiltrating the US to promote communism? With their pawns.

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>No Political Agenda

>Political unrest

<Teh Leaf isn't willing to admit Canuckistan is a left leaning shit hole

<Teh Leaf cannot admit that projecting Christian values on the right wing associates all right wing traditional values as homo bashing

Also Canadian Pedophile sympathizer created terminology for gender

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can murder me or somethinkpls

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 No.414180 [Open thread]


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wow, nice cock

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I'd literally die for you, where can I contact you?

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You have nice legs, and a cute ass!

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And email me @ azwonderbread@aol.com

A place to start..

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 No.372181 [Open thread]

How do I get pleasure from playing with my nipples/tits can I a make them more sensitive ?

Also they hurt not just my nipples, for no reason it just happens .

I tried to play with them and I feel like someone is tickling me from the inside of my brain (that's literally what I feel) + a really bad sensation

I just don't enjoy it I guess

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I find getting my nipples hot makes them more sensitive because of the increased blood flow just fill a bottle with hot water and set on nips for 3-5 minutes

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I think it's like butt stuff and you have to train yourself to like it and be in the mood for it. That's how it is for me anyway

The more I played with mine the better they felt and they feel pretty good now, getting them sucked feels amazing

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Had this one guy I banged who would kiss and lick my nips when fingering me, and it felt fucking godly.

Idk, maybe the sensitivity depends on the mood and how aroused you are.

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I try playing with my nipples, it feels good for the first few moments but then it suddenly stops being sensitive and it feels like its crusted up. Like it gets less sensitive as my nipples get harder. Anyone know why?

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I come regularly from nipples, I'm trying to replace touching my dick masturbation (or cum from anal as well). It took like 4 years, on and off trying. The main thing is using suction device to increase nipple size it makes it way easier, and turns me on. Just empty out a small bottle of hand sanitizer and remove the cap, then use that, it works pretty well. I also listened to some hypnosis but ngl it was unlikely that did much cos it never works on me, but thought I'd mention it in case. Its probably possible to start cumming from them within a couple of months if you touch your nipples every single time you masturbate, and then once you feel like you can do it without touching your dick spend about an hour or two getting really horny while touching your nipples when you feel suuuuuper horny, then you might get lucky. It gets easier the more you do it but I still need to be quite horny before cumming, I can't without porn.

As for the nipple stimulation itself, start by just swirling your nipples around in your fingers, then moving on to moving them up and down by flicking your finger over it, then eventually pinching, but I don't pinch that much, I go back to flicking my fingers over them, its easier to keep up while looking at porn. Use spit for saliva, or real lube if you have some, or whatever hand or moisturizer on hand. If your nipples lose sensitivity from overstimulation just take a break, but it never rly happens to me.

I can probably be arsed to answer questions cos apparently no one else knows how to do this

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 No.414029 [Open thread]

Hearing about that girl who got roofied at that twitch party makes me wanna go to a party in slutty skimpy clothes and get drugged. Or just the classic rape in an alley <3

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>If you tease me enough and get me turned on enough, I'll strip you naked and forcefully make you to take my cock.

Then i´ll always keep you aroused, just horny enough to lust after me, and of course i´ll serve any of your desires that may arise. ^~^

> But I know that will just make you wanna tease me even more. ^w^

If i find one whom i can trust, i´ll do everything for them. :3

>I'm always going to cuddle and spoon you after I'm done using your ass to drain my needy cock~ ^.^

I´ll weakly fall into your arms, filled to the top with your warm cum, softly panting and moaning. ~v~

>Hehe, good boy~ :3

>Mmmh, well I'm constantly going to be breeding with your tight little boypussy then. ;3

Ahh yes, it´ll be heaven on earth for us ^w^

>I wouldn't hesitate to fill you up with my delicious, warm cream, nice and deep inside your tight juicy little hole, leaving you a nice sticky mess back there with my cum dribbling out of you down your taint and legs~

If you dress me cutely and tie me up tight enough, i´ll love being completely messed up even more (than i already do). ~uwu

>I'm easily going to get addicted to your tight asspussy milking my cock, hehe.

That´s what i would love to achieve, with all the consequences it will bring me. ^ ^

>I bet your cries and moans of pleasure sound really cute, and I'd love to hear them as I'm deep inside of you. ^////^

I´ll aim to get you inside of me, just so i can let them out for you. ;p

Now , How do we want to get into contact ?

