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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: d9b5c5148116271⋯.png (707.85 KB,1500x1000,3:2,My Fetish.png)

ae3fec No.347094 [Last50 Posts]

Anyone here has a fetish about monster girls in chastity belts?

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ae3fec No.347096

File: 32fd45914b2719a⋯.jpg (175.51 KB,621x997,621:997,d84d2191a7f8cbfaf62dd63145….jpg)

File: bb361e2e54f6d32⋯.jpg (483.71 KB,700x700,1:1,2c8c7ad1b031b80ff4be23900c….jpg)

File: b42b0a1a0401e78⋯.jpg (232.74 KB,800x950,16:19,588789bd6efb3b4936a5cd244f….jpg)

File: 2216b8b8e7d0576⋯.png (484.6 KB,750x750,1:1,c3eb5218cb6efada5669e61a15….png)

File: 986e476450084ad⋯.jpg (946.44 KB,850x1200,17:24,37baaf1772a23eaadedd0430f0….jpg)

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4705a1 No.347103


This is a cruel and degenerate fetish.

I personally don't believe anyone who claims to love their waifu would subject them to this.

I even would go so far as to this this may belong on /chaos/ or some such other board that are okay with such damaging culture.

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4c4fa8 No.347104


Why would you subject a kikimora of all things to this? She takes care of you, and helps you prepare for the day ahead and you do this to her? At least do it to one of the meaner ones, like an ogre or a gremlin.

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658498 No.347113


>not (consensually) locking your hellhound waifu up for a week

>not watching her get more and more sexually desperate as time goes on

>not unlocking her for the weekend

>not getting ridden like a show pony as she releases the entire week's worth of sexual energy on your poor pelvis

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7da449 No.347119


>why a Kiki?!?

because it's her fetish.

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e94ff5 No.347130

File: d56baf523d97e18⋯.png (Spoiler Image,237.85 KB,800x710,80:71,368B1A4C-5B83-49BD-91D3-4A….png)


She has been placed in chastity until she proves herself to be the better of her master’s two maids.

And it’s never coming off.

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1e5142 No.347137


Male chastity stuff is sissy crap.

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ae3fec No.347138

File: b55fa85835be388⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x768,4:3,6d29844c99dc828e20ed1d1207….png)


He's talking about the kiki in chastity. Learn reading comprehension.

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4d6b02 No.347172

File: cbb60cfcdfdc9ed⋯.jpg (51.93 KB,640x754,320:377,TUBA_KNIGHT.jpg)



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ae3fec No.347174

File: 8901777bc9eb461⋯.png (1.37 MB,1500x2000,3:4,38f59ca0a280483cc17501d89c….png)

File: 454661d3fbdf322⋯.jpeg (158.47 KB,599x848,599:848,af99076322032f29f6fcd7f7d….jpeg)

File: dae3cd9faa4926e⋯.jpeg (170.17 KB,599x848,599:848,f1d03028a77eb48111c451b03….jpeg)

File: 203eecec60a1a8b⋯.jpg (401.02 KB,575x800,23:32,f9def6a3e43e7c9e833db1445c….jpg)

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6ee255 No.347189

File: e91b62e43026e82⋯.png (61.46 KB,640x625,128:125,considersuicide.png)


>implying shog is better

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d6c424 No.347190

I would put her in one if she asked, but I wouldn't suggest it myself. That makes the bulli all that more satisfying when she wants it off before the date she agreed to

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8107f9 No.347210


Come back when you're out of elementary.

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e94ff5 No.347211

File: 87d6545b1d250e0⋯.png (1.19 MB,1000x700,10:7,C7F8DC8A-3343-4EE2-8E60-1B….png)


>t. pent up buttmad kiki

Come on, the belt can come off if you just clean 15 dishes simultaneously in under 10 seconds.

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52f44e No.347225

File: ae58698ac53f59b⋯.jpg (45.28 KB,472x410,236:205,reviewbrah_disgust.jpg)

wat is dis gey shit

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043659 No.347297


Does that include keeping my sanity and not turning into a squid?

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8107f9 No.347322


It's called delayed gratification.

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4c4fa8 No.347348


Can a shoggoth tell your physical condition and mental health with a glance, even if you were to try to hide it? Does she make it her duty to subtly help you better yourself? Or does she just touch herself all day, pretending to clean the dishes? I'd say the shoggoth is more deserving of the belt, but she'd probably just eat it or something.

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a8207f No.347458


>This is a cruel and degenerate fetish.

Thread over we have faggots projecting over everything that even slightly deviates from the norm again.

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b19698 No.347467


cool story brah

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3e710e No.347510

>wake up in the dead of night

>now's my chance

>carefully slip out from under manticore waifu's wing

>sneak downstairs to the garage

>finally unpack the device I ordered months ago

>it had to be custom-made and cost a fortune

>thankfully, waifu didn't get too suspicious when I asked to measure her bulb

>probably assumed I wanted to brag about her at work

>return to the bedroom with my secret weapon

>thankfully, waifu is a deep sleeper

>even so, make sure to be as quiet as possible while I get to work

>within a couple minutes, a series of thick brass bands surround her tail's bulb

>while her spines can still flare outward comfortably, she won't be able to open her tail more than a tiny bit

>now, to make sure she doesn't just force me to unlock it

>down to the kitchen, fill a pot with water

>drop the key in and put the whole thing in the freezer

>my work complete, crawl back into bed

>the next morning, wake up to the usual feeling of waifu's paws kneading my chest

>the kneading becomes more forceful as sleep leaves her

>opens her eyes and gives me that lazy seductive look that tells she want's 'breakfast' in bed

>sure enough, I feel her tail shift under the blankets

>not today

>a brief look of confusion passes across her face

>pulls her tail out from under the covers

>incredulously stares at her own caged tail

>begins examining the bands, looking for any sign of weakness

>not a chance, I made damn sure to check

>now, to deliver a grandiose victory speech

>about halfway through the section extolling the resiliency of man and his ability to overcome any challenge

>waifu's expression begins to slowly shift to a grin

>this is reason for concern, but she hasn't interrupted, so I must continue

>by the time I'm wrapping up, waifu's face more closely resembles a Cheshire than a Manticore

>finally, she speaks for the first time since waking up

<'you poor thing'

>slams her tail into my thigh


>wait no

>holds her tail up to inspect, a few of her spines tipped with red

<'oh goodness, I must have got you with at least three doses'

And thus began the longest day of my life ever.

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e94ff5 No.347521

File: c810f25d7894feb⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1060x1500,53:75,16A083A3-635A-488D-A89C-5….jpeg)



An overrated trait.

>not turning into a squid

Absolutely no squid turning guaranteed or your sanity back. Call now!


>Can a shoggoth tell your physical condition

An irrelevant matter in time.

>Does she make it her duty to subtly help you better yourself?

Why must one change to become a different person, especially for the sake of another? It sounds almost 3D tier to demand that you change. If you really want to change you can do it yourself. A Shoggoth loves you for who you are, while a kikimora demands better of you.

>Or does she just touch herself all day, pretending to clean the dishes?

She may touch herself while cleaning the dishes, but it is by no means pretending. For a Shoggoth, service is one of their greatest pleasures, and to pretend to work is to avoid servicing.

>I'd say the shoggoth is more deserving of the belt, but she'd probably just eat it or something.

>implying that the belt even does anything

Normally I’d say that the kikis are coming out of the woodwork, but given that they aren’t getting anywhere close to any wood with the belt on I feel that it is inappropriate.

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d6c424 No.347528


>Waifu has two pussies

>Lock up one of them

>Oh no how will I have sex with her now?

A difficult question, if only you were able to have sex with someone without the use of a tailpussy


Shogs are just Mary Sues at this point. A Kiki has to take time to learn skills or improve her fitness, same as me. A Shog just does, and that's boring. The only thing that makes her not boring is the (rather generic) Eldritch proximity madness.

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b19698 No.347532


Reported for being one of the 4/pol/-tier sperging autists dragging the board down. Neck yourself.

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d5104f No.347557


Lmao namefag, monstergirls are not degenerate


>Spergs out too and is a total faggot

Take your neck advice to yourself bud

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043659 No.347559

I don't know, I kinda like knowing if the voices are in my head or they are just my family telling me how much I disappoint them. That and it is also hard to shitpost when I only have tentacles to type with.

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976689 No.347577


>Cheshire waifu

>sneak up behind her

>paralyze her with secret ear-nibbling technique

>slip belt on her

>she giggles, then cloaks

>belt falls to floor

>fugg, forgot she can phase through things

>lavender-scented snu-snu ensues

>I did not think this through well enough


>Shogs are just Mary Sues at this point. A Kiki has to take time to learn skills or improve her fitness, same as me. A Shog just does, and that's boring. The only thing that makes her not boring is the (rather generic) Eldritch proximity madness.

Unironic hot take. In terms of skills it at least sort of makes sense since they're older than humanity so they've had time to learn. A Shoggoth who's really set in doing things the old way and/or hasn't had to learn anything in so many aeons that she's adorably clumsy could be a cute character with that growth componant to make her relateable and sympathetic.

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52cab3 No.347639


Not him. However, neck yourself unironically.

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b686a4 No.347714


Go to 4 /b/ or something, this is no place for you

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e94ff5 No.347758

File: 681a368a7185bf1⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB,738x400,369:200,E6A9D3C2-1FEE-4987-B5E6-E….jpeg)


>Shogs are just Mary Sues at this point.

Is that an admittance of Shoggoths being better?

>The only thing that makes her not boring is the (rather generic) Eldritch proximity madness.

>waifu who:

>is also your chair and bed

>you can tease through her utensils

>has a strange aura of contained power for your service

>is oddly domineering

>is a great protector

>is your roomba

>is among the smuggest



>I don't know, I kinda like knowing if the voices are in my head or they are just my family telling me how much I disappoint them.

Don’t worry about it, the voices will be your loving maid and the Shoggoth will begrudgingly let you regularly get calls from your family.

>That and it is also hard to shitpost when I only have tentacles to type with.

But you won’t have tentacles, only mindflayers make you swap between squid and kid.

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72eb31 No.347764



I've seen better

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e94ff5 No.347768

File: eff1a1c47d6f637⋯.jpeg (239.68 KB,956x1280,239:320,6FEC7BE1-B767-4B82-A261-8….jpeg)


What a wonderful argument.

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72eb31 No.347774


Shog=Diet Eldritch

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043659 No.347885

File: dc5bdf697553d3e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB,1280x1700,64:85,61f71b5a385518272f36dcd398….png)

Honestly, thinking about it, i'd just be fun to see the index the strength increase that a monster gets when you trap them in a belt for long enough. Just think how a Minotaur or maybe a Wurm or maybe even a Amazon might act after a few days with it on. Just how much stronger would they become to rip it off. anyone willing to make the sacrifice for science!?

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4c4fa8 No.347886


Could you even make one that a wurm couldn't rip off?

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043659 No.347887


I'm sure there is a Dwarf or Cyclops who is up for the challenge.

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b19698 No.347963

File: 36f7eddda57b9b5⋯.jpg (80.29 KB,562x899,562:899,562px-WurmRecolor1.jpg)



This was originally meant to be a greentext, but once I got started I couldn't stop.


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043659 No.347986


Always glad to give inspiration.

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775c94 No.347992

I request a story about a dude putting themselves in chastity to stop their waifu from milking them. But waifus will find a way.

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f226fc No.348009


what eldritch girl do you prefer to Shogs, anon?

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72eb31 No.348012

File: d5f84b43708a8a9⋯.png (312.31 KB,500x500,1:1,tumblr_nm9tw6wsFu1r6j36xo1….png)


The wurm called him oney and I thought of OneyNG

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72eb31 No.348014


I want one that doesn't feel like a program, devoid of emotion, and isn't a completely uneventful person. I want it to feel human, have emotions and not act like a drone.

