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File: d9d4f6e2fcb50e2⋯.png (382.67 KB,369x684,41:76,nohomo.png)

 No.385141 [View All]

Is anyone else here confused about their sexuality?

I know I am.

I'm a virgin and I've never been in a relationship but I don't know if I like guys or not.

I'm attracted to some of the people here and I've seen guys where I've thought "Hey, they're cute" but I'm also attracted to girls.

I seem to be attracted to more girls than I am guys; am I just confused.

Is it my inexperience in relationships turning into confusion about my own sexuality?

Can anyone here relate?

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I don't know.

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You're completely full of shit. So if I get raped I'm obviously not gay because I didn't want it. Yes, or no? If yes, you can have sex with a man and it not be gay for you, because you are hating it and you are being raped. What makes that different from someone going into an experience and realizing, very suddenly, they don't want anything to do with that whatsoever? The fact they tried something new means they love that now? I guess I love all those shitty one time dishes I hated afterwards because I tried them once to figure out if I liked them or not too.

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>one time bicurious attempt makes you a faggot for life

<rape doesn't

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If you get raped and you didn't want it, then it has nothing to do with what you want, does it? That's someone else forcing themselves in spite of your wants, but it doesn't define them. However, if you do something you *did* want to do, by definition, it's an indicator of something you wanted, so yes, it does reveal something about you. My ability to rape you doesn't mean that you get to honestly call yourself straight after having willing gay sex.

>What makes that different from someone going into an experience and realizing, very suddenly, they don't want anything to do with that whatsoever?

Because they agreed to it initially, obviously. That's an indicator of desire. If they want to stop in the middle, okay, but they still were into trying it. It's like a woman sleeping with a man and then in the morning regretting it and calling it rape, you're using that level of logic. I never in my life have ever thought "you know what maybe I should sleep with a woman to see if I like vagina." If I liked vagina, I'd know. I never have to wonder to myself, hmm, am I into this thing I'm not into?

>The fact they tried something new means they love that now?

Nope, but it means they were into it enough to count as bi. If they didn't want to sleep with a man, they wouldn't have tried sleeping with a man.

>I guess I love all those shitty one time dishes I hated afterwards because I tried them once to figure out if I liked them or not too.

If I eat a burger that someone slapped together using rotten meat and old bread, that burger will make me sick, doesn't mean that I didn't want to eat a burger. Besides, that metaphor is garbage. Hunger isn't the same as attraction. I don't know what a strange food tastes like because I've never been exposed to it, but you for sure have been exposed to men before, you are one. There's more to attraction and arousal than just "oh wow, I wonder what dick tastes like." To even be in that situation, to even be interested in that scenario, being into the core premise is a prerequisite.

Outside of being raped or being unaware of the sex of your partner (glory holes, etc), gay sex can only be performed between men who are bi or gay.

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>I've talked to enough autists on here

Doesn't that prove it? I mean if they had sex with guys and hated it and were straight, what are they doing on a gay board?

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8chan in general, nice try though.

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To be blunt, no. Look, sexuality is not as complicated as one needs to make it.

You only attracted t guys (including feminine guys) and you're a guy? Congrats, you are Gay/homosexual.

You only attracted to females? (even if masculine/tomboys)

Congrats, you are Straight/Heterosexual

You attracted to both males and females?

Congrats, you are Bisexual

To elaborate more on bisexual, you have three kinds of bisexual people.

1.) Those who are more attracted to the opposite sex (in this case, bisexual guys who are more attracted to women than men). Typically they will only date and have serious relationships with the opposite sex but will fool around and have sexual relations with the same sex but that's as far as it goes.

2.) Bisexuals who are more attracted to the same sex. In this case, bisexual men preferring to date and have relationships with men (regardless of gender presentation -Masculine vs Feminine, doesn't matter). They tend to only have sexual relations with the opposite sex but typically don't date or serious relationships with women. I find this one is the rarest of bisexual men.

3.) Bisexuals who are genuinely 50/50 and it really depends on who expresses interest first and they tend to be open to any with not much leaning.

Also the whole kinsey scale thing, it's useless for homosexual and heterosexual people but mainly helpful for bisexual people in finding their comfort level of where exactly they fall.

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>3.) Bisexuals who are genuinely 50/50

Except those are 100% of the times in denial about what they truly like. They exist, but they don't remain like that for very long. Mostly agree with the rest though.

