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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 640x272, 40:17, 3581733c912d3123efb9f802f2….jpg)

b8bcae  No.15097988[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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b8bcae  No.15097991

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1. Watch >>14908294 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

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President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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b8bcae  No.15097993



>>15097256, >>15097307, >>15097285, >>15097317, >>15097432, >>15097528, >>15097460, >>15097516 "Omicron" is an anagram of "Moronic" OMICRON who is owned by Pimsoft

>>15097308, >>15097360, >>15097370, >>15097533 Brian Stelter complaining that #TheLeftCantMeme and that memeologists are too damn effective (Cap 0:27)

>>15097321 Storm Arwen: Third person dies as gale-force winds hit UK' A-17 Comms?

>>15097355 FAKE NEWS Set-up Melbourne ‘freedom’ protesters test positive for COVID-19, one in hospital

>>15097403 Scavino Message Received, They Have It All, It’s Going To Be Biblical

>>15097435, >>15097694, >>15097447, >>15097548, >>15097552 PDJT on Life, Liberty & Levin November 28, 2021 You make the bread QQQN0iQltQk

>>15097502 Dr Youngblood MD (Cap 7:32) decimating vaccine narrative at the San Diego county board of supervisors meeting

>>15097828, >>15097830, >>15097855 Corona Committee testimony on Mass Formation as staging for Totalitarianism

>>15097834 Everything You Need to Know About Ghislaine Maxwell Where was she? Who’s her husband? How do you say her name? Will we ever know the truth?

>>15097851 A Judge Stands up to a Hospital: "Step Aside" and Give a Dying Man Ivermectin

>>15097857 AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers Gives Update On Arizona Audit – 186 Legislators From 39 States Call For 50 State Audit

>>15097930 Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up stock market correction due to Chinese property developer bond failures?

>>15097947 Corona will never leave… Its a common virus, been in the books for years & years

>>15097982 #19099


>>15096519 Symptoms of the Omicron Variant Used To Cover Up Effects of Covid Vaccines

>>15096535 Tel Aviv on the streets as Israel imposes strict new travel ban amid Omicron scaremongering

>>15096560, >>15096607 Dan Scavino 9 candles 6:10 Hanukkah

>>15096602 China Does It Again – Sends 27 Aircraft Into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone

>>15096629, >>15096663 Epstein was working for multiple governments, including the Israelis (Mossad)

>>15096638 Hillary: ‘Americans Just Don’t Appreciate What Joe Has Done for Them’

>>15096648, >>15096651, >>15096655, >>15096684, >>15096923, >>15096937, >>15096945, >>15096985 Ghislaine Maxwell's Trial Has Begun

>>15096643 Virgil Abloh, died today at age 41, on Ghislaine Maxwell's civil case of co conspirators

>>15096774 It Turns Out Fired FBI Director Jim Comey’s Daughter Is Not Only on the Team, She is One of Three Lead Prosecutors Against Jeffrey Epstein Confidante, Ghislaine Maxwell

>>15096875 @RichardGrenell Where’s the media outrage? Most of the powerful people caught up in the Jeffrey Epstein/Ghislaine Maxwell trafficking trial are Democrats

>>15096942, >>15096953, >>15096956, >>15096960, >>15096962, >>15096993, >>15097025, >>15097027, >>15097110 During the Levin interview President Trump says, “Baking the bread” how is that not a huge HAT TIP to the Bakers!

>>15096931 Live Audio access to the Ghislane Maxwell Trial: Members of the press and the public calling 844-721-7237 and using access code 9991787

>>15097093, >>15096985, >>15096923, >>15096945, >>15097066, >>15097006 A-17 Comms Or 17-A Comms, Is This A Coincidence? Ghislaine Maxwell'

>>15097095 Live Schumann resonance data

>>15097105 ‘Astounding and Alarming’: Rand Paul Scolds Fauci for Saying ‘I Represent Science’

>>15097026, >>15097112, >>15097136 Since the 70's not a single in silico computer model (virtual reality) alarmist prediction has become true (2019)

>>15097211 #19098


>>15095738 World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court

>>15095821, >>15096308 World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India

>>15095854 Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) said Biden’s Build Back Better Act was “Alice in Wonderland” logic.

>>15095862, >>15095784 David McGee

>>15095867 Interpol elects Chinese cop Hu Binchen in charge of pursuing overseas fugitives to senior role

>>15095904 Ethiopia Conflict By US Design

>>15095941, >>15096116, >>15096123 The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial The charges against Maxwell - and her legal strategy against her victims

>>15095974 Statement Donald J. Trump: The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen

>>15095979 PF Reports STORM64

>>15096004, >>15096371 Keep borders open despite African Covid variant, WHO pleads

>>15096089 Interview with Mark Levin, broadcast tonight at 8:00PM ET on Fox News." - President Donald J. Trump

>>15096113, >>15096124, >>15096129, >>15096134, >>15096168 NY Post Dog Comms Oheka Castle Dig

>>15096559 #19097

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b8bcae  No.15097995


>>15094948 Fauci on GOP Criticism: ‘I’m Going to Be Saving Lives and They’re Going to Be Lying’

>>15094974 Amazon sees 'record-breaking' Black Friday, official says

>>15094976 Nearly 10,000 active duty US Marines are set to miss Monday's vaccine mandate deadline: Corps still doesn't know how it will punish them

>>15095012, >>15095016, >>15095033, >>15095037 Trial set to start on charges Smollett faked racist attack

>>15095125 Covid vaccine resistance is nothing new. Anti-vaxxers are as old as vaxxing itself.

>>15095178 With Tomorrow’s Due Date for US Air Force Personnel to be Fully Vaccinated – Air Force Prevents Any Airmen Not Vaccinated From Moving to a Different Station

>>15095240 Local News Outlets Could Reap $1.7 Billion in Build Back Better Aid

>>15095269 DoD tweet Boom! @usamy (? - r)

>>15095375 Former Fort Irwin soldier twice convicted of possessing child porn sentenced to prison

>>15095382 Interpol elects Chinese cop in charge of pursuing overseas fugitives to senior role

>>15095396 National Guard scandals in these 13 states raise questions about culture and accountability

>>15095401, >>15095611 Trafficking in the News

>>15095865 #19096


>>15094137 Flashback - How the “OK” Symbol Became a Popular Trolling Gesture

>>15094147, >>15094153 ‘A Bunch of Kooks’: Michael Flynn Described QAnon as a ‘Disinformation Campaign’ in Recorded Call (Kooks or Cooks-Baker?)

>>15094210 Russia Starts Mass Producing “Unstoppable” Zircon Hypersonic Missiles

>>15094268 Face The Nation Fauci Interview - The Story of the Foot

>>15094318 All things Trafficking mini Bun

>>15094359, >>15094422 Psychopath Fauci Says He Thinks COVID “Is Not Going to Go Away”

>>15094368 New Report Reveals ‘Gifts’ Given to Hunter Biden from China that We Reported On a Year Ago

>>15094374 The Power of The People

>>15094380 World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID "Variant As Dangerous As Ebola"

>>15094413 Roger Stone says FBI is acting like Biden’s ‘personal Gestapo’

>>15094430 NIH Dir. Collins: Omicron Variant a ‘Great Reason to Go and Get Boosted’

>>15094466 SHOCKING: BIG PHARMA Received Emergency Use Approval a Couple of Weeks Ago for COVID Variant Discovered a Couple Days Ago?

>>15094507 The Trump Comeback!

>>15094635 'What happened on January 6, Senator?': Fauci LAUGHS at Ted Cruz for saying he should be prosecuted for 'lying to Congress' and says Republicans are making him a 'scapegoat' for Trump

>>15094692, >>15094726 Fauci says 'troublesome' omicron 'might evade immune protection'

>>15094748 Director of Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research in Canada Forced to Resign for Being a Fake

>>15094753 Facebook's 'Race Blind' Algorithm Found 90% Of Hate Speech Directed Toward White People And Men

>>15094775 Clockfags on the Clock - D5

>>15095706 #19095

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b8bcae  No.15097998


>>15093322 NO MANDATES- Kansas Sheriff Uses World Class Antibody Test

>>15093284, >>15093433, >>15093441, >>15093610 OmiCon Bun

>>15093380, >>15093458 Fauci says US just deserves B or C grade on COVID-19

>>15093382 More than 7 billion Served

>>15093510 Is there a wholly unexpected benefit from the left’s COVID madness?

>>15093533 Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama are Democrats' top 2024

>>15093576 USMC: board a UH-1Y Venom during parachute operations

>>15093689 School official prevents students from attending book club event with author

>>15093980 Western monarch butterflies are returning to California for the winter

>>15093904 o7, memefags

>>15094022 #19094

Previously Collected Notables

>>15092324 #19091, >>15092520 #19092, >>15093254 #19093

>>15089621 #19088, >>15090105 #19089, >>15090927 #19090

>>15086828 #19085, >>15088342 #19086, >>15088469 #19087

>>15085424 #19082, >>15085457 #19083, >>15085975 #19084

>>15081902 #19079, >>15082551 #19080, >>15083913 #19081

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

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b8bcae  No.15098004

File: 5535528dd0b3eee⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 1125x1220, 225:244, photo_2021_11_25_07_50_51.jpg)



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69bb43  No.15098012

File: a7b844c7722f1fc⋯.png (712.43 KB, 621x588, 207:196, ClipboardImage.png)


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750efa  No.15098019

File: bb58f9c6751381b⋯.png (524.87 KB, 428x888, 107:222, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone re-post the Flynn highlight pls Im f"ucking off" this shift.

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c01c70  No.15098025

File: bba011c62920a7f⋯.png (479.13 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Polish_20211128_220230641.png)

File: fa2e70f240eafcf⋯.jpg (148.27 KB, 497x486, 497:486, Polish_20211128_214719254.jpg)

File: 88f297fcdc7fbc0⋯.jpg (107.26 KB, 580x314, 290:157, Chet_Stelter.jpg)

File: 85b5979df2a4dcc⋯.jpg (311.9 KB, 986x1201, 986:1201, Sob_Stelter.jpg)

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20aad1  No.15098027

File: 8f220a727fa4e5c⋯.png (350.64 KB, 659x626, 659:626, 353636.png)

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d76f49  No.15098028

I'd tell you a joke about the omicron variant, but you probably won't get it.

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11288d  No.15098029

File: 5b7c9894909b16c⋯.jpg (383.16 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, E9QXhBMWEAI_Cfd.jpg)

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71cb79  No.15098031


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9db5cb  No.15098032

File: 3c4a8f79bbb2930⋯.jpg (48.5 KB, 737x379, 737:379, Capture.JPG)


KEK…..That's the next virus they will say is real ..wonder what they left up there with the swab..kekeke

China makes COVID-19 anal swabs mandatory for foreigners

China has made anal COVID-19 swabs mandatory for all foreign travelers arriving in the country, a report said Wednesday.

The government has claimed that such tests provide a higher degree of accuracy than other screening methods for the virus, the Times UK reported.

As part of the new travel requirement, there will be testing hubs in Beijing and Shanghai airports, the outlet reported.

Li Tongzeng, a respiratory disease medic, said the anal swabs are better because virus traces stay in fecal samples longer than they do in the nose or throat, state media reported.

The move comes after Japan asked China to stop performing the exams on its citizens when they enter the country because the swabs cause mental anguish.

“Some Japanese reported to our embassy in China that they received anal swab tests, which caused a great psychological pain,” Katsunobu Kato, Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, told a news conference.


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69bb43  No.15098033

File: c4b467cd2a07431⋯.jpg (48.27 KB, 524x438, 262:219, 45809594_2132690530380848_….jpg)

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58bab2  No.15098034

File: 932774ea7657f4d⋯.jpg (238.66 KB, 625x502, 625:502, joeshit.jpg)

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f329b0  No.15098035

File: 5dc1f2c230f7112⋯.png (165.9 KB, 509x415, 509:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df3be145ded4c9c⋯.png (98.87 KB, 853x631, 853:631, ClipboardImage.png)

Woke ASU Students Issue ‘List of Demands;’ Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School

The woke mob is relentless.

After Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal on all counts earlier this month, leftist student activist groups at Arizona State University have issued a ‘list of demands’ that calls on the school to immediately expel him from campus because they claim he is a white supremacist and a “blood-thirsty murderer.”

In addition to issuing their woke demands, radical student organizations like MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are planning a rally this week to “get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus.”

Rittenhouse is a student at ASU, but he is not on campus and is enrolled as an online student. He has however expressed interest in attending classes in person at the school.

Despite him only attending the college virtually, organizers are ridiculously calling students and faculty to attend the rally in order to “protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”

“Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system – Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims and the families of those victims. Join us to demand from ASU that these demands be met [and] to protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”

Absolute nonsense.

Even though the Rittenhouse case had absolutely nothing to do with race and no evidence was ever presented to indicate Rittenhouse had racist motives at all, the triggered students are also demanding that the school issue official statements condemning white supremacy and “racist” Rittenhouse.

They are also calling on the school to defund campus police and redistribute the funds to the school’s so-called “all-inclusive” multicultural center.

Keep in mind, this multicultural center is the same “safe space” that came into the spotlight in September after a video showed two black students demanding that two white, male students leave the space due to the fact that they are white. One of the unhinged activists can be heard saying: “You’re making the space uncomfortable … You’re white. Do you understand what a multicultural space is? It means you’re not being centered,” while repeatedly telling them to leave.


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750efa  No.15098036

File: c267b4ce35ef8fe⋯.png (1.13 MB, 951x1594, 951:1594, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38c680bf485b038⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1242x1948, 621:974, ClipboardImage.png)


>'Someone re-post the Flynn highlight

Fuck it I'll do it mesself'.'

Hold it down.

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b8bcae  No.15098037

File: d2ef2414928da6a⋯.jpg (359.46 KB, 548x2172, 137:543, d2ef2414928da6aec84d974e31….jpg)

>>15098026 lb


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26f8b6  No.15098038

File: f0af9de95df50d5⋯.png (933.4 KB, 657x768, 219:256, 6fda102c9e7de53911918b4661….png)

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20aad1  No.15098039

File: 47a4cde00136c44⋯.png (165.34 KB, 440x361, 440:361, 366.png)


doge will take his boosters and doge will like his boosters

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f329b0  No.15098040

Former Trump Pentagon boss Esper sues to publish material in memoir

Esper says DOD improperly withholding permission to publish information in the book.

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper sued the Pentagon on Sunday, alleging officials there are improperly keeping him from publishing ”significant text” in a memoir he claims will provide an “unvarnished and candid” account of his time in the Trump administration.

The lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, said the book, “A Sacred Oath,” recounts Esper’s time as Army secretary from 2017 to 2019 and his 18 months as defense secretary before President Trump fired him. The book is due out in May.

Esper, who often clashed with Trump, took a poke at the 45th president in his lawsuit, saying he worked for a “White House seemingly bent on circumventing the Constitution,” The Associated Press reported.

The lawsuit alleges that large passages in the memoir are being improperly held by a classification review.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement that the DOD is aware of Esper’s concerns and “takes seriously its obligation to balance national security with an author’s narrative desire.”


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a154e0  No.15098041

File: d4c63c4ff597eb3⋯.jpg (151.63 KB, 1088x500, 272:125, 5vvzz0.jpg)

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f329b0  No.15098042

Military police raid plane to arrest couple trying to flee quarantine

A married couple who fled a quarantine hotel for suspected Omicron strain carriers in the Netherlands have been removed from a flight by the Dutch military police just as their plane was about to take off.

The dramatic incident unfolded at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport on board a flight that was set to depart for Spain at 'around 6.00pm' Sunday, the Netherlands armed forces confirmed in a statement.

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee at Schiphol has arrested a couple this evening who had fled from a quarantine hotel… The arrests took place in a plane that was about to take off.

The identities of the detained couple were not released, and it is unclear if they are were infected or just being held in quarantine as a precaution. The military turned them over to health officials to be sent to another quarantine facility.

