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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 640864f90f5bae0⋯.png (1.08 MB,1166x684,583:342,heart_of_cyrodiil3.png)

1f2917 No.335533 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Warrior quest, an interactive story where you take control of a young strapping lad of above average stature named Bernsen.

Raised in the forest by a family of bears, this mean barbarian enjoys eating meat, exploring the world and beating the shit out of local wild life and troublemakers whenever the opportunity for it arises.

After leaving his ancestral home in the Black Forest, he seeks to connect with civilization and start a new life for himself. The land he is traversing is known as Deleor and is governed by its king who lives in the country’s capital of Sanctiford.

Will Bernsen manage to start a new life and make new friends and acquaintances? Join the fun and find out.

This is the second part of the Black Forest series of quests which is set in the same universe as AceTheWritefag’s Wizard Quest series. To all the veterans: Welcome back! As for the newcomers: Don’t be discouraged to join! The story has a rather open ended structure and while knowledge of the previous part will let you understand certain story elements better, it is not necessary to do so.

Previous Threads:







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5cf0a6 No.388405

Just read the story and last post was about half a year past. Should I call it dead?

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1269bc No.388419


Why did you ask the question, when you didn't sage to begin with?!

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e79e58 No.388442


It may be time to call it dead but it sure is time to call you a faggot for not saging and getting our hopes up

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10b242 No.388661


You need be lynched.

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9d21cb No.404728


thread is rip

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File: a328dab69801e95⋯.png (582.87 KB,656x512,41:32,P40PCROAYH6MUPQSXB992H8H8M….png)

0d5bb6 No.360379 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Board Css Ideas, color palletes and themes are welcomed here. ask away and lets brainstorm a bit.

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7b6a5c No.377180

Advice for applying the CSS through the theme submenu in options: Erase the first line

>@-moz-document url-prefix("https://8ch.net/monster/"), url-prefix("https://nerv.8ch.net/monster/"), url-prefix("https://8ch.net/report.php?board=monster&post=delete") {

Then erase the very last curly brace at the bottom.



Bottom right mascots can be re-implemented, but must be removed from the stylesheets due to !important declarations. The following selector has to be applied by the board owner in the board options:

body {

background-image: url('https://media.8ch.net/file_store/40943fa500a1b0daac27236f6055c4f14d187c3e32fc8018dbceba4d6519b53e.png') !important;

background-repeat: no-repeat !important;

background-attachment: fixed !important;

background-position: right bottom !important;


The image mascot url may then be freely changed.

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f9fcbc No.377737

At the moment, when posts are highlighted, they don't look different enough in color than other posts.

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7b6a5c No.377793

File: 53ff384715ab7c1⋯.png (701.84 KB,1034x738,517:369,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9fcbc No.377794


Yeah, maybe if the post-highlighting was more of a vibrant orange-red it'd work better.

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c5f0d3 No.388373


this is a bit harsh on the eyes.

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File: 29765f89a8eec30⋯.jpg (351.51 KB,718x964,359:482,gokicha sunlight.jpg)

File: 0ec75a8437bd2a6⋯.jpg (27.71 KB,367x263,367:263,gokicha friends.jpg)

File: 676fb81acd6f675⋯.png (325.42 KB,600x773,600:773,cockroach girl.png)

File: 7c3d9416182b86c⋯.jpg (426.01 KB,944x1100,236:275,devil bug redraw KC.jpg)

File: 4a77632eae9a08f⋯.png (135.75 KB,718x855,718:855,stinky doodoohead.PNG)

7cb6ee No.356534 [Open thread]

With recent events, it's important to discuss cockroach girls. What does /monster/ like best about them, and are they really all Turkish?

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934c45 No.358053


Good god. That looks like one of those cancerous retarded wojak memes.

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7cb6ee No.388264

File: 26bdc6cccc02c6d⋯.jpg (218.91 KB,884x1257,884:1257,Pikari Chan.jpg)

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f88a07 No.388276


Does she suffer less than Gokicha

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7cb6ee No.388277


Potentially she might. She's also not a minigirl, making it harder to cause suffering for her.

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1e99aa No.388292

File: 7cea978245958bb⋯.gif (537.98 KB,320x240,4:3,1419748951956.gif)


>possible cockroach maid/waitress girl

It has my attention.

