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26dc8b  No.15125434[Last 50 Posts]

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26dc8b  No.15125439

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26dc8b  No.15125449



>>15124869 [Zuckerburg] getting caught in buying Wisconsin for Joe Biden

>>15124608, >>15124869 Wisconsin’s Election Integrity Investigator Seeks to Jail Two Democrat Mayors If They Continue to Avoid Official Interview – Threatens to Subpoena Zuckerberg Operative

>>15124655, >>15124896 Detail update to clock from (PB). [187] As The World Turns, Missiles, Space Aliens

>>15124687 Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: Jeffrey Epstein’s Former Housekeeper Testifies

>>15124661, >>15124736 Florida @GovRonDeSantis wants to resurrect the Florida State Guard, a paramilitary force disbanded in 1947.

>>15124721 Barack Obama @BarackObama Shots are never fun (Cap 1:24)

>>15124772, >>15124814 Blinken says US has ‘evidence’ of Russian plan to invade Ukraine

>>15124796 Detroit Superintendent @Dr_Vitti : “Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory, especially in social studies…

>>15124807 The parent movement has broken the National School Boards Association

>>15124909 Biden claims to have served as a 'liaison' during Six-Day War despite still being in law school at the time

>>15124926 Pfizer Lawsuit Details Stunning Accusations of COVID Vax and Monoclonal Antibodies Espionage

>>15124950 Chicago DROPS vaccine mandate lawsuit against police union after Mayor Lori Lightfoot was humiliated by judge's order suspending her December 31 deadline to get the shots

>>15124978, >>15124986 Forbes Admits mRNA Vaccines Alter DNA Then Changes the Headline (Cap 1:29)

>>15124960 The Art of "I'll See You Soon"

>>15125004 Islamic Infiltration of Europe: Top German News Anchor Supports Hamas, Demands “Down with USA!”

>>15125006, >>15125177 Waukesha Fire Department orders evacuation of 3 buildings due to condo's 'imminent threat of collapse'


>>15125057, >>15125165 17th Aug 2021 South Africa newspaper warns December 4th Reich Covid-19

>>15125073 U.S. Senate votes 69-28 to pass a stopgap measure to keep the government open through Feb.18

>>15125170 Doctor Finds Treatment For Vaxx Victims, Sees Major Improvement in Blood

>>15125205 Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

>>15125211 Omicron found in vaccinated Colorado woman

>>15125213 A President Betrayed by Bureaucrats: Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster

>>15125218 The suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin must rank as one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history.

>>15125380 PF: VIP inbound from Stockholm. (Blinken) SAM713 757-200 AFx Livery.

>>15125411 #19134

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26dc8b  No.15125451


>>15124465 Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein visited President Bill Clinton in West Wing 17 times

>>15123881 New York City Imposes Covid Vaccine Mandate For Employees of Private, Religious Schools

>>15123888 FAKE NEWS ‘Tool to Enforce Orwellian Rules’: 80 House Republicans Help Pass Bill to Fund Federal Vaccination Database

>>15123902, >>15124234, >>15124412 Vaccines for kids under FIVE next year? Biden

>>15123904, >>15124298, >>15124357 Cyclone Jawad

>>15123916 Ex-WNY Democratic Party figure G. Steven Pigeon, 61, charged with child sex assault

>>15123927, >>15123960 Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports Revealed In First Batch Of Pfizer Vax Docs (Cap 1:56)

>>15123931 Forbes Admits mRNA Vaccines Alter DNA Then Changes the Title

>>15123933, >>15123992 Twitter Slaps 'Unsafe' Label On American Heart Association mRNA Vaccine Warning

>>15124009 Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor files a lawsuit against Biden Administration

>>15124045 Twitter purges thousands of ‘state-linked’ accounts

>>15124049, >>15124128 Health Dept. in Maryland says they gave dozens of kids expired COVID vaccine: “We deeply regret the error and we apologize."

>>15124079, >>15123833 LB, MSM going after Linux now

>>15124139 400k patients’ info leaked in Planned Parenthood ransomware hack

>>15124152, >>15124192 FBI warns Ca. officials genetics testing company likely sharing Americans' health data with China

>>15124157 State Department Official To Keynote Pro-China Gala

>>15124164 AstraZeneca uncovers 'trigger' of blood clots after its jab: Vaccine acts like a magnet and attracts platelets which body mistakes for a threat and attacks

>>15124166 In Midst of Fentanyl Crisis, Vulnerable Democrats Voted Down Opioid Detection Funding

>>15124199, >>15124274 Smollett's lawyers claim judge 'lunged' at one of them, ask for a mistrial

>>15124223 Politician just declared your immune systems are now broken because of the vaccine (Cap 0:45)

>>15124269 Was the Omicron "variant" created using gain-of-function technology then dropped off in Africa to spread through the world?

>>15124280, >>15124353 2020 Election Makes a Huge Announcement - 'There's a Cover-Up' Justice Michael Gableman is accusing two mayors of a “cover-up” and stonewalling the investigation

>>15124387 Don't vaccinate the world but arrest the management of the drug companies

>>15124289 Donald J. Trump December 2, 2020 ·DELTA

>>15124393 Belgium’s Wallonia region has ruled that use of a COVID pass is illegal

>>15124400, >>15124414 Rumble to Combine with NASDAQ listed CFVI

>>15124405, >>15124421 FAKE NEWS Canada has confirmed its first cases of coronavirus in wildlife – in three white-tailed deer

>>15124438 Here Comes the Limited Hangout: America’s Nixonian press corps takes a page from the Watergate playbook to try and cover up its active role in the criminal Russiagate hoax

>>15124556 #19133

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26dc8b  No.15125453


>>15123335 Drop #133 Epstein island

>>15123580 Maxwell full court transcripts

>>15123293 Day 4 Maxwell trial: Epstein Photos With Pope and Fidel Raised Along With Dildos By Palm Beach House Manager

>>15123445 Jeffrey Epstein’s former housekeeper claims Ghislaine Maxwell was ‘lady of the house’

>>15123088 EU chief Ursula Van Der Leyen calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code

>>15123095 Steve Bannon appears to be using his criminal case to go after the committee that went after him

>>15123149 It Was The Gun That Killed Her, Not Me Baldwin

>>15123167 Top kek which of you faggots did this? QR codes (0:26)

>>15123175 Hey Aussie Gov - busy week

>>15123181, >>15123248, >>15123279, >>15123294 U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute Today is #NationalMuttDay. It is unclear if this pup on the hospital ship USS Comfort in 1918

>>15123194 Cult Agent 007.2 "Ben Santer" with University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit Scientific Fraud Fabrication Unit

>>15123193, >>15123273 "We have a group of people that are destroying our Country and, perhaps, knowingly destroying our Country." - Donald Trump, Fox & Friends 12/02/2021

>>15123269, >>15123333, >>15123444, >>15123353, >>15123356, >>15123367, >>15123368, >>15123390, >>15123401, >>15123403, >>15123415, >>15123423, >>15123431, >>15123438, >>15123480, >>15123715, >>15123464, >>15123478, >>15123480, >>15123495, >>15123516, >>15123527, >>15123660 New York Times Complains That Cat Videos Are Being Used To Spread "Misinformation"

>>15123283, >>15123378, >>15123328 Pelosi Suffers Extreme 54-Second Cognitive Failure on Live TV (Cap 0:53)

>>15123287, >>15123332, >>15123376, >>15123443, >>15123504 U.S. Marines @USMC #Marines with the @11thmeu practice riot control drills on the flight deck of the @USNavy's USS Pearl Harbor, Nov. 29.

>>15123290 Cuomo Faces Federal Investigation Over Sexual Harassment Claims

>>15123320 Fifteen states are threatening to pull a combined $600 billion from banks

>>15123626 Panamanian Intermediary Pleads Guilty for His Role in an International Bribery and Money Laundering Scheme

>>15123633 Former CEO Of Real Estate Private Equity Investment Firm Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For $58 Million Securities Fraud

>>15123642 Federal Jury Convicts Pharmacy Owner Of Conspiracy, Mail Fraud, And Misbranding For Role In Multi-Million Dollar Telemedicine Pharmacy Fraud Scheme

>>15123654 11 Defendants Indicted for Trafficking Cocaine in Northeastern Oklahoma

>>15123370 John Eastman’s Lawyers Just Destroyed the Jan 6 Committee and Its ‘Subpoenas’.

>>15123395 Chicago Public Schools announced new rules, removing gendered bathrooms (1:23)

>>15123410, >>15123470, >>15123540 17 bold Wreaths National Christmas Tree Lighting

>>15123565 DEVELOPING: House Passes Stopgap Bill in 221-212 Vote to Avert Government Shutdown – Bill Heads to Senate

>>15123520 Hundreds of Google employees push back on Covid-19 vaccine mandate

>>15123602 Brisbane man jailed and seven children rescued following international investigation into child abuse

>>15123662 Watch Falcon 9 launch 48 Starlink satellites and two BlackSky spacecraft to orbit

>>15123668 Meet Vineeta Agarwala, adjunct clinical professor and wife of new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal

>>15123692 PEDO BUN 2 December 21

>>15123693 PF Report “JET2” registered one Sweden out of Stockholm

>>15123714 QClock December 2, 2021 [187] As The World Turns

>>15123647 Time-lapse I made of the genomic epidemiology of SARS-COV-2 since the first Wuhan strain

>>15123740, >>15123772 Heading into the Storm….

>>15123751, >>15123767, >>15123777 Just heard Trump is upping his security detail

>>15123774 NYPD’s top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement

>>15123815 #19132

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26dc8b  No.15125457


>>15122307 Buzzfeed Union Stages Walkout Because $50,000 Is 'Not Enough To Live' In 'New York And San Francisco,' Other Grievances

>>15122308 America abortion laws on par with China and North Korea: Chief Justice John Roberts

>>15122313 NYPD’s top cop Dermot Shea and second in command file for retirement

>>15122320 Mediaite tweet - anon noticed similarity on Whoopie Sweater to JE twin prop logo

>>15122367, >>15122395, >>15122397 Jacqueline Avant Connection to Save The Children Foundation

>>15122369 Allegheny County has begun terminating unvaccinated employees

>>15122467 Jeffrey Epstein's access to the Clinton White House laid bare: Visitor logs reveal pedophile visited the former president at least 17 TIMES

>>15122492, >>15122504 Joe Biden as Liaison to Israel 6 Day War '67…

>>15122523 China and Russia Alliance articles

>>15122598 Maxwell Trial Updates InnerCityPress

>>15122560 Twitter Slaps 'Unsafe' Label On American Heart Association mRNA Vaccine Warning

>>15122564 Austria's Finance Minister Blümel has also resigned.

>>15122598, >>15122689 Maxwell Trial Updates InnerCityPress / Trend Growth Gaining

>>15122660 Health Dept. in Maryland says they gave dozens of kids expired COVID vaccine

>>15122639, >>15122666, >>15122780, >>15122842, >>15122925 ​Moar Resignations

>>15122882 Researchers Warn That Cold Weather Can Cause Blood Clots & Heart Attacks

>>15122935 Chilling Videos, Journal Found as Parents Face Scrutiny in Michigan School Shooting

>>15122943 ‘Confusion’ emerges as new weapon class for Air Force cyber warriors

>>15123037 #19131

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26dc8b  No.15125458


>>15121458 Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS

>>15121460 Georgia election workers sue Gateway Pundit, alleging defamation

>>15121470 Lights go out at diplomatic meetings with Blinken & Lavrov (VIDEOS)

>>15121473 “We’ve Got to Get Control of Inflation, It’s Ravaging Our People”

>>15121531 House Reaches Deal To Avoid Government Shutdown Till February

>>15121589 Sorry, but Hunter Biden’s profiteering matters — even if the rest of the press ignore it

>>15121621 Trump calls for National Guard to help stop 'smash-and-grab' looting: 'It is all not even believable'

>>15121643 Nancy Mace’s Chief of Staff Resigns amid South Carolina Congresswoman’s Feud with Conservatives

>>15121659 Biden Administration’s New HIV/AIDS Strategy: Racism Is ‘Serious Public Health Threat’

>>15121669 Two More Years: British Government Places COVID Booster Orders for 2022 and 2023

>>15121685 Biden Released 5K Unaccompanied Migrant Children into U.S. in November

>>15121727 Anon Continues list on Retirements/Resignations

>>15121775 Steve Bannon’s Jan. 6 Legal Strategy: ‘Blowing Up the Whole System’

>>15121776 Newsom Vacations in Cabo San Lucas at a $29,000 Per Night Villa After Extending Covid State of Emergency in California

>>15121785 FBI Document Reveals Spying On iMessage, WhatsApp

>>15121830 Biden Says He Ran For President For 3 Reasons, He Forgets the Third

>>15121834 Moscow ready for dialog with Tokyo on peace treaty — Kremlin

>>15121839 Pakistan shuts down Save the Children offices in Islamabad

>>15121870 BLM corporate donors silent on group's call to boycott 'white companies'

>>15121878 Authoritarian Governments Use Huawei Technology To Censor Journalists

>>15121895 Mossad recruited Iranian scientists to blow up nuclear facility - report

>>15121932 Russia’s FSB Detained Ukrainian Spies Who Plotted Terrorist Attacks

>>15121970, >>15122196 Study finds Covid Vaccines increase the risk of Heart Attack by 127% / UK Sees 44% Increase in Child Deaths

>>15122026 Pandemic powers bill PASSES to give Dan Andrews dictator-like control

>>15122032 USAF retweets Africom African Partners connect at planning conference

>>15122042 Italian Police Arrest 37 Martorano-Stefanutti Mafia Clan Members

>>15122052 Puerto Rico Mayor Pleads Guilty to Accepting Bribes in Exchange for Millions in Municipal Contracts

>>15122061 Partner Agencies Assist Border Patrol in Arrest of 30

>>15122089 Former Chief Financial Officer and Former Head of Corporate Communications of $21 Billion Biopharmaceutical Company Arrested for Insider Trading

>>15122125, >>15122145, >>15122166 Les Wexner Will Step Down as the Chair of the Columbus Partnership

>>15122216 MELANIA TRUMP Retweeted 4KIDS was honored to host @MELANIATRUMP

>>15122247 #19130

Previously Collected Notables

>>15119775 #19127, >>15120925 #19128, >>15121399 #19129

>>15117487 #19124, >>15118226 #19125, >>15119939 #19126

>>15115069 #19121, >>15117009 #19122, >>15117241 #19123

>>15112746 #19118, >>15113513 #19119, >>15114299 #19120

>>15110399 #19115, >>15111188 #19116, >>15113195 #19117

>>15107981 #19112, >>15110369 #19113, >>15109647 #19114

>>15106154 #19109, >>15106614 #19110, >>15107407 #19111

>>15103365 #19106, >>15104638 #19107, >>15104952 #19108

>>15101052 #19103, >>15103711 #19104. >>15102576 #19105

>>15098741 #19100, >>15100843 #19101, >>15100274 #19102

>>15096559 #19097, >>15097211 #19098, >>15097982 #19099

>>15094022 #19094, >>15095706 #19095, >>15095865 #19096

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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26dc8b  No.15125459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b0449d  No.15125468

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

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68ca36  No.15125469

File: bd857ed51b5ed87⋯.png (954.72 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, HoldtheLine.png)

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8b131e  No.15125474

File: d1e173c2062169b⋯.jpg (782.79 KB, 1920x1318, 960:659, Abrams_Heliogen.jpg)

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52f2f2  No.15125475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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998a28  No.15125476

File: 0af5e1145533c33⋯.jpg (653.68 KB, 1076x1550, 538:775, Screenshot_20211202_223321….jpg)

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cde7db  No.15125477

File: 8695de68b0b2049⋯.jpg (480.6 KB, 2100x1400, 3:2, USS_Shiloh_Radar_console_i….jpg)

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3334e7  No.15125478

File: 63a07b03fd9f086⋯.jpeg (85.07 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, empii.jpeg)

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2bc143  No.15125479


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825955  No.15125480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dbd457  No.15125481

File: c42de3afb7e681b⋯.png (625.36 KB, 960x694, 480:347, Screenshot_from_2021_12_02….png)

File: 820782cc620c89d⋯.png (801.91 KB, 1009x688, 1009:688, Screenshot_from_2021_12_02….png)

File: 0a2ef67cae08cf6⋯.png (528.8 KB, 769x644, 769:644, Screenshot_from_2021_12_02….png)

File: 54ca17fc03425c2⋯.png (674.25 KB, 794x683, 794:683, Screenshot_from_2021_12_02….png)

Ethan Crumbley Predictive Programming in Dexter

Dexter: NEW BLOOD S9E4 "H is for Hero"

Episode Aired: 11/28/2021

Incident Occurred: 11/30/2021


Shooter named Ethan. Dorky high school kid getting bullied out for revenge.

Much adeiu about a found notebook with psycho killer drawings

Unusual (unprecidented?) coverage/interest of parents - "We need to check Ethan's Parents they might have weapons or explosives" at the 15:00 mark

Hero archetype is present and media attempting to make a thing.

Initial description of incident:



Tour of schizo journal:



Full episode upload in progress eta ~15 for ya.

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3334e7  No.15125482

File: 79977590e9c8e9f⋯.png (405.33 KB, 882x524, 441:262, happyholidays.png)

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cde7db  No.15125483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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39b1a3  No.15125484

Why are they all angry?


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d80078  No.15125485

File: be299224f77bb51⋯.png (739.83 KB, 540x813, 180:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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2bc143  No.15125486

This place is now the trap music of hip hop. it glows

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d80078  No.15125487


unroll this

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0505fa  No.15125488

File: 58a552cd9528557⋯.jpeg (125.41 KB, 750x541, 750:541, A2D8271F_7EBF_4534_9E46_4….jpeg)

Gee it’s almost as if they are all selling right before CCP puppet Biden brings America into another Great Depression


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eeb52b  No.15125489

File: c9d69356dfe65c4⋯.jpeg (75.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, rs_600x600_140922141755_6….jpeg)


an extra helping of thanks for you baker

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cb7dd3  No.15125490

File: 4bca9d813b4a9bb⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 750x478, 375:239, 20210204_000240.jpg)

>>15124875 lb amen

Promises made, promises keep

>>15125459 tyb

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abfefa  No.15125491

File: afdf4da36dd11d0⋯.png (390.12 KB, 647x852, 647:852, ClipboardImage.png)



Just want to say you all have given me the strength to keep pushing through the darkness time after time.

Together we win.

o7, anons.

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39b1a3  No.15125492

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3334e7  No.15125493

File: 8caf208c9f39648⋯.jpeg (10.69 KB, 480x360, 4:3, nurte.jpeg)

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ad2607  No.15125494

File: 73c49660fba85bf⋯.png (69.81 KB, 1897x571, 1897:571, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15125057 LB

I think somebody hacked them or they have a mole…

archive.org has a capture on Dec 1 that has the Dec 1 date.. WEIRD.


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8b131e  No.15125495

File: 79f9408df8a2add⋯.jpg (286.91 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Woke_Broke.jpg)

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eeb52b  No.15125496


>Why are they all angry?

cause day bees black

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a01100  No.15125497

File: a5084da69021c92⋯.png (424.12 KB, 598x703, 598:703, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)

News 19


Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill visits Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago to discuss 'election integrity'


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6a0490  No.15125498

File: 5bfbdc1711396a8⋯.png (109.49 KB, 1323x641, 1323:641, Screenshot_2021_12_02_8_39….png)


the board doesn't glow, but my custom css makes it glow

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d80078  No.15125499

File: cd449df2b792c29⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB, 854x480, 427:240, landmine.mp4)


>Just want to say you all have given me the strength to keep pushing through the darkness time after time.

hang in there battle buddy

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3d54e2  No.15125500

File: d385f6357db8e34⋯.png (39.76 KB, 389x125, 389:125, Screen_Shot_2021_12_02_at_….png)

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39b1a3  No.15125501


Ditto anon. Sleep well.

