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Anyone got the full set or more of these? thinking about unironically trying to follow it (minus the hormones).

Maybe there's a discord or somewhere with people willing to help if any questions etc?

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File: d356cb6c571815a⋯.jpg (501.55 KB,1575x1074,525:358,1461619814274-3.jpg)

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File: 7b0228b7763f63c⋯.png (1.98 MB,1794x1406,897:703,1461696040943.png)

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this is the single most disgusting /g/ related image ive seen in a decade of browsing 4chan and the like, and ill be fucked if i ever date anyone stupid enough to follow it.

also discord is cancer, youre either gonna get people trying to get you to take hormones or fuck with your gender identity in some fashion, or youre gonna get twofaced fucking snakes.

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;-; Okay I'm stupid I get it. Have any actual genuine advice for starting programming at least?

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take a good long look at the job market and make sure you want to. realise that most of programming isnt writing code but figuring out how to in the most efficient and sensible way. forget everything everyone tells you about the superiority of any one language, theyre all tools made with a purpose in mind and you use what fits. dont bother with 30 year old lisp books, grab someones computer science modules reading lists and instead of making whatever /g/ tells you with the help of the internet, pick a project related to a module you wanna take and use the books in that module to figure out the best way to make it. dont try to force patterns that dont fit the language, use what works with the paradigm. get real good at figuring out where youre likely to make mistakes and take care with it, design all your code with testing it in mind and then do write tests, good ones that confirm everything works as it should. all the editor shitposting in the world wont get any code written, use fucking notepad if it gets the job done.

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if youve any specific questions for someone who took a comp sci degree and realised he hated it after, feel free to ask tho.

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Hmm, why exactly did you hate it after?

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its a lot of time sat at a desk, staring at a screen, indoors, doing stressful work for honestly mediocre pay. last summer i reintroduced myself to cycling in the countryside, and after a month of that i considered going as far as to straight up sell my xeon workstation and buy a fucking laptop.

one other bit of advice while its still in my head. companies wanna know you can design good code, that youve an actual interest in working for them and you arent just taking any old job, but this last ones real fucking important for CS types, that you can actually function as a member of the team. a lot of CS people are at least flirting with autism, if you cant function in an actual team and you come off as insecure or otherwise not well adjusted during the interview process, youre gonna get passed over in favour of the guy with his shit together in that regard. its harder to teach people skills than code.

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Ah, with that in mind I guess it's probably not for me as I'm not just flirting with autism tbh. Thanks for your answers sorry I wasted your time.

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its fine, better to correct a mistake early than years down the line.

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File: 64cebc429b7b03a⋯.png (738.19 KB,539x581,77:83,19292.PNG)

https :// discord gg / Jc DUY DG

this server is for you!! we have all the pretty boys and femboys !

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Depends on what you want to do. Learning Python is actually a good start. Depending on what you want to do, you could also go into web development with HTML5, Javascript and CSS.

Please be advised to be wearing a prostate massaging buttplug at all times while writing javascript.

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CouldI ask a question? Why do you think programming is mediocre paid job? Isn't it usually well paid because there are few people who can do it well?

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Because 90% of the jobs suck, that's why. Either you're a code monkey dealing with people who will send you to "typing courses" so you type faster -> faster programming.

Entry level jobs are like 25k last time I checked and I come from a first world country. Instead of keeping experienced guys around, they are fired and then a younger programmer is used up. Pretty hard to find a decent IT when you're 50 or so, so long term it's shit. Nobody in their right mind would fire a decent chemist - they're harder to find. Not many people going into STEM, and many drop out.

That's why I went into chemistry instead of IT, along with other reasons - although I know most of the course syllabus from my IT student peers who sometimes ask for coding help (which is, in itself, pretty funny imho). If you have IT stuff as a hobby and make it a job there's a possibility you will start to hate it and give up on that hobby.

Also I don't want to deal with the "You need to have experience years X in a field that exists since X-10 years" bullshit HR comes up with.

To be paid well you need like godlike experience or you have to have it in yourself to totally screw your boss over. Like, do things in a certain way that they can't fire you even if you fuck up really bad (to the point where when they fire you they'll hire you again because nobody else understands the system).

So if you aren't a B.O.F.H, it's better to keep it a hobby than have it as an actual job. Job market is changing also, there's much freelance work with upwork and such so companies often hire from there (and regret it later because while the person who they hire knows how to do a web application, they don't know how to do it securly).

The worst part is oftentimes companies hire somebody and you have to train them - basically you're training your replacement. So unless you get into some really weird CS shit, like quantum computers or so, it doesn't have that much good oppurtunities. I have multiple friends in computer science, most of them struggle to find a job.


There's more articles like this one. If you really want to become a programmer, do it in a somewhat related degree, then switch. I get most of my LinkedIn views from programming experience, not chemistry or stuff I'm otherwise engaged in.

