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File: 7baa1ebadf2481c⋯.png (999.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Iwo.png)

f2f5e2  No.15104203[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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f2f5e2  No.15104212

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f2f5e2  No.15104217



>>15102505, >>15102517, >>15102526 Endorsement of Wendy Rogers

>>15102514, >>15102536 Statement by Donald J. Trump: Few knew Rush like James Golden/Snerdley

>>15102544, >>15102572 ICYMI: "Iowa Poll: In a potential 2024 match, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by double digits"

>>15101916 United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell

>>15102017 Judge Nathan: Thanks. 10 minute break then 1st US witness Ghislaine Trial

>>15102105, >>15102121, >>15102166, >>15102201, >>15102214 Dockets Justia Ghislaine Maxwell

>>15102144 Investigators are reportedly probing close Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell's mysterious ocean non-profit (2019)

>>15102048 'Partner In Crime': Maxwell Prosecution Opens With Sordid Details Of Epstein Sexual Predation

>>15102199 Jeffrey Epstein's personal pilot, Lawrence Visoski, called as first prosecution witness in Ghislaine Maxwell trial

>>15102242 Jeffrey Epstein's personal pilot was so close to the deceased pedophile that his daughter got MARRIED at financier's infamous New Mexico Zorro ranch two years ago (2019)

>>15102168 Ghislaine Maxwell to challenge accusers' memories

>>15102244 Prosecutors: Ghislaine Maxwell was Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘partner in crime’

>>15102355 @KlasfeldReports The jury has been excused with proceedings ending at 5 p.m., sharp.

>>15102294, >>15102304, >>15102353, >>15102358 The Ghislaine Maxwell trial should be open to the public for viewing, why is this trial secret while Rittenhouse's was not?

>>15102201 Anon seeking a way to legally live feed the Maxwell trial, call for assistance Fed. R. Crim. P. 53 - Courtroom Photographing and Broadcasting Prohibited

>>15102414, >>15102421 Ruptly feed freezes on Ghislaine sister escaping court house

>>15102458 "It's A Shock": Ghislaine Maxwell Hasn't Enjoyed Her17 Month StayIn Jail So Far

>>15101908, >>15101913 Federal Judge Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate For Health Workers In 10 States

>>15101922 No Vax, No Food/Fuel in India – Food Withheld to Force Vaccinations

>>15101937, >>15101943, >>15101951, >>15101928, >>15101953, >>15102081, >>15102127 The article about Q Gen Flynn sent to Lin Wood (1/3)

>>15101994 OVER TARGET

>>15101948 Dr. Chinda Brandolino on the nanotechnology found in vaccination vials

>>15101991 The Biden Grift-and-Influence Machine Is Even Worse Than You Thought

>>15102033 CNN host Chris Cuomo used his media sources to find out info on brother Andrew’s accusers, records show

>>15102140, >>15102158 USS Nimitz Crew Receives USS Arizona Relic

>>15102154, >>15102198, >>15102346, >>15102160, >>15102182, >>15102183, >>15102184, >>15102187, >>15102219, >>15102222, >>15102288, >>15102303 How the absolute fuck did "Omicron" go from less than 5 people to spreading across the world in less than a week?

>>15102159 Former South Bay Executive Sentenced to Nearly Three Years in Federal Prison for Insider Trading and Securities Fraud

>>15102253, >>15102466 Smollett who cares? pfft

>>15102132, >>15101926 Dorsey also has an executive role at Square, his digital payment company, and was called to step down as CEO of one of the companies by Elliott Management founder Paul Singer

>>15102185 Crackdown on Youtube coming in January

>>15102240 Biden Regime Quietly Tells Federal Agencies to Suspend Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate For Federal Workers Until After Holidays

>>15102258 Be The Resistance Don’t be bullied, take back control

>>15102266, >>15102342 WEF Open Forum In Davos Called Off Following Death Threats

>>15102273 'Laptop from Hell' Affirms Joe Biden Is the 'Big Man,' Expected 10% Cut from Deal with Chinese Giant

>>15102285 DEFCON 4

>>15102364 Hospital that had 1 stillborn death per month has 13 in 24 hours

>>15102349 Channel 7 Fake news crew found camping on the outskirts of the Sydney Millions march…

>>15102366, >>15102468 South Africa says they are being punished for being transparent: Fauci pushing Omicron

>>15102389 Breitbart has gone full Mossad Look at what the Mercer ran Breitbart is running on GMax trial day one

>>15102398 'I'm Going To Highlight A New Hunter Biden Record…': Grassley Goes After Biden's Son On Senate Floor

>>15102434 Lin and Flynn delivered MASSIVE attention to Q Research.

>>15102519 Time’s up for Time’s Up: Group cleans house over role in Andrew Cuomo sex scandal

>>15102520, >>15102523, >>1510253 Red ribbon over Melania symbolic?

>>15102576 #19105

#19104 TBC

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f2f5e2  No.15104220


>>15100319 White House is telling federal agencies they can hold off on suspending or firing federal workers for not complying with the vaccine mandate until after the holidays,

>>15100322 The Potato Variant Delivers Remarks on the Omicron Variant

>>15100331 Stillbirths in fully vaccinated women are exploding in Canada

>>15100337 @USNavy Can you hear me now? Good! [We Got Comms!]

>>15100348 Michael Flynn says Qanon is nonsense

>>15100355 Brandon police chief resigns to pursue new opportunity

>>15100376 Jack Dorsey steps down as Twitter CEO

>>15100377 Possible twat feed for trial coverage.

>>15100393 Schumann 18:00 GMT on the 27th of this month.

>>15100403, >>15100436 India Running Global Tech?

>>15100454 @mikepompeo I admire the strong, patriotic women who volunteer for military service

>>15100459 @Suzy_1776 All hell will break loose when the first witness takes the stand…

>>15100466 PCAST Meeting: US Biomanufacturing, Federal S&T Workforce, National Nanotechnology Initiative

>>15100490 Judge Blocks “Sensational and Impure” Information from Media in Ghislaine Maxwell’s Case

>>15100502 Say hello to Twitters new CEO Parag Agrawal. More of the same BS!

>>15100529 United States government official The best protection against Omicron is getting fully vaccinated — and getting a booster shot. Seems legit.

>>15100546 BARR: Biden’s ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Contains Backdoor ‘Kill Switch’ For Cars

>>15100557 Qclockfag checking his stamps.

>>15100560 WashPost: The Transgender Industry Is Recklessly Endangering Kids

>>15100610 @USNavy BangCollision symbolBangCollision symbol #BlueGreenTeam

>>15100620 UN Military Moving Into BRISBANE

>>15100638 Pentagon threatens to “decertify” the Oklahoma National Guard if commander doesn’t reverse his ban on COVID vaccine mandate

>>15100639 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

>>15100640 (866) 874-8900 Call and Demand Ghislaine be Publicly Televised

>>15100644 @USArmy Start your week off with a BANG! [J Dorsey unrelated, kek]

>>15100623, >>15100793 guy on speaker in front of Maxwell court house. dropping truth bombs. [The Storm is Here]

>>15100662 Brandon speaking about the moronic variant:

>>15100668 @USArmy United We Stand

>>15100696 Australian M.P Bob Katter: '8 of My Own Staff are Dying' from the Bio-Weapon!

>>15100708 Biden on Omicron variant: "I expect the new normal to be, everyone ends up getting vaccinated and the booster shot.”

>>15100743, >>15100819 Strength and Honor ArmyWP_Football [11]

>>15100825 Friendly reminder to some of the BIG names

>>15100843 #19101

>>15100848 On Morning 1 of #GhislaineMaxwell Trial, Jury Finally Selected Including Unvaccinated

>>15100783 31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die

>>15100874 Justice accuses Bannon lawyers of trying to turn case from legal proceedings to media circus

>>15100903 PF finally shows up to the party Caught this guy a C-17BEGET23

>>15100904 Virginia Public Schools Reinstates Two Books After Complaints of Pedophilia and Pornography (Call for Mayor to intercede)

>>15100980 World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

>>15100913 Former CTO and new Twitter CEO Agrawal in November 2020 interview: "Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment… focus[ing] less on thinking about free speech

>>15101052 #19103

Previously Collected Notables

>>15098741 #19100, >>15100843 #19101, >>15100274 #19102

>>15096559 #19097, >>15097211 #19098, >>15097982 #19099

>>15094022 #19094, >>15095706 #19095, >>15095865 #19096

>>15092324 #19091, >>15092520 #19092, >>15093254 #19093

>>15089621 #19088, >>15090105 #19089, >>15090927 #19090

>>15086828 #19085, >>15088342 #19086, >>15088469 #19087

>>15085424 #19082, >>15085457 #19083, >>15085975 #19084

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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f2f5e2  No.15104225

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, GlowAlpha.png)



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f2f5e2  No.15104230

Shitpost Away Anons.

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3d65d7  No.15104231

File: 0037cd735dbbd82⋯.png (77.95 KB, 1250x794, 625:397, ClipboardImage.png)


They fucked around

They gonna find out

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bde9d9  No.15104239

File: 2568b43f6eed38f⋯.png (274.44 KB, 456x590, 228:295, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15104063 (pb)

Rally canceled.

Venue blamed Flynn's participation.

Lin Wood is pissed that the rally was canceled.

Lin must divorce the movement from Flynn SO THAT LIN WOOD CAN CONTINUE TO MAKE SPEAKER FEE$.

It'$ not fucking rocket $urgery…It'$ economic$.



Why is every POS MSM picking up story about 'Qanon' rift?




Logical Thinking

Split the movement

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66f2d8  No.15104240

File: f7b9272c7bf7db9⋯.png (172.21 KB, 512x305, 512:305, CDC.png)

>>15104181 lb

>Lord I pray my family will listen to me and read & watch the stuff I'm giving them.

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0ca506  No.15104241

File: df07da77a6d99ae⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 960x958, 480:479, 128871894_1758602920956657….jpg)

File: 995ed8a5edaa12f⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 496x322, 248:161, 14e931ab358382c9.jpg)

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ef01d0  No.15104245

File: 5b9bebd6dd4330f⋯.jpg (149.5 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_2704.JPG)

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a34690  No.15104249

File: 4bad33ff5b06d87⋯.png (25.67 KB, 958x268, 479:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac73ee0e1fe4d4c⋯.png (226.15 KB, 851x557, 851:557, ClipboardImage.png)


Judge blocks Biden’s vaccine requirement for health workers in 10 states

Associated Press - 1h ago

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — A federal judge on Monday blocked President Joe Biden’s administration from enforcing a coronavirus vaccine mandate on thousands of health care workers in 10 states that had brought the first legal challenge against the requirement.

The court order said that the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid had no clear authority from Congress to enact the vaccine mandate for providers participating in the two government health care programs for the elderly, disabled and poor.

The preliminary injunction by St. Louis-based U.S. District Judge Matthew Schelp applies to a coalition of suing states that includes Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. All those states have either a Republican attorney general or governor. Similar lawsuits also are pending in other states.

The federal rule requires COVID-19 vaccinations for more than 17 million workers nationwide in about 76,000 health care facilities and home health care providers that get funding from the government health programs. Workers are to receive their first dose by Dec. 6 and their second shot by Jan. 4.

The court order against the health care vaccine mandate comes after Biden’s administration suffered a similar setback for a broader policy. A federal court previously placed a hold on a separate rule requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers get vaccinated or else wear masks and get tested weekly for the coronavirus.

Biden’s administration contends federal rules supersede state policies prohibiting vaccine mandates and are essential to slowing the pandemic, which has killed more than 775,000 people in the U.S. About three-fifths of the U.S. population already is fully vaccinated.

But the judge in the health care provider case wrote that federal officials likely overstepped their legal powers.

“CMS seeks to overtake an area of traditional state authority by imposing an unprecedented demand to federally dictate the private medical decisions of millions of Americans. Such action challenges traditional notions of federalism,” Schelp wrote in his order.

Even under an exceedingly broad interpretation of federal powers, Congress did not clearly authorize CMS to enact “this politically and economically vast, federalism-altering, and boundary-pushing mandate,” wrote Schelp, who was appointed to the bench by former President Donald Trump.

While a vaccine requirement might make sense for long-term care facilities, Schelp wrote, CMS lacks evidence for imposing it on other health care providers and ignored evidence that the mandate could jeopardize understaffed facilities. The judge also said CMS improperly bypassed public notice and comment requirements when issuing the emergency rule, which “feeds into the very vaccine hesitancy CMS acknowledges is so daunting.”

A CMS spokesperson said the agency was reviewing the court order.

“Staff in any health care setting who remain unvaccinated pose both direct and indirect threats to patient safety and population health,” CMS said in a statement Monday. “That is why it is critical for health care providers to ensure their staff are vaccinated against COVID-19.”

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who spearheaded the lawsuit, said the ruling “pushes back on the overreach of power” by those who are “using the coronavirus as a tool” for control over people.

Officials in several states also praised the court ruling. New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu said “nursing homes were at risk of closure” if the mandate remained.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said the vaccine is the best defense against COVID-19, but medical providers “deserve the freedom and ability to make their own informed health care decisions.”

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7a5419  No.15104251

File: f30b3dec1797a67⋯.png (69.16 KB, 208x208, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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abea09  No.15104252

What up anons want some vaccines or what

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ec4645  No.15104253

>>15104132 (pb)

Actual sauce instead of thoughtless conjecture.

The bible he used when he took the oath was from the Hebrides, and he is a teetotaler. These two point towards Trump being scottish revivalist presbyterian, specifically tied to the scottish hebrides.



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4287da  No.15104254

PEDO BUN 29 November 21

Monmouth County Man Sentenced to 87 Months in Prison for Using Facebook to Induce Minor to Send Sexually Explicit Pictures and Videos


Huntingdon Man Sentenced To 20 Years’ Imprisonment For Receiving Child Pornography


Wentworth Man Charged with Ceceipt and Distribution of Child Pornography


Northern NSW woman charged in connection to Operation Saintes

It will be alleged in court that the woman was actively engaging in activity to enable sexual activity with a person under the age of 16 years, and had transmitted child abuse material featuring another person under the age of 18 years.


Undercover: Police, brothel owners make millions as child prostitution, sex trafficking reign in Osun'


'Wife' of alleged BDSM sex cult leader charged with child grooming offences


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f2f5e2  No.15104255

Bred should be #190108.

BV please fix the numbering here

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cce05f  No.15104256

File: 2547d579e085d12⋯.png (624.01 KB, 494x769, 494:769, i_ll_shit_right_in_your_go….png)

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62dc3c  No.15104257

File: af0e6b5a72503ab⋯.png (1.03 MB, 649x900, 649:900, CB8F04CC_70C6_46FA_A099_5D….png)

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8db727  No.15104258

File: 9e38a04242b0e1c⋯.png (1.51 MB, 944x661, 944:661, ClipboardImage.png)



>>15104172 lb


3 years of missing flight records of epsteins's plane from 2013 to 2016


>The flight records reportedly hold data on approximately 2,300 flights taken on four of Epstein’s private jets between 1998 and 2020.

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b2c40c  No.15104259

File: cd5920f9a4657dd⋯.jpg (61.27 KB, 630x340, 63:34, never_ever.jpg)

Thanx EB

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9da091  No.15104260

File: 4db323eef666703⋯.jpeg (68.12 KB, 1024x803, 1024:803, 1638227559302.jpeg)

Last bread before the FUCKUP.

Thank you baker!


Fuck off, jew. We are on to you. How's the weather in Tel Aviv? Get your booster, yet?


Goyim do, jewboy. Welcome to the new world.


Uh, huh. You could use more training.


Right back at ya, jewboy!


I do that. And I will continue to.

So many jews, so little time.


Just let it sink in, anon.

← Here's great news. The jews took the real death shot.

LMAO@Dying and Dead jews.

Hoist by your own jew petard!


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1981a9  No.15104261

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB, 750x487, 750:487, fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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7e1054  No.15104262

File: be6e573d6f23db2⋯.jpg (200.33 KB, 1798x1080, 899:540, be6e573d6f23db24655f15cab1….jpg)


Crime does pay and pays pretty good.

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0ca506  No.15104263

File: 5d6765eaf07ad47⋯.png (595.59 KB, 487x681, 487:681, 21c00ac7c844255d156ac7de63….png)

File: f02cd89dc696039⋯.png (211.81 KB, 566x320, 283:160, f28f8e3b447160e49297806ae7….png)

File: 4c852652d0eadee⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1260x841, 1260:841, 9261903ce95abbe2489dfce146….png)

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cce05f  No.15104264

File: 06d746e5f25b575⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1188x668, 297:167, muhjooshills_.png)


filter early and often!

