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940b94  No.15133202[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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940b94  No.15133207


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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940b94  No.15133208



>>15132889 Client transfer of 8kun.top domain? WHOMST'VE'D?

>>15132771, >>15132929, >>15133001 GMAX: COURT IS ADJOURNEED NOW UNTIL THE 13, 14, OR 15TH DEC

>>15133013, >>15133043, >>15133049 MASTERS of the trafficking ring: Leslie Wexer, Leon Black, Ira Riklis, Evelyn de Rothschild

>>15133060 Meet the [Pipelines] - example: Jean-Luc Brunel

>>15133059 SKETCHY Ghislaine Maxwell started drawing the sketch artist in echo of Charles Manson

>>15132707, >>15132729, >>15132902, >>15132938 THE DEEP STATE MOVES TO ENSLAVE THE WORLD, STARTING FROM AUSTRALIA

>>15132547, >>15132629, >>15132651, >>15132749 cat comms 2.0 "the cat was screaming for it's life"

>>15132828, >>15132668, >>15132812, >>15132927, >>15133194 Investigate Bingus! CAT MEMES peddling 'misinformation'

>>15132734, >>15132752, >>15132774, >>15132784, >>15132804 Sessions, Huber, Durham, Q proof bun

>>15132960, >>15132961, Sunday is [D5] (Ride the wave)

>>15132969, >>15133037, >>15133046 Hacked cell phones you say? US Diplomats you say? Uganda you say? What happened here, Elon?

>>15132974, >>15133021, >>15133045, >>15133046 Mount Semeru: Indonesia volcano erupts sending ash [40,000ft into sky]

>>15132933, >>15132993 Anon wants to expose the Jesuits + communists with digg

>>15132866 Wonder what happened to those underground soldiers…

>>15132518 Dr. Oz and the Spirit cooking Witch.

>>15132519, >>15132530, >>15132536 From the Gab

>>15132521 BTC/USDC trading pair fell sharply to $28801 on Huobi Global, is this sus?

>>15133187 #CRT TO THE MOON: Minnesota school charges $901,000 for records

>>15132533, >>15132733 Travis Scott promotes TRUE DYSTOPIA with a side of Bat Soup

>>15132541, >>15132822 Melbourne Protest outside ABC Melbourne

>>15132566 How to contact DJT Jr via Snail Mail?

>>15132631 [Contagion and repetition] to modify individual belief systems

>>15132701 Meta asking users to send nudes, [WE GOTTA MEME THIS]

>>15132714, >>15132994 soon the "AI" will be able to detect traffic lights in captchas, with all the training we give it

>>15132738, >>15132762 ThanQ Doctor Zelenko and all who FIGHT BIG [P]HARMA

>>15133172 Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of DNA

>>15133169, 120 children hospitalized, province suspends Pfizer vaccine batch 💉

>>15132548 NASA, and Northrup Grumman tells Staffing companies to reject non-vaxxed applicants

>>15132820 American Heart Association Vaccine Study Dubbed ‘Unsafe’ by Twitter - Now safe?

>>15132915 Twitter Censors American Heart Association Article on mRNA Vaccines and Cardiac Health

>>15132835 Bolsonaro: Brazilian Supreme Court opens investigation into vaccine comments

>>15132882 =LINDELL RECOVERY NETWORK= Listen to The Hope Report!

>>15132942 Nevada Becomes First State To Impose Surcharge On Unvaccinated Workers

>>15132953 [Eyes on] Colleges forcing the jab

>>15132977 Guadeloupe population has been rebelling for several weeks against the Green Pass and mandatory vaccination

>>15132979 Belgium becomes the latest to tighten restrictions, labelling the non-injected as "far right" now

>>15133007 [they] are trying to discredit VAERS

>>15133123 Spike Protein is represented by a "Y" 💉

>>15132838, >>15132850 Who is AMB Matlock? #RussiaGate

>>15132921 Misdemeanor crimes to charge Greenburg with… ARS 13-2921

>>15132923, >>15133096, 14 Arrested In ‘Smash-And-Grab’ Thefts Totaling $340,000, All Quickly Released

>>15132925 UK: Channel 4 normalizing pedophilia

>>15133005, >>15133099 What's a JIDF? A scapegoat for Muh "BV"? Or is there more to it…

>>15132613, >>15132660, >>15132466 [Who] would do something like this? Hmm, I do wonder

>>15133107, >>15133116 CIA Covered Up Child Sex Crimes for at Least 10 Employees Over the Past 14 Years

>>15132627 the ship is full of mutiny and rats. anons are resolute and adapting well to choppy waters

>>15133171, >>15133180 Your Doge image contravenes the BV Code of Anal Suppositories, Remove that Doge at once

>>15133039 Nevada court sides with gunmakers in Las Vegas mass shooting suit. Now America can focus on banning Ford SUVs

>>15133047 US Marshal's poster indicating James Crumbley, Samefag? Or fuckery

>>15133085 Israel is losing support among US youth

>>15133094 PETA (Publicly) Launches 'Human' Leather Campaign

>>15133143 PA governor [Wolf] blocks conceal-carry without a license

>>15133108 PF: [ETHOPIA]

>>15133174 FASTQ Format Specification: Introduction

>>15132623 Meme Magic: Italian man wears fake arm in crazy attempt to avoid getting COVID-19 jab

>>15133097 For The Freedom You are Sovereign



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940b94  No.15133215


>>15131987 Client transfer of 8kun.top domain? To whom? [Redacted]

>>15131659 Cindy McCain resignation from Arizona Human Trafficking Council YUGE MARKER

>>15131849, >>15131886, >>15132100 Todays sickening GMAX trial drops and discussions

>>15131763 Former President Obama visits South Side YMCA

>>15131677, >>15131765 Tired of cat and dog comms? Well, maybe we can find some SQUID comms.

>>15131766 Now lets play: hide the cia controlled parents.


>>15131815 Israeli ‘#Pegasus’ Spyware Used to Hack Phones of 11 #US Diplomats - Report

>>15131832 Nancy orders hits on live television?

>>15131851, >>15131854 Ex-Obama Lawyer Tied To Hunter Biden Is Behind Ruby Freeman's Lawsuit Against Gateway Pundit

>>15131869 Incoming Antarctic solar eclipse, 100% covered at 3:42 am on Dec 4, Deltas anyone?

>>15131878 Rumble to Combine with NASDAQ listed CFVI

>>15131901 Blizzard Warning for Hawaii, and before most of the continental US?

>>15131905 COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic Structure that MAY BE REPLICATED IN VACCINES

>>15131919 QClock December 3, 2021 [Traitors] Buckle Up. The 25th Amendment

>>15131920 What is the actual Pfizer mortality rate?

>>15131928 The_Right_To_Travel… .pdf

>>15131946, >>15131958 BV, this user has posted a Doge meme! Please ban him

>>15131957, >>15131974 Schumannfag + Planefag spotted

>>15131979, >>15131981, >>15131981, >>15131982, >>15131985 TRUMP STATEMENTS, INCASE YOU MISSED THEM

>>15131984 A TREND of increasing breakthrough cases among vaccinated people.

>>15132005 Newly Disclosed Clinton-era Memo Says Presidents Can Be Indicted

>>15132039 Media Cucks Used Innocent Praying Photo Of Suspected Michigan School Shooter

>>15132054 It is now racist to by Cozy. Good thing anon was only being comfy this whole time

>>15132237 A local man said his COVID-19 booster shot has caused tinnitus — or ringing of the ears.

>>15132244, >>15132300 Sly Stalone: Book behind him: Every Last Secret [Q hat] Main character name is CAT…

>>15132309 LIVE: Protesters outside governor's house in Melbourne, Australia

>>15132330 Eli Lilly & Co.’s monoclonal antibody drug has been cleared for emergency use in children under the age of 12

>>15132361 Lin Woods response to Rittenhouse.

>>15132374 [Population clock] A migrant every 666 seconds, Net gain of one person every 44 seconds (coincidence?)

>>15132375 "Alternative Mueller Report" to be released soon…

>>15131662, >>15132070, >>15131970, >>15131947 <>15131939 Who "owns" this board? Who REALLY owns the board? Gee I wonder

>>15132437 #19143

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940b94  No.15133216


>>15130971, https://populist.press/threatening-to-kill-others-democrat-exposes-nancy-pelosi/

>>15130973, >>15130976, China moon rover to investigate cube-shaped 'mystery house' object

>>15130993, French citizens invade shopping mall that requires vaccine passports

>>15131062, Kash’s Corner: Three Bombshell Cases—A Closer Look at the Ghislaine Maxwell, Elizabeth Holmes, and Jussie Smollett Trials

>>15131049, This is why they’re still attacking Q

>>15131087, NEW: Sixth Circuit denies government’s motions to transfer and to hold the #OSHA vaccine mandate case in abeyance.

>>15131090, Prince Andrew is stony faced as he rides through Windsor

>>15131094, California officials justify renewing $1.7 billion contract with criticized COVID-19 testing lab

>>15131109, https://www.cisa.gov/publication/election-mail-risk

>>15131116, BREAKING REPORT: Federal Appeals Court BLOCKS Biden's Sanctuary Policy…

>>15131136, Biden CBP nominee Chris Magnus deletes Twitter account ahead of confirmation vote

>>15131176, Chants of "fuck Dan Andrews" as tens of thousands pile onto the streets of Melbourne right now as another weekend of worldwide protests against covid tyranny kicks off 🔥

>>15131200, >>15131204, Ambassador Cindy McCain resigns from Arizona Human Trafficking Council

>>15131171, >>15131205, Special Counsel Durham found the e-mails Fusion GPS tried to hide

>>15131212, Supreme Court oral argument of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization.

>>15131112, Microsoft / Omikron connection, not necessarily Gates…

>>15131250, Melbourne Protest LIVE

>>15131323, Ouch! Biden's approval rating suffers double-digit drop among young Democrats, independents

>>15131343, express your displeasure about the base commander's segregation of unvaccinated service members and their families

>>15131375, NEW - Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorization of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination.

>>15131393, Dominion Voting Systems that accuses the election technology company of organized crime and intimidating its critics.

>>15131387, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-financial-disclosures-expose-political-power-teacher-unions

>>15131397, Anon Note Bun

>>15131413, Another 75 cases of Omicron Covid are found in England: UK total doubles as health chiefs reveal the majority of sequenced super-variant infections are in fully vaccinated people

>>15131427, 2,000+ Employees File Lawsuit Against United Airlines Over Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

>>15131683, #19142


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940b94  No.15133219


>>15130205, largest clinical trial in the world to compare different methods of administering monoclonal antibodies.

>>15130221 Over a dozen suspects tied to the spate of nearly a dozen smash-and-grab robberies in Los Angeles were busted but then quickly released due to zero-bail policies

>>15130246, Monoclonal antibodies/Regeneron

>>15130256, Covid-19 vaccines have already been ineffective for months.”

>>15130282, J6 Detainee Sends Out Heartbreaking Letter to the American Public

>>15130287, DeSantis: Biden Administration Forcing Americans to Undergo Coronavirus Tests, Illegal Border Crossers Run Free

>>15130310, Nevada Becomes First State To Impose Surcharge On Unvaccinated Workers

>>15130319, Hayley Hodgson on her 14 day detention in Australia's internment camp.

>>15130377, Victorian government considering removing vaccination mandate three months earlier due to 'high-profile' incidents

>>15130391, >>15130392, Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up

>>15130405, Parents of teen accused in Michigan school shooting are charged

>>15130409, Roughly 19,000 active-duty Marines, Navy sailors unvaccinated after Biden administration deadline

>>15130428, Dying C0V!D-I9 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer lvermectln

>>15130432, Woman Who Laundered Over $2 Million for International ‘Child Modeling’ Websites Sentenced to More Than Five Years in Federal Prison

>>15130445, Former Netflix engineer sentenced to prison for insider trading

>>15130490, PEDO BUN 3 December 21

>>15130524, Large UK Supermarket Chains Refuse To Police "Divisive" Face-Mask Mandates

>>15130549, FITTON: Why Absolutely No One Is Surprised Hillary Clinton’s Influence-Peddling Foundation Collapsed

>>15130339, Australian politician blames American white supremacists for vaccine misinformation spread online


>>15130690, Fox News obtains new Hunter Biden emails

>>15130773, FDA warns of increased heart-related issues from Pfizer's arthritis drug Xeljanz

>>15130810, Obama Judge Orders Sidney Powell and Fellow Attorneys to Pay $175,000 for Daring to Challenge Michigan’s 2020 Election Results

>>15130719, USA - domestic travel may require vaccine passports

>>15130889, The List: 19 Senate Republicans Give Biden Over $13B to Resettle Unlimited Flow of Afghans Across Their States

>>15130929, Ex-Obama Lawyer Tied To Hunter Biden Is Behind Ruby Freeman's Lawsuit Against Gateway Pundit

>>15130852, #19141

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940b94  No.15133221


>>15129735, US v. Ghislaine Maxwell - Day 5

>>15129860, Suspect in Waukesha holiday parade crash was released on low bail because of 'human error,' DA says

>>15129876, Biden embraces his one-time foe: Walmart

>>15129986, Three Billionaires with Foreign Roots Financed the 2020 Democrats Dark Money Machine

>>15129997, IG Reports Detail CIA Sex Crimes Against Children

>>15130007, EU Has Gone ‘Power Mad’ over Covid Restrictions, ‘Thank Goodness We Left’, Says Farage

>>15130020, Exclusive — Rep. Devin Nunes: Big Tech Could Shut Off All Republicans’ Credit Cards and Banking

>>15130064, Josh Duggar downloaded video of 3-month-old being sexually abused: DOJ

>>15130345, Feds could release 'alternative' Mueller report soon

>>15130132, #19140


>>15128694, Evidence indicating COVID-19 is a designed bioweapon with a toxic structure that may be replicated in vaccines

>>15128717, REPORT: Three Billionaires with Foreign Roots Financed the 2020 Democrats Dark Money Machine

>>15128708, Georgia Governor Releases Explosive Memo — Confirms Citizen Group’s Findings in Fulton County Rendering Results of 2020 Hand Recount Worthless

>>15128810, SHOCKING: In the wake of Austria's drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code

>>15128696, Sanders out of WH Blamed for leak

>>15128993, VIDEO: SOS Australia – Protests Planned Tomorrow at Embassies Worldwide

>>15128787, EXCLUSIVE… Lawrence Sellin: Evidence Indicates COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic Structure that MAY BE REPLICATED IN VACCINES

>>15129187, >>15129201, >>15129237, >>15129247, >>15129380 Board "Owner" and his "BVs" are still fixated on Shekels and Tranny Porn to this day

>>15132922 #19139

Previously Collected

>>15126946 #19136, >>15127727 #19137, >>15128523 #19138

>>15124556 #19133, >>15125411 #19134, >>15126176 #19135

>>15122247 #19130, >>15123037 #19131, >>15123815 #19132

>>15119775 #19127, >>15120925 #19128, >>15121399 #19129

>>15117487 #19124, >>15118226 #19125, >>15119939 #19126

>>15115069 #19121, >>15117009 #19122, >>15117241 #19123

>>15112746 #19118, >>15113513 #19119, >>15114299 #19120

>>15110399 #19115, >>15111188 #19116, >>15113195 #19117

>>15107981 #19112, >>15110369 #19113, >>15109647 #19114

>>15106154 #19109, >>15106614 #19110, >>15107407 #19111

>>15103365 #19106, >>15104638 #19107, >>15104952 #19108

>>15101052 #19103, >>15103711 #19104. >>15102576 #19105

>>15098741 #19100, >>15100843 #19101, >>15100274 #19102

>>15096559 #19097, >>15097211 #19098, >>15097982 #19099

>>15094022 #19094, >>15095706 #19095, >>15095865 #19096

>>15092324 #19091, >>15092520 #19092, >>15093254 #19093

>>15089621 #19088, >>15090105 #19089, >>15090927 #19090

>>15086828 #19085, >>15088342 #19086, >>15088469 #19087

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>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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940b94  No.15133222

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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940b94  No.15133223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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118b68  No.15133252

File: d8a42a4ba98771d⋯.png (70.94 KB, 426x445, 426:445, safe.png)


We The Media, [04.12.21 07:09]

[Forwarded from Pepe Deluxe (Pepe Deluxe)]

[ Photo ]

FLYNN is safe.

