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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB, 640x272, 40:17, 3581733c912d3123efb9f802f2….jpg)

d2ce29  No.15116712[Last 50 Posts]

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d2ce29  No.15116717

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d2ce29  No.15116718


#19123 TBC >>15115920

#19122 TBC >>15115056


>>15114691 Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Appears with JonBenét Ramsey in Resurfaced Photo: Then She Disappeared

>>15114362, >>15114734, >>15115001 #Ghislaine Updates

>>15114808 @InnerCityPress Pod cast from inside court. https://open.spotify.com/show/52ay0km79ZyCS0hcyOYjMQ


>>15114369, >>15114382, >>15114486, >>15114493, >>15114598 Ghislaine Maxwell trial - live: Defense claims Epstein accuser is a liar as socialite’s siblings fill court

>>15114441 Jussie Smollett trial: Cop testifies actor said he was attacked by only 2 people

>>15114451 Blinken Africa Visit — Nov 15-20

>>15114472 SC Finishes Hearing Arguments in Mississippi Abortion Case

>>15114481 @PapiTrumpo Buenos Dias to Everyone who Loves Freedom an

>>15114504 Greece To Fine Elderly $114 For Every Month They Remain Unvaccinated

>>15114506 #USSCharleston arrived in Apra Harbour, Guam, Nov. 29, 2021.

>>15114534 Biden Delivers Remarks on the Economy

>>15114573 Mind Control Programming and How It Works

>>15114740 WH: HOT POTATO

>>15114768 A handwritten entry in the flight logs shows a trip that Trump and the Dubins took from the Palm Beach International Airport

>>15114769 The Trudeau government gave away YOUR private mortgage data

>>15114772 Writing A New Narrative

>>15114778 Chris Cuomo Might Not Be The Only CNN Employee Impacted by New Documents

>>15114779 AZ - In this State we are Waiting for Indictments

>>15114807 PF - Knot, Knot?

>>15114826 Isn't there something tying Epstein into the FIFA mess?

>>15114832 Anon Opine, Imagine that.

>>15114864 Harris Convenes the Administration’s Inaugural National Space Council Meeting

>>15114865 @USNavy Pit stop! Wrench Hammer

>>15114875 2 US Army soldiers found dead in Alaska

>>15114878 Biden - WH/CNN Meme Templates

>>15114889 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci

>>15114932, >>15114972 ENRGY17 [Qi17] *Its all about Energy… Yours.

>>15114931 Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin

>>15114970 Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation

>>15114983 Return Youtube Dislike by Dmitry Selivanov 'use at own risk'


>>15115069 #19121

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d2ce29  No.15116719


#19123 TBC >>15115920

#19122 TBC >>15115056


>>15114691 Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Appears with JonBenét Ramsey in Resurfaced Photo: Then She Disappeared

>>15114362, >>15114734, >>15115001 #Ghislaine Updates

>>15114808 @InnerCityPress Pod cast from inside court. https://open.spotify.com/show/52ay0km79ZyCS0hcyOYjMQ


>>15114369, >>15114382, >>15114486, >>15114493, >>15114598 Ghislaine Maxwell trial - live: Defense claims Epstein accuser is a liar as socialite’s siblings fill court

>>15114441 Jussie Smollett trial: Cop testifies actor said he was attacked by only 2 people

>>15114451 Blinken Africa Visit — Nov 15-20

>>15114472 SC Finishes Hearing Arguments in Mississippi Abortion Case

>>15114481 @PapiTrumpo Buenos Dias to Everyone who Loves Freedom an

>>15114504 Greece To Fine Elderly $114 For Every Month They Remain Unvaccinated

>>15114506 #USSCharleston arrived in Apra Harbour, Guam, Nov. 29, 2021.

>>15114534 Biden Delivers Remarks on the Economy

>>15114573 Mind Control Programming and How It Works

>>15114740 WH: HOT POTATO

>>15114768 A handwritten entry in the flight logs shows a trip that Trump and the Dubins took from the Palm Beach International Airport

>>15114769 The Trudeau government gave away YOUR private mortgage data

>>15114772 Writing A New Narrative

>>15114778 Chris Cuomo Might Not Be The Only CNN Employee Impacted by New Documents

>>15114779 AZ - In this State we are Waiting for Indictments

>>15114807 PF - Knot, Knot?

>>15114826 Isn't there something tying Epstein into the FIFA mess?

>>15114832 Anon Opine, Imagine that.

>>15114864 Harris Convenes the Administration’s Inaugural National Space Council Meeting

>>15114865 @USNavy Pit stop! Wrench Hammer

>>15114875 2 US Army soldiers found dead in Alaska

>>15114878 Biden - WH/CNN Meme Templates

>>15114889 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci

>>15114932, >>15114972 ENRGY17 [Qi17] *Its all about Energy… Yours.

>>15114931 Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin

>>15114970 Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation

>>15114983 Return Youtube Dislike by Dmitry Selivanov 'use at own risk'


>>15115069 #19121

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d2ce29  No.15116720


>>15114036 @DonaldJTrumpJr - IT"S HAPPENING! 45Books.com [Book'm Dono!]

>>15114137 @innercitypress Thread of the Ghislaine Trial. [Archive Offline]

>>15113987 Ghislaine Maxwell aka "Jizzy lane" updates here. https://twitter.com/innercitypress

>>15113563 GM, Ford and Chrysler will not require employees to take covid “vaccines”

>>15113573 Supreme Court hears oral arguments on Mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks

>>15113583 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, right, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, centre, and Toronto Mayor John Tory arrive at the memorial service for Apotex billionaire couple Barry and Honey Sherman

>>15113677 @Jack on the clock. Is @snowden next?

>>15113700 Glenn Greenwald on the Media's Disinformation Campaign to Protect Fauci

>>15113725, >>15113907 Bad look for NBC. They got caught.

>>15113761 Structure-ID Technique Could Shift Chemistry to Warp Speed

>>15113770 LIVE: Petitions Committee evidence session on tackling online abuse - 1

>>15113815 The Crow and the Pitcher

>>15113843 Sidney Powell on the Radar

>>15113850, >>15113881 Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker will NOT seek reelection?

>>15113865 Today is World AIDS Day!

>>15113868 Ex-CNN ‘Reporters’ Now Work for Top Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda Outfit.

>>15113879 CDC may be looking for you.

>>15113906 Dec 1: Today in History

>>15113997 RT @GenCQBrownJr Outstanding call w/ @ItalianAirForce

>>15114016 VA disability gets a raise first thing next year

>>15114033 HAARP - details of its capabilities from the main HAARP patent

>>15114045 Today's SHILLS are brought to you today by: True Blue Media, LLC

>>15114069 Justice Barrett destroys the argument that pregnancy and parenthood are somehow limiting for women.

>>15114088 @usairforce The more than 24,000 #CivilAirPatrol cadets ages 12-20 are the youngest members of our #TotalForce and our future aerospace leaders.

>>15114098 Roe v. Wade in the balance: SCOTUS hears challenge to state law banning abortion after 15 weeks.

>>15114110 Tucker Carlson: What Really Happened in Wuhan

>>15114151 LIVE: House hearing with Facebook's ex-employee Frances Haugen

>>15114299 #19120

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d2ce29  No.15116722


>>15112746 #19118

>>15112774 The official deadline for all active-duty #USMarines to be #FullyVaccinated just passed.

>>15112778 Fox's Peter Doocy says on Thursday the White House plans to announce some of the strictest Covid restrictions on Americans yet.

>>15112779, >>15112799 New York City chief medical examiner, Dr Barbara Sampson is stepping down. She oversaw the autopsies of Eric Garner, Joan Rivers and Jeffrey Epstein

>>15112795 In light of Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial, now is a good time to remind people how the Trump Administration went to unprecedented lengths to combat human trafficking.

>>15112798 The following people are totally exempt from the 'vaccine': Seems Legit


>>15112808 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled in favor of Buzzfeed that the DOJ must release the pages of the Mueller report that discussed individuals who were investigated by Mueller but not charged.

>>15112807, >>15112845 Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination and Its Potential Impact on Fetal and Neonatal Development

>>15112901 Kyle Rittenhouse Trial: RAW BodyCam Footage of NBC Producer Following Jury Vehicle

>>15112908 Your daily reminder that Stephen aka 'Steven' Colbert is on the Epstein Flight log.

>>15112965 The White House cropped Vice President Kamala Harris out of its video feed of a news conference President Joe Biden held Monday discussing the omicron vari

>>15112977 Earlier this evening, Breitbart News obtained photos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi going maskless at a crowded event in DC

>>15113003 Graphene Nano Razors Found In Bioweapon by Dr. Andreas Noack

>>15113002 Families turn down Travis Scott offer for Funeral coverage. (Pic Related oo)

>>15113065 Supreme Court Hears Case That Decide Roe vs Wade Fate

>>15113074 Antisemitism YT Link Bun

>>15111731 LB EXCLUSIVE: CNN, ABC, and more than a dozen media companies file legal brief JOINING Steve Bannon's bid to lift the DOJ's order stopping him sharing 1,000 files in his contempt of Congress case

>>15113153, >>15113157, >>15113160, >>15113161, >>15113162, >>15113163, >>15113165, >>15113166, >>15113175, 4ch Conflict of Interest Bun Re: Epstein and Moar Corrupt Government Officials

>>15113193 Crow vs. Raven

>>15113213, >>15113223 Three people were reportedly injured in an explosion near Munich's main train, firefighters said.

>>15113230 Epstein’s “Zorro Ranch” was built over a Nuclear Missile Silo?

>>15113243 New York City’s troubled jail system is facing the suspension of potentially hundreds of corrections officers for failing to meet a deadline to get vaccinated

>>15113319 WH Scheduled Events for Today

>>15113375 Mike Pence asks Supreme Court to overturn abortion rights

>>15113407 Friday Govt Shut Down eminent?

>>15113412 New York City chief medical examiner resigning

>>15113459 Russia orders US diplomats to leave as Ukraine tensions escalate

>>15113513 #19119

Previously Collected Notables

>>15112746 #19118,

>>15110399 #19115, >>15111188 #19116, >>15113195 #19117

>>15107981 #19112, >>15110369 #19113, >>15109647 #19114

>>15106154 #19109, >>15106614 #19110, >>15107407 #19111

>>15103365 #19106, >>15104638 #19107, >>15104952 #19108

>>15101052 #19103, >>15103711 #19104. >>15102576 #19105

>>15098741 #19100, >>15100843 #19101, >>15100274 #19102

>>15096559 #19097, >>15097211 #19098, >>15097982 #19099

>>15094022 #19094, >>15095706 #19095, >>15095865 #19096

>>15092324 #19091, >>15092520 #19092, >>15093254 #19093

>>15089621 #19088, >>15090105 #19089, >>15090927 #19090

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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d2ce29  No.15116727



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0ba569  No.15116742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NEVER SEEN BEFORE: CNN's Charlie Chester on "conflict of interest" between Cuomo brothers

Dec 1, 2021

Project Veritas

1.41M subscribers

Donate: https://www.projectveritas.com/donate


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7b67a6  No.15116749

File: d95f1f0207a1ffa⋯.png (162.49 KB, 346x268, 173:134, OmicronFauci.png)

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a75fbf  No.15116750

File: da425d8a6a8e5d0⋯.mp4 (543.53 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1603992818_Copy.mp4)


Tanks B

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ba65aa  No.15116751

File: d5aab4fa68e391a⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_night_shift.jpg)

Thankee Baker.

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a75fbf  No.15116752


Rudy G. Live

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450c29  No.15116753

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 474x206, 237:103, HB_John_832.jpg)

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)


sounds like hell


hell is where you will spend eternity if you don't repent

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f80481  No.15116754

File: a52f03c480dd755⋯.png (471.83 KB, 745x1182, 745:1182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9922a994778c428⋯.png (45.73 KB, 745x884, 745:884, ClipboardImage.png)


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b247ca  No.15116755

>>15116724 pb

what's with the 2 guys next to him getting in on the action?

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49efef  No.15116756

>>15116738 (pb)

Oh boy, you read and studied something.

Proof that any of it is real.

You can't do that for most things.

>but this book says

The book may be fake+gay and disinformation.

Reading tons of books doesn't make you smart nor educated.

>but I read the indiapootimes

They are fake news as well.

You don't know shit.

In fact my co-worker from Afghanistan is a better sauce than any fake news ever is, because at least I know she isn't bulshitting me.

>but the alternative media said

Also fake + gay

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f663d0  No.15116757

File: 411e0d4b2615ade⋯.jpeg (26.95 KB, 448x286, 224:143, CA1C662E_2370_4254_9493_B….jpeg)

Getting tired of the Big Gay military messing with the weather out West

You guys suck Satans dick

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baf7d1  No.15116758

File: 37c3e0a33c8b058⋯.png (312.62 KB, 1211x819, 173:117, C.png)

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c9de68  No.15116759

File: 5f4a0a39999da46⋯.jpeg (205.71 KB, 1180x664, 295:166, FFjSg28WQAEkOwk.jpeg)

File: 6baab66f532c9d9⋯.jpeg (38.73 KB, 720x405, 16:9, FFjSg4CXEAcCKYy.jpeg)

File: c61a535eb79b9fd⋯.jpeg (70.67 KB, 680x384, 85:48, FFjT0TjXMAoyxmG.jpeg)

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7a8ee4  No.15116760

File: eb3b8f600e0f6dd⋯.jpeg (118.22 KB, 897x832, 69:64, 9667826D_A8AB_4D78_858D_6….jpeg)


I read ‘concern’ what’s wrong with me???

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cbef00  No.15116762

File: 9a457960e51b81f⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 800x609, 800:609, 800px_Offutt_Air_Force_Bas….jpg)

prayers for the operators

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f5d691  No.15116763

File: f2d956a833137a7⋯.png (162.26 KB, 230x320, 23:32, ClipboardImage.png)

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c2e50c  No.15116764

Trump dropping a lot of crumbs in his interview.


"It's Happening"


Then brags about the vax

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5a321e  No.15116765


How is Trump getting away with not being called to testify in the GM trial?

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5d6b4a  No.15116766

File: 1b8fe40ff422938⋯.png (66.18 KB, 797x600, 797:600, CautionPurport.png)

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b247ca  No.15116767

File: f6b31edc0fe5d26⋯.png (810.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f80481  No.15116768

File: 381fcbc0e2d301c⋯.png (268.6 KB, 429x383, 429:383, ClipboardImage.png)

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644e4f  No.15116769

Do you drink alcohol? If you do, please consider BIPOC and how alcohol has negatively impacted their communities historically?

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54c81d  No.15116770

File: a14ef7387061e48⋯.png (1.31 MB, 939x943, 939:943, ClipboardImage.png)

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b247ca  No.15116771


i wish he would testify….then it would be televized

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e1400f  No.15116772

File: b23f5a007de608d⋯.jpeg (215.42 KB, 750x1068, 125:178, 0B3FA8E6_9DB8_4CB0_A6CA_D….jpeg)

DOYLESTOWN, Pa. — Early in the November school board meeting, a few of the departing members made farewell remarks, talking of things that they believed still need addressing: more special education programs, mental health initiatives, a program for high school students to take college classes. There was a long list, but over the past two years other things had gotten in the way.

