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File: 50c9c09f4901ff7⋯.jpg (25.18 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault (1).jpg)

 No.352018 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Otwieram nową hetero nić, bo stara nie bumpuje.

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File: e16313e11f77d3b⋯.jpg (531.2 KB,1440x1055,288:211,nom.jpg)

ktos cos pw @l6b7z lub l6b7z#0020

(tldr fishing for pol/uk fem4fem/twink)

wymagania niskie ale 5/10+ nie gruby slodziak

cd ok :) ale nie trans :(

zaden masc bo ptfu gejem nie jestem

obowiazkowo garnek na glowie

moje hobby to rysowanie, /fit/ /g/

smieszne filmiki, wlosy i b8owanie na 4 chanie

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halo panowie pedaly, prosze postowac

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atletyczny 183/72 hir, cuteboy'e poszukiwani

dajcie jakiś namiar to się odezwę bo na tym serwerze DS-a martwo

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jakieś pedauki z bydgoszczy albo okolic tostują tu czy martwe miasto? mój chuj pragnie cute doopska, masculine jestem motzno

może być cd, może być trans, w sumie to obojętne mi to po prostu hui swendzi ;_;

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gdzie ty te transkobiety masz, bo chyba o polsce nie mówisz

chyba, że źle szukam XD

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File: bfac93ba4bac932⋯.jpg (368.73 KB,979x1306,979:1306,x1x.jpg)

 No.400322 [Open thread]

Ignore the smudging out of my forearm hair =T

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are you into masculine guys at all? im only a couple hours away and youre so cute

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oh my friend, you got me a huge boner

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nice ass

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File: ceec7b4888a205b⋯.jpg (32.74 KB,426x341,426:341,212.jpg)


mfw i live in reston

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File: c1e97cabbf80554⋯.jpg (66.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,ENb7cLQXYAExW3o.jpg)

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File: 0fedcc2a581b22e⋯.jpg (41.05 KB,610x610,1:1,018ab7eec94e129507739957b1….jpg)

 No.413298 [Open thread]

Where can I find cute things to wear but that is also cheap? I'm poorfag that lives in Brazil ;_;

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Inclusive, achei uma lojinha online que gostei. Comprei mais algumas coisas, agora é só esperar entregar!

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why are there so many brazilians

fucking hueniggers reeeeeeeeeeee

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Don’t be mad about it, amerifag. Why don’t you get a pet brazilian cuteboy? You can feminize me and I’ll be your maid and fuck toy :3

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wtf i love brazilians now

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Sumi também porque estive viajando, meu empinadinho =*

Tive pouco acesso à net esse mês todo.

Porém, serviu pra deixar você ansioso, o que sempre me dá prazer x3

>Vai ficar tão fofinho ela com a calcinha azul clara e eu com a rosa clarinha

Vai mesmo. queria poder ver isso pessoalmente. Quem sabe em algum desses eventos de cultura pop =]

>Inclusive já vi que nas ultimas 2 semanas que comecei meus exercícios/dieta já perdi 1,4 quilos!

Parabéns <3

A primeira perda de peso é rápida, e aí chega uma hora que perde bem devagar. Nessa hora, não desanime. continue com a dieta, e aumente os exercícios. Não coma menos nessa hora, pra não passar mal. Aumente a intensidade dos exercícios.

>Sim, em anonimato é melhor, sem contar que tem o rush de adrenalina e os possíveis praise :3

Ainda mais se você fica envergonhadinho com os praises, bumbum empinadinho ^_~

>Esse deixar sem graça "sem querer" maldoso viu! =x

É puro acidente :3

>Quero ver como evolui essa sua tortura psicológica moderada!

Evolui quase escondida, até que quando você perceber, já estará bem avançada =3 =3 =3

>Okie dokie, qualquer coisa nos veremos lá com esses apelidos!

Vou voltar a postar por lá esses dias, já que passei esse tempo sumido da net.

>Pode exigir sim viu, que amo muito essas palmadas =s

Uma palmada pra cada vez que ficar envergonhado, só pra começar ^-^

>E novamente, desculpa o sumiço!