We protect our Patriots

That's all I never need to know

Our…I'm one of them ours so…

Flynn is mine too

My hero! Our Patriot

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118b68  No.15133260

File: 8dd29dc2fa2ba73⋯.png (67.85 KB, 423x412, 423:412, gra.png)


Tracy Beanz, [04.12.21 07:25]

…they won’t stop playing God. https://t.me/DrLynnFynn/650

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2455d7  No.15133261

>>15133060 lb

>Another "pipeline" was allegedly Steve Bing who "jumped" out of his apartment window on June 22, 2020.

let it not be forgot that Steve Bing


Steve Bing to Pay $200K for Clinton Korea Trip

Bill Clinton friend will pay the tab for the N. Korea journalist-freeing trip.

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d955a8  No.15133263

File: 75c0419c14d3ca7⋯.png (9.91 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MediaMatters.png)

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2455d7  No.15133264


Thanks Bakes

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b9e22c  No.15133275

File: 631fcaeeb59107a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


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b9e22c  No.15133280

File: 3880ac36024b57b⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

what might have happened ???

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b9e22c  No.15133287

File: 3058bdd0d336426⋯.jpg (262.59 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5864155386418935614.jpg)

File: 47a18a675d873d1⋯.jpg (259.55 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5861459594361026774.jpg)

File: 4c3e5cfd7fdef99⋯.jpg (257.73 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5861459594361026768.jpg)

File: 1fa2b5385fb3db0⋯.jpg (264.88 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5861626307811587466.jpg)


what might have happened ???

operation failure >>>>>15133275

resonance falling >>>>

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36788a  No.15133292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c4d05  No.15133308

File: e31ab32844250f4⋯.png (1.33 MB, 797x777, 797:777, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68bfa73cb1a4f2e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 944x629, 944:629, ClipboardImage.png)


ty barker baker

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118b68  No.15133310

File: 51e29d230b00a16⋯.png (50.55 KB, 1061x312, 1061:312, over_100.png)



Over 100 Michigan School Districts Closed Due To Threats After Deadly Shooting

More than 60 schools closed earlier in the week due to copycat threats.

Sara Boboltz


Sara Boboltz

12/03/2021 11:25am EST

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7ec3c6  No.15133311

>>15133301 (lb)

Mornin' Ralph…

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709f68  No.15133312

File: 1633d418afcc9c2⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 255x184, 255:184, TRUMP34.jpg)

File: 0ec73e2191d4da6⋯.png (16.13 KB, 255x245, 51:49, DAILYWIRE34.png)

File: dd670d874c46a53⋯.png (44.85 KB, 437x508, 437:508, q34.png)

File: ec210f340971bf6⋯.png (30.52 KB, 811x322, 811:322, BANG34.png)

>>15132923 LB

Maybe it's just me, but I'm seeing 34 EVERYWHERE yesterday and today


Biden proposal includes health insurance that could help340,000low-income Alabamians


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b96939  No.15133313


Women in sweater is clearly the witch/handler she looks to for orders before responding. Interesting book title above her head.

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25cbd4  No.15133314

File: cace234db0b6f40⋯.png (694.69 KB, 564x774, 94:129, 4647.png)

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2455d7  No.15133315


Navy Test Wing KC-130Ts provide airborne flight test support for test and evaluation programs and Naval Land/Sea Test Range surveillance and clearance missions. Marine Corps KC-130T aircraft provide tactical aerial re-fueling for fixed-wing, rotary-wing and tilt-rotor aircraft as well as transportation of personnel and cargo.

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baae54  No.15133316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Casey Stoner Highlights

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96b1ca  No.15133317

Does the WHO matter to (You)?

Will need to organize this dig (moar is coming).

(lb) >>15132933, >>15132993 Anon wants to expose the Jesuits + communists with digg

But until then:

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Political party: [Tigray People’s Liberation Front]

Tedros: Director-General of World Health Organization (2017–present)

Tedros with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in June 2019


Sixteen survivors from Nifas Mewcha town interviewed by Amnesty described being raped at gunpoint by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) fighters.

10 Nov


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85dfa4  No.15133318

>>15133229 pb

Yea, this ain't no common cold and anyone who has had it or knows someone who's had this shit knows it well. My family, who all live in another state, got this shit and for my brohter in law, it was real bad. 2 ER visits over 10 days. My sister didn't get anywhere near as sick, only had moderate symptoms but my niece got sick as a fucking dog. Her husband never came down with it. At all. Both are in their mid 20's. That said, I still ain't getting no vax for something that at my age, have a greater than 95% chance of surviving. Take those odds all day long.

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7cf49b  No.15133319

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940b94  No.15133320

File: 19b281d662e7060⋯.png (127.2 KB, 224x224, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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86dd5f  No.15133321

File: 1b2c5838cf70ade⋯.jpeg (879.72 KB, 1170x1676, 585:838, 7E32A206_E93B_4F2F_8274_A….jpeg)


Thanks bakes.

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7c2ade  No.15133322

File: 4124e2e6c1f5bc3⋯.png (339.56 KB, 828x1199, 828:1199, 7F6886C5_8CC4_43C5_9385_D8….png)


Does anyone else wonder why POTUS wants us to read this article?I read it and can’t figure out why except maybe the people involved, or the valuation of Truth Social?

Barry Diller’s companies try to undermine witnesses in Tinder co-founder’s $2B suit

Theo Wayt

Attorneys for Barry Diller’s media empire sought Tuesday to throw cold water on Tinder co-founder Sean Rad’s claims that the mogul’s companies cheated him out of billions.

• Rad and other Tinder co-founders have accused Diller’s companies, Match Group and IAC, of cooking the dating app’s books during a key valuation process. They’re seeking a whopping $2 billion in damages. An attorney for Rad accused the companies of “lies, deception, bullying and cheating” during the plaintiffs’ opening remarks Monday afternoon.

• But Match and IAC contend that Rad’s suit is a “sour grapes” attempt to unfairly wring billions out of Tinder’s current owners. They sought to cast doubt on the credibility of upcoming witness testimony during their opening remarks in the high-stakes jury trial.

• Rosette Pambakain, a former Tinder marketing chief and witness for Rad who is expected to testify in support of Rad, was paid $2.5 million by a litigation funding firm before the trial and stands to be paid at least $3.5 million more if Rad’s side wins the case, Match and IAC attorney Bill Carmody said during his opening remarks.

• A judge has ruled that the payments are legal, but Carmody nonetheless tried to use them to cast doubt on the reliability of Pambakian’s forthcoming testimony in the trial, which kicked off on Monday and is expected to last for several weeks.

• “When she comes to testify in this case,” Carmody asked New York state Supreme Court jurors, “how do you think that’s going to affect her testimony?”

• Carmody also said that another witness for Rad’s side, Tinder’s ex-finance chief James Kim, was paid $2 million by the litigation funding firm in 2019 and stands to gain another $1 million if the plaintiffs win.

• “With that carrot dangling before his very eyes, do you think we might see a different James Kim?” asked Carmody.

• Rad’s camp has previously said that Pambakian and Kim, who were both originally plaintiffs in Rad’s suit but were forced to drop out because they’d signed arbitration agreements, were only given the millions of dollars because they had stock options stripped away from them when they were fired from Tinder.

• Meanwhile, Orin Snyder, one of Rad’s attorneys, said in a statement to The Post that there was a “mountain of evidence showing that IAC and Match corrupted the valuation of Tinder and cheated our clients.”

• “The defense today asked the jury to ignore the evidence and, instead, smeared the men and women who built Tinder and help turn it into one of the most successful companies in the world,” Snyder said.

• Tinder Sean Rad lawsuit

Tinder was valued at $3 billion in 2017 but founder Sean Rad says it should have been valued at $13.2 billion.

SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett

A third witness for Rad’s side, Jonathan Badeen, was not paid any money ahead of the trial but stands to be paid an unspecified amount of Rad wins, according to Match. Like Pambakian and Kim, Badeen was also a plaintiff in Rad’s suit but withdrew because he had signed an arbitration agreement.

• Rad, who is set to testify Wednesday morning, claims that Tinder should’ve been valued at $13.2 billion when it was acquired by Diller’s companies in 2017 but that then-CEO Greg Blatt and other company brass fed investment banks “doom-and-gloom” numbers that resulted in an artificially low valuation of $3 billion.

• Carmody sought to shoot down that idea by pointing to projections by Jefferies bankers who were working with Rad. The attorney claimed that Jefferies’ own growth calculations showed Tinder should be valued at $2.75 billion. He also said that all of Match Group — including Tinder — was valued at $5.4 billion at the time, which he said was evidence that Rad’s claim that Tinder alone was worth $13.2 billion is outrageous.

• Carmody also rebuffed an allegation that Blatt and other executives failed to tell Barclays and Deutsche Bank — the two banks ultimately responsible for creating the $3 billion valuation that Rad is now disputing — that they planned to launch a tool called “likes you” as a paid feature that would have increased the value of the company.


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edfb9d  No.15133323

File: d8ef3bdb52021a4⋯.png (243.33 KB, 574x351, 574:351, E654E541_2EBB_40C9_837C_E7….png)


Pew-pew-pew, started it all!

How do you cage a dangerous animal?

Create a ff and let the politicians do the rest!

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25cbd4  No.15133324

>>15133250 PB

I'd like to have been a fly on the wall listening to that conversation

Body language indicates it's adversarial

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baae54  No.15133325

File: aec23f9a2c537d8⋯.png (590.95 KB, 976x549, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Facebook deletes Ethiopia PM's post that urged citizens to 'bury' rebels

3 November

Facebook has removed a post from Ethiopia's prime minister for violating its policies against inciting violence.

On Sunday, Abiy Ahmed called on citizens take up arms to block the advance of the rebel Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF).

The TPLF has fought a year-long campaign against government forces, capturing key towns in recent days.

Facebook has been criticised for failing to do more to stop its platform being used to incite violence.

In the post, Mr Abiy said that the rebel advance was "pushing the country to its demise," and he urged citizens to "organise and march through [any] legal manner with every weapon and power… to prevent, reverse and bury the terrorist TPLF".

A spokesperson for Facebook, whose parent company recently rebranded to Meta, told the BBC: "We were made aware of a post by Ethiopia's Prime Minister and removed this for violating our policies against inciting and supporting violence.

"At Meta, we remove content from individuals or organizations that violates our Community Standards, no matter who they are."

In a massive leak of documents last month it was revealed that Facebook had been warned that its platform was being used by armed groups in Ethiopia to incite violence against ethnic minorities.

Speaking to a US Senate hearing in October, whistleblower Frances Haugen said that the company was "literally fanning ethnic violence" in conflict zones such as Ethiopia due to its failure to properly police its services outside of the US.

Thousands of people have been killed by the conflict in Ethiopia, millions more have been displaced and hundreds of thousands are facing famine conditions, according to the UN.

The war broke out on 4 November last year, when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy ordered a military offensive against regional forces in Tigray.

He claimed that his government did so in response to an attack on a military base that housed government troops.

The TPLF has been designated a terrorist organisation, while it says it is Tigray's legitimate government.

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c1c3e4  No.15133326

File: cd9ae45b324cd71⋯.png (562.75 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8183c8056058afc⋯.png (729.53 KB, 1093x592, 1093:592, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15133250 lb


HuffPost, formerly The Huffington Post until 2017 and sometimes abbreviated HuffPo, is an American news aggregator and blog, with localized and international editions.

The site offers news, satire, blogs, and original content, and covers politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, popular media, lifestyle, culture, comedy, healthy living, women's interests, and local news featuring columnists.

It has been described as liberal-leaning. The site offers content posted directly on the site as well as user-generated content via video blogging, audio, and photo. In 2012, the website became the first commercially run United States digital media enterprise to win a Pulitzer Prize.

Founded by Andrew Breitbart, Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, and Jonah Peretti, the site was launched on May 9, 2005, as a counterpart to the conservative news site Drudge Report.

In March 2011, it was acquired by AOL for US$315 million, making Arianna Huffington editor-in-chief.

In June 2015, Verizon Communications acquired AOL for US$4.4 billion and the site became a part of Verizon Media.

In November 2020, BuzzFeed acquired the company. Several months after the acquisition, BuzzFeed laid off 47 HuffPost staff in the U.S. (mostly journalists) and closed down HuffPost Canada, laying off 23 staff working for the Canadian and Quebec divisions of the company.




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2455d7  No.15133327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wait for it…

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6c72cf  No.15133328


and what did they actually do, buy their kid a gun, is that a crime?

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013c0b  No.15133329

File: 61369f63bef8832⋯.png (520.6 KB, 468x480, 39:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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940b94  No.15133330

File: aeb7a94a3828e7f⋯.png (984.77 KB, 810x906, 135:151, ClipboardImage.png)


bred iz ghost

All teh spyops belong 2 we


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36788a  No.15133331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7c2ade  No.15133332

>>15131659 Cindy McCain resignation from Arizona Human Trafficking Council YUGE MARKER

Can anyone tell me “Why is this a Yuge Marker” since they are being appointed ambassadors by biden with more power given for human and child trafficking? and money laundering through UN with food and agriculture programs of the UN. So now they have more power. The title is misleading, did anyone read the article?

Ambassador Cindy McCain resigns from Arizona Human Trafficking Council

The U.S. Senate confirmed McCain and fellow Arizona Republican Jeff Flake to ambassador posts Tuesday, withFlake serving as ambassador to Turkey and McCain as representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.

KTAR.COMOct 30, 2021, 5:00 AM

PHOENIX — Cindy McCain resigned from her position as co-chair of the Arizona Human Trafficking Council on Thursday following her confirmation by the U.S. Senate to an ambassador post in the Biden administration.

“It has been my distinct honor to serve on this council since its inception in 2013, and inspiring to do so alongside a talented cadre of dedicated public servants, researchers, service providers, law enforcement representatives and survivors, all of whom share the singular goal of making Arizona a leader in the fight against human trafficking,” McCain said in the resignation.

The council, which serves as a statewide multidisciplinary team focused on developing a service plan for victims, during McCain’s time has provided training on how to identify, report and respond to victims of trafficking to more than 44,000 professionals and community members statewide.

A statewide human trafficking outreach and awareness campaign with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security was also launched, according to a press release, along with more than 30 research studies being supported that revealed the human trafficking landscape in the state and provided insight on how systems of care can better support survivors.

“Cindy has been a steadfast champion in the fight to end trafficking here in Arizona and across the world,” Ducey said in the release.

“Her passionate advocacy, ability to rally leaders across sectors and her support for survivors has had an immeasurable impact on anti-trafficking efforts. I’m grateful for her leadership and friendship, and I know she will continue making a difference in her new role.”

The U.S. Senate confirmed McCain and fellow Arizona Republican Jeff Flake to ambassador posts Tuesday, with Flake serving as ambassador to Turkey and McCain as representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.


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25cbd4  No.15133333



did anyone order a "happy ending" in the court room ?

