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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 640x272, 40:17, 3581733c912d3123efb9f802f2….jpg)

20237e  No.15096458[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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20237e  No.15096463

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1. Watch >>14908294 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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20237e  No.15096464



>>15095738 World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

>>15095821, >>15096308 World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India

>>15095854 Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) said Biden’s Build Back Better Act was “Alice in Wonderland” logic.

>>15095862, >>15095784 David McGee

>>15095867 Interpol elects Chinese cop Hu Binchen in charge of pursuing overseas fugitives to senior role

>>15095904 Ethiopia Conflict By US Design

>>15095941, >>15096116, >>15096123 The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial The charges against Maxwell - and her legal strategy against her victims

>>15095974 Statement Donald J. Trump: The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen

>>15095979 PF Reports STORM64

>>15096004, >>15096371 Keep borders open despite African Covid variant, WHO pleads

>>15096089 Interview with Mark Levin, broadcast tonight at 8:00PM ET on Fox News." - President Donald J. Trump

>>15096113, >>15096124, >>15096129, >>15096134, >>15096168 NY Post Dog Comms Oheka Castle Dig

>>15096375 Ghislaine Trial access link

>>15096455 #19097


>>15094948 Fauci on GOP Criticism: ‘I’m Going to Be Saving Lives and They’re Going to Be Lying’

>>15094974 Amazon sees 'record-breaking' Black Friday, official says

>>15094976 Nearly 10,000 active duty US Marines are set to miss Monday's vaccine mandate deadline: Corps still doesn't know how it will punish them

>>15095012, >>15095016, >>15095033, >>15095037 Trial set to start on charges Smollett faked racist attack

>>15095125 Covid vaccine resistance is nothing new. Anti-vaxxers are as old as vaxxing itself.

>>15095178 With Tomorrow’s Due Date for US Air Force Personnel to be Fully Vaccinated – Air Force Prevents Any Airmen Not Vaccinated From Moving to a Different Station

>>15095240 Local News Outlets Could Reap $1.7 Billion in Build Back Better Aid

>>15095269 DoD tweet Boom! @usamy (? - r)

>>15095375 Former Fort Irwin soldier twice convicted of possessing child porn sentenced to prison

>>15095382 Interpol elects Chinese cop in charge of pursuing overseas fugitives to senior role

>>15095396 National Guard scandals in these 13 states raise questions about culture and accountability

>>15095401, >>15095611 Trafficking in the News

>>15095865 #19096


>>15094137 Flashback - How the “OK” Symbol Became a Popular Trolling Gesture

>>15094147, >>15094153 ‘A Bunch of Kooks’: Michael Flynn Described QAnon as a ‘Disinformation Campaign’ in Recorded Call (Kooks or Cooks-Baker?)

>>15094210 Russia Starts Mass Producing “Unstoppable” Zircon Hypersonic Missiles

>>15094268 Face The Nation Fauci Interview - The Story of the Foot

>>15094318 All things Trafficking mini Bun

>>15094359, >>15094422 Psychopath Fauci Says He Thinks COVID “Is Not Going to Go Away”

>>15094368 New Report Reveals ‘Gifts’ Given to Hunter Biden from China that We Reported On a Year Ago

>>15094374 The Power of The People

>>15094380 World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID "Variant As Dangerous As Ebola"

>>15094413 Roger Stone says FBI is acting like Biden’s ‘personal Gestapo’

>>15094430 NIH Dir. Collins: Omicron Variant a ‘Great Reason to Go and Get Boosted’

>>15094466 SHOCKING: BIG PHARMA Received Emergency Use Approval a Couple of Weeks Ago for COVID Variant Discovered a Couple Days Ago?

>>15094507 The Trump Comeback!

>>15094635 'What happened on January 6, Senator?': Fauci LAUGHS at Ted Cruz for saying he should be prosecuted for 'lying to Congress' and says Republicans are making him a 'scapegoat' for Trump

>>15094692, >>15094726 Fauci says 'troublesome' omicron 'might evade immune protection'

>>15094748 Director of Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research in Canada Forced to Resign for Being a Fake

>>15094753 Facebook's 'Race Blind' Algorithm Found 90% Of Hate Speech Directed Toward White People And Men

>>15094775 Clockfags on the Clock - D5

>>15095706 #19095

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20237e  No.15096465


>>15093322 NO MANDATES- Kansas Sheriff Uses World Class Antibody Test

>>15093284, >>15093433, >>15093441, >>15093610 OmiCon Bun

>>15093380, >>15093458 Fauci says US just deserves B or C grade on COVID-19

>>15093382 More than 7 billion Served

>>15093510 Is there a wholly unexpected benefit from the left’s COVID madness?

>>15093533 Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama are Democrats' top 2024

>>15093576 USMC: board a UH-1Y Venom during parachute operations

>>15093689 School official prevents students from attending book club event with author

>>15093980 Western monarch butterflies are returning to California for the winter

>>15093904 o7, memefags

>>15094022 #19094


>>15092577 Stop making the political terrorism in Waukesha political

>>15092655, >>15092888 Demolish an historic site like this?

>>15092660, >>15092677, >>15092699. >>15092718 Spirit 46 Yacht renamed 45/ 007 diggz

>>15092779, >>15092983, >>15092991, >>15093093 COVID 19 OMICRON Happenings

>>15092781 Biden’s Ultimate Plan to Thwart Religious Freedom

>>15092797 The DOT's Twitter Meme Doesn't Just Offend Comedy — It May Also Be Illegal

>>15092839 Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers

>>15092848, >>15092849, >>15092860 No public meetings at the next WEF in Davos / Translated

>>15092885 Chinese titan lavished Hunter Biden with 3-carat gem, offer of $30 million

>>15092892 7.3 EARTHQUAKE PERU

>>15092908 There is 'Q'; There are 'Anons'; There is no 'Qanon'

>>15092914 Powerful: Australian MP Calls on Free Citizens to Rise Up Against Covid Tyranny

>>15093155, >>15093157 Q PROOF: Metallurgist Admits She Falsified Test Results for Steel

>>15093206 Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, is home to the famed "Hunters"

>>15093254 #19093

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20237e  No.15096466


>>15091829 Who did it better? Carrie or Liz? Canadian Indigenous Health expert Carrie Bourassa fired for faking heritage

>>15091831, >>15091844, >>15091846 Durham police investigating fatal train accident in Pickering

>>15091849 The brain parasite that 33% of the population is infected with

>>15091734, >>15091743, >>15091752, >>15091772, >>15091789,

>>15091791, >>15091798, >>15091811, >>15091820, >>15091860,

>>15091869, >>15091886, >>15091922 Maxwell Bun.

>>15092087, >>15091920, >>15091915, >>15091960, >>15091965,

>>15091974, >>15092075 Disney Pedo Bun.

>>15092186 Biden to increase U.S. Oil Lease fees 50%

>>15092199 Marijuana interferes with mind control programming

>>15092209 80% of China's Groundwater contaminated

>>15092239 Gates Foundation Sent over 54 million to China since COVID

>>15092256 CDAN blind item about Standard Hotel and those two employees who died.

>>15092270 Dan Tweets Green/Red 34 minutes apart (34/2=17)

>>15092520 #19092

Previously Collected Notables

>>15092324 #19091

>>15089621 #19088, >>15090105 #19089, >>15090927 #19090

>>15086828 #19085, >>15088342 #19086, >>15088469 #19087

>>15085424 #19082, >>15085457 #19083, >>15085975 #19084

>>15081902 #19079, >>15082551 #19080, >>15083913 #19081

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

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20237e  No.15096474

File: 2d50ec7ee91273e⋯.jpg (59.89 KB, 744x404, 186:101, 2d50ec7ee91273e9678da31ea3….jpg)



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2eaaa1  No.15096500

File: a42a43bcd2aacbd⋯.png (899.12 KB, 474x664, 237:332, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc8a15  No.15096501

File: e7ceb3866b70021⋯.mp4 (12.64 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, e7ceb3866b70021d05d8ed7598….mp4)


Passports. Pffft. C'mon man.

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5ffb84  No.15096502

File: 0f0459dd3974cf9⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Untitled.png)

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465197  No.15096503

File: 0e685f43642a62d⋯.png (499.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Jill_Home.png)

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87790c  No.15096504

File: b392bf397c9330c⋯.png (459.46 KB, 721x847, 103:121, I_O_DROP.png)

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efc04b  No.15096505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

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a793c5  No.15096506


>>15096476 (LB)

bestcorey booker meme! noice anon

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90c9a7  No.15096507

File: 8ec015e28075fa8⋯.mp4 (12.79 MB, 854x480, 427:240, looks_like_arizona_press_c….mp4)

>>15096237 pb

>looks like arizona press conference voting irregularities - guy walks off stage 'im sorry i cant do this'

Anyone have a little backstory to this vid pls?

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e62790  No.15096508

File: 4c54b85baaaa353⋯.mp4 (7.21 MB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_0264.mp4)



Godspeed NightShift

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87790c  No.15096509

File: 40a0c5b714b7c79⋯.png (386.91 KB, 787x667, 787:667, blocks.png)


Federal Court Blocks State Vaccine Mandate That Was Actually Opposed by California’s Governor Gavin Newsom

by Kyle Becker

about an hour ago

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32b981  No.15096510

File: 15c3dc94e3ab89a⋯.png (527.91 KB, 920x753, 920:753, ClipboardImage.png)

new FOX drama, 'MONARCH'


Susan Sarandon, Trace Adkins Are Country-Music Royalty in ‘Monarch’ Preview

New Fox drama leans hard into ‘Dynasty’ vibes with a story of family, power, and betrayal

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d86968  No.15096511

File: 4438eef906bbeb2⋯.jpeg (97.29 KB, 523x1384, 523:1384, 285743085740985743975843.jpeg)

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0f0e35  No.15096512


Nice snipe and dubs baker

>>15096455 (lb notable)

>>>15096375 Ghislaine Trial access link

Hey baker remove that one from dough please, my poast was false info


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6b514d  No.15096513

File: 9261903ce95abbe⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1260x841, 1260:841, ClipboardImage.png)

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a823a5  No.15096514

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 6e4cab6202c9dfc2189d758cd5….jpg)

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bab2dc  No.15096515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mass Delusional Psychosis

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38b573  No.15096516

File: 6594e99947f0513⋯.jpg (23.12 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 4_baker.jpg)

Finally a baker w/ fresh at 751.


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e09291  No.15096517

File: 08810c13bd38644⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 888x484, 222:121, vfgdfgh.jpg)

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465197  No.15096518

File: 51d2fcb4d5b5b6f⋯.jpg (213.09 KB, 970x1920, 97:192, Psi_Op.jpg)

File: c6751fbdb4a07ac⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1224x1792, 153:224, Xi.jpg)

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87790c  No.15096519

File: 11869871f2c7fcf⋯.png (523.99 KB, 854x877, 854:877, berta.png)


Alberta Nationals > Blog > Covid > Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up Effects of Covid Vaccines

Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up Effects of Covid Vaccines

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d3c72e  No.15096520

File: ac2153906f606d7⋯.png (5.47 MB, 3000x4200, 5:7, nov13missingifightIXXI.png)

>>15096063 PB

That graphic has grown a lot since then.


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00af0e  No.15096521



You lost viewers with the 2020 election. They are never going to return. Not ever. So, stop posting here.


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a793c5  No.15096522


that's old, remember when it happened. there was follow up or story update.

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bde2af  No.15096523

File: 63ba170cb1874a3⋯.jpg (97.42 KB, 889x482, 889:482, faucigainofe.jpg)


feeln the heat


of course he would




yeah, so Flynn must know

I rememver that now.


^^^ like that. gotta listen to it.

Also, of course, Media twisted the meaning.

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dbc9c6  No.15096524

File: 5d6765eaf07ad47⋯.png (595.59 KB, 487x681, 487:681, 21c00ac7c844255d156ac7de63….png)

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964d24  No.15096525

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ghislaine Maxwell NEWS UPDATE, AND MORE in One Video

[ https://www.bitchute.com/video/MVWf25LQFvzP/ ]

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c2c565  No.15096526

File: 6be74b5a0c40a96⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB, 960x720, 4:3, kumite.mp4)


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38dffe  No.15096527

File: eaa6fe3a0b98a60⋯.jpg (12.16 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 2ab33015c82b5515b0fe0fb1fa….jpg)

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8c890d  No.15096528

File: 18507696c7e05c5⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 480x479, 480:479, FB_IMG_1637630717094.jpg)

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bde2af  No.15096529


all previous bread

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e944c6  No.15096530

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15096460 (lb)

Starts around the 6min 10 second mark:

Dr. Tom Cowan on "virome" and the "viral composition of the human genome"

Why deep metagenomic sequencing, the "virome" and the "viral composition of the human genome" are threats to your health- Friday, November 19th, 2021 Webinar


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2eaaa1  No.15096531

File: 15983b93b81d411⋯.jpeg (28.84 KB, 322x350, 23:25, HRC_lizard_jar.jpeg)

File: 7643b6a776bbad1⋯.png (552.44 KB, 682x480, 341:240, Gates_vaccine_hrc.png)

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d3c72e  No.15096532

File: 521500c60f7bf2c⋯.jpg (139.28 KB, 590x775, 118:155, fake_and_gay.jpg)


Fake and Gay meme

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a793c5  No.15096533


that's one evil m'fucker.

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a54475  No.15096534


At least this will wake up a few more people. The fuckery and manipulation can't get much more obvious than this.

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87790c  No.15096535

File: 4966bfda34b6e80⋯.png (163.05 KB, 430x348, 215:174, sid.png)


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [28.11.21 19:00]

[Forwarded from Insider Amigo]

[ Video ]

Tel Aviv on the streets as Israel imposes strict new travel ban amid "Omicron variant" scaremongering.

