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 No.411750 [View All]

First of all I want to make it very clear that I say this as a 100% gay man, who finds the thought of having sex with a woman to be disgusting.

In virtually every human society, all throughout history gay people have been killed, or at the very least, imprisoned, or disowned by society and their family. The vast majority of straight people all throughout history (including in the “current year”) have seen homosexuality as extremely disgusting and disturbing on one level or another, because they are biologically programmed to do so. Look at it this way. Imagine that someone had an extremely disgusting fetish (diaper, vote, obesity, etc) and they wouldn’t shut up it. Imagine that they had a whole day, a whole month that revolved around nothing but that fetish, in which that fetish was shoved into your face on a near constant basis, in everything from the media you consume, to the banks you go to, right down to the packaging on the food you eat. I imagine that being reminded of such a disgusting thing on a near constant basis would make you intolerant, to say the least. Well good for you, because now you know how ~98% of humanity feels about your “disgusting” fetish of taking it up your shit filled ass from random HIV infested guys. Don’t like that? Well neither do I, but I understand that’s how the vast majority of people view my sexuality on a visceral level, which is why I’m extremely grateful for their tolerance.

Straight people also have a biological imperative to not only reproduce, but make sure that their offspring and the offspring of others in their community prospers so that they can in turn have children of their own. Which is why they’ve historically been so quick to disown gay kids. If you’re gay you aren’t going to continue their genetic line, in which case on a biological level you’re worthless to them, so why would they waste their resources on you? Humans are animals, people, in particular your average normalfag works of emotion, instinct, I.E. biological factor. And you should count yourself extremely lucky that apparently the normalfags instinct to conform to the group is a lot stronger than his instinct to do away with the biologically expandable, I.E. you.

Again I say this as a 100% gay man, I don’t like any of this anymore than you do, but I accept it as a harsh reality. Straight people quite simply put, are biologically designed to be disgusted by homosexuality, and hate homosexuals, and if you want proof for this I suggest that you look through just about any historical period other than this one a few other extremely rare examples.

>inb4 Rome and Greece

I suggest that you actually do some reading up on history rather than blindly consuming that the media is pushing. For the most part the sexual degeneracy that existed in these societies only existed at the end of their life spans, much like it does in ours. And I wouldn’t be surprised if some retard in two thousand years begins lecturing people about how pro gay Christians were, using an extremely brief period in that societies history as his source. And while Rome and Greece were in general slightly more tolerant of homosexuality, it was almost always frowned upon, and had similar legal and social consequences placed upon it as you would imagine in 1950s America, you won’t be hung, but they’ll do everything but that to you.

My point is that as gay people, and LGBT people on the whole we are extremely lucky to live in this time period, were we not only don’t have to be worried about being hung, tortured, imprisoned, or just outright shunned from society, but we actually have our whole society bending over backwards for us. So I beg that you don’t fuck that up, because as good as we have it now, the default for ~98% of humanity will always be to hate and be disgusted by us, and it doesn’t take much to push people back into that direction, in fact considering that it’s natural for them to despise us, the only thing holding them back is our fragile culture and society, that could change at any moment.

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This isnfucking bullshit, a natural thing is sex with man and woman who the fuck was irst gay i think that some idiot who was just joking his friend in prison while he was washing himself. What the fuck yes lets be gays and show it to the world they should stay in basements and if some of them would get out of his basement kill him or just get into the prison till he will die becouse of no eatting

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Strange, all those around me have been rather comfy with me being gay. Then again, they didn't know until recently. But it does turn out that boys like to be cuddled too, even if they're not gay.

What's really the problem here is that stupid political movement. They are the most judgemental pieces of shit, yet wish that others do not judge them.

I for one do not wish to be associated with the whole Pride movement thing. As long as the people around me literally don't give a fuck ("So what if he loves men?"), there is no reason for me to support a movement of that kind. As far as I've observed, the members of it are abysmally entitled.

Besides, modern Pride has done pretty much nothing for gays. Just a bunch of faggots adorning themselves with the accomplishments of those before them.

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gay is a deformity or a trauma-induced mental illness (unlike trans which is always mental illness). i like this shit and im probably easily classed as a homo or at least bisexual, but LGBT does not belong in the mainstream. anyone who cites "muh bonobos" or "muh dolphins" is a fucking idiot and needs to be crucified.

theres a reason that the "sane homosexuals" are such a minority, its because mental illness almost always come in groups. know someone who has depression, they probably also have anxiety. know someone who has psychosis, they probably also have clinical paranoia. know someone who is a homo, they probably also have a weird-ass self destructive fetish.

