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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

Dicks and butts

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File: bbfe4a520f4bf7c⋯.gif (2.37 MB,440x440,1:1,1494961664919.gif)


It seems like a lot of cuteboys don't think very much of themselves. How do we fix that?

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File: c9b06972caf9779⋯.webm (2.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,cb.webm)

get a cuteboy boyfriend so we can compliment each other and hug and stuff when we're down

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Increasing the available dick supply

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File: 1a0c945564e9dfc⋯.jpg (190.64 KB,906x1024,453:512,1a0c945564e9dfc55fbc27c067….jpg)

#poz every last one of em?

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Source flooding like this only works on retards. Probably why these graphics are so popular on /pol/.

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File: b569933223528f0⋯.png (179.9 KB,421x700,421:700,1a59ff1b1463cefc6b09f80978….png)

How do you meet people? Like you go up to a random person that looks cool and just start talking to them? That sounds fucked up - I can't imagine any situation where I'd actually do that and somehow not make myself look stupid. They say you can meet people at events that relate to your interests: my main ones are games and movies but only sweaty fat nerds attend video game related activities near me and you can't talk in movie theaters. Even online I just keep my thoughts to myself because I'm too shy. I have like two actual friends who usually prioritize other friends over me.

Also: would you date a cripple? I have genetic scoliosis and while it's not really noticeable with my shirt on, it's one of my biggest insecurities. I've signed up for online dating sites before, only to quickly delete my account after a few days because in my mind no one would ever want to see me in an intimate situation.

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hard to believe that's already ten years old.

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Small talk is king. If you go to a specific area on a regular basis, you're bound to run into someone on more than one occasion. It's why school and work are how the majority of people make friends. Perhaps you could find smaller movie theaters: Cineplexes won't have people willing to talk about the movies, but the smaller, "hipster" ones probably will. No idea about video games though. Really though, the chances of finding a male partner in this sort of romance movie way are quite small, if that's what you're after.

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>would you date a cripple?

Yeah, why not? The only important thing is that you take care of your body as well as you are able to. I've a chest deformity with a slight (slight to the point of not being noticable outside of muscular structure) onset of scoliosis, no one really bats an eye at the gym or when I used to go swimming. Your condition isn't as important to other people as you think it is. Really, if you want to put yourself out there, you absolutely should not abstain because of something genetic.

As for meeting people, I have no idea, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you

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I can't help but feel sorry for someone I'm dating when they aren't comfortable enough with their body to be socially exposed. Like when they can't go shirtless at a pool or beach, or even worse, cover up when we're alone. I try not to think about it and I'm always supportive and encouraging but your body is what it is and when you've done everything that diet and exercise and cosmetic surgery will accomplish you need to own that shit and be comfortable with what you are. It really does not matter what you look like shirtless. Not to the people that matter anyway.

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File: 85776edbfebfea7⋯.png (1.05 MB,984x1200,41:50,bodyT_5.png)

i flirt with guys on grindr to make myself feel pretty & wanted, i don't take things further than that though

i feel bad for leading them on and bad for being so needy and slutty but at least for a little while it lets me feel good about myself

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File: 08e5367431ea893⋯.png (386.21 KB,843x900,281:300,5acdf03afcdcaa2975224cf207….png)


Normal people are fine being approached by strangers and just making small talk?? Usually when this happens to me I just go with it but also kinda just want to get back to whatever it was I was doing beforehand.


Thanks - I think I knew this but hearing it from someone else is reassuring. During the Christmas break I was in Cuba and did a lot of swimming but it was hard not to think that other people were judging me (even though it's likely they weren't). I hope you meet someone soon!


You're absolutely right, but MAN do I struggle to keep my chin up sometimes. I feel like a broken version of a "normal" person.

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for me it's because I know when I hit 30ish I'll stop being a cuteboy and die.

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File: 127f851ef01701a⋯.jpg (7.53 KB,320x240,4:3,1472337890513.jpg)


Damn anon, I guess you and me are the same on the "how to make friends" part.High school fucked up my perception on everyone so I isolated myself and was too scared to talk to anyone, I've made alot of progress over the years to fix this, but I'm 25 and still don't know how to be intimate because of past experiences ( thanks women). btw where in canada are you?

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I looked at some clinical pics. I have back injuries myself. I've seen things that look painful but I'm pretty sure that if I was confident enough that nothing would hurt you I would have no reservations to or be grossed out by getting close and affectionate with someone shaped like that. Not everyone is superficial.

And yeah I am fine with being approached. I like small talk. There's a younger guy at work that goes out of his way to say hello to me. He's cute enough I'd think about it. He was wearing a rainbow tshirt one day. It's gone through the back of my mind. I find it very sexy and appealing that he can walk up to a total stranger and introduce himself by name with a smile.

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Not so much approached I'd say. I don't quite know about conversation initiation, so take my information with a grain of salt I guess.

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File: e42fce1bed381ae⋯.png (516.06 KB,700x989,700:989,d501bc92c6ec7b146edd301ed8….png)




Luckily I don't have it as bad as some people do. This was really helpful, which I totally wasn't expecting on a site with mostly just dicks and butts. I feel a tiny bit better so thanks.


I'll keep at it then. I actually saw The Shape of Water at a small theater on Saturday instead of just watching it at home because I thought of your advice. Who knows, maybe I'll try interacting with another human at some point.

>tfw no fish-man bf

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Olderfag here. Guys generally bond over shared interests first. As an introvert, use your listening powers. If he has a convo with someone else and mentions liking vidya, for example, say something along the lines of "Hey, couldn't help but overhear you like X." Then talk about a game you like. Take it from there.

You may look like an idiot. But you look progressively less like an idiot the more you practice, and relationships are about vulnerability. It's uncomfortable to put yourself out there, but relationships are never ever going to be 100% comfortable. Even highly compatible people fight. Get used to the insecurity, because it's normal.

Also, I have over half my spine fused from scoliosis surgery (had a 60 degree curve at one time). No one (worth your time) will care.

Also, don't discount the fat, sweaty nerds too much. Some of them are wonderful people, and if they're into you, they may try to drop weight or otherwise impress you. Bodies are workable, personalities are not.

Good luck.

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would you go by the name "higgs bon bon"?

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Alone, virgin, and never been with anyone. I had a guy wink at me once, felt good for 2.5 femtoseconds. He was a cute skinny boi.

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File: 417c1c0731eef39⋯.jpg (51.23 KB,640x1280,1:2,559d9ce06d2da36614cf4662c9….jpg)


I'm not used to thinking in terms of who / what's worth MY time as weird as that sounds so this is useful advice thanks.


Nope, not me. Last time I posted a way to contact me in a Steam thread about a year ago people just wanted to ERP so I stopped doing that

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File: 8c75df557258245⋯.gif (948.7 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy-de924.gif)


I think a lot of these statistics are grossly exaggerated.

>25 percent of gays have +1000 partners.

Seriously? I can unserstand a hundred partners for every 1 out of 8 gays but a thousand?

>99 persrcent of lgbt teens turn straight after high school.

Really? I can understand sexual experimentation and growing out of it, but lesbianism and gay is not a mere phase for some.

>60 percent of serial killers are gay.

Probably bc they turned gay IN PRISON

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>pock marked face from when i used to scratch at my skin when i was younger

>crooked teeth

it never used to bother me this much but ive wanted to die all month over it. i wish it were legal or socially acceptable to wear masks in public

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Anon you got your fucking wish now

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