💥Join and Share 👉👉 @insider_amigo

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2eaaa1  No.15096536

File: 4048f1cae4b5f80⋯.png (443.02 KB, 500x539, 500:539, pepe_no_pinch.png)

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92e6ab  No.15096537

File: c61ed2590356d7b⋯.jpg (138.42 KB, 1017x891, 113:99, BeBestOrnament2.JPG)

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a4e6f1  No.15096538

File: e466c6172430721⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1853x2048, 1853:2048, Screenshot_20211128_163546.png)

it's almost as if it was planned kek


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f8a0a6  No.15096539

File: 79c0c5b88a11b58⋯.jpg (95.2 KB, 768x512, 3:2, nightshift3.jpg)

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20237e  No.15096540

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a793c5  No.15096541


weird tits, gates

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bde2af  No.15096542

File: 4f70919a5780f09⋯.png (969.46 KB, 1200x2201, 1200:2201, gatesceosmartmatic.png)



Trans Humanist

Trans Sexual

goes together.

Gates involved with the Vote Fraud?

It's not just Zuk?

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38dffe  No.15096543

File: 7a4ad3e9aaa1939⋯.png (962.09 KB, 684x461, 684:461, 7a4ad3e9aaa19391421adef14b….png)

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c8c4c8  No.15096544

File: f7c54e964ea5853⋯.png (360.19 KB, 655x453, 655:453, Juicy_Empire.png)

File: 1126173ccd15212⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1100x720, 55:36, You_see_dat.png)


It's a concept carbon copy

of Juicy Smollett's Empire black peeps tv show…

but with country white folk

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37da6a  No.15096545

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB, 640x354, 320:177, trump_24k.mp4)



>>15095974 lb



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bab2dc  No.15096546


all for a LARP

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f46d83  No.15096547

File: e3b8b20b1e7d007⋯.jpg (150.75 KB, 712x670, 356:335, JilldVile1.jpg)

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d86968  No.15096548

File: b17055b31316caa⋯.png (83.06 KB, 254x240, 127:120, _025048574885738475.png)


I know, it's great.

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d3c72e  No.15096549

File: f13f85f74fd10bd⋯.png (3.05 MB, 2000x2600, 10:13, doqholidaywide.png)


Lin Wood is a character.

Playing a role.

Like Stormy Daniels.

You are watching a movie.

Enjoy the show.

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00af0e  No.15096550


Some suggest it was planned.

The opposing factions destroy self/each other.

See Pike’s 3rd letter.

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5ffb84  No.15096551

File: b1a77a930a21b7f⋯.png (880.72 KB, 500x764, 125:191, b1a77a930a21b7f566292b9b32….png)

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92e6ab  No.15096552

File: b8d8d4100680266⋯.jpg (44.77 KB, 468x269, 468:269, GreenNightNS.jpg)

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c75a27  No.15096553


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e3a3ce  No.15096554

File: dd65b2ae43f9e9d⋯.png (606.69 KB, 598x643, 598:643, Screenshot_2021_11_28_at_2….png)

The Hill


Skeleton of new dinosaur species found at secret location in Missouri http://hill.cm/tz3xuYL


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9ace09  No.15096555


What's the update status on this supposed tiff between all these MAGA players? I stopped paying attention at the Lin / Flynn texts dissing Q followers.

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82c160  No.15096556


You are an idiot.

You really think that Stormy smear helped Trump at all?

You're so brainwashed that no matter how pathetic the optics loss you still think you won.

You're not smart enough to be here.

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465197  No.15096557

File: f1a65a30a4c4c78⋯.jpg (142.54 KB, 880x495, 16:9, U1.jpg)

File: 2d47e81b1a0a0de⋯.jpg (556.54 KB, 966x1920, 161:320, One_of_these_.jpg)

File: 5856c01ea7e673f⋯.jpg (64.45 KB, 474x497, 474:497, Missions_Forward.jpg)

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c75a27  No.15096558

File: 191d0f12a764109⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 191d0f12a764109539f2ae29fe….jpg)


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20237e  No.15096559





>>15095738 World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

>>15095821, >>15096308 World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India

>>15095854 Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) said Biden’s Build Back Better Act was “Alice in Wonderland” logic.

>>15095862, >>15095784 David McGee

>>15095867 Interpol elects Chinese cop Hu Binchen in charge of pursuing overseas fugitives to senior role

>>15095904 Ethiopia Conflict By US Design

>>15095941, >>15096116, >>15096123 The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial The charges against Maxwell - and her legal strategy against her victims

>>15095974 Statement Donald J. Trump: The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen

>>15095979 PF Reports STORM64

>>15096004, >>15096371 Keep borders open despite African Covid variant, WHO pleads

>>15096089 Interview with Mark Levin, broadcast tonight at 8:00PM ET on Fox News." - President Donald J. Trump

>>15096113, >>15096124, >>15096129, >>15096134, >>15096168 NY Post Dog Comms Oheka Castle Dig


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a823a5  No.15096560

File: 04599255ca93822⋯.png (529.41 KB, 598x722, 299:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 245ccdc67908d38⋯.png (29.85 KB, 449x500, 449:500, ClipboardImage.png)


9 candles



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c2c565  No.15096561

File: 949cef68f1b2faf⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 949cef68f1b2fafdb965a08863….mp4)

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1eac4a  No.15096562

File: 83192b97fc2fba6⋯.jpg (151.77 KB, 720x1193, 720:1193, 20211128_172819.jpg)


Virgil Abloh, fashion's highest-profile Black designer and the creative mind behind Louis Vuitton's menswear collections, died in Chicago at age 41, following a two-year battle with a rare form of cancer https://t.co/3IILkSWzSP https://t.co/DlaCP6mcgB

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2eaaa1  No.15096563

File: 58034ed19fe1d4c⋯.png (538.23 KB, 571x461, 571:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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c75a27  No.15096564

File: badea099c364881⋯.png (192.58 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 3e7b3062_1fb8_4409_ac0f_41….png)

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32b981  No.15096565


>Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up Effects of Covid Vaccines


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096fb6  No.15096566

File: ea4050b6f6e260b⋯.gif (346.91 KB, 500x217, 500:217, centari.gif)

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ee3b87  No.15096567

lb pb

I am posting this again for all.

Leave telegram faggotry on telegram. Fucking idiocracy.

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87790c  No.15096568

File: 074ccc3f7ba9356⋯.png (294.41 KB, 852x696, 71:58, dutch.png)


Dutch police arrest couple that fled COVID quarantine

Sun, November 28, 2021, 2:32 PM·

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20237e  No.15096569

File: c4f8227ec095fba⋯.jpeg (57.33 KB, 500x500, 1:1, c4f8227ec095fbaa502f21e55….jpeg)


UP Dated Dough


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5ffb84  No.15096570

File: 067ff6bda694cc4⋯.jpg (667.12 KB, 1650x1100, 3:2, Blind_Left.jpg)

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c75a27  No.15096571

File: 135a71051a82d9b⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 11733_L_vvs_000.jpg)

here horsey horsey vaccinated horsey…

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32b981  No.15096572


She is pretty hot for 70 years old

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87790c  No.15096573

File: 2670b79c26e695d⋯.png (396.39 KB, 844x754, 422:377, cdc.png)


CDC Funded Study Shows No Significant Difference in COVID-19 Transmission Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

By Jim Hoft

Published November 28, 2021 at 6:10pm

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a8cf47  No.15096574

File: e05db6ca7dc3275⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, 5FC2A0A6_F15A_4188_8340_96….png)


nice snipe, baker…

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d86968  No.15096575



'tis for fun

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00af0e  No.15096576



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2eaaa1  No.15096577


Pfizer paid them to sweep it under the rug. Billions in profits were at stake.

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74b83b  No.15096578

File: 3ca76186b79f403⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1370x769, 1370:769, fauci_soros_rockefeller.png)

From 2001, but Anon thought interdasting due to Fauci connection to all that money and clout

Part 1

First Andrew Carnegie Medals Awarded to Seven Visionaries of Modern Philanthropy




Inaugural Laureates Are Philanthropists Whose Names and Careers Link Old and New Philanthropy

Celebrating the legacy of the man who 100 years ago shepherded in the era of modern philanthropy, the inaugural Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy were awarded today to seven world-renowned benefactors who have forged new visions for the philanthropic community as it embarks on a new century and millennium of giving.

The laureates of the first Andrew Carnegie Medals some of whom represent families are among the most illustrious in the history of philanthropy. They are Ambassadors Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg on behalf of the Annenberg Foundation, Brooke Astor, Irene Diamond, the Gates family, David and Laurance S. Rockefeller on behalf of the Rockefeller family, George Soros and Ted Turner.

The awards ceremony took place at the New York Public Library, symbolizing the great importance Mr. Carnegie placed on libraries. His early philanthropic contributions focused on libraries and some 2,500 public libraries were built in his name around the world.

"The Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy honor an extraordinary group of benefactors who understand the pivotal role that philanthropy plays in developing and sustaining our democratic institutions," said Vartan Gregorian, president of Carnegie Corporation of New York and chair of the executive committee of the 21 Carnegie institutions worldwide that spearheaded the centennial events.

"The laureates represent the diversity of the philanthropic community and its wide range of views on giving," Gregorian added. "December 10th offers an unprecedented opportunity to showcase these remarkable people, who are following in the path of Mr. Carnegie. By celebrating his legacy and theirs, we seek to reinvigorate and challenge the philanthropic community for tomorrow."

Also serving on the executive committee of the Carnegie Centennial were Maxine Frank Singer, president of Carnegie Institution of Washington, and Jessica T. Mathews, president of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

An audience of cultural, philanthropic and government leaders attended as history's first Carnegie Medals were presented by dignitaries with household names. The presenters included television journalists Tom Brokaw, Bill Moyers and Barbara Walters; Pulitzer-Prize winning historian David McCullough; AOL Time Warner Co-Chief Operating Officer Richard D. Parsons; the respected AIDS researcher and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and World Bank Managing Director Mamphela Ramphele. CNN's Senior Anchor Judy Woodruff, a trustee of Carnegie Corporation of New York, served as the master of ceremonies.

The awards ceremony celebrated one of the most important financial transactions of the 20th century, when J.P. Morgan purchased U.S. Steel for $480 million (the equivalent of $10.6 billion today) from Andrew Carnegie, who then devoted the rest of his life to philanthropy on a level not then seen in America or anywhere else. By his death, Mr. Carnegie had given away 90 percent of his fortune.

The awards ceremony formed the high point of the daylong centennial celebration, during which leaders of Carnegie institutions worldwide held a first-ever joint board meeting aimed at revitalizing their missions prior to jointly awarding the Carnegie medals and bronze bust of Andrew Carnegie to the seven laureates.

The Carnegie family of institutions voted on a resolution to select and award the Andrew Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy biennially.

According to citations for the awardees, Ambassadors Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg, who jointly head the Annenberg Foundation, were selected for the historic role their foundation has played in helping America's schoolchildren meet the challenges of the 21st century and for their personal commitment to strengthening education and the arts. Among their many gifts is the $500 million Annenberg Challenge Grant, the largest single gift ever bestowed on public education in the United States. Ambassador Leonore Annenberg accepted the award on behalf of her husband and herself.

Brooke Astor, who as president of the Vincent Astor Foundationhas been a major force behind the revitalization of the New York Public Library, was chosen for her unstinting efforts on behalf of New York City's great cultural and education institutions during 40 years of inspired philanthropy.

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e65b2c  No.15096579

File: 5d5b74dbc414926⋯.jpeg (36.74 KB, 360x480, 3:4, vurt.jpeg)

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20237e  No.15096580

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c9520c  No.15096581


She is Evil.

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b55c8f  No.15096582

File: 721ae7dacfc8aa9⋯.png (520.96 KB, 894x954, 149:159, JenPsakiDinoTHEHILL_twatt.png)

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9ace0e  No.15096583


Degenerate on every level.

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e3a3ce  No.15096584

File: df5f15b89ca239a⋯.png (511.81 KB, 535x668, 535:668, Screenshot_2021_11_28_at_2….png)

Donald Trump Jr.


Hey guys, you dont want to miss an amazing interview, tonight 8pm ET on Fox News. An Entire hour, the great one @marklevinshow, with President Donald Trump on his presidency and his new book… dont forget to get a copy for yourself on https://45books.com


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20237e  No.15096585

File: 10bfc616ed82140⋯.jpg (104.6 KB, 794x794, 1:1, 10bfc616ed82140e34b16bff7f….jpg)

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07f8b6  No.15096586

File: f34e5a6b507236b⋯.png (848.22 KB, 960x482, 480:241, ghislaine_andrew_dork.png)

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32b981  No.15096587


why would Wood go after Sydney Powell?

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d86968  No.15096588


Notable Dan.

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679522  No.15096589

File: e77423ec60586e4⋯.png (1.03 MB, 667x962, 667:962, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 182efda0bcf8ef0⋯.png (459.65 KB, 912x655, 912:655, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15096230 lb

>>15096343 lb

>NASA Breaks Asteroid


Anon has become amateur planefag only because of this place. Heard one this early evening and clicked on ADS-B to see it flew directly over my childhood home with a CALLSIGN exactly my initials. Took off from South Bend, landed in COATSville at Chester County/G OCarlson Airport. More interesting details, but mostly personal too me, and don't want to bore anons with a wall of text.

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00af0e  No.15096590


Vajayjay lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth.

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74b83b  No.15096591

File: 3ca76186b79f403⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1370x769, 1370:769, fauci_soros_rockefeller.png)


From 2001, but Anon thought interdasting due to Fauci connection to all that money and clout

Part 2

First Andrew Carnegie Medals Awarded to Seven Visionaries of Modern Philanthropy




Irene Diamond who discovered the property that became the Hollywood classic Casablanca and who helped bring Burt Lancaster and Robert Redford to Hollywood was selected for her trailblazing gifts to combat AIDS and to educate the public about the disease. She served as president of the Aaron Diamond Foundation, which distributed all of its assets and became the nation's largest private supporter of AIDS research. She was also recognized for her continuing support of the arts in New York City.

The Gates family William H. Gates III, Melinda French Gates and William H. Gates Sr. who are setting new standards of giving for the 21st century as heads of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, were selected for their leadership in reaffirming an ethic of responsibility to the world at large and for their landmark efforts to promote health equity around the globe, help all students achieve and to bridge the digital divide. William H. Gates, Sr., accepted the award on behalf of the Gates family.