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cde7db  No.15125502


archive.org has always been comped anon. That is why we usually use a different one like archive.fo or archive.is or whatever mirror you can reach.

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cb7dd3  No.15125503

File: eefbd9ad2b16a10⋯.jpg (82.5 KB, 669x659, 669:659, 20211121_125042.jpg)

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753ad0  No.15125504

File: 5224bc9144bfd6a⋯.jpg (90.6 KB, 500x625, 4:5, not_vaccinated.jpg)

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2bc143  No.15125505


this JS blows your CSS to shit. no cap, but there are a ton of larpers in here.

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3334e7  No.15125506

File: de46a25c052ed51⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1232x1104, 77:69, ab.png)

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b881d7  No.15125507

File: 1103fc7f82d1c73⋯.png (54.02 KB, 967x370, 967:370, Screenshot_2021_12_02_2043….png)

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4121e3  No.15125508

File: 9438e64c9d85f86⋯.jpg (208.42 KB, 649x649, 1:1, youwillsuckoffthebugs.jpg)

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ad2607  No.15125509

File: 781f5cc9e2bddf9⋯.png (29.82 KB, 658x257, 658:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca095cd1e083292⋯.png (810.12 KB, 720x1154, 360:577, ClipboardImage.png)


AND the words are different..


Its on archive.md too… check it


original reposted

w/ live link that still as of now says August.. and Dec 2 in the text..


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a0acbd  No.15125510


Wasn’t Amy pregnant when she did that?

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39b1a3  No.15125511


The one in a dress is pregnant looking.. ironic.

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9563cf  No.15125512

File: d9ac98ea497eeaf⋯.jpeg (6.6 KB, 170x255, 2:3, bert_booker.jpeg)


is Bubba Wallace chirping about Jussie? something tells me that Harris, Booker and Big Mike were in on that one too

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2bc143  No.15125513

File: 306df55f50b0e20⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB, 480x480, 1:1, RqhDxlOhgBWwH3TW.mp4)

Any anons remember this, its not recent glow fags.

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ad2607  No.15125514


was archived 12/2/21 at 12:13:49 UTC

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09071a  No.15125515

Alright Anons I desperately need the meme of the NPC holding Pepe and forcing him to be injected.


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ad2607  No.15125516

File: 232f6eebc30c906⋯.png (63.95 KB, 1103x531, 1103:531, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck forgot cap

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cf5aec  No.15125517

The story of how America was lost.


They stole it all.

You allowed it to be so.

No fight in you.

Tricked by a deceiver.

No going back.

+Truth +Plan +Set


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8b131e  No.15125518


There it is.

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825955  No.15125519

File: b0735d8c6a976f8⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 550x338, 275:169, Screenshot_20211202_214313….jpg)

William Joseph Lewis, 19 yrs old.

Such a handsome kid. May God rest his soul.

There are multiple of these remains being identified every single day, after going nameless for years.

Peru, Indiana, man ID’d as victim of 1980s serial killer Larry Eyler


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3d54e2  No.15125520


darkmode for nightshift

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6a0490  No.15125521


are you retarded?

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a01100  No.15125522

File: 80376b8729dac19⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pyegdJcObRJqfnZR.mp4)


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abfefa  No.15125523


>hang in there battle buddy

son of a bitch I nearly fell out of my seat lol


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d80078  No.15125524

File: 5e5015f3eab0028⋯.png (135.36 KB, 250x350, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Have you not seen what the barber has done?

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78e5b3  No.15125525


Unbelievable. This must be part of their policy of having to tell us about their plans before carrying it out.

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6a0490  No.15125526


kinda… made same changes to make it easier on the eyes

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3d54e2  No.15125527


most likely one to get pregnant, of the two of them

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307e1a  No.15125528

File: 88d5f8538855978⋯.png (1.03 MB, 634x1127, 634:1127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77e0c2b05481865⋯.png (761.91 KB, 634x1127, 634:1127, ClipboardImage.png)

Australian man eats nothing but KFC for an entire month - and discovers the shocking effect it had on his body WASN'T the worst part of his fast food free-for-all

Fitness guru Conan Visser challenged himself to only eat KFC meals for 30 days

Mr Visser gained eight kilograms of weight and had major health concerns

He documented his day-to-day changes in a series of videos uploaded to TikTok


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e7afe1  No.15125529

File: f8e6655a9a50889⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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14498f  No.15125530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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45d343  No.15125531

File: e5780a677de7686⋯.png (314.94 KB, 439x325, 439:325, Lurkinhard.png)


…Dude, you really suck at demoralization.

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be2daa  No.15125532

File: 6bf9c8798eab52e⋯.jpg (480.48 KB, 1032x1222, 516:611, Screenshot_20211202_221513….jpg)

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6f2903  No.15125533

File: 415bba0a8589a5c⋯.jpg (82.4 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5pslim.jpg)

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2bc143  No.15125534

File: 4f0f87faa0345a3⋯.mp4 (9.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TerryDavisTempleOS.mp4)


>are you retarded?

Do you even Terry Davis anon?

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a0acbd  No.15125535

File: 64a3c0959917a55⋯.jpeg (170.46 KB, 750x1182, 125:197, B7AC921D_70FF_46CC_A7EC_2….jpeg)




Just noticed this was recent. Jennifer Lawrence is pregnant in this picture.


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753ad0  No.15125536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d80078  No.15125537

File: bc7666079fdc4d6⋯.png (57.93 KB, 598x344, 299:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad05426b0329e81⋯.png (56.13 KB, 598x284, 299:142, ClipboardImage.png)

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30d30b  No.15125538

File: bde1e2311225f2f⋯.jpg (435.12 KB, 1080x1808, 135:226, Screenshot_20211202_204629….jpg)

File: 8515f1e9811712d⋯.jpg (279.93 KB, 1080x1541, 1080:1541, Screenshot_20211202_204530….jpg)

File: a8dbc3d2a1dfe39⋯.jpg (390.42 KB, 1080x2038, 540:1019, Screenshot_20211202_204505….jpg)



Rons site for donation and joining the fight.

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753ad0  No.15125539

File: e660cf147cc5e99⋯.png (513.59 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, 614406f84b7546808982a856b6….png)



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abfefa  No.15125540

File: 958b2ab887439f5⋯.png (311.06 KB, 644x679, 92:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Google’s YouTube Meddles In French Election, Slaps Age Restriction On Presidential Candidate Zemmour’s Campaign Video

December 2, 2021

YouTube slapped an age restriction notice on French presidential candidate Éric Zemmour’s campaign announcement video.

“You must now present your identity papers to have the right to watch the video of my declaration of candidacy. The thought police are no longer even hiding: they are showing off their tyrannical nature. The real fight begins,” a Google translation of Zemmour’s tweet in reaction to the censorship reads.

According to YouTube’s policy, age restriction occurs when the Google-owned platform determines that content contains “Child safety” concerns, “Harmful or dangerous activities, including regulated substances and drugs,” “Nudity and sexually suggestive content,” “Violent or graphic content,” and/or “Vulgar language.”


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dbd457  No.15125541


Lot of that going on…


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e150ef  No.15125542

File: 3cd588673048ae4⋯.png (141.68 KB, 332x288, 83:72, ClipboardImage.png)

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b4b1b6  No.15125543

File: 26245520a138111⋯.jpg (54.54 KB, 620x831, 620:831, 1638502750636.jpg)

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2e28f1  No.15125544

File: aaaf1be7e9e6347⋯.png (311.52 KB, 500x617, 500:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc48cd6db5a662f⋯.png (337.9 KB, 500x799, 500:799, ClipboardImage.png)



now as there is not a lot going on and anon has some digging to do soon on the maxwell trial and the why only now we are getting transcripts, thought anon would amuse himself with some testing and detective work on the pig (imposter or I.P switcher) post last bread.

p.s have no problem with pig and his posts, can be quite amusing sometimes. i mean who does not like cats if you know how independently minded they are if allowed to live how they want, loyal but free and stay with where they want to without without chains or the need to be fed.

natural hunters bit like the anons

Anyway collected posts last bread, anons will be able to see what happened without too much explanation.

newbies just look on to how anons work and think !!

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6a0490  No.15125545

File: 0be72bc24cb3566⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 1180x938, 590:469, glownigger.jpg)

File: a0f7476ddd24151⋯.png (286.46 KB, 615x346, 615:346, ClipboardImage.png)


"The CIA niggers glow in the dark; you can see them if you're driving. You just run them over."

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d80078  No.15125546

File: 643867acbd2c1d2⋯.png (132.48 KB, 598x752, 299:376, ClipboardImage.png)

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39b1a3  No.15125547


I don’t say this often but they’re an embarrassment to the female species and fucking retarded. I feel bad for their kids to have such lowlifes for mothers with no regard for the unborn.

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bcf626  No.15125548

File: cf05ae5f92ee789⋯.png (336.5 KB, 1280x1014, 640:507, ClipboardImage.png)

Missing "s" on Books

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91a96d  No.15125549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c6824b  No.15125550


Yet, they will fight for zog, and try to take away your few remaining rights, because they are "(((FOLLOWING ORDERS.))))

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b0449d  No.15125551

File: 7ee752cca7967d1⋯.png (62.17 KB, 1000x449, 1000:449, TheQuestionIs.png)

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8b131e  No.15125552

File: 69cf87857ae4ce9⋯.png (199.77 KB, 320x448, 5:7, Sucka.png)

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3d54e2  No.15125553


does anyone track all these missing letters?

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bfc705  No.15125554

Good evening, you beautiful individuations of Consciousness! have a comfy one y'all!

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b0449d  No.15125555

File: 7c1fc1eca64dfa2⋯.gif (118.46 KB, 321x321, 1:1, Tick.gif)

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be2daa  No.15125556

File: 2bc1a4f8206e30c⋯.mp4 (215.2 KB, 360x360, 1:1, video_2021_11_05_21_21_25.mp4)

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a01100  No.15125557

File: 41c687bd54baad8⋯.png (15.87 KB, 944x430, 472:215, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)

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7dbc05  No.15125558


So women can't control their bodies BEFORE they get pregnant?

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cf5aec  No.15125559

The game is over.

Say goodbye while you can.

The end has come.

Control lost.

[Self Destruct]

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c6824b  No.15125560

File: 03e49fca41581ad⋯.jpeg (105.7 KB, 390x366, 65:61, 1638476157705.jpeg)


>Who exactly is running our government?

← Let me take a wild guess…

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0505fa  No.15125561



When everyone leaves the party but you’re still there

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3d1b61  No.15125562

File: 25c04e090974c98⋯.png (53.7 KB, 1005x889, 1005:889, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad2607  No.15125563


should really be

copies of HIS bookS

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209542  No.15125564

>>15125006 (lb)

2021 Christmas Parade Route

Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 4:00PM

The parade will begin on Main St. and Whiterock Ave. and will travel to West Ave., south on West Ave. to Wisconsin Ave., east on Wisconsin Ave. to North Grand Ave., south on North Grand Ave. to East Park Ave., where the parade will disband.

315 n. west ave is about 2 blocks south of where the parade turned.

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5d4456  No.15125565

File: 478a16645715b37⋯.jpg (466.73 KB, 1077x1671, 359:557, Resized_Screenshot_2021120….jpg)

File: daf3df8de3c4558⋯.jpg (226.63 KB, 1070x1302, 535:651, Resized_Screenshot_2021120….jpg)

File: 2edba073a614890⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1440x1747, 1440:1747, Screenshot_20211202_225139….jpg)

Sly Stallone comms

Heading into the storm.

Book title is "every last secret"

Q hat

But what is the seal behind his seat?

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f7a15f  No.15125566

File: f8fe5b7b8d90840⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 640x799, 640:799, f2OK_PqIpN_JTGcD8Y6zzjlysp….jpg)

File: 51ecb287861ad2b⋯.jpeg (233.21 KB, 1319x1319, 1:1, FE0Cqf2XIBMUJYf.jpeg)

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30beb2  No.15125567

File: f7f63652ab85e5f⋯.jpg (260.42 KB, 611x989, 611:989, TheBeginningIsNear.jpg)

from Gab

@Ffe3301 1d ·

Those of you who follow this group were made aware of the coming supply chain issues with posts on Parler starting back in March of 2020, well over a year ago.

The media won't be able to cover it up too much longer.

Shelves are starting to go bare. You probably noticed some sections of your grocery store bare but thought they were just restocking. Not true.

Shop for Christmas before it's too late.

If you need a new phone, don't delay.

Screen shoot this If you don't believe and check back in couple months.

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14498f  No.15125568


Shouldn't there be an s after Christie?

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bd487e  No.15125569

File: dedb781d0b3cdca⋯.png (619.16 KB, 597x640, 597:640, The_Truth_Is_Right_In_Fron….png)


>Wants to force vaccinate every fucking person on the planet

>Wants bodily autonomy

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307e1a  No.15125570

File: 620a57bdd400e5a⋯.png (97.85 KB, 588x761, 588:761, ClipboardImage.png)

“The COVID-19 Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission of the Disease” – Judge Doughty’s Ruling Destroys Biden’s Vax Mandates

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Louisiana U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty blocked a federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers on Tuesday.

The ruling by Judge Doughty follows Missouri US District Judge Matthew Schelp’s ruling on Monday that blocked mandates in 10 states.

Judge Doughty pointed out all of the illogical and irrational contradictions in the mandate. “If boosters are needed six months after being “fully vaccinated,” then how good are the COVID-19 vaccines, and why is it necessary to mandate them?” says Judge Doughty in his ruling.

The complainant provided evidence based on Dr. Peter A. McCullough’s declaration, “The COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent transmission of the disease among the vaccinated or mixed vaccinated/unvaccinated populations – mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for hospitals do not increase safety for employees or hospital patients. McCullough declared that additional treatment with other drugs and supplements has resulted in an 85% reduction in hospitalizations and death of high-risk individuals presenting with COVID-19.”

Dr. McCullough revealed the current vaccines also don’t adequately cover the Delta variants.

The Gateway Pundit also published an article in which the New England Journal of Medicine explains how COVID vaccines may produce spike proteins that may lead to myocarditis and neurological concerns.

“In other words, even if you are fully vaccinated, you still may become infected with the COVID-19 virus,” Judge Doughty said.

“Although CMS spent pages and pages attempting to explain the need for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, when infection and hospitalizations rates are dropping, millions of people have already been infected, developing some form of natural immunity, and when people who have been fully vaccinated still become infected, mandatory vaccines as the only method of prevention make no sense,” Judge Doughty continued.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID response team published a study on medRxiv – a collaborative project jointly run by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Yale University, and BMJ, a global healthcare knowledge provider – concluded that there is no significant difference in transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the COVID-19 “Delta variant” in federal prison during an outbreak between July to August 2021.


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b509f8  No.15125571


Extremely lame attempt. Go practice

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2e28f1  No.15125572

File: 474e6915c431845⋯.png (190.58 KB, 335x401, 335:401, ClipboardImage.png)


bit early for this anon, do not really get into it until 2 weeks before.

2 moar weeks to go, kek

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ad2607  No.15125573

fake Q is fake.

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2bc143  No.15125574

File: 3472d5b40b05ac5⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_1257.jpg)


Chekked and keked 1 off anon

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c57382  No.15125575

>>15125336 PB

>All the conservatives that are pissing themselves having to share a Big Tent with patriotic homosexuals need to get their shit together sooner than later. Let's defeat communism first

Defeat the Communists first?

The homos are part of the Communist ammo.

They are using homos to push their agenda.

They go together like salt & pepper

The problem with Conservatives is that they have been too "tolerant"

The Commies have convinced people that tolerance is love.

It isn't.

We are not called to tolerate things that are wicked.

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164857  No.15125576

File: 323b77bd3bf8b85⋯.png (314.71 KB, 612x396, 17:11, 38b8f1f87c14cd91ccbe9e14a7….png)

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825955  No.15125577


You're doomed, anon. You're doomed. Doomed

Boohoo. Why don't you go snivel in a corner somewhere. Nobody cares about your black future.

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39b1a3  No.15125578


new phone

How about nothing made in China this Christmas..


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bcf626  No.15125579

File: 226cc3c946db764⋯.png (28.63 KB, 463x251, 463:251, s.png)


White Coats? FauXi?

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307e1a  No.15125580

File: e84ac05f63e3f62⋯.png (496.46 KB, 544x762, 272:381, ClipboardImage.png)

Alec Baldwin says he feels no responsibility over ‘Rust’ shooting

Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin has denied feeling any “guilt” over the on-set shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, saying that while the incident may affect his career, he does not see himself as responsible.

Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos for an interview aired in full on Thursday night, the ‘Rust’ star said he would “go to any lengths to undo what happened” on the film set in late October, though denied that he was at fault.

“I feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it isn't me. I might have killed myself if I thought I was responsible, and I don't say that lightly,” he said, also answering in the negative when asked whether he felt “guilt.”

n previously aired clips, Baldwin argued that he did not pull the trigger on the gun, instead stating that it went off in his hand as he cocked back its hammer. He maintained that he has “no idea” how a live round ended up in what was supposed to be a ‘cold’ weapon, adding that an unknown “someone” must have put it there.

While the actor said he thinks it is “highly unlikely” that he will face criminal charges over the incident, which is still under investigation by authorities, he noted that it could have an impact on his future in the film business. “I couldn’t give a s**t about my career anymore,” he said, calling Hutchins’ death “the worst thing” that has ever happened to him.


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abfefa  No.15125581

File: 8daf0f0c410e55d⋯.jpg (305.09 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, patriot_flag.jpg)


o7 anon.

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998a28  No.15125582

File: 9e7af4b9177c3f7⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 890x534, 5:3, ZomboMeme_06012021181410.jpg)

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09071a  No.15125583

Really, none of you fags have the meme of the NPC forcing Pepe to get injected with the needle?

17 Bitcoin to the first fag to post.

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bcf626  No.15125584


As in "My"

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4a45b9  No.15125585

I love my family. I don't care how ridiculous they are.

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5ec6b2  No.15125586


>Missing "s" on Books

There Is Only One Book For Sale

You can order a copy of the book

or order an autographed book

Book with capital B as in Trump Book

one Book

100,000 book copies

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e7afe1  No.15125587

File: 1d7867c137f06f1⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 600x517, 600:517, bluepill.jpg)

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d80078  No.15125588

File: 7cd50805cc584cf⋯.png (445.48 KB, 500x700, 5:7, baldbang.png)


>it went off in his hand as he cocked back its hammer

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4a45b9  No.15125589


He's still an ad sss

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39b1a3  No.15125590


I don’t. I’m sorry… can’t picture it even?

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c67452  No.15125591


Q already told you… Patriots.

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49bc5e  No.15125592


cold hearted lawyerspeak

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be2daa  No.15125593

File: 3b9c690c1b4ba22⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, FB_IMG_1638342996113.jpg)


Tis the season


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209542  No.15125594



far out, man. a collection of known shill drivel. way to prove your digging fu.


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a01100  No.15125595

File: 4545fb9563c0512⋯.jpg (199.29 KB, 2047x1140, 2047:1140, FFnPwXWXEAozV2p.jpg)

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bcf626  No.15125596


Christy's Book is missing "s" also!

2 "s" are missing ss

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a0acbd  No.15125597


And their kids will act just like them, at least most likely. These actors seem to lack common sense & empathy. It’s very sad.