The country is on high alert after over a dozen cases of the new Omicron Covid-19 variant were discovered among airline passengers – before all 27 EU members agreed to temporarily ban travel from seven southern African nations on Friday.

All recent arrivals into the Netherlands from South Africa as well as from Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho, Eswatini, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe have been required to be tested and to go into quarantine until their results are known, even if they are vaccinated. Some 61 out of a total of 624 passengers tested positive for Covid-19, so the Dutch National Institute for Health (RIVM) warned that “the new variant may be found in more test samples.”

“We will control whether they keep to those rules,” Dutch Health Minister Hugo de Jonge declared on Sunday, just hours before the escape attempt.


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69bb43  No.15098043

File: fd03d05cc437e22⋯.jpg (269.55 KB, 952x960, 119:120, 1624779200530.jpg)





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d25cf9  No.15098044


Thanks, anon!

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c01c70  No.15098045

File: 35f30e81d74a8ba⋯.jpg (114.58 KB, 580x314, 290:157, Spawn_shite.jpg)

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20aad1  No.15098046

File: 7a55d4a0c744cb2⋯.png (616.02 KB, 1080x910, 108:91, 24535636.png)

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f329b0  No.15098047

File: 723e83277badaa4⋯.png (364.41 KB, 586x545, 586:545, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci reveals plan to prepare Americans for Omicron

White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci has described the Omicron variant of Covid-19 as a “clarion call” to get people vaccinated. This is amid fears that the new variant may prove resistant to existing jabs.

In the weeks since it was first discovered in Botswana, the Omicron variant of Covid-19 has rapidly become the dominant strain of the virus in South Africa, and cases have been discovered in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Although the US has shut down travel from a number of affected African countries, Fauci told ABC News on Sunday that “inevitably it will be here, and the question is, will we be prepared for it?”

“The preparation that we have ongoing … just needs to be revved up,” he continued, “by getting more people vaccinated and getting the fully vaccinated boosted.” Fauci also touted the wearing of face masks as key to preparing for Omicron.

In a separate appearance on NBC News, he described the rise of the Omicron variant as a “clarion call” to get more people vaccinated.

Little is known about Omicron, save for its high number of spike protein mutations, which Fauci said gave the variant “an advantage in transmissibility.” Preliminary information suggests the variant may evade the protection offered by the current crop of vaccines. The first recorded Omicron cases in Botswana occurred in fully vaccinated people, and the European Centre for Disease Control stated on Friday that the new variant might be associated with “a significant reduction in vaccine effectiveness and increased risk for reinfections.”

Fauci also touched on these worries on NBC News, telling host Chuck Todd that Omicron “might evade immune protection … possibly even against some of the vaccine-induced antibodies.”

South African governmental adviser Professor Barry Schoub has described the Omicron symptoms as “mild” for “the great majority of the patients” infected with the new Covid-19 strain. “Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” South African Medical Association chair Dr. Angelique Coetzee told The Telegraph on Saturday.

In his push to get more Americans vaccinated, Fauci has previously described the Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants as “clarion calls” to boost vaccination. Some 59% of the US population is now fully vaccinated, and 21% of these people have received booster doses. Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approved a low dose of Pfizer’s vaccine for children aged between five and 11.


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881674  No.15098048

File: 5beaa932620a493⋯.png (281.36 KB, 620x824, 155:206, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15097618 (lb)

Synthetic Biology? Omicron? Jabs changing DNA?

Naw, they wouldn't do that…


Redesigning organisms for other purposes is a new field of scientific endeavor known as synthetic biology. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, expect to see (and hear) more about it as scientists look to reset humanity’s future and the “bio-economy” on the back of coronavirus vaccine research.

The study was released Thursday by the Switzerland-based WEF, and proclaims a scientific human reset is near because “Synthetic biology lies at the intersection of an ageing population, climate change and environmental degradation.”

It sets out what it calls the “bioeconomy” that covers all sectors and systems that rely on biological resources (animals, plants, microorganisms, and derived biomass, including organic waste) as well as their functions and principles.

The study points to synthetic biology interlinks between economic and industrial sectors such as food, health, chemicals, materials, energy and services that use biological resources and processes – pretty much everything that sustains and underlines human endeavour.

DNA has its role as well.

Harnessing that scientific variety for the future of humanity is needed, the WEF report argues. The report cautions:

It is anticipated that the world will face increased competition for limited and finite natural resources given a growing population, increasing pressure on our food and health systems, and climate change and associated environmental degradation decimating our primary production systems.

That challenge is met by modifying science to “efficiently produce high performance, sustainable products.”

Put more simply, that is where synthetic biology comes in.

Synthetic biology, proponents say, holds the promise of reprogramming biology to be more powerful and then mass-producing the turbocharged cells to increase food production, fight disease, generate energy, purify water and devour carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as the New York Times points out.

The aim is to follow computing, using biological information as coded in DNA, so it can be programmed — with the goal of redesigning organisms for what the WEF deems useful purposes.

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ec51ec  No.15098049

File: fa460314163db5f⋯.png (343.43 KB, 944x432, 59:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e202ca432b9e699⋯.mp4 (213.43 KB, 418x174, 209:87, doc_holiday.mp4)

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11288d  No.15098050

File: 5b23d303295dba0⋯.jpg (21.84 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 5b23d303295dba0450ad6d82e2….jpg)


You want to be vaxxed to death doge within 5 years?

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b8bcae  No.15098051

File: 48cb6b440a43942⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 450x818, 225:409, 48cb6b440a439425b1e89c4c0….jpeg)


Baker requests Handoff

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e2e253  No.15098052


it's all cock

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ddd7a9  No.15098053

>>15097829 lb

maybe flynn didnt tell linwood it was real because he knew linwood would record what he said and release it. like he did.

did anyone follow flynn/wood/rick wiles/kunneman and the new age prayer? I have a theory that Flynn is taking down shabbas goy preachers. Really interesting that he would say what he said about needed one religion to Hagee's followers when Hagee's a dispensationalist.

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69bb43  No.15098054

File: a496fa362f488a9⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 675x820, 135:164, FB_IMG_1638149577005.jpg)

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26f8b6  No.15098055

File: 4e2bd2c4d1a417b⋯.png (759.38 KB, 1728x974, 864:487, Screen_Shot_2021_11_28_at_….png)

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d25cf9  No.15098056


The reason why this has not happened here, in the USA, is because we still have our guns.

Simply having them is a deterrent.

This is lost on most people, sadly.

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a8f869  No.15098057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A song of healing before the shitstorm tomorrow.

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69bb43  No.15098058

File: d6aa640460bd241⋯.png (700.9 KB, 693x616, 9:8, handoof.PNG)


>Baker requests Handoff

Have no fear

The retard is here

Confirm Handoff

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20aad1  No.15098059

File: 66e231047a767cf⋯.png (285.44 KB, 540x640, 27:32, 45363636.png)


>anal swabs mandatory for foreigners

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e2b9f7  No.15098060

File: c2a6e410774fafa⋯.png (135.79 KB, 495x493, 495:493, Pepe_Cheers_Suit.png)

>15097962 pb

Alien luv soup for the kek's my good man

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1e17c9  No.15098061

File: cf6354eece4ac05⋯.png (296.81 KB, 505x1103, 505:1103, ClipboardImage.png)


tfw you think you made the meme but you wouldn't exactly bet your life on it.

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bd9a85  No.15098062

File: b9d7f7272bbd1fb⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 190x266, 5:7, index33.jpg)

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881674  No.15098063


If the unvaxed cannot enter the US then it is only the vaxed which can bring it here, however I'm sure the MSM will be screaming at the top of their lungs that the Unvaxed are to blame…

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f329b0  No.15098065

File: 5497567c3fd1b64⋯.png (521.54 KB, 683x909, 683:909, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7978088a21f029a⋯.png (46.99 KB, 659x323, 659:323, ClipboardImage.png)

Australia has another 12 MONTHS of Covid outbeaks to deal with - as NSW Premier RULES OUT bringing back hotel quarantine… for now

Dominic Perrottet says his state's number one priority is to keep people safe

The NSW Premier wants to provide confidence to the business community

He emphasises that getting vaccinated is the greatest weapon against Covid

Australians have been the warned that the Covid pandemic is far from over and the virus is going to be around for at least another year.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet also ruled out reintroducing hotel quarantine as a means of combatting the new Omicron super variant - at least for now.

At least two and possibly three people have tested positive to Omicron, and Mr Pertottet said his state's number one priority is keeping people safe.

'That's what we've done over the last 18 months, that's what we'll do over the next 12 months as we move through the next phase of this pandemic.'

Asked if a reintroduction of hotel quarantine is on the cards, Mr Pertottet said 'No,' but then immediately made it clear that quarantine is still very much an option.

'If … circumstances change which may result in a situation from a health perspective that there is a concern in relation to an increase in hospitalisations, we've always said that we will tailor our restrictions from time to time if necessary.'

He said taking such precautions is in line with the federal road map. 'That is the measured approach that any state should take.

'As we've opened up we've been very clear that we do not want to go back into lockdown, we want to provide confidence to the business community,' he said.


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e2b9f7  No.15098066


man, is Kyle gonna be rich

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99af88  No.15098067


I Predict it will turn to shit

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26f8b6  No.15098068

File: 5ea128ddad98175⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 720x766, 360:383, 5ea128ddad9817541c7abbd8f1….jpg)

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9db5cb  No.15098069


You know those guys watching have a hard on…kekeke

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d25cf9  No.15098070


I love Enya. One of her brothers owns a pub in Ireland. We drank, and sang songs. It was one of the best times I ever had.

What happens tomorrow? Stonk market crash?

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b8bcae  No.15098071

File: 4b0c0541cd25a1b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1041x1042, 1041:1042, f6b9cabd53f53a3e8028a8ee86….png)


You are half right…



Handoff Confirmed

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881674  No.15098072

File: f451ae81ad3aa98⋯.png (416.55 KB, 628x780, 157:195, ClipboardImage.png)

Christmas on the naughty list this year…


UK Civil servants have axed the word ‘Christmas’ from a proposed government campaign, for fear the term will offend minorities.

British civil servants have apparently embraced their inner Scrooge, vetoing the use of the word ‘Christmas’ from being used in a coronavirus testing drive aimed at students, arguing that the use of the term runs the risk of offending minorities within the country.

The campaign, which reportedly would have revolved around ministers using the slogan “Don’t take COVID home for Christmas,” is part of a larger government effort to limit the spread of the Chinese coronavirus after two cases of the Omicron variant were discovered on-shore.

‘We have been advised by Cabinet Office that we should not use the word Christmas – as the Government campaign needs to be inclusive and some religions don’t celebrate Christmas,” an email seen by The Mail on Sunday read. “The other option was ‘festive season’ which keeps the emotional motivation.”

“We have gone with ‘Don’t take COVID-19 home for the holidays’ – as it links to school and university Christmas holidays,” the email continued. “The alliteration with ‘home’ and ‘holidays’ scans well and is memorable.”

Despite the politically correct alliteration, this suggestion was also shot down in a follow-up email sent by a different British bureaucrat.

“We don’t refer to Christmas as the holidays (that’s an Americanism),” the email read. “Please can we say, ‘Don’t take Covid-19 home’.”


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e2e253  No.15098073

File: 492fca01e3ef01c⋯.jpg (44.48 KB, 668x374, 334:187, 5uykvu.jpg)

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e2b9f7  No.15098074

File: 0f66240863d45fc⋯.jpg (166.56 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Dr_Fauci_hands.jpg)

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20aad1  No.15098075

File: c50e19df910eb59⋯.png (288.14 KB, 460x309, 460:309, 353636.png)


>think you made the meme

I know that feeling…

3000 memes later……

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83d227  No.15098076

File: e53970731dd8207⋯.png (368.07 KB, 636x899, 636:899, WEF_called_off.png)

Re-Post…you would have thought theBakerwould have picked this one up seeing that it has 4 different sauces…

WEF Open Forum In Davos Called Off Following Death Threats.





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ddd7a9  No.15098078


the dog wont try to kill me for nefarious reasons

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e2b9f7  No.15098079


Sure looks all that vaccinating was a waste of time.

Lock Him UP!

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eb06a0  No.15098080

GM throwback


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cb1899  No.15098081

File: a6662d0aefe7ba6⋯.png (299.81 KB, 562x402, 281:201, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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99af88  No.15098082


Then demand them to stop saying Ala Snack bar

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9db5cb  No.15098083

File: f559c1da6859729⋯.jpg (58 KB, 744x394, 372:197, Capture.JPG)

Woke ASU Students Issue ‘List of Demands;’ Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School

After Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal on all counts earlier this month, leftist student activist groups at Arizona State University have issued a ‘list of demands’ that calls on the school to immediately expel him from campus because they claim he is a white supremacist and a “blood-thirsty murderer.”

In addition to issuing their woke demands, radical student organizations like MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are planning a rally this week to “get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus.”

Rittenhouse is a student at ASU, but he is not on campus and is enrolled as an online student. He has however expressed interest in attending classes in person at the school.

Despite him only attending the college virtually, organizers are ridiculously calling students and faculty to attend the rally in order to “protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”

“Even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system – Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty to his victims and the families of those victims. Join us to demand from ASU that these demands be met [and] to protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”

Student organizations at ASU are organizing a protest to get Kyle Rittenhouse (who is an online student) kicked out of ASU pic.twitter.com/qHy4xM6nri

— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) November 28, 2021


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e2e253  No.15098084

File: 1c0fd7f89bb5387⋯.png (622.23 KB, 750x500, 3:2, download.png)

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d25cf9  No.15098085


>WEF Open Forum In Davos Called Off Following Death Threats.

It was me. I love pranking the fuckers, there.

BTW, I attended in 2009. Yes. They hate you. ALL OF YOU. And they WANT YOU ALL DEAD.

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e370d7  No.15098086

File: 515e452080b7836⋯.png (194.36 KB, 512x305, 512:305, ClipboardImage.png)


>Australia has another 12 MONTHS of Covid outbeaks to deal with - as NSW Premier RULES OUT bringing back hotel quarantine… for now

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b8bcae  No.15098087

File: d8b238534343d5f⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 538x363, 538:363, d8b238534343d5ff75840d172d….jpg)


Considering this is the third wave and they have nothing after this.. pfft 2022

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17b784  No.15098088

File: 5b47a799dbccf98⋯.jpg (185.83 KB, 1559x914, 1559:914, le_full_retard.JPG)



ty for your services

Sorry for ID change

Had to walk cross street

Mcdonalds wifi sucks ass

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ddd7a9  No.15098089


the maxwell trial I think he means

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ee1f02  No.15098090

File: 5fd8ec3a2f220ae⋯.png (55.63 KB, 1426x506, 31:11, Capture.PNG)


bread 19093

it was sauced and put in previous notes anon

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f329b0  No.15098091

I thought they were going to pull a FF tonight.

I suppose they are planning for an early am FF

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e2e253  No.15098092

File: 9191e236190f8e9⋯.gif (4.25 MB, 310x310, 1:1, 9191e236190f8e9439c91e0d94….gif)

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985fef  No.15098093


define: binary weapon

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a50d64  No.15098094


It will happen because not everyone carries. And who carries in an airport or on board a jet?

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5724bb  No.15098095

File: 6ad47763f52a767⋯.jpg (159.72 KB, 977x742, 977:742, FedNationalizedplus_Blackr….jpg)

Seems like Blackrock and Vanguard are part of Treasury's plan to use the now controlled Fed to nationalize seized corporate assets.

Treasury can seize 1 golden share to achieve control but that does not give ownership of other shares. The more shares that are bought, the more dividends flow into theCommon Wealth of the Nation

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cb1899  No.15098096

File: c46ab5daea152d7⋯.png (309.48 KB, 579x405, 193:135, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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d25cf9  No.15098097


That's going nowhere. But, thanks for the update. I thought there may be a real habbening.


168 Million have them. At least 20 Million will throw down with them. THINK, THINK, THINK.

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ddd7a9  No.15098098


>That's going nowhere.

how do you know

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e1cd6a  No.15098099


53 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

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1eb0e4  No.15098100


What's the consensus, pregnant?

