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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 45bb8955d729f5b⋯.png (731.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,POSTER.png)

0881ea No.386417 [View All]

Hey, I'm the creator of a monster girl game. It's still in early stage, but you can check it out already. Link to download is on patreon in the end of this post.

"Summoner Runes" is a fantasy western-erotic-game where you play as a half-demon male. You live a peaceful life with your Moth-I mean, landlady (EVA) and her two daughters. You are part of an ancient lineage of demons, but you are still unable to use your magic. The reason for this is very simple, demons get magical power by corrupting souls, and you are still a virgin. If you want to increase your magic, you will need to corrupt some souls…

The supernatural city of Oakheart Hills is home to the most diverse magical creatures, who live in harmony, hiding from the human sight. Summoner Runes will feature multiple races, from goblins to cowgirls, elves, orcs, ghosts and even zombies. And, of course, vanilla human girls.​


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edcb43 No.386432

Are there futas or other cool stuff like that?

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0881ea No.386433


There are no monster boys in this game tho, its about a demon dude corrupting monster girls

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d13dbf No.386434


>There are no monster boys, it's about being a monster boy

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5fef34 No.386435

File: 4fd5f984cc24204⋯.gif (634.18 KB,255x200,51:40,1424750259380-1.gif)


>monster boys in this game

>about a demon dude




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fa935b No.386436

Friendly reminder that there's nothing wrong with incubi

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0881ea No.386437


he is irrelevant, there are no males sprites in the game (so far) and you can self insert as a walking penis if you want

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c6d409 No.386440

File: a52a0fc2001f943⋯.jpg (59.46 KB,569x585,569:585,commissar_holt_by_thecommi….jpg)

>Corrupting Monstergirls

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ce21da No.386441


This isn't about an MGE incubus though.

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3d1f3f No.386442

File: 4fca3bd93a26142⋯.jpg (69.59 KB,248x252,62:63,fucking nothing.jpg)

>It's still in early stage


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2206ea No.386446

File: 42b4ae31fd75816⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,225x255,15:17,disgusting.jpg)


>You are part of an ancient lineage of demons


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48b092 No.386456

>corrupting monster girls

>playing as a monster boy

>vanilla human girls


>early stages

>>>/hgg/ is probably more for this than /monster/ is

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9f5b99 No.386457

File: 318cecfa433c2b8⋯.png (149.92 KB,550x751,550:751,disgust.png)


Yeah I didn't even get that far, corruption is arguably worse than the monster boy.

Holy shit OP, your taste is awful. I bet you have some of them already in relationships so you can mix in NTR with your mind break too.

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2b8770 No.386474

File: 8ed602c94534cb4⋯.png (251.79 KB,532x733,532:733,brave man doubts.PNG)


>half demon male

well if it's demon on your motherside and you are essentially just a normal human male with wizard powers then I guess it avoids monsterboy stuff.


Unless it invovles a loving vanilla relationship, this really isn't the best place for a degenerate sleep around game.

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b7334b No.386480

op make it a game like pakaman except the goal is to have the smallest team possible, you gain team members buy fucking them, but you have to battle them first, it start with you fighting, and leveling up, but when you lose your first match, that's your starter, and she will defend you from other monster girls, but if she loses and you lose then the new monster becomes your primary mate until the secondary mate can beat her,repeat per monster girl that beats your harem, eventually as you lose more battles and the harem grows, you have to start managing the happiness and needs(Food, water, rest, sex, pregnancies) of your girls(and the needs of your daughters as well) the game ends when you play though all the areas and beat the 4 great demon lords and the big bad, or when it takes more time to manage the harem then it takes to move around ad go to the next area though you should also be able to use the harem (if you have one) to help maintain them but there's only so much man milk to go around

different achievements for different levels of harem, no harem = wizard 1 = the wife for life 2-4 casinova 5-9 the man slut, 10 chad thunder cuck, if you reach a certain point in the game with no losses, you gain powerful spells to aid you in battle to help compensate for the power creep of the sexxy monster girlS, lose the spells if you lose but the monster girl gain them in levels and power/ stats

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af81d1 No.386482


>It's still in early stage



>half-demon male

>corrupting souls

>vanilla human girls

>that art

Whole lot of red flags. Good luck with your shit and all, but I don't think /monster/ is your target audience with this.

