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/qrb/ - QResearch Bunker

Q Research Backup, Bunker, and Test Lab

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File: 29856929b550a3a⋯.png (264.28 KB,656x675,656:675,patriot_3.png)

601446 No.57458 [Last50 Posts]

QR Bunker META

Welcome all.

THIS THREAD is for board-related matters.

- QRB board mgmt - proposals, ideas, etc.

- content policies & how to report problems

- resources (often start out as Globals; may later be found in dough under "Staff Notes")

- wearethene.ws & other aggregator questions, how to create well-formatted posts

Anything of ongoing interestmay be posted here, otherwise it goes off the catalog after a while. This would include stuff like baking instructions, aggregator tips, and other resource materials.

Anything that doesn't belong here(spam or other junk) may be deleted by mgmtplz post newsy items on the QRB General thread.

NOTE: No archive is necessary for General threads - they are auto archived (see right column in the Catalog). Links to specialty threads can be archived here.

Got a question for staff?

Post it on current QRB General thread if you want a quick response.

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601446 No.57461

File: 7f4a6738f2c856d⋯.png (72.41 KB,341x220,31:20,patriots_unite.png)

Greetings, anons

A few notes to get the ball rolling....

The first 25 or so posts contain initial posts that were reposted when they turned green.

So they are somewhat grouped by topic and sequence.

After that, it's the usual grab bag.

If you post information of ongoing value as a resource, consider double posting it here.

Key posts may also be posted in Globals or in the dough on pages 3 or 4.

Non-relevant posts may be removed, as indicated above.

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601446 No.57465

File: bf594e6d6c9d321⋯.png (790.48 KB,781x782,781:782,MAGA_Lion_gb.png)


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601446 No.57466

File: 9471221a5db6d1c⋯.jpg (268 KB,1766x1206,883:603,44058.jpg)

Anonymous 04/07/21 (Wed) 16:05:02 824581 No.44058

Proposed policy on board content

Everything is fine EXCEPT

1. spam

2. targeted attacks, cyberbullying (including memes)

3. legal hardcore porn, gore, other stuff dropped just to trash the place up and ruin the atmosphere

4. illegal content (cp, animal crush, direct threads of planned violence are the main ones)

For BVs

1. For an ''iffy' post, give a warning – mebbe two.

2. if LEGAL: delete but post a CAP so we got a record. (shills can't say they got "censored" - espec if warned in advance).

3. if ILLEGAL: delete then send a Global Report (speed matters – that's what the Feds look for)


Spam - one week

Targeted attacks – one week

Legal porn etc – one week

Illegal – forever

3rd time offenders get banned for life (or until they can get a vpn, kek – we do what we can)

For anons

Use the menu in the bad post (see triangle):

1. Send a Report for LEGAL but bad stuff

2. Send a Global Report for ILLEGAL STUFF.


No objections so policy adopted.

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601446 No.57468

File: ac66d84ff8d88ab⋯.png (61.14 KB,224x195,224:195,qrb_bakers_baking.png)



- New BO and baker stepped in on June 1, 2020 and served until the end of March 2021.

- This thread initiated by BO assuming ownership around April 1.

- For info on QRB's illustrious start in July 2019, see the two pinned threads - from 8bit and QRB General #1.

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601446 No.57469

File: 186692716a779b3⋯.jpg (121.18 KB,1624x390,812:195,42330.jpg)

► Anonymous ## Board Owner 06/01/20 (Mon) 20:27:51 ID: 69d258 No.42330 »42331 »42337 »42349 »42365

New BO here. Thanks 8bit for your service.

I've been around for a while but I'm not going to say any more than that about myself right now, in order to minimize attack surface.

This board was a refuge during Notablesgate last year, and we might need it again one day. Until then it is a comfy place to hang out and work on longer diggs. Anons come first, always. I don't see any need to change anything here but I'm always open to suggestions.

While activity is low I like the current scheme of one general bread per month here, but again that should be up to anons.



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601446 No.57470

Anonymous 03/29/21 (Mon) 17:29:42 12ffa4 No.43177 >>43181




Thx for your ongoing dedication.

Friend of BO and QRB here.

fixed the DERP (kek), just edited it, didn't change the dough.

Assumed board ownership in the absence of BO for over two weeks - to protect the board from random takeover.

Didn't change dough but recommend revising the part below, so no more green text or outdated info:

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/qresearch/6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>>/qresearch/10392346 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #15

>>13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>42185 Boatfagging Q&A

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601446 No.57471

File: 1dc8f79e42a1f01⋯.jpg (142.23 KB,1293x807,431:269,43184_43185.jpg)

► Anonymous 03/30/21 (Tue) 16:34:09 ID: 6cc5f2 No.43184 »43185



To be honest was going to ghost after next bake as the weather is improving time to work outside when I can.

Rarely been on the boards this month, still check in but... I'd say implement your changes and bake when you see fit. When the weather turns again I'll be back and will still check in occasionally.

This was 7th or 8th bake for me here.

► Anonymous 03/30/21 (Tue) 16:53:56 ID: 6da7be No.43185

File (hide): 48cde81cf4a2836 - .png (62.28 KB, 237x319, 237:319, salute2pnq) (h) (u)


Tanks for checking in.

8 month-long breads is enough! ;)


Can take it for a while.

handoff confirmed baker

Will bake a new bread tomorrow, then start shortbreads. Enjoy the

weather - great to see spring return.

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601446 No.57472

File: 65a885d797d8d01⋯.jpg (119.19 KB,1074x834,179:139,43206.jpg)

▶Anonymous 03/30/21 (Tue) 22:22:01 64c841 No.43206

File (hide): 77be83fd5a35e0e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1216x831, 1216:831, patriotic_flag_freedom.png) (h) (u)



Welcome all, new BO but goal is the same:

to get the truth out.

We Are The NEWS

Trying for a bread a day

picking up left-behind notes from QR ebakes not otherwise noted and anything else that looks good

Wanna make a difference? Post here

Dig deep, we got a lot to do.

Will try to bake every night, get fresh stuff out

No bread size limit, just gonna bake when we got a warm loaf.

To all who serve:


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601446 No.57473

File: 2dc2f41a63f153e⋯.jpg (349.04 KB,1716x1110,286:185,44766.jpg)

▶Anonymous 04/10/21 (Sat) 08:03:14 95cef6 No.44766

File (hide): 8af0306ef608201⋯.png (4.44 MB, 3468x4668, 289:389, QRB_1_thru_87.png) (h) (u)

>>44751 (OP)

Just sticked bread #1.