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I honestly wish I was straight simply because infidelity is much, much more common in gay couples than straight couples.

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Oh kid, you have NO idea.

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Yes it does make you a faggot for life. I don't care if you think that's silly, that's the case. You read as many Buzzfeed articles as you want about "straight" guys having gay sex, but the definition of bisexual is having attraction to both sexes. Obviously if you are interested in having sex with another man, that's same-sex interest and flatly no amount of trying to excuse it away is going to turn it into opposite-sex interest. Yes, one time is enough. Hell, plenty of people know exactly what they are without having had even one experience. Actually, everybody knows, there are just people who are honest with themselves about it and people who aren't.

Why anyone would want to sleep with a closet case is beyond me, since you know that's just going to be a slutty one-night stand, but I suppose I'll never know, since I'm not a slut.

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The second link may not be as legitimate as the first one by a long shot, but I don't really doubt what it's saying. I can't tell if I should feel better that the world isn't as bad overall as I thought, or if I should just feel worse because the part of the world that I'm in actually is as bad as I thought.

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what if that person, dressed, acted, talked like a girl and you were only attracted to their femininity, but not otherwise? as in pictured

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If you wanted to sleep with a woman so damn badly, you'd sleep with a woman. Does my husband dressing up suddenly mean he's a girl? No, it means we both find him being a trap to be hot, doesn't mean I'd fuck a female.

Unless you sincerely did not know you were sleeping with a man, willingly sleeping with someone of the same sex indicates a same-sex attraction. No matter how hard you shut your eyes and wish it was straight, you know that's not the case. That male could be in a dress and full makeup for all I care but you know it's a male and you made that choice.

I've been with more than enough traps to know that they are beautiful in a way women are not and could not be. I've also been around enough desperate men to know that the attempt to hold onto your heterosexuality in spite of all evidence to the contrary (like having gay sex, of course with a prostitute) is always a load of shit. Nobody gets so low that they suddenly have no preferences at all, and any of the times I've seen a guy say "it was just because I needed a warm body," they inevitably sleep with men more in the future. That's gay. You're fooling yourself if you look at a trap you enjoy and say "well my cock is hard so magically that makes this not gay."

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>doesn't mean I'd fuck a female.

mm, duh. because you're gay.

I feel that you're not entirely correct. Because, in this scenario, the person would actually be willing to have sex with a female.

If the trap presented as a guy, they'd lose all interest, whereas you would not, Because, again, you're gay.

These are two different demographics imo.

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If they want to sleep with women too, they're bi. I recognized in my post that if the trap passes totally as a female and the guy doesn't know it, then that guy can still be straight, but if there's knowledge that the trap is *not* female before having sex, and the guy still goes for it, then he's bi.

Believe me, I'm not exactly enthused about guys who can't process this calling themselves gay. I'd honestly rather they stay in the closet, because it does mean more cute guys for my husband & me. With that said, I'm not going to lie and say they're straight just to spare their feelings.

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My point in saying that I wouldn't fuck a female is that the reverse isn't true, i.e. I'm gay, not straight or bi, and I wouldn't sleep with a woman even if she looked like a boy. A straight man, similarly, is not going to sleep with a boy even if that boy is a trap. By definition, a straight man is interested in women, not men. He might recognize that the secondary characteristics of the trap are like women he *would* have sex with, but that trap is not a woman and he wouldn't have sex with her.

This is really simple. Guys trying to wiggle around these clear rules are really just admitting they're closeted.

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*sex with him, excuse me. Does that count as a reverse Freudian slip? In any case, crossdressing or not, boys are boys. Cuteness doesn't make them female. Crossdressing doesn't make them female. Looking good enough to give you a boner doesn't make them female.

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My sexuality changes based on what I eat, it's hormonal. I no longer have urges to do the shit that you guys do, I used to. Maybe I'm just Het or Bi? Pretty open about being Bi, but I'm no longer sure I'm Bi.

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I hear this and it can sound like that's the case but then there are gay guys like me who'd love to have monogamy with a partner. You just gotta remember not all of us gays are wanting open/poly relationships


It DOESN'T matter. We femboys are still MALE. MALE x MALE is a homosexual relationship. I dress like that pic (only darker colors) and it doesn't make a splic of difference. Femboys/Feminine guys are STILL GUYS. We're still MALE. And if you have attraction to guys like us, you're either gay or bisexual (if you are also attracted to females).

