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 No.319927 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Old finnthread has been dead for ages and the scandinavia thread is dominated by swedes, so let us häve an suomalainen lanka for us suomalaisille pojuille

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Tässä ois viimeisin /(numero neljä)zmjgZY

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Linkki ei toimi

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Ei vittu, 2018 on ihan huono vuotta.

2019 on melkein päättymässä ja se on myös paskaa.

Onko toivoa jäljellä?

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Se on poistettu

Tuossa uusin >>410070

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Bump, onko suomessa vielä söpöjä pojuja?

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File: bdcf3d496fc2890⋯.jpg (10.77 KB,400x295,80:59,confused_black_man_.jpg)

 No.412561 [Open thread]

niggas in dis hoe or am I tripping?

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File: 243398aedcb4d17⋯.png (795.25 KB,850x701,850:701,ClipboardImage.png)

glad to be back y'all, hope everyone's healthy

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this is poggers

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File: da4f982b40eeea4⋯.jpeg (128.85 KB,960x960,1:1,22090DB5_9477_461F_AF51_F….jpeg)

U trippin fam, u trippin :^(

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>>412561 I'm so happy, this board was the only reason I came to this site.

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Same. tho I browsed /b/ sometimes as well.

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File: ed8b421c4ea875b⋯.jpg (505.48 KB,1419x1072,1419:1072,midwest-map1.jpg)

 No.410730 [Open thread]

where are the Chicago/midwest /cuteboys/?

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Chicago here.

gammaray00 - kik.

Looking to top a cutie boy. 33

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Madison WI here. Would love to get blown

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Kansas City here. Anyone in the metro or nearby? Would love to find someone to do the Tomahawk Chop with at Arrowhead. ;)

6 ft



Signal: CastleComedian

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Anyone going to cannabis cup?

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File: edbbb069e1c6107⋯.png (21.11 KB,633x574,633:574,B03BC884-A0FC-41DD-B832-44….png)

 No.411750 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

First of all I want to make it very clear that I say this as a 100% gay man, who finds the thought of having sex with a woman to be disgusting.

In virtually every human society, all throughout history gay people have been killed, or at the very least, imprisoned, or disowned by society and their family. The vast majority of straight people all throughout history (including in the “current year”) have seen homosexuality as extremely disgusting and disturbing on one level or another, because they are biologically programmed to do so. Look at it this way. Imagine that someone had an extremely disgusting fetish (diaper, vote, obesity, etc) and they wouldn’t shut up it. Imagine that they had a whole day, a whole month that revolved around nothing but that fetish, in which that fetish was shoved into your face on a near constant basis, in everything from the media you consume, to the banks you go to, right down to the packaging on the food you eat. I imagine that being reminded of such a disgusting thing on a near constant basis would make you intolerant, to say the least. Well good for you, because now you know how ~98% of humanity feels about your “disgusting” fetish of taking it up your shit filled ass from random HIV infested guys. Don’t like that? Well neither do I, but I understand that’s how the vast majority of people view my sexuality on a visceral level, which is why I’m extremely grateful for their tolerance.

Straight people also have a biological imperative to not only reproduce, but make sure that their offspring and the offspring of others in their community prospers so that they can in turn have children of their own. Which is why they’ve historically been so quick to disown gay kids. If you’re gay you aren’t going to continue their genetic line, in which case on a biological level you’re worthless to them, so why would they waste their resources on you? Humans are animals, people, in particular your average normalfag works of emotion, instinct, I.E. biological factor. And you should count yourself extremely lucky that apparently the normalfags instinct to conform to the group is a lot stronger than his instinct to do away with the biologically expandable, I.E. you.

Again I say this as a 100% gay man, I don’t like any of this anymore than youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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File: 8b5bd8951a550b9⋯.jpg (25.82 KB,634x308,317:154,gay race.jpg)

Generally speaking the "pendulum swinging back" is often bullshit. Usually a primitive foreign culture takes over and removes hedonistic laws and enforces a totalitarianism(see Christians invading rome, chinks invading tibet). The impulsive browns and blacks are far more likely to be gay themselves scientifically speaking and well homophobic lack large scale ambition. They won't demand anything unless the media tells them too.

Another common occurrence is the silent majority taking over.Often a liberal societies will be vocal but prosperous vocal minority in urban areas which will lose control to the rural masses who don't share their views(see Iran,Wiemar Germany,the ottoman empire). I can see something like that in eastern Europe, especially the Balkans and Armenia.

It should be noted that several countries like South africa, Venezuela, Paraguay and Belarus have openly homophobic leaderships that haven't made in serious attempts to recriminalize homosexuality.

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Why lie? I'm sure you don't want this.

Not negotiating sage.