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97d1e1  No.15098101


5 incoming asteroids within 48 hrs


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d25cf9  No.15098102



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e2e253  No.15098103


This next song is called… I shilled my soul for a shilling

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9db5cb  No.15098104

File: ebaa30abd25b493⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 814x401, 814:401, Capture.JPG)

US vaccine mandate for troops survives a legal challenge

The Biden administration’s push for vaccine mandates, under fire in courts around the nation, has survived a legal challenge headed by former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell over vaccines in the military.

Powell lost a request to temporarily block the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of disgruntled service members.

The suit didn’t come close to meeting the high bar for winning a preliminary injunction, U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor ruled last Friday in Pensacola, Florida.

The ruling is a crucial early victory for the U.S. Defense Department. A ruling against the U.S. also would have been a blow to President Joe Biden, whose broader vaccine mandate for companies with at least 100 employees was temporarily blocked a week earlier by a federal appeals court in a suit by Republican-led states.


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a6faaa  No.15098105

File: e6945173060d490⋯.png (353.05 KB, 1000x583, 1000:583, 459513fe45ca12bf720bb41b2e….png)

File: 690d8918ff6392d⋯.png (405.96 KB, 980x583, 980:583, 3f9fa7ec05df66c3e28d701bc8….png)

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a50d64  No.15098106


Yeh, but not onboard jets and not at aiports. Expand your thinking, fren.

Yeh, escalation may occur but there will be incidents of this sort of Dutch-type assault on travellers. Would such an incident be the line that you would die on, fren?

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3bcbc4  No.15098107


pretty funny how retarded faggots think these people will ever stop of their own accord

benedict arnolds

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6a276c  No.15098108


They shouldn't have made threats.

They should have "done it" w/o warning.

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8efcbb  No.15098109

File: 318190f9a850872⋯.jpg (18.51 KB, 426x258, 71:43, binary.jpg)

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83d227  No.15098110

Thanks, wasn't aware so far back…

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32b580  No.15098111

File: 0820128940b899d⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 690x358, 345:179, 3vocjjixr.jpg)

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b1606d  No.15098112



>goy preachers


>goy preachers


>goy preachers

So I guess you missed this.>I thought they were going to pull a FF tonight.

>I suppose they are planning for an early am FF

What does an adversary typically do before attacking fully?

Test Defenses/Preparedness.

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ec51ec  No.15098113

File: da724a1587d92d9⋯.png (1.26 MB, 944x543, 944:543, ClipboardImage.png)


man we have not seen this retard for a while,

must be getting desperate.

iltered on sight

Qanon lady approves, kek

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144214  No.15098114

File: 8f7192dd23ea664⋯.jpg (36.73 KB, 449x652, 449:652, zZ2sGXTP3R.jpg)

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99af88  No.15098115

8 years compressed into 1

Most Impressive

Great seats, truly fantastic, amazing seats.

All things must come to an end.

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1538f7  No.15098116


It is always the FBI

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d25cf9  No.15098117


Dude. It doesn't matter. You have to think BIGGER, like a NEW WORLD ORDER NIGGER.

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83d227  No.15098118

File: 6f381ffe1c0f4f1⋯.jpg (200.06 KB, 2048x1563, 2048:1563, Dr_Fauci_nose_got_bigger.jpg)

Nice little discussion on halfchan…

Main: I have a theory that many major politicians, financiers, and doctors are being eliminated and replaced with an Israeli approved doppelganger to further the NWO.

Comment: Chin won't grow that much in 7 years. He went from having an incel chin to beta. Lost a lot of wrinkles and hair texture changed.

Comment: The ears aren't even the same. Did he get shitty cosmetic surgery, or is this a lookalike?

Comment: The ear swirls are waaay different wtf


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a50d64  No.15098119


They must stop fighting this as a matter of vaccination. This more than an assault on the individual. This is an attack on military effectiveness. Make the countermoves meaningful.

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efe085  No.15098120

File: f4d8c762565279c⋯.png (307.63 KB, 562x404, 281:202, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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b8bcae  No.15098121

File: 56b4c0573030e2b⋯.gif (2.17 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 56b4c0573030e2bfed6fac41ba….gif)



Never eat there, anon…

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6a276c  No.15098122

File: 8995710e5e220db⋯.png (2.18 MB, 892x895, 892:895, Commies.png)


Commies never stop unless you make them SUFFER (in all caps).

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a6faaa  No.15098123

File: b916b7bbdaff10f⋯.jpeg (814.88 KB, 750x1294, 375:647, b916b7bbdaff10f08b6ca5da3….jpeg)


> halfchan

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26f8b6  No.15098124

File: fb5072da205f550⋯.png (756.26 KB, 1916x1080, 479:270, Screen_Shot_2021_11_28_at_….png)

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b8bcae  No.15098125


I took a pregnant pause when my post went through and got swapped out…

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750efa  No.15098126

File: d5235293e71350b⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 498x278, 249:139, Chuckles_.gif)


>They shouldn't have made threats.

>They should have "done it" w/o warning.

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3fbac7  No.15098127

File: 5e89315fcf58ea0⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 5e89315fcf58ea0ff536f0aa4c….mp4)

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eb06a0  No.15098128

File: 2adef44c6e0a19b⋯.png (43.31 KB, 1000x254, 500:127, 41358415000855575.PNG)


Why is her trial so carefully hidden from the public?

Here is only part of the reason.

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eadd5b  No.15098129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the Bannon Epstein interview trailer. Near the end, about the 1:40 mark…Epstein talks about being in solitary confinement (it's short). Epstein wasn't put in solitary until after he was assaulted in jail, about a week before his "suicide"…Was the interview done just before his suicide or after?

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a50d64  No.15098130



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b8bcae  No.15098131

File: 2a04ee5e7aba18f⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 694x685, 694:685, 2a04ee5e7aba18fe7ceae34cdf….jpg)

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b8bcae  No.15098132



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99af88  No.15098133

File: 12f1a1e836d4698⋯.png (255.83 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2b9f7  No.15098134

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b8bcae  No.15098135


When will this air?

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69bb43  No.15098136

File: 0a01fac8338b9de⋯.jpg (9.61 KB, 371x370, 371:370, FB_IMG_1638149541444.jpg)


Haven't in probably liek 10 years lol

Walmart barking lot has better wifi anyways

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2153ed  No.15098137


Agreed - print out memes and post in letter boxes - great way to get information to normies - bypassing the CNN BS. Just like the military drop pamphlets in war zones.

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3bcbc4  No.15098138


oh but i'm sure the corrupt as fuck and also woke as fuck justice system will label them domestic terrorists annnnnny day now

oh that's right, they're too busy saying that's white people and parents who are active in their children's lives rather than allowing them to be subjects of the state

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9db5cb  No.15098139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's easy to see where rap came from!

the 64 year old comedian. Dewey 'Pigmeat' Markham enjoyed a new lease of life when his classic Here Comes The Judge routine was taken up by Rowan and Martin's Laugh In and became a national craze.

Pigmeat Markham - Here Comes The Judge (Tonight Show 1968)

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b8bcae  No.15098140

File: 46d9e1e96090493⋯.jpg (37.21 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 46d9e1e96090493797986bc7bc….jpg)

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e2b9f7  No.15098141


I'd say it's flab hanging over the collar.

Artefacts and compression don't help either.

Occam's Razor

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69bb43  No.15098142

File: 04add0725fc3932⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, FB_IMG_1638056237711.jpg)


Alright, simmer down

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eadd5b  No.15098143



Oct. 20th 2021…looks good for a dead guy.


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ec51ec  No.15098144

File: 1da1ac3f2dc50a5⋯.png (253.18 KB, 500x505, 100:101, ClipboardImage.png)


half chan are idiots,

maybe one of them could give him an anal swab.

half chan- lets talk about fauci clone

8 kungreat that will keep the retards busy - will stop them from jerking off every 30 seconds.

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f184e2  No.15098145

File: 310047b36b5c31f⋯.png (86.97 KB, 1080x878, 540:439, Rip_off.png)

File: fbf1a1313b3943b⋯.png (83.24 KB, 1080x204, 90:17, Screenshot_20211128_232318….png)

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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efe085  No.15098146

File: ab63a0730d2deb8⋯.png (188.73 KB, 507x399, 169:133, ag8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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144214  No.15098147


>Oct. 20th 2021

That is just when the video was posted, not when the interview was filmed

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e2b9f7  No.15098149


He's Mossad. He will be alive.

The fuckery was obvious

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b1606d  No.15098150


yeesh no wonder they raided bannon….

Awesome. Wowwwwwww

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b8bcae  No.15098151

File: b5d000960fcda89⋯.png (981.61 KB, 748x518, 374:259, b5d000960fcda895f920d700ff….png)


You do run in small circles


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eb06a0  No.15098152

What we are witnessing is a monster free-for-all to save their own @$$3$.

They are trying to stick together knowing they

are being watched and listened to very closely.

They cannot escape their nature which makes

them very easily trapped.

Funny thing, not being able to leave earth.

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3fbac7  No.15098153

File: a8a2110ee63e02d⋯.jpeg (6.05 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images_2021_11_29T003926_….jpeg)


White hats in control. Tell a vision with good vibes.

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20aad1  No.15098154

File: ddbc1d4d70be9f5⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 178x260, 89:130, 535336.gif)


sadly, there's more truth to your meme than you think

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e2e253  No.15098155


Can I get a repost of that meme?

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71f8fc  No.15098156


>>15095974 Statement Donald J. Trump: The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen

Yeah, you big fat asshole. You ISSUE those statements. YEAH, oh yeah, keep 'em coming. THAT'll fix E'ERYTHING you failed to fix when you still could.

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eadd5b  No.15098157



sorry, misunderstood…I haven't heard any date on when it will air…if ever. I think the trailer was put out to spook the opposition.

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43eef4  No.15098158

File: 7b2e9a8a6b38ee4⋯.jpeg (177.39 KB, 539x1097, 539:1097, 29043E47_ACCF_4F01_8442_5….jpeg)


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71f8fc  No.15098159

File: 21362cb82a8ed99⋯.png (629.06 KB, 748x797, 748:797, trust_plan.png)

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d25cf9  No.15098160


Bots, baby. Bots.

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20aad1  No.15098161

File: 0240c59911c1749⋯.png (207.45 KB, 600x597, 200:199, 35356.png)


Doge will live forever

Doge is timeless

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6a276c  No.15098162

File: c7ef3c860693e9d⋯.jpg (62.79 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 31diso.jpg)


Seriously. Who would call in "death threats" to an ancient death cult gathering?

It's more likely IMO [they] are so demented, that they made up the whole thing to garner some kind of sympathy for their oh-so-noble "cause".

"Look everybody, the mean Earth rapists want to harm us!"

Sounds plenty Euro-fag to me.

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f184e2  No.15098163

I did promotion for Ron Watkins… What he is doing Now is pathetic…. Ron I thought you was smarter.

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20aad1  No.15098164


Fauci's nose keeps growing because he lies so much

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efe085  No.15098165

File: dd29235d7ee560e⋯.png (313.9 KB, 584x408, 73:51, bg8949hhg8hghghh38ghoabg38….png)

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e2b9f7  No.15098166

File: 71fa68719c0cf23⋯.jpg (116.71 KB, 930x500, 93:50, You_may_die.jpg)

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d25cf9  No.15098167


>Seriously. Who would call in "death threats" to an ancient death cult gathering?

It's called fair warning, anon.


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b8bcae  No.15098168

File: f511556aa425cd8⋯.png (638.83 KB, 512x683, 512:683, ClipboardImage.png)


Not your meme flash squabble, stay out of it.

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b8bcae  No.15098169


he has something in the can. only a matter of time

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6a276c  No.15098170


Lose the mask and you might not have a garbage meme on your hands.

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e2e253  No.15098171

File: 0a391952626ab57⋯.png (376.91 KB, 369x599, 369:599, 0a391952626ab57fd882e228f6….png)


ty anon. o7

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b8bcae  No.15098174

File: 53912725a321226⋯.png (474.16 KB, 778x696, 389:348, 31df30d4a8b2b8c2f6f267002d….png)

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e1cd6a  No.15098175




God will you sit down with me

And be a rapper

Some kind of King of Heroic Poets

That’d Unite Israelites In Light and Laughter

God will you walk with me tonight

I won’t forget to Fill My Lantern

Bring Your Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ

I promise not to walk backwards

The Wicked Will Flee My Sight

For I Will Serve Only One Master

Be it that they Take My Life

I’ll Be Back in Alabaster

Put Me on the Cross with Jesus

Can Still Feel Him Bleedin

oughta close these wounds and treat them

Open Mine I’ll Be Him

I’ll be Ephesus

won’t Let you Suffer Alone

take ahold of whats defeated

End My Sins Completed.

time to Follow you Home

Your All I Ever Needed

And My Only Hope

Die the Death to Beat It

For Your Glories Gold

For Your Judgment

I’m Beneath It

Breathin Praises in My Weakness

Lord Let Me Attum

Let Me Destroy All Destroyers

I Will Defeat Every Demon

Give Me the Keys to the Fortress

I’ll go into Hell and Beat Em

I’ll take the Chain and Restrain Behemoth

Filet Leviathan and Eat it

Like Our Fathers out in Egypt

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b8bcae  No.15098176


never let the distraction get in the way of the message

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63607d  No.15098177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good vibes

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69bb43  No.15098178

File: ea67d409a382e3d⋯.jpg (54.19 KB, 750x463, 750:463, FB_IMG_1637820101606.jpg)


>Doge will live forever

>Doge is timeless

Such Legacy


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26f8b6  No.15098179

File: 1b443e7bc236d57⋯.png (1.19 MB, 2880x1800, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_11_28_at_….png)

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2fd18a  No.15098180


IDK if i trust a dog dressed as a dr…. but i'm more likely to trust freddy kruger than fowchee

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a6faaa  No.15098181

File: dfe156de5b04f3f⋯.png (14.09 KB, 96x83, 96:83, Screen_Shot_2021_11_28_at_….png)



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20aad1  No.15098182

File: 533dc01596145b6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1080x847, 1080:847, 36366.png)


I'm gonna charge in Bitcoin, per spurt

Hotties will be lining up outside my Harem to get my preciuos bodily fluids

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5724bb  No.15098183

File: f61cf896dfb5441⋯.jpg (62.3 KB, 438x544, 219:272, WordtoTheOnePercent.jpg)

Winning requires us to go along with the enemy's plan

The Great Reset

There are great forces behind it

So attempting to stop it would be futile

But we can make small changes

And take control

So that many of the actions of the enemy

Can be harvested and used

TheGreat Resethas a flaw

It requires control and ownership

Of all resources and assets

To be centralised.

However ..

Under the law

All assets used in commission of a crime are subject to confiscation

In addition

To prepare for the consolidation

The powers of the US President

Have been expanded to to inimaginable levels since 11/22 and 9/11

Trump leveraged these powers

In a series of secret orders called PEADs

And in Executive Orders

To effectively strip control of most of the world's major corporations

Away from the cabal enemy

But instead of hoarding the riches in Gringott

POTUS of thedevolutionis establishing somethingBIG

A circular economy

In particular

The common wealth of the people

Flows into central banks through interest payments

TheBESTway to resolve this pyramid flow

Is to turn it back against the pyramid

Like a BOOMerang returns to its thrower

To distribute this money to all people as their sustenance

Which fulfils the promise of the King

In part 2 of Magna Carta

The Forest Charter

SomethingBIGis coming!


It is the only way.

Not just fetuses have a right to life

Every human has a right to life, and BIG achieves that.

This will REVOLUTIONZE education.

Each person can learn however they want, and take as many years as needed.

Zero loans to pay back.

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80cd01  No.15098184


Thought they could afford finer attire.