Como sumi também, sem problemas. Mas se você sumir e eu não, vou exigir castigo pra sua namorada lhe aplicar em meu lugar =*

Durma bem, e te aguardo aqui e no outro chan.


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File: e1a2ce06b673ddd⋯.jpg (79.25 KB,674x859,674:859,70ed22ad76f0b5798b818c5855….jpg)

 No.413272 [Open thread]

I think I just kinda-maybe-perhaps went through a break-up. Not entirely sure though, it's all kind of weird.

Anyway, we've been dating for a couple of months and we're madly in love with each other. Or so I would have thougt at any given time. Think of the most sweet kind of boy both physically and emotionally you can imagine. That's him. He would get sad and depressed if I didn't tell him daily I loved him (A request a gladly followed through). Looking back at it, making out with him for hours, no sex involved, were probably the best times of my life. I'm tearing up right now just thinking about the times we had together.

We live like an hour apart but that's sort of whatever. We still manage to see each other whenever we had the time to.

Then, on a Thursday, he wants to meet up at my place but he just doesn't show up, only texting me hours into the day telling me he'll call me as soon as he has the time to. I might wanna add that we didn't get to meet up that week thus far due to some legal issues he had so I was already mildly disappointed at that time but what can you do.

Well anyway, he doesn't call back and neither does he answer any of my text messages. Complete silence for the next days and I'm starting to shift from disappointed to concerned and then to utter confusion when I see him post on social media perfectly at ease with himself, acting if there's nothing out of the ordinary. So he's very much not dead and obviously has access to a device connecting him to the internet.

Not a word. I could visibly see him answering back at people so there's no way this is some freak accident. I start losing it even trying to contact him through his neighbor just to solicit any, really any, type of response from him. Very intrusive behavior of myself looking back at it but I'm just downright unhinged at this point. I start messaging him from different account and he ignores me just the same, eventually even blocking me completely.

Ultimately though he does respond to me after acting as if I didn't exist for next to a whole week. He tells me he doesn't feel like he's ready for or really in need of a relationship at this point. Disheartening and obviously not the type of answer I was hoping for but at least it's something andPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The whole point of treating women for what they are (objects) is precisely so any man in a society can beat down a woman who even thinks about giving her opinion on anything whatsoever.

Women are never to be pampered.

Women are never to be taken care of.

Women are to be used solely as reproductive biological tools, given to a man by their (women's) fathers, and discarded/abandoned as soon as they can't reproduce anymore.

The marriage of young girls is done exactly as a means for an adult man to control the girls from an early age, and influence her so she won't become a whore when she grows up, which is the natural state of all women.

Equality is a myth. What applies to women must not be applied to men.

A man chooses when he will marry. A woman must always be forced to marry while still a child and be kept in her husband's home, so she won't become rotten by the influence of other women.


You sound like a woman.

>If you don't marry, you're not a "true adult."

But that is true, for women.

For men, you are an adult only if you can provide for yourself and live by your own merit and skills. Marrying can be one of those, but not an obligatory one, for a man. For a woman, it IS obligatory.

Unmarried women are failed living beings.

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I disagree with that. That's reverse chivalry. No sane mature man would want that.

It's fine to not like women. It's ok to not bend over backwards for them.

But this is just petty utopia.

Like I said, girls are "alternative boys". They need to be disciplined and trained like men.

Not all girls are dainty frilly princesses. And they shouldn't be encouraged to be like that.

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In case any of you still care: The date we had set-up didn't materialize because of, I kid you not, covid 19 which I got tested for a few days prior.

It's not like I would have gotten to see him again if things had been different because he had already stopped talking to me at that point. Again. It's comical in a way at this point but I know the only reason I'm saying this is to protect myself from the sadness I would have to be overwhelmed by otherwise.

Fuck, I cannot believe I'm still so invested in this. The realization of the finality of it all is starting to creep up to me but I cannot let go because frankly I refuse to. He was it boys. He [i]is[/i] still it. I would not hesitate to forget everything and go back to the way things were if only he asked me to and talked to me and looked at me the way he used to, let alone kiss me. And I'm saying this while at the same time having vivid fantasies of just strangling his dumb cruel ass and slapping him around.