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I have been in a long-term committed relationship with a girl for several years now, and I personally struggle with my sexuality sometimes.

I have had feelings, romantic and sexual, for feminine boys, girls, and m>f trans for many years now.

I have tried to be open about it with her with varying degrees of understanding/ acceptance, but now I keep many of my personal thoughts to myself because I fear that it makes her feel insecure.

I definitely relate, and I can add that I am personally frustrated with these feelings on a fundamental level, because I feel ostracized and detached from society because on one hand I am surrounded by bigots/homophobes, and on the other I don't want to associate myself with the LGBTQ+ community because of how openly toxic it is in public and even how people of that community have attacked me based on their assumption of my cis-heteronormative-male-ness…

I feel choked up and alone and I have only even vaguely mentioned these feelings to my gf and about 3 very close friends in the past, and I regret even telling them, as I no longer associate with them.

I fear trying to reach out to other people about my issues and be painted in a certain way in the public and to my family(including gf).

I resort to lurking on /b and /cuteboys and being lewd when I am home alone.

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I feel sorry for you, because you can't be yourself and it seems to affect you a lot. You can't really talk with the people closest to you, your family or even the person you share your life with and "very close" friends. But, how close are they really if as soon as you try to show the real you, you feel scared or threatened.

Is having all this worth living a lie?

"Painted in a certain way". There is nothing wrong with liking what you like. Period. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're not defective, or abnormal or any of that.

I don't want to impose a sexuality on you, but from you say you're attracted to women (cis-/trans alike) and to "feminine boys". Fine.

Sexuality can evolve over time, I don't know how young you are, but I think it's reasonable for changes to happen in the first 3 life decades.

In this case it seems like it's been there for quite some time now.

There's also the possibility that you may want to yourself be more able to experiment with yourself in terms of being more free to appear as you like as femine boys and transgender women do, but that's maybe stretching it too far. Still, something to consider for yourself.

In general, it seems you're surrounded by an environment that you are a prisoner of. You should reach out to LGBT people and talk to them, it will help you feel better.

Like, ask them about their experiences, try to bond over common hobbies ideally, and try to find out what makes you like them and not.

But, it feels like you have an urgent need to be yourself and that's what you're missing in your situation.

In my case, I'm transgender, and having lots of contact with other people like myself helped me immensely.

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Congratulations on finally coming out as bi, anon.

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I know there's nothing wrong with being the way I am. I just don't want to associate with the toxic LGBTQ+ community that has in the past been very harsh and hateful towards me based on their assumptions of who I am without actually knowing me.

I don't have many friends or interact with people in public very much anymore, and I wouldn't know where to start.


I've been bi for several years and I've came out to a few people, but regret doing it now. Been just keeping it to myself.

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From what you wrote, I got the impression your immediate surroundings were much more detrimental to you than what you make out to be a scapegoat.

There is no such thing as a "LGBTQ+ community" just as there is no "heterosexual community" or "African-American community".

They are just individuals, each trying to do what they feel right. If you felt not included please don't let that deter you from making contacts with LGBT individuals.

We are each different. This being said if you approach people with prejudices prior formed to getting to know them, you will have a bad time. There is also very little compassion amongst LGBT people for conservative or racist ideologies, for clear reasons (they are a minority too).

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I mean I've popped a boner at a cuteboy flirting with me does this make me gay?

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It's very likely, anon.

It also could be the situation where you got horny just because you've been craving so much for sex but there are no females who want to mate with you, so your head (both of them) just ends up settling for what's available. Like marines or prisoners, ya know. As Kinsey puts it, no one is completely straight or completely gay. We're all kinda bisexual with a strong lean for either side - or both sides, though as I put previously ITT, perfectly 50-50 bisexuals are just confused. I know because I was there before, couldn't just admit to myself that I was full-blown homo.

But most likely, you're a faggot. Welcome.

I remember when I was a teenager I had this fetish for turning "straight" people gay. Good times.

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Fair point, but I really don't even know where to start. I am definitely not comfortable with my surroundings or the society I am surrounded by.

I only have like 2 friends, my gf, and my family. I am not open about my sexual identity or anything like that because of the heavy stigma against it and the toxic identity politics that dominate the popular rhetoric of society.

I literally don't know where to start or how to open up about my feelings. I have been wanting to talk about it but am terrified of doing so.

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I don't know.

