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File: 861d5bb6dcaa470⋯.gif (11.12 MB,400x225,16:9,Dextro.gif)

 No.417203 [Open thread]


Dextro is a technically legal psychedelic similar to magic mushrooms and produces hallucinations like shown in the attached gif

-1 How it works

-2 How to make

-3 Dosage adjusted by weight

-4 Legality

-5 Health info

- 1 How it works

- The active psychedelic chemical which is produced from this concoction is O-Acetylpsilocin, aka “synthetic shrooms”

How it is formed from when you make this concoction:

The reaction of Diphenhydramine, found in the Benadryl tablets of the recipe, reacts with the potassium chloride found in the bananas to make O-Diphenhydramine after 5 minutes of waiting and after the sugar is added later on it forms to become O-Acetylpsilocin, synthetic shrooms, after 3 minutes of waiting

If one were to not add sugar and bananas to convert the Diphenhydramine to O-Acetylpsilocin, there would be no O-Acetylpsilocin and you would feel very tired and possibly delirious since that’s what high doses of Diphenhydramine does as it is by itself is a very different chemical

Keep in mind if you have potassium chloride powder lying around and added the amount found in a standard banana (400 mg) that could also work for this synthesis

Also keep in mind that it has to be potassium chloride so if you wanted to use nuts or another food make sure it has potassium chloride instead of potassium citrate which is common in non banana potassium foods

- 2 How to make it


1 banana Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 8094f9fff67a85d⋯.webp (189.13 KB,823x1024,823:1024,black_jesus_scafa2_1024x1….webp)

 No.417191 [Open thread]

And my fat black ass can't stop laughing.

Fuck all you racist white mother fuckers, fuck yourselves to death, yall need jesus, the real jesus

a jesus who was black, beautiful, and did not come for yall white shit heads. Yall are the spawn of satan but maybe if you pray hard enough he might forgive you

480 873 7571

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File: 0d99395e243b385⋯.jpg (81.01 KB,480x640,3:4,bodd3.jpg)

File: ba37e1ed4f26193⋯.jpg (54.94 KB,480x640,3:4,bodd2.jpg)

File: 436e774cd17b482⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,480x465,32:31,bodd.jpg)

 No.406206 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Chubby Thread because the last one isn't as active and a new one might spark more people. Also, don't know if I'm chubby enough to qualify or whatever.

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Got Discord, anon? You're perfect

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Aww w! So cute!!

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File: 78574c426459bd8⋯.png (1.3 MB,808x1321,808:1321,Screenshot_2022_06_02_2338….png)

 No.417172 [Open thread]


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File: 12c766619f5c9cc⋯.jpg (780.29 KB,1800x2699,1800:2699,17187144226990.jpg)

 No.417170 [Open thread]


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File: 30d47186c213047⋯.jpg (15.08 KB,235x313,235:313,6a35c0d0b264fac6028ba1e115….jpg)

 No.416962 [Open thread]

>be me

>cant join

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>>416962 bump because i also dont know

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File: fd1121af45008c5⋯.png (158.31 KB,640x640,1:1,1717805670214.png)

 No.417141 [Open thread]

The fact that most users here r from white countries explains alot

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File: c9be3025f6cc777⋯.jpg (930.79 KB,1474x1205,1474:1205,sd03.jpg)

File: f828195063d859e⋯.jpg (855.94 KB,1508x1209,116:93,sd04.jpg)

File: 4c3a9271e54f925⋯.jpg (652.24 KB,1508x1209,116:93,sd05.jpg)

File: 3758d4372bba7c7⋯.jpg (579.54 KB,1482x1096,741:548,sd06.jpg)

File: fa9d5d1a594e4db⋯.jpg (523.67 KB,1081x800,1081:800,sd07.JPG)

 No.417134 [Open thread]

Too bad.

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File: 405886643801bf7⋯.jpg (679.31 KB,1389x1000,1389:1000,c43.jpg)

File: 8ac47d3b802dcf8⋯.jpg (668.35 KB,1389x1000,1389:1000,c44.jpg)

File: 6aa14b23017fd5b⋯.jpg (344.92 KB,1143x800,1143:800,c45.jpg)

File: efdb63659acdc1a⋯.jpg (441.78 KB,1289x800,1289:800,c46.jpg)

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File: c7cdcf50908da2b⋯.jpg (447.33 KB,1262x800,631:400,c47.jpg)

File: 7db8199c8fc4d59⋯.jpg (456.05 KB,756x907,756:907,c48.jpg)

File: 3a9ee6a5dca456f⋯.jpg (878.05 KB,1570x1202,785:601,c33.jpg)

