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/cuteboys/ - Boypussy

Dicks and butts

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File: 7dc5b6cda6b6535⋯.jpg (40.25 KB,350x547,350:547,IMG_0002.JPG)


I feel like there are way too many people here looking for "cute twinks" and "traps".

Complaining about never being able to find anyone,All while glossing over the average guys who have nice asses and penises. Even though in reality an average guy with a nice butt or dick is way better and enjoyable for long term relationships.

They can even be cuter than some mental nutcase full of hormones because their whole personality isn't based around being cute and gay.

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All I need for them to be is to be a nice person, and for me to not have second doubts about their face.

If they're nice and polite, and they have a cute enough face, then I'll gladly go for such a guy, indeed, I often have fantasies of a cute, but otherwise average guy.

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Anon it's called Prison Gay, a very large number of the people who post here unironically think they're "straight".

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>I feel like there are way too many people here looking for "cute twinks" and "traps".

That's their target audience for dating, the name of the board is 'cute boys.' I'm not closeted like most of the dominant audience here, I know I'm gay, but I get to have preferences in who I dominate.

>Complaining about never being able to find anyone

I have never in my life done this but yes, you're right, a lot of guys do that here and it's incel-y and pathetic. It comes with the territory of being on the chans, though.

>All while glossing over the average guys who have nice asses and penises.

In order to look at those types, you have to be willing to come out and say you like other guys, and as we just established, many of the 'tops' here are neither actually dominant nor capable of coming out to themselves.

>Even though in reality an average guy with a nice butt or dick is way better and enjoyable for long term relationships.

True that it's way more realistic, and even the cutest cute boy is going to eventually have to accept that past their twenties, they'll either be on HRT or, far more likely, they'll have developed into cute men rather than cute boys. God help the guys who can't be into cute men, but there's really nothing we can do for them.

>They can even be cuter than some mental nutcase full of hormones because their whole personality isn't based around being cute and gay.

I don't mind their personality revolving around being gay, honestly, but I see your point. Everyone ought to have hobbies and interests outside of just fucking or getting fucked, though I admit, if I'm a big interest of theirs, they're probably a big interest of mine.

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That's changing with time, slowly but surely. Very hard to keep up that "prison gay" excuse when you're not in prison and you have an entire internet's worth of straight porn to look at. Some very sad people make the attempt, though.

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>All I need for them to be is to be a nice person and not have an ugly face

that's pretty much what you're saying, why do you think you're deserving of a nice guy for a bf if you're shallow enough to the judge the "facially misfortunate" people. hmm? HMMMM?

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All the porn in the world doesn't make it so a women will touch you, but a faggot might.

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Yeah if you get a buddy to dress up like a girl for you because you're both just that desperate, then call that gay. Everyone else with options, faggots included, will naturally go with the best they can get, and that isn't you if you're saying shit like that.

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*then call that straight, excuse me. It is absolutely gay for you and a buddy to get together to try to cure your mutual inceldom, obviously.

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Because I can be friends with a nice guy who is a 4/10, and I will pounce on a nice guy who is at least a 7/10.

I don't give much of a fuck about body types, just not too masc or obese.

I don't mind being shallow if I want to spend a large part of my life with them. I want to be actually attracted to someone, not just like them as a person.

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one man's 4/10 is another man's 7/10

beauty is subjective and overall you just seem like a big meanie pants if i'm being honest

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>beauty is subjective

I agree with this 100%. Which is why I would rather pick someone I like on many levels first before I would pounce on them.

If they're cute to me, at least physically, and I like their personality, then I will definitely try something.

If I like them as a person, but I cannot find them to be attractive, then I will certainly be their friend, and indeed, I would love to be friends with people I like.

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This, although I have this weird thing going on, in which I've always fantasized by being gangbanged by a pair of ugly old fat hairy brown (as in tanned skin, not literally nigger) men on my pretty white ass. So I guess I have some kind of anti-beauty standard. Which probably leaves me open for at least 90% of this board.