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File: 3ee78c26ab681a8⋯.jpg (11.23 KB,268x188,67:47,download.jpg)

bcee1f No.264092 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Is a frog thread in order?

I have somehow become stricken with an astounding love of frog girls. They just seem so smooth, the shine of their bodies is appealing , and dat tongue.

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e9414c No.384296


She's a human with a quirk.

If she had a son he would have frog feet and a long tongue same as her.

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cb216c No.384318

File: 85a02e144dd7295⋯.png (331.94 KB,706x380,353:190,serveimage.png)


They toned down her external froggyness somewhat to make her more sexually appealing but its clear from her family that its a frog SHAPED family and not merely one with vaguely frog like powers.

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9b9506 No.387963



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0588c4 No.388051


Are those the froggirls from MGQ?

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3b5508 No.388177

File: 9804b824b1459c5⋯.png (1.01 MB,1014x998,507:499,Fx3ZR7i.png)

File: 14f85b09f8c2390⋯.jpg (132.03 KB,600x900,2:3,2zM7ptS.jpg)


yes. pictures unrelated.

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File: e6b2a50b584a498⋯.webm (87.86 KB,546x386,273:193,Komi-san cat ears.webm)

File: f6eed021500d2d4⋯.jpg (141.66 KB,1058x984,529:492,catgirl vet.jpg)

File: 51291b14a3f5456⋯.jpg (185.74 KB,914x1200,457:600,catgirl doll.jpg)

File: 4c1c2bda1c66f46⋯.jpg (486.58 KB,1125x1200,15:16,black-and-white glasses ca….jpg)

File: e28320fbfd2067d⋯.png (1.29 MB,1130x1553,1130:1553,star ocean faggot cat.png)

4a7c62 No.387881 [Open thread]

Why no thread for this yet, /monster/? After Day of the Rape, how will catgirls be treated on this day?

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faa24a No.388038

File: 287a960fbe32bed⋯.png (121.92 KB,500x368,125:92,feel-the-feels-overtaking-….png)



>There are fags who havent felt the feels of Cat and Mouse.


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fc1150 No.388040

File: 1060f25bf193138⋯.png (1.84 MB,1500x1087,1500:1087,Fuck your memes.png)





Saw this shit coming miles away.

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f50683 No.388041


Kill yourself, man.

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4a7c62 No.388050


But that nurse was a kiki. If catnurse was involved in that, that would mean she IS the catgirl and said catgirl never died of cancer to begin with.

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fec9c8 No.388054


I saved all of crow anon's shit, even the unsavory.

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File: d9b5c5148116271⋯.png (707.85 KB,1500x1000,3:2,My Fetish.png)

ae3fec No.347094 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Anyone here has a fetish about monster girls in chastity belts?

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186aca No.382465


very nice

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ea03ff No.382502


All the fun of teasing your waifu, and all the babymaking love at the same time. The best of both worlds.

Truly, Kikimoras are the greatest of waifus.

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adc186 No.383199

File: a82cf45d5db2f9e⋯.png (1.52 MB,1223x2048,1223:2048,lWX1_et7.png)

I love the idea of (consentually) bullying a hellhound with one of these.

>convince hellhound waifu to try chastity

>before it goes on, restrain and edge her for just a little while

>just as long as it takes for her to agree to call you "master" for the duration

>lock her in nice and tight

>pay lots of attention to her, give lots of love

>edge every day

>continue until she's so pent up that running a hand gently over her thigh sends her up the wall (doesn't take long with a hellhound), then keep going

>then (this is very important) clear your schedule for two weeks

>one to spend with her, one for any medical check ups you may or may not need afterwards

>finally take her to bed and hand over the key

>prepare yourselves for pleasure neither man nor monster were meant to experience

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f54a04 No.383259

File: 7b7a0ac8dd3ce8a⋯.jpg (586.27 KB,3823x2151,3823:2151,9061.jpg)

>>383199 (checked)

Seven days later…

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7194ef No.387739


Fucking excellent

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File: 3fd1a3b8317d07c⋯.png (416.21 KB,1906x4094,953:2047,mgesorter.png)

c5070c No.370301 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

I'm sure many anons are aware that there's a webpage for sorting your favorite girls in the MGE. Post your lists and give your thoughts on other anons based on their lists.


