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 No.400216 [View All]

Are there any right to far right cuteboys? Homofascism anyone ?

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china is more libertarian that the Us idiot

that's why it fucking sucks

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While the right is filed with moralizing puritans who love harping on about "degeneracy," the LGBT subculture is cancer anyway.


>Conservatism *should* be about individuality, as opposed to the collectivism on the left.

No, that's classical liberalism. True conservatism is communitarian in nature. A society needs a mix of both individualism and collectivism to function properly.


I agree.


Alt left or alt center, maybe. I'm in the same boat.




You should be a comedian. Socialism only works when it's heavily adulterated.

>All fascists are retarded LARPers who are sad that Tyrone fucked a glorious white whore.

Or maybe their LARPy views are a reaction to constantly being lied to, insulted, and kicked around by people who do everything they can to undermine Western civilization.

I think a lot of their beliefs are stupid, but their instincts are more healthy than those of pathetic, self-hating leftists. It's pretty ironic how leftists like accusing others of being bootlickers when they do the exact same thing they attribute to others.


>china is more libertarian that the Us

What the hell am I reading?

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I have to completely keep my knowledge and opinions regarding politics to myself on Twitter, because I'm decidedly not progressive, and Twitter is Twitter. If I even go so far as a subtle suggestion, I know it could blow up into a dumpster fire with a mob ravenous leftists trying to blackmail me. Sometimes it feels like being a spy in an enemy nation, which is a bit depressing, but I have no reason for anxiety as long as I keep my mouth shut there. The entire idea of using an account made for posting lewd fetishy photographs as a platform for political speech makes me cringe anyway.

I think the worst part is my disappointment when people I try making friends with people who turn out to support left wing causes. There's no surprise, again since it it Twitter, but just disappointment. I much prefer it when people there remain completely apolitical.

I just felt like telling someone this since I rarely ever get to discuss it.

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Same anon. I have no problem being a fag but I don't like being a mutt.

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mmm i want succ your mutt cock~

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File: 5064f4b68877a3e⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB,608x1080,76:135,Big_White_Cock_BlatinoBott….mp4)



I'm a full-blown "white supremacist," but I'd definitely still have sex with a non-white. One of my biggest fantasies is getting dicked down by a coal-black Mandingo and then turning the tables on him and getting him addicted to white cock. I don't see the problem with interracial sex in and of itself, especially when two men aren't going to be able to knock each other up. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of baggage associated with it depending on the race of the person in question, like the risk of getting victimized or catching a disease. All that "sissy" stuff I find pathetic too.

I'm just a standard bisexual guy and not a trap, but I think there are a lot more nationalist or right-leaning traps than you'd think who would be open to you. I also honestly think a lot of /pol/ types end up seeing sex with non-whites as a forbidden fruit (which is what happened to me). That's not even getting into how /pol/ itself is seemingly filled with mutts.

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Im with you honey. We can believe whatever we want to, that's freedom if people have a problem with that they can fuck off.

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I guess it depends on what you mean by "right" and what you mean by "LGBT." I can imagine a Trump voter being accepting of the LGBT movement, but Trump's not really a right-wing guy in the first place. The more serious right-wingers tend to think homosexuality in general (and not just the corporation-approved LGBT movement) is worthy of disapproval and possibly downright evil. I'm sure there are at least a decent amount of them who want sexual minorities dead, although given how many closet cases there are among online right-wingers that might not go as planned.

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>Trump is not Right-wing

Correct. Trump is left conservative.

Too many people (especially in the Anglo world), think left=liberal and right=conservative.

This is bc ass-backwards Cold War propaganda.

Freedom and democracy is leftist.

Monarchism is rightism.

If our Founding Fathers were right-wing, they'd be sucking King George's dick.

Our post-1940s Republicans are CONSERVATIVE but not rightist. Except for Christian fundamentalists and white nationalists whom are right-wing.

Real rightists laugh at the GOP

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>Trump is left conservative.

>Our post-1940s Republicans are CONSERVATIVE but not rightist.

I wouldn't call them "conservative" either. They conserve nothing. A real American conservative to me would focus on cultural continuity and cautious change above all else, rather than sucking up to corporations and rootless cosmopolitans who hate them. I think the My Posting Career guys were a good example of what real conservatism would look like: pro-white, localist in nature, adherent to "trad" social views (usually with a religious bent) and purity-based moral views, supportive of moderate capitalism, distrustful of rapid technological advancement, and so on.