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b19698 No.348018


Kek, whoops. It was meant to be 'Oney' to be pronounced 'Wunny', but short of actually typing that I couldn't think of a way to get it across.

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043659 No.348024

Now I am wondering, could one trick a monster into wearing one of there own volition?

Lets say, you use the… unique intelligence of the Hobgoblin to get her into one, then use the "respect" the normal goblins have for the hobgoblins and get them to wear it, then once they realize the errors of their ways, the mad scramble to find the man with the keys.

Actually, I think I might have an idea for a writefag.

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a8207f No.348077


>can't respond with anything but projection

wew lad good job proving me right.

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7e6b7d No.348091

File: 4116a22e1e811ab⋯.png (352.19 KB,597x599,597:599,4116a22e1e811abb47b5b1b3a1….png)


>Eldritch: Otherworldly, supernatural, or alien

<I want it to feel human

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6ce5f0 No.348134


Now, now, Anon.

While I definitely understand your point, you'll agree that any relationship is based on understanding, you can wed the crawling, changing, chaos of your choice, but knowing what she wants and being able to convey your feelings to her sounds like necessary aspects of one's married life, right?

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b686a4 No.348138

File: a3ee9cbfbc19de6⋯.png (4.67 KB,228x221,228:221,index.png)


Yes, and that certainly is there, just in a different way.

Also nice sage :^) you need to use the email field

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6ce5f0 No.348139


I thought I did it right… Alas, I fucked up. That's what I get for not minding my damn business.

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72eb31 No.348170

File: e6dc41edf887895⋯.jpg (41.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,ed.jpg)


I gotta do this. Oney is too good of an idea

"“Hiiii, Oney~”

"Wehhh. You-pfftht…"




"You goo-ohoh nice tits"


"Le-le-let mee succ on them"


Oney Proceeds to attack her. Then he [REDACTED]

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d50b21 No.348205

File: 63fe13babdf2dca⋯.jpg (50.47 KB,853x795,853:795,6c0adaa593fee7c326fc9fd73d….jpg)


>My waifu can do anything and she's super-powerful and she's better at cleaning than any other monstergirl

You're the /monster/ equivalent of that kid that makes up an anti-everything force field

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cfb2f8 No.348362



I feel like a /monster/ SCP series could end up being hilarious

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4c4fa8 No.348368


Are you talking SCP monster girls, or monster girls who are treated like SCPs?

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cfb2f8 No.348372


why not both?

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043659 No.348390


To be honest, the monster being treated like SCP is an interesting and extremely funny idea. Hell, this could even lead to some interesting discoveries, like if it is possible to de-alp someone or maybe to got near a shog WITHOUT LOOKING OUR FUCKING MINDS.

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deb161 No.348425


Oh, I'd be so into that.

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9433c1 No.364944

File: 9bc8a84c2e32593⋯.png (885.93 KB,1980x2800,99:140,cupe.png)

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526a97 No.364945


I thought those were lilimfags.

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17395c No.365059

File: 6aae89d7c6d5458⋯.jpeg (123.92 KB,1366x768,683:384,B95C1A47-960A-44D4-A73A-6….jpeg)

>>364944 (checked)

That’s really good.

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ac5d0b No.365076

File: cd0dd0d0c41fde7⋯.png (93.19 KB,215x358,215:358,1462133777693.png)


Oy m8 do yo have a permit to post those thighs?

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0812cd No.365085

File: 2ff5b713280304c⋯.png (136.41 KB,249x249,1:1,1443811485470.png)


>those pudgy thigs

>those tits with the perfect sag

>that everything

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60a0f2 No.365086


If she misbehaves again, the next lock is going on the fridge.

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7d25a0 No.365091


>implying she isn’t getting herself locked up on purpose

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e0d917 No.365435

File: d13aa3651f5c14d⋯.gif (788.55 KB,444x272,111:68,d13aa3651f5c14db84e932b066….gif)


>the lock has a Knight's Cross opening for the key

Oh this is going to get good.

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370afc No.366852

File: 7f93a24a780e22c⋯.png (406.3 KB,500x673,500:673,ClipboardImage.png)

>Your high school recently started accepting mamono. Too little, too late in your opinion.

>You're in your Junior year. Transfer students are trickling in, but you doubt there's time to meet anyone. Not that you care for the high impact sexual activities that go on behind the backs of the faculty - something that would be a constant danger to you as you try to sort out your projects and go about your life.

>It WOULD be… but for some reason, nobody bothers you.

>Your friend says that's worse. It means you've been marked by one of the more powerful monsters. But that's not possible. Those particular mamono keep to themselves and in the few times you've tried to speak to them for other reasons they've been a little standoffish towards you. Sometimes outright mean.

>You're not sure why, you've always considered yourself pretty handsome. Maybe it's overconfidence. They're certainly not as overzealous as that popular hentai series from a few years ago made them out to be. At least, not in front of you. You've heard stories, obviously.

>By far the most irritating to you, however, is someone you and the others dubbed "The Princess"

>She's a dragon, spoiled as they come, beautiful, athletic, talented, and cruel to everyone.

>She had long red hair and an ass to die for. Her face seemed dominated by a permanant look of irritation. Maybe it was the people. Or maybe it was the fact that her requests to skip years had been denied time and time again. By her parents.

>A lot of rumors go around about her, but all I know is this; if you ask her out, she'll embarrass you in front of the whole school. She once burst into our classroom to do just that to a boy near me. She read out his love letter to everyone and then gave him his answer. The wall is still only patched with wooden planks. She didn't even get suspended.

>I keep to myself. I've really been getting into a project of mine recently, from one of the several times I made the mistake of being alone with the local cheshire. I asked her what she'd research. "Orgasms." She said. "No, really. We don't know how they work, do we?"

>I have no idea if she was joking. Anyway, the faculty barely glanced over my project proposal, and I know for a fact that a lot of the girls in my year were doing much worse projects, so I was good to go. At least mine had a basis in a somewhat unknown science, right?

>I'd done a lot of research. Not on any person, but online. And not like watching porn, which I'm sure was the method of choice for some of my other fellow students. Real research.

>Do you know that the orgasms in men, women, and many mamomo actually work completely differently?

>Do you know that an orgasm requires a specific amount of arousal that must be built up over quite a long time?

>Did you know that, theoretically, someone can be kept just close to orgasm but not quite there for a very long ti-

>"H-Hey. You."

>I turn around. It's the princess. "Hello." I say, making an immediate effort to sit down on my project to prevent her from reading it.

>"I'm sorry, are you addressing me? My title is-"

>"What do you want?"

>I kept my voice level and calm, as if I was asking a friend in need what they wanted me to do. She stared at me for a moment, then gave me something.

>"I want you to keep t-this, Anon." She said, her voice barely a whisper. "DO NOT lose it."

>I look at the key in my hand, for the moment ignoring that despite the fact we'd never talked, she knew my name, and, even stranger, that The Princess of all people was calling someone by their name. "What is it for?" I ask her.

>She looked at me, struggling with something internally. "JUST KEEP IT!" She snapped. "THIRTY DAYS, THEN GIVE IT BACK! ARE YOU STUPID?"

>"But whyyyy-"

>She stomped away. I swore I could hear something clinking, but eh, she's a dragon. They do have strange traditions. It'll be armor, I bet.

>I look down at the key. Well then.

>Okie dokie.

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370afc No.366864


>You don't hear anything from her for almost three days. This key is pretty cool - it's made of what may well be gold and it's got a chain that goes around your neck and, true to your word, for whatever reason, you keep hold of it. You wonder why exactly the dragon wanted you to keep a key for 30 days, but you don't approach her over it.

>She always seems to be around now. Wherever you are, she's somewhere nearby. She's not exactly watching you.

>Maybe it's you noticing her more. She's got these powerful claws, this way of moving, that you can't help but keep glancing over at.

>Man, she's beautiful.

>Your friend Jessie nudges you. "Anon, man. She'll see you." he warns. "You know what's she's like."

>"She talked to me the other day." You say quickly. "She gave me this thing."

>He narrows his eyes. "Gizza look." He says curiously, reaching for the key hanging from your neck.

>His hand passes right through it. There's a moment of somewhat frightening silence.

>"That's not good." He concludes.

>You take turns flicking the key. You can touch it, Jessie can't. How strange.

>Panic wells up inside you as you remember something. "It's got a spell on it. I saw it through the magesight goggles my dad has at home." You tell him. "Industrial grade. Not like the things you see in essential magic class. I guess that explains what it's doing. I put it down to have a shower the other day, zoned out in there. Put my hand to my chest, it's there. I knew I didn't imagine it. It straight up teleported on to me. I can't get rid of it."

>He shakes his head. "She's toying with you, man. She marked you. Stay out of her way."

>You leave early that day. You head out of the back of the school, past the busses, hoping not to gain attention. It doesn't work.

>A claw grabs onto your shoulder, painfully hard, as you try to walk out of the gate. "Anon." She says softly, in a voice that demands your full attention. "You need to come with me."

>You spin around and look at her. Strangely, the first thing you notice is that she's shaking a little.

>"Saphira…" You say, equally shakily. "I found your, uh, name. It was in the yearbook."

>"It's rude to call a dragon by her true name…" She says very quietly, avoiding your eyes. Quickly, she collects herself; "Anon, I have to tell you something. Will you please come with me?"

>If this is one of her schemes, it's the meanest one yet. But you take the bait. "I uh, don't have anything on ton-"

>"G-ood, you're coming."

>She pulls you around the corner and into a very conveniently parked limosene with a very surprised looking kikimora in the driving seat. The journey is short, and you're more bundled and strapped into your seat by her than getting into the car willingly. You steal a few glances over at her. She looks like she's going over something in her head. She looks incredibly flushed, and anxious - then, for a moment, she gets this creepy smile.

>What the hell is going on? Are you going to die?

>"My lady-" A voice in front of us interrupts - "We are home."

>"Ok good f-fantastic thank you Elise-" Saphira stammers, getting out and moving around the car. You wait for a moment, shrug, and follow her. As you enter, however, she stops.

>"Human, this is my home. Don't you dare touch anything. I'd show you to mother and father but… well, mother is always busy and father is abroad. Anyway…" - you hear a door shut down the hallway and she swears loudly. "Shit! Upstairs!" She orders. "Come on!"

>You bet there are people waiting upstairs. That's what this is. She's set up a whole party to make a mug of you.

>"Saphira, this is too much!" You yell, as she pulls you up the stairs behind her.

>"Shut up!"

>You try to pull her to a stop, but it doesn't really work. Damn, she's strong. "You need to explain to me what's happening here!" You try.

>"Shut UP!" She yells back at you.

>Okie dokie

>She slams the door to what you hope is her room and pants for a moment, leaning against it as you look at her.

>There's nobody here. Are you on camera?

>Maybe she's actually going to make a confession.

>No, don't be silly.

>Be on your guard. She's a dragon. A horrible one.

>"Anyway," She begins again, breathlessly. "Anyway."

>"So I assume you're in love with me." You say. Yes, that's right, Anon. Swing first and swing hard.

>She frezes up with panic. "Y-you?" She yelps, staring up at you. "Not a chance!"

>Something clinks gently as she flinches

>"You're, um, stumbling over your words a lot more than usual, princess."

>The dragon goes very quiet. "So are you." She murmurs. "I, um, assume you want to know what's going on."

>"Who's downstairs?" You ask.

>"It's just a maid. They're not allowed in here, I wasn't actually going to, to do it in the uh, lobby…" She laughs nervously.

>"Do what?"

>"Okay, you're talking too much." She snaps. "Just be quiet for a while. I need to… tell you about something."


>"M-My fetish." She stammers.

>This is how you die

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9bb028 No.366880


You slipped into first-person halfway through the first post. Otherwise good stuff.

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370afc No.366883


Damn it.

I actually just did that again in the next part I'm writing. I think it's because (to me) second person is basically first person with different pronouns referring to the narrator. It'll be fixed in the pastebin version.