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The balance and stability of this society is tenuous at best. We lose electricity in a major city for a month? We are fucked. Cross the border into bible town? It’s like walking the line into some anachronism where you can’t even dare talk with a lisp or even look at a guy with yearning eyes.

Most of us are corralled into these big cities and bubbles where we are largely insulated from the realities of this world, that yes there’s a billion Muslims out there and most likely more than 500 million of them would want front row seats to watch us being thrown from the roofs of buildings, that there’s a large Asian population in this world that for all the shit we give them about their men being effete still largely view homosexuality as something that should be best kept behind closed doors in private.

This community of ours is so coddled and pampered that yes we don’t know how good we have it in these western modern enclaves we call home. Maybe it’s the hard reaction from being “repressed” for so long. But who are we to take on the mantle of those who came before us? Why are we having such a huge outburst on their behalf? It’s as if the powers that be don’t want us to be accepted gradually, we just have to shove it into their faces. But get this, our kind of sexual “deviancy” is blossoming largely due to economic prosperity to the point where most people don’t even want to chance a conflict that would disrupt the peace and free flow of cheap goods and money all over.

Once that whole system begins to buckle and collapse that’s where they start coming for us, because all those feel good platitudes and sterile corporate pandering will mean jack shit.

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It's been doomed from the start, ever since the concept of "gay pride" emerged and the LGBT acronym itself was adopted. Both "pride" and trannies are literally the exact opposite of the fundamental philosophical justification for supporting acceptance of homosexuality.

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I’m not sure if acceptance will ever happen truly. Widespread tolerance may be? But this whole movement took so many inches that it is beyond the pale. I mean I understand the goal was to make it OK for someone to be lgbt without them having their reputations and livelihoods destroyed for it, but wait I think we’ve reached that goal largely in the big cities and liberally tolerant areas. To try to force this out into the rest of the world? I don’t think the movement and the lunatics running the asylum care for that, all they want is more and more “acceptance” where they are now at the expense of the natives who were always around and who will always teach how disgusting we are to their children.

It’s only a matter of time before they snap back.

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>muh bibletown

wow, a whole village made of straw!

>muh muzzies

stop letting medieval barbarians into your country

>there’s a large Asian population in this world that […] still largely view homosexuality as something that should be best kept behind closed doors in private.

why shouldn't it be? at least BDSM leatherheads are still seen that way. why should a whole set of cultures on a continent on the other side of the world change their fundamental values just because you like a fat dick in your ass?

>It’s as if the powers that be don’t want us to be accepted gradually

why should homos be accepted at all? if you've ever gone off a statistic analysis of homosexual populations instead of just anecdotes and personal experience, you will find that gays are NOT "just like straight people, except they like the same sex instead". the way that most homos are, even if they magically became straight they would still be freaks because of what they like. i'm not lumping you in with them, but /cuteboys/ is not an identity, it is a fetish and people have the right to discriminate fetishists when the information is public, especially of their own volition or flamboyancy.

few people (even those in your mythical "bible towns") are disgusted by homosexuals just because a man is "not supposed to be" with another man (they aren't) but because they (rightfully) have an image in their heads of what homosexuals are like: freakish, sex-obsessed, and mentally ill.

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I've been saying this for years for the brazilian fags. I almost want to go back pretending that I'm straight again when I see them.

Get this: our Supreme Court recently gave lgbt people a race status (racism is punished here by our shitty Constitution), I have no idea how this will turn out, since we have religious freedom too. Also, they go all out when a lgbt person is murdered (usually by another lgbt), but we have over 60k murderers per year. Imagine having so much deaths as a civil war and the thing you most see in the media is LGBT screaming at homophobes (everyone that looks a lil bit weird at them)? It's not like I don't want everyone living a good life, it's just… priorities, man.

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>our Supreme Court recently gave lgbt people a race status

what the fuck? LGBT counts as a race now?

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In crazy Bananaland Brazil now, yes.