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c6824b  No.15125598

File: 96c783c22d992d9⋯.png (1018.46 KB, 1075x1130, 215:226, 1638490525643.png)

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a9f79e  No.15125599

File: 8a3858c6ba5d652⋯.png (356.95 KB, 552x686, 276:343, gretchen_7.png)

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998a28  No.15125600

File: a1faaa02912d760⋯.jpg (581.81 KB, 1076x1084, 269:271, Screenshot_20210614_125413….jpg)

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09071a  No.15125601


It's a super pissed off crying red faced NPC holding Pepe, NPC on the left and Pepe on the right. He's holding him down and forcing a needle into him. There's a caption written something like "My vax only works if you're injected" - Pepe has a caption something like "Ughhh" with a rather upset look.

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bd487e  No.15125602


So thankful for those doing what they are doing to restore this republic. I know for a fact he's got some stories to tell.

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d36454  No.15125603

File: e066f5f8d78602d⋯.png (250.49 KB, 634x652, 317:326, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 869bf40fc51912f⋯.png (14.32 KB, 254x255, 254:255, PourMeOne.png)

File: 62115ceed013f53⋯.png (190.07 KB, 474x450, 79:75, ClipboardImage.png)

"Delta passenger on a flight from Syracuse to Atlanta was 'breastfeeding her hairless CAT and refused to stop"

December 2, 2021

"A female passenger on a recent Delta Airlines flight stunned her fellow travelers and cabin crew when she was reportedly observed breastfeeding her pet cat and the woman refused to stop when asked by a flight attendant."

"This woman had one of those, like, hairless cats swaddled up in a blanket so it looked like a baby,' she recounted. 'Her shirt was up and she was trying to get the cat to latch and she wouldn't put the cat back in the carrier. And the cat was screaming for its life"


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ea4d18  No.15125604


wuz kangs?

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0505fa  No.15125605


^^^ Global report CP

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b0449d  No.15125606

File: 68ba741f3e39fdc⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d80078  No.15125607


justice for juicy

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7509cb  No.15125608



hella notable Sly stallone with Q hat talking about the storm

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2e28f1  No.15125609

File: d33efa928b4857e⋯.mp4 (13.18 MB, 960x540, 16:9, night_shift2.mp4)


quads of confirmation 5;5;5;5 - tick tock mothafuckers, chek'ed

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3d1b61  No.15125610

File: 2f22ea5caed6027⋯.png (90.06 KB, 574x111, 574:111, ClipboardImage.png)

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128040  No.15125611

The American Heart Association Posted a Expression of Concern in regards to the following Post that's been going around:

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.


The AHA's Expression of Concern Post

This article expresses concern regarding abstract “Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning” which originally published November 8, 2021; https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712.

Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.

We are publishing this Expression of Concern until a suitable correction is published to indicate that the abstract in its current version may not be reliable.


You can also look up Steven R Gundry other posts on the AHA website and decide if this is a reliable source.

I wanted to send the OG post to a relative so I wanted to sauce it, I might sure i can pass on the findings with confidence at this point.

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ea4d18  No.15125612


tranny took too many hormones?


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4da5b7  No.15125613

File: 155fffa13c8779d⋯.jpeg (319.54 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, D99AD872_831E_49B1_9AFB_C….jpeg)

Evenin’ night qrew

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d80078  No.15125614

File: 17ffbaba02e319d⋯.png (402.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, WinWithWords.png)

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f7a15f  No.15125615

File: b0cd592ec68dd06⋯.jpeg (10.9 KB, 181x279, 181:279, images_2021_12_02T230025_….jpeg)

File: 01cd4824b33bcf9⋯.jpeg (10.95 KB, 181x279, 181:279, images_2021_12_02T230310_….jpeg)

File: beb4d09b7cd8b77⋯.jpeg (10.83 KB, 360x140, 18:7, images_2021_12_02T230121_….jpeg)

File: 2a3d2b35e18c5e1⋯.jpg (119.61 KB, 720x707, 720:707, 6zv8c2h1hfe31.jpg)

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5cc67a  No.15125616

BO isn’t sleeping well these days. It’s in his eyes, his face. His voice isn’t peppy and as positive. He’s tired, worn out. Last gasps of the NWO before they fade forever. Even evil clings to God’s gift of life

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307e1a  No.15125617

Archbishop of Paris involved in ‘intimate relationship’ with woman resigns

Paris Archbishop Michel Aupetit has resigned from his position following reports of an alleged romantic relationship with a woman.

Pope Francis accepted the archbishop’s request to resign, the Vatican announced on Thursday.

Aupetit, 70, explained that he had wanted to prevent a split in the diocese and a loss of confidence in the Church, adding that the attacks against his person had affected him.

A local newspaper reported that the archbishop had had a romantic relationship with a woman in 2012.

Aupetit confirmed a relationship with the woman during his time as vicar general but said it had not been romantic or sexual.

A romantic relationship would be a violation of celibacy, a vow made by all Catholic clergymen.

Aupetit had been archbishop of Paris since 2017 and was thus a high-ranking representative of the Catholic Church in France.

He studied medicine and worked as a doctor before finding his way to the Church.


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164857  No.15125618

File: 57cb8d8b899306a⋯.jpg (31.33 KB, 452x357, 452:357, 57cb8d8b899306af5ef51c00b0….jpg)


>Missing "s" on Books

Are you sure?

100,000 isn't a lot of copies

Sounds like it could be referencing a single one of his books?

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84b6e6  No.15125619


Shhhhh. Let em do it

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9563cf  No.15125620


>“I feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it isn't me.

it was trump…am i right, alec?

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abfefa  No.15125621

File: 12bec2f467351c7⋯.png (368.21 KB, 640x798, 320:399, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbe597  No.15125622

File: f6ddc412b216a1b⋯.png (2.22 MB, 2570x1596, 1285:798, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2285388ca778fa⋯.png (1.36 MB, 855x1535, 171:307, ClipboardImage.png)

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998a28  No.15125623

File: 0c0d7481400ccbf⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 780x514, 390:257, ZomboMeme_14092021110858.jpg)

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4a45b9  No.15125624

File: b338b6cdf8a2233⋯.jpg (375.25 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20211202_220738….jpg)

Not a good look.


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c6824b  No.15125625

File: ec9a9e2251f0b31⋯.gif (11.89 KB, 200x206, 100:103, 1638487744598.gif)


>Evenin' fellow goyim…

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a9f79e  No.15125626

File: 64fa662679b5dac⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, apu_reach.jpg)

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753ad0  No.15125627

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Night_shift2.jpg)

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b509f8  No.15125628


Oh they won't stop on my account. And they arent smart enough to stop of their own accord

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284cb3  No.15125629


You're wrong.

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99456f  No.15125630

File: e5667c4a040e3af⋯.png (251.77 KB, 453x696, 151:232, ClipboardImage.png)



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d80078  No.15125631

File: 5641487567d2bd4⋯.png (603.75 KB, 834x482, 417:241, ClipboardImage.png)


>Paris Archbishop Michel Aupetit

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ad2607  No.15125632


I've read it several times and it's really awkwardly worded

but if it's a headline: DT sold 100K copies of book, 50x moar than CC book

That sorta makes sense, I dunno

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ea4d18  No.15125633


she on her way from the protest to the clinic?

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e7afe1  No.15125634

File: 4694f4335ef9cd6⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1202x1363, 1202:1363, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e5075  No.15125635

File: d1dfdd86276ca3f⋯.jpg (49.12 KB, 600x335, 120:67, Truthis.jpg)

File: 9c8b63e82ee3ee5⋯.jpg (45.05 KB, 600x335, 120:67, TruthAntidote.jpg)

File: 08cc0c1bc31026c⋯.jpg (78.97 KB, 600x335, 120:67, WeWantTrump2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker.

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c7b7b6  No.15125636

File: bc25391af86657e⋯.png (385.29 KB, 411x424, 411:424, ClipboardImage.png)


who dis?

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abfefa  No.15125637

File: 79c0c5b88a11b58⋯.jpg (95.2 KB, 768x512, 3:2, nightshift3.jpg)


Nods activated

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bd487e  No.15125638

File: 2251f9409090175⋯.png (1.13 MB, 525x1080, 35:72, 8d350282faa5618c7898a4d3d3….png)

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fc0b33  No.15125639


I just did. Right along with the cocksuckers who comment on all these posts. You and your fucking ginger hater cult. FUCK OFF

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e84257  No.15125640


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51446e  No.15125641

File: 0c2d3705beaf0ca⋯.png (1.51 MB, 950x1064, 25:28, wheel_of_fortune_south_par….png)

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164857  No.15125642

File: 4adb38298fbde58⋯.png (56.15 KB, 239x211, 239:211, 68f0a41e8bb8cc9b8b87674cb7….png)



It was posted in one of these breads last night

>>15119775 #19127

>>15120925 #19128

>>15121399 #19129

But by the time you'd find it anon will probably post it here

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c57382  No.15125643


> Alec Baldwin has denied feeling any “guilt”

psychopaths are incapable of feeling any guilt or remorse

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4a45b9  No.15125644



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d80078  No.15125645

Moms across Houston say they were scammed after buying 'Elf on the Shelf' kits

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6f2903  No.15125646

File: 1dea7e6b2b2866c⋯.jpg (87.58 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5smv1b.jpg)

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b509f8  No.15125647


The monster from Saw.

Or maybe Pelosi

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164857  No.15125648

File: e1ad428a22d774c⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 600x610, 60:61, 1624799550586.jpg)


Hello Merchant

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998a28  No.15125649

File: d6b9419cc595868⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 611x666, 611:666, d6b9419cc595868371c28647f8….gif)

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b0449d  No.15125650

File: af018dcd1a7c77e⋯.png (311.02 KB, 702x336, 117:56, Solemani.png)

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2e28f1  No.15125651

File: a89dac125474788⋯.png (560.02 KB, 734x500, 367:250, ClipboardImage.png)


>“I feel that someone is responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it isn't me. I might have killed myself if I thought I was responsible, and I don't say that lightly,” he said, also answering in the negative when asked whether he felt “guilt.”

Baldwin: I cannot be held responsible for the helps mistake, fingerprints are mine, but hey, shit happens, least it shut down the pedo dig and helped Hillary as well.


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3d1b61  No.15125652

File: 3d592f1da0acd19⋯.png (83.11 KB, 856x720, 107:90, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea30ba  No.15125653

File: 3cbff36783dfcc7⋯.jpeg (88.17 KB, 1000x1008, 125:126, F7DB1518_677A_45B5_A728_B….jpeg)


Couple of “Community Organisers” sharing a laugh, or two

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ea4d18  No.15125654


holy crap.

This guy putting it on the line.

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3d54e2  No.15125655


from your lips to God's ears, anon

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7509cb  No.15125656


looks like an older cadillac logo on the seats. There’s a larger piece of the logo on the upper left of photo partially covered behind another man

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cde7db  No.15125657

File: 15baecb36294763⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 4558x3039, 4558:3039, 180130_F_LT717_004C.jpg)

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29eef7  No.15125658


Dr Stephen Gundry is one of the Godfathers that work for IBM. He came up with the idea of putting everybody's medical records into the great AI Watson, which still exists. He is also now doing health and diet ads on YouTube since I researched him and put his details here on the board over a year ago.

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4da5b7  No.15125659

File: bb3d710ba64d1e9⋯.jpeg (114.26 KB, 834x481, 834:481, A3DC8345_3448_4E77_B311_4….jpeg)


Sorry couldn’t resist

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d80078  No.15125660

File: 0641f58292d8015⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Rosie_Kaplan_is_one_of_hun….mp4)


>Moms across Houston say they were scammed after buying 'Elf on the Shelf' kits

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ad2607  No.15125661

File: 5abd72e051a0a68⋯.png (1.08 MB, 656x642, 328:321, ClipboardImage.png)


it's a MIRROR, that's the lady behind him to his right (our left)

and it does look a little like pillosi, is that her current hair color?

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84b6e6  No.15125662


Open the emergency door and toss her and the cat out. Boom.

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78e5b3  No.15125663


Let’s hope it’s soon. Fuck these people

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05f4c4  No.15125664


Doesn't pass the smell test for me.

"I Didn't pull the trigger". would have been the first thing he said after the gun went off, reflexively. Everyone on the set would have heard him say it.

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abfefa  No.15125665

File: b37d6045e5a0535⋯.png (445.44 KB, 612x616, 153:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd487e  No.15125666


It's a civics lesson. Taking notes?

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ea4d18  No.15125667

File: 5de3a1476fad40e⋯.jpg (76.68 KB, 250x350, 5:7, Wut01.jpg)


he gets all the cock

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3d54e2  No.15125668


stallone is a gay larp

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5d4456  No.15125669


Sorry heres the sauce.


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7509cb  No.15125670


a reflection of the blonde

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79ef72  No.15125671

File: efa3869162a9ddb⋯.png (373.84 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e28f1  No.15125672


>“I couldn’t give a s**t about my career anymore,” he said, calling Hutchins’ death “the worst thing” that has ever happened to him.

she is dead by his action and it is the worst thing that has happened to him.



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164857  No.15125673

File: 8ff445aef34f655⋯.png (87.2 KB, 318x238, 159:119, 34cc3eb2a4523ac78cacd3a686….png)

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e0d5db  No.15125674

File: 57bc2b8828b0733⋯.png (1.32 MB, 850x645, 170:129, ClipboardImage.png)

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4da5b7  No.15125675

File: 1ecb94473874164⋯.jpeg (277.77 KB, 656x642, 328:321, 4A23A6A0_66ED_4152_AC95_C….jpeg)


Upped the exposure

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323b0f  No.15125676

File: 4e531675449c7b5⋯.jpg (257.91 KB, 894x670, 447:335, 4e531675449c7b5ed9ae9e75b9….jpg)

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5d4456  No.15125678


Any idea of the seal behind his seat and the other guy?

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c6824b  No.15125679

File: c750381973329b7⋯.png (113.49 KB, 542x500, 271:250, youhavetogoback.png)

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30d30b  No.15125680


POTUS, we need you ASAP!

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998a28  No.15125681


Single action, which means if he had a grip on the trigger, pulled the hammer back, then released it would fire and he could claim he didn't "pull the trigger".

Any other malfunction would be revealed by a thorough examination of the weapon.

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ea4d18  No.15125682




Missing word


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7509cb  No.15125683




Sylvester stallone posts pic of himself wearing Q hat, talking about going into the storm.

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fc2bab  No.15125685

File: 8ea31e2a0597e45⋯.png (27.35 KB, 631x268, 631:268, KEK_VISION_sys_8kun_top_21….png)

Update button on the edit page has been disabled for OPs again, and the previous bread either reverted to it's wrong number or never updated in the first place.

For the time being just try to be very careful when baking and setting the Subject of the OP. Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is something we have to wait on Jim for. We'll get a hold of him.

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c57382  No.15125686



It's fine

There is only one kind of book being referred to.

One book. Many copies of one book.

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ad2607  No.15125687

File: 3c7e64eacc3fcdc⋯.png (187.36 KB, 654x582, 109:97, ClipboardImage.png)


>"every last secret"


a book with a character named Cat who is cat-fighting with her neighbor Neena over Cat's husband, William..

wtf kinda comms is that?

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4a45b9  No.15125688

> | 80 UIDs

Well, we can tell who usually works here.

Ole GG crew.

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c7b7b6  No.15125689



Sidney Powell?

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6520e0  No.15125690

File: 7357b5c647860e6⋯.gif (6.46 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 833F36E7_5D7C_4B31_ADE3_A7….gif)

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cde7db  No.15125691


No. No it doesn't. This is a shitty slide. Try harder.

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a01100  No.15125692

File: 2fbabbe52e4828b⋯.png (88.84 KB, 927x424, 927:424, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)


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d80078  No.15125693

File: e21777a024313b5⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1656x930, 276:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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8832bc  No.15125694

File: d64b8c455b143c9⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 320x320, 1:1, EC46B7AB_1F96_4AC8_9207_0….jpeg)


We ARE the news.

Let that sink in.

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c4b0f8  No.15125695

File: 7982494146d10ab⋯.png (278.05 KB, 800x820, 40:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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bcf626  No.15125696

File: ebc165e95de5e2c⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad2607  No.15125697


not nanchee

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323b0f  No.15125698


he's aware

habbened when he enabled changin pics with edit

not sure why it wasn't reverted right away

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3d54e2  No.15125699


the fuck is this

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4a45b9  No.15125700

OSS on Guttenberg tube in

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9563cf  No.15125701

File: 5927cacbd6fe179⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1200x924, 100:77, 3340f66a88e8f4e1a7118b4e71….png)


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2e28f1  No.15125702

File: 8eae8bea64642f3⋯.gif (5.04 MB, 540x405, 4:3, sherlock_nightshift.gif)

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cde7db  No.15125703


yeah it keeps sticking.

to get it to work you have to do both, remove the disabled from the element, and change the value from "Updating…" back to "Update"

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998a28  No.15125704

File: 3012d017c1a7793⋯.png (706.69 KB, 500x782, 250:391, jean_craighead_george_auth….png)

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4da5b7  No.15125705


Anon is thinking it’s the title itself that is the comms. Stallone dropping “every last secret” he’s been exposed to during his time in Pedowood?

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be2daa  No.15125706

File: a46909fc7225c67⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FB_IMG_1638462516666.jpg)


Translation: During the last time breads were flying, anon said just keep the bread numbers correct.

So fuck you guys, now we're not fixing your breads.

Just speak from the heart next time, [[[BV]]]

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3334e7  No.15125707

File: 82d8922205aa0f0⋯.png (1.1 MB, 878x1120, 439:560, am3.png)

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dbd457  No.15125708

File: c4c85c79b881f14⋯.jpg (310.18 KB, 411x424, 411:424, bc25391af86657e66488517a2d….jpg)



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ea30ba  No.15125709

File: 85f309da77f65c3⋯.png (254.94 KB, 600x401, 600:401, 93580BCA_CD8C_4C7D_9FE5_2E….png)


I know what you mean

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ea4d18  No.15125710


"um Hi Alec, it's your PR guys here.

Go on the record and tell the world you have no guilt, and that you don't see YOURSELF as responsible.

And to really warm them up to you, tell them you'd kill yourself if you did."

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abfefa  No.15125711



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c6824b  No.15125712

File: 3d20776ce32f0e0⋯.jpeg (260.87 KB, 553x847, 79:121, 1638385294558.jpeg)

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3334e7  No.15125713

File: 9b1c95a5eba0b8a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 818x894, 409:447, boosteris.png)

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953cba  No.15125714

File: 1668006431d3933⋯.jpeg (292.69 KB, 497x1070, 497:1070, 2160E08B_C583_44B6_A191_C….jpeg)

CNN: You are more likely to die from Covid in a red state than a blue state.


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7c804f  No.15125715

File: a4609c17b5ed4f6⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 480x260, 24:13, enhance44.gif)

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4da5b7  No.15125716

File: 23d96909e45c08a⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1620x1072, 405:268, E32C03F2_DCEB_4AE1_BE9F_3….jpeg)


These are Sly’s daughters. Probs one of them.

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7509cb  No.15125717


Id feel bad for the emo vampires but they don’t have souls so meh

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ad2607  No.15125718


looks young now with the enhance…

late teens early 20s?

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ea30ba  No.15125720


Looks like a case of rubella

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998a28  No.15125721

File: 0245c95eb50c540⋯.jpg (469.96 KB, 1076x1083, 1076:1083, Screenshot_20211202_232423….jpg)

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275a37  No.15125722


Dumb ass. Pulling the trigger is part of the process.

Aiming it is permanent.

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ce3955  No.15125723

File: e38ba7b5ca19acd⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 776x485, 8:5, trytgushjd.jpg)

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c57382  No.15125724


Well, as long as the woman and the cat were wearing a mask, it's all ok.

