>This is because women regard any interaction with a man as part of a competition, a game, revolving around their delusion that every man wants to have sex with her. They even think that while in a gay bar, unless you act really, REALLY gay. Otherwise, they feel the same as men do about lesbians: that they could "turn them straight". They drop this when you're crossdressing because they think all crossdressers are completely gay and thus not interested in them. Even if you aren't passable, you're basically wearing a big billboard saying "I'm not into women!", which overrides their natural feeling that you're really straight and just wandered into the wrong bar. Freed from having to play this "game", they'll actually treat you like one of their friends, instead of like a man.
Tbh men do the same thing. Always trying to treat women like a conquest.
Heterosexual romance is a fucking cesspool.
Its better if everyone had sex dolls.
Procreation would be done through glass tubes.