I just know that I would not feel comfortable being with someone that I can't be myself around, that I'm afraid to talk to, where even the thought of opening up makes me feel threatened. Like, come on. That makes sense right?

So, I'm not sure what I'm saying. Even if your girlfriend makes you happy, is it not a happiness based on illusions partly?

If I had a partner, ffs, I would want to be myself with them and not feel ever fear or threats from their companionship. Imagine coming home tired and stressed from whatever, and then you have to keep up a lie at home too.

That's just going to kill anyone long term, metaphorically or maybe literally. Don't be that person.

Am I saying dump your girlfriend and family? No. But, it's still no life what you're describing to be honest.

As I said, form friendships with LGBT peops over shared hobbies perhaps, join a LGBT forum on other sites.

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>He's confused about his sexuality

>He hasn't seen the light and became disgusted by 3DPD of all genders


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My advice to confused people is not to care for other people's labels which are (i) impersonal generalisations and (ii) tinged by received prejudices about what's normal, ethical and beautiful. These are almost invariably absorbed from society, uncritically internalised and then projected onto others. Nobody's ideas on sexual morality and sexual aesthetics are arrived at after deep critical thinking.

I attribute sexual confusion to hetronormativity the imperative to be straight, be gay (and subconsciously be the [i]correct[/i] gay, the [i]correct[/i] straight). It's a pointless and downright harmful exercise.

What should stay principle is your individual well-being which should never be compromised for other people's comfort (or, as ITT, an arbitrary desire for simplicity).

For questing persons in with feelings resembling those in the OP: do what comes natural, do what feels right. If it feels wrong, don't force yourself.

If you're not strictly hetrosexual, the evidence is that you should start presenting "signs" in your early teens. That doesn't mean you must know it by then but with hindsight you're likely to recognise it in your past self. I'd love to share my experiences with the board but few vocal ignoramuses here will purport to psychoanalyse and that will be even more confusing.

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>I'd love to share my experiences with the board

Then do so.


That's not how you italicise on this site.

Click on the options on the top right then click "Customise Formatting" to see how to format your posts better.

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force of habit

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>wanna be a qt3.14 trap boi

>am tall boi

>am straight

>like traps

>3d traps i'm not so sure about

>live in aus so can't see if i like 3d anyway

I just wanna meet up with a 3d trap that is actually believable. would love to have them turn me into a trap as well. my family is very much against the idea of trans and I kinda lean that way politically as well so it's very hard for me

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Stop watching porn friend. You're straight. You just watched too much porn and it put strange thoughts in your head.

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You will not have a clue about your sexuality until you actually start having sex.

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>tfw want to try sucking dick and get fucked in the bum

>also dont want to catch a collection of STDs

>have to resort to shit like fetlife to find people

>can only find literal degenerates carrying colonies of every imaginable STD in their dicks

Why are all the cute virgin traps on the other side of the planet?

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I have so many contradictory wants and fears and anxieties I cant help but be confused even if I know exactly what I like

im not like OP I know what I want, but I am scared of a lot of it, or only my dick wants it and my head or my heart dosnt

idk why I am posting now, I have just dealt with itpoorly for a long time but for some reason I want to post now

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Life is an inspiration, OP.

Follow your charms~.

I for one appreciate a beautiful boy, but I was startled with my first experience

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Love, not life*

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>fat virgin, almost wizard, consider myself straight

>jerk off too much so I keep my libido in line and don't become a beta orbiter to a girl who will never fuck me

>really like looking at dicks but not men

>exclusively fap to futa and traps

>fantasize about sucking dick, rubbing mine on another dick, putting two dicks in an onahole together, two dicks sounding one rod and "kissing," occasional ass related fantasy

>but it has to be a "feminine" dick, aesthetic, clean shaven, a light color, on the smaller end of the spectrum, attached to something that at least looks female

>started looking for traps to get in relationship with

>traps have just as high standards as girls, if not higher

>and most of them don't even like their dick and want surgery, I want to suck a dick that would appreciate it

>find /cuteboys/

>fap to the dick pics thread since most look really nice and you can't see the rest of the guy

>notice that people who aren't in perfect physical shape still get replies saying their dick is hot and people want to suck it and etc

>considering reducing my standards and getting into a relationship with a cuteboy to get some dick and self-worth

>but I never considered myself gay/bi because all my fap material is a really female body that just happens to have a dick on it, and outright gay porn disgusts me