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370afc No.366884


>Your heart is pounding.

>"Can you just get to the point?" You demand. "I feel like I'm about to have a stroke."

>"Fine." She mutters. "Just, come here. Next to me."

>You slowly move closer to her, closer to the door.

>"Feel here." She murmurs, gesturing to her waist.

>You feel something hard. It's a solid band, and as you begin to follow it you realise it goes right around her hips. As you brush against her abs, your hand moves towards her toned ass, widening out underneath it-

>"Enough." She growls, her hot breath burning your ear just a little and reminding you that she's strong enough to tear you in half if she wanted to. "Now here." She murmurs, gesturing to her crotch.

>"…are you sure?" you ask.

>"DO it!" She yells, whipping you with her tail. "Do as I tell you!"

>Wordlessly, you feel at her crotch, your eyes locked to hers and hers to yours. Through her dress, you again feel a solid barrier, covering her sex. She huffs at you suddenly, pushing you gently back as she turns away and lifts her dress up to show you what you're meant to be more gently looking for.

>You have never seen so much gold in your life.

>The waistband is thick. It curves, snugly, against the nape of her ass, finding its unbreakable hold on her tiny little waist with only gentle curves that seem for all the world to have been forged and melded to match her own.

>Her ass, roughly bisected by the rear bar, fares a little better. It is not cruelly squeezed by the belt – it is instead allowed to flare out beneath, red and tender from lack of release. There's an opening for her tail, which is raised angrily into the air, ready to swat at you if you decide the show you're getting isn't enough.

>As she turns back to face you, you see that the front of the belt is much wider. It covers the area between and above her long legs, decorated with all sorts of patterns and what you vaugely recognise as the draconic word for "abstenence" carved into the metal above a huge, sturdy looking lock. At her crotch, there is a grate. From it comes a sweet, feminine scent that causes you to stiffen all over. Including down there.

>You knew what this was. You had read about this. This was a chastity belt.

>"The gold is just plating…" She quickly explains. "It's primarily dwarven steel, I… like to wear it. A lot. I have a very high sex drive, so I had it commissioned… just for myself. I once read a story about a princess in chastity, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's from one of the lesser known companies we own, a forge and magitech workshop that work with the armed forces and some other, very rich people. The key and belt are very special, being made for the company's heiress and all. The key cannot be transferred from one person to another without explicit permission, and the belt is… well, indestructable. Nonmachinable. Unremovable, without the key. One of the only ones in the world that could hold out against a dragon so… well."

>"I'm so sorry, Anon. I've jumped in at the deep end, I've made a mess of this. I made a mess of us. I could never… I COULD NEVER, manage to ask you out, and I could never manage to stay in the belt long enough to start enjoying it… The longest I've gone is a day and a half, and… I thought I could get two birds with one stone…"

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370afc No.366885


>Your throat is dry at her speech. You try in vain to think of something to say, but can only ask the most obvious question - "You really can't take it off?"

>She gives you a pained look and pointedly moved her claws to the belt. She scratches at it. Generally, a dragon's extended claws could tear through metal like butter.

>Nothing. Not even a mark. She begins to trace her hands around it, making a point to show you that she can't slip even a finger under any part of the belt, scratching at the crotch, then rubbing and caressing around it, a look of intense concentration on her face. Over and over her hands go, over her hips, over her ass, over the front shield with its tiny, sticky holes. As you realise you're so busy watching her that you've forgotten to breathe, her claw balls into a fist and smacks against the front plate. She rattles at the lock, gripping the waistband with both her hands and wrenching at the thing as hard as she can, a growl of tortured frustration escaping from her lips as the belt creaks ever so slightly, but doesn't budge at all. Indeed, no amount of prying and poking, no matter with what implement, seemes to reach the drenched, dripping jewel underneath it. And though it looks gentle, its curves mild, the raw tightness of its hold is breath-taking – the dragon's shivers, tremors and gasps and she scratches and claws at its secure shielding making it apparent that the belt, with all its tightness, would likely explode off her body; were it not for the lock. You realise you're still not breathing.

>"Saphira." You say, trying to ignore the tent that has appeared in your pants. She doesn't hear you. Is she enjoying herself? "Saphira!"

>"I can't think straight." She growls, panting. "I need to cum so badly. It resonates gently when I move, it's been teasing me all day. Just give me the key, we shouldn't talk any more. I know this is really strange. I… Can you forget about what I said? Anon?"


>You caught yourself off guard. It's not like you to question an already irritable dragon. In her home. In her bedroom. Where absolotely nobody can hear you scream. You look at how meek she looks. How adorable she is, how beautiful she is. You remember her speech, about how angry at herself she feels, how she could never talk to you, and yet she just admitted, no strings attached, that she has fallen… For you. It's her. It's her that keeps the other girls away. She rejected and ridiculed your friends… for you. She's always showing off, for you.

>You intensely want to give her her key and leave. But there's another voice in the back of your mind that shouts loud enough to change your mind.

>If you give her her key, will you ever see her again?

>She has no friends, does she?

>"Why what?" She hisses. "Why sh-"

>"You said 30 days, didn't you?"

>"Yes, yes-!" She half-screams. "But that's-"

>You stop her. You take both of her hands in yours.

>It's time to commit. You can do this. You know what this woman wants. You're Anon, the normal schoolboy turned dragon slayer. You can do this.

>You lean close to her leathery little ear, not letting go of her hands as you coax the shivers from her naked body with yours.

>"Then we have 27 left to go, don't we?" you whisper.

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ac5d0b No.366887


Better complete the bucket list for your pelvis while you still can. Nice stuff.

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370afc No.366888


>She's still for a moment.

>You've never seen an entire room do a backflip before.

>Ok, that's going to cause a bruise. You're on her bed now, but before you can even respond, she's on top of you, fist raised. "NO." She growls. "I WANT IT OFF. I NEED IT OFF! NOW!"

>"You're not being very nice." You say to her. "Am I allowed to add on time?"

>She pins you down and starts grabbing at the key. "Give it to me!" She yells. "I won't hesitate to actually hurt you, Anon!"

>"Meaning the opposite. You really can't get it unless I give it to you?" You ask.

>"Anon." She hisses. "I don't consent-"

>A dragon is lecturing you about consent. "Didn't you consent," You say, knitting your fingers with hers, "When you basically threw that key at me and told me to keep it for 30 days? No matter what?"

>"I didn't say even if I ask!"

>"I think you implied it. I think you knew very well you would lose your resolve very quickly."

>You can't help yourself. She's too cute. Her anger has just stopped scaring you. Maybe the amount of adrenaline this whole situation has put through you has overloaded your brain. She stops wrestling with you to wriggle about on the bed, prying at the metal over her crotch with her hands. She turns away from you and curls up, panting gently. "Anon, I'm so desperate." She whines after a moment. "Please."

>Now you feel a little cruel.

>No, this is just another tactic.

>You've seen so many in the last two minutes.

>This dragon has gone through 5 stages of greif trying to get her key back off you, and she's not slowing down.


>"You just spent ages lecturing me about how much you enjoy locking yourself up and how you desperately want to go further. I wondered why people were avoiding me. This has been so long coming. Did you think I wouldn't accept you? Did you think I couldn't accept this?"

>"Anon…" She whines, cuddling closer to you. "I can't take it. I know how good it'll feel later on, but I can't take this! I've never been locked up this tight for this long. I've never had someone hold my key who won't give it back…"

>"Twenty days." You murmur to her. "How is that?"

>She's quiet for a moment. "Fifteen." She whispers.

>"Done. One week, six days to go."

>There's a calmed silence as she buries her head under your chin. "Anon." She whispers eventually.


>"Can you tease me? M-My body, I mean. Please."

>"Aren't you already incredibly pent up as it is? You won't cum."

>She says nothing. Then, "T-Tease me."

>You're trying to remember what you read about dragons' erogenous zones. The most important one you can't touch, of course, but for someone with your knowledge…

>You reach around her, finding her tail, which thrashes a little before you manage to pin it down. Saphira is panting, her claws caressing and rubbing at the metal plate over her crotch as your fingers find the underside of her tail and begin a gentle caress.

>"Ok, you can- y-y-you stop now! Stooop!"

>Up and down it you go, rubbing it more and more quickly as Saphira begins to moan and pant underneath you. Your other hand clutches at her round ass, and, unsatisfied with the lack of notable response (besides a few gasps that tell you you remembered at least something correctly), moves to her breast as her body begins to move with yours.

>"I… I demand you… YOU… Haaaahann! Stop!" She yelps. "L-let me go th-this instaaAAA!"

>One of her hands gives up its assault on the chastity belt for the moment, and finds a new target. You feel your fly unzip, your button undone too as your pants and underwear are removed. The two of you find your rythm then, as you begin to tumble over one another, each of you trying to maintain your grip on the other's sensitive places while trying to break theirs on your own. She's panting and moaning desperately underneath you, and you hear her rattle the lock again. That's enough to send you over the edge. You orgasm hard, her hand tightening on you as the bed is stained with your seed. Upon noticing the smell, she goes into a frenzy, twisting herself away from you and attacking the belt; her hands first conspiring, like spies, to sneak around the fortress of the front shield and gain access to the watery treasure within through speed and persistence alone, and then, as she leaps up and begins to twist in front of the mirror, fluttering like light blinded bugs against the deeply secure and well tightened belt. Every conceivable gap is pushed at, pried at, and, eventually, pounded at, but each individual attempt leads to the same result for her now dripping sex – failure. You almost come again just from watching her.

>"Anon…" She pleads.

>"You can do this." You tell her, as she collapses onto her bed.

>As you lie there in silence, the door opens. You freeze, unmoving, as a prescence enters that you can only describe as truly terrifying.

>"Oh, Saphira." a mature, feminine voice drawls. "Rape is wrong, you know."

>The door closes

>Okie dokie

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7348c5 No.366895

File: 1816ee0a14121dc⋯.png (969.83 KB,989x984,989:984,3811BD73-96E4-4D7F-BB50-86….png)

>>366888 (righteous full house checked)

Good shit, Anon. Keep going. Can’t wait for more even though she’ll have to.

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d53243 No.366951


>You're woken by a yelp. Immediately, you sit bolt upright. For a moment, it doesn't come back to you. Then, you remember where you are.

>"A-Anon!" Saphira demands. "Why are you still here?"

>"You wouldn't let me leave." You respond. "Was I meant to go when you fell asleep?"

>"Yes?! I mean… oh god." She mumbles through her hands. "I brough a boy over, and held hands with him… and let him…" A claw moves down to her crotch, and she looks at you tearfully. "You have my key," She whispers.

>"Hey." You say, taking one of her hands in yours. "It's for a couple of weeks. If you don't like it, we never have to do it again. I promise."

>"Oh, come on." She says haughtily. "We're basically married already. Just let me out. Please."

>You run a hand over her glazed abs, causing her to shudder a little. "No," You tell her, brushing away a stray lock of red hair as she pouts at you angrily. "And I've read draconic law. There has to be penetration for a pact like that to be formed."

>"Pervert," She spits. "I bet you're happy as pie now that you have the big bad dragon under your thumb. You can get whatever you want."

>"I don't really want anything at the moment." You reply. "Are you going to get ready now, or are you just going to sit there pulling at that thing?"

>The gentle scratching stops as she reddens, looking down to find both her claws between her legs. You can't help but laugh a little. Immediately, she backhands you.

>Dragons generally don't slap people, primarily because the claws don't sheath far enough to stop them from always taking at least a small chunk of your face with them. They backhand instead. You could have avoided a slap, but not a backhand. You yelp, tumbling off the bed and onto the ground. Quickly, she pounces on you.

>"Ok," You say, "But what are you going to do now?"

>She blushes angrily and gets off you. "I'll think of something." She growls. "Are you going to watch me dress?"

>You shrug. "I don't see why I shouldn't."

