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File: f6bfac9de6afd0e⋯.jpg (206.74 KB,708x674,354:337,delete.jpg)

 No.400216 [Last50 Posts]

Are there any right to far right cuteboys? Homofascism anyone ?

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This question is peak 8chan.

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Fascism is a collectivist left wing ideology.

Everything inside the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

It's extreme socialism.

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This board used to be pretty right-wing when /r/thedonald was still a thing and people were still excited about that stuff.


You could have a hyper-nationalist monarchy with private property which would still fit your nonsense description of fascism. Which is basically what fascism is, minus monarchs. I mean, there's more nuance to it than "hyper-nationalist state with private property," but either way it's not socialism. Even Hitler eventually said this.

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Everyone on this site came for /pol/ originally and then found their way here, so there are worse places to start. I don't do the Fascism thing anymore, it appealed to me when I was reading a lot of Ezra Pound and other right-wing poets and authors of the time, and had a website for writing about it. But I think living through 2017 put me off of it for good and turned me into an anarchist.

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You've confused authoritarianism with economic ideology.

While the Horseshoe theory is pretty popular, there are aspects of it which work and aspects which don't, much like other political science theories.

"Extreme socialism" really only came about from Stalinism and Maoism. Fascism on the other hand were characterised by Mussolini and Franco, who were fascists in so much as they pushed nationalism, cracked down on opposition and used force and intimidation through paramilitaries to "persuade" people.

Totalitarianism is more or less the same whether or not it's left wing or right wing, but I don't think we're talking about that specifically.

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>See's post about right wing cute boys

> expects photos of cutie3.14's in maga hats

>Get's Political debate

>My dick is sad

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Except anarchism could never work in the real world unless you're looking to live in a wasteland

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Have you tried reading any works of anarchist philosophy or theory? Molyneux's "Practical Anarchy" is pretty easy to get into and doesn't require much of a background in the literature of the older philosophers.

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I'll look into it but just a heads up I'm pretty biased on the subject

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Too many anarcho commies running around my area

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Ah, well, ancap here. More Rothbard than Kropotkin. Very different, and most handbooks on anarchy I have read seem to praise anarcho communism and shun ancap, so to say the two are alike may be painting with too broad a stroke, like the people who listen to Jordan Peterson and start saying post-modernism is Marxism while ignoring the critiques each side have of each other.

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File: 22fcdcfe783f2e1⋯.jpg (56.64 KB,750x815,150:163,6xylj9eg4i321.jpg)


Dude literally thinks organs are incompatible between races, I don't really think he's a credible person.

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Organ transplants require the donor and recipient to have relatively similar immune systems, which are genetic traits. Different racial groups have different immune systems, meaning organ transplants from one race to another are possible but less likely to work; you are much more likely to reject an organ from someone of another race.

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Citation needed

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> … racial minority groups have a lower chance of finding a match.

>We demonstrate that African-Americans are more polymorphic with respect to HLA, and are hence less likely to find donors at any given registry size.

I'm not a white nationalist, or a racist of any stripe, however if there are actual, real issues people face a result of genetic factors, I'm not going to pretend those problems don't exist. Just don't waste my time by calling me a racist and then having me do your google searches for no pay. You're barking up the wrong tree.

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File: a2a427c6794d107⋯.jpg (507.31 KB,2176x1664,17:13,ffd144386e506f711a3e4422cb….jpg)


That would be me, although i don't identify with the left/right scale as presently used. However, I don't know if I'm cute anymore. Life had been hard on me.


<I would only consider getting fucked by hot Aryan natural blond or redhead guys, and would expect to be the 'female' partner, that is, I want to be the one lusted after. My cuteboy fantasy is getting fucked by a hot trap, as a trap. I have way higher standers for a male partner than a female partner.

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File: 5e5a5e2f5745612⋯.png (623.98 KB,610x900,61:90,32fb3216e4ba986d2fa61f974b….png)

All niggers and supporters of open borders, or the Saturnine cults Jews, Muslims, Christians should be deported to Africa. The whole sexual identity push is D/C against anti-(((globalist))) forces that automatically align with (((christian))) views on sexuality. If individuals are given freedom within a strong nation with secure borders, identity politics ceases to be so important.

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You seem well adjusted


Sounds pretty hot, which political ideology do you identify with ?

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File: fa77ad779463faf⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1000x1500,2:3,Tail.jpg)


>which political ideology do you identify with?

<Ideally, I'd like to be a Goddess, but you have to play the cards you are delt.

I suppose Electoral Monarchy the children of the Monarch are candidates to be the next Monarch or a Top-Down (disciples) or Bottom-Up (representatives) tiered governance system. In also systems, I would have a constitutional basis starting from a libertarian perspective but allowing for intervention as necessary by the Head of State.

I suppose in the end, I just want to be in charge because I can't trust anyone to act in my interests given my personal history. So support me for Emperor, or rather, Empress!

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File: 5bb6823df0270bb⋯.png (435.82 KB,606x858,101:143,Nation.png)


>In also systems

<In all systems

Not to be a grammar Nazi but my occasional bad spelling and formatting annoys my OCD.

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I toyed with the monarchist stuff for a time, just because it had a very romantic framework negotiating the underclass with the rulers. The notion of the monarch as a steward of the nation who looks after it as he would his own home. And poets like William Butler Yeats, who were fond of monarchy and wrote kindly of it. I think it's a normal, masculine will: wanting to create life and see the world made just.

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File: 4a3f7f357dd0264⋯.jpg (12.43 KB,229x220,229:220,download.jpg)

Up the ICC and the ICT

Read Capital

Read Stirner

Read Bordiga

Read Pannokoek

Read Zizek

Abolish the value-form

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Only centre-left for me.

What's wrong with some social democracy?

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File: 2d112d9ca33a2bf⋯.png (2.76 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,download (12).png)


Its absolute monarchy for me tbh. As a britboy I think that Lizzy should get of her ass and kick Parliament to the curb

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File: 15b54a1d2823cf6⋯.jpg (17.78 KB,282x301,282:301,FUMA 5.jpg)

Anyone here a Protestant White Fag Boi in Dixie ??



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File: 8bb67b5f377c301⋯.jpg (91.84 KB,960x717,320:239,liberation1.jpg)

File: 730b4006cb4ea03⋯.jpg (255.07 KB,1280x885,256:177,Liberation.jpg)

The time has begun , the banners have risen , the troops have started marching . The people cheer and cry for direction and heroism against the imperial walls that hold their sisters and brothers into shackles . The time has begun for Trumpets and Lances to march onto our brothers soil polluted with the imperfections of occupation and sinister mistreatment onto our kin .

The time has come for our Armies to cast their shields and swords into the forbidden territory of our enslaved brothers and raise our flags onto bruised soil which had been forgotten by our children .

The time has come for our Navys to spit fire onto the enemies and traitors of our people who dare shield the state the exists within the borders of this state of slaves . The Time has come for liberation my brothers ! The Time has come for Martyrdom !

The time has come for freedom

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Anyone a white right wing cuteboy in Toronto?

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This is questionable.


>In conclusion, this study has highlighted the low organ donation rate for livers noted in the black and Hispanic populations. It clearly demonstrates that there is no effect on transplant survival where an organ is transplanted between the races. Thus, race is not a factor in assessing whether a given recipient might benefit from a given donor organ.

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stop watching prager u

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File: 4be49a7ad13358e⋯.jpg (26.63 KB,480x480,1:1,1545938683422.jpg)


I wouldn't call myself "right wing," I'm more of a Cultural and Civic Nationalist, and I'm pretty 'middle-of-the-road' on most issues.

I did vote all Republican on the midterms though, if it counts for anything. I wasn't old enough to vote in 2016, but I would've voted for Trump.

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Any cutie right wingers have a discord ?

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tfw there's never any cute right wing boys on the west coast here

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>>400326 it seems like the west coast is full of left wingers sadly. I'm east coast btw.

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Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate, especially here in vancouver.

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>>400331 Slightly better in Toronto

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fairly underrated redpill

they try to teach us in school that facism is "right wing" (aka republicans = hitler) and socialism is "left wing" (aka democrats good cuz muh gibs). its all horse shit. facism, totalitarianism, socialism, communism (basically russian branded socialism) is all anti-freedom, left wing shit. libertarianism and, more extremely, anarchism are right wing, pro-freedom.

the true, unadulterated red pill is that there is no such thing as republican or democrat. there is only anti-freedom and pro-freedom. you either believe the government should control you, or you believe the government should fuck off, or something in between.