The Rockefeller family was recognized for its exceptional record of philanthropy over the last century. Third and fourth generations of the family now continue to build on philanthropic roots established by John D. Rockefeller, who, along with Andrew Carnegie, set standards for all who followed. David Rockefeller accepted the award on behalf of himself, his brother, Laurance S. Rockefeller, and the entire Rockefeller family.

George Soros, whose global network of foundations and Open Society Institutes spend nearly a half-billion dollars each year to support projects in education, public health, civil society development and other areas, was chosen as a laureate for his leadership and vision in fostering open societies and a better life for billions of citizens of the world.

Ted Turner was selected for his leadership in the philanthropic arena, particularly with his historic $1 billion gift to the United Nations, for his passionate stewardship of the environment and for the Nuclear Threat Initiative to reduce the global threat posed by nuclear and biological weapons.

Capping the Carnegie Centennial was an evening concert at Carnegie Hall, which Andrew Carnegie founded in 1889 after acquiring seven parcels of land on 57th Street, considered at the time an outpost on the city's cultural map.

Andrew Carnegie's philanthropic efforts actually began in 1870. In "The Gospel of Wealth," which he published in 1889, he outlined his philosophy of giving, which asserted that the rich are merely "trustees" of their wealth and are under a moral obligation to distribute it in ways that promote the welfare and happiness of the common man. He died in 1919, leaving his wife and their daughter. His great grandsons Roswell Miller and Kenneth Miller whose 15-month-old son is the first in the family to be named Andrew Carnegie attended Carnegie Centennial events.

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bc8a15  No.15096592

File: 69919ca45c1b7bd⋯.jpg (438.41 KB, 1035x1396, 1035:1396, 69919ca45c1b7bdd3f98fc4795….jpg)

File: cc338a112f768a9⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1760x1496, 20:17, dabc443fd3cc4642d40175ec6c….png)

File: 520a9d0f6a5555d⋯.gif (3.07 MB, 300x168, 25:14, 520a9d0f6a5555d1aa9a4f56ea….gif)

File: 43ac7ffbf0cea7d⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 600x225, 8:3, 43ac7ffbf0cea7dbcf4b1be139….gif)

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c0deb6  No.15096593

File: 727a860e912cdc5⋯.jpg (65.92 KB, 720x762, 120:127, IMG_2665.JPG)

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c8c4c8  No.15096594

File: 6480c6d3d7a8b75⋯.png (406.51 KB, 680x406, 340:203, GM_Trial.png)

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d3c72e  No.15096595

File: 4776b34120035b5⋯.png (8.56 MB, 3700x4000, 37:40, waukeshawlinesstigerking58….png)

Parade graphic.


Stormy was controlled opposition.


Wasn't supposed to help Trump.

I have been here from the start.

Three statements are personal attacks and the other is a false assumption.

Better up your troll game.

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e65b2c  No.15096596



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38dffe  No.15096597

File: 5d8367a962dd99b⋯.png (659.61 KB, 720x831, 240:277, ClipboardImage.png)


used to have that attitude…but everything just keeps getting more and more fucked up, beyond the wildest speculations ; if it turned out everything in the media is totally fake (ala a movie) there could be no surprise at that anymore, no sir…not anymore

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2eaaa1  No.15096598

File: 5a878d39f3f3710⋯.png (379.29 KB, 666x500, 333:250, planefags_ty.png)


>Anon has become amateur planefag

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9b4eec  No.15096599


Like a giant sleepy alien face pushing out to see something

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2d5bc6  No.15096600


It would be better if Trump would start doing the interviews.

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e3e0a9  No.15096601

There better be helicopter rides.

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6e1a05  No.15096602

China Does It Again – Sends 27 Aircraft Into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone

China is doing it again. Taiwan is reporting that China sent 27 Air Defense Planes into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone.

Newsmax is reporting:

Taiwan’s air force scrambled again on Sunday to warn away 27 Chinese aircraft that entered its air defense zone, Taiwan’s defense ministry said, the latest increase in tensions across the sensitive Taiwan Strait.

Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained for a year or more of repeated missions by China’s air force near the democratically governed island, often in the southwestern part of its air defense identification zone, or ADIZ, close to the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.

Over a four-day period beginning on Oct. 1, when China marked its national day, Taiwan said that nearly 150 PLA military aircraft entered its ADIZ, not territorial air space but a broader area Taiwan monitors and patrols that acts to give it more time to respond to any threats.

This is not the first time China has done this. In October Taiwan announced it was preparing for war after the number of threats from China increased.

China knows the US has never been weaker since the beginning of the CCP.


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e273f2  No.15096603


Ill tell you about Flynns prayer.

Heard an interview with him where he said he carries a prayer card in his pocket, that someone gave him, that meant something to him. Michael the Archangel's prayer. He's a Catholic.

Unfortunately Catholic's pray to angels and Mary.

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d3c72e  No.15096604

File: a1bc376c52fb0d4⋯.png (258.33 KB, 466x585, 466:585, 3yearboomsanon.png)


Can you click on the first tweet so is a date stamp and not a 2h delta? Will include.

Twatter is dead to me since @Jack suspended my account.

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1bb4f0  No.15096605

File: 1a1f5c663503f19⋯.jpg (84.91 KB, 1600x808, 200:101, pris44.jpg)

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679522  No.15096606


They delayed it last week with the Red Ford Escape Christmas Parade. Wonder if that was intentional. And if so, how important was that delay?

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7b9361  No.15096607

File: 42d486578f14216⋯.png (225.88 KB, 591x585, 197:195, ClipboardImage.png)


Cruz 10 after 2


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74b83b  No.15096608



Anon's Observations

20 years ago-

Who spent the money?

Who spun the narratives?

Who held the money?


Brooke Astor

Irene Diamond

George Soros

Ted Turner

David and Laurance S. Rockefeller

The Gates Family

Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg


Dr. Anthony S. Fauci - NIAID Director at NIH


Richard D. Parsons - AOL Time Warner Co-Chief Operating Officer


Tom Brokaw - NBC

Bill Moyers - PBS

Barbara Walters - ABC

Judy Woodruff - CNN


David McCullough - Pulitzer-Prize winning historian


Mamphela Ramphele - World Bank Managing Director

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92e6ab  No.15096609

File: 8a7b6cbe44999d6⋯.jpg (190.55 KB, 634x846, 317:423, Jilll_stockings.jpg)

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69cdfb  No.15096610

File: c88776a1e840e4a⋯.jpg (318.15 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, good_question.jpg)


you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink..

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bde2af  No.15096611


yeah, if you factor in the mask.

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2c0abb  No.15096612

File: 4c47c321f4d5202⋯.jpg (674.52 KB, 1076x1084, 269:271, Screenshot_20211128_195209….jpg)

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38b573  No.15096613


tradatorii pulii mele.

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00af0e  No.15096614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


All recognized philanthropy is phaque.

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a793c5  No.15096615

File: dd4698d0ccd4576⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 191x255, 191:255, NightShift.jpg)

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7b9361  No.15096616


20 after*

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20237e  No.15096617

File: afed9d8f801b84d⋯.jpeg (71.15 KB, 828x547, 828:547, afed9d8f801b84d4315dbb094….jpeg)

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a823a5  No.15096618

File: 811ae7e9e4d37a4⋯.jpeg (14.51 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ccc09ecde17a06fdc3a826ab9….jpeg)

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f8a0a6  No.15096619

File: e134d7b8f5d83b2⋯.png (696.16 KB, 744x495, 248:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b81cbbad5c993b2⋯.gif (1023.92 KB, 500x195, 100:39, policethat.gif)

Anyone seen Cuomo recently?

Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo is spending the Thanksgiving holiday with family — apparently in relaxation mode following a rough week including the release of the state Assembly’s damning impeachment report that showed he used state resources to write and prep his $5.1 million pandemic-era memoir “American Crisis.”


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07f8b6  No.15096621

File: 05acb22f2ae042f⋯.png (849.56 KB, 1063x528, 1063:528, ghislaine_andrew_sweating.png)

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732b0d  No.15096622


Are they replaying it or is it a new one? They did delay it but played it later that night. I believe t 11.

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2eaaa1  No.15096623

File: 05902f0c48f7962⋯.gif (8.11 MB, 800x450, 16:9, night_shift.gif)

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c2c565  No.15096624

File: 1cdbb7835d9fc82⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 360x582, 60:97, monday_morning.mp4)


>This starts Monday.

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69cdfb  No.15096625

File: ed4d5c1048285c0⋯.jpg (144.73 KB, 960x960, 1:1, enter_the_shft.jpg)

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bde2af  No.15096626


he says it's the ther way around


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37da6a  No.15096627

File: d33efa928b4857e⋯.mp4 (13.18 MB, 960x540, 16:9, night_shift2.mp4)








night shift roll called, locked and loaded - fire memes and will o7

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f50a1c  No.15096628

File: 12d3c711e28f26d⋯.jpg (152.24 KB, 1392x610, 696:305, 12d3c711e28f26d62cbeea20d7….jpg)

A black Magick trick is being played

In the hospital vaxxed and not vaxxed data and the hospital covid positive tested or not data

This is done in at least USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Netherlands, Spain

2 simple retorical questions vs by example the minister of health will bust the whole scam

Question 1: Are people considered partly or fully vaxxed after 2 weeks of the last injection?

Question 2: Do recently injected people have a high chance of creating spike proteins, and by that a high chance of tesing positive?

If those 2 questions are yes, then de data is muddered with a reverse data count trick

According to VEARS vax side effect data most short term vax side effects are in the first 2 weeks. Those people will be put in the not vaxxed group, and also probably test positive

That is why the big changes in vax vs not vaxxed stats monthly once the monthly vax amounts slow down in certain age groups

I got quite some data to back this up, and try to make meme of it comming days

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87790c  No.15096629

File: 6d66f269f4b7fa0⋯.png (130.24 KB, 304x822, 152:411, part.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [28.11.21 19:36]

[Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Photo ]

One of the most important parts of Techno Fog's new article:

Epstein was working for multiple governments, including the Israelis (Mossad). The same FBI that went after Trump covered for an elite pedophile and his Island.

Remember that Epstein Island was a honeypot (blackmail) run by the intelligence agencies. Our own government was benefiting from a pedophile Island because they could control and manipulate politicians, celebrities, and elites after they filmed them. The Island had cameras set up inside (which Rachel Chandler boasted about on her Instagram page.)


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cd74aa  No.15096630



Why you lower your stander

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20237e  No.15096631

File: fa2830521f13a7d⋯.png (344.19 KB, 571x629, 571:629, 0186e358a8d9db78ae05db72b3….png)

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6e1a05  No.15096632

File: 5f4b790df35db6d⋯.png (362.44 KB, 590x626, 295:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 931135e2e7c52d6⋯.png (49.32 KB, 755x886, 755:886, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 911915e2dbe1e39⋯.png (49.45 KB, 783x734, 783:734, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf1a3534509c860⋯.png (112.85 KB, 767x796, 767:796, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c163f610b22ec1⋯.png (41.17 KB, 801x721, 801:721, ClipboardImage.png)

New variant hysteria comes from same institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares

Imperial College yet again panics the masses.

What a small world we live in. The “Nu variant” scare you keep hearing about is coming from the same people and institutions that spawned the last COVID scare, and the one before that, and the one before that one, dating back all the way to the onset of COVID Mania.

The corporate press and world governments have produced an incredible amount of noise about a claimed new COVID variant, the “Nu” variant, which has been detected in South Africa and Botswana.

Just as with previous ruling class-fomented bouts of Hysteria-19, there is no statistical cause for alarm over this new strain, which is one of over 100,000 mutations of the coronavirus.

The “new strain” has hardly produced any lab confirmed cases, but a panicked narrative has already been seeded in the public. The U.K. in particular has driven the fear to new levels. The country has already added several African nations to its travel ban list, citing the new strain.



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6b514d  No.15096633

File: ae90dc46ab6b477⋯.png (1.42 MB, 2000x1125, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdc5f804421d560⋯.png (897.42 KB, 1032x774, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Skeleton of new dinosaur species found at secret location in Missouri

“I can’t imagine anything that’s more impressive than what we discovered here,” paleontologist Guy Darrough said.


Jenna Romaine | Nov. 27, 2021

The bones of a previously undiscovered species of dinosaur were found in Missouri.

According to a report by Fox2Now, paleontologist Guy Darrough discovered the skeleton of a juvenile Parrosaurus Missouriensis, and an adult skeleton of the same genus was later found nearby. The exact location of the discovery isn’t being revealed while the excavation site is being secured.

The Parrosaurus Missouriensis is a type of duck-billed dinosaur, believed to have ranged between 25 to 30 feet long. Duck-billed dinosaurs were herbivores that lived during the Late Cretaceous period.

Following the discovery, the juvenile skeleton was transported to the Sainte Genevieve Museum Learning Center for further research and examination.

“I can’t imagine anything that’s more impressive than what we discovered here,” Darrough told Fox2Now. “A new genus in species. It’s [a] world-famous discovery.”


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00af0e  No.15096634

File: 7149ccaaff6480b⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1300x916, 325:229, AF9FE50D_33C0_4BD7_80BB_D9….png)

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50b253  No.15096635


no wonder I loved kaopectate as a kid

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38dffe  No.15096636

File: 5385b66c993ce3c⋯.jpg (7.32 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 51b93552ffa5e203708c968ee7….jpg)


dinAsaurs? c'mon man

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20237e  No.15096637



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6e1a05  No.15096638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary: ‘Americans Just Don’t Appreciate What Joe Has Done for Them’

This might be the longest-ever Thanksgiving weekend for Joe Biden. While he’s been enjoying a warm blanket and a hot cup of Ovaltine with his family in Nantucket, the President’s poll numbers have been in virtual free-fall. It seems that the nation is fast losing confidence in his ability to handle important issues like the economy, the border, foreign policy and crime running wild on America’s streets. In short, the majority of Americans, both Democrat and Republican, do not believe Joe is capable of fulfilling his duties as the chief executive of the world’s premier superpower.

At present, Biden’s average job approval rating stands at around 40%, a steep drop from the 55% percent average approval rating he enjoyed last May.