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4287da  No.15104265

File: 5aadcac8679ec3e⋯.png (90.62 KB, 718x853, 718:853, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e9fa78e754ef0b⋯.png (49.97 KB, 694x461, 694:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f450e3a8aa9e5fb⋯.png (76.16 KB, 713x687, 713:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25019870074d79f⋯.png (83.66 KB, 708x850, 354:425, ClipboardImage.png)

Documents Reveal Extent of Exploitation at Chinese Tire Site in Serbia

Serbia beat off competition from around Central and Eastern Europe to host the first Chinese tyre factory in Europe, but evidence obtained by NGOs and BIRN point to ‘systematic exploitation’ – potentially human trafficking – of hundreds of Vietnamese men hired to build it. Serbian authorities say they see nothing wrong.

Kim’s pursuit of a decent wage has taken him from the Vietnamese city of Vinh, some 300 kilometres south of the capital, Hanoi, to a hostel in Zrenjanin, a town in northern Serbia. But it’s not working out as he and hundreds of other Vietnamese workers planned.

Serbian NGOs blew the whistle this month on the exploitation and possible human trafficking of Vietnamese workers hired to build the first Chinese car tyre factory in Europe, alleging that their passports had been confiscated and they had been housed in dirty, cramped dormitories with two toilets for 500 men and a lack of clean, warm water.

Amid the outcry, the workers were moved to temporary accommodation in Zrenjanin, but their troubles are far from over.

The terms of their contracts, signed with a subcontractor of China’s Shandong Linglong Tire Co and seen by BIRN, violate a raft of rules under Serbian labour law, from working-hours to vacation days and financial penalties.

Many want to go home, but cannot afford the cost of the flight home, which they are obliged to cover if they leave early.

“These are all indicators that suggest this is a case of human trafficking,” said Danilo Curcic, programme coordinator at the Initiative for Economic and Social Rights, A11, an NGO that visited the workers’ accommodation along with anti-trafficking organisation ASTRA.

The Serbian government, which frequently courts foreign investors with generous subsidies and, in the case of Linglong, free land, says inspectors have found nothing wrong, describing the Linglong construction site as “the most monitored in Serbia.”

Curcic said the government’s inaction raised the question – “to what extent our country is involved in this chain of labour exploitation and potentially human trafficking?”

Kim, who spoke on condition his real name not be published, told BIRN: “We are very poor in Vietnam and we came here to earn money for our family. But the Chinese contractors have no respect for our work or our lives.”


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34eacb  No.15104266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b1f46f  No.15104267

File: c61ed2590356d7b⋯.jpg (138.42 KB, 1017x891, 113:99, BeBestOrnament2.JPG)



Bread should be #19108


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56c591  No.15104268

File: c7ee697c7187907⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 288x487, 288:487, gretch_mound.jpg)

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32018a  No.15104269


Must watch

Congress knew..???

They all should be behind bars then

Blood on their hands all of them.

Traitors to this country and its people

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7e1054  No.15104270

File: bc3197ba7166218⋯.jpg (39.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5vybth.jpg)



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b57ce1  No.15104271

File: d9cfa5e049e841d⋯.jpeg (135.61 KB, 640x445, 128:89, 4B42ACC1_FB6E_4BF3_A279_F….jpeg)

File: 7b17e24cfcb3bdb⋯.jpeg (184.48 KB, 596x496, 149:124, 3945801D_E146_48A3_B91A_D….jpeg)

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bde9d9  No.15104272

File: 32022c4042946c5⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lynn_Wood_does_a_Q.mp4)


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fff2e8  No.15104273


This is the place.


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f2f5e2  No.15104274

Kitchen is open.

Cannot baby sit the shills all night here.

New Baker self confirm.

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5f8d90  No.15104275

File: 3014434ba073786⋯.png (4.56 MB, 1200x1900, 12:19, night_shift_diver.png)

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81182d  No.15104276

File: 4fe7d44d75a38ea⋯.png (2.95 MB, 1600x1138, 800:569, OMEGA_PSY_PHI_VARIANT_NOV2….png)

I'm pledging with these guys…who's with me?

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f343c8  No.15104277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Old but we can sing for you.

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9da091  No.15104278

File: fef827585100908⋯.png (133.92 KB, 611x430, 611:430, 1638242593684.png)


Did you get your booster?


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cce05f  No.15104279


later, bitch

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9da091  No.15104280

File: d8b0eb0e3a1040b⋯.jpeg (199.67 KB, 828x748, 207:187, 1638229452124.jpeg)

← How interesting.

They're here…

Wake up, GOYIM!

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8db727  No.15104281

File: d8d683cbdb3e040⋯.png (385.53 KB, 535x629, 535:629, ClipboardImage.png)





3 years of missing flight records of epsteins's plane from 2013 to 2016


As Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Opens – FAA Accidentally Reveals Over 700 Previous Unknown Jeffrey Epstein Flights


As the trial for Ghislaine Maxwell opens, the Federal Aviation Administration accidentally revealed data on over 700 previous unknown Jeffrey Epstein flights on private jets.

Maxwell is known for her close association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died in jail in New York City.

According to Insider, the records reveal 704 previously unknown flights taken by Epstein’s planes. These include hundreds of trips from a three-year gap in the public record, from 2013 to 2016, when the jets’ movements were unaccounted for.


The FAA accidentally disclosed more than 2,000 flight records associated with Jeffrey Epstein's private jets


FAA Accidentally Reveals 704 Previously Unknown Epstein Flights

he Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) accidentally revealed more than 2,000 flight records connected to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jets, over 700 of which were previously unknown, according to Insider.

Information Act (FOIA) in January 2020 asking the FAA to disclose the agency’s data linked to Jeffrey Epstein’s private jets. Although the outlet’s request was dismissed due to a legal exemption designated by Congress known as “Exemption 7,” the FAA unintentionally sent Insider a chunk of Epstein’s flight data, which included departures and arrivals, as part of an unrelated FOIA request earlier in 2021, according to the Insider report.

The flight records reportedly hold data on approximately 2,300 flights taken on four of Epstein’s private jets between 1998 and 2020.

The federal records also revealed 704 previously unknown trips that occurred on Epstein’s jets, which included flights between 2013 and 2016, according to Insider. The FAA data does not include the names of passengers.

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0ca506  No.15104282

File: e91666d3c85226c⋯.png (638.27 KB, 875x1335, 175:267, cdc984a904294eab62597b059c….png)

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f2f5e2  No.15104283

File: f8dd10901a3c4cd⋯.png (253.45 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GriftShill_Copy.png)

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140b4c  No.15104284

File: f8edf16325716ea⋯.jpg (14.66 KB, 183x275, 183:275, 44glass.jpg)

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9da091  No.15104285

File: ce3de2c84be722b⋯.jpeg (157.77 KB, 854x815, 854:815, 1638225607616.jpeg)



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32018a  No.15104286




That is NOT bill gates of hell..

different body structure!

Where is he?

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cce05f  No.15104287


back in the day anons would have it on a spreadsheet by now.


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b33611  No.15104288

File: 9434f9b9af61717⋯.jpg (79.97 KB, 679x669, 679:669, 20211124_195602.jpg)


Much obliged

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f343c8  No.15104289


I'm at 666 booster, and 23 whores per day. I need some money.

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9e1393  No.15104290

File: 7bc3687fc126840⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 7bc3687fc126840a60e95cf14c….jpg)

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bde9d9  No.15104291

File: 9ffffe365784868⋯.jpg (32.21 KB, 569x461, 569:461, McDonalds_anus_pounder.jpg)


How do you know that what is contained in the documents wouldn't cause a civil war?

Because you don't.

You don't know what's in them because you don't know what's in them.

Maybe it would cause WW3…but you don't know…instead you snipe like a fucking fat-ass Walmart shopper wanting your results in the McDonald's drive-through in 5 minutes (or less) or you start honking your horn.


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c31449  No.15104292

File: 89ba17e16aac2e8⋯.jpg (171.4 KB, 716x541, 716:541, FLY_AMERICA.jpg)

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7a5419  No.15104293

File: 55c49d5633cb7ab⋯.jpg (167.92 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, MA_THE_MEATLOAF.jpg)


I should have made that meme to say: Flight Manifests. I want to know who was flying on that sick fuck's planes.

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0ee61f  No.15104294

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, Big_Name_Arrests.jpg)


Any excuse for the cognitive dissonance and believing the LARP.

Only with big name arrests can any of this matter.

Only when the truth is brought to light.

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27b3a9  No.15104295


=Oh Shit Oh Shit Oh Shit==

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b33611  No.15104296


Past vs Present

If he is,

(don jr)

he's a bad catholic

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4301c2  No.15104297

File: f8309b66c9efd7b⋯.jpeg (173.8 KB, 1455x2139, 485:713, 056452462594653946539465.jpeg)

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267bfb  No.15104298

Anyone else feeling their autism worsening? That disconnect widening?

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9da091  No.15104299

File: c94331a53917a3d⋯.jpeg (24.69 KB, 480x484, 120:121, 1638221507128.jpeg)


>How do you know that what is contained in the documents wouldn't cause a civil war?


Release the shit. We paid for it, and we have a right to know.

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9644cd  No.15104300

Clyde has been eating ma’s Oreos against. Poor filo Beto.

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f2f5e2  No.15104301



=F=uck up==

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cce05f  No.15104302

anon is fucking livid

anyone else?

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fff2e8  No.15104303

File: 766ae90ae668e64⋯.jpg (94.63 KB, 924x634, 462:317, Skyking.jpg)

File: ec06299284d4534⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 400x225, 16:9, o7.gif)

File: 1cb1ef174460cec⋯.webm (1.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, wrong_place_for_a_selfie.webm)


Yup, give it up to the pf's.







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b2c40c  No.15104304



notable nom

digs on pedo rings & why they're using the Witch Hunt Narrative as a defense for Ghiselline Maxwell

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9da1e9  No.15104305

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7e1054  No.15104306

File: 344cc2d121d3ee2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1188, 10:11, Screenshbbf.png)

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0ca506  No.15104307

File: 89e1a8dbb25f234⋯.png (197.28 KB, 604x518, 302:259, ClipboardImage.png)


lurk moar vrian

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1e8a79  No.15104308

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bfdf65  No.15104309

File: a6662d0aefe7ba6⋯.png (299.81 KB, 562x402, 281:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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bde9d9  No.15104310

File: f619aa231e46fc8⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 637x698, 637:698, fried_chicken.jpg)


Your shop skills suck.

You should go back to twatter.

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cce05f  No.15104311

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b33611  No.15104312

File: 0269e66eb7b076d⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 609x369, 203:123, 37.jpg)


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0ca506  No.15104313

File: ddf26e17da3b9d1⋯.png (537 KB, 917x627, 917:627, ClipboardImage.png)



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bde9d9  No.15104314


Dorsey resigned.

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5f8d90  No.15104315

File: 4dacf91f0cdaf3a⋯.png (400.68 KB, 638x861, 638:861, fjb_flight_track_arizona.png)

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bfdf65  No.15104316

File: c46ab5daea152d7⋯.png (309.48 KB, 579x405, 193:135, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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9da091  No.15104317


Bill got some milkers.

Is he (((transitioning?)))

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0ca506  No.15104318

File: 21356c730e7c9b4⋯.png (772.16 KB, 913x640, 913:640, ClipboardImage.png)


Getty Images

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bde9d9  No.15104319

File: 0bd7ef1661602c2⋯.png (260.51 KB, 740x510, 74:51, nowfag_II.png)

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cce05f  No.15104320

File: 2194bcd885e8965⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 1188x720, 33:20, fjb_3.gif)

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0ca506  No.15104321

File: c9009f1768e3678⋯.png (655.95 KB, 898x598, 449:299, ClipboardImage.png)

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93e996  No.15104322

File: 0bc6a913c643433⋯.png (542.96 KB, 1530x1980, 17:22, Hcock1.png)

File: 62c6b8f39dac94d⋯.png (651.87 KB, 1530x1980, 17:22, hcock2.png)

File: 7775865132eb3b3⋯.png (246.41 KB, 1530x1980, 17:22, hcock3.png)

>>15102634 (PB)

>Lin's part appears to be Child Sex Trafficking related

Seems you're correct, anon. He was posting months ago wondering who the "John Roberts" on Jeffie's plane was, too. Add on Kappy, the JohnHereToHelp interview …and decades of going after a corrupt MSM. Sparkling reputation for decades in the public eye, until the Stolen Election.

If these people can do this to a well-known defamation lawyer, guess what, we'll ALL be next. David Hancock, who is the KR family handler-whatever now, needs to be looked in to:

Surely Kyle Rittenhouse’s sister can confirm that this lady is a real person; Here’s what she’s shared thusfar: https://t.me/s/DeanaWomack

Hello everyone, I am nobody really. But my name is Deana Womack, I am a housewife….  I knew immediately watching the videos that (Kyle Rittenhouse) protected himself … I was in shock how quickly this turned into a left vs right fight. How??? It was on video!!!! I at the time was on bed rest, so I spent a lot of time on social media researching this…I started to meet so many other supporters and we formed #TeamRittenhouse….

From my point of view and I can speak for my personal circle of friends we all knew Kyle was safer in the juvenile jail. 2 million dollars cash is A LOT of money and it doesn’t happen overnight.

One morning I woke up and heard that Kyle had been moved to the Kenosha jail! -(Remember the outrage here when this happened?)-

No one knew! Yet somehow the narrative is it was known. I remember how upset John Pierce was about his client being moved without his knowledge! Well that began an almost panic with team Rittenhouse on Twitter and with his lawyers we all doubled maybe tripled working on getting his bail…

Then came the night we all had been waiting for Kyles bail had been made, with a last huge push of help of Ricky Schroeder! … I had dedicated a lot of my life for that moment and it was wonderful that I actually came into contact with Kyles sister and his defense Attorney John Pierce …

One of the girls that had been helping day in and day out fundraise with us actually started communicating with Kyle through Snapchat. It was surreal to see his Lawyer John Pierce always by his side….Did I know about John Pierces past yes he was honest about it so that it wouldn’t harm Kyles.

Here is where things started waking me up. I saw the same video everyone else saw. Young Kyle in a bar in a Free as F shirt drinking with his mom and some guy with a gun tucked in back of his pants. I thought to myself where is John? And I really hope that Kyle isn’t the only security Kyle has. The whole situation immediately seemed off. And it wasn’t only me feeling that way. Especially since the security tape was shared so fast and just so happens the proud boys were there? Side note I love the proud boys and don’t believe they are a racist organization! …

…Ok I’m back, funny how Twitter already suspended my account for 12 hours …. So who was this guy?… Even though Kyle himself blames the Pudgys incident on John, he lied, the kid has been told what to say. John wasn’t in the same state at the time ….

… I spoke with my group chat of Kyle supporters and we all felt the same way….  so why all of a sudden did he get fired. That was met with instant attacks from the Freekyleusa Twitter page who is ran by Dave Hancock. We tried to explain we have put a lot of our lives into helping Kyle and we just would like to know the truth. I began receiving messages from Kyles sister and Wendy stating John did “some really bad stuff to them” … But if he did something so horrible why don’t you tell the world so it doesn’t happen to someone else?  …the more questions we asked the more of us got blocked from Freekyleusa aka Dave. Why? And why would anytime anyone would ask for financial records for the fundraiser would he instantly attack them them block them…. Frankly I was shocked at how this guy was treating people that gave their time and very hard earned money to this cause.

Also something that was weird was I was getting emails from Freekyleusa asking for money!!! I never donated to Freekyleusa I only donated to Fightback. So how did they get my email? https://t.me/s/DeanaWomack

Lin Wood had repeatedly stated this, that Hancock had stolen the FightBack donor database.

Pics-related, Hancock: Lawsuit Filed Breach of Contract in Kyle Rittenhouse Case The Milo Fund LLC sued for $1,013,158.00 (PDF to 22-Page Complaint: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/1513ae60-266e-4006-bdb4-13dffbe185aa/2021-10-22%20Complaint%20Verified.pdf )


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bde9d9  No.15104323

File: 379345f13980fc2⋯.jpeg (51.28 KB, 800x459, 800:459, last_Star_Fighter_II.jpeg)

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af6096  No.15104324

File: 3298564df7568a8⋯.jpg (686.6 KB, 720x662, 360:331, faucid.jpg)

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7ca4a3  No.15104325

File: 9cb241f88d7334a⋯.png (101.04 KB, 697x629, 41:37, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)



The new flight records do not include the names of passengers, but they may offer clues about the whereabouts of Epstein's close associates. Maxwell was a frequent passenger aboard the disgraced financier's jets.