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97d1e1  No.15098185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Big Storm Is Coming !!! | Max Igan

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e1cd6a  No.15098186


Feed the Sheep

Redeem Heathen

with the Holy Spirit Speakin

The Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast

You’ll Be Deleted If you Don't Believe it

Less you know me or trees 1 thru 4

In Jesus

Luke 12:37 Ezekiel 33:33

The False Prophet is On His Way to reap his

Jesus Christ won’t Return until We Defeat Him

Rapture Soon There Will Be No Room for Sleepin

Watchman Eyes Open its the Season

Many Called Few Chosen Time To Rise To Reason

Its Time To Draw the Line and Seize it

Take the Advantage and Keep It

Sow the Seed and Reap It

Its Time to Come Out of Babylon

Its Time to Come Out of Egypt

Its Time to Pass through the Beam in the Eye

Hyaloid Blind

To Jerusalem A New Jerusalem

Eye to Eye Line

After Line

Precept after Precept

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2fd18a  No.15098187


hi gary.

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3fbac7  No.15098188

File: 820266310cfe156⋯.jpg (98.41 KB, 695x936, 695:936, 820266310cfe1565ce7a6c6a67….jpg)

File: dc52307fbe99d9f⋯.jpeg (385 KB, 1800x1201, 1800:1201, dc52307fbe99d9fe0ceff2e2d….jpeg)

File: a877c5c5caa43db⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 720x1060, 36:53, a877c5c5caa43db05be6d95bd3….mp4)

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f184e2  No.15098189

File: fbf1a1313b3943b⋯.png (83.24 KB, 1080x204, 90:17, Screenshot_20211128_232318….png)

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic..


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d25cf9  No.15098190


Hi. How are you, anon?

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?

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980ea5  No.15098191

Anons have any thoughts on the real reason for border closings and travel restrictions?

Is it really omicron? Or are white hats tracking criminals and preventing people from running?

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55d517  No.15098192

File: 72d2bd86c5b8d6c⋯.jpg (103.54 KB, 720x920, 18:23, 20211128_224849.jpg)

File: 2df63983da36d4f⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 930x1163, 930:1163, cb4d55432f424d63ba22a164fb….jpg)


Elliot Page flashes THOSE washboard abs! (via @toofab)



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83d227  No.15098193

File: 67bb9fae569fda6⋯.png (53.15 KB, 1243x437, 1243:437, NASA_Next_Five_Astroids_11….PNG)

File: c23e5feb9673bde⋯.png (59.8 KB, 1019x321, 1019:321, 11_28_21_bus_size.PNG)

File: 79fefaf6d2a659a⋯.png (46.46 KB, 1108x320, 277:80, 11_28_21_Plane_size.PNG)

File: b6cee6e4601980e⋯.png (72.79 KB, 1109x305, 1109:305, 11_29_21_building_size.PNG)

File: 93662226c660ef4⋯.png (138.81 KB, 1199x667, 1199:667, 11_30_21_last_two.PNG)



Next Five Asteroid Approaches

BUS-SIZE…22 Feet - - - CLOSEST EARTH APPROACH…127,000 Miles - - - Nov 28, 2021

AIRPLANE-SIZE…160 Feet - - - CLOSEST EARTH APPROACH…1,740,000 Miles - - - Nov 28, 2021

BUILDING-SIZE…390 Feet - - - CLOSEST EARTH APPROACH…3,820,000 Miles - - - Nov 29, 2021

HOUSE-SIZE…64 Feet - - - CLOSEST EARTH APPROACH…652,000 Miles - - - Nov 30, 2021

BUS-SIZE…41 Feet - - - CLOSEST EARTH APPROACH…1,080,000 Miles - - - Nov 30, 2021

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2fd18a  No.15098194


>It is the only way.

>Not just fetuses have a right to life

>Every human has a right to life, and BIG achieves that.

>This will REVOLUTIONZE education.

>Each person can learn however they want, and take as many years as needed.

>Zero loans to pay back.

if i'm a teacher, who pays my salary? or am i expected to work for free? aksing for a fren…..

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aa0c5d  No.15098195

File: e2612d9da38eb0f⋯.png (49.08 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Truth in that.

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5b29b2  No.15098196

If you're there Gary, Late Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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a6faaa  No.15098197


Question for ya, truckfag…

Anon thinking of buying 26k box truck to move

no CDL

>muh private coach

Not planning on pulling trailer

Anything to watch out for that'll get anon hammered at a weigh station?

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957669  No.15098198

File: 4ca31a0eecfbdfd⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1958x1472, 979:736, ghislaine_1787_Uranus_comm….png)

Ghislaine Maxwell trial access number Deep State Comm's

You know these satanic faggot's love their coded numerology.


666 = Satan.

1787 = Uranus

Uranus = = Ops overseeing Blackmail.

Moon = A defining characteristic of the Moon is its “dark side” forever hidden from public view – and this is one reason in symbolism comms it can represent secrets being kept.

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4b8a89  No.15098199

File: 6db2ae6b2fd5d34⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 960x958, 480:479, Throw_up_Puke_Doge.jpg)


Oh God, Please no.

The cringe facebook memes,

I can see them now, they're coming

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f184e2  No.15098200

File: 310047b36b5c31f⋯.png (86.97 KB, 1080x878, 540:439, Rip_off.png)

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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eb38c9  No.15098201

File: 730686e5aca5547⋯.png (597.8 KB, 1014x572, 39:22, fauci_future_lethal_inject….png)


Somebody best be preppin' that Alfred E. Newman lookin' motherfucker for us…

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b8bcae  No.15098202

File: 925457b6f60f071⋯.png (939.14 KB, 742x1280, 371:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fd18a  No.15098203


wifeanon worked 12hrs. overtime pay. had turkey dinner friday 2pm. just the two of us, plus 2 dogs and 11 cats.

my stuffing was *almost* as good as grandma's. 16lb turkey an' fixin's three-quarters gone already.


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5724bb  No.15098204


People who value your services will pay you. You might find a job at a school that folks value.

Otherwise, do dome other kind of work.

The Prussian style education system is over. In the near future parents and students will decide how education is done.

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20aad1  No.15098205

File: 482b3bcc63692cf⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 516x468, 43:39, 5vw3ia.jpg)


2022: The Year of the Anal Swab

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a6faaa  No.15098206

File: 6928044fc6f6c7c⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 6928044fc6f6c7cfe37fc8cc97….jpg)


>>Each person can learn however they want, and take as many years as needed.

>Zero loans to pay back.

>if i'm a teacher, who pays my salary? or am i expected to work for free? aksing for a fren…..

Step one is getting rid of union protectionism, so you don't have to go $100k into debt to teach.

Bring your worth to the table and ask to be paid accordingly.

If you're asking the right amount, you'll find work.

No government guarantees.

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144214  No.15098207

File: 627047561fbf6e5⋯.png (1.56 MB, 976x549, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Ghislaine Maxwell's sex-trafficking trial to begin in New York City


British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell is due to go on trial in New York City on sex trafficking and other charges.

She is expected to challenge claims she groomed underage girls for convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein for sexual abuse. He died in prison in 2019.

Ms Maxwell, 59, has been in a US jail since her arrest last year, awaiting the high-profile six-week trial.

Ms Maxwell, who also has American and French citizenship, has pleaded not guilty to all the charges against her.

Lawyers for Ms Maxwell, as well as family members, have repeatedly complained about her conditions in jail and her legal team has made several unsuccessful applications for bail.

Epstein died in a New York prison cell on 10 August 2019 as he awaited, without the chance of bail, his trial on sex trafficking charges.

Who is Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's ex-girlfriend?

Panorama: The Prince and the Epstein Scandal

Who was Jeffrey Epstein?

The trial of Ms Maxwell, the daughter of late media mogul Robert Maxwell, is scheduled for 08:30 local time (13:30 GMT) on Monday.

The prosecution is then expected to lay out the case and preview evidence and witnesses - but the defence is likely to question the credibility of some of the witnesses.

No cameras will be allowed in the courtroom.

According to a letter by Ms Maxwell's lawyer, the defence will say her accusers might have faulty memories.

The letter says that leading experts in psychiatry and memory will be brought in to testify in her defence.

Ghislaine Maxwell 'won't get fair trial' - brother

What are the charges?

Ms Maxwell is accused of having helped Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.

US prosecutors allege she "played a critical role in the grooming and abuse" of minors.

Four charges relate to the years 1994-97 when she was, according to an indictment, among Epstein's closest associates and also in an "intimate relationship" with him.

Two other charges - of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor - came in an amended indictment and relate to the period 2001 and 2004.

Sarah Ransome, one of Epstein's alleged victims, has told the BBC's Panorama programme that Ms Maxwell worked closely with him.

She said: "Ghislaine controlled the girls. She was like the madam. She was like the nuts and bolts of the sex trafficking operation."

2px presentational grey line

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980ea5  No.15098208


Any bets that lines get overloaded tomorrow?

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e2e253  No.15098209

File: 8606053896d27e0⋯.gif (6.67 MB, 500x374, 250:187, buster_keaton_running_man.gif)


>Hotties will be lining up outside my Harem to get my preciuos bodily fluids

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f184e2  No.15098210

File: 4e088783f5b12bc⋯.png (402.44 KB, 1080x988, 270:247, Snn.png)

Truckers make America work they bust they ass.

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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bec266  No.15098211

File: 92ef97c8bab30e6⋯.jpg (38.44 KB, 480x480, 1:1, LikePage.jpg)


>jigsaw scars

I guess this is all the rage now

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4b8a89  No.15098212

File: b7404bea3764df0⋯.jpg (11.12 KB, 226x223, 226:223, dickshapedearththeory.jpg)


I feel like this is comms

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83d227  No.15098213


No different the Nancy Piglosi/F_I/D_J calling in death threats from 1/6 Patriots or Parents on the School board meeting…(QAnoner's)…kek

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144214  No.15098214

File: a7e12f0811dd77e⋯.jpg (111.92 KB, 705x817, 705:817, 9oLiAV6JFG.jpg)


>access number

Jury selection, not trial


U.S. Attorneys » Southern District of New York

United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell

United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell, 20 Cr. 330 (AJN)

If you believe you were a victim of Ghislaine Maxwell or have information about the allegations in the Indictment, please call 1-800-Call-FBI.

October 20, 2021 update:

The Court will hold a telephone conference to discuss jury selection matters on October 21, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. Members of the press and the public in the United States may access the live audio feed of the proceeding by calling 844-721-7237 and using access code 9991787. Those outside of the United States may access the live audio feed by calling 409-207-6951 and using the same access code. Any photographing, recording, or rebroadcasting of federal court proceedings is prohibited by law. Violation of these prohibitions may result in fines or sanctions, including monetary fines, restricted entry to future hearings, denial of entry to future hearings, or any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Court.

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d25cf9  No.15098215


Excellent, anon. I made several turkeys. They all came out well. I have to say that my Giblet gravy was one of the best I ever made.

All in all, it was a success!

And no fighting, as I laid down the law. No religion or politics or VAXX bullshit.

It was one of the best Thanksgivings ever.

Thanks for asking!

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980ea5  No.15098216


I read they skipped a letter/number symbol, Xig, because it be to similar to Xi.

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a8f869  No.15098217



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e2b9f7  No.15098218

File: 8decdd9f712026f⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1800x1228, 450:307, ClipboardImage.png)

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2fd18a  No.15098220

File: d86ea87526b6e8c⋯.jpg (75.58 KB, 694x499, 694:499, 3vr5j7.jpg)


>People who value your services will pay you. You might find a job at a school that folks value.


>Bring your worth to the table and ask to be paid accordingly.

YIKES! talk about clueless, pie-in-the-sky libtard fuckwits. the two of you CLEARLY never tried to find a job teaching at the university level.

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a6faaa  No.15098221

File: 96b6fc28c224378⋯.png (167.8 KB, 729x638, 729:638, 96b6fc28c224378394801fc200….png)



>Any bets that lines get overloaded tomorrow?

They will. Should we start a pool on when?

Anon will take 43 minutes before the start.

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957669  No.15098222




Asteroid articles are deep state comm's. See this post for pic related and stuff -→>> >>15098198

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1538f7  No.15098223


If I learn who Elliot Page is, I will be very upset.

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1e8f6e  No.15098224

File: 2bd879da597223d⋯.jpg (188.38 KB, 1079x1590, 1079:1590, Biblical_Trump_tweet.jpg)


Execute all these fuckers

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ec51ec  No.15098225

File: 67e0f99284accab⋯.png (446.04 KB, 500x541, 500:541, ClipboardImage.png)


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f184e2  No.15098227

File: 8fb7da1502c8b82⋯.jpg (198.49 KB, 900x900, 1:1, downloadfile.jpg)

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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4b8a89  No.15098228

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15098004, >>15098071

o()xxxx({:::::::::::::::::::> @200

>>15098198 Ghislaine Maxwell trial access number Deep State Comm's

>>15098207 Ghislaine Maxwell's sex-trafficking trial to begin in New York City

>>15098123, >>15098166 Get involved locally! MEME MAGIC IS REAL

>>15098047, >>15098111 Fauci reveals plan to prepare Americans for le Omicron

>>15098048 Synthetic Biology? Omicron? Jabs changing DNA? Naw, they wouldn't do that…

>>15098035, >>15098083 Woke ASU Students Issue ‘List of Demands;’ Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School

>>15098042 Military police raid plane to arrest couple trying to flee quarantine

>>15098076 WEF Open Forum In Davos Called Off Following Death Threats.

>>15098104 Powell has lost a request to temporarily block the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

>>15098129 This is the Bannon Epstein interview trailer. Was this done just before his "suicide" or after?

>>15098183 Wait a minute. Did somebody say DEVOLUTION?

>>15098193 Five Asteroids Approaching, NASA comms perhaps?

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eb38c9  No.15098229


Why do these folks hate themselves so damn much?

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e2e253  No.15098230


Ewww… she looks disgusting, not like a man at all.

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55d517  No.15098231

File: 27a987c3e6c6c08⋯.jpg (65.49 KB, 564x800, 141:200, original.jpg)

File: 1ad5eff2f5ce221⋯.jpg (80.77 KB, 500x664, 125:166, NtFfCII.jpg)

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e2b9f7  No.15098232


Elliot Page was Ellen Page.

Now looks like Justin Bieber

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d25cf9  No.15098233


Had Tump not trusted JEWS, he would be president, and the bad guys would be well on their way to the slammer or worse.

Too bad, Trump trusted the jew…

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2fd18a  No.15098234


>I made several turkeys. They all came out well.

big family then… nice. sportsball can be a good way to avoid the trigger topics. we don't have many left standing, and they're far away.

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3fbac7  No.15098235

File: 97dbe2d713cbc2f⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 720x348, 60:29, 97dbe2d713cbc2fdb61ae4de15….gif)

File: efd07d9466bff1c⋯.png (430.77 KB, 487x635, 487:635, cb60eef301cddb2b0bbf347139….png)

File: 80358b6f1226648⋯.jpg (319.96 KB, 1116x1280, 279:320, 80358b6f1226648d1d49d4ab22….jpg)


Split breads ahoy. This is gonna be good. God bless America.

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22127e  No.15098236

>>15097623 pb

I actually know someone that has that same "management style" witnessed meetings were they had the leverage, the ear, and would just endlessly talk the other side into apparent submission. I'm not sure in most cases if either side got what they wanted, but for sure all the parties were held captive and had to listen the entire time. I just ended up tuning out and waiting till it was over.

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a6faaa  No.15098237

File: b2496a1a1b7f7e4⋯.png (240.85 KB, 488x512, 61:64, b2496a1a1b7f7e4114c85de1a1….png)


>the two of you CLEARLY never tried to find a job teaching at the university level.

That's because we're not moranic commies.

>talk about clueless, pie-in-the-sky libtard fuckwits.

Exactly the sort of language you'd expect out of a libtard fuckwit.

Lurk moar and learn how to blend in.

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e2e253  No.15098238


>Why do these folks hate themselves so damn much?

Probably some vaccine they were given as a child… messed up their brain.

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4b8a89  No.15098239

File: 0bc74ba7e7bfbd6⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 415x697, 415:697, 9876543456789876543456.jpg)


>Why do these folks hate themselves so damn much?