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e60fa0 No.373146

Here's code for a proper bottom-up merge sort of monster girls. All comparisons are strictly a < b and responses are y/n where y means a is higher rank than b.

C++: https://pastebin.com/nF6Ri3AH

Python 3: https://pastebin.com/3qkskPQg

I also benchmarked some merge sort, heapsort, and quicksort variants, and top-down merge sort has the best average number of comparisons at 1376. Bottom-up merge sort is the runner up with 1398 average comparisons. So here's the code for top-down merge sort if you want to save yourselves a few comparisons.

C++: https://pastebin.com/8P1m0zLT

Python 3: https://pastebin.com/yMN5gVET

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cd8e8f No.376269

File: 4db0bf067881977⋯.png (20.22 KB,240x942,40:157,1.png)

File: b820e748a444d12⋯.png (21.55 KB,240x964,60:241,2.png)

File: 5da5a8583a23fdc⋯.png (23.05 KB,245x965,49:193,3.png)

File: 07821e16a2343a4⋯.png (24.18 KB,243x965,243:965,4.png)

File: b002d59c218341c⋯.jpg (74.39 KB,797x960,797:960,1410808172598.jpg)

best girl is and always will be holo


i did the same thing.

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0b6231 No.387470

File: e7556228fc252f9⋯.png (9.38 KB,209x548,209:548,top 30.png)

Finally got around to doing it too. Got a few in there I wasn't expecting and Yeti wound up being a lot lower than I thought she'd be.

I had no idea I was this okay with Gandharva, Salamander, Kunoichi, and the black birds. Ren-Xiongmao has to be the biggest underdog in there though.

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3be08a No.387628

File: a95050047c92510⋯.png (92.25 KB,500x405,100:81,62e397918c7e6435082cf0fc12….png)

>Don't remember half of these girls and have to look them up one by one

Fucking hell this is my afternoon gone.

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a1959e No.387633

File: 85226ceea8f169e⋯.png (18.84 KB,217x911,217:911,mge sorter 1.png)

File: d159b0375e925c5⋯.png (23.06 KB,221x945,221:945,mge sorter 2.png)

File: 4851de0e31b25f5⋯.png (21.64 KB,211x945,211:945,mge sorter 3.png)

File: 37114888da593d0⋯.png (22.76 KB,215x945,43:189,mge sorter 4.png)

File: f33ffabe9a7d269⋯.png (2.27 KB,205x55,41:11,mge sorter 5.png)












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File: 0c6735ca250724c⋯.jpg (127.62 KB,600x600,1:1,bunnyyoko.jpg)

f6e28e No.385646 [Open thread]

You can monsterize/monsterify a character in popular media such as light novels, manga, anime and mediums related.

You get to choose the species, change the species, and tell us why.

You can also change height or bust size if the species calls it, such as giantess or holstaur.

How do they change?

How does the story change if at all?

I'll go first:

>Yoko Littner


>She'd likely be considered a beastman, but as she's working with resistance it would act as discouragement for the enemy and encouragement for allies. Plus Lizardwoman knowledge helps with those sniping points.

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2581d4 No.385695


I think she'd be more soldier ant personally

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e49218 No.385730

File: 565a867717d2744⋯.jpg (366.11 KB,750x1500,1:2,Esdese_The_Ice_Dragon.jpg)

Esdeath would most definitely make a dragon, she even rides one.

Fits the independent, if not overtly prideful and unmoving nature

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45ef5c No.387277

File: 36291162e4b4618⋯.png (1.98 MB,1167x950,1167:950,aisha.PNG)

Nothing changes, she's already perfect.

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d6cc8e No.387343

File: f313561579fe177⋯.jpg (93.67 KB,1068x1048,267:262,b7004b1e0d7b82e33b214cf0da….jpg)

Tohru might get even heavier on the yuri with Kobayashi if she was a salamander/lizard girl. I dunno, what else would fit 'er?

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8f7d58 No.387355

File: 9f653510c9cf9ef⋯.png (359.36 KB,480x580,24:29,Konata's big dick shirt.png)

File: fc45bd04ec7f945⋯.gif (975.3 KB,330x422,165:211,Dragon Loli rain dance.gif)

I would make Konata into a cute little Gremlin.