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File: af1e6f829c54e1a⋯.jpg (123.39 KB,755x514,755:514,tumblr_mvqny0WeII1qf1wulo1….jpg)

O Nation O my beautiful and rightful soil , sullied with foreign boots . Have we betrayed our holy father for such grief to befall us ? O Nation O my beautiful and rightful soil her flag once flying below our small peaceful village when was right and made sense now desecrated by our occupiers as they leave her humiliated and thrown aside for own masters colors . O Nation O my beautiful and rightful soil split from her motherland by her traitors giving her invaders flowers while their sons lie dying in the fields defending it's dignity . O Nation O my beautiful and rightful soil were is my liberty were is freedom from my oppressor ? O Nation O my beautiful and rightful soil were is my home ?

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File: 652aaf41c861cf0⋯.png (324.25 KB,666x666,1:1,41d5ddfdfbd0f7df31f938372f….png)

So uh, I'm 19. I've found myself in a relationship with a guy who's a fair bit older than me and proudly drinks all the left wing millennial kool-aid you'd expect. Feminism, tranny shit, game journalism and game journalism tier difficulty modes for the sake of 'inclusivity' communism, globalist shit where we all 'come together as a species', you name it. He uses Tumblr and gets memes from Facebook for God's sake. I guess he kinda embodies the phrase 'we did it, reddit', in a way.

He knows we have different politics. He's definitely more understanding and tolerant than I'd expect any liberal to be. I've even managed to mention that I hate Jews and think "Hitler's point of view is worth considering, history is not black and white", and I still haven't been dumped yet, so that's a good sign.

I would love if I could redpill him. It just seems so hopeless though. People like him have dug their heels in so far. As a person, he's just…kinda a big faggot. He doesn't see anything wrong with a society of weak, soy-swilling, fragile cucks. Not to mention he sees nothing wrong with rampant degeneracy and promiscuity (nor the physical and societal disease that accompany them); I'm sure he'd see nothing wrong with that picture of a drag queen teaching preschoolers about anal sex, or whatever. He reflexively defends anything to do with 'the queer community' or 'queerness' in general, and it's hard to honestly discuss it without just hurting his feelings.

What do you guys think? I realize I very well might be barking up the wrong tree here, but if anyone has advice or tactics for successfully redpilling someone who's been in a liberal echochamber for so, so long, I'd be very grateful.

>inb4 dump him

No. If I wanted to dump him, that would be easy. I care about him and want to help.

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It's not totally hopeless if he listens and will take you seriously, which I assume he does if you otherwise like him so much. My boyfriend was somewhat similar, but we've been together for like over five years now and I honestly can't remember when or how it started changing. As an anarchist I would just point out the positive results of practical anarchy we have already, i.e. free markets vs command economies, how the government caused the 2008 crash, etc. And then we also like to stay up late and have kind of silly conversations about hypothetical things and I'd talk about things like environmental conservation in a free society without regulations. And we'd always go back and forth, and every now and then I'd convince him of a thing or two.

But the wrong way to go about it is getting angry at things, i.e. pointing at left wing stuff and getting mad at it while disproving it or whatever. I browsed /pol/ for years and recently just had to stop going there because there's just too much bullshit I can't control and I have anger issues, so it's not a fun combination.

Some people don't care, they'll say you're wrong but won't offer a counter argument because the status quo is comfortable no matter how unsustainable it is, and it's hard to make people believe there is danger when they want to believe things are safe.

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ugh… nationalism disguised as patriotism. nothing cute about that.

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>a fair bit older than me

If that's the case, then they probably realises that far-right ideologies and politics are nothing but hot air at best, and destructive at worst.

He probably is sticking with you because he maybe thinks you're naive and will grow out of this phase. Ultimately, intollerance won't get you far in a career as you will have to work with all sorts of people.

You've listened to far too much /pol/ psiops. It's time to just give boards like those a break and just interact with people in the real world. When you realise that in the real world, the far right would love you kill you and your bf, then you will mellow out. You don't have to become a "liberal", but the far right is destructive, and history has proven it.

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>game journalism and game journalism tier difficulty modes for the sake of 'inclusivity'

Easy mode, which has been around since long before Gamergate, is now "game journalism-tier difficulty mode"? Yikes. There's a lot of dumb posts here, but this one was just so exceptionally bad that I had to reply.

Game journalism is literally just glorified marketing for games, anon. Only dumb reactionaries care so much about something so trivial and inconsequential.

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File: 96bdb74163458ab⋯.jpg (37.64 KB,374x374,1:1,CUMAMA8.jpg)


You don't like my writing Anon ?

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Easy mode is not the same as a "Why can't this industry grow up and have a 'skip gameplay' button as standard? It's current year" mode.

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Easy Mode/Difficulty has been in video games since the 1990s, with the primary reason behind its existence being that it enables people new to a game or game genre to be capable of learning the game at a slower pace.

You have to be really fucking dumb to think that a difficulty setting is an "sjw" plot.

Also, games publications are the bigger issue, as clicks and ad revenue has lead to quantity over quality taking over. Back in the days of games magazines, the quality of the written material would be what shifted those things. Now, so long as it brings people to click on your link, you're making ad revenue money.

There are still people out there who are involved in games journalism and carry out a mix of investigative journalism and reflective pieces, for example, looking into the fiasco of Square Enix meddling in the development of Hitman and Deus Ex while also cancelling an Eidos Montréal developed Final Fantasy game. Or examining the possibilities of VR technology or looking into the business decisions that made Konami do its weird things in 2015. You won't find this in many games publications these days, unfortunately, but it's still around.

Also games reviews ≠ games journalism. That's like saying that whatever film critic is a "journalist".

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…That's actually exactly what easy mode is.

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It's really not though. Facism is socially conservative, being against womens' rights and LGBT rights, while socialism promotes egalitarianism and views everyone society as an equal person (including women and LGBT)

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>read Marx

>read Zizek

>now nazbol

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File: b52f18af1b3267c⋯.gif (686.78 KB,500x555,100:111,1450918356487.gif)

Where can I find a bisexual natsoc bf?

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We exist.

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How can I come to terms with my far-right views and my sexuality? I'm tired of going in and out of denial and feeling like I'm a degenerate. But the fact is that most gays and bisexuals do act like degenerates by being sluts and doing shit like pride parades and the like. Also it seems like sex is meant to be a reproductive act and depositing your seed in another man's anus/mout comes off as more than a bit perverse.

I'm worried because at the moment I'm on track to become a bitter lifelong closeted virgin who can't come to terms with who I am.

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You don't. You'll never come to terms with your sexuality because your current politics keep telling you to keep that stuff out of view. Stop being annoyed by stupid parades and letting that annoyance define your political views, ya big dumb reactionary.

Some folks will tell you the right is accepting of LGBT. Those people are wrong.

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> How can I come to terms with my far-right views and my sexuality?

I have no idea how "far right" your views are, but you deal with it the same way you deal with being gay or bisexual: by realizing that heterosexuality is the only door to the future for 97% of mankind.

Some gays say that Arts & Letters are also such a door, but consider: even straights of very modest accomplishments can have 2-3 children and raise them in the Church, a solid claim on the future. How many GLBT artists or professors can be Oscar Wilde? Or even George Cukor? (I leave unaddressed the neo-Marxist ideology that is currently poisoning the works of many GLBT so-called artists and scholars.)

If you're bi, you should aim at marriage, even if this is harder now than in our grandfathers' day.

If you're gay, I do not recommend conversion therapy or straight marriage. (Forget about famous gay kings who married, you do not a dynastic breeding program.) Go to a Pride rally fully clothed (for the shock value) and wearing a MAGA hat. (Go with friends if you're not a black belt, to protect yourself from the Left's "peaceful non-violence.")

Avoid minors. Camille Paglia (read all her works) is correct, gay men venerate Youth and Beauty, but "A man should go where he won't be tempted." (Robert Bolt, "A Man For All Seasons.") Support the Church as a normal penitent, but don't submit to any Inquisition (if they ever find themselves with such power again). If you are not chaste, do not allow yourself to be enlisted into a leadership position (1 Timothy 3, but all of that book should be read).