Before, took a shot of QRB board until now.

This board has a memorable history. It was created as bu board for QR - "just in case" - and one day, "just in case" happened. And anons came to this bunker to continue the fight.

First, it was a place of refuge. Then a brilliant digging board with an autistic bent. Then a ghost board that struggled to come back to life and almost died a year ago. At the last minute, that didn't happen, because a tiny group of anons wouldn't let it go. So it persisted, practically deserted, except for those anons.

Wasn't here at the very beginning, it was 3 days later when I washed up its shores, with a post in the middle of three prayers. When I told my story, some bible fags said they would pray for me. Another said, "this is where all the nice anons came" and added "you won't want to go back."

He was right.

QRB is a board of resurgence - of beating back the enemy, resisting the darkness. Not by withdrawing from the fight as some have said, but by fighting in a different way: with calmness, patience and deliberation. That's why it values COMFY - because that allows anons to really dig in deep.

It is an honor to be here, anons. This is especially addressed to those who stayed or visited, refusing to forget. Your interest kept this place - if not alive and kickin' - at least in existence.

So now we embark on a new adventure. It may seem to those who are oldfag QRB-anons that you have been invaded by a small but unruly group of crazy anons, but no. (well, mebbe a little bit crazy). Your new frens are just a little 'jokey' coz it's a good way to kill the tension that we all feel. Mebbe gets a little noisy at times but it's all in good fun.

Here's a toast to COMFY, frens

We come from far and wide

The old, the new, the meek, the bold

We gather side by side

Our brilliant ship, we sail today

With calm intention, come what may

We take no notice of the froth

but sally forth, into the fray

To light the night, that darkened cloth

To mend the holes, defeat the moth

So Man can sing and dance and play

And celebrate what God hath wroth.

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601446 No.57477

File: d85ee8897484b62⋯.png (323.25 KB,1140x730,114:73,We_Are_The_News.png)


how to set notes up for wearethene.ws or other aggregators

questions, comments, notes

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601446 No.57480

File: d2e91f6bfbd482e⋯.jpg (327.82 KB,1347x1614,449:538,43537.jpg)

File: 49fa079898cfc85⋯.png (101.2 KB,1805x569,1805:569,correct_page_2_formatting.png)

File: 894f6c66ab0d72e⋯.png (405.28 KB,1726x1191,1726:1191,missing_71.png)

► Anonymous 04/05/21 (Mon) 17:33:11 ID:a179b5 No.43537 »43539

How to keep notables from dropping out of wearethene.ws:

big problem on /mnr/ - notes haven't been picked up since #266.

When notables are picked up:

Not sure exactly when wearethene.ws picks em up, but it's either

a. when new bread is baked


b. when old bread is locked

Either way, notes are picked up QUICK.

Later corrections don't matter.

So best to AVOID mistakes by checking.


FIRST: Mistake with formatting buns for page 2 dough

Plz check to make sure there's not bun titles like this, seems to break the algorithm: '#70

a. check BOLDING for top line of bun.

b. check to make sure there's a SPACE between each bun.

SECOND: Mistake with thread titles

I screwed up on this already, typed

QR Bunker #70: xxx Edition «< wrong instead of

QRB General #70: xxx Edition «< right

Algorithm didn't recoznize bread as valid - thus, it disappeared from the record. Crap.

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601446 No.57481

File: a39030e2a8a6310⋯.png (93.14 KB,1358x468,679:234,46268.png)

▶Anonymous 04/17/21 (Sat) 11:17:32 b88423 No.46268 >>46270

just lookin at wearethene.ws

qrb notes are the only ones newer than a week old when stuff is displayed by thread


turns out wearethene.ws doesn't display mp4's .....guess i'll try to add an image w/da mp4 when there's time.


Did an experiment tho - wanted to know if it was possible to add images AFTER an all-text post

it worked - i just posted the image later, then listed the image first in notables, and it displayed in the "image" column on the right


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601446 No.57482

File: 6231f7e64e0096f⋯.jpg (78.43 KB,1673x317,1673:317,46270.jpg)

▶Anonymous 04/17/21 (Sat) 11:23:00 ee5ee5 No.46270 >>46272


so if i add a graphic (albeit a lousy one!) and baker reverses the order when noting, the headline will display in the image column in wearethene.ws

>>46269, >>46263 Biden Isn't Ending The Afghan War, He's Privatizing It

kind of nifty to know (but moar fun w/a real image)

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601446 No.57483

File: 4bb39d8372074f6⋯.jpg (129.03 KB,1693x454,1693:454,51871.jpg)

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601446 No.57484

File: 0081367956db93d⋯.png (993.93 KB,2537x1576,2537:1576,51898_51901.png)

▶Anonymous 05/09/21 (Sun) 12:31:46 f9927d No.51901


when doing mp4s, i usually include a still photo coz wearethene.ws doesn't post mp4s in the images column. will check this one to see how it formats.

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601446 No.57485

05/23/21 (Sun) 12:15:16 ddf16d No.56016 >>56019

Afaik, for wearethene.ws, notables are scraped from thebreadnot the dough.

So when i make a mistake, i edit the bread right away - as mod. One good reason to sign in when baking - can act fast.

Things to Check Right After Baking

Bread title:

- ck bread number in the title (if wrong, edit on screen first, dough later)

- ck wording of the title (must be "QRB General #4444: [Insert title here] Edition")

Notable buns, page 2:

mainly check the newest bun - the one not yet collected.

- bread number and format - (if not ok, make changes on-screen first)

- ensure there's a bread number is at the top and bottom - and that there's a link at the bottom (make needed changes on screen)

- ensure there's a blank line above and below each bun (same - edit on-screen)

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601446 No.57486

Anonymous (You) 05/23/21 (Sun) 12:44:12ddf16d No.56025 >>56028


>[Doesn't just the number at the top of the bun matter?]

>was also told before only top # of bun matters, idk

i think you are correct - may not be essential to have live link for the bottom of the bun.