Why not monsterise her right into being a dragon? I guess that would hurt the only wanting a regular human life span rule, but life with Tohru would turn her naturally under MGE rules.

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File: 640864f90f5bae0⋯.png (1.08 MB,1166x684,583:342,Imperial City.png)

815cf9 No.378487 [Open thread]

You had been born on the 5th of Frostfall 3E268 to an Colovian mother and a Cyrodiilic born Nord father in Bruma. Your father had been a legionnaire, now the local smith in the city, used his pension money to buy some land outside of Bruma and start a farm. You knew your way around a forge, but you been a farmer most of your life. You loved tending to crops and making plants grow. There was nothing better than using or selling that which you had grown yourself.

Your father however, insisted on training you in sword-craft. He taught you how to defend yourself, how to hunt and track, how to live off the land, and how to ride but he also taught you other things. Old Nordic stories, tales of heroes and their exploits. Tales of Ysgramor and the 500, the Night of Tears, the age of the dragons, and the heroes that brought it to an end.

Being a son of the Empire he also taught you of your Colovian heritage. How the Colovians and the Nords were more alike than people thought. Brave and loyal, pragmatic and truthful. These were the ways of both people. He taught you the ancient songs of the Nordic bards of old. How the one thing you can trust is your own wit and steel. Your mother was much less extravagant in her teachings. Through her you learned of the Nine Divines, cooking skills, bartering skills, the importance of humility and good will, but most importantly, she taught you how to read.

You would spend cold winters reading in the local chapel, books on St. Alessia and her rebellion, the exploits of Pelinal Whitestrake, St. Alessia and the Nedic peoples throwing off the yoke of the Ayleids, the birth and life of Reman Cyrodiil, but your favorites were of the life and exploits of Tiber Septim. Usually the other Nords in the city scoffed at the idea of spending so much time in books, but your father let no such rumors persist. His son may be an Imperial, but the blood of the first men flowed in your veins.

It is your eighteenth summer, the first of Last Seed, you have grown into a strong young man. Your eyes flutter open, looking at the ceiling of your room. Sitting up, you run your hand through your short hair and swing your feet off the bed. You take a look around your room. There are severPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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890e67 No.386740


Going for our horse like >>386353 says seems like a fine idea, if we can track her.

And OP, does this mean you're going to make regular updates again or not?

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f2d067 No.386940


Lol I dunno maybe

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890e67 No.386957


More importantly, are you ever gonna bring any monstergirls into the story?

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890e67 No.386958


Also, you should sage if you're not adding new content. Even if it is your thread…

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76ea85 No.387507

File: 4be98d4ae7fd5d0⋯.png (1.2 MB,600x1080,5:9,Lokir1.png)


Track down your horse. Horses are expensive.

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File: 45bb8955d729f5b⋯.png (731.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,POSTER.png)

0881ea No.386417 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Hey, I'm the creator of a monster girl game. It's still in early stage, but you can check it out already. Link to download is on patreon in the end of this post.

"Summoner Runes" is a fantasy western-erotic-game where you play as a half-demon male. You live a peaceful life with your Moth-I mean, landlady (EVA) and her two daughters. You are part of an ancient lineage of demons, but you are still unable to use your magic. The reason for this is very simple, demons get magical power by corrupting souls, and you are still a virgin. If you want to increase your magic, you will need to corrupt some souls…

The supernatural city of Oakheart Hills is home to the most diverse magical creatures, who live in harmony, hiding from the human sight. Summoner Runes will feature multiple races, from goblins to cowgirls, elves, orcs, ghosts and even zombies. And, of course, vanilla human girls.​


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0881ea No.386839

File: 2bc50e0b39b9d09⋯.png (346.01 KB,960x540,16:9,Cowgirl_Peep_scene_01-2019.png)

Hey guys, i've got an artist to help me out in the project. He will be doing the sex scenes and I will be doing the sprites.

Also, we have a writer now too.

0.02 should be better, sorry.

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5c9dd9 No.386860


What in god's name is wrong with her face?

Why is half the background blurred out? What is wrong with her right foot? Why is she floating above the ground? Why is that ugly looking dildo going into her small intestines?