I personally agree with a lot of that stuff, but my differences in moral and religious views and social policy are irreconcilable in that I'm too individualistic to be a conservative and don't believe in castigating "degenerates." I might dislike the way something like homosexuality is being used as a political bludgeon (as opposed to something that should be quietly accepted), but I admire "degenerate" people who are willing to go against the grain and live life according to their own values (provided they aren't causing tangible harm to anyone else). That level of social libertarianism is completely at odds with true conservatism, and so I could never call myself a conservative.

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i want to fuck donald trump

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Then youre a right-wing libertarian.

>Pro white


That's rightism.

> degenerates live but keep their shit away from others

That's libertarianism.

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I don't have laissez-faire economic beliefs though. I also think that sometimes the good of the group should come before that of the individual and that "collectivism" isn't necessarily a bad thing, both of which tend to run contrary to the typical libertarian stance.

But apparently my ethical sensibilities are closest to libertarians according to this moral foundations test:


Even then it's not a perfect match. All my moral foundations other than purity and liberty were higher than libertarians'.

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Unfortunately, the average Anglo conservative thinks this is "socialism/communism, therefore evil".

Anglo countries (US, UK, Canada, and Australia) run on "muh individualism" principle. It's bc of this why they have the highest rates of social-personal crises in the West.

All that talk about "God and country" is a farce. White folks are tribal against each other. They have a fetish for socio-biological castes. Childless single people, children, and young men are seen as "the other".

Cannot have kids interact with anyone outside their age group bc "muh pedophilia" or "liability". Hell a popular saying is " I only love my kids bc I raised them."

Single people are seen as "oversized toddlers" to be kept away from families, young men are seen as defective maidens. Women in their 20s can get away with violent tantrums. Boys, even before they hit their teens, are seen as "ticking time bombs to be taken care of."

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Very true. I strongly support individualism, but this hyperindividualism stuff is pure cancer. Today's "classical liberals" wouldn't have as much in common with those of the Founding Fathers' era as they think. The latter group had no inherent problems with "collectivism" judging from their racial and communitarian moral stances. I don't consider the latter thing to be ideal, but they sure seemed to be less foolishly idealistic and understood that humans are social creatures. Despite my admiration for defiant misfits, I think the whole weirdness-for-the-sake-of-weirdness that's pushed so hard today is hurting normalfags who pretend to be quirky but don't truly have it in them. Being a weirdo is a hard, lonely road to travel down and isn't a venture that should be undertaken lightly. Aleister Crowley was a dick, but I think his idea of the true will might be relevant here:


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Aliester Crowley was an edgelord degenerate from a rich family.

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He was a real bastard ("degenerate" means nothing to me), but I agree with a decent amount of his social/political ideas.

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Ew niggers are off the table completely. They smell, look cruel, aren't very bright, and are violent. Definitely far from peak bishounen. Your ideology seems nonsensical and your gonna get sick. Don't do it. Wtf.

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>They smell, look cruel, aren't very bright, and are violent.

I don't disagree there as far as most are concerned. I stay away from them IRL whenever possible and would only fuck one I could properly vet. It's too risky otherwise. Most of them are also far from my physical ideal, even if I could trust them.

>Your ideology seems nonsensical

Paradoxical, yeah. I don't think it's uncommon for someone's political views to seem opposed to their sexual habits. I found this article a while ago on how people involved with adultery and cuck fetishism tend to be more less liberal in their politics, and I think the author might be onto something despite being a leftist trying to stick it to right-wingers:


>and your gonna get sick.

I'd never fuck a guy without protection.

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Yes bc whites are the "only civilized" breed.

Lets ignore the white punk delinquents and white welfare queens and Karens.

And lets not forget the Anglo fetish for violence and tragedy.

Lets forget that alot white folks are mixed and/or descended from barbarians.

Lets not forget the apish hate-boner for Jews for outperforming them.

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>Yes bc whites are the "only civilized" breed.

They're clearly head and shoulders above most of the others.

>Lets ignore the white punk delinquents and white welfare queens and Karens.

You mean the ones there are far fewer of per capita?

>Lets forget that alot white folks are mixed and/or descended from barbarians.

The "mixed" whites either shouldn't be considered white in the first place or their non-white ancestors lived so far back that it doesn't even matter.

Those "barbarians" were skilled navigators, horsemen, farmers, metalworkers, and had created an advanced calendar system to boot.

>Lets not forget the apish hate-boner for Jews for outperforming them.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the way they subvert their host countries and treat them with contempt, right?

I don't agree that blacks should be completely off the table, but it absolutely pays to be wary of them.