No one really knows just how low Joe will go.

Still, this hasn’t stopped his ardent allies from rushing to his defense, and blaming his flagging numbers on social media trolls (see deplorables).

Carlos Garcia from The Blaze writes…

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tried to explain away President Joe Biden’s poor polling by accusing Americans of not appreciating what Biden has done for them, and blamed social media.

Clinton made the comments while a guest on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show Tuesday evening.

“You know, democracy is messy. You know, a lot of people got, oh I think, kind of frustrated looking at the messy process of legislation,” said Clinton.

“And they didn’t really appreciate that, within a year, the Biden administration has passed two major pieces of legislation through both the House and the Senate, they passed another major piece through the House that will be soon be in the Senate,” she continued.

“By any measure those are extraordinary accomplishments and they really will help many millions of Americans with healthcare and prescription drug prices, as well as climate change and so much else,” said Clinton.

“But because of the way we are getting our information today,” she concluded, “and because of the lack of gatekeepers and people who have a historic perspective who can help us understand what we are seeing, there is a real vulnerability in the electorate to the kind of demagoguery and disinformation that, unfortunately, the other side is really good at exploiting.”

Both Maddow and Clinton accused Republicans of undermining the results of fair elections and calling for violence as a political solution in the interview.

Biden’s poll numbers have suffered greatly after a cascade of damaging incidents plaguing his administration. Among the worst were the disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, the painful cost of high inflation, and the crisis of illegal immigration at the border.

One poll from October found that only 38% of Americans thought Biden deserved a positive job rating.

Watch Hillary’s clip here:


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ca86c8  No.15096639



Because he was instructed to that’s why!

They are all playing their parts in this fucked up movie!

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609cd1  No.15096640

File: b49210082a61aac⋯.png (214.19 KB, 640x640, 1:1, pepe3.png)



It's Pepe!!!


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07f8b6  No.15096641

File: 16e0434dc04ce72⋯.png (896.66 KB, 633x792, 211:264, cuomo_pushed.png)

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bc8a15  No.15096642

File: 62af588f42274b0⋯.png (818.66 KB, 640x1121, 640:1121, 01c4d66292af73c9f7b1f2ba15….png)

File: efd07d9466bff1c⋯.png (430.77 KB, 487x635, 487:635, cb60eef301cddb2b0bbf347139….png)

File: 6a9e22a3ea5a19f⋯.jpeg (22.03 KB, 680x340, 2:1, FFNlqMsXMAUoKir.jpeg)

File: 6988df03aeade78⋯.jpeg (28.25 KB, 680x453, 680:453, FFSi5fXXwAcXGZA.jpeg)

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4a5340  No.15096643

File: 52373e83821f1a8⋯.png (725.94 KB, 787x1280, 787:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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2eaaa1  No.15096644

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB, 236x207, 236:207, pepe_keks.png)


These people were used to getting their way as children, whenever they threw a tantrum.

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c0deb6  No.15096645

File: 3f5d4113ee5b731⋯.png (86.48 KB, 201x255, 67:85, c6c519b011e6de29cd23b0f060….png)


This is for [them], guise. Exactly these people. Keep those screen shots coming

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ea6ae1  No.15096646

File: 74da846a0214ae1⋯.jpeg (5.14 KB, 299x168, 299:168, va.jpeg)


Disgraced Andrew Cuomo looks epstein-ish

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20237e  No.15096647

File: 4974e8bc78cfb1b⋯.gif (4.42 MB, 777x753, 259:251, 4974e8bc78cfb1b04f3fb57c4e….gif)

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277de2  No.15096648



This is the official post to uncover the US pedo ring and anything involving the trial.


US Access: 844-721-7237 #9991787 https://t.me/Absolute1776/4629



Access the live audio feed of the proceeding by calling 844-721-7237 and using access code 9991787





Judicial shenanigans:





KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE MAXWELL TRIAL https://www.bitchute.com/video/Rnvg3urqeNSY/

CPS Called https://www.vocaroo.com/19Eb0eQWrmoR (AUDIO)

How To See The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvkbqRpdLL4

Ghislaine Maxwell Judge Releases IMPORTANT Jury Instructions For Trial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKogCaiNfM0

DIGGS ON JIZZLAINE https://odysee.com/@QNewsCorner:1/maxwellfiles1:4

MAXWELL HUSBAND AND FAUCI'S DAUGHTER CONNECTION https://rumble.com/embed/vn3b8b/?pub=cppvg




The Portal, Ep. #025 (solo with host Eric Weinstein), The Construct - Jeffrey Epstein https://youtu.be/dJNjH4SP6vw

LIVE NOW Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Updates Now. U.S. vs Ghislaine Maxwell CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING TRIAL https://youtu.be/oNjjAVTAeiY

Ghislaine Maxwell’s “Black Book” and Admission of Prosecutor’s Exhibit 52 https://youtu.be/Be7nNqcCeAY

LIVE NOW Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Updates Now. U.S. vs Ghislaine Maxwell CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING TRIAL https://youtu.be/msel_Y6UoTs Audio Only

M Trial Coverage? https://youtu.be/fOnH4CLU7y0

Ghislaine Maxwell's Trial BEGINS, She Accuses Prison Of INHUMANE Conditions After 15Mos In Solitary https://youtu.be/tMy-VUzVQnY

Katie Halper: Boris Johnson’s Sister PITIES Ghislaine Maxwell, You Can CRITICIZE The Elite & Torture https://youtu.be/6ie026xwHCM

Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell? | Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | Netflix https://youtu.be/IORV_iKk1Ls












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a793c5  No.15096649

File: ac2ef41abd17502⋯.jpg (29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Do2KFE0U8AAMxxP.jpg)



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69cdfb  No.15096650


11/28/21 (Sun) 16:53:52 37da6a (2) No.15096627

16:53:52 fucking time travel Anon..


Anonymous (You) 11/28/21 (Sun) 16:53:56 69cdfb (2) No.15096625

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277de2  No.15096651





























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d3c72e  No.15096652


Funny that they use a stripper graphic for the height comparison.

Must be lonely digging for those bones.

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5cb3e9  No.15096653


Looks like she needs a dino tail for balance

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50b253  No.15096654

File: d4b98c4c6ba6a15⋯.png (972.05 KB, 1200x466, 600:233, kanye.png)

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277de2  No.15096655






























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5ff7a3  No.15096656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6e1a05  No.15096657

File: d93904745bb3bf6⋯.png (891.25 KB, 900x506, 450:253, ClipboardImage.png)

COVID-19-Positive Czech President Appoints New Prime Minister From Plexiglass Cubicle

PRAGUE—Czech President Milos Zeman appointed the leader of an opposition alliance Petr Fiala as prime minister on Sunday in a ceremony he performed from a plexiglass cubicle after testing positive for COVID-19.

Fiala leads a bloc of five opposition parties that won an election in October, ousting the incumbent premier Andrej Babis and his allies.

The new government will have to tackle a new wave of coronavirus infections and an energy crisis, after the collapse of a large electricity provider. The coalition has also said it plans to rework the 2022 state budget to reduce a large deficit.

“The new government has a very complicated time ahead and many challenges… I want it to be a government of change for the future,” Fiala said at a news conference.

The new prime minister also called on people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and praised medical staff as cases are on the rise.

Opponents of vaccination and government’s anti-coronavirus measures such as a ban on Christmas markets gathered in their thousands in Prague later on Sunday for a protest rally.

Only 58.5 percent of Czechs are vaccinated against coronavirus. This compares to a European Union average of 65.8 percent, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Zeman performed the inauguration ceremony from a plexiglass cubicle after testing positive for coronavirus. Zeman, who arrived in a wheelchair escorted by a medic in full protective gear, contracted the virus after a six-week stay in hospital for an unrelated illness.


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c0deb6  No.15096658

File: d6f0d0d6c181508⋯.png (341.88 KB, 782x442, 23:13, 2bda2d42e5618f2e7f34cf2eb2….png)


I would say that'snotable, good find anon

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6b514d  No.15096659

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bde2af  No.15096660

File: 7837837584f1882⋯.jpg (221.84 KB, 1280x1090, 128:109, bidanshatpope.jpg)

File: 69c254c9e75ec67⋯.jpg (321.69 KB, 534x900, 89:150, HRCKuru.jpg)


now that is funny

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20237e  No.15096661

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1bb4f0  No.15096662

File: 9ba66bf9450ad73⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1374x747, 458:249, 28NOV21_12.PNG)

File: 8c2611f9a553a6c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1341x745, 9:5, 28NOV21_12a.PNG)


McConaughey Will Not Run For TX GOV.



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37da6a  No.15096663

File: d755eeb3309b095⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15d971003df65d3⋯.png (655.08 KB, 1035x582, 345:194, ClipboardImage.png)


he also funded large parts of the scientific research grants, had a lot of the top people like in academia on the island like hawkings, pinker and co, plus funded research into genetics .


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a793c5  No.15096664

File: ab941f1416b06f1⋯.jpg (4.73 KB, 170x255, 2:3, nightshiftn.jpg)


so cool

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00af0e  No.15096665


It’s still a fantastic mixer for the bar.

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bde2af  No.15096666

File: c6a395e04cf4dc6⋯.jpg (143.81 KB, 600x464, 75:58, hrccjbsuicide.jpg)

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6b514d  No.15096667


They didn't use those images, they didn't even have a picture of it in the article.

So, I found some because I wanted to see it.

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c8c4c8  No.15096668

File: 19ae2a0e50cbe6a⋯.png (481.17 KB, 619x578, 619:578, LOL_muh_KEK.png)

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4e64dd  No.15096669



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5ff7a3  No.15096670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e273f2  No.15096671

File: 1642aaad5ff5fa3⋯.jpg (576.13 KB, 1072x1153, 1072:1153, Screenshot_20211029_132749….jpg)

File: 68c2aba39b360ae⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 1080x658, 540:329, 20211025_234338.jpg)

File: 2688614510dfe1e⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 499x500, 499:500, Screenshot_20210820_194917….jpg)

>>15092245 lb

What I'm seeing is, Flynn & higher ups are distancing themselves because there is such a smear campaign on Q Patriots. I think its CHICKEN SHIT if you ask me.

Throwing us under the bus. Our Patriot movement is in the Billions and the FAKE NEWS/NWO are terrified of us. As they should be. Q Patriots ARE THE NEWS NOW! Free thinkers is what they are afraid of. We don't follow their BOGUS NARRATIVES! We RESEARCH…

>And we are equipped with TRUTH!!!

POTUS TRUMP, We are the good guys. I hope you know that.The majority of anons here are FREEDOM LOVERS, everyday people & Military Patriots.

>The CRAZIES POSTING BS and Child Porn on here are FAKE ANONS, Rogue Government alphabet agencies, News Outlets & shills. Trying to make truth seekers look bad. The Art of War…


And our memes never killed anyone. Peaceful people.

=The Great meme War of 2016-Present==

We were already doing this, before Q came to pol for a reason. Exposing the EVILS of World leaders & the plans of the NWO.

Sure would be nice if you'd throw us a bone of confirmation you're still with us, POTUS TRUMP.

"THROW us anon/dogs A BONE!"

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9ace0e  No.15096672


Not notable. From a civil case not the one that starts tomorrow.

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2c0abb  No.15096673

File: c598fe6d5b74231⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ZomboMeme_26112021193440.jpg)

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74b83b  No.15096674

File: ecb1cd448cf1836⋯.jpg (30 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dr_evil_stolen.jpg)

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6246d9  No.15096675

File: aceef0af60d24e2⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 512x384, 4:3, RaccNS.gif)

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b327a9  No.15096676


Do they have horse viagra too?

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5ffb84  No.15096677

File: c7a0d09b834e94f⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 720x960, 3:4, c7a0d09b834e94f584fad6a486….jpg)

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f8a0a6  No.15096678

File: 5c6437a2ed8cbe8⋯.png (76.88 KB, 643x472, 643:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e221950cbbc18bd⋯.png (77.13 KB, 635x534, 635:534, ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell leaning into the Maxwell Trial tomorrow.

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6cff0c  No.15096679

Trump on Levin atm: "Loud and clear".


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e3a3ce  No.15096680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2eaaa1  No.15096681

File: 5f7085427ee75e1⋯.png (163.37 KB, 371x380, 371:380, pepe_cross.png)


evilquads chek't

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c75a27  No.15096682


kaolin binds to metals

for the idiot vaccinated

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d3c72e  No.15096683

File: 2986c57950d6586⋯.png (5.7 MB, 3000x4200, 5:7, nov13missingifightIXXI.png)


Have a spot for that tweet still if an Anon can snag a date/timestamp version.

Added the Hannakuh 9 KEKs

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c65c4b  No.15096684

File: a3454225397d32c⋯.png (457.36 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)



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277de2  No.15096685

Night shift in the thread anons

Hard Optics

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dbc9c6  No.15096686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Harris freezes when asked about Jussie Smollett case

176,493 viewsFeb 18, 2019


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c0deb6  No.15096687

File: 6434952bae351f6⋯.png (487.79 KB, 866x674, 433:337, Screen_Shot_2020_10_02_at_….png)


Check RRN, kek

He left his dog back at the governor's mansion, that's what people do when they get arrested

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c65c4b  No.15096688

File: 17a5776c86fbbb8⋯.png (781.35 KB, 1110x1280, 111:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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1514d2  No.15096689

File: 96fcfd2ee40b682⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 487x273, 487:273, iceeevawhar.jpg)

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a823a5  No.15096690


"These people are sick."

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5ff7a3  No.15096691

File: 53f18859e23321a⋯.jpg (79.77 KB, 550x980, 55:98, 586446470_09786b239368649b….jpg)

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37da6a  No.15096692

File: 1d70de40ee46209⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1800x720, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)



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bde2af  No.15096693

File: a0824b87881659b⋯.jpg (95.92 KB, 600x337, 600:337, AwakenNotFooledObamaBushCl….jpg)


that's look dangerous.


old days, when they had hospital beds for mental cases, that would be in a hospital.