It's not that [they] hate themselves

They just LOVE money, apparently

No way she/he/it volunteered for this

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d25cf9  No.15098240


I cooked 5 in total this year. My three nephews ate a 15 pound turkey all by themselves, not to mention mashed potatoes. stuffing, bread, etc., etc., etc. I have no idea how my sister was able to afford feeding these three. In their defense, they are all over 6'4".

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10a39d  No.15098241


I'm guessing that the "asteroids" are probably witnesses.

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4b8a89  No.15098242

File: b143aeafb5e0d2e⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 960x650, 96:65, 1623567531738115371.jpg)


Go to bed Gary, you're gay

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ec51ec  No.15098243

File: f8c12a6aadbbc74⋯.png (768.29 KB, 500x1355, 100:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fbac7  No.15098244

File: 9c3f9e102f13c88⋯.jpg (244.79 KB, 1423x1427, 1423:1427, 9c3f9e102f13c888662a47d750….jpg)

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e2e253  No.15098245


Most likely will commit suicide in a few years.. that's too bad. She will never be truly happy

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f184e2  No.15098246

File: 21b1408049a4ee4⋯.jpg (273.16 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, downloadfile_1.jpg)

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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2fd18a  No.15098247


>That's because we're not moranic commies.

nope, you're moronic knuckle-dragging con-tard luddites. your "solutions" are about a well thought thru as characters in a monty python skit

>Exactly the sort of language you'd expect out of a libtard fuckwit.

you're too fucking stupid to begin to understand how far off you are, jackass.

>Lurk moar and learn how to blend in.

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d25cf9  No.15098248


I was thinking about that. But, there are you jews to slay, and that is worth staying up for.

As for being gay. I'm not gay. My boyfriend is.

Don't forget to eat a bag of dicks before bed. I hear from members of your community that it is good for you!

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a8f869  No.15098249

File: f9bde40f1134fa0⋯.jpeg (149.79 KB, 590x327, 590:327, 9F534872_02DD_4890_8415_2….jpeg)

File: 518dd91a614b084⋯.jpeg (191.53 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 0E6C9CCF_E73A_4C09_AB26_0….jpeg)

File: c49c00ec97cf743⋯.jpeg (171.79 KB, 640x346, 320:173, 03F17008_B337_4C45_A4EB_4….jpeg)

File: e6dfe5e77bd2767⋯.jpeg (173.7 KB, 595x365, 119:73, 41B16F73_7B1A_4B78_AC6C_3….jpeg)

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338da8  No.15098250


Still not ruling out a mega tsunami from La Palma. What better way to stop a trial in Manhattan than with a tidal wave.

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e2e253  No.15098251


KeK… She will never know how good it feels to have a real dick and balls..

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83d227  No.15098252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gutfeld: This is why the "hugest" story on Earth must vanish



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2fd18a  No.15098253


> cooked 5 in total

you got 5 ovens?!? or cooked for two days?

>In their defense, they are all over 6'4".

get THEM playing the sportsball so they can take a turn at supporting their mom.

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4b8a89  No.15098254

File: 16d4f1c2848f78a⋯.png (1.05 MB, 640x734, 320:367, ClipboardImage.png)




>As for being gay. I'm not gay. My boyfriend is.


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eb38c9  No.15098257

File: 74e177a34e99ca3⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 456x810, 76:135, slobbertree.jpg)



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e2b9f7  No.15098258


those memes suck, yw

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f31ba7  No.15098259

File: 75357a15f05cc05⋯.png (396.52 KB, 489x596, 489:596, ClipboardImage.png)


In the future, you will have the option to get jabbed, feel like you're on speed all the time and be really productive, but be required to maintain a bug-based diet to support the speediness, and you'll also lose your natural immune system and require constant pharmaceutical protection..

Or just be regular and not all hopped up on speed.

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20aad1  No.15098260

File: eef45c09a09a39b⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 480x488, 60:61, 535.JPG)


>>jigsaw scars

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22127e  No.15098261


11 fucking cats, wtf that qualifies as a cat farm. No wonder there so many fucking cat clips and memes in here.

It's you isn't it. Your responsible.

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f184e2  No.15098262

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked….

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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03b324  No.15098263

File: 0c736e5e3105177⋯.jpeg (92.4 KB, 1280x855, 256:171, 0c736e5e310517790dde8b161….jpeg)



Smollett's case

Osundairo Brothers sueing Jussie.

In the suit, the Osundairo brothers speak openly about the staged attack and say that Jussie Smollett paid them and planned every step of the event.

Mark Geragos and Tina Glandian are named as defendants in the suit as the brothers say their reputations were damaged,  specifically when Tina Glandian made references to Jussie Smollett having a homosexual relationship with Ola Osundairo during the Reasonable Doubt podcast.

They screwed the pooch. Took the deal, guilty of committing an illegal act. Smear campaign blaming MAGA Patriots & Trump. Bwahahaha!!!

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f184e2  No.15098264

File: 66157aafca2a495⋯.jpg (227.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downloadfile_4.jpg)

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic…


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d25cf9  No.15098265


It's win-win.

If a tsunami hits NYC, it will wipe out 1/3rd of the world's jew population, including Maxwell.

That with the vaxx, the jews will be all but extinct.


One oven. I started cooking at 2:30 AM.

They all have good jobs, and take good care of Mom and Dad. They are great!


You heard me.


Say what?

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20aad1  No.15098266

File: be645663f39cc2e⋯.jpg (99.68 KB, 500x533, 500:533, 24.jpg)


>Mcdonalds wifi sucks ass

HH dubs checked

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e2b9f7  No.15098267


now it's just spam.

Did they not do your eggs how you like them?

Did you tell the manager you would post online about it?

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1dd9dc  No.15098268


This shit show has been going on for 40 years, and their communist take over plan worked. The America people were too busy to vote, and pay attention. No one man could have stopped it. Every branch of our government has been compromised. Trump didn’t have a Chinese chance in hell. We all watched how the justice department turned on him, the courts, and finally the military. Hell General Miley would have stepped in if trump would have done anything after the election, and he even stated that.

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2fd18a  No.15098269


>11 fucking cats, wtf that qualifies as a cat farm.

well it IS a farm. cats are great rodent control. but no, i do NOT post any pics of any of our animals. and i don't dress them up as SS officers, either.

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1538f7  No.15098270


Please stop, while I do not know who Ellen Page is!

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4b8a89  No.15098271

File: 43462220497529e⋯.png (269.22 KB, 414x415, 414:415, KEK.png)


>if a tsunami hits NYC, it will wipe out 1/3rd of the world's jew population

>One oven. I started cooking at 2:30 AM.

6 gorillion giblets

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5724bb  No.15098272

File: e865dde1f815f11⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1600x3041, 1600:3041, magna_carta_bundle_c_74_1.jpg)


Common Wealth of the Nation…

Charter of the Forest,1225


In 1217, all of the rules that were contained in the 1215 version of Magna Carta and related to the forest were put into a separate charter – the Charter of the Forest. In 1225, some minor adjustments were made, and the charter was issued in its definitive form. Dated 1225 (C 71/1).


. . . . .

(12) Every freeman from henceforth, without danger shall make in his own wood, or on his land, or on his water, which he has within our forest, mills, springs, pools, marlpits, dykes, or arable ground, without enclosing that arable ground, so that it be not to the annoyance of any of his neighbours.

. . . . .

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80cd01  No.15098273

File: 819fc0f5b21e8d3⋯.png (664.43 KB, 566x800, 283:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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f184e2  No.15098274

File: 66157aafca2a495⋯.jpg (227.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, downloadfile_4.jpg)


I'm on a mission… You are fake and gay..

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eb38c9  No.15098275

File: 3a455b053e842b6⋯.png (554.29 KB, 500x496, 125:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6faaa  No.15098276

File: d667e174a95c194⋯.png (685.04 KB, 623x720, 623:720, Grammar_Nazi_cat.png)


>That's because we're not moranic commies.

>nope, you're moronic knuckle-dragging con-tard luddites.

Shouldn't someone teaching at the university level know to capitalize the first word in a sentence, and Luddites?

>you're too fucking stupid to begin to understand how far off you are, jackass.

Again, you missed capitalizing the first word of the sentence, and muh preferred pronoun is Jackass, with a capital J.

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4b8a89  No.15098277

File: 86b8eb9df45d8af⋯.jpg (85.23 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 36818851_137435820489641_5….jpg)

POV: you just dropped acid at the cat farm

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5724bb  No.15098278

File: bf1b5940e186be2⋯.png (28.27 KB, 200x136, 25:17, charteroftheforest800_mobi….png)

File: bc2343446e4013c⋯.jpg (164.76 KB, 1020x550, 102:55, new_forest.jpg)


Basic Income and the commonwealth


The Charter of the Forest granted rights that enabled people to sustain themselves from the commonwealth. How can this right to sustenance now be applied during our time, when access to the basic needs such as food and housing are increasingly under threat? Solutions such as Basic Income offer a contemporary way of sharing the wealth of the commons with all.

Below is an introduction to Basic Income by Guy Standing, taken from a longer report linked to at the end.

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20aad1  No.15098279

File: f6a29e952f65568⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1500x999, 500:333, weinstein.png)


>to get jabbed

That was the Weinstein Actress rule:

No Jab No Job

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eb38c9  No.15098280

File: 535067b712e33de⋯.png (485.31 KB, 500x752, 125:188, german_nazi_officer_with_c….png)


>i don't dress them up as SS officers


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03b324  No.15098281


Back the Truckers!

Back the Blue!

Back the First Responders!

Back the Dr's & Nurses & Hospital workers!

Back the Fire Fighters!

Back the Parents against CRT!

Back the Patents against Forced Children's vaXXX!


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5724bb  No.15098282


Basic Income as Common Dividends: Piloting a Transformative Policy


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80cd01  No.15098283

File: 65c3335286ac332⋯.png (1.57 MB, 717x935, 717:935, ClipboardImage.png)

Let's Go, Mockingbirds!

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f6983f  No.15098284


This Pandemic of Lies is a global plague. It is not confined to particular languages, cultures nor political stripes. It is a deadly LIE, because some people are prepared to destroy the lives of other people who don’t believe the lie. It is an antithesis of reason, logic, honesty, liberty, freedom and even simple fair-play.

I do not think i can ever find peace with such people who just ‘go along’ with this destruction of reality. It does not mater at this point if this is mostly caused by some wayward Operation intentionally induced and snowballing a debilitating cognitive retardation, or if it’s Earth walking demonic possession, or some shift in cosmic vib making people crazy. I don’t care.

I will never lay down to such a delusion leading invariably to one single outcome, mass suicide. Even if that means fuck all-y’all. Give me SMOD or a pile of empty brass.

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d25cf9  No.15098285


I love you, anon. No homo!

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20aad1  No.15098286

File: e724e105a723b37⋯.png (1.76 MB, 2000x900, 20:9, 4242525.png)


> “efficiently produce high performance, sustainable products.”

Productive Human Slaves is what Klaus wants

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f184e2  No.15098287

File: 4e088783f5b12bc⋯.png (402.44 KB, 1080x988, 270:247, Snn.png)

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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eb38c9  No.15098288

File: 6b8288fd0b48203⋯.png (1019.48 KB, 1300x866, 650:433, cat_eating_mouse_no_deals.png)

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e4c72a  No.15098289


ain't called human resources for nothin'

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2fd18a  No.15098290


>One oven. I started cooking at 2:30 AM.

wow! a regular turkey holocaust. but it's impossible to cook 5 stuffed turkeys in one oven in one day! 5 turkeys times 5hrs each is more than one day, not to mention the gravy. and how could you all sit down to dinner at the same time? i call fake and gay holoturkeyhoax.


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5117cf  No.15098291

File: 6dd8f0e907bd676⋯.png (326.41 KB, 740x1143, 740:1143, ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary: Leaked Audio of Her Discussing Rigging an Election in Palestine


hqanon -

October 29, 2016

On September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator.

Her trip making the rounds of editorial boards brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.

The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of Jewish Press staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audio-cassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.

The tape is 45 minutes and contains much that is no longer relevant, such as analysis of the re-election battle that Sen. Joe Lieberman was then facing in Connecticut. But a seemingly throwaway remark about elections in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority has taken on new relevance amid persistent accusations in the presidential campaign by Clinton’s Republican opponent Donald Trump that the current election is “rigged.”


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20aad1  No.15098292

File: 0bf6a9769e60763⋯.png (791.78 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 252525.png)


> the jews will be all but extinct.

oy vey, anudda shoah !

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4b8a89  No.15098293

File: c75dd514385551e⋯.jpg (91.85 KB, 524x476, 131:119, they_know.jpg)



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a6faaa  No.15098294

File: 293ecee53114531⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 1080x707, 1080:707, 293ecee5311453163f91804e28….jpg)


Turkeys are our greatest ally!

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de257e  No.15098295

The billionaire joos all got together and decided more lockdowns worldwide. They say we haven’t suffered enough yet.

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b8bcae  No.15098296

File: 7e05e740573a117⋯.png (37.21 KB, 862x546, 431:273, ClipboardImage.png)



Apr 10, 2018 12:19:12 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No. 978017

Apr 09, 2018 11:59:12 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No. 977691


Good start.

China/CQ cancel.



https:// www.nytimes.com/2014/04/09/business/international/chinas-embrace-of-foreign-cars.html



Apr 09, 2018 11:59:12 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ No. 977691


Good start.

China/CQ cancel.


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f184e2  No.15098297

File: 93212dfffc27cf8⋯.jpg (33.26 KB, 960x480, 2:1, downloadfile_6.jpg)


Thanks anon 👍

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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de257e  No.15098298

File: d1c893a6aea8831⋯.jpeg (309.03 KB, 666x677, 666:677, B8BD3EEF_DA0A_4D5C_BA19_3….jpeg)


>muh 6 million never habbened

Never underestimate German efficiency

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2fd18a  No.15098299



>fancy feast

animal cruelty… just like that commercial grade toenails and guts slop in a can. for shame.

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4b8a89  No.15098300

File: 46b1429f94793a6⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 480x270, 16:9, anotha_one.gif)


>The billionaire joos all got together and decided more lockdowns worldwide. They say we haven’t suffered enough yet.

Relax Goy, it's just one more year to flatten the small busine-I mean… the curve

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b8bcae  No.15098301

File: 8fa00089cfdda76⋯.png (913.2 KB, 725x900, 29:36, ClipboardImage.png)

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22127e  No.15098302


>POV: you just dropped acid at the cat farm

it's like yelling to the bar tender "hey faggot grab me another beer" and the entire room goes

quiet and stares at you while it slowly dawns on you that you have actually stumbled into a gay bar.

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f31ba7  No.15098303

File: 6616fac19667a84⋯.png (395.44 KB, 486x598, 243:299, ClipboardImage.png)


Not a blackpill, really more of a brown pill… but I believe even if we see high-profile arrests, etc etc.. world is "saved" etc.. we will still have all these sorts of temptations before us as a society.. the war will continue.. you'll be able to find work as a 'pureblood' but you'll be competing with a bunch of pharma-slave junkie types… tech will be part of it too, which we always imagined, but it appears now more than ever that pharma will be a big first step in the Trans-Human theater

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7acfbc  No.15098304

File: 124c0670b57af5a⋯.png (430.43 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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03b324  No.15098305

Anyone else feeling like crap after hanging outv with newly VAXXXed family after Thanksgiving besides myself?

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20aad1  No.15098306

File: 6fec30e84a36414⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 477x536, 477:536, 3535.gif)

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4b8a89  No.15098307

File: 5e9d469de1640b8⋯.gif (86.81 KB, 250x203, 250:203, beavis_and_butthead_laugh_….gif)


>it's like yelling to the bar tender "hey faggot grab me another beer" and the entire room goes

>quiet and stares at you while it slowly dawns on you that you have actually stumbled into a gay bar.