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79ef72  No.15125725

ICYMI: Donald J. Trump on Fox and Friends (December 2, 2021)



"We have a group of people. I don't know if it's Biden, it might not be".

…"perhaps, Knowingly destroying our country."


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84b6e6  No.15125726


Anon ain’t be able to afford one for the foreseeable future so hopefully anons get it and cap the pics because there is 100% part of “the map” and comms in there

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ea4d18  No.15125727


Jolly good.

Stolen, during wartime.

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ad2607  No.15125728

File: 8ca3fb2d2167617⋯.png (28.54 KB, 114x149, 114:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8f8d8e3a552801⋯.png (263.04 KB, 249x357, 83:119, ClipboardImage.png)

maybe? cheeks.

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5ec6b2  No.15125729

File: 41bf14d65ae3f69⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 651x728, 93:104, 130572405_411006003588888_….jpg)

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f7a15f  No.15125730

File: 60e5f83901397b0⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 480x368, 30:23, 60e5f83901397b0ac0ffb2f56a….gif)

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30d30b  No.15125731

File: abf538255bf0afc⋯.png (336.54 KB, 554x406, 277:203, e4c6b8c1a364a58880832fc366….png)



These ijits

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84b6e6  No.15125732


Nah. Her bewbs are too big for the arm position. They would have gotten in the way

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753ad0  No.15125733

File: 30b5ef9feb67c1a⋯.jpg (144.9 KB, 1242x1227, 414:409, download.jpg)

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bafc0e  No.15125734

File: f71c15ebaa62ba8⋯.jpg (490.66 KB, 1440x1796, 360:449, Screenshot_20211202_232539….jpg)

Imagine being this retarded.

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164857  No.15125735


One Pig Only

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996d91  No.15125736

File: 2dc73c34952a83d⋯.jpg (56.86 KB, 600x402, 100:67, Smoke_em.jpg)

Merry Christmas 2021

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3d54e2  No.15125737

File: 62b723b48d16037⋯.png (39.93 KB, 472x313, 472:313, Screen_Shot_2021_12_02_at_….png)

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664077  No.15125738

File: e7ca4e3fd3ced45⋯.png (378.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 4645757.png)


hey Psaki, is that you, bitch ?

ginger nigger

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a01100  No.15125739

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79ef72  No.15125740


5:5 hands out like a trap./ \

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c6824b  No.15125742

File: 334628ed8c75658⋯.jpeg (127.48 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1638488753599.jpeg)

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13ced6  No.15125743


Thank god they look like their mother

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c57382  No.15125744


So when are we peons going to find out what the heck is actually going on?

All of the elites seem to know.

Here we sit in the peanut gallery as confused as ever.

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d80078  No.15125745

File: d737a777baef589⋯.gif (649 KB, 319x200, 319:200, coach.gif)

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605854  No.15125746


Pooh and a Tigger… and Xi and a…

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998a28  No.15125747

File: 3ebcab90d233bae⋯.jpg (211 KB, 1080x1074, 180:179, Screenshot_20211115_223640….jpg)

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dbd457  No.15125748

File: 7477157b8bc099a⋯.jpg (368.02 KB, 942x750, 157:125, ClaimsOfCamps.jpg)

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cde7db  No.15125749


Ignorance is not the same as Intelligence.

The media presents them with a distorted wonderland of the actual world.

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be2daa  No.15125751

File: 472e97df9f311be⋯.jpg (34.31 KB, 666x666, 1:1, FB_IMG_1638501326026.jpg)


tick tock, goes the clock

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597121  No.15125752

File: 397ab7df53db51e⋯.jpg (141.91 KB, 1170x1425, 78:95, FFpaAjOX0AUL2b5.jpg)

Happy Thursday Anons

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0edcbd  No.15125753

[Santa Inc ≈ SatannIc]

>There are 2 n's anons

>>15125389 (lb)

The Bill became Act of Parliament No.2 of 1924 giving The Spiritualist Church of New Zealand legal persona. This was no mean feat as the climate in those days was such that our Movement was, interalia, regarded as one of His Satannic Majesty’s numerous agencies.


1842. On all other points, we are happy and comfortable. The weather is as hot as his Satannic Majesty himself could desire it; thermometer 93 in the shade

From chroniclingamerica.loc.gov


his Satannic Majesty was away from home


Jo, nothing daunted, in return seized them again, and started to run, when his Satannic Majesty (or the spirit,) applied his foot to the prophet's seat of honor, which raised him three or four feet from the ground!"





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7509cb  No.15125754


Ahhh shit anons

Just last bread they were taking about misinformation being spread by cat memes

Was that a new form of comms? are cats replacing dogs as comms? Remember the cat being breastfed on a airplane? Stallone posting a pic with a book about cats?

All this coincidence or no?

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ea30ba  No.15125755


When it comes to true news for sure.

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86ed14  No.15125756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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29eef7  No.15125757

File: 2b700d92931fe78⋯.jpg (529.38 KB, 972x2795, 972:2795, Screenshot_20211202_222901….jpg)

File: e8f4908cb42fa74⋯.png (248.46 KB, 1080x2316, 90:193, Screenshot_20211202_222910….png)

My mistake the Godfather is Dr. Paul Gundry


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716819  No.15125758


This lady is wearing a necklace that was hanging over a set of femanon bewbs a few years ago

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cde7db  No.15125759


isn't there supposed to be rudolph antler?

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ea4d18  No.15125760



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d80078  No.15125761

File: 213ffaff6db58b0⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1226x930, 613:465, ClipboardImage.png)


>Here we sit in the peanut gallery as confused as ever.

Maybe it's better this way.

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c4b0f8  No.15125762

File: 48a5ce7fc464df7⋯.png (327.65 KB, 464x564, 116:141, ClipboardImage.png)


It's awkward, but good enough considering it is a headline and meant to be short and succinct. Also, there should not be an 's' on the end of book in either case.

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84b6e6  No.15125763


Dogs with war paint. They probably look like him without all that makeup. No thanks

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7d040d  No.15125764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Come on, sing to me…

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6f2903  No.15125765

File: 5f24059325a8d6b⋯.jpg (96.49 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5sivjf.jpg)

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bd487e  No.15125766


The sooner the full truth dick-slaps everyone across the face, the better. I hate seeing people falling for the MSM and entertainment programming.



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7509cb  No.15125767


think you nailed it

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8832bc  No.15125768

File: 1897ff04d14f4c4⋯.jpeg (546.42 KB, 828x1053, 92:117, EEF377D0_E8DD_4171_BCAD_B….jpeg)


Here’s his next and latest post.


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fc0b33  No.15125769


Over and over and over FUCK OFF

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a9f79e  No.15125770


Maybe he also watched Trump try to convince Gutfeld that his wife should take the clot shot. This is getting really stupid.

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8b131e  No.15125771

File: b290b3d80282709⋯.png (294.95 KB, 600x401, 600:401, Boo.png)

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4a45b9  No.15125772

File: 72eb6d89a9a67fa⋯.jpg (398.22 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20211202_223015….jpg)

File: cb2ace135f04171⋯.jpg (403.33 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20211202_180713….jpg)

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5ec6b2  No.15125773

File: 884d31e53ac2b2b⋯.png (95.42 KB, 380x337, 380:337, ClipboardImage.png)




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c6824b  No.15125774

File: dce317869d4d0b3⋯.png (113.9 KB, 341x443, 341:443, 1638487109282_1_.png)


Not only do they know, they are PISSED.

The only thing that will save the jew from the goyim masses now, is the fact that they have taken the death jab, and will be dead soon.

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164857  No.15125775

File: c6df4fb929ca311⋯.png (721.62 KB, 675x843, 225:281, ClipboardImage.png)


>a new form of comms? are cats replacing dogs as comms?

>All this coincidence or no?

"Gaslighting" what is that supposed to even mean?

You sound CRAZY, anon

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84b6e6  No.15125776


That’s a dude by default

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5d4456  No.15125777


Normally don't let people speak as to what I was thinking but you are 100% right.

Where's baker? This gonna slide?

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c57382  No.15125778


It will probably be the topic of discussion for dozens of breads.

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c6824b  No.15125779

File: 0cee1dc2adf9da5⋯.jpeg (756.84 KB, 1728x2304, 3:4, 1638484514820.jpeg)


I believe you are correct, anon.

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597121  No.15125780


I can't imagine enduring

a full conversation with this person

holy crap

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dbd457  No.15125781


Tell me that is 1984 Eddie Van Halen I won't call you an idiot.

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7a968c  No.15125782


>CNN: You are more likely to die from Covid in a red state than a blue state.

Stop fleeing all the blue states, you stupid deplorables!


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5ec6b2  No.15125783

File: 9f81594e1c4c8b8⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2200x1634, 1100:817, 9e891779ad2ee65b061bc2eb97….png)

File: 1f823b8a844d394⋯.jpeg (120.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 336769_yi5r8ks4thkxbca.jpeg)

File: 55e83bce34f791f⋯.png (13.3 KB, 255x237, 85:79, a19c0817afa72f9d09cb8a38ba….png)

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5d4456  No.15125784


Ghislenes trail is habbening now.

Was more interested in the title than what the book is about.

You see the hat? The storm comment? Just gonna ignore that?

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b0449d  No.15125785


Newfag doesn't understand gaslighting.

Or old fag gaslighting.

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4a45b9  No.15125786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fc0b33  No.15125787

File: 1ebe1d09f60cc6f⋯.jpg (291.89 KB, 511x512, 511:512, punisher4.jpg)



I'm your worst fucking nightmare! And hers!

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4da5b7  No.15125788

File: c68eade13b9ca04⋯.jpeg (914.65 KB, 1406x1431, 1406:1431, 05197149_1B16_4974_A8AE_B….jpeg)

File: 2c3dfc42db69968⋯.jpeg (3.95 MB, 1620x1808, 405:452, 6D2BA102_362B_432F_8112_8….jpeg)

BO tweet was already notabled earlier, but I think this is related. BO and Fauci were at Kimball Elementary School in DC.

There’s also a Kimball, Michigan located about 55 miles from the Oxford high school shooting,

Shots are never fun…


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c6824b  No.15125789

File: fef9520b61e6b20⋯.png (2.02 MB, 944x1300, 236:325, 1638483604571.png)

← this is what our REAL ancestors thought of that jew, Moses.

I wonder why?

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164857  No.15125790


>Where's baker?

Checking your digits, moran

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements



>>15125565, >>15125669, >>15125675 Sly Stallone: "Heading into the storm" Q hat.. and what is the seal behind his seat?

>>15125603 Comms or just tarded? "Delta passenger on a flight from Syracuse to Atlanta was 'breastfeeding her hairless CAT and refused to stop"

>>15125617 Archbishop of Paris involved in ‘intimate relationship’ with woman resigns

requesting noms

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51446e  No.15125791

File: 9ffe5051d6a8ab1⋯.png (382.39 KB, 654x582, 109:97, every_last_secret_book_cat….png)


I can't help myself…

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e148ce  No.15125792




WILL Biden Sign the Bill?

Will Biden Launch The Storm?

Trip Planed?

will certain actions accelerate counter actions?

Straw Men are very effective Stealth Bombers?

[WED] down she goes

D5 o7

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664077  No.15125793

File: e5e55377c6ef96c⋯.png (653.99 KB, 600x764, 150:191, 42425.png)


dubdubs confirm that the namefagging shill Pig and his pig-fan groupies are retarded shitbrained NPC mong's

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c7b7b6  No.15125794


all that dude does anymore is bitch about Trump. Sure does talk about him a lot despite his disdain for him. His content has been a dumpster fire since the election.

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56950b  No.15125795



archbishop removed for having a heterosexual relationship with an adult woman

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fc2bab  No.15125796

File: e6348c8e3ce9875⋯.jpg (134.08 KB, 697x618, 697:618, 1613006290761.jpg)


This has nothing to do with you yet you're this assmad. Picrel is for you.


Tried this, doesn't work. disabled value immediately comes back when clicking Update.


Good to know, thanks. I don't like talking to Jim.

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bd487e  No.15125797

File: 2d9086da314eb1e⋯.jpg (176.68 KB, 1085x1200, 217:240, Trumpland_vs_Clinton_Archi….jpg)



The plan works by using their playbook to jostle everyone awake while taking all their plans and implementing The Republic 2.0 from top to bottom. Every move they make is making the plan work (even though on the outside it would seem like the country is getting worse and worse). The areas where shit really is going downhill are the true problem areas in the country that are going to experience a little bit of pain to get that extra judge to wake up. To see it in action, go somewhere that's deep red, and away from the cities. Look at the shelves int he store, and gas prices. Now, compare that with, say, San Francisco.

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09071a  No.15125798


Thank you Anon, I looked but could not find.

I guess I'll be up all night.

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ea4d18  No.15125799

File: 6c8243dc65badba⋯.png (6.69 KB, 330x79, 330:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbe597  No.15125800

File: d378d24b9aa2b99⋯.png (156.69 KB, 1053x1088, 1053:1088, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0449d  No.15125801


Should have stuck with slipping cripplers to the alter boys.

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a6409d  No.15125802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a01100  No.15125804

File: 8ab90149c7787c2⋯.png (779.9 KB, 790x717, 790:717, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)

File: 793002bee556f50⋯.png (224.24 KB, 365x300, 73:60, Screenshot_2021_12_02_at_2….png)


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597121  No.15125805


>I wonder why?

They knew

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7509cb  No.15125806


You are posting a picture of a dog with a cats face which is crazy in itself, so while you’re correct in saying that I sound crazy, it’s only because the world itself has gone crazy.

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ea4d18  No.15125807



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664077  No.15125808

File: 7f4834211e4e75b⋯.jpg (187 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 353536.jpg)


>I'm your worst fucking nightmare!

larp larp larp

keep it up grandpa, nice opioid fantasy

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bbe597  No.15125809

File: f888191fc625b34⋯.png (203.65 KB, 679x372, 679:372, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d4456  No.15125810

File: 38a000edc0c66a1⋯.jpg (36.46 KB, 568x540, 142:135, image000000_5_01.jpg)

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792d29  No.15125811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>This has nothing to do with you yet you're this assmad.

Okay retard


>I don't like talking to Jim.

Why is that? Hmm I do wonder

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7d040d  No.15125812


Hence, the ability to "fan" the hammer on a SA.

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8832bc  No.15125813

File: 5cf6f48fc750d0a⋯.jpeg (407.87 KB, 1200x1171, 1200:1171, 08C32A47_51AE_4F7A_8FFC_D….jpeg)

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1ebd77  No.15125814


[ —- ]

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3d54e2  No.15125815

strange vibes here tonight.

you know who you are.

fuck off.

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ea4d18  No.15125816


selling shit off.

<Can't take it all with you

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4a45b9  No.15125817



We caught them (you) all.

Trust none.

🔨 time

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ea30ba  No.15125818

File: 5d6c669dd8ca5e3⋯.jpeg (44.79 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 8EAFCF61_0B7F_4473_A29B_5….jpeg)


That skull! Imagine the size of ears this cat must’ve carried around

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7509cb  No.15125819


Correction, a cat with a dogs face

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664077  No.15125820

File: 1b6c7a182191e6c⋯.gif (262.97 KB, 498x460, 249:230, 5363.gif)


a mutated doge is an abomination

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f7a15f  No.15125821


171 images. Saw that

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d36454  No.15125822

File: 081563a65ca6b7a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 828x1208, 207:302, 10_22_21_Gun_being_blamed_….png)

File: 9f189c70d8dc799⋯.png (230.95 KB, 1031x662, 1031:662, 10_24_21_Narrative_Shift_C….png)

File: 6f7a5c578f08ffb⋯.png (483.14 KB, 687x802, 687:802, 10_22_21_Leftist_already_t….png)

File: 6a7bc5c0d8a5c73⋯.jpeg (118.95 KB, 1170x1122, 195:187, Psychopath.jpeg)


His story is being massaged on the fly. Sunshine Sachs needs to see how this one "plays in Peoria"

Everybody did it but Alec.

They're working all possible angles, confuse the narrative as best they can. A better strategy would have been to lie low, be quiet but his HILARIOUS "Spanish" wife is too thirsty for that.

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bd487e  No.15125823


>I don't like talking to Jim.

LOL. Ever think the problem might be you?

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c6824b  No.15125824

File: d0cfd5577fc65e7⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1105x1243, 1105:1243, 1638488481209.png)


They did. And now it is time for us to remember!

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323b0f  No.15125825


Does he Pope have a throne over the Tomb of David?

There's your answer.

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45d343  No.15125826

File: 98cdaa5d2afb1dd⋯.png (188.43 KB, 358x263, 358:263, Velikovsky02.png)


…I'm fine being retarded.

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cde7db  No.15125827


I just did it just now. it works.

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8832bc  No.15125828

File: 3395b9b2fdfa351⋯.jpeg (102.08 KB, 805x1005, 161:201, 2A24B0A3_9576_4812_A7E1_F….jpeg)

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998a28  No.15125829


They love their semantic games.

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792d29  No.15125830

File: 8dc16151cd07547⋯.png (279.77 KB, 597x250, 597:250, ClipboardImage.png)


>the world itself has gone crazy.

Cats and Dogs!

Communicating together!

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753ad0  No.15125831

File: 09ed913cbb9a33f⋯.gif (703.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 09ed913cbb9a33f946d1acdf35….gif)

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3d54e2  No.15125832

File: 1135e158b654788⋯.png (675.78 KB, 575x746, 575:746, rapper_dog.png)


mutate this

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fc0b33  No.15125833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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79ef72  No.15125834


Analysts say Biden’s big social-spending bill probably will pass

Published: Dec. 2, 2021 at 12:38 p.m. ET


>Trust POTUS.

>Trust your President!

>Trust in your President!

>Trust in your President.



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cde7db  No.15125835


I will concede the possibility that it doesn't always work, depending on the lag of your network, which implies a timing issue.

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a01100  No.15125836


"After some digging around (no pun intended), you would have found that your new Vatican residence was actually built over the one and only Caesar’s Palace. The Vatican, and some include St. Peter’s Basilica as well, was constructed over Emperor Vespasian’s Roman palace approximately 200 years after the sacking of Rome in 455 AD. Most scholars tend to overlook this important fact. In fact, there are excavations going on over there right now, even as you read this."

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abfefa  No.15125837


Kim = Kim Jong Un?

Ball = Eye on the ball / nuclear football?

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78e5b3  No.15125838


Dasting concept. Just moved from blue state WA, complete fukery. Red state now, like night and day.

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bbe597  No.15125839

File: 995616e14da1481⋯.png (61.28 KB, 1022x367, 1022:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Things that make you say pedophile:


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597121  No.15125840

File: 7c2575b08298059⋯.png (77.27 KB, 500x416, 125:104, watchout.png)

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664077  No.15125841

File: bc0e0aea1082914⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 235x337, 235:337, 6000000.JPG)


>will be dead soon.

but, who is going to inherit all the shekels ?

and the foreskins, oy gevalt !

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792d29  No.15125842

File: f1182b08e4b3245⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 500x483, 500:483, f1182b08e4b3245dfb8344974f….jpg)


>a mutated doge is an abomination


>Correction, a cat with a dogs face

It's Dr. Pige, the newest torture device for shills

All teh spyops belong to we

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2e28f1  No.15125843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


why can we not just get on, dogs and cats living together in peace and harmony

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323b0f  No.15125844


BO can change those settings

BV can't?