What i don't know is whether the absence of a bread number at the bottom of a bun is a problem, like with #209 below:


>>177 notable

>>189 notable


>>144 notable

>>155 notable

>>168 #208

I made this mistake once but corrected it right after baking in the bread - dunno what would have happened if i left it

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601446 No.57487

File: 6005e421e358db3⋯.png (308.51 KB,412x448,103:112,bread_dough_3.png)

Dough Changes

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601446 No.57488

File: 02c407bc5c37380⋯.jpg (82.43 KB,1661x350,1661:350,51916.jpg)

Anonymous 05/09/21 (Sun) 14:50:59 f9927d No.51916

Added a small section to dough, "staff notes," last page, with useful info for bakers/bvs.

Simpler substitute for meta thread coz we mostly talk about stuff in the main thread.

Includes a little history, board polices, scrapper reqt's, baking problems and anything else we need to know about to keep the board in good shape.

feedback welcome

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601446 No.57489

File: e55b08c087cf3b0⋯.png (293.41 KB,2187x1349,2187:1349,44748.png)

4/20/21 >>44748


Digital Camo Thread archive


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601446 No.57490

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #011 - #20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #028 - #34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #035 - #41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #049 - #55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #056 - #62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #070 - #76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #077 - #83 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>>/comms/5035, >>>/comms/5044, >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #90 >>>/comms/5510, >>>/comms/5577, >>>/comms/5622, >>>/comms/5699, >>>/comms/5700, >>>/comms/5773, >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

Q Graphics all in GMT #098-#104 >>>/comms/10292, >>>/comms/10459, >>>/comms/11608, >>>/comms/12119, >>>/comms/12621, >>>/comms/12622, >>>/comms/12798

Q Graphics all in GMT #105-#111 >>>/comms/13250, >>>/comms/13486, >>>/comms/13501, >>>/comms/13575, >>>/comms/13928, >>>/comms/14625, >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#115 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/qresearch/9417326

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601446 No.57491

File: 0730cead241b6a2⋯.png (210.66 KB,472x659,472:659,baking1.png)

File: 140dd67c00ccc58⋯.png (3.11 MB,1317x3317,1317:3317,baking2.png)

File: fc32666c874754b⋯.png (2.15 MB,1317x3295,1317:3295,baking3.png)

File: f6a19dbc4179244⋯.png (6.9 MB,1731x12050,1731:12050,baking4.png)

File: 7bf261845515b66⋯.png (128.3 KB,1308x1003,1308:1003,baking5.png)

Learn To Bake

= How to Learn =

These graphics give easy instructions on how to bake and some tips. Once you've read them you can go and make a few test bakes over at /comms/ at the link below.

Regardless of how much time you can give to baking, all new Patriot bakers are welcome.

= Baking Your First Breads =

When you've done that and read the other material below you'll be ready to bake here. Let the baker know in-thread and if they have time, they or another baker will offer to spot you as you make your first live bake/bakes.

= Links You'll Need =

Practice Baking Area ————————————— https://8ch.net/comms/catalog.html

Simple instructions here in text ————————– https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Longer instructions here in text ————————– https://pastebin.com/6QifVUSq

Tips & Support at the QResearch Baking School – https://8ch.net/comms/catalog.html


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601446 No.57492




dough update

Dough wasn't changed much for about a year, needed checking and updating.

Main goal was to eliminate dead links - there were a lot, especially on p 4.

No changes to pgs 1 and 2 (except streamlined globals), just a couple to p. 3, more to p. 4 bc so many links were dead.

Page 3 changes:

- organized meme ammo, research threads; added a couple

- updated Int'l QR threads

- updated Q graphics section (added full sized images from p 4, section was wiped out bc most of the databases were removed by mega)

page 4:

- Consolidated tweet section

- added some tools, alphabetized

- added QRB archive (now active)

- added a couple thing to learn to bake section

>>44743 page 3, deletions marked

>>44744 page 4, deletions marked

You can look, it's confusing but at least documented.

If you notice mistakes (formatting mistakes are likely, at least), plz correct, next baker.

Helpful to make em list i just did above, main thread is fine. Not like we got so many posts we can't stand a few more.


- BO

If u think of anything to add, subtract, or edit to the dough, please say.

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601446 No.57493


>>56708 pb

>>56627 pb


- Board is growing and as it does, gotta make sure anons are aware of what's in notes and have time to give feedback.

- We're good about posting early notes but sometimes only post a FINAL after that - and often immediately before the bake. (mea culpa, as well)

- The lists we post towards the end are especially important - easy to get into a time scrunch, even here.

- Posting a SEMI-FINAL before the final list would really help - baker can determine timing but maybe around 3/4, depending on whether it's mainly shitposts or digs.

Also, plz leave enough time after posting the FINAL for real feedback (not just a quick proof).


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601446 No.57494

File: 26c51460ed65a00⋯.png (289.31 KB,1962x1596,327:266,44282_44284.png)

Anonymous 04/08/21 (Thu) 11:47:34 45cb0a No.44282 >>44284 >>44288

Re: getting password needed message from fullchan

Turns out no password was used.

Instead, when i typed in the file name, there were some extra characters at the end of the line - my mistake

But instead of just rejecting the address, fullchan took it as needing a password

i didn't notice because the address is so long

Easy mistake to make

i've been baking in both fullchan and controlc for each bread, might be good to do, as a backup -

not the problem it would be in qr w/Q posting, etc.

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601446 No.57495

▶Anonymous (You) 05/09/21 (Sun) 04:33:43 f9927d No.51871

BTW, next bakerer -

QRB seems to have reached the point where we have the same baking lag as QR - with error messages indicating thread din go thru (e.g. "server too long"). longer than usual lag - last night at least 7 or 8 mins.

When tried to create another new thread, it was "flood, post discarded" - the usual when thread is still working. sure enough, eventually appeared. this may be the "new normal"


Tonite i waited - thread did appear in new tab, more like one minute.

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601446 No.57496

▶Anonymous 12/13/19 (Fri) 01:18:20 634a1a No.39619


* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

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601446 No.57497

File: 392a5c9cc3078e6⋯.png (274.64 KB,476x363,476:363,bread_end.png)


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601446 No.57498

File: 8af0306ef608201⋯.png (4.44 MB,3468x4668,289:389,QRB_1_thru_87.png)


forgot to add in a readable version of the first 87 QRB breads.


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601446 No.57499

File: 9b6a7efa3c9eafb⋯.png (739.72 KB,3363x1248,1121:416,QRB_1_thru_23.png)

File: 58546ec56fd30be⋯.png (1.84 MB,3321x1638,369:182,QRB_24_thru_62.png)

File: cf889a31b76f136⋯.png (1.12 MB,3339x1441,3339:1441,qrb_63_to_87.png)


broken into three.

