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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

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File: 5cd32845f4b9472⋯.jpg (73.66 KB,728x90,364:45,f215b1b89a0a44b2b5e3427eab….jpg)

 No.416470 [Open thread]


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File: be1871edbb27a72⋯.png (204.12 KB,656x981,656:981,20230121_093737.png)

 No.416466 [Open thread]


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File: 09211deac69afbe⋯.jpg (124.42 KB,500x500,1:1,e7502aa1378c3ed05c18a4b3d8….jpg)

 No.416121 [Open thread]


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File: 7b2461472a8d05b⋯.jpg (51.33 KB,640x640,1:1,2612e69de90d5d5da46c0bcc50….jpg)

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File: 494b03641dec473⋯.jpg (333.49 KB,1000x1520,25:38,Snapchat_1324229889.jpg)

 No.416440 [Open thread]

I'm adorable.

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File: 4a2e08d8aae8fd1⋯.png (47.98 KB,1200x1171,1200:1171,8F3343A4-EC6A-42BE-9987-39….png)

 No.404398 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

didn’t see one of these up so

where are the /cuteboys/ at?

64 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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college station?

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Round Rock :)

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210/SA here. Where are all the cute boys in this damn city…

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coppell you say?! :3

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File: 0e0088d07e25d24⋯.jpg (948.85 KB,1280x1024,5:4,End_sphere.jpg)

 No.415451 [Open thread]

After three happy years, our relationship (which started on this site / 8chan) ended (?) recently. We had a dispute and he left me last week. It was only one week before they would have forcefully deported him out of this country. I wish it wouldn't have ended like that. For the past year, we lived off 300 € (for two people), he had no income, it was a constant struggle and he doesnt have health insurance either. The pressure and the fact that they reduced my funds and rent (which would eventually make me homeless too) divided us. But there were happy times too, lots of cuddling and caring for each other <3

He has mental issues and attempted suicide. I rescued him once, he was in hospital a few times. In the end I took him into my country in hope that we could build a life together. It seemed to work at first, then the disaster started and in this year they also wanted to throw him out of the country. He has no family, no money, no phone, no home and returned to his country last Friday. We don't have contact and I don't know if I will see him ever again (and if he wants to). I feel helpless. He is lost in the darkness and there is nothing I can do about it.

I feel so helpless :(

I made this thread also for the case that he still wants contact with me, my e-mail is celestialanode @ emailn . de

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>Pol copium at it again


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just kill your self faggot lmao

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File: 235e69c5709f241⋯.jpeg (50.86 KB,800x522,400:261,Barrett_Kosh_Neo_nazi_Bla….jpeg)

 No.416441 [Open thread]

Barrett Kosy Pussy Hole Gaping Open Ready For FUn in DUbai 2023 Black Sand COmmodities FZ-LLC.

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File: 08d4bc5c5d9f427⋯.webp (6.67 KB,200x164,50:41,marseykyle.webp)

 No.416424 [Open thread]


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File: 33282b8f4c262f1⋯.png (2.47 MB,2000x1366,1000:683,Screenshot_2023_06_21_at_2….png)

File: 5bda34b47b329e0⋯.png (2.68 MB,1952x1344,61:42,Screenshot_2023_06_21_at_2….png)

File: ac6e309c29aa451⋯.png (2.73 MB,1922x1326,961:663,Screenshot_2023_06_21_at_2….png)

 No.416419 [Open thread]

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File: cf75b21385bebea⋯.jpg (499.48 KB,1280x1707,1280:1707,cock2023_01_23_7.jpg)

File: c2458eb26d614be⋯.jpg (547.38 KB,1280x960,4:3,cock2023_03_08.jpg)

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File: e59f5720636e7b1⋯.jpg (80.19 KB,750x1195,150:239,ygcvpx677xt81.jpg)

 No.415928 [Open thread]


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what do you use to shave?

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Looks nice

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The things I would do with that

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File: 9d499ef7505571c⋯.jpg (88.12 KB,1190x671,1190:671,Old.jpg)

 No.416405 [Open thread]

Please come join us over at https://8chan.moe/cb/

We are in dire need of new blood and we'd really like some company~♥

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File: 84c9135ef132688⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

 No.416396 [Open thread]

How does join work

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File: a527e817a41adc0⋯.jpg (2.13 MB,4608x3456,4:3,16865537683787300084298173….jpg)

 No.416387 [Open thread]


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File: 4f2aad00d3bb762⋯.jpg (9.02 KB,224x224,1:1,20230607_094538.jpg)

 No.416375 [Open thread]


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File: 6e4e18d37437b70⋯.jpg (472.86 KB,1079x1040,83:80,Screenshot_20230602_153712….jpg)

 No.416362 [Open thread]


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