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baae54  No.15133334

File: 892a363da9660ba⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1024x1365, 1024:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

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940b94  No.15133335

File: cd8069c99ac46de⋯.png (55.04 KB, 1314x1054, 657:527, 1626596116045.png)

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25cbd4  No.15133336


peace bro


shadilay right back at ya

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f1e7f3  No.15133337

File: 1b244e4e577d5b5⋯.png (29.15 KB, 596x364, 149:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1c3e4  No.15133338

File: bcb6e55c5ff58ca⋯.png (605.63 KB, 710x633, 710:633, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c03841f2b3af73⋯.png (955.85 KB, 1280x507, 1280:507, ClipboardImage.png)



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36788a  No.15133339

File: 81d442f0bc33359⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 615x409, 615:409, massage_therapy_sign.jpg)

File: 0db0f6ebc7c062c⋯.jpg (597.01 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ac_comp_clinton_massage_ep….jpg)

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baae54  No.15133341

File: 62f6979017f1150⋯.jpg (104.04 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, thx_1138_george_lucas.jpg)


>"At Meta, we remove content from individuals or organizations that violates our Community Standards, no matter who they are."

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2455d7  No.15133342



Ethiopia has filed a complaint with Twitter accusing the social media giant of suspending accounts critical of Tigrayan rebels it has been fighting in a gruesome, year-long war, a government spokeswoman said Tuesday.

The dust-up highlights how both sides are trying to use social media to shape the narrative of the conflict between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) rebel group.

"We have reason to believe that Twitter is targeting and suspending pro-Ethiopia voices that are raising awareness about the TPLF's atrocities and its lies," Abiy's spokeswoman Billene Seyoum said at a press conference.

"We have shared this with their policy team, that we believe Twitter has been infiltrated by TPLF sympathizers in the same manner that many democratic institutions and corporate spaces have also been infiltrated to provide a TPLF narrative."

and back in June of this year


This is not the first time a social media platform will remove the post of a world leader.

In June, Twitter removed President Muhammadu Buhari’s post where he threatened to treat Nigerians “misbehaving” in “the language they understand”.

The federal government subsequently suspended the operation of Twitter in the country.

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940b94  No.15133343

File: 43462220497529e⋯.png (269.22 KB, 414x415, 414:415, KEK.png)


>>>15129187 >>15129201 >>15129237 >>15129247 >>15129380 Board "Owner" and his "BVs" are still fixated on Shekels and Tranny Porn to this day

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25cbd4  No.15133344

File: 82d09ab747625d2⋯.png (255.46 KB, 445x409, 445:409, 53363.png)




I apologize for taking the quints with my shitpost


shit (posting) happens

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61b7c7  No.15133345

File: 0cf9080ac3f5bf6⋯.jpg (324.27 KB, 1566x881, 1566:881, Lying_asshole.jpg)

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555c8e  No.15133346

File: 1ee3e903accd187⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1096x8448, 137:1056, Watching_You1.png)

File: f9922a32d56d32d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1064x7936, 133:992, Watching_You2.png)


Can't they already track people using normal methods?


They need more data?

I thought they were hard pressed to process the Big Data they already have.

Isn't that what Promis was?

Doing that 30 years ago already?

Tracking the Dissidents for the Fascist?

We were told it was turned back on them, right?

From 1995

They are watching you.

If there's enough rats monitoring the equipment, they can easily surveille / monitor you?

Is the eye thing for genetic markers?

>>15133255 pb

Media created all these generational markers.

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2455d7  No.15133347

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 680x546, 340:273, EfGdZOgWoAAdEiP.jpg)

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36788a  No.15133348

File: 6be6cb07882435d⋯.png (490.48 KB, 740x657, 740:657, POTUS_shitposting2.png)

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baae54  No.15133349

File: fec101137cba48b⋯.png (643.84 KB, 970x546, 485:273, ClipboardImage.png)


>The federal government subsequently suspended the operation of Twitter in the country.

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940b94  No.15133350

File: c4618447f020fae⋯.png (378.14 KB, 500x576, 125:144, download_1.png)

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4c4d05  No.15133351

File: 830e2882a92a225⋯.png (978.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


quints chek'ed

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61b7c7  No.15133352

File: 91212c7da4b6386⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 600x334, 300:167, regular_occurance.jpg)

File: e95615d1a20363a⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fauci_heart_attacks.jpg)

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5482c7  No.15133353

File: 7656980ecabc719⋯.png (63.95 KB, 318x291, 106:97, Beep_Beep2.png)

d955a8 JUDE


940b94 JUDE


>All teh spyops belong 2 we


>"BVs" are still fixated on Shekels and Tranny Porn to this day

STFU filthy Kike!

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baae54  No.15133354

File: 681392561e8e423⋯.png (442.7 KB, 576x576, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>President Muhammadu Buhari’s post threatened to treat Nigerians “misbehaving” in “the language they understand”

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f1e7f3  No.15133355

File: d0327f1638c4354⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1000x675, 40:27, Chinese.png)

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940b94  No.15133356

File: 9dc0877b1e32e65⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 9dc0877b1e32e65bc05a6d1d9b….jpg)


>what now, brainlets?

increase in PANIC expected today

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5482c7  No.15133357

File: 00c12b11d0dc78d⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 947x1200, 947:1200, 00c12b11d0dc78d278f7b6d41f….jpg)

61b7c7 JUDE


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b9e22c  No.15133358

File: b2083638bbd0506⋯.png (8.44 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

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940b94  No.15133360


>what now, brainlets?

increase in PANIC expected today


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25cbd4  No.15133361



I took these digits too with another shitpost about shitposting

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61b7c7  No.15133362

File: 59fdea076e83914⋯.jpg (191.07 KB, 840x473, 840:473, GOOD_LUCK.jpg)

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b9e22c  No.15133363

File: 50c024d6bf330c9⋯.png (8.09 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

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013c0b  No.15133364

File: 10fe7b7717f1b00⋯.png (462.75 KB, 523x525, 523:525, schiff_bourdain_shades.png)

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25cbd4  No.15133365

File: 1bd92204aadb935⋯.png (809.61 KB, 1716x972, 143:81, 4353.png)



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baae54  No.15133366

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB, 280x281, 280:281, wiggleitjustalittlebit.gif)

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61b7c7  No.15133367

File: 4959b6b8f533504⋯.jpg (177.72 KB, 840x630, 4:3, killing_off_the_best.jpg)

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118b68  No.15133368

File: eee942a66336b06⋯.png (360.29 KB, 598x809, 598:809, well.png)


Good morning!

Today in 1783: Washington’s farewell to his officers, Fraunces Tavern

“With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable”


7:28 AM · Dec 4, 2021·

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b9e22c  No.15133369

File: fe9cff0e844d664⋯.png (10.35 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

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940b94  No.15133370

File: 256a6d059fcce43⋯.png (381.84 KB, 620x495, 124:99, ClipboardImage.png)



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61b7c7  No.15133371

File: 8f94895a81f7c8b⋯.jpg (185.27 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SURVIVING_IS_A_WIN.jpg)

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baae54  No.15133372

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 634x355, 634:355, cloth.jpg)


>Today in 1783: Washington’s farewell to his officers, Fraunces Tavern

>“With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable”

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25cbd4  No.15133373

File: 1442dda0113b490⋯.png (151.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 53636.png)


your Doge credentials check out ok

you may proceed

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6649e2  No.15133374


sounds like Q

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5482c7  No.15133375

File: 01751088736ffa9⋯.png (1 MB, 654x654, 1:1, yellow_sticker.png)

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB, 512x310, 256:155, 1558043303269.png)


940b94 JUDE

>increase in PANIC expected today

Projection little Jew!

You little kikes are in panic mode because the truth about you filthy critters is unstoppable!


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2455d7  No.15133377



from June


The Nigerian government on Friday announced it is suspending Twitter operations in the country indefinitely.

Twitter suspended Nigeria’s president Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday for “abusive behavior.”

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6bd771  No.15133378

File: bbe629c5d32c75d⋯.png (342.46 KB, 700x740, 35:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff67a1  No.15133379


Melon head explodes.

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5482c7  No.15133380

File: 3d70efb65c57cd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 372x285, 124:95, JID_behindi_Force.jpg)

File: 192f66546ab7656⋯.png (92.5 KB, 236x271, 236:271, Mistake_one_.png)

b9e22c typical KIKE!

940b94 typical KIKE!

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013c0b  No.15133381

File: 63800a0a9e1d435⋯.png (946.01 KB, 663x480, 221:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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61b7c7  No.15133382

File: 04423e4a95b5587⋯.jpg (220 KB, 1120x558, 560:279, VIRUS_SPREAD_BY_VACCINATED.jpg)

File: 79dcd4534c37c18⋯.jpg (149.44 KB, 814x678, 407:339, FAUCI_VACCINE_DEADLY.jpg)

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118b68  No.15133383

File: 3fd92283fda1551⋯.png (164.83 KB, 425x317, 425:317, barb_c.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [04.12.21 08:09]

[Forwarded from Barb C]

[ Video ]

Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺 ♥️

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2455d7  No.15133384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5482c7  No.15133386

File: 4e48303c791aa0b⋯.png (118.19 KB, 515x487, 515:487, kick_the_jews_out.png)


61b7c7 JUDE

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5e869c  No.15133387

File: 1f60b1a89888373⋯.jpg (14.68 KB, 208x255, 208:255, comfefe.jpg)



Mornin' Anons!

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118b68  No.15133388

File: f9daa32656a6e1c⋯.png (171.9 KB, 419x445, 419:445, wis_gov.png)


The Epoch Times, [04.12.21 08:06]

Wisconsin Governor Vetoes 5 Bills Restricting Abortion

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/wisconsin-governor-vetoes-5-bills-restricting-abortion_4138212.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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555c8e  No.15133389

File: a47327f307e4bc9⋯.png (182.17 KB, 552x366, 92:61, Artiscoms.png)


Dude is jealous cause it's not anon?

Was looking at a ridiculous yet telling book on the Art business yesterday

"I sold Andy Warhol (too early)"

Dude was writing about how the Andy Warhole he sold would talk to him and was alive..


But the more realist type painting was boring because once you looked at it, it died, it was over.. You couldn't get anything moar out of it.

This thing has to be unpacked farther because they is rich.. Probably to do with why the "plane" [s] (different renderings were different) depicted to hit the South Trade Tower on attack of 9/11 weren't drawn very well; we're just suggestion.. Black Blobs ,etc.

Someone smarter than me figureed it out way before I did, but had English as second language (failed english in home country) and couldn't exactly describe why that was except to say if the images were more realistically drawn people would be more likely to notice they were fake.

This certainly has to do with the trance everyone is in vis a vis Donald J. Trump "Trump derangement Syndrome"

It's so rich because the lies coninue to be grist for their own imagination. It's so powerful because it's created in their own imagination.

The quick takeaway from the insider look at the crazy art market prices, wasn't just that the author likely missed the whol money laundering angle ( only read an excerpt of the book) but because it highlighted that the perps creepy interest in foul art is not just about money…and sadism; But they are using it for Coms?

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ff67a1  No.15133390


KEK - fantastic entertainment.

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5e869c  No.15133391

File: c010f93832e10f2⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 255x255, 1:1, resonating_pepe.jpg)

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2455d7  No.15133392



check under the paws

there is limitation to Doge Only

no pige

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5482c7  No.15133393

File: 84b369ab0c3551c⋯.png (273.83 KB, 640x468, 160:117, 9e8de2e58fda0c975d9465d24b….png)

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25cbd4  No.15133394

File: 3cfe38a1cf188f1⋯.png (3.52 MB, 2042x1261, 2042:1261, 425252.png)


those digits are HOT

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baae54  No.15133395

File: c30b1244ffad9ea⋯.jpeg (99.38 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 5hDrWUZ.jpeg)

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ff67a1  No.15133396


Fake Science is worse if not better then Fake News

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118b68  No.15133398

File: 3d1b792622d7882⋯.png (16.96 KB, 428x150, 214:75, otw.png)


Tracy Beanz, [04.12.21 08:01]

I am headed to Columbia, SC in a bit to join with South Carolinians in demanding our governor and representatives do what we are telling them to do - ban anything that encroaches upon our God given right to bodily autonomy.

Hope to see you at the State House.

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84d072  No.15133400


Still got my signature above another name as owner?

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61b7c7  No.15133401

File: 180dea0aca4334e⋯.jpg (243.97 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, vaccinated_fly.jpg)

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6649e2  No.15133402



common core at it's best going to work on memes I see

good morning anons

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5482c7  No.15133403

File: af9d7698abd1433⋯.png (177.24 KB, 537x671, 537:671, kike_rat.png)


baae54 JUDE

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5482c7  No.15133404

File: dc39a4effe260d0⋯.png (78.31 KB, 349x223, 349:223, fghvg.png)


61b7c7 JUDE

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ff67a1  No.15133405


That kid behind her looks miserable as fuck - someone let him know combs have been invented.

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94042e  No.15133406


34 is the country code for Spain - and is also the ninth Semi-Prime (divided by 17) Double Q in other words

FF Implications are Spain may be a target of something violent attributed to demented muh Q anons??

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118b68  No.15133407

File: fb8b2836185bb7d⋯.png (332.2 KB, 599x803, 599:803, o_hell.png)



The political games being played right now in SC state politics are beyond the pale.

Governor McMaster said he would fight Biden’s mandates to “The Gates of Hell”. The legislature didn’t do what they are supposed to. (Yet).

While our AG has hit this from the legal side, we need STRONG LEGISLATION in SC to STOP ILLEGAL VACCINE MANDATES. Bodily autonomy is sacred and CAN NOT BE taken from us.

Join with us tomorrow at 1PM at the state house in Columbia. The governor MUST act to ensure our God given rights are PROTECTED. 23 groups are uniting towards this aim to send a clear and strong message.

Do what you said you would do. The time for political games is OVER.

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5482c7  No.15133409

File: 96a320bc287f81c⋯.png (664.21 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 6bsLFLe.png)

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118b68  No.15133410

File: 23050b040397251⋯.png (28.41 KB, 591x482, 591:482, flag.png)

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d9d0f2  No.15133411

File: 620cfdb417bee0e⋯.jpeg (389.54 KB, 828x1090, 414:545, FC716DA8_004C_4014_969F_8….jpeg)


Barack Obama is Hitler’s GRANDSON!?

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d955a8  No.15133412

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos_Copy.png)

File: a593429dbcedc1d⋯.png (247.1 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowKike.png)

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f1e7f3  No.15133413

File: f5360a28e7f6719⋯.png (438.63 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, cia.png)

File: 15a4d9f264e8ff3⋯.png (255.82 KB, 570x428, 285:214, ClipboardImage.png)

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709f68  No.15133414




“Irish Godfather” killed by car bomb in St. Paul



George Washington bids farewell to his officers


George Washington’s cousin tricks Loyalists



Psychiatrist reports on the phenomenon of shell shock (SHOCK AND AWEcoming?)

1978 Dianne Feinstein is named as San Francisco's 1st female and Jewish mayor

1986 US launches its Fleet Satellite Communications System (Fltsatcom-7)

Historic Event

1992 Somali Civil War: President George H. W. Bush orders 28,000 US troops to Somalia

Historic Event

2017 US Supreme Court allows President Trump's travel ban to come into effect for 6 mostly Muslim countries

Historic Event

2018 Theresa May's UK government suffers three parliamentary defeats in one day, also found in contempt of parliament for failing to publish report in full on Brexit

Theresa May

British Prime Minister

Theresa May

Historic Event

2018 French President Emmanuel Macron drops controversial rise in fuel tax after three weeks of mass protests

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5857eb  No.15133415

File: ba158d751a592f5⋯.png (184.49 KB, 400x303, 400:303, BRun.png)

Morning kikes. Ready to play?