When the meeting opened up to public comments, there was an indication of what those other things might be. Parents and other residents took turns standing before the board, speaking about Zionism, Maoism, slavery, freedom, the Holocaust, critical race theory, the illegality of mask requirements, supposed Jewish ties to organized crime and the viral falsehood that transgender students were raping people in bathrooms.

“I fight here week after week,” one woman said, “to ensure that my children will never be subject to having their freedom taken from them.”

In the Central Bucks School District, a hot spot in the national school board wars just outside of Philadelphia, there is a striking disconnect between the crises that have consumed school board meetings for well more than a year and the emergencies that teachers, nurses, custodians, secretaries and other staff members say they are facing when they show up at school each morning.


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f663d0  No.15116773


C_A does rich assholes bidding….just ask the Bush fam

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112fdb  No.15116774

File: 23d8319dd82f53f⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 749x492, 749:492, wessdcsd5cds.jpg)

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fd4234  No.15116775

File: 56e469a7aa5324f⋯.jpg (182.85 KB, 1280x768, 5:3, BVkZh5ZzGYD9RV1wJCAP_01_43….jpg)

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d6f891  No.15116776

File: 727a4363d28c6f5⋯.jpg (200.36 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 3135.jpg)

>>15116018 pb

No God never speaks through any thing or person external to you. At best you may get hints and cues like that.

There is only one way to hear God and that is to pray silently in a quiet place. The way to God is within you.

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f80481  No.15116777

Doocy Presses Fauci On Why Americans Might Face Stricter COVID Rules But Not Illegal Immigrants

White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday that new testing requirements might be required for all people traveling into the U.S., but with regard to new COVID-19 restrictions for illegal immigrants, Fauci said, “That’s a different issue.”

“You advised the president about the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country, does that include everybody?” Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy asked Fauci at a briefing Wednesday.

“The answer is yes,” Fauci said. “Anybody and everybody who’s coming into the country needs to get a test within 24 hours of getting on the plane to come here.”

“What about … these border crossers?” Doocy pressed.

“That’s a different issue,” Fauci replied


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6546b9  No.15116778

Patriot Boobs

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02013e  No.15116779

File: 86459bb8e6db589⋯.jpg (79.34 KB, 525x625, 21:25, POTUSandBook2.JPG)

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b247ca  No.15116780


Americans Don't Want Joe Biden or Donald Trump to Run in 2024

Darragh Roche - 7h ago

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d6f891  No.15116781

File: a906b972a1e74ec⋯.jpg (40.39 KB, 280x443, 280:443, the_inheritors_cover.jpg)


The Inheritors will perhaps always be seen as a fiction about the fateful encounter between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. The perception of Neanderthals has changed since Golding’s time. The current archaeological position is that, contrary to what has been thought, Neanderthals did create art. The cave art of Spain and France has been credited to them. They are now considered almost ‘human’. Four per cent of Homo sapiens genes are Neanderthal. William Golding’s attitude to the archaeological dimension of his novel is ambivalent. In a letter he wrote to his publisher when the book was accepted, he said he had done little research into the subject. But in an interview he gave to an American journalist in 1970, he said he had read everything there was to be found on the subject. Which is it? And does it matter?

Our knowledge about our Neanderthal ancestors will never be definitive. It is wrong to measure a novel against the changing finds of archaeology. It is not the rightness or the wrongness of the science that counts, it is the truth of the world created, the imaginative feat itself. To fashion a story around this encounter so that it radiates forward to our times is the true achievement of this work. There are mythic structures in this novel, archetypes worked into the fabric of its narration. It posits an alternative history that tells us something about ourselves. The author is on the side of the Neanderthals. They are the underdog, the gentle people, destroyed by Homo sapiens. In this vision it is not the meek who inherit the earth. It is ‘the new people’, with their violence, their religion of fear, their cannibalism, their power struggles, their patriarchy. When Fa, watching them from a tree, says, ‘Oa did not bring them out of her belly’ – Oa being the name of their goddess – she suggests that they are unnatural. The new people are us. They are what we inherited. They are what we have come from. They partially explain the recurrence of violence and nastiness in the human story, the projection of evil onto others, the racism, the demonisation, the wars, the concentration camps, colonialism, genocide. It is a way of saying that our distant past is still with us, that beneath the veneer of civilisation lurks unevolved atavism.

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b9bb22  No.15116782

only one #19124 bread?

where are the other 10?

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b247ca  No.15116783

File: d5ed7ca804dd5ad⋯.png (26.19 KB, 773x330, 773:330, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b2b93  No.15116784

File: 33a2931d41e83f9⋯.jpg (127.54 KB, 585x551, 585:551, ITS_A_BAKER_CHRISTMAS.jpg)

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f62fd1  No.15116785


>>15116528, >>15116576, >>15116592, >>15116639, >>15116716

1 more year?

Or one more lie?

Time will tell.

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6b4405  No.15116786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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678ed1  No.15116787


There is an Irish joke in there somewhere.

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8173b6  No.15116788

File: 89c991fe71a88eb⋯.png (754.21 KB, 1445x1011, 1445:1011, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57c9f34587e0503⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1895x1009, 1895:1009, TACAMO.png)

Boeing E6A Mercury back from being offshore for about an hour and a half. EAMs likely coincided with time off shore.

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d2ce29  No.15116789


reported for advertising

fuck off


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678ed1  No.15116790


That's actually true. We don't want Joe and Trump already won 2020.

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7a8ee4  No.15116791



Fauci can’t chew gum and walk

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1afc2f  No.15116793


63delta0 is Bearing False Witness on Western Sky Event Activity Today , just saying , Love shill anyway , Pilotorb WWG1WGA

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cb0a38  No.15116794

File: 658d898063f6ca9⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5t18l2.jpg)

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3d153b  No.15116795

File: 20e09c856fafd06⋯.jpg (96.2 KB, 1128x851, 1128:851, 92186fba6e09d78c8295d540a7….jpg)


Paytriots not welcome here.

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ea5b86  No.15116796

File: d7d791d5353cf35⋯.jpg (284.78 KB, 1218x578, 609:289, QR_Record_New_Breads.jpg)


Yes, it is a huge letdown from what we became accustomed to as the new normal.

At least there's a momento to cherish forever.

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5d6b4a  No.15116797

File: f59f7fbcb639ebc⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1159x1600, 1159:1600, ClipboardImage.png)

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f62fd1  No.15116798


>Patriot Boobs

Once they found out they were going to use their porn career against them. This College Co-ed turned Political Powerhouse turned the tables on their previous connections. Effectively Aiding in great part the reconstitution of Freedom within the American Republic.

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336979  No.15116799


Well see…

But things are starting to line up far too nicely to be ignored…

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e43254  No.15116800


You’re an idiot, there is no E

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50ea79  No.15116801

File: 824d4ebd7c96f83⋯.png (288.42 KB, 666x375, 222:125, f3000075938effef84c5e8169d….png)


Neat. They got those in Maple Syrup infused?

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f62fd1  No.15116802


I'mjust trying to stroke myself after losses. I got christmas riding on this fucking shit fuckit.

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d2ce29  No.15116804

File: 53912725a321226⋯.png (474.16 KB, 778x696, 389:348, 31df30d4a8b2b8c2f6f267002d….png)

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9a4da8  No.15116805

File: 947e57e32ce1efe⋯.jpeg (10.77 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 694af3af71c13cc909c2bf308….jpeg)


tyb… gif't for all, every1

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e43254  No.15116806


Because they have nothing on him

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571c87  No.15116807

File: 1459a6b1963b03f⋯.png (15.28 KB, 429x197, 429:197, kek.png)

File: 1459a6b1963b03f⋯.png (15.28 KB, 429x197, 429:197, kek.png)

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baf7d1  No.15116808

File: d1fad4f40447d41⋯.png (900.09 KB, 698x826, 349:413, Nov_24_unvaxed_at_xmas.png)

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34f07c  No.15116809

File: 79644c7293d1f31⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 473x680, 473:680, 1638400619866.jpg)

What the cot damn fuck?

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7b67a6  No.15116810


>Then brags about the vax

Makes me sick. A true patriot would not be proud of worldwide genocide.

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7ac5c2  No.15116811

File: 7978c75c3a9ea49⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.78 MB, 300x283, 300:283, 908E8605_0983_4E9C_9205_BD….gif)


Tyb (click that shit nigga)

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34a9fa  No.15116812

Just think…

If Donald Trump hadn’t told Americans to inject bleach into their bodies, he’d probably still be President lololol

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fd4234  No.15116813

We have endured well so far.

Hang in there, we know everything will come out.

Don't let emotions get the better of you.

Anons are too smart to fall for the traps laid out.

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cbef00  No.15116814

File: a428f4402adbb02⋯.png (209.62 KB, 1252x590, 626:295, A3B3C1.png)


Hex: A3B3C1


2013 PZL-MIELEC M-28 Skytruck



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9a4da8  No.15116815

File: 694af3af71c13cc⋯.gif (5.19 MB, 480x324, 40:27, 694af3af71c13cc909c2bf308e….gif)


dorked it! didn't attach the gif : pour me another one, keep

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d34ad8  No.15116816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exorcist Father Ripperger gives context on current situation based on what demons are telling him

As Fr. Ripperger does an exorcism the demons often are forced to say things they wouldn't otherwise say and Fr. Ripperger expands on what he has heard and experienced recently.

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8bac1a  No.15116817

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies During the 1950s and 60s, federal troops and federalized National Guard forces, accompanied by military intelligence personnel, were deployed to help integrate Southern schools23 and to help deal with civil disorders in Detroit in 1967 and other cities the following year after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.24 Throughout this period military intelligence units also continued to collect data on Americans at home who were suspected of involvement in subversive activities.25 In the late 1960s, the Pentagon compiled personal information on more than 100,000 politically active Americans in an effort to quell civil rights and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations and to discredit protestors.26 The Army used 1,500 plainclothes agents to watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread disinformation. 2

' According to one report, the Army had at least one observer at every demonstration of more than twenty people.28 The Army's activities were summed up by Senator Sam Ervin: Allegedly for the purpose of predicting and preventing civil disturbances which might develop beyond the control of state and local officials, Army agents were sent throughout the country to keep surveillance over the way the civilian population expressed their sentiments about government policies. In churches, on campuses, in classrooms, in public meetings, they took notes, tape-recorded, and photographed people who dissented in thought, word, or deed. This included clergymen, editors, public officials, and anyone who sympathized with the dissenters. http://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6053&context=lalrev

Hahahaha, Trump has had MI infiltrate Antifa and all the dissenting local govts.

Always 5 steps ahead!

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b51fb5  No.15116818

Ghisane showing up in photos like a quantum leap rerun

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644e4f  No.15116819

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cbef00  No.15116820

File: 99ae4ed8da8ba54⋯.jpg (9.56 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 1d5647546b90c60674bd892920….jpg)

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7ac5c2  No.15116821


Trump gets to cruise in the new high tech AF1 when he comes back in 2024 (with Desantis as VP)

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ffe20a  No.15116822

File: e1439f14667577c⋯.png (705.49 KB, 856x537, 856:537, ClipboardImage.png)

L.A. County has no plans for an Omicron lockdown

Nov. 30, 2021 4:15 PM

No significant new coronavirus-related restrictions are planned in Los Angeles County following the emergence of the Omicron variant, a top health official said Tuesday.

“At this moment, we have really, I think, sensible precautions in place,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer told the county Board of Supervisors.

L.A. County’s existing COVID-19 rules are already among the strictest in the state. They include a blanket mandate for residents to wear masks in indoor public spaces, regardless of whether they’ve been vaccinated.

The county also requires patrons and employees of indoor bars, wineries, breweries, distilleries, nightclubs and lounges to show proof that they’ve been fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Similar but more expansive rules in the city of Los Angeles cover a host of additional businesses, including indoor restaurants, gyms and movie theaters.


But despite the worries accompanying the new variant and the approach of winter, officials in L.A. and throughout California are nowhere close to publicly discussing the kind of stringent restrictions that were in effect at this time last year, when a round of regional stay-at-home orders shut down or severely constrained many aspects of the state’s economy and residents’ lives.

That attitude is also reflected at the federal level.

“We’re going to fight COVID this winter — not with shutdowns or lockdowns but with more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing and more,” President Biden said Monday.

Officials are quick to note that the state of the pandemic is much different this year, given the ample supply and availability of vaccines, which are expected to provide at least some degree of protection against Omicron, particularly against severe illness and death.

Also on the horizon is the likely authorization of pills that can reduce the risk of severe disease.

The basic strategy remains getting more unvaccinated people — including young children — their shots and encouraging eligible vaccinated adults to get boosters.

“Boosters are absolutely essential, particularly for people who got vaccinated a while ago,” Ferrer said.

While residents may feel exhausted by all they’ve been asked to do during the past 20 months, it’s important to stay vigilant, Ferrer said.

“This has been an extraordinarily long and challenging time, and people are right to feel fatigued,” she said. “I think the best way to put all of this in perspective is we actually have a lot more powerful tools at our hand right now than we did last year.”

It’s unclear whether Omicron — which was first detected Nov. 11 in Botswana and three days later in South Africa — can spread as easily as the still-dominant Delta variant. Also unknown is whether the newly discovered strain, which has yet to be found in the United States, might cause more severe disease or potentially evade some of the protective power afforded by existing vaccines.

Omicron is getting attention because of its many mutations — around 50, far more than in previous variants, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s chief medical advisor for the pandemic, said in a briefing.

With its “unusual constellation of mutations,” Ferrer said, Omicron could be more infectious than other variants. It already has become the dominant variant in South Africa.


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336979  No.15116823


Shitload more than that riding on this, bruh.

But if it does not pan out, I still have plenty of .308 to go around.

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ffe20a  No.15116824


“Obviously, if the vaccines aren’t as effective, those masks are super important, and we already have a requirement on masking,” she said. “I think if we didn’t have that requirement, we probably would be suggesting that, because that is the next line of defense.”

Health officials have long stressed the importance of taking a layered approach to combating the coronavirus. While wearing masks in public, avoiding indoor crowded settings and, especially, getting vaccinated all afford some degree of protection, those tools work best when used together.

“We need people to be sensible and cautious, and we’re going to pay a lot of attention to the science,” Ferrer said. “Obviously, if there’s emerging information that requires us to rethink the safety messaging, we’ll be coming back both to the board and to the public.”

One area the county is examining is the protocols surrounding nursing homes, which have been a particular point of focus given the vulnerability of their residents to COVID-19.

Vaccination rates in those facilities are quite high.

“But if there’s any waning protection on vaccines in a very vulnerable population that’s already ill, we could see some some devastating impacts,” Ferrer said.

As a result, county officials are working on contingency plans that would alter directives for testing and visitors.

“We want to, obviously, during the holidays, allow for visitors, but we have to do that in a way that encourages a lot of safety,” Ferrer said.

So far, L.A. County has not seen any clear signs of a fifth COVID-19 surge. However, experts suspect one will come — if not from Omicron, then from the existing Delta variant.

As of Monday, there were 562 people with COVID-19 in hospitals in L.A. County, down from 659 a month ago. The county has six COVID-19 hospitalized patients for every 100,000 residents; some experts think it’s cause for concern when the rate is five or greater.


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f80481  No.15116825

File: e0ce1dbf9f892ba⋯.png (1.32 MB, 788x829, 788:829, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden to Extend Travel Mask Mandate Through Mid-March

Joe Biden will extend mask requirements on public transit through mid-March.

