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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

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File: 80c7118b86027e8⋯.png (240.27 KB,500x365,100:73,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.335843 [Last50 Posts]

There's already a thread about long hair but I'm interested in medium length hair as well, maybe even cute short hair!

Post the cutest styles you know guys (so I can try them out)!

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Also we might as well make some new threads considering most are lost forever…

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File: 5dcd1f477eae939⋯.jpg (25.94 KB,376x612,94:153,e0cb5b3d985c44a2285c8926c8….jpg)

finally someone who doesnt have shit hair taste

pic related is kinda what im going for. prettymuch there already but i just need a trim.

>tfw the one hairdresser you know doesnt FUCK your hair up is closed

i swear i have real ptsd from people ruining my hairstyle

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File: 41d404fdf619be1⋯.jpg (23.18 KB,333x500,333:500,e08c4b3df5f082731cf1382a94….jpg)

> I know the pic is of a girl but that's the hair colour I really want rn and there's literally no example pics of guys with fire orange hair anywhere

I kinda like my hairstyle, it's very similar to style of OP's pic except the fringe is a little shorter. Dark brown hair, I tried highlights when I was 17 and loved them, now I really wanna try changing colour completely but I'm worried with my colour that bleach would damage my hair and it'd end up looking like shit ginger >_< But I have a few friends who change their colour like every month (professionally) and seem fine so idk

Any cuteboys tried dying their hair?

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I'd be careful about dying it too much, it will take its toll. Eventually it will become a lot thinner from the dyes.

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>tfw started having bald spots at 17

>tfw soon it won't be hidable by having a ton of messy, wavy hair anymore

>tfw I'll have to shave my head

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that means you masturbate way too much

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File: 6fcffd0717e4414⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1456x2592,91:162,me1.jpg)

File: 4426517197c8523⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1456x2592,91:162,me2.jpg)

Lads, what should I ask for when I get my hair cut?

I want to grow my hair out long but its getting a bit of a mess.

My mate said 'just ask for a trim' but to me thats a bit vague, I could end up a skinhead.

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You what?

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File: c7082192a72627e⋯.jpeg (71.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,image.jpeg)


holy heck, you look just like a friend I used to go school with 0_0 .

T-Thomas I-Is that you

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> T-Thomas I-Is that you

haha no sorry mate.

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Really? If that's true, doesn't surprise me, I was at 5 times a day for a long while.

Now I'm at 2 or 3. My hair is not going to come back if I stop masturbating, right?

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>Really? If that's true, doesn't surprise me, I was at 5 times a day for a long while.

jesus christ, then yes it's definitely that. masturbating produces DHT which kills off hair follicles.

if you stop masturbating for 4 weeks or more you will see some regrowth.

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File: 9c4dcd6e1bf61de⋯.jpg (244.35 KB,700x808,175:202,1469141390657.jpg)


no. if you suffer from genetic balding masturbating will do nothing to change that. go to your doctor because it could be alopecia or some other underlying cause which a blood test can verify.



stop spouting this nofap broscience BULLSHIT.

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you don't need to ask for anything

you made it

this is it

this is the ideal male facial aesthetics

you may not like it, but this is what peak cuteness looks like

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Unrelated, but one time when I had long hair I decided to get it cut short. The hairdresser put girly hair clips in my hair and hairbands and stuff when she was cutting it. At one point it looked like >>335873 but I was too nervous to tell her to stop…

Anyway that's one of my more fond memories. Felt weird and hot being treated like that by a girl. I think she enjoyed it too, she tried giving me her number afterwords haha.

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I kinda want this cut, but at the same time something more like >>335903 is what I'm currently attempting

I apparently look like I'm 14 so I think it could work

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File: 485871dcaa83815⋯.jpg (24.82 KB,372x496,3:4,eJwVzEEOhCAMQNG7cACKqK16G4….jpg)

File: 022446b5e492a55⋯.jpg (49.54 KB,728x728,1:1,eJwdzMENwyAMQNFdGAADMSnNNo….jpg)

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Medium length is best. I don't understand all the retards wanting super long flowing hair. That shit is gross.