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112563 No.57592

QR threads that aren't the General threads aren't archived.

Current archives below.

codefag thread


QR doughs preserved in July 2019

for historical reference....


Information Warfare II


Notables from #1 to #235


pre-QRB General thread


QRB General #1


Planefag thread


Boatfag thread


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81e98c No.57850

File: dbb663bc0230aeb⋯.png (1.05 MB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


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73ffbd No.58164

File: dfec5659b7dac76⋯.png (14.24 KB,148x200,37:50,ClipboardImage.png)

deleted it


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16d19c No.58368

Bakers Tools

not sure whether the regular version or the lite version or both.

must test out.

Baker Tools v0.7.2 - https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

Baker Tools v0.7.3 - https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

Baker Tools v0.7.4 - https://controlc.com/aab605ea

Baker Tools v0.7.5 - https://controlc.com/a0409084

posted in General

will post test here and there later

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16d19c No.58392

File: b9b7be4f962d6fd⋯.jpg (159.98 KB,1075x622,1075:622,2021_05_30_20_17_23.jpg)

from qr -

No.13796114 >>13796124 >>13796217 >>13796253 >>13796267

Tools For A Less Hellish Experience

Navigating around a bake

Baker tools: Find your (yous) on 8Kun with q v2021.03-03.js - https://controlc.com/9f10e3d9

Detecting bullshit/dough fuckery

Windows diff tools: Diff your dough for great justice - https://winmerge.org/

Note taking apps

Notepad++: Because tabs are cool - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

Windows DNS Tool

DNS Jumper: https://www.sordum.org/7952/dns-jumper-v2-2/

Screencapping tools

Greenshot: https://getgreenshot.org/


TOR: https://www.torproject.org/

Brave: https://brave.com/

Palemoon: http://www.palemoon.org/

Paste sites





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ace01c No.58855

Don't get suckered into wasting your time. Hardened anons should already know this shit; This is more a crash course for new visitors.


They will:

- Attempt to get a divisive or emotional response from you to derail research.

- Concern troll and copy/pasta spam shill to contradict confirmed findings.

- Employ faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, projection, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causation, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc.

- Promote social ethics that are disingenuous like doxxing, "reverse psychology", or promoting propaganda.

- Promote tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law.

- Employ Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt to dissuade research.

Topic sliding. If information of a sensitive nature has been posted on a discussion forum, it can be quickly removed from public view by topic sliding. In this technique a large number of unrelated posts, or posts aimed at diluting the information presented, are submitted in an effort to trigger a topic slide to literally push content out of view. Operators can control several fake UIDs via the bots they make use of; these can also be called upon in the other techniques to mask the intent of the operator from the users at large. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus postings.

Seeding bad information. Operatives will insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill set and the needs of their mission. Their most common ruse is providing information or evidence which is backed by bad source material in the hope that the "source of the source" is never checked. This serves several objectives, mainly resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.

Astroturfing consensus. This is a technique that attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed set of statements or compromised information. This is related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected in an attempt to dispute or discredit what the current consensus is, and push it towards the desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, with an aim to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.

Cultivating tacit approval. (The legal term for this is 'silent agreement') Attempting to attain this state is done using a technique where operators will try to convince the user population to ignore, or not respond to bad information or false assertions. This is done in a bid to reduce push-back against the above mentioned tactics. It's worth noting that the reply filtering mechanism of the boards (which currently can't be disabled without code changes from the site admin) is used as a weapon of sorts in this tactic: Filtering with software prevents anons from defending against seeding bad information and astroturfing consensus. This is why the operators push so hard to condition anons into filtering material they disagree with.

How to spot a Clown's bot

NEVER DIRECTLY ENGAGE A BOT. It just wastes bread with their responses, and hands them a target to programmatically lock on to without handler interaction. It seems that the easiest way to foil the bots is to point them out by proxy, by copy/pasting the user's ID as a quoted reference and intentionally breaking its post link in your response and/or answering it with a meme until they start misfiring because they can't parse the response to lock onto a target correctly.. Doing this can also make the bots look artificially erratic and easier for other anons to spot.

What we know about the clownbots

- Are used to facilitate topic sliding, manufacturing consensus, obfuscation of intent, and general disruption

- Require a handler to watch for and be in the thread

- Cannot enter threads themselves

- Respond to replies and each other, and can create replies

- Can pick up random or contradictory meme flags

- Activate on lists of trigger words; these can change over time

- Use a combination of legit pasta, pre-written points, or spam targeted at various objectives.

- Have unwittingly pasta'd supportive replies

- Are employed mostly at night and on weekends (US time)

- Add to bump limits

- Can be filtered by ID once they are observed

- Are not perfected and can be easily spotted

- Were deployed starting on the /CBTS/ board

- Have certain flaws that can cause them to misfire in sometimes comical ways

- The handlers can make bogus clown threads, but also can be confused by accidental ones

- Handlers still cannot access the servers

- Have still not succeeded in their mission

- Still can not meme

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ace01c No.58856

BIDEN's Destruction of America | DAY 100



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ace01c No.58867

Known Q Boards/Sites


- alpha order

- left a few of the now defunct but historic links

- also left some boards or sites that are seen as controversial, comp'd - anons may still want to access to see 'sup

- This is not an endorsement, just a list.

https://8kun.top/abcu/catalog.html [laughingman board]

https://8kun.top/comms/catalog.html [baking resources/practice]


https://8kun.top/projectdcomms/catalog.html [Q's private board]


https://8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html [fastjack/oss board]


https://8kun.top/warroom/catalog.html [gerbil board]

https://admin@isitwetyet.com [for Q;s or problems]

https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/catalog.html [gerbil board]

https://endchan.net/qrb/catalog.html [pointer to qrbunker]

https://endchan.net/qrbunker/catalog.html [bu site if 8kun down]

https://freenode.net/#qanonresearch (enter a nick/no password)

https://gab.com/groups/393 (Qanon.pub)

https://gab.com/groups/2043 (Great Awakening]

https://gab.com/groups/1046 [Qanon Patriots]

https://gab.com/NeonRevolt/posts/105767747196575778 [now PRIVATE]



https://t.me/q_anon8 [QDrops] [8Bakes] [Crumbs] [Covfefe]






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ed3c09 No.59015


Guess what?

All threads that fall off the catalog are archived (who knew, kek?)

Well, never hurts to have backup....