Travelers will be required to wear masks on airplanes, trains and buses, Reuters reported.

According to Reuters, the Biden Regime will make the announcement on Thursday.

The previous travel mask mandate was set to expire January 18, 2022.

“15 days to slow the spread” began in March 2020 so this mask mandate extension to March 18, 2022 will mean two years of Covid tyranny for Americans (until Biden extends the mandate again).

Of course the mask mandate only applies to the peasants.

Democrats are above mandates:


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e54c88  No.15116826

File: ec002c0c614e65a⋯.png (199.45 KB, 505x229, 505:229, Screen_Shot_2021_12_01_at_….png)

anonbody got links?

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d9914e  No.15116827

File: 318903a4e16df4f⋯.jpeg (450.15 KB, 828x1108, 207:277, 929FF597_9BC1_4505_B1FF_1….jpeg)


>Court Order: FDA must release data it based EUA for Pfizer shot Edition

Baker named the bread, but forgot to post links to notables

from last bread

>>15116032, >>15116065 Court Order: FDA must release the data it based its EUA for the Pfizer shot


please post to Notables

Judge Orders Pfizer, FDA to Release Documents – First Doc Dump Says Thousands Killed by Shot in First Month


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9a4da8  No.15116828

File: 763d5a44c9c0b21⋯.png (669.6 KB, 741x522, 247:174, Hankie.png)

hank likes trip sevens : 7 masks, 7 boosters, 7-ft distance in public …through "the holidays" : 2022 is a-whole-nother deal


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d8a797  No.15116829

>>15116368 LB

>>15116392 LB

Get what you all need now. I started doing this early last year.







vids D,C,K.

anything else I have forgotten Buy off shore, if you have to but have enough for yourself, family and friends if you can.

pile as much non perishable supplies, food as you can.

This is getting a little late in the game but if you are alive it can never be too late.

Aspirin can really reduce the response and can help . don't poo poo aspirin.

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f80481  No.15116830

REVEALED: Joe Biden’s “Student” Audience at Dakota County Technical College Were All Bussed in Posers and Plants

President Joe Biden spoke to a small audience at Dakota County Technical College in Rosemount, Minnesota on Tuesday.

It was a surprise visit. The regime knew they could not announce his arrival or there would be massive protests so they hid his trip from the community.

Despite this, there were hordes of Trump supporters and patriots who gathered on the highway to greet the illigitimate president, screaming, “F*** Joe Biden!” as he drove by.

Outside Biden’s rally Dakota Tech students told independent journalists that the students inside the venue were ALL BUSSED IN from the Twin Cities.

The school sent out an email at 3 AM in the morning to the Dakota County Tech students to stay home today and skip school. The students all said the so-called students inside the venue were ALL PLANTS!

Biden has NO SUPPORT — He has to bus them in!

Hat Tip Midwest Engineer and @NoJabNurse on TikTok.



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29f3bb  No.15116831

All of these high-profile murder/kidnapping/missing persons cases: real?

Or just psyops to terrorize the populace.

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678ed1  No.15116832

File: 11e636b185b1f84⋯.png (34.41 KB, 691x435, 691:435, 94852740985743908587349398.PNG)





This is the actual chapter:


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f33a5f  No.15116833


Why? Because of all the force-feeding of the demon rum running rampant throughout these communities?

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5047cd  No.15116834

File: daa38220f5621c2⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1242x1069, 1242:1069, c9a62be31523b3aab042d969a4….png)


I aint clickin your shit, you little shit!


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ba2e03  No.15116835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1afc2f  No.15116836

Q , I tried to call back at 13:11 pst , but line was busy , awaiting op orders , WWG1WGA , Love Always Pilotorb ❤Godspeed

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e0209a  No.15116837


Farage: Trump The Interview in FULL - GB News World Exclusive


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5047cd  No.15116838

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, a3482af3374bb7f9c50d517d84….jpg)


You have had enough, son..

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e58916  No.15116839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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78a9d1  No.15116840



The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply where Congress has expressly authorized use of the military to execute the law. Congress has done so in three ways, by giving a branch of the armed forces civilian law enforcement authority, by establishing general rules for certain types of assistance, and by addressing individual cases and circumstances with more narrowly crafted legislation. Thus it has vested the Coast Guard, a branch of the armed forces, with broad law enforcement responsibilities. Second, over the years it has passed a fairly extensive array of particularized statutes, like those permitting the President to call out the armed forces in times of insurrection and domestic violence, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331-335. Finally, it has enacted general legislation authorizing the armed forces to share information and equipment with civilian law enforcement agencies, 10 U.S.C. §§ 371-382.

The legislation contains both explicit grants of authority and restrictions on the use of that authority for military assistance to the police - federal, state and local - particularly in the form of information and equipment, 10 U.S.C. §§ 371-382.

Section 371 specifically authorizes the armed forces to share information acquired during military operations and in fact encourages the armed forces to plan their activities with an eye to the production of incidental civilian benefits.

The section allows the use of military undercover agents and the collection of intelligence concerning civilian activities only where there is a nexus to an underlying military purpose. Under sections 372 through 374, military equipment and facilities may be made available to civilian authorities; members of the armed forces may train civilian police on the operation and maintenance of equipment and may provide them with expert advice; and military personnel may be employed to maintain and operate the equipment supplied.

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767009  No.15116841

File: c5e1a728f4e0b62⋯.png (140.62 KB, 351x393, 117:131, 2021_12_01_18_46_48.png)



>1 more year?

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9a4da8  No.15116842


see if you can find this guy's picture out there


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7b67a6  No.15116843


Is there some better sauce to the documents?

Twitter post reported on is a bit dry.

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820508  No.15116844


excuse me polite namefag


person who is wrong about WHO is spraying , is not wrong about spraying activity out west.

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7ac5c2  No.15116845

File: 8faa59416123c1b⋯.jpeg (316.4 KB, 693x470, 693:470, 22144846_E21D_4F45_9607_0….jpeg)

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0f92bc  No.15116846

File: 6a5be9695baaf5c⋯.png (386.08 KB, 719x300, 719:300, ClipboardImage.png)


>Court Order: FDA must release data it based EUA for Pfizer shot

<easy captcha

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dee9bd  No.15116847

File: d6cd172e4d00990⋯.jpg (41.47 KB, 500x626, 250:313, 5wa30s_1.jpg)

>>15116727 Gracious Bakes

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db92d1  No.15116848

It's Just one really bad joke

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8e19f2  No.15116849

File: 8807011b9d6b124⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 274x184, 137:92, old44.jpg)

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0f92bc  No.15116850

File: bbb876cbce5ab71⋯.png (713.64 KB, 621x588, 207:196, ClipboardImage.png)

Meme power bishes

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9a4da8  No.15116851

File: 8613dcc46b0c6b1⋯.png (519.15 KB, 640x761, 640:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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46dd17  No.15116852

File: ce7a1949303fb81⋯.jpg (107.06 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, soccar_footballers_dies_su….jpg)

File: a80124489109d1a⋯.jpg (113.98 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, rubin_the_way_it_goes.jpg)

File: 40ab9cc3d29f2c3⋯.jpg (123.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, omicron_moronic_border_ope….jpg)

File: 4715e56b0c99408⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, evil_game_of_chicken_r_rat….jpg)

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db92d1  No.15116853


Wait till the Dying find out they've been poisoned

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0f92bc  No.15116854

File: 239451aed3118e6⋯.png (453.79 KB, 714x616, 51:44, white_muppet_blame.png)


an overweight dude with yellowfever is on your team brah

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d34ad8  No.15116855

doge is an attention faggot just like mr. pig

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d8a797  No.15116856


Just think

if you weren't a shill and could actually think.


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6b4405  No.15116857

Arlington, Virginia? Now I know who her father worked for. And now I know how she ended up in America's Congress.

Omar's family secured asylum in the U.S. and arrived in New York in 1995, then lived for a time in Arlington, Virginia.

Details about Ilhan Omar’s father’s military service were crystallized after his untimely death last year.

The congresswoman’s father, Nur Omar Mohamed, served as a colonel in Mohamed Siad Barre’s military. Barre was a genocidal Marxist dictator, ruling Somalia via military force for 22 years.

It is unknown if Nur Omar Mohamed personally participated in any of the Barre regime’s war crimes or genocidal massacres. However, it is reported he “played a significant role” leading the dictator’s troops.

Omar’s family fled Somalia as revolutionaries overthrew the Barre regime. She says their escape was possible due to contacts her grandfather had; he was also a high-ranking official in the Marxist dictatorship.


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0f92bc  No.15116858

File: 85445939619d45a⋯.jpg (91.97 KB, 800x651, 800:651, fairy_flowers_For_you_dear.jpg)


>Wait till the Dying find out they've been poisoned

In just 2 more weeks they'll find out and it will be glorious

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dee9bd  No.15116859

File: a4ac23a216292c8⋯.jpg (32.24 KB, 500x626, 250:313, vlury.jpg)

>>15116727 Tanks Bakes

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820508  No.15116860


>Just think…

>If Donald Trump hadn’t told Americans to inject bleach into their bodies, he’d probably still be President lololol

If the MSM hadn’t LIED & told Americans the President said to inject bleach into their bodies, as well as aiding & abiding the election fraud of 2020 & the never ending covid scamdemic , he’d probably still be President lololol

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0f92bc  No.15116861

File: c338e905df5542d⋯.png (655.91 KB, 503x587, 503:587, ClipboardImage.png)


could he jew any harder

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6f486e  No.15116862

File: 8cf1427e2128f9d⋯.jpg (100.25 KB, 950x532, 25:14, rC7Nj.jpg)

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ba2e03  No.15116863

File: 4a260c742fc93ce⋯.png (608.33 KB, 741x484, 741:484, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d6b4a  No.15116864

File: 1a19a0fb26c3f0e⋯.png (785.79 KB, 1917x936, 213:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac1788cf5acee3⋯.png (38.67 KB, 556x553, 556:553, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a9b300d545374d⋯.png (55.27 KB, 548x817, 548:817, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff04f5c461a2cdc⋯.png (18.5 KB, 548x349, 548:349, ClipboardImage.png)

Three SAMS up.




Mapping to Q posts…

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767009  No.15116865

File: a907974bbc6ba4a⋯.png (141 KB, 357x396, 119:132, 2_more_weeks.png)


>In just 2 more weeks they'll find out and it will be glorious

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34a9fa  No.15116866


Ho Ho hoooooooo


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5aeacc  No.15116867


I purport to be a banana.

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6b2b93  No.15116868

File: cbaa7e0d08bd6f9⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 723x477, 241:159, NIGHT_PATRIOTS.jpg)

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0f92bc  No.15116869

File: 207981f72f37725⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1448x1020, 362:255, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a4da8  No.15116870

File: c5017137a55cd1c⋯.jpeg (5.47 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 027fe98b5b6457d823a4ba45d….jpeg)


need physical eyeballs at the 2022 elections to wrest control of the house, at the minimum….muck it up ; senate is a problem because they are state-wide elections (with 6-yr intervals), so the cities can still cheat until the normies down in there get a fucking clue ; don't give up yet, abbie or we will have to repeal your 19th amendment

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6f486e  No.15116871

File: ddfcab7967239c8⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 1280x1600, 4:5, fb0a4197dd04db09e8cc70f5bb….jpg)

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32a90e  No.15116872

File: 4aee72ccc66090a⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 160x326, 80:163, WoodcockBourla.JPG)

File: 84a213ba2ff784b⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 474x292, 237:146, fghd.jpg)

File: e14f2a1908f8d10⋯.jpg (70.79 KB, 448x620, 112:155, dc.JPG)

File: 5ee3c4c8d7b904f⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 812x721, 116:103, 2.JPG)

File: de583f9967566a9⋯.jpg (112.88 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1.jpg)

regardless of one's position on the Bible, ALL humans who have heard of or come to know some form of it, will attest to it being an assemblage of ANCIENT data.

That collection of ANCIENT data has a word for sorcery.










'soft drinks'




'food products'

body washes/lotions/soaps


food and drug, same things with the spectrum being in regard to potency.

How many pills do you take? food 'products' do you injest? vaccine history? etc…

the corruptors in perpetual attack mode

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cbef00  No.15116873

File: 9dc8f85eaf13ba4⋯.png (577.58 KB, 839x1578, 839:1578, b.png)

McEnroe brothers to play tennis match in Antarctica during cruise


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dee9bd  No.15116874

File: 088db719bb2c535⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 670x1001, 670:1001, image000003.jpg)

Marina Abramovic.. Witchcraft Expert.

Anons would you hit it ??

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8e19f2  No.15116875



thought they were replaced by the Spartan

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a0be7d  No.15116876

File: fc15a245b1b1017⋯.png (724.53 KB, 886x752, 443:376, bidenlaptop.png)

This is a twitter thread DJT Jr wants us to read.


CIA just put out a doc, "Trump—A Unique Challenge," that is inappropriate & contributes to the perception (& at times reality) that elements of the IC are partisan attack dogs against Trump/GOP. Even some current Intel officials are privately characterizing the doc as a hit job.

The IC has enormous issues internal & external that must be addressed if it hopes to restore public trust in its ability to perform its important mission to keep Americans safe. There will always be inherent tension in operating secret orgs in an open/democratic society.

Historically, conservatives have been predisposed to support the NatSec apparatus, while liberals have been more wary. In recent years, that has flipped.

Why? Politics. The Right believes a corrupt NatSec bureaucracy worked to attack & undermine a GOP POTUS that they loathed.

The Left believes that same NatSec bureaucracy tried to save the country from an awful POTUS who was up to no good. Either way, a significant number of Americans now view the IC through a partisan lens. The IC can be indignant, or acknowledge a big problem & deal with reality.

Last year, the IC's career analytic ombudsman found that intel "analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tend to disagree with the [Trump] admin’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intel used to support those policies."

DNI @JohnRatcliffe accurately articulated some of the IC's politicization issues, based on the ombudsman's findings and his (our) personal experience, in a brief but impactful letter to Congress that can be read here: https://www.scribd.com/document/491038048/Ratcliffe-Views-on-Intelligence-Community-Election-Security-Analysis

Numerous former top Intel officials have become intense partisan TV pundits (e.g. JohnBrennan), and others have leveraged their NatSec credentials to influence elections, like this brazen letter designed to discredit the legit Hunter Biden laptop story.

Back to the present, the CIA has published a forty-page account of Trump being a "unique challenge" that many credible people both inside and outside the IC are viewing as an attack on the former and perhaps future President.

Publishing this shows either a profound lack of self-awareness by IC leaders or a wanton disregard for the impact of public trust on their ability to perform their mission. The IC has real issues with internal politics & a big PR problem with a large chunk of the American people.

The IC is in need of some enterprise-wide self-reflection and a dose of humility. And IC leaders need to develop sober, unbiased, unshaded analyses about not only the threats facing the country, but also the IC's own mistakes, problems & shortcomings. US NatSec depends on it.



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758139  No.15116877

File: 35c2f872e338992⋯.png (90.06 KB, 806x642, 403:321, 1.png)



Comirnaty - UK

Patient Information Leaflet for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech

"Comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine (nucleoside modified) tozinameran"


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678ed1  No.15116878


Conclusion: The CIA sounds like a bunch of entitled, spoiled children. Mature adults don't write things like this.