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48b724 No.386484

File: eaf551e4b1fdc86⋯.png (81.35 KB,528x363,16:11,man in a bucket hat.png)

op make it a game like cala dooty except the goal is to have the fewest guns possible, you gain guns buy shooting them, but you have to load them first, it start with you fighting, and leveling up, but when you lose your first match, that's your weapon, and you will defend you from other guns, but if it loses and you lose then the new gun becomes your primary weapon until the secondary weapon can beat it,repeat per gun that beats your loadout, eventually as you lose more battles and the loadout grows, you have to start managing the maintainence and needs(Ammo, oil, bbusted nuts, heat, jamming) of your guns(and the needs of your bullets as well) the game ends when you play though all the areas and beat the 4 great gun lords and the big bomb, or when it takes more time to manage the loadout then it takes to move around ad go to the next area though you should also be able to use the loadout (if you have one) to help maintain them but there's only so much spare parts to go around

different achievements for different levels of loadout, no loadout = musclewizard 1 = the self for defense 2-4 connessuer 5-9 the gun nut, 10 chad thunder /k/uck, if you reach a certain point in the game with no losses, you gain powerful muscles to aid you in battle to help compensate for the power creep of the sexxy gunS, lose the muscles if you lose but the gun gain them in levels and power/ stats

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d08298 No.386485

File: cf74fa1d83c795b⋯.jpg (80.82 KB,359x391,359:391,cf74fa1d83c795b69491128bf7….jpg)



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bacb06 No.386487

File: 4f1cfe47912210e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1536x935,1536:935,11.png)

File: e733bcabe338e84⋯.png (287.94 KB,1154x908,577:454,22.png)

Alright, so your pillow shading and poor linework/understanding of anatomy kills the only portion of the game you're putting effort into, not to mention everything else about this game is awful.

Trying to make it a shitty sim adventure like so many other shitty western patreon games only works so far as the player's enticement. There's no reason to progress because of how terrible your artwork and writing is, the 'gameplay' is nonexistent and even if it were there would be a pittance; it's a seriously worse presentation than many newgrounds flash games present in the early 2000's. This isn't the glory days of shitty patreon cash grabs, you have to actually put effort into your garbage or make straight up furry dickgirl cuck porn. Regardless, /monster/ is not the place to shill your rank steamy shit.

I've played through all five minutes of it, seeing a nigger cow thing fuck a dildo and a demon thing fucking a banana is about as far from this audience as you can get and not to mention completely plebeian in terms of taste. You're a meager degenerate among degenerates, a dime a dozen, trying desperately to strike at a gold mine that's dryer than your mom's cunt. Acquire some iota of taste and either learn to draw or write.

tl;dr Your tastes are shit and your game is shit. Get out.

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ce21da No.386502

File: 49ffd0507890b80⋯.jpg (42.29 KB,600x458,300:229,b172451d147979c7dcf11ea42d….jpg)

>Aux creates >>>/chaos/ so that degenerates can have their own board

>it gets left to rot because they ignore it and post here

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5ddc0d No.386559

File: eeb2d312ca283c2⋯.gif (993.96 KB,496x368,31:23,out.gif)

You're part of the reason why monstergirls are shit, OP

I wish you'd give up and destroy the assets before you shovel out more trash that gets associated with mg's

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ce21da No.386579

File: 8ed9d04cdd47b5d⋯.png (6.08 MB,2432x2080,76:65,yfrbi11qajt01.png)


> monstergirls are shit

Wow rude.

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b367db No.386580

I don't think the amount of shit you are getting is warranted though, you were upfront and told us exactly what to expect. Its just that the community has waited like forever for a MG game we can truly enjoy and the one time it seemed we were going to get it, the creator suddenly went back on his promises and completely reversed the character of one of the best girls in the game. He also happened to do that when his Patreon got so large he could ditch /monster/. So naturally guys here are very defensive when it comes to games, specially those that have monsterboy shit and include Patreons.

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ce21da No.386586


>I don't think the amount of shit you are getting is warranted though

He says upfront that one of the central themes of the game is corruption, as in turning pure girls into braindead whores who go through dicks like a spoiled six-year-old goes through toys.

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b367db No.386589


I am so used to MGE "corruption" that I forgot entirely it actually means completely fucked up things outside of almost every setting bar MGE.

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a56ae5 No.386591

File: 20e8786a81b8f70⋯.gif (1.94 MB,500x281,500:281,1459673881057-0.gif)


That's a strange feel.

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48b724 No.386608

File: cdb616958ba4bfd⋯.png (66.01 KB,586x364,293:182,2C86A9D3-864C-4477-BA99-01….png)


>posting monster gay island

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d08298 No.386616




If the guy took 2 seconds to read the rule he'd know we would shit on his game. I do give in that aux put >>>/chaos/ too low on the rules, so he might not be aware of it, but he should've at least asked where to shill his game.

Not to mention that it just shows that he's new and is just here to shill his forever in development patreon game to get some easy cash.