Don't do this. This pic looks nice and all, but this style simply does not work IRL. The only time the shaved-side look works is that viking-type shit that's somewhat popular now.

>i swear i have real ptsd from people ruining my hairstyle


>finally managed to get a date and my hair was a bit too long so i went to get a trim

>really just wanted a bit taken off the back and sides with the front untouched

>tell her this and even show a picture and try to explain in excruciating detail what i want because i KNOW she's about to fuck my shit up

>walk out with a fucking bowl cut and no bangs

>get dumped on first date

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File: 3f180fd445e25f2⋯.jpg (536.01 KB,1210x1613,1210:1613,014e510d1043d6cd68edfbd4b4….jpg)


im not going for the full shaved side look

just a little shorter

i basicly have the hair already just need to get a trim now

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Yet you can't prove it wrong. It's a fact that more and more younger people are getting bald more often, people are also jerking off a hell of a lot more. No that's not proof. But porn addiction still exists EVEN IF it doesn't affect the hair it's still mentally damaging. 5 times a day? That's fucked up.

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You just making a face or is your eye just like that?

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its face.

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Ah I see. Anyway, love your hair.

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thanks my dude

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You are the cutes lad I have ever laid my eyes on, I want to cuddle up to you and never let go :)

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we're hitting cuteness levels that shouldn't be possible

man, i cannot imagine someone looking cuter while still having a boy's appearance, I would love to have nice hair like yours and such a kind looking face

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trying a bit too hard to be "cute" but you have nice hair :)

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You have the face of an old man. Stop trying to act cute. Your hair is still nice though.

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lmao could you try any harder... i can't tell if you're 30 or just an unlucky mid twenty

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Well done dickheads

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Sorry, this isn't a hugbox for weird old men trying so hard to be "cute".

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it was pretty savage tho.

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Cute as fuck.

Are you sticking your bike in your room so Chavs won't steal it?

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Honesty, not savagery.

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well i guess, i just leave it inside. shed is full and i dont want it to get wet and shit

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File: d3429e5a43dd1cf⋯.jpg (204.12 KB,715x1268,715:1268,IMG_2523.JPG)

File: 1ba34a50b13c79d⋯.jpg (118.42 KB,722x1280,361:640,IMG_2096.JPG)

I need a trim pretty badly. Been like 5 months since I went to the hairdresser. My hair curls a ton naturally. Kinda wish it didn't because it's a lot more comfortable when it's straightened.

Pics of both

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>My hair curls a ton naturally. Kinda wish it didn't because it's a lot more comfortable when it's straightened.

Have you looked into chemical straightening? it lasts for months or even semi permanent. I think I'm gonna do that because I hate my shitty curls

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>My hair curls a ton naturally

iktf, it looks really cute on you though

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Still growing it out so I think I'll simply let it get to the desired length before I make any decisions like that. I honestly don't mind the curls, it's just that they make my hair a bit unruly at times.



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Fair enough.

Post more cute hairstyle pictures.

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You're sooooo cute! I want to cuddle you and play with that hair.

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File: 866c042c405a000⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,2592x1944,4:3,kuhgvbjhvufvyjh.jpg)



no dox tho

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How do you style your hair? What products do you use? Do you get your hair cut with razors?

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i straighten it then use some hair spray to get it to keep its shape a little bit better. i guess its a mix of razor/scissors. i know fucking nothing about hair styles tho so..

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File: 924c761c321f6cb⋯.png (227.72 KB,482x610,241:305,1480465393767.png)


oh my god I love collars

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God damn, you're cute.

Marry me. We'll settle down and adopt a small dog.

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you look underage

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Cute cute cute~!

