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File: 923c9612e1cd545⋯.gif (811.71 KB,250x250,1:1,wewetenhetgewoonniet.gif)

 No.16954 [Open thread]

Since 8chan/8kun is going through some controversy regarding censorship I figured i'd clear up some things: warning, rant ahead

I won't be going anywhere as the BO unless Ron/Jim decides to remove me for whatever reason.

If the unfortunate day happens that 8chan/8kun goes down forever however, I guess that's the end, i'm calling it quits if this site goes down. Imageboards have become hives of drama and other inane bullshit of which I do not want to be associated with anymore.

There's no reason to panic just yet and I won't be going anywhere for now, but keep this in mind, this site is on very thin ice with all the controversy it's had the past years, especially last year with all those shootings.

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No more ThinkPad (and Toughbook) threads, or /tech/ in general… I feel hollow. Like a part of my life has been taken away. I guess this is the end then.

This site was an amazing experience and I could write a entire essay about it, but i'm going to keep my final message short:

Thank you for all the knowledge and the hilarious, sad, sometimes even bizarre moments 8chan.

Kutgebruiker9000!Asko.7gwTk, former /ck/, /wdsc/ and /mtb/ BO out.

Please, if this board gets claimed: do not wipe out the old threads.

EDIT 2024: Yes, I am still around, reminiscing of days gone by. I nearly entirely quit using imageboards, but do miss 2014-2019 era 8chan. This thread is a excellent postmortem of this site: >>>/dir/1196

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File: edb974c5187cccd⋯.jpg (96.95 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Win.jpg)

 No.17076 [Open thread]

Your Opinion Could Earn You a DoorDash Gift Card – Survey Inside!

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File: fceeae43d457491⋯.jpg (321.37 KB,700x467,700:467,Homemade-Pizza-Dough-1.jpg)

 No.15579 [Open thread]

I want to make some bread, but yeast is expensive over hear, so I'd like some advice with starter dough. I heard that if you keep it in the fridge you only need to feed it once to make sure the bacteria is healthy, but I'd appreciate some first hand experience advice and pitfalls.

I've made bread 2 or 3 times but never tried to make a starter dough

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That flag isn't representative of where I actually live, by the way. I use a VPN, which is why I usually hide my flag.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This one is very instructional too. They use sourdough starter but also add some yeast too.

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I'm far more interested in whatever the hell that channel is. Look through his videos, they seemingly have nothing to do with each other. I have to wonder if he actually made any of these.

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Sexy bread there. A tad over-baked, but nice effort!

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I’ve been getting into bread making lately too and it’s been a lot of fun experimenting with different recipes! If you're shopping for ingredients or baking supplies, Walmart has a decent selection. I recently had a good experience with their customer service (https://walmart-canada.pissedconsumer.com/customer-service.html); they were helpful in finding specific items I needed for my bread recipes.

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File: e242a6927b70c76⋯.jpg (594.16 KB,853x1280,853:1280,20231008_124344.jpg)

 No.17073 [Open thread]

Cannabis infused coke product design

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What a shameful concoction. Not only does it flood your body with excess sugar and chemicals, but also clouds the mind. Only america-loving cuckolds would drink this.

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File: c2490c5cb7530ae⋯.jpeg (33.86 KB,800x450,16:9,pjimage_14.jpeg)

 No.17072 [Open thread]

Viral ramen hack (the kewpie mayo & garlic hack!) (8kun doesn't display YouTube shorts)


Based on this viral video from Japan: https://youtu.be/z-tCi36Ozyc

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.17071 [Open thread]

A condensed milk, strawberry, and banana dessert is super easy to make, and now you're going to learn how to make it in literally 5 minutes without baking!

Strawberries 8-9 pieces


Cream 33% 200ml

condensed milk 6 tablespoons

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File: dfe74237922f472⋯.webp (129.69 KB,1200x1085,240:217,ojljqsiobte31.webp)

 No.17068 [Open thread]

Where I live it all costs a fortune in the stores, imagine paying over 30$ for 26oz liquor or a 12 pack of beer, I'm looking for a company that doesn't give a fuck and will just mail it to me cheap and in bulk (bonus if they accept crypto) I'll deal with the legal aspects myself

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I come back to my (former) board for the first time in months and the first thing I see is this very questionable thread. Jesus fucking christ.

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File: 0d9e222e7c2eeab⋯.png (644.62 KB,572x430,286:215,cookie.png)

 No.17067 [Open thread]

>be me

>coworker fired and I have to do his stuff till we find a replacement.

>need to make large batch cookies daily.

>have the best autistic guy in our kitchen.

>best autistic guy loves scooping drop cookies.

>give him the dough and he grabs the yellow scoop like it's Excalibur.

>washing hands and see him line up the first perfect drop.

>he's smiling like it was Christmas morning.

>20 min later walk in and see 3.5 sheet pans

>perfect grid, machine-like precision placement

>say thank you great job

>he walks out like he just won the super bowl.

Do you have any recipes I can make for him?

Need 80, 2oz portions by 3pm. Best autistic guy gets to work at 1.

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File: 00efb37dedbef08⋯.jpg (116.59 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Deep_Dish_Pizza_sq.jpg)

 No.17061 [Open thread]

We have officially created a new board over at https://8chan.moe/ck/

Come join there if you're sick of pictures getting deleted for no reason at all

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I do NOT run the /ck/ board on 8chan.moe, just so that's clear.

That's all.

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File: a60f9849566ccab⋯.jpg (64.14 KB,645x484,645:484,maggot cheese.jpg)

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 No.13390 [Open thread]

Daily reminder that yurocucks consider rotten blocks of milk actual food

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yeah but still do not want to consume too much soy

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I think I would actually try the maggot cheese since they're only feeding on delicious looking cheese. Extra protrein

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Sharp cheddar is the best. I bet you only eat brie you pansy

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This. The very minimum is 2 years. Older is better.