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c6824b  No.15125845

File: 3ab08897d82b0f1⋯.jpeg (39.55 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 2af967eecbb3413890d74aaf4….jpeg)




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c8bcf3  No.15125846

File: 57be64fb39e8d74⋯.png (725.28 KB, 1280x586, 640:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d54e2  No.15125847

File: 3e358f55f683406⋯.png (29.5 KB, 208x78, 8:3, Screen_Shot_2021_12_02_at_….png)

oh yeah that was a classic

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84b6e6  No.15125848


Doesn’t matter what the “pope” has when a gorillion people with pitchforks show up to tear him limb from limb. That’s what they fear the most, public exposure. They won’t survive more than a weekend.

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c6824b  No.15125849

File: 03e49fca41581ad⋯.jpeg (105.7 KB, 390x366, 65:61, 1638476157705.jpeg)


Who, indeed…

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6f2903  No.15125850

File: e15f2a7909585a2⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 509x500, 509:500, 5d2wgl.jpg)

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ad2607  No.15125851

File: 1fe74c90e3bf272⋯.png (448.57 KB, 679x384, 679:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47a4f1002269854⋯.png (396.96 KB, 662x389, 662:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0d0e0ec2dc3613⋯.png (565.18 KB, 663x389, 663:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 159462e125dce30⋯.png (68.87 KB, 172x150, 86:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 019a0b855381aee⋯.png (139.93 KB, 495x221, 495:221, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15124721 LB


btw fauxi reminds me of a duck (bill) with that mask

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3d54e2  No.15125852

File: 06d746e5f25b575⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1188x668, 297:167, muhjooshills_.png)

early and often

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bd487e  No.15125853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's almost like it was a well, thought out process or something.

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c6824b  No.15125854

File: 4888e7f8bf68a2f⋯.jpeg (1.85 KB, 70x70, 1:1, 1638474256216s.jpeg)

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792d29  No.15125855

File: b9b30e5afb418d0⋯.png (205.4 KB, 474x473, 474:473, keks.png)



Anons, watch this with your new eyes.

Literal nods and dogwhistles

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e8988a  No.15125856

File: 06603c8a965b11b⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB, 474x631, 474:631, ECBF42EE_1C0E_4FAB_AA3D_5….jpeg)

& God Bless, Patriots, world wide…

never, ever, give up your Liberty.

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c6824b  No.15125857

File: 2a6da19f3babf3d⋯.png (248.96 KB, 604x500, 151:125, filtered_.png)

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323b0f  No.15125858


Tomb of David is in Israel

just sayin

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2dfe8a  No.15125859


You detectin that fuckin wierdo too?

They probably work for fake news.

Let's pray they turn around.

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dbd457  No.15125860


>Congrats! These libs are as good as owned HYPOCRISY!!!!

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8832bc  No.15125861

File: 315915db8248bbb⋯.jpeg (114.46 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, E652D7B5_F8DF_40B3_B9BC_3….jpeg)

Someone explain why this painting exists.

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e0d5db  No.15125862


fukken stolen

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fc2bab  No.15125863

File: 4bdd0d568eb2de8⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 436x536, 109:134, 1546010289821.jpg)


Did you ever think to consider our side of the issue?

I've repeated myself a hundred times now, but Jim has repeatedly shot down our requests for bugfixes, stating that he will not "put any programming in to the website until he can turn up a good profit". We care about this board. I care about this board, I made this fucking board for all of you to shitpost, research and meme on. You are nothing but web traffic to Jim, potential customers of 8kun merch. Bug reports I sent to CM were promptly fixed and we had good communication. This is not the case with Jim, because with Q gone, and web traffic falling, he is more interested in promoting his gay ass podcasts where he can keep himself in the spotlight.

Like I said, we're the ones who give a shit about this place, Jim not so much.



Nope, but I'll let FJ know that he needs to change a setting. Which one exactly is causing the issue?


You could be right, I'm on a VPN, which could be causing the timing issue.

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51446e  No.15125864

File: 6d8388f5b657545⋯.png (2.9 MB, 2400x800, 3:1, TRUMP_VS_BIDEN_PRESIDENCY.png)

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a9f79e  No.15125865

File: 3b038b70b71d875⋯.jpg (79.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gretch_page.jpg)

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bd487e  No.15125866

File: f679c20f28cd39c⋯.png (43.91 KB, 243x328, 243:328, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at this desperation; LOL

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cde7db  No.15125867


writing a tiny javascript to deal with it…..

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ea4d18  No.15125868

File: 7583232b3f51512⋯.png (93.24 KB, 255x144, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


Black for barry and white for Fauci.

Faggotry levels are high in that pic

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3d54e2  No.15125869



can't trust 'em

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3d54e2  No.15125870

that tinkling sound you hear is tiny oriental gonads

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7de04c  No.15125871

A. Cuomo legal battle a dry run to try on Potus?

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664077  No.15125872



>can't trust 'em

I concur

they have their own agenda/bias

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ea4d18  No.15125873


good point.

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7d040d  No.15125874


For a while, they made good use of them. Now, not so much…

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78e5b3  No.15125875


Uh anon…minor correction if permitted, it’s actually 66 gorillion with pitch forks. Kek!

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fc0b33  No.15125876


Because some fucking nazis painted it?!

Fuck off

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597121  No.15125877

File: 761d9bb29e0e2a8⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 1580607165190.jpg)


and the foreskin accessories

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51446e  No.15125878

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323b0f  No.15125879



we never figured it out, pretty sure a code prollem when fiddled with

someone just said they changed/ got one through but I haven't been able to so I figured it might be a BO who knows sumpin

guess not


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16f985  No.15125880

File: 3eaeb9f8546daee⋯.png (294.83 KB, 608x320, 19:10, 1983_Yellowbeard_avi_snaps….png)


>Missing "s" on Books

actually, not. it refers to one specific title. what's missing, as is common in headlines, is the word "his" before the word book. what else IS missing is an 's on Christie.


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a41c7d  No.15125881

File: 70e18a056325e45⋯.png (165.8 KB, 535x565, 107:113, Ngo_re_Floyd_relative_ritt….PNG)

File: f3fd05d045e41f2⋯.png (949.87 KB, 746x872, 373:436, Ngo_re_Floyd_relative_ritt….PNG)

File: b84de6c0b165875⋯.png (323.55 KB, 930x860, 93:86, Ngo_re_Floyd_relative_ritt….PNG)

File: cc067df22f34ae1⋯.png (263.6 KB, 1113x858, 371:286, Ngo_re_Floyd_relative_ritt….PNG)

File: 9fc5031286f6263⋯.png (105.39 KB, 1374x509, 1374:509, Ngo_re_Floyd_relative_ritt….PNG)

Cortez Rice, a relative of George Floyd who recorded a video saying he knew of people with cameras in the courtroom during #Rittenhouse trial, has been arrested for reportedly making contact with jurors. He's jailed in Waukesha County. The far-left trying to raise $50k for him.


>political prisoner

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ea30ba  No.15125882

File: 782aab88525acda⋯.jpeg (171.04 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, B76F33E9_E1FC_4333_AC7E_6….jpeg)

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56950b  No.15125883


the book will not be released until december 7th so the 100,000 is probably just the pre-order number sold

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597121  No.15125884


She should be proud of that pic

it's her best asset(s)

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37cbdb  No.15125885

File: dd3ca31a14c7217⋯.png (80.9 KB, 268x169, 268:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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00471e  No.15125886

File: 7ee9df877b3889c⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 668x441, 668:441, 20211202_220702.jpg)

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e148ce  No.15125887


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ea30ba  No.15125888


Because you echoed it

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664077  No.15125889

File: f49db6dcc1702f6⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1109x1478, 1109:1478, shady_grifter.png)


>nothing but web traffic to Jim,

very true

Jim is a shady paytriot, all he looks for is $$$$

8kun is a thorn in his side, he's more interested in running his porn servers for the japanese market

CM was on the ball…Jim dropped the ball

Jim used to contract for the C_A……once a clown always a clown

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51446e  No.15125890

File: 82f98c88016c5e5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trump_won_boat_pepe.mp4)

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c57382  No.15125891


Sarah Silverman is a disgusting piece of shit.

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e148ce  No.15125892



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96f92e  No.15125893

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753ad0  No.15125894

File: 6dfc16a86c0b349⋯.jpg (72.94 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Trump_won_Bob.jpg)

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84b6e6  No.15125895


You can’t make this shit up.

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cde7db  No.15125896


Timing really is hard to do even if you're profiling the user's connection speed. It's better to try and set up signals to catch events.

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0a1249  No.15125897



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00471e  No.15125898

File: 13fbf23c435ce97⋯.png (71.02 KB, 182x254, 91:127, 20211002_090446.png)

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2e28f1  No.15125899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



[12.2.21] Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another

Uncensored Storm Published December 2, 2021



#HRC #Sealteam6 #Extortion17 #faucithepsycopath #anthonyfauci

✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts-


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a9f79e  No.15125900

File: 138119b99ef249f⋯.jpg (325.64 KB, 685x877, 685:877, book_on_stretching_with_gr….jpg)


I'd like to put my Yooper in her pooper.

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ad2607  No.15125901


what's odd is they give possession for CC's book

but there is no possession for DT's book

ie. where the missing HIS would come in

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cde7db  No.15125902


I think this could probably be done with a rally scene in the background

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16f985  No.15125903


>does the vatican have the jewish temple treasures?

nope. the knights templar took those while they occupied jerusalem. it's what king of france and pope were after when they declared templars heretics. templars one step ahead, loaded it onto ships and sailed to scotland. from there, it went to oak island off nova scotia where it was buried in the "money pit." tried to warn the lagina bros to keep their operation hush instead of on TV, because if they located the treasure, i guarantee you a jew would have been at their front door the next day with legal documents proving THEY owned the treasure.

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51446e  No.15125904

File: 07ebf766e31ec8b⋯.png (1017.82 KB, 850x563, 850:563, girl_pepe_2nd_amendment_ca….png)

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a64e23  No.15125905


>…..“Although CMS spent pages and pages attempting to explain the need for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, when infection and hospitalizations rates are dropping, millions of people have already been infected, developing some form of natural immunity, and when people who have been fully vaccinated still become infected, mandatory vaccines as the only method of prevention make no sense,” Judge Doughty continued."….


This simplest, most logical, most obvious and strongest position a judge, or any reasonable person could make, seems to be the most difficult one to take. But once taken, it will open up the floodgates for reason to once again prevail.

We are all living out the fairytale "The Emperor's New Clothes" and this board has been that one insistent voice trying to point out the obvious for the last four years.

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597121  No.15125906


Artwork depicting blood libel

predate the Third Reich by centuries

Why do those exist?

Reconcile the hundreds of times

Jews have been banished from towns

It was for very good reasons

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79ef72  No.15125907

File: c970ffd534fad73⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1428x1503, 476:501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82f8f67f6d01197⋯.png (107.21 KB, 744x657, 248:219, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d527ffa27783c5⋯.png (97.48 KB, 749x615, 749:615, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f7dfc009b7ece2⋯.png (874.57 KB, 1023x685, 1023:685, ClipboardImage.png)

“It was a very friendly dig.”

Easternmost Roman Aqueduct Found Under An Armenian Melon Field

December 02, 2021 14:50 GMT



Armenia proclaimed its independence on May 28, 1918, following the Russian Revolution. On August 1 of that year the new constitution gave a red-blue-orange striped flag official sanction, and it continued to fly until April 2, 1921, when Russia’s Red Army conquered Armenia.


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664077  No.15125908

File: 20baa39fdc84aa5⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5336.jpg)


dubs checked

confirms nose interest in foreskins & foreskin doodads

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a01100  No.15125909

File: 3733a0c7948600e⋯.jpg (22.26 KB, 450x333, 50:37, FFevphaXwAAmz0D.jpg)

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84b6e6  No.15125910

Basically what was stated in the Bible is happening. Gid should have bottom-lined it and just said .. “everyone is fucking retarded during these times. Retards will be the elect and be as retarded as possible. Their retardation will be more retarded than any retard ever” Book of anon 17:17

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bd487e  No.15125911


I've been here since shortly after you created it, and taken your side on many arguments in the past; even wrote ya a goodbye note on your parting thread. There's obviously some personnel issues in the BV department with what's allowed to happen to anons getting banhammered nonstop, and the spammers and subsequent cleanup is an absolute and obvious pattern. Perhaps the negligence is intended to encourage team effort more, or it really is Jim choosing to focus his efforts/resources elsewhere.

I know if I saw a team of folks letting some of the personalities unironically nazi posting to shit up the board in the face of the world looking on, I'd probably tell you guys to pound sand, too. Since I'm not directly involved in those conversations, I have to take your side of it and what I can make time to observe between shitposting, actually contributing, and occasionally ebaking when OSS feels like he wants to allow it after coming down from his meth high, and come to my own conclusions. Sorry, didn't mean to make you get all feelsy, and I'll shut up about it.

But my statement stands:

Ever think the problem might be you?

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2e28f1  No.15125912

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


problems with board again.

gonna try and embed rumble video


[12.2.21] Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another

Uncensored Storm Published December 2, 2021



#HRC #Sealteam6 #Extortion17 #faucithepsycopath #anthonyfauci

✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts-


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c6824b  No.15125913

File: 240b088b0f5901a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 862x830, 431:415, 1637716132404.png)


She's a jew. What did you expect?

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753ad0  No.15125914


That would be kick ass anon

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792d29  No.15125915

File: e24bfc8fe8e2200⋯.png (15.6 KB, 1022x148, 511:74, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6824b  No.15125916

File: 914f3f3bf25639f⋯.gif (949.08 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 1637783570270.gif)


Cry to your rabbi, jewboy.

Then go DIE IN A FIRE.

The goyim know, jew. And they are PISSED!

Welcome to reality.

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664077  No.15125917

File: 0143891cd855553⋯.png (118.26 KB, 620x387, 620:387, 536363.png)


>Because some fucking nazis painted it?!

"some Nazi's did something"

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79ef72  No.15125918



guy didn't seem to like when Q+ said Fake News.

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abfefa  No.15125919

File: 43288053d4baf93⋯.png (507.1 KB, 1035x750, 69:50, ClipboardImage.png)

A private jet charter firm says it's seen more than 600 searches for flights out of South Africa since Omicron was identified

Southern Africa is among the latest COVID-19 hotspots following the detection of a new variant, named Omicron by the World Health Organization, that has prompted new travel restrictions from countries including the US and the UK.

And while the variant already has already been detected outside of southern Africa, travelers are looking to leave the region and the wealthy are once again turning to private jets for safe passage. Searches for private jet flights are breaking records for some companies specializing in private aircraft charter.

"Our private jet cost calculator has recorded over 600 departure queries out of Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban since November 21, which is more than the total number of queries recorded in the nine months prior," private aircraft charter brokerage EvoJets told Insider.

The US, however, wasn't a top destination for those looking to leave South Africa on private aircraft. Rather, countries with more severe travel restrictions such as Australia, New Zealand, and the UK are at the top of EvoJet's list.


That last part is curious to me. Fleeing the country to avoid detainment? Avoiding the US?

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09071a  No.15125920

File: 68703f7dfb45892⋯.jpg (49.22 KB, 720x1002, 120:167, 1.jpg)


Thanks and ironically just found the original on 126.

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96f92e  No.15125921

File: 242bcf38fca427c⋯.png (259.4 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


The Jewish hat, also known as the Jewish cap, Judenhut or Latin pileus cornutus, was a cone-shaped pointed hat, often white or yellow, worn by Jews in Medieval Europe and some of the Islamic world. Initially worn by choice, its wearing was enforced in some places in Europe after the 1215 Fourth Council of the Lateran for adult male Jews to wear while outside a ghetto to distinguish them from others.

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16f985  No.15125922


wanna bet the gun will be auctioned off to pay for AB's legal defense?

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51446e  No.15125923

File: 2dcf26779788427⋯.png (167.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>a judge, or any reasonable person could make, seems to be the most difficult one to take. But once taken, it will open up

Cognitive Dissonance is a helluva drug.

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4a45b9  No.15125924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e28f1  No.15125925

File: 0fe73c622d264df⋯.png (387.46 KB, 937x613, 937:613, ClipboardImage.png)




rumble video embed unsuccessful

[12.2.21] Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another

Uncensored Storm Published December 2, 2021



#HRC #Sealteam6 #Extortion17 #faucithepsycopath #anthonyfauci

✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts-


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81ab51  No.15125926

File: e6dc98098cb7814⋯.png (517.79 KB, 1504x762, 752:381, ClipboardImage.png)

Deer Coms?in Arkansas no less. Is this how Hillary explains why she has Kuru?


Chronic wasting disease found in deer in southern Arkansas

STRONG, Ark. – Chronic wasting disease has been found in a deer in southern Arkansas, near the Louisiana state line, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission reported Thursday.

The deer was harvested in the Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge in Union County, the commission said, and a sample was confirmed with the fatal disease that affects deer, elk, caribou and moose in 26 states nationwide.

There are no reported cases of CWD in humans, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the agency recommends against eating infected meat.

The source of CWD found in the Arkansas deer is unknown as the nearest known positive case was 120 miles away in Issaquena County, Mississippi, and is more than 200 miles from the nearest known positive case in Arkansas, the commission said.

"With this positive case being so far from any previously known source, we've already begun working on ways to gather more samples from the surrounding area to determine the extent of the infection in this part of the state," said Cory Gray, chief of the AGFC's Research Division.

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission on Thursday declared an emergency ban on feeding and baiting in nearby Morehouse and Union parishes beginning Monday. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries said it will increase surveillance for the disease in those parishes.

Chronic wasting disease is spread by contact with infected saliva, blood, urine, feces, food, water and soil.

Symptoms in the animals include weight loss, excessive salivation, teeth grinding, head tremors, excessive urination and thirst, lowering their heads and separating from their herds, according to the commission.

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84b6e6  No.15125927


These stories reminds anon of one thing:

Debbie failed to FLEE

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abfefa  No.15125928

BV and muhjoo shills. Name a more iconic duo.

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664077  No.15125929

File: 6ab5f5faefece07⋯.png (168.18 KB, 300x411, 100:137, 6000001.png)


Masonic dubs promoting nigger music

(((who))) could be behind this ???????

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a41c7d  No.15125930

File: e93f0c585b37a93⋯.png (803.03 KB, 841x790, 841:790, FEMA_Inslee_Vax_12_2_21.PNG)

FEMA to send mobile vaccination units to Western Washington


OLYMPIA, Wash. - Washington Gov. Jay Inslee held a press conference Thursday to address the state's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The governor was joined by Secretary of Health Umair Shah and Lacy Fehrenbach, deputy secretary of the state department of health's COVID response.

During the press conference, Inslee discussed plans to have FEMA send mobile vaccination units to help distribute vaccines to the public.

>I live near Seattle

>When out, I don't hear people talking about COVID. I do hear fuck the democrats and fuck inslee a lot…I've been seeing a lot more flags and of course now "Let's Go brandon' signs, bumper stickers

>Inslee is full of shit, but we all knew that

>BTW, I am in King County - must be vaccinated to go to restaurants, events etc

>Good thing I care about none of that, but Inslee will probably try something even worse to 'lockdown' non vaxed

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c57382  No.15125931


They will be beheaded.

Oh wait. I think it is illegal to behead a Jew.

I wonder why.

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7f4d40  No.15125932

vax batch numbers relating to the potency


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00471e  No.15125933

File: ce6138833ed0884⋯.jpg (58.08 KB, 720x1036, 180:259, 20211202_190426.jpg)

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02919a  No.15125934


people are so stupid.

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792d29  No.15125935




>But by the time you'd find it anon will probably post it here

call'd it

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2dfe8a  No.15125936

File: 5de27c5c4721294⋯.jpg (548.33 KB, 1080x1401, 360:467, AC.jpg)


Let them begin.