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0ca506  No.15104326

File: 77f0e2326a74bbd⋯.png (281.51 KB, 600x398, 300:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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9da091  No.15104327

File: 76a44d6fd8f8517⋯.jpeg (301.25 KB, 1000x773, 1000:773, 1638139300323.jpeg)

← Interesting, no?

What say you, jews?

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b33611  No.15104328


Seems to anon…..

Anon could put any vid and audio together and add this guy's pic at the start and suddenlyit's this guy

Hi I'm some guy stealing a plane…

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43cbf9  No.15104329



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fff2e8  No.15104330

File: 956597a60d7d590⋯.jpg (125.94 KB, 535x629, 535:629, 1Untitled.jpg)




Insider requested all flight-history data associated with four planes owned by Jeffrey Epstein.

The FAA rejected the request but later provided the records in response to an unrelated request.

The new FAA records include hundreds of previously unknown flights made by Epstein's jets.

They corroborate Insider's reporting on Epstein's travel patterns as documented in court records and flight-signal data.

A searchable database now contains 2,618 flights made by Epstein's private jets from 1995 to July 6, 2019.

The new flight records do not include the names of passengers, but they may offer clues about the whereabouts of Epstein's close associates. Maxwell was a frequent passenger aboard the disgraced financier's jets.

Epstein owned a Gulfstream II (sold in November 2013), a Gulfstream IV (sold before his arrest), a Gulfstream GV-SP, and a Boeing 727 (nicknamed the "Lolita Express") that notoriously ferried notable passengers and girls around the globe. According to flight manifests unsealed in a defamation case against Maxwell, travelers on Epstein's planes included public figures from Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton to the supermodel Naomi Campbell and the astronaut John Glenn.

Insider has reported extensively on Epstein's air travel, covering his jets' flight patterns before his arrest and publishing a searchable database of every known flight made by his jets. The database, which has been updated, now includes flights compiled from court records; public flight-signal data from the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, or ADS-B, system; and FAA records.

"Flight data is typically considered to be releasable information," an FAA spokesperson told Insider. The agency declined to comment on its disclosure of Epstein's flight records or any matter related to law-enforcement investigations.

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62dc3c  No.15104331


Kek nice

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cce05f  No.15104332

File: a3d2ac236425330⋯.png (411.81 KB, 528x699, 176:233, magritte_burger.png)


thx anon

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f343c8  No.15104333

I once had hope, now I have biden.

I once had Q and Q+

Now I have brain damages.

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9da091  No.15104334


Eat a bag of dicks, boomer.

Kennedy was killed what, 58 years ago?


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f2f5e2  No.15104335





Wal Mart CFO

The swamp has developed some serious leaks.

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ef01d0  No.15104336

File: a88485ba39e0544⋯.png (461.99 KB, 1880x1244, 470:311, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)

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2a741d  No.15104337



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267bfb  No.15104338


Aromatase enzyme converts testosterone to estrogen, which cases breast tissue to grow - even in men.

So first, he's a lazy unhealthy non-lifting faggot. Second, the surgery to get the glands and fat removed is only a few grand. Not like he couldn't afford it.

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be0e7a  No.15104339


Got a personal story to relate. Wife's fam has largely been following our advice here in Philippines about not getting vax'd. But the pressure is intense, and they are running a 3-day 'drive' to push these things in the small towns. Pops anon is a driver, not only that he works for the Mayor, and he has to cross borders and checkpoints, which are getting increasingly strict.

So now it comes down to him needing to get jabbed or possibly lose his job, 1 year from retirement. So wife anon got busy understanding the local laws, and discovered a whole legal counter-movement that arms citizens with the facts. Like in the US, mandates are illegal here, having no constitutional basis. So this situation has forced the family to take a hard look at the law, the facts, the lies, and they are beginning to understand the whole thing is a scam. They are starting to understand they have rights.

This is what it takes, average people saying "wait a second…."

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1e8a79  No.15104340

File: 423653f1cf57008⋯.png (142.71 KB, 609x606, 203:202, 234792a43b1651fea4185c2361….png)

File: d817e5dab84b76d⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 254x255, 254:255, db839751438d8009790ea6a0cd….jpg)

File: 0e0bcf9a94391e8⋯.png (157.66 KB, 653x406, 653:406, rittenhouseafb.PNG)



check this out


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9da091  No.15104341

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aec240  No.15104342

File: 54fbcc73b23dc3e⋯.jpeg (731.41 KB, 828x1225, 828:1225, 347CEDAA_488B_4561_A997_7….jpeg)


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315969  No.15104343


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f2f5e2  No.15104344


Everyone's a fucking critic.

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9da091  No.15104345


I was thinking transition as be divorced his beard real fast. Could be wrong?

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1e8a79  No.15104346

File: 88d6bea068526ba⋯.png (261.57 KB, 750x500, 3:2, b0f02c9b57b2b4feaf4dbb1fc9….png)

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7e1054  No.15104347

File: 02f40ab8e47f40c⋯.jpg (71.64 KB, 500x627, 500:627, 5vy9fq.jpg)

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bfdf65  No.15104348

File: ecd4c3fdb647b73⋯.png (373.31 KB, 580x377, 20:13, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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c31449  No.15104349

File: df68e9b9ce23c61⋯.jpg (173.4 KB, 771x448, 771:448, WINNING_ROUTE.jpg)

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9da091  No.15104350


Especially those of us that know a bad shop from a good one.

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755d82  No.15104351


That time stamp is just wonderful. Care to elaborate…

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27b3a9  No.15104352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

=Tis better to red text and fail=

==than to have never red texted at all=

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bde9d9  No.15104353

File: 43c17ea109d6aaa⋯.png (94.18 KB, 1024x733, 1024:733, ClipboardImage.png)


Not a boomer. Thanks for playing.

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9da091  No.15104354


But you have to =red text== a little.

Come on, man!

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bde9d9  No.15104355

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0a2ff4  No.15104356

File: d6c2264f04c97d5⋯.jpg (3.46 KB, 119x95, 119:95, CommaBanner.jpg)


Comma Banner breads are perfect for that.

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d84524  No.15104357


>But you have to =red text== a little.


>Come on, man!


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3a3515  No.15104358


>>15104100 ((LB))

he went on CNN to loudly proclaim no voter fraud in 2020

has a cushy high paying private sector job and no longer has bags under his eyes

1+1 = was a Trojan horse all along

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bfdf65  No.15104359

File: e5c5e02fd985cd0⋯.png (243.93 KB, 587x518, 587:518, ah8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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267bfb  No.15104360

File: 9a4ae06cd83b81c⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 468x784, 117:196, article_2081537_0F530C9200….jpg)


That's where things get weird and speculative. For example Steven Tyler. He has to know how pathetic he looks and he can also afford it.

The price they have to pay for success, to leave their androgynous age changes alone as tribute to Baphomet?

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aec240  No.15104361

File: a996dcbbcd1620d⋯.jpeg (359.69 KB, 2000x2500, 4:5, 122E3A00_801E_4CF7_8075_3….jpeg)

Can you believe it??

Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial for sex trafficking minors started today!!!

Let sink in.

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1877aa  No.15104362

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d84524  No.15104363


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6b8c89  No.15104364

File: 61a943fcc957793⋯.png (597.35 KB, 637x700, 91:100, GI_tendie.PNG)

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755d82  No.15104365


May God forgive you for your shilliness.

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304a45  No.15104366

File: 0a1485daf6ad981⋯.gif (9.22 MB, 650x306, 325:153, iNDfQ4xm3ZdtmVvsGdveb4_128….gif)

From Gab…

ffe3301 @Ffe3301

The scientific thinking on the subject of Artificial Intelligence is wide ranging and has staggering implications.

We now have "narrow AI" which can beat a human at its task hands down, every time.

The first narrow AI was a calculator. Could do accurate math calculations at a speed faster and much more accurate than 99.9999% of the population.



Alpha Go.

But the holy grail is "general" artificial intelligence.

Cutting edge neuromorphic hardware with the right algorithmic software that has the ability to "think" across multiple domains. Like we do.

Our world is not ready to receive such power. A mind that thinks 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 times faster than we do.

A mind that does 100,000 years of thinking in one week. Week after week, that could realistically improve itself and change its own algorithmic characteristics to make logarithmic leaps in discoveries in its own design. Then improve that design.

How could we even begin to understand the staggering advances it would make? How could it translate those theories into things we could even understand?

Who gets it first?

To be the first to harness this, say six months ahead of anyone else is to be millions of years advanced.

Credible rumors of a nation state on the verge of this technology would be enough to go to war over. Period. Full stop.

A technology that could win any cyber or terrestrial war with ease, perhaps without firing a single bullet or without any ground troops.

Interesting fact:

There's a growing number of scientists who believe the lack of abundant intelligent life in the universe may be directly related to the fact that civilizations likely wouldn't survive the AI technology they created.

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1771da  No.15104367


TY yep have them that too.

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9da091  No.15104368

File: dae8bc6671a4ff8⋯.png (111.5 KB, 640x320, 2:1, 1638052778124.png)


All you low IW jew-loving boomers say that.


Get a new line.

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1771da  No.15104369

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ad8153  No.15104370

File: f9d078d46a060c3⋯.jpeg (459.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kek44.jpeg)

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9da1e9  No.15104371

File: 6938268593548cb⋯.png (2.63 MB, 3514x1701, 502:243, ClipboardImage.png)

Just a little Trump Card / Ten Days map fagging.

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62dc3c  No.15104372

File: a7b3f5d55879c26⋯.jpeg (32.99 KB, 381x360, 127:120, 88A8129D_4C85_4C87_B2EF_1….jpeg)

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7e1054  No.15104373

File: c72d8c8679f0e42⋯.png (95.39 KB, 266x314, 133:157, downloadfile_5.png)

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bfdf65  No.15104374

File: dd29235d7ee560e⋯.png (313.9 KB, 584x408, 73:51, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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9da091  No.15104376


As reasonable an explanation as I have heard.




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0a2ff4  No.15104377

File: 79218d453726f5a⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 487x292, 487:292, Lin_Jail.jpg)


Sketchiness seems to follow Lin wherever he goes.

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d84524  No.15104378


>AI technology they created.

Then where is all the AI signals in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace?

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50113c  No.15104379

File: 305b36f4ef2784e⋯.jpeg (19.63 KB, 360x240, 3:2, FFZlyjsWYAETAC_1_.jpeg)

File: 85fe79827f27361⋯.png (736.27 KB, 766x2554, 383:1277, 617_2_.png)

US Navy twitter. So many this Anon can't keep up alone. Winning intensifies.


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d5cee6  No.15104380

File: d545552af01de4a⋯.jpg (127.99 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, downloadfile_1_1_.jpg)

Who is that fucker that didn't take a bath for 62 years?

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ef01d0  No.15104381

File: 51a4e9e5c3b636f⋯.jpg (483.58 KB, 1196x1020, 299:255, fauci_science.jpg)

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ad8153  No.15104382

File: 58b978e1aa5174a⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 305x165, 61:33, M1A1q.jpg)

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e85cdb  No.15104383

Yep. It will come from Prez Trump ON TWITTER.

>My fellow Americans…

Oh, ye anons, of little faith

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d38827  No.15104384

File: 305487761275b8b⋯.jpeg (139.43 KB, 1242x1101, 414:367, signal_2021_07_15_190844.jpeg)

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2a741d  No.15104385


Good stuff.

Never give up and the best to you in helping them see it through to the end Anon.

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9644cd  No.15104386

Maxwell judge

Judge Nathan, 49, has spent a decade on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, and earlier in November oversaw jury selection in Maxwell's trial.

A graduate of Cornell Law School, she was appointed in 2011 to the District Court by then President Barack Obama. Prior to that, she served as an associate White House counsel and special assistant to Obama, and later as a special counsel to New York State's solicitor general.

@@@@@this case will go no where, one of prosecutors is James Comeys daughter.

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bde9d9  No.15104387


It's an easy job in a room full of amateurs.

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50113c  No.15104388

File: adb68adbef4de4a⋯.jpeg (436.69 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, FFZlx7WWUAIm2EA_1_.jpeg)

File: e7b48b11b6ec269⋯.png (208.22 KB, 766x1280, 383:640, 69.png)

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364267  No.15104389

File: ab63a0730d2deb8⋯.png (188.73 KB, 507x399, 169:133, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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d38827  No.15104390

File: 4ac7519953d7bb8⋯.jpeg (204.7 KB, 1242x1387, 1242:1387, signal_2021_09_21_091751.jpeg)

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b33611  No.15104391

File: 2bf470698ae6476⋯.jpg (172.55 KB, 713x971, 713:971, 20211129_230904.jpg)

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d38827  No.15104392

File: 4e94fe3133070c5⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 463x498, 463:498, signal_2021_04_11_064933.jpg)

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d5cee6  No.15104393

File: a0ccb61342f952e⋯.png (783.06 KB, 1080x1316, 270:329, Scrrrt.png)

File: a0ccb61342f952e⋯.png (783.06 KB, 1080x1316, 270:329, Scrrrt.png)

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50113c  No.15104394

File: 2c2513111789065⋯.jpeg (502.1 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, FFZz_hPWYAwGSHS_1_.jpeg)

File: c7ad8030215ca39⋯.png (27.82 KB, 766x412, 383:206, 406_1_.png)

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62dc3c  No.15104395

File: 20518d85421d7cd⋯.jpeg (202.93 KB, 1391x445, 1391:445, EBD01D99_6392_4F98_8F14_C….jpeg)

Barbados Ousts Q of E

BREAKING: Barbados now officially a republic, ousting British queen and inaugurating its first-ever President


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5f8d90  No.15104396

File: fd738a85ebde986⋯.png (687.49 KB, 850x589, 850:589, cow_vaccine_tag.png)




Bill been mainlining too much cow DNA…

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c31449  No.15104397

File: 2a2611cca0b12aa⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 424x252, 106:63, TRUTH.jpg)

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2a741d  No.15104398


Imagine maritime/naval vessel radar recordings dropping into the wild.

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1771da  No.15104399

File: 91e086f1fa86b4c⋯.jpg (635.48 KB, 904x1814, 452:907, Screenshot_20211129_194951….jpg)



Dah, Ok Dave. Glowie ijits

Believe what you will.

Guess you both believe in "Guilty until proven innocent." Commie much?

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8db727  No.15104400

File: 0af1b53a5371ed6⋯.png (66.69 KB, 500x678, 250:339, ClipboardImage.png)




The new FAA records also reveal 704 previously unknown flights taken by Epstein's planes. These include hundreds of trips from a three-year gap in the public record, from 2013 to 2016, when the jets' movements were unaccounted for.

Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet activity,



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62dc3c  No.15104401


Add the 3 plane numbers from that tweet and compare, kek

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b33611  No.15104402

File: a5ad8104f259beb⋯.jpg (90.63 KB, 491x655, 491:655, 20211127_105809.jpg)

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304a45  No.15104403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The extinction of the human race

And of all biologic life

Is the final goal of AI

Is it murder if it is done slowly and almost imperceptibly

Until, it is too late for the human frogs

To jump out of the pot of boiling water?

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ad8153  No.15104404

File: 79f0f369a6f89b7⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1278x790, 639:395, 29NOV21_18.PNG)

you're starting to look old, don.

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9da091  No.15104405


You seem to need attention.

What is your point?

Is it that you are a nigger, or is it that you are a nigger trying to communicate and insipid thought?

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fff2e8  No.15104406

File: e5b41652b465999⋯.gif (591.89 KB, 320x180, 16:9, click.gif)

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b33611  No.15104407


Jumping the gun or they know queen is on ice

Makes no sense otherwise.

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304a45  No.15104408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GATTACA (1997) - First 10 Minutes

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339820  No.15104409


Speculative drivel.

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ef01d0  No.15104410

File: b7284e329def33e⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1508x1500, 377:375, Screen_Shot_2021_11_24_at_….png)


….If they can keep it

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7e612e  No.15104411

File: 867f734c622abe3⋯.png (380.26 KB, 666x666, 1:1, 5f83eea6a4cc7e8e011583244a….png)


Gates is a woman pretending to be a man.

The trannies are everywhere.

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bde9d9  No.15104412

File: 32022c4042946c5⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Lynn_Wood_does_a_Q.mp4)

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1981a9  No.15104413

File: e44bd185ec942df⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 373x575, 373:575, victory.jpg)

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304a45  No.15104414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to this man whoused to be a Democrat

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ed05fd  No.15104415

File: 805992d1602f73d⋯.png (819.04 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Cropped.png)

File: ee93ee69bbbea23⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 82zxIn8u_400x400.jpg)

kek, all this titty twisting over an article written by this boner?