>The majority in favor of criminalizing homophobia and transphobia had already been formed on 23 May. This Thursday, the vote ended in 8 to 3 in favor of likening homophobia to racism, which is illegal in Brazil.

source: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/internacional/en/brazil/2019/06/brazils-supreme-court-votes-to-criminalize-homophobia.shtml

This is a newspaper of major circulation in the country. It should be noted that our current president is a low IQ Trump and we were governed by leftists for the past 20 years, so the majority of the judges in the supreme court lean to the left (they were all put there by them). We suffered a radical change in politics.

I think it'll turn into a shitstorm anytime soon. I can already feel people less likely to make jokes around me. I feel lucky that I have a few good friends still.

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So its not classified as a race then.

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>playing fortnite and listen mumble rappers make you a sociopath

Zoomers are the most weak and incompetent generation ever.

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Honestly I'd say just purge the trannies. It used to just be LGB, a relatively small and unknown fraction of people into fucking people of the same sex. That's about it, a lot of primates do that normally so it's not exactly likely that disgust is the real default. It's more of a cultural default brought about by religions that really are only the results of the first control oriented governments. I think thats also why russia is so violently anti gay, it's less human nature and more a means of control which they ingrain in people. Instead of just normal indifference.

It's the trannies that are actually bad. Putting aside the fact that it's 3 sexual orientations and then 'I want to cut off my dick', they're the only one of the groups to fucking recruit people. My inner conspiracy theorist says it's the first culling of the modern age since it recruits young stupid people of at least decent standing (Thus wealth and education) and 'convinces' them to sterilize themselves. Meaning the percentage of well educated goes down. Course it's fueled by useful idiots, but still. They prey after children (No wonder there's a fucking pedo movement now), encourage self mutilation, mentally weakening yourself, causing health problems, and that you ask other people do the same all so you can feel some artificial acceptance bullshit or that you're always working towards some nebulous goal. It's fucking cult behavior and they latched onto LGB just because it was an easy target. Doesn't help there used to be legitimate medical research onto body dysphoria as an illness and now all that is damn near impossible to find, let alone get any backing.

Gay people just want to stick their dick in a different hole or rub up against something. That's not much different from masturbation. Far as I know we don't really try to recruit people despite the whole straight fetish thing since even if a straight guy did fuck you odds are he's still largely into women and thus can procreate perfectly fine. The pride shit is pretty stupid though, it's going too far in the other direction. The best option is just apathy, make it normal and boring so nobody gives a shit. No pride parades, no special media attention, no hangings, nothing. Whoop de fucking doo, you like to diddle lads, I have a fetish for lactation, lets go about our day please.

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how about no pride month to begin with? fuck pride month and all the related cancer associated to it

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There's less cancer in a cigarette than in Pride. The funny thing is, until a year ago I didn't really give a fuck about that shit, but since I've met the kind of people who are involved in that…nooooope…nooooooooooooooooooppppeeee…it's almost as if they TRY to get you to hate them on purpose, for whatever reason.

I agree, apathy would be the coolest. "Oh so you like boys? Whatever". As long as it does not affect others negatively…

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>"Oh so you like boys? Whatever"

It used to be like this around me about a decade ago. Sure, there were and there are true homophobes out there, but since the cancer emerged, even those who would be cool with it are now distancing themselves from lgbt, only insane people and NPCs are devoted to the collective and I think they are going to destroy innocents . I just want to be fucked in the ass in peace

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>I suggest that you actually do some reading up on history rather than blindly consuming that the media is pushing. For the most part the sexual degeneracy that existed in these societies only existed at the end of their life spans, much like it does in ours.

This is actually complete bullshit. Even moreso in Rome - Rome was Christianized before it died. At the time of its death it had literally turned around and banned sodomy. Pederasty (and to a lesser extent homosexuality) in Rome was a relic of its early period when they worshiped basically everything Greece did.

Let's take another example, though - Weimar Germany. Acceptance of homosexuality there preceded a fall, but again, only after it was banned. The people who decided to "bring order" to German society by banning degeneracy and employing military discipline in everyday life actually ended up killing a shit ton of its populace and spreading their empire thin in idiotic aggressive excursions (as Christianized Rome had done beforehand) which resulted in the fucking nation getting occupied and split in half between its enemies. The idea of societies falling into decadence and degeneracy before a fall is a myth - they shoot themselves in the foot by spreading their empires thin and running out of resources to legitimize it.