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0f92bc  No.15116879

File: 3b5c91214fc8a9d⋯.png (226.36 KB, 425x398, 425:398, CAPS.png)


> really bad joke



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a3d31c  No.15116880

>>15114832 (pb)

> Anon Opine, Imagine that Roe v Wade gets overturned

>riot riot riot riot

Nah…won't ever happen.

Roberts already strong-armed his Court, verbally abusing them that "cities across the Nation would burn if they voted to hear the State of Texas, plus the 4 Swing States', Election Fraud Lawsuit" almost a year ago this week.

Robert's manufactured a constitutionally infirm decision denying the Texas lawsuit based on an alleged procedural "lack of standing" argument.

Jurists across the Nation uniformly scoffed at Robert's argument: "if sovereign states don't have 'standing' before the U.S. Supreme Court to sue other states [the swing states with massive election fraud], WHERE ELSE would states have 'standing' to resolve a case or controversy against another state?". The answer to this question is "nowhere".

This is why the 2020 Presidential Election fraud MUST be addressed. Not a single court, state or federal, had the spine to review THE EVIDENCE of ANY of the numerous election fraud cases which were brought after Nov. 3, 2021. Instead, like the Roberts' Court did with the Texas case, they ALL denied or dismissed each and every one of the election fraud lawsuits based on various manufactured procedural arguments.

So, no. Roberts WILL NOT overturn Roe because he hasn't the stomach to face the army of thugs which would be set loose by the corrupt and traitorous members of the Uniparty to burn everything down.

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9a4da8  No.15116881


sorry, ma'am…won't make eye contact with the retards, errr patients, again.

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0f92bc  No.15116882


>entitled, spoiled children

Entitled spoiled children don't kill and maim people who get in their way

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5d6b4a  No.15116883


With a Ford Explorer, Sure!

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f5d691  No.15116884

File: 34d1bae016fac1b⋯.png (1.17 MB, 717x717, 1:1, Screenshot_2021_12_01_at_1….png)

Vienna, Austria

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def379  No.15116885

File: 52eb4b5266209e8⋯.png (1.18 MB, 822x912, 137:152, Screen_Shot_2021_12_01_at_….png)

Can any anon link me the Epstein flight log scans? I suck at finding them

Example to the left

Thank you & God bless.

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b9bb22  No.15116886

File: 67d31729d8f9bb5⋯.png (773.81 KB, 872x886, 436:443, Screen_Shot_2021_12_01_at_….png)

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0f92bc  No.15116887


>DJT Jr wants us to read


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6f486e  No.15116888

File: d8ca3c521739931⋯.jpeg (170.25 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1528743111.jpeg)

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baf7d1  No.15116889

File: 90060190b1bacf5⋯.png (969.37 KB, 1365x930, 91:62, Dec_1_t_shirts.png)

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27e063  No.15116890

File: e518a17ca2653bb⋯.png (15.88 KB, 402x179, 402:179, ClipboardImage.png)





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9a4da8  No.15116891


sounds like what your periodontist and roofing contractor keep telling you

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678ed1  No.15116892


Yes, they do.

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f951e9  No.15116893

Just remember. On Amazon under 10 dollar gifts you can get Trump Toilet paper.

But anyone else is censored.

I’m so sick of winning.

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0f92bc  No.15116894

File: 8c695874fe12d38⋯.png (113.35 KB, 280x180, 14:9, ClipboardImage.png)


She was good in "the shining"

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112fdb  No.15116895

File: cbe584519612ac5⋯.jpg (41.35 KB, 780x520, 3:2, isdfuhadsjhcbsdc3.jpg)

MARTINSBURG, WV: "A May 17, 2022, jury trial has been scheduled in the case alleging a nuclear engineer and his wife sold Navy restricted data to an unnamed foreign country after the case was given a complex case designation. Jonathan Smay Tobbee, 42, and Diana Smay Toebbe, 45, both of Annapolis, Maryland, are charged with conspiracy to communicate restricted data and two counts of communication of restricted data. This complex designation was filed in the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia ahead of the deadline previously set for today, when a plea hearing was to be filed. The Toebbes, who remain incarcerated pending the trial, face up to life in prison, a $100,000 fine and five years of supervised release, per count. Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, the actual sentence imposed will be based upon the seriousness of the offenses and the prior criminal history, if any, of the defendant. The restricted data, concerning the design of nuclear powered warships, was allegedly sold to a person they believed was a representative of a foreign power."


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9a4da8  No.15116896

File: 082f47848605367⋯.png (50.83 KB, 196x261, 196:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f92bc  No.15116897

File: 1bd5cdb51651cc1⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 694x643, 694:643, skittles_gray_pride_NPC.jpg)



have a skittle brah

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8a12cb  No.15116898

File: cf1f1e85d30e81d⋯.jpg (76.85 KB, 600x335, 120:67, FireFauci4.jpg)

File: f4c0724560db2a5⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 600x335, 120:67, LyingPuppyTorturer5.jpg)

File: d3b27c9ed7380d6⋯.jpg (95.39 KB, 600x335, 120:67, FireFauci3.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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0f92bc  No.15116899

File: ed6b571f7ae8622⋯.png (226.61 KB, 500x343, 500:343, minorities.png)


Next step.

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cd2de2  No.15116900

File: 62dd512278c003c⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 501x524, 501:524, DARK_2_LIGHT.jpg)

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dee9bd  No.15116901

File: 5d63de7f0dbb136⋯.jpg (5.51 KB, 183x275, 183:275, image000002.jpg)


Gitty up…

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1e48d0  No.15116902

still getting stalked by Q_eer lucre

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a0be7d  No.15116903


The Trump Family gave EVERYTHING and risked EVERYTHING to give humanity an opportunity to seize freedom.

Most can already see and feel it. Some can't.

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90b9ea  No.15116904

You are banned! ;_;

You have been banned from /qresearch/ for an unspecified reason.

Your ban was filed on Wednesday 1 December, 2021 and will not expire.

Your IP address is …bCEkBcQu.

If you use a proxy or VPN service, this ban might not be intended for you because proxies share IPs between users. Unfortunately, other users of the proxy might be using it to post illegal content or spam the boards.

You were banned for the following post on /qresearch/:

Anonymous 12/01/21 (Wed) 19:28:46 48ce18 No.15115265

File: ae659098bdaae4c⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 474x266, 237:133, this.jpg)


I'm worried about you BV Do you have the newest variant covid-shillacron-x ?

Are You currently having issues such as the following:

Having trouble discerning Evil from the House it's inhabiting?

Having trouble representing a moral authority as BV?

having trouble with the fact your a homo?

Find yourself doing things homo's would do?

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You appealed this ban on Wednesday 1 December, 2021 and it was denied. You may not appeal this ban again.

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Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group

vichan Copyright © 2012-2014 vichan-devel

infinity Copyright © 2013-2021 N.T. Technology, Inc. based on sources from Fredrick Brennan's "Infinity Development Group"

OpenIB by Code Monkey ★

All posts on 8kun are the responsibility of the individual poster and not the administration of 8kun, pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 230.

We have not been served any secret court orders and are not under any gag orders. faggot BV banned mr cuz I called him homo!

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1e48d0  No.15116905


yuge reveals

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9a4da8  No.15116906

File: 6d9b3b0c48e6080⋯.png (51.39 KB, 247x180, 247:180, ClipboardImage.png)

"if I only had an SUV, I might have gotten away with it"

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1e48d0  No.15116907

/gapechan/ hard

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d0bfa3  No.15116908

File: 5d85d6411e07a0b⋯.jpeg (166.34 KB, 950x501, 950:501, 42915FD5_8866_444C_945E_5….jpeg)

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0f92bc  No.15116909

File: 427caf1bc079169⋯.png (69 KB, 200x263, 200:263, ClipboardImage.png)


>Ford Explorer

What was his middle name, and why not?

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b7205e  No.15116910

We CIA now, lmao.

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678ed1  No.15116911


Did you read that whole chapter? I wouldn't trust them to shovel shit.

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dee9bd  No.15116912

File: 6447a13d3efd943⋯.jpg (171.78 KB, 1200x1789, 1200:1789, image000001.jpg)

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0eded5  No.15116913


there is a prob with the theory

its fake and gay

the clock is set

the Budget



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: fbc52d No.17290 📁

Dec 1 2017 00:09:33 (EST)

Be here tomorrow.

The story unfolds.


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32a90e  No.15116914

File: 9e2951336305d5a⋯.jpg (557.81 KB, 1890x1935, 42:43, lightbrngr.jpg)

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1e48d0  No.15116915


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cd2de2  No.15116916

File: 96f4622d1d12ac2⋯.png (25.05 KB, 529x246, 529:246, Screenshot_2021_12_01_1947….png)

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7ac5c2  No.15116917

File: 780549a34077fcb⋯.jpeg (722.22 KB, 662x985, 662:985, 9775B9D2_1B4D_48DE_8142_5….jpeg)



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212148  No.15116918

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1e48d0  No.15116919

precious metals fart stopper

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f5d691  No.15116920

File: f632b80dfb93856⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB, 720x720, 1:1, UPDATE_Navy_nuclear_engine….mp4)

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0f92bc  No.15116921

File: 84c4b508108e639⋯.png (294.48 KB, 583x714, 583:714, rush_limbaugh_you_know_I_m….png)


Changing the subject is weak. Address the issues at hand.

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1e48d0  No.15116922

rhinestone cowboy

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62d6bc  No.15116923

>>15116296 LB


This is NOT a drill"

Wonder what it could be?

Potato strokes out/dies? (D5 funeral? Out funds, gotta be a fast funeral. No money.)

VPH. U. takes the lead? Appoints Butt Edge Edge, edging out Peloshi?

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6f486e  No.15116924

File: 77c75f0b73a1cb0⋯.jpeg (688.58 KB, 1440x1225, 288:245, 1527087145.jpeg)

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1e48d0  No.15116925


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f5d691  No.15116926

File: 7192bcc9c09b815⋯.png (581.46 KB, 520x694, 260:347, vindmanfanone.png)

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1e48d0  No.15116927


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1e48d0  No.15116928

flapping curtains

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f5d691  No.15116929

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB, 494x247, 2:1, GhislaineAmanpour.png)

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27e063  No.15116930

File: 93d6bc57708f030⋯.jpg (147.78 KB, 960x726, 160:121, killitwithfire.jpg)

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1e48d0  No.15116931

darth vader retires

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a0be7d  No.15116932


The Trumps ARE the subject. They will be defended because they defended BILLIONS from death and darkness

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1e48d0  No.15116933


juanus syndrome

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7a4e47  No.15116934


Plus the israel shilling

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3c06a9  No.15116935

File: 033091580a1db5d⋯.pdf (9.06 MB, epstein_flight_manifests.pdf)

File: fde07f4d64eb013⋯.png (129.49 KB, 643x467, 643:467, Screenshot_from_2021_12_01….png)


>Can any anon link me the Epstein flight log scans? I suck at finding them

got a few versions. including the scans apparently

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6b4405  No.15116936


The last few minutes are the best. "I think you'll be happy in the future".

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d0bfa3  No.15116937

File: d9b504fc5cf7557⋯.jpeg (17.22 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 94BD7B83_DE8E_444E_A2FF_5….jpeg)


Again and again

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767009  No.15116938

File: 1d4e9e69ea0686e⋯.png (120.11 KB, 352x315, 352:315, clipboard_image.png)



The perfect holiday gift.


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a75fbf  No.15116939

Wealth = power.

Power = influence.

Influence = control.

Control = wealth.

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fb1f6a  No.15116940

Charges filed in Michigan school shooting that left 4 dead

Authorities said they found a video made the day before the attack in which the suspect threatened to shoot and kill students and a journal where he wrote about murdering classmates.

Authorities said the teen used a handgun purchased by his father on Black Friday, days before the attack. McDonald said her office was considering criminal charges against the suspect's parents. She said responsible gun ownership is crucial to helping stop tragedies, and "those who do not do that should be – and will be – held accountable."

December 1, 2021


Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

Be the autists we know you are.

You were chosen for a specific reason.



Austin high school put on lockdown over reports of students with gun

The school said all students and teachers were safe — and all students were accounted for.


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1e48d0  No.15116941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gape judge mad at gape nostalgia gapenings

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eb0306  No.15116942


and darragh roche is who? smh. anyway, Trump needs to be re-instated, he doesnt need to run. so? fuck darragh roche, is what this American says.

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f5d691  No.15116943

File: 3b757b2bd298791⋯.mp4 (12.43 MB, 256x144, 16:9, 9convert_com_Kyle_Rittenho….mp4)

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7ac5c2  No.15116944

File: cbdcb5594499c40⋯.jpeg (107.62 KB, 1125x1227, 375:409, 70544037_FBC8_4571_B5E4_B….jpeg)

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a0be7d  No.15116945

File: e9ae7910e75ef23⋯.png (731.23 KB, 690x643, 690:643, Qplus_and_Kyle.png)

File: 04e911b9839957a⋯.jpg (97.9 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, eric.jpg)

File: fb76f3711f6678c⋯.jpg (101.78 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, mt.jpg)

File: d18fad972f979ff⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, trump_defends_ivanka_jared….jpg)

File: dae7e0ba429b905⋯.jpg (156.28 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, ivanka.jpg)

What good are billions of dollars if you can't use them to change the world for the better.

Advantage - Trump

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f5d691  No.15116946

File: e97f5c9aebb3d59⋯.mp4 (5.84 MB, 1036x606, 518:303, full_clip_with_info_and_ms….mp4)

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0f92bc  No.15116947

File: 78af3bc92129a9a⋯.png (555.54 KB, 960x479, 960:479, ghislaine_maxwell_john_cus….png)


Cusack is spooky too

Also personality match

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dda36c  No.15116948


And I'd use every bit of that kit.

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06c9a9  No.15116949

File: 7bf8dc5d03dfa0b⋯.png (38.46 KB, 550x429, 50:39, ClipboardImage.png)


Shalom, anon.

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0f92bc  No.15116950


they literally have the same risk of getting covid and transmitting it

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f5d691  No.15116951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris Cuomo Comments on CNN Suspension

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9a4da8  No.15116952

File: 9391f6dbf4434f5⋯.png (970.01 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


maria callus ; vampire?

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8962b4  No.15116953

File: d77c04525205df5⋯.png (94.17 KB, 288x170, 144:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea5b86  No.15116954


Reported for Ban Evasion violation.

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dee9bd  No.15116955

File: 0ae4753b50a9436⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 301x480, 301:480, flabby.jpg)






Marina Abramovic

Witchcraft takes a toll on a world-class witch's booty.

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d34ad8  No.15116956


rosary is the biggest weapon

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cbef00  No.15116957

File: 4f200f8b8230281⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 1080x355, 216:71, holy_family.jpg)

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def379  No.15116958


Thank you!

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3c06a9  No.15116959

File: d30f3807f9e2b0a⋯.pdf (3.21 MB, flight_logs_1_.pdf)

File: 78185f88ead75d4⋯.png (76.49 KB, 1312x374, 656:187, Screenshot_from_2021_12_01….png)

File: e9ed2be5e3381bf⋯.png (31.19 KB, 1165x131, 1165:131, Screenshot_from_2021_12_01….png)

File: c02a6bc4e64c226⋯.png (49.75 KB, 1135x213, 1135:213, Screenshot_from_2021_12_01….png)


>Can any anon link me the Epstein flight log


>got a few versions.