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3fbac7  No.15098308

File: d569aa544f0a86c⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 700x722, 350:361, d569aa544f0a86c872b4abc058….jpg)

CAT tailored testing. Inderasting


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eb38c9  No.15098309

File: 95aea9a0b68e3e7⋯.png (860.76 KB, 914x592, 457:296, Screen_Shot_2021_11_28_at_….png)


>Turkeys are our greatest ally!

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de257e  No.15098310

File: 474269a08da9244⋯.jpeg (309.69 KB, 750x884, 375:442, 747BD178_C255_4FAF_96FF_2….jpeg)

If you’re white and registered as a republican I bet you’ll get audited

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a8f869  No.15098311


Damn dude, nice!

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de257e  No.15098312


Probably everyone who donated more than $500 to republican campaigns will get an automatic audit

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03b324  No.15098313

File: 79b09fdbd27cad9⋯.png (61.2 KB, 250x201, 250:201, 7277372c55e2de956c91bed3b2….png)


Well that syntax sucked…

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18691a  No.15098314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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92e6e4  No.15098315

I'm trying to assemble a train of thought.

Is there any footage of Sleepy Joe at the White House ever since he stole the Election?

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83d227  No.15098316

File: 3c8c8ebab1f0a48⋯.jpg (61.34 KB, 680x382, 340:191, Maxwell_trial.jpg)

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e2b9f7  No.15098317


looks like someone's about to get the CLAW

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20aad1  No.15098318


> feeling like crap

Yeah, me too

I've been with vaxxed family members twice recently and after both visits I've had intense headaches, runny nose and dry cough for 3 days..then it clears up

No coincidences, it's the vaxxies shedding their coof spikes

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ec51ec  No.15098319

File: f42ee3edbc76664⋯.png (552.22 KB, 500x656, 125:164, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5752f8fba669c5⋯.png (642.28 KB, 632x500, 158:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8798aa84b814cd⋯.png (397.98 KB, 500x915, 100:183, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8bcae  No.15098320

File: ef091646457d8e0⋯.jpg (105.62 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ef091646457d8e07f258bb58c6….jpg)

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eb38c9  No.15098321


Is that microwave kid?

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6a276c  No.15098322

File: 0efa242a57b9edb⋯.png (104.1 KB, 432x432, 1:1, The_Fucks.png)


No. You give fair warning to schoolyard bullies. We're talking about Satanic Pedovores. Fair Warning? JFC.

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f184e2  No.15098323

File: 3d59f229972c496⋯.jpg (78.45 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, downloadfile_10.jpg)

Truckers stop driving America dies and people will kill their best friend to survive.

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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2fd18a  No.15098324


>Never underestimate German efficiency

trust me, i don't. back when i was in college, a year of german language was required of all science majors, because 90% of the important scientific publications of the previous 100 yrs were all written in german and published in german journals. before wwii, germany was the scientific and technological leader in the world, BY FAR. still have my old deutsche/english scientific dictionary.

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d25cf9  No.15098325


> i call fake and gay holoturkeyhoax.

It takes 15 mins per pound (no stuffing) to cook a turkey. If we buffet the meal, and it starts at 3PM, I will let you do the math.

BONUS QUESTION: if it takes as long to cook the giblets, and I had 5 turkeys, when did I start to cook the giblet gravy?

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18691a  No.15098326

File: deae74d0902073e⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 1740x2418, 290:403, 20211128_234312.jpg)


get higher


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83510d  No.15098327


I heard the dog was married to a beagle and is scheduled to give Fauci his booster.

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d25cf9  No.15098328


What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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4b8a89  No.15098329

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15098004, >>15098071

o()xxxx({::::::::::::::::::> @300

>>15098198 Ghislaine Maxwell trial access number Deep State Comm's

>>15098207 Sex-trafficking trial to begin in New York City

>>15098123, >>15098166, >>15098225 Get involved locally! MEME MAGIC IS REAL

>>15098047, >>15098111 Fauci reveals plan to prepare Americans for le Omicron

>>15098048 Synthetic Biology? Omicron? Jabs changing DNA? Naw, they wouldn't do that…

>>15098035, >>15098083 Woke ASU Students Issue ‘List of Demands;’ Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School

>>15098042 Military police raid plane to arrest couple trying to flee quarantine

>>15098076 WEF Open Forum In Davos Called Off Following Death Threats.

>>15098104 Powell has lost a request to temporarily block the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

>>15098129 This is the Bannon Epstein interview trailer. Was this done just before his "suicide" or after?

>>15098183, >>15098095, >>15098282 Wait a minute. Did somebody say DEVOLUTION? Blackrock and Vanguard? COMMON-WEALTH?

>>15098193 Five Asteroids Approaching, NASA comms

>>15098252 Gutfeld: This is why the "hugest" story on Earth must vanish

>>15098291 ICYMI: Leaked Hillary Audio of Her Discussing Rigging an Election in Palestine

>>15098296 Q1116 + 1117: THANK YOU XI. Good start. China/CQ cancel.

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e2b9f7  No.15098330

File: 03b776e179dbd84⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


Who knows what's real anymore

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03b324  No.15098331


my whole body aches like I've been in an accident or something. No cough or any of that. Dunno?

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de257e  No.15098332

Anyone guzzle vaxxed sperm and feel like shit afterwards?

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2fd18a  No.15098333


>If you’re white and registered as a republican I bet you’ll get audited

a better reason to register as a democrat… you get to vote in the dem primary. think about it….

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ec51ec  No.15098334


>Truckers stop driving America dies and people will kill their best friend to survive.

Can you get anymoar fcuking weak.

Truck drivers are shit if there is no food to deliever or steal during black friday.

grow up, they can command all the money they want just all the gotta do is scab up !!

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b8bcae  No.15098335

File: a2b1043c9cb22c7⋯.jpg (711.37 KB, 1078x1115, 1078:1115, glork_0b3f1b79aa3db79cea97….jpg)

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83510d  No.15098336


Take your logic and go home.

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de257e  No.15098337

File: 992d525b45e3d11⋯.jpeg (217.91 KB, 670x431, 670:431, 0C5D9FDA_704B_49AD_9A87_7….jpeg)

File: a0090ca399c3183⋯.jpeg (249.43 KB, 553x390, 553:390, 660C8002_2F8A_4683_9507_0….jpeg)


> Anyone guzzle vaxxed sperm and feel like shit afterwards?

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18691a  No.15098338

File: e88c02045ee1ff7⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 478x356, 239:178, 20211128_234553.gif)



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e2b9f7  No.15098339

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4b8a89  No.15098340

File: ab9f0d06fb2f4be⋯.gif (406.3 KB, 444x250, 222:125, Topkek.gif)


>Is there any footage of Sleepy Joe at the White House ever since he stole the Election?

Are the lights even on?

Is ANYBODY home?

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b8bcae  No.15098341

File: 92b450ae64649c4⋯.png (330.56 KB, 526x521, 526:521, af15822faba0a9f65ef5db3eb8….png)

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b8bcae  No.15098342

File: ae18a9e013596d7⋯.jpg (92.33 KB, 680x539, 680:539, ef32adc6c6965ddde4288770fd….jpg)

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429890  No.15098343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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20aad1  No.15098344

File: 3ca2a8663d7f03b⋯.jpg (69.85 KB, 541x588, 541:588, 25125.jpg)


It would appear so

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b4cfa5  No.15098345

File: bc383197e8d1c45⋯.jpg (84.74 KB, 705x529, 705:529, Comey_Maxwell.jpg)

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eb38c9  No.15098346

File: 73efe6cb0f999dc⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1328x1324, 332:331, Screen_Shot_2021_11_28_at_….png)

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2c5ab2  No.15098347


Toxoplasma gondii

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1e17c9  No.15098348

File: 8c1c5af1dac7836⋯.png (3.61 MB, 2375x1243, 2375:1243, ClipboardImage.png)


This always lingers in back of my mind. They're probably not going to spell it out in a way that's obvious on its face.

11.3 11.5

11 29 2021

11 2nd C 5

11 11 3 5

Today's date totals 36, 1+1+29+5=36 (666?)

11 11 (2c could also be written "23" or "11")


11 11 makes "22" makes 10pm, 35+1=36.

Can play with numbers a trillion ways. Might not be target a date at all. It qualifies as a concrete jungle, but I don't know how polished. Pile of sand nearby. Was a mysteriious concrete structure collapse near sand 5m 5d ago. Sumo battery might strengthen your theory (Fukishima).

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03b324  No.15098349



I like it!

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cec344  No.15098350

File: d3ac3f630f2c7b1⋯.png (381.15 KB, 1620x2160, 3:4, B6C4C417_0287_49D7_9C4F_B9….png)

Steroids were then discontinued and the patient was started on ivermectinCase Reports Am J Case Rep

. 2015 Jun 26;16:398-400. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.893729.


Background: Strongyloides stercoralis (SS) is a parasite seen in certain parts of the USA and in people from other endemic areas. In these patients steroids might precipitate or exacerbate asthma. Apart from worsening of asthma, serious complications like hyperinfection syndrome and even death can occur in these patients if treated with steroids. Treatment is either ivermectin or albendazole based on severity of the disease. Clinicians have to be very careful when prescribing steroids in patients presenting with an exacerbation of asthma from areas endemic for Strongyloides stercoralis.

Case report: A young woman with history of asthma presented with complaints of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, wheezing, and dry cough. Physical examination revealed diffuse expiratory wheezing and mild diffuse abdominal pain without rebound or guarding. Laboratory results showed leukocytosis with eosinophilia. Stool studies showed Strongyloides stercoralis. Imaging revealed ground-glass opacities in the right upper and lower lobe along with an infiltrate in the lingular lobe on the left side. Bronchoscopy showed Strongyloides stercoralis. The patient was diagnosed with hyperinfection syndrome due to Strongyloides stercoralis most probably exacerbated by prednisone given for her asthma. Steroids were then discontinued and the patientwas started on ivermectin. The patient improved with treatment. Repeat stool examination was negative for Strongyloides stercoralis.

Conclusions: Clinicians have to be very careful when prescribing steroids in patients presenting with an exacerbation of asthma who are from areas endemic for Strongyloides stercoralis and should test for it (preferably with serology test) before starting treatment.


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de257e  No.15098351

File: 096955c869796db⋯.jpeg (225.92 KB, 750x763, 750:763, A2DCD658_5090_447D_B208_E….jpeg)



Worse than aids anon.. It’s called the Omnicron variant.

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429890  No.15098352

File: 8f42581e77f6c0b⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 640x360_MP4_53162299421040….mp4)


wrong video

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750efa  No.15098353

File: 41e9a0474b98ba3⋯.mp4 (125.78 KB, 320x240, 4:3, OhohohohoHOOOO.mp4)


>it's just one more year to flatten the small busine-I mean… the curve



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83510d  No.15098354


Stock market crash tomorrow. Caused by Chinese bond default and blamed on omicron.

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a8451d  No.15098355

File: d71d8bb533f338d⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, downloadfile_11.jpg)

Q Research Anons suck balls… No back bone.

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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20aad1  No.15098356


>whole body aches

that sounds like a flu symptom

your relatives coofed on you, anon

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750efa  No.15098357


>Stock market crash tomorrow. Caused by Chinese bond default and blamed on omicron.


MOASC Mother of all short covers

Followed by

MOASS. Mother of all short squeezes

Shit… guess I better diversify?

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2fd18a  No.15098358


just kidding you, anon. but you did a yeoman's job, sir (or ma'am).

but the chart on the turkey always says 20min/lb unstuffed weight. and i roasted our stuffed 16lb (unstuffed) bird 4hrs @ 350˚ (uncovered for the last 30 min) and it came our PERFECT. the little doohickey had not popped out yet, but i learned years ago (the hard way) not to trust doohickeys.

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eb38c9  No.15098359

File: ce82cbc11702702⋯.jpg (19.21 KB, 432x312, 18:13, lighten_up_francis.jpg)

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20aad1  No.15098360

File: 71dc16efdacfa71⋯.png (678.88 KB, 634x640, 317:320, 353644636.png)


IP hopping trucker fucker slide continues

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4b8a89  No.15098361

File: 20b531498070a46⋯.jpg (84.04 KB, 1080x821, 1080:821, get_in_faggot.JPG)


I love old cars like that.



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de257e  No.15098362

File: 0d5b83e3f355fbf⋯.jpeg (451.71 KB, 750x706, 375:353, 3FAE9464_0C14_44A5_8AD4_3….jpeg)

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de257e  No.15098363

File: e88d4c7615a8907⋯.jpeg (299.55 KB, 713x577, 713:577, 804C69D6_5708_4247_88C9_6….jpeg)


>chew me nigga

>bust a nut up on me nigga

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90eee4  No.15098364

File: 4f395438ad57ea3⋯.png (1.11 MB, 976x650, 488:325, Mini_Carters.png)

File: 6745fdfc304b10d⋯.png (62.82 KB, 277x196, 277:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34e8e87cc650fcf⋯.png (317.17 KB, 645x645, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Stonk market crash?

Dow futures shoot higher following Friday’s omicron-sparked selloff

Last Updated: Nov. 28, 2021 at 11:12 p.m. ET


Here's the Biden agenda- anon sees the future the picture makes perfect sense now and anon had suspicions at the time. Carter was accused of never leaving his office, hiding out while the world burned but ole Jimmy gave us the SES and all kinds of great things like that. /s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter

Carter II only BIGGER

Anon plan of action, in screencaps.

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2fd18a  No.15098365


hi. nice to meet you. what nationality is that name? lemme guess… you're an african-american sportsball player. right?

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6a276c  No.15098366


Trips have spoken.

This anon is already on that stealth train!

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a8451d  No.15098367


Liberal you got owned big league.

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d25cf9  No.15098368


NP, anon. I have been cooking them for years. As long as they carry-over cook to 165F, all's good.

Also, I add about 1/2 cup of salt to the breast side, and book the turkey breast down. This way, the breast meat is as moist and delicious as the dark meat.

Makes for great sammiches!

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b4cfa5  No.15098369

File: b277a90d23c2143⋯.jpg (272.98 KB, 887x1080, 887:1080, AARcMj54ti.jpg)

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d25cf9  No.15098370


Gold and silver good!

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18691a  No.15098371

File: 03377b4e0a231b4⋯.gif (992.34 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 20211128_235717.gif)



just because you are spamtarded.

fuck america

and it is All Your fault.

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d25cf9  No.15098372


book = COOK. Fucking keyboard!

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4b8a89  No.15098373

File: 81ed700f45df14b⋯.png (6.76 MB, 3464x3464, 1:1, image0.png)


>Shit… guess I better diversify?

What's your toilet paper portfolio looking like, anon?

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b675bf  No.15098374

Been on GAB all day watching shills from both side go back and forth taking about "See? Lin Wood and Qanon are bullshit!" then the other side is all "NO! Gen Flyyn is comped and Qanon has always been bullshit!" then the "Trump is a jew stooge and cucks for Israel, Qanon was just a way to get retards to stand down!"

I wonder if they realize they are free publicity.

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3fbac7  No.15098375

File: 819883c802de2c3⋯.png (617.34 KB, 518x735, 74:105, 2f377e45239147216e3af687fa….png)


Fuel tank Frank. Go do the I ain't got no panties on schtick somewhere else. Stroke a gear, or put it in mexican overdrive.

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b4cfa5  No.15098376

File: 1b6b25c8445684d⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 964x670, 482:335, 16170040502x0.jpg)

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80cd01  No.15098377


The veil has been lifted and the plan is fooked now. Hiding in tunnels won't work either. Sadz.

Don't do meth.

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ec51ec  No.15098378

File: d0bacefa15e6133⋯.png (304.06 KB, 575x500, 23:20, ClipboardImage.png)

anons on duty - eyes on Maxwell trial

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a8451d  No.15098379



Give your dad a message and sleep well…homo

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2fd18a  No.15098380


like to see you try that with a 426 hemi….

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d25cf9  No.15098381

Good night, faggits.

Love to all of you, especially those of you I despise. You fuckers just teach me to love harder, and for that, I thank you.