Now post your discord so you can be flooded with horny boys

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me too man

i gotta stop myself from buying new ones all the time. they are cute


sorry man i already have a swedish boy slave

>small dog

it would never work out anyway

big dog masterrace


thanks i guess


but i only wana talk to chill boys :l

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Please, don't do that fucking shit with your mouth ever again.

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How chill we talkin?

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like no lewd chill

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>posts lewd pictures

>i don't want any lewd guys around me

Could you be anymore of a woman?!

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pics //// flirting

two different things entirely. i have a bf

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>Not wanting to settle down and have a small mexican chihuahua named Carlos.

It's like I've lost my touch. And the Swedish Boy Slave-competition.


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That makes it worse with every word. Jesus Christ. This place is filled with nothing but freaks.

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File: 5d6f73f422b5887⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1753x1836,1753:1836,2016-03-17 16.24.25.jpg)


>not having a big fluffy doggo or two who runs around innawoods with you

for shame! this is why you lose the competition!


here's your (you)

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I'll try to get better, babe. One day, we'll be together. I don't know any more romantic clichés, so I'm going to stop now.

To be serious for a moment, I fucking love big dogs.

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yea dont worry. i know we both like big things :^)

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File: 5687eff97785325⋯.jpg (168.96 KB,722x1280,361:640,IMG_2603.JPG)



collars are cute

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I want your hair. What do you mean by mix of scissors and razors? Do you cut it yourself? If not, what kind of place do you go to and what do you ask for specifically. Preferably what pictures you show them, too. Every time I go to get a haircut they just fuck my shit up and I've been to several different hair places.

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File: c74035d2bd85547⋯.jpg (335.33 KB,1280x960,4:3,IMG_0348.JPG)

File: 92bde793e58ea0e⋯.jpg (144.1 KB,1080x720,3:2,y.jpg)

my hair is pretty dumb right now, should probably stop being a faggot and do something with it. ideas would be appreciated.


big doggos can't sleep on your lap while you shitpost tho

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File: 9904dc831b427bb⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,3456x4608,3:4,2017-03-12 00.42.08.jpg)


yea and demonboys

>tfw older pic with not as good hair


i legit just go to some tiny male barbers thats run by a nice lady and i try and awkwardly explain what parts of my hair i want her to trim. im tired of having my hair fucked up too so i dont wana go to any new places. this is the one place i know at least follows insturctions. but it would be nice to be able to go somewhere fancy and just show them a pic. but w/e


yes they can

have you never cuddled a big doggo?

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there was a big fat one i used to take care of who insisted on sleeping on top of me every night which wasn't so great but that's not really the same thing. your doggos look like good lads, 10/10.



the sweater/collar combo is 2strong, w2c?

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Yeah, if you find a place that works definitely stay there. So many people just destroy your hair.

Want to add each other on Discord or something? Not looking for lewd or anything, just want to know more cute people to discuss how to be more cute with.

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i got a big bed now so my doggos can sleep in it np



stop copying me fags i did it first


sure my dude.


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File: e0a9b4d2a84bf69⋯.jpg (756.46 KB,1536x2048,3:4,dsc00003dopnc.jpg)

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File: d98096c4df5bfdc⋯.jpg (852.58 KB,1536x2048,3:4,selbstportraits45ggj7g.jpg)

Why are males that look like me so rare?

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God I wanna do my eyeliner and eyebrows but I'm closeted and there's no way I can rock that shit in public, looks sexy/cute af though anon

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Does your jaw ruin it? You always hide it. This is too cute to be true, which is always done by hiding jaw.

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im still practicing it. i guess im getting ok at it now


nah i wouldnt say my jaw ruins it. i definitely look like a guy but its not huge

i just dont wana post full pics, on 8chan/4chan at least.. like if someone saw half of my face they wouldnt be able to go "oh thats him!"

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you're still probably pretty identifiable to anyone who would know you.