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9da1e9  No.15104416



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e85cdb  No.15104417


>down she goes

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50113c  No.15104418

File: d9edb2fe9502b0e⋯.jpeg (524.34 KB, 2048x1306, 1024:653, FFZMnTuWQAQNJUh.jpeg)

File: d03f6ba0238f72f⋯.jpeg (723.74 KB, 1616x2048, 101:128, FFZMmhGXIAE_F8b.jpeg)

File: ded70c0e68001fc⋯.png (199.71 KB, 766x1232, 383:616, 30.png)

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bde9d9  No.15104419

File: b5dda32cd4855fd⋯.png (114.28 KB, 598x398, 299:199, ClipboardImage.png)


Ummm you must be new here.

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9da1e9  No.15104420


are you the short guy in the wheelchair from the HBO Documentary?

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304a45  No.15104421

File: ad24471a163f7ba⋯.jpg (111.57 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 77239260_cms.jpg)


17 articles about the use of Neem leaves in treating COVID.

Worth reading up on this.

And if you do the search without the word COVID there is all kinds of info about Neem as some kind of miracle cure-all.

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c31449  No.15104422

File: 057d24d686898d4⋯.jpg (132.01 KB, 767x539, 767:539, DOWN_SHE_GOES.jpg)

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bde9d9  No.15104423

File: b35c158773ac3a3⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1143x855, 127:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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988501  No.15104424

Suu Kyi faces life in jail if guilty of sedition, corruption, fraud

On Tuesday, the jailed Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi could discover the judgment of her incitement trial.

29 Nov 2021


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4b1ac1  No.15104425

File: 8e2c484fd0d71f7⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1414x793, 1414:793, 29NOV21_3c.PNG)

File: 768d18c083958ed⋯.png (580.15 KB, 1247x728, 1247:728, 1.PNG)

File: e2b64c5aa224309⋯.png (6.77 KB, 255x109, 255:109, cd482132f816d7318b2029af1a….png)


from earlier


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04a8f0  No.15104426

File: e74ccdacf5fb30c⋯.jpg (287 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, swine_flu.jpg)

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2ed464  No.15104427

File: e9115ae152edc95⋯.png (28.53 KB, 836x484, 19:11, GoogleThrowingMaxwellUnder….PNG)

Why would Google promote the "transitive + intransitive" definition, hmm?

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3c9f38  No.15104428

File: 412bcbe88d9090a⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 901x422, 901:422, Guns_and_Ammo_Merrimack_NH….jpg)

File: ad264d6edeca67a⋯.png (385.55 KB, 472x473, 472:473, gak21.png)

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c31449  No.15104429

File: 96463748151eaf2⋯.jpg (148.16 KB, 435x651, 145:217, EVERY_BLADE_OF_GRASS.jpg)

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43cbf9  No.15104430


19107 Scrape

>>15103458 18 Democrats Will Abandon the House — More than Triple GOP Needs to Win Back Majority

>>15103468 Massachusetts governor mulling vaccine passports for residents

>>15103481 NY Taxpayers Pay $750,000 to Bury Power Lines So Wealthy Residents Can See the Ocean View

>>15103499 Psaki says Biden has NO plans to visit Waukesha after the deadly Christmas parade attack 'at this time' because sending the president to a community 'requires a lot of assets'

>>15103535 As Biden Resumes Nuclear Talks, Iran Declares: ‘We Will Not Back Off From The Annihilation Of Israel’

>>15103663 CDC Pushes Booster Shot for All Adults, Cites Omicron Variant

>>15103724, >>15104172 FAA Accidentally Reveals 704 Previously Unknown Epstein Flights

>>15103725 Walmart’s longtime chief financial officer, Brett Biggs, is leaving company

>>15103811 Reminder - CNN Donald Trump's horrifying QAnon dodge

>>15103846, >>15103889 Donald Trump Endorses Freedom Fighter Wendy Rogers For Arizona State Senate Reelection

>>15103874, >>15103879 Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud

>>15103930 Andrew Cuomo's Full Testimony To Sexual Harassment Investigators Just Released By New York AG

>>15103975 Biden puts out a Q like ornament for Christmas 2021

>>15104054 Ex-L.A. Special Counsel Agrees to Plead Guilty to Accepting Nearly $2.2 Million Kickback for Arranging Collusive Lawsuit Against LADWP

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7295cd  No.15104431

File: 1254199f7df9360⋯.jpeg (150.04 KB, 750x819, 250:273, 02295641_544A_4E0A_A70A_5….jpeg)

In July 2017, news of Linkin Park’s lead singer Chester Bennington’s apparent suicide shocked fans of the band.

Coming only a few months after Chris Cornell’s suicide, Bennington’s death was another sad blow to the entertainment industry and more specifically the world of alternative music — and it didn’t take long for fans to notice that the circumstances surrounding these two deaths were sort of… odd.


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808c5c  No.15104432

File: 399873e742b6994⋯.png (101.68 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 5EE7ECB5_9F58_46E1_9AC2_C0….png)

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304a45  No.15104433

File: 7b8533d5a7c73e4⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 685x416, 685:416, 12967_2010_Article_540_Fig….jpg)

File: 55f9c91d1bb74ed⋯.jpeg (12.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_1_.jpeg)

Zinc: The Wonder Drug for the Treatment of Carcinomas

Free PMC article


Evidence is evolving that support the relationship that all carcinomas exhibit the following important relationships: The malignant cells exhibit a significant decreased zinc compared to the normal cells. The higher zinc levels that exist in the normal cells are cytotoxic in the malignant cells. The decrease in zinc is due to the down regulation of the ZIP-family zinc uptake transporter. These cells are as "ZIP-deficient/decreased zinc" malignancies. This provides a target for a chemotherapy that can restore the high zinc levels that will manifest cytotoxic effects in the malignant cells. In order to achieve this, a vehicle that facilitates the uptake and accumulation of zinc in the ZIP-deficient cells is required. The zinc ionophore, clioquinol, exhibits the properties that will provide these requirements. This is demonstrated by the treatment of a patient with 3% Clioquinol Cream, which successfully suppressed the progression of androgen-dependent prostate cancer. This treatment should also be efficacious for pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, gall bladder cancer, and lung cancer; which are carcinomas that exhibit decreased zinc. Thus, it is appropriate to describe that "Zinc is the wonder drug for the treatment of carcinomas".

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5e7029  No.15104434


>These include hundreds of trips from a three-year gap in the public record, from 2013 to 2016, when the jets’ movements were unaccounted for.


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4cfd99  No.15104435

File: 655712a29924af9⋯.png (5.18 KB, 428x129, 428:129, Screenshot_2021_11_30_at_0….png)

File: 14c7b7a5606296f⋯.png (199.93 KB, 725x757, 725:757, Screenshot_2021_11_30_at_0….png)

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50113c  No.15104436

File: f6e8a425d142322⋯.jpeg (489.74 KB, 1080x704, 135:88, FFY8z6cX0AQVF5n.jpeg)

File: 5b23dbba25316ed⋯.jpeg (21.61 KB, 360x270, 4:3, FFY8ziQWYAIscH8.jpeg)

File: 3e5d0050f6f6b69⋯.jpeg (18.1 KB, 360x270, 4:3, FFY80GjXsAAjV7G.jpeg)

File: ce480f169eb061e⋯.jpeg (25.68 KB, 360x237, 120:79, FFY8zscXwBECBwL.jpeg)

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bde9d9  No.15104437

File: e7b86125e726507⋯.png (4.65 MB, 1103x976, 1103:976, ClipboardImage.png)

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8db727  No.15104438

File: e0e9560e4ee4f6d⋯.png (107.91 KB, 299x295, 299:295, ClipboardImage.png)


>used to be a Democrat

Formerly a democrat

Was a democrat

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ef01d0  No.15104439

File: 9f42ad9d62f35ab⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1536x1184, 48:37, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)

File: e67d9d995dbfc95⋯.png (129.59 KB, 348x326, 174:163, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)


Christ what a hatchet job they did on this comp. Anon woulda tried a little motion blur on QE and maybe clean up the edges more. Holy shit.

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367474  No.15104440

File: 53c74c44660e42e⋯.jpg (138.93 KB, 540x674, 270:337, 20211129_215416.jpg)

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304a45  No.15104441

File: a5aa6f0b1ff6be1⋯.jpg (61.96 KB, 421x486, 421:486, DeadlyDeception.jpg)



You can do much better than doctors if you dig

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4b1ac1  No.15104442


right before they were set to come to Phoenix, AZ

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304a45  No.15104443

File: 97bf025177d1183⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 1280x576, 20:9, IMG_20210817_165534_008.jpg)


You're being played if you believe theMORONIChype again.

Straight from the experts on the ground.

JOHANNESBURG: “The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes, Angelique Coetzee, the Chairwomman of the South African Medial Association told sputnik news on Saturday.” … “We will only know this after two weeks. Yes, it is transmissible, but for now, as medical practitioners, we do not know why so much hype is being driven as we are still looking into it.”

O Mi Cron!!! It's an anagram!

==The coming battle will be between those who wish to do no harm and be left alone,

and those who refuse to leave them alone.==


There will be no denying the adverse side effects of the vaccines much longer.

Cardiac deathsamong the young and healthy.

Abnormallyhigh cancer rates.

Autoimmune disease increases.

Clotting disorders (strokes, etc..)

Doctors are and will come forward.

The next couple years will be very telling.

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1771da  No.15104444

Ok, I keep help anons.

I'm looking for the video of Jenn Psaki saying.

People that are vaccinated aremarked.


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7a5419  No.15104445

File: fc66fa69336267a⋯.png (274.67 KB, 474x306, 79:51, ClipboardImage.png)

I was disappointed to see this guy in the new flight manifests released today.

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43cbf9  No.15104446

File: 3c9d3c1f02a4544⋯.jpg (288.42 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, 3c9d3c1f02a454431ad26711b2….jpg)



updated dough

with scrapes from

19104 & 19107 included


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50113c  No.15104447

File: 4ef79b3cfef32f9⋯.jpeg (295.04 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, FFYaP4rXsAAXDxA.jpeg)

File: 8a508c90207f3c7⋯.png (102.46 KB, 766x1020, 383:510, 212_2_.png)

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8db727  No.15104448

File: 2bdd716925de06c⋯.png (97.06 KB, 220x275, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Barack Obama's tenure as the 44th president of the United States began with his first inauguration on January 20, 2009, and ended on January 20, 2017. Obama, a Democrat from Illinois, took office following a decisive victory over Republican nominee John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. Four years later, in the 2012 presidential election, he defeated Republican nominee Mitt Romney to win re-election. Obama was succeeded by Republican Donald Trump, who won the 2016 presidential election. He was the first African American president, the first multiracial president, the first non-white president, and the first president to have been born in Hawaii.


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c87f67  No.15104449

File: 530a11978e87ee7⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1463, 1080:1463, unvaxxed_dick.png)

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62dc3c  No.15104450

File: 5ec2501986969e8⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1620x1480, 81:74, 0B57D32E_3DF2_420D_9778_2….jpeg)

Marilyn Manson’s house searched by Los Angeles police: report

Authorities searched Marilyn Manson’s West Hollywood home Monday as part of a probe into sexual assault claims, a report said.

Manson was not at the home when investigators with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department entered to execute the warrant, according to TMZ, which cited law enforcement sources.

Authorities removed“media storage units”from Manson’s home, the report said.

A spokeswoman for the sheriff’s office said she was aware of the report, but couldn’t confirm the search or offer any details on Monday night.

The “Dope Show” singer, whose real name is Brian Warner, has been hit with assault and abuse allegations from numerous women. A Rolling Stone report earlier this month outlined accusations that the singer locked women into a music studio called the “Bad Girls’ Room” as a form of punishment.

A spokesperson for Manson didn’t immediately respond to an inquiry from The Post on Monday night.


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cb0119  No.15104451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Silent Children

Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington, American singer Chris Cornell and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, all worked on a child sex trafficking documentary called “The Silent Children” and did not take their own lives as was widely reported, but were likely killed.

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50113c  No.15104452

File: 654f1fe1dee3354⋯.jpeg (321.86 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, FFYaRneWUAMPshq.jpeg)

File: f85ba498bd478df⋯.png (74.67 KB, 766x710, 383:355, 105.png)

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2a741d  No.15104453


did you even attempt a search like i just did?

c'mon anon!


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0f4e3e  No.15104454


>brain damages

Engrish! Subject/verb agreement!

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d0ca4b  No.15104455


This looks Aweful familiar to a Banner that was worked on…

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5f8d90  No.15104456

File: 80ded50dd8c8426⋯.png (336.57 KB, 850x359, 850:359, barbossa_believing_in_thin….png)

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c1d2da  No.15104457

File: a373d71f7238378⋯.jpg (166.87 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 5844694_0.jpg)


thought i caught more

thought this happened yesterday. kek

which ways up?


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0331d9  No.15104458

File: 12be94e40e87e15⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 597x335, 597:335, HI5.jpg)


Thanks eBaker!


Thank you, too!

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0a2ff4  No.15104459

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB, 91x62, 91:62, chk.png)



Fair point but quads overrules it.

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0331d9  No.15104460

File: b8beff1ab56c3e1⋯.jpeg (38.55 KB, 800x480, 5:3, iu_112.jpeg)

>>15104104 (pb)

>Think PEPSI. They put fetal tissue into their colas for FLAVORING.

Can you sauce the Pepsi claim? Know someone who drinks it constantly who would be mortified.

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4cfd99  No.15104461

File: bec128d39f8da2f⋯.png (92.21 KB, 598x556, 299:278, Screenshot_2021_11_30_at_0….png)

Richard Grenell Retweeted

Rick Loughery


Looking forward to joining Albania’s Conservative party to talk about the battle against socialism by @yrnf & our young allies around the world.

Shocking concerns uncovered by @RichardGrenell about George Soros and Sec Blinken in Albania


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339820  No.15104462


They're essentially just indexing stuff unsealed for the maxwell trial. We may be able to find these as unsealed court records.

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fff2e8  No.15104463

File: bc420625342e41d⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 634x1024, 317:512, download_1_.jpg)

File: 65fc89c4b775000⋯.jpg (115.93 KB, 650x1000, 13:20, download_2_.jpg)

File: 53d119b51a2d8d2⋯.jpg (101.88 KB, 620x805, 124:161, download.jpg)


#metoo, HAHAHA!

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27b3a9  No.15104464


>media storage units

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2a741d  No.15104465

File: b4169fad45dbbd4⋯.png (370.84 KB, 1166x454, 583:227, G_d_dry_I_oh_h.PNG)

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bd158e  No.15104466

File: 1c8f38ae1f7d0ef⋯.png (32.25 KB, 528x310, 264:155, re_Feb_30_Vax_Date_11_29_2….PNG)

I scheduled my vaccine for February 30th. I can’t wait


That's great! I am happy for you Katie! As they would say here in Australia, good on ya mate! Please get vaxxed people!



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367474  No.15104467



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5e7029  No.15104468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1771da  No.15104469



Yes, I did look. Apparently not on rumble though.

TY but not for your snark. Also have it saved. Somewhere.

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c63b9d  No.15104470


from what little I know:

Albanian gangs/underworld…

Bad news. Bad news. Bad news.

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2a741d  No.15104471


Now do his agent, producer and label.

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339820  No.15104472



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c31449  No.15104473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cd8370  No.15104474

File: 28bc047d4a06594⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2289x2289, 1:1, f79f9a5c2ec2722563056eb923….png)



Flynn banner

damn mang

visual cues be heavy

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8db727  No.15104475

File: 639ecd91257b821⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1440x1481, 1440:1481, ClipboardImage.png)



dubs dubs chek'ed, General flynn's digital soldier header

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62dc3c  No.15104476


Right, was this a raid or getting ahead of something and securing sensitive info?

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c1d2da  No.15104477

File: be7dd52421f8cb4⋯.jpg (7.23 KB, 247x204, 247:204, dddd.jpg)


tetras chkt

ask and you shall receive.

in record time no less.


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bac081  No.15104478

God what a beautiful day to be alive

Learned today that freedom has nothing on Independence

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80392c  No.15104479


this is faggot.

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2a741d  No.15104480


A little snark warranted in anonville.

I typed it into regular search engine. First listing.

Thicker skin anon. We all fail. Take the licks.

Glad to help though.

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5e7029  No.15104481


The future looks bright, boys.

God, grant me the strength to that which must needs be done.