I have so many questions, I don't particularly want answers for any of them.

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ddb21e No.386907

File: cc8b497147361b9⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,238x276,119:138,IMG_20181220_131448.jpg)


We're pretty much unanimously uninterested and people have already pointed you elsewhere.

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ce21da No.386956

File: ad91bb0bbf1ca1b⋯.png (546.52 KB,1011x1470,337:490,dSmpbUdt_o.png)


Do you have a learning disorder or something? The fact that your thread was bumplocked should tell you that your trash isn't welcome here.

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7184b6 No.387001


Go make a thread in /hgg/ or something man, you'll be shat on for having a patreon but here you don't line up with the board's values at all.

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File: d0f4a078d242263⋯.png (811.94 KB,600x600,1:1,ancient gear golem.png)

f182e2 No.386674 [Open thread]

I'm gonna kick your ass /monster/

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89838b No.386720

File: 057b4ed0f4a4085⋯.jpg (175.14 KB,560x1200,7:15,transformerfriends.jpg)

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f182e2 No.386762


Hey fuck you too :^(

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5de8d5 No.387061

File: 2afda2d33dea7cb⋯.png (135.92 KB,500x500,1:1,Metaion.png)

k bye

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91e37d No.387134

File: c12d5efcff95220⋯.png (670.46 KB,480x697,480:697,BottomlessTrapHole-YS18-EN….png)


nice try retard

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050c16 No.387278

File: d881bdde7dc4d0a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,290.43 KB,300x437,300:437,BY.png)

File: 77a1e0928c10831⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.95 KB,300x435,20:29,OUR.jpg)

File: 6fb1dabe3d5d2b6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.46 KB,400x580,20:29,POWERS.jpg)

File: 69c5d9b1989ac94⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.95 KB,300x435,20:29,COMBINED.jpg)

File: ad9af15c807d7c6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.59 KB,400x580,20:29,, BEHOLD.jpg)

Any last words?

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File: a0d254ee9a8348a⋯.gif (1.52 MB,498x283,498:283,15E19B4A-77FF-4CF9-AEC0-AE….gif)

eb5193 No.382957 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

First time making a meta thread so forgive me if I fuck up - previous thread >>380008

/monster/ news

>Khenmaat is in full swing

>KC released big tiddy goth GF

>senko-san is getting an anime this year

8chan news

>cuckchan rapefugees are continuing to flood in, remember to bully newfags

>8chan cup is coming up again

>Servers were down temporarily

World news

>Hentai Haven shut down

>(((Youtube Rewind))) is the most disliked video on JewTube

>Plebbit wants the queen to die

>More internet censorship laws are rolling in, article 13, FOSTA/SESTA, UK Porn laws becoming stricter

>(((Orange man))) is halfway through his presidency

Feel free to call me out on shit I missed

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be1ade No.387177

File: 610ef2a6cbf0e55⋯.png (79.87 KB,200x193,200:193,610ef2a6cbf0e55480245bb059….png)


>/monster/ repeatedly mentioned as a good example of building community by removing undesirables

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055f4c No.387528

We have a problem

U.N. wants to ban lolis.


Child pornography is defined in article 2 OPSC as ‘any representation of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual activities, regardless of the means used, or any representation of the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes’.

>The qualification ‘by whatever means’ reflects the broad range of material available in a variety of media, online and offline. It includes, inter alia: visual material such as photographs, movies, drawings and cartoons; audio representations; any digital media representation; live performances; written materials in print or online; and physical objects such as sculptures, toys, or ornaments.

>The Committee urges States parties to prohibit, by law, child sexual abuse material in any form. The Committee notes that such material is increasingly circulating online, and strongly recommends States parties to ensure that relevant provisions of their Criminal Codes cover all forms of material, including when the acts listed in article 3.1(c) are committed online and including when such material represents realistic representations of non-existing children.

There's threads on multiple boards with /v/ seeming to be the most active right now.


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8f0875 No.387532

File: 2f343a32928f439⋯.jpg (2.4 MB,1222x2845,1222:2845,UN BTFO.JPG)


Remember when they tried it 3 years ago and failed?