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8343b2  No.15125937

File: a1eee4fd36451f5⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1785x1269, 595:423, hairylegspoolparty.png)

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82ec68  No.15125938



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16f985  No.15125939


nope. it's real. swept thru PA/WV about 10 yrs ago. deer pop just now recovering. more likely related to the feline/canine wasting disease, also a virus.

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84b6e6  No.15125940


Most anons could bring better rulings with a keg, a funnel, and a gavel. Could be a comedy livestream unless it’s Jizzlains trial. Then no cameras allowed in the most important trial in centuries

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33f870  No.15125941

File: 0e631291556c32e⋯.gif (203.51 KB, 400x640, 5:8, 20211202_220223.gif)

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664077  No.15125942

File: 4f7b8b186af8da0⋯.jpg (297.87 KB, 1920x1036, 480:259, 1638104740717.jpg)

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4a45b9  No.15125943

This is sober me. Lil liquor, but mostly sober. Meet me here next week.

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b5fb70  No.15125944


The jews have no relation to Moses, the essence of their book the Talmud is to defile Mosaic law

Everything they say about themselves is a LARP

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8af3dc  No.15125945

File: 019f5354747ab58⋯.jpeg (62.68 KB, 510x680, 3:4, D1B1FB23_A5F3_4B25_9B33_D….jpeg)

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c6824b  No.15125946

File: 52389054c06c807⋯.jpeg (95.83 KB, 638x960, 319:480, 1638488592691.jpeg)


Fuck that. Make Pogroms great again.

Kill the fuckers where they stand.

It is the only thing they understand.

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16f985  No.15125947

File: 1a25f2bdf50e9b2⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1226, 540:613, 52c8e24282d8a3711b9359bf39….png)


>They probably work for fake news.

>Let's pray they turn around.

meh… that's one option.

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c57382  No.15125948

File: c447362f5237826⋯.png (366.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump won by a Landslide.

Dems. cheated.

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84b6e6  No.15125949


Fredo, that you?

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792d29  No.15125950

File: c4119725d563514⋯.png (446.03 KB, 716x601, 716:601, 9869ab902b58731b28a4cbb95d….png)

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c6824b  No.15125951

File: 0d9bb962113f8a7⋯.jpeg (162.1 KB, 1208x1388, 302:347, 1638488467258.jpeg)


Larp or not, that is what our ancestors felt about Moses, SO THERE IS THAT.

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3d54e2  No.15125952


yeah whatever

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56950b  No.15125953


south africa was a british colony so i am not surprised that people who leave go to england or australia, new zealand

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cde7db  No.15125954


Infecting wildlife is part of their plan to make sure we can't feed ourselves. Part of the plot to original planet of the apes series…

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664077  No.15125955

File: 6d908b93b6edf84⋯.png (366.68 KB, 575x421, 575:421, 3563636.png)


>Jews to wear while outside a ghetto

should keep them in the ghetto where they belong, before being transported to the fun-camps

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ad061e  No.15125956


>oak island

tv or not, they've been fucked from the start as far as the tribe finding out

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3d54e2  No.15125957


abfefe, anon

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ea4d18  No.15125958


they're as annoying as the fucking dutch

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91a96d  No.15125959

File: 3945bb4a28f65e4⋯.png (767 KB, 948x542, 474:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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e148ce  No.15125960


There are only 2 types of people

Those that think they can fool people, and

Those that know its all 100% monitored and controlled, Do not project your poor life choices or your lack of faith AKA [HOPE] here

We are the Owls retard

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c6824b  No.15125961

File: f60de9d83877276⋯.gif (148.37 KB, 347x402, 347:402, 1638401724111.gif)



Well, she is a fucking Christ hating jew that hate white people, you JEWISH SCUM.

Can't wait for the pogroms to begin, and when jewish blood flows like rivers.

That day is coming, soon, jew.

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84b6e6  No.15125962


South Africa is the taint, the spot between one’s testicles and asshole, of Africa. Perhaps a dingleberry, too.

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a01100  No.15125963


idf shills and dildos?

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c8bcf3  No.15125964

File: c8796fd332d011d⋯.png (815.05 KB, 1273x584, 1273:584, ClipboardImage.png)

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00471e  No.15125965

File: 3233642ea126425⋯.jpg (121.03 KB, 673x988, 673:988, 20211107_234526.jpg)


Call this one a cab, he's shilled faced

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fc0b33  No.15125966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c57382  No.15125967


I always thought that the phrase Judeo Christian was weird. There is nothing Christian about a Jew. A Christian Jew would call themselves a Christian. But they want to confuse people by saying it's not just a religion, it's an ethnic group and a nationality, and a religion. Who else does that?

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664077  No.15125968

File: 02b30e281071f31⋯.png (416.25 KB, 575x800, 23:32, ad.png)


>Make Pogroms great again.

I concur

Krystallnacht every night of the year

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a01100  No.15125969

File: 57744060679f57c⋯.png (7.87 KB, 591x109, 591:109, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)

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c6824b  No.15125970

File: 4b4d00e03b3be6f⋯.jpeg (302.26 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1638309099633.jpeg)


Honesty bothers you jews, eh?

Well, we goyim thrive on it. It makes us strong and gives us the resolve to deal with you nation destroyers.

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ea4d18  No.15125971

File: 004f0369dabb6da⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1202x1363, 1202:1363, Legal_vs_Moral.png)

meme was posted earlier and this anon has been mulling it over.

If this isn't stopped there will come a day people are hiding unvaccinated under the floor boards, won't it.

Hunted down and sent to camps. The 'good' people will be told we are dirty and germ ridden and a danger to their kids and granny.

I see it.

It would need to be stopped before it starts. Eyes open anons.

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ea4d18  No.15125972

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cde7db  No.15125973

And I present the Toastmaster Minifix 1.0

A standalone code snippet to fix sticky Reply buttons. Does nothing else, could break very slow connections, may cause cancer in lemurs. Contains 0 microns of msg. Offer void in New Jersey.

window.fixtimer = 0;
setInterval(function() {
var o = document.getElementsByName('post');
var state = 0;
for(var k in o) {
if (typeof o[k].value == 'undefined') continue;
switch(o[k].value) {
case 'Reply':
state |= 1;
case 'Posting... (100%)':
case 'Updating Thread...':
state |= 2;
if (window.fixtimer && !(state & 2)) {
console.log('timer disabled');
window.fixtimer = 0;
if (! window.fixtimer && (state & 2)) {
window.fixtimer = setTimeout(function() {
var o = document.getElementsByName('post');
for(var k in o) {
if (typeof o[k].value == 'undefined') continue;
o[k].value = 'Reply';
o[k].disabled = false;
}, 1000);

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e148ce  No.15125974

File: 9675449076e431b⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 651x1200, 217:400, START.jpg)

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664077  No.15125975

File: 9ed0a6999f35bfb⋯.png (103.18 KB, 409x299, 409:299, 536363636.png)


Rap music and nigger music in general was a Juden creation

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33f870  No.15125976

File: 5219646de261ba9⋯.jpg (196.69 KB, 1080x542, 540:271, 20211202_221855.jpg)


predates the nazis by abit…


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ad061e  No.15125977

File: 3e45eb853dff0f3⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 400x226, 200:113, 3e45eb853dff0f309e811eeea….webm)

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2e28f1  No.15125978

File: 30284f3119cc7e0⋯.png (601.11 KB, 978x694, 489:347, ClipboardImage.png)



Happy digging !!


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e150ef  No.15125979

File: 54e4047eb30fde0⋯.png (782.39 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b73e89fd74216a⋯.png (267.87 KB, 768x432, 16:9, blank_overlay_bob_ross_tru….png)



>I think this could probably be done with a rally scene in the background


>That would be kick ass anon

did I do good? Kek.

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f7a15f  No.15125980






Just a few.

51=6 should be 6 in there at least.

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dae811  No.15125981


Did Trump not tweet a pic of himself with stallone's body on it?

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c25f79  No.15125982

Anyone know the number of the Q post that talks about choosing victims from disadvantaged homes? Kinda relevant to today's trial.

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53134e  No.15125983

File: fa4ae79c298fdce⋯.jpg (54.27 KB, 500x663, 500:663, igc_bkj_1.jpg)

Arizona is an election stealing state.

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c6824b  No.15125984


It is jewy nonsense that was made popular by the Scofield bible. In reality, it was an insult to the jews that pretended to convert. Sort of like calling someone a nigger.


These days will be here sooner, rather than later. Once the vaxx tards start dropping like flies, and the goyim realize they are the biggest army on earth, ever, the day of the jew will come to a swift and bloody end, and they have it coming.

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ea4d18  No.15125985


the real one is coming

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753ad0  No.15125986

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792d29  No.15125987

File: d0f84f7e4e61073⋯.png (464.58 KB, 600x733, 600:733, ClipboardImage.png)

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15125459 @500


>>15125565, >>15125669, >>15125675 Sly Stallone: "Heading into the storm" Q hat.. and what is the seal behind his seat? >>15125791 Cat comms confirmed?

>>15125603 Comms or just tarded? "Delta passenger on a flight from Syracuse to Atlanta was 'breastfeeding her hairless CAT and refused to stop"

>>15125617 Archbishop of Paris involved in ‘intimate relationship’ with woman resigns

>>15125804, >>15125836 Does the Vatican have the Jewish Temple treasures?

>>15125881 Cortez Rice, a relative of George Floyd has been arrested for reportedly making contact with jurors.

>>15125907 Eastern-most Roman Aqueduct Found Under An Armenian Melon Field

>>15125919 Private jet charter firm has seen 600+ searches for flights out of South Africa since Omicron was identified

>>15125925 Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another ✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts (rumble embed still no work)

>>15125930 FEMA to send mobile vaccination units to Western Washington


> to fix sticky Reply buttons. Does nothing else, could break very slow connections, may cause cancer in lemurs.

Is the manufacturer liable for any injuries?

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4da5b7  No.15125988



Targets ('models') made to fill out an extensive background report?

Targets ('models') asked in detail re: family?

Targets ('models') generally 'green lit' based on 'loner' 'insecurity' 'depressed' P_eval?

Targets ('models') generally 'green lit' based on 'humble' 'poorer' family background? [prevent possible 'legal' retaliation]




Highest Level Security + MAX Protect


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4a45b9  No.15125989


No. I don't get canceled. I'm the 🌟.

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2ceb7a  No.15125990

File: c74d178f848e074⋯.png (673.16 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Arizona is an election stealing state

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a41c7d  No.15125991

File: 6273188313916ea⋯.png (892.76 KB, 818x995, 818:995, Enumclaw_School_Board_Slur….PNG)

Racial slur that halted Enumclaw school board meeting prompts police probe



ENUMCLAW, Wash. — The Enumclaw Police Department has launched an investigation into a possible hate crime after a school board meeting was interrupted last month by two people who played an automated recording that used the N-word as the superintendent, who is Black, began speaking.

Enumclaw Police Department Commander Mike Graddon said in a post on the department's NextDoor page that the probe could prompt his department to issue search warrants in an effort to find the online users who interrupted the Nov. 22 school board meeting.

The incident has unsettled some in the community, and prompted Dr. Shaun Carey, the schools superintendent, to post an open letter on Nov. 24, titled "Hate has no home here."

"Without going into much detail, our monthly board meeting was interrupted with spontaneous hate speech that left most of those in attendance shocked and appalled," he wrote. "The words and images used were aimed at degrading people of color. Regardless of whether or not the two individuals who carried out this hateful act were random “zoombombers” or members of our community, the actions are unacceptable and will not be tolerated."

The incident has garnered national attention with the Washington Post and other outlets writing about it.

>wait for it

>this will be a hoax

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33f870  No.15125992

File: 7d1090dd20174c5⋯.jpg (123.52 KB, 1080x916, 270:229, 20211130_215546.jpg)


please contribute.

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fc0b33  No.15125993



Or Americans will be slaughtered. Many already have been. What are we waiting for?

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f7a15f  No.15125994

File: 787e088b410f4e5⋯.jpeg (181.14 KB, 750x613, 750:613, 787e088b410f4e5eeeb9eeaf5….jpeg)



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c25f79  No.15125995

File: 6e4baa00f497b4e⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, outstanding_anon.jpg)


>Highest Level Security + MAX Protect


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>▶Anonymous  12/03/21 (Fri) 00:22:364a45b9 (12)  No.15125989


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664077  No.15125996

File: b8ee7d4b47dc158⋯.png (1.14 MB, 715x705, 143:141, 432523.png)


>nation destroyers.

every time

jews are always behind the downfall of nations


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753ad0  No.15125997

File: 863b20874b872b8⋯.jpeg (81.06 KB, 489x720, 163:240, bq_5be7b4112001c.jpeg)

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ad0716  No.15125998

File: f1c10ed70222ae8⋯.jpg (192.53 KB, 768x432, 16:9, nsross.jpg)

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c1c1bf  No.15125999

File: 3a594473416c70c⋯.png (103.58 KB, 510x487, 510:487, 15490006753216.png)

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ea4d18  No.15126000

File: 6908d93018b21c3⋯.jpg (279.86 KB, 768x432, 16:9, A_little_bit_of_Trump_won_….jpg)

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0edcbd  No.15126001

Lawyer: Pharmally execs would rather stay in jail than cooperate with Senate

Duterte earlier defended the government's deals with Pharmally but later said the senators can imprison or even kill the company executives for not paying taxes last year.

December 2, 2021


Covid PPE Fraud / Money Laundering?

Senate security personnel on Sunday arrested Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation executives Mohit and Twinkle Dargani

The Senate panel is investigating the Department of Budget and Management-Procurement Service for the procurement of allegedly overpriced personal protective equipment and testing kits

November 15, 2021


[Pharmally registered as a wholesaler of medicinal and pharmaceutical products on Sept. 4, 2019]

tax expert raised questions on the financial records of Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation, the firm implicated in the alleged anomalous purchases of medical supplies for the government's COVID-19 pandemic response.

Pharmally's capital in 2019 was only ₱625,000, but its assets dramatically grew to over ₱7.2 billion in 2020.

Senator Richard Gordon, chairperson of the Blue Ribbon Committee, said Pharmally may be involved in money laundering with the questionable expansion of assets without properly declaring the source of their funding.


Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corporation Chairman and President Huang Tzu Yen

He also said he is not aware of the whereabouts of his father Huang Wen Lieh, chairman of Pharmally International Holding Company Limited, who is also wanted in what is considered as one of the largest securities fraud cases involving a listed firm in Taiwan.


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4db2d2  No.15126002

pardon me, but do you motherfuckers have any Noismaker, twig, oompa loompa, or zipper by chance?

shitshow isn't over till I carry 4 heads in a duffle bag :)

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2ceb7a  No.15126003

File: 12d8a40527d0f63⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 12d8a40527d0f63a9e08e93aa8….jpg)


2 mikes


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664077  No.15126004

File: 298612c8d2dbd1c⋯.webm (5.47 MB, 936x540, 26:15, 42536363636.webm)


>used the N-word

nothing wrong with that

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db6e02  No.15126005

File: 250eb4f0d0217ed⋯.jpg (62.16 KB, 658x494, 329:247, 20211104_201947.jpg)

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33f870  No.15126006

File: e3fc914dd7c3ffa⋯.gif (4.68 MB, 631x631, 1:1, 20181224_035718.gif)


your enemy cannot be killed.

everything you think you know is a lie.

you are [their] excuse for their actions.

<can you say marionette?

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96f3fc  No.15126007


Problem with that logic is that nothing is static it's cyclical.

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a01100  No.15126008

File: c9898f1a104aaf4⋯.png (334.9 KB, 598x681, 598:681, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)

#US Midterms 2022: #Democrats Fear Congressional Shakeup as 19 House Dems Will Not Seek Reelection



>Missing "s" on Books


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ea4d18  No.15126009

File: dddf5236ee67cf3⋯.jpg (305.03 KB, 768x432, 16:9, A_little_bit_of_Trump_won_….jpg)

>>15126000 (me)


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4db2d2  No.15126010


think I am playing lol…I don't give 2 shits about you all getting all the alphabet networks here in one spot…

you ALL are fucked because I KNOW this was in part done to fuck with me along with side issues that I was set up for but cocksuckers that think they are the shit saw through it all….

nonetheless I can tell you now my interaction is minimal…just enough to keep heads spinning, BUT….if my fathers side of the family don't speak up now, I PROMISE you motherfuckers I am gonna do NOTHING with the rest of my life but HUNT…..and you motherfuckers KNOW who I will be hunting :)

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53134e  No.15126011

File: cb308c622c60904⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 500x668, 125:167, Ron_Pure_Blood.jpg)

Countdown for the democrat filth has started…. Patriots will implement harsh punishments.

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56af11  No.15126012


what happed to KFCS at 5874ft?

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753ad0  No.15126013

File: 4f28d4ff74a5caa⋯.png (132.29 KB, 362x405, 362:405, c688d3dce359809a0925b6bc40….png)

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ad061e  No.15126014




your entire worldview is based on [their] thoughts, aei

ponder that for a while

i simply exist and live my life

their actions are all their own

and defense will be justified

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4db2d2  No.15126015


You lost your ingenuity in the garage in CA while NG kissed your hand punk…I was there..not to mention I was there for you introducing me to anons from your little cash cow site that is obviously now active, was scrubbed, but showed grand detail on my boner……..

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16f985  No.15126016


>life begins at conception

really? so the egg and the sperm were both dead? life began on this particular speck of dust about 4 billion yrs ago.

tell me, biblefag, do we celebrate Christ's conception? or His birth?

Christ was put into a tomb (womb) and then emerged (was re-born) after three days (trimesters) to ascend to LIFE in heaven.

do Christians celebrate good friday? or do they celebrate the date of His re-birth?

the bible is FILLED with examples to show that BIRTH is considered the beginning of life, NOT conception.

you think the fertilized egg is sacred? God does NOT share your view.

biological FACT: fertilization occurs EVERY time a couple has intercourse.

unless it happens during the three days of the month when the female's uterus is receptive to the fertilized egg,

this "sacred" fertilized egg is flushed from the body.

so that means that God flushes 90% of the fertilized eggs down the toilet.

if He doesn't give a fuck about 'em, why you got YOUR panties in a bunch?

from a purely practical point of view, banning all abortions will NOT stop the practice. it will just go underground.

a SENSIBLE course of action is to limit abortions to the first two trimesters.

a fetus has zero chance of survival outside the womb at that point, so how can you claim it's alive?

because it has unique DNA? so does a cancerous tumor. is removing a tumor murder?

should cancer treatments be banned?

you believe the human soul survives after the death of the physical body. so the body and the soul are separate things.

do YOU presume to know when the soul arrives to inhabit a fetus?

do you ever THINK about your dogmatic beliefs using the critical reasoning abilities that God gave you?

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be2daa  No.15126017

File: bb4213ebf1a14a9⋯.jpg (20.74 KB, 480x479, 480:479, FB_IMG_1638273485158.jpg)

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c57382  No.15126018


Never in the history of words has any word been so stigmatized as the word Nigger.

So fucking what?

Big fucking deal!

It's a fucking word.

The "N" word. How fucking retarded can any group of people become when they can't say a fucking word except for the first letter of that word.

We live in Retardoville.

Tell me one word that White people cannot be called?

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56af11  No.15126019


like to have more info before doing so

call me cautious


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597121  No.15126020

File: 885ccca9de109cf⋯.png (769.55 KB, 482x637, 482:637, 885ccca9de109cf62b1a8076da….png)


Keep dreaming your dreamy dreams

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664077  No.15126021

File: 0b147969d985b6a⋯.png (197.26 KB, 1000x739, 1000:739, 35336636.png)





oh look, it's the italics AI gif-bot

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84b6e6  No.15126022


Almost every human on the planet is “depressed”, especially now.. A broad brush they paint. Attack the poors and make them do things. Sounds like satanists doing satanic things to innocents

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ea4d18  No.15126023


no homo?