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i think being considered "Ugly faced" is like the death sentence to every wannabe cute boy on the board. I mean, you can improve and exercise your body to look more "cute" to guys on here, but there isn't a lot of things boys on here can do to go from subjectively "ugly" to subjectively "cute" or "pretty"

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>but there isn't a lot of things boys on here can do to go from subjectively "ugly faced" to subjectively "cute faced" or "pretty faced"

Fixed that for me

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I'm mostly attracted to feminine features, I'm also bi and have access to attractive women. So tell me, why would I settle for some 5/10 guy when I could bang a 7/10 girl? If I'm going to be putting up with gay melodrama they had better look at least as good as the alternative.

And yes, traps/trans are just as dramatic and unstable as normal women so that's not really the problem here.

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It's funny because a lot of those dudes who want perfect boys are ugly as shit and expect the guys they like to have no standards

If they're that good looking they're gonna be 10 times as shallow as you because they know what they're worth

Just try your hardest to be more attractive and date people in your league, it'll save you a lot of trouble

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Why are you listing twinks and then describing traps only? Twinks are just guys who are cute. Traps are the ones who are what you're describing. Also I don't care about his dick or ass. Sex is secondary at most. His face is what matters since that's what I'm going to be looking at all the time when talking or falling asleep together. I've found multiple people that fit my criteria, and I even fit it myself.


Because I can do better than that. Like the other anon said, I want a long term relationship, so obviously I want a face I can enjoy looking at.


Okay? Then let that other man have the 4/10. What the fuck was even the point of this post?

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A lot of the average looking guys on this site are just as petty and entitled as some of the e-whores so I disagree. I really don't think general appearance is dictating the persons ability to be a good partner

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tbh this is why im glad im taken

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>just be attracted to people you aren't attracted to bro


Half of this board is just ugly retards like OP trying to moralfag about attraction.

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people /do/ have unrealistic expectations. We consume more porn than ever before, and in porn, especially 2d/Hentai, the perfection of the characters and models is very clear. Anime is based on characters with very desirable traits. Porn is based on making you as horny as possible. To achieve their success, they use the best tools they can; the most beautiful and alluring ideas they can.

Unrealistic expectations is, in my opinion, what will keep the millennial generation lonely.

love the soul, and then the body comes naturally

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If you're dumb enough to equate 2D with 3D you probably should be in a relationship anyway.

t. someone with a husband who also enjoys hentai immensely

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>love the soul, and then the body comes naturally

What if I can't find anyone to "love the soul" of? I've yet to meet anyone here who isn't a whore or would be a whore if they weren't ugly or a neet without a license or whatever other circumstance preventing them from being the whore they want to be. I've met plenty of people who claim they aren't a whore, but it always turn out to be just because they haven't had the opportunity yet.

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Maybe don't search for a person you want to actually love on a board thats half porn and half bitching about being lonely.

Shit like this is why people who go out of their way to find a date end up in fucking terrible relationships, they don't let them develop naturally from people they get along with normally.

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>just wait a little longer anon. I'm sure you'll find someone this year!

It's really fucking hard to meet new people. Not even trying to get a relationship, trying to make fucking friends with a shared interest is tough enough. these captchas are hard

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Just check places where people with said interests gather without it having a sexual side. Like some vidya? Fucking look for forums and shit, maybe find a guild if its multiplayer

Or pick up tabletops, they're what got me out of my shell. Granted I haven't exactly been dating anyone I've met from it, but not for lack of trying.

Fucking one time I met the nicest, funnest dude to chat and hang out with, even met in an arcade and game store a few times. Only person I ever clicked with and he turned out straight

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I was not equating anything, I was pointing out an idea that I have observed, I do not understand why I should be put down for this.


if you're searching here, online, I think you'll run into that problem more and more as in the reasons I described. We seek porn/pleasure online - why would that be different for our "cute boys"?

try places like Renfaires, LARPing events, Gaming tournies, music festivals. That's where you meet actual, living, breathing cute dudes who aren't so corrupted by the internet that they know how to leave it ;P

the people I talk to online are eons different than the ones irl. the internet has grandly changed the way we interact and communicate, and when/how our honesty takes shape. Anonymity is a strange tool.

for reference, I used to be that typical slut/cancer piece of internet. Then I decided that was not the path I preferred to take. I learned a lot in these years, but undoing the "meme" of being a cuteboy, all the failed hookups, the depression, wondering why nobody wants me.. Christ, what a ride.