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dda36c  No.15116960


But that's already with you

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678ed1  No.15116961


Because NBC is the CIA. Hello. Of course the New York office can track a vehicle. Anybody fucking home? How fucking hard is this? They hired Brennan ffs They literally tell you to your fucking face.

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9a4da8  No.15116962


Matthew 6:7?

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0f92bc  No.15116963

File: 6b86ed3fbb8febb⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 640x360, 16:9, state_dept_spiked_Trump_ad….mp4)

personal covid report

this is a serious virus

family member took all the recommended things, better in about a week.

First sign "worst headache I've ever had" for 2 days.

Next day - no sense of smell or taste.

I interpret that this thing shoots up to the brain and kills cells/nerves associated with smell, like a seek and destroy mission

Then just tired and achey for a week, and gradually getting smell and taste back

It's definitely an advanced bioweapon. Not like the flu or a cold.

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90b9ea  No.15116964

File: 6d6d7e76d315d98⋯.gif (3.07 MB, 480x260, 24:13, sure_ok.gif)

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fed24c  No.15116965

File: db1606247085d8f⋯.png (710.23 KB, 1078x835, 1078:835, ClipboardImage.png)



Barker is on strike

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3d153b  No.15116966

File: 970879804e7f169⋯.png (236.91 KB, 608x336, 38:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b79ff020055124e⋯.png (129.53 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 724da468a6c1822⋯.png (324.19 KB, 681x383, 681:383, ClipboardImage.png)


William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies, an allegorical novel, as a response to George Orwell's fantasy Animal Farm,. Where the bosses on Orwell's farm were Russian commissars pigs, "the most equal" of all, the animals in Golding's fantasy were human children who revert to savagery when shipwrecked.

To backpedo slightly

Golding in his response insists that as bad as tyrannies, the evil nature of mankind permits no other form of government. That our ungovernable passions, our greed, can only be ruled by the whip of mind control; or just the whip.

Event the innocent, unimproved state of childhood, when left on their own, even well brought up human children go cannibal and commence demon worship.

Lord of the Flies is "demoralization IO" it induces a belief that man's nature is evil, the state knows best etc.

Golding's Lord of the Flies was made into a movie twice to get this message out; first in '63 and then again in 1990, and in that second naked boy epic a gay director called "Harry Hook" was in charge.

Interesting because the lead boy actor, in the second of two satanic smears of human nature, was young Balthazar Getty, heir to one of the most publicized satanic bloodlines in the world.



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2d3218  No.15116967


Is it any wonder, Maxwell's only complaint is the accommodations

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1afc2f  No.15116968



ANON 45 , I have the ball , Green and Good , WWG1WGA Let GO ! Post #chk'd , Love Always Pilotorb ❤Godspeed

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948941  No.15116969

File: 62e3919335b550e⋯.png (618.25 KB, 1286x962, 643:481, B4A3E95B_0186_4A55_8F3E_19….png)

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fed24c  No.15116970


Oh, nevermind looks like you're a retard

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0f92bc  No.15116971


>no sense of smell or taste.

And I mean literally none. Like can't smell a dirty diaper, at all.

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f91e5c  No.15116972



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f5d691  No.15116973

File: 8bdbcf787edb5d3⋯.png (835.23 KB, 756x768, 63:64, ClipboardImage.png)


>rosary is the biggest weapon

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2d3218  No.15116974

File: c07b55e155fe1a8⋯.jpg (132.45 KB, 720x1087, 720:1087, 20211201_183237.jpg)

How about now?

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32a90e  No.15116975

File: a901e4806faa38f⋯.png (849.78 KB, 1336x822, 668:411, bbe49710984ad485fd2cc131d3….png)


its never the physical thing, but your mind, you.

where the magic happens

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def379  No.15116976


FANTASTIC ANON, thank you!


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dee9bd  No.15116977

File: 10702caa6bd09f6⋯.png (125.15 KB, 559x561, 559:561, jjuu.png)

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fed24c  No.15116978


Oh nevermind looks like I'm a retard

a gettr ''sweepstakes"? LMFAO

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cbef00  No.15116979

File: f8670df078a5998⋯.jpg (127.45 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, King_Solomon.jpg)

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2d3218  No.15116980

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f977ed  No.15116981

File: 52bcd7b7267640c⋯.png (57.83 KB, 792x366, 132:61, cia_pedophiles.PNG)

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets.

The revelations are contained in hundreds of internal agency reports obtained by BuzzFeed News through Freedom of Information Act lawsuits.

One employee had sexual contact with a 2-year-old and a 6-year-old. He was fired. A second employee purchased three sexually explicit videos of young girls, filmed by their mothers. He resigned. A third employee estimated that he had viewed up to 1,400 sexually abusive images of children while on agency assignments. The records do not say what action, if any, the CIA took against him. A contractor who arranged for sex with an undercover FBI agent posing as a child had his contract revoked.

Only one of the individuals cited in these documents was charged with a crime. In that case, as in the only previously known case of a CIA staffer being charged with child sexual crimes, the employee was also under investigation for mishandling classified material.

The CIA did not answer detailed questions, saying only that the agency “takes all allegations of possible criminal misconduct committed by personnel seriously.”

A spokesperson for the Eastern District of Virginia, where many of the criminal referrals were sent, also did not answer detailed questions, saying the district “takes seriously its responsibility to hold accountable federal government employees who violate federal law within our jurisdiction.”

Four former officials who are familiar with how internal investigations work at intelligence agencies told BuzzFeed News there are many reasons that prosecutors might not pursue a criminal case. One of them, familiar with the workings of the CIA’s Office of the Inspector General, said the agency is concerned that in a criminal case, it could lose control of sensitive information.

The former official, who reviewed the declassified inspector general reports, characterized the concern from CIA lawyers as, “We can’t have these people testify, they may inadvertently be forced to disclose sources and methods.”


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06c9a9  No.15116982

File: 44d81b9af27df84⋯.png (127.81 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)


Dis(fake fist slam)graceful!

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8962b4  No.15116983

File: b8b1a5675cae6a8⋯.png (85.52 KB, 296x349, 296:349, ClipboardImage.png)


Jane Doe 15 and Rachel Chandler are an exact match!

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3d153b  No.15116984

File: a474b9f4dc57f03⋯.png (143.8 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

No race, no people has ever been free from slavery, either as slave or as master. Every race and every people ever enslaved became at every opportunity enslavers themselves:

Greek enslaved by Greek in the time of Aristotle, black enslaved by black since time immemorial in Africa and in the 19'th century, the American south. Slavery was never predicated on race except as circumstances rendered it. Many of the vast number of slaves of ancient Rome were fair skinned, fair haired Germans and Anglo Saxons.

The universal truth of slavery, that it has been throughout history one of the defining manifestations of human nature, has been suppressed both by history and by that nature.

The enduring myth that slavery was imposed on Africa by outside forces, that it was introduced by the Portuguese in 1444, is belied by the fact that slavery and the slave trade were ancient and commonplace within Africa long before the arrival of any white slaver. (The trans-Sahara slave trade route between West and North Africa likely had it's beginnings as early as 1000 B.C., hundreds of years before the Ethiopians, long enslaved by Egypt, conquered and gave to Egypt its Twenty-Fifth Dynasty; hundreds of years before Homer wrote in the Iliad that half the soul of man was lost when "the day of slavery" came upon him.")

"Slavery was widespread in Africa," writes Professor John Thornton in Africa and the Africans in 'The Making of the Atlantic World, 1400 - 1800,' "because slaves were the only form of private, revenue producing property recognized in African law."

To the 'odehye' - the freeborn - elite of West Africa, the outside forces of Europe, England and the Americas imposed no evil, but merely presented a new market, increased demand, and lucrative new export opportunities that the indigenous powers welcomed and readily exploited.

We bewail our past as slaves - experienced or ancestral, real or fancied - but never commemorate our enslavement of others.

Only circumstance separates slave from master; and for much of history, freedom and the will to enslave have been one. The oppressed, in the blessing of their deliverance, become the oppressors.

"The ox," said Aristotle, "is the poor man's slave."

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9ac965  No.15116985

File: 988e49db6596c65⋯.png (82.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


collecting bread 19122 noa

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8173b6  No.15116986

File: 9a2ab04876f9387⋯.gif (3.02 MB, 480x480, 1:1, KubrickCollage.gif)

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678ed1  No.15116987


Beelzebub is another name for Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of Hell. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the "Lord of the Flyers", or the "Lord of the Flies".


It's satanic horseshit from cover to cover.

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444279  No.15116988


No logs for Ghislaine's two choppers?

Sikorsky S-76C

nicknamed Air Ghislaine 2


Bell 430

You would think those logs have the best dirt.

Jeffrey Epstein paid for Ghislaine Maxwell pilot's license and then bought her this $4M executive helicopter so she could ferry underage girls to his 'Pedophile Island'

Jeffrey Epstein paid for his closest aide Ghislaine Maxwell pilot's license and then bought her a $4m executive helicopter, DailyMail.com can reveal

The pedophile splashed out on a Sikorsky S-76C - nicknamed Air Ghislaine 2 - so she could transport a tranche of girls to Little St James in the US Virgin Islands

Maxwell has been accused of acting as Epstein's Madam, grooming underage girls for her boss to allegedly sexually abuse

Maxwell would pick up the billionaire's visitors from Cyril E. King Airport on St Thomas Island and transport them directly to the 70-acre Epstein property

The 57-year-old received her pilot's license to fly helicopters in 2007 - the same year Epstein struck a sweetheart non-prosecution deal with the Florida DA

Epstein bought Maxwell the helicopter in 2008 and photos obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com, show the interior of the luxury twin turboshaft chopper

Epstein later replaced the Sikorsky with a modern Bell 430 chopper which Maxwell also flew and then piloted by Epstein's personal pilot Larry Visoski

DailyMail.com revealed on Wednesday that Maxwell has been hiding out at her boyfriend's home in Manchester-by-the-Sea outside of Boston


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f5d691  No.15116989

File: d88dfd76d8926b4⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DISGRACEFUL.mp4)

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db92d1  No.15116990

Just because they suck, doesn't mean they aren't vampires

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fed24c  No.15116991


Spoiler that shit, nigga

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0f92bc  No.15116992


> only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime

cool just like cops then

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ea5b86  No.15116994


Reported for Unauthorized Strike violation.

Reported for Unionization Efforts violation as backup charge.

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dee9bd  No.15116995

File: 03f1f788a96e4fb⋯.jpg (132.26 KB, 1600x1121, 1600:1121, image000000.jpg)

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34a9fa  No.15116996



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3c06a9  No.15116997

File: 5453a5249cf73a3⋯.png (79.22 KB, 894x309, 298:103, Screenshot_from_2021_12_01….png)

File: ba31bda1a41fec7⋯.png (86.78 KB, 939x363, 313:121, Screenshot_from_2021_12_01….png)

File: 0f894846e374e1c⋯.pdf (95.28 KB, text_EpsteinFlightLogs_MLe….pdf)

File: 9e90a52b99713a3⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 255x228, 85:76, Thumbs_Up_Pepe.jpg)



>Can any anon link me the Epstein flight log


>got a few versions.


>Thank you!


>FANTASTIC ANON, thank you!


save them when I see em since you never know if one has moar info than the others.

Someone needs to drop the extra FAA data that was on Business Insider paywall recently. Dont have that.

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fcddd9  No.15116998


Fuggin incredible find Anon!!

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ba5024  No.15116999


I have not seen a photo of JD15 that would reveal if she was crosseyed or not. Does it exist?

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f5d691  No.15117000

File: 19bf082ddf224c0⋯.png (166.09 KB, 394x522, 197:261, faucipoint.png)


>Lord of the Flies

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9ac965  No.15117001

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beaaf8  No.15117002

File: 2073e56a863de3d⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 524x659, 524:659, nature_mountains.jpg)


Shills really laying it on.

At the heart of our work is the desire for truth and the desire to be free. That has never changed.

Q brought u together and together we stand.

We will fight.

We will win.

We will never give up.


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9a4da8  No.15117003

File: 88e669f53b67fff⋯.png (53.01 KB, 196x198, 98:99, ClipboardImage.png)



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beaaf8  No.15117004

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333b73  No.15117005

File: 07ebf766e31ec8b⋯.png (1017.82 KB, 850x563, 850:563, girl_pepe_2nd_amendment_ca….png)

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f68d6b  No.15117006

File: 3d712fc82635680⋯.png (127.93 KB, 427x473, 427:473, arg.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [01.12.21 15:53]

[ Video ]

Professor Lee Jones makes a succinct argument against vaccine mandates citing the Nuremberg Code, an age based risk-to-benefit analysis, and the studies showing that these mRNA gene therapy shots do not stop transmission.

"To my mind there is no case for coercion, there is no case for vaccine mandates, and these people should not be losing their jobs just because they want to exercise their right of bodily autonomy."


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fed24c  No.15117007


Your notifying of the authorities has been noted.

Please stand by while we notarize your report.

Expect a notification.

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beaaf8  No.15117008

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5047cd  No.15117009





>>15115145 Australian Police Arrest 3 Teens for Allegedly Fleeing CCP Virus Quarantine Facility

>>15115156 “You’re Not on FOX. Please Stop!” – EPIC. Steve Bannon SHUTS DOWN Nigel Farage Over Downplaying Nov. 3 Movement During Live Interview

>>15115180 Stephanie Eichenberg's resignation was accepted Tuesday, according to a media release from TPS TOLEDO, Ohio — The Toledo Public Schools Board

>>15115202 “Why are athletes collapsing?” Dr Andreas Noack full clip

>>15115191, >>15115212 ANGELS DON‘T PLAY THIS HAARP

>>15115233 Marine corps made hydrogen could refuel army's new carbon conscious eco-tanks.

>>15115239 Maxwell Trial Updates

>>15115247 TAYLOR COUNTY, Fla. (WTXL) — Taylor County Schools superintendent Dr. Danny Glover, Jr. announced Friday in an email to school board members that he will be resigning effective Dec. 1.

>>15115261 Yunji Inc. Announces Resignation of Wei Ye as Executive President Effective December 1, 2021

>>15115262 FAKE NEWS pushing Ghislaine Maxwell’s accuser questioned about her memory of events at Jeffrey Epstein’s house

>>15115280 CDC Has Identified First Case Of Omicron Variant In The US

>>15115295 US Pegasus rocket debris to approach space station on December 3 — Roscosmos:

>>15115315 NYC Schools Chancellor Meisha Ross Porter announces resignation

>>15115331, >>15115534, >>15115573, >>15115594, >>15115842 PF Reports

>>15115345 Wisconsin Mayors Targeted Amid GOP-Ordered Election Probe

>>15115353 U.S. Army @USArmy Eyes and ears of the battlefield! Collision symbol

>>15115359, >>15115490 Fauci Announces Nation’s First Case of Omicron Covid Variant — A Fully Vaccinated Traveler from California

>>15115366 Mayor Warren will resign by Dec. 1 after accepting plea deal

>>15115497, >>15115522, >>15115523, >>15115532, >>15115539, >>15115542, >>15115547, >>15115565, >>15115572, >>15115579, >>15115582, >>15115600, >>15115605, >>15115607, >>15115613, >>15115620, >>15115626, >>15115629, >>15115632, >>15115637, >>15115639, >>15115641, >>15115648, >>15115650, >>15115669, >>15115743, >>15115750, >>15115763, >>15115774, >>15115798, >>15115814, >>15115815, >>15115833, >>15115888, >>15115890 Merry Christmas to all the original anons from 8Chan.