Had 10 year old sharp chedder and that was great.

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Daily reminder that if you can't eat cheese, YOURE A NIGGER

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 No.17037 [Open thread]

Text copy from the image:

== The Official 8Kun EARL GREY TEACUPCAKES Recipe ==

(Based on https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/earl-grey-tea-cakes/ \


2 Earl Grey tea bags

1/4 cup boiling water

1/3 cup milk

100g of sunflower oil (or melted butter)

2 eggs

160g white sugar

190g self-raising flour, sifted

1 teaspoon of baking powder, sifted with the flour

(From the original recipe, but I didn't have any icing sugar)

Marmalade icing

230g pure icing sugar

1.5 tablespoons breakfast marmalade

approx 1.5 tablespoons fresh orange juice

Preheat oven to 180C (my oven was a bit hot–try 170C next time?).

Oil-spray a 6-fer muffin pan.

Empty the tea leaves from the tea bags into a cup and add the boiling

water. Set aside for 3 minutes. Stir in the milk and then transfer to a

large bowl. Combine and wisk the wet ingredients, eggs, and sugar

together well, making sure any sugar isn't missed.

Add about 25% of the flour and wisk in until smooth. Repeat until all

the flour is done. Then beat until the mixture is pale and creamy and

looks slightly airated and bubbly from the baking powder starting to


Spoon thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Made moar, which a different type of tea. Was actually better I think.

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 No.17038 [Open thread]

Americans, why is this legal in your country?

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File: acb7236e4fe6851⋯.png (29.37 KB,385x368,385:368,dilmom_chipolte.png)

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 No.17030 [Open thread]

Getting a vertical together… On how to cook small-grain/sushi rice properly in a JetBoil, considering the practical situation when camping.

I haven't quite made it an ideal camping method yet (long cooking time by Jetboil standards=uses a lot of gas, baking paper & etc), however the at-home results are in.

This pic: what's needed. That's a gō/180g worth of dry white small-grain rice. There's also the frying pan holder that comes with the Jetboils.

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WHY DO THE JAPANESE SAY FLITHY GAIJIN??? Because they don't wash their rice.

A very very necessary part of cooking small-grain rice is to wash, and soak it for 10 minutes. Pour the rice in, add cold water, stir for a minute, drain after 5 minutes, and have a second go, draining (as well as possible) after 10 minutes.

Obviously a camper would save the drained rice-water. I find it's still drinkable and goes into the water bottles for the next day's traveling. Could also be used for other cooking, or even cleaning up.

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Do that.

Of course, you add one gō of water.

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File: b871d689adc66b0⋯.jpg (53.1 KB,800x600,4:3,030_20210811_192800_r_png.JPG)

Get the Jetboil on the lowest heat setting it can manage…

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The rice is obviously being steamed here, and you don't want the water to boil away too soon. Don't remove the lid at any point!

It needs to boil for about 10 minutes. If you hear crackling noises, that's the run-out-of-water…which should happen at 10 minutes anyway.

Leave it to steam/stand for another 10 minutes.

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Something I forgot the first photo ITT has a coffee filter that I tried using it didn't work too well, producing overcooked rice from water beneath the frypan part making contact with the water.

Anyway.. look at that delicious perfectly cooked sushi rice.

Last photo: serving suggestion, with curry sauce.

Eat with chopsticks, which you can do with small-grain rice that's cooked properly.

Give my regards to your Waifu.

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File: 5a21934b7dbcd4c⋯.jpg (82.9 KB,1000x563,1000:563,intro_1595512546.jpg)

 No.16974 [Open thread]

What do you get? I ask for the usual and they already know:

>White bread

>Provolone Cheese

>Spicy Italian meats

>Olives, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, peppurchinis, spinach

>T O A S T E D

>Lastly, gimme a dash of vinegar

Bear in mind Quiznofags need not apply.

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File: bbe873b08433eb6⋯.jpg (28.74 KB,648x648,1:1,wateendagzeg.jpg)


>mfw someone posted on my board after three months

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File: bd8f2cf5ea608f4⋯.jpg (101.04 KB,758x589,758:589,51100891_2289531944666154_….jpg)


You must be starving.

Have a Bacon&Egg roll on me.

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File: bbe873b08433eb6⋯.jpg (28.74 KB,648x648,1:1,wateendagzeg.jpg)


What a day indeed, BO.

Disregard this post, just trying to see if reposting pic related ITT fixes the pic I posted before

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Interesting, looks like it does.

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>mfw it broke for some reason

jim & ron pls

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File: afb6147eed74ac5⋯.png (157.87 KB,220x275,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.16760 [Open thread]

I've got ~30 mls of rum and ~370mls of cream. I need something to use the two of them before the end of the week.

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Is caramelizing it like onions?

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty much. Just shred it, put on a pan with generous amount of oil, add salt, and be patient. Here is the best how to video I was able to find. In case timestamps do not work in embeds, the bullshit ends at 0:44 mark and then it's just the recipe.

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>I was thinking of kraut, but

>1: How do I hold it down?

Use a smaller jar or cup, a rock, or even the core of the cabbage. Put a big piece of cabbage leaf on the top under the weight to keep the kraut from going up the sides.

>2: It takes months to finish.

A jar sized batch might be ready in 2 weeks.

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I realize I'm quite late to the party but honestly the best cabbage I have is either turned into coleslaw (sugarless is best, go light on the dressing) or if you only have half a head, just steam quarters, eat with lots of butter, salt and pepper.

Cabbage has got to be one of the most under rated vegetables there are.

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Cabbages are good people. Napa cabbage is especially good.

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