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6649e2  No.15133416


sounds more like a Yoga mat

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118b68  No.15133417

File: 857ef411789c8a3⋯.png (109.6 KB, 604x612, 151:153, 80.png)


Well Over 80% of people dying from covid are vac'd!


2:49 PM · Dec 3, 2021

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b5b19a  No.15133418

Dead People is the plan… even to the point that they will push people to brink of Violence so they then have an excuse to start shooting people!

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5482c7  No.15133419

File: d2795bc9ef2c1b5⋯.jpeg (14.43 KB, 255x164, 255:164, a3d4cfdf8e9d2b34927795ffd….jpeg)

File: 7c19ad829238fda⋯.png (542.22 KB, 644x606, 322:303, Jewisch_Supremacist.png)

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5857eb  No.15133420

File: 3ce1b87fa3e712a⋯.jpg (79.77 KB, 666x500, 333:250, GilliganJews.jpg)

File: 1dec2e86c061901⋯.jpg (67.23 KB, 580x430, 58:43, GilliganSkip.jpg)

File: 4e97bdc3d65ec44⋯.png (125.87 KB, 956x500, 239:125, GilliganSkipJews.png)

File: 24fda832a9e7fe7⋯.png (72.29 KB, 886x500, 443:250, GilliganSkipJewsII.PNG)

File: cbe989db432fe81⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 613x445, 613:445, GilliganSkipJewsIII.jpg)

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d955a8  No.15133421

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, GlowAlpha.png)

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4c4d05  No.15133422

File: 327a15384702cc0⋯.png (214.22 KB, 401x395, 401:395, ClipboardImage.png)








oh look we have a new shill who has just worked out wat the U.I.D is.



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25cbd4  No.15133423

File: 574addcf5cf1379⋯.png (317.37 KB, 568x329, 568:329, frazzled.png)

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2455d7  No.15133424

File: fda20aa692ce40c⋯.png (5.35 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5b06ca5f7922944762569054c1….png)

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61b7c7  No.15133425

File: e165e25ae5f8f08⋯.jpg (315.46 KB, 1080x1226, 540:613, media_lies_media_dies.jpg)

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5482c7  No.15133426

File: d91a0d8ccf538d1⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 694x527, 694:527, d91a0d8ccf538d16ea2d73fce6….jpg)


d955a8 JUDE

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86dd5f  No.15133427

File: 58fb345342617fb⋯.png (613.51 KB, 831x783, 277:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4359b8e76ad6c4⋯.png (15.76 KB, 522x180, 29:10, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't even think they bought him the gun. I believe it was just the father's and he kid supposedly took it.

Looks like they've been caught?

Parents of suspected Oxford High School shooter in custody after manhunt on Detroit’s east side

DETROIT – Parents of the suspected Oxford High School shooter are in custody and expected to face charges in connection with the attack their son is accused of committing.

Police located the vehicle belonging to the parents of the accused Oxford High School shooter late Friday night and a search was underway in Detroit, according to sources. The vehicle is a black 2021 Kia Seltos SUV with the Michigan license plate number DQG 5203.

They were taken into custody early Saturday morning after a search on Detroit’s east side.


lmao, that plate number

DQG: Q/ Dog comms

Q post #523: CHECKMATE.

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84d072  No.15133428


Always have been.

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20a284  No.15133429

I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.

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118b68  No.15133430

File: 84036f6dcfd168e⋯.png (110.89 KB, 597x603, 199:201, study.png)



See new Tweets


Marjorie Taylor Greene Flag of United States




American Heart Association:

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination

Marjorie Taylor Greene Flag of United States





put this label on the link to the American Heart Association Journal report that published the newsletter study findings about Mrna COVID Vaccines dramatically increasing endothelial Inflammatory markers and ACS risk as measured by the PULS Cardiac Test.


Marjorie Taylor Greene Flag of United States




The obvious intentional effort of hiding very important health information from Twitter users from a credible association such as the American Heart Association is engaging in life threatening censorship.

All to continue Vaccine enforcement for a virus with 99%+ survival rate.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Flag of United States


Study found here:


Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS…

Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (pe

7:50 AM · Dec 4, 2021

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5857eb  No.15133431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Soros works for the Rothschilds and all Jewish decisions are ran through the World Jewish Congress, presided by Estee Lauders Jewish son, Ronald, and chaired by none other than David Rothschild

Merrick Garland is Jewish

Jena Griswold is Jewish

The Colorado Attorney General who has been involved is Jewish (Phil Weiser)

Even the local Mesa County DA is Jewish.

If all of these people were Muslims, people would be freaking out. Why do we always give the Jews a pass for their trangressions?

Not anymore Colorado.

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5482c7  No.15133432

File: 4fe84604400e514⋯.jpg (143.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, jewkids1.jpg)


d955a8 JUDE!


4c4d05 JUDE!


61b7c7 JUDE!

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07326a  No.15133433

File: 335fab343f9eb46⋯.png (514.05 KB, 685x412, 685:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76be9c4f7f1dc92⋯.png (633.91 KB, 688x392, 86:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90340c7161bca2⋯.png (799.92 KB, 695x569, 695:569, ClipboardImage.png)

"largest crown to have ever watched a game at Lucas Oil Stadium" 5:19am FoxNews

Michigan (11-1) and Iowa (10-2) tonight at 8pm EST for The Rose Bowl.

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d955a8  No.15133434

File: 8874b0849e39d74⋯.png (669.12 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Unnecessary.png)

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b5b19a  No.15133435

File: 5a99da038bf8510⋯.png (14.37 MB, 536x356, 134:89, GODWINS.png)

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b855dc  No.15133436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86dd5f  No.15133437

File: 8f099b8d7633005⋯.png (310.55 KB, 620x387, 620:387, ClipboardImage.png)

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2455d7  No.15133438


Form 347 in Spain is an annual informative statement which lists all operations with customers and/or suppliers, provided that the total amount of the operations exceeds the annual amount of € 3,005.06 (including VAT).

The statement of operations with third parties is submitted in February (from 1st to 28th) every year in electronic format.

or even

U.S., Spain-Based 34T Snags Sci-Fi Romcom ‘Queen of Lizards’ From Top Spanish Outfit Aquí y Allí

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84d072  No.15133439


Maybe some weren't in the Loop?


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5857eb  No.15133440

File: b660be098644368⋯.png (631.59 KB, 644x528, 161:132, CoolioIglesias.PNG)


Your turn is coming kike.

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b9e22c  No.15133441

File: 7e2850f033400bb⋯.png (655.06 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02c3ec365ce260⋯.png (6.73 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63a480360a220ca⋯.png (5.65 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b778f087afb9f3⋯.mp4 (154.52 KB, 480x202, 240:101, FFxBLAyWQAIzuye.mp4)

File: 11801047df27848⋯.png (413.92 KB, 965x723, 965:723, ClipboardImage.png)


November 30, 2021 Nicole Hemsoth



Mohammed bin Rashid meets Russian prime minister and Sri Lankan president

Mishustin in UAE to participate in the opening ceremony of Russia National Day at Expo


>>15133413 everyones here ! having the popcorn moment

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ff67a1  No.15133443


Nice setup. Shame the deterant only lasted a few decades.

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2f8c50  No.15133444

File: 21c3afa00b3d59f⋯.jpeg (600.07 KB, 1211x750, 1211:750, 2F68377D_CF2E_4447_98DF_0….jpeg)

File: 16ce343b277aa34⋯.jpeg (508.63 KB, 972x741, 324:247, CE70F72D_67AE_4085_93A9_7….jpeg)

File: 760f38a6d54349d⋯.jpeg (506.29 KB, 955x750, 191:150, FFD9414D_00AF_4DF9_901C_8….jpeg)


> lmao, that plate number

>DQG: Q/ Dog comms

>Q post #523: CHECKMATE.

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de39dd  No.15133445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rock Dust Light Star

comin' at ya

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25cbd4  No.15133446

File: 7fb99913f56faac⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 500x532, 125:133, 5354.jpg)


The Third Reich never ended

It just moved to the USA and continues to this day

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5857eb  No.15133447

File: c23f9ec46c61077⋯.png (548.45 KB, 1795x656, 1795:656, WJCBoard.PNG)


Well, let this trial begin

US Patriots vs World Jewish Congress.

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6c72cf  No.15133448


if this is a clown op it is a stupid one. If it is not a clown op do you blame the parents for avoiding the illegal gestapo police forces. Sure there kid blasted up a school but why are they getting punished do the black parents get arrested when their kids do fucked up shit or the antifa kids. Sees fucked up. I mean if the parents told the kid to kill the kids and how and who and all that perhaps. BUt there has been nothing indicating that yet. If they just want to nail them on being shitty parents well like i said all those single black moms better end up in jail.

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555c8e  No.15133449

File: 2c42cf8b54e7dc7⋯.png (338.33 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, artiscoms2.png)

File: d70909d12f7ae28⋯.png (152.44 KB, 552x336, 23:14, childatmuseum.png)

File: 8dfe6ef1b7a6ae8⋯.jpg (319.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, warholhandsign0.jpg)


Art is Coms = Memes is Coms.

Why they had to remove memes from Twit.

Only they are allowed to have coms?

They 'd rather not have theirs decoded?

Just to fill in an case anybody is unaware.. Andy Warhole did deliberately boring and static art. So for that to be considered "alive" ? It 's because the art, in Andy Warhole's case will fail to interfer with the imagination of the subject. It's a black. Like a Rorschach

test https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rorschach_test


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85dfa4  No.15133450


Yea, beats the shit out of me anon. Don't know much about this Barry Diller. Perhaps he's caught up in something else that's aligned against POTUS and the article was mentioned just to bring his name into the light.

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5857eb  No.15133452

File: 99107d581bd1bb5⋯.jpg (102.64 KB, 648x488, 81:61, ObamaKenya.jpg)

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5482c7  No.15133453

File: 4868bf45c72a20e⋯.jpg (22.79 KB, 327x400, 327:400, zusammenhalt_auf_jiddisch.jpg)

File: 3d70efb65c57cd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 372x285, 124:95, JID_behindi_Force.jpg)

File: 01751088736ffa9⋯.png (1 MB, 654x654, 1:1, yellow_sticker.png)


d955a8 JUDE!


b9e22c JUDE!

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9a9271  No.15133454


>identify a crime

genital mutilation of infants is a crime against humanity

>identify a suspect (perpetrator)

jews mutilating genitals of infants and sucking blood from the genitals with mouth like pedophile vampires

>try this suspect under law

jews infiltrated government to normalize satanic rituals such as genital mutilation of infants as 'law'

>Punish those found guilty

God is already punishing those of the synagogue of satan, and the laws shall be changed to punish the mutilation of infant genitals

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2f8c50  No.15133455

File: 6e5783ce5229e80⋯.jpeg (226.68 KB, 708x526, 354:263, EE2BBE02_6911_4FD2_8C7A_6….jpeg)



them trips tho

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555c8e  No.15133456

File: 190ce3c6797a1c2⋯.jpg (91.71 KB, 1200x902, 600:451, warholglamour.jpg)


Black like Rorschach

So the "subject" which is the viewer

can project their own imagination on the canvas and aren't constricted by the subject matter of the painting.

Like a Black Box. Dunno what's in it

Could be anything.

Like the kitty kat memes chock full of ?

politics? threats?

That's what the idiots claim?

seem they are scraping the bottom of the barrel?

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5482c7  No.15133457

File: 36332ddadcd0a91⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1024x640, 8:5, 514521d0f92624581314b735ee….png)

File: 0ce1ab4ef665fd2⋯.png (32.59 KB, 170x170, 1:1, lost_something.png)

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5482c7  No.15133458

File: efc777537bc8279⋯.png (95.6 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0693661d15304fefbc303a48d3….png)

File: e8873cb00fc6165⋯.png (1.22 MB, 719x862, 719:862, e8873cb00fc61651ba91094789….png)

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5482c7  No.15133459

File: 7dc4153062aeb6c⋯.png (280.14 KB, 1030x228, 515:114, hvjgt.png)

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b9e22c  No.15133460

File: 7e2850f033400bb⋯.png (655.06 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02c3ec365ce260⋯.png (6.73 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63a480360a220ca⋯.png (5.65 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b778f087afb9f3⋯.mp4 (154.52 KB, 480x202, 240:101, FFxBLAyWQAIzuye.mp4)

File: a0b36cee6a15b07⋯.jpg (267.63 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, photo5863763376163895001.jpg)

shuman returning ???

go on with the current operations , let them watch >>>

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7ec3c6  No.15133461

Isn't it time for some good news for a change?

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5857eb  No.15133462

Maybe the Jews are off today. After all, it is Saturnday

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9a9271  No.15133463

File: 8da52fe6a425a9e⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 606x331, 606:331, satanism.JPG)


you think the drittes Reich would comply with genital mutilation of infants?

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5857eb  No.15133464

File: ae643b9685f21ab⋯.jpg (33.64 KB, 282x343, 282:343, Abraham.JPG)


I've got GREAT news!

The Jews are scared

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2455d7  No.15133465


from the archive:


Obama Plane


Swiss based private airline (70 planes in fleet)

Billionaire thomas Flohr, CEO

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555c8e  No.15133466

File: b7fccf0cedf0557⋯.jpg (175.39 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, moarstudy.jpg)


Blank. Like the "Russian Collusion" accusation delusion.

Like the Jew Delusion.

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9b5c95  No.15133467

File: 47d4d78214b15a4⋯.jpg (82.47 KB, 639x358, 639:358, DR_DEATH.jpg)

File: 2fc01597e22721f⋯.jpg (185.42 KB, 976x549, 16:9, SKYROCKETING.jpg)

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5482c7  No.15133468

File: e3db15d153f1ee1⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 500x276, 125:69, grrrr.gif)


b9e22c filthy KIKE!

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o


























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d955a8  No.15133469

File: c3fd944e299d185⋯.jpg (4.02 KB, 255x96, 85:32, BrianMoran.jpg)




Try not to be such a small-minded cunt.

You can't possibly believe what you post.

It's too cliched and moronic.

This would indicate to any thinking person that your presence here is therefore intended for some other purpose.

You glow.

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86dd5f  No.15133470

File: 985273b41ca1073⋯.png (368.79 KB, 826x689, 826:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: daaaa0b5698a8ef⋯.png (867.81 KB, 1267x763, 181:109, ClipboardImage.png)


>if this is a clown op it is a stupid one.

Clowns do be like that

>blame the parents for avoiding the illegal gestapo police forces

No I don't, but this case is looking more and more like a distraction-type case, a la Gabby Petito.

So many details rushing out so quickly, breathless moment-by-moment updates, a manhunt involving the parents, evidence/journals/notes leaking out all over the place, Mom is a Trump supporter, etc, etc, etc.

Seems like a desperate attempt to distract.

Think of the timing. [Maxwell]

Compare MSM coverage to Waukesha.

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5857eb  No.15133471


I've got the bake, collecting notables.

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d955a8  No.15133472

File: 3340f66a88e8f4e⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1200x924, 100:77, shillsarealive.png)

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2455d7  No.15133473


Flohr started his career at the Chicago-based technology firm Comdisco. He would become President of their European division. Later he was President of Comdisco’s finance division from 1995 to 2000. He bought Comdisco’s European operations through his Swiss-based group Comprendium Investment. Comprendium is now active in IT leasing and in the financing of intangible assets such as brands, patents, and licenses.

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ff67a1  No.15133474


Shitbag should have been run over by a school bus as a kid.

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5482c7  No.15133475

File: 2edeab7405d07bd⋯.png (1.57 MB, 666x900, 37:50, erleuchtet.png)

File: e1a0f89c6558e46⋯.png (456.44 KB, 500x566, 250:283, lifeforce_too_strong.png)


d955a8 JUDE

>You glow.