The only good thing about his post is that he's upfront about the degeneracy that's going in, and that's something anons praised him for.

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7abfd7 No.386666


doesn't make the spider girl any less cute

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58118e No.386681


>a whore who cucks you with a gang of niggers is cute

ok reddit

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c091f9 No.386685


Did monster girl island go full cuck, cause last I remember it was just that shark bitch that did that

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e645a3 No.386686


Why is that? Afraid you’ll catch the gay with monster boys?


Nice meme.

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9662f5 No.386687


The entire game is tainted. Just throw it in the garbage.

Too bad we can't find the cuck who made that game and beat him into a bloody pulp. Maybe stab an eye or two out to boot.

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ce21da No.386691

File: ea454063566ff31⋯.png (647.59 KB,823x855,823:855,listen_here_faggot.png)


>Afraid you’ll catch the gay with monster boys?

How many times were you dropped on your head as a baby? If monsterboys exist, then monstergirls have no reason to go after human boys, and the fantasy is ruined.

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1a08f6 No.386692

File: 58217b719564929⋯.png (360.14 KB,904x711,904:711,aussie glassing.png)


>Haha why don't you want this thing that is explicitly against the rules to be posted on the board?

>Afraid if you tried eating shit you might like the taste?

Go away faggot.

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ce21da No.386694

File: 31424f364b1cdbe⋯.jpg (17.25 KB,386x275,386:275,Larry_Craig_mugshot.jpg)


>Afraid if you tried eating shit you might like the taste?

Larry Craig sure liked it.:^)

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a7f301 No.386708

File: b6d3fa84376da7a⋯.gif (1.41 MB,280x210,4:3,17364873562875628745.gif)


>If monsterboys exist, then monstergirls have no reason to go after human boys

You're weak and should be ashamed of it. Monstergirls going after human boys in spite of monsterboys existing is infinitely hotter than monstergirls going after boys by default.

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2851b4 No.386709


I want to blowtorch out your eyeballs, gut you, and cover the woods in your entrails for making this shit thread.

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a56ae5 No.386713

File: db15c7c26459808⋯.gif (997.99 KB,500x375,4:3,1449312574252-1.gif)


>You're weak and should be ashamed of it. Nigger women going after human boys in spite of nigger men existing is infinitely hotter than nigger women going after human boys by default.

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3f9880 No.386715

The more I lurk and post, the more I want everyone to die.

I want the world to be an empty wasteland devoid of life because absolutely fucking everything is shit. I hate you all.

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5c9dd9 No.386716


Then leave, pussy. We don't want any cuck shit, nigger shit, or disingenuous shills around these parts.

If you can't handle that, wash your mouth out with lead.

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3d1f3f No.386717


If monsterboys exist then doing it with monster girls is race mixing. If monster girls exist alone then it's convergent. It also means the natural human sons and monster girl daughters that is desired from virtually all present here.

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ce21da No.386731

File: 77dbe1ba463855d⋯.webm (168.26 KB,500x500,1:1,1549567713170.webm)


Are you saying that wanting to fuck monstergirls is the same as wanting to fuck niggers?

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5a7af9 No.386732


Well. I mean. Look at hellhound.

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f55e36 No.386741


kill yourself nigger lover.

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a56ae5 No.386742

File: ac26b08ac64adf5⋯.png (284.83 KB,371x826,53:118,0592dd90-3a6e-4bd7-96ee-48….png)


Shit, I hope not

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0881ea No.386839

File: 2bc50e0b39b9d09⋯.png (346.01 KB,960x540,16:9,Cowgirl_Peep_scene_01-2019.png)

Hey guys, i've got an artist to help me out in the project. He will be doing the sex scenes and I will be doing the sprites.

Also, we have a writer now too.

0.02 should be better, sorry.

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5c9dd9 No.386860


What in god's name is wrong with her face?

Why is half the background blurred out? What is wrong with her right foot? Why is she floating above the ground? Why is that ugly looking dildo going into her small intestines?

I have so many questions, I don't particularly want answers for any of them.

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ddb21e No.386907

File: cc8b497147361b9⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,238x276,119:138,IMG_20181220_131448.jpg)


We're pretty much unanimously uninterested and people have already pointed you elsewhere.

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ce21da No.386956

File: ad91bb0bbf1ca1b⋯.png (546.52 KB,1011x1470,337:490,dSmpbUdt_o.png)


Do you have a learning disorder or something? The fact that your thread was bumplocked should tell you that your trash isn't welcome here.

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7184b6 No.387001


Go make a thread in /hgg/ or something man, you'll be shat on for having a patreon but here you don't line up with the board's values at all.

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