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20237e  No.15096694

File: a41b48999846f38⋯.jpg (95.31 KB, 910x960, 91:96, a41b48999846f38fe6b5d86908….jpg)

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5cb3e9  No.15096695


Hillary: ‘[American] Democrats Just Don’t [Appreciate] Realize What Joe Has Done [for] to Them’

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87790c  No.15096696

File: f2ccf9ea4ff2899⋯.png (57.43 KB, 598x324, 299:162, is_comp.png)


Tom Fitton


"Chief Medical Advisor" Fauci is compromised.

Quote Tweet

The White House


· 2h

Following up on the regular briefings he had on COVID while traveling, the President met in person today with his Chief Medical Advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and members of his White House COVID Response Team on the latest developments related to the Omicron variant.

Show this thread

7:53 PM · Nov 28, 2021

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d96003  No.15096697

File: f50d6e66bb280dc⋯.jpg (229.81 KB, 998x511, 998:511, p61_3_night_shift.jpg)

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d3c72e  No.15096698


Maybe just a lonely computer geek then.

Still kekked at stripper in high heels height standard.

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aee58e  No.15096699

File: eeb5fcd8dfa8d5b⋯.png (150.12 KB, 500x656, 125:164, eeb5fcd8dfa8d5b2eb6b91dba6….png)

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e36b8a  No.15096700


Wait till you see those varicose veined legs and flappy gina.

Never stick your dick in a witch or crazy.

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2eaaa1  No.15096701

File: 24237cc4fcebaad⋯.png (554.7 KB, 1500x1113, 500:371, you_dont_say.png)


>"Chief Medical Advisor" Fauci is compromised.

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80942e  No.15096702

File: f06490a9ed07446⋯.png (603.21 KB, 651x657, 217:219, jillcock.png)

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bde2af  No.15096703

File: a1cc17efff726e5⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 851x851, 1:1, 911HillaryNiceMuslims.jpg)


yeah they want to claim the public, for votes, etc., to control ,, going ahead.

Flynn likely has events in American History that he and his ilk prefer to keep buried?

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4a5340  No.15096704


>Not notable. From a civil case not the one that starts tomorrow.

Thats the lamest excuse I ever read on this board.

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2c0abb  No.15096705


Frank Dux really.let himself go.

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87790c  No.15096706

File: f177a9783dc9384⋯.png (238.74 KB, 597x574, 597:574, clown_news.png)


CNN. Absolute trash. I’m going to make many more of these.

We need to ridicule these clowns constantly.

7:36 PM · Nov 28, 2021·

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dbc9c6  No.15096707

File: f8e83b85afecca4⋯.png (1.17 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?

What Bill did the Senate recently pass re: lynching?

Who were the authors of the Bill?

What FF event took place just prior to the passing of the Bill?

Did the FF event involve a 'noose'?

Did the FF event sway Senators in their decision to prevent FAKE NEWS attacks re: Smollett case?

Did FAKE NEWS contact many Senators prior to vote seeking out pro/nay in attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for possible future smear?

What is the mathematical probability of these [2] events occurring within this same time period?

What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?

Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?

Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure?

These people are sick!



Feb 17 2019 17:04:54 (EST)

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20237e  No.15096708



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c2c565  No.15096709

File: c6e8c710ae5bc7d⋯.png (87.19 KB, 254x248, 127:124, point_kek_copy.png)


>This might be the longest-ever Thanksgiving weekend for Joe Biden. While he’s been enjoying a warm blanket and a hot cup of Ovaltine with his family in Nantucket…

Can't Imagine how f*cken cold it must have been in Nantucket with that wind/chill factor from the ocean air?

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c0deb6  No.15096710

File: 2bb61731c76f364⋯.png (696.25 KB, 828x794, 414:397, 356.png)


Lots of info here also, packed into 7 minute vid. Especially what he says about Epstein, kek


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38dffe  No.15096711

File: 7d8f9a2e63e5ce3⋯.jpg (193.72 KB, 939x938, 939:938, rush.JPG)


was born mid-60s….not a boomer, nor genX…but we must have been the first idiots to say "i'm not going to raise my kids like my parents raised me" and voila! the stereotypical millennial was born ; we started having kids in the early 90s after being in a coke haze for the hair band 80s era, coming out of the disco/punk/metal evolution through our high school years ; then the Co'bane' nihilistic latchkey kids of GenX became the hover-parent Karens and that was it

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4e64dd  No.15096712

File: 6be728babe0bf9a⋯.png (142.68 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



Memefags know what to do.

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5ff7a3  No.15096713

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a793c5  No.15096714


▶▶Like and Subscribe Chanel to watch more


Life, Liberty & Levin 11/28/21 FULL - Mark Levin FOX NEWS TRUMP Nov 28

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07f8b6  No.15096715

File: 489c1c1b49240c1⋯.png (594.57 KB, 960x480, 2:1, ghislaine_naomi_rat.png)

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ee3b87  No.15096716

File: e58615381d1c17f⋯.png (207.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, bbcclear.png)


you may need this one anon

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8c890d  No.15096717

File: d752c30e290fc12⋯.jpg (378.73 KB, 1951x1039, 1951:1039, Screenshot_20211128_200826….jpg)


So he posted the "arena" quote yesterday and that pointed to q4224

It's dark before one enters into the arena, coming into the light.

The Maxwell trial begins tomorrow, couple days for opening statements…D5, avalanche?

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2c0abb  No.15096718

File: 900871d4b0ff10b⋯.jpg (413.37 KB, 1076x1051, 1076:1051, Screenshot_20211126_151544….jpg)

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2eaaa1  No.15096719

File: c85c5bd6006aefc⋯.gif (989.11 KB, 500x220, 25:11, ac_butt_plug.gif)

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38b573  No.15096720

At least 90% in position, must have a dirty past/present. Most involved in paedo things.

They must be, to can be controlled.

All @ the world.

No one is here to help us.

All to fuck us.

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671c05  No.15096721

The way it looks to oldanon my uncle long time ago was right. He was in a rage and let all us nephews know it come harvest time. He kept raging about Detroit putting electric starters in automobiles. It was a long long time ago, but I can still remember his saying [they] should have kept the hand-crank. Also said something about women, given that, no telling what they are going to to now.

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4b0cef  No.15096722

File: 4c7313c97498e2e⋯.jpg (136.72 KB, 954x630, 53:35, 20211128_195510.jpg)

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87790c  No.15096723

File: ba80f591be456b6⋯.png (257.07 KB, 420x676, 105:169, cnn_rep.png)



We The Media, [28.11.21 20:04]

The fake news media appears dead-set on making sure everyone realizes that their job isn't to inform but rather to gaslight the country/world.


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4a5340  No.15096724

File: 713f045576d1a56⋯.png (245.86 KB, 502x549, 502:549, ClipboardImage.png)


Marker #9

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f50a1c  No.15096725

File: 87133568b8b45d2⋯.png (647.48 KB, 799x1570, 799:1570, d20397ba366019692def7fa5eb….png)


>black Magick

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4e64dd  No.15096726


That tiny queer smile at the end tho…

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87790c  No.15096727

File: 737b2d4cda7d143⋯.png (227.46 KB, 611x614, 611:614, plus.png)


'Pfizer+' Monthly Booster Subscription Program Announced


'Pfizer+' Monthly Booster Subscription Program Announced

NEW YORK, NY - Following the popular trend of providing consumers constant access to products or services they think they need, Pfizer has announced a subscription service that will provide monthly…

8:00 PM · Nov 28, 2021

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d3c72e  No.15096728


It is in the script.

What makes a great movie?

Great writers.

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9ace0e  No.15096729


Still no explanation how a dismissed civil case with a witness list of god and everyone is relevant to tomorrows criminal trial. You're shilling.

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2a07cb  No.15096730


I respect POTUS but I can't hear it anymore

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2eaaa1  No.15096731

File: 68177ceef272c87⋯.png (579.51 KB, 757x499, 757:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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bab2dc  No.15096732

Now Playing;


Red Wave

The Great Awakening III

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c0deb6  No.15096733

File: f44be99288c70ea⋯.png (69.2 KB, 567x435, 189:145, IMG_9605.png)


Anybody going to call in and livestream the audio of the trial??

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6b514d  No.15096734



Must really like that silhouette

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07f8b6  No.15096735

File: c875549538472b9⋯.png (248.43 KB, 320x480, 2:3, cooper_megan_rapinoe.png)

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e944c6  No.15096736

File: b6e807bebc6f0db⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, b6e807bebc6f0db8c63fcf2b00….mp4)


I can't even lie well….

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732b0d  No.15096737


Check, your move mocking bird.

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5ffb84  No.15096738

File: 00ff7fe158e46b6⋯.jpg (122.93 KB, 500x551, 500:551, 00ff7fe158e46b614677f12b1c….jpg)

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00c68f  No.15096739


Gen Flynn and Lin Wood leaked call.

Maybe they knew this call would be leaked, if CIA press thought Qanon was a CIA black hat ops, would they still try to smear it? Would they happily bury all stories if they thought it’s creation was to hurt anons?

They also discussed Vernon Jones situation, letting us know they are on /watching it and Vernon is dirty, despite their initial support.

Who leaked the call? Why is this the only leaked call? Fishy smell. Sending us comms. Sending watching press comms?

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764d39  No.15096740


Agreed, would be nice if possible.

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e36b8a  No.15096741


Hooker attire! Hope she made some cash doing tricks, just remember the big guy gets his cut.

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6e1a05  No.15096742

thought it was a shout out to Anon's who like da erb

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f8a0a6  No.15096743

File: 583912935c37010⋯.png (630.15 KB, 960x623, 960:623, ClipboardImage.png)

Taiwan sends jets after 27 Chinese planes enter buffer zone

TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwan said 27 Chinese aircraft entered its air defense buffer zone on Sunday, the latest in a long series of incursions as part of Beijing's pressure on the self-ruled island.

The Defense Ministry said Taiwan scrambled combat aircraft to “warn” the Chinese planes to leave. It also deployed missile systems to monitor them.

Sunday’s incursion included 18 fighter jets and five H-6 bombers, as well as a Y-20 aerial refueling aircraft, according to Taiwan’s Defense Ministry.

The Chinese aircraft flew into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone near the southern part of the island and out into the Pacific Ocean before returning to China, according to a map by Taiwan authorities.


Keep fucking around, Xi.

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20237e  No.15096744

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e62790  No.15096745

File: 7357b5c647860e6⋯.gif (6.46 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 82AD8BFA_18E5_44D9_A9E6_DB….gif)

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6b514d  No.15096746

File: a576ef6cef6e445⋯.png (353.77 KB, 600x389, 600:389, ClipboardImage.png)

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2eaaa1  No.15096747

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB, 398x442, 199:221, pepe_5.png)


QAnon - psyop

Q - very real

Anons - very real

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74b83b  No.15096748

File: c5adae1ac3c905d⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1777x1055, 1777:1055, missle_toad_on_pelosi_schu….png)

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b4b8d9  No.15096749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My Experience as a Refugee

Welcome to Jet City

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8de39d  No.15096750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c9520c  No.15096751


same here

I actually dozed off

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d3c72e  No.15096752

File: f3adca22253366e⋯.png (5.92 MB, 3300x4200, 11:14, nov13missingifightIXXI.png)


Thanks fren.


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c13d12  No.15096753

File: 474cb007cded398⋯.png (394.17 KB, 550x532, 275:266, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee3b87  No.15096755

File: 3139a0c2c506083⋯.png (361.94 KB, 507x623, 507:623, jillsearch.png)

File: c54f376b32e0353⋯.png (658.9 KB, 643x900, 643:900, jillfuckedthedog.png)


I really hate these people

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20237e  No.15096756




>>15096519 Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up Effects of Covid Vaccines

>>15096535 Tel Aviv on the streets as Israel imposes strict new travel ban amid Omicron scaremongering

>>15096560, >>15096607 Dan Scavino 9 candles 6:10 Hanukkah

>>15096602 China Does It Again – Sends 27 Aircraft Into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone

>>15096629, >>15096663 Epstein was working for multiple governments, including the Israelis (Mossad)

>>15096648, >>15096651, >>15096655, >>15096684 Ghislaine Maxwell's Trial Has Begun

>>15096643 Virgil Abloh, died today at age 41, on Ghislaine Maxwell's court document list


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4b0cef  No.15096758

File: aa4e1e7232f4dbb⋯.jpg (61.77 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, joe_biden_main_pic.jpg)

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b4b8d9  No.15096759

File: f2c99cb102175eb⋯.jpg (78.14 KB, 615x750, 41:50, 752976792_EarlyGrummanSeat….jpg)


What a big black beautiful dark fucking sky.

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a26442  No.15096760

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38dffe  No.15096761

File: f9f37029c9405e4⋯.jpeg (6.99 KB, 255x186, 85:62, 42bf18a0996955081fddcb0af….jpeg)


sunday night shifts during this season are eclectic and esoteric

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d86968  No.15096762



He's talking about the military right now. Snap out of it.

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f46d83  No.15096763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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204600  No.15096764

File: d0ba876a0e5c037⋯.jpg (101.01 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 5vvc22.jpg)

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5ff7a3  No.15096765

File: 9de51647ab36fe0⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 1310x1280, 131:128, FFNzGJhXwAc1ibY.jpg)

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e273f2  No.15096766


What the hell is she even saying?

Now there's some White Privilege for you.

She's a mental case & should never have children.

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e36b8a  No.15096767


Cross the Rubicn already !!!

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6e1a05  No.15096768


your notes are very gatekeeper like

last few breads

makes sense they'd get clowns in place for what is coming

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bde2af  No.15096769

File: 17f650856c63224⋯.jpg (1012.28 KB, 1200x1815, 80:121, griffingriffin.jpg)


Griffin's a fan.


man, she's raising the Nazi salute in her avatar.