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I thought gay people were disgusting when I saw two old men openly kissing each other but this thread somehow manages to trump that. I don't have nearly as much disgust for lemonparty as I have for the vile hypocrisy spouted in here.

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>"Oh so you like boys? Whatever"

said nobody ever. We were laughing behind your back and avoided contact with you.



A woman will easily spot you. You can pretend all you like. Most people are already suspicious.

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What's this "we" shit? The only reason anyone has for posting on a faggot board is because they're a faggot, you faggot

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File: 59ffd25ff8eef72⋯.jpg (5.06 KB,300x168,25:14,real men.jpg)

 No.412462 [Open thread]

This is the real men thread. It can't contain everything right away. So it will still be a bit mystic. But it will turn out 10/10 also depending on replies.

✓ Anyone can like or do anything here

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the fuck is this thread?

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Gender dysphoria as a result of cuteboys hardly sounds right to me.

Just what at least boys are suffering from too lately.

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As far as I know gay people take hormones quite often. Or don't they?

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>✓ Anyone can like or do anything here

This does not sound to mirror ,,Real Men''. Neither does if it makes literally everyone sick.

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File: ab8b267cd917202⋯.png (30.86 KB,1138x170,569:85,1560769012230.png)

 No.410025 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>but I am not one of those fem faggots, I want to fuck them instead

Then you are another type of homosex, that is a disturbed, sexually confused heterosexual. You feel so worthless or are so sex addicted, that you seek out femboys, because they seem easier than women.

And you maybe tell yourself that you just want "practice", untill you feel confident enough to get a real girl.

that is what happened with me

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This happened to me. Every time I fucked her she would leave hard little droppings on my bed and was totally unembarrassed by it. Like a gerbil that spoke English.

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Me too anon. I noticed my "fetish" for fembois didn't develop until I was addicted and desensitized to pornography.

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Stop watching pornography. Stop doing things that give you dopamine dysfunction (pornography does, and so does habitual use of weed).

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What if I just want to play a feminine role and use older men whom are experienced and seen as more masculine just to get my rocks off once in a while?

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sounds like someones projecting :^)

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File: 40acada3527007b⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,3024x3024,1:1,trap.jpg)

 No.406931 [Open thread]

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on the sites its like a ammo bag

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It's Been A Little Since I've Been On Here I Might Buy This Though To Keep On My Car Headliner lol ;);)

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File: bd14fbdf31d9def⋯.png (634.94 KB,1600x1216,25:19,708E03B3-2557-40BA-AD24-E9….png)


Retard. Maybe it isn’t necessary to be such a disgusting whore. Keep in mind that you’re still man.

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what happened?

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owo dubs and this

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File: 8c28c3b862de362⋯.gif (672.39 KB,511x252,73:36,8c28c3b862de362bca21d8b783….gif)

 No.409035 [Open thread]

How do you feel about guys who are older, but still look really young?

I'm getting into my late 20s, but I haven't aged since highschool. Even in public I still get mistaken for being 10 years younger easily. I still get carded every time I go out. Mentally I feel much older, but physically I haven't really changed.

I don't really know how I feel about it. It's good to not lose your looks, but the mental age gap can be noticeable.

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Why? Because talking about discrimination against youth is wrong?

Then why do you guys whine about women and boomers endlessly?

If anything you sound like a paternalist trying to sound "mature."

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Because you post like you're on tumblr whining about muh oppression, that's why.

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Tell me how how is it different from these fags whining about gay death or bisexuals? Isnt that tumblrism in itself?

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Pointing out a multi-billionaire who has managed to achieve the highest position in the most relevant country of our era isn't exactly something you can dismiss as "what an incompetent retard I don't like what he said about muh grab em buy muh pussy"

The reason anyone under 30 is looked at like their opinion is worthless is because they've barely experienced the world and probably just started living on their own if even that. It doesn't lend to the credibility of post 30s because the majority of people are retards but it does mean you literally lack the ability to understand certain things about life because you've only heard of them. No one cares about the average 25 year olds opinion on shit because they probably don't know what they're talking about unless they're very well read or have some higher level of education on whatever subject and even then sometimes theory is worthless

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Listen, like I told Britanon >>410089

>>410055, your paternalism isn't going to work with me. (You're probably that same guy aren't you?)

Another thing, Trump did not achieve office by himself. Look back at his history. He was billions in debt and is still being kept alive by sponsors. He cannot even run a casino right. He talks about building the southern border wall, throwing the Clintons in prison, and bringing back manufacturing jobs pre-automation, but he has yet to do any of that.

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File: 2119468b4638437⋯.jpg (51.91 KB,480x480,1:1,2119468b463843730191ba29b5….jpg)

 No.408805 [Open thread]

I'm confused. Is this really a board for guys that like crossdressing or something?