>>15115519 How The FBI Raid On Project Veritas Helped Protect The New York Times

>>15115585 Big Pharma Singles Out, Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors

>>15115674 Doctor who oversaw Epstein autopsy quits

>>15115709 Stacey Abrams Running For Governor Of Georgia

>>15115776 Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud


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8a12cb  No.15117010

File: e9abe093ec525b0⋯.jpg (100.82 KB, 600x335, 120:67, GrammarTips.jpg)


Fix the text at the top: TOO many, not to.

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f68d6b  No.15117011

File: 99c26f939dba12e⋯.png (51.81 KB, 428x382, 214:191, wiz.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [01.12.21 17:43]

[Forwarded from The Election Wizard]

Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It's a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years.

Here is the quick takeaway: By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of death allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.

Bear in mind; this is Pfizer's own data. Here's the link: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

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fed24c  No.15117012

File: 1bb1c42a17ba4f4⋯.png (889.83 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 28862ecb1637f1c7bae2be3d67….png)

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8962b4  No.15117013

File: 39272a7cda4fe13⋯.png (402.01 KB, 762x706, 381:353, DaliWolverine.png)

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9a4da8  No.15117014



me great grammy from the old country called him 'old scratch' …whatever that meant

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5047cd  No.15117015


No, I've collected them.

Please look at #19123 >>15115920


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97c820  No.15117016

File: a4c1680e43d3bbb⋯.png (117.77 KB, 399x311, 399:311, 1551639096768.png)


put a pepe on that shit already.

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5047cd  No.15117017

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f5d691  No.15117018

File: 53afde88d7398b1⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB, 720x720, 1:1, This_is_a_historic_moment_….mp4)

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7ac5c2  No.15117019

File: c5939fad4cec9aa⋯.jpeg (420.1 KB, 663x727, 663:727, CD0F056C_CDFE_4180_A750_4….jpeg)


Do you even vax??

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cbef00  No.15117020

File: ad07d2d64c87a23⋯.jpg (98.28 KB, 600x400, 3:2, twp1.jpg)

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6b4405  No.15117021


Every home should have one.


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f5d691  No.15117022

File: 1ccb5dfc1cdf5bc⋯.png (85.18 KB, 393x386, 393:386, ready.png)


>Anons are too smart to fall for the traps laid out.

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06c9a9  No.15117023

File: 48ccd88845b4e0d⋯.png (23.45 KB, 639x426, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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5047cd  No.15117024

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f68d6b  No.15117025

File: ed9f539e9624868⋯.png (11.99 KB, 670x124, 335:62, oh.png)


UH OH: Another Top Democrat Announces Plans to Retire

Eric Thompson December 1, 2021

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678ed1  No.15117026


That's a new one on me. o7

Old Scratch or Mr. Scratch is a nickname or pseudonym for the Devil. The name likely comes from Middle English scrat, the name of a demon or goblin, derived from Old Norse skratte.


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788133  No.15117027

File: ba25ba4f0d77d63⋯.gif (2.58 MB, 320x480, 2:3, ba25ba4f0d77d6361bdfda2c83….gif)

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6546c9  No.15117028

File: 9db399b38409b0b⋯.png (826.6 KB, 609x1215, 203:405, Screenshot_2021_12_01_1723….png)

The evergreen is looking so good.


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ea5b86  No.15117029


Reported for Frivolous Abuse of Notable Nomination violation.

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fed24c  No.15117030

File: 12d8a40527d0f63⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 12d8a40527d0f63a9e08e93aa8….jpg)


Chaos in le kitchen

Too many anons stepping up

This strikes fear into the heart of shills

That would be, if these shills even had hearts

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beaaf8  No.15117031


>your mind, you, where the magic happens


but whatever keeps a body going….

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3c06a9  No.15117032


Thousand fucking pieces


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f68d6b  No.15117033

File: 30ad4fbd267b90b⋯.png (119.6 KB, 429x325, 33:25, c_h.png)


StormyPatriotJoe - Channel, [01.12.21 17:37]

[ Album ]

Nothing to see here

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3d153b  No.15117034

File: 59b68807b2e6a58⋯.png (269.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


That's the one

he's in the book/film. There are others, just as powerful who exert significant influence on persons unaware of their existence.

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327cd6  No.15117035


Maple Syrup, Bacon, Jalapeño Velveeta and Liquid Smoke. (not 4 flavors – 1 flavor.)

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db92d1  No.15117036

File: f1ca44a891aa98e⋯.png (187.88 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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dee9bd  No.15117037

File: 40ad0f8f5aedf5e⋯.jpg (50.58 KB, 500x623, 500:623, hfst.jpg)

File: e7c0b600adf65a8⋯.jpg (49.03 KB, 500x621, 500:621, Fungus.jpg)

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0f92bc  No.15117038


>(with Desantis as VP

death to mindless boomers

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7ac5c2  No.15117039

File: dc69213613c39c7⋯.jpeg (395.88 KB, 750x993, 250:331, 5C5D1E8A_6863_4198_AA65_6….jpeg)


he say he dindu nuffin


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f68d6b  No.15117040

File: 5d28508cfbef6e6⋯.png (156.5 KB, 422x573, 422:573, gra.png)


Australia Times, [01.12.21 08:46]

[Forwarded from The British News]

NEW - that‘s how Covid Pharma-Fascism kills people. Where is the solidarity of the Covid-Pharma-Killers with people who soon will die because of cancer?:

Up to 740,000 potential cancer cases have been "missed" since the first lockdown in the UK, according to a damning report.


🇬🇧 t.me/TheBritishNews

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a3d31c  No.15117041



Will look for them anon. Beware the confusion with these materials. The source for the document you've posted is a page from the FAA-required "Pilot's Logbook" which every licensed pilot carries with him/her to record flight time as pilot in command of whatever aircraft he is flying.

There are so many typed transcripts of these handwritten logbooks floating around which were used in the previous civil and criminal cases against Epstein.

The Boeing 727 "Lolita Express's" Tail Number is N908JE. Epstein's "fleet" of aircraft", the 727 and three smaller Gulfstreams' Tail Numbers all end in "JE".

So always make sure that your 'source' document is in handwriting, like the one posted, and make sure that the Tail Number is properly listed on the left side of each page.

Private pilots flying within CONUS are NOT required to list every passenger as there may not be enough space. This is why you see full names as well as initials.

Last, when you open the rectangular logbook, you will see the logged flight hours on the left. The right side of the page is used for other ancillary info which a pilot is required to log, i.e., instruction, check-out flights, maintenance, etc.

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7ac5c2  No.15117042


Desantis isn’t a boomer

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f5d691  No.15117043

File: 44a3ac37bca572f⋯.png (215.33 KB, 489x351, 163:117, ClipboardImage.png)

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929cd5  No.15117044

File: 67a3bb84c18318c⋯.jpeg (12.84 KB, 225x225, 1:1, F8A22BB8_A1FC_4A36_A800_2….jpeg)

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6b2b93  No.15117045

File: 8ecb1eedd576fab⋯.jpg (122.18 KB, 689x645, 689:645, BROTHERS_IN_ARMS.jpg)

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3d153b  No.15117046

File: 159a77ce18fb19f⋯.png (221.72 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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444279  No.15117047

File: 3d3959996628af5⋯.png (221.04 KB, 634x387, 634:387, ClipboardImage.png)


From the photo on dailymail

The S-76C tail# is N722JE


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847da0  No.15117048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rachel Maddow's Next Conspiracy Theory? - Austin Steinbart Live Interview

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f68d6b  No.15117049

File: 932873204d1ce2e⋯.png (63.35 KB, 1551x408, 517:136, cant.png)


Louisiana judge: Biden administration can't require health care workers to get vaccinated

By MARK BALLARD, The Advocate 22 hrs ago

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ea5b86  No.15117050


Reported for Mockery of a Doodle Pep Talk violation.

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f977ed  No.15117051

File: 56f3acab4efe5af⋯.png (197.83 KB, 558x271, 558:271, john_roberts_epstein_fligh….PNG)

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4fae7a  No.15117052

File: a4572ce2b17362f⋯.jpg (114.99 KB, 474x315, 158:105, Polish_20211201_055548454.jpg)



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d34ad8  No.15117053


yes it will!

I was praying the glorious mysteries on the Rosary today and realized something about the Decent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). In spite of the Apostles fear, their language barrier, education and so on… They proclaimed the Good News to everyone in their own language. I recalled how Q said the Truth is a force of nature. The Truth is another name for Jesus. So the Truth will prevail, regardless of our weakness.

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4c1c24  No.15117054

File: f96f0e6dd8456c1⋯.jpg (370.87 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FFeGRl_XIAI6VdJ.jpg)


>(with Desantis as VP


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3d153b  No.15117055

File: 741eafeae86fe58⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: b52640e8c7acec8⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 7c82f3f292b9422e006cae6f80….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)


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9a4da8  No.15117056


when cursing in whatever eastern european dialect she came from it sounded (phonetically) like this:

* bee-dite-zee-zed-hole

* yo-bempty-yu-ska-ratz-suh

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f68d6b  No.15117057

File: 64d23ebbc06e5f6⋯.png (35.75 KB, 425x262, 425:262, micro.png)


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [01.12.21 17:45]


Military Under a Microscope and Federal Employees Entitled to Religious Exemption - Liberty Counsel


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f5d691  No.15117058

File: 6ebf79417cb2d84⋯.png (809.39 KB, 523x930, 523:930, ClipboardImage.png)




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7ac5c2  No.15117059

File: e60cfe797126b98⋯.jpeg (494.01 KB, 750x974, 375:487, 4FE47649_6E1B_4850_B7FE_2….jpeg)


Why isn’t he being charged with Terrorism like the Michigan high school kid was?


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d6f891  No.15117060

File: d848c56d5ac1088⋯.png (506.34 KB, 684x1316, 171:329, Penadur_Welsh.png)

File: 97bf025177d1183⋯.jpg (49.32 KB, 1280x576, 20:9, IMG_20210817_165534_008.jpg)

Melania Knavs

Born into the cult

Of the intelligence agencies

Who breed children

To becom MK Ultra disposable assassins and super soldiers and red sparrow sex slaves.

She was saved

Along with many others

By the Batman

Millionaire playboy by day

And undercover crimefighter by night

Helped by his trusty sidekick Robin

Who the cult tried to discredit

By claiming he was a red nose alcoholic

Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer

Turns out those reins could not stop Rudy Giuliani

And he with his partner Donald Trump

Found growing numbers of

Retired, Extremely Dangerousintelligence agents

Who joined them in a far ranging movement

To liberate the world from the control

Of P,Penadur of the Phoenicians

Who have enslaved us for thousands of years



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dee9bd  No.15117061

File: 3c58c9774d01414⋯.jpg (58.26 KB, 500x797, 500:797, 5wa5wk.jpg)

Famous man circled.

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948941  No.15117062

File: ff04af27c789c1a⋯.png (635.32 KB, 720x831, 240:277, 4C1DDF99_C27B_473E_9035_96….png)

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4fae7a  No.15117063

File: 117e358e3990eea⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 362x376, 181:188, HUMOROUS_IMAGE.jpg)

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06c9a9  No.15117064

File: 2501cdb57767adc⋯.png (70.06 KB, 512x410, 256:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Ronny Jackson … Over the target.

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3d153b  No.15117065

File: 2a6d3fb88b81d87⋯.jpg (242.21 KB, 1030x1383, 1030:1383, 3b093b6b366f05528ea957d59e….jpg)

File: 4b0ee0c68afa8cd⋯.jpeg (144.78 KB, 1480x834, 740:417, 3e5f27253510ad9e2973631fa….jpeg)

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788133  No.15117066


he black

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6b4405  No.15117067


One of PDJT's biggest nemesis especially during COVID surprised everyone and won't be running. Mr. Vaccine Mandate.

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker will not seek re-election in 2022


Gov. Charlie Baker announced Wednesday that he will not seek re-election to the state's highest office in 2022.

The 65-year-old Republican said he and Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito would not seek a third term.

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6b2b93  No.15117068

File: b89353f06237888⋯.jpg (110.59 KB, 487x594, 487:594, RENT_FREE_2.jpg)

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327cd6  No.15117069


First sentence:

"Briefing Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, president-elect, and president during his first few weeks in office presented the Intelligence Community (IC) with greater challenges than it had faced since the Central Intelligence Agency attempted to provide similar support to President-elect Richard Nixon 48 years before."

Yeah, it was a greater challenge to throw Trump under the bus like they did Nixon. Kek!!!!

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f5d691  No.15117070


>The CIA sounds like a bunch of entitled, spoiled children.

It's a good thing they're powerless.


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39550e  No.15117071


>Why isn’t he being charged with Terrorism like the Michigan high school kid was?

Stop being racist

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db92d1  No.15117072


Only white people are terrorists

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dc58e4  No.15117073

File: ec168b0fe061f14⋯.png (480.87 KB, 582x655, 582:655, Capture.PNG)

File: e9fa7370cba48b9⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wut.mp4)

ARIZONA: Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t get a guilty verdict because he was F*cking WHITE!”

“Kyle… killed black and brown people”

ASU socialists protest Kyle Rittenhouse attending online classes at the university even though he is no longer enrolled at the school


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f68d6b  No.15117074

File: 4f4a935f3cf3bb2⋯.png (44.27 KB, 425x361, 425:361, dr_ly.png)


Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff, [01.12.21 17:41]

Scottish Data released November 24:

1) 74% of the Covid hospitalizations in the past month are in the vaccinated (Table 19: 1,564 vaccinated + 559 unvaccinated = 2,123 total hospitalizations. 1,564 / 2,123 = 73.7%)

2) 89% of the Covid deaths in the past month are in the vaccinated (Table 20: 447 vaccinated + 54 unvaccinated. 447/501 = 89.4%)

Why are they mandating vaccination again?


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8962b4  No.15117075

File: ba14d0c7c1c7b07⋯.png (433.18 KB, 940x643, 940:643, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at this!


It's an exact match!

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67a967  No.15117076

File: 72b32c6d0748123⋯.png (2.16 MB, 2634x1942, 1317:971, EC423F25_8B1C_48FD_AD3A_51….png)

File: f4b31c9afa05a53⋯.png (1.85 MB, 2042x1592, 1021:796, 8D425908_ED2D_4715_B79F_C4….png)

93 94 2019

Happy Easter mofos.

Punch it in

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9a4da8  No.15117077


he is solid GenX ; he is the one they've been waiting for….not Kurt Cobain~

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c9de68  No.15117078

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6b2b93  No.15117079

File: 3dea90fb840482b⋯.jpg (143.71 KB, 805x608, 805:608, DOGE_FUSION.jpg)

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8e2054  No.15117080

File: 66c4e9c14e0b4f4⋯.jpg (66 KB, 537x407, 537:407, ZomboMeme_07082021192114.jpg)

Life in the Vaxx Lane

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dee9bd  No.15117081

File: 35cf37c83574cdb⋯.png (182.51 KB, 423x472, 423:472, downloadfile_1.png)


Because he's black and retarded.