I know this isn't healthy anymore but who cares. He sure doesn't and that's why I don't either. I might as well carry on clinging to what vain hope I have left.

Now if only I knew what to do with said hope left…

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Since adolescence, I have always been afraid to meet the opposite sex, most likely I am just modest and because of this I was bad at it. It's good that online dating has stepped forward and now you can do everything on the Internet, I found a cool site https://www.quickflirt.com/ and now I often sit there.

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File: e5b945b7d41d555⋯.jpg (69.27 KB,640x601,640:601,feba402414f2a746.jpg)


I hope you can overcome the pain soon.

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File: f7057b1da90ff01⋯.png (48.49 KB,1389x1084,1389:1084,newyork.png)

 No.309032 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Upstate NY is a vast wasteland edition.

Old thread is dead and autosaged. Time for a new one.

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585 here

kik m_nicole777

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Any CBs on LI? Post your skype or something~

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Wtown 315 here, just looking for someone who isn't crazy and would be interested in meeting up. Safe sex, long term relationship possibly. stuffedtomatos@yahoo.cum

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Hey 914\845

21, Masc Bi fun, ez going person

220lb 6’ Cut. 6ft

Into fem/trans but cute twinks are as good!

Someone said hicks are not cute boys and while I’m a top, I must disagree as I myself am a country hick from origin, and Im very cute :)


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Me!! Have a kik or anything?

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File: 4207421a407b700⋯.jpeg (130.74 KB,850x1328,425:664,9957479D-4271-4901-9965-A….jpeg)

 No.404792 [Open thread]

Any of you guys have body image issues? If so, how do you deal with them?

I mean I’ve been told I’m attractive, but I really wanna get that trap look if you know what I mean lol,

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That makes women seem even less desireable.

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I get the idea of being leery about guys who are careless about things like STD prevention or would fuck around in a monogamous relationship or picturing two guys fucking as involving shitty, hairy buttholes, but it seems to be more of an inherent form of disgust with a lot of women.

I personally don't find two females having sex very arousing (not that it turns me off), but it wouldn't stop me from forming a relationship with one who was into that. Even a lot of bisexual women have double standards about bisexuality though.

I suppose fetish communities are an option. I was opposed to getting into a relationship with a "sexually liberated" woman before due to concerns about infidelity, but after realizing that women are prone to cheating or divorcing anyway I decided to just give up on the idea of having exclusive relationships at all. I feel like a weight has been taken off my chest. Now the hard part is finding a woman who's reasonably attractive, has good personal chemistry and common interests with me (sexual and otherwise to certain extent), and has a kind heart and a decent head on her shoulders. These days that's easier said than done though.

Even if there are possibilities, I still don't really plan on limiting my options by telling the world about my sexuality unless I absolutely have to. Not only that, but I don't think someone's private sexuality is anyone else's business in the first place.

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i sometimes still wish i was taller, deeper voice, hairier, more traditionally masculine, but I guess I've mostly accepted that I'm just naturally a cuteboy. i've had offers from men and women who i don't find very attractive, but typically get rejected by women and the few men i find beautiful and I guess I'm too stubborn to settle.

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I hear you there about the height and the voice thing. My height is Rick Moranis tier, and I naturally sound meek unless I make a conscious attempt to speak properly. I'm not far from wizardhood but have been mistaken for someone just out of high school several times.

I like not having much body hair outside of my arms and legs though, and I think I might have decent luck dating looks-wise if I could find a woman worth pursuing. I don't know if cute traps would be interested in a guy halfway between a muscle twink and an otter. That's if I could even find real traps in my area, rather than gross "sissies" who can't be bothered to look after their appearances. Even so, I'd probably have to keep my relationship discreet.

The worst part of not being the "ideal man" to me is the inevitability of losing my youthful appearance. I don't see myself being a silver fox, whereas a taller guy would be more likely to be considered attractive as an older man.