And lead a good and just life.

When I consider how my light is spent

Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,

And that one talent which is death to hide

Lodg'd with me useless, though my soul more bent

To serve therewith my Maker, and present

My true account, lest he returning chide;

"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied?"

I fondly ask. But Patience to prevent

That murmur, soon replies: "God doth not need

Either man's work or his own gifts; who best

Bear his mild yoke, they serve him best. His state

Is kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed

And post o'er land and ocean without rest:

They also serve who only stand and wait."

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Third one is hot, but having the zoomer cut is not evidence someone is right-wing.

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I'm here.

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Realize politics are fluid and just because you agree with certain parts of an ideology it doesn't mean you're obligated to adopt the entirety of that ideology. There are people that would have you believe you're obligated to support an ideology because you're gay and said ideology supports gays, or that if you identify and agree with some right leaning principles you're obligated to be against rights for homos and that you should spit out 9 kids and raise them like we're living in the 1950s.

Most of these people are probably college kids who've never lived in the real world for any amount of time and have minimal to no responsibilities. Support your local and federal politicians who are getting stuff done that you agree with, study many ideologies and be honest with what you support and with what you disagree with and avoid the 'my team is the best' mentality since all it's good for is circle jerking on the internet and accomplishes nothing.

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File: aa92c47a9371d1b⋯.jpg (101.6 KB,600x600,1:1,1535324994033.jpg)

I'm a mutt who un ironically supports National Socialism for all nations and wants a fashy trap BF ( or one that isn't a flat out commie/lefty poser )

How did I even get here?

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I'm no mutt but I'm in the same boat. Makes me feel bad sometimes.

All I want to do is have a cute by and kill Jews but I can't and I'm ugly I need to get my shit together and I'm a permavirgin robot.

I travel a lot solo and hope I will meet someone but I won't and even if I did I would probably be to drunk to remember them.

Life is pain.

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File: 110bbdb54e47fc8⋯.jpg (77.68 KB,768x528,16:11,Chemical_weapon1-1.jpg)

The Rumble of Artillery and Shriek of rockets , we clench our rifles and wait for our orders to advance . The dust and rock knocked up from their lines stains our uniforms , we grip tightly pictures of family and loved ones preparing to empty our Trenches and pursue our agitator . Soon we are given the order we move with vigor and spirit freeing ourselves from our prison of directive . Soon we are upon our oppressor moving quick and direct action , their action is consistent and deadly those who survive the hail of their rifles enter their trenches and soon release them from their iron grasp as more of our infantry overbearing their forces and release their forces from occupying our land

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File: 34a664a2a8c03b3⋯.jpg (89.38 KB,720x540,4:3,NDA.jpg)

March on my child , hold your head onto your oppressors ground and may your feet stay steady and firm . March on my child and my your rifle be held firm hand to trigger and arms to side defending your brothers and sisters as you defend your motherland. March on my child and may your rifle never miss it's target and pierce the traitors and villains who violated her and berated her soil with their occupying boots . March on my child and may your Flag be planted firm in our soil and defy our occupiers defilement of her soil . March on my child , for your brothers and sisters . March on for your village and homeland . March on for your comrades , though most of all my child for your freedom .

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weird nigger guy browsing this thread rn

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I'm more in the middle but I have a high dislike of liberals and their retarded mindsets.

they make gays look bad, most of the time when there's a complaint over "gay rights in a videogame" or other stupid bullshit like that it's leftist straight women who fetishize gays.

or gay virgins who only get to experience relationships through dating sims.

also other stupid shit over the years such as

>two people are in starbucks, not buying anything/using up space in the building

>they get asked to leave but don't

>the police are called because loitering is illegal, you're occupying space that paying customers use. even if you're just taking one table in the corner there's always antisocial paying customers who will wanna hide in the corner to be fags browsing tumblr while they have their coffee

>the loiterers are taken away by police

<then all of a sudden

>turns out the loiterers were black

>starbucks goes on lockdown and they train all their staff in cultural sensitivity and make them watch bs brainwashing videos on acceptance and basically how being heterosexual and white is evil

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File: e88ee68c809ad50⋯.jpg (2.49 MB,4032x3024,4:3,5b7c60e1903f3.jpg)

Mercy be upon my brother , mercy be upon my neighbor. Were has our minds wandering from reason and rational gone into the perverted bogs of selfless appeasement dictated our hearts and minds ? Mercy be to the son who has lost his faith in our father for his own self imagined lord of material . Mercy be to those who have estranged themselves from our holy father as they spend every day praying to their carnal desires and denying themselves to restraint or pivoting themselves away from harlots of the street . Mercy be to the Wives and Sisters who have cut ties to their Husbands of blood and kinship desiring those who are from foreign soil and stand defaming the father and his children . May all who take the path of forsaking the holy father be forgiven in his eyes and his son .

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File: 475888946def254⋯.jpg (275.69 KB,500x481,500:481,space jam.jpg)

Bi faggot here, right-wing as fuck in a lot of areas, moderate on others. I'd consider myself an authoritarian conservative on national security, border security, and economics, but I'm socially moderate. I didn't vote for Trump because, while I agree with a lot of his policies, he has shit execution - and he's a childish buffoon on a man-period who flip-flops constantly. Couldn't vote for Hildebeast either, and modern Dems are cancer.


There's nothing inherently hypocritical about being right-wing and gay, bi, or trans. Conservatism *should* be about individuality, as opposed to the collectivism on the left. We should be all about guns, border security, strong military, economic freedom, etc., NOT telling people what they can or can't do with their bodies or who they can fuck. Once the baby boomers die off, I feel like the GOP will be less controlled by religious nuts and more open on social issues.

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I hate leftists because they decided to be for gay rights then started believing "we support gays which means we own them and they must follow our ideologies"

they just want to own gays because they can't own niggers anymore and try manipulation people by telling them how """oppressed""" they are.

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also the liberals at the top rest easily knowing their retarded followers will riot violently and attack people on the streets whenever they don't get their way.

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please don't start the "democrats are the real homophobes" meme. "democrats are the real racists" is bad enough already

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the ausie is right though. dems didn't care about homosexuals until it was politically decisive to do so

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the left and the right both indulge in racism and homophobia.

the only difference is that the left pretend to have a moral high ground while they use/oppress/victimize minorities.

whether the minorities are racial, sexual or "number of women with [insert high paying job that women don't study for]"

also the people the left claim to help don't really work well together (e.g. gays and muslims)

I've been told so many times about how white straight men hate me, yet I've only ever been beaten up by blacks for being gay.

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boomer lol

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>read all those things

>still think that white none sense is retarded horseshit you only hear from the mouths of suburbanite sheltered future yuppies that havent found a dead end office job yet

>just want scandinavian country plus drugs and guns and posting videos of a dog seigheiling without going to jail

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Common Filth was right

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Common Filth spent an awful lot of his free time thinking about gay people and researching obscure and extreme fetish communities…

He's charming and funny though. I still like his game reviews when he decides to put one out.

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*eyes glaze over*

the delusion that your political opinions ever *matter* if you don't engage in any activism…

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Thank you! I mean seriously, I don't understand why some people want to equate Fascism with a far right ideology. Sure, Fascists might speak of national pride, and that Fascist governments don't outright claim ownership of the factories, but that is just a matter of semantics. The Govt still owns your ass lock, stock and barrel. You may "own" your business, but if you don't make what they want you to make, you won't be owning it very long!

It seems to me the main "differences" are mostly rhetorical, as both are a collectivist ideology where the Government dictates everything that is done within their walls!

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Since when has being conservative meant you can't be gay/bi? I'm bisexual myself, I support gay marriage and legal pot, yet I am pretty conservative overall in my beliefs.

I am a patriot who is proud of his country, I support the troops, for a limited Government, pro- 1A , pro 2A , for strong borders, lower taxes, stands proud when our anthem is playing, and yes, I voted Trump!

In other words, being gay/bi doesn't mean you have to be some collectivist socialist, soy-boy left wing wimp!

Personally, I fail to see why sexuality should have any bearing on your politics.

About the only people who really have an issue with it are the ones who have an issue with it are the overly religious people with a Bible/Torah/Koran/(insert Holy Scripture here) shoved up their ass.