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yea but thats not the thing im bothered about

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hair is gay

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File: 2b229dade34226f⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,510x500,51:50,8bcba611268bd5d5d74ad7dc78….jpg)

Is there any variation of the mohack that comes across as "bad boy/rebel" without being cringy and that of a douchebag hipster?

I want to cultivate the image of a rough guy who has a "soft spot" for cutebois

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I posted in the long hair thread too. My hair does that wacky shit in the second one if I don't brush after showering.

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Second one is the cutest.

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Idk, does my boyf have cute hair? :3

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Try a version of the USMC haircut but with a longer fringe at the front. Sides and rear are a no.1, so it's easy to mantain.

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File: 88aac84a23a2efc⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2448x3264,3:4,20170108_190648.jpg)


I really don't know what hairstyle would suit me, I want to grow it out and see how things go but it seems it looks worse when it's long then when it's short ;-;

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fuck you tryna do with that hairstyle boy

Jokes aside, don't straighten your hair, it doesn't suit you.

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I honestly don't know what I'm doing with my hair, I don't know what hairstyle I should use :c

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you'll find it eventually fam

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File: daa461ed6c2cb1e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB,1932x2576,3:4,IMG_1229.JPG)

every time i try and grow my hair out, my mom pressures me to get it cut short again by telling me how awful it looks, and how short hair suits me better.

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My mom has done the same for years. I eventually told her to fuck off and mind her own business. Stand up for yourself.

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thanks for the advice fam, that's exactly what i'm doing now.

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File: f2c89b422022b47⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,m3.JPG)

i got a haircut last week

it was a little shorter than i had intended but i kind of like it

i'd like some feedback please don't be too harsh

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it looks good anon. by the way, in spite of what all the tranny-chasing straight "bisexual" fags might say you're actually pretty cute.

If you want my criticism however i personally think you would look better if you either trimmed or shaved your beard not that I'm against beards, i just think you'd look better either with a trimmed beard or shaved

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that length works well for you idk if much longer will really compliment your features unless you're going for a grungy thrash metal kinda look

i wanna ruffle your hair faggot


pretty cute, it would be much better if you shaved though

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>that length works well for you

>idk if much longer will really compliment your features unless you're going for a grungy thrash metal kinda look

Yeah, i'm probably not going to go for the latter look tbh. I grew my hair out from an undercut style short sides, long top so I'm not really sure if I should make the lengths even or just leave it like this. I know I'll probably probably layer it and get a razor cut though either way.

>i wanna ruffle your hair faggot

noooooo i hate it when people do that but i like the attention too much to try and stop them ;-; life is suffering

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Your hair looks nice and suits you well but you should probably just get rid of the beard entirely. You really don't have the beard growth to warrant it.

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Kill the facial hair

Way too patchy to justify having it and the upper lip hair growth isn't even

hard to judge the haircut without a front view rather than that side view you gave us

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File: 607541bfd58427f⋯.jpg (82.97 KB,479x594,479:594,Michael Cera Rocks Creepy ….jpg)





i'm not that anon but yeah, nobody really taught me anything about shaving and since 15 been hacking at my mouth with a dull razor, as a result i've got a semi-thick (not even full!) moustache and chin beard that's totally out of place w/ the rest of my smooth face. not even complimentary sideburns, just this moss growing over my mouth.

so i'm sure this has been asked before in here a hundred times but, whats the best way to get rid of this facial hair? if i keep shaving it its just gonna come in thicker.

laser hair removal? i'd probably do it, sick of shaving and it never looks good growing it out. if there's an easier method though i'd love to hear it.

pic is similar to what im rockin, plus chin fuzz.

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>nobody really taught me anything about shaving and since 15 been hacking at my mouth with a dull razor

woah man that's like really bad for your skin.

>dull razor

well no wonder shaving never worked man. Anyway, you don't really need someone to teach you in person, you have the internets.

>whats the best way to get rid of this facial hair?