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130475 No.61081

>>53149 Summary to date of info on Q drops and Law of War

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15bf35 No.61742


▶Anonymous (You) 06/09/21 (Wed) 22:22:51ab572d No.61732>>61733


To the poster who was posting red text caps and got banned:

Removed the ban for now

it was put on by baker because red text is spammy and obnoxious from anybody's pov except the poster's


i would advise anyone who does not usually post on this board to do the same thing here that you are asked to do on QR:


Don't just come in like a bull in a china shop, hang around and get familiar with the culture before posting


- BO

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15bf35 No.62044


To be clear, these are considered SPAM:

- useless repetitive images

- red text posting

- repeated reports with no sauce or bad sauce

- endless monologues

- hostile, shilly posts (to poison the atmosphere)

Anyone is welcome to post, but if it's just "spammy fill", it's not gonna fly.

Users will be banned who post this crap and refuse to stop.

- BO

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601446 No.67219


Anon, if u wanna post on /qrb/ (including SHITPOSTING), plz post in the General thread, not here.

This thread is for reference stuff and board-related matters only.

see >>57458

Giving ya a few days to repost anything you want to on General, then will probably delete your posts from META thread.

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601446 No.67804

File: bea09a6e6bc4556⋯.png (386.47 KB,565x1008,565:1008,2021_06_30_10_47_44.png)


good resource

What Parler Saw During the Attack on the Capitol

January 17, 2021

from Propublica:

"As supporters of President Donald Trump took part in a violent riot at the Capitol, users of the social media service Parler posted videos of themselves and others joining the fray. ProPublica reviewed thousands of videos uploaded publicly to the service that were archived by a programmer before Parler was taken offline by its web host. Below is a collection of more than 500 videos that ProPublica determined were taken during the events of Jan. 6 and were relevant and newsworthy. Taken together, they provide one of the most comprehensive records of a dark event in American history through the eyes of those who took part. Read more: Why We Published Hundreds of Videos Taken by Parler Users of the Capitol Riots | Inside the Capitol Riot: What the Parler Videos Reveal"

Videos are ordered by the time they were taken. Scroll down to start watching or click on the timeline to jump to any point in the day.


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f5c223 No.69105

>>67804 500 videos from the Capital on Jan 6 - Propublica

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4e5ae2 No.69388

File: 7efcfbada97aa47⋯.png (1.05 MB,1700x2224,425:556,2021_07_05_9_42_16.png)




wanna know what not to post?

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4e5ae2 No.69407

File: 71e50af1bcbf217⋯.png (1.42 MB,1542x3155,1542:3155,2021_07_05_10_02_18.png)

File: f75b0b8c6ed1b8f⋯.png (1.68 MB,3546x4010,1773:2005,2021_07_05_10_03_25.png)


Anon, reposted your stuff as caps in general thread before removing:


If you wanna post digs, memes etc, please post on General thread

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4e5ae2 No.69419

File: 00493d1c8dbf092⋯.png (522.28 KB,1916x1305,1916:1305,more_deleted_shill_posts.png)

more deleted shill posts

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bf6186 No.69466

File: bec66fd7467b2b1⋯.png (20.57 KB,665x245,19:7,2021_07_05_12_07_01.png)

File: b4c9d3a09877e3c⋯.png (1.47 MB,764x3640,191:910,2021_07_05_11_52_10.png)

File: 42d5b66677408b8⋯.png (1.98 MB,764x5500,191:1375,2021_07_05_12_03_50.png)

File: a9b5ffd8d721589⋯.png (1.94 MB,764x5215,764:5215,2021_07_05_12_03_54.png)


Resource Thread on the Law of War

IF you are TRULY an AMERICAN patriot who desires to understand where we are exactly at this moment in American history, chapters 11, and then 10 of the DOD Law of War Manual is now REQUIRED READING.

[Here is the Law of War manual:]



CAPS show a very detailed and articulate thread about the rules in the Law of War manual applying to the conduct of an occupying power.

THE PRINT IS A LITTLE SMALL when examples are cited, but if you also download the manual itself, you can follow along without trouble.



Supplemental reading essential to achieving a comprehensive understanding include the International Law of War (especially the International Bill of Human Rights), and the Geneva Convention rules.



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88b053 No.69762

File: dfb62384d368e2e⋯.jpg (21.76 KB,235x255,47:51,you_rock.jpg)

>>69659 pb

>Twitter has lost liability protection in India, government says

Ron Watkins has expressed concern more than once that if 230 protection is removed in the US, boards like 8kun would be toast. Not sure whether this is true but Ron's a smart guy, so it's certainly a sobering thought.

It's one of the reasons we have a content policy on this board - one designed to encourage productive posting and discourage BS shitposting done to disrupt the work or destroy the site. (It's NOT that QRB posters are wimpy Linda's who can't 'deal with' shills. It's that constantly fighting shills is a complete waste of time and energy.)

BTW, "productive posts" aren't just digs, memes, and prayers. Also includes anon convos where we exchange info, build trust, and just have fun or blow off steam. The work we do here is hard - anything we can do to raise spirits and make each other laugh is just as productive as the "'work' work".

My 2cents worth.

Appreciate every day the work done here,


- BO

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b19490 No.77874


BO here.

UPDATE to Board Settings Change made on June 6, Thread #279 >>60854

Nothing's changed since then, just added a coupla things below.

Don't allow users to repost files on your board - DISABLED

This means if posters make a mistake and want to repost, they can use the same image without having to change it or re-name it. Eliminates a slightly annoying problem.

Disable thread creation for nonstaff users - ENABLED

Only the Board Owner, Board Volunteer(s) and/or Reporter(s) will be able to create threads (using mod.php).

Enabled this option to eliminate shill threads as well as anon threads made by newfags who don't realize they need to post on General (not create a new thread) to make a post.

Anons who wish to make a new thread: Please check in with baker in General for help on either baking or designing a new thread.

If someone really wants to design and bake it themselves, BO can disable staff-only baking temporarily. I'm around a lot, let a baker know and we'll figure it out.

If you want to TRY BAKING THE THREAD to see what it looks like, do it in /comms/

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b19490 No.77879

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f6dc1a No.78222

Edits, Deletions and Bans

On QRB, bread length is determined by baker-bv's, based mostly on whether there are enough notes to bake. They also maintain the dough and keep the board relatively shill-free. Mods also edit or delete posts sometimes (see below), but NEVER without reason. Ditto for bans.