>"Pervert. Pervert! Perv-ert!"

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d53243 No.366952


>"Why don't I give you some help?" You offer, rolling to your feet and adopting the closest you can manage to a butler like stance. "My lady. What were you planning on wearing today?"

>She narrows her eyes. "You want to dress me? I haven't had someone dress me since I was 14…" Suddenly, she reddens again, her eyes widening as you open your mouth.


>"Shut up!" She yells. "We live differently, okay?! There's only a few things I need help putting on now… Ceremonial dresses… But anyone would need help with them!"

>You smirk at her. "Wow." You drawl, spreading your hands. "Dragon girls really are something. You wear a gilded chastity belt all the time, you've got video games everywhere, and now you can't dress yourself?"

>"SHUT UP!" She barrels into you, lifting you against the wall by your throat. "Don't you dare call me a dragon girl. I'm a DRAGON. You're… you're a monkey. You're a monkey, person, monkey boy, and y-you can hardly talk. You smell like sweat and-"

>"Y-You didn't let me change-" You croak. "AlsoICan'tBreathe…"

>She throws her hands in the air and immediately you collapse, the breif slideshow of your up until now boring life that was flashing before you shelved for the moment. "Alright." She mutters. "I'm taking control of this situation now. Come with me, monkey boy."

>She drapes you over her shoulder. Immediately, your hands move to the perfect, round ass held beneath the belt. For a little while, she tries to ignore you, carrying you from the room and down the hallway. "Stop that!" She inevitably demands, giving you a shake. You chuckle a little.

>You look around. Everything's upside down, but you can see various workers in the house. One is standing just where the top of the stairs are. You realise you're four floors up. How did she drag you up so many flights of stairs so quickly?

>"Good morning, dearie!" The maid at the top of the stairs calls. There's something odd about her voice. Actually, there's something plain odd about her. She looks sort of… attached to the floor, she has no feet. And her voice sounds like the combination of three different voices. As you get closer, you realise that it's slime. Black slime with a tounge, a… vaccum cleaner, sticking out of this woman? But it's made of flesh. And eyes. Too many to count. And all of them are now looking at you.

>"Who's this?" The maid-thing asks, tilting her head a little too far to look at you. You still have no idea what she is. Or if it even is a she.

>"A guest," Saphira gestures. "We have a lot of guests, don't we?"

>"We generally don't carry our guests through the halls in their underwear, do we?" The woman responds. You wonder if her voice is the same you heard yesterday. No, it's similar. It certainly didn't sound like… that.

>"He's lost." Saphira snaps, walking straight past her.

>The maid just giggles. "Well then, you'd better make sure they don't find him then!" She calls, producing a broom from precisely nowhere and beginning to sweep her way out of view.


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d5cb84 No.366961

File: 47d04374f861602⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,410.23 KB,1323x1600,1323:1600,1458788445568.jpeg)


The constant physical abuse is getting old. Does the MC have to be a bitch? Make her wear a maid uniform and call him master or something.

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56081e No.366970


Well to be honest here the situation at the moment is technically in his favor. Mind you the MC isn't no Chad 'Dragonslayer' Thundercock. Just a normal human and mind you you're in the home of the Tsundere Dragon's home not by your own accord even though she did confessed her love to the MC. So any sort of brash bravado that may annoy Shapira won't bode well especially since she's wearing that chasisty belt and well in the time elapsed once it does come MCs pelvis will be placed to the stress test. Added with her pent up and genuine feelings.

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6d164e No.366975


Anyone's a bitch next to a dragon, anon. That's the whole point. But with a little leverage…



>She takes you to a walk in wardrome somewhere on the third floor. "These are dad's," She says quickly, gesturing towards a row of pressed, folded suits. You're stunned.

>"They are?" You ask. "They're all my size."

>She shrugs. "These ones are from when he and mom, um, mother, first met. They're… not as nice as the newer ones. They're made to look like the old set that he used to wear when he first started his businesses. He was really busy, so it wore out eventually. Why am I explaining this? Just take one and have it back by tonight."

>"You want me to sleep over again?" You chuckle. "I'm flattered. Really."

>She looks angry for a moment. Then… "Really?"

>"Really. That someone like you wanted to do this with me?" You take her hands. Claws or hands? You're going to have to settle something to call them, but right now, they feel so soft against yours. "If anything," You begin to add, quite tentatively, "I… wish I could do more to make myself worth the trouble-"

>"I-T-Told you it's not like-" She stammers. "I just wanted you to hold the key for a while… I wasn't going to tell you until, that I wasn't, I mean… Oh, be quiet!"

>"What are you trying to say?" You press her.

>She looks at you for a while, then lets go of your hands, her eyes pensive. "This isn't how I planned it." She mutters. "I'm going to go down to the baths. When I'm ready, you'd better be in the lobby. I WILL leave without you."

>Hmm. Maybe you've ruined a more carefully laid plan than you thought.

>You've always known the lengths monsters will go to get men to fall in love with them. The schemes they'll set up. It's been that way ever since the anti-rape laws were first put into place, at least for those that are inclined to follow the law. And without fail; the more powerful the monster, the more extravagant her scheme would be.

>Really, though, she made it easy. She could have demanded the key back at school and you WOULD have given it to her, no questions asked, because when The Princess asks you to do something, you damn well do it.

>That's when you remember something. The time she got in trouble. The one time.

>It had been last year, back when it was just humans at your school. It was the first time you'd ever seen her. She'd been there with her father for the end of year celebrations and the announcement that the academy would soon be opened to extraspecies students. You remember that this was pretty tough to hear for quite a few of the boys you knew and had grown up with in the segregated, high level schools you had worked so hard to get into - and that your parents worked so hard to pay for. Rumors of rape. Personally, you weren't fussed. That stuff only happens in the big city, you'd said. It won't happen here. Of course it had, and two people got in big trouble, but no arrests were made. Apparently the school helped sort things out. How nice for them. How nice for their record. Slight digression.

>Saphira had been there. She'd been wearing what was probably a bespoke ceremonial dress, and she was honestly the focus of everyone's attention from the moment they saw her. She was the only mamono there. She was the only girl there. Of course, her father was there too, so although everyone was talking about her, nobody dared go near her. That, and she was probably wearing the belt as well.

>The belt. She just walks around this place wearing it, sometimes ONLY wearing it, and none of her maids or family find it strange. What a life. You and her almost live in different worlds.

>She spent most of the evening standing around awkwardly, occasionally trying to talk to her mother. Then she started doing something with the bonfires. She moved her hand, and the fires moved with it. Only you noticed. The idiots dancing around near the fire didn't suspect a thing.

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6d164e No.366976


>A dragon starts to grow into her power around the age of 17. She's 18 now, in the year above you. So what happened next makes perfect sense.

>There was a loud, sort of a FOOM sound from the fires. That's what you heard. Her father looked over. By the look on his face, all he heard was the word "LAWSUIT," screeched at him in the voices of a hundred angry parents. A few of my friends were on fire. The speed that man moved at was insane. He had these water bombs, just on him, and he was floating 10 feet in the air. He put it all out, brought it all to a stop, and knew exactly who was responsible.

>He didn't ask. He just landed himself right in front of her and glared. Before he could even say anything, she'd started yelling at him. Between all the "I hate you" and "I want to go home", he quickly figured out what she'd done. People started laughing. She got angry. So they left. Eventually, the bomfires were back up, and the arrangements were made for the affected students to have new clothes. But one thing stuck with you.

>She tells the truth. Always. Nothing she says is ever really untrue. Is that a dragon thing too?

>You eventually find your way downstairs. So does she. "I would have bathed for longer," She pouts, as you get into the car. "But I don't have my key."

>She looks so perfect.

>"I've been thinking." You respond as you corner her in the rearmost seat - "This deal of ours. I want to make it a little more interesting."

>"Y-You think you can j-"

>"Hush." You just can't help yourself. It seems like the further you push her, the further she lets you go. "How about this? You serve your scentence, but every day, you have to do one thing for me."

>"Absolotely not, you little b-brat." She growls, her face heating up. "I have my pride."

>"Oh, you don't need to agree. You're entitled to your pride. I have the key, don't I?" You gently squeeze her ass, making her pant a little. "We can still do the full 30 days you asked for-"

>"N-No!" She yelps. "I'll… fine! But I'm not doing anything else! I'd… I'd rather stay like this forever!"

>"Would you?" You ask.

>She's quiet.

>"What's the plan for today?" You ask her, knowing the answer.

>"We meet after school. Don't come near me, don't tell anyone."

>"Change of plan." You whisper. "You stay with me. All day. When we're free, I mean. Obviously we have seperate classes."

>She turns white. "Anon, we can't-"

>"Or," you say, running a hand down her thigh, "I add a day."

>She bites her lip.

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9bb028 No.366980


>her voice sounds like the combination of three different voices

Regarding a Shoggoth's voice, Lovecraft wrote: "it certainly had a shocking resemblance to the wind-pipings we had both heard around the lofty mountain caves"; it was an "insidious musical piping over a singularly wide range"; and that Shoggoths had "no voice save the imitated accents of their bygone masters". I'd have given her a singular voice with a strange, lilting, musical quality.

>Or if it even is a she.

Wouldn't the default assumption be that any strange or monstrous creature is female?

>The speed that man moved at was insane. He had these water bombs, just on him, and he was floating 10 feet in the air.

Is this a "gain magic powers by fucking monster girls" or a "don't lose your magic powers after fucking" scenario?

I get that the characters are supposed to be awkward, but I think you're overusing ellipses.

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2d8395 No.366981


>I'd have given her a singular voice with a strange, lilting, musical quality.

Ah, okay. I'll do that in future.

>Is this a "gain magic powers by fucking monster girls" or a "don't lose your magic powers after fucking" scenario?

In this world, neither. Humans can learn and become good at magic just like monsters. Having a mate can give you a boost, but ultimately, Anon has a magic class in his high school curriculum and parents who do a related job.

>I get that the characters are supposed to be awkward, but I think you're overusing ellipses.

I feel like that too, and I've been trying to keep them out of more recent entries. I try to write dialog that reads as you'd hear it, as I think this adds an immersive factor. Of course, too much of the same trick causes the opposite.

Also: if it seems like I'm taking too much time the first day, don't worry - I plan to skip over many of the days.


>She actually does it. You madman.

>The Princess spends all her free time that day clinging to you. Aggressively. People were stunned initially, but have recently learned to avert their eyes. Saphira, of course, is behaving as she normally does.

>"What the hell are you looking at?!"

>"Why the hell are you talking in a doorway?! Move your asses before I move them for you."

>"What the fuck did you just say? Would you like to repeat that?"

>"Stop holding hands! You're disgusting! Grab him by the shoulder and TAKE him where you want him, you floozy!"

>This is fantastic. Your friends are staring. You're slow to get lunch, but Saphira marches right past the queue. You come to a table in the corner. It's normally quiet, isolated. Today, five hellhounds are sitting there. "Get lost." Saphira growls.

>They glance at one another, perhaps wondering if between them, they might be able to take her. One sneers. Then, they scatter.

>"There's another one. Hey. Hey!" Saphira shouts at an Anubis down the other end of the table. The Anubis doesn't notice. Oh no.

>"Saphira," I say, but she's on the warpath. She stomps right over to the Anubis girl and yanks her earphone right out.




>"Get fucked!"

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2d8395 No.366983


>I actually gasp. This is the person who stands up to Saphira. This girl is going to do someone proud one day. I almost want to cheer her on.

>"Ankh." Saphira says gently. "Did I not say that if you gave me trouble again, I'd put you in the hospital?!"

>"Did I not tell you that if you tried, they would need two ambulances?" The Anubis glowers, rising to her feet.

>The two girls begin to growl at one another. Saphira grabs Ankh by the throat. Ankh stares her down.

>"S-Saphira, don't-"

>Oh, god, she's going to put that poor anubis through the wall.