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5ff7a3  No.15096770

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c8c4c8  No.15096771

File: 82e920527ebb167⋯.png (452.42 KB, 1550x392, 775:196, Law_Splainin.png)


I am hoping Rekieta Law dials in

and broadcasts their Youtube panel of law experts

to provide running commentary of the trial

so we can get some good Lawsplainin from some good lawfags

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c0deb6  No.15096772

File: cb5e1bfcd78f6fd⋯.jpg (635.53 KB, 1263x1366, 1263:1366, IMG_7012.jpg)


Nice logic

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6246d9  No.15096773

File: 3cc0d766e243505⋯.png (236.87 KB, 666x400, 333:200, nightshift.png)

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87790c  No.15096774

File: f3fce1ba801b87b⋯.png (378.82 KB, 851x757, 851:757, lead.png)


It Turns Out Fired FBI Director Jim Comey’s Daughter Is Not Only on the Team, She is One of Three Lead Prosecutors Against Jeffrey Epstein Confidante, Ghislaine Maxwell

By Joe Hoft

Published November 28, 2021 at 7:15pm

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13977a  No.15096775

File: be0ca7047495020⋯.png (192.47 KB, 331x419, 331:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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07f8b6  No.15096776

File: a9ab0080b3e9dd5⋯.png (694.01 KB, 504x480, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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732b0d  No.15096777

File: 94a5f48a8533b62⋯.png (273.17 KB, 790x2336, 395:1168, Q_1224_Coincidence_Every_d….png)


Every detail planned.

Every scenario accounted for.

Moves and counter moves.

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bab2dc  No.15096778




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a8cf47  No.15096779

File: 49a4f9a42d6208d⋯.png (323.5 KB, 474x321, 158:107, 4CB769C2_C554_4473_AF70_8B….png)


“a big loss for Texas “

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c65c4b  No.15096780

File: 4cb2718f1de7757⋯.png (503.2 KB, 808x900, 202:225, ClipboardImage.png)

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d86968  No.15096781


Did the stream just shit for anyone else?

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5ff7a3  No.15096782


Brings the Storm

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e944c6  No.15096783


After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin theirtransition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of amultiplexed methodthat can facilitate detection anddifferentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.

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4b0cef  No.15096784

File: 58f4ba73fdd7221⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 550x400, 11:8, slide_6268_83099_large.jpg)

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b4b8d9  No.15096785

File: 4242e3d7cd774db⋯.gif (236.4 KB, 500x281, 500:281, NSGuardDogs.gif)


one parcel

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38dffe  No.15096786

File: 0637cd68e8b872e⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 370e2622c055d419d3e9c705af….jpg)

File: 82159b541dd747a⋯.jpg (74.5 KB, 663x669, 221:223, 82159b541dd747a311329f4a03….jpg)

File: b38026f61df0ee4⋯.jpg (103.86 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hilz_at_the_hague.jpg)

File: 209b380f7b20913⋯.jpeg (16.41 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 3e94982ed4b43b0251340bd2d….jpeg)

File: 9d6624d516d208a⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 9a3df710ea80cc84ac77c79c99….jpg)


i suppose some things are just coincidences ; those digits are not an example of that, however

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2eaaa1  No.15096787

File: 6a7bfb7f8777ddb⋯.png (207.68 KB, 542x500, 271:250, pepe_biblical_keks.png)

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e3a3ce  No.15096788

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c9520c  No.15096789


The big thing in the late 80s and early 90s was "self-esteem" and making sure no one's feelings ever got hurt, and everyone got a participation trophy.

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5ff7a3  No.15096790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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92e6ab  No.15096791

File: 10a9dbde6405125⋯.jpg (65.06 KB, 618x743, 618:743, Capture.JPG)



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e09291  No.15096792

File: 71c7249f1681b22⋯.jpg (24.17 KB, 673x406, 673:406, dfghgg.jpg)

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c8c4c8  No.15096793

File: 7a41ce2743f92e2⋯.png (830.86 KB, 924x924, 1:1, Mr_Smith.png)


provoke The Matrix and watch Mr Smith show up

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b4b8d9  No.15096794

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9ace0e  No.15096795


He said he's going to cover the potter case (cop who said 'taser taser' and pulled a gun instead) since no cameras are allowed in the Gmax case.

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bf5fc9  No.15096796



no correction produced a generation of adult brats.

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20237e  No.15096797

File: bde8ddf4ee5eba6⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 455x418, 455:418, bde8ddf4ee5eba6fa4420cad17….jpg)


The pen is mightier than the sword.

Reigning in notables allows bakers to bare down on the current happenings.

You dont like it, go back to reddit newfag.

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5ffb84  No.15096798

File: 8b83a0d278fa5a3⋯.jpg (25.05 KB, 480x359, 480:359, 8b83a0d278fa5a3cb1c42f3836….jpg)

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bab2dc  No.15096799

Truth Bombs

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38dffe  No.15096800

File: ab19b91dc88d60f⋯.png (296.49 KB, 645x480, 43:32, 87b6c6863947fbcece0c636fe4….png)


kek konfirmz wifda didjitz

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00af0e  No.15096801

File: ba291be8a8ffc09⋯.jpeg (188.25 KB, 1169x861, 167:123, 540C4CFC_44E4_4A46_AB4F_D….jpeg)


Coincidences happen all the time.

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87790c  No.15096802

File: 6a1b82ce0a9d72f⋯.png (150.05 KB, 597x399, 199:133, god.png)


better then any drama ever cooked up by the likes of DEADLINE HOLLYWOOD, E!, ENT WEEKLY, or TMZ if you get my drift…


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f50a1c  No.15096803

File: fe033830fcc2b95⋯.png (118.81 KB, 234x300, 39:50, Stephanie_Evans_234x300.png)

Stephanie Evans: 35-year-old Hawaii woman “never thought it would be me” as post-Pfizer pericarditis cripples her entire existence


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c0deb6  No.15096804

File: 233d5238f616774⋯.jpg (621.73 KB, 1242x1948, 621:974, IMG_2651.jpg)


Did anons catch this, Donaldo Trumpo corrected LW on his intel… kek!!

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f46d83  No.15096805

File: 9f084c8c7208920⋯.gif (2.53 MB, 552x456, 23:19, levitating_cat_is_back.gif)

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00af0e  No.15096806


If I had a fine pen like that I would draw dicks everywhere wit it.

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5ffb84  No.15096807

File: b52224d7316e23f⋯.jpeg (42.47 KB, 512x359, 512:359, bca76a57f3d4d1e99c11ad71f….jpeg)

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74b83b  No.15096808

File: 896f050f96aff8f⋯.jpg (103.89 KB, 500x643, 500:643, hillary_clinton_trashy.jpg)

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87790c  No.15096809

File: bedf87c7ecc5491⋯.png (100.17 KB, 489x374, 489:374, quest.png)

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20237e  No.15096811

File: e6f412e6c1e0adc⋯.jpg (21.28 KB, 255x239, 255:239, e6f412e6c1e0adce2f3b5c5a0a….jpg)

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a03a2c  No.15096812


Wheel is on the right…sounds like she's from the US.

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b327a9  No.15096813


It's working for me. But only 12 people watching. wtf?

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cbba53  No.15096814

One thing about Godfather III that always struck me wasn't the vatican and money dig.

I always thought it related to the Corleone's strategy of hitting all of their enemies at the same time.

Smollet and Maxwell trial being in same week with what I hope is more Booms, will flood the MSM with too much truth to obfuscate.

Nevertheless, when it's happenning, I expect that we will target multiple fronts.

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764d39  No.15096815


Needed a space force counterpart to what is about to be disclosed about [them] and their alien allies.

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6b0fd4  No.15096816


That Hawkins has been an amazing Magik trick. I mean, if the guy actually had a mind that was still working, can you imagine the magnitude of that soul's desperation and powerlessness to do anything about what his controllers were writing using 'his' computer interface?

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b4b8d9  No.15096817

File: bbe49710984ad48⋯.png (834.48 KB, 1336x822, 668:411, LC39NS.png)


No matter some such as may happen on this board. The truth is out there. Spinning out here is merely runaway Ralph's motorcycle. Spinning around the inside perimeter of a Cheerio.

Yeah Whatever

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2eaaa1  No.15096819

File: eaf12c5dfef0374⋯.gif (419.92 KB, 334x260, 167:130, obama_weights.gif)

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0422c3  No.15096820

Maxwell has been in Jail for 17 Months.

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5ffb84  No.15096821

File: 36a67fded08c967⋯.png (770.7 KB, 759x888, 253:296, 3cf3da9bf2a7313a5c73b00cc6….png)

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f50a1c  No.15096822

File: e0646aa32137d3a⋯.jpeg (17.57 KB, 225x300, 3:4, Livingston_Thompson_225x3….jpeg)

Jennifer Livingston: Wisconsin news anchor posts photos of whole family receiving injections, news anchor husband Mike Thompson hospitalized days later, blames COVID-19


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74b83b  No.15096823

File: c9d17ae458f1afb⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1567x1045, 1567:1045, biden_colonoscopy_durham_h….png)

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2eaaa1  No.15096824

File: bdda9541843d36e⋯.png (800.6 KB, 774x500, 387:250, Do_you_even_NOPE_Whitaker_.png)

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32b981  No.15096825

warp speed just shows that the vaxes were already developed.

which shows the plandemic was already planned

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fe936b  No.15096826

File: 5c4750c9cf3844e⋯.jpg (46.77 KB, 474x609, 158:203, hang_traitors.jpg)


Treason = Death

Justice is not a sin. The Jews should have known before they fucked with America and the world, if not the will find out.

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254c66  No.15096827


this has potential

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c8c4c8  No.15096828

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e3a3ce  No.15096829


It´s not an official page.

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5982d3  No.15096830


>>15096643 Virgil Abloh, died today at age 41, on Ghislaine Maxwell's court document list

baker i think that co consipirator list is not ghislaine related.

separate trial

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2eaaa1  No.15096831

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


I'm surprised she didn't blame the unvaccinated.

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c13d12  No.15096832


>related to the Corleone's strategy

This anon concurs, I as well thought the strategy and execution was the parallel.

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bab2dc  No.15096833

File: 43eada66ea36256⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 1602291701_Copy.mp4)

We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors.

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a793c5  No.15096834


>17 Months

17… interdastin'

lawyers, delay trial out as much as they can, less sensational

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4e64dd  No.15096835


It's the selfie camera flip that these idiots can never turn off.

Look at the signage behind her.

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20237e  No.15096836

File: c70f27cf0f59467⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, b0abcb78fc35000fe29e068ca1….png)

File: da5ecbeb912de24⋯.png (285 KB, 800x433, 800:433, 4f887102de7a39bbda1501a5ca….png)

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5ffb84  No.15096837

File: 781de329bce27d9⋯.png (205.22 KB, 631x555, 631:555, 781de329bce27d989de82533fe….png)

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c8c4c8  No.15096838

File: 94ced0480476406⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2806x1578, 1403:789, Highest_Level_Treason_Even….png)


>>They didn't try the plane crash-o but they tried another way-o and it wasn't nice-o

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87790c  No.15096839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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38dffe  No.15096840

File: eb138995a1917da⋯.jpg (170.74 KB, 659x1000, 659:1000, hard.jpg)


yup ; fought it every step, but they just would not listen as the jones' had to keep up with each other : (image and file name related)…lost the fight then, but eventually proven right and accepted as so by the detractors at that time…decades later ; and yet still rueful that not influential enough then, but seen as a kook ; soccer moms had their minds washed with cable TV and us guys had to just go to work and support the little ones no matter how ridiculous it started becoming, and became

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80942e  No.15096841

File: 79b4183baf25cc6⋯.png (609.78 KB, 651x657, 217:219, jillcock2.png)

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0ee25d  No.15096842

File: 222c399df560266⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1925x1287, 175:117, 38A73265_5C23_4BED_BBBB_3….jpeg)

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2c0abb  No.15096843

File: fc07eab46898fcb⋯.jpg (83.15 KB, 539x784, 11:16, ZomboMeme_02082021120413.jpg)

File: 63f9943dc9d0358⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_05062021171129.jpg)

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bde2af  No.15096844

File: 5d2c80a05ebbb4e⋯.jpg (85.29 KB, 566x612, 283:306, HRC_SomethingBurgercartoon.jpg)

File: 5f2ddcb46cfa98a⋯.jpg (191.39 KB, 1440x961, 1440:961, AllInHillary1533259345.jpg)

File: 1bd61a5a2c3d6aa⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 640x506, 320:253, BillClintonRachelchandlerA….jpg)

File: 9e54d4d9e61adc0⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 612x526, 306:263, HillaryAllHang.jpg)

File: 89e9cd56d92567a⋯.jpg (170.56 KB, 1464x822, 244:137, ClintonsTrafficking.jpg)

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6e1a05  No.15096845


Confirmed clown baker

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6b514d  No.15096846

File: 302bc5254521c42⋯.png (385.03 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62fd56f9054aedf⋯.png (135.91 KB, 480x252, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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74b83b  No.15096847

File: 6aed0a80c413e6c⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 208x300, 52:75, hillary_swim_suit_boobs.jpg)

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b327a9  No.15096848

File: 827451137e7511d⋯.png (231.98 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Sherwood Animal Clinic in Topeka.

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a2745d  No.15096849

File: db9045fa3a1342a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1453x789, 1453:789, 28NOV21_6c.PNG)

File: fb0bb764758a3ba⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1390x750, 139:75, 28NOV21_5e.PNG)


caught these this mornin'

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0d3f79  No.15096850

File: fd0fe77a4fa96f5⋯.gif (19.17 KB, 540x360, 3:2, imperialstandard.gif)

Mo`a 'Anbessa Ze'imnegede Yihuda

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c2c565  No.15096851

File: 3ce3bd8acad4ba4⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB, 568x320, 71:40, 3ce3bd8acad4ba4aaa011c4b77….mp4)

>>15094635 pb

>'What happened on January 6, Senator?': Fauci LAUGHS at Ted Cruz for saying he should be prosecuted for 'lying to Congress' and says Republicans are making him a 'scapegoat' for Trump

I never got what really happened on Jan 6?