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>Those "barbarians" were skilled navigators, horsemen, farmers, metalworkers, and had created an advanced calendar system to boot.

So did Native Americans and Chinese.

>Yeah, it has nothing to do with the way they (Jews) subvert their host countries and treat them with contempt, right?

Please. Most national crises is bc of fellow whites' complacency. The civil wars that ravaged Europe to the point that they had to go overseas to brown countries and subvert them and then they turn around and whine about Jews?

And if anything, Jews get too much credit anyway. What about the fact that East Asia has tech conglomerates?

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>So did Native Americans

There were only a few advanced Indian societies, like the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas. Eastern North American tribes never smelted metal or advanced past copper. There is evidence of ironworking among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest, although I think that was after contact with Japanese sailors.

Regardless of how advanced these tribes were, they were bound to be left in the dust in the long term. They had neither the intellectual drive and curiosity of the West that allowed such rapid scientific and philosophical advancement. The pagans from the more "backwater" parts of Europe ended up fully embracing the Greco-Roman tradition, and it was the regions that were formerly the hinterlands of the Roman Empire that ended up surpassing everyone else.

>and Chinese.

The Chinese had some pretty impressive achievements for a time but ended up stagnating and letting the world pass them by. That's not surprising considering their adherence to traditions like Confucianism rather than more analytical ones the West has had going back to the ancient Greeks.

>Please. Most national crises is bc of fellow whites' complacency.

Complacency to the Jewish/globalist agenda, yes. Ordinary whites are too idealistic for their own good and don't realize how much is at stake. Most people are also not very perceptive in general.

>The civil wars that ravaged Europe to the point that they had to go overseas to brown countries and subvert them

And ended up massively raising the living standards of those countries in the process. It doesn't make sense to criticize the West for its wars when wars are a universal phenomenon. Not only that, but if the more primitive societies were left to their own ends, they would probably be in near-constant states of war (which seems typically for tribal societies).

>and then they turn around and whine about Jews?

Why wouldn't they be critical of a group of people who tend to spit on everything their ancestors worked for in favor of turning Western civilization into a giant favela?

> What about the fact that East Asia has tech conglomerates?

What do those have to do with cultural subversion?

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They are just outrageous idiots who do not understand that they will be destroyed under a truly nationalist regime.

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>implying being right wing or a nationalist are the same thing as Nazism

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>And ended up massively raising the living standards of those countries in the process. It doesn't make sense to criticize the West for its wars when wars are a universal phenomenon. Not only that, but if the more primitive societies were left to their own ends, they would probably be in near-constant states of war (which seems typically for tribal societies).

You still shouldve left them alone. They had their own laws and knew how to handle the land. The white settlers took ot and squabble amongst themselves. The standard of living went up but at the price of using someone else as labor. Not every white person could get a slice of the pie. The morbid exponential extraction of natural resources to feed corporate pockets and plebian bodies would damage the ecosystem for whites in the long run. But as we all know, its always the Jews' fault.

>Complacency to the Jewish/globalist agenda, yes. Ordinary whites are too idealistic for their own good and don't realize how much is at stake. Most people are also not very perceptive in general.

Nah. Ordinary whites are too SELF-IDEALISTIC. They would soon turn on each other if it was convenient. They're only using Jews as a more immediate bogeyman.

>What do those have to do with cultural subversion?

Sony, Samsung, LG, Nintendo. Or how about Toyota?

You really are that naive about how these EA guys got your precious white kin by the balls?

>The Chinese had some pretty impressive achievements for a time but ended up stagnating and letting the world pass them by. That's not surprising considering their adherence to traditions like Confucianism rather than more analytical ones the West has had going back to the ancient Greeks.

You dare to put down Mesoamerica and China for their technologocal advancements yet you praise Celtic/Germanic tribes for skilld navigation? All your precious white society is built on Greek/Indo/Arabic sciences.

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>You still shouldve left them alone. They had their own laws and knew how to handle the land. The white settlers took ot and squabble amongst themselves.

The Indians were slaughtering and taking land from each other long before the settlers showed up. The whites just beat them at their own game.

>The standard of living went up but at the price of using someone else as labor.

What are you even trying to say? Are you trying to claim that the division of labor is a bad thing?

>Not every white person could get a slice of the pie.

No, but there have been attempt to rectify that.

>The morbid exponential extraction of natural resources to feed corporate pockets and plebian bodies would damage the ecosystem for whites in the long run.

So let's just go back to chucking spears instead of looking for viable solutions to grave ecological problems.