I don't recommend it. I've taken a head first dive into life and forced myself to shatter my comforts and try to discover what I truly desire out of my love and my romance. Turns out the cuteboy ideas remain desirable, yet the fantasy remains questionable

No BF, been searching for 6 years, Im not sure there's really anything I'm doing wrong, it just isn't my time to blossom.


never Absolutes :3

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meeting non fuccbois is hard, especially ones you click with



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>Unrealistic expectations is, in my opinion, what will keep the millennial generation lonely.

"Millennials are ruining everything."

I swear, people sure love to blame millennials for having faults and problems like other people.

When it's not Gen Y, it's Gen Z.

When it's not Gen Z, it's Boomers.

When it's not Boomers, it's leftists.

When it's not leftists, it's women.

When it's not women, it's brown people, .

When it's not brown people, itz da Jews.

When it's not the Jews…..

God help us all.

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Nah, the people complaining are just socially inept. Finding a really cute boy nearby isn't that hard.

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stfu nigger

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After you my dear.

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The truth is: no matter how handsome someone is, all relationships become boring after a while. The attraction is in the discovery. Once you know someone too well for a long time, you lose interest and attraction to that person, no matter how close to perfection said person is, physically or mentally (or both).

Going after the next one is as natural as breathing. Long term relationships are unnatural.

We are all born to trade one partner for the next one all the time through our whole lives. Not to be with someone for a long time.

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I like being with people for a long time

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Yeah, I think the idea of long-term monogamy is a joke in terms of what the average person should be looking for. There has to be genuine love and fondness between two people there for it to work, rather than the fleeting and hollow "romantic love." Even then people become sick of each other, sexually or not. That's not even going into the high rates of infidelity and divorce.

Most people up until the recent past manly got married for utilitarian and social reasons, rather than because they thought they'd found "the one." That I think was a much more realistic approach than the Disney version of marriage that superseded it in the West.

I think long-term open relationships are the best option nowadays for people who want stable relationships. We've got the pill, better STD treatments, and paternity tests, so for a lot of people it would just be bringing everything out into the open instead of losing sleep worrying about whether they're being cheated on. A lot of the Reddit-style polyamory stuff just strikes me as faggy and too idealistic for most people though.

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Love is just secondary lust.

It's just a feeling that relies on passion and trying to revive that small spatio-temporal wrinkle of said passion.

I've noticed people describe their lovers based on their first impressions. They're always comparing their lover's current state-of-being to their previous status.

For an emotion that claims to be blind, people become picky and cruelly discriminative. It doesn't take much to turn a person off. It can be differing political opinions, different age, bodily features, lack of certain skills, differing musical tastes, etc.

In love, people are reduced to their mere social-biological status. Their talents and ambitions mean NOTHING.

Ironcally, love is seen as an "adult" thing, implying that it's a necessary check of maturity.

If thats so, why are so many middle-aged/elderly folks already alone or with an umpteenth spouse?

Its all masturbation. Love is just projecting your maiden fantasies onto a sentient being.

The worst part about it is, said person could be a minion of Satan, and you'd still destroy the world to get them back at your side.

At least lust can cause repulsion when it passes, making you think more critically. Not love. If lust is crack, love is like sizzurp.

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Holy cope.

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How about actually responding to my post.

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Who of these posts are you? You're obviously posting from behind a proxy so I cannot tell but what I was trying to say to all of these people was that they just sound bitter because they probably are and that they are just trying to rationalize said bitterness.

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I wrote the second post.

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Weak bait leaf. Better luck next time.

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>the people I talk to online are eons different than the ones irl. the internet has grandly changed the way we interact and communicate, and when/how our honesty takes shape. Anonymity is a strange tool.

You know there was such thing as pen pals and anonymous letters back in the "good ol' days."

If the Internet was to go back to paper and pen, we'd still have the deception.

Also, not everything on the Internet os a lie. Some of the stuff is just anons venting their deepest feels. The ones irl are using a socially-acceptable face.

Its like Oscar Wilde said " Give a man a mask, he'll tell you the truth."

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Coping or not. he's not wrong. He's telling the truth. I'm sorry if you're not mature enough to handle that.

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man, no sabes nada de la vida


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Friendship > love

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