Did you happen to be in an overly strict religious family growing up? I would work on that if you did.

Also, I'm not saying you should give up on faith, just don't look at every word on the Bible as directives to be strictly followed.

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Hard to believe how many people here think right-wing means muh freedumb and left-wing means big guberment.

Libertarianism is a brain disease.

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Most of you bitchbois should stick a pp in your mouth and stop trying to articulate about politics, because you aren't very good at the latter.

also read Siege

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File: 69993d8953b19bc⋯.jpg (306.08 KB,1530x1093,1530:1093,picto.jpg)

Do you hear it my brother ? Do you hear it my sister ? The sound of beating drums and clanging swords ? Do you hear it my father , do you hear it my Mother ? The sound of advancing armies and the thundering of imperial machinery ?? Can you hear the rumbling of artillery and the clanking of metal treads through our soil ? Can you hear the sounds mothers crying at their sons perishing in the fields defending their villages far from home ? Can you hear the throws and tassels of our banners being raised as sons and brothers march off to war ? Can you hear the hails of cries and shouts to the legions as they march from their villages defending their country ? Can you hear it my child ? Can you hear , the sound of war ??

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File: ba15621ac53bcfe⋯.jpg (137.31 KB,851x1269,851:1269,redbuster.jpg)

Remember our home child , Remember it well . Remember as you see it's foundations crumble with foreign castration . Remember as you are humiliated for your home and family . Remember as you make haste from your home to a land of plenty and divinity . Remember as you raise your children ejected from homeland by the traitors and agitators of your brother land . Remember to decry them at every turn . Remember you are one , while simply living fractured . You are simply divided by the political ideologues of incoherent occupiers . Never forget you are one under divided system and that system must be united . Remember our home child , Remember it well .

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>left wing


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I think he was referring to national socialism. Fascism as it existed in Italy or Chile was fairly right wing in that it was fairly pro-capitalist with a small government that held absolute authority in the matters it oversaw (Ezra Pound's "Jefferson And/Or Mussolini" makes a compelling case for late 18th/early 19th century American libertarianism and 20th century Italian fascism being of the same essence). National socialism as it existed in Germany was kin-oriented and traditional in nature but I believe in all other ways was more left wing. The economic policies, government control of industry and education, the redistribution of wealth are all much akin to the international socialism of the Soviet Union.

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File: 170d8df37f19165⋯.jpg (139.42 KB,1280x960,4:3,ee9e0b24-2e9f-42e9-bafb-9a….jpg)

File: deb3c559ea57f1e⋯.jpg (91.57 KB,1280x960,4:3,cc7ee587-6d1f-4631-b676-36….jpg)

Where all the far right brits at? Still trying to discover just where I stand but it's sure as hell either far right or 3rd position. Pics related, c'est moi, (willing to restyle looks for the right guy or girl)

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File: 3d0e7938f02d7b2⋯.jpg (275.78 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_0014.JPG)

hey boys :)

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File: 7e5f39ccefa04a3⋯.png (242.61 KB,428x322,214:161,uwu.png)

I don't want to post my face on here, and I don't have a camera, so here's a dick pic from 6 years ago. I'm an American white nationalist and anti-Marxist socialist. I go back and forth on whether or not it's wise or warranted to call myself a national socialist on a daily basis, but it's only anonymously since I don't talk about my political views with anyone irl..


Is that freckles or acne on your butt? If freckles, it's super cute. If acne, I'm gross for thinking it's cute. Would cuddle with either way.


Aussie said it best, but still a very nice face.

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Neither, razor burn sadly thanks tho~

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it seems that the cold war propaganda still works till this day lol

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File: b462064f6d6f90b⋯.jpg (5.37 MB,5984x3376,374:211,15497948986156155177192936….jpg)


No, sorry. Down in Wales >>401846

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File: d18ed315b97a0fd⋯.jpg (31.52 KB,416x500,104:125,tumblr_mfsab23Ljm1qf1wulo1….jpg)

Were has my state gone brother ? Were has my Party gone sister ? Were have the cultured and tutored words of our people gone ? Their speech impaired by the logistics and creativity of foreign saboteurs . Their leadership malnourished and incompetent met with praise from foreign puppeteers and rallying assailants under foreign allies . Show your hand my fellow worker as we deride our imperial rulers from their ivory thrones and liberate our homeland from imperial chains . Dig our trenches as we prepare for the war between brother and brother from the gloating of foreigners as gun shots fill the fields of our land . Unite my brother and sister for a free and just land . Unite for a better land !

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File: 72e2cc781bb9e63⋯.jpg (283.94 KB,679x1096,679:1096,[1].jpg)


I'm not from the Uk but, can I hit u up, please? I want a far-right cute boy to talk :(

Unfortunately I'm not cute to be considered a /cuteboy/, tho

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File: 02847168d145cb5⋯.jpg (30.17 KB,309x364,309:364,pikeibCTTb1v43itm_540.jpg)

File: 04281dab09c83c8⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,281x396,281:396,nz0x37AJ0X1v0cj1zo1_400.jpg)

File: 3f5383daded4a42⋯.jpg (27.71 KB,402x491,402:491,bffs.jpg)


I get that this is >>>/boipuccy/ and all but I do like masculine men, and high T young men usually have more flexible seuxality than the rest in my experience.

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File: 003851e63430a63⋯.jpg (102.92 KB,1280x960,4:3,2483b207-098f-4313-869f-d7….jpg)


I don't see why not, hue anon

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I think you have potential hue-anon. It's all about clothing and angles. You already have nice hair

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File: 2314d0270f2c3b0⋯.jpg (143.05 KB,1000x771,1000:771,1428389805606.jpg)


ay fam wuddup, I've noticed theres a lot of rightwing homos in britbong.

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This is why you don't do racemixing

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File: 2a8b0a27db93e9f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,458.92 KB,572x800,143:200,5e745faa7a13232737133b1422….jpg)


That would be me nya~

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File: eb6814faf3cfb0c⋯.png (5.17 MB,6212x3108,1553:777,After-the-War-2.png)





Hi again あたし。


Thanks again nya~

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File: a5b0a1310e61296⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.32 KB,750x1000,3:4,Queen-Illya.jpg)



Oh but I'm not orthodox natsoc, and am more of a Monarchist. I want to be Queen nya~

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What is this link?

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Of all of the places you could post yuri why the fuck would you choose /cuteboys/

Some of us are trying to fap over here, mmkay?

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File: fc6098aa77c0d35⋯.jpg (2.25 MB,4128x2322,16:9,20190309_135933.jpg)

I'm a "far right" cuteboy I suppose. I mean I'm not fascist, but do have authoritarian tendency. I believe in traditional marriage, anti abortion, religious freedom, no gun control at all, and a strong military, and strongly limited immigration.

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File: 4de7f5d4a154137⋯.jpg (381.75 KB,1024x683,1024:683,GEMPI.jpg)

Embattled hills flowing with followers wounds , goals met with clear conviction with every advancing foot.

Heraldry of unclean blasphemers drenched in red stains from practitioner who dare pick up rifle against implicit words.

Rain of Iron and steel upon Empirical enemies of honorary lordship

Hand ourselves back home and faith with sword and shield

Be implicit in action don't show lack of passion when you dedicate yourself with this defiance against your heretic enemy

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Heyo. Can we hook up to chat? I can give you my discord handle if you want.

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File: 9283d0bfec16f55⋯.jpg (606.32 KB,1872x3328,9:16,IMG_20180402_225112.jpg)


Sure discord is a little gay but I can hop on that.

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File: a27be1d301ffd55⋯.jpg (34.29 KB,511x576,511:576,elagabalus.jpg)

"Cassius Dio reported that Elagabalus would paint his eyes, depilate his body hair and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns, brothels,[54] and even in the imperial palace"

"Finally, he set aside a room in the palace and there committed his indecencies, always standing nude at the door of the room, as the harlots do, and shaking the curtain which hung from gold rings, while in a soft and melting voice he solicited the passers-by. There were, of course, men who had been specially instructed to play their part. For, as in other matters, so in this business, too, he had numerous agents who sought out those who could best please him by their foulness. He would collect money from his patrons and give himself airs over his gains; he would also dispute with his associates in this shameful occupation, claiming that he had more lovers than they and took in more money.[55]

Herodian commented that Elagabalus enhanced his natural good looks by the regular application of cosmetics.[47] He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia.[41]"

Is Elagabalus /ourguy/?