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e3a3ce  No.15096852

File: 920de584cc33d3b⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, FFPnLsqXwAMphkZ.jpg)

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4b0cef  No.15096853

File: 2d284887b134424⋯.jpg (234.82 KB, 2350x1167, 2350:1167, space_force_tmu.jpg)

File: 808889da061e398⋯.jpg (253.22 KB, 720x924, 60:77, 20211128_202809.jpg)

File: f333d01de4a4094⋯.jpg (385.28 KB, 1466x2200, 733:1100, mF0zvVh1qu05rdudofmpyZf4K1….jpg)



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204600  No.15096854

File: 68af0d6e00e4f98⋯.png (197.25 KB, 459x291, 153:97, 7575.png)


Remember when Obongo gave himself a medal?

Such is his narcissism

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c13d12  No.15096855


Covids fault those braindead got the vaccine, so yeah, covids fault.


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e36b8a  No.15096856

File: 593dce95b7c662d⋯.png (67.83 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Echo location

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2eaaa1  No.15096857

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 750x499, 750:499, id_hit_that_negan.jpg)

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20237e  No.15096858


>>15096643 Virgil Abloh, died today at age 41, on Ghislaine Maxwell's civil case of co conspirators

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20237e  No.15096859


ty, good catch

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38dffe  No.15096860

File: 27a75b2a7994146⋯.png (76.82 KB, 342x492, 57:82, 27a75b2a7994146d02b4042688….png)

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bab2dc  No.15096861

File: 15c1d4b89dc3ed3⋯.png (355.12 KB, 712x436, 178:109, ClipboardImage.png)

6 Weeks

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fb5781  No.15096862

The answer to the question is you wouldn't get away with it, that has kind of worked and would once again be the answer in anyone considering having a child in this world rambling honestly. They cannot be uninvented but this is a big improvement it basically ties that up with a bow of accident or madness path to exile homeworld bound. That's all there.

For those who are more on the are you helping the retarded to know what the fuck is going on spectrum.

Love happiness country.

Soundtrack crying crazy amazacrazy.

We're coming with the blowtorch and a silver spoon come on while I get off jingo jango torn apart by wild animals phoenix talons and beak pour one out.

Let's go then eh. I think we all know in reference to comment #1 which plain unadorned bread shit a brick eyes bugging out side of it we'll come out on. And if you don't like it or whatever well we were going nowhere fast nothing here ever lasts and so beats the final coda.

Perfect is for the inception of philosophy and reality armstretch but it will not be tolerated not to even try; anything less than completely exemplary is pretty gosh darn useless and bad because of how bad it is in the face of bad that's what life taught me.

As seen in pass me the hydrospanner and part IV coming soon drip drip drip justice's revenge this is the time do you want to know it all. Do you have a choice. Better this way. Ultimately.

We could tell you but you weren't going to like it. Pretty proud of our civilization right now. I tell you. Because who cares slices of ultra aromatic cheese drool infusing the whole all over this like white on rice sake it to me baby yeah. Get 'em.

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254c66  No.15096863


>leaked call.

Lin posted on twitter.

Qanon vs


>>15095347 pb

>>15095451 pb

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204600  No.15096864

File: 8b5c44966ec30a8⋯.jpg (87.06 KB, 665x360, 133:72, 53363.jpg)

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0ee25d  No.15096865

File: d06664d596d7a0e⋯.jpeg (301.74 KB, 1072x573, 1072:573, 1A359032_6E8D_4C2B_965F_B….jpeg)

File: e62d7b56e9b3ee1⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB, 255x132, 85:44, 56FF1F0F_3A3D_4CD3_A19E_E….jpeg)

File: 50d93085a07c85c⋯.png (26.1 KB, 474x249, 158:83, 5B16326B_1813_4CDB_80AD_6D….png)

File: 9f3765e1c2e7bfa⋯.jpeg (45.35 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 2D8CF50B_4DD2_48FF_9CCF_1….jpeg)

File: 09f23f52b26c4d3⋯.jpeg (445.96 KB, 1600x883, 1600:883, 3C34DEC5_CE51_4832_AAE9_6….jpeg)

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671c05  No.15096866

For the anons who still pay attention to sportsball ( I admit, I am one). 38 yr. old Lincoln Riley, 5 yr. coach of Oklahoma football team was rumored to go to coach LSU for over a week, went to L.A. instead. Yep, he's the new coach of Southern Cal. He already got a congratulation call from LaBron.

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a2745d  No.15096867

File: 8231b8c1a627d9c⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 538x540, 269:270, 8231b8c1a627d9cef6323ff4c5….jpg)

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465197  No.15096868

File: cc06c3666e89e5b⋯.jpg (96.3 KB, 600x335, 120:67, Cooler.jpg)

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b4b8d9  No.15096869

File: db68398024d233b⋯.jpg (12.3 KB, 192x268, 48:67, 1510099096576.jpg)


You almost made sense.

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2c0abb  No.15096870

File: 5a86108d0fad681⋯.jpg (71.34 KB, 540x735, 36:49, ZomboMeme_08112021163023.jpg)

File: 52b57aae297e131⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 554x376, 277:188, ZomboMeme_13112021102636.jpg)

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f50a1c  No.15096871


Make no mistake, she will indirectly.

See the data trick how she and pundits get fooled into thinking that


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843301  No.15096872

Built by the first mayor of North Adams in 1890, the structure at 172 Church Street is now home to a Masonic Temple, though the secret society isn't the only resident. The building allegedly holds the ghosts of a suicide victim; A.C. Houghton himself; and the spirit of his daughter Mary, who died in a tragic car accident August 1, 1914.

Albert Charles Houghton was born in 1844 in nearby Vermont, but made his fortune as president of Arnold Print Works, the largest employer in North Adams. The building, still intact, now holds the Museum of Contemporary Art.

A electric chair is intact in the building.

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67385b  No.15096873

File: b6d3d8d990d2ede⋯.jpg (139.66 KB, 738x547, 738:547, 727a860e912cdc512a3f50a61f….jpg)

In America we are all entitled to an opinion. The First Amendment guarantees our free speech. Unfortunately, many are now censored for having an opinion that does not align with the ‘official’ one pushed by the globalist ‘authorities.’ In particular, any opinion that contradicts the current and ongoing medical tyranny is banned.


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254c66  No.15096874


> twitter.


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e3a3ce  No.15096875

File: 71a378a0531b6bc⋯.png (64.01 KB, 535x709, 535:709, Screenshot_2021_11_28_at_2….png)

Richard Grenell


Where’s the media outrage?

Most of the powerful people caught up in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell trafficking trial are Democrats.

The judge is an Obama-Biden appointee.

The media have been barred from the courtroom.


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32b981  No.15096876

File: 80a5f051f162ae9⋯.png (97.68 KB, 948x533, 948:533, ClipboardImage.png)


Biden clams up when Nantucket business owner asks him to name his favorite chowder

Emma Colton - 10h ago

As America feasted over Thanksgiving, President Biden visited New England for the holiday and was asked to choose a side on clam chowder: New England or Manhattan.

"Do you prefer Manhattan or New England Clam Chowder?" Sean Dew, co-founder of Nantucket store TownPool, asked Biden on Saturday.

"I don’t like either," Biden responded.

"Oh my God," Dew responds before saying: "Alright, good answer."

Biden does then say, "No, no, no, New England clam chowder."

New England and Manhattan have long tussled over who is king of clam chowder, with New England’s version boasting a creamy soup and Manhattan’s having one with a tomato base.

TownPool told Fox News on Sunday that Dew often asks people in the store what their favorite chowder is, describing it as a "running joke." The store's Instagram page shows celebrities and public figures such as James Carville, Amanda Knox, John Hope Bryant, John Kerry and others also answering the same question from Dew.

The store also posted the video of the lighthearted exchange on Instagram, accompanied by various products it sells with Biden's name.

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9ace0e  No.15096877


The case was dismissed for being frivolous. The person that filed it wasn't an attorney. It's clearly a shill op.

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480036  No.15096878


reining in as in, reining in your runaway horse.

reigning as in ruling

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843301  No.15096879


Adams Massachusetts

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0ee25d  No.15096880

File: 79a33f6447a3b3c⋯.jpeg (24.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 25231A3F_AFD0_46E7_83BE_C….jpeg)

File: 48beb8dfcfa5a20⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 37F263A4_E409_4028_BC71_A….jpeg)

File: 4aaf8fbf704fd45⋯.jpeg (104.37 KB, 941x490, 941:490, 3F0ECFD2_E1DC_45BF_9A29_B….jpeg)

File: fc1d56910281566⋯.jpeg (36.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 138C0B17_D6B4_4FB3_A1B8_9….jpeg)

File: a438b33bd748288⋯.jpeg (31.37 KB, 600x315, 40:21, EF446384_ACDB_405E_8DA3_9….jpeg)

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bab2dc  No.15096881


It's about the Break..

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c0deb6  No.15096882

File: db791dab62e218f⋯.jpg (84.13 KB, 549x570, 183:190, Night_shift.jpg)

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c9520c  No.15096883


Rachel Maddow's head looks like a piece of candy corn.

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38dffe  No.15096884

File: 62640d99e3e2316⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 720x721, 720:721, Obama_pussy.jpg)

File: b035a051038cd80⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, obama_erased.jpg)

File: d343e3b306e44ee⋯.png (566.15 KB, 776x459, 776:459, obama_on_the_lam.png)

File: 2b64b6bb5329bc2⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 248x255, 248:255, Obama_Sucks.jpeg)

File: d71d2852145e78c⋯.png (314.92 KB, 686x360, 343:180, orangemanbad.png)

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1a4649  No.15096885


Satan dubs confirms sportsball is faggot.

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254c66  No.15096886

File: 8ea8b10b290a46f⋯.gif (61.02 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 8ea8b10b290a46f43cc02c8df8….gif)


>>>They didn't try the plane crash-o but they tried another way-o and it wasn't nice-o

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20237e  No.15096888

File: a77201e9030c5be⋯.png (9.18 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 3872c59024d9aabe6896d3624c….png)


thanks for pointing that out, kek

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c0deb6  No.15096889

File: 0f0b3019d26b35a⋯.png (60.35 KB, 225x225, 1:1, e85b0ed6311d003efa5174d0ac….png)


>The media have been barred from the courtroom.

So unless we listen live, we'll miss everything

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316af7  No.15096890


>wasn't an attorney

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87790c  No.15096891

File: 9df6c2ee2c54e2e⋯.png (48.31 KB, 600x294, 100:49, anti.png)


“Anti-interest” is a very important concept to understand in regime propaganda

Quote Tweet



· 16h

They want you to be “anti-interested” in this and they’re not even hiding it anymore twitter.com/jackposobiec/s…

8:32 PM · Nov 28, 2021·

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0ee25d  No.15096892

File: f68dd09df11ff5b⋯.jpeg (35.65 KB, 428x489, 428:489, E04351CF_A8A4_4EC9_B616_E….jpeg)

File: 57701fbb73e1de4⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1626x1308, 271:218, EA59B25A_D095_4CB7_80EB_2….jpeg)

File: c223808a8012d28⋯.jpeg (205.35 KB, 2500x1666, 1250:833, 2FC203E4_C697_461D_99E9_C….jpeg)

File: 77da61e313eecb7⋯.jpeg (482.13 KB, 2048x1250, 1024:625, 2913BFEE_4535_4F5A_AFA3_5….jpeg)

File: 59166bdf90b8ad5⋯.jpeg (148.08 KB, 992x414, 496:207, EEDDDFF6_883E_4894_BDDB_B….jpeg)

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fff8c4  No.15096893

File: 3ba4e0ccb5b0646⋯.jpg (121.6 KB, 914x1280, 457:640, IMG_20211128_204146_029.jpg)

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32b981  No.15096894

File: a926631c5f32580⋯.png (314.38 KB, 511x687, 511:687, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e74eaa6f89df9d1⋯.mp4 (1022.13 KB, 728x720, 91:90, biden_clam_chowder.mp4)

which granddaughter is with Joe?


>Biden clams up when Nantucket business owner asks him to name his favorite chowder



See new Tweets


Jason Graziadei


President Joe Biden interviewed in


store on Main Street #Nantucket. Sean Dew with the hard hitting question

7:11 PM · Nov 27, 2021·

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e3a3ce  No.15096895

File: d149e5d500802b2⋯.png (475.33 KB, 535x661, 535:661, Screenshot_2021_11_28_at_2….png)

Laura Ingraham


Biden taking orders from his boss again.

Quote Tweet

Andrew Feinberg@AndrewFeinberg

From the @WhiteHouse: @POTUS meets with his Covid response team (and @WHCOS)



Jews War Room in the WH

Panic in DC

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e273f2  No.15096896


Where the hell is that pic and who?

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5ffb84  No.15096897

File: e3d71edd5281108⋯.jpg (223.99 KB, 1200x1449, 400:483, Fish_shaped_pens.jpg)

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38dffe  No.15096898


heard NFL is having extreme parity ; what would be nice is a whole bunch of teams finish with the same mediocre records that the tiebreakers seem stupid and everyone sees the whole thing is a fixed shit product

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2eaaa1  No.15096899

File: 9d67d63f48a91e0⋯.png (459.08 KB, 1038x591, 346:197, Helicopter2.png)

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f50a1c  No.15096900

File: e6d62de54170abb⋯.jpg (54.36 KB, 828x482, 414:241, FEELp8TWUAAiscG.jpg)

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671c05  No.15096901


I heard there is someone on twitter: @maxwelltrial who will be giving up to date happenings. Said it would tell us who it is after the trial. Twitter will probably take it down.

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254c66  No.15096902

File: f4cdc15f8eedd23⋯.png (161.26 KB, 339x874, 339:874, hunter5.png)

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f8a0a6  No.15096903



…Is he saying… what I think he's saying?

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bde2af  No.15096904

File: 498198701cf62ca⋯.jpg (106.18 KB, 784x508, 196:127, ZombieHillaryH2020.jpg)


The bloated ones were tiring.