>Ankh begins to laugh. Then, slowly, Saphira does too.


>"HA! Did we have you going, Anon?" Ankh remarks a little too suddenly, slapping you on the shoulder a little too hard for your liking. "I see she's pulling you around now. I assume you have something of hers?"

>You take a moment to process what's happening. "Y-Yes." You say, very quietly.

>"I thought this might happen. I warned you, Saphira. I told you he's the type. You should think things through more."

>"I think things through!" Saphira protests. "I think things through enough."

>"Naturally." Ankh turns to you. "And I see she's already following behind you. Do you have her calling you 'Master' in public yet, or is that strictly private for now? I think you should. You've made it clear that the two of you are an item."

>It's your turn to blush. You hadn't thought of that. And judging by the look on Saphira's face, neither had she.

>"N-No," you say quickly, "That's alright." Then, "She knows who she belongs to."


>"Hey yourself." You growl. "Are you trying to show off?"

>"N-No, I mean, a bit-"

>She's trying to lie, but she can't.

>"Leave me alone." She mutters.

>"We'll be having words about this when we get back to mine." You tell her.


>"Well, yes. You think I'm doing the dissapearing act for two days going?" You demand. "I got lucky last night. Dad and mum were out. Not so much tonight. I want them to meet you."

>"What?!" She yelps. "That's not fair! You're supposed to meet my parents, and- and then-"

>"No plan survives contact with the enemy, Saphira." Ankh remarks. "Do you know she always talks about you, Anon?"

>The dragon goes pale. "N-No stop-"

>"She likes to watch you most. She got your pictures from photo day. She got one of you during phys ed. Look, here's some gum you were chewing."

>"Nooo! No no NO!"

>"She commissioned me, actually, had me paint a picture of you-"

>"YOU should be embarrased about that one-"

>"I'm an artist, you see. Great, artist. With a capital G, I specialise in realism and several styles inspired by traditional and modern japanese animation. She picked the latter, by the way. Wanted an emphasis on your mmpsm mmphomm."

>"Are you going to be quiet?" Saphira glowers, her hand clamped over Ankh's mouth. Ankh just laughs. Then she bites her.


>"Anyway, nice finally putting a face to the name, Anon."

>You're not sure what to say.

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90d5b7 No.366985


very compelling story, keepre up!

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2d8395 No.366986


>That night.

>You come home to your house, and, predictably, Saphira refuses to follow you inside. "Nobody's here yet." You assure her. "If you come into the hallway, you can have your suit back."


>You enter your hallway and begin to undress. It's a spectacle, or it would be were there anyone to see it. As it is, it's just you and Saphira.

>"Nice place you have here." She comments. "It's, um, small. Compact."

>"Small." You agree. "We don't need much space. Here."

>"Oh," She comments as you hand the bundle over. "Um, okay." She mutters. "Keep the key safe, Anon."

>"You already know I'm going to." You answer. "Hey, can you get a maid outfit?"

>"In my size?" She says quickly. "We might be able to have one made- Wait, why?!"

>"Guess." You grin.

>"Anonnnn!" She whines. "I can't just get one made for tommorow! It takes time, it needs full body measurements to make sure-"

>"Okay, how long?"

>She pauses, considering something. "Four days." She says, finally.

>"Then in four days, I have another task for you." You tell her.

>"Anon…" She groans, her claws grinding against the plating covering her crotch. "Please."

>"Shh." You whisper. "I'm sure you can find something to take your frustration out on. Have you a punchbag, perhaps?"

>"It, won't help." She stammers. "I n-need this thing off so much…"

>"I know." You say, bringing her close to you. "That's what the lock is for."

>You kiss her then, pushing your lips to hers. She yelps, shuddering a little, but quickly kisses back, taking your whole tounge into her mouth. She's hot, her breathing laboured, her claws holding you close. It seems like an eternity before she lets you go. But let you go she does. And then she's gone.

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ce54e7 No.367001



>It's been four days.

>Up until now, your requests for Saphira haven't been unreasonable. Spending time with you. Letting you stroke her sensitive thighs - or at least, trying to. You stop running your hands over a chaste woman's body when she starts digging holes in the mattress and sucking air through her teeth. You're probably playing with a powder keg, but she's so adorable. And there's literally nothing she can do about your teasing.

>Today, you get there bright and early. "A-Anon!" She yelps as she opens the door to you. "You, um… I like your outfit."

>"Thanks." You say. "I like yours."

>"So we're done now?" She whimpers, her claws gently adjusting the maid outfit. Oh lord, it's perfect. She's perfect. The outfit has been made so tight around her waist that it almost shows the belt. Almost. And the dress is so long, it flows around her body right to the floor. You were worried she would just request some standard "sexy maid costume" for you, but no. Either Saphira or the people her family pay know how to do a job properly. "A-Anon?" She adds quietly. "I need to get ready for school. I can put it back on when we get home. There's… I've, um, been in chastity now for a week, at least. Three times as long as before. Will you please listen to me?"

>"What is it?" You ask, sitting down next to her on the lobby couch. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

>"Um." She clears her throat. "Anon… I really need to cum."

>"You're a third of the way there," You assure her. She growls.

>"No, Anon!" She snaps. "I'm, I'm throbbing down there, really badly! I can't concentrate. For goodness sake, you're all I can think about!" She makes herself redden, but continues nonetheless, her claw grinding itself against her crotch. "I made a list." She says. "Look-"

>"A list?"

>"Of all the reasons you need to let me cum. Right now. Ankh helped."

>"I'm sure she was happy to."

>"Why do you both find this so funny?" She whines. "Look, there's pages and pages of reasons. What if our parents find out? What if you get hurt? I can't stop shaking! What if-"

>"What if," you say, cupping her chin, "You just left all the worrying to me and enjoyed that feeling between your legs?"

>She's silent, just staring at you angrily. You gently snake your hand under her dress, pulling her into your lap.

>"Anon!" She whispers. "What if the maids see?"

>"Then they'll know I've fallen for you. Very, very much."

>Her quivering thighs are perfect. Her tense ass is perfect. Her musculature is hard, moist, and oh so sensitive. "A-Ah!" She moans, grabbing at the couch as you trace your hands around her body, and around her belt. "H…H-" You lift the heavy lock, holding it up for a moment, then let it fall. That sets off the resonator. "AHN… ON!" She yells, squirming as you play with her body.

>Her hands join yours. "No," you say, "It's a punishment. I told you I'd do this if you asked me to unlock you again."

>She whimpers under you skillful hands, but doesn't interfere. "Ah-Ah!" She cries, her powerful body shivering desperately under your light little touches. "You're so cr-cruel… Pervert."

>"Says the girl who stayed up all night making a list of reasons I should let her cum." You whisper back, unable to hide your pure excitement, lifting the dress around the two of you and exposing her firmly belted ass. All your dragon anatomy research is paying off. And probably keeping you on a watchlist somewhere, but let's not sweat the details.

>You tease her for a while longer, then, gently, you whisper - "I'm finished. Let's get going."

>"I-" Saphira whispered, panting - "Need to change… My cloooothes…"

>Her claws clamp over the chastity belt and tug and shake at it, her legs kicking and her body twisting, but it's no use. You notice that her technique is more resigned than desperate today, and you suspect she's getting better at keeping her temper with the belt. She runs her hands over her hips a little, clawing at one of her breasts, but she just can't tease herself the way you can. She leans back against you, panting. You're very much looking forward to seeing her snap again. "Stop doing that to me." She whimpers.

>"You look beautiful, Saphira." You reply. "You make a wonderful maid. The horns go really well with the headdress."

>"Do you think so?" She asks, blushing furiously as her claws cautiously smooth the fabric back over her legs, her eyes carefully checking for any sign of the belt as she adjusts the fit. You notice they've thickened the material around her waist. They know too, then.

>"Of course I do." You tell her. "And so will everyone at school."

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17395c No.367004

File: 9f1cedd89b4340c⋯.png (593.63 KB,1337x841,1337:841,65754477_p2.png)


Fucking amazing so far Anon, I'm really enjoying this.

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ce54e7 No.367007


>It's getting harder for her to pass this off as normal behavior.

>She's stomping through the halls, clinging to your side. Her face is red as a traffic light.

>You need to escape her attention for a moment, though. There's someone you need to talk to. When Ankh walks around the corner and bursts out laughing, your waifu breaks into a run, chasing her out of view. You seize your chance.

>"What the hell was that?" Jessie remarks as you step into the science club's room and shut the door.

>"My beautiful, devoted girlfriend." You state. "To her heart, I hold the only key."

>"You were serious." He realises, his eyes widening. "I thought you were making shit up when you told me. I thought you two had just made friends or something."

>"You think i'd be the boy she made friends with?" You ask.

>"Well, you're both very weird." He shrugs. "About your little experiment - I like it, but can she take it?"

>"She can." You reply, without any pause.

>"Let's assume she can't." Jessie insists. "How are you going to keep her from putting you through the wall and taking care of business as soon as you take the belt off?"

>You wordlessly gesture to your project cupboard, showing him something that makes his eyes widen. "I asked her to let me commission something from that company. She wouldn't let me at first, but I promised her it'd be nothing big. She told me I was paying half. It was a bit hefty, but I can set more aside eventually."

>"You paid a grand and a half for handcuffs?" He asked.

>"Unbreakable handcuffs." You correct. "And ankle cuffs as well."

>"So you chain her down with these gold chains and… then what?"

>"Then, I give her a little surprise." I promise.

>"You sure you know what you're doing?" he asks, nervously. "That girl might be head over heels for you, but she's still The Princess. Her family own this town. They own almost half of this country. She could fly off the handle very quickly. And you know if you keep bullying her like this, she'll go to her mother. And her mother'll make you dissapear. They'll be fishing you out of the lake, Anon."

>Your mouth goes dry. "I… Suppose I could just theorise… about how this might work. Do you think, um. Do you think I'm good enough for her, Jessie?"

>"No, I mean- You're what she chose. I'm just reminding you, because I from what I'm seeing, you need to be reminded - she's a dragon. Look, her family have a long history of marrying in exceptional men. She has amazing judgement, and you've got a good thing going. Why push it?"

>You're quiet for a long time. "I guess I can't help myse-"


>"When did you come in here?!" Saphira yells from the door as Jessie becomes very interested in the empty petri dish you keep on the table. "Get out here and tell Ankh what you made me do!"

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ce54e7 No.367008



>Saphira brought you home again. You're not sure why - she said something about homework to Ankh and Jessie, but you both know the last thing the two of you are going to spend time on is math problems.

>She's taken to wearing the maid outfit around you in private. She hasn't worn it to school again, but it's still quite confusing to you that she's doing this, considering you only actually asked her to wear it for a day. You excuse yourself. You've learned a bit of the mansion's layout - enough of a working knowledge to find the essential rooms, like the bathroom and upstairs kitchen. But you still feel very small here.

>"Hello again." A voice sings, a hand clamping down on your shoulder as you leave the bathroom. "Your name is Anon, isn't it?"

>You nervously turn to face the shoggoth. Her experession is… hard to describe. It's like a kind, searching look with a bit of hunger to it. "Hello." You say. "I, uh, can't stay-"

>"What are your intentions with the young mistress, Anon?" She asks. "Only, as the head maid and family doctor," - She gestures with the box cutter in her hand towards a family portrait nearby, in which, sure enough, she appears - "-I'm getting a little concerned."

>"I-Is she alright?"

>The shoggoth rolls her eyes. "She's in no danger. I just want to know what the… constraints are, here. I know that this is all consentual, and I'm told this is a limited time thing. And that is true, isn't it?"

>Your breath catches in your throat. "Y-Yes." You gulp.