I think at this point I'm just desperate for someone to have positive human contact with. My mom keeps asking if I'm gay and telling me it's okay to come out and she won't judge, but she doesn't know anything about my fetishes and I don't live with her anymore so it's not like she found my jerkoff material. All she knows is I'm still a virgin. I keep telling her I'm not, and I still want a gf, but girls don't want me. I couldn't handle the embarrassment of proving her right by bringing one of you home. But I'm getting closer and closer to being able to stomach a somewhat male appearance in my theoretical partner. If he crossdressed I think I could get off no problem, and I'd still want cuddling and dates and stuff and I could probably do that without the cross dressing and just play public appearances off as friends hanging out if anyone asked. Gay guys just seem so much more accepting of everything it's like it's my only shot at sharing my life and sexuality with someone. I have tried to lose weight to get a gf, and lost quite a bit, but I'm still fat and I lost my motivation when I realized modern women are a fucking nightmare and I'm too old now and lost my chance at having anyone who isn't a worn out single mother.

Sorry if I offended anyone I swear I have the best intentions. I just want to share my love with a person instead of a pillow.

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im similar to you taste wise and I have a boyfried

I dont really care for the male form one way or the other except for the dick, I like how women look, except I want them to have dicks

but tbh it dosnt matter what he looks like too much with my face in a pillow

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you're not gay, you're just prison gay. you can safely tell your mom you're not gay, just super fucking desperate.

>traps have just as high standards as girls, if not higher

cuteboys also have standards, especially with the time and effort it takes to get and stay cute, and i can assure you no one wants to date a prison gay fat fuck like yourself. would you date a girl as fat, or even fatter, than you?

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i relate and agree to 2 but i'm a closeted virgin

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Maybe it's just the result of years of porn use, but I seem to spend as much time thinking about fucking guys now as I do girls. I feel like I should hook up with a guy before my looks decline much more, but I don't know that I could find anyone I'd be interested in around my area or that I could do so without word getting out and destroying my chances with women and making my family feel awkward. It would be one thing if I were sure I was attracted to guys, but I don't know how much of the attraction is genuine and how much is for the novelty of it.

I remember getting boners at feminine guys as a teenager and feeling guilty about it. The emo/scene kid look was popular then, and I think I also suppressed thoughts about emo boys looking cute (even if I also disliked that whole subculture). I also think vaginas look gross and fantasize about getting fucked in the ass and sucking cock (even though I wouldn't look good doing them). I'm going to try laying off the porn for a week and see if I still feel this way. I don't know if I could get into a real relationship with a guy even if he was attractive, but I think it's pretty likely that I'm truly bisexual.


Kinsey was a pioneer, but his work wasn't the most reliable in regard to the sexual orientation statistics.

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This is honestly so familiar it hurts.

All my life I've had a subtle feeling that I had just assumed to be normal curiosity that everyone feels, but over time I became more and more confused at what 'straight' people were talking about. Things like big tits and huge asses in grade school locker room talk, while I preferred more tomboyish or androgynous physiques, and I just decided to never talk about it, ever, to anyone. Especially one of my friends at the time I thought was a bit cute. I just never made eye contact when we went to the local pool. I didn't have a crush on him or anything, but I did find him physically attractive and while he was cute, he was far from a trap or femboy or anything of the sort.

Thing is, at the time, I didn't really even realize what I was doing. I was just subconsciously suppressing every thought along those lines instantly, before I could even acknowledge it in my own thoughts. I'd get this strange fluttering feeling around some cute guy and instantly, before I could actually think "he's cute" I'd break eye contact, look at the floor, and think of something else like some kind of self-hypnotic trigger. I only started really allowing myself to process the feeling after I started going on the internet and was exposed to things that allowed some level of mental gymnastics. 'Traps' were a big start to that, but while everyone else would seem to recoil at the revelation of the dick, or even just the meta knowledge the cutie in question was a dude, I'd linger mentally as I tried to figure out why the knowledge that it was a dude somehow made him less attractive. This went on for years as my mind became more and more adept at mental gymnastics, but the entire time my understanding of what 'straight' people find attractive is, honestly, felt like trying to parse out the motivations of some animal on a nat geo documentary. I knew there was something that I just didn't 'get' and considered the idea of asking that question tantamount to suicide.