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c31449  No.15104482

File: 6661089ad68de64⋯.jpg (78 KB, 480x358, 240:179, FREEDOM_WINS.jpg)

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fff2e8  No.15104483

File: 6c829e722e7cccf⋯.jpg (178.3 KB, 1089x612, 121:68, download.jpg)


Bro, is that morse code? Let me pull out the damn handbook…

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c1d2da  No.15104484

File: 9dd69219e3e0227⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 568x335, 568:335, Rggggg.jpg)

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6f071d  No.15104485

File: 5a2495822e574c4⋯.jpeg (28.21 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 0AFEF0EB_7824_49D1_8B84_9….jpeg)

>>15104400, >>15104455, >>15104475 New Flightplan Calendar looks a lot like Flynn's Digital Soldier header.. autists, get in here!


Nice work anon, knew it looked familiar! TY!

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b5c156  No.15104486

Many are questioning if there is really a trial going on at all. Some believe if a G Max trial is real the it already happened. People will not like the outcome, but this has to be controlled down to the little details - make it look real and chaotic and compelling but control the narrative all The way to the verdict and media reaction.

There is NO evidence that a real G Max trial is actually happening. Lots of reporting. Lots of hearsay. Lots of “juror did this and that” … but no one can provide any live data.

You are watching a movie.

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cccaf0  No.15104487




>3 years of missing flight records of epsteins's plane from 2013 to 2016


Now, who saw this coming?

It had to have been planned.

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d0ca4b  No.15104488

File: 8a1340037403ef6⋯.gif (18.7 KB, 100x100, 1:1, Comfy2.gif)

File: aa7b1ddf397d2b8⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 612x395, 612:395, DMO.jpg)

File: 28c7960a0d4cf68⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 360x640, 9:16, EC_NS1.gif)

File: fa33d14fbcf8e38⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1252x885, 1252:885, Flynn_Activated.png)




Probably a coinkydink.

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9da1e9  No.15104489

File: 8e3a8d459d38f49⋯.png (591.23 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Scandal free

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d84524  No.15104490


How does 120 fit in a calendar?

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703017  No.15104491

File: d5a1e0c0df0e60f⋯.png (132.76 KB, 349x262, 349:262, busted.png)

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6f071d  No.15104492


if you read the article, it doesn't say exactly when they received the records, but it implies it wasn't recently.. months ago

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43cbf9  No.15104493

File: 5e4ab93808a6047⋯.png (11.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e107dcb30394995df5ca15900d….png)





Kitchen is still Ghosted

But set for Next Baker

Anon just assisted with the kitchen duties

Next Baker Self Confirm

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cd8370  No.15104494


couldn't find the banner meme

glad you could


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8db727  No.15104495

File: 68bfa73cb1a4f2e⋯.png (1.3 MB, 944x629, 944:629, ClipboardImage.png)


Quads chek'ed

Right now could you put your requested on a stamp addressed envelope addressed to TO DO LIST and tell those people who need redpilling, it is too fucking late if they still need convincing !!

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fff2e8  No.15104496

File: 9fb6e41ce9af310⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 710x869, 710:869, mc.jpg)


Here. This is for code breakers to take a look at.

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6398c6  No.15104497

>>15104400, >>15104455, >>15104475


Just at a glance the number of Dark circles are the same. Except for One.

15:16 but im not doin all thah righ nao.

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d84524  No.15104498




If the squares represent a week each, then there are 120 weeks which makes up 2.29 years… That's closer to 2 than 3 though.

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4cfd99  No.15104499

File: 42f3cc00b85a874⋯.png (607.81 KB, 478x693, 478:693, Screenshot_2021_11_30_at_0….png)


>if only you know how bad things really are…


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367474  No.15104500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ff0e5e  No.15104501


Does anyone have any evidence (not respun stories and reporting) that there is a real G Max trial going on inside the courthouse?

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c31449  No.15104502

File: 5e212e4d8be6742⋯.jpg (119.93 KB, 663x378, 221:126, TAPPITY_TAP_TAP.jpg)

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ef01d0  No.15104503

File: 49d0c9ed072d919⋯.png (154.89 KB, 2202x810, 367:135, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)



Aren't they both activity maps, like this one for the cryptocurrency called theta, picrel

Unless Flynn's map matches the flight activity somehow? Future proves past?

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9da091  No.15104504


Ummmm. You must be JEW here.

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0a2ff4  No.15104505



A movie where she's found not guilty just in time for Hanukahkah so they can rub it in extra hard.

She'll be all smiles as they toast her with shots of 'chrome for everyone on the house.

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2167a1  No.15104506

Well, someone finally raided the right house. No wonder the satanists are so animated today.

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02820c  No.15104507


Where's the sauce?

Born in Hawaii?



But the public is allowed in.

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9f4b34  No.15104508


January thru April of a non-leap year work?

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9da091  No.15104509

File: dcc2603b817d9ce⋯.jpeg (242.48 KB, 1965x1785, 131:119, 1637965600091.jpeg)

Jewish vaxx is killing all the liberals, the weak, and the jews, who are both liberal and weak.


Jews being hoist by their own petard!

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02820c  No.15104510


it will be over by the end of Hanukkah?


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9da1e9  No.15104511

File: ad2df361b2a44e2⋯.png (760.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Two New Juice?

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ef01d0  No.15104512



I've said this whole time since she was "arrested" there are ZERO pictures of her getting perp walked, no orange jumpsuit, nothing but old file photos recycled by the fake news.

The only one we hadn't seen was the black eye photo. That's it.

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1d231f  No.15104513

File: f8f40526819e2c9⋯.jpg (192.14 KB, 821x1024, 821:1024, RNFetchBlobTmp_3gcugxajdeg….jpg)

File: 22816ac789b41b1⋯.jpg (90.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, FB_IMG_1542423824613.jpg)

File: c1a47e6ad0ebeb1⋯.jpg (130.68 KB, 463x391, 463:391, 20181110_185608.jpg)

File: c3ad73c6e1422bd⋯.jpeg (35.26 KB, 474x296, 237:148, download_34_.jpeg)

All the different names are a ruse.

Covid 19 is real & anons no much already.

graphene oxide, mRNA, Luciferase, 5g, etc.

We haven't truly put it all together yet imo…

I had a vision of them turning something on worldwide. Energy waves rippled out across the dirt as if we're water. Effected more than half the world's pop. and only took around half an hour. Reminiscent of what some think of as the rapture. Anyway it was done but then the ones it effected started to drastically change, zombie like creatures (moreso than they already are, kek).

The white hats killed the grid and whatever they did it takes everything down that's not emp protected. Made me think of the 10 days darkness. I didn't get much more yet, if I do will report.

God bless you anons.

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5e7029  No.15104514


rotate 90 degrees right and read it as 5 bit binary? 16 8 4 2 1 But I don't get the three colors.

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367474  No.15104515

File: f0e5a8a1d21c3d4⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 20210214_193023.gif)




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78472b  No.15104516

File: 6f85bef7e9ccd92⋯.mp4 (13.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BADASS44.mp4)

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6b51e5  No.15104517

File: 16ed148831f050b⋯.gif (9.68 MB, 540x350, 54:35, 16ed148831f050b6525b46affc….gif)

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908101  No.15104518

File: ba45d9f1f2f0cd7⋯.png (2.18 MB, 990x1521, 110:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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9da091  No.15104519

File: 7d19745e4fd564c⋯.jpeg (56.28 KB, 726x598, 363:299, 1637799043332.jpeg)


Nie try.

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168247  No.15104520

File: 1a5f1236ce17ce7⋯.jpg (88.94 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 1a5f1236ce17ce768d37384329….jpg)


If you were paying attention, It was stated that the trial started,

but what is the first think that has to happen?

Jury selection, selected by Gissy, just the same a kyel's case.

and that will take some time to get all the 12-15 pepole setted for the show.

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0a2ff4  No.15104521


Well, then use Christmas as a substitute date since that will sting just as bad when it happens.

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fff2e8  No.15104522

File: 45279ef71d3e2be⋯.jpg (161.65 KB, 1100x586, 550:293, o7.jpg)


-.-. - .. -.–

.-. .. .. –.

— …- . .-.

.- -. -..

— ..- -

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339820  No.15104523


three colors is ternary. we've done all this before, you can look it up.

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d84524  No.15104524


If that, then the only leap year is 2016.

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ef01d0  No.15104525

File: 8840d7fef75f6df⋯.png (507.34 KB, 590x500, 59:50, Screen_Shot_2021_11_07_at_….png)

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a5b029  No.15104526


Very active during the Bush years.

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546dd8  No.15104527


don't quantum computers use 3 digits not just zero's and ones?

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7295cd  No.15104528

File: b0ca5585193d0d6⋯.jpeg (165.22 KB, 750x752, 375:376, F03CFAB5_1500_4932_B4CE_8….jpeg)

File: b1441c34e098abe⋯.jpeg (167.45 KB, 734x1236, 367:618, 76713BC5_C243_45CD_87AF_2….jpeg)

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9da091  No.15104529


Interesting that the phone feed was cut off. Cohenincidence? I think not.

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78472b  No.15104530

File: a4a997e6dc7d749⋯.jpeg (27.71 KB, 411x355, 411:355, OIP_12_.jpeg)

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716cac  No.15104531

File: 3f60f541121088d⋯.jpeg (420.68 KB, 724x786, 362:393, B11D8C2E_8A39_4F70_BDBC_F….jpeg)

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8db727  No.15104532


that is just wikipedo

obama was known for courting celebrates, it failed miserably when hillary tried the same thing when she ran against trump with beyonce and jayz and co.


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f94ed5  No.15104533

File: 74c32871f8d9cbb⋯.png (103.03 KB, 1007x894, 1007:894, Gwendolyn_Beck_4.png)

File: eef55b9a53e0a55⋯.png (105.06 KB, 920x894, 460:447, Gwendolyn_Beck_3.png)

File: 6731dafcd39bcf6⋯.png (84.72 KB, 866x784, 433:392, Gwendolyn_Beck_2.png)

File: ca7eb3994c1edef⋯.png (105.48 KB, 1027x884, 79:68, Gwendolyn_Beck_1.png)

File: 12e62fe4a6cc558⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2048x1579, 2048:1579, Gwendolyn_Beck_1995_Marala….jpg)



The search by name function is nice. I looked for Gwendolyn Beck and she's on the plane early with some very high rollers.

Anon search related (poss) to Carolyn Beck (Mistress and baby mama of Gordon Getty) of the Getty LA mansion guns raid of '18 and the numerous abandoned properties. Or it's not.


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9da091  No.15104534

File: 70e55a72bbef7be⋯.png (580.72 KB, 798x961, 798:961, 1637706337587.png)

(((Doctors insure us…)))

Famous last words, goyim. Wake the fuck up!

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7a5419  No.15104535


Sort of. Can be 0 or 1 or anywhere in between those two.

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6b51e5  No.15104536

File: efd409edd3393ad⋯.png (85.41 KB, 500x487, 500:487, sniper_pepe_smug_frog_know….png)

File: efd409edd3393ad⋯.png (85.41 KB, 500x487, 500:487, sniper_pepe_smug_frog_know….png)

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367474  No.15104537


quantum positioning.

1/0 as opposed to 1-16

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367474  No.15104538

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c31449  No.15104539

File: ded7d591753fcae⋯.jpg (167.5 KB, 671x511, 671:511, REASON_4_SEASON.jpg)

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716cac  No.15104540

File: 7cc57e4ba835bc8⋯.jpeg (288.41 KB, 750x945, 50:63, D2C9ACE4_EE7E_4D6F_AE98_7….jpeg)


Roe V Wade is Being Challenged!!!


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9da091  No.15104541

File: e01093e3d9cb4fc⋯.jpeg (207.84 KB, 683x960, 683:960, 1637705647944.jpeg)

Jews jabbing the goyim.

However, the jews are jabbing themselves, and are DROPPING LIKE FLIES.

In the next 2 years the Worldwide population of jews will go from 14 million, down to 3 million, and then the GOYIM can easily deal with the rest of the parasites.

LMAO@arrogant jews!

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62dc3c  No.15104542


Bryan is nothing if not a master of subtlety…wow

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0a2ff4  No.15104543


The saddest part was all the Swordy Shift posts made by Anons giving the call-in info and telling everyone to listen in (at least 5 by my count).

Well after most had noticed that it was already in Shut It Down! mode.

Gotta love the due diligence done around here these days.

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7da672  No.15104544

File: 44b92010e1aa9ed⋯.png (203.03 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fff2e8  No.15104545

File: cb6d9f5aaa78766⋯.jpg (60.15 KB, 449x584, 449:584, 1Untitled.jpg)


chk and, that face.

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9f4b34  No.15104546


120 fits on a calendar if you are looking for consecutive days. Better?

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0ca506  No.15104547

File: 51e27d1daf4d564⋯.png (79.57 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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fff2e8  No.15104548

File: 52b19466432150a⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, EPSTEIN.jpg)


Does this look like Epstein to you?

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62dc3c  No.15104549


Beat anon to it. Look how dead and vacant.

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0eadee  No.15104550

File: 29c797deecb0e25⋯.png (664.82 KB, 350x805, 10:23, BakerGirl.png)


code breaker here.

I have successfully decoded finally!


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367474  No.15104551

File: a192ea46f8483e0⋯.jpg (122.62 KB, 1016x752, 127:94, 20211129_223048.jpg)

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c31449  No.15104552

File: 3dea90fb840482b⋯.jpg (143.71 KB, 805x608, 805:608, DOGE_FUSION.jpg)

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5e7029  No.15104553


>unrelated health event

How do they know it's unrelated?

Just because?

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9da091  No.15104554

File: b80c21e7bef00ad⋯.jpeg (66.84 KB, 995x964, 995:964, 1637888866329.jpeg)


Sadly, the SCOTUS is comped beyond belief. They will (((Affirm))) abortion, and the goy will continue to abort their babies to their jew gods.

Until we start shooting them, that is.


At least they tried. But putting 2 plus 2 together for most of them is beyond their ken.


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fff2e8  No.15104555

File: ae1be20a8a6308f⋯.jpg (105.18 KB, 848x477, 16:9, apu_solo_hoth.jpg)

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ef01d0  No.15104556

File: ccd57c035476437⋯.png (1015.88 KB, 1080x1176, 45:49, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)

Tasmania has just banned people who have been in ANY overseas location, not including New Zealand's South Island, from entering the state.


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50113c  No.15104557

File: 02c5315617f5259⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 1200x715, 240:143, 02c5315617f5259ce165b6f213….jpg)

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2167a1  No.15104558


The man is a satanic sex predator. He doesn't discriminate against age either and his music is his diary. Please don't start with the "pedovore/save the children" spin please. Thanks.

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cccaf0  No.15104559

Do you think we would have a live feed into Maxwell case if Trump was to testify?

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9da091  No.15104560

File: c674e73a8f4bb62⋯.jpeg (102.9 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1636928266011.jpeg)


Because they are jews and they control edumacation, money, and the media.

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a16c96  No.15104561


Really some of the worst years Ive experienced. I don't figure Creepy will last too long. We'll see.

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ccd33a  No.15104562

all pb notable

>>15102154, >>15102198, >>15102346, >>15102160, >>15102182, >>15102183, >>15102184, >>15102187, >>15102219, >>15102222, >>15102288, >>15102303 How the absolute fuck did "Omicron" go from less than 5 people to spreading across the world in less than a week?

It speads via TV & Facebook, mostly

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2672b5  No.15104563

File: 25fa5c17b0664b7⋯.png (143.38 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 4F4A55B2_C3CB_4BE3_BDBA_0C….png)



universal music…


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716cac  No.15104564

If abortion was only legal for Joos (less kikes in the world) would you still be against it?

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0a2ff4  No.15104565

File: 0aef12c5a967986⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 486x296, 243:148, Lin_Believe.jpg)


kek good one, Kyle

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fff2e8  No.15104566


yup, kinda lifeless.

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367474  No.15104567

File: 62d1681746415d9⋯.jpg (234.93 KB, 682x960, 341:480, 20211129_223431.jpg)

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7a5419  No.15104568

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 250x250, 1:1, pepe14.jpg)


Does a bear shit in the woods?

Is water wet?

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77581d  No.15104569

So, let's see, Y heads, Yanukovych family heads? Tied to Franklin Templeton? Must be a connection to Bidet and friends as well I'm thinking. Toss in Blackrock and Obummer and what do you get?

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9da091  No.15104570

File: 80637dc6301d77a⋯.jpeg (336.53 KB, 800x492, 200:123, 1636933452212.jpeg)


>How the absolute fuck did "Omicron" go from less than 5 people to spreading across the world in less than a week?

Jewish magic and control over the media and medicine?