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PS, the trannies were a thing in the '90s. They were literally on TV all the time and nobody gave a fuck. Most of the people I grew up around were more sympathetic towards trannies than gays - the idea of a "woman trapped inside of a man" is way more romantic than the idea of big hairy men fucking asses. It appealed to the Anglo fixation on the Cinderella story. There was literally a major trans celebrity in the '50s. They could legally have (heterosexual) marriages in the '70s in the US when it was still illegal for guys to even fuck eachother in most of America.

This whole narrative that it's a new thing, the next frontier, or some toxic poison introduced recently to the gay community - it's all spin. Any side of it. This has played out, it's mostly old news. You're falling for a crock of shit. There is no fight over transsexuality, they got their rights decades before gay people did. It's a diversion because the folks running things are running out of shit to distract you with.

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RE the decline in acceptance - I read the NYPost article.

Here's the actual study:


Am I concerned? I would be, except besides asking about "comfort" and "allies" (two areas where there was decline) they also asked how many of their participants supported equal rights. This particular percentage is actually at 80% (from 79% in 2017). With enemies like that, who needs "allies"?

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but who except "allies" and "activists" will give us the wonders of 11 years old drag kids, pink pilling trash along with their enablers and pedo acceptance movements?

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Good. Hope this does away with the pedo and tranny shit.

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I disagree with you. Gen Z will destroy degeneracy, as >>411752 says.


Trans are severely brainwashed by (((them))).

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Zoomer here literally all the people who hate LGBT for it's "toxicity" are just edgy retarda who have no argument whatsoever against them besides "they're gay" and will end up supporting them in the future.

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>destroy degeneracy

*bourgeois degeneracy

Zoomers will bring about the proletariat revolution.

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How fat are?

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Youre deluded if you think that

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They moral grandstand for the sake of it while attempting to guilt trip anyone who happens to be gay into supporting liberal policies they personally desire. They also live in a perpetual victim mentality and use it to justify their positions instead of appealing to basic reason and the reality we live in.

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I'm not. It's just how edgelords end up being liberals.



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>My point is that as gay people, and LGBT people on the whole we are extremely lucky to live in this time period

Only if you live in North America or in Europe. In the eyes of the rest of the world, you all deserve death, just saying. Try being gay in a muslim country or in China.

To answer to your question (as a bicurious nazbol, yeah I know), I would say that there are two important factors for the evolution of the acceptance of LGB(not T) people:

1) The evolution of Western civilisation. Given that it's basically the only civilisation that doesn't want to kill you all, you better wish that it does not collapse. You could almost say that gay rights are a "Western value" at this point; and one that you want to see spread to the world, right ? The problem here is that we are basically doomed already, it's only a matter of decades before we see the end of the Western world. Just take a quick look at Europe, we are getting replaced by Africans/Muslims that would burn you alive for being gay. They'll take over sooner or later if a civil war doesn't happen by then. But in general white nationalists don't like LGBT people either, so…

2) LGBT people themselves. It's going way too far because of a minority of mentally ill people.

How are you supposed to be accepted by society when you have those fucking degenerates that want to teach transexuality to children, parade half naked during Gay Prides, or will chimp out because you assumed their gender and they're actually genderfluid pansexual rainbow unicorns ? It began with gay rights and now we have transexual children and mentally ill people that want society to adapt to them. It just cannot work.

Western countries (especially the US I believe) are accepting all this bullshit, and thus we're the laughingstock of the world. How do you want Africans or Asians to accept gay rights when they see what kind of shit we have in Europe or America nowadays ? The more they look at us, the more they hate you. LGB acceptance will never spread outside of the Western world, at least not in the present context.

In my opinion, LGB acceptance will perdure if, and ONLY if: 1) the West gets its shit together and saves itself 2) trannies and other degenerates get treated as what they are, mentally ill persons that should be cured, not praised.

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>pedo acceptance movements?

Not a thing.

You don't even have an excuse. This shit was a /b/ meme. We're on 8ch ffs, you're not supposed to fall for this crap.

Here's a bit of history - in the US in part of the late 1800s, the average age of consent was like 10. The lowest was 6, in Delaware, iirc. Homosexuality was broadly unacceptable, but pedophilia was literally legal.

Ages started to raise in the late 1800s/early 1900s due to pressure from the first American women's movement. It was still only later that the gay rights movement really gained traction.

In the '50s and early '60s, homosexuality could be punished with lobotomy in the US.