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b8bcae  No.15098383

File: 9a2ba2194cdba62⋯.png (486.48 KB, 1024x591, 1024:591, ClipboardImage.png)

KanekoaTheGreat, [11/28/2021 3:35 PM]

[Forwarded from Forecast 432Hz (Forecast 432Hz)]

[ Photo ]

Third dose boosts the immunity, hence you are protected already after a fourth booster. When 80% will receive a 5th booster, the restrictions can be eased, because a 6th stops a virus propagation and prevents it from spreading. I’m calm and confident that a 7th booster will solve all our problems and we have no reasons to fear an 8th booster. Clinical trials of a 9th booster proved that the antibodies are more stable after a 10th booster. 11th booster guarantees there will be no new mutations, therefore there are no reasons to criticize a 12th booster…

@WeTheMedia @Forecast432Hz


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a34109  No.15098384

File: 08f1a0a47be1033⋯.png (319.68 KB, 491x417, 491:417, faith_word.png)


You have no idea wtf is going on, you blind faggot. Kmao

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90eee4  No.15098385

File: a90a07336dd8d3c⋯.jpg (675.34 KB, 2512x2496, 157:156, 20190814_152504.jpg)


>Gold and silver

A monster box of gold is aspirational (by a long shot) but they sure are pretty.

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7acfbc  No.15098386

File: f6bda030717d865⋯.png (733.47 KB, 709x408, 709:408, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b8a89  No.15098387

File: 8f29486d2826c68⋯.jpg (65.46 KB, 960x816, 20:17, 36946099_10217401260649744….jpg)

File: b58667fccb0852a⋯.jpg (28.29 KB, 480x380, 24:19, onwardssirhonker.jpg)

File: 01ca39bb98058c6⋯.jpg (53 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 201943883_1916033805213242….jpg)


>I wonder if they realize they are free publicity.

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18691a  No.15098388

File: 5906b3838140ebf⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 202x202, 1:1, 20211129_000241.gif)

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03b324  No.15098389

File: 214ecb0b39b2165⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 214ecb0b39b21650512387631a….mp4)

File: d2f2d18da8987b4⋯.png (132.07 KB, 535x539, 535:539, fa0c6002114965c27d7674e3fe….png)


Its HALARIOUS is what it is.

Gets more RIDICULOUS by the day!


The VAXXX & testing DOESN'T EVEN WORK ON VARIANTS. It just flat out kills ya. Especially for the dumbasses taking 3 or more doses.

Wonder what POTUS TRUMP thinks of all these vaXXXes? I know he didn't take the Flu shots.

Is he getting the third vaXXX? Has he even had a second vaXXX?

SOMETHING VERY SCREWY WITH ALL THESE VACCINES! So what now? Gotta have 3 vaXXXes for Corona every year until your dead?


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eb38c9  No.15098390

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e4c72a  No.15098392

File: 2b18c5b737befa5⋯.jpg (50.04 KB, 1116x630, 62:35, vdghfgruipouhhfjbbljhk.jpg)


and thousands of PETA vegetarians screams go out to the heavens

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b8bcae  No.15098393

File: db3f9b905d091d8⋯.png (168.52 KB, 453x410, 453:410, ClipboardImage.png)

Lindell TV, [11/28/2021 11:20 PM]

[ Photo ]

Summary of The U.S. Supreme Court Complaint

By Lindell-TV, 28 November, 2021



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eb38c9  No.15098394

File: d12ffe58cccdc61⋯.jpg (135.35 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, trump_nugent_324.jpg)

File: 269a8636d2137af⋯.jpg (222.53 KB, 2032x1360, 127:85, ted_nugent_arrow_guitar.jpg)

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80cd01  No.15098395

File: cd438473f82bdd8⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 301x197, 301:197, dont_do_it_dummy.gif)


Not clicking your filth. Filtered.

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2fd18a  No.15098396


> and book the turkey breast down

i've tried that in the past with chickens. never really pleased with the results. i cook breast side up in covered pan, baste 2-3 times, and only remove cover for last 30 min. white meat will still be juicy and tender.

dogs wanna go out for last piss/shit of the evening, then feed the cats. see you again another nite.

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e4c72a  No.15098397

File: 672028b3326bdaa⋯.jpg (112.49 KB, 964x665, 964:665, 0000000012vG.jpg)

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a8451d  No.15098398


You got Owned in a truck stop bathroom… At least you farted.

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4b8a89  No.15098399

File: a47b0b1ad14390a⋯.jpg (21.56 KB, 612x644, 153:161, Wide_Eyes_Big_Eyed_Doge.jpg)


I clicked that shit nigga

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1e17c9  No.15098400

File: d2f8250e6e0b075⋯.png (2.44 MB, 949x1210, 949:1210, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53220293149bec4⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1200x1196, 300:299, ClipboardImage.png)



Anon only stacking silver. Has never noticed before that the 2 U.S. monster boxes make red and green castles. Still wonder if it'll be stonk crash (which I'm also suspecting today) and/or Black Swan event(s) or Basel 3 updates/implementation of new/sooner standards that launches the metal values

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83510d  No.15098401


The short cover will be caused by forced liquidation. Probably started last week we just have not seen the effects yet or they have been hidden.

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18691a  No.15098402

File: ad2ed4aed6d6375⋯.gif (232.44 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 20211115_041446.gif)


ad hominem is the last resort of the imbecile.

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03b324  No.15098403

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20aad1  No.15098404

File: cc6e02fb51ccf79⋯.png (458.73 KB, 640x370, 64:37, 353536.png)


>Trans-Human theater

I'd venture that the mystery contents in the "vaccines" are connected to the WEF plans to make hybrid humans

The graphene nanobots are self assembling, plus the vax has those creepy parasites

If they can cross the blood-brain barrier, I imagine some sort of remote control of individuals or crowds is likely via some radio frequency

Who knows what these NWO villains have planned, they are backed by trillions of dollars and they own Big Pharma and Big Tech

They're going to extreme lengths to get the "vaccine" into every human possible, for nefarious reasons

It's not looking too good for future Humanity

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5724bb  No.15098405

Universal Basic Income is a BIG deal!



Ignore the shills. Lots of people are working out the details to make it feasible. If enough voters want this it will happen.

The best is yet to come!

We are ready to leave the 19th century and its corrupt rigged ideologies far behind.The future will be about workable systems and STRONG OVERSIGHT

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4b504d  No.15098406

File: 7df5b9e4a20b681⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2021_11_28_Bill_Gates_This….mp4)

File: 49940ef819baf1c⋯.png (69.15 KB, 1040x667, 1040:667, Most_powerful_doctor.png)

File: 42089b1d2e42437⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB, 480x256, 15:8, Shoot_it_right_into_the_ve….mp4)


Bill Gates: “This was an interesting test of people’s trust in their politicians or their health system. We didn’t do as well as I would have expected.”

Translation: “People are not quite as dumbed down as we thought.”

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4b8a89  No.15098407

File: a02dff1dd07d277⋯.jpg (314.22 KB, 1419x1482, 473:494, Pretty_Cringe.jpg)


>ad hominem is the last resort of the imbecile.

Why do you always type in italics then, if not because you're a huge cock chugging queer?

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de257e  No.15098409


Facebook is free

But if they don’t like you they take it away

Adults earn their money

Child like minds seek an ‘allowance’

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83d227  No.15098410

File: bcc9b1c540e8466⋯.mp4 (31.5 KB, 220x116, 55:29, moon_landing_antics.mp4)

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f31ba7  No.15098412


Appreciated, but seen as further down the road..

I see it as

Today: immunocompromised & dependent on pharma for survival

Tomorrow: enhanced performance immunocompromised & dependent on pharma

100 years from now: sci-fi shit.

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f184e2  No.15098413

Q Research Anons operate from adult video arcades.

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic.


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4b8a89  No.15098414

File: d9cd98819be648d⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 498x498, 1:1, doge_dance.gif)


>Adults earn their money

>Child like minds seek an ‘allowance’

Okay boomer

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90eee4  No.15098415

File: d0b5df811183f4f⋯.png (540.29 KB, 642x428, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97171a7b83ef714⋯.png (244.04 KB, 474x341, 474:341, ClipboardImage.png)


>giblet gravy

You just gave anon flashbacks to a scary Thanksgiving, it was borderline tragic.

Anon's house smelled fantastic all day and when it was time to pull the bird out of the oven:the oven was never turned onit was the giblets cooking that was smelling.

Solution: My uncooked bird went to the ex-spouse's house and a turkey exchange was made because that one was cooked. The stepmonster went and traded the birds upon approval and anon remains grateful to this day.

Grandma's cornbread dressing wasn't in it, it wasn't a 20 lb bird but we ate.

Anon's Dad acted like anon did it on purpose. Every single year it was something. This was the worst except the first one. I cooked the first one according to 2 cooks:

1. Mom- cook it 8 hours, get up in the middle of a perfectly good night and shove stuffing up a turkey's ass

2. Friend; Don't get out of bed, use a cooking bag and be done in under 3 hours.

Anon chose both. Oops.

All future years involved a cooking bag and the turkey was fantastic, the sleep was uninterrupted and the turkey was properly molested after coffee.

Anon only figured out how to tuck those wings a couple of years ago. It's so easy, anon is so stupid…

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f184e2  No.15098416

File: 377859a261484a3⋯.jpg (103.66 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, downloadfile_12.jpg)

Q Research Anons operate from adult video arcades.

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic..


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18691a  No.15098417

File: 1a53674a62a5700⋯.jpg (53.76 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, 20211129_001524.jpg)


humanity has no future.

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de257e  No.15098418

File: 0aa36445c6668ff⋯.jpeg (421.68 KB, 692x714, 346:357, 505C1AE5_BC67_4855_A882_8….jpeg)


You sound like a fucking loser

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3fbac7  No.15098419

File: 0fd7b305140e45e⋯.gif (360.79 KB, 580x799, 580:799, 0fd7b305140e45e7b8c74f8799….gif)

File: d16215bb5c722ac⋯.png (3.3 KB, 255x129, 85:43, ddc71fc615d8072935a6fa9445….png)


Go team Pfizer.

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2fd18a  No.15098420


>No cough or any of that.

hi fever? get a finger-clip blood oxygen monitor. they're like $6 at the drug store. keep an eye on your blood oxygen saturation. if it goes below 94%, you might try some benedryl. the covid does NOT produce mucus/phlegm in the lungs, but the air passages swell closed, kinda like an allergic reaction. if it's the covid, the benedryl with improve your low blood oxygen levels. take 2 aspirin to reduce fever. if >104˚ go to the emergency room. maybe you wanna get the ivermectin horse paste from farm supply. didn't work for wifeanon, but others seem to believe in it.

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b8bcae  No.15098421

File: 6ee596d6f5999be⋯.png (95.87 KB, 441x711, 49:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Brian Cates - Political Columnist, [11/28/2021 11:47 PM]

[Forwarded from Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff]

[ Photo ]

It took longer than I expected to complete the programming for the DefeatingCovid.com patient testimonial site. It is now possible for any patient anywhere to record their own early treatment success video. It is also possible to upload previously recorded videos. The goal is to have hundreds (or more) of scrolling early treatment success stories. All videos must be approved by me before they will appear on the site. Currently there are zero videos on the site, but hopefully it will fill up soon. It can be done from phone or computer but phone is easier and more user friendly. I am attaching a patient instruction card that you can print out and display for your patients. If you want to experiment with it, you can follow the instructions to record a practice video and I will not approve it for posting. Please let me know if there are any questions. I look forward to your help with this project. Please share ALL OVER ❤️



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f184e2  No.15098422

File: 4ca72518fca4ffc⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 474x315, 158:105, downloadfile_15.jpg)

Q Research Anons operate from adult video arcades.

Anons we need to back our truckers or America is fcked…

Truckers this truck stop is a total scam in North Dakota in the city of Jamestown they are hitting truckers with a 150% price increase on garbage disposal food items and more… this truck stop is pathetic….


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4b8a89  No.15098423

File: 6031e915a243d4f⋯.jpg (36.15 KB, 960x570, 32:19, best_commie_is_dead_commie.jpg)


>humanity has no future.


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a8f869  No.15098424

File: 41fea362d94242c⋯.jpeg (105.98 KB, 639x678, 213:226, 5B793CD2_CEDA_4CA2_AEF8_1….jpeg)

File: 3afcf7391a717c9⋯.jpeg (17.3 KB, 640x263, 640:263, C9368B7B_BFB5_40F2_8395_0….jpeg)

File: 3bcb45baa1869ad⋯.jpeg (316.4 KB, 601x785, 601:785, 77F6AB54_8931_4EE7_84FF_5….jpeg)

File: 30ba52f10271e37⋯.jpeg (105.71 KB, 640x282, 320:141, 42A9E88F_C998_44AC_B8F9_0….jpeg)

File: 132c2a8e300d187⋯.jpeg (282.16 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 25D76E33_592F_4DC1_BCA1_6….jpeg)

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de257e  No.15098425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> muh Universal Basic Income soy boy pitch

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ec51ec  No.15098426

File: cfb0787c7cd4c54⋯.png (187.67 KB, 400x529, 400:529, ClipboardImage.png)

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20aad1  No.15098427

File: f1f4e458ba52026⋯.png (157.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3536.png)



ID : 18691a

I call that OP the "Queefing Riddler"

He / It queefs riddles out of its front hole and tries to give you an epileptic fit with the strobing gif's

It's always in attack mode against anons

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2fd18a  No.15098428


>You sound like a fucking loser

so… you believe that citizens are not entitled to royalties for mineral wealth extracted from public lands, and you call someone ELSE a loser.


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b8bcae  No.15098429

File: 4850a5d6953b792⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, IMG_5962.mp4)

Jennywise needs to de-platform Biden for saying “you’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations”


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92e6e4  No.15098430


>Are the lights even on?

I'm not sure I understood

but you seem to be a cool anon

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eb38c9  No.15098431

File: 25775b71611dc7b⋯.png (3.55 MB, 3200x1680, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

Alright for Christ's sake! Next time I'm at the Flying J I'll buy a damn trucker a fucking Cinnabon. Now let's get a great big convoy.

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18691a  No.15098432

File: 9481db1cead9f4b⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 20211129_001940.gif)


you should seek professional treatment for your phallic obsession.

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6a276c  No.15098433

File: e54feccc32a3e3f⋯.jpeg (12.9 KB, 222x233, 222:233, OIP.jpeg)

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b8bcae  No.15098434

File: edab3d83432f915⋯.png (620.66 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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de257e  No.15098435

File: f61c5156407f1c4⋯.jpeg (350.91 KB, 673x692, 673:692, B744B7AB_1F1C_44D0_8346_C….jpeg)


Fuck commie scum

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03b324  No.15098436



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18691a  No.15098437

File: f15b1b05b0d2827⋯.gif (14.42 KB, 225x126, 25:14, 20211115_023732.gif)


that is the predicted response of the ignorant.

the effect is intended.

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20aad1  No.15098438

File: 2569df73e871989⋯.png (105.22 KB, 520x443, 520:443, 242553.png)


Hey Queefer, how's it goin' ?

What pearls of wisdom will flow from your greasy front hole tonight ?

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de257e  No.15098439


You need to go to half chan where you’ll have a larger audience who can tell you how retarded you are

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4b8a89  No.15098440

File: f37a41c869f9738⋯.png (364.75 KB, 1164x910, 582:455, 0993883723d68777fb3c340ea9….png)


>I'm not sure I understood

Well, idk since I don't know anyone in DC, but from what I've heard, the WH appears to be closed since last year?

Fences up, lights out..


>phallic obsession.

I'd rather be obsessed with peepee jokes than whatever you are.