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Interesting to hear your perspective. So outside of this site, would you say you have a fairly normie-tier life?

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>This board is half about guys who like to get beat up during sex

Yeah, I got some weird vibes looking at the fantasy thread. I mean shit, I'm more the dominant type myself, and some of the fantasies I saw there were things even I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

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File: 357e3658a72310a⋯.jpg (20.94 KB,267x348,89:116,AllKindOfStupidAndGayShit.jpg)


> I just saw a link to this board at >>>/b2/174973 and have no idea why a guy would want to feminize himself.

I honestly don't see it as feminizing myself personaly, but I'm probably a minority inside the minority of crossdressing gays. I just like to mildly crossdress, like putting on a skirt and a panty or such, because it's a sexual thing for me. It conveys to me a sense of submission/cuteness, that I don't really identify as femininity (I'm versatile though, if I could find a guy into this I would fuck him as much as I would like to be fucked). And the taboo aspect also gets me, although that is probably not simply sexual. I still wonder why I'm so attracted to this feeling of making something taboo and pretend to be at risk at doing so, it's probably a pretty common psychological trait but I have no explanation for it.

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Can we delete seething politics from this board? Especially the right and left ones are annoying.

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File: a7e6882083243c4⋯.jpg (20.82 KB,475x473,475:473,AscendCentriste.jpg)

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File: b3d295ecf30dda8⋯.png (10.99 KB,512x512,1:1,Tumblr_logo.png)

 No.399171 [Open thread]

For those whose Tumblr had been wiped out by the new censorship policy. Report your losses and share with us other ways to reach you.

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Thanks anon I'm a big fan of pretending to be a girl it makes me cum really hard

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File: 2f1be1a2eab85c2⋯.jpg (642.09 KB,1080x1920,9:16,image.jpg)

I found a Tumblr like site: https://tiblar.com/

my Tiblar is https://tiblar.com/caligula/

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Link is dead :(

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now at:


Kik/SC: usfbullbro

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Did you make an account, I can view it fine

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File: 4c08d5a15f00a83⋯.jpg (633.28 KB,1062x1510,531:755,_10.jpg)

 No.411711 [Open thread]

Why don't any of you exist in the real world?

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File: 4fc199358f66725⋯.jpeg (76.47 KB,700x467,700:467,A6334F28-9445-48D1-A421-B….jpeg)


Because this is all a simulation op and the calculations for actual 3d boipussy are unstable. I offer this blue pill you continue to live a lie or red pill and you see cuteboys for the sham they are. Take your pick op?

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File: 34374f30ff22ca7⋯.png (305.38 KB,600x610,60:61,1564231756133.png)



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That's because if we even make it to class we're sitting at the back.

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As if you people weren't lying to yourselves on a daily bases

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I don't now and never have, not really sure what you mean by that

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File: 0a45012a7357420⋯.jpg (136.55 KB,1280x782,640:391,66c153d0b9bddbd0497643ab86….jpg)

 No.339614 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Does anyone else have a BIG fetish for small limp cocks? or should I say clits?

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I know this is a dick thread but that's an amazingly cute hole :3

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i wish i had nothing but a little nub instead of my wasted 6 inch long and thick useless monstrosity

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File: 8b4578d16d6b678⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,2976x3968,3:4,IMG_20190716_221324.jpg)

Here's mine uwu

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>>347716 hi cute: )

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>>339662you look very sexy

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File: e7013ece24fe7c5⋯.jpg (224.01 KB,826x1200,413:600,43659322_p1.jpg)

 No.334146 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Just a thread for the discussion of hard cbt and other more extreme kinks.

Personally most cuteboys like to be bullied so I'm assuming some like cbt too.

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Actually, unlike many animals, human males can retain some sex drive without their balls.

But of course significantly diminished.

Has something to do with the pituitary gland being able to try and compensate for hormone issues.

Not saying getting neutered is a good option since people are different, some may not take a severe libido hit while others could lose interest in everything. And hormone replacement is supposedly not very convenient.

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sometimes i dream about being gangraped

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I imagine it must be like an endless refractory period. I'd rather have endless arousal with no release.

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I'm not sure. People would have to ask actual eunuchs?

I'd guess not quite that severe though since supposedly it's possible for guys to do it long before puberty, but probably regaining libido after activity should take longer because of less hormone production.

Then of course achieving orgasm might require idea situations.

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File: 235622464b00bd6⋯.png (4.17 KB,275x183,275:183,tmp_776-images1078518719.png)

 No.401165 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

AZ threaaaaddd.

Cue the tumbleweed.