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4c1c24  No.15117082

File: 3828ab51dd08900⋯.png (428.24 KB, 535x652, 535:652, Screenshot_2021_12_01_at_2….png)


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d34ad8  No.15117083


you had to IP hop to say that attention name-fagging board parasite crying in full caps-lock… sad little tranny doge

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f68d6b  No.15117084

File: 09930819c402d12⋯.png (42.58 KB, 431x275, 431:275, epi.png)


Dr. Lynn Fynn’s Science Enlightenment Channel & Stuff, [01.12.21 17:50]

It’s so difficult for them to just say it- the vaccines do not work! All risk and no real public health benefit!



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7ac5c2  No.15117085

File: a2a330ae6b53955⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1110x1305, 74:87, C487EA69_7165_4354_9FB3_76….png)


> Why isn’t he being charged with Terrorism like the Michigan high school kid was?

Bruh. Stop. He say he dindu nuffin.

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4fae7a  No.15117086

File: 2d8a25d69b050c7⋯.jpg (181.09 KB, 675x844, 675:844, FUNNY_MEME_1.jpg)



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7b67a6  No.15117087

File: af9a757540c6e93⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 173x272, 173:272, FlapStick.jpg)


>Anons would you hit it ??

I'd slap it wif my flap stick.

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502590  No.15117088

File: 5dc156c7818e616⋯.jpg (212.04 KB, 708x779, 708:779, 20211201_192444.jpg)

File: d2d28d269772763⋯.jpg (177.4 KB, 717x659, 717:659, 20211201_192406.jpg)

File: 6ea2952a541e6b2⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 402x410, 201:205, 20211201_192818.jpg)

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ea5b86  No.15117089


Reported for Persona Non Grata According To Lin violation.

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dc58e4  No.15117090

File: 1f994467955d2f7⋯.png (538.84 KB, 585x615, 39:41, Capture.PNG)

File: 309a44d7673baa3⋯.mp4 (3.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, wutII.mp4)


ARIZONA: ASU socialists get drowned out by conservative counter protesters chanting “LET’S GO BRANDON!” at an ASU socialist organized gathering to protest Kyle Rittenhouse attending online classes at the university even though he is no longer enrolled at the school


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1a5521  No.15117091


ASU…enough said.

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9a4da8  No.15117092


john kerry?

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db92d1  No.15117093

File: 3cb490160522113⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1200x697, 1200:697, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Clarence Thomas Terrifies Pro-Abortion Left With One Opening Question

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Wednesday in the most important abortion case in nearly three decades.

The Supreme Court is currently reviewing a Mississippi law that would ban nearly all abortions after 15 weeks.

Justice Clarence Thomas asked a pointed question during the hearing that should have pro-abortion liberals worried.

” Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?“ he asked.


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34a9fa  No.15117094



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6546c9  No.15117095

File: e672450ec4dbc07⋯.png (78.99 KB, 961x340, 961:340, Screenshot_2021_12_01_1733….png)

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97c820  No.15117096

File: e6de349c9847de1⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1659x1314, 553:438, e6de349c9847de194d2479cc33….png)

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4c1c24  No.15117097

File: e4ec1b01035c625⋯.png (433.39 KB, 535x604, 535:604, Screenshot_2021_12_01_at_2….png)


New York Post


Dolly Parton talks being a 'boss' and working with 'vampires': 'I kick ass' https://trib.al/azbBecy


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6b2b93  No.15117098

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB, 493x585, 493:585, o7_WINNING.jpg)

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4fae7a  No.15117099

File: f137411605cdce3⋯.jpg (105.81 KB, 474x355, 474:355, HUMOROUS_IMAGE_2.jpg)


>you had to IP hop to blah blah blah I'm a crybaby loser faggot



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d34ad8  No.15117100


funny how you responded within a minute of doge and also IP hopped to do so

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f68d6b  No.15117101

File: bc16ccddb72109e⋯.png (49.42 KB, 422x364, 211:182, take_away.png)


The Election Wizard, [01.12.21 16:42]

Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It's a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years.

Here is the quick takeaway: By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of death allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.

Bear in mind; this is Pfizer's own data. Here's the link: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

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3d153b  No.15117102

File: 622510ab59ae9b6⋯.png (543.13 KB, 634x424, 317:212, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e81a6  No.15117103

File: 34b2de2de0cb80d⋯.png (144.49 KB, 614x394, 307:197, switzerland.png)

>>15116617 pb


Guess that kinda proves Chemist was correct abut the Graphene Oxide

Nazi are gonna Nazi

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dee9bd  No.15117104

File: 13792d108656ac5⋯.jpg (87.79 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 5w8j68.jpg)


Anyone got the Death Race 2000 helmet PNG file with transparent background.? Like to put it on CornPop.

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5047cd  No.15117105


op doesn't work any more, you need to tie it to the dough.

got it?

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6b4405  No.15117106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9a4da8  No.15117107

File: a389f0ed38349af⋯.jpeg (11.48 KB, 205x255, 41:51, professional_class_libera….jpeg)


>“Kyle… killed black and brown people”

figuratively, and metaphorically….of course he ,meant that….of course….you just don't understand

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06c9a9  No.15117108

This flaccidity will not stand!!!

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fa9c6b  No.15117109


Hillary sick??

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f68d6b  No.15117110

File: f6cfcfca05efc6b⋯.png (15.26 KB, 420x121, 420:121, the_law.png)


The Election Wizard, [01.12.21 17:52]

#BREAKING: 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has granted Texas’ motion to stay a lower judge’s ruling on Governor Abbott’s executive order banning mask mandates.

The governor’s order is THE LAW.

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f5d691  No.15117111



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fcddd9  No.15117112



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6b2b93  No.15117113

File: 2cb0950f5eb21f4⋯.jpg (83.88 KB, 607x543, 607:543, THESBIAN.jpg)



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327cd6  No.15117114

File: 310debc1a8d7d6d⋯.jpeg (21.98 KB, 203x255, 203:255, GayCalled.jpeg)

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ea5b86  No.15117115


Reported for Pathetic Attendance Thus Not Newsworthy violation.

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9ac965  No.15117116





here are:

Bread #19122 Notables

>>15115091 Now that Paramount's TV series Strange Angel is busy mythologizing Jack Parsons, you need to read this description of his past.

>>15115107 Avalanche delays holiday tradition in Alaska’s largest city

>>15115126 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Terrifies Pro-Abortion Left With ONE Opening Question

>>15115145 Australian Police Arrest 3 Teens for Allegedly Fleeing CCP Virus Quarantine Facility


>>15115233 Navy Institute Twat: The 2021 Emerging and Disruptive Technologies Essay Contest

>>15115247 Taylor County Schools superintendent Dr. Danny Glover, Jr. announced Friday in an email to school board members that he will be resigning effective Dec. 1.

>>15115262 Ghislaine Maxwell’s accuser questioned about her memory of events at Jeffrey Epstein’s house

>>15115268 ‘Concerning’ asteroid will break into Earth’s orbit in a week: NASA

>>15115280, >>15115490 CDC Has Identified First Case Of Omicron Variant In The US

>>15115345 Wisconsin Mayors Targeted Amid GOP-Ordered Election Probe

>>15115353 US Army twat: Eyes and ears of the battlefield! Collision symbol

>>15115366 Mayor Warren will resign by Dec. 1 after accepting plea deal

>>15115583 Fauci border crosser bullshit

>>15115610 Parade SUV driver low bail court transcript/records gone!!!

>>15115694 New York City’s chief medical examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson, who oversaw the autopsy of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein after his reported suicide, has resigned for a job in the private sector after nine years in office.

>>15115709 HIDE THE KFC AND POPEYES!!! Stacey Abrams Running For Governor Of Georgia

>>15115729 Jizzstain trial twat summary

>>15115749 Massie Twat: If you’re an employer who’s following through with the OSHA mandate, the CMS mandate, or Fed contractor mandate, then you’re on your own.

>>15115760 WHO Meets To Craft Global Pandemic Treaty With Teeth To Punish

>>15115776 Meet the Technology That's Uncovering 2020's Voter Fraud

>>15115825 psychos on twat: CIA just put out a doc, "Trump—A Unique Challenge," that is inappropriate & contributes to the perception (& at times reality) that elements of the IC are partisan attack dogs against Trump/GOP. Even some current Intel officials are privately characterizing the doc as a hit job

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212148  No.15117117


he look bad

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4fae7a  No.15117118

File: aab1f22daee436d⋯.jpg (191.96 KB, 595x520, 119:104, FUNNY_MEME_HAHA.jpg)


>Funny how




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b3e332  No.15117119

File: 4dd89df064be80b⋯.png (498.97 KB, 1024x569, 1024:569, F3BDBF61_E855_4EC4_8FAA_84….png)

Evenin’ anons

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3d153b  No.15117120

File: 87a77a7590138ad⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1125x1396, 1125:1396, 7f032677022bbcc024eab49426….png)

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a75fbf  No.15117121

File: 70a882246c7bb1a⋯.png (45.48 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6f891  No.15117122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They thought it would

A secret…Planes, Plans, and Steel

Hidden in Plain Sight.stay

They rejoiced in sin

Sin of crushing our spirits.

They thought they could win

Oh Babylon, Fool.

Your dark sins will find you out

God said He would judge


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f68d6b  No.15117123

File: 9e4e95f96056590⋯.png (15.36 KB, 432x123, 144:41, den_mark.png)


Disclose.tv, [01.12.21 16:45]

JUST IN - Denmark reports 5,120 new COVID-19 cases, the highest 24-hour increase on record. 87% of the population is fully vaccinated.


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db92d1  No.15117124

Two great powers unite

Mr Pig and Dr Pige

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55b6de  No.15117125


"…the soft-spoken accused killer offered no details about what prompted the carnage."

Killers are always soft spoken are they not?

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06c9a9  No.15117126

File: 4bd3ca6a463e02c⋯.png (119.98 KB, 1572x1179, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc58e4  No.15117127

File: 8ee6379071ec0e0⋯.png (406.41 KB, 478x730, 239:365, Capture.PNG)

Breaking: The booking photo of the accused #OxfordHigh mass shooter Ethan Crumbley has been released.


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1a5521  No.15117128

File: 7a40ca1fe6941b7⋯.jpg (840.06 KB, 1023x1913, 1023:1913, BLOCK.jpg)

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327cd6  No.15117129

Phew. Notable shills. Notetakers will want to highlight what's so notable in this bread that they have to mask it.

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1a5521  No.15117130

File: 7a40ca1fe6941b7⋯.jpg (840.06 KB, 1023x1913, 1023:1913, BLOCK.jpg)

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788133  No.15117131

File: 52caabd8f05e7b4⋯.png (184.39 KB, 166x495, 166:495, ClipboardImage.png)


definitely a virgin

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f68d6b  No.15117132

File: 7221fbcfd7a9d08⋯.png (12.42 KB, 426x123, 142:41, mask.png)


Disclose.tv, [01.12.21 17:56]

JUST IN - Biden admin to extend mask requirements on airplanes, trains, and buses and at airports and train stations through mid-March (Reuters)


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4fae7a  No.15117133

File: 8da7a279710fdee⋯.jpg (155.5 KB, 474x355, 474:355, DANK_MEME.jpg)




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6b2b93  No.15117134

File: 60cacb2bf7de48e⋯.jpg (122.78 KB, 555x531, 185:177, PAY_ATTENTION.jpg)

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169b78  No.15117135

File: 277df18a6f54a3c⋯.png (144.5 KB, 1210x504, 605:252, ClipboardImage.png)

What do "they" need abortion for?

What do "they" need abortion for, now that the shot is sterilizing 78.2 percent of the women that get it? Multiple doctors with private practices are reporting that live deliveries are down by more than 40 percent, with only a little over half the population vaxxed, AFTER a time period when there should have been an enormous baby boom due to people being stuck together during lockdowns. Sex is one of the few things that would not be boring . . . . so why is there an epic baby bust occurring?


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ea5b86  No.15117136



Reported for Just When You Think You Had Already Seen Peak Cringe violation.

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7ac5c2  No.15117137


I feel bad for black people because now the joos, pedos and faggots are trying to take their race card away and use it for themselves

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4c1c24  No.15117138

File: fbfa0f83924016c⋯.png (333.35 KB, 535x685, 107:137, Screenshot_2021_12_01_at_2….png)

New York Post


Susan Arnold to succeed Bob Iger as Disney chairman https://trib.al/Qyilrcc


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dee9bd  No.15117139


She's mad because she is back and fat.

Kyle is an innocent man.

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32a90e  No.15117140

File: 182dd246de23c5e⋯.jpg (742.67 KB, 2746x3751, 2746:3751, Nm4.jpg)



>keeps a body going

work of the mind

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9ac965  No.15117141



now collecting bread #19123 next…


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f68d6b  No.15117142

File: 07d4e123fb51e08⋯.png (152.22 KB, 421x523, 421:523, b_m.png)


Disclose.tv, [01.12.21 19:14]

NEW - Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation is a Pfizer investor and board member. In the last year alone, Reuters has published more than 22,000 articles mentioning Pfizer.



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083bdf  No.15117143

File: f024f35ed55faad⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, f024f35ed55faadc8ec4eff56b….mp4)

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d34ad8  No.15117144


yup I am convinced, doge is Mr. Pig

>same style of retarded memes

>both name faggots

>both IP hop

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948941  No.15117145

File: e17c2bccd090d22⋯.jpeg (141.78 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, B8384140_2795_4B5D_A29C_9….jpeg)


We have clearance, Clarence

Revenge on Biden: ACTIVATE

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4c1c24  No.15117146

File: a56cb38a2b0ea9a⋯.png (524.17 KB, 535x691, 535:691, Screenshot_2021_12_01_at_2….png)

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8173b6  No.15117147

File: 8ea89d88a76af4c⋯.png (797.02 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, PepeSpeakEasyNS.png)




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9cab3f  No.15117148


Fucking slide

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6b2b93  No.15117149

File: 80c833a151cb4f1⋯.jpg (130.69 KB, 732x474, 122:79, SUM_OF_ALL_SHILL_FEARS.jpg)

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7ac5c2  No.15117150

File: 9a5e20a8843b543⋯.jpeg (165.44 KB, 526x518, 263:259, 22ED37DA_0B93_446B_A020_2….jpeg)



Something wrong with that cat

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a75fbf  No.15117151


Don't Panic he said

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a0b66b  No.15117152

File: 1c3928e19b1d27f⋯.jpg (50.08 KB, 500x540, 25:27, 5wa91k.jpg)

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b3e332  No.15117153


Looks like his social media has already been scrubbed

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b16538  No.15117154



The intro on the doc

To Claire, Ian, and Anna

There's a reason President Trump headed to the CIA and told them

I will tell you, final time although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in because I am coming back – we’re going to have to get you a larger room. (Applause.) We may have to get you a larger room. You know? And maybe, maybe, it will be built by somebody that knows how to build, and we won’t have columns. (Laughter.) You understand that? (Applause.) We get rid of the columns.


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6fb385  No.15117155


this was a red wave area. if not all, than close to all D's were washed out this past election. Central Bucks is a mix of farms and big money houses a long way from the city.

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8e81a6  No.15117156

File: 7617f9b1f0f818d⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 1200x486, 200:81, hightechmagick.jpg)


If they wouldn't ban, anons wouldnt have to Ihop


Seth Rich family can sue Twitter for censorship?