Oh wait, I AM

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20aad1  No.15098441


please refer to:


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b8bcae  No.15098443

File: 481380225be0bf9⋯.png (521.96 KB, 849x1280, 849:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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3fbac7  No.15098444

File: b3df841b202ec73⋯.jpg (9.1 KB, 400x257, 400:257, b3df841b202ec73f01aa74cd13….jpg)

File: 3703648cab27f6b⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 500x508, 125:127, 2t0ot5.jpg)

File: 9f3f80e720c0fe0⋯.gif (865.33 KB, 315x152, 315:152, 9f3f80e720c0fe032b02443349….gif)

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58bab2  No.15098445

File: c748f59b50e6943⋯.jpeg (155.62 KB, 570x271, 570:271, novirus.jpeg)

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de257e  No.15098446

File: 6df44186547002f⋯.jpeg (628.16 KB, 1175x718, 1175:718, D7E24C43_5E62_4DFE_A7E7_9….jpeg)


The cheese on the mousetrap is called socialism

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4b8a89  No.15098447

File: ea7a94a3cf1e1cc⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 1024x958, 512:479, 1626632308047.jpg)


>What pearls of wisdom will flow from your greasy front hole tonight ?

Anon would say he is on the rag again

But we all know that's biologically impossible

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71f8fc  No.15098448


>The America people were too busy to vote, and pay attention.


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18691a  No.15098449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


one can not.

one cannot be.

sad for you.

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a8f869  No.15098450

File: 43762f7cb6f4491⋯.jpeg (320.83 KB, 595x593, 595:593, F1E625E5_8DE7_4F7B_B2E5_F….jpeg)

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58bab2  No.15098451

File: 23f23e46c13ab9b⋯.jpg (24.57 KB, 360x309, 120:103, billepstein_2.jpg)

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2fd18a  No.15098452


because (You) have no logical rebuttal to my rhetorical question, and your ego is too fragile and insecure to admit there may be valid opposing point to yours.

sucks to be you. cry more.

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ec51ec  No.15098453

File: 9f1a9123c73013d⋯.png (548.4 KB, 500x850, 10:17, ClipboardImage.png)



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2a0fe5  No.15098454

File: 3111109cbc4cf47⋯.png (77.78 KB, 605x507, 605:507, A_17.png)


>>15097321 Storm Arwen: Third person dies as gale-force winds hit UK' A-17 Comms?

A-17 = 1.17?

A place to communicate?

pic related

She has computer access right?

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4b8a89  No.15098455

File: 1fd70307cb13985⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1626577185521.png)



>one can not.

>one cannot be.

Oh fuck, are you

Are you saying I've

been talking to a bot

this entire fucking time

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20aad1  No.15098456


>immunocompromised & dependent on pharma for survival

Yes, that's very true

Big Pharma gives you the ailment and then sells you the treatment

There's no profit in curing people

The scam goes very deep

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83d227  No.15098457

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b8bcae  No.15098458

File: a399a924901969b⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 178x260, 89:130, a399a924901969be566a051e2a….gif)

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4b8a89  No.15098459

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15098004, >>15098071

o()xxxx({::::::::::::::::::> @420 BLZITFGT

>>15098198 Ghislaine Maxwell trial access number Deep State Comm's

>>15098207 Sex-trafficking trial to begin in New York City

>>15098123, >>15098166, >>15098225 Get involved locally! MEME MAGIC IS REAL

>>15098047, >>15098111 Fauci reveals plan to prepare Americans for le Omicron

>>15098048 Synthetic Biology? Omicron? Jabs changing DNA? Naw, they wouldn't do that…

>>15098035, >>15098083 Woke ASU Students Issue ‘List of Demands;’ Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School

>>15098042 Military police raid plane to arrest couple trying to flee quarantine

>>15098076 WEF Open Forum In Davos Called Off Following Death Threats.

>>15098104 Powell has lost a request to temporarily block the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate

>>15098129 This is the Bannon Epstein interview trailer. Was this done just before his "suicide" or after?

>>15098183, >>15098095, >>15098282 Did somebody say DEVOLUTION? Blackrock and Vanguard? COMMON-WEALTH?

>>15098193 Five Asteroids Approaching, NASA comms

>>15098252 Gutfeld: This is why the "hugest" story on Earth must vanish

>>15098291 ICYMI: Leaked Hillary Audio of Her Discussing Rigging an Election in Palestine

>>15098296 Q1116 + 1117: THANK YOU XI. Good start. China/CQ cancel.

>>15098352 Proud Boys "Terrorize" Small Business Saturday Shoppers

>>15098393 Lindell TV, Summary of The U.S. Supreme Court Complaint

>>15098421 It is now possible for any patient anywhere to record their own early treatment success video

>>15098454 Storm Arwen: 17 Comms? A place to communicate?

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18691a  No.15098460

File: 50fac11be37a4ab⋯.gif (4.46 MB, 540x350, 54:35, 20211129_003032.gif)

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03b324  No.15098461



I've never in my life stayed intermittently at night to cook a turkey. It only takes 3.5 to 4.5 hrs for a 20lb. Instructions are right on the turkeys.

Always use a roasting bag. Keeps it moist for you so you don't have to baist.

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de257e  No.15098462


You know what really sucks is how you’re trying to peddle socialism to some of the most awake people in this country and how they are not having anything to do with your retarded fucking slides.


You need to universal basic get the fuck outta here commie

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58bab2  No.15098463


a nice dollop of apple ivermectin for dessert

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4b8a89  No.15098464

File: 5e06903cfd54448⋯.png (54.38 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 659d7e14897a3733aa93bda6e9….png)


What's a matter Queefer?

Have we left you speechless again?

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76e451  No.15098465

File: 0cb59cc00e548e7⋯.jpg (322.29 KB, 1218x684, 203:114, 13th_zodiac_sign_ophiuchus.jpg)

File: 9cecfc3a7ab3041⋯.jpg (139.41 KB, 662x800, 331:400, Velikovskyfreethink.jpg)

…Fuckin' assholes.

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03b324  No.15098466


Sorry, i screwed that up.

Yeah, im phone faggin

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90eee4  No.15098467

File: 64960efc2bdbb4c⋯.png (198.41 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Has never noticed before that the 2 U.S. monster boxes make red and green castles

I posted the stock photos and until you mentioned I STILL didn't put it together. Anon likes all the shiny metal.

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6a276c  No.15098468

File: ef80be3c0aa7961⋯.png (608.86 KB, 960x677, 960:677, Fuck_off_Bernie.png)


How's this for a rebuttal:

I'm NOT going to pay for your hot pockets, faggot.

What you don't realize is that you've been duped into thinking our current system of finace and economy is "normal". We here all know it's rigged and designed to fuck the "little people". Government doling out gibs to do-nothing assholes is not the solution.

The solution is something along the lines of WE KEEP what WE EARN, - keep the government HUNGRY, and the PEOPLE FED.

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ec51ec  No.15098469

File: 5b42336a820b3ad⋯.png (272.96 KB, 700x495, 140:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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1538f7  No.15098470


As always, a little of the truth lies in both points of view. In a technologically advanced society, it is inevitable that jobs will disappear. After all, that is the goal of technology.

It does not necessarily follow that there should be no free market. In a true socialism, (not a joo banker totalitarian state) the essentials are controlled by the people. That has never been tried before. It is always Joos, who control essentials and everything else. There could easily be a system, where the basics are provided by everyone contributing to the infrastructure, which provides it. Only a few hours a week would be needed and only people in a certain age group would be needed to do most of it.

The things you dedicated energy to beyond that would dictate what is valued and comprise the free market.

There would be no need for any basic income if the essentials were provided. transferring currency for them would simply be more wasted energy.

If you want more, use your time to produce. If you want to be a capitalist, that is great!

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90eee4  No.15098471

File: 3d01265a8672fa6⋯.png (120.7 KB, 1500x1070, 150:107, ClipboardImage.png)


Triple Witching Days 2021

12-17-21 next up

The Powerful Impact of "Triple Witching"


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81e7b4  No.15098472

File: 19d39087115bdaf⋯.png (231.21 KB, 664x523, 664:523, AB_.png)

Mass Killer Breivik Sending Letters to Survivors With Excerpts From His Manifesto

"And it is completely untenable that a mass murderer can send letters to his victims. That is completely unacceptable", she argued.


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eb38c9  No.15098473

File: bfacc19b8698366⋯.jpeg (91.26 KB, 767x385, 767:385, shillfag_normies.jpeg)

Is it safe to post a real notable tonight, or should I wait until morning? Looks like the board has devolved a bit … hehe

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2fd18a  No.15098474


it's a CHOICE to not capitalize the first word. there's a PERIOD to tell you the last sentence ended, moran. the capital letter is redundant, and a stupid mindless notation convention that should have been discarded long ago. my CHOICE is a form of protest, not ignorance. ignorance is ASSUMING you know another person's motives. btw, FUCK YOU, JACKASS, with a capital JACKASS.

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2a0fe5  No.15098475

File: 8923f9fedd14121⋯.png (34.14 KB, 563x161, 563:161, A_17_1.png)

>>15098454 (me)

A-17 = A-Q = Adventure Quest?

pic related

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2fd18a  No.15098476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b32ddd  No.15098477

File: dcc3aa2bce9f636⋯.jpeg (2.92 MB, 3883x2912, 3883:2912, E9DA1812_C507_4764_AF41_0….jpeg)


Kek! Seen it first hand! Awesome deals in there!

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18691a  No.15098478

File: 9e17a92315108d7⋯.gif (446.08 KB, 619x619, 1:1, 20211129_004135.gif)

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76e451  No.15098479

File: 6973f0abb05a465⋯.png (206.27 KB, 490x326, 245:163, B_Bdudeareward.png)

File: bf59fba3eac2c99⋯.jpg (115.85 KB, 552x812, 138:203, 1597050682_chelovek_lyagus….jpg)

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ec51ec  No.15098480

File: a04f5629c86a4fe⋯.png (219.95 KB, 500x509, 500:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 047b9aa55f4334b⋯.png (353.6 KB, 500x657, 500:657, ClipboardImage.png)

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b35028  No.15098481



ChonQing province


ChloroQuine>China Accepts as Treatment



Where is Hubei located in respect?


Hubei>Bioweapons Tech?

Follow the $$$$

Blatant [AF]

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4b8a89  No.15098482

File: c14d73601d959b6⋯.png (413.54 KB, 627x546, 209:182, ClipboardImage.png)


>Is it safe to post a real notable tonight, or should I wait until morning?

What's the worst that could happen?

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18691a  No.15098483

File: c3fb0db383d71f6⋯.gif (308.8 KB, 231x640, 231:640, 20200510_033157.gif)


not a thing

you know

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3fbac7  No.15098484

File: e7334a8f9f90014⋯.jpeg (246.83 KB, 800x798, 400:399, 800wm_1_.jpeg)

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985fef  No.15098485

File: fce2efa4d59cd28⋯.jpg (90.24 KB, 1198x762, 599:381, download_13_.jpg)

File: 0714472ba2aa466⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 474x355, 474:355, download_12_.jpg)

File: e8861e3ef75e202⋯.jpg (206.47 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, sn.jpg)

File: e6c993c8b03a335⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 546x230, 273:115, ms.JPG)

File: 02c8a76c01bf338⋯.jpeg (369.71 KB, 896x2901, 896:2901, Web_capture_28_11_2021_23….jpeg)

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella dumps over HALF his Microsoft stock

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella dumped $285 million of his Microsoft shares, over half of his holdings at a record $340 each.

Anthony Garreffa



Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has sold over half of his Microsoft shares, with Nadella offloading 838,600 shares across November 22 and November 23, 2021.

The 838,600 shares were sold in a price range between $334.37 and $349.22, with the 838,600 shares sold bringing his total Microsoft share count to 831,000. This means the Microsoft CEO has dumped over half of the stock he held in Microsoft, and there's no news about it.

The only pieces I could find was somewhere reputable at least, with Seeking Alpha only highlighting that the CEO of Microsoft selling over half the shares he holds in the company he literally runs, in a single sentence: "The shares were sold in a price range from $334.37 to $349.22, bringing his total share count to 831K shares". While CNBC reported: "Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella disclosed the sale of 839,000 shares in an SEC filing, leaving him with ownership of 831,000 shares following that transaction. Microsoft fell 1% in the premarket".

Business, Financial & Legal

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella dumps over HALF his Microsoft stock

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella dumped $285 million of his Microsoft shares, over half of his holdings at a record $340 each.

Anthony Garreffa



Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has sold over half of his Microsoft shares, with Nadella offloading 838,600 shares across November 22 and November 23, 2021.


The 838,600 shares were sold in a price range between $334.37 and $349.22, with the 838,600 shares sold bringing his total Microsoft share count to 831,000. This means the Microsoft CEO has dumped over half of the stock he held in Microsoft, and there's no news about it.

The only pieces I could find was somewhere reputable at least, with Seeking Alpha only highlighting that the CEO of Microsoft selling over half the shares he holds in the company he literally runs, in a single sentence: "The shares were sold in a price range from $334.37 to $349.22, bringing his total share count to 831K shares". While CNBC reported: "Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella disclosed the sale of 839,000 shares in an SEC filing, leaving him with ownership of 831,000 shares following that transaction. Microsoft fell 1% in the premarket".

Microsoft stock is at record highs of $329 at the time of writing, dropping from its all-time high of $349.67 just days ago. Over the past 5 years, however, Microsoft stock is performing admirably, up 456% in those 5 years from the $60 or so mark to the $330 it is today.

I wonder what Nadella has planned next… a move from Microsoft? Diversification? The Bill Gates + Jeffrey Epstein deep, dark web of connection? Nadella could move on from Microsoft into something much bigger, maybe in the White House with the Biden administration?

Nadella recently attended a cybersecurity meeting with Joe Biden, as well as Apple CEO Tim Cook as well as high-level executives from the likes of Amazon, Google, IBM, JP Morgan, and more. There wasn't much fluff about that news when it happened, and there hasn't been since.



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b32ddd  No.15098486


“Stop & Read: We Draw Guns on Masked Visitors – Take Your Mask Off before Entering.”

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20aad1  No.15098487


Please go for it

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4b8a89  No.15098488

File: bf105a4a2d621ce⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 467x496, 467:496, 1628535237873.jpg)







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2fd18a  No.15098489


>How's this for a rebuttal:

it SUCKS, like YOU. you evaded the question entirely. i suppose you think it's OK that the bush family somehow mysteriously "acquired" the mineral rights to MILLIONS of acres of public land, and THEY are raking in billions/yr in gas and oil royalties. do you even understand what "public lands" means, fuckwit? i'm not looking for a handout. i want MY FAIR SHARE. if you think that makes me a socialist, you're either a triggered capitalism brainwashed con-tard, or else your last name must be Bush. either way, KYS faggot.

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90eee4  No.15098490

File: 09b4c7f6e44ca1a⋯.png (994.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



Oh the humanity!

Panic ensued and the parental alienation expert comes to the rescue? What a day! One for the ages it was.

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03b324  No.15098491

File: 81dcf7d297c0672⋯.jpg (13.61 KB, 255x209, 255:209, 81dcf7d297c0672d696520e89b….jpg)


Right! Was thinking on this the other day.

Where does that money go? States and local governments, Feds? Any swine in Politics that can get the grubby hands on the mulah?

Whilst we pay taxes…


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73f5ef  No.15098492

File: 44051de65b8570b⋯.png (81.66 KB, 189x331, 189:331, worry.png)


Suicide watch

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18691a  No.15098493

ноLee sнеет


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ec51ec  No.15098494

File: 0201f777c60f7b9⋯.png (311.47 KB, 1235x615, 247:123, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eb16b2741f2220⋯.png (488.79 KB, 1019x662, 1019:662, ClipboardImage.png)





>'Strange things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby. When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a 'cellmate' called A-17 so when something strange happens I blame it on A-17.'







Note: Anon believes there are comms in here where she is communicating with those outside, will post full article and then see if we can pick up comms,eyes on anons, this may have been missed, trial tomorrow

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell tells all from inside her US prison cell: Heiress says 'I am weak, frail, tired and don't even have shoes that fit… guards feed me rotten food and one apple had maggots in it'

Ghislaine Maxwell was speaking from her 10ft by 12ft prison cell inside New York's notorious Metropolitan Detentio