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File: cc7a328b3383b70⋯.jpg (285.9 KB,1728x2304,3:4,merightwing.jpg)

i love writers like g.k. chesterton which makes me a little more right wing that most :S

i voted for trump but i would do andrew yang this time since some of my favorite writers were also ubi proponents like henry george and i have a soft spot for that :S

"Religion, the immortal maiden, has been a maid-of-all-work as well as a servant of mankind. She provided men at once with the theoretic laws of an unalterable cosmos and also with the practical rules of the rapid and thrilling game of morality. She taught logic to the student and told fairy tales to the children; it was her business to confront the nameless gods whose fears are on all flesh, and also to see the streets were spotted with silver and scarlet, that there was a day for wearing ribbons or an hour for ringing bells. The large uses of religion have been broken up into lesser specialities, just as the uses of the hearth have been broken up into hot water pipes and electric bulbs. The romance of ritual and colored emblem has been taken over by that narrowest of all trades, modern art (the sort called art for art's sake), and men are in modern practice informed that they may use all symbols so long as they mean nothing by them. The romance of conscience has been dried up into the science of ethics; which may well be called decency for decency's sake, decency unborn of cosmic energies and barren of artistic flower. The cry to the dim gods, cut off from ethics and cosmology, has become mere Psychical Research. Everything has been sundered from everything else, and everything has grown cold."

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Him and Caligula both, although they were both rapists so ugh.

Caligula actually used to cosplay around town as Venus, usually while shittalking about the other Gods. Imagine President Trump running around in drag screaming at the top of his lungs about how he could totally beat up Jesus. That's what life was like back then.

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File: b11cc28329e0f42⋯.png (291.15 KB,426x749,426:749,Sylvian2.png)

File: 7d14c474070abf2⋯.jpg (429.11 KB,1196x1801,1196:1801,Anarchy In Moscow, 1998.jpg)

>tfw no anarch bf to cuddle and read junger with

Just want a bf to revolt against the modern world with me, whilst also stuffing my ass because there's no reason not to enjoy the decline. Also wouldn't mind someone who liked guns a lot tbh. Someone who certainly doesn't care about game journalism, or any journalism at all, and understands that with modern politics, the only winning move is not to play.


I like stirner, and Georges Sorel, how do you feel about Nick Land?

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File: add704d129cede9⋯.jpg (57.76 KB,843x516,281:172,idHeros cute.jpg)


sorry you got beaten up fam :(


(mostly) describes me.I look like a man, and have 'masculine' hobbies and such, ironically don't seem to do well with the right wing trap squad. all my bf's have been very left. i dunno, i just roll with it

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Huh. Sounds like me. What about you?

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File: 877e7132f81dd52⋯.jpg (75.2 KB,650x909,650:909,678284269-1378c2b9fdf6e8e8….jpg)

I'm an Accelerationist, so I can be whatever political ideology you want.

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Imagine Ferdinand Bardamu, but a twink instead.

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File: 1050d6e9ae03125⋯.gif (144.48 KB,340x340,1:1,HUE.gif)

I'm libertarian right, so as far as the far left is concerned I'm a fascist right wing neo-Nazi yea

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File: 025e3e1bfc4729f⋯.png (340.51 KB,491x335,491:335,025e3e1bfc4729fd2ff516375b….png)


I'd make the cut too like the guy above me a ways, but I'm up for anything really. As long as you can deal with some bullshit memes tho, lel.

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Oofie! Okay, Delta#9294 is my handle right now. They banned my old account for.. some bullshit reason. Iunno.

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I like memes tbh, memes are better than politics, aslong as they're funny and not "i'm a peepeepoopoomer and I just discovered the Smiths at 25"

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File: 5263c333ef22f95⋯.jpg (324.69 KB,1280x1920,2:3,pizjzmDwwc1s7bndro1_1280.jpg)

There's not really an active androphile board on this site, so I thought this thread might do. Most right wing guys that like other guys seem to be attractive too, and well adjusted. Sadly, they are also quiet about themselves. I just read André Anciman's book Call Me By Your Name and I fell in love with the characters. The intent seemed to weld together a sentiment between Jewish identity and loving another man—being on the margins of gentile/straight society.

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File: 9f7d3cb96f9a869⋯.gif (2.26 MB,500x500,1:1,pomdkhw2Sd1r9bdhro1_500.gif)


I would take a qt3.14 though

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why are right wing faggots consistently the ugliest ones lol

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hung fascist twink here, i mainly like girls but sometimes against my better nature I crave a cute crossdressing twink

I'm meeting one soon

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from the UK btw, on a vpn

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No surprise that there is some galaxy brain interpretations of fascism here, on the worst site on the Internet.

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File: 2c3a2b1a5ccf3f0⋯.png (901.37 KB,1214x1109,1214:1109,takanami1.png)

Does anyone here deal with the pain of lefty parents ? Yes or No ??

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Some of my biggest fantasies. Rescuing a cuteboy from a gang of niggers or dunehoppers by way of swift aggression and being 'thanked' alot at their place or wherever. Another is raiding some sort of hippy anarcho enemy compound or base with my death-squad and capturing one to tie up and torture myself. Stripping him down and playing with his cock, denying his orgasm for hours or until he's crying an begging at the same time for a release. Or I could go the other way and make him cum repeatedly until it hurts a little and nothing comes out.

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Does anyone remember that son of a bitch drago from polgb ? anyone got any stories about him ?

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You could recognise that your desires are indeed twisted and degenerate, and that you are a native creature of the Kali Yuga - but warmly embrace it anyway, like the Marquis de Sade. Embrace the boyfucking shadow self. You wouldn't be the first, Ernst Röhm and Jack Donovan beckon.

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I'm still figuring out my political alignment, but what I know for sure is that the jews need to be exterminated and taxation is theft.

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libtards cannot in2 science. The degree to which genetic similarities matter is dependent on the organ in question, and that study is only looking at liver transplants.

Also lol at niggers and hispanics not donating their organs. Why do white liberals coddle these people.

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Without any government institutions to take over, are Jews actually a threat? The greatest threat they pose to us is basically their lobbying in the government for more foreign aid to Israel and wars in the middle east. Acknowledging taxation as theft is enough; exterminating all Jews is just laying the foundation for yet another authoritarian power structure which can just be hijacked in a few generations again. Surely you'd admit that Jewish writers and philosophers like Ayn Rand are at least alright, she disavowed Israel as a socialist state and all.

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>no cuteboy bf to larp at a gun range with and unionize the workplace while feeling comradely with other workers

I'll settle for cussing out cops and ancom memes but we really got to work on being praxis eventually.

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Tell him that if he cares about you, he'll watch Europa the last battle. I'm not a fan of letting politics divide good relationships, but once you get woke to (((them))) it's hard to go back to normal life.

I get the anger development from spending too much time on /pol/, I struggle with it myself. You just have to browse very selectively and sort the gems from the turds, bc there's some good red pill material in there.

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Extreme rightwing qt boi here! I only suck hard right cocks.

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Yes. That, and lefty siblings, lefty classmates, lefty coworkers, lefty public servants, lefty clergy…

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the retard who draws this is probably the most pathetic libcuck I've ever seen. Is this an edit or something?

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It fucking depends. You do not understand fascism. Fascism adapts to whatever is best for the people in their particular environment. Different people have different ideas right now. I for one am a Kaczynskian Social Primalist

Society must collapse, and the techno-industrial system of international capitalism must be put to rest indefinitely.

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File: 8bd079f512d92f3⋯.jpg (150.32 KB,675x1200,9:16,DuVEJk_V4AAkVh_.jpg)

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>You will never get to properly train a /cuteboy/ how hold a large caliber handgun and correct his stance by standing behind him and adjusting his legs and hips.

>You will never stand behind him and run your hands down his skinny little arms and show him how not to limpwrist as he fires…while accidentally holding him a little too tightly.

>You will never fire him up for some "extra special" practice at your place after a drink or two of some fine alcohols.


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multiple whole alcohols?

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Oh I am sorry for my antiquated terms boyo.