- Edits are usually made (usually on one's own posts) to correct inaccuracies, but anons can request a baker to make a correction if needed.

- Deletions are made for the same reason. They are also made for content policy violations hostile attacks, spam, hard-core porn). To be clear: most content is FINE. Posts are never deleted arbitrarily.

- Bans - Anons are never banned with no reason given. If a ban happens, it's to keep the place clean and comfy, that's all.

The only posts immediately deleted are those that contain illegal content or are part of an obvious spam attack. In most cases, posters of 'iffy' content are warned - ideally twice - before any action is taken. Doesn't happen a lot but it does happen, due to shills testing the waters. See >>57466, >>62044.

If you check the board log and see deletions or edits, plz do not assume there is 'fuckery' afoot, as one newfag did recently. Probably a shill, but seeing deletions, he said "comp'd" and left in a huff.

Wanna get to know QRB? Lurq, post, or ask questions. Most anons here are glad to help.

- BO

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1c0d01 No.82749

>>69093 op

>>57466 board content policy

Here are the policy guidelines on linking to anything illegal, like CP:

The mere act of LINKING or REQUESTING illegal content is a bannable offense. If you know the content is illegal, but you are unsure about the reason, please use the global rule as the ban reason:

"Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the purpose of posting or spreading such content."


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1c0d01 No.82750

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b9c819 No.84542

MP4 Converter


how to make larger vids smaller - u can specify the size limit (15m)

It's FREE. Used it on slightly too large files a couple of times, seems to work well. Does lots of other stuff too.

in dough:

MP4 Converter (reduces file size & more) >>84542 NEW

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69ab66 No.86535

TOR v3 address for /qrb/:


TOR v2 now deprecated - no longer works.

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9b1412 No.86976

RE HOST FILES - stuff from General

Image files aren't posting - we need the IP in order to view. Anon offers suggestions below.


If you verify IPs yourself (get them yourself), there is no risk involved, unless IPs would change.

In fact it's worse with DNS, because you trust your ISP, Google, OpenDNS or whoever you have set up. You are trusting a foreign untrustworthy entity.

In any case educating yourself on that matter and getting IPs NOW is a good idea, so you are prepared in case DNS goes boom.

▶Anonymous 08/30/21 (Mon) 05:08:55 d3be83 No.86920


ping 8kun.top

write down IP

Use it for media.8kun.top

That's the IP your computer is already using right now. Right now your computer tries to contact for example a Twitter IP for media.8kun.top.


Of course hosts file is critical, people should know what they are doing and thus should be educated on this matter.

Very important: don't take IPs from here or anywhere else, get them yourself. That's critical. Don't trust anyone.

▶Anonymous 08/30/21 (Mon) 08:24:49 d3be83 No.86952

>>86948 (You)

Oh and when we are already educating people:

People SHOULD know that they shouldn't use hosts file unless needed, but they should also know that if 8kun as a whole should disappear on DNS, they should add the following names to hosts:





all with the same IP and that should make it work again even without DNS. I haven't tried it myself yet on a system with no DNS.

This could be useful in case DNS gets taken out, either for everything, or for 8kun only.

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9b1412 No.86979

File: 8d380dc0bb82cc6⋯.png (26.09 KB,634x394,317:197,2021_08_30_9_22_12_how_to_….png)

File: 3a318606b01518b⋯.png (17.68 KB,529x181,529:181,2021_08_30_9_35_01_pinging….png)

How to PING an IP address

What is a ping?

A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can accept requests in computer network administration. The acronym was contrived to match the submariners' term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse.


1. In search bar, type cmd.

2. at the Command prompt, Type PING [web address]


PING 8kun.top.

PING media.8kun.top

3. Insert the IP addresses retrieved into the HOSTS file in order to access them directly.

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9b1412 No.86980



1. Go to search bar in Windows 10.

2. Type in notepad++.

3. Right click it when it appears and select run as administrator. *NECESSARY to be an admin to make changes to HOSTS file.*

4. Go back to windows search bar and paste this in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

5. Select HOSTS file. Note that it has NO file extension - this is important. CANNOT work if saved as a txt file, see below.

6. Open HOSTS file in Notepad - coz there's no NOTEPAD++ option to select (too bad but true).

7. Paste in the IP's below to bottom of all the stuff with hashes # on the hosts file: media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top media.8kun.top

8. Save the file in Notepad.

9. Open Notepad++ - using procedure above to open as Administrator if you haven't already done this.

10. Copy paste everything from HOSTS file in NOTEPAD to Notepad++.

11. When you save, save as ALL FILES - NOT as TXT. Make sure it's in the right folder (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc)

12. For it to take effect, best to REBOOT (I tried just flushing the DNS - no. Had to reboot.)

messed around with this but this is what finally worked -

the info above on specific ip's is from /qresearch/ dough - only the first address ( was PING'd by me (after using the instructions). I waited 3 days for dns anons to work it out and trusted that the info was valid and trustworthy. You could try just using whatever is personally pinged.

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9b1412 No.86982


thread archive to here

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7be411 No.87876

>>87718 dough


8kun does not recommend changing the hosts file

it is a security issue

i am reverting my HOSTS file back to original

Issue should be resolved within a few days

meanwhile, if you post digs, please "use your words" - helpful to copy telegrams and tweets,

describe CAPS, if any.


- BO

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2ac83f No.89025

>>88998 Here Is A Full List of Attorneys By State That Are Willing To Fight For Your Rights Against Vaccine Mandates

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2ac83f No.89026



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2ac83f No.89027


Actually, the top of the list say that atty's are willing to take certain kinds of vaccine injury cases.

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81ced2 No.92038

File: c917a7d5748db68⋯.pdf (77.03 KB,US_Vaccine_Attorneys.pdf)

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c3defe No.93728



forgot add texts:

Currently there are 817,625 Indictments on the Indictments List.

It doesn't make sense to implement Indictments on this page again while we already have a complete website for this topic.

Please use https://bad-boys.us to get ALL the up to date information.