Of course I glow, I have a soul unlike you kikes!

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86dd5f  No.15133476

File: 7175a2978cf1ec8⋯.png (411.89 KB, 775x653, 775:653, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a9271  No.15133477


'if you don't understand genital mutilation of infants and are unwilling to call it 'circumcision' or a 'covenant', and while it definitely doesn't state that anyone should suck the blood from mutilated infant genitals, jews still do it and give the mutilated infants herpes.'

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25dd13  No.15133478

File: 3ccfd040e0ad9e3⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 425x585, 85:117, killaryBall.jpg)

File: 049f0910df7e9a1⋯.jpg (679.01 KB, 2109x2125, 2109:2125, killaryEggstein.jpg)

File: b23c0255f49a571⋯.jpeg (404.97 KB, 1378x809, 1378:809, killaryBoilingFrog.jpeg)

File: 9c370dc2b4fd2c0⋯.jpeg (6.18 KB, 255x167, 255:167, killarySanpaku2.jpeg)

File: 7124f31094dbf4e⋯.png (147.02 KB, 350x265, 70:53, killarysuicide_2.png)


fukken Saved

Now imagine, if you will, this same scenario with

Killary at the helm and in her 6th year


Jan 21, 2018 2:06:20 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 47

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

#Memo shifts narrative.

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.

#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].

#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).


[The 16 YEAR PLAN To Destroy America]

Hussein [8]

Install rogue_ops

Leak C-intel/Mil assets

Cut funding to Mil

Command away from generals

Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)

SAP sell-off

Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)

Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)

Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)

Blind-eye NK [nuke build]

[Clas-1, 2, 3]

Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]

Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]

Stage SC [AS [187]]

U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]

KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)

[CLAS 1-99]

HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]

Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL

KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]

Open borders

Revise Constitution

Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)

Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)

Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]

Limit/remove funding of MIL

Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]

Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59


Pure EVIL.

Narrative intercept [4am].

Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.

Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].

Shutdown Primary Reasons.


Weaken military assets.

Inc illegal votes.

Black voters abandoning.

"Keep them starved"

"Keep them blind"

"Keep them stupid"

HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].

The Great Awakening.

Fight, Fight, Fight.


need to find that intercept

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5482c7  No.15133479

File: 866ef13603802c6⋯.jpg (83.19 KB, 596x765, 596:765, wtzudg.jpg)


d955a8 Shlomo

Du bist so ein verblödetes Judenkind.

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2f8c50  No.15133480

File: 3b03683ef44ec50⋯.jpeg (76.56 KB, 500x328, 125:82, EA65286D_29BB_4B82_9331_A….jpeg)

File: 1b485cc5d376063⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, F6CDBCCE_3238_4070_9985_C8….png)


What’s this green shit oozing out La Palma Volcano bruh


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cf8763  No.15133481

Oh shit oh shit oh shit…

Anon is retarded. Danced the night away last night and anon didn’t get her number like a Moran. Twice anon didn’t even ask for number. Definitely a re-tard

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4c4d05  No.15133482

File: efa449ce9aa0261⋯.png (312.02 KB, 781x1001, 71:91, ClipboardImage.png)


filtered for being a spamming retard.

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d955a8  No.15133483

File: 10f96b1f3cdc29b⋯.png (29.34 KB, 800x600, 4:3, wlb.png)


You are conveniently forgetting that ritual genital mutilation occurs in Islam too.

I notice you don't waste much time crying on about "It's the muzzies."

I wonder why that is.

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25dd13  No.15133484

File: 049f0910df7e9a1⋯.jpg (679.01 KB, 2109x2125, 2109:2125, killaryEggstein.jpg)

File: 6236bbe237ca3bf⋯.jpeg (383.01 KB, 1884x780, 157:65, killarycookbook.jpeg)

File: b48f2f1974d5bae⋯.png (202.99 KB, 610x469, 610:469, killaryFalseFlagComms.png)

File: 9efafc6ccc705b2⋯.png (162.77 KB, 491x442, 491:442, killaryPizza.png)



>fukken Saved

>Now imagine, if you will, this same scenario with

>Killary at the helm and in her 6th year


forgot these

>>15132707, >>15132729, >>15132902, >>15132938 THE DEEP STATE MOVES TO ENSLAVE THE WORLD, STARTING FROM AUSTRALIA

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9b5c95  No.15133485

File: 26ebee256871a61⋯.jpg (92.42 KB, 683x429, 683:429, CRY_HARDER.jpg)

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2f8c50  No.15133486

File: 4de289a7089a74b⋯.jpeg (326.37 KB, 652x642, 326:321, 1E9230F1_63FA_41BF_9631_1….jpeg)

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9272a3  No.15133487


Doesn't matter how many people PARROT the word "VACCINE," that SHOT is NOT A VACCINE.

Repeating it doesn't make it a VACCINE, it just reinforces the LIE.

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86dd5f  No.15133488

File: 3a95f74d07335e0⋯.png (19.87 KB, 523x203, 523:203, ClipboardImage.png)


>“Irish Godfather” killed by car bomb in St. Paul

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edfb9d  No.15133489

File: 070348623c4434b⋯.jpeg (20 KB, 254x238, 127:119, 4C7907B3_2DE4_40B1_B073_4….jpeg)

File: 8d6a7fae512a187⋯.jpeg (135.44 KB, 1200x962, 600:481, 817271E8_9024_4192_B1A6_2….jpeg)


So nobody told him!


They are the exact people who should be heard!

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5482c7  No.15133490

File: dd291ed190b549c⋯.png (217.45 KB, 476x355, 476:355, piece_of_shit.png)


4c4d05 JUDE

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118b68  No.15133491

File: 347f337b55d154c⋯.png (470.56 KB, 689x728, 53:56, ox_ford.png)


Sheriff: We Would Have Taken Oxford Shooting Suspect’s Guns if School Had Alerted Us


An Oakland County Sheriff's deputy guards the parking lot of Oxford High School in Oxford, Mich., Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021. A 15-year-old sophomore opened fire at the school, killing several students and wounding multiple other people, including a teacher. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

AWR Hawkins3 Dec 2021

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6c72cf  No.15133492


i would agree total distraction. Most likely a therapist involved as well. Not saying all therapists are bad but i think when we see cases like this the therapist is most likely programming the kid. They need a white villain to distract from the nigger driving over grannies in wisconsin. The parents hell could be agents for all we know. I hate being all crazy suspecting shit of being clown ops, but like you said clowns do be like that.

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2f8c50  No.15133493

File: de8d15d74670083⋯.jpeg (318.77 KB, 1200x959, 1200:959, 64933C15_89B6_492E_B3BE_F….jpeg)



read the name

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d955a8  No.15133494

File: af018dcd1a7c77e⋯.png (311.02 KB, 702x336, 117:56, Solemani.png)

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118b68  No.15133495

File: 38c626e2064cd55⋯.png (41.61 KB, 850x237, 850:237, thsi_sun.png)



By Cara Castronuova

Published December 4, 2021 at 7:15am

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4f5dfa  No.15133496


>What’s this green shit oozing out La Palma Volcano bruh

That is yellow; it is Sulphur.


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b9e22c  No.15133497

File: c6faaf71495a0fd⋯.png (976.22 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

deal done

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6c72cf  No.15133498


so would they have taken the fathers guns as well? Would they even have that right to do so? Those red laws or whatever they are called only go to the person involved not the surrounding family if guns are in the home. LE is cucked.

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118b68  No.15133499

File: b6aed1bdf7314ab⋯.png (300.75 KB, 613x690, 613:690, icy.png)


ICYMI: Nevada’s Public Employees’ Benefit Program Board voted to approve a surcharge of $55 a month on unvaccinated workers. The approved proposal also stipulates a surcharge of $175 a month for workers’ spouses, partners, and dependents 18 and older.


Nevada Becomes First State To Impose Surcharge On Unvaccinated Workers

The approved proposal also stipulates a surcharge of $175 a month for workers’ spouses, partners, and dependents 18 and older.

7:47 AM · Dec 4, 2021

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5482c7  No.15133500

File: 7ec1ef8bf450af1⋯.png (149.31 KB, 417x355, 417:355, Fuck_you_Israel.png)


d955a8 JUDE

Still German, you stupid kike.

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2f8c50  No.15133501


> That is yellow; it is Sulphur.


==bruh is partially colorblind=


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118b68  No.15133502

File: a37c68de37823df⋯.png (325.73 KB, 605x714, 605:714, wh.png)


Anyone else find it weird that Psaki’s banner photo is of the Trump White House?

They’re all still obsessed with the best President. Face with tears of joy


8:48 AM · Dec 4, 2021

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d955a8  No.15133503

File: 5fae289bf2ff60b⋯.png (670.94 KB, 1020x681, 340:227, militaryfailure.png)

File: d18d4ecc7358268⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1200x776, 150:97, Motherlode.png)

File: 5d21aa053e976fe⋯.png (910.39 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, Palestine.png)

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cf8763  No.15133504


Kek! Was waiting for the first anon to say “this is a research board”. Kek. Trust anon. That’s research. Anon just needs some sweet puss to make the boards better Kek

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d5b223  No.15133505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So I wonder if this is real or a deep fake video. Interesting if she really did say this, and rather stupid.

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9b5c95  No.15133506

File: c8fd18f4ac5f001⋯.jpg (163.71 KB, 1366x482, 683:241, NT_NAZI.jpg)

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25dd13  No.15133507

File: 5552e835ee34a7f⋯.png (43.13 KB, 690x774, 115:129, 1616015036620.png)

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6c72cf  No.15133508


taxation with out representation. Taxes for those with religious exemptions is religious persecution they can call it a fine, but where does that money go they collect. Highly illegal, not like they care they will not care till the rope is placed around their neck.

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2f8c50  No.15133509


Bruh just red text failed

Bruh is losing his ability to shitpost

Bruh has been nightfagging too long

Bruh needs rest

Bruhhhh… 😴

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9272a3  No.15133510

File: 7ce58748b28852b⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 384x504, 16:21, Cali_Burning.JPG)

Stevie Lopez - Minion for Cali's Cabal

Steve Lopez

Sat, December 4, 2021, 5:00 AM

Column: To anti-vax firefighters, bye-bye. Now let's build back better at the LAFD

So let’s say that in two weeks, hundreds of Los Angeles city employees still defy the COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

What then?

Well, we don’t know exactly. Wimpy city officials, who already moved back the compliance deadline in the face of resistance, still haven’t spelled out consequences for those who don’t comply by Dec. 18. Already, some city employees — including firefighters — are off-duty without pay for failing to sign notices informing them of the deadline.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that in the Fire Department, where more than 500 members filed a lawsuit protesting the mandate, a few hundred stick to their guns and refuse the jab.

I say bye-bye, and good luck finding a firefighting job that pays as handsomely. And let’s hope the Cro-Magnon who allegedly took his mandate notice, wiped himself with it and dropped it on the floor of a station house in Pacific Palisades is the first to go. He’s on administrative leave while the department investigates.

Firefighter union president Freddy Escobar warned of a “devastating" public-safety risk if hundreds of firefighters are lost.

But that’s unlikely. Chief Ralph Terrazas told me that with some juggling here and some maneuvering there, he can cover the field while the department fills the vacancies.

But if, say, 100, 200 or 300 firefighters stick to their guns and quit, this could be a tremendous opportunity for the department to realign and better serve the public.

Firefighters who leave could be replaced by paramedics.

Why would that make sense?

Because it’s easier, quicker and cheaper to hire paramedics than firefighters. And more important, because 85% of the calls are for medical issues rather than for fires, per the LAFD. That’s part of a national trend, and metro agencies across the nation have been shifting resources and strategies to serve changing needs.

That’s why Andrew Glazier, a former member of the Board of Fire Commissioners, sees a potential mass departure as an opportunity rather than a problem.

“If you lose several hundred people, and you refuse to change your operating model, then, yeah, you’ll have a big problem,” said Glazier. “But … if they were willing to add single-function paramedics to the department, you can hire them up and have them in the field in six weeks or less, and you can continuously hire them as needed.”

Glazier, who was appointed by Mayor Eric Garcetti, asked a lot of tough questions about department policy and advocated unsuccessfully for greater emphasis on medical services, but he was rebuffed. He paid a price for not being a City Hall stooge and rolling over to the wishes of the administration and firefighter union: Garcetti replaced him.

But let me get back to why Glazier uses the term “single-function” paramedics. It used to be that the LAFD had two main job classifications: You were a firefighter or a paramedic, not both. That changed in the mid-1990s, when paramedics were given firefighter training.

Today, all LAFD firefighters have basic medical training, and many have also become paramedics, which involves more advanced training and comes with a big boost in pay. The dual training can be a great benefit, because there’s a ready response for either fires or medical emergencies.



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f1e7f3  No.15133511

File: 00771328f66f7ed⋯.png (296.78 KB, 700x740, 35:37, pepe_maga_01.png)


Fuck that. These docs need to get together and open their own hospitals. Put the greedy corporations out of business.

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592930  No.15133512


Just the name Ethan Crumbly sounds fake

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9a9271  No.15133514


> "It's the muzzies."

ofc a jew defends satanists sucking mutilated infant genital blood, by saying, 'look at the othes who followed the synagogue of satan, they are worse.'

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6c72cf  No.15133515


confirmed that is fucking weird. Like why. why not a picture of the white house gardens or something stupid like that. Why that moment.

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4f5dfa  No.15133516


>==bruh is partially colorblind=

and partiallyred textchallenged too. kek


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86dd5f  No.15133517

File: f961bc7fec61ca4⋯.jpg (175.68 KB, 1440x1059, 480:353, iseeyouclown.jpg)



This is a good example of Breitbart acting as controlled opposition.


Throw the school under the bus in exchange for gun control / red flag laws.

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555c8e  No.15133518

File: b6d204233876e07⋯.png (647.71 KB, 951x646, 951:646, clivesmirking_.png)


I've been going through the Black Book

so far

Clive Bannister

and another HBSC guy

Stephen Green, Baron Green of Hurstpierpoint

Baron Green? seems a cut-out or they've blanked out his background?

Clive Bannister is the son of a Cambridge neurologist; could have a Medical / Transhuanism connection.there?

Cambridge was the site of the Cold War Russian Spy ring - all of who's members were part of the elite there.

Kim Philby was rumored to be homosexual' and in times gone by a homosexual was considered a security risk?

Because of alleged vulnerability to blackmail but could there be other reasons closeted cases could be considered untrustworthy?

Psychological reasons?


Looks like Gates is telling them what to do.

Arrogant prick.



Can't put y finger on it, but they look lame.

Clive Smirker; check.

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d955a8  No.15133519


Don't think of me as defending Jews.

Think of me as challenging idiots.

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6c72cf  No.15133520


omg he must have been a baker, bread crumbs, crumbly it is all coming together. pretty soon they will say his family was qanon.

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2f8c50  No.15133521


Since Q left we can’t afford to lose anyone. If 66 million, Henry Caville Fag, Muh joo shill, or Mr Pig left 8kun would probably have to close its doors and be out of business

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25dd13  No.15133522

File: f5e93675b8b5ed1⋯.png (259.64 KB, 689x465, 689:465, psakiBanner1.png)


Pelosi spy

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952d22  No.15133523

File: 52dd8b5a42a5399⋯.png (1.22 MB, 860x680, 43:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4fa1dd31ac7cb1⋯.png (999.07 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84f670fb95f28bc⋯.png (315.65 KB, 640x428, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8621517cc93293c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b75be977403ea6b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 960x907, 960:907, ClipboardImage.png)

So much Jew hate

I wonder who it could be? HOODS OFF

Check the attached list also (PIC RELATED)


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86dd5f  No.15133525

File: c314d2fbdf002ef⋯.png (298.5 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anyone else find it weird that Psaki’s banner photo is of the Trump White House?