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7ac5c2  No.15117157

File: 5773bc47da023b2⋯.jpeg (463.82 KB, 750x985, 150:197, 73BD5B32_A826_40BA_BDD2_7….jpeg)



you still in ‘transition’

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f68d6b  No.15117158

File: 4a9e7620cef7ab6⋯.png (183.18 KB, 634x851, 634:851, out_syst.png)



and @MichaelGRubin

talk @REFORM

and the ambitious goal of getting 1 million people out of the system within the next 5 years on the @DrOz

Show. The full interview airs TODAY on FOX. #REFORM #FightDifferent

1:07 PM · Apr 25, 2019·

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a75fbf  No.15117159

File: 5169ee6949cdf0c⋯.png (582.67 KB, 500x703, 500:703, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b2b93  No.15117160

File: 4b4509fa596a556⋯.jpg (97.36 KB, 589x623, 589:623, MISTLETOE.jpg)

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b247ca  No.15117161


>” Does a mother have a right to ingest drugs and harm a pre-viable baby? Can the state bring child neglect charges against the mother?“ he asked.

what's the answer and why does this question scare them?

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ea5b86  No.15117162


Reported for Giving A Shit About What Famefags Do violation.

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3d153b  No.15117163

File: ed313c960b28934⋯.png (38.06 KB, 278x576, 139:288, ClipboardImage.png)

Before the cult got good at marketing

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db92d1  No.15117164


I sense hammer is about drop on Baal and his sacrifices

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f783f4  No.15117165


So omicron must have such intensely different symptoms than the regular Rona. That is how they were able to detect the first US case, right?

Askin’ for a fren

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5d6b4a  No.15117166


Chandler flipped?

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06c9a9  No.15117167



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788133  No.15117168

File: 167929bfb32cf9f⋯.png (54.66 KB, 580x175, 116:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b2b93  No.15117169

File: eaf9713a3584afd⋯.jpg (110.11 KB, 519x521, 519:521, DEEP_THINKER.jpg)

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cbef00  No.15117170

File: a8037502811fb51⋯.png (45.61 KB, 1000x916, 250:229, 231f0108128862f5481291e7d2….png)

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c9de68  No.15117171

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5047cd  No.15117172


you're on strike, why?

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3d153b  No.15117173

File: d73b195dfb6c0c2⋯.png (573.54 KB, 2700x1944, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a4da8  No.15117174

File: 447b4fa4b258cb1⋯.jpeg (7.93 KB, 255x135, 17:9, 98d9a1fa850cde869c6124194….jpeg)

File: 0637cd68e8b872e⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 255x167, 255:167, 370e2622c055d419d3e9c705af….jpg)

File: d4490db953d4b99⋯.jpg (197.44 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, narwhale.jpg)


>Hillary sick??

dude, what is with your question mark?

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502590  No.15117175

File: 937e0e8e0144728⋯.jpg (105.51 KB, 699x535, 699:535, 20211201_193951.jpg)

File: 4bb360c10d3990c⋯.jpg (106.11 KB, 626x479, 626:479, 20211201_193821.jpg)




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7ac5c2  No.15117176

File: e521fa76c73f5af⋯.jpeg (327.38 KB, 750x973, 750:973, CBA773B0_13F6_4855_BEBD_3….jpeg)

Moving forward NO FAGGOTS, NO KIKES, NO GODDAMN TRANNIES in our Republican Party okay?

Got it?

GOT IT?????????!!!!!!!

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27e063  No.15117177

File: 2475515761751a8⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Past molestation evidence allowed in Duggar child porn trial

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) — Jurors in former reality TV star Josh Duggar’s trial on child pornography charges can hear evidence that he admitted to molesting four girls nearly 20 years ago, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Brooks rejected a motion by Duggar’s attorneys to prevent the evidence from being heard as his child pornography trial began.

Duggar, who appeared in TLC’s “19 Kids and Counting,” was charged in April with two counts of downloading and possessing child pornography.

Prosecutors want the jury to hear testimony from a Duggar family friend who testified in a pre-trial hearing Monday that Duggar told her in 2003 that he molested four girls. But Duggar’s defense attorneys argued Duggar was never charged and that the allegations have no relevance to the child pornography case.

Brooks, however, said the testimony was relevant to Duggar’s child pornography case.

“The child pornography victims in this case are approximately the same ages as the victims of defendant’s hands-on child-molestation offenses,” Brooks’ order said. “Accordingly, the prior act evidence is probative of defendant’s sexual interest in underage children and his propensity for exploiting young girls.”

A federal Homeland Security agent in May testified that pornographic images depicting the sexual abuse of children, including toddlers, had been downloaded in May 2019 by a computer at a car dealership that Duggar owned.


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1210f2  No.15117178

File: fe76ec3eb8f8e7e⋯.gif (640.03 KB, 220x220, 1:1, jesse_lee_BETA.gif)

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744581  No.15117179

File: a3da3e1df296d86⋯.jpg (78.39 KB, 500x475, 20:19, a3da3e1df296d86aa61cb61543….jpg)

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f68d6b  No.15117180

File: 326fe43f90a569a⋯.png (20.4 KB, 430x168, 215:84, first_far.png)


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [01.12.21 17:44]

The vaccine is ineffective at best, and dangerous at its worst.

The newly-branded "omicron" variant is spreading first and foremost among the vaccinated.

Billion dollar pharma corporations are spreading fear by branding covid variants so they can sell their "cures" and "vaccines".

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db92d1  No.15117181

File: 2da702c7de97cd2⋯.png (584.98 KB, 750x427, 750:427, ClipboardImage.png)

CONFLICT: Reuters Chairman is Pfizer Investor and Board Member.

The chairman and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Reuters news agency – James C. Smith – is a top investor and board member for pharmaceuticals giant Pfizer. He was elected to the board in 2014, as well as joining Pfizer’s Corporate Governance and Science and Technology Committees. The news raises serious conflict of interest concerns as corporate media outlets such as Reuters continue to promote Pfizer products, defend pharmaceuticals companies from criticism, and move to silence skeptics.


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d34ad8  No.15117182


report yourself then too board parasite, because you responded to my theory enough to post. Also I still believe doge and Mr. pig are one and the same king homo.

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f5d691  No.15117183

File: 9e776f26de2bfd2⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1395x929, 1395:929, ClipboardImage.png)


>Susan Arnold to succeed Bob Iger as Disney chairman



Susan Arnold to succeed Bob Iger as Disney chairman

Walt Disney Co. said Susan Arnold will take the reins from Bob Iger as chairman of the board at the entertainment giant.

Arnold, who has sat on the Mouse House’s board for 14 years and who has served as its independent lead director since 2018, will take the role of chairman when Iger departs the firm at the end of the year, the company said Tuesday.

Iger had served as chairman of the board since 2012, keeping the role even after he stepped down as CEO last year and handed the role to Bob Chapek. For the past year, Iger has held the role of executive chairman.

Arnold comes to Disney from The Carlyle Group, a private-equity giant where she worked as an operating executive from 2013 to 2021. Prior to that, Arnold served as President of Global Business Units at Procter & Gamble from 2007 to 2009. She also held various other jobs at P&G including, vice chair of beauty & health, as well as president of global personal beauty care & global feminine care. She also served as a director of both McDonald’s and NBTY.

“Susan is an incredibly esteemed executive whose wealth of experience, unwavering integrity, and expert judgment have been invaluable to the company since she first joined the Board in 2007,” Iger said. “Having most recently served as independent lead director, Susan is the perfect choice for chairman of the board, and I am confident the Company is well-positioned for continued success under her guidance and leadership.”

“As I step into this new role as chairman of the board, I look forward to continuing to serve the long-term interests of Disney’s shareholders and working closely with CEO Bob Chapek as he builds upon the company’s century-long legacy of creative excellence and innovation,” Arnold said.

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9a4da8  No.15117184

File: 14b002c9a9a49ba⋯.png (53.28 KB, 196x245, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


where ya been….?

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a2f004  No.15117185

Jason Leopold


· 3h

NEW from @a_cormier_ & me: CIA Docs Say Staff Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted

Declassified CIA IG reports show a pattern of abuse & a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable #FOIA


And there it is.

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f68d6b  No.15117186

File: d1ab62d782ddb2a⋯.png (72.72 KB, 410x506, 205:253, lew.png)


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [01.12.21 18:29]

[Forwarded from Teora's Truth to Power!]

The following people are totally exempt from the 'vaccine': all US Senators and House Representatives plus all Congressional staff; 6,000 White House employees; all employees of Pfizer (2,500), Moderna (1,500), and Johnson & Johnson (120,000); 15,000 CDC workers; and 14,000 FDA employees.


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0ba569  No.15117187



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9a4da8  No.15117188

File: b38026f61df0ee4⋯.jpg (103.86 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hilz_at_the_hague.jpg)


the shills are receiving lunch

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5d6b4a  No.15117189

File: 3cb3b78300f1cc8⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 498x350, 249:175, toosmall.gif)

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27e063  No.15117190

File: 75c8b1346b4869a⋯.png (247.41 KB, 572x323, 572:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you notetaker.

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dc58e4  No.15117191

File: a2b7b6ab67ed6ab⋯.png (25.66 KB, 585x219, 195:73, Capture.PNG)

File: e38e4cc1c95caf9⋯.png (629.26 KB, 575x747, 575:747, Capture1.PNG)



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929cd5  No.15117192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“I’m a Chinese Cowboy with a Southern Accent” - great American assimilation story

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62d6bc  No.15117193


Either that cat has the patience of Jobe,

Or this pic was taken .008 seconds before he opened a can of whoop ass on that dog.

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06c9a9  No.15117194


She is an operating executive of The Carlyle Group, an equity investment firm, since September 2013. She is based in New York. Ms. Arnold currently serves on the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company, as well as the Carlyle portfolio investments company NBTY, The Nature's Bounty Co. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of McDonald's Co. since 2008.

youngkin/carlyle? omg ghe threads…

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be3d91  No.15117195


"save the children"

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6a56cb  No.15117196

Hey lads,

Word in NZ is that Jacinda Ardern's dad was on the plane.

Does anyone have the links to the flight logs?

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ea5b86  No.15117197


Reporting myself for Running The Joke Into The Ground violation.

Happy now FameFag Hunter?

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9a4da8  No.15117198

File: d8e7dd119077c98⋯.jpeg (11.7 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 7297c49e992cf1ac950fb0bae….jpeg)


correct : no picture needed ; thank you very much

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8173b6  No.15117199

File: c90645961342d2d⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1438x1080, 719:540, ClipboardImage.png)

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1210f2  No.15117200


Booking photos are supposed to show height.

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34f841  No.15117201

File: bfdb8a082bd82a2⋯.jpg (189.98 KB, 859x1280, 859:1280, IMG_20211201_192429_393.jpg)

File: 331c1d192c625c1⋯.jpg (126.23 KB, 1280x512, 5:2, IMG_20211201_191517_234.jpg)

File: 82b456d8b967241⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 852x480, 71:40, file_store.mp4)

Last night I posted about how the Maxwell defense is going after Trump. Injecting half truths and zero context.

I also said if today was another day of sullying trumps name it would be considered a pattern.

Well now the media is all amped up spewing fake news. Just like when Trump was in office.

The defense is using this tactic and the prosecution needs to put Trump on the stand.

I have a guy feeling this was always a part of the movie.

All three movies have something in common. TRUMP.

Trumps human trafficking arrest records, the 19 (so far)resignations in the house(panic in DC) and fisa((gate)open) working both ways.

Trump needs to make an appearance in each film.

Testifying in the Maxwell case will cause mass hysteria!

Take it or leave it.

Day four will be moar trump Q's.

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7ac5c2  No.15117202

File: 7978c75c3a9ea49⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.78 MB, 300x283, 300:283, F90F0C9A_D34E_48F4_A3A5_B7….gif)

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1a5521  No.15117203


>The Carlyle Group

Tangled webs woven..

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6b2b93  No.15117204

File: fbfb43b55a27007⋯.jpg (81.41 KB, 426x507, 142:169, HIVE_MIND.jpg)

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db92d1  No.15117205

File: ad492fec74240a5⋯.png (455.11 KB, 500x300, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

France Deploys Military Police To Caribbean Islands Amid Unrest Over Vaccine Mandate

The French government has deployed military police to the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe amid intensifying protests against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other pandemic related restrictions.


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e54c88  No.15117206

File: 0a1f74099665169⋯.png (562.92 KB, 969x651, 323:217, Screen_Shot_2021_12_01_at_….png)

y mayntayn d3 gron yilujian

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ea5b86  No.15117207


Exempt from Insider Trading.

Exempt from Forced Injection of Poison.

Exempt from Fucking Your Own Brother Immigration Fraud.

What a great gig they've got.

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4fae7a  No.15117208

File: 9bb0f7d87f55d03⋯.jpg (416.79 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FUNNY_MEME2.jpg)


>If they wouldn't ban, anons wouldnt have to Ihop?


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06c9a9  No.15117209


a shitty, shady world being exposed.


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f68d6b  No.15117210

File: 447ae0a8f6e41b4⋯.png (117.76 KB, 319x738, 319:738, 69.png)


Chief Nerd, [01.12.21 09:56]

[ Photo ]

At least 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead

“In no other year mentioned have more footballers died during a game. And this list goes back to the year 1889. So it really is a historical event.”

Via: @ElectionWizard



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c6e8f3  No.15117211



no C before D?


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b16538  No.15117212

File: b071d7e904a0ed3⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 179x255, 179:255, b27c2c2ed75089dad3db49c2c6….jpg)


Coming soon to a theater near Anon

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6ec971  No.15117213

File: 686a82b3ed4de15⋯.jpg (15.09 KB, 491x223, 491:223, jns.jpg)

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5047cd  No.15117214




>>15116742 CNN's Charlie Chester on "conflict of interest" between Cuomo brothers (1:44)

>>15116788, >>15116814, >>15116890 PF Reports

>>15116864 PF Reports Three SAMS up. 832 867 903 Mapping to Q posts…

>>15116816 Exorcist Father Ripperger gives context on current situation based on what demons are telling him

>>15116822, >>15116824 L.A. County has no plans for an Omicron lockdown

>>15116827, >>15116032 pb, >>15116065 pb Court Order: FDA must release the data it based its EUA for the Pfizer shot

>>15116832, >>15116876 Donald Trump Jr Thread CIA just put out a doc, "Trump—A Unique Challenge," current Intel officials are privately characterizing the doc as a hit job

>>15116935, >>15116959, >>15116988, >>15116997 Epstein flight log scans

>>15116981 CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children. They Weren’t Prosecuted.

>>15117006 Professor Lee Jones makes a succinct argument against vaccine mandates citing the Nuremberg Code

>>15117011 Have you seen the document dump on the Pfizer vaccine data? It's a bombshell. No wonder the FDA fought to keep it hidden for 55 years

>>15117040 Up to 740,000 potential cancer cases have been "missed" since the first lockdown in the UK, according to a damning report

>>15117057 Military Under a Microscope and Federal Employees Entitled to Religious Exemption - Liberty Counsel

>>15117093 Justice Clarence Thomas Terrifies Pro-Abortion Left With One Opening Question


#19123 TBC >>15115920

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4c1c24  No.15117215