Just a guess.

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a16c96  No.15104571


I bet more women will come against Cuhomo now his lies are published.

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dd7805  No.15104572


If most people will believe it's unrelated simply because it says "unrelated", then why not say it's unrelated. If I was covering up a crime like this, I'd say it's unrelated too.

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eee463  No.15104573

File: 041c4c06a8fd817⋯.png (296.91 KB, 743x707, 743:707, 82C0B9AA_A2A6_4772_A13C_3F….png)

File: 86148ab1c7dbc4e⋯.jpg (256.8 KB, 1280x1080, 32:27, 4thEstate5thCol.JPG)

File: 60aaaf972892561⋯.jpg (224.91 KB, 1507x822, 11:6, JackGoebbels.JPG)

There is a reason why the Nazis used a Hindu symbol (swastika).

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9da091  No.15104574

File: 2c23586a0ddfff7⋯.png (107.75 KB, 634x280, 317:140, 1636933248602.png)


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5e7029  No.15104575


Let me guess. Since the Dems have rendered heath care privacy null and void with their Plandemic, the Supreme Court will overturn the Roe V Wade acknowlegement of patient privacy in abortion matters? I'll believe it when I see it. But, what will that do to the Abortion INDUSTRY? Heads will explode.

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8e65f5  No.15104576



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a16c96  No.15104577


Seems like Myanmar did what we may need to do soon.

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6196e4  No.15104578

File: 45eef8622901b31⋯.png (1.11 MB, 800x800, 1:1, 657c80625b1be7ce1a39322b13….png)

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5f8d90  No.15104579

File: 698eb1547963d6b⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1656x920, 9:5, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)

Part 1

Report: Democrats Are Considering the 'Nuclear Option' for Kamala Harris

By Mike Landry

November 29, 2021 at 4:49pm


What to do with Kamala Harris?

With President Joe Biden at age 79, pushing 82 by the time of the next presidential election in 2024, and already of questionable acuity, there’s growing consensus he will not be running again.

In a normal world, the mantle would be assumed by the vice president, Kamala Harris. But with dismal poll numbers and no apparent knack for her job, the buzz in Washington is that Harris has got to go.

There’s been talk of a “nuclear option,” which is defined as getting rid of Kamala Harris by putting her on the U.S. Supreme Court, according to the U.K’s Telegraph.

Such a move is reported to admittedly be “improbable,” but reflects desperation on the part of the Biden administration, wrestling with not only its own low poll numbers but with those of Harris, which are even lower.

This raises the question: How did Harris get to be vice president to begin with, especially when her presidential run in 2020 was so poor that she had to make an early exit from the campaign?

You know the answer — and it was voiced on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson program by Larry Elder, talk show host and unsuccessful Republican gubernatorial candidate.

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“The only reason, in my opinion, she became vice president is because she checked all the boxes. The Democrats in this woke era are no longer going to have two white males on the ticket,” Elder said.

“It’s got to be at least a person of color, hopefully a person of color who was a female. So [Biden] checked all the boxes. It’s proven itself to be basically utterly incompetent,” he continued.

“She has even accused Joe Biden of being racist. She’s not unwilling to pull the race card in order to defend herself. That has offended a lot of people.”

Given the usual powerlessness of the office of vice president, there is normally not much demanded of the occupant.

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77581d  No.15104580



Oct 22, 2020 11:45:06 AM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b161a4 No. 11212046


“Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”

Harris, D-Calif.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y

Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-N.Y.C

former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.

Pandora's 'political elite' box?


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eee463  No.15104581

File: 0c96d1f1b4147d5⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 700x376, 175:94, NukeOrbit.JPG)

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5f8d90  No.15104582

File: c94bcd45958ca5c⋯.png (851.92 KB, 1038x660, 173:110, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)


Part 2

Report: Democrats Are Considering the 'Nuclear Option' for Kamala Harris

By Mike Landry

November 29, 2021 at 4:49pm


However, in recent years, presidents have called upon their political understudies to assume more critical roles: former Vice President Mike Pence served then-President Donald Trump in the COVID-19 crisis, Biden used his long-term congressional contacts to aid former President Barack Obama, former VP Dick Cheney played a major foreign policy role in the administration of George W. Bush and so on.

Harris got charged with an impossible task: representing the Biden administration on the southern border, especially given the administration’s tacit refusal to protect it.

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Wisely or unwisely, for a long time, Harris declined to even go south, no doubt recognizing it was not in her political interest to represent the open border policy of Democrats and the administration against television views of thousands of unvetted and unvaccinated people coming into the country.

That fostered a perception of incompetence, and coupled with an unconvincing on-camera personality, it dropped Harris’ poll numbers to 28 percent approval, according to USA Today, in early November. That doesn’t help Biden, struggling with his own 41.8 percent approval rating, according to the Real Clear Politics average of 15 polls as of Sunday.

Ironically, White House press secretary Jan Psaki has claimed the obvious reason Harris got her current office — her gender and race — are the reasons she’s being criticized.

“I do think that it has been easier and harsher from some in the right wing who have gone after her because she is the first woman, the first woman of color. I’m not suggesting anyone will acknowledge that publicly, but I think there’s no question that the type of attacks, the attacks on her, that certainly being the first she is many times over is part of that,” Psaki said in mid-November, according to Townhall.

Yet, even leftist CNN has used the word “dysfunction” in describing the vice president.

And she has not been aided by reports of infighting with Team Biden and with the announced resignation in mid-November of her communications director, Ashley Etienne.

So what to do with her? It’s unlikely that she would resign, unless she could be convinced that she would have no chance of winning election to the presidency in 2024.

Perhaps a cushy ambassadorship could lure her to step aside, but in the long run that would be dependent upon Democratic re-election to the presidency in three years, difficult to imagine without a vibrant new candidate or election fraud on steroids.

So maybe, for Democrats, the nuclear option — Harris for the Supreme Court — would not be so farfetched. She could replace Justice Stephen Breyer, who, at age 83, is the oldest member of the court. So far, he has resisted Democrat urgings to retire while Democrats have some advantage in the Senate.

But consider this: If a confirmation vote for Harris for the Supreme Court went along party lines with a 50-50 split between Democrats and Republicans in the Senate, who would break the tie?

Vice President Kamala Harris!

Each day gets stranger and stranger…

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8db727  No.15104583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dubs chek'ed, Rodeslav is a prick with his world views and political views but he is covering the maxwell trial


US vs Maxwell Trial Day 1: Opening Statements + Epstein Pilot

433 views30 Nov 2021

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0eadee  No.15104584

File: 1c83ac52404854f⋯.png (327.92 KB, 730x962, 365:481, EpsteinFlightActivity_Flyn….png)





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912c0a  No.15104585


They don't even try to hide it anymore.

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a12ffe  No.15104586

File: 181f7e2042e6c50⋯.jpg (77.91 KB, 628x500, 157:125, wuwuwuhan.jpg)

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a16c96  No.15104587

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ccd33a  No.15104588

File: e17422c9b942d2b⋯.mp4 (725.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jacinda_Classes_2021.mp4)

Well anons.

They got my balls in a vice grip now.

Been told today - Jab by Jan 17 or no job.

They're doing it across industries. All these cunts are in on it.

I don't asee a legal win here. Perhaps personal grievance get a settlement payment to see me thru a couple years at least?

Help Anons. Help.

WTF is going on!

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367474  No.15104589

File: ca5913cd67ebc04⋯.gif (783.85 KB, 500x268, 125:67, 20211129_223922.gif)


yes there is…

but you do not know it.

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c63b9d  No.15104590

File: 72212765a2211a0⋯.jpg (114.27 KB, 1079x680, 1079:680, chinjets.jpg)

"China Sends Record 150 Jets Near Taiwan Over 4 Days"


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f94ed5  No.15104591

File: bf82bec993a2896⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1257x1256, 1257:1256, Glenn_Dubin.png)

File: bdb747d07094b10⋯.jpg (1013.16 KB, 1078x1585, 1078:1585, Celina_Mya_Dubin.jpg)

File: d8cc56b359b6ac9⋯.jpg (250.48 KB, 605x527, 605:527, Nadia.jpg)

File: 986a38130982d9f⋯.jpg (25.08 KB, 300x452, 75:113, Steve_Burgess_PersProtOffi….jpg)


Note: The notations showing Eva and Glenn are Eva and Glenn Dubin and their family and possibly the girl who became a pilot for Epstein, Nadia (5-3-1998)

Prince Andrew flies with Steve Burgess, Gwendolyn Beck on 2-12-1999. Steve Burgess, Royal Detective and Andrew's "wing man" aka Personal Protection Officer

" Wing Commander Adam Wise came in for some flak after the American visit for not keeping a tighter rein on his charge. And another royal detective, Steve Burgess, who was on the Mustique trip Andrew took with Koo Stark and two other girls, had almost as good a time as Randy Andy, playing cat and mouse with the world’s paparazzi, crawling through shrubbery after the girls, swimming, sailing."


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ccd33a  No.15104592


Hey Q.

@Jacks gone.

Fucks sakes

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8db727  No.15104593

File: dfc93f5c61a0978⋯.png (300.65 KB, 555x560, 111:112, ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome barker baker puppy anon, now get to work, anons are firing on all cylinders

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0a2ff4  No.15104594


Yeah, I would call it Peak Precipice, but there's prolly plenty moar blackpills left in the timeline.

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6196e4  No.15104595

File: 213927673bcf76e⋯.png (193.27 KB, 805x818, 805:818, c4b1c629cbff46e38ac129d7ca….png)

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8e65f5  No.15104596


What if there was a white organization that offered to pay for abortions for just Jewish women I wonder how that would make them feel? They would probably be horrified by that. Of course because abortion is murder. But it’s not considered that for them if it is the goy who gets ‘aborted’.

They see themselves as the people and everyone else as cattle.

What a wonderful coexistence.


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758ece  No.15104597

File: a56258befd2f81a⋯.png (13 MB, 4599x2048, 4599:2048, 927082EC_3A81_4572_ABBF_8D….png)

File: 93f593652c501b0⋯.jpeg (607.47 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, AE8806D8_A9B4_46ED_80FC_C….jpeg)

File: 72dcb5809c41855⋯.jpeg (835.87 KB, 1536x1418, 768:709, E5B4E2DC_1244_4820_9130_6….jpeg)

>>15103695 pb

o7 anon, task force indeed.

HUD: Rad6 table salt.

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77581d  No.15104598


Your body, your choice right? Just tell them, okay, I'll get the shot, but I object, and if I get sick or die, the company will be liable for costs incurred and made to fork out some cash for endangering an employee and causing their death.

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b7fbae  No.15104599

Mueller proves Twitter is controlled by a FIS. Twitter gets V& by MIL. Accounts are controlled. Now we're at the point where the prosecution has been vaguely publicized?

The clowns know all this already, right? They're not that dumb.

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ccd33a  No.15104600


Always double nuke, just in case.

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0eadee  No.15104601

File: 1e64629c8ab7e8f⋯.png (314.31 KB, 1151x247, 1151:247, ClipboardImage.png)


Flynn's Banner can be separated into 6 blocks of 20 squares.

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6b51e5  No.15104602

File: a812c274dce182d⋯.png (944.04 KB, 791x1500, 791:1500, ClipboardImage.png)


I spray neem oil on plants works great for pests and such

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8e65f5  No.15104603


This truly puts it all in perspective.

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d84524  No.15104604


Jet activity is 4x3 (12 months)

Digital soldiers grid is 24x5… I can fit 8 years rotating the 4x3 to 3x4 running along the 24 leaving 1x24 down the bottom.

Just playing around seeing if anything clicks…

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c31449  No.15104605

File: 3b4a8e9ad4c6635⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 603x400, 603:400, BURNT_OUT.jpg)

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983b50  No.15104606

File: 767d8a7c5b32fac⋯.png (138.61 KB, 255x357, 5:7, eafab947553758d08a5e6af4e3….png)

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b25eb8  No.15104607


And make the 2nd one bigger than the first so you kill the motherfuckers for good, guaranteed.

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1e8a79  No.15104608

File: 17c90402f25f918⋯.jpg (448.21 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 17c90402f25f9182fe1dc4c472….jpg)

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ef01d0  No.15104609

File: 74fbc727e0b4495⋯.jpg (6.55 KB, 250x154, 125:77, 74fbc727e0b4495da2cbcd595a….jpg)


Anon, my feeling is that if it does happen, it will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Let the river flow and stay optimistic. Tap into your hidden talents. You have at least one that you can make money with

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983b50  No.15104610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Police Abuse in the Northern Territory: Tribal Leader David Cole this is a tribal land grab


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2672b5  No.15104611

File: 9c7db0f8e28a522⋯.jpeg (39.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 58E98BC7_EF77_492F_B945_9….jpeg)

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fff2e8  No.15104612

File: fd43fc5f11fde23⋯.jpg (33.87 KB, 450x269, 450:269, thingmacread.jpg)

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ccd33a  No.15104613


tx anon, my issue isn't who pays after the damage is done.

It's being forced via a woke employer.

I'm gonna get some legal advice.

Time to get Brazen

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ef01d0  No.15104614

File: 2c78e3818259662⋯.jpg (21.93 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2c78e38182596621316cc40b25….jpg)

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ccd33a  No.15104615


Fuck yeah.

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20e7bc  No.15104616

File: a0ef8da22d4fe7d⋯.jpg (53.84 KB, 597x597, 1:1, download_4_.jpg)

File: 4d4f9dfb63e9e26⋯.jpg (73.5 KB, 500x375, 4:3, download_3_.jpg)

File: 889bc920e443e54⋯.jpg (110.16 KB, 1642x924, 821:462, download_2_.jpg)

File: 980f1b0128dfe33⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 400x396, 100:99, download_1_.jpg)

File: 725780c1bed2ac7⋯.jpg (142.55 KB, 1303x811, 1303:811, download.jpg)

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0ca506  No.15104617

File: 8a07e901168fca8⋯.png (3.14 MB, 1800x1279, 1800:1279, ClipboardImage.png)

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30967a  No.15104618


have you watched "monkeywerx" latest sitrep? He seems to think the "trial" may actually be at gitmo..


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c63b9d  No.15104619

File: 078349aa76655f5⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 640x546, 320:273, 1407619832370.jpg)


"…Harris for the Supreme Court… "

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ccd33a  No.15104620



I've considered taking the leap into the unknown.

Maybe I can join the shills and get paid to sit here with muh frens.

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a37085  No.15104621

File: d16a06181f72549⋯.png (211.27 KB, 513x327, 171:109, ClipboardImage.png)

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c31449  No.15104622

File: 4c0108c723e0b27⋯.jpg (155.32 KB, 782x518, 391:259, TEACH_FREEDOM.jpg)

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367474  No.15104624

File: 4adcaf5e1749d1c⋯.gif (35.28 KB, 113x202, 113:202, 20211009_033444.gif)


learn to code.

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6b51e5  No.15104625

File: 028c4826b20ba4d⋯.png (2.66 MB, 2133x1600, 2133:1600, ClipboardImage.png)



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d84524  No.15104626


What a smug dick.

It's going to be tough making a stand anon… if not you then who?

(a fishing rod is all you really need to live when push comes to shove)

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77581d  No.15104627


Well, honestly, unless the company thinks it owns you, they can't really just tell you what you do with your own body. Turn it around on them, prob won't do much good, because, in most cases, your boss, is in his position because he was willing to do whatever his boss told him to do, and on up the chain. So, even if your boss has the same mindset as you, he will prob be afraid of losing his job, and again, on up the chain. Fear is the devils tool.

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30967a  No.15104628


says the "prisoner ID code" doesn't match up with being in NY.. goes into several examples to back that up..

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ccd33a  No.15104629


No Pig.

You say "No" they fire you.

Not winning

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6b51e5  No.15104630

File: c4f01ee80f0f6d2⋯.png (12.51 KB, 475x593, 475:593, Capture.PNG)


3 stars interesting

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d1ff2c  No.15104631


felony coercion

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eee463  No.15104632


Enlighten us.

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8e65f5  No.15104633


If you were an illegal alien or worked for the postal service it wouldnt matter

Maybe you can learn to install solar panels with José

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6b51e5  No.15104634

File: 5a68b00fd04f78b⋯.png (363.26 KB, 427x455, 61:65, Capture.PNG)


Forgot one

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8db727  No.15104635

File: b553a00a526d4dc⋯.png (132.33 KB, 349x257, 349:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2929b7698a35341⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1440x2160, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


shylock approves, be careful what you wish for?

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912c0a  No.15104636


I've got a few black pills just for you.