/some CAPS

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4aa49d No.96854

File: 2723fec8b890c8f⋯.png (2.75 MB,1732x1261,1732:1261,QRB_Bunker_META_1.png)

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aefbb5 No.98878

File: df7315fd747d47a⋯.png (1.68 MB,2168x2608,271:326,2021_10_06_8_42_12_how_to_….png)


To recreate the thread image,

a. must use SAME NAME

b. must be posted within the SAME THREAD

example: QRB META thread

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aefbb5 No.98952

File: 0730cead241b6a2⋯.png (210.66 KB,472x659,472:659,baking1.png)

File: 140dd67c00ccc58⋯.png (3.11 MB,1317x3317,1317:3317,baking2.png)

File: fc32666c874754b⋯.png (2.15 MB,1317x3295,1317:3295,baking3.png)

File: f6a19dbc4179244⋯.png (6.9 MB,1731x12050,1731:12050,baking4.png)

File: 7bf261845515b66⋯.png (128.3 KB,1308x1003,1308:1003,baking5.png)

Some of this material is a little dated but most is still applicable.

Anons can use /comms/ board for practice and shadow baking, if you would like.


Learn To Bake

= How to Learn =

These graphics give easy instructions on how to bake and some tips. Once you've read them you can go and make a few test bakes over at /comms/ at the link below.

= New Bakers Required =

As the board continues to grow we need more /ourguys/ to increase our baking pool.

Day bakers, night bakers, weekend bakers, backup bakers and especially 3 - 9am ET (8am - 1pm EU) bakers are all required.

Regardless of how much time you can give to baking, all new Patriot bakers are welcome.

= Baking Your First Breads =

When you've done that and read the other material below you'll be ready to bake here. Let the baker know in-thread and if they have time, they or another baker will offer to spot you as you make your first live bake/bakes. Help will always be around in-thread when you're baking, just ask any time. Come on in to the kitchen anon, the water's warm…

= Links You'll Need =

Practice Baking Area ————————————— https://8kun.top/comms/catalog.html

Simple instructions here in text ————————– https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Longer instructions here in text ————————– https://pastebin.com/6QifVUSq

Tips & Support at the QResearch Baking School – https://8kun.top/comms/catalog.html


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aefbb5 No.99191

File: 452624ec95df403⋯.png (53.97 KB,2831x196,2831:196,2021_10_07_9_47_48.png)

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20b6e4 No.103845

Search Tools for DNS, Links, Background Checks, Court Cases

Running a basic background check for a website.

1. https://whois.domaintools.com / http://www.crimeflare.org:82 / https://www.findip-address.com / https://iphostinfo.com/cloudflare — IP or domain name information. The one in the middle gets through the CloudFlare defense. The last one will do the same and also provide a list of subdomains. https://whoisrequest.com/history/ will provide a history of changes made with the DNS records.

2. tracert [IP/domain name] (Windows) or traceroute [IP/domain name] (Linux) — the path each packet takes to get to the destination.

3. nslookup [IP/domain name] — DNS lookup.

4. https://web.archive.org/ — old versions of the website.

5. https://pentest-tools.com/website-vulnerability-scanning/discover-hidden-directories-and-files; DirBuster — open directories that may not have been mentioned anywhere on the website.

6. nmap — port information for the server hosting a website.

7. https://www.shodan.io/ — can be useful if used the right way.

8. https://ubersuggest.io/ — use this to find sites/links regarding your search term.

9. https://www.sixdegreesofwikipedia.com — find links quickly.

Running a basic background check for an entity or a person.

1. https://opencorpdata.com/ — not much but at least something.

2. The police department responsible for the jurisdiction in which the incident occurred/city in which the incident occurred => protocol for requesting and receiving police reports. Requires to deanonimize oneself.

3. https://policereports.lexisnexis.com/search/ — Accident Reports.

4. https://www.beenverified.com/ — background checks and public records. Costs money.

5. https://www.mylife.com — what is the Internet's opinion about somebody. Similar principle as above.

6. https://www.accurint.com/ — locate-and-research tool that will have to be paid for.

7. http://www.data-trac.com/ — same as above.

8. https://legal.thomsonreuters.com/en/products/clear-investigation-software — Thomson Reuter's research tool for journalists.

9. https://www.pacer.gov/ — Public Access to Court Electronic Records.

10. https://www.canlii.org — same but Canadian. Some features cost money.

11. https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/nics — FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Requires to deanonymize oneself. Includes mental health and criminal entries.

12. Try to google "Department of Finance notice of [property] value", some cities/states have information on the Web about this.

13. Check for official statements on https://www.justice.gov/ and https://www.house.gov/.

14. https://www.courtlistener.com — database of legal opinions from courts.

15. https://www.sec.gov/ — US Securities and Exchange Commission.

16. https://issuu.com, https://www.newspapers.com — people publish magazines and other printed stuff here.

17. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk, https://opengovuk.com/ — similar to OpenCorpData.

18. https://www.courtlistener.com/ — find court cases.

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28bddd No.104894

File: 2c6f262f41fa69f⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB,764x480,191:120,how_to_bake_in_two_minutes….mp4)

Two minute video on how to bake

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28bddd No.105087

File: 54313a8c2064531⋯.jpg (387.18 KB,1054x1550,17:25,2021_10_31_17_21_13.jpg)

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04eee9 No.106171


organized by subkect


Тобі певно цікаво, куди поділися всі матеріали. Справа в тому, що наповнення "Індексу К'юАнона", в якому під цю ж групу осіб відведено не так уже й багато місця, збиває з пантелику не тільки адміна, а й читача - а тому було вирішено перенести все на відведений під цю справу піддомен, чиє ім'я ліпше відображатиме мету індексу.


Переходь на # archive.shadowwarfare.info #


You probably wonder where all files are. Because having a "QAnon index" that has only a tiny amount of materials devoted to it confuses not only the maintainer but the users as well, it was decided to move all stuff to a designated shitty… subdomain whose name would better reflect the purpose of the index.


Go to # archive.shadowwarfare.info #



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04eee9 No.106413

File: 512ff27f8b62110⋯.png (101.11 KB,1741x494,1741:494,2021_11_04_22_59_26.png)

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3e9323 No.108116

File: 53779269d91a553⋯.png (178.41 KB,685x328,685:328,2021_11_12_0_09_30.png)

File: 8d974e2853bcad9⋯.png (1.12 MB,1071x798,51:38,2021_11_12_0_09_07.png)

Excellent advice on note-taking

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62a21f No.108566

"I have over 100 resources and tools in here for digging. Dig in!"


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60e570 No.108787

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418511 No.111431


File (hide): f6e5f9aca1b4794⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 573x340, 573:340, N3Mymm9uux.jpg)[F] [S] (h) (u)


Haven't been on "social" media since being banned when 45 was (in any meaningful way).

Have started spreading memes via:


Comments allow image attach.