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im only winding you up m8, ive had many a fun time with good friends and some fine alcohols myself

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Gas Chamber for Nig sympathizer

Trapnostate for everyone else ITT



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File: 711ac91d793260a⋯.jpg (62.61 KB,1200x675,16:9,dimi2b.jpg)


nice Dimi :^)

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Do you have Discord?

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This please

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>redditfag doesnt understand basic science

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Pillay, P., Van Thiel, D. H., Gavaler, J. S., & Starzl, T. E. (1990). Effect of race upon organ donation and recipient survival in liver transplantation. Digestive diseases and sciences, 35(11), 1391–1396. doi:10.1007/bf01536746

<Thus transplantation of organs across racial groups can be performed without fear of an additional problem occurring as a result of some inherent difference between the donor and recipient races.

<Our data indicate that the major problem in success of liver transplantation is the severity of the illness of the recipient immediately prior to the transplant.

>"he doesn't understand basic science"

>can't even google "organ transplant race" and read something for 5 minutes

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Leave the Right-Wing Cuteboys alone analockman, they aren't for your pseudo-marxism ilk.

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I literally work in medical publishing, genetics play a role in organ donation and guess what race and genetics are related


>Organ and tissues transplantation can exceed racial boundaries; however transplant success rates increase when organs are matched between members of similar backgrounds. People’s blood type, tissue marker, and size are often correlated to their race and ethnicity. As such, quite often, people in need of a transplant will be a match to a donor with a similar background. Currently, ethnic minorities are in desperate need of more organ, eye, and tissue donors as they represent over 58% of the national organ transplant waiting list, but make up only 33% of actual donors.



>Although organs and tissues are able to be transplanted between people of different races, transplant success rates increase when organs are matched between members of similar ethnic backgrounds

>First, many of the conditions leading to the need for a transplant—such as diabetes and hypertension—occur more frequently among minority populations. African Americans and other minorities are also three times more likely to suffer from end-stage renal disease than white Americans. On average in our region, 38% of candidates waiting for a kidney transplant are in a minority community.

>Second, transplant success rates increase when organs are matched between members of similar ethnic backgrounds—but unfortunately, only 29.6% of donors last year were ethnic minorities. This creates a shortage of matching organs, which leads to longer waiting periods and higher death rates in communities of color. For example, minorities make up roughly 61% of the kidney waiting list, but minority patients wait twice as long as white Americans for kidney transplants, despite strict equal-access regulations that ensure ethical and equitable distribution of organs.

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File: 4a0beac1d00fa14⋯.png (711.79 KB,540x961,540:961,ClipboardImage.png)

Hi, trump voter, right wing alpha gay. I got a discord if you want it

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worth noting that's not me in the picture

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Hey I'm an actual far right cuteboy.

Fascism is left wing. Fuck up outta here with that shit.

They can't criminalize homosexuality if there's no state. Anarcho-faggotry ftw

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Hitler literally said "We are the real socialists, not the russians." Granted, Hitler was maybe guano-insane, but still, that's from the horses mouth.

Here is another one from him. "If a sector of industry in the free market can fulfil my needs, I'll leave it to the free market. If I can't though, I'll gladly take it over." Which is exactly how socialists today push socialism. They say "well the free market is all well and good, but it's not providing for everyone in places like education. We should therefore socialize education because the free market alone can not meet our demands." Which is exactly what has happened to education in America.

Hitler was keen particularly on nationalizing (socializing) a few key industries; namely healthcare, old age pensions, unemployment insurance, education, and a few other things. What do socialists push today? Free(socialized) college. Universal(socialized) healthcare. A UBT(socialist redistribution). Social security(socialized retirement plan).

Hitler was a socialist. He was a leftist. He and all the nazis said they were leftists. National Socialist German Worker's Party. Create a Worker's paradise, but only in your country and for your people, instead of world wide and for everyone, as that would be communism. They were socialist as Russia, they simply only cared about liberating the German proletariat, not the global proletariat. That is what the National modifier means in "National Socialist"

>>Horshoe theory.

Horseshoe theory is bullshit made up by American pseudo intellectuals to justify America's actions in the second world war, to justify siding with Stalin. They had to rig the spectrum so that Hitler and Stalin were diametrically opposed and we were somehow in the center, when in reality we were just left of center, Hitler was far left and Stalin was about as extreme far left as one can be. We invited wolves into our sheep pastures to deal with a coyote problem. We allied with someone far worse than Hitler, and rather than admit that, people skew the entire system with horseshoe theory and then say "Hitler was on the right and the only reason he appeared leftist was because horseshoe theory."

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>Hitler was far left

That must be why the left today sees him as… literally Hitler, and why he supported radical nationalistic, militaristic and traditionalistic ideas, and genocide of jews, homosexuals and gypsies. Standard left-wing stuff that would delight Marx and Dubček and hippies.

No, socialism aka "government doing things" is not inherently leftist. The entire fucking Europe has and has had "socialist" systems within the state since the 19th century (education, culture pension), to say that Hitler wanting to have socialized healthcare makes him a leftist, a FAR leftist, no less, is something only a retardedly brainwashed american libertarian would say. You're a fucking meme.

You're not an idiot, but have just enough data to twist and rape to make your cancerous ideology more convincing. Stick to sucking dick and spare us your bullshit. Reading a book wouldn't hurt either.

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>fascism involves the consolidation of power into a tiny minority, often an aristocratic upper class that has their own monarchic naming scheme

>fascism smashes workers' organizations and endorses slave labor, increased work hours and the increasing of taxes purely for aesthetic and military spending

>it disallowed any sort of democratic process, often even advocating dynastic inheritance of power over election

>entirely fixates on a "better" past that never at any point existed, halting any real medical, technological and specifically cultural progress or examination/autopsy of the past's failings

>no safety nets or public utilities for the populace if they cost the state anything

>is supported by liberals




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I don't really think I'd consider myself far right, but the ideology and society laid out by Robert A. Heinlein in Starship Troopers is very appealing to me. I don't believe that people should be given voting rights or allowed to hold public office simply because they survived long enough to reach an arbitrary date in their life. Same goes for birth right citizenship. Something given has no value, which is why citizenship should be EARNED.

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What do you call a race realist who supports nationalism for utilitarian reasons but thinks traditionalism is retarded?

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Lmao retard, speak with any doctor working with transplant shit and you know how wrong you are.

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i wont date a nigger if thats what you mean

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"Some folks will tell you the right is accepting of LGBT. Those people are wrong."

No they're not. There are plenty of us. You just haven't met any yet.

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straight men only care about how they look insofar as it gets them laid. lgbt people, by necessity, have to do at least some amount of personal introspection in our lives. this leads us to have at least some sense of aesthetics on an intuitive level. fascism, of course, is barely politics; it's at least 90% aesthetics. true fascism is, by nature, inherently queer. it is beauty-seeking as an ideology.

tfw no seattle-area homofascists

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Got a server primarily made up of right-wing cuties if anyone's interested. Flick me an add: cuteboys#2567

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Shut up retard fascism has literally never worked, unlike socialism. All fascists are retarded LARPers who are sad that Tyrone fucked a glorious white whore.

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that's pretty rude…

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Socialism is the same devil with a different name.

I want less government, not more, way things are going the west will be joining china in totalitarianism along with it's bloody revolution.

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china is more libertarian that the Us idiot

that's why it fucking sucks

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While the right is filed with moralizing puritans who love harping on about "degeneracy," the LGBT subculture is cancer anyway.


>Conservatism *should* be about individuality, as opposed to the collectivism on the left.

No, that's classical liberalism. True conservatism is communitarian in nature. A society needs a mix of both individualism and collectivism to function properly.


I agree.


Alt left or alt center, maybe. I'm in the same boat.




You should be a comedian. Socialism only works when it's heavily adulterated.

>All fascists are retarded LARPers who are sad that Tyrone fucked a glorious white whore.

Or maybe their LARPy views are a reaction to constantly being lied to, insulted, and kicked around by people who do everything they can to undermine Western civilization.

I think a lot of their beliefs are stupid, but their instincts are more healthy than those of pathetic, self-hating leftists. It's pretty ironic how leftists like accusing others of being bootlickers when they do the exact same thing they attribute to others.


>china is more libertarian that the Us

What the hell am I reading?