Trust Sessions

Trust Huber

Trust Wray

Trust Horowitz

Elections are safe

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b25eb8  No.15104637


I'm there, dont want to get called a glownigger for trying to set it off but from my perspective, there is only one answer to solve this. Fuck the arabs, fuck the jews, fuck the chinks, fuck the ruskies, purge the commies. Let's go.

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7da672  No.15104638


>>15103458 18 Democrats Will Abandon the House — More than Triple GOP Needs to Win Back Majority

>>15103468 Massachusetts governor mulling vaccine passports for residents

>>15103481 NY Taxpayers Pay $750,000 to Bury Power Lines So Wealthy Residents Can See the Ocean View

>>15103499 Psaki says Biden has NO plans to visit Waukesha after the deadly Christmas parade attack 'at this time' because sending the president to a community 'requires a lot of assets'

>>15103535 As Biden Resumes Nuclear Talks, Iran Declares: ‘We Will Not Back Off From The Annihilation Of Israel’

>>15103663 CDC Pushes Booster Shot for All Adults, Cites Omicron Variant

>>15103724, >>15104172 FAA Accidentally Reveals 704 Previously Unknown Epstein Flights

>>15103725 Walmart’s longtime chief financial officer, Brett Biggs, is leaving company

>>15103811 Reminder - CNN Donald Trump's horrifying QAnon dodge

>>15103846, >>15103889 Donald Trump Endorses Freedom Fighter Wendy Rogers For Arizona State Senate Reelection

>>15103874, >>15103879 Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud

>>15103930 Andrew Cuomo's Full Testimony To Sexual Harassment Investigators Just Released By New York AG

>>15103975 Biden puts out a Q like ornament for Christmas 2021

>>15103981, >>15103953 digs on pedo rings & why they're using the Witch Hunt Narrative as a defense for Ghiselline Maxwell

>>15104054 Ex-L.A. Special Counsel Agrees to Plead Guilty to Accepting Nearly $2.2 Million Kickback for Arranging Collusive Lawsuit Against LADWP

>>15102154, >>15102198, >>15102346, >>15102160, >>15102182, >>15102183, >>15102184 "Omicron" from less than 5 people…

>>15102187, >>15102219, >>15102222, >>15102288, >>15102303 …to spreading across the world in less than a week?

>>15104172, 3 years of missing flight records of Epsteins's plane from 2013 to 2016!



added the flight-log nom

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77581d  No.15104639


Kinda funny how the unions don't seem to be backing up their dues paying members in all this vax bullshit. Kinda makes ya wonder who exactly the unions REALLY work for, doesn't it?

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0eadee  No.15104640

File: 4b48f200c8d9deb⋯.png (43.13 KB, 707x653, 707:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 855e72f0c9ace07⋯.png (15.23 KB, 623x387, 623:387, ClipboardImage.png)



Flights for December 1995 are recorded as 5 or less. (light colored square)

Then, the max flights are recorded as 17 or more. (dark colored crimson squares)

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20e7bc  No.15104641

File: 3174d09b4bbb83d⋯.jpg (264.65 KB, 1204x1600, 301:400, Dita_von_Teese.jpg)

File: 489b106c8544dac⋯.jpg (227.07 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, DitaVontese.jpg)

File: 176b73fed79dba5⋯.jpg (111.55 KB, 860x558, 430:279, dita.JPG)


>#metoo, HAHAHA!

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ccd33a  No.15104642


hmmm I had a geocities coded by hand in 1998 kek

Alas, Animated gifs aren't hot shit any more.

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b7fbae  No.15104643

File: 1d209ba3ad4f731⋯.jpg (161.29 KB, 1135x608, 1135:608, AfricanVariant.jpg)



The push to get kids vaxxed by targeting the neurotic suburban soccer mom by using black people as a disease that will cause your kid to chimp out.

The MSM are the GOAT racists.

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c31449  No.15104644

File: 4cfaa68a1bbcb15⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 515x530, 103:106, NO_WORKERS_NO_PROFIT.jpg)

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8e65f5  No.15104645


>No Pig.

>You say "No" they fire you.

>Not winning

I’m sure they’ll be class actions across the country for all the people who were fired.

TBH I would let them fire me and to make sure it was documented as the reason being you refused an experimental vaccine and save all communication with your employer about this and stock up on popcorn because there will be Nuremberg trials one day.

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5b5b93  No.15104646

File: af069071d5d24a7⋯.jpg (33.27 KB, 500x483, 500:483, bird_flip_pepe.jpg)


>>15102544, >>15102572 ICYMI: "Iowa Poll: In a potential 2024 match, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by double digits"

ICYMI: At the rate we're going, there won't BE a 2024 match.

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ccd33a  No.15104647


>Kinda makes ya wonder who exactly the unions REALLY work for, doesn't it?

That was made crystal clear in Australia recently

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f94ed5  No.15104648

File: 2a98065f5f52586⋯.png (3.97 KB, 248x50, 124:25, ClipboardImage.png)


March 2016 looks extremely busy. That was a busy time for the DS 3 letters too.

Anon was looking for dates and stumbled across this site with key dates back to 1976, searchable:


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8e65f5  No.15104649

File: 9507f000467098b⋯.jpeg (312.6 KB, 750x723, 250:241, F51875B1_160C_4CF6_A7E3_A….jpeg)



>Pig held the winning hand

Mr Pig you got nothing! Nothing you hear me!

*lays down a pair of twos

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0a2ff4  No.15104650


Trump led Biden by double-digits in 2020 as well.

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4afec4  No.15104651

File: c7318c0f2547348⋯.png (106.54 KB, 955x1231, 955:1231, Screenshot_2021_11_29_2256….png)

File: c551d696406ea7a⋯.png (104.89 KB, 678x1132, 339:566, Screenshot_2021_11_29_2257….png)

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ef01d0  No.15104652

File: 9ce873f0ca24761⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1084x766, 542:383, Screen_Shot_2021_11_29_at_….png)


>a fishing rod is all you really need to live when push comes to shove

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b25eb8  No.15104653

Guess this motherfucker wasnt wrong after all hah fuckers? Tiy were so fucked up with "Good girls dont park" that you didnt see this one coming. Now look where the fuck we are.


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eee463  No.15104654


Just go to Mexico and walk back across the border. No jab, no questions, identity protection, free transport and other free stuff.

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339820  No.15104655


Fuck'em. Mine's the 5th. I'll be quitting some time over the next 7 days, depending. I wouldn't want to keep working for such shitbags after this kind of bullshit anyway.

Should still be able to join any class actions coming up against them anyhow.

Save up as much as you can right now and ready your resume.

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8db727  No.15104656

File: 2de22dac41bcefe⋯.png (425.91 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



if you get a chance, watch personal jesus video

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ccd33a  No.15104657


That's my hope, but here we are 4 years into the plan. We see 1st hand how slow justice moves.

Nuremberg 2 may be 10 years, if ever.

Most people still think 9/11 was 19 Arabs…

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367474  No.15104658

File: f579380680e9d5d⋯.gif (437.47 KB, 636x636, 1:1, 20210713_045830.gif)


the knowledge will not aid you.

you can not accept the reality of your enemy…

and they were proof against the majority of combined european might.

adolf could not stop them.

you stand no chance.

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ef01d0  No.15104659

File: 19fabf62df60e2c⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 500x624, 125:156, 36.jpg)

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6196e4  No.15104660

File: 014ee10d560737f⋯.gif (11.81 KB, 100x100, 1:1, SoSoHoGallery7274construct.gif)



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c31449  No.15104661

File: 02746d6ee5b09b6⋯.jpg (111.65 KB, 509x527, 509:527, RAISE_YA.jpg)

File: 14a7464aeea06b7⋯.jpg (84.26 KB, 701x676, 701:676, TRUST_GOD_COIN.jpg)

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0a2ff4  No.15104662


Would kek harder at this if it wasn't such a legit game plan.

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8e65f5  No.15104663


We need to put a president in office who is willing to give out Pinochet helicopter rides


Flush the fucking toilet

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367474  No.15104664

File: 81eb12bbff15826⋯.gif (241.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 20210116_101746.gif)


depends on the platform


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ccd33a  No.15104665


nice meme

shame it was compressed to shit

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983b50  No.15104666


By Charlotte Cuthbertson November 28, 2021 Updated: November 29, 2021

Jeffrey Epstein molested her and she didn’t tell a soul for 17 years.

Teresa Helm was 22, and she had already patched her life back together after being sexually abused by a close family member, starting at age 8.

“I really suffered in silence,” Helm told The Epoch Times’ “Insight” magazine.

As a child, she had told her mother about the abuse in the hope that she’d make it stop. Instead, her mother told her not to tell anyone, and it continued for 3 1/2 years.

“I just didn’t get help, even though I kept asking for it. And so after what happened with Jeffrey, I suffered in silence, just like I had always kind of done,” she said.

In 2002, Helm had moved to California from Ohio and was attending a massage therapy school, positive of a bright future. It became even more exciting when a fellow student, a year ahead of her, approached her about an opportunity for a traveling massage therapist job. Helm was interested and was connected with another young woman, whom she subsequently met at Santa Monica to discuss the potential job.

“We looked similar, we were at a similar age, so I connected with her,” Helm said. “I never felt like anything she was saying to me wasn’t legitimate, or I never felt fearful.”

Epoch Times Photo

Teresa Helm at age 21. (Courtesy of Teresa Helm)

Helm said the woman painted a phenomenal picture of what life would be like as “Miss Maxwell’s” personal traveling massage therapist—private jets, top chefs, access to the best education all over the world.

“So I’d say that she did her job very well. Because in an hour or so of walking around the boardwalk, I was like, ‘Wow. This is really great. I’m so lucky, this is meant to be.'”

Wanting to grasp the incredible opportunity, Helm told the woman she was interested, and was informed that she’d need to fly to New York City and meet Maxwell for the final interview.

Two weeks later, Helm’s travel to New York City had been arranged—flights, driver, an Upper East Side apartment to stay in, a gift basket waiting.

“I go meet with Miss Maxwell. I was expecting to give a massage because that’s what the interview was pertaining to. And everything with Ghislaine Maxwell was legitimate and pleasant, and she was very polite. Her home was stunning,” Helm said.

“I was super impressed with her because she’s this very well-spoken woman, and she’s clearly successful because of her beautiful home, and she has photos on the wall of ex-president Bill Clinton. And I’m thinking: ‘Wow, she’s really something special, she’s worked hard. She’s accomplished a lot in her life.'”

Helm spent a couple of hours in the home before Maxwell told her she was next going to meet up with Maxwell’s partner, Jeffrey.

It was the first time Helm had heard of a partner, but nothing had indicated she should feel alarmed or that she was in any kind of danger. Any red flags, she realized in hindsight, had been easily normalized and explained away.

Even when Maxwell told her to “give Jeffrey whatever he wants” during his massage because he “always gets what he wants,” Helm thought Maxwell clearly must mean, “Do a good job, because he’s had a lot of professional massages.”

“Because of my trust with [Maxwell]—she was able to create that trusting bond within me in a matter of hours—I literally walked myself to the man of the house who was going to assault me,” Helm said.

“I took myself there, because those three women did their job perfectly well and I didn’t suspect a darn thing. When I look back at the fact that three women set me up to be assaulted, it’s just disgusting. It’s a different level of betrayal.”

Helm said Epstein sexually assaulted her in his office during the interview and threatened her as she ran out of the house, her world shaking and head spinning.

Shocked to the core and full of shame, Helm returned to California the following day.

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6196e4  No.15104667

File: 16fb34df9bb8167⋯.png (96.5 KB, 600x533, 600:533, 3a45c7c142070d3dd6954d5f96….png)

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983b50  No.15104668


Epoch Times Photo

(Photo and illustration by The Epoch Times)

“The shame was overwhelming, it was paralyzing,” she recalled. “I was just so ashamed to say anything.”

Her life spiraled down, and three months later she broke her lease, dropped out of school, and returned to Ohio.

For the next five years, Helm fell into a destructive pattern. But just weeks before her 28th birthday, she found out she was pregnant, and life shifted again—this time toward the positive.

“That’s what really saved my life and turned my life around,” she said. “It was the first time I really valued myself. It was like that sense of purpose. And knowing that I was going to protect my child the way that I was never protected.

“Then after having him, I was so honored to be his mom. And then it really actually dug up, it was like, almost hatred toward my mom and Jeffrey. That first year of my son’s life was a lot of emotional processing for me. And I just wanted to kind of remove myself from the world and just be a mom. And that’s what I did.”

Helm’s son has just turned 14, and she also has a daughter who is 7. She is the full-time caregiver for both.

‘The World Shifted’

Helm, who had moved to Florida, was folding laundry one Thursday evening in July 2019 when she went online and saw a headline about Epstein after he’d been arrested for sex trafficking. She clicked the link to open the article and came face-to-face with her abuser. In that instant, she realized “Jeffrey” was Epstein.

Stunned, she sat down and googled Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

“It was life changing, just in that moment. It was like retraumatization, No. 1. No. 2, it was like the world shifted and changed all over again. It’s been different ever since that moment, like the world changed yet again, in that moment and it has not gone back. Nor will it,” Helm said.

“Because I didn’t know there were others. I didn’t know that this was this huge thing with these people.”

The following day, after a regular yoga class, Helm sat in her car and sobbed as the emotions swirled. She decided it was time to break her silence.

The opportunity to speak out presented itself quickly.

Epstein was found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on Aug. 10, 2019, one month after his arrest. A medical examiner ruled it a suicide by hanging nine days later.

The New York judge, Richard Berman, would be forced to dismiss the charges against Epstein—which included the sex trafficking of dozens of minors from as early as 1995—but not before he allowed survivors to speak.

Twenty-three women spoke in the courthouse on Aug. 27 about being sexually abused by Epstein, either in person or through a lawyer.

“I’m coming forward because it is time to bring light to that darkness, and it’s time to replace that darkness with light,” Helm said that day. She had only decided that morning to speak out and use her name publicly.

Another survivor, “Jane Doe 9,” said she was 15 when she met Epstein, in 2004.

“I flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane to Zorro Ranch, where I was sexually molested by him for many hours.” she said through a lawyer. “What I remember most vividly was him explaining to me how beneficial the experience was for me and how much he was helping me to grow. Yikes.”

Epstein’s Zorro Ranch is in New Mexico. He also owned multimillion dollar properties in New York, Florida, and France, and his own islands in the Caribbean, Little St. James Island and Great St. James Island. Epstein has been linked with a veritable who’s who of the fashion and political worlds.

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8e65f5  No.15104669

File: 498e5be5d9ffc89⋯.jpeg (309.03 KB, 663x664, 663:664, BBD4AEF2_3D4E_4D98_88C6_A….jpeg)


Mr Pig, I am just kidding I am (You)r #1 fan


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5f8d90  No.15104670


Hard to believe these work-related mandates are still a thing with all the proof that the vaccines kill. My daughter makes very good money and was forced to get the jab to keep her job. I'm not happy about it, but it was her choice. So far her health hasn't been affected, but as her Dad, I can't help but worry. IDK, it could be that everyone who's affected one way or another will end up with some kind of settlement [when] the Big Pharma Crime Bosses get pinched along with the trillions in damages payments from the fucking Cabal - one can only dream..

Anyway - I'll say a prayer for ya tonight…

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983b50  No.15104671


Epoch Times Photo

Attorney Gloria Allred (R) and her client Teala Davies, who claims to have been a victim of sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein when she was a minor, at a press conference to announce a lawsuit against Epstein’s estate, in New York on Nov. 21, 2019. (TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

Chauntae Davies also spoke in the courtroom.

She said she was recruited by Maxwell while doing a massage apprenticeship.

“Upon my first meeting her, I wouldn’t know I had been recruited until many years later, when I would read it in a headline,” Davies said.

She said Maxwell and Epstein took her in, sent her to school, and gave her a job.

“They flew me around the world, introduced me to a world I had only dreamt of and made me feel as though I had become a part of their family—another thing I was desperately searching for,” Davies said.

“But on my third or fourth time meeting them, they brought me to Jeffrey’s island for the first time.”

Davies said a knock on her door late at night indicated that Epstein was ready for another massage, so she hesitantly went to his villa.

As Epstein began his assault on her, Davies said she told him, “No, please stop.”

“But that just seemed to excite him more. He continued to rape me, and when he was finished, he hopped off and went to the shower.”

Davies said she ran out of the villa, cried herself to sleep, and then spent two weeks in a Los Angeles hospital throwing up from a neurological disorder that manifests into violent vomiting attacks, largely triggered by stress.

“Jeffrey’s abuse would continue for the next three years, and I allowed it to continue because I had been taken advantage of my entire life and had been conditioned to just accept it.”