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Very interesting and down to earth article. Thanks for that, it might help.

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chemist anon fucking nails it, only where i am you get paid £18k starting if youve graduated with a fucking 2:1 or above. you would earn more fucking money spending 3 years getting a trade rather than the minimum 5 to get into programming, and you wouldnt be 50k in debt because of it like i am. take a wild guess what im doing right now.

and yeah, those requirements things are real. programmers are a fucking near worthless commodity right now, so if you arent the cream of the crop or dont have most of their "must have experience with" shit down then youre fucked, the HR faggots will pass you over. also unis wont teach you what is actually wanted. youll do minimal testing stuff, and youll probably pick modules nobody will be interested in hiring you for by the time you graduate.

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A trade can oftentimes be the better alternative. There's things machines won't be able to do even in the future. Personally I'd rather have learned a trade than studying but … some parents put their pride before their children. It would have added the benefit of working with a really qt boy (who made me realize I might be gay), but could'ves and should'ves. Welding seems to be pretty nice if you're willing to work with dirty hands for clean money.


Glad you liked it. I guess you're a CS major? At this point I believe CS is the new Gender Studies. I'd rather go into HR than CS, but I don't want to sell my soul. I've literally laughed when the university I studied at was promoting an SAP degree (although SAP can be pretty well paid because it's more confusing to develop for it than a quantum computer).

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Looking for a soft little twink to play with my 8 inch cock, hit me up on Kik : cyber.security2019

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I don't want to reveal too much but I study mix of informatics and mechanical engineering. Prospective job spots for me would be drafter, guy who designs manufacturing process of parts and similar stuff.

In my country, IT industry often has better paid jobs than engineering one. Though I believe you on a part about companies foolishly hiring low wage code monkeys to replace older programmers.

I have someone in family who did welding for a job pretty much all life. They have breathing and seeing problems because of it. Nothing lethal so far, I think. Also maybe hearing problems but that may come with working in loud workplace.

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True, most of that kind of work does not really go well with health stuff. Hearing problems mainly arise from the loud workspace as you suggested, breathing if there isn't the correct fume extraction in place. All comes down to the workplace environment you're in.

The companies that hire low wage code monkies, it makes me feel better to know they will regret that later on when their applications get exploited. Because that's the price you pay for exploiting people.

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Post More Infographics

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Fuck off

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The less common STEM fields are far and away better than CS. With a physics degree you can bullshit your way into anything vaguely related, as that article implies. It sounds impressive and you can portray yourself as a jack of all trades who can do whatever the employer is asking for. Math, statistics, general problem-solving, modelling and pattern analysis, programming, getting hands-on and soldering circuits yourself, whatever.

Want to get a cushy job at a bank? Financial analysis isn't all that different from some of the modelling you learn to do; hell, some of the math textbooks use economics in the examples anyway.

Or cybersecurity agencies are always open to hiring physicists, if you like the sound of a generous government salary plus the job security that comes with needing a security clearance.

Anything that says "engineer" and doesn't specifically ask for a licensed engineer is most likely fair game with a physics degree too.

And if you're not good with pouncing on opportunities academia is always an option, where jobs just fall into your lap. I mentioned to one of my former profs that my MSc plan had fallen through due to budget issues, and the next day I had offers from three different research groups. I started work the following week. And during my undergrad before that, I'd spent the summers working research jobs offered to me completely unsolicited. Universities are usually short on physicists, since it's a mandatory subject for all those Engineering and Med-Bio students whose tuition fees run the show, and there are a lot more Chinks coming over than there are physicists to teach them, so there's always somewhere that needs one.

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Here's a cool one just for you


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thanks, you've convinced me to go into physics and not math

unless of course you can do the same thing with mathematics degree?

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Applied math you almost certainly could, since there's a lot of overlap. Pure math would have at least as easy, possibly easier, a time getting some jobs, but the more engineering ones might be tougher. And I couldn't say what an academic career would be like for those.

It also depends on what you do, since if you pick the right uni there's a lot of choice in how you can structure your undergrad and what work you can do if you get summer research. Someone who did a physics degree and focused on computer simulations is going to have a different skillset than someone who spent his summers in the lab.

Keep in mind that it's not as common as you might imagine for things to go as planned. Some people do BSc in physics -> grad studies in physics-> career in physics, or whatever choice of department, but that's by no means necessary. There's a guy in my particular field I'm doing astronomy currently who did a math degree, then studied theology to become a Catholic priest, and now does observational astronomy. There's someone in my department who got a degree studying theoretical quantum mechanics, then spent a decade at a robotics firm, and is now back in academia doing astrophysics.

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>>>/hydrus/ get in, if you want to collect moar images and art

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Bump for the old infographics i'm too degenerate to follow anything else

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