>She smiles. "I'm glad. I'm glad that's true. Because in truth, Anon, Saphira definitely can't take 30 days in her belt. She can barely control herself after one. I don't know whether I approve of the little experiment you're doing. It's having an effect on the mistress that I can't decide whether to call healthy or… undesirable. I'm fairly sure that at least two of the residents of this household would not approve of the embarrasing stunt yesterday. Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps the mother knows, and allows. Perhaps she too has a private, submissive side. I certainly wouldn't want to find out." She bends down. "Because there's not a lot that even I could do to you," she leers, "That might be worse."

>You crack then. "No more public stuff." You say quickly. "I promise."

>"Good. And are there any plans I need to know about?"

>You pause.

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ce54e7 No.367010


>When you enter Saphira's room, the first thing you hear is panting. She's lying in her bed, her dress up around her, tossing and turning as her claws knock and scrape against the sopping wet plate between her legs. The golden fortress on her hips is unmoving, uncaring, and hot. She pushes her face into her pillow, her moans of frustration covering the gentle creaking of the untarnished layers of steel under her claws as her legs kick at the matress and she furiously shakes and pounds at the lock.

>The shoggoth approves of your plan. She agrees with your thinking. But is that good?

>You lift her into your lap. "A-Anon!" She yelps, looking up at you. "I-I can explain, I was, I-"

>"Shhhh." You whisper. "Don't say another word."

>You pull her into a kiss. It's gentle, at first, but quickly becomes furious, and passionate. She starts grinding against you, dry humping you gently as she pushes you down underneath her. "Anon." She whispers, her brow against yours, her body burning up next to yours. "I want you. Unlock it. Please."

>Wordlessly, you begin to massage her, rubbing and stroking at her thighs and tail. "I'll think about it, Saphira." you whisper, as she gasps and shudders beneath your careful hands. "I'll think about it."


>The plan starts when you get to her house. You are sitting on the bed again, Saphira next to you. You ask her if she'll obey your instructions for a little while. Without any coaxing, she agrees.

>The shoggoth has already prepared the bed. She is somewhere in the room, watching, monitoring. Keeping a very close eye on things.

>You have Saphira strip. Gently, you lie her down on the bed, propping her up with two pillows. At the top, you chain her two hands - at the bottom, you chain her ankles. There is just enough slack. And everything has been reinforced.

>"A-Anon?" She asks, shaking the chains a little.

>"It's time for your reward, Saphira." You whisper. She beams at you.

>"Really? You're going to let me cum?"

>"I'm going to remove the belt." You tell her, taking the key from around your neck. "It looks complicated. You'll have to talk me through it…"

>"Alright." She mutters. "Just get on with it."

>You carefully insert the key into the lock and turn it. It takes some force, but eventually a loud click fills the room. The lock assembly comes away from the front of the belt, exposing what look like hooks and gears. Saphira's breathing quickens.

>You hold the belt by the waistband and give it a tug. It doesn't move.

>"You need to r-rotate the outer waistband until it opens at the front." Saphira stammers. "Then, um… yeah, that. Twist it until it all jumps apart."


>The belt is open. A thick, womanly scent fills the air as Saphira gasps, feeling the cold against her crotch for the first time in ten days. Immediately, her claws move towards it; until, of course, the chain stops them.

>"Not today," You whisper.

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ce54e7 No.367014


>Beside her you set down the box the shoggoth had given you. The first thing you remove from the box is a pair of gloves.

>Experimentally, you wiggle your fingers. It's a latex surgical glove, with one small difference - each of your fingertips is now adorned by an enchanted feather.

>Your hand moves to her thighs. As she tests her bonds, tugging, prying, and then straining at them, you begin to stroke her body, very gently.

>"Anon!" She screaches. "W-What are you d-doing? Stop it! Hurry up and make me cum!"

>You ignore her. There's no rush, after all - and you want to make sure her whole body gets the attention it deserves.

>Gently, you tickle and caress your way down her thighs, ignoring her panting, struggling and yelping as you work your way closer and closer to her dripping pussy. As you reach it, her breathing quickens. She stiffens up, her body tensing up gently as you find each and every vunerable spot under her skin - all except the one she desperately needs you to touch. Then, all at once, you stop. Both of you stop.

>"Saphira," You say gently. "Nobody said you were going to cum today."

>"Wha, Wh-Ha… What are you doing, Anon? Ah!"

>The second thing you remove from the box is a small brush. "You've been very naughty recently, Saphira." You tell her. She stammers for a moment, watching the hand that holds the brush very carefully as it begins to move up and down her chest. "You've been pulling and prying at your belt. You keep asking me to reconsider. Did we not have an agreement?"

>"Yes, but… I just want to feel it," She pants. "Please."

>"You will." You tell her. "I'm going to be very nice to you. I'm going to comprimise."

>"A-Anon, thank y-"

>"I'll edge you almost to orgasm…" You whisper, "And if you can get there, you can cum. I'll stop whenever you want. But when I stop, the belt goes back on. Deal?"

>"F-Fine. Deal." She snaps, giving you a determined look. "You think you're so clever. I'll show you the power of the dragon race, A-Anon." She shudders as you dust her chest with the brush, lazily moving it up and down. "I'll make sure you don't- Ahnn!"

>"Are you sure?" You whisper, lingering on her breast. "Because if I were to–" - Without warning, you touch the brush to her pussy. She yelps, rattling the chains hard as you run it up and down a little, before taking the brush away, leaving her gasping as, for a breif moment, a string of misture keeps her body and the brush connected. You feel her pulse. You're amazed at how close that actually took her. "You're incredibly sensitive." You whisper.

>Saphira says nothing. She scowls at you, refusing to make a sound. Trying to throw you off. It doesn't work.

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ce54e7 No.367016


>The brush traces over her chest and back, lingering upon her neck, her shoulders, and each of her ribs. It traces over her body, and with each soft, lengthened stroke, her composure becomes harder to maintain. Beneath these long, endurant strokes, and the short, sudden, jabs of ticklish silk on her weakest points, Saphira’s strong body and mind begin to crack – her athletic form shrinking and sweating under the teasing and taunting of the brushes. Minutes pass, and you shows no sign of stopping. Instead, your “probing” becomes more invasive, moving slowly towards her stiffening nipples as she writhes uncontrollably. “Please, Saphira.” You whisper, a malicious smile dominating your face for the moment it takes you to register Saphira’s tightly shut eyes opening up again. "I can’t very well edge you if you keep moving. It will only take perhaps a little longer. Perhaps… a lot longer, if you cannot control yourself. You told me you were a powerful dragon." You carefully lift her hips onto your lap, facing her away from you as you continue to probe her resolve - "Is that not the case?"

>"D-Don't insult me-"

>"I'm not insulting you, Saphira. I'm trying to get you to be honest with me. Tell me why you picked me." You urge. "Tell me why you like this. Tell me what you enjoy doing in your free time. Let me in on something. You can't just solve everything by acting tough and expecting everyone to work it out for themselves."

>"Shuddup." She snaps. "You might have me ch-chained down, but you're not going to get me to yield that, th-that easily." She gasps. "S-Stop. Move back. Please move back! Don't stop. No. Yes. YES!"

>The brush has moved back between her legs, and now it's going to stay there. As Saphira writhes and whimpers, you gently tickle the different parts of her labia and her clitoris curious and surgical precision, slowing down when her heartbeat quickens, speeding up when she seems to calm down. You stroke, tickle and touch her rosebud as if it is your sole purpose, the two of you locked in a desperate struggle in which neither one will yield – Saphira's resolve weakens more and more, rattling and straining harder and harder at the chains that hold her in place as she realises she can do nothing but watch and slowly become more and more frustrated as what started as a whisper slowly turns into a desperate scream. An hour has passed.

>"It hurts now, doesn't it?" You ask her. She pants and wriggles in your lap, her face a mask of predatory lust and nothing more as she violently struggles against the restraints. "If it hurts, we can stop." You tell her gently.

>"N-No-Not a cha… Chance…"

>"Oh, my. It must be so… frustrating? Is that the right word? Look at you. I can get you so close, like this…"


>"Look at it drip." You whisper. "Do you think we're nearly there? We're going to need a bigger towel."

>"P-please… please!"

>"And yet… there’s nothing you can do if I just… stop…"

>"P-please. Let me ouAHHHHH!"

>"Is this the power of the draconic race?" You say to her. "You appear to be drooling. And was that… a moan? That's not very- Oh, dear. Your little bud is so upset that it doesn’t get to come that it appears to be throwing a fit and crying."

>"Please let me come, Anon." She hisses, clawing at her chains.

>"While we're in bed," You reply, "Call me master."

>She gives you puppy eyes for a moment. "Please let me come, master." She whimpers.



>"No." You say, giving her ass a little slap. "You have another week left to go. How are you still not getting this?"

>You're starting to realise you're a bit of a sadist.

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ce54e7 No.367019


>"Please stop." Saphira says gently. "I give up. You win."

>You drop the brush, and quietly begin to put the belt back. You're not sure if this plan of yours has worked, until she speaks again.

>"A-Anon," She whispers, finally. "Do you really want to know why I chose you?"

>You lie down with her, gently hugging her from behind. "Why, Saphira?" You ask her.

>"You named me." She whispered. "You were the first person to call me 'The Princess'. You were the first person to ever make fun of me. I've gone through life thinking that I've got this, this suit of armour around me that protects me from consequences and other people. Everyone was always afraid of me, so I just, just changed to adapt to that. But you… didn't care. And I watched you do that for years, and I realised you're like that with everyone. I can toss you into a wall and you just run back and do the same shit again. You're an social misfit, anon. You're retarded."

>"Laying it on a bit thick there-" You quickly try to cut in, but she doesn't stop.

>"Do you look at the school's league tables, Anon?" She asks. "I do. And I try so hard, and put so much work in, and I always come second. To you. You are the one person that can touch me. You're the one person that makes me feel like a person. You don't have any scales, or wings, but you're like me. You're a dragon." Her eyes well up with tears. "You're a better dragon." She whispers.

>"That's not true. That's not true!" You yell, cupping her face with your hands. You reach up and release her restraints. "Come on. Listen to me."

>"Listen to you?" She asks, wrapping an arm around you. "I've only just b-begun to figure y-y-you out. I don't know if I can take much more of this."

>"Really?" You ask.

>"YES, ANON." She half screams. "Really!"

>"Here's the key, then." You say.

>She stares at you for a second as you hold out the golden key in front of her. Then, she grabs it from your hand. "AHA!" She yells. "I WIN. I WIN, ANON! I WIN, ANKH! I WIN-"

>"You do." You tell her. "You win. I don't want to keep you in a lifestyle you can't stand. If you don't want this, then you can take that thing off now and we can go our seperate ways."

>She stares at you. "Wh-What? But, anon… If I'm taking it off, we're enjoying what's inside together."

>"Only if you can wait one more week." You reply, pulling something else from your pocket. "And if you can," You say, showing her the golden engagement ring, "I'll trade you."

>"Where did you get that?" She demands.

>"Your dad, and my dad… they're friends. He comes over to my house. He was there the night you dropped me off and took the suit back. He wanted to know why he'd just heard his daughter in the hall. I told him everything, Saphira." You whisper. "And he told me I had a grip, a grip he'd never been able to get, on a lonely little girl he thought was long gone. And he told me never to let go, Saphira."

>"This cost all the money I've set aside, but I don't care. My life was like a grey vortex. Same old shit, every day. You coloured it in, Saphira. You turned it gold. So what comes first? Love, or need?"

>You look into her eyes. Those round, puppy dog eyes. They always did look strange on a dragon.

>"Will you marry me?" You ask.

>There's a pause. Then, without warning, she backhands you.

>"I hate you!" She screams, as the room flips over itself. "I hate you. I hate you so much." She jumps on you forces the key over your head, and snatches the ring. "So much, Anon." She whispers, pushing her face into the pillow. "You ruined everything. I had… I had something. I can't even remember what my plan was, though, Anon, because that's how much you've RUINED IT!"

>"There there," You tell her. "There's always next week."