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eb81e7 No.387553


There is a problem though, Japan has already started doing a few things to appeal to foreigners for the upcoming olympics, so it is entirely possible Japan may follow through with this.

>saging a thread past the bump limit

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8f0875 No.387623


Keep in mind that those changes were strictly for that year and there hasn't been any other official announcements outside of the actual event. Saving face is a huge part of Asian culture, and Japan really wants to show off on the world stage. I have a feeling they won't permanently change anything, but Japan's not in the mood to tell foreigners to fuck off when they're hosting the Olympics; this is the equivalent of literally sweeping shit under the rug until the guests leave. The Japanese government has given everyone of note marching orders- Do Not Make Japan Look Bad Prior To Or During The Olympics. It's public relations, just like with every other country that hosts it. The Olympics costs shitloads of money to host and they want a return with interest, not a loss in revenue alongside the tab (even though one of the drawbacks would be Tokyo overspending and sinking themselves further into debt). Same shit with Nagano '98: Show your best face, don't insult foreigners, smile and look like you're the best country on earth. I'm not saying that I'm turning a blind eye to what can go wrong, but there are multiple things that may or may not happen depending on what happens. At worst, legislation will pass that will restrict the visibility of hentai and put in a firmer law regarding selling it to minors.

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File: 6b29f5d5f759c3d⋯.png (725.89 KB,768x870,128:145,Manoslichpat.png)

39cc68 No.372001 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Sometimes all we need to read is a little encouragement by a kindred spirit.

This board has amazing writefags, and OC is the lifeblood of the board, however, some people long to see stories about their waifus that writefags don't normally do.

In the same spirit as a Drawthread, this is for Violated Heroes to request stories they'd like to see written, or for new and old writefags to link their work for critique, or for others to enjoy.Shilling is encouraged!

If you have large amounts of text, or are running an update to stories, please consider posting it all to a pastebin and posting here when it is updated or finished.

Please keep things on topic. It's fine to talk about stories, characters, plots, etc, but keep the blog-posting out of here.

Thread 1: https://archive.is/eT2UX

Thread 2: https://archive.is/zZyJk

Thread 3: https://archive.is/yUCIq

Thread 4: https://archive.is/5e1Qr

Thread 5: https://archive.is/vWMc9

Thread 6: https://archive.is/O2ckz

Thread 7: https://archive.is/B7Hfg

Thread 8: https://archive.is/dxA9v

Thread 9: http://archPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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cf53bf No.386862


scroll up and look at your posts retard. you seem to ignore the state of mind of the authors writing for the links you posted. also you have alot of nerve talking about other chats when you spacebattle faggots come in here and try to shit on different aspects of romance that are not fit on your insane libtard forums.

if anything your rant about wanting to die is just hardcore blogposting. Nobody who is sane has your mindset. get help and stop thinking that healing someone is bad.

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ca6ae2 No.387027


>you seem to ignore the state of mind of the authors writing

Aux, please directly refute the argument.

>Nobody who is sane has your mindset. get help and stop thinking that healing someone is bad.

Substantiate your claim. If I am that far incorrect, then it should be easy to find a more credible sources that claims: a codependent relationship is healthy and that we ought to be "fixers" that heal people and take responsibility of their happiness.

Since no one has been able to provide a source or credentials to refute the argument, then my argument still stands. The healing fantasy is where you take responsibility for other people's happiness. It is a codependent relationship which is manipulation.

While I understand you want a board where Anons can experience romance though the form of fictional writing or images, this healing fantasy is merely an idealized illusion of romance. In reality, it is manipulation in disguise and is misguiding the hearts of those that do desire the experience of romance or love.

Here are some more articles that support my position if the first wasn't adequate enough:

https://archive.fo/L8Dvn - You Can’t Solve Other People’s Problems: How to Stop Trying to Change Others

https://archive.fo/99Ceq - Relationships and The Need to Fix Others: Are You A Fixer?

https://archive.fo/6qa3D - How to fix another person

https://archive.fo/JB6B0 - Stop fixing people

https://archive.fo/4L3Ue - The myth of managing emotions

https://archive.fo/LPUq1 - You are not responsible for other peoplePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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cf53bf No.387058


first source.


she has an increased amount of sensitivity to people around her, thus she is not a fit candidate to hand out information about the subject.