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753ad0  No.15126024

File: 3a944bca2b6d188⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 1170x764, 585:382, Gonna_steal_that.jpg)


KEKED checked and stolen

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4db2d2  No.15126025


Hee hee hee…

what is funny is not only do I remember EVERYTHING you motherfuckers did to me, I KNOW where you motherfuckers live to this day without the use of internet…(ya, you are THAT fucking stupid)

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a0acbd  No.15126026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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277d43  No.15126027

>>15123881 New York City Imposes Covid Vaccine Mandate For Employees of Private, Religious Schools

WTF??? This is targeted EXECUTION, folks. These vaccines kill.

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4db2d2  No.15126028


A and G's marriage might wanna be cut short real fast

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33f870  No.15126029

File: fd0da0c982067f2⋯.jpg (435.84 KB, 1080x1456, 135:182, 20211202_223257.jpg)



you do not have enough data for that summation.

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2ceb7a  No.15126030

File: ee055c032cf7349⋯.png (3.32 MB, 1621x2048, 1621:2048, ClipboardImage.png)


Cheers, Muh Joo Nigger

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f7a15f  No.15126031


Between the id. Post number. Timestamp. How many 17 before mathematically impossible.


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53134e  No.15126032

File: 9e52e36e11c008a⋯.jpg (67.27 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 5bbb_1.jpg)

File: 1d331d4582bd3dc⋯.jpg (70.42 KB, 654x451, 654:451, Warp_speed.jpg)

Democrats are dumber than a rock.

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4db2d2  No.15126033


what's the matter little bitches? I'm too fucking good for you? You act like this is a real interaction…smfh…

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96f92e  No.15126034


New old Q!

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e02230  No.15126035

File: 516315782ddd6df⋯.jpg (3.1 KB, 293x311, 293:311, ff3301.jpg)

Understanding is prime

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2ceb7a  No.15126036

File: b9ed7469a749c9a⋯.png (406.33 KB, 559x447, 559:447, I_am_obligated.png)


Chekt and nikt

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c8bcf3  No.15126037

File: 09bc602f6b49c14⋯.png (649.21 KB, 1280x586, 640:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb043e1d7a79735⋯.png (539.66 KB, 1280x586, 640:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c0f9c0ce72b769⋯.png (229.04 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea4d18  No.15126038

File: 7e9e66cf59c318a⋯.jpg (623.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Hunter_Is_a_Crackhead.jpg)


winter vagina???

wtf is that?

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664077  No.15126039

File: 81f86dc4502bf3e⋯.png (595.48 KB, 497x708, 497:708, typical_american.png)


>The story of how America was lost.


Americans have about 400 million guns in their possession

They let their Republic be taken from them

No more need be said

>pic related

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cde7db  No.15126040

File: 2c5de1af838f859⋯.png (501.49 KB, 768x432, 16:9, rallypaint.png)

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8b131e  No.15126041

File: 95e1d471ad808d8⋯.jpg (318.59 KB, 750x752, 375:376, Harambe_Quit.jpg)

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2ceb7a  No.15126043

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 206e3f2a1960039e7caa97cf56….jpg)


Is this supposed to go in the theme thing or do I have to delete system32?

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e8988a  No.15126044

File: 80a18ce4776f06a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1017x765, 113:85, F68143C6_DCA3_4A12_A73D_0D….png)

all of the difference making are belong to us…

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53134e  No.15126045

File: 83c51f9f8381ac1⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 5vhwck.jpg)

File: 8f62bd79ad6febb⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 554x467, 554:467, He_s_right.jpg)

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cde7db  No.15126046


>Is the manufacturer liable for any injuries?

Ironically, only in New Jersey.

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96f92e  No.15126047

File: 27293c7ea2f7f04⋯.png (38.58 KB, 650x1080, 65:108, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a15f  No.15126048


How many 17 combinations between the id. Post number. Timestamp. Count moar. That's a Q, Tards.

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664077  No.15126049

File: 1a3a7ec45a2f712⋯.png (330.01 KB, 399x600, 133:200, 353525.png)


Hi Shlomo, how are the kids ?

Got any foreskins for sale?

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cde7db  No.15126050

File: a4ce60a5359d7d2⋯.png (150.94 KB, 1432x853, 1432:853, ClipboardImage.png)


user js paste to the bottom if you have one already.

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ea4d18  No.15126051

File: f850a4e8b4a6f55⋯.png (226.75 KB, 410x306, 205:153, ClipboardImage.png)

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53134e  No.15126052

File: 9c536418c6765f1⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 500x569, 500:569, nvbhp.jpg)

Jim Watkins is a military Patriot.

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78e5b3  No.15126053


Posted by an 18 post literal faggot no doubt from Tel Aviv likely just after leaving the bath house.

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4a45b9  No.15126054

Remember when Fix news lawyers were doing a cost/ risk analysis regarding me personally? Were they factoring in criminal casualties?

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4db2d2  No.15126055


oompa loompa




nice codenames…wait till you find out what I REALLY remember about you mofos kek

won't be so smug then now will you you Clowns

Biden my motherfuckin time……it's REALLY short kek….whiney little motherfuckers….

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c57382  No.15126056


Calling a White person a "White Supremacist" could be considered a racial slur and a hate crime.

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33f870  No.15126057

File: ee4c75daecdda85⋯.gif (192.39 KB, 525x477, 175:159, 20180627_173755.gif)


you think one views an single world.

typical linear mind

whether you accept it or not

men instructed one in neither perspective nor thoughtform.

continue assuming your biases encompass all reality, нояатîo.

тrue survival вeнaviour

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a41c7d  No.15126058



>Anyone know the number of the Q post that talks about choosing victims from disadvantaged homes? Kinda relevant to today's trial.

Les Wexler

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a01100  No.15126059

File: d99fa3d0b5f3f9c⋯.png (257.61 KB, 598x594, 299:297, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_0….png)

Musk exercises more options, sells Tesla shares worth $1.01 bln http://reut.rs/3xQB8jR



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ad0716  No.15126060

File: d1ab131e638e796⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 399x347, 399:347, Q2539.jpg)

File: 45a4e31ceaaa59d⋯.jpg (13.23 KB, 402x216, 67:36, Q2541.jpg)

Dec 03 deltas

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4db2d2  No.15126061


I did try to utilize the intelligence I was gifted for more important shit, but you wanted to come in with your opinions attempting to justify what you did to me…..

you think Q is dangerous to your wellbeing…..kekkles

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664077  No.15126062

File: b32ec7449fb0430⋯.jpg (112.19 KB, 592x665, 592:665, 35535.jpg)


>winter vagina???

when it closes up for the snow season

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84b6e6  No.15126063


Anon reads this headline through a different scope. Anon see this as : Satan-run private schools in NYC are about to get fucked

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33f870  No.15126064


research, resurcheя.

<start with the link

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4db2d2  No.15126065


Shall I share what I witnessed in your garge? hmmmm

Kate might not be all too emphatic about it, nor your little cartel thugs since that is the excuse you gave me when I told you to quit…..too fuckin bad. Ya'll ready?

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2ceb7a  No.15126066

File: 56d5c98338de73c⋯.png (731.35 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, o7.png)


>& God Bless, Patriots, world wide…

>never, ever, give up your Liberty.

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53134e  No.15126067

File: f05292385e20204⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 666x375, 222:125, 5se2bm.jpg)

File: 77ea61e172c4c3f⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 523x477, 523:477, 5cg8v3.jpg)

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4db2d2  No.15126068

oh….mama bear can't go down hmm…oh yes she can…and she will one way or another…promise

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2ceb7a  No.15126069

File: cd14fe85b247a27⋯.png (143.36 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 16243798520.png)


the panic is selling in

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8b131e  No.15126070


Selloff panic

Resignation panic

Not seeking reelection panic


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e02230  No.15126071

File: 722be207071ddd7⋯.png (276.68 KB, 716x361, 716:361, UnknownKnowns.png)

Never forget what you have learned.

Be sure to teach others.

Watching & Waiting

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6408e3  No.15126072

File: 211eb068d8ab4e0⋯.png (16.53 KB, 562x183, 562:183, bevig.png)


>Shots are never fun…

Be vigilant.

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be2daa  No.15126073

File: 49f9f0523133786⋯.jpg (61.19 KB, 886x960, 443:480, FB_IMG_1638491969710.jpg)


>no homo?

ALL homo

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84b6e6  No.15126074


New Jersey should be liable for how bad that place smells. It’s a toxic wasteland for most of the state.

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ea4d18  No.15126075

File: b3e368de9113275⋯.jpg (116.83 KB, 550x677, 550:677, Imagine_the_Smell.jpg)


granny panties and flourishing bush i spose

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664077  No.15126076

File: 28d33d14b8c1c7f⋯.png (319.96 KB, 904x1129, 904:1129, Form_BH_6000000.png)



fill out this form and send it to:

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.. Washington, DC 20500

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ad061e  No.15126077


ok buddha

i'm sure it was azazel and the nephilim's offspring are still alive as well

lay off the peyote, faggot

you rockin' my world, channigga

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abfefa  No.15126078

File: 7de15c7b013bf7f⋯.jpg (103.93 KB, 800x599, 800:599, 800px_US_Flag_Backlit.jpg)


>abfefe, anon


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2ceb7a  No.15126079

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15125459 @600



>>15125565, >>15125669, >>15125675 Sly Stallone: "Heading into the storm" Q hat.. and what is the seal behind his seat? >>15125791 Cat comms confirmed?

>>15125603 Comms or just tarded? "Delta passenger on a flight from Syracuse to Atlanta was 'breastfeeding her hairless CAT and refused to stop"

>>15125617 Archbishop of Paris involved in ‘intimate relationship’ with woman resigns

>>15125804, >>15125836 Does the Vatican have the Jewish Temple treasures?

>>15125881 Cortez Rice, a relative of George Floyd has been arrested for reportedly making contact with jurors.

>>15125907 Eastern-most Roman Aqueduct Found Under An Armenian Melon Field

>>15125919 Private jet charter firm has seen 600+ searches for flights out of South Africa since Omicron was identified

>>15125925 Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another ✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts (rumble embed still no work)

>>15125930 FEMA to send mobile vaccination units to Western Washington

>>15125973 Toastmaster Minifix 1.0 A standalone code snippet to fix sticky Reply buttons.

>>15125991 Racial slur that halted Enumclaw school board meeting prompts police probe

>>15126008 #US Midterms 2022: #Democrats Fear Congressional Shakeup as 19 House Dems Will Not Seek Reelection

>>15126059 [Elites] appear to be panic selling


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4db2d2  No.15126080

I already know this is not the real page…this page is for rejects…just like me and you. kek. BUT, I know you are here little piece of shit…along with whatever of your buddies that didn't quite make it to jail…and I am the repercussion……….you cannot hide….I don't need bullshit tech to tell me where you are, I listen to the wind, kekkle….you motherfuckers….

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753ad0  No.15126081

File: b303ddc8489643e⋯.png (920.59 KB, 1322x741, 1322:741, 03eedc9cae22333b5a76e88c1d….png)



Here's another good blank

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45d343  No.15126083

File: 97d3739c2b29441⋯.png (271.66 KB, 524x394, 262:197, scbdgst.png)

File: 27124aed32f59cb⋯.png (36.69 KB, 1200x473, 1200:473, Screenshot_2021_12_02_at_2….png)

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abfefa  No.15126084


close second.

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c57382  No.15126085


Hope the private, religious schools have good lawyers.

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4a45b9  No.15126086

Why my Xm preview block 45? I want the best number in muh trial.

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53134e  No.15126087

File: ead78faf37a89e8⋯.jpg (72.51 KB, 692x499, 692:499, Lol.jpg)

File: 7c44db26f6e5c4f⋯.png (353.75 KB, 686x563, 686:563, Screenshot_20210825_120113….png)

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4a45b9  No.15126088

K…. Buehler?

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cde7db  No.15126089


scooby doo space ghost needs an electric guitar……

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68d283  No.15126090


Superintendent is new. This year I believe. He is also African American

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753ad0  No.15126091

File: 90ef6ea3065bac5⋯.jpg (34.26 KB, 500x665, 100:133, he_got_my_letter.jpg)

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e0d5db  No.15126092

File: 390f8505e2f2322⋯.png (210.18 KB, 250x348, 125:174, ClipboardImage.png)

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d258e2  No.15126093

File: f8a90883a1e9f07⋯.png (157.62 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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53134e  No.15126094

File: 9b39f9b3b6f6097⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 500x593, 500:593, 5vtbsr.jpg)

File: 9ca7623797e4b5a⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 500x623, 500:623, 5bbb.jpg)

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4db2d2  No.15126095


Hee hee hee hee hee…..there is no ignoring me little bitches. One way or another in your lifetimes you are gonna meet me again…it is a fucking promise….there is not a celestial body in known archive that is gonna give you reprieve from understanding you are gonna see me again…I am gonna start with your youngest……..like you faggots accused me of and faked already….A n G….bitch twig better be twisting in her fucking drawers….'

It starts where SHE wanted it to start

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33f870  No.15126096

File: f9bd30627270fe7⋯.pdf (9.95 MB, bookofenoch.pdf)


the children are your enemy.

your dismissiveness bespeaks your programming.

the best part?

you have no idea you have strings, much less whom pulls them.

<good dog.

this is not canon for a reason, smallmind.

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4a45b9  No.15126097


Kekasaurus Kex

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c8bcf3  No.15126098

File: 51b5f1a6225644e⋯.png (360.56 KB, 598x787, 598:787, ClipboardImage.png)


He is a keeper.

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664077  No.15126099

File: 900fd7d0383b4f4⋯.png (485.38 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 5353563.png)


y'all willingly drink the kool aid that shlomo gives you

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90bf45  No.15126100


He didn't turn black?

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ad061e  No.15126101

File: 4695ba13b36fff8⋯.png (587.21 KB, 488x488, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



>written by men

>to control other men

>with fear

<and movies are real too because they have scripts which are followed like that which is writ

<infamous dub checker fails to check dubs not once but twice

all those who deny kek shall be tormented for 10,000 years

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d258e2  No.15126102

File: bc5c0961860b19a⋯.png (89.02 KB, 260x158, 130:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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5324e3  No.15126103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ad0716  No.15126104

File: 794c681966107c5⋯.jpg (499.14 KB, 1322x741, 1322:741, rossnrambo.jpg)

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53134e  No.15126105

File: 4e5c24b0b949b96⋯.png (921.55 KB, 1080x1224, 15:17, Screenshot_20211128_095707….png)

File: c561dc74e4329de⋯.jpeg (54.88 KB, 600x606, 100:101, c561dc74e4329de92286043f0….jpeg)

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77d82e  No.15126106


I tell you, knowing their work, nothing is missing in their words, not even making the Creator detestable for creating woman so she could be a trap for man, whereas she is his reward, his honor and a gift from God.

(10) The scriptures also says that man will become attached to his wife and that they will become together only one flesh. That, is because when Adam and Eve are tied by the bonds of love, it establishes between them the communion of their being, which is the marriage of their bodies and of their hearts. It is then that they become one. But you that still believe that the original sin is a sin of the flesh, did you read anywhere in the Scripture where God punishes Adam and Eve for having known each other? No, the original sin is not due to the act of flesh, but to the disobedience of man towards his Creator who had forbidden him of eating from the tree of the knowledge.

(11) The form which this sin took in your minds is due to the perverse mind of the religious leaders who can’t stop seeing the woman as corrupted because of Eve who was seduced by the snake. Fearing then of being soiled by women, not only do they denigrate and repel them, but still they’ve managed to make the whole world believe that the original sin was due to the physical union of man a and his wife! They put that lie in your head to make you feel guilty, so they could reign over you; and what results from it is infamous! I tell you, knowing their work, nothing is missing in their words, not even making the Creator detestable for creating woman so she could be a trap for man, whereas she is his reward, his honor and a gift from God. With the scientists, who make you believe that you are the children of chaos and evolving monkeys, these whitewashed tombs are your worst enemies because, them, add that children have always been born from sin.

from : https://www.thebookoflife.eu/fulfilment-of-the-scriptures/the-bases-of-knowledge.php

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3d2994  No.15126107

File: a513599f2ce0ab8⋯.jpeg (173.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smokem44.jpeg)


one favor, all i ask.

scout, not a computerfag. kinda busy, ya know?

i know nothing of this man other than what has been observed here over the years.

invested interested in his political aspirations now. these actions draw more attention


no disrespect to you or CM, but caution has kept me alive


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ea4d18  No.15126108

File: 9c5d051ed5980c9⋯.jpg (92.74 KB, 450x289, 450:289, Biden_Nancy.jpg)

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c57382  No.15126109


Replace Complacency with Tolerance.

We allowed ourselves to be convinced that Tolerance is a good thing.

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90bf45  No.15126110


He'll be charged with negligent manslaughter.

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90bf45  No.15126111


Is the person who shot her in the room with us now? Is it Donald Trump?

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4db2d2  No.15126112


so why am I no longer banned when I speak out against the cocksuckers that started this in the first place to attempt to convict others for crimes they committed?

This shit ain't over…hasn't even fucking begun. You little swamprats in the CA fucking law enforcement division better find new fucking jobs. I am not askin. Watch CA huh? You motherfuckers know damn well what you did, AND, you made money off it apparently…better fucking hope you saved it…with interest…

Where's Hunter, hmmmmmmm


I am gonna fucking enjoy this.

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4a45b9  No.15126113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't ask clown something somethings summpin…

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d258e2  No.15126114

File: 2a010c9a63a66c3⋯.png (750.87 KB, 672x672, 1:1, 98abd0cbb35564e2da92b0d0c2….png)


>all those who deny kek shall be tormented for 10,000 years

Imaging being a shill and your afterlife is being trapped here to be ignored and/or BTFO by anons eternally with no bathroom breaks.

Just getting shit on, over, and over, and over.

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33f870  No.15126115

File: e5ab3267d58f85b⋯.jpg (233.59 KB, 946x1602, 473:801, 20211202_225710.jpg)

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84b6e6  No.15126116


Mainly only poors ride trains and buses. Unless in major metropolitan areas where wealthy can blend in on a train or if you are the RNC members on your way to a gathering. Space Force transport is probably the safest way. Bring out Space Force 1, already. We know it exists.

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90bf45  No.15126117


So the bullet exploded while he had the hammer back? Um-kay.

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53134e  No.15126118

File: 0b616e29efe55bc⋯.jpg (116.72 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 0b616e29efe55bc716ed434c63….jpg)

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4db2d2  No.15126119


promise you that man will be charged with everything but will NEVER in reality serve a fucking minute….IT IS FAKE MOTHERFUCKER

until it is proven real, it will be as such…how you like me fucking now CNN

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33f870  No.15126120


caution, perhaps…

observation, definitely not.

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90bf45  No.15126121


Poor Pepe. He'll abide though.

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77d82e  No.15126122


from the same book : https://www.thebookoflife.eu/the-rules-of-existence/the-preparation.php

(3) I am telling you, the one who is chosen by God to separate goats and sheep doesn't tolerate that they live together. Don't thus call me: the tolerant! Because I accept or I refuse, I forgive or do not forgive, but I don't tolerate what can only be bad. We don't tolerate the good, but only what is evil. Consequently, the tolerance is the voluntary acceptance of evil. Now, the Father doesn't send his messengers to accept the evil, but to overcome it. That is why the tolerance isn't the garment of the prophets, but only to the chilly.