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File: 5820c25d4e4ca30⋯.jpg (115.84 KB,851x638,851:638,1597916081868.jpg)

I feel like I can relate to that.

I really wish I could pass as a femboy in the least but I don't see myself as being able to pass as anything feminine in the slightest. I've had people telling me that I look female or thought I was a pre hrt ftm but I don't know if I should really believe what they are saying. I don't want to be overconfident to the point of making a fool out of myself.

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File: c7968cb39886dd4⋯.gif (539.22 KB,378x337,378:337,988_1000.gif)

 No.377438 [Open thread]

Hey guys !

As I am used to swallow my own cum, I feel like having another dude's now, but my only option to meet guys that would let me suck their dick is Grinder or that kind of apps …

I know it's risky by definition to swallow, even more with some unknown Grinder dude, so how can I be sure the cum I swallow is aids-free ?

Thanks for helping me out :)

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File: 14070f40d42cc6f⋯.jpg (34.43 KB,292x257,292:257,forty keks.jpg)


>Why is my bf's cum spicy

that is a fucking good question, anon.

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It's funny you say that cause my own cum also irritates my throat the same way spicy foods do. It tastes exactly like ibuprofen for some reason.

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…or bleeding ulcers.

But stomach acid will kill any possible HIV virus.

Chances of getting HIV from oral and swallowing are something like .0000001%

But there are other oral STDs that you CAN get…gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia…

But at least those are curable.

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No alcohol or meat (makes it bitter). Overall, the taste of food causes a similar taste of your semen. Things like vinegar-based sauces will make it taste god-awful.

Fruits, especially pineapple juice are good.

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This is nostalgic for me. Reminds me of the time I finally got up enough nerve to let a man cum in my mouth. Loved cum then, love it even more now…the feel of it, the taste, texture, the aroma, the sight of it spewing out the slit a split second before it hits my face and tongue if the guy is jacking in my face.I love to reach down and feel my pussy when its oozing a huge hot load. I am leaving to give a much older lover a blow job in about 30 minutes. This inspires me to make it the best one he's ever had.

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File: ff420f074352246⋯.png (834.34 KB,1200x1080,10:9,1461611206026.png)

 No.405759 [Open thread]

Anyone got the full set or more of these? thinking about unironically trying to follow it (minus the hormones).

Maybe there's a discord or somewhere with people willing to help if any questions etc?

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Here's a cool one just for you


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thanks, you've convinced me to go into physics and not math

unless of course you can do the same thing with mathematics degree?

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Applied math you almost certainly could, since there's a lot of overlap. Pure math would have at least as easy, possibly easier, a time getting some jobs, but the more engineering ones might be tougher. And I couldn't say what an academic career would be like for those.

It also depends on what you do, since if you pick the right uni there's a lot of choice in how you can structure your undergrad and what work you can do if you get summer research. Someone who did a physics degree and focused on computer simulations is going to have a different skillset than someone who spent his summers in the lab.

Keep in mind that it's not as common as you might imagine for things to go as planned. Some people do BSc in physics -> grad studies in physics-> career in physics, or whatever choice of department, but that's by no means necessary. There's a guy in my particular field I'm doing astronomy currently who did a math degree, then studied theology to become a Catholic priest, and now does observational astronomy. There's someone in my department who got a degree studying theoretical quantum mechanics, then spent a decade at a robotics firm, and is now back in academia doing astrophysics.

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>>>/hydrus/ get in, if you want to collect moar images and art

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Bump for the old infographics i'm too degenerate to follow anything else

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File: bbfe4a520f4bf7c⋯.gif (2.37 MB,440x440,1:1,1494961664919.gif)

 No.375052 [Open thread]

It seems like a lot of cuteboys don't think very much of themselves. How do we fix that?

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Alone, virgin, and never been with anyone. I had a guy wink at me once, felt good for 2.5 femtoseconds. He was a cute skinny boi.

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File: 417c1c0731eef39⋯.jpg (51.23 KB,640x1280,1:2,559d9ce06d2da36614cf4662c9….jpg)


I'm not used to thinking in terms of who / what's worth MY time as weird as that sounds so this is useful advice thanks.