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I have to completely keep my knowledge and opinions regarding politics to myself on Twitter, because I'm decidedly not progressive, and Twitter is Twitter. If I even go so far as a subtle suggestion, I know it could blow up into a dumpster fire with a mob ravenous leftists trying to blackmail me. Sometimes it feels like being a spy in an enemy nation, which is a bit depressing, but I have no reason for anxiety as long as I keep my mouth shut there. The entire idea of using an account made for posting lewd fetishy photographs as a platform for political speech makes me cringe anyway.

I think the worst part is my disappointment when people I try making friends with people who turn out to support left wing causes. There's no surprise, again since it it Twitter, but just disappointment. I much prefer it when people there remain completely apolitical.

I just felt like telling someone this since I rarely ever get to discuss it.

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Same anon. I have no problem being a fag but I don't like being a mutt.

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mmm i want succ your mutt cock~

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File: 5064f4b68877a3e⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB,608x1080,76:135,Big_White_Cock_BlatinoBott….mp4)



I'm a full-blown "white supremacist," but I'd definitely still have sex with a non-white. One of my biggest fantasies is getting dicked down by a coal-black Mandingo and then turning the tables on him and getting him addicted to white cock. I don't see the problem with interracial sex in and of itself, especially when two men aren't going to be able to knock each other up. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of baggage associated with it depending on the race of the person in question, like the risk of getting victimized or catching a disease. All that "sissy" stuff I find pathetic too.

I'm just a standard bisexual guy and not a trap, but I think there are a lot more nationalist or right-leaning traps than you'd think who would be open to you. I also honestly think a lot of /pol/ types end up seeing sex with non-whites as a forbidden fruit (which is what happened to me). That's not even getting into how /pol/ itself is seemingly filled with mutts.

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Im with you honey. We can believe whatever we want to, that's freedom if people have a problem with that they can fuck off.

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I guess it depends on what you mean by "right" and what you mean by "LGBT." I can imagine a Trump voter being accepting of the LGBT movement, but Trump's not really a right-wing guy in the first place. The more serious right-wingers tend to think homosexuality in general (and not just the corporation-approved LGBT movement) is worthy of disapproval and possibly downright evil. I'm sure there are at least a decent amount of them who want sexual minorities dead, although given how many closet cases there are among online right-wingers that might not go as planned.

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>Trump is not Right-wing

Correct. Trump is left conservative.

Too many people (especially in the Anglo world), think left=liberal and right=conservative.

This is bc ass-backwards Cold War propaganda.

Freedom and democracy is leftist.

Monarchism is rightism.

If our Founding Fathers were right-wing, they'd be sucking King George's dick.

Our post-1940s Republicans are CONSERVATIVE but not rightist. Except for Christian fundamentalists and white nationalists whom are right-wing.

Real rightists laugh at the GOP

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>Trump is left conservative.

>Our post-1940s Republicans are CONSERVATIVE but not rightist.

I wouldn't call them "conservative" either. They conserve nothing. A real American conservative to me would focus on cultural continuity and cautious change above all else, rather than sucking up to corporations and rootless cosmopolitans who hate them. I think the My Posting Career guys were a good example of what real conservatism would look like: pro-white, localist in nature, adherent to "trad" social views (usually with a religious bent) and purity-based moral views, supportive of moderate capitalism, distrustful of rapid technological advancement, and so on.

I personally agree with a lot of that stuff, but my differences in moral and religious views and social policy are irreconcilable in that I'm too individualistic to be a conservative and don't believe in castigating "degenerates." I might dislike the way something like homosexuality is being used as a political bludgeon (as opposed to something that should be quietly accepted), but I admire "degenerate" people who are willing to go against the grain and live life according to their own values (provided they aren't causing tangible harm to anyone else). That level of social libertarianism is completely at odds with true conservatism, and so I could never call myself a conservative.

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i want to fuck donald trump

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Then youre a right-wing libertarian.

>Pro white


That's rightism.

> degenerates live but keep their shit away from others

That's libertarianism.

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I don't have laissez-faire economic beliefs though. I also think that sometimes the good of the group should come before that of the individual and that "collectivism" isn't necessarily a bad thing, both of which tend to run contrary to the typical libertarian stance.

But apparently my ethical sensibilities are closest to libertarians according to this moral foundations test:


Even then it's not a perfect match. All my moral foundations other than purity and liberty were higher than libertarians'.

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Unfortunately, the average Anglo conservative thinks this is "socialism/communism, therefore evil".

Anglo countries (US, UK, Canada, and Australia) run on "muh individualism" principle. It's bc of this why they have the highest rates of social-personal crises in the West.

All that talk about "God and country" is a farce. White folks are tribal against each other. They have a fetish for socio-biological castes. Childless single people, children, and young men are seen as "the other".

Cannot have kids interact with anyone outside their age group bc "muh pedophilia" or "liability". Hell a popular saying is " I only love my kids bc I raised them."

Single people are seen as "oversized toddlers" to be kept away from families, young men are seen as defective maidens. Women in their 20s can get away with violent tantrums. Boys, even before they hit their teens, are seen as "ticking time bombs to be taken care of."

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Very true. I strongly support individualism, but this hyperindividualism stuff is pure cancer. Today's "classical liberals" wouldn't have as much in common with those of the Founding Fathers' era as they think. The latter group had no inherent problems with "collectivism" judging from their racial and communitarian moral stances. I don't consider the latter thing to be ideal, but they sure seemed to be less foolishly idealistic and understood that humans are social creatures. Despite my admiration for defiant misfits, I think the whole weirdness-for-the-sake-of-weirdness that's pushed so hard today is hurting normalfags who pretend to be quirky but don't truly have it in them. Being a weirdo is a hard, lonely road to travel down and isn't a venture that should be undertaken lightly. Aleister Crowley was a dick, but I think his idea of the true will might be relevant here:


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Aliester Crowley was an edgelord degenerate from a rich family.

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He was a real bastard ("degenerate" means nothing to me), but I agree with a decent amount of his social/political ideas.

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Ew niggers are off the table completely. They smell, look cruel, aren't very bright, and are violent. Definitely far from peak bishounen. Your ideology seems nonsensical and your gonna get sick. Don't do it. Wtf.

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>They smell, look cruel, aren't very bright, and are violent.

I don't disagree there as far as most are concerned. I stay away from them IRL whenever possible and would only fuck one I could properly vet. It's too risky otherwise. Most of them are also far from my physical ideal, even if I could trust them.

>Your ideology seems nonsensical

Paradoxical, yeah. I don't think it's uncommon for someone's political views to seem opposed to their sexual habits. I found this article a while ago on how people involved with adultery and cuck fetishism tend to be more less liberal in their politics, and I think the author might be onto something despite being a leftist trying to stick it to right-wingers:


>and your gonna get sick.

I'd never fuck a guy without protection.

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Yes bc whites are the "only civilized" breed.

Lets ignore the white punk delinquents and white welfare queens and Karens.

And lets not forget the Anglo fetish for violence and tragedy.

Lets forget that alot white folks are mixed and/or descended from barbarians.

Lets not forget the apish hate-boner for Jews for outperforming them.

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>Yes bc whites are the "only civilized" breed.

They're clearly head and shoulders above most of the others.

>Lets ignore the white punk delinquents and white welfare queens and Karens.

You mean the ones there are far fewer of per capita?

>Lets forget that alot white folks are mixed and/or descended from barbarians.

The "mixed" whites either shouldn't be considered white in the first place or their non-white ancestors lived so far back that it doesn't even matter.

Those "barbarians" were skilled navigators, horsemen, farmers, metalworkers, and had created an advanced calendar system to boot.

>Lets not forget the apish hate-boner for Jews for outperforming them.

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the way they subvert their host countries and treat them with contempt, right?

I don't agree that blacks should be completely off the table, but it absolutely pays to be wary of them.

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>Those "barbarians" were skilled navigators, horsemen, farmers, metalworkers, and had created an advanced calendar system to boot.

So did Native Americans and Chinese.

>Yeah, it has nothing to do with the way they (Jews) subvert their host countries and treat them with contempt, right?

Please. Most national crises is bc of fellow whites' complacency. The civil wars that ravaged Europe to the point that they had to go overseas to brown countries and subvert them and then they turn around and whine about Jews?