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cde7db  No.15126123

File: 107480d9bf9087e⋯.png (989.83 KB, 1322x741, 1322:741, b303ddc8489643eda8d5c636b2….png)



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323b0f  No.15126124

File: 8b691b2fe971b1f⋯.jpg (65.02 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Whats_Up_Doc.jpg)


thanks for the reading aei

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4da5b7  No.15126125


Shit this just clicked, thanks Anon.

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cde7db  No.15126126

File: 107480d9bf9087e⋯.png (989.83 KB, 1322x741, 1322:741, b303ddc8489643eda8d5c636b2….png)


Indeed (*fixed black line)

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4db2d2  No.15126127


CNN isn't the only player….quite a big hole will be dug for this one.


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4a45b9  No.15126128



You ever just wanna do something so illegal online it opens the whole discovery channel?

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4db2d2  No.15126129

I have AIDS

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d258e2  No.15126130

File: 97210f07efb87f8⋯.gif (6.98 MB, 608x608, 1:1, N.gif)

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4d3773  No.15126131



need that



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ad061e  No.15126132

File: 1dd046a57e62016⋯.png (709.49 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


must be how glowniggers who are assigned monitoring this board feels on a daily basis


>fuck kek

your digits checking status has been permanently revoked from here on out

enjoy the show

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a0acbd  No.15126133

File: 511ef56e4a8a8b1⋯.jpeg (68.08 KB, 750x525, 10:7, 65A3FDA6_90D0_49D4_A7C1_A….jpeg)


John Kimball will serve as grand marshal for this year’s 16th Annual Dickens of a Christmas to be held this weekend in downtown Ebensburg.

Kimball will do the honors of flipping the switch at light-up night in Kimball Park at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, and will ride in the annual Christmas parade at 11 a.m. Saturday.

Kimball, a lifelong resident of Ebensburg, retired in 2011 from the family business — L. Robert Kimball & Associates — after working there for nearly 50 years. He has since started two new business ventures that are keeping him busy, Kimball Motion Analytics and American Family Health.

Kimball has served on the Ebensburg Public Library Board, the Johns Hopkins School of Education Advisory Board and has worked with Saint Francis University School of Education.

Dickens of a Christmas events will be held in various locations throughout downtown Ebensburg and include breakfast with Santa, a gingerbread decorating contest, outdoor movie night with hot chocolate and holiday light displays.


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84b6e6  No.15126134


Clearly Bob was snorting coke and mdma off his thumbnail. No wonder he always sounded happy and high as fuck

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753ad0  No.15126135

File: 3e2aeb85e85bfda⋯.png (882.64 KB, 699x2512, 699:2512, a200225c30037b022b50b8137d….png)

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b5fb70  No.15126136


>fags who say joo: muhjoo shills

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8b131e  No.15126137

File: 29fbbb417392126⋯.jpg (308.29 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Woke_Shit.jpg)

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664077  No.15126138

File: 384192a2eeabd2c⋯.png (106.5 KB, 500x402, 250:201, 353563.png)


>bespeaks your programming.


says the bargain basement AI troll

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90bf45  No.15126139


It's amazing that people like Christie and Pence think they can be R President after their recent failures. They're not demoncrats ffs.

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d258e2  No.15126140

File: ab9f0d06fb2f4be⋯.gif (406.3 KB, 444x250, 222:125, Topkek.gif)

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4db2d2  No.15126141

yee gods…Twigs mother didn't really die like she said…I wonder if that is a good thing for my agenda….kekkle…..bitch.

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4d3773  No.15126142


wasn't expecting anything useful from you

know the type

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53134e  No.15126143

File: 52d73966ffb7e04⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 604x361, 604:361, 5se18h_1.jpg)

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4da5b7  No.15126144

File: 31428195d6c8df0⋯.jpeg (873.95 KB, 1106x1483, 1106:1483, 920233A9_47FF_4954_BE42_B….jpeg)

Les Wexner Will Step Down as the Chair of the Columbus Partnership


Former owner of Victoria’s Secret (MK slave models + tracking strips in lingerie), tied to Epstein.

If Epstein/Maxwell resignation list Anon is present, this is a big one to add.

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323b0f  No.15126145

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4a45b9  No.15126146


Great news! I maybe had the cure secretly tested on me. I'm clean.

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4a45b9  No.15126147


Me neither.

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fc0b33  No.15126148


And two years probation. No jail time.

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4d3773  No.15126149

File: 161467c8bf39cbd⋯.jpg (11.54 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 5d23524cd21aef37305b4d138a….jpg)

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84b6e6  No.15126150


>do something so illegal online

Like order Chynese food from a restaurant in Chyna for delivery in Texas? Would wager those crazy chynese may try and complete the order Kek

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33f870  No.15126151

File: 2b7048c8826adbc⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 20211202_230352.jpg)



none seem capable of seeing the true longterm intelligence behind

the manipulations that define these generations.

the devil nearly fits…

ahhh, but the pieces that donot fit, in those lay the seeds of reality.

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5324e3  No.15126152

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b5fb70  No.15126153


They just hated Moses because they thought he was a jew.

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4db2d2  No.15126154

did you know that the largest concentration of gay gangbangers comes from Orange County, CA? I was flabbergasted myself till I saw a Sureno and a Crip out of state kissing on the freeway…..

Albert, the Sureno, loves his furry sack slurpees.

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90bf45  No.15126155


"Oh, Alec, and one more thing. KYS. Thanks."

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d258e2  No.15126156

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15125459 @680



>>15125565, >>15125669, >>15125675 Sly Stallone: "Heading into the storm" Q hat.. and what is the seal behind his seat?

>>15125791 PSSSPSSSPSSSPSSS! Cat comms confirmed?

>>15125603 Comms or just tarded? "Delta passenger on a flight from Syracuse to Atlanta was 'breastfeeding her hairless CAT and refused to stop"

>>15125617 Archbishop of Paris involved in ‘intimate relationship’ with woman resigns

>>15125788 BO and Fauci were at Kimball Elementary School in DC.

>>15125804, >>15125836 Does the Vatican have the Jewish Temple treasures?

>>15125881 Cortez Rice, a relative of George Floyd has been arrested for reportedly making contact with jurors.

>>15125907 Eastern-most Roman Aqueduct Found Under An Armenian Melon Field

>>15125919 Private jet charter firm has seen 600+ searches for flights out of South Africa since Omicron was identified

>>15125925 Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another ✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts (rumble embed still no work)

>>15125930 FEMA to send mobile vaccination units to Western Washington

>>15125973 Toastmaster Minifix 1.0 A standalone code snippet to fix sticky Reply buttons. [who wanna test it?]

>>15125991 Racial slur that halted Enumclaw school board meeting prompts police probe

>>15126008 #US Midterms 2022: #Democrats Fear Congressional Shakeup as 19 House Dems Will Not Seek Reelection

>>15126037, >>15126098 Salute to Patriots fighting Election Fraud. NO FEAR. o7

>>15126059 Moar [PANIC] selling

>>15126133 John Kimball will serve as grand marshal for this year’s 16th Annual Dickens of a Christmas to be held this weekend in downtown Ebensburg.


speak nao or forever hold your notables

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a41c7d  No.15126157


>Shit this just clicked, thanks Anon.

The pilot also recalled flying Epstein to Columbus, Ohio, where the convicted sex offender had a home — near one owned by one of his business associates, Victoria’s Secret founder Les Wexner.

“Mr. Epstein would call him a client, yes,” Visoski said when asked about his former boss’ relationship to Wexner.


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7683a7  No.15126158

File: 9a79999842895c5⋯.png (16.41 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 3x_23_.png)

Excuse me Mr Q when is the apocalypse I'm getting bored

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4db2d2  No.15126159


kekkle…e bot got nothing on me…wait till the real fucking D day

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33f870  No.15126160

File: 908014e5cffd96b⋯.gif (545.33 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 20211125_034544.gif)



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53134e  No.15126161

File: 78c2efdd57d3584⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 614x460, 307:230, Joe_SHITHOLE.jpg)

File: 96d9fe1169e3496⋯.png (361.73 KB, 606x605, 606:605, 40c4aa916bb7ce56d0fb2211d2….png)

File: 926a1edbf77f3a3⋯.jpg (24.03 KB, 474x842, 237:421, downloadfile.jpg)

File: c2ccbc5ab74ce31⋯.jpg (63.97 KB, 500x519, 500:519, W_S.jpg)

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87de79  No.15126162

File: 3c110bc4d1f2da3⋯.jpeg (39.06 KB, 681x383, 681:383, 98065457.jpeg)

Jennifer Garner, Jill Biden Find Hope in Troubled Times at Save the Children Gala



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84b6e6  No.15126163



First assumption without sauce

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d258e2  No.15126164

File: 723262f597defbd⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.59 MB, 375x200, 15:8, spoiler.gif)


>Excuse me Mr Q when is the apocalypse I'm getting bored

IDK, get to work, faggot

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90bf45  No.15126165


Yeahhhhhhhh… Trump won.

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53134e  No.15126166

File: 7491c0be5f8b246⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 500x569, 500:569, adidas.jpg)

File: ffa2828b3d21026⋯.jpg (38.7 KB, 500x519, 500:519, 5w0kw7.jpg)

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33f870  No.15126167

File: b8a31dbec39f5f9⋯.gif (65.16 KB, 324x243, 4:3, 20211114_231917.gif)


<tripdubs снескеđ


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664077  No.15126168

File: 723262f597defbd⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 375x200, 15:8, 464646.gif)


>when is the apocalypse

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90bf45  No.15126169


This is the only thing Ive seen here thats worse than catpig.

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87de79  No.15126170


Save the Children originally called for $9.8 million in donations. When they reached that figure in a matter of weeks they raised their need to $20 million. By the end of the year they had collected $87 million, almost 10x their original request.


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4da5b7  No.15126171


Interdasting. Masonic Lodge 312 in town.

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753ad0  No.15126172

File: 1317b558657e894⋯.png (146.33 KB, 497x555, 497:555, bb_5bb809946021f.png)

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a41c7d  No.15126173


>Les Wexner Will Step Down as the Chair of the Columbus Partnership

Alternate headline

Les Wexler is going to jail, will be suicided, or neck himself

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87de79  No.15126174

What happens when you place undercover CIA agents onto NGOs?

4 gunmen stormed an office of the Save the Children agency in the Afghan city of Jalalabad and battled security forces who surrounded the building, killing at least one and wounding 11


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664077  No.15126175

File: 4b08d2054d71612⋯.jpeg (42.64 KB, 219x332, 219:332, 3c110bc4d1f2da3ef3de5bd9f….jpeg)


That's a man, baby !

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be2daa  No.15126176

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements

>>15125459 @FINAL



>>15125565, >>15125669, >>15125675 Sly Stallone: "Heading into the storm" Q hat.. and what is the seal behind his seat?

>>15125791 PSSSPSSSPSSSPSSS! Cat comms confirmed?

>>15125603 Comms or just tarded? "Delta passenger on a flight from Syracuse to Atlanta was 'breastfeeding her hairless CAT and refused to stop"

>>15125617 Archbishop of Paris involved in ‘intimate relationship’ with woman resigns

>>15125788 BO and Fauci were at Kimball Elementary School in DC.

>>15125804, >>15125836 Does the Vatican have the Jewish Temple treasures?

>>15125881 Cortez Rice, a relative of George Floyd has been arrested for reportedly making contact with jurors.

>>15125907 Eastern-most Roman Aqueduct Found Under An Armenian Melon Field

>>15125919 Private jet charter firm has seen 600+ searches for flights out of South Africa since Omicron was identified

>>15125925 Scotty Films - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another ✔Daily Maxwell Trial Transcripts (rumble embed still no work)

>>15125930 FEMA to send mobile vaccination units to Western Washington

>>15125973 Toastmaster Minifix 1.0 A standalone code snippet to fix sticky Reply buttons. [who wanna test it?]

>>15125991 Racial slur that halted Enumclaw school board meeting prompts police probe

>>15126008 #US Midterms 2022: #Democrats Fear Congressional Shakeup as 19 House Dems Will Not Seek Reelection

>>15126037, >>15126098 Salute to Patriots fighting Election Fraud. NO FEAR. o7

>>15126059 Moar [PANIC] selling

>>15126133 John Kimball will serve as grand marshal for this year’s 16th Annual Dickens of a Christmas to be held this weekend in downtown Ebensburg.

>>15125988 Old New Q: Highest Level Security + MAX Protect [Les Wexler]

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33f870  No.15126177

File: 5d60a3702c90243⋯.png (915.53 KB, 1074x872, 537:436, 638511858003.png)

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ea4d18  No.15126178

File: a95c6e17ad2afaa⋯.jpg (255.44 KB, 680x518, 340:259, Office_Painting.jpg)

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90bf45  No.15126179


Alec wasn't even there, man. I call suicide.

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a41c7d  No.15126183

No sauce, just the Seattle Police and Fire scanner

5 shootings in the metro area in the past hour or so

They just said 2 more victims just arrived at HMC [self transport]

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33f870  No.15126187


got your sense of humor blown off in the war, huh.

that is what you get fornot reading the meem.

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c57382  No.15126189


Save the Chilrdren Gala

They speak in opposites.

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4db2d2  No.15126190

Sooooo…..when I head north and drag cocksuckers to my lair and they tell the outright truth while I am peeling off toenails…you all got a problem with that? you fucking degenerates.

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90bf45  No.15126191


You enjoying the move? I was recently in WA, fucking horrible, esp Seattle. Worst city Ive been to lately. SF 2nd. Portland 3rd.

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c6824b  No.15126193

File: f68ef634d1ef20f⋯.jpeg (51.48 KB, 540x493, 540:493, 1638310057027.jpeg)


← Feel stupid yet?

I didn't think so.

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8b131e  No.15126194

File: 85f48f336037b89⋯.jpg (329.77 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Whoa_oke.jpg)

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323b0f  No.15126195

File: 035ce3b4a3c36b1⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 614x614, 1:1, 035ce3b4a3c36b102dc67d1d3c….gif)


language and conceptual passing on of info has been broken, on purpose, God was part of that, it's the finding the bits that really fit, anyone that is in but not of, that makes it real, sad when just snippets, but worth waiting for

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ea4d18  No.15126196

File: 195c0dcfeb47764⋯.jpg (276.82 KB, 691x909, 691:909, Baldwin_out_of_bullets.jpg)


B…b…but he didn't even pull it

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4da5b7  No.15126197

File: d945025984ee417⋯.jpeg (178.09 KB, 1620x1612, 405:403, 96E0C159_9C89_4CF7_9AA7_0….jpeg)


Someone give the man a red lace scarf from VS so he can go out with some goddamn class.

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4da5b7  No.15126198


Thanks for your effortsbaker

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4db2d2  No.15126199


kekkle…..try harder…….Chicago stories got you fuckin rolling….

otherwise, maybe you ought to pay attention to detail rather than posting your bullshit on the chans with no sauce

don't take a hint from me, I am here because cocksuckers thought they could set me up with their bullshit

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cde7db  No.15126200

File: 3c99adf9433ba05⋯.png (230.16 KB, 524x394, 262:197, guitarwieldingscoobydoospa….png)


Yeah, you should use a clipper.

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a41c7d  No.15126201


>Just moved from blue state WA, complete fukery. Red state now, like night and day.


I'll try not to be too jealous

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ea4d18  No.15126202

File: 43bd8dd504c227c⋯.png (238.63 KB, 733x142, 733:142, ClipboardImage.png)


are you sure? kek

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c6824b  No.15126203


You are naive, aren't you?

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e5ed65  No.15126204

File: c579d0d722e93d5⋯.jpg (16.78 KB, 204x255, 4:5, c450ee95d15c083b7606fd95ca….jpg)


good one

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53134e  No.15126205

File: 75bfe09b46161be⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB, 426x238, 213:119, Chinese_1_.mp4)

Chinese, was owned under Trump.

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90bf45  No.15126206


Qr may be pretty much over once Truth Social ramps up. We'll see.

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c57382  No.15126207

File: fb7cd874d3108a0⋯.png (79.41 KB, 110x247, 110:247, ClipboardImage.png)


What's going on with this hand?

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4da5b7  No.15126208

File: 3633a3234f606b1⋯.jpeg (317.68 KB, 714x890, 357:445, 31F5472D_8096_47E1_9B42_C….jpeg)


Forced smile, fearful.

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4db2d2  No.15126209

cmon sneed……if you aren't dead or in jail, throw a shoutout ey big man. Zipper…(the real motherfuckin Melinda) is gettin lonely in that grave you lying motherfucker. How is your sis? she cold lately? Been a crisp in the air, no idea where she is buried because you are a lying piece of shit…….but just the same…hows your sis you little fucking gangbanger wannabe?

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cde7db  No.15126210


Probably not going to be completely anonymous anon.

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e148ce  No.15126212


I think Lawson will win the next election, he Is the only one that does anything, thats why you never hear about him on fake news, its also why everyone trusts him In Olympia, Inslee is a puppet I dont think him or Bob are really doing much, Wyman going to Brandon is a cover Obviously, since he takes only the biggest rats

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39068d  No.15126213


I hear ya anon .. I'm still in WA state and looking to bail

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cde7db  No.15126214

File: f6b04918a41b903⋯.png (989.58 KB, 1322x741, 1322:741, ob303ddc8489643eda8d5c636b….png)


Not with this much rum in me, no.

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90bf45  No.15126215


Four Boers caught a cold.

Time to shut down America!

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a41c7d  No.15126216


> Obviously, since he takes only the biggest rats

Wyman clearly mastered the art of mail in voter fraud

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4db2d2  No.15126217


I am NOT enjoying this. Could be better if reality were actually about solving problems, but NOOOOOOO YOU think your ignorance can make problems for me….

kekkle. You NEVER should have introduced me to the chans. This is gonna be fucking fun

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ea4d18  No.15126218

File: 3fdce80673e3a17⋯.jpg (26.98 KB, 483x390, 161:130, Woman_Up_1.JPG)

File: 3d339e5a79e15dc⋯.png (799.81 KB, 1277x714, 1277:714, Opera_Snapshot_2020_12_07_….png)

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cde7db  No.15126219


She moved. Old timey cameras took a very very long time to finish a photo.

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33f870  No.15126221

File: 66a6fe663cdefe2⋯.gif (4.6 MB, 291x291, 1:1, 20211021_034855.gif)


the reason you see only in part

is that you think He is only partly Responsible.

reality is not what humans have been programmed to believe.

though God`s foil in this theatré is not maschine.

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4db2d2  No.15126222


kekkle…this fucking board was MADE to keep track of whom enters it….there is no anonymity, smfh

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e148ce  No.15126225


A republican Kek

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90bf45  No.15126226


The vaccines may be both short and long-term killers with death now and also sterility. That's my guess. I see it happening, in a year we'll know.

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4db2d2  No.15126227


and with that note, I hope you motherfuckers are comfy…..cozy…….

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ea4d18  No.15126228

File: c2a6e410774fafa⋯.png (135.79 KB, 495x493, 495:493, Pepe_Cheers_Suit.png)

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90bf45  No.15126229


We will have 13 more months of the current bullshit.

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ad0716  No.15126232

File: 04025fc146f0250⋯.jpg (262.99 KB, 680x518, 340:259, bigguns.jpg)

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ad061e  No.15126233


oh shit you got me, aei

i am of the seed of the nephil


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d258e2  No.15126234

File: 99968fcf0c90d16⋯.jpg (35.24 KB, 316x445, 316:445, MEMES.jpg)

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e5ed65  No.15126236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cheers mate

easy on that rum


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e148ce  No.15126237


I hope not but if that budget gets signed tomorrow…….Anons know

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90bf45  No.15126238


That's a really big pile of shit. Not Harambe, he aint no demoncrat.

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