Nope, not me. Last time I posted a way to contact me in a Steam thread about a year ago people just wanted to ERP so I stopped doing that

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File: 8c75df557258245⋯.gif (948.7 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy-de924.gif)


I think a lot of these statistics are grossly exaggerated.

>25 percent of gays have +1000 partners.

Seriously? I can unserstand a hundred partners for every 1 out of 8 gays but a thousand?

>99 persrcent of lgbt teens turn straight after high school.

Really? I can understand sexual experimentation and growing out of it, but lesbianism and gay is not a mere phase for some.

>60 percent of serial killers are gay.

Probably bc they turned gay IN PRISON

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>pock marked face from when i used to scratch at my skin when i was younger

>crooked teeth

it never used to bother me this much but ive wanted to die all month over it. i wish it were legal or socially acceptable to wear masks in public

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Anon you got your fucking wish now

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File: f061589305881c1⋯.jpg (197.53 KB,500x627,500:627,cb3.jpg)

File: a36daf91917779b⋯.jpg (367.58 KB,837x1181,837:1181,cb4.jpg)

 No.363929 [Open thread]

Does anyone have that really cute kiri saga story saved? I really wanna re-read it and show it to my totally not gay friend but I can't find it I tried the catalog but i think it's long gone… We can also make this a cute stories thread of fictional and non fictional stories if you have any you would like to share!

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File: a5d1025bc659a1c⋯.png (3.65 MB,1366x699,1366:699,levelup.png)

Screencapped this one from a healslut thread I was in over a year ago that I think is hotter than hell

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It was updated more than a year ago too

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File: 230a410cc6866d0⋯.jpeg (8.2 KB,217x233,217:233,BOI.jpeg)


We need a new one of those. Right now.

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Your post was now almost a year ago and this thread is still here.

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Time for another annual bump

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 No.376830 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

How do cute boys feel about black Dom's? Would you ever take a huge fat BBC knowing they are clean?


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>im not necessarily saying they know of their hatred/ rejection of their own people, typically id say its subconscious but its also not completely unknown to them either. im saying you cant be attracted to someone of another race without also at the same time discounting your own. so im not saying miscegenation is always someone consciously hating their race, but that regardless of the stated reason for their miscegenation the true reason will always be a middle finger to their ancestors

>right, so id argue the embarrassment of your linage is married to both these questions; the women may very well love the feeling of cocks in her cunt, but her underlying motivation will always be to embarrass her linage; same is true for miscegenation

I don't think so. I remember thinking Asian girls were attractive back when I was a prepubescent child who didn't really think about race at all. Oftentimes that's all there is to it.

>i think more people will. i think for a long time we've been reaching the peak of degeneracy and are now starting to see people who are realizing degenerates fuck up society. and anyway, its not my bother what other people think about tradition or how degarded it gets; we know what tradition is, the people who are breaking it, know they're breaking it. its not really a big deal

I think that there's going to be pushback against stuff like the extremes of things like the "LGBT" subculture or social justice nonsense, but I doubt everyone's going to go full "trad" in the long term. I personally would probably be considered an extremist by most people for not buying into the equality religion or the made-up "-ism"s and "-phobia"s its adherents self-righteously hit everyone over the head with, and I don't even necessarily have a problem with most forms of "degeneracy" as long as people aren't politicizing it. Most people never make it past the Sargon of Akkad stage, if that.

I don't even know that whites are even going to do anything about the demographic crisis that threatens the survival of the West, let alone adopt "trad" social views. Maybe when things start falling apart people will be morePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>People will smother politics into anything nowadays.

i didn't bring up politics/ morality, he did

>Anything they dont like or understand is "the hidden hand".

where did i say that?