Many years later, just a few weeks ago actually, me and some close friends were getting ass blasted drunk on Everclear and orange soda, we call it a Keenan & Kill, and binge watching Sam Neil movies when, in the middle of Mouth of Madness, I said some things that they both suspected I did not mean to say out loud. I mostly blacked out after that, but I remember dancing to the generic rock music during the credits and then apparently we watched Vinland Saga while they made my hug a trash can as I muttered about how cute the Prince of Dane was between dry heaving into the basket. I remembered enough in the morning to know I had said something that I had been conditioning myself to never say, or even think consciously to myself, but had felt since puberty on a fundamental level, but my friends were discrete enough that when I asked about what I had said they refused to discuss it and avoided the topic, figuring I probably didn't want to come out of the closet in such an uncontrolled manner. The rest of that week was honestly an endless, week long panic attack as I tried to rush to process it. The next week when we met for movie night, after enough drinks to build confidence but not enough to lose coherence, I went back to the topic, and confirmed that, yes, I did come out, but that they had assumed I just meant 2d anime traps and the like. I doubled down, and a good deal of the rest of the night was spent verbally processing almost 30 years of repressed thoughts as my bi friend walked me through the definitions and terms that were entirely foreign to me, and my straight friend drunkenly apologized for using "gay" as a pejorative in middle school until I told him to stop being such a fag and made it clear that my staying in the closet for so long had nothing to do with him. He then spent a decent chunk of the night being what we called an 'aggressive ally' until I threatened to buy him Programming Socks for Christmas.

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That morning, despite being terribly drunk the night before, I felt absolutely no hangover. On the contrary, I felt better than I had ever felt in my life. It was like I had been carrying a heavy weight for so long that I had forgotten I was holding it, and then suddenly dropped it, and felt weightless. The next day, however, I felt worse than I ever have in my life, like a part of myself had been wrapped up so tight all the blood circulation had halted and it had gone totally numb, and then was suddenly set lose again, and the feeling quickly returned, starting with pain. The part of my brain that had been suppressing these thoughts was gone, but instead it was like in its place was a mental shock. I didn't know what to do with the thought. I didn't know how to be bi, or pan, or whatever the fuck I am, I'm still trying to figure that out, but without that mental block in my brain, I started to notice more than the clean-shaven femboys my brain's mental gymnastics could twist into convincing myself was a trap. Just the other day at work, I saw a surfer-dude looking guy with well toned muscles, dirty blond hair, a soul patch, and a dark farmer's tan and found myself checking out his ass through his jeans as he walked past. He wasn't even cute, he was hot. The day prior there was a tall dude, kinda thin but average, in a tank top and sweat pants, and he walked into the store and then popped his hips to rest his hand and look at something in the store, and I found myself enjoying the way his hips swayed and his sweat pants framed his ass. These are all entirely alien thoughts to me, like some foreign entity is drawing my wandering eye to things beyond my control or understanding, and this is the first time I've just rolled with it.

Now, the guilt, shame, and instant subconscious suppression has been replaced with a constant, sickening doubt. It feels much like you describe. What if I'm just a kiss-less virgin whose snapped? What if I'm just a retarded autistic neet and everyone really does have the same kind of thoughts as me but are just more socially adjusted so they can process them? Maybe it's just a kink? But then I close my eyes and I can picture going over to my friend's place for movie night and introducing them to my boyfriend as we all get drunk and watch shitty movies while me and him cuddle on the love seat beside the couch, and I'm almost driven to tears every time because I just want to be happy with someone, boy or girl, and stop being so goddamn lonely.

I don't know if you have the same kinds of feelings or insecurities. Maybe you really are just straight but confused, and I'm sorry for just dumping this rant on your thread like some kind of schizo, but I feel like if I don't tell someone, even if nobody ever reads this, if I don't just say it or type it somewhere my head will explode.

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I feel somewhat similar to this. Thanks for posting

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21 m feeling like a bottom gay boy even if i like girls, i feel like when im verbally forced or convinced to being submissive by an older guy i get aroused about the feeling to surrender myself and let him control me, i like being forced to that on kik and snap sometimes so if you want to chat my kik is dumbslut12

my snap is bout426 but in more active on kik

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I've been attracted to both guys and girls. For me it shifts over time. Sometimes I like girls more sometimes guys. I used to be confused about it but after a while I just said guess I like both and stopped caring. I'm pretty happy now so maybe don't think hard about it.

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