>But as we all know, its always the Jews' fault.

No, the Jews are perfectly innocent and nothing is ever their fault.

>Nah. Ordinary whites are too SELF-IDEALISTIC. They would soon turn on each other if it was convenient. They're only using Jews as a more immediate bogeyman.

Ordinary whites tend to be philosemitic and believe the Jews can do no wrong.

>Sony, Samsung, LG, Nintendo. Or how about Toyota?

>You really are that naive about how these EA guys got your precious white kin by the balls?

Again, what do those have to do with cultural subversion?

>You dare to put down Mesoamerica and China for their technologocal advancements yet you praise Celtic/Germanic tribes for skilld navigation? All your precious white society is built on Greek/Indo/Arabic sciences.

The Celts and Germanics were absorbed into the Greco-Roman traditions and Europe advanced far beyond the rest of the world. Read Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray. The Incas and Mesoamerican societies were advanced, but they weren't going anywhere in the long term.

Also, the Islamic "Golden Age" was largely due to having preserved Western texts during the Dark Ages, and the growth they did have was stunted by the ascendance of Ash'arite thought over the more liberal-minded Mu'tazilites.

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Ask any real nationalist what he thinks about gays, femboys. You learn a lot of new things.

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>Ordinary whites tend to be philosemitic and believe the Jews can do no wrong.

Idk about that. Maybe IRL they play the "fair and balanced rational adult", but behind closed doors and online, they're anti-Semitic to the core.

Anything they don't like/understand is "da Jews".

Hell, whites aren't the only ones who hate Jews.

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Femboy militia anyone? Let's get this shit started!!!! discord server code: dEfKuYh

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File: 4681dd7f6283d94⋯.png (61.96 KB,1736x405,1736:405,hmmm.png)


>all real nationalists are hardcore social conservatives

What do you call the Counter-Currents guys?



>Anything they don't like/understand is "da Jews".

No, that's the philosemite's strawman for anyone who starts asking inconvenient questions about the Chosen People. The overwhelming majority of Jews don't give a damn about preserving Western civilization, even the so-called right-wing ones. That wouldn't matter so much if they didn't have outsized political, social, and financial influence relative to the proportion of the population they comprise, but they do.

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File: 5a795a29946a8d0⋯.jpg (123.79 KB,720x367,720:367,Screenshot_20200901_103130….jpg)


>What do you call the Counter-Currents guys?

I don't think there are more than just words.

Nationalism is more often associated with conservatism and traditionalism than with anything else.

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>Nationalism is more often associated with conservatism and traditionalism than with anything else.

Nationalists tend to be "trad," but it doesn't have to be that way. When the whole alternative right thing first started, things tended to skew in a more socially moderate direction than they do now. Having a movement co-opted by hardcore neo-Nazis and religious fanatics tends to do that.

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>le everything is left/right collectivist/individualist autism

Stop watching prageru and Peterson

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Good day frens and legally put all anarchists and libs against a wall

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Wow some people in one country in the 1930s didnt like buggery I guess I have to let niggers colonize and rampage across my country

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If you want to preserve your people, then you must be a supporter of a despised, long-dead political party because I say so.

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I dont particularly care about the opinions of socially engineered wastrels nor am I the one presuming the cartoon villain version of this miniscule period of history have the monopoly on nationalism.

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"All roads to the Right lead to Hitler."

The Big Lie 2.0.

Warm up the helicopters.

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you stupid motherfucker, the second they start to gain real power they'll have you murdered. Look at what happened to Rohm.

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>all right-wingers are Nazis or hardline social conservatives

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You stupid motherfucker, he was killed because he repeatedly refused to obey Hitler's directives and stood in the way of Himmler's attempts to seize more power.

Read a book sometime.

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Fact: you're not a true homofash until youve attempted suicide because of your impulses to be gay. even if youre a masc. top like me.

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Honest to god it's a pretty fair argument , the unibomber brought that up in his manifesto

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Speaking about right-wing are any of you guys interested in joining my optical club to discuss Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at benflee222@gmail.com and tell me from what board you came from.

But seriously though, how can you be fascist and gay. The fascist killed the gays. It's like a chicken defending KFC.

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They think of themselves as token gays.

Also, they killed feminine gays.

Masculine gays were spared.

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Liberalism ≠ leftism

What you guys are calling leftism is really neoliberalism.

Commies dont actually care abour race nor sexuality. Thats neoliberals.

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What do you mean token gays I thought they killed all the gays. But other than that, are you interested in joining.

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