>Next thing you know, people will conjure up psychological theories on people who stylized their own face masks.

literal projection/cope. you're a retard

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>I don't think so. I remember thinking Asian girls were attractive back when I was a prepubescent child who didn't really think about race at all. Oftentimes that's all there is to it.

theres still an inherient rejection of your own race there though

>I think that there's going to be pushback against stuff like the extremes of things like the "LGBT" subculture or social justice nonsense, but I doubt everyone's going to go full "trad" in the long term.

they would if someone were to guide them in that direction

>I personally would probably be considered an extremist by most people for not buying into the equality religion or the made-up "-ism"s and "-phobia"s its adherents self-righteously hit everyone over the head with, and I don't even necessarily have a problem with most forms of "degeneracy" as long as people aren't politicizing it. Most people never make it past the Sargon of Akkad stage, if that.

they could though, if they were guided there

>I don't even know that whites are even going to do anything about the demographic crisis that threatens the survival of the West, let alone adopt "trad" social views.

i think they will

>Maybe when things start falling apart people will be more disciplined and less prone to taking liberties, but I hesitate to say that it would last once a new society reestablished itself.

again, just about the right kind of leadership

>There seems to be a correlation between "traditional" social views (which themselves still tend to correlate with devout religiosity despite most religions rapidly becoming more socially liberal) and fertility, but good luck keeping their children from leaving the faith when they grow up.

thats what i mean though, people who are trad would live their lives in an older way wherein the kids actually learn to appreciate the values given to them. with most religious people in the US today, and everywhere, they only go though the motions, they dont know why they do it, so they fall ouPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Speak for yourself.

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>Because unlike you we have standards.

Is that what you're responding to?

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 No.380940 [Open thread]

What stuff do you wear around the house. For me its a sports bra and tights.

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I dunno who that is.

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Model 10, or 19?

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So we all know about sockdreams, but where else do /cuteboys/ shop for cute clothes and underwear? It's hard to find stuff that's good but also doesn't carry a brand price tag like you get with VS or is expensive because it's made to have a bulge in it.

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Lmao nice pic Jeffery. Did you steal those from Karen?

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 No.397813 [Open thread]

Me and my bf started dating 5 years ago, and I could barely take his dick at the time (7 inches), and we had to have very careful sex.

Since then, he's grown a little over an inch in length, and his girth has grown to a similar degree. It's very difficult to take him now; we haven't had sex in a month. What do?

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just stop being a faggot

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update us

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What's the ideal dick size? I've seriously been considering getting an extender at some point despite being average or a bit above in size.

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it depends on the person. most people are between 5-8 inches, and most people will want you in that range. being about 7 and a half is probably the ideal penis as you aren't going to be tearing them apart or letting them down. anyone who needs or wants more than 7 1/2 sounds like a shit fuck/relationship

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Yeah, I was thinking around 7 would be best.

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 No.413215 [Open thread]

Hey /cuteboys/, fascist here. I have a bit of a problem and I need your advice. I also posted something similar to this in /trap/ but I'm posting it here as well since that will give me more answers. Anyways…

>I've been straight my whole life, have only jerked it to women and the thought of fucking a dude has always disgusted me

>Have had many relationships with women in the past, even had a gf for a while

>Gf obsesses over me even after we breakup

>Don't talk to her for a while, try to get back in touch, she turns into a bitch, but that's unimportant

>Have also had my dick sucked, but I didn't even get hard during the whole thing and mostly did that for the lols

>Start seeing the "fascist femboy" meme pop up in all my feeds

>Think it's kind of funny

>Start actually having a crush on the femboys

>It's only ironic at this point

>I begin to like femboys more and more and the thought of dating one intrigues me

>See a lot of cute traps/femboys on 4chan and crush on those as well

>Start thinking that "hey, if a femboy looks like a girl I wouldn't mind going out"

Note: Even after this I haven't ever been aroused by looking at femboy with their dicks out. I mostly like the pics of them wearing skirts and looking cute

>Begin realizing that all women on social media are attention-seeking and can barely think for themselves (This was at the beginning of the riots)

>Upon reflection I realize that with most modern women I don't exactly like being around them (My ex was a good example of this)

>Nearly all of them lack the feminine qualities that I'm looking for so I don't see a point

Femboys/traps on the other hand

>Tend to be more feminine

>Don't seem as annoying or affected by groupthink

>Are often pretty cute

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I won't comment on the "am I gay" thing, I'll just state that femboys are usually extremely liberal. Let's be realistic here, they might act feminine and submissive to the core, but their ideas are progressive at worst, and "yes, master, whatever you say, now fist me" at best.