File: 8ffadb6c5831237⋯.jpg (797.27 KB,1587x1191,529:397,c33a.jpg)

File: 52cffd65e31651e⋯.jpg (535.86 KB,1145x900,229:180,c34.jpg)

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File: d7a258298e05556⋯.jpg (848.02 KB,1587x1134,529:378,c35.jpg)

File: 50943e49e741ac8⋯.jpg (328.08 KB,1020x800,51:40,c36.jpg)

File: fbf4b476ab79d9b⋯.jpg (111.09 KB,903x1204,3:4,c38.jpg)

File: c5806a1cb3512aa⋯.jpg (718.08 KB,1672x1020,418:255,c39.jpg)

File: 0835ea33a8bb236⋯.jpg (179.08 KB,1049x1182,1049:1182,c40.jpg)

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File: fbd5c1cc673ac86⋯.jpg (859.57 KB,1417x1219,1417:1219,sd25.jpg)

File: 426e820fb751163⋯.jpg (295.01 KB,680x1077,680:1077,sd26.jpg)

File: b664789b867ba6d⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1776x1776,1:1,c49.jpg)

File: ee27bc778a8d769⋯.jpg (853.3 KB,1080x1920,9:16,c50.jpg)

File: 4a8e87a7ba2e873⋯.jpg (857.13 KB,820x1625,164:325,c51.jpg)

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File: 6b5af823829fe3e⋯.jpg (88.08 KB,653x653,1:1,1695713519022.jpg)

 No.417129 [Open thread]


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File: f6bfac9de6afd0e⋯.jpg (206.74 KB,708x674,354:337,delete.jpg)

 No.400216 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Are there any right to far right cuteboys? Homofascism anyone ?

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File: dec1499a69e24ee⋯.png (314.68 KB,396x538,198:269,Screenshot_2021_07_21_6_48….png)

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They think of themselves as token gays.

Also, they killed feminine gays.

Masculine gays were spared.

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Liberalism ≠ leftism

What you guys are calling leftism is really neoliberalism.

Commies dont actually care abour race nor sexuality. Thats neoliberals.

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What do you mean token gays I thought they killed all the gays. But other than that, are you interested in joining.

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File: 3b5b3d08b301f21⋯.webp (140.24 KB,image.webp)

 No.417107 [Open thread]

what happened to it

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File: 3b5b3d08b301f21⋯.webp (140.24 KB,image.webp)

 No.417106 [Open thread]

what happened to it

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File: 1973a0e5c936b2b⋯.jpg (423.42 KB,2048x1448,256:181,__armin_arlert_shingeki_no….jpg)

 No.401760 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>no musty facesititng bf

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File: 935fb82c518d4a6⋯.png (1.3 MB,1156x1946,578:973,3a3329l3.png)


lingerie is the best

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I want to be a fuckslave for someone's huge dogs. I'd get locked up in a cage and only let out to be taken for walks, bathroom breaks, and to be raped by a german shepard with a fat red cock. I'd have my own collar and leash and everything, and my master would give me a pet name so I could be his dog's wife (male).

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File: 7ec0a28123e71db⋯.jpg (104.23 KB,366x999,122:333,sample_0f7939200774b097581….jpg)

I want a dark-skinned, light-haired boy who I can choke, ride, make him eat his own cum out of my pussy, tie up, cut my initials into, piss on, and force to cum again and again until he passes out. I'd love to put things in his ass, blindfold him, make him eat me out, and fuck him with a strap-on. Ideally I'd want to get a couple of friends together and railroad him, one after another, and film every second of it.

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Have you ever thought about how a gift has a positive impact on our lives? You know, I think a lot of people should because it helps to remember it for a lifetime. In addition, you can learn more about what birth gifts are on this website https://www.sianvictoria.com/blog/guide-to-different-types-of-flower-bouquets-arrangements-design You can also find different merchandise that can be presented as a gift for any vacation.

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File: bbe3885a7019045⋯.jpg (314.03 KB,903x809,903:809,16835688935310.jpg)

 No.417099 [Open thread]

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File: 92d8b0c244ce0dc⋯.png (169 B,42x47,42:47,gray2.png)

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File: 92d8b0c244ce0dc⋯.png (169 B,42x47,42:47,gray2.png)

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File: 92d8b0c244ce0dc⋯.png (169 B,42x47,42:47,gray2.png)

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File: 70067a8ace5a3bf⋯.png (161 B,42x47,42:47,gray1.png)

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File: 70067a8ace5a3bf⋯.png (161 B,42x47,42:47,gray1.png)

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File: 513fab9828f93c8⋯.png (118.83 KB,420x420,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.417096 [Open thread]

Ev Dom. Tw) Ford.56

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