In 1970, the biggest straight rockstars in the world were regularly fucking 14-year-olds, and they were expected to even though it wasn't legal by then most places. Being gay was still worse than being a straight hebe back then (though some of them were "bi" or at least teased it).

Gay liberation had gained steam in 1969. Even though gays were still a fringe group at the end of the 1970s, most organizations had pushed NAMBLA out before the '80s. NAMBLA, for the record, weren't even full-on pedophiles initially - NAMBLA were mostly just retarded pederasts (the younger partner in a pederastic relationship can be as old as 21 according to historical tradition, and is almost never below puberty) who were too stupid to differentiate between their own attraction to teens and the more deviant desires of the true pedos. But they called themselves pedophiles and invited pedophiles into their stupid group, and so the activists in America told them to fuck off.

Over the exact same course of time that being gay became socially and legally acceptable, ages of consent have only gone up and taboos against pedophiles have only increased. Same goes for incest, bestiality, etc. Legalizing "sodomy" is the result of coherent sexual policy, progress on homosexuality goes hand-in-hand with outlawing child molestation and incest because the entire rationale is based on consent and reducing harm. The less fringe homosexuality becomes, the more fringe shit like NAMBLA gets.

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¿Qué haces aquí?

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Typical ignorant boomer paternalism. Just disgruntled manchildren trying to validate their failed adult lives by bashing current year

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It's not that you guys are putting it on display in such a flamboyant fashion. While disgusting, it is tolerable with humor. The problem is that we cannot make fun of homosexuals without being absolutely demonized by society for some reason. People risk their jobs in America if they are anti-gay and are public about it. This is why LGBT individuals will ultimately meet the rope in the next major financial collapse that results in a massive government change in the West. People will be stressed to the fucking limit just trying to find food and potable water. They don't need some retarded tranny or faggot in the food provision line arguing with them just because they make an off-hand remark that *maybe* none of this would have happened if we just told the sodomites to shut the fuck up.

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>if you're bisexual, fuck off

I apologise for my brain still being wired fairly naturally, ya cunt. I enjoy getting fucked in the ass only a bit more than I like getting laid with some qt female, so this still concerns me as well.

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In the 70s and 80s being gay was worse than being a child molester. Or a vampire or a terrorist. People definitely gave a shit.

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Here's why everyone despises the gay 'community'

>AIDS cases still on the rise

>Pride parades with public nudity and sex

>Pride parades with public nudity and sex in front of children

>Chemically castrating five year olds and calling them trans

>Using the power of the state to force non-violent, private religious groups to change rites and sacred ceremonies for them

>Passing laws to imprison people who don't use preferred pronouns

>Publicly harassing and shaming anyone who dislikes any of the above and thus ruining the lives of hundreds of business owners and their employees despite the fact they didn't initiate the sue of force against anyone

>Pretending to be victims and demanding special care when everyone else bends over backwards to accommodate them

>Did I mention willingly and intentionally spreading AIDS?

>Public campaigns demanding people accept HIV and AIDS while simultaneously forcing public healthcare systems to spend millions of tax dollars caring for gay people who have AIDS

I've been in the closet my whole life, been with my partner happily for six years; we don't bother anyone so we'll be fine. You sacks of shit though, I'll be glad when they hang you high. The only reason I've had to live in the closet is because I don't want to be associated with the gay community and its filth; the LGTBQ community has essentially imprisoned me and forced me to live a lie. Honest and good gay people won't be free until it's wipe out. I will literally lynch queers and help dig the mass graves when we re-open Auschwitz for you crummy fucks.

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The only virtuous existence for homosexual individuals is in the closet.

My main principal is that I don't ever bring it up, don't ever admit it unless someone specifically asks in perfect terms. This shit shouldn't be anyone's business.

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>Using the power of the state to force non-violent, private religious groups to change rites and sacred ceremonies for them

Marriage is a legal procedure, though, and there were religious groups willing to perform the ceremonies before it was even legal who weren't allowed to get legal recognition for it. I'm pretty sure priests are allowed not to perform marriages they don't agree with, at least in America.

>Passing laws to imprison people who don't use preferred pronouns

Is this a real thing in Canada? Like, has this actually ever happened? In this case I'm genuinely curious, would be interesting to know.

>Public campaigns demanding people accept HIV and AIDS while simultaneously forcing public healthcare systems to spend millions of tax dollars caring for gay people who have AIDS

It's literally the job of the public healthcare system to take care of public health. I don't think anyone's forcing them to, it's what they're paid for. Pretty sure if you break your hand punching out somebody's window you can still get covered.