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418511 No.111531

>>103845 Search Tools for DNS, Links, Background Checks, Court Cases


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418511 No.111532


Add to dough:

Endchan site has 3 possible extensions: .net, .org, .gg

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418511 No.111533

>>82749 Guidelines on CP, what to report in addition to illegal images

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418511 No.111541

Q: what do you think of the theory that his car was taken over by tech, he was set up?

2cents -

Of course, it's possible car was taken over

but not enough info to go there at this point.

if u know more, lemme know.

Guy could be on drugs, too.

Or be pissed about Rittenhouse outcome.

Or both.

Or something else, still early.

Since this is a spiritual war, was expecting some kind of backlash bc Rittenhouse verdict was such a powerful victory for "good." Got patriots really jazzed.

So what happens next?

First, car ploughing thru elderly and kids - coz good mood must be destroyed.

Second, Kyle - the hero of the moment - ends up on Tucker Carlson IMMEDIATELY after court, giving an interview.

WHY? Who suggested it? Pushed it?

Lynn noted, why isn't he home celebrating w/his family? (interviews can wait, right?)

But it's in the interests of DS to cause division and confusion but using 'hero' to divide patriots, sow discord/confusion.

[They] are going ALL OUT to divide patriots - negative stories on Q (stupid "shaman"), Flynn, Sidney, Lin Wood and probably more. At times like these, best to watch and wait. Takes time for the truth to out.

Meanwhile,"chop wood, carry water".

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15d612 No.111973

Anonymous 11/25/21 (Thu) 13:55:29 d4d637 No.111966 >>111969

Decentralized search engine

possible resource:


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8aca54 No.114320

File: 5a497ee3aad4730⋯.jpg (237.63 KB,1427x919,1427:919,2021_12_06_18_30_07.jpg)


good info source

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7be411 No.118838


Saving page https://endchan.gg/qrbunker/res/10653.html








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7be411 No.118858


free movies

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0f3d08 No.119259


Great resource for looking up scientific studies.

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32470f No.121992

Below is the QRB dough as of Jan 18 2021




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32470f No.121993

Welcome To Q Research Bunker (QRB) General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.tube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF & PICS Archive >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

QResearch Welcome Page https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

8kun FAQs https://8kun.top/faq.html

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>>/qresearch/11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectDcomms/ | Q's Trip-code Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

Archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online , qagg.news


Onion Link

QRB NEW onion link - http://8kun.top.qulatc2tl34vwefcc2pbsxi7vennhbew57jbl2d3pbhvjhozkoizdoqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>78126 (https://pastebin.com/PpctCf9z)


QRB content policy HERE: >>57466, >>61742, >>62044, >>69762 Newfags, plz read

ANONS: Plz see BV-bakers in QRB General to make a new thread >>77874

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32470f No.121994

Meme Ammo

>>>/qrmemes/ One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

>>>/qrb/57489 Digital Camo Thread Archive

>>>/qrmemes/606 Meme Camo Thread

Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/qrb/22979 Information Warfare II

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

>>>/comms/26525 Exposing Media Lies about Q: Post Attacks Against Q here

International Q Research Threads

>>>/qresearch/15175270 ————————————–——– Australia #20

>>>/qresearch/14841879 ————————————–——– Balkan #9

>>>/qresearch/15176456 ————————————–——– Canada #26

>>>/qresearch/14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>>/qresearch/15145874 ————————————–——– Germany #91

>>>/qresearch/14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>>/qresearch/14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>>/qresearch/14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>>/qresearch/14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>>/qresearch/14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>>/qresearch/15139589 ————————————–——– UK #42

Q Proofs & Posts

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>>/qresearch/6156082

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Storm is here Q Posts Q&A & all images bu docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

Q & POTUS timestamps docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Q Graphics

Q Graphics all in GMT >>>/qrb/57490, #001 and scroll down >>>/comms/283

Original, full-size images Q has posted postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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32470f No.121995

Tweet Tools

All My Tweets - Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form www.allmytweets.net/

Twitter Video Downloader twittervideodownloader.com/

Deleted Trump Tweets factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

Trump Tweet Archive trumptwitterarchive.com

Archives & Archivers

Archivers for Firefox, Opera & Webpage >>57496

QRB General Archive archive8kun.top/qrb/archive/index.html

(only activated for breads fallen off the catalog)

QR - MasterArchivist masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

QR - MasterArchivist (supplement) (main spreadsheet, 2nd tab, labeled)


QR - GermanArchiveAnon mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Wayback Machine for old archived websites https://web.archive.org

Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

Other Tools

500 videos from the Capital on Jan 6' >>67804

Advanced Google Search Operators ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Biden's destruction of America - first 100 days >>58856

Commercial Aviation Incident List avherald.com

Criminal Cases Database https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-r-united-states-attorney

DMCA takedown notice or abuse report reporting@isitwetyet.com.

Federal Judicial Court Dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db '''bad-boys.us/

Federal Procurement Data System www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Hosts File (DNS), How to Edit >>>/comms/4396

Hussein WH visitor list qest.us/obamavisitors

Legal News www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Links to Alt-Media (Contacts, Websites) >>51758

MP4 Converter (reduces file size & more) >>84542, https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

Q Boards/Sites >>58867

Qcode Guide to Abbreviations pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

Reverse image search to sauce https://tineye.com/

Search Tools for DNS, Links, Background Checks, Court Cases >>103845 new

Stock Movement Scraper qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Staff Notes

BO changes/board updates >>57468, >>57469, >>57470, >>57471, >>57472, >>57473

Notables - plz list more often at end of bread >>57493

Passwords in fullchan.net - do not use >>57494

Endchan site is bu board - has 3 possible extensions: .net, .org, .gg

QRB content policy >>57466, >>96508

Wearethene.ws formatting >>57477, >>57480, >>57481, >>57482, >>57483, >>57484, >>57485, >>57486, >>57481, >>57484

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bakes & E-bake instructions >>57491, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY, >>>/comms/9252

Resources from last LIVE Baking Class #39 >>>/comms/40980 (step by step baking instructions)

Baker Tools - several versions >>58368

How to format multi-page notables https://qanonbin.com/paste/0kIGTHWjd

Tips on Notables for Bakers >>>/comms/41080

Iwo Jima flag on YouTube for TOR posting https://youtu.be/MLCupx1UExg

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32470f No.121996

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32470f No.121997

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32470f No.121999


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