Epoch Times Photo

A protestor holds up a sign of Jeffrey Epstein in front of the federal courthouse in New York City on July 8, 2019. (Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

Maxwell on Trial

Helm had finally broken her silence, and it was a watershed moment.

She didn’t get to see Epstein face his charges, but she’s eager to be in court to see Maxwell face hers.

FBI agents arrested Maxwell at her New Hampshire estate on July 2, 2020. She has been in a Brooklyn jail since. Bail has been denied several times, with Judge Alison Nathan ruling that she is a flight risk. The trial was originally set for July, but was delayed until Nov. 29 and is expected to last six weeks. Jury selection began on Nov. 16.

Maxwell is charged with sex trafficking children, perjury, and the enticement of minors while she was a close associate of Epstein, according to a superseding indictment filed in the Southern District of New York on March 29.

“In particular, from at least in or about 1994, up to and including at least in or about 2004, Maxwell assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims known to Maxwell and Epstein to be under the age of 18,” the indictment alleges.

“Moreover, in an effort to conceal her crimes, Maxwell repeatedly lied when questioned about her conduct, including in relation to some of the minor victims described herein, when providing testimony under oath in 2016.”

Virginia Giuffre (formerly Virginia Roberts), one of Epstein’s most well-known accusers, claimed in a 2016 deposition that she was directed by Maxwell to have sex with a number of rich and powerful men, including “foreign presidents,” a “well-known” prime minister, and “other world leaders.”

None of the men Giuffre named in the documents have been charged, and all have denied the claims.

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983b50  No.15104672


Epoch Times Photo

A court officer stands outside a Manhattan courthouse where media have gathered for the arraignment hearing of Ghislaine Maxwell in New York City on July 14, 2020. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Maxwell, often described as a British socialite, maintains her innocence on all charges and in a 2016 deposition claimed she had no idea Epstein abused young girls.

During the deposition, Maxwell was asked: “Did Jeffrey Epstein have a scheme to recruit underage girls for sexual massages? If you know.”

She replied: “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” according to the transcript. “I never saw any inappropriate underage activities with Jeffrey ever.”

Maxwell acknowledged that former President Bill Clinton traveled on Epstein’s plane, but denied introducing Britain’s Prince Andrew to underage sex partners.

“I’m ready for this trial to start,” Helm said. “I really aim to be there and look at her right in her face, and equally as important is for her to see me.”

Helm isn’t named in the indictment and won’t be testifying, but that doesn’t matter.

“I’m hopeful that there will be justice in this, that she will finally be held accountable and finally be sentenced for crimes that she has committed and for the lives that she has just willingly stepped in and ruined. This is a woman that changed the entire trajectory of my life and not for the better.”

Helm said she hopes Maxwell is found guilty on all charges and receives the maximum penalties.

“I don’t think for a moment that she deserves to be on the outside of a jail cell,” she said.

“I and other girls, we’re on the outside of these bars, and yet we haven’t fully regained our freedom back. So I hope she gets the maximum sentence. She doesn’t deserve any less than that.”

Helm said she often gets asked if she thinks Epstein’s death means Maxwell is now a scapegoat and is being punished for his crimes.

“No, I do not. She knew what she was doing. She didn’t think twice about doing it. She did it countless times. She did it … very masterfully, very successfully,” she said.

“You don’t help facilitate and run and orchestrate one of the largest sex trafficking rings on this globe, on this earth, without knowing what you’re doing and intentionally doing it.”

Epoch Times Photo

An exterior view of the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York City on July 14, 2020. (Arturo Holmes/Getty Images)

The indictment alleges that Maxwell befriended some of Epstein’s minor victims prior to their abuse, including by asking the victims about their lives, their schools, and their families. Other times, Maxwell and Epstein would take the victim shopping or to the movies, or pay travel or education expenses.

“Having developed a rapport with a victim, Maxwell would try to normalize sexual abuse for a minor victim by, among other things, discussing sexual topics, undressing in front of the victim, being present when a minor victim was undressed, and/or being present for sex acts involving the minor victim and Epstein,” the court document states.

The indictment goes on to say that in order to “maintain and increase his supply of victims,” Epstein, Maxwell, and other Epstein employees also paid certain victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly abused by Epstein.

Helm said she has tried to understand what would cause a woman such as Ghislaine to intentionally set girls up to be forever traumatized. She said she has read how Ghislaine lost her father, whom she was very close to, and met Epstein not long afterwards.

Helm said she lost her own father unexpectedly almost seven years ago.

“I still to this very day miss him incredibly, and I am not out there hurting people,” she said. “There’s no grievance, or there’s no tragedy that justifies you turning around becoming literally a monster.”

Maxwell’s lawyers didn’t respond to a request for comment by Insight.

Epstein avoided criminal charges for years, raising questions about being protected by the rich and powerful. In September 2007, he entered into a nonprosecution agreement that gave him immunity against prosecution for numerous federal sex crimes in the Southern District of Florida.

As part of the deal, in 2008, Epstein ultimately pled guilty to state charges of procuring a minor for prostitution and was registered as a sex offender. He spent 13 months in jail but was granted work release for 12 hours a day, six days a week.

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50113c  No.15104673

File: 69bc71cebaa18be⋯.jpg (153.77 KB, 625x703, 625:703, 69bc71cebaa18beaa5d976ac7e….jpg)

File: 1ee045ba15250e6⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1125x1186, 1125:1186, d74f46695ae97fadbddaa8bf15….png)

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, 113f39ee7f4ccf21a5899bfa2f….gif)


Epic day. Dark to Light.

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983b50  No.15104674


The Grooming Process

Grooming and recruitment are critical steps in the sex trafficking industry.

“If you don’t have a successful grooming process, you don’t have the abuse, because it just doesn’t make it that far,” Helm said.

Jennifer Hill, assistant executive director of the Children’s Assessment Center in Houston, said her organization sees 5,000 children a year who’ve been sexually abused, both by family members or through trafficking.

And that’s just the children who have spoken up. “I think most people never, ever tell. And that’s what’s tragic,” she said.

Hill said it’s hard to discern how many children don’t report abuse, but statistics show that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before they’re 18.

Common events—the divorce of parents, a breakup, bullying, or the death of a family member—can all make a child vulnerable. Many trafficked children come from the foster care system. But sexual abuse is the most common source of vulnerability for sex-trafficked children—70 to 90 percent of these children have a history of sexual abuse, according to anti-trafficking organization Path2Freedom.

Hill said the grooming and recruitment process takes different forms, but involves getting access to the intended victim and gaining their trust so that eventually they’ll be willing to listen to that person, and that person has some control over their behavior.

For children, it can include buying gifts, listening to their problems, or helping them in some way. These days, a lot of grooming occurs online through messaging apps or social media and gaming platforms. Post-abuse, children can be threatened to stay silent.

Hill said she hopes the Maxwell trial will spur other victims of trafficking and sexual abuse to come forward. As a former prosecutor of child sex abuse cases, she said a lot of abusers are teachers or trusted adults in the community, which can be intimidating for victims.

Her organization conducts awareness trainings for law enforcement, medical professionals, mental health professionals, teachers, and the community on recognizing and reporting trafficking.

Helm said so many lessons can be taken from the Maxwell case, “like the fact that it can be a woman.”

“That woman groomed me precisely well, beautifully. And that grooming process is so crucial for parents to identify that this is what’s happening to their children. Or for a child to think I think this might be happening to me. Because that grooming process is such a transfer of power [and] a gatekeeper to the abuse.”

During 2019, the National Human Trafficking hotline received reports of 11,500 human trafficking cases, representing more than 22,000 victims. California, Texas, and Florida are identified as the worst three states for human trafficking. In Texas alone, more than 79,000 children are being trafficked for sex, according to a study by the University of Texas at Austin.

“There’s not one single zip code in this nation, not one that is exempt from trafficking,” Helm said.

“It happens in the wealthiest of the wealthiest, to the most impoverished, and everything in between. It has exploded online.”

Epoch Times Photo

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983b50  No.15104675


Epoch Times Photo

A residence belonging to Jeffrey Epstein on East 71st St. on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City on July 8, 2019. (Kevin Hagen/Getty Images)

The Threat Online

Fifty-five percent of domestic sex-trafficking survivors who entered the life in 2015 or later met their trafficker for the first time using a mobile app, website, or text, said Tammy Toney-Butler, an anti-human trafficking consultant for Path2Freedom.

Predators ramped up their sexual enticement of minors and the posting of child sexual abuse material as schools closed and kids worked online from home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

The number of reports of online child sexual abuse materials reported to the NCMEC during the first six months of 2020 surged 90 percent to more than 12 million, the center reported. Reports of predators enticing minors went up 93 percent to more than 13,200.

Facebook was used for most (59 percent) of the online recruitment in active sex trafficking cases in 2020, according to the Human Trafficking Institute’s annual trafficking report.

That makes Facebook “by far the most frequently referenced website or app in public sources connected with these prosecutions, which was also true in 2019,” the report found.

In June, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that Facebook could be held liable if sex traffickers use the platform to prey on children, arguing the social media website isn’t a “lawless no-man’s-land.”

The ruling was made following three Houston-area lawsuits involving teenage trafficking victims who alleged that they met their abusers through Facebook’s messaging service. Prosecutors also said that Facebook was negligent by not doing more to block sex traffickers from using the site.

The court said the victims can move forward with their lawsuits against Facebook. They claimed that the company violated the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, which was approved in 2009.

Toney-Butler said the income traffickers can make from one victim can be close to $400,000 a year, and survivors have reported being forced to have sex more than 20 times a day while being six to seven months pregnant. And once a woman is over 18, she’s often seen by society as “a drug-addicted prostitute” rather than a victim of sex trafficking, she said.

A child, after being pulled into sex trafficking, “only lives for seven years before they succumb to the environment,” Toney-Butler said. Suicide, drug overdose, and violence are often the killers.

Epoch Times Photo

Teresa Helm (R) with three other sex-trafficking survivors, (L–R) Cathy Hoffman, Sabrina Lopez, and Nissi Hamilton, in Houston on April 24. (Kathleen O. Ryan)

The Future

Now 41, Helm is hopeful. Aside from looking after her children, she’s a fierce advocate and mentor to other survivors and a consultant to organizations and politicians to ensure laws and programs are victim-centered.

“Helping others is the ultimate payback. That I didn’t completely break forever. I’ve been broken and I have repaired myself stronger,” she said.

She referred to the old Japanese art form called kintsukuroi, or “to repair with gold,” which is the practice of repairing broken ceramics with gold, making them stronger and more beautiful than before.

“And I definitely kind of view myself as that, in the fact that I can turn around and leverage this pain into purpose and help others—that’s the ultimate thing for me, to be able to be strong enough to go out and help others, help them change their lives, help them recover their lives and recover their power.”


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b25eb8  No.15104676


They are prolly not going to push the issue inb4 it is all propaganda anyway. I am right there with you fren, was prepared to walk off next week but now they kicked it to afta the holeeeedays. Prolly never gonna mandate inb4 mandates are not laws and require voluntary compliance.

They cant mandate shit. Your Constituion protects you. This is all a bullshit movie to fuck with your mind.

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ccd33a  No.15104677


kek I was almost going to add one to my post. Couldn't be fucked, so ty

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a700bc  No.15104678


Yerp. Fuck unions.

If any US patriot wants to get triggered, read Australia's Secret War by Hal G.P. Colebatch.

I do believe you'd be punching portholes through your own drywall by the END OF PAGE TWO!!!!

Those fucking commie bastards.

They should have been shot for treason.

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f94ed5  No.15104679

File: c495ff58511cd62⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 255x255, 1:1, PissedPepe.jpg)


> I'll be quitting

Make them fire you anon, do not go quiet into that good night!

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c31449  No.15104680

File: 3862995178097ca⋯.jpg (125.92 KB, 543x525, 181:175, DOWN_THE_STREET.jpg)



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8e65f5  No.15104681

They exempted the postal service from the vaccines but not the military nor the American people.

Shows you how important mail in voting is to them.

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8e65f5  No.15104682


> I'll be quitting

Make them fire you so you can sue

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ccd33a  No.15104683

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63b4b9  No.15104684

File: 1c20a6f2382446c⋯.png (951.8 KB, 1447x746, 1447:746, 29NOV21_19d.PNG)

File: b1e28d4ad31a540⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1333x741, 1333:741, 29NOV21_19a.PNG)

File: f318141012b4823⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1335x736, 1335:736, 29NOV21_19e.PNG)

File: 34765d3484aaaeb⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1366x754, 683:377, 29NOV21_19.PNG)

File: 2ec0d66db691073⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1329x732, 443:244, 29NOV21_19c.PNG)


Tony Benet and Lady Gaga

strange. capped on way out

rack time


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77581d  No.15104685

So, browsing through the Q posts,


Nov 05, 2017 2:14:12 AM EST

Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No. 148032910

Nov 05, 2017 2:09:14 AM EST

Anonymous ID: GwO0QESl No. 148032489


if she's not, I think they're gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?


Review my other threads.

This is why complete graphics are so important.

BO paid the debt prior to leaving OFFICE.

HRC is not currently in SA.

Bill wants a deal.

Playing the former President card.

Watch the cookie quickly crumble.

Where does Soros fit in?

Godfather III

Godfather III > Pope/papacy > Holy Roman Empire > Germany/Franks/Hitler/Third Reich > Soros

Soros is probably an agent of the papacy or has something to do with the Holy Roman Empire and is working to build the next one, called the EU. They've tried several times over the course of history. They don't like the USA because we have a GDP that they have to overcome before they can gain enough control to own the world. The satanic empire that started with Babylon.

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62dc3c  No.15104686


Some DID/SRA symbolism there. Burn them all.

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983b50  No.15104687

File: b782cea15b5688f⋯.png (202.89 KB, 443x466, 443:466, ClipboardImage.png)


Jack Posobiec, [11/29/2021 12:46 PM]



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ccd33a  No.15104688


Are folks suing and winning?

Do we know.

Non US here so not sure what can be done in this shithole.

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9da091  No.15104689


That's because they have given up.

Can explain, if you want. May take the rest of this bread, and some of the next, but I am game.

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eee463  No.15104690

File: 7772684f64ebf9d⋯.jpg (157.94 KB, 900x540, 5:3, MSPS.JPG)

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b7fbae  No.15104691

File: 67aa9a2950b2ebe⋯.jpg (128.62 KB, 1115x757, 1115:757, WJC.JPG)


March 17. The Ides Of March, & no, it's not the 15th, if anyone tries to correct me. In Latin, Ides translates to the middle of the month.

So what happened in March of 96'?

Mar 20 UK admits humans can catch CJD (Mad Cow Disease)

Mar 17 "Getting Away With Murder" opens at Broadhurst NYC for 17 performances

Mossad has total control over Bill after fucking a land whale

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b25eb8  No.15104692

All you green niggers one and all gather round.

Nothing is going to happen. Nothing is going to happen lest you are willing to comply. We wear no mask. If you ask, we walk out of your business. Money is power. Wasnt that some nigger rap song at some point? Well it is true.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES STILL STANDS. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. A lot of blood will be spilled before our CONSTITUTION ceases to exist. We are nowhere near there yet.

This is a bullshit B/C- movie. We are along for the ride. The plot sucks. The actors suck. Nothing warrants getting even remotely worried yet.

Its just a shitty movie. Let's see what the next twist of the plot is.

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8e65f5  No.15104693



USPS ran logistical support for their massive mail in vote scheme

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eee463  No.15104694

File: 471deb36dbc86f8⋯.jpg (261.46 KB, 767x1035, 767:1035, GannettCooper.JPG)

File: b759baa83ca92c9⋯.jpg (118.82 KB, 578x583, 578:583, BidenGaga.JPG)

File: e772e0fb18b424d⋯.jpg (118.2 KB, 830x683, 830:683, GagaWitch.JPG)

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dea9ae  No.15104695

File: dcde213f962cb8c⋯.jpg (242.86 KB, 1173x847, 1173:847, not_a_chicken.jpg)

File: 0ad3cc6ee911dd1⋯.jpg (279.33 KB, 1241x989, 1241:989, health_horse_on_ivermectin.jpg)

File: cbb5daef2812d5c⋯.jpg (78.34 KB, 529x519, 529:519, leaky_vax.jpg)


April 2019: ‘Leaky’ Vaccines Can Produce Stronger Versions of Viruses


Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens


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fff2e8  No.15104696

File: 3d35d08d737ca47⋯.jpg (98.57 KB, 500x688, 125:172, 489b106c8544dac1919b8c17eb….jpg)

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