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c821fb No.367023


>bully, teasing and marriage

My heart boner is erect.

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2c059f No.367024


Wait. Am I completely retarded or did you change that last part after he undoes her restraints?

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6c669b No.367025

File: 7d9bfd8c85c3b40⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,456x297,152:99,1374542429242.jpg)



what the hell are you doing? IT was just get to the good part and then this shit?

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ce54e7 No.367030



Yes, I changed it. I had a better idea. It's not quite over yet.

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2c059f No.367031


Ah good thought I was going insane there for a second.

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9bb028 No.367033

Couple errors.


>because I from what I'm seeing

>marrying in exceptional men


>string of misture


>endurant strokes

Hate-means-love moments are cute.

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ce54e7 No.367037


Thanks, I'll get rid of them in the pastebin/tft version.


>Saphira probably could have waited that extra week. You couldn't, however.

>News has spread around that you're engaged. People you don't know are patting you on the back. It's great. Ankh and Jessie have really hit it off as well.

>Saphira's decided to take some time out. Perhaps she's got a lot on her mind. She certainly had a lot to say to her father, and your parents. It gave you a warm feeling to watch them. Shoggy's teasing about what she'd seen you two doing, of course, brought the normal Saphira back very quickly, and you'd decided to walk home. That was three days ago.

>It's time to pay her a visit. You've never had to walk before, but there's a first time for everything, and you think you have a pretty good idea where the mansion is. This illusion, of course, is shattered by the time you arrive on Saphira's doorstep, freezing and exhausted.

>Someone you've never seen before opens the door. It's a dragon. A taller one. She looks down at you for a moment.

>"Anon?" She said. "Is that your name?"

>"Y-Yes, ma'am. I've come to see Saphira. She's not been coming to school-"

>"She's not been coming generally." The dragon laughs at her own joke. "I took a look at your test scores. Tell me, what college are you thinking of applying for?"

>"Whichever one she does." You shrug.

>"Pragmatic. I like you. Tell me, have you ever suffered a pelvic injury before?"

>"Pelvic- why?" You ask, nervously.

>"I'm just checking if you know the process, dear." She said. "We both know what's going to happen when that belt comes off. And it does need to come off. I have my own key for it, but I'm afraid I'll be keeping that for myself, and myself out of her way. Consider that your punishment."

>You gulp.

>You meet the shoggoth on your way up. You try to sneak by, but she immediately turns around.

>"You have something dangerous, Anon." She snaps. "Show it to me."

>You wordlessly show her the manticore spine you'd bought. She raises her eyebrows, then nods. "False alarm." She says to herself.

>She's turning a blind eye. Good. You are damn well going to need that spine.

>You find Saphira asleep. Absently, her claw rubs at the dripping plate between her legs. God, she's beautiful. And she is only yours. No one else's. She gave herself to you.

>You've never seen her asleep before. But you've heard dragons are heavy sleepers. In your mind you can see her on top of a pile of treasure. Of course, the only treasure she'll actually be jumping on soon is the treasure in your pants.

>You should probably have done some nofap leading up to this, but your little adventures with her really leave you turned on. And the downside of keeping a beautiful girl in chastity is that you can't really do anything about that.

>The curtains are closed. Behind you, the door swings shut on its own, making a loud noise and plunging you into darkness. Now you really feel like you've entered the dragon's cave.


>You crouch down, holding your breath.

>"Anon I have dark vision I can see you."

>Mission failed

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ce54e7 No.367043


>"S-Saphira." You say to her. "…Where are you?"

>"This way, Anon. How did you get lost already…?" You feel claws grab you and pull you into a hug. "Where've you been?"

>"Where've I been? Where've you been?" You demand. "I haven't seen you in days."

>"Oh, don't worry." She mutters quickly. "I needed to take some time. It's not like I've been tossing and turning and trying to shake an orgasm out of this thing. For three days. I was going to come find you tommorow. It's easier not having to see you." She reddens. "For my sex, I mean! I love you, Anon!" She reddens even more. "I mean, I… I like being around you but the teasing, I was going up the wall, Anon. I'm only starting to calm down. Five days. I can do it. I can wait that long… I can wait…" She starts to mutter to herself, her claws moving quite slowly over your body, then her own. She begins to pant. "Oh god, I'm thinking about it. I shouldn't have thought about it. Ah…nnnn!"

>You can, at this point, clearly tell she's going to have her chastity fetish for a very long time. But it's time. You didn't plan for it to be time, you didn't think this was going to be the time, but this IS time. You can feel it. She's desperate for you. "Anon…" She whispers. "If I beg you to unlock my chastity belt, are you going to start stroking and licking my body?"


>"Please unlock me!" She whimpers, pushing her body against yours. "Or… do something. I'm so sensitive all over, it feels like anything might be enough…"

>Wordlessly, you take her hands and lock them to the bed, like before. You lock her feet in position too. Carefully, you remove her belt, being careful not to let anything rub against her. Confused, she tugs against the chains. "Anon?" She whispers.

>"Shh." You whisper. You don't know why, but you want to edge her first. Make her think it's another tease. But you have no tools.

>Your mouth is dry. You gently press your tounge to its roof, trying to re-moisten your palette as you think of what to do next. That's when it occurs to you.

>You gently lower your face into her mound and begin to eat her out, oh so gently flicking at her clitoris with your tounge. The effect is electifiying. The dragon begins to struggle, harder than ever before. Once again, you wait her pulse to rise, then slow to a stop. And repeat. And repeat. She gasps and moans, but can't make her mouth form words as she twitches wildly, tugging at the chains and desperately trying to follow you out with her body when you withdraw. You run your hands up and down her tail, grabbing at her thighs and ass. You make sure she's climbing the walls with frustration before you put it inside.

>It doesn't go in easily. There's a little squeak of pain and confusion as her desperate mind tries to work out what's going on, and you realise you've drawn blood. Of course, you realise, as Saphira tries to hide her rapidly reddening face with her elbows. Meanwhile, you stab yourself with the manticore spine. "Anon!" She yelps, then. "You didn't need to-"

>"I'm going to stay right here," You declare, "Until you're satisfied, Saphira."

>"A-Anon. These chains-" She tries to say something, but it just ends with a moan as you thrust into her as hard as you can, faster and faster. Your bodies begin to move with one another as she grips the chains, gasping and moaning as you try your hardest to fill her. Finally, the two of you reach a desperate peak, each one desperately trying to hold onto the other. You orgasm, together, and Saphira lets out a scream that is probably heard all across the house as you fill her with your seed. Then, as you're recovering, something snaps. Just as suddenly, there's another snap. Then, you feel two claws grip you tightly enough to draw blood.

>"You thought if you railed me while I was chained up," Saphira whispered, in a husky voice you've never heard before, "That you'd be safe?"

>"S-Saphira?" You stammer.

>"My turn." She growls, slamming you into the matress and restraining your hands with hers. "And don't even think about- Ow!"

>Something is sticking out of her thigh.

>It's the manticore spine.

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c821fb No.367044

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ce54e7 No.367045


>Wordlessly, she begins to ride you. Hard. Her body moves faster than you've seen any woman move, pounding you repeatedly into the matress as her tight passage as its ribbed walls of dripping flesh rub you raw. It feels like your dick is on fire. You're in so much pain and so much extacy at the same time. You cum. She comes. Neither one of you stops - in fact, you just go faster. The two of you begin to move around, her tail wrapping tightly around you as you fondle every and rub every inch of one anothers' bodies, fighting for dominance.

>Saphira wins. She's far too strong for you to even begin to control. You desperately try to wrench yourself out from underneath her, to force her onto her back again, but she won't budge. Her wings wrap tightly around you, pining your arms. "Now I have you." She whispers, beginning to pound you again. Harder and harder. It's beginning to hurt more and more all over your hips, but you don't give up. This is your problem. You kept her locked. Now you have to handle this.

>It's only when you notice you can't feel or move your left leg that you start realise your pelvis might have broken at some point. Not that that thought, or any other signal your brain is trying to sends you, lasts long against the hurricaine that is Saphira. You're still hard. But your mind has weakened. You can't handle this. A dragon can, but you can't. The amount of pleasure you're experiencing is not possible to commit to memory. You can only enjoy it while it lasts, and hope to god you remember at least something in the morning.

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ac5d0b No.367046

File: 195663133469063⋯.png (2.59 KB,324x451,324:451,1956631334690638fa3dcee906….png)

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95802e No.367047


>You wake up with a start. God, you're in so much pain. You wriggle your legs. Ok, ow. Don't do that. But they work. They weren't working before.

>"Don't," Saphira whispers from next to you. "Be more careful. It's all broken in there. Shoggy was nice enough to bite you. Your pelvis is made of jelly at the moment."

>"It hurts," You whimper.

>"Well I'm very fucking sorry," She growls. "But I was very hungry."

>You turn towards her - "How are-"

>She's wearing the chastity belt. Tightened to full, and, for a change, completely dry.

>"Please remember to feed me properly in the future." She whispers in your ear, prodding the spot on your chest where the key rests. "I don't want to do that to you again."

>"Don't worry," You assure her. "I won't."

>She giggles. "See what I mean about you?" She says softly. "You just don't learn."

>"And I don't plan on it." In all honestly, you plan on letting her out at least once every two nights. At least until you're sure it's safe.

>Saphira nudges you. "I wanted to talk to you." She says softly. "About our, um. Our wedding. Actually, now that you're as good as a member of the family, maybe you can help me and mother with something? There's an aquisition happening today, very big company– Anon, are you listening?"

>"Saphira." You sigh. "I am in a lot of pain."

>"I'll get shoggy." She mutters.


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7d25a0 No.367057


I’m sad it’s over. Can we have a denouement?

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95802e No.367077


Ah, I'm sorry. I'm not that great at endings. But here's a little continuation that should hopefully tie up some loose threads from before.

>Your jelly-pelvis isn't that great to walk on. You find you have to walk gently for a while, or the constant dipping of your torso between your legs makes you feel sick; and you need a lot of painkillers. Saphira says it's like a cast that goes inside you, sewing your pelvic fragments back together while serving the purpose of the original bone. Mamono medicine is a miracle, let's be honest.

>The end of year festival comes and goes, and you're there - barely. You watch other people dance while the four of you - Ankh, Jessie, Saphira and yourself - nest in the corner. You still have a year left of high school to do. Nobody offers to let you skip, and you don't ask. Saphira is waiting for you. Someone like her has no end of things to do for a year.

>It's worth it just for the running commentary from those two, honestly. They're not officially together, but since that day you and Saphira accidentally ran them into one another, they've played well off one another for quite some time.

>Ankh's family going to be in Paris for a while - there's an architecture job going that her father just had to take. And she's decided to take Jessie with her. They'll be back after the summer, but it's going to be tough to get by without them. That would be, were it not for Saphira.

>You're over at hers, or she's over at yours, more often than not. For a few weeks, you're inseperable. The two of you just connect. You're her muse, she's your maid. You keep one another in line. You keep one another occupied.

>You're at home. Alone. Saphira has gone with her mother to the board meeting for that magitech company. Apparently, they're considering opening up a department just for all the adult sex toys the incredibly rich clientelle are ordering. It's something Saphira and her mother are pretty devided on. Which leaves you either shifting around, flustered, next to Saphira, while she argues with, let's be honest, other dragons - or at home, finally getting some damn peace.

>Saphira's key is still with you. You suppose it'll be with you for a long time. You go to get a drink, shifting yourself awkwardly down the stairs. Just then, the door opens, and in come two men - your father, and Saphira's.

>"Anon!" Saphira's father beams. "Nice to see you again."

>He really is the same size as you are. You remember the first time you realised it. You remember the first time you realised that the man you had taken to calling "Set-upon Barry" was Saphira's father. He'd come over a lot, generally to talk shop with your dad, but almost always also to talk about his life at home - a home he shared with multiple overbearing dragons.