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>Then i´ll always keep you aroused, just horny enough to lust after me, and of course i´ll serve any of your desires that may arise. ^~^

Naughty boy, you just need to have a cock in your tight ass constantly, don't you? :3

>I´ll weakly fall into your arms, filled to the top with your warm cum, softly panting and moaning. ~v~

A cute boy like you deserves to be cherished, and loved tenderly!

>If you dress me cutely and tie me up tight enough, i´ll love being completely messed up even more (than i already do). ~uwu

I'll make you into the cutest girl ever, then I'll tie you up and fill you up~

>That´s what i would love to achieve, with all the consequences it will bring me. ^ ^

The biggest consequence of that, is that you will constantly have to milk my cock with your tight, delicious hole~

>I´ll aim to get you inside of me, just so i can let them out for you. ;p

Mmh, I'll reward you with my own cries of pleasure too~ ^ ^

Would you want to get into contact through discord?

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>Naughty boy, you just need to have a cock in your tight ass constantly, don't you? :3

I really do, and i´ll do almost anything for it. ^ ^

>A cute boy like you deserves to be cherished, and loved tenderly!

I´ll do the same to you, if you desire it. ;3

>I'll make you into the cutest girl ever, then I'll tie you up and fill you up~

That´s pure extasy for me, i´ll do anything in return for you. ^~^

>The biggest consequence of that, is that you will constantly have to milk my cock with your tight, delicious hole~

That´s a consequence i´m willing to take for pleasing you, even more as i also know you interested in my well-being. ~v~

>Mmh, I'll reward you with my own cries of pleasure too~ ^ ^

Well you already know how you can make me very happy, great~!

>Would you want to get into contact through discord?

Of course, here

/spoiler Wafflefan29#9330 /spoiler

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My discord got deleted by the (((staff)))

i´ve made a new one : Wafflefan29#9147

add me hun~

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Done! :)

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 No.367010 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

To help all the cut cuteboys who want foreskin out there, because circumcision ruins everything.

Put everything you know about restoration here, offer advice, discuss progress if you've done it, so on.

Here's a decent source to start from


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I heard the earth atmosphere was much thicker than it was now and thus all life forms were gigantic.

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The levels of oxygen were much higher than they were today, so yes. I know that insects used to be much more massive than they are today, and that's because their method of respiration was limited by the level of available oxygen and the lowering of oxygen caused insects to shrink. Only life forms with more efficient respiration systems were able to continue to grow to large sizes.

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>It's how it's supposed to look, and it's normal for it to look that way where you live because the circumcision rate is far lower than here in America.

I'm in the U.S. and just using a proxy. I don't remember ever even seeing an uncircumcised schlong IRL.

>If anything, I will probably have the most reactions since almost nobody has seen a foreskin here, but I'm beyond the point of caring because I care more about my sexuality than people's opinions.

Yeah, that's a good way to see it.

My biggest concern about the whole biological immortality thing is that the ruling class will only limit it to select people to limit population growth. If they made it available to people undergoing vasectomies or tubal ligation I'd probably do it, since I wouldn't be a good dad anyway.

The whole idea of reversing aging really excites me though. If it happens, there's a good chance a lot of us will live to see other mind-blowing technological advances. Although given the direction society is heading, I'm not too sanguine about the level of control governments and corporations are going to have over us.

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>My biggest concern about the whole biological immortality thing is that the ruling class will only limit it to select people to limit population growth. If they made it available to people undergoing vasectomies or tubal ligation I'd probably do it, since I wouldn't be a good dad anyway.

It wouldn't really make much economic sense for them to stop people from having immortality. For one thing, having young and healthy people capable of working greatly increases the labor force, and it would allow for greater productivity. Also, eliminating aging and the associated diseases that come with it would massively cut down on the amount of money that's going towards healthcare. Though, it may be "limited" to the ruling class in a sense that the treatment is expensive at first, but with time it should become more affordable.

Getting a vasectomy would be the easiest decision for me though, because I don't want to have kids.

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I'm all for human neutering because the way people treat their kids disgusts me.

Children are people not alter egos.

I mean seriously, how hard is it to teach kids life skills?

Whats so hard about allowing kids to have cynical leery worldviews?

Adults nowadays are becoming more petulant about everything and it reflects strongly on the way they treat children. I cannot respect the smothering idealism and inspiration on children and treating teens like toddlers.

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