Well I recommend you learn to shave using a single-blade double-edge (DE) razor. These give the closest shaves. Shaving soaps are also better for your skin than the canned foam shit. (Though from what you've already told me, it sounds like you're not really having any skin problems from shaving- lucky you i guess)

>if i keep shaving it its just gonna come in thicker.

that's just a meme fam. the ends of the hair are thinner sure, and when you cut them the base grows out- but the base is going to grow out anyway.

>laser hair removal? i'd probably do it, sick of shaving and it never looks good growing it out.

That's an option if you have the money sure. Alternatively you could try waxing your face. By ripping the hair out, it takes longer to grow out- leaving you with smoother skin, and will in time grow out thinner. Of course it will probably be extremely painful when you start out, though it's supposed to get less painful the more you do it.

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my one tip of advise with the DE safety-razors: take it slow. They are much more sharper and easier to cut your skin with if you're not careful. Again there are plenty of tutorials on how to use them online on places like jewtube. Multi-blade razors are nice for a quick shave, but safety razors are better for a closer shave.

Also, don't shave with dull razors :^)

DE razors are cheap, and will last a good week or 2 depending on how frequently you shave or how much beard you have to shave.

>Michael Cera Rocks Creepy ….jpg)

the picture name says it all man, that's just not a good look… for anyone really.

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yeah around 18-19 i finally figured out how not to rape my face. you sure the thicker-hair thing is a meme? i'm not so sure, the abrasion on the skin is real, makes sense the hair would grow in thicker. fuck i dunno.

I've never even heard of double edge razors, i'll look for one in the store next time. I usually just stick to single blades, and yeah shaving foam.. i shave much slower than i used to and do a decent job now (hot water always), but yeah the spot around my mouth is tougher than my cheeks or throat. doesnt seem to be any skin damage, thankfully.

also totally realized this is off-topic and should go in the cute help sticky, this threads for scalp hair. anyway thanks for the pointer on razors anon. I'll go ask about waxing and whatnot in >>234660. for now i guess i'll have to live with it. maybe i oughta go wrestle some bears or something to get some testosterone flowing and fill out the rest of my face.

and to contribute something to the thread, i prefer guys with medium to short hair. long hair generally comes with maintenance and if i wanted that i'd date a woman. what makes men attractive to me is their independent nature, less balogna i have to tend to and really they just make more reliable friends. pic related is what i like.

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> i prefer guys with medium to short hair. long hair generally comes with maintenance and if i wanted that i'd date a woman. what makes men attractive to me is their independent nature

its sad that people like this are in the minority on cuteboys. what state are you in if you don't mind me asking?

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PA, though i'm not looking for any relationships atm (if i were i'd be much more social irl). Primary focus right now is my physical health and getting money. Doing well on both fronts :)

I'll probably throw a marker on the map when ive got the time & resources to fuck around.

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>PA, though i'm not looking for any relationships atm

oh well, too far anyway. CO here

>Primary focus right now is my physical health and getting money. Doing well on both fronts :)

well, good luck to you then anon on your physical health and financial endeavors :^)

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"side-swept bangs" are fairly easy to do, and look good on most guys who are going for a cuteboys/twink look.

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I fixed it

>3 weeks later

but I fixed it, and I think it's alright

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gj anon. it's a minute change but shaving really complements how qt you are.

writing this with a scummy desert beard from being out on the road for weeks makes me a total hypocrite but you really look much cuter

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>"hello, do you listen to sam harris?" aesthetic

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File: 2713fd4fdb93cab⋯.jpg (573 B,5x5,1:1,babby.jpg)

reposting here because its more relevant anyway. I got a haircut recently for a medium cut. I asked for layering and a "razor-cut". What does /cuteboys/ think?

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Mark ruffalo and jontron had a baby

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File: 0abd6a8d5160f7d⋯.jpg (97.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,1486524289875.jpg)


thank (you)

I don't get a whole lot of positive feedback about myself off the internet, so this does a little good for my self esteem.

tbh it's kinda depressing that I have to get a self image boost from anonymous gays on the internet.