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2f8c50  No.15133526

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9a9271  No.15133527


>think of me

'you, thinking for yourself, is what [they] fear the most'

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5482c7  No.15133528

File: 9fa2bad5389203e⋯.jpg (40.4 KB, 400x610, 40:61, Dr_Joseph_Goebbels.jpg)


d955a8 JUDE


9b5c95 JUDE


d955a8 JUDE

>Don't think of me as defending Jews.

>Think of me as challenging idiots.

Typical KIKE!

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555c8e  No.15133529



chairs of the Museum of London might bear looking into?

A chart of everybody in the Black Book

Like a 3D using The Brain.


Can my computer handle it?


I think the Brain may take whatever you do as theres. Must as FB.


Sonita Alleyne

Clive Bannister – Chair of the board

Lord Boateng

Tijs Broeke

Cllr Kaya Comer-Schwartz

Evan Davis

Douglas Gilmore

Alderman Alison Gowman

Lindsay Herbert

Vivienne Littlechild

Paul Martinelli

Milyae Park

Judith Pleasance

John Scott

Gail Tolley

David Wormsley


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5857eb  No.15133530

Call out notables if you have them.

Getting in here a bit late.

Collected so far

>>15133310 Over 100 Michigan School Districts Closed Due To Threats After Deadly Shooting

>>15133322 List Of Trump Statements

>>15133388 Wisconsin Gov Vetoes Abortion Bills Protecting The Unborn (Because He's Jewish)

>>15133427 Michigan Shooters Parents In Custody

>>15133430 MTG Tells The Truth About The Vaccines Causing Blood Clots Leading To Heart Problems

>>15133431 Mesa County CO Clerk And Recorder Tina Peters Calls Out The Jews

>>15133465, >>15133473 Dig On Company Obama Used To Fly To Kenya In 2017

>>15133482 How To Spot A Jew. They Call For Other Anons To Filter Truth About Jews.

>>15133502 Psaki's Banner Is Pelosi Cackling At Trump?

>Over 100 Michigan School Districts Closed Due To Threats After Deadly Shooting






>>>15133465, >>15133473


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952d22  No.15133531

File: 82c90b7e133812a⋯.pdf (78.49 KB, Official_OpKKK_HoodsOff_20….pdf)

File: 99bc70bfd99f31f⋯.png (391.76 KB, 750x422, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 869c037c1153061⋯.png (877.68 KB, 920x612, 230:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 669a452b14ccdca⋯.png (619.75 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d98f22c6c60a231⋯.png (581.81 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)


I think the KLAN should leave and stop posting all the NAZI SHIT


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5f362b  No.15133532



5857eb has the Kitchen now.


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25dd13  No.15133533

File: ab8c0b107d59e93⋯.png (125.21 KB, 338x701, 338:701, Screenshot_from_2021_12_04….png)

File: 886c6694a3116a5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1939, 2048:1939, q4833_25thamendment.jpg)


>Pelosi spy

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2f8c50  No.15133534

After Q left the board turned anti Semitic

>trust muh plan

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07326a  No.15133535

File: c874a88130873de⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 686x380, 343:190, at_the_show_at_the_game_Fo….mp4)

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2774f5  No.15133536


go get’em, beanz!

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2f8c50  No.15133537


> 5857eb has the Kitchen now.

breh I don’t want that shit

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5482c7  No.15133538

File: f59592c231fafe9⋯.png (432.36 KB, 601x844, 601:844, f59592c231fafe9e7bd9aaa157….png)


952d22 JUDE


Ah, du bist ein Judensohn.

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555c8e  No.15133539

File: 10d63d1b3e1d116⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 552x310, 276:155, holdtheline.jpg)


They are astroturf

It's to distract and cast shade.

Ebs and flow

When the money runs out I think they leave for a while.

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927ddd  No.15133540


Nah, it's roman catholic papal penis pleasers and retards pushing the muh jewery on this bord

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9b5c95  No.15133541

File: a4e8621cdef4dd5⋯.jpg (125.62 KB, 759x346, 759:346, New_Zealand_protesting.jpg)

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edfb9d  No.15133542


Nice tree

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5857eb  No.15133543


I've got the bake

>>15133532 Yes, yes I do.

>>15133537 Too bad fuckface

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5482c7  No.15133544

File: ab5a001218ac122⋯.png (178.99 KB, 474x322, 237:161, JIDF_HQ_faggots.png)


952d22 JUDE

>I think the KLAN should leave and stop posting all the NAZI SHIT



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555c8e  No.15133545


No they were here before

But didn't ban people for speaking back.

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5482c7  No.15133546

File: 00c12b11d0dc78d⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 947x1200, 947:1200, 00c12b11d0dc78d278f7b6d41f….jpg)


9b5c95 JUDE

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5f362b  No.15133547


Tell Frank to unplug all the extension cords before you head out.

Not bailing your dumbasses out again.

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edfb9d  No.15133548


Something very Spoofy about this one!

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2f8c50  No.15133549

File: 2bfd976f2eb5746⋯.jpeg (503.31 KB, 676x689, 52:53, 6DD843D9_D4A5_4D3B_873E_0….jpeg)


>muh 6 million never habbened it was impossible muh ovens would’ve been running 24/7

Never underestimate German efficiency

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d955a8  No.15133550


You do realize you are a stale, bad joke on this board right? Four years of incessant steaming shit.

I'm going to join all the other sincere, truth seeking Anons and put you on mute now.

Buh Bye.

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eaf070  No.15133551

File: 8e40107d5516d52⋯.png (969.23 KB, 716x705, 716:705, ClipboardImage.png)

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5857eb  No.15133552

File: b89908e22aa5ba5⋯.jpg (115.41 KB, 436x578, 218:289, GumbyJews.jpg)

>>15133534 ← Way to ignore the truth. Typical Kike

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799c8f  No.15133553

File: e87db3bb7d96485⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1072x1397, 1072:1397, muhjookill2.png)

File: 034a6b4897764ee⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1072x1397, 1072:1397, muhjookill.PNG)

File: 283a022ab196bc7⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1072x1397, 1072:1397, muhjookill10.png)

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86dd5f  No.15133554

File: 1619cc35b5128d2⋯.png (382.58 KB, 713x783, 713:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37f9767c014c8db⋯.png (8.53 MB, 4096x2304, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Navy


Lighting up the night [Flexed biceps]


Marines embark an MV-22 Osprey with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 268 on Marine Corps Training Area Bellows, Hawaii during a joint training exercise simulating realistic air-assault and urban operations.

There was also a fucking blizzard warning in Hawaii yesterday.

>>15131901 (PB)

Green means go?

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690640  No.15133555

File: c4b6c7df334086c⋯.png (149.19 KB, 327x500, 327:500, kek.png)

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5482c7  No.15133556

File: 1d6faedb9f00fdd⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 500x340, 25:17, The_End.gif)

See you later you little rat-faced cripples!

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9b5c95  No.15133557

File: ecca61addb65ee9⋯.jpg (146.79 KB, 948x592, 237:148, seal_first_NZ_second.jpg)

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7b0e67  No.15133558

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 351x504, 39:56, 8f782620f80e1bf8e4361aea53….jpg)

MARK THOMPSON sneak resignation from NYT

The pedovore protecting former BBC executive and NYT CEO is now CEO of Ancestry dot com.

Make it hot for him.

In July 2020, he was replaced by Meredith Kopit Levien as CEO and president of the New York Times Company.[53]

Chairman of Ancestry

In January 2021 Thompson was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ancestry.


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d955a8  No.15133559


You do realize you are a stale, bad joke on this board right? Four years of incessant steaming shit.

I'm going to join all the other sincere, truth seeking Anons and put you on mute now.

Buh Bye.

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799c8f  No.15133560

File: 2433c9526a99ab3⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, adb3f5cb8f9dacbbc29a585575….png)



Typical demon.

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9a9271  No.15133561


not anything to question about genital mutilation of infants?

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555c8e  No.15133562

File: 94a68d6c20a7366⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 651x1006, 651:1006, kidnapmysterychart.jpg)


They nervous now

So sent in the heavy guns.

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f1e7f3  No.15133563


Red & Green. I realize these are the standard colors for aircraft, but Red Castle / Green Castle also comes to mind.

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9272a3  No.15133564

This will the the Future of the SHOTS, now being peddled as VACCINES for Kung Flu. NO DRUG can escape the TIME TEST. Not even with an EUA blanket.

FDA adds strict safety warnings on arthritis drugs from Pfizer, AbbVie and Lilly

(Reuters) - The U.S. health regulator has added its strictest warning to the labels of drugs from Pfizer, Eli Lilly and AbbVie belonging to a class of anti-inflammatory treatments called JAK inhibitors, citing risk of serious health issues and death in patients 50 and over, the drugmakers said on Friday.

The addition of the warning on the labels follows the agency's review of Pfizer's Xeljanz after initial results from a February trial showed an increased risk of serious heart-related problems and cancer in some patients being treated with the drug.

Xeljanz, which brought in worldwide sales of $2.44 billion for Pfizer in 2020, is approved in the United States for the treatment of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ulcerative colitis - an inflammatory bowel disease.

AbbVie's rheumatoid arthritis drug Rinvoq and Pfizer's Xeljanz are now recommended for use only in patients, who have had inadequate response or intolerance to one or more TNF blockers, which are another class of drugs used against inflammatory conditions.

The Food and Drug Administration's boxed warnings on the labels of Rinvoq , Xeljanz and Lilly's Olumiant flags the risk of cardiovascular death and stroke in high-risk patients who are aged 50 and above, and are current or past smokers.

Additional information about the risk of some types of cancer and death was also added to their labels.

The marketing applications for Rinvoq's expanded use in atopic dermatitis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and ulcerative colitis remain under review by the FDA, AbbVie said.


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2455d7  No.15133565





The WHO connection of Tedros Gheybreyesus and the TPLF with the FB/Twitter actions against the Ethiopian PM and then all the USAF transport activity to Ethiopia a few days back…

might be something to keep an eye on

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5857eb  No.15133566

File: 8bf7611f84c7c91⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 377x318, 377:318, Handy.JPG)


You kikes just take the Sabbath off and let us truth warriors take over.

Talk to your Rabbi now.

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eaf070  No.15133567

File: 6123a3a1ae3c10d⋯.png (72.91 KB, 366x265, 366:265, ClipboardImage.png)


>Call out notables if you have them.

>>>15133482 How To Spot A Jew. They Call For Other Anons To Filter Truth About Jews.

← Muh Joos Baker is a self hating kike



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5f362b  No.15133568


>Four years of

Oldfags shouldn't be treating each other this way.

That's like just wrong, man.

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534622  No.15133569


>the board

speak for yourself

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d955a8  No.15133570


The board was always made to look bigoted.

It's a predictable tactic of the left.

Post offensive content.

Complain that the board is full of offensive content.

Just know it is ridiculous on its face. No one can be as stupid and obtuse as they try to make it look.

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2f8c50  No.15133571

File: b871a2e7da4a5ff⋯.jpeg (399.96 KB, 694x692, 347:346, F7C8846B_05C0_402B_8FEC_C….jpeg)


Are you a Facebook moderator? Is that what you like to look at every day?

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5857eb  No.15133572


Duly noted. Thanks.

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9b5c95  No.15133573

File: 72eae784b42b9db⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, 860x486, 430:243, PUPPET_MASTER_NOT_IMPRESSE….jpg)

File: b110004e4bddac1⋯.jpg (172.38 KB, 1116x544, 279:136, puppet_string_puller.jpg)

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5f362b  No.15133574



Plus, I'm sure the gas was shedding from dead bodies and infecting others spreading like a wildfire.

Didn't Covid teach us all about how that happens?

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edfb9d  No.15133575

File: f241c32bc26b874⋯.jpeg (112.9 KB, 1900x1000, 19:10, 3B6A15B0_25DB_4739_AB9A_6….jpeg)


Brah… I did!

It says Adam Schitt

No schitt Sherlock!

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86dd5f  No.15133576

File: d238a28e28e21ef⋯.png (155.79 KB, 963x682, 963:682, ClipboardImage.png)


>Red & Green.

True, true.

The Hawaii connection seems stronger IMO

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722775  No.15133577


Good thinking Anon.


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eaf070  No.15133578

File: d5ea01d25953910⋯.png (419.43 KB, 500x676, 125:169, ClipboardImage.png)


>Talk to your Rabbi now.

But (you) ARE my Rabbi, and I am talking to you right now Sclomo.

Tell us: WHY are you so obsessed with vaxxing aborigines?

Is it because they are a supply of FORESKIN

To fuel you MUH JOOS spam everyday?

Tell us you filthy kike, be honest.

Soon you will have no choice

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5857eb  No.15133579


Noted kike.

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f9f58a  No.15133580

File: 04b1b00d04b550c⋯.png (612.36 KB, 989x296, 989:296, ClipboardImage.png)

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d955a8  No.15133581

File: 5df3ef388584194⋯.png (859.1 KB, 1197x669, 399:223, AllJewsX.png)


Yeah look at all these Jews that Q mentioned…..

Oh, wait….

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25dd13  No.15133582

File: a49699a300e2a03⋯.png (391.82 KB, 689x539, 689:539, Screenshot_from_2021_12_04….png)

File: 81a079c39666eb6⋯.png (303.7 KB, 742x955, 742:955, Screenshot_2021_12_04_at_0….png)


Sheriff is fucking up the district's story.

oooh scary gun drawing, red flags every where

<Didn't tell the School Resource Officer>

On Wednesday, Breitbart News noted that Bouchard indicated the school did have contact with the suspect the day before and the day of the shooting because of behavior concerns. But Bouchard stressed, “We received no information about the … [suspect] prior to the shooting.”

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7b0e67  No.15133583


"I'd sell them shit if I could"

- Andy

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2f8c50  No.15133584

File: 9f37668664c753c⋯.jpeg (414.54 KB, 750x678, 125:113, 795B3159_3ACC_4C71_9AA3_E….jpeg)



I went from think okay maybe just some joos is alright to nah nigga all them niggas is bad

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7b0e67  No.15133585

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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256454  No.15133586

File: 8005b7a45487ed3⋯.jpg (188.62 KB, 718x538, 359:269, 20211204_090608.jpg)

The Y R (e)

The Y are going to put you back in chains!

-studdering FJB.

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2455d7  No.15133587


anon thought it a nice pic


the connection between the file name and


ValmoroU or ValmoroLJ always neat how those letters got mashed into something else not likely searched for

and then just who was Dave Stone

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f17df0  No.15133588

File: 40eea5539132d40⋯.jpeg (25.16 KB, 360x333, 40:37, FFEF972C_8393_4F65_9806_8….jpeg)

Morning faggots .. how we doing this morning??

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9b5c95  No.15133589

File: 12a88424cedb637⋯.jpg (174.58 KB, 898x513, 898:513, I_err_umm_shit.jpg)

File: cacfaa19776da45⋯.jpg (114.6 KB, 646x505, 646:505, lurks_in_the_shadows.jpg)

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83623d  No.15133590



and they ain't semites

you get a D- for effort

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f1e7f3  No.15133591

File: 0fbada4dc6b0693⋯.png (101.63 KB, 268x345, 268:345, glowing_torch_guy.png)


>It's a predictable tactic of the left.

This. Pic related.

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d955a8  No.15133592

File: f9897f36212c2b6⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 220x330, 2:3, Gaslight_1944.jpg)

File: 18b0cf312b11d8e⋯.png (532.81 KB, 474x573, 158:191, lgb.png)

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5857eb  No.15133593

Notables collected so far

Any complaints, take it up with your Rabbis

This Baker Endorses Notables Collected

>>15133310 Over 100 Michigan School Districts Closed Due To Threats After Deadly Shooting

>>15133322 List Of Trump Statements

>>15133325 If Facebook Deleted It, It's Worth Investigating. Are They (((Rebels?)))