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Then post a throwaway email

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If you people are genuinely that curious about chatting with me, you can post your own? You've gone through this much effort, i've at least given you an avenue.

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File: 1badc34c692e928⋯.png (13.74 KB,282x53,282:53,2019-07-03 - 17.18.11 ~ Cr….png)

add me dorks

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Any verse girly looking cuteboys built like this with a pert round ass and a big fat long dick to play with in north valley?

kik traplover33

I'm masc male.

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File: 9bdb3eaa0bd1b8a⋯.gif (373.53 KB,1200x900,4:3,vegeta_in_the_rain___anima….gif)

 No.392873 [Open thread]

>Be me

>180 cm 120 kg with a genetical skin disease that makes parts of my leg, stomach and the whole crotch area look like I survived a fucking honey badger attack (on top of scars from self inflicted wounds)

>Always been alone due to untreated depression (doctors said "it wasn't bad enough" and now that it's beyond any kind of treatment they just said "Oops!" and told me to fuck off)

>In an online relationship for years now with a person across the fucking planet because I was so lonely I was about to jump out the fucking window and tried an online dating site because why not give it a shot?

>Still haven't been able to meet because both are unemployed and neither of us have an education despite having professional level skill and knowledge of our fields

>Verge of suicide every 3-4 months for years but now it's almost monthly


>Micropenis (Literally an average mans middle finger is thicker and longer)

>Forcefully transitioned from a dominant to a submissive sexual preference because of it

>Partner been distant in recent months, afraid of being alone again

>Lonely all of my 24 years of existence and not a single dream or goal reached

>Last time I was genuinely happy was before puberty and even that for something as shallow as getting a video game I really wanted for Christmas

>Making excuses not to commit suicide

>Lives on welfare

>Lives in Finland which is a hell hole for people with even one of these problems

>Desperation growing larger and larger

>I don't be lonely anymore

>Only thing I want is to be happy even for a moment

>Phobia of death (figure that one out how a suicidal person has a phobia of dying)

>inb4 "do it faggot"

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File: 7218b6391de7421⋯.png (251.83 KB,1024x788,256:197,couch to 5k.png)

Losing weight is actually very simple. Just burn more calories than you intake. Its really just simple math. It doesn't really matter whether you want to diet or exercise or both. Just make sure that more calories goes out than comes in. Cardio would be the best exercise way for you to lose weight without gaining a lot of muscle. Check out the couch to 5k method. No need to over do it at first and injure yourself. Also, if you are looking to be a little more musclely when all you need are simple calisthenics to gain muscle. Push-ups, sit-ups and squats will be plenty if you already have weight on your body. I actually do 100 of each every other day. I just break them up over the day into sets. I do 5 sets of 20 for the push ups and sit ups and the squats I do 2 sets of 50. I'm not gonna have a p90x body any time soon but I have much more muscle now than when I started. I have actually lost a little fat, gained it back in muscle and I feel much better. Just be sure to ease into it. If you try to go balls to the wall first thing you will end up pulling something or injuring yourself.

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what is your skin disorder called? just curious

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lose weight fatty

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>Lonely all of my 24 years of existence and not a single dream or goal reached

Would be easier to know the goal, but it can be reached still usually. 25 now and achieving two Milestones (B. Sc, paid job) this year of many to come (M. Sc, Doctorate, high paying job). Most people have not achieved anything of any real value until the age of 35-40…it's healthier to think about all the things you can reach.

>Lives in Finland which is a hell hole for people with even one of these problems

Mostly in Winter, that can fuck your mind really good (to the point that even you don't know who you are anymore). Get some sun, at least 10-15 minutes daily. In Winter, go to sauna. It helps.

> 120KG / 180cm

You have to lose about 40KG. Exercising is one thing. Since you are Finnish, you might want to look into celiac disease and it's various sub-diseases since this is something quite common here it seems. Knew somebody who had a really weird version of it and would only lose weight if she'd not eat any wheat/grain proteins (I think rice was ok, but not barley, rye, wheat etc. If she did, she'd become fat as fast as you can blow up a balloon).

Either way: Change diet to more healthy, eat less, burn more calories.

Do 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 sit-ups and 10 burpees. Increase amount over time. Alternate exercise and resting days. Two days exercise, one day rest, One day exercise, Two days rest and one day exercise. Every week. It will also help you manage time. If you can keep it up for a month, you should have already shedded some weight + you've accomplished something.

>Still haven't been able to meet because both are unemployed and neither of us have an education despite having professional level skill and knowledge of our fields

The obvious solution is to get a degree in said field, again, you are Finnish so should be able to get it without having to take out loans (or taking a comfy loan instead of yeeting yourself into debt).

> Skin disorder

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