I was trying to go for the

>"hello, do you listen to Jordan Peterson?" aesthetic

guess I still have some sorting to do

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your room kinda looks dirty for that

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Definitely some relation to JonTron

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>on a subforum of a rice paddy cooking class channel for fags

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Got my hair cut.

Fucked it all up, big time.

I hate it so much.

Kill me.

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Yeah your hair is all shit lmao.

Would still fug, cuddle, and bully over bad hair though.

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Generally you want to cover your forehead with hair because it hides your masculine facial features better

I'm not sure beyond that on hair styling though.

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File: 238fae6ad3e8365⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,480x480,1:1,1236472_10207071401376926_….jpg)

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>tfw cut all of my hair off

It's been a couple months, so it's like 1-2 inches long, but damn did I fuck up my hairstyle. This was not a good idea

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bangs are a case by case basis imo, unless you have soft features it will just make you look like a emo teenage boy. It might look better than serious recession or a 5 head(I have this and look better without them imo) though. Best haircut would be one that is reasonable with your hair thickness/texture and fits your face.

t. someone who still tries to get cute cuts that don't fit them.

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red hair also fades extremely fast and it's not cheap to maintain, special conditioner, redyeing, it lasts not even a week.


Also this, very damaging. Getting your hair light enough to be dyed red (if you don't have blonde hair) is also taxing on your hair.

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File: de87ce8a93da38c⋯.jpg (161.64 KB,720x1280,9:16,Snapchat-512576273.jpg)

Trying to grow my hair out because I've had the generic scene hair since i was 13

>Conundrum time

> 2 cute to be very masculine

> 2 masculine to be super cute

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pls have a dick pls have a dick pls have a dick

> pic is of a girl


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I don't consider myself a cuteboy, but i have had cute hair for a while. :) The blue hair was a few years ago.

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Oh, second is hard to see I guess. I have calico hair now :D

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Why don't you consider yourself a cuteboy anon?

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ik zou met je kroelen anon

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I'm hairy, and I have a masculine face so even though I have cute features I'm somewhere in between twink, and otter honestly. I wish I was a cuteboy, but I'd rather have one so it's okay :]

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The hair in the first pic, (blue) is so good.

Got any more pics? Might have to rip you off ;^)

Get in touch, I’d kill for that hair

Email: GetMyDiscord@8chan.co

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idk what im even doing with my hair, i let it grow and kinda push it up and away… in my opinion it looks ok enough (at least i dont look like an utter retard like i did only just a couple years ago)

i do get nervous every time i have to get a haircut tho because i dont exactly know what to tell the hairdresser.. like, i want to keep the bits on the front long enough so it looks good and i can actually shape it, but i hate hair growing over my ears on the sides.. as for the back.. idk, i feel like its too long but i dont wanna have a fuccboi shaved sides and back.. idk how to explain : (

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File: d5b3f0436e7c550⋯.png (17.34 KB,112x112,1:1,(Y).png)

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I've given myself a few cuts when shaving with a safety razor lol

It's usually on my knees, wrists, and ankles since they're the most awkward parts to shave

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Nice hair sans.

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I'm in between a Norwood 2 and 3. Is there any hope for me as a long hair /cuteboy/?

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Long hair is overrated tbh.

t. someone with long nice hair that gets complimented on it occasionally

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File: 270b0e46d593871⋯.jpg (23.11 KB,480x360,4:3,FB_IMG_1514663624846.jpg)

One of the ways I used to dye my hair.

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Someone know him? I like his face and hair

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If that's you you cute as hell holy shit this is the best thread on the board rn. Love me some cute faces rather than just dicks and butts all the time

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>keep wanking goyim! Waste all your sexual energy instead of using it in a pure, loyal relationship!

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