>>15133388 Wisconsin Gov Vetoes Abortion Bills Protecting The Unborn (Because He's Jewish)

>>15133427 Michigan Shooters Parents In Custody

>>15133430 MTG Tells The Truth About The Vaccines Causing Blood Clots Leading To Heart Problems

>>15133431 Mesa County CO Clerk And Recorder Tina Peters Calls Out The Jews

>>15133465, >>15133473 Dig On Company Obama Used To Fly To Kenya In 2017

>>15133482 How To Spot A Jew. They Call For Other Anons To Filter Truth About Jews.

>>15133502 Psaki's Banner Is Pelosi Cackling At Trump?

>>15133398 Do Anons Trust Beanz, Or Is Unit 8200 Like Laura Loomer?

>>15133534 Jew Forgets That Q Posted Dozens Of Corrupt Jewish Names, Including Israel. >>15133552

>>15133567 Typical Jewish Spin. Baker Is Actually An American Of Swedish Decent.

>>15133578 I Take The Bake Because It's Ghost, Jews Attack. Wait Till They See The QAnon Banner.

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eaf070  No.15133594

File: 90a03c6f608ed05⋯.png (315.51 KB, 620x419, 620:419, truuuuuuuuuust.png)


>Noted kike.

Here's anotherNOTABLEfor you, shilly Muh Joo baker glowfaggot

Since it appears you need serious help subverting the dough today:


They are SAFE, and EFFECTIVE

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534622  No.15133595


Needs updated. Rumsfeld and Powell.

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5f362b  No.15133596


Yeah, Jew puppets aren't Jews.

Take that all you bigots!

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86dd5f  No.15133597

File: a0f060deea271aa⋯.png (460.55 KB, 680x402, 340:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Some of y'all might wanna change that air filter.

It's pretty easy, just a few clicks.

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6c72cf  No.15133598


i thought kids had reported it a few times before it happened.

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5857eb  No.15133599

File: a5f01f724595418⋯.png (243.41 KB, 994x531, 994:531, TwoFacedJewsII.png)


Could you be anymore Two Faced?

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534622  No.15133600


>Post offensive content.

>Complain that the board is full of offensive content.

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83623d  No.15133601

File: de06f8a66f2b923⋯.jpg (51.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bull_in_car.jpg)


on the moove


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7b0e67  No.15133602

File: 60a4cd8c93ce85c⋯.png (308.08 KB, 384x510, 64:85, 473240f8f89bb92147b8911470….png)

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722775  No.15133603

File: fc93d4a11f21467⋯.png (825.01 KB, 750x501, 250:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Invest in pineapple now!!!

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eaf070  No.15133604

File: f30030699c042cd⋯.jpg (449.51 KB, 1165x1227, 1165:1227, who_could_it_be.jpg)


>This Baker

<This Baker

Typical projecting Kike

Thinks (((he))) is making a difference

>(Assuming that is the gender (you) use to identify)

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4f5dfa  No.15133605

File: 49a703424246cab⋯.mp4 (295.06 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Obamas_3rdTerm_Ventriloqui….mp4)

File: 29958a6ac851e84⋯.jpg (352.5 KB, 1924x1546, 962:773, Just_sign_here.jpg)

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5f362b  No.15133606

File: d1558cee32cc2de⋯.png (1.29 MB, 489x289, 489:289, SwordyShift.png)


The Shift change is official now.

BibleFags, commence the daily scripture battles.

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d955a8  No.15133607


Well the bottom one isn't me but nice try to undermine my obviously effective countering of your bullshit bigot narrative.

Can you provide links to both of these posts rather than your nicely presented but untraceable graphic just to prove you aren't a glowing cunt with an agenda?

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555c8e  No.15133608

File: 4f8e111d7bd2903⋯.pdf (4.46 MB, epsteinsblackbooke.pdf)

Here's the *.pdf of the black book for anyone who didn't get it

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9a9271  No.15133609


red = combat?

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f1e7f3  No.15133610

File: c6ea0c635bc8b97⋯.png (6.29 KB, 444x175, 444:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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25dd13  No.15133611

File: 44e3f3ce7d4da27⋯.png (634.44 KB, 1339x685, 1339:685, Screenshot_2021_11_28_at_0….png)

File: a886498a39a9ff1⋯.png (32.01 KB, 227x125, 227:125, Screenshot_2021_11_28_at_0….png)

File: 38decc3d7715e52⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, FFSi5fXXwAcXGZA.jpeg)


>Green means go?

moar red green

seems like there's been a lot of that lately.

Starting with Dan's Green truck / Red wave tweets

guess I didn't save them

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86dd5f  No.15133612

File: e57299ee2108b15⋯.jpg (174.96 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 1280px_Scout_sniper_snow_M….jpg)



We're doing alright, taking ineffective fire from shills, but that's pretty much par for the course at this point. They're easy to spot.

Got some hot coffee brewing, so that's a plus.


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eaf070  No.15133613

File: 61f0a6b9190f6b1⋯.png (152.9 KB, 500x372, 125:93, shut_it_down.PNG)


>Invest in pineapple now!!!






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62777f  No.15133614

Nice and comfy

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d955a8  No.15133615


Uhuh….I didn't think so

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9b5c95  No.15133616

File: 521e70a44317d9c⋯.jpg (193.22 KB, 930x669, 310:223, DISINFECT_CELL_.jpg)

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eaf070  No.15133617

File: f47c48a9bae2f3f⋯.png (835.92 KB, 945x795, 63:53, ClipboardImage.png)


>We're doing alright, taking ineffective fire from shills, but that's pretty much par for the course at this point. They're easy to spot.

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7ec3c6  No.15133618


God Bless You swordAnon.

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555c8e  No.15133619

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.



How to spot a crisis Actor

very important subject.

This "arrest the parents" is a variation

They struck out trotting out crying relatives so now tried something new.

Make it seem more real?


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83623d  No.15133620

File: a748be8005f523f⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 226x223, 226:223, pepepe.jpg)

File: 91a082f6f02fa47⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 878x981, 878:981, pepppe.jpg)



if[[[they]]]did not provide the divisive bigotry

[[[they]]] would HAVE TOprovidethe divisive bigotry

to show the people that there is[divisive bigotry]

anons love the truth and search for it always

anons are love

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ddae42  No.15133621

the synagogue of satan has its own country. this should be obvious by now. toEVERYONE

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709f68  No.15133622





Shown Here:

Public Law No: 114-255 (12/13/2016)

(This measure has not been amended since the House agreed to the Senate amendment with amendment on November 30, 2016. The summary of that version is repeated here.)

21st Century Cures Act


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952d22  No.15133623

File: 7b0cb01e7044fe9⋯.png (752.53 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c63813434c24aa⋯.png (525.73 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67fcbe2ece01090⋯.png (479.01 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c25cf1bf72030e⋯.png (855.05 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0580d98e191715⋯.png (635.61 KB, 840x559, 840:559, ClipboardImage.png)


“Little Charlie” of the Louisiana-based Dixie Rangers of the Ku Klux Klan displays her custom-made wedding veil as her fiancé looks on.


Don't you have a fat wife to fuck and little dirty feet kids to teach your NAZI SHIT propaganda


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d955a8  No.15133624


Why do the shills love the blue text?

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edfb9d  No.15133625

File: 8aabe55c866e034⋯.png (3.67 MB, 1792x828, 448:207, A456FF47_B4CF_4D36_9227_AD….png)

File: dc262e218195d83⋯.png (3.32 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 5C97CADF_71F9_4BEE_B133_E8….png)

File: 29951e588c81ec2⋯.jpeg (722.89 KB, 828x1457, 828:1457, 08BC7D37_D262_4377_B28A_3….jpeg)


This kid ( blue shirt) got himself a party for shooting up a school!

Double-Standard Hotel.

This kid (Pink Clothes w/shoe in hand) beat a Asian girl on the Philly subway-train, just after school, and it went viral!

Guess what Philly’s solution is?

Hint: it involves a sign!

You figure this shit out!

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25dd13  No.15133626

File: 39f34a7048f072d⋯.png (360.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2021_12_04….png)

File: fda3f53aecd29ef⋯.png (122.29 KB, 654x732, 109:122, Screenshot_from_2021_12_04….png)


>Lighting up the night [Flexed biceps]

Batten down the hatches


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 07/19/2020 22:33:13 ID: 94847b

Archive Bread/Post Links: 10015409 / 10015906

Direct Link: 10015906


Batten down the hatches.


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dd65f8  No.15133627

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)

>>15132634 (lb)

She's a psycho that needs to meet justice. That's all there is to it.

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d955a8  No.15133628

File: a7d1ce1492e6031⋯.png (35.72 KB, 496x464, 31:29, salute.png)

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9f467c  No.15133629

File: 3d3eb11aac9c447⋯.png (586.43 KB, 1196x673, 1196:673, Dr_Marys_Monkey.png)


Help me out here.

So, what this person is suggesting is that to get to the omicron level of mutation, the COVID scamdemic should, in nature, take about 10 years? But their miraculous Omicron did it in just 1 year?

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5f362b  No.15133630


I don't care what CM labeled it, that shit is purpa

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9b5c95  No.15133631

File: cd956291a320a26⋯.jpg (169.4 KB, 962x514, 481:257, treason_Jake.jpg)

File: 09c60abc1b0e6c3⋯.jpg (167.56 KB, 826x476, 59:34, BAD_IDEA.jpg)

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d955a8  No.15133632


May just be my monitor but I could agree with "Mauve".

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534622  No.15133633

File: 16f57539e7aa211⋯.png (485.3 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 2054220958495409540574.png)


Was worried that I didn't have a cow meme to respond with.

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eaf070  No.15133634

File: c6277dad5dcfb21⋯.png (356.24 KB, 565x499, 565:499, blew_it_dun_goofed.png)


>Why do the shills love the blue text?





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f17df0  No.15133635


Same finally got coffee .. everything is so damn expensive but if I got it I won’t go apeshit on myself or others so there’s that ..

Have a good day guys , cheers

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f1e7f3  No.15133636

File: 60b360a1489707d⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 494x498, 247:249, chynah.gif)

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722775  No.15133637

File: 52993ee3b570aad⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1140x641, 1140:641, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems shillyer than normal lately.

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f17df0  No.15133638


That’s fucking too good cheers !

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4c4d05  No.15133639

File: 8c2d540747ce367⋯.png (2.17 MB, 943x948, 943:948, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f467c  No.15133640


Fuck off Moses, in America we have freedom of association, thought and speech.

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d955a8  No.15133642

File: 7c13f783e46dfb0⋯.png (126.7 KB, 536x500, 134:125, IRGC3.png)

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5f362b  No.15133643


Who ya gonna believe?

Me or your lying monitor?

Wait, don't answer that please it won't end well for me.

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83623d  No.15133644


stacy abrams would make the cut me thinks

check with the 8Kun Meme Language Department tho

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5857eb  No.15133645

File: 0faad3b3e3849f5⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 500x514, 250:257, HallMon.jpg)

File: a3e09794f6861c3⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 504x495, 56:55, HallMonII.jpg)

File: 2e4ce40a7aa88ee⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 532x469, 76:67, HallMonIII.jpg)

File: 6a72c5f46b1edfb⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 524x476, 131:119, HallMonIIII.jpg)

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9a9271  No.15133646

File: 166ccbf33e8af3f⋯.jpg (58.36 KB, 764x490, 382:245, dctv.JPG)




NEW - Canada's PM Trudeau: "You're gonna be able to get your vaccine as soon as you turn five. I know you're excited, I know you're eager…"

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d955a8  No.15133647


Sure does.

Wonder if the Maxwell black book is gonna get left behind accidentally on a restaurant table today.

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5f362b  No.15133648


Shouldn't that be Sharepurple on QR?

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2455d7  No.15133649

>>15133587 (anon)


RADM Dave Stone




A memorial service celebrating his life and accomplishments will be at 1 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, in the Dundee Crown High School Auditorium, 1500 Kings Road, Carpentersville. Burial with full military honors will be Wednesday, May 26, in Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, D.C.

So if the RADM was indeed buried in May, just who is HRC referring to regarding burial July 14 as an option…?


and this email with added twist of Marty Torrey, Shipping Companies, et al…

interesting mention of

Grandfather was pals with Onassis. You get the picture. Has tight linkage in supply chain & IT space(s). Deals in countries like you and I dealt with counties / states

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7d5a7f  No.15133650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

so whats the story on SCP's? is this shit supposed to be real? or is it from a game? inquiring minds want to me

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3ca8a0  No.15133651

Has anyone ever made the coffee with the pots, and then injected it to the system?




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534622  No.15133652


>stacy abrams would make the cut me thinks

there is a version of that

I don't have it


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9b5c95  No.15133653

File: 67e4f1e58b768b9⋯.jpg (114 KB, 648x382, 324:191, money_buys_opinion.jpg)

File: 17ea450543f06d8⋯.jpg (174.03 KB, 700x699, 700:699, plague_starter.jpg)


>Help me out here.

How did the original covid 19 jump 800 years of evolution.

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5857eb  No.15133654

File: a964b6a3c49b0b0⋯.png (643.01 KB, 534x523, 534:523, KushFag.PNG)

File: 268679d1023be88⋯.png (401 KB, 685x484, 685:484, Kushner302.png)

File: fa557a044ccab71⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 917x500, 917:500, KushnerAC.jpg)

File: 431cf22e4cb393a⋯.png (941.13 KB, 776x530, 388:265, KushnerBlack.PNG)

File: a9f1f74657b9012⋯.jpg (87.46 KB, 694x500, 347:250, KushnerCollage.jpg)


You thought he was your savior, didn't you.

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555c8e  No.15133655

File: b2f563d6ca956e6⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 634x424, 317:212, dylanroof.jpg)




Their name is "Crumbly"

Sound really real

How many people with the last name "Crumbley"

very plausible..


Along the same lines as "Roof" ?

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013c0b  No.15133656

File: dbad84a20094b05⋯.png (313.59 KB, 817x480, 817:480, we_have_it_all_shills.png)

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952d22  No.15133657


And Rico laws you fucking NAZI

Fuck around and find out

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9b5c95  No.15133658

File: be00c120f3f3f84⋯.jpg (108.71 KB, 726x506, 33:23, weaponized_or_harmless.jpg)

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83623d  No.15133659

File: 5feb79376f85ec6⋯.png (261.48 KB, 297x399, 99:133, peeepre.png)


ty SA back atcha

SA = Sword Anon?

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6c72cf  No.15133660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

have any anon's heard of this book or it's theories that the Irish, or Celts are the true people and that everything else has been a lie from the Hebrews to the Romans to the modern Church. Something about Jesus being Irish in origin and his name being Iessu which makes me think is Issa or is it Iessa in Tibet and the Muslim Cultures? Just curiuos, interesting theory still trying to parse all of it. but it does have some legs.


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4f5dfa  No.15133661

File: fc3c57fb8ea071f⋯.png (175.75 KB, 979x841, 979:841, kiddo.png)


>"You're gonna be able to get your vaccine as soon as you turn five. I know you're excited, I know you're eager…"

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d955a8  No.15133662


We have no need of your hypothesis.

Apply the law fairly and the criminals get their due. Whatever their religious affiliation.

Your grossly over-generalized small-think results in the loss of any assurance that the person you are prosecuting is guilty of anything.

I guess it makes it easy for a small mind like yours to cope with, but in reality it's just another bad, unjust idea.

Apply the law under due process.

Let the cards fall where they may.