Meanwhile, AIDs is an incurable disease. You can prevent it without thinking people who have it should just be left to die or you can't stand next to them or whatever. If you just leave it or treat it like spooky voodoo it will get worse; accepting that some people live with it and encouraging them to get treatment is the best of the options available in a shitty world where AIDs exists.

>the LGTBQ community has essentially imprisoned me and forced me to live a lie.

Lol before Stonewall you could literally be imprisoned and lobotomized for having gay sex. Nothing some pink haired Tumblrinas have ever done is threatening you nearly that much.

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You sure do like the /pol/ koolaid. Most of the shit you wrote here is complete bullshit, not even exaggeration, just literal bullshit.

>I'll be glad when they hang you high.

>I will literally lynch queers and help dig the mass graves when we re-open Auschwitz for you crummy fucks.

You sure do sound like a lovely person. Just be careful so that your fantasy nazi comrades don't get too suspicious when you look at your bf a bit too fondly.

Perhaps the dumbest part is that /cuteboys/ is quite skeptical towards any more radical leftist solutions for our problems, so you're barking at a wrong tree in the first place. Most people here would agree with you, sans the hysteria and bullshit.

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I don't think it's going to happen honestly. LGBT activism has gotten to ridiculous extent, and I do think people are going to become less "accepting" than they are now, but I think it'll even out. Right now people are angry about moralizing and the anger at activists is going to push people to dislike gay people in general, but this is going to make those activists less effectual, and eventually most of the activists are going to be forced to accept that they can't be so insufferable. There will be some who keep going, but eventually they're going to look about as powerful as those disheveled old dudes preaching about the end of the world on a street corner. When the world stops giving a shit about the activists, then most of the renewed negative sentiment to LGBT people will wear off and be replaced by apathy, which is exactly as it should be. I think even the worst blowback is just going to be a casual sort of prejudice of thinking gay people are annoying, and I don't think it's ever going to get to the point of serious bigotry or actual action.

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tbh since the decline is mostly being driven by young women, I think they're just pissed that we won't be their faghags anymore

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Demographics is destiny, as much as we try to deny nature if our population is just full of weak coddled fags and crazy entitled women it doesn’t matter how much technology we have we will all be subsumed into the dustbin of history. Just look at the low birth rates and the amount of mental disease amongst our young.

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Too bad, I wish this movement of pretentious judgemental assholes would just fucking die out already.

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>Lol before Stonewall you could literally be imprisoned and lobotomized for having gay sex

This. You can't get more myopic than these faggots who probably can't even tell you where their rights come from.

Remember Röhm was protected until it was politically advantageous to violently purge all the fags. So many fags on here are afraid to be open yet sensible and prefer to hide under the ideologies that will later purge them. BE the example of a not retarded gay rather than hide away wishing everything was magically ideal.

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File: 8b5bd8951a550b9⋯.jpg (25.82 KB,634x308,317:154,gay race.jpg)

Generally speaking the "pendulum swinging back" is often bullshit. Usually a primitive foreign culture takes over and removes hedonistic laws and enforces a totalitarianism(see Christians invading rome, chinks invading tibet). The impulsive browns and blacks are far more likely to be gay themselves scientifically speaking and well homophobic lack large scale ambition. They won't demand anything unless the media tells them too.

Another common occurrence is the silent majority taking over.Often a liberal societies will be vocal but prosperous vocal minority in urban areas which will lose control to the rural masses who don't share their views(see Iran,Wiemar Germany,the ottoman empire). I can see something like that in eastern Europe, especially the Balkans and Armenia.

It should be noted that several countries like South africa, Venezuela, Paraguay and Belarus have openly homophobic leaderships that haven't made in serious attempts to recriminalize homosexuality.

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Why lie? I'm sure you don't want this.

Not negotiating sage.

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I thought gay people were disgusting when I saw two old men openly kissing each other but this thread somehow manages to trump that. I don't have nearly as much disgust for lemonparty as I have for the vile hypocrisy spouted in here.

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>"Oh so you like boys? Whatever"

said nobody ever. We were laughing behind your back and avoided contact with you.



A woman will easily spot you. You can pretend all you like. Most people are already suspicious.

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What's this "we" shit? The only reason anyone has for posting on a faggot board is because they're a faggot, you faggot

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