second person. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronx-Lebanon_Hospital_Center a place rife with problems.

stines so far has no problems

https://onbeing.org/programs/rachel-naomi-remen-the-difference-between-fixing-and-healing-nov2018/ raomi believes in finding reasons of fixing things and when to back off. If you were in a relationship with someone they would poke at you at one of your habits if its bad. its part of having a relationship. then again material arguments often get in the way of the inmaterial personality changes that will happen in a relationship regardless of what you percieve of them.

https://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/michael-j-formica huffington post blogger on your other source

Anyways you compared radfem fiction to stuff that people write here and expect it to be on the same level. That kinda makes you deluded. Also you did that " you dont know if im a furfag spiel" so you also have the incentive to not change from your degenerate dog fucking tollerating ways.

next time research some more.

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029d84 No.387200


>first source

>discredit it because of the character of the writer (AdHom)

>instead of directly refuting the article

>second source

>discredit it because of the history of the institution (AdHom)

>instead of directly refuting the article

>fifth source

>discredit it because of the character of the writer (AdHom)

>instead of directly refuting the article

>provided source

This podcast is more focused on medical diseases, their discomforts, and grief from loss. It has nothing to do with personal relationships. It has nothing to do with personal habits within a relationship. It has nothing to do with personality changes during a relationship. It does not in any way counter any of my arguments.

>podcast hosted by Krista Tippett

>writer for the huffington post (https://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/krista-tippett)

By your own standards, you should not have used this podcast as a source.

>raomi believes in finding reasons of fixing things and when to back off.

She never mentioned this in the podcast you linked. If you would have listened to your own source, you would have known she defined fixing, in the context of the podcast, as curing a medical disease, and fixing/curing all diseases was an impossible goal so healing was the other option because it was easier.

>If you were in a relationship with someone they would poke at you at one of your habits if its bad. its part of having a relationship…

This is imposing your own goals on others. It is manipulation and is part of a unhealthy relationship. It is treating your partner with contempt because you are avoiding knowledge of thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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4e3180 No.387236


You probably shouldn't whine about ad hominem when your entire position is ad verecundiam.

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File: 9236f69f6da66e3⋯.png (728.25 KB,917x2017,917:2017,1549137264643.png)

1c80c9 No.386164 [Open thread]

You're invited!

To watch football with The 5!


The Superb Owl fuck you google!




Sportschan.org/sp !

>What should i bring?

Bring beer. Snax and loose women will be provided

Hope to see you there, /monster/!

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72e1e9 No.386167

>loose women will be provided

That will not be necessary, we will bring tite monster girls instead so that everyone will have an even better time.

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93d56a No.386190

>fuck you google

Not sure what this is about, but the fake news on tv also seem to be scared of using the actual name. Is the national felon league actually losing so much money that theyre now enforcing the retarded trademark shit to collect fine money?

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File: 076183ea426bec3⋯.jpg (204.15 KB,708x1320,59:110,unjusted stream1.jpg)

e11706 No.385643 [Open thread]

The day is soon upon us where Brendan Fraser will pay his final $50,000, his final alimony cheque and that day is 31st January. To celebrate, /just/ hosts a stream of some Brendan classics so join us as we call an end to Brendan's JUST and unfuck his shit.

Stream: https://cytu.be/r/UNJUST


Pre-Stream begins at 6pm EST with the movies starting from 6:30pm EST, January 31st.

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37115c No.386027


He's a broken man in need of healing, maybe a motherly holstaur, a caring angel or a possessive dragon. Alternatively a danuki to jew the jewess out of her jewelry.

A mummy girl would be good because NO BRENDAN NO WATCH, but I imagine she'd remind him of the movie and make him sad.

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e11706 No.386030

File: 331f999fb13b855⋯.png (762.13 KB,1280x693,1280:693,ClipboardImage.png)


There was this catgirl in Monkeybone that seemed interested in Brendan but she was a slut.

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e11706 No.386031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>I like the tender love of a good woman


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37115c No.386033


>video not available in your country

Fucking webm it.

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779335 No.386042


A pharaoh who saw his movies and became a fan. Now that she no longer has to worry about ungrateful whoring ex-wives, she can snatch him up and show her appreciation for his work.

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