And if anything, Jews get too much credit anyway. What about the fact that East Asia has tech conglomerates?

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>So did Native Americans

There were only a few advanced Indian societies, like the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas. Eastern North American tribes never smelted metal or advanced past copper. There is evidence of ironworking among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest, although I think that was after contact with Japanese sailors.

Regardless of how advanced these tribes were, they were bound to be left in the dust in the long term. They had neither the intellectual drive and curiosity of the West that allowed such rapid scientific and philosophical advancement. The pagans from the more "backwater" parts of Europe ended up fully embracing the Greco-Roman tradition, and it was the regions that were formerly the hinterlands of the Roman Empire that ended up surpassing everyone else.

>and Chinese.

The Chinese had some pretty impressive achievements for a time but ended up stagnating and letting the world pass them by. That's not surprising considering their adherence to traditions like Confucianism rather than more analytical ones the West has had going back to the ancient Greeks.

>Please. Most national crises is bc of fellow whites' complacency.

Complacency to the Jewish/globalist agenda, yes. Ordinary whites are too idealistic for their own good and don't realize how much is at stake. Most people are also not very perceptive in general.

>The civil wars that ravaged Europe to the point that they had to go overseas to brown countries and subvert them

And ended up massively raising the living standards of those countries in the process. It doesn't make sense to criticize the West for its wars when wars are a universal phenomenon. Not only that, but if the more primitive societies were left to their own ends, they would probably be in near-constant states of war (which seems typically for tribal societies).

>and then they turn around and whine about Jews?

Why wouldn't they be critical of a group of people who tend to spit on everything their ancestors worked for in favor of turning Western civilization into a giant favela?

> What about the fact that East Asia has tech conglomerates?

What do those have to do with cultural subversion?

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They are just outrageous idiots who do not understand that they will be destroyed under a truly nationalist regime.

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>implying being right wing or a nationalist are the same thing as Nazism

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>And ended up massively raising the living standards of those countries in the process. It doesn't make sense to criticize the West for its wars when wars are a universal phenomenon. Not only that, but if the more primitive societies were left to their own ends, they would probably be in near-constant states of war (which seems typically for tribal societies).

You still shouldve left them alone. They had their own laws and knew how to handle the land. The white settlers took ot and squabble amongst themselves. The standard of living went up but at the price of using someone else as labor. Not every white person could get a slice of the pie. The morbid exponential extraction of natural resources to feed corporate pockets and plebian bodies would damage the ecosystem for whites in the long run. But as we all know, its always the Jews' fault.

>Complacency to the Jewish/globalist agenda, yes. Ordinary whites are too idealistic for their own good and don't realize how much is at stake. Most people are also not very perceptive in general.

Nah. Ordinary whites are too SELF-IDEALISTIC. They would soon turn on each other if it was convenient. They're only using Jews as a more immediate bogeyman.

>What do those have to do with cultural subversion?

Sony, Samsung, LG, Nintendo. Or how about Toyota?

You really are that naive about how these EA guys got your precious white kin by the balls?

>The Chinese had some pretty impressive achievements for a time but ended up stagnating and letting the world pass them by. That's not surprising considering their adherence to traditions like Confucianism rather than more analytical ones the West has had going back to the ancient Greeks.

You dare to put down Mesoamerica and China for their technologocal advancements yet you praise Celtic/Germanic tribes for skilld navigation? All your precious white society is built on Greek/Indo/Arabic sciences.

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>You still shouldve left them alone. They had their own laws and knew how to handle the land. The white settlers took ot and squabble amongst themselves.

The Indians were slaughtering and taking land from each other long before the settlers showed up. The whites just beat them at their own game.

>The standard of living went up but at the price of using someone else as labor.

What are you even trying to say? Are you trying to claim that the division of labor is a bad thing?

>Not every white person could get a slice of the pie.

No, but there have been attempt to rectify that.

>The morbid exponential extraction of natural resources to feed corporate pockets and plebian bodies would damage the ecosystem for whites in the long run.

So let's just go back to chucking spears instead of looking for viable solutions to grave ecological problems.

>But as we all know, its always the Jews' fault.

No, the Jews are perfectly innocent and nothing is ever their fault.

>Nah. Ordinary whites are too SELF-IDEALISTIC. They would soon turn on each other if it was convenient. They're only using Jews as a more immediate bogeyman.

Ordinary whites tend to be philosemitic and believe the Jews can do no wrong.

>Sony, Samsung, LG, Nintendo. Or how about Toyota?

>You really are that naive about how these EA guys got your precious white kin by the balls?

Again, what do those have to do with cultural subversion?

>You dare to put down Mesoamerica and China for their technologocal advancements yet you praise Celtic/Germanic tribes for skilld navigation? All your precious white society is built on Greek/Indo/Arabic sciences.

The Celts and Germanics were absorbed into the Greco-Roman traditions and Europe advanced far beyond the rest of the world. Read Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray. The Incas and Mesoamerican societies were advanced, but they weren't going anywhere in the long term.

Also, the Islamic "Golden Age" was largely due to having preserved Western texts during the Dark Ages, and the growth they did have was stunted by the ascendance of Ash'arite thought over the more liberal-minded Mu'tazilites.

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Ask any real nationalist what he thinks about gays, femboys. You learn a lot of new things.

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>Ordinary whites tend to be philosemitic and believe the Jews can do no wrong.

Idk about that. Maybe IRL they play the "fair and balanced rational adult", but behind closed doors and online, they're anti-Semitic to the core.

Anything they don't like/understand is "da Jews".

Hell, whites aren't the only ones who hate Jews.

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Femboy militia anyone? Let's get this shit started!!!! discord server code: dEfKuYh

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>all real nationalists are hardcore social conservatives

What do you call the Counter-Currents guys?



>Anything they don't like/understand is "da Jews".

No, that's the philosemite's strawman for anyone who starts asking inconvenient questions about the Chosen People. The overwhelming majority of Jews don't give a damn about preserving Western civilization, even the so-called right-wing ones. That wouldn't matter so much if they didn't have outsized political, social, and financial influence relative to the proportion of the population they comprise, but they do.

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>What do you call the Counter-Currents guys?

I don't think there are more than just words.

Nationalism is more often associated with conservatism and traditionalism than with anything else.

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>Nationalism is more often associated with conservatism and traditionalism than with anything else.

Nationalists tend to be "trad," but it doesn't have to be that way. When the whole alternative right thing first started, things tended to skew in a more socially moderate direction than they do now. Having a movement co-opted by hardcore neo-Nazis and religious fanatics tends to do that.

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>le everything is left/right collectivist/individualist autism

Stop watching prageru and Peterson

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Good day frens and legally put all anarchists and libs against a wall

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Wow some people in one country in the 1930s didnt like buggery I guess I have to let niggers colonize and rampage across my country

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If you want to preserve your people, then you must be a supporter of a despised, long-dead political party because I say so.

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I dont particularly care about the opinions of socially engineered wastrels nor am I the one presuming the cartoon villain version of this miniscule period of history have the monopoly on nationalism.

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"All roads to the Right lead to Hitler."

The Big Lie 2.0.

Warm up the helicopters.

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you stupid motherfucker, the second they start to gain real power they'll have you murdered. Look at what happened to Rohm.

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>all right-wingers are Nazis or hardline social conservatives

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You stupid motherfucker, he was killed because he repeatedly refused to obey Hitler's directives and stood in the way of Himmler's attempts to seize more power.

Read a book sometime.

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Fact: you're not a true homofash until youve attempted suicide because of your impulses to be gay. even if youre a masc. top like me.

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Honest to god it's a pretty fair argument , the unibomber brought that up in his manifesto

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Speaking about right-wing are any of you guys interested in joining my optical club to discuss Trump and the 2020 election? Email me at benflee222@gmail.com and tell me from what board you came from.

But seriously though, how can you be fascist and gay. The fascist killed the gays. It's like a chicken defending KFC.

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They think of themselves as token gays.

Also, they killed feminine gays.

Masculine gays were spared.

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Liberalism ≠ leftism

What you guys are calling leftism is really neoliberalism.

Commies dont actually care abour race nor sexuality. Thats neoliberals.

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What do you mean token gays I thought they killed all the gays. But other than that, are you interested in joining.

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