I am comfortable with my sexuality, as I don't feel like sexual identity exists. I jerk off to stuff like paraphilia, yet in real life I am not attracted to anything besides women.

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>1. Is it really gay if I'm not in it for the dick but rather cause femboys tend to be better suited to my needs?

I don't see why it matters so much, most of the ancient European cultures didn't have any laws against homosexuality, something which seems to be consistently ignored. Having a sexual relationship with another male is gay.

>2. Is it true that femboys/traps

Well, traps and other tranny types are different from femboys, and I would stay away from any kind of tranny, dickgirls included.

>[femboys] tend to be more traditional/fascist or is that just a stupid meme?

I couldn't say. I don't think it would be hard to find one (a right-wing femboy), though. For what it's worth, the few times I lurked 4/lgbt/ out of curiosity I always saw at least one of those losers screeching about how femboys are often racist and "bigoted".

>4. Another concern is that hatred that "chasers" tend to get from the /lgbt/ community.

The "LGBT community" is subversive political bullshit full of disgusting lunatics. Anything that goes beyond simple toleration of homosexual behavior (similar to how it was seen in most of the ancient world) is subversive bullshit.

>5. How are most femboys personality-wise?

From the SFW videos I've seen of femboys they just came off as cute and a little timid, but I can't say what they're like in general.

>6. Am I completely insane for thinking this way?

Well if you want an honest answer, it's one thing to be OK with a private same-sex relationship, but defending any kind of trannyism or something like "gay marriage" is just delusional and subversive.

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>1. Is it really gay if

Probably yeah but who the hell cares.

>2. Is it true that femboys/traps tend

In my experience they tend to either not care about politics, or are pretty fucking extreme in their views, right or left wing. It's like how weebs tend to have extreme ideologies. Being a lonely loser that spends too much time on the internet makes you believe dumb shit. Same with femboys, especially since most are weebs lmao.

>3. How easy is it to find them irl

It's pretty difficult since gays are like 2 percent of the population, but you'll have an easier time finding them in big cities. Unfortunately those femboys in the big cities tend to also be left wing, which probably isn't what you are looking for.

>4. Another concern is that hatred that "chasers"

Just don't act like an overly thirsty retard and you'll be fine

>5. How are most femboys personality-wise?

You said you don't like women because of their attention seeking behavior. Thing is a lot of femboys are like that too. They are "fem"boys after all, but at least they aren't as bad as actual women.

6. Am I completely insane

We all are fam.

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The way women behave those days, a feminine boy is always preferable.

Femininity and submissive behavior are an obligation to all women. Since they don't want to be like that anymore, it is always ok for men to look for other options, including femboys, sexbots and whatever else.


>society enables women acting like children and ruining their looks.

It is women's nature. It is not society's fault. It is women's fault.


Women are literally useless.

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>It is women's nature. It is not society's fault. It is women's fault.

Either way, they're enabling it.

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 No.361524 [Open thread]

How do you guys deal with nosey parents who also check the mail?

I might have my own place next year but I can't wait until then; I really wanna start buying stuff like stockings, pantyhose and panties.

Smaller stuff.

How is this generally sent through mail? Do you have to go pick it up like a package or is it delivered and thrown in the mailbox? (I live in Sweden so things might differ for you, but all inputs are welcome)

Mine has even sometimes opened my mail which, frankly I'm not to Keen on.

How do you guys do this? Routinely always check it or have your routines around where your family works?

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>my girlfriend has been sleeping over…

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i order my packages to a ups store then just pick it up form there for 5$/per package or get it from amazon locker.

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Only if they're white.

If they're Hispanic, Italian, or Caribbean, you might as well shoot yourself between the eyes.

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ask for the stuff to be delivered to a nearby post office, like at the UPS or something (I assume they have UPS's in Sweden). The issue then becomes hiding your panties, good luck.

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If your parents find out, have sex with them ;^

It worked wonders for me.

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