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9f467c  No.15133663


The Chinese are idiots who couldn't screw a head on a doll straight without someone from the "West" looking over their shoulder and directing their every move.

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85dfa4  No.15133664

Thank You Col. Allan West for bringing up the therapeutics in combating the china engineered, CDC/NIAID/Fauci funded Wuhan China Virus.

All this fucking clamor over the vaccine. VACCINE!!! VACCINE!!! GET THE VACCINE!!!!! DO YOUR PART!!! WE CAN DO THIS, TOGETHER!!!! VACCINE!!!! VACCINE!!! GET IT!!!! GET IT!!!!! Mind numbing, repetitive propaganda, over and over and over. kek Ain't working.

Thank you Col. West.

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9272a3  No.15133665

This asshats reasoning is FLAWED. If a baby survives an Abortion attempt, it is no longer the "Woman's Right to Choose." It is a INDIVIDUAL, that needs MEDICAL CARE, and denying that is MURDER.

Wisconsin Gov. Evers vetoes bill compelling care for babies born after failed abortion, other pro-life bills

The Democratic governor of Wisconsin struck down a suite of pro-life bills passed by the GOP-controlled state legislature, promising to do the same for any anti-abortion bills in the future.

Gov. Tony Evers dismissed a slew of bills aimed at curbing abortion within the state, citing his commitment to upholding women's reproductive rights.

"Republicans around the country are attempting to create laws restriction a woman's right to choose and cutting access to women's healthcare. I just vetoed those bills here in Wisconsin," Evers said in a video sent out over social media.

Evers has made abortion issues a major talking point for his reelection campaign, promising to veto and overrule any pro-life bills put forward for his signature.

"I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again today: as long as I’m governor, I will veto any legislation that turns back the clock on reproductive rights in this state — and that’s a promise," Evers tweeted about his decision.

The GOP-controlled state legislature expected the governor to trash the bills, but Republicans still expressed outrage at Evers' actions.

"Killing an unborn baby because of their sex, race or disability is not health care," wrote Wisconsin state Sen. Julian Bradley, a Republican, in a statement. "This is a radical, pro-discrimination veto from Governor Evers. Wisconsinites deserve to know life is valued whether they are a man or woman, white or black, or have a disability."

Evers' vetoes come as the Supreme Court hears the most significant abortion case in decades as Mississippi challenges Roe v. Wade.

Republicans remain hopeful that the justices, three of whom were appointed under former President Trump and have historically held pro-life views, will break in favor of overturning the landmark case and revert control of the issue to individual states.

However, Democrats have vehemently attacked the case as a grab at women's rights, with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire telling the court to expect a "revolution" if Roe v. Wade is overturned.


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eaf070  No.15133666

File: aed246a57d66da0⋯.png (589.45 KB, 508x668, 127:167, shills.png)

File: 565f4fc1ac81e96⋯.png (4.27 KB, 301x45, 301:45, ClipboardImage.png)


>Seems shillyer than normal lately.








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355a36  No.15133667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d955a8  No.15133668


Underestimating your enemy can be fatal.

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36788a  No.15133669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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83623d  No.15133670

File: 42525bdd9e7701e⋯.gif (715.37 KB, 387x301, 9:7, peree.gif)


do not vax the precious children

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5857eb  No.15133671

File: df51386667deccb⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 529x472, 529:472, Dershowitz.jpg)


Hmm, sounds like Dershowitz chose the Jews and accepted Epsteins off of sex with a young girl..

He probably couldn't get it up though because he likes liddle boys.

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9f467c  No.15133672


Time for a Great White Revolution.

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037c74  No.15133673


School should have a psychologist and social services liaison. I think police liaison, as well.

A lot of schools closed Friday due to threats.

Something's not adding up. I think this school will be in real trouble. Police usually try to work with schools admins. Very unusual for the police to make a statement like this. Could be the sheriff knows the police are going to be blamed next.

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9272a3  No.15133674


I was re-reading Q posts with the SA yesterday, and thought that [S]exual [A]buse also fits many drops.

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2455d7  No.15133675



(Sec. 2062) HHS must: (1) continue to conduct or support research on vector-borne diseases

(Sec. 3101) The bill revises provisions regarding:

priority review of qualified infectious disease products,

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5e09b1  No.15133676


apparently it all happened in Edinborough not Bethlehem. Got historically revised when the venetians realized they could get everyone to go to Jerusalem to bring back the gold.

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555c8e  No.15133677

File: f6efb68d675b3a8⋯.jpg (631.45 KB, 1200x1098, 200:183, dogcomsoutofcontrol.jpg)

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2455d7  No.15133678


warp speed

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5857eb  No.15133679

>>15133666Wrong, this Baker has Kitchen shill

This Baker Endorses Notables Collected

>>15133310 Over 100 Michigan School Districts Closed Due To Threats After Deadly Shooting

>>15133322 List Of Trump Statements

>>15133325 If Facebook Deleted It, It's Worth Investigating. Are They (((Rebels?)))

>>15133388 Wisconsin Gov Vetoes Abortion Bills Protecting The Unborn (Because He's Jewish)

>>15133427 Michigan Shooters Parents In Custody

>>15133430 MTG Tells The Truth About The Vaccines Causing Blood Clots Leading To Heart Problems

>>15133431 Mesa County CO Clerk And Recorder Tina Peters Calls Out The Jews

>>15133465, >>15133473 Dig On Company Obama Used To Fly To Kenya In 2017

>>15133482 How To Spot A Jew. They Call For Other Anons To Filter Truth About Jews.

>>15133502 Psaki's Banner Is Pelosi Cackling At Trump?

>>15133398 Do Anons Trust Beanz, Or Is Unit 8200 Like Laura Loomer?

>>15133534 Jew Forgets That Q Posted Dozens Of Corrupt Jewish Names, Including Israel. >>15133552

>>15133567 Typical Jewish Spin. Baker Is Actually An American Of Swedish Decent.

>>15133578 I Take The Bake Because It's Ghost, Jews Attack. Wait Till They See The QAnon Banner.

>>15133613 Weinstein, Epstein, Rosenstein, Rubenstein, Berenstein, Goldstein. So many Steins.

>>15133646 Please Canada, Emancipate From The Queen, And Get Rid Of Your PM!

>>15133662 Resident JIDF Jew Thinks He/She/SHIT Speaks For The Entire Board (((We)))

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7d5a7f  No.15133680

File: e0f9f4beadf57fb⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 220x269, 220:269, not_today_satan_cat.gif)

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9a9271  No.15133681


who pretends that violation of human rights and violation of human integrity is something a child is 'eager about'?

sounds like trudeau has the '(((dragqueen))) story hour' internalized

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5f362b  No.15133682


And just like that…

A new version of the C before D game was born.

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eaf070  No.15133683

File: c0b8001f186317a⋯.jpg (164.89 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, 1636670318859.jpg)

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952d22  No.15133684


You better get back in the house I think your fat wife is burning the meth NAZI

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9f467c  No.15133685


Who is looking over their shoulder and helping them? THAT is who you shouldn't be underestimating.

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722775  No.15133686


Drips turning into drops turning to rain turning into THE STORM

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706a48  No.15133687

"The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR) was accepted unanimously in 2005 by the world community, consisting of 191 member nations.

This means that the declaration is currently the first and only bioethical text to which the entire world has committed itself.


Article 6:

1. Any [ALL] 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 [FACE MASKS, VACCINES], 𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗴𝗻𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 [COVID TESTS] & 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗲𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗰 [GENE THERAPY] medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free & informed 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧 of the person concerned based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason WITHOUT DISADVANTAGE OR PREJUDICE [YOU CAN'T LOSE YOUR JOB OR BE PREVENTED ACCESS ANYWHERE]

2. Scientific research should only be carried out with the prior, free, express and informed consent of the person concerned. The information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible form and should include modalities for withdrawal of consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice.


(From Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar Channel on Telegram)

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6c72cf  No.15133688


pretty much, not sure about it but there is something to it. I believe in Jesus but i also am not stupid enough to ignore some of the so called occult shit since we know the myths all combine at certain points. Giant wars and all that and even if the Sumerians were first they may have sailed out to Ireland and then circled back to quote Psucki.

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5857eb  No.15133689

File: fef0abb4cafb846⋯.jpg (60.08 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 48hrsIIIII.jpg)


You a fan of Dersh are ya?

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ddae42  No.15133690

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3ca8a0  No.15133691

File: 324e5d8f21674ca⋯.jpeg (59.58 KB, 355x461, 355:461, 903CCC48_37E3_4D4D_B239_1….jpeg)

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2455d7  No.15133692


Ghost Doge: The Way of the Trollurai

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5f362b  No.15133693


>Wait Till They See The QAnon Banner.

Yeah, I could already see Old Glowie coming from a mile away.

But, at least you Bake during QR 2021 which is moar than the vast majority of the rest of us can say.

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037c74  No.15133694


Taking his gurl out on a Friday night. Everyone does it.

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eaf070  No.15133696

File: c75dd514385551e⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 524x476, 131:119, they_know.jpg)


>>>15133613 (You) Weinstein, Epstein, Rosenstein, Rubenstein, Berenstein, Goldstein. So many Steins.







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d955a8  No.15133697


Try not to be such a petty, small minded little bigot cunt.

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555c8e  No.15133698



it's called "Tea"

Even a euphemism for "Mary Jane" in the 50's

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5857eb  No.15133699

>>15133687 ← Noted

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d955a8  No.15133700

File: 4facaabd40f9228⋯.png (2.15 KB, 310x163, 310:163, peaked.png)

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3ca8a0  No.15133701


Maybe doing a job wrong is how the Chinese say, “fuck you roundeye, I Anon slave.”

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dd6c78  No.15133702


How do we know for certain Q is gone and was a psyop? Because he left after Biden won and never returned.

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2ff02b  No.15133703

File: 33e5362983c42bc⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 500x487, 500:487, 33e5362983c42bcff40c58ee56….jpg)


mornin Swordy!

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5f362b  No.15133704


>The Way of the Trollurai

I would kek if I knew what the base ref for that was.

Oh, what the hell:


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21853a  No.15133705

File: 1b22fb7fbcb35cc⋯.png (59.32 KB, 699x1153, 699:1153, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15132547, >>15132629, >>15132651, >>15132749 cat comms 2.0 "the cat was screaming for it's life

ACRONYMS CATsome ideas on Cat

Rank Abbr. Meaning

CAT Convention Against Torture (United Nations; see UNCAT)

CAT Catastrophic

CAT Call Any Time

CATCivil Air Transport (CIA front airline during 1950s/1960s in Southeast Asia)

CAT Committee against Torture (UN)

CAT Counter Assault Team (US Secret Service)

CAT Centre for Advanced Training (various organizations)

CAT Covert Action Team

CAT Crisis Action Team

CAT Creative Arts Team

CAT Critically Appraised Topic

CAT Cyber Attack Team

CAT Conservation Action Team (various locations)

CAT Criminal Apprehension Team

CAT Center for Advanced Technologies

CAT Civic Action Team

CAT Combined Arms Training

CAT Combined Arms Team

CAT Change Agent Team

CAT Columbia Artists Theatricals (booking company; New York, NY)

CAT Criticality Assessment Team

CAT Contract Action Team

CAT Conventional Arms Transfer

CAT Consolidated Airdrop Tool (US Air Force)

CAT Civil Aviation Tribunal (Canada)

CAT Cognitive Adaptation Training (behavioral health)

CAT Corrective Action Team

CAT Campaign Against Terrorism Foundation (Islamabad, Pakistan)

CAT Citizens' Army Training

CAT Calling All Troops

CAT Cockpit Automation Technology

CAT Control and Analysis Tool

CAT Critical Action Time (in physics, the minimum time for an event)

CAT Civilian Augmented Training

CAT Command Action Team

CAT Combat Aircrew Training

CAT Combat Aircraft Technology

CAT Central Analysis Team

CAT Citizens Against Tolls, Inckek!

CAT Combat AGE Team (US Air Force)

CAT Component Advanced Technology

CAT Communications Assist Team

CAT Clinical Annual Training (US DoD)

CAT Control & Assessment Team

CAT Constant Applied Tension

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dd6c78  No.15133706


how do we know Ron is Q? Because Ron knows who Q is.

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5857eb  No.15133707


It's easy compared to baking when Q is posting.

The normal shill bakers will be back. At least most of them take decent notables. That's all I want, the Jews intentionally ghost bakes, so notables get lost.

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47b865  No.15133708


>Redliffe Salaman

I just had to look him up:

Redcliffe Nathan Salaman was a British physician, pathologist, botanist and potato breeder. His landmark work was the 1949 book The History and Social Influence of the Potato, which established the history of nutrients as a new literary genre.

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3ca8a0  No.15133709


Why is coffee, coffee and not “tea”.

So by that logic if grinding up roasted pot seeds you would have the CoVFeFe?

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5857eb  No.15133710

File: 58b69847c351c88⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 581x430, 581:430, 5thElStory.jpg)


Meh, I got a GED. Still can bake though, even while taking pot.

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922226  No.15133711


The kids name sounds like Ethan Crumb'lay like Zach Galafanakis from Due Date, it is just his stage name.

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eaf070  No.15133712

File: 87a14e8d830b367⋯.png (551.67 KB, 500x520, 25:26, ClipboardImage.png)


>>Wait Till They See The QAnon Banner








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3fd1ba  No.15133713



For those who prefer to read.

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25dd13  No.15133715

File: d2b184fdf5d71b8⋯.png (785.42 KB, 962x1430, 37:55, navyLightUpthenight1.png)

File: 59d97dfee7d076c⋯.png (121.02 KB, 330x593, 330:593, Screenshot_from_2021_12_04….png)

File: 9c080e5dd555fba⋯.png (220.1 KB, 539x391, 539:391, Screenshot_from_2021_12_04….png)




>>Lighting up the night [Flexed biceps]

Think the may 10 version is moar of a match

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504e6b  No.15133716

File: 9b2b8021b82d57a⋯.jpg (38.56 KB, 540x944, 135:236, 1638327006869.jpg)

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d955a8  No.15133717


Hey thanks Baker, I was thinking you were just a stupid paid Media matters shill, but you Notabled my full refutation and demolition of you bullshit premise.

You are a bigger fool than I suspected.

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5f362b  No.15133718


From less than 10 to yeah, Ron and Q are on the same bowling team.

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9f467c  No.15133719


Will that hold up in court?

Can I print that Article 6 out and when some dickhole decides I have to comply I can just shove that under their nose and tell them to fuck off and die?

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3ca8a0  No.15133720


*Anon = am not.

Autocorrect corrects me to drop in Anon. God help me, I been here too long.

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f17df0  No.15133721


That’s the cutest damn meme all day

Troll among and carry on wayward son see ya in the trenches

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7d5a7f  No.15133722


pot seeds have no thc

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5857eb  No.15133723


I am the Parakletos..

I am the Comforter.

The Spirit of Truth speaks through me.

I am only a vessel.

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eaf070  No.15133724

File: 60508d7a1456b80⋯.png (77.98 KB, 320x363, 320:363, pepe_the_doge.png)


> the Jews intentionally ghost bakes,




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2455d7  No.15133725

File: 25ac6bd14e9600a⋯.jpg (95.7 KB, 600x600, 1:1, R_66308_1172428481_jpeg.jpg)


old movie 99ish/2000 or so

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8d6f95  No.15133726

File: cb54f380c274199⋯.jpg (234.79 KB, 457x616, 457:616, Mask.jpg)

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5857eb  No.15133727

File: bba493a3cbe112f⋯.png (52.91 KB, 555x449, 555:449, JesusSword.png)

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f1e7f3  No.15133728

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB, 530x460, 53:46, pepe_ponder.png)