No discrimination. Just threw "everything in but the kitchen symc

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204600  No.15096905

File: 27c7f605b1c3de8⋯.png (225.77 KB, 810x480, 27:16, 356.png)



The vaccines are safe and effective

Get your boosters

Trust Fauci

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0ee25d  No.15096906

File: 2600d6ed6355799⋯.jpeg (449.79 KB, 1368x733, 1368:733, 4B0FE5D6_A901_4862_94B1_6….jpeg)

File: 4992c420122864e⋯.jpeg (58.45 KB, 992x415, 992:415, A48A3C85_B957_4D44_A538_7….jpeg)

File: f700b9bdcf25c28⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB, 2048x1314, 1024:657, 85DCA027_431B_42D1_849B_7….jpeg)

File: c2e9704c3c08eea⋯.jpeg (65.79 KB, 600x685, 120:137, 68C4F58D_0DFE_4B48_ACD2_E….jpeg)

File: 8d77b6069884197⋯.jpeg (53.62 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 56D3917B_E6F4_4AFD_B047_4….jpeg)

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671c05  No.15096907


Where can you listen live. I need the link. thank you.

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80942e  No.15096908


pretty much. Judge ruled it too salacious as well for coverage as well. Plus some rule about not broadcasting federal trials. Which means we will also most likely not be able to see the treason trials.

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bcb53a  No.15096909



Bread and circus. Has distracted this nation from what really matters for too long. If it collapsed tomorrow our nation improves overnight.

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b4b8d9  No.15096910

File: c2bc4e6073a0813⋯.jpg (191.42 KB, 744x782, 372:391, c2bc4e6073a08133d20a1012a5….jpg)


Look. He played Dirk Pitt. Which puts him in the Alex Baldwin category in so far as anon is concerned.

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345f57  No.15096911


Aired originally last Sunday.

It’s OLD.

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c0deb6  No.15096912


Lots of capitalizations in the post as well. Any decode anons here?


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bab2dc  No.15096913

File: 1aefb83c5d267c9⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Be a Shame if the Call in number was livestreamed

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d86968  No.15096914

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27b5dd  No.15096915


Does that violate the gag order?

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e273f2  No.15096916


Bill Gates thinks he's untouchable.

We shall see. .

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6842b8  No.15096917


According to a report, Bill Gates asked employees out for dates while married to Melinda Gates.

>Ladies man

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671c05  No.15096918


All 6 of then wearing masks. We in Loony Tune times anons.

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1a4649  No.15096919

File: 31a4729bff99aae⋯.png (55.87 KB, 636x567, 212:189, Screenshot_2021_11_28_1845….png)


This seems relevant, helicopter and all.

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0ee25d  No.15096920

File: e75fd0c813f9697⋯.jpeg (202.44 KB, 1440x1150, 144:115, D5E9AFAB_6F7D_45DD_A0E0_D….jpeg)

File: e6e4618f5517ef6⋯.jpeg (22.13 KB, 255x177, 85:59, BF7099FA_65A3_4C8E_B6B8_8….jpeg)

File: ae22a302c6dca1e⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 2C268C1C_EB7D_43F8_959E_F9….gif)

File: f3dfe549354db5b⋯.jpeg (30.77 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 40417556_B16B_4325_922C_6….jpeg)

File: fa4da0463fc99e8⋯.jpeg (28.12 KB, 255x214, 255:214, 5F0C0F46_42CC_48DA_9EE0_6….jpeg)

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b4b8d9  No.15096921

File: eb15f7e4246850f⋯.png (618.03 KB, 768x461, 768:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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38dffe  No.15096922

File: db72f904a774f2c⋯.png (39.76 KB, 164x209, 164:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Satchel man has seen the stuff ; now they are going to have to attack a gay man…..what is the "uncle tom" equivalent for the queers?

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37da6a  No.15096923

File: 34a14d4ec343189⋯.png (531.21 KB, 1019x662, 1019:662, ClipboardImage.png)


Note: Anon believes there are comms in here where she is communicating with those outside, will post full article and then see if we can pick up comms,eyes on anons, this may have been missed, trial tomorrow

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell tells all from inside her US prison cell: Heiress says 'I am weak, frail, tired and don't even have shoes that fit… guards feed me rotten food and one apple had maggots in it'

Ghislaine Maxwell was speaking from her 10ft by 12ft prison cell inside New York's notorious Metropolitan Detention Center, where she has spent past 16 months in solitary confinement

Ms Maxwell, 59, said: 'I have not had a nutritious meal in all that time. I haven't slept without lights on – fluorescent lights that have damaged my eyes – or been allowed to sleep without constant interruptions'

She also claims that a 'friendly rat' routinely sat next to her on an open sewer as she went to the toilet

Heiress, who faces rest of her life behind bars if convicted of abusing and procuring young girls for billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein - charges she vehemently denies - claims she's stopped taking showers as 'creepy' guards stare at her


PUBLISHED: 22:01 GMT, 13 November

2021 | UPDATED: 02:48 GMT, 22 November 2021



Ghislaine Maxwell has spoken for the first time about her 'living hell' behind bars – claiming that she has been assaulted and abused by prison guards, purposely deprived of sleep and given rotting food to eat.

In a world exclusive, Ms Maxwell, who had her £21 million bail application denied for the fourth time last week, also claims negative media coverage while she has been in custody and the deliberate withholding of evidence have made it 'impossible' for her to receive a fair trial.

Speaking from her 10ft by 12ft prison cell inside New York's notorious Metropolitan Detention Center, where she has spent the past 16 months in solitary confinement, Ms Maxwell said: 'I have been assaulted and abused for almost a year and a half.

'I have not had a nutritious meal in all that time. I haven't slept without lights on – fluorescent lights that have damaged my eyes – or been allowed to sleep without constant interruptions.

'I am weak, I am frail. I have no stamina. I am tired. I don't even have shoes which fit properly. They feed me rotten food. One apple had maggots in it. I have not been allowed to exercise.'

Ms Maxwell, who faces the rest of her life behind bars if convicted of abusing and procuring young girls for billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein – charges that she vehemently denies – claims:

A 'friendly rat' routinely sat next to her on an open sewer as she went to the toilet;

She has stopped taking showers as 'creepy' guards stare at her;

Her mail has been tampered with and she has been 'purposely' prevented from preparing for trial by being given vital evidence too late;

The jury pool has been so tainted by the continuous slurs against her character she believes it will be virtually 'impossible' to get a fair trial.

Some will say that a woman accused of sexually abusing young women, including a 14-year-old girl, deserves no sympathy. Others will argue that the American justice system is inhumane.

Either way, she remains innocent in the eyes of the law before her trial.

At 59, the Ghislaine of today is a far cry from the glamorous woman who was once a fixture on the international social scene, where she mingled with world leaders such as Bill and Hillary Clinton and was close friends with royalty, including Prince Andrew.

Today, the designer outfits have been replaced by the shapeless overalls of prisoner 02879-509.

Her trademark hair, once coiffed by French stylist Frederic Fekkai, is streaked with grey and fashioned into a shoulder-length style she managed to craft using toenail clippers while peering into a 3in by 5in hand mirror.



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1e61de  No.15096924

File: 8a48de39cbe335e⋯.png (846.94 KB, 751x738, 751:738, NSTesla.PNG)

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2eaaa1  No.15096925

File: 8501810c5edda6d⋯.png (182.16 KB, 553x472, 553:472, vaccine_logic.png)

File: 7ea7b9f4459bd44⋯.png (337.4 KB, 500x761, 500:761, karen_vaxx_nazi.png)

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f46d83  No.15096926

File: 4a243bb9461457d⋯.jpg (34.71 KB, 260x433, 260:433, Vaxed.jpg)



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b4b8d9  No.15096927

File: eb15f7e4246850f⋯.png (618.03 KB, 768x461, 768:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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465197  No.15096928


Oh, Bill and his man dates…!

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e36b8a  No.15096929


Wake up Anon, they have attempted over 20 methods.

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ad9e02  No.15096930

File: 73b2e22bdf1308d⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 400x560, 5:7, 1637628817.gif)

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c0deb6  No.15096931


You have to call, unless an anon live streams it. Not sure if it's the same number as the jury selection conference but: "The Court will hold a telephone conference to discuss jury selection matters on October 21, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Members of the press and the public in the United States may access the live audio feed of the proceeding by calling 844-721-7237 and using access code 9991787"


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204600  No.15096932

File: cad84476a1539e8⋯.png (607.98 KB, 720x854, 360:427, 4646.png)


The vaccines are safe and their efficacy is efficacious

You must get your booster shots to be safer than safe from Omicron variants

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20237e  No.15096933



I took lb notables, only.

What posts are you complaining about? Which ones upset you?

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e09291  No.15096934


Probably only put them on for the photo.

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38dffe  No.15096935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this guy is kicking himself anymore

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f50a1c  No.15096936

File: b6e807bebc6f0db⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, QLhExu01IIYyDrCU.mp4)



He has noticed us

Bill seems nervous because of it

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bab2dc  No.15096937


>constant interruptions

Suicide watch

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5ffb84  No.15096938

File: 42cf3c0df307e61⋯.jpg (365.31 KB, 1536x2047, 1536:2047, 42cf3c0df307e61ccb83943fa5….jpg)

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bcb53a  No.15096939

File: f8a5b0f29875a53⋯.jpeg (55.82 KB, 600x722, 300:361, E0EE3CFC_FB76_498F_B888_C….jpeg)

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6b514d  No.15096941

File: 1ee93d9eb539ddc⋯.png (385.88 KB, 640x438, 320:219, ClipboardImage.png)


Would be nice to see, yeah

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00c68f  No.15096942

Anon asked Q+ to give us a sign he’s still with us,,,,,

During the Levin interview President Trump says,

“Baking the bread” how is that not a huge HAT TIP to the Bakers!

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c0deb6  No.15096943

File: 2d3f976d5c33c4d⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1196x797, 1196:797, 357bd7e977f101e7d7c0114733….png)


On multiple platforms

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38dffe  No.15096944

File: 8780bcafeedd608⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 178x255, 178:255, 4ecede0dd3fcfc4cb16b9749a6….jpg)

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37da6a  No.15096945

File: 2a080441e3982c2⋯.png (1.38 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Despite her grim surroundings, she manages to force a smile as she describes how prison guards were so impressed by her hairdressing skills that they gave her paper-cutting scissors and joked that she should open her own salon.

But the harsh reality for a woman dubbed a 'socialite' – a term she fiercely objects to – has been what she describes as a living hell ever since more than 20 armed FBI agents swooped on her 156-acre, £800,000 New Hampshire home in July 2020.

She has remained in custody ever since, surviving mostly on a diet of rice and beans with unsalted peanuts for protein and mayonnaise for fat.

Her arrest came 11 months after Epstein, her ex-boyfriend and long-time friend, killed himself in jail while facing child sex charges. Until Epstein's suicide, Maxwell had never faced criminal charges.

Her lawyers are expected to argue she is being punished by proxy for Epstein's heinous crimes because, as one source close to the case maintains, 'someone has to pay for what he did'.

Maxwell has told friends: 'I fear it will be impossible to get a fair trial. I have tremendous fear that overwhelmingly negative media stories will poison my jury pool and affect the outcome of my trial despite the evidence that will demonstrate everything the jurors thought they knew isn't true.

'I look forward to finally having my day in court to prove I played no part in Epstein's crimes.

Full article way to long to post, but the important part is her statements recently, the history we already know

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2d5bc6  No.15096946


did he show boobs?

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bde2af  No.15096947

File: fd3c0f53118a099⋯.jpg (10.37 KB, 249x255, 83:85, potuspepeabstractb3.jpg)


that's a good idea.

maybe somebody will do it on Tiger

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d3c72e  No.15096948

File: 3df214ccad8e11d⋯.png (254.03 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, 7digitsreached.png)


Digits for wise words.

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345ca2  No.15096949


agreed, and anyone who is not the scientist/s who created said vaccines would have no choice but to trust the scientists or company they're working for word that they're good.

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c9520c  No.15096950


Antifa wore Trump hats, scarves, etc. and pretended to be Patriots. They caused the chaos.

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e36b8a  No.15096951

File: 593dce95b7c662d⋯.png (67.83 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Echo Location

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b4b8d9  No.15096952

File: 59a907798741c47⋯.png (77.45 KB, 247x238, 247:238, 59a907798741c47336e418140c….png)


One. Live. Specimen.

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1a4649  No.15096953


Is 17k signs not enough?

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b01c5d  No.15096954

File: cee615586d2cd49⋯.png (150.19 KB, 534x265, 534:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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671c05  No.15096955


Oh, don't fret. Bread and circuses are already dead. They just don't know it yet. Times? They be changing. Things? They be happening. In fact, they don't believe it is like it is, but it do!

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57194f  No.15096956

File: baa85937764dedd⋯.jpg (90.54 KB, 620x620, 1:1, 1635616695454.jpg)


>digital battlefields

anon, WWG1WGA


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764d39  No.15096957


The nerve.

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20237e  No.15096958



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6842b8  No.15096959


reminds me of woody allen on 60 minutes.. kek

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38dffe  No.15096960

File: 8d31fbfd9e8b1bc⋯.jpeg (10.16 KB, 255x187, 15:11, b91a46f23b6fd0bbc71c91125….jpeg)


tippy top -ish

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b01c5d  No.15096961

File: ad6cee977b9a0a7⋯.png (400.92 KB, 421x519, 421:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 759737a6c2f7361⋯.png (360.19 KB, 422x475, 422:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood is a paid disinfo agent.

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d86968  No.15096962


I missed it. Shiiiiiiit.


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e273f2  No.15096963

File: c312b99593c9ffa⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 600x335, 120:67, c312b99593c9ffaada46d48f8f….jpg)


You know what's funny?

Its the Dems that get to suffer for their own mask mandate bullshit.

The 95 % of the rest of us go maskless. The dumbasses.

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980f9a  No.15096964

File: e09c0aaf2cceaae⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 474x524, 237:262, WIN_CHEW_gif.gif)

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c0deb6  No.15096965

File: dc82d2ab60e52cc⋯.jpg (100.53 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 07_DeBlasio.jpg)

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bab2dc  No.15096966


Epstein was Maxwell's accomplice.

She was in Charge.

It was all for her.

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204600  No.15096967

File: 8c6573fd389bc75⋯.png (95.52 KB, 413x550, 413:550, 5366.png)



His body language shows us he feels threatened

Bill is upset that his global rollout of the kill-shot has met resistance

Fuck you Bill, a noose awaits you

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316af7  No.15096968