>"Anon." Your father nods. "How's the old biking injury?"

>You shake your head and snort. That's an old joke from Saphira's father. He'd come in with jelly pelvis, the same as you, and he'd always call it a "biking injury". Your dad tends to just shake his head, and bemoan that he never really gets time to get these "biking injuries". It's not like Saphira's family businesses exclusively pays your salary - your father is a consultant. He just very much prefers their way of doing things.

>"You want something stronger than those painkillers, Anon?" Barry asks you. You still think of him as Barry. Saphira calls him "father". Is this what it's like to straddle two worlds? Oh, well. Two worlds aren't the only thing you get to straddle.

>"What's going?" You ask. He shows you. Isle of Harris Gin. These things go for sixty a bottle, and that's not even including how far you have to go to find one. "Sold." You say.

>They pour you a glass, then two for themselves.

>"So-" Saphira's father says, but your phone interrupts him. It rings, and you see it's Saphira. You flip it open.

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95802e No.367080


>"Saphie?" You say.

>"Anon." She answers. "Hi, I… I was wondering about something. It looks like things are going through here, but I've been thinking and I was wondering, once we're back together– Would you be up for a little, um…"

>You hear a fist knock against metal twice. Immediately, you roll your eyes. "Where are you?" You ask. "You'd better be in a bathroom."

>"I am!" She assures you. "I am."

>"You've taken off your dress?" You ask. "Couldn't take the need, huh? Had to-"

>"S-Shut up! Look, Shoggy says you're fully functional so I'm coming down there to have some special time with you tonight whether you and your dad like it or not! You said you'd do this! It's been THREE days, Anon! And you know, I'm a patient woman-"

>"Reeeal patient." You smirk. "Okay, Saphira. I'll be waiting. My place."

>"Um, I'm not going to be able to get the car to yours until-"

>"My place." You repeat. "And you're going to be gentle as well. The most important part of my body has the texture and vitality of an air mattress."

>"F-Fine, idiot." She growls. "I'll be over as soon as I can. I might be a bit late."

>You say your goodbyes and put the phone away. Barry smirks. "So, as I was saying - aren't you glad you didn't keep her in for the full 15 days?"

>Your father bursts out laughing. You just shake your head.

>You're alone in your room when she arrives. "Anon?" She asks. "Are you asleep? I brought some of those video games you're always making fun of. Look, this thing plugs into your TV. You'll love it."

>She's wearing the maid outfit. Oh, goodness, you always forget how good it looks.

>"Hey." You sigh, as she smiles and comes to sit with you. You don't grope at her for the moment. You just hug her, and take in her scent. She has a very particular scent, like strawberries on a rainy day. You love it. You just love all of her, so much.

>"How did it go?" You ask, wrapping your arms around her and lifting your face breifly from hers. "Was it ok? What did they think of… us?"

>"I didn't end up telling them." She replied. "Not directly. I might have brought up a client that ordered some guided dwarven steel handcuffs, though. Isn't it just a highly unnessecary thing to do, getting bespoke handcuffs made because nobody else can make them strong enough? Imagine all the powerful mamono that are missing out on relationships like this. Imagine how much a bit of mass production and less of that gold plating nonsense could lower the price!"

>"I'm positive that this is not the hole in their lives to them that it is to you." You assure her.

>"Whatever." She stammers. "It's worth dealing with it. All of it. It's all enough if I get to come back home to you, Anon."

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95802e No.367084


>She cups your cheek, her nervous excitement a reminder of the the true nature of your relationship. Today, you will only tease her a little.

>But as soon as you get better, you have a proposal for Saphira. You have a few proposals. And all of them involve her not cumming for quite a while.

>"I'm tired, Saphira." You say quietly, running your hand up and down her thigh. "I feel like I've lived two weeks in a day."

>"That'll pass with time." She assures you, as you gently ease off her belt. "If it makes you feel any better, Ankh and Jessie hit things off even faster, and that was WITHOUT some kinky fetish keeping the two of them from walking away."

>You chuckle, and kiss her. "Are you ready for me to slay you, dragon?" You whisper.

>"Silly Anon. You'll never be able to best me." She replies. "Not today, not tommorow, not in a thousand years, monkey boy."

>"Oh, Saphira." You retort, touching a brush to her thigh. "Look at the cuffs on your wrists. I already have."

>Not for the last time, she yelps, first tugging, then scooting as fast as she can away from the brush. You just drag her back. "Here's to a long relationship." You murmur to her, touching it to the spot between her legs. She lets out a moan. It's music to your ears.


Thanks to everyone that read this and commented on it.

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9bb028 No.367095


I don't think the extended ending was really necessary. The original ending could have been more poignant, but it sufficiently wrapped things up.

My advice for writing endings is, like for beginnings, use thematically relevant statements or events. This story is about edging, so a good conclusion could involve promises of postponed sexual activity. I'd adapt the original ending by having Saphira bring up plans for their wedding night, perhaps drawing parallels between a new set of cuffs and wedding rings, and having Anon tease her about needing to wait now that his pelvis is shattered.

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2c059f No.367109

I know pelvis crushing is a big meme but why the fuck would you want to be with someone who regularly inflicts a possibly fatal injury on you and gives more fucks about their own pleasure than your health?

>"It hurts," You whimper.

>"Well I'm very fucking sorry," She growls. "But I was very hungry."

>"Please remember to feed me properly in the future." She whispers in your ear, prodding the spot on your chest where the key rests. "I don't want to do that to you again."

As I said yes it's a meme and all that but that's just classic abuser behavior. As a meme it can be really funny but in a serious story crushed pelvises always take me out of it a little. Yes manamo are exceptionally horny and experience extreme pleasure but since they only mate with one dude you'd think they'd at least try not to immediately murder or maim him.

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95802e No.367113


In this universe it's actually a very common injury. Also, I wanted there to be some kind of, if not major, punishment for anon after he tries to fly so close to the sun for his girlfriend's first time. Sapphira, I assure you, is very sorry.

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12cf64 No.367135

I dunno. Chastity belts are too 3dpd for me. I like girls that are pure-hearted, handhold-less, kiss-less virgin maidens without being forced into it.

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31cbe4 No.367195

File: 50d7d97a86ac9b6⋯.jpg (2.92 MB,3024x4032,3:4,IMG_20180818_152722868.jpg)

Since having sex with a pure human produces dhampirs, now all Vampires wear belts until their partners become Incubus.

Also, feel free to give feedback at the how to draw thread.

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f3b8c3 No.367205

File: fdf672456a0fc59⋯.png (9.94 KB,370x320,37:32,7a1ed236ecfc223a6024f7d66e….png)


Didn't you say there would be a pastebin?

Am I just being a newfag here, or have you not posted it, yet?

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f18e05 No.367208


Given that you don’t know how pastebins work it’s both.

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cf0703 No.367211


Whoops. Here's one: https://pastebin.com/c5Zmwimq

I haven't got a pastebin account at the moment because I don't tend to write. If I write more, I'll attach things to that account.

Note that the story has been edited in places based off of thread feedback.

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f3b8c3 No.367213


What exactly am I missing with regards to how pastebins work, anon?

Sorry for my newness, I spend most of my time on other boards, still assimilating.



It was an awesome story; truly, /monster/ is the last bastion of romance.

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26a435 No.367427


It was a good ride, anon. You should keep writing stories

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064f46 No.380368

File: b1e4c8f93d10460⋯.png (2.72 MB,2276x2968,569:742,hellhoundcomm.png)

thread revive!

would you dominate her /monster/?

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d252d1 No.380379

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9bc2d9 No.380381

File: cb04185824b4393⋯.png (107.43 KB,663x559,51:43,1478704758469.png)


It's all fun and games until you're on your sixth orgasm and you wonder why the fuck you bought a lock with a hole big enough for her to stick a claw in to start picking.

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d252d1 No.380579

File: a007c17c4100728⋯.png (2.22 MB,1979x2800,1979:2800,awag_2.png)

Saphira, by Elekan. By Ammit, those thighs.

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cb7cb7 No.380585

File: 01eb166fe023782⋯.jpg (126.6 KB,372x560,93:140,01e.jpg)


Oh lawd…

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290d8c No.380609

May the lot of you unironic faggots and niggers go to hell

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e40fe9 No.382183


>having a maid

Clean your room

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ea03ff No.382227


>Deny your maid her life's calling

Is that a kind of chastity play? Forcing your meido to laze around on the couch while you clean the house?

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97b422 No.382297


Only if you tie her up and make her watch.

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804c8e No.382300



>one night your kikimora waifu confides in you that she has a fetish for chastity

>this presents a bit of a dilemma

>on the one hand, you want to support your waifu's kinks

>on the other hand, you want to put a bun in her oven, and it's hard to do that if it's chained shut

>then suddenly you get an idea

>one day you throw a massive house party

>the next morning the house is an absolute disaster

>beer cans and liquor bottles everywhere, stains on the carpet, furniture toppled

>you get the couch cleaned and prepared for your plan

>and then you bring in your kiki

>you gently lay her down, still sleeping, on the couch

>and then you tie her up

>nothing overly complicated, just a simple wrist and ankle bind so she can't get up

>or, more to the point, so she can't operate a vacuum

>she stirs awake after a few minutes of cleaning

>you tell her the house is absolutely fucking trashed

>she visibly prepares herself for the day of cleaning she's about to experience

>and then you tell her to just relax, you'll handle everything

>she looks at you like you've got lobstergirls crawling out of your ears

>you step away and start the vacuum, and she tries to follow you

>only to realize she's stuck

>the gobsmacked face she makes when she realizes her predicament is a thing of legend

>you make sure to do everything the way she prefers it done

>that way the only thing she can do is watch you do her job

>about fifteen minutes in she finally makes the connection

>you can tell because she turns bright fucking red

>now you go out of your way to tease her

>you place the cleaning supplies you aren't using just out of her reach

>when nature calls, you lean the vacuum against her, still plugged in

>when you return, you find her trying desperately to turn it on with her feet

>she starts begging when you take it away

>her pleas fall on deaf ears

>after three hours the house is spotless from top to bottom

>you untie your kiki and she bolts off the couch looking for something you missed

>she ends up standing in the bedroom with nothing to clean, shuddering with need

>you embrace her from behind and tell her that there's nothing at all for her to do

>except for make another mess, of course

>the two of you spend the rest of the day trashing the bedroom

>you let her clean the room the next day

>you're not a sadist after all

>years later, you have to explain to your daughter why mommy turns red when she sees you cleaning up

>still totally worth it

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c447e4 No.382460

File: c0ac60c2c4a022a⋯.jpg (63.39 KB,457x496,457:496,ss (2018-09-11 at 12.49.09….jpg)


Good shit

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186aca No.382465


very nice

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ea03ff No.382502


All the fun of teasing your waifu, and all the babymaking love at the same time. The best of both worlds.

Truly, Kikimoras are the greatest of waifus.

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adc186 No.383199

File: a82cf45d5db2f9e⋯.png (1.52 MB,1223x2048,1223:2048,lWX1_et7.png)

I love the idea of (consentually) bullying a hellhound with one of these.

>convince hellhound waifu to try chastity

>before it goes on, restrain and edge her for just a little while

>just as long as it takes for her to agree to call you "master" for the duration

>lock her in nice and tight

>pay lots of attention to her, give lots of love

>edge every day

>continue until she's so pent up that running a hand gently over her thigh sends her up the wall (doesn't take long with a hellhound), then keep going

>then (this is very important) clear your schedule for two weeks

>one to spend with her, one for any medical check ups you may or may not need afterwards

>finally take her to bed and hand over the key

>prepare yourselves for pleasure neither man nor monster were meant to experience

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f54a04 No.383259

File: 7b7a0ac8dd3ce8a⋯.jpg (586.27 KB,3823x2151,3823:2151,9061.jpg)

>>383199 (checked)

Seven